Diagram of a roof truss system with 3 gables. Rafter system with gables: nuances of constructing roofs along gable walls

All boxes of houses in the shape of the letter “L” can be divided into two groups:

1 – the width of the base of the pediments is the same;

2- the width of the base of the gables is different.

The L-shaped roof, depending on this factor, is built in different sequences.

So let's go in order. In this article we will look at the box of a house with the same width of gables (see Fig. 1). These dimensions are shown in blue in the figure. Our house is made of timber. The floor beams are already installed. The rafters will be hanging and resting on the upper crown of the box (mauerlat).

Picture 1

In principle, the rafter system of an L-shaped roof will consist of two gable roofs crashing into each other. How are they calculated? rafters gable roof , we have already seen, so I don’t stop there.

STEP 1: We install temporary posts and a ridge board. They are located strictly in the middle (see Fig. 2):

Figure 2

Temporary jibs supporting the posts in a vertical position are not shown in the figure. We made the racks from boards 50x150 mm, the ridge - 50x200 mm. The rafters will also be made of 50x200 mm boards.

STEP 2: We install the rafters of the slopes. We mark the rafter template exactly as described in the article "Hip roof".

First of all, we install the rafters shown in Fig. 3:

Figure 3

These are rafters on the gables, rafters on the ridge break and rafters in the inner corner of the house box with those opposite them.

How the rafters stand in the inner corner of the house box is also shown in Fig. 4. The indicated dimensions (0.5 m) are the width of the cornice:

Figure 5

STEP 3: We install the corner rafter on the outer corner of the house box. How this is done is described in detail in the article on the hip roof, which I linked to above. There you will also find a description of how the spigots are installed.

STEP 4: We install the corner rafter in the valley (internal corner). It will also consist of two sewn boards with the cross-section of the rafters.

To begin with, let’s fix a small equilateral triangular block in the corner, made, for example, from a 100x100 mm block sawn diagonally (see Fig. 6):

Figure 6

Pull the string between points “A” and “B” (see Fig. 7):

Figure 7

Using a small tool we measure the angle ʺβʺ (see Fig. 8):

Figure 8

We make a template from a small piece of board with the cross-section of the rafters (50x200 mm). First, we file the end at an angle ʺβʺ. Then we apply the resulting blank to the top of the head along the stretched laces and mark the second cut parallel to the ridge board (see Fig. 9):

Figure 9

Using the resulting template, we will mark the upper cuts of the corner rafters. And turning the template “upside down”, we will mark the lower cuts.

In addition to this, we need to determine one more size. Again, apply the template to the top of the head and measure the distance shown in Fig. 10. IN in this example it turned out to be 3 cm:

Figure 10

This is exactly how much we will need to cut off the upper edges of all the boards from which the corner rafter will be sewn (see Fig. 11).

This can be done either with a regular ax or with a chainsaw.

Figure 11

So, to make the first half of the corner valley rafter, we take a board of the required length and saw down the upper and lower ends using a template. We trim our 3 cm along the entire length of the board. Now all that remains is to make a cut in the place where the rafters rest on the mauerlat. To do this, holding the board parallel to the stretched cord, we make markings (see Fig. 12):

Figure 12

The lace in the figure is shown in blue. We measure the distance we need to lower the rafter so that it aligns with the lace. This distance (5 cm) will be the desired cutting depth. Having done it, we put the rafters in place.

The second half of the corner rafter is done in the same way. It is a mirror image of the first. The result is shown in Fig. 13:

Figure 13

STEP 5: To strengthen the corner rafters, we install racks through trusses (see Fig. 14):

Figure 14

Our springs are made of 100x200 timber, as are the floor beams.

STEP 6: We make and install spigots (see Fig. 15):

Figure 15

STEP 7: All subsequent steps have already been repeatedly described in previous articles, so I will simply list them: we install tie-downs (we also tie the corner rafters together with tie-downs), if necessary, remove the racks under the ridge board (the rafters will be hanging, we talked about this at the beginning of the chapter) , we sheathe the gables, make sheathing and cornices.

In the next article we will look at how to do L-shaped roof on a house with different widths gables.

The presented project D27889 is a house project with 3 gables on two floors. These three gables visually divide the house into two parts: the front part with one gable and the second part of the house with two gables, built perpendicular to the front part of the house with a porch. Such design feature roofs and distinguishes this house with 3 gables from the rest of the houses on two floors.

Two-story houses made of 7x12 timber look very impressive and presentable. Such a wooden house can be used as a country cottage for big family.

Finishing and layout of a two-story house with three gables

At first glance, the house is marked by a large number of windows, which provide a powerful stream of natural light. The second point that catches your eye is the optimal color ratio: the natural color of the timber and the dark chocolate color of the finishing material. The small porch is equipped with its own pitched canopy. Layout two-story house made from 7x12 timber will impress everyone who values ​​space and freedom of movement. A large vestibule with two windows to the facade begins from the porch. From the vestibule there is an entrance to the hall with an installed wooden stairs in the corner and small room under the bathroom with one window. Next are the living quarters. The two rooms on the first floor are very spacious. One of them (3x6 m) can be equipped for summer kitchen, combined with a dining room for meals, and a second room (4x6 m) for a relaxation room for the whole family. The second floor of a two-story house consists of two bedrooms separated landing. One room is located in an area with access to the facade, the second is equipped with windows facing the sides of the house.

The house project with 3 gables is intended for a large family that values ​​both the presentable appearance of the house and a comfortable, ergonomic environment.

Roof - essential element architectural appearance of the cottage. With the help of an unusual roof, a house with the simplest facade can be stylized as an ancient castle or a Martian colony. In our material, we not only show what such roofs can look like, but also talk about their basis - rafter systems.

Shed roofs

This roof gives the house an elegant minimalist style. It is usually used in houses built in nature: this allows the designer to “play” with the surrounding terrain. The roof fits harmoniously into the sea, mountain and even steppe landscape. It also looks beautiful against the background of the lawn. But in a cramped holiday village, houses with a single pitch will look unsightly, especially if nearby there are mansions with high, complex roofs.

A pitched roof looks impressive when its angle of inclination is in the range of 25-40 degrees: the roof line seems to cross out the horizon. If the house is surrounded by slender trees, then an oblique cut creates an accent among the vertical trunks.

A flat roof does not create such an accent. And a very steep one, 45 degrees or more, looks interesting, but has a small usable area. This is the law: the steeper the roof, the lower its profitability. However, pitched roofs are quite common. And they are not always conspicuous, masquerading as a gable roof. Sometimes two pitched roofs are made on one house. And this technique is completely justified: it is a good alternative to a mansard roof. It is easier to implement and cheaper.

Overall, the design pitched roof simpler than multi-slope. But this rule fully applies only to small roofs, when the overlapped span does not exceed 4 meters. The main design solutions are shown in this diagram:

Please note that in these pictures the maximum span covered by the rafters is six meters. But in practice, covering even 6 meters is a real problem if additional supports cannot be installed. For the manufacture of such long and powerful rafters, standard boards from the market are not suitable. We need glued beams with a large cross-section. These are quite expensive parts that are made to order.

Let's take a closer look at the photographs already given.

Here you can clearly see the glued beams that are located along the slope (painted dark brown). Boards with a section of 50x150 were placed across them on edge. On these boards - already along the slope - bars with a cross section of 50x75 mm are laid. And only to them is attached a sheathing made of boards 25-30 mm thick, on which it is mounted roof covering. The supporting system turned out to be four-layer. This amount of lumber would be enough to make a rafter system for gable roof. For the pitched roof of a house in the forest, a different rafter system design was used.

Here, five purlins of laminated laminated beams are laid across the slope. Each purlin is located horizontally, and the angle of inclination of the roof is determined by the height difference between the purlins. Rafters made from standard boards with a section of 50x150 are laid on the purlins along the slope. But the boards obviously had to be increased in length, so each rafter was double.

They are spliced ​​this way.

On such rafters you can lay a sheathing made of 50x75 timber and attach roofing material to it. But this is only if the roof is not insulated.

If insulation is laid between the rafters, then a superdiffusion membrane is stretched over them. There must be a ventilated gap above the membrane. It is formed using slats, 2-4 cm thick, which are nailed to the rafters from above along the slope. In fact, the membrane is pressed against the rafters by these slats. Only after this can the sheathing be secured across the slope for installation of the roofing material.

This diagram clearly shows the formation of a ventilation gap.

As seen, truss structure the house in the forest also required the use of expensive glued beams. And a huge amount of wood went into making the length-joined and double rafters! Things are much simpler in a house with two pitched roofs.

The overlapped spans clearly do not exceed 6 meters. This means that the rafters can be made from boards with a section of 50x150mm purchased on the market. The presence of attics under the roofs makes it possible to install there under rafter legs. These are additional supports for the rafters, which enhance their load-bearing capacity. The lower roof is very easy to assemble. A mauerlat assembled from two boards is laid on the lower wall. The rafters are sawn to ensure a good fit to the Mauerlat and are mounted on brackets.

The upper edge of the roof coincides in level with the attic floor of the second floor. This is a good design solution. The rafters pass through the wall and are attached to a beam laid directly on the ceiling. This unit turns out to be reliable and durable. But to make it airtight, keep in mind one nuance: flowing down the wall rainwater should not leak under the roof.

If the wall is being built from brick or similar material, then you need to make an apron in the masonry, under which a rainwater outlet will be installed.

Manufacturers vinyl siding also provided for the possibility of creating such nodes. To do this, they complete their systems with special drain strips. True, experienced installers prefer to insure themselves in such cases using good old metal drainage systems.

This connection of the roof to the wall is also possible with an external insulation system. This is exactly what we see in the photograph.

The top roof looks like the rafters are laid directly into brickwork walls. But that wouldn't be very reliable. The rafters are always attached to the mauerlat. And the effect of “recessed” rafters into the wall was achieved through the use of a “wet facade”.

As you can see, the rafters are made of standard 6-meter boards with a section of 50x150. A sheathing is nailed across the rafters, to which a metal corrugated sheet is attached. The installers only had to tinker with the outer rafters that form the roof overhang. These rafters are supported by cantilever beams. They are in the same plane as the rafters, but at the same time perpendicular to them. This can be achieved by using half-wood cuts on the beams and on the penultimate rafter. It can be shown schematically like this.


To pitched roof It turned out to be simple and inexpensive, two conditions are required:

— span no more than 6 meters;
— availability of attic space for installing rafter legs.

If the space to be covered has a width of more than 6 meters, then the specific cost of the rafter system will increase two or more times. It is worth constructing such a roof only as an architectural delight.

Four gables

It is difficult to find an exact name for this roof. When viewed from above, it resembles a compass rose. She has two intersecting ridges and four valleys (a valley is an internal corner, a hollow between the slopes). But from the ground, the first thing that catches your eye is that the house has four gables. That is, each facade is crowned with a triangle.

The silhouette of the house turns out to be emphatically symmetrical; numerous edges of the roof give it an openwork and somewhat pompous appearance. Such a roof is appropriate on a building that should dominate the field of view. Sometimes, with the help of four gables, the image of completely unsightly houses and even bathhouses is “saved.”

Four symmetrical pediments are much easier to design for a bathhouse or country house than for a full-fledged home. This is because such a roof requires a square at the base. But it’s not so simple when planning a floor necessary premises fit into a square. Therefore, roofs with 4 gables are sometimes made asymmetrical. Like, for example, in this wonderful project, which was called “Abode of Angels” (author - D. Shilnikov).

First, let's consider the symmetrical option, as it is simpler. It is nothing more than four “fused” gable roofs. Below them there is a living space in the form of an attic. Otherwise, why build such a voluminous structure?

The simplest and most proven mansard roof design looks like this.

The plane of the attic ceiling is formed from horizontal ties between the rafters. They, together with the rafters, form a triangle and provide the necessary rigidity to the structure. The attic walls are formed by vertical supports. They do not play a big role in increasing the load-bearing capacity, and additional struts are installed next to them. They are clearly visible here.

These, even small, struts give rigidity to the connections between the rafters and the mauerlat. The fact is that they form an equilateral triangle, and this figure, as you know, will retain its shape even if there are hinge connections in the corners.

It remains to consider the valleys - the nodes in which the four parts of the roof grow together. The design has been proven for a long time, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. The base of the valley is a reinforced beam. As a rule, it is assembled from two boards prepared for rafters or from powerful timber.

The rafters, which should rest against the valley, are cut in place and attached to the beam using brackets. At the valley, something like a gutter is formed from two boards laid flat. Metal ebbs are attached to these boards, and it turns out like this.

But here is another option for constructing a valley - using shaped elements.

The design of the valley should be selected based on what the roof covering will be. Manufacturers of some roofing systems produce special components. But in any case, sealing the valley must be approached very carefully. This is exactly the case when it is better to overdo it. The endow is the weakest point on the broken roof.

"Roof for Angels"

Now let's pay attention to the asymmetrical roof with four gables. It is based on a hipped hip roof. The hip is the outer angle between the roof slopes. Hip roofs are quite common due to their simplicity and reliability.

Here is a simple diagram hip roof.

And here is a photograph from the construction site where the “Abode of Angels” is being built.

The contours of the hip roof are clearly visible. The hip is the same valley, only inside out. Made from reinforced beams. Rafters cut to size are attached to it at an angle using brackets. When the four slopes of the hip roof are generally formed, “birdhouses” are attached to them. This is sometimes the name for the volumes formed by small gable extensions.

The birdhouse has two slopes. One is located in the plane of the slope of the main hip roof. The second slope of the “birdhouse” is connected to another slope of the hip roof through the valley. We have already examined its design.

The bizarre curves of the roof create unusual shapes not only in the appearance of the building, but also in the interior of the attic floor.

What are the pros and cons of four gable roofs?

They have an attractive appearance, but will be quite expensive. Requires the work of very skilled roofers. It is better to cover such roofs with piece tiles (natural, polymer or bitumen); when using sheet materials, there will be a lot of scraps left.

A large number of valleys increases the risk of leaks. The asymmetrical roof of the "Abode of Angels" is more reliable than the symmetrical roof with four valleys. This is explained by the fact that the basis of the roof of the “Abode of Angels” is hip design, and the length of the valleys is less.

Next time we will look at rafter systems for different types buildings: stone, frame and wooden. And, of course, we will be dealing with very extravagant forms. Do not miss!

Complex roof structures in private houses have an unusual and attractive appearance. A multi-gable roof includes a large number of different complex elements. As a rule, it is built on polygonal and square shapes, attics or in houses with complex layouts. In this article we will talk about the design of a multi-gable roof and analyze the structure of the rafter system.

A multi-gable roof is a type of pitched structure consisting of many gables forming gables along the edges of the overhangs. This type includes three main elements:

  • a large number of valleys;
  • forceps;
  • ribs and gables.

In appearance, it is a pitched structure with an inclined surface roofing elements to the outer walls, due to which precipitation and melt water do not stagnate.

For information! Distinctive feature gable roof - intersecting or cutting gable elements into the main slope, due to which valleys are formed.

Basic design features consist of the construction and arrangement of a valley, so this element requires careful calculation and compliance with all standards. From quality arrangement The valley's further bearing capacity and tightness of the structure depend. The shape of a multi-gable roof can be any, it all depends on the wishes of the developer. The slopes can be made in the form of a triangle or trapezoid. An important element in the structure of the structure is the rib. The rib is formed from the connection of the slopes and represents an outer corner. A four-gable roof has four ribs where two slopes are fastened together. As roofing materials You can use any product, the main thing is to correctly construct the frame of the structure.

For information! A gable roof is a structure where two pitched roofs intersect at an angle of 90 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages

The photo shows the multi-gable roof of a private house. A multi-gable roof has a number of advantages, which include the following:

  • reliable, durable and robust design;
  • due to the large slope of the roof, the risk of stagnation of melt water and precipitation is reduced to zero;
  • fits perfectly with any architectural form;
  • the presence of a balanced rafter system;
  • original and elegant shape;
  • high performance characteristics.

For information! Mansard roof fits perfectly into the multi-gable design format and increases the usable area.

Among the disadvantages of a multi-gable roof, the following can be noted:

  • complexity of installation work;
  • device large quantity valleys;
  • high consumption of building and roofing materials;
  • complex processes for arranging a multi-slope roof;
  • complex care and maintenance of the structure.

It is worth noting that it is better to entrust the installation and construction of gable elements to professionals; this will help to avoid errors in work and significantly save costs.

Rafter system and its structure

The main rafter system is the Mauerlat, which is a rigid connecting frame and is mounted on top of the wall. The elements are fixed to construction metal studs, which are attached to the armored belt. It is worth noting that the roof is gable - complex design, That's why Special attention Before its construction, attention should be paid to the drawing. To draw up a drawing, it is necessary to take correct measurements, determine the slope of the roof, select the type of rafter system, calculate valleys, ridges, ribs and fastening elements (tightenings, purlins, stops and vertical racks). The design of a multi-gable roof truss system consists of the following steps:

  • a Mauerlat is installed, which is responsible for the strength and reliability of load-bearing walls;
  • rafter legs are fixed;
  • with the help of staples and cuts, the mauerlat is attached to the rafters;
  • in the area where the top point of the rafters is connected, a ridge is installed and a vapor barrier and sheathing are laid;
  • the wooden elements of the entire system are treated with special antiseptics to increase their service life;
  • After installing the rafter system, the roof is insulated and roofing work is performed.

Important! If the house project is large and has complex architectural elements, rafter legs are installed longitudinally and transversely ceiling beams. Such a mechanism will add strength to the structure and act as tightening rods.

You can learn more about the construction of a structure with pediments from the video.

Three-gable designs

The rafter system of a three-gable roof consists of installing purlin supports on the gable walls. The use of pediments makes it possible to avoid complex structural elements located under the attic or attic space. The house with three gables is most often used in building construction. The three-gable roof includes a large bay window covered by its own pitched roof. The structure of the bay window slopes consists of 2 valleys, which are made using two double boards.

For information! A multi-pitched roof with 3 gables is most often used for country houses with an attic. Branches of such structures are erected over extensions, bay windows or a covered veranda.

Most the best option for a roof with three gables, it is considered to use a step between the rafters of 70 cm. To facilitate compliance with the step, it is recommended to mark the mauerlat and install the rafter legs. The height of the rafters should be strictly observed, and the width of the step is determined before starting work according to pre-made marks on the mauerlat. It is worth noting that the presence of one powerful support for a three-gable structure will not be enough, because the diagonal rafters of the valleys exert pressure on it through the ecrer purlin. To obtain powerful support for the entire system, the central post is reinforced with a strut, which rests against the Mauerlat along the inner load-bearing wall and into the run branch. You can learn more about the structure of the rafter system from the video

Features of gable structures

If you decide to build a multi-gable roof, use quality material for the construction of its rafter system. The rafter system must withstand any loads and prevent destruction or deformation of the load-bearing elements in the house. Adhering to the recommendations and observing all the rules and regulations, the design will:

  • practical and attractive;
  • reliable and stable.

Thanks to its unusual shape, the gable type allows you to equip the floor as a living room, the main thing is to pay special attention to waterproofing. More details about the features of the gable design can be found in the video

The multi-gable roof type has complex and labor-intensive processes that require the knowledge and experience of specialists. Despite some disadvantages associated with architectural features, the gable design is considered aesthetic, attractive, and most importantly has high technical and operational characteristics.



Our clients are offered inexpensive basic equipment for shrink-fit construction, which allows the first initial stage put the frame of the house under the roof, and then begin to carry out finishing works. If necessary, the company’s specialists will calculate the cost of additional options.

The cost of this house is calculated taking into account classic sawn timber 150 x 150 mm and profiled timber 145 x 145 mm. At the request of the client, the log house can be built from larger timber. For the construction of country houses, in most cases, profiled timber 145 x 145 mm is used. Houses built with timber wall thicknesses starting from 195 mm (200 mm) are ideal for year-round living. Increasing the thickness of the walls made of timber will reduce the heat loss of the building, and will also give the exterior of the house an elegant appearance. Each of the proposed types of timber has its own advantages. For example, beams processed mechanically using special equipment, they obtain a geometrically even shape from the outside and inside and have a smooth surface, which will significantly reduce the cost of finishing work in the future. In modern house construction, dry timber is increasingly used chamber drying, the properties of which allow you to begin interior or exterior decoration immediately after assembling the house kit.

For the manufacture of house kits from timber, environmentally friendly wood from the Kostroma region is used.

The wall kit price includes:

Design drawings and specifications of the bathhouse (AR, KR);
- production of timber for construction. Northern forest, Kostroma region;
- waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt;
- embedded (tying) row of timber 150 x 150 mm;
- treatment of the embedded crown with an antiseptic;
- external, main walls made of timber 150 x 150 mm (corrugated timber 145 x 140 mm);
- interior walls from timber 150 x 100 mm (profiled timber 145 x 90 mm);
- pediments chopped from timber 150 x 150 mm (profiled timber 145 x 140 mm);
- ceiling height: 1st floor - 2 m 70 cm, 2nd floor - 2 m 50 cm;
- beam connection " warm corner";
- assembly of the log house on wooden dowels according to technology;
- interventional insulation - jute fabric;
- floor joists - made of timber 150 x 100 mm in increments of 0.6 m;
- ceiling beams - made of timber 150 x 100 mm with a pitch of 0.6 m;
- compensation jacks under the terrace, porch;
- delivery, unloading of the log house and components;
- installation of the house kit by an experienced team (Russians);
- quality control of materials and work.


The basic package includes installation roofing system and covering the roof with temporary roofing (roofing felt).

Rafters made of edged boards 150 x 50 mm in increments of 0.6 m;
- installation of rafters is carried out on sliding supports;
- crossbar for stops made of edged boards 150 x 50 mm;
- roof sheathing from edged boards 150 x 20 mm;
- roofing material (roofing felt).

At the request of the client, we can perform roofing work using metal tiles, soft bitumen roofing or ondulin.


The foundation is not included in the base price!

When building houses from timber, they are used Various types foundations. The choice of foundation type may depend not only on financial costs, but also on the individual characteristics of the area. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct engineering geological surveys, during which the properties of the soil are studied and the location for construction is determined. Timely geology of the site also allows you to avoid mistakes at the initial stage during design and select the appropriate type of foundation for the structure.

Stages of building a house made of timber

Foundation installation

The foundation for a house should be selected based on the characteristics of the building site and the size of the log house. The choice of foundation for any structure should be approached thoroughly, and its installation should be entrusted to experienced specialists. Violations of the technology for constructing the foundation of a house can lead to additional financial costs. Most suitable for construction timber house are tape monolithic foundation, pile-screw and foundation on reinforced concrete piles. Our construction teams can build any type of foundation with high quality.

Assembling a log house

The assembly of a log house from timber (profiled timber) can be done at any time of the year. To build a house, timber 150 x 150 mm or profiled timber 145 x 145 mm are often used. If necessary, our company can build a larger house from timber. As inter-crown insulation during construction timber houses jute fabric is used. Our company also invites you to order a log house from chamber-dried timber, which is currently increasingly used in private country construction.


Currently, a variety of roofing materials are used in the construction of timber houses. The most popular are metal tiles, ondulin and soft tiles. The basic package for building a house includes temporary roofing with roofing felt. If the customer wishes, the company’s specialists can produce installation work using the most modern roofing materials, immediately after assembling the frame of the house. The cost and timing of the work depend on the complexity of the design.

Shrinkage of a log house

Log house from regular or profiled timber natural humidity Before finishing work begins, it must settle and shrink. During the shrinkage process of a log house, the wood shrinks naturally. In addition, a slight decrease in the linear dimensions of structural elements may occur. The technological break after assembling the frame until finishing can last up to 6 months. Modern technologies wood processing makes it possible to produce a house kit from chamber-drying timber.

Turnkey house finishing

The final stage of construction is the final finishing of the house on a turnkey basis. The cost of finishing work directly depends on the materials used. During the internal and exterior finishing The walls are sanded and painted. The finishing process also includes: installation and insulation of ceilings and floors; production of door casings and window openings, their installation and cashing. After installing windows and doors, lining the roof overhangs and installing the drainage system, you can use the constructed timber house for its intended purpose.