Difference between blackberries and raspberries. Blackberry - black raspberry

  • More drought resistant.
  • More demanding of heat.
  • It requires a longer growing season to ripen the berries.
  • Blooms later.
  • Less demanding on soil fertility.
  • 2-3 times more productive.

Blackberries have many advantages. But its features don’t end there. When determining a place for planting, take into account the poor winter hardiness of most varieties. The area should be well lit, warmed up and protected from cold winds.

Blackberries are less demanding on soil than raspberries, but produce maximum yield on fertilized, well-drained loams. Does not tolerate damp, waterlogged soils: the formation of shoots is delayed until late autumn, due to which the winter hardiness of the plant is sharply reduced.

Blackberries, like raspberries, cannot be planted on carbonate (limestone) soils: due to a lack of iron and magnesium, the bushes develop chlorosis. If there is still not enough light in the designated area, then place rows from north to south, arrange supports, and normalize the density of the stems.

Despite the fact that blackberries are much more resistant to drought than raspberries (this is due to the deeper location of their roots), they need to be watered, especially when the berries are ripening.

If the area is blown by all the winds, then don’t expect a good harvest. Strong winds make it difficult for bees to pollinate flowers, damage leaves, break off fruit branches, injure and knock off berries. It's best to plant blackberries in a sheltered location or to be thoughtful and create a canopy of sunflowers or corn.

Since blackberries are not highly winter-hardy, it is better to cover the bushes with something in late autumn, and insulate the root system with a 15-centimeter layer of mulching material - peat, humus, sawdust, etc. In the spring, the plants must be opened before the buds swell strongly, cut and tie up to the trellis.

However, there are also quite winter-hardy varieties and forms. For example, “Agavam”, “Darrow”, “Eldorado”, “Ufimskaya local”.

Without fertilizing, a good blackberry harvest cannot be harvested. But everything should be in moderation. Thus, excessive doses of nitrogen increase the susceptibility of blackberries to gray rot and sharply reduce their winter hardiness. To play it safe, it's better in early spring mulch the plantings with a five-centimeter layer of manure or compost.

Blackberries ripen somewhat later than raspberries. Early varieties are ready for harvest in 1.5 months, and later varieties in two or more. And it blooms later. Depending on the variety, this occurs from the second half of June to mid-July. But such a delay also has its advantages - the plant is practically not damaged by spring frosts.

Taking into account these characteristics, as well as the growing area, it is necessary to select appropriate varieties.

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Black raspberries are a relatively rare guest among our summer residents and gardeners. No one is surprised anymore yellow variety. But its black sister is often confused with blackberry. Breeders have developed varieties of garden blackberries and black raspberries, so it is difficult for a person unfamiliar with their differences to say with certainty which is a raspberry and which is a blackberry.

In this article we will look at the Cumberland black raspberry variety, its difference from blackberries, as well as care methods.

Let's look at the main differences between black raspberries and blackberries.

  • To quickly figure out which bush is growing in front of us, we need to pick the fruit. Raspberries, whether red or black, have a hollow inside. The berry is torn off, but the receptacle remains on the branch. In blackberries, the receptacle breaks off along with the berry, and it does not remain empty.
  • According to the shape of the berries blackberries look more like red raspberries, having the same oblong shape. The black fruit has a hemispherical shape.
  • They also differ in ripening time. Blackberries ripen a little later. Although some cultivars collection times may be the same.
  • Having examined the plants, you can find differences in the stems. Blackberries have long (up to three meters) green stems with strong thorns. The blackberry bush is dense, resembling a ball of stiff wire. Black raspberries have shorter branches (from one and a half to two and a half meters). The stems are shorter, thinner and pale color with blue. Their thorns are smaller than blackberries.
Black raspberries on the left, blackberries on the right

Raspberry-blackberry hybrid

Raspberries crossed with blackberries are called Tayberry, bred in Scotland in the late seventies of the last century. It is obtained as a hybrid of blackberries and raspberries by pollinating Aurora blackberries with raspberry pollen. As a result, red-violet berries of an elongated shape, reaching six centimeters, were grown. Tayberry Ezhemalina is famous for its yield, pleasant taste and aroma of the fruit.

Shoots with small thorns grow up to two and a half meters. The hybrid produces a harvest from July to late autumn. It is resistant to diseases, frosts and pests. The basic principles of care and propagation are similar to growing ordinary raspberries.

The difference between Tayberry and black raspberries is the color of the berries. Taysberry fruits do not have the deep dark color of black raspberries, but instead take on a dark red color with a purple tint.

Black raspberry varieties

The first varieties of black berries were bred in America in the nineteenth century. The following types have gained popularity in our country:

  1. Cumberland variety is the most common, obtained from crossing raspberries and blackberries. It is characterized by productivity and early ripeness, has powerful long shoots that take on an arched shape. Large berries blue-black in color and taste similar to blackberries. The bushes are frost-resistant, tolerate Russian winters well, and are resistant to diseases and pests.
  2. The second most common variety, loved by Russian gardeners, is Boysenberry. The early variety is famous for its high yield of large, sweet fruits. The absence of thorns on long shoots makes harvesting easier. Like Cumberland, Boysenberry is frost-resistant and rarely suffers from pests and diseases.
  3. New Logan- another variety that came to us from overseas. Although its height does not exceed two meters, it produces a good harvest of early berries. But for the winter, its shoots must be carefully protected from frost.

Black raspberry variety Cumberland

Tested varieties of foreign selection are in good competition with new varieties bred by Russian scientists:

  1. Ember refers to early varieties. It has a high yield, but its berries are small, sweet and sour.
  2. Variety Litach came to us from Poland, where it was obtained as a result of selection in 2008. Small, round berries have a characteristic bluish bloom. The bushes are distinguished by long shoots with large thorns.
  3. Gift of Siberia is famous for its winter hardiness, frost resistance, therefore it is recommended for planting in central Russia, Siberia and Far East. The small berries are distinguished by their dense structure and dessert taste.
  4. To more high-yielding varieties relate Luck and Turn, yielding up to six kilograms per bush. Their berries are not large, but dense, and retain their presentation for a long time.

Description of the Cumberland variety

Using the example of the most popular and widespread variety of black raspberry, let's look at its features. The black berries of this variety are large, weighing 5-6 grams. The yield from one bush is up to ten kilograms subject to proper care, which exceeds the harvest from a red or yellow raspberry bush.

Although we are talking about the winter hardiness of blackberry-like raspberries, it is still recommended to cover the bushes for the winter and sprinkle them with snow. Thanks to shelter for the winter and early ripening, black raspberries take root in different climatic zones Russia. For middle zone and Non-Black Earth regions, it is required to provide protection from cold winds and drafts when planting.

Unlike red berry varieties, black raspberries have a powerful root system that goes one and a half meters deep.

This allows it to tolerate dry periods well. But the lack of watering negatively affects the number of ovaries and, accordingly, the harvest.

Cumberland bushes, which during the ripening period are densely strewn with ripe and ripening berries, present a picturesque picture, so they will become a decoration in any garden. Their long shoots reach three meters, hanging down to the ground in the form of arches. As they ripen, the color of the stems acquires a bluish tinge, and the stems themselves are covered with thorns.

Advantages and disadvantages of black raspberries

Despite not being very popular, black raspberries are in many ways superior to their relatives - red and yellow. Let's consider its main advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • drought resistance;
  • pest resistance;
  • undemanding to soil composition;
  • can serve as a hedge;
  • does not form root suckers, which allows it to be placed freely in the garden;
  • the berries have medicinal properties.

Disadvantages of blackberry-like raspberries include:

  • its winter hardiness is less than that of the red variety;
  • susceptible to viral diseases.

Useful properties of berries

Let's consider beneficial features black raspberry Cumberland. In terms of the amount of vitamins and other useful substances, black raspberries are superior to red and yellow ones. Blackberry-like raspberries are famous for their high content of rutin (vitamin P), which is necessary for strengthening blood vessels.

You may also be interested in the following articles on the topic of raspberries:

Anthocyanins strengthen capillaries and cleanse blood vessels from sclerotic plaques. In addition, the fruits and leaves contain substances that reduce the level of prothrombins, which normalizes blood clotting. Berries are rich in microelements - iron, manganese, copper.

Their taste is sweet and sour, reminiscent of blackberries. Due to their dense structure, the fruits are stored for several days and tolerate transportation well.

Characteristics of the Tayberry variety

Now let's talk about the description of the black raspberry variety. Appearance bushes is somewhat different from its usual red relative. Long shoots can reach three meters depending on the variety. Such long stems hang to the side, forming arched arches. Therefore, many gardeners tie stems to trellises.

Black raspberries can be classified as biennial because the side shoots bear fruit, growing up to one meter.

They are formed on annual stems. Therefore, for this type it is necessary to carry out correct pruning side shoots and cutting out old stems in autumn. They leave annual stems that will produce fruiting shoots the following year.

Cumberland raspberry bushes

Growing and caring methods for black raspberries

Pruning in autumn

How to prune black raspberries? It is recommended to prune twice during the season. At the end of June, the upper part of the shoots is cut off at the height of human height. This procedure will accelerate the formation of lateral fruiting shoots. Weak shoots are removed, preventing thickening of the bushes.

In the fall, before frost sets in, two-year-old shoots are removed. Leave annuals, which are shortened to half a meter above the ground.


Propagating black berries is not that difficult. For propagation, apical layering is used. To do this, at the beginning of autumn, after fruiting has ended, the long shoots are tilted and the tops are placed in prepared grooves up to ten centimeters deep, covered with earth.

Cover the top with straw and sawdust. In the spring, the cuttings will take root and produce shoots that are used as seedlings.

Planting seedlings

Planting hybrid seedlings is not much different from other species. First you need to choose a landing site and prepare it. The place should be protected from cold winds and be sunny enough.

By planting raspberries near the fence, you can provide them with protection from the cold and support for growth.. At the same time, it can serve as a hedge thanks to its strong thorns, which few people dare to try.

When choosing a location, it is necessary to avoid such predecessors as all nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini and others. Also, do not plant next to red raspberries. The distance between them must be at least ten meters.

The following garden crops will be good predecessors:

  • carrot;
  • pepper;
  • onion garlic;
  • marigolds and marigolds.

It is necessary to maintain the distance between the bushes, taking into account the length of the shoots. In one row, bushes are planted with a gap of about one meter, and between adjacent rows - two meters.

Although black raspberries are not very picky about soil, to achieve good harvests better soils there will be loam, black soil and sandy loam. Seedlings are planted in autumn (late September - early October) or early spring.

To plant seedlings, you need to prepare a hole half a meter deep. A mixture of humus (6-8 kg), superphosphate (200 g), and potassium sulfate (80 g) is added to the bottom of each pit. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with wood ash (0.5 kg). The composition is mixed with soil and a mound is made. The seedling is placed on its top, the roots are straightened down, carefully sprinkled with earth, gradually compacting it with your hands.

The neck of the plant should not be covered with soil.

After watering, the ground around is mulched with sawdust, straw, and humus. The mulch layer should be at least five centimeters.

To obtain powerful and at the same time compact plants, young annual shoots are pinched at a height of half a meter, which stimulates the development of side shoots.


After the end of flowering, the first fertilizing is carried out with an infusion of manure (six parts of water are taken for one part of manure) or chicken manure(ratio with water 1:16). Add infusion to the bucket wood ash(1 liter) and superphosphate (50 g). Similar feedings are performed two more times - during ripening and beginning of fruit harvest.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Ezhemalina is more resistant to diseases and less susceptible to attacks by insect pests than red. It is less often affected by a disease characteristic of raspberries - verticillium wilt. This viral disease which cannot be treated. Affected bushes are cut, uprooted and burned.

To prevent infection, every raspberry is planted at a distance of at least ten meters from red raspberries. In rainy summers, it is recommended to organize soil drainage to prevent fungal diseases from developing. For prevention, bushes are sprayed with copper-containing preparations. Insecticides are also used.

Ezhemalina can be affected by anthracnose, which manifests itself as a white coating on the leaves.. For control, fungicides are used, for example, Topaz, Mikosan or others commercially available. Among organic products Infusions and decoctions are used to fight. A decoction of horsetail has proven itself well.

One kilogram of grass is poured into a bucket of water and infused for a day. The next day, boil the composition for half an hour. For processing, the strained solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:5. Horsetail can be replaced with nettle, but leave it for two weeks rather than one day. Diluted with the same proportions.

The most dangerous pest is the raspberry beetle. Before the buds awaken, the bushes are first treated with a nitrophen solution (2% solution). The second treatment is performed when flower buds infusion of wormwood and marigolds. Two hundred grams of herbs are poured into a bucket of water and left for at least a day.

As can be seen from the above, black raspberries are hybrids that combine all best sides blackberries and red raspberries. The berries are famous not only for their good taste, but also medicinal properties. The bushes are characterized by high productivity and unpretentiousness. Therefore, caring for black berries will not be difficult for beginners.

Now you know the name of black raspberry, its characteristics and methods of caring for the hybrid.

Varieties of black and red raspberries differ not only in the color of the fruit, but also in taste characteristics and content of nutrients.

When fruit sets, at the color formation stage, pigments are also formed that give the berries their color. These pigments are already included in the genotype of the plant, so you can determine the color of the berries in advance based on the selected variety.

Despite different colors In raspberry berries, the red and black colors of the berries are caused by one substance - anthocyanins. The color of anthocyanin is influenced by the acidity of the soil and the combination of plant genes.

Over the entire ripening period, raspberry berries change their color several times. Initially they are green, then gradually turn white and become brown. Red varieties become more saturated at ripeness, while black varieties have darker berries.

Common red varieties include: Loganberry, Tyberry, Texas, Darrow. These varieties have much in common with raspberries and have adopted some of their beneficial properties.

Black varieties of raspberry are also quite widespread: Boysenberry, Silvan, Cumberland. The fruits have a beautiful black color and are considered less allergenic.

Everyday planting with cuttings

Planting raspberries from cuttings is the main method of propagation and the most effective.

For planting, you can use green, woody or root cuttings. It is best to carry out cuttings in the spring, but planting in the fall is also acceptable. Wherein spring planting is more suitable for green cuttings, and autumn - for rooted and lignified ones.

Cuttings are obtained from young spring shoots, which must be cut to a length of no more than 10 cm. The cut must be even and not damaging the plant - for this it is better to use pruning shears. It is best to make several neat shallow cuts near the base, which will increase the absorption of liquid and the rapid formation of roots. Next, the cuttings are placed in nutrient solution to stimulate root formation. After feeding, after a few hours the cuttings are ready to be planted in the soil.

It is best to plant cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse, since such plants are not yet strong enough and may not take root well in open ground. Optimal temperature the soil should be 24-26°, and the air humidity should be about 90%.

The cuttings are planted in light, well-drained soil, which must be regularly fertilized with microelements.

In the fall, the cuttings are already strong enough and ready to be transplanted into open ground. They must be planted before the onset of cold weather.

Lignified raspberry cuttings are harvested from annual shoots no more than 30 cm long. The harvested cuttings are covered with breathable material and placed in a cool place. Then the cuttings must be removed before the sap begins to flow, the lower part must be cut and placed in water. Root system cuttings will begin to form after a month.

Important: You must comply temperature regime when placing the cutting in water. Temperature environment should not exceed 26°.

After the roots have formed, the cuttings are planted in individual containers with a nutrient mixture. And under suitable climatic conditions and warm weather, cuttings can be planted in open ground. Planting is carried out before the buds open.

Tips for caring for raspberries when leaves turn yellow will help identify and get rid of the problem, as well as keep the plant healthy.

Many gardeners have paid attention to the premature yellowing of raspberry leaves. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Diseases and pests. Many viral and bacterial diseases affects leaves and other parts of the plant. In this case, the disease gradually spreads to the stem, roots and fruits. The berries lose their taste, change color, or there is no fruiting at all. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment and treat the plant with special means.
  • a lack of nutrients. If planting rules are not followed or there is no fertilizer, the plant shows a lack of elements by yellowing of the leaves. This yellowing is characteristic of a lack of iron, boron, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and other substances. If self-identification of a deficiency nutritional components impossible in soil, it is better to use special devices. After analyzing the soil, you can begin applying fertilizers, taking into account all the missing components.
  • Incorrect landing. When planted densely, it is difficult for the plant to receive sunlight. With insufficient light and poor ventilation, the leaves begin to turn yellow. To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly thin out the bush.

Varieties of raspberries without thorns

Thornless raspberry varieties are especially popular due to the fact that care and harvesting are easy.

In nature, any plant has protective functions. Small shrubs have protection no worse than adult trees. To protect against ground pests, the shrubs acquired thorns that help maintain the integrity of the stems.

An additional function of the thorns is to retain moisture, thanks to which the plant is able to long time does without water. Despite the fact that new thornless varieties of raspberries have been developed, they have the same drought resistance as varieties with thorns.

The Black Satin variety belongs to the thornless variety.

An improved version of the Boysenberry variety also does not have thorns. Thornless clones of the Loganberry variety are called Thornless Loganberry.

In general, thornless raspberry is quite unpretentious and grows well in almost any soil. Caring for it is much easier and does not require special skills. Pruning is carried out freely, without the use of additional measures protection. Harvesting takes place in a simplified manner without fear of injury from sharp thorns.

Ezhemalina - super elite varieties

Super-elite varieties of Ezhmalina have absorbed best qualities their ancestors - raspberries and blackberries. From raspberries, the berries have adopted good frost resistance, and from blackberries - high productivity and ease of care.

All elite varieties of Ezhmalina are distinguished by high taste characteristics and large attractive fruits.

Elite varieties include:

  • Tayberry. A shrub with powerful spreading branches without root shoots. Medium ripening. The fruits have a dark crimson color.
  • Cumberland. High-yielding shrub with black fruits. The taste of the fruit is sweet and aromatic.
  • Loganberry. Medium-vigorous shrub with creeping shoots. Ripening is early. The berries are dark burgundy and large. The taste of the berries is sweet.
  • Boysenberry. Creeping shrub with large black fruits. The fruits ripen at the end of summer. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.
  • Silvan. Creeping shrub with early ripening berries. The berries are black in color, large with a rich sweet taste.
Many varieties of raspberry are of American origin, since the birthplace of this berry is the USA.

Important: When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account its individual characteristics and climatic features terrain.

In order for Ezhmalina to fully meet expectations, it is best to purchase seedlings from a nursery. Special growing conditions and the latest approach make it possible to obtain a high-quality plant with good resistance to cold and disease. This type of raspberry will take root well on the site and will delight you with high yields.

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids have also become very popular in our country, the cultivation of which is also not too burdensome. Breeders have obtained varieties of blackberries, black raspberries and blueberries suitable for cultivation in regions with unfavorable soil and climatic conditions.

Characteristics and differences

Aronia raspberries are certainly different from blackberries, and have the following characteristics :

  • The main difference between blackberries is that the receptacle breaks off at the site of attachment to the stem, as a result of which it remains inside the ripe berry;
  • blackberries have a smooth and flat edge of the stem part, and a ripe berry has a white core;
  • black-fruited raspberries, in contrast to red-fruited varieties, are characterized by a more rounded or hemispherical shape and small in size receptacle;
  • Chokeberry shoots are shorter than red raspberries and they are located closer to the ground;
  • blackberry shoots grow quite tall and powerful, reaching a height of 3 m or more;
  • Blackberry shoots are green in color and have strong and very strong thorns.

Blackberry-like aronia raspberries have become increasingly common in gardens and gardens in recent years. personal plots, and its cultivation is not too different from the cultivation of classic varieties.

Red and black raspberries ripen in July, but the timing of harvest may vary depending on weather conditions in the region of cultivation. Blackberries, even very early varieties, ripens somewhat later than raspberries. It is for this reason that mid-late and late varieties recommended only in southern regions, where the berries have time to ripen before the onset of the cold autumn period.

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids

Currently, the creation of raspberry-blackberry hybrids is one of the most promising areas in the selection of berry plants. This modern hybrid form is mid-season and forms powerful shrubs, the height of which is about one and a half meters.

Black raspberry "Cumberland": features of the variety (video)

Ripe berries of elongated shape, average weight more than 5 g. Ripe pulp is sweet and sour, with a pronounced blackberry aftertaste, black in color. Fruiting is stable, annual, occurs at the end of August and lasts until the onset of serious frosts. The yield indicators are very high and, under conditions of high agricultural technology, amount to about 9.5-10.5 kg of berries from each bush. The hybrid is characterized by insufficient winter hardiness, but is distinguished by drought resistance and abundant fruiting.

No less popular is the hybrid form called “Loganberry”, with excellent quality characteristics. The hybrid is distinguished by the absence of thorny shoots, forms large and very delicious berries. The bushes are of a spreading type, no more than two meters high, without the formation of root shoots.

Fruiting continues from mid-August until the onset of frost. The average weight of a marketable berry is 9.5-10.5 g, and general indicators yields reach 9.5-10.5 kg per plant. Reproduction of this hybrid form perhaps by planting and rooting annual shoots, as well as cuttings. Caring for berry crops is standard and not too difficult even for novice gardeners.

Popular varieties

Currently, gardeners are growing several quite promising and very productive varieties black raspberries. Despite the fact that they belong to the heat-loving category, many varieties are perfectly adapted for growing in the soil and climatic conditions of central Russia.

Variety name Botanical description Characteristics of the berry Varietal features
"Gift of Siberia" Powerful and tall, spreading bushes, do not form shoots. Small and medium size, weighing 1.6-2 g, dense, dessert taste Winter-hardy, highly resistant to diseases and pests. Productivity is about 3.9-4.5 kg per bush
"Turn" Medium size, weighing 1.6-1.8 g, dense and transportable Short fruiting period. Productivity up to 5.4 kg per bush
"Ember" Bushes of medium vigor, medium spreading Berries with an average weight of 1.75-1.85 g, black, dense Winter hardiness is satisfactory, resistance to diseases and pests is high
"Luck" Medium spreading bushes with few thorns Marketable berries, weighing up to 1.7-1.8 g Productivity up to 6 kg. Propagated by horizontal layering, cuttings or seed
"Litach" The bushes are vigorous, the shoots are hard, bent, with large thorns The berries are medium or small, close to spherical in shape Early ripening variety, bearing fruit on two-year-old shoots
"New Logan" Powerful bushes, up to 2-2.2 m high The berries are medium-sized, black with a pronounced gloss Early deadline ripening of berries. Needs shelter winter period
"Bristol" Bushes of medium vigor, heavily thorned The berries are large, with sweet pulp Very productive variety
"Earlie Cumberland" The bushes are powerful and tall, do not form overgrowth Berries weighing up to 2-2.2 g, round shape, black-violet color, sweet taste, very dense consistency The total yield does not exceed 2-2.5 kg per bush. Shelter required for winter

Garden neighborhood

Many novice gardeners wonder whether it is possible to plant raspberries next to blackberries or garden blueberries, and are also interested in how such a neighborhood can affect productivity and yield indicators berry crops.

According to the observation of specialists and experienced gardeners, black raspberries and blackberries do not form offspring, but form exclusively replacement shoots, therefore they get along well in one area in close proximity to each other. Thus, it is as easy as possible to control the process of propagation of bushes and care for berry crops.

There are quite conflicting opinions regarding the proximity to blueberries. It is recommended to install special limiters in the ground. To grow blueberries you need to do landing hole with acidic soil. If there are restrictions, it is possible to plant raspberries and blackberries nearby in soil with optimal performance acidity. It should be remembered that blueberries do not respond well to the shading that tall blackberries and raspberries can create.

Features of agricultural technology

At proper agricultural technology garden blackberry is capable of growing for a long time in one area, forming exclusively replacement shoots and without clogging other berry plantings. The cultivation of blackberries has very few differences from the cultivation of black raspberries. It is very convenient to care for single-row berry plantings. In this case, the standard distance between plants should be 0.7-1 m.

"Tayberry": description of the variety (video)

Mature plants should be secured to trellis structures. During the winter, it is recommended to bend annual shoots to the ground and cover them well. The high yields and unpretentiousness of these berry crops make it possible to classify aronia raspberries and blackberries as promising for cultivation in home gardening.

Black raspberry and blackberry

Since I live in the private sector, I, and I think many people, have a red one in their garden raspberries, some also have yellow, and, of course, black. But many people don’t know what exactly grows in their garden, black raspberries or blackberries! And since black raspberry While it is rare and not many people know about it, it is often mistaken for a blackberry. In general, there is no tragedy in this; both plants are tasty, aromatic, very healthy berries. However, there are gardeners who still want to understand the difference between them. Let's try to explain how to distinguish them.

Black raspberry.

Basically, in terms of agrotechnical properties, black raspberries are practically no different from ordinary red ones. This perennial shrub, with annual and biennial shoots reaching about two meters in length, with many small sharp thorns. Two-year-old shoots have a more woody appearance. It produces very little root propagation, but if some unruly shoot falls on the ground, it will take root very quickly. Black berries raspberries quite dense, sweet, have very good transportability. The plant is frost-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -20 C. When planting black raspberries, it is worth considering that the plant is quite branched and very prickly. It is advisable to plant near an arch or net so that you can tie up the pagons.

Black raspberries, like red ones, contain a huge amount of useful substances; they are rich in vitamin C and salicylic acid. For a long time raspberries used in medicinal purposes, mainly for colds. There is also an opinion that black raspberries have the ability to prevent cancer, because they have a large number of antioxidants.


Blackberry is a perennial shrub, available with or without thorns. Reproduction and frost resistance differ quite greatly between these subspecies. The berries are very large, low-calorie, dietary, and have a more sour taste, although this also depends on the environment. Blackberries contain many vitamins and nutrients, so they are mainly used to strengthen the immune system. In general, you can find a lot of information about the benefits of these plants.

But the question is still in the difference between these plants, which is most manifested in the berries. In blackberries, the berries are not removed from the stalk, as in black raspberry, and break down with her. You can, of course, find differences in the bush itself, but in the berries this difference is most pronounced.