The importance of ergonomics in choosing a corner sink: the most important thing. Corner wardrobe in the dressing room, bedroom, hallway

Even in spacious house or apartment you have to think about the rational use of space - every year the number of things increases. What can we say about small apartments. Every centimeter counts here. One way to make optimal use of space is a corner wardrobe. This type of furniture allows you to occupy corners that are rarely used in general - it is difficult to install something there. Next, we’ll talk about what they are and how to plan the “filling” correctly.

Structure, types, sizes

Corner cupboard the compartment can be built-in or cabinet-mounted. In built-in ones, room structures are used as walls, floors and ceilings. A façade with sliding doors is attached to them. That is, this design turns out to be stationary - the guides are attached to the walls, floor and ceiling. The advantage of this type of corner cabinets is its cost-effectiveness, the disadvantage is the impossibility of portability. Another important point: walls, floor and ceiling must be level, otherwise the structure will be skewed, which will negatively affect work sliding doors.

Cabinet corner wardrobes are full-fledged furniture with walls, floor and ceiling. They differ from a regular wardrobe in the presence of sliding doors and in the fact that in height they usually occupy the entire space up to the ceiling. They are delivered from the factory or workshop disassembled and assembled locally, as they have such dimensions that they simply will not fit through the doors.

Types by structure

The shape of corner wardrobes can be of several types:

To make the difference in structure more clear, it is better to look at all models in a graphical representation (pictured below).

If we talk about ease of use, then the most best option- L-shaped. Normally, you can assemble the contents in a five-wall and trapezoidal wardrobe. The most inconvenient, of course, is the triangular one. It will have triangular shelves on both sides, which are not very spacious. At the same time, the middle will be empty, since the filling of the cabinet is located along the walls. The same can be said about the five-walled room, with the only difference being that there are no triangular shelves here.

What material

Corner and any other wardrobes are made from the same materials as traditional furniture - wood, etc. Wood is almost never used, since it is too expensive and heavy, and its decorative properties cannot be advantageously presented in this design. Laminated chipboard is much more often used. It is more affordable in price, and also has many color options. It can be imitation wood, rattan, etc., or it can be smoothly painted or textured, plain, matte or glossy surface. There are also films with drawings different types- graphic and floral. All of them can be used for laminating chipboard.

Any of the designs can be made with elements of radial technology - with rounded corners. Such sliding wardrobes are made from MDF, the manufacturing technology of which allows the production of rounded shapes. MDF is also laminated and there are no fewer color options.

As you can see in the photo, near the entrance and in the middle part the corners are not sharp, but rounded. Firstly, it looks beautiful, and secondly, it is safer - there are no sharp edges on which you can seriously hurt yourself.


The easiest way is usually to decide on the height - right up to the ceiling or a couple of centimeters lower. All other parameters depend on the room in which you plan to install a corner wardrobe and the available space. We can probably say about the minimum sizes:

In a small room the most optimal choice— L-shaped design. It is the least massive and leaves more space free. To visually assess this, draw all suitable types of cabinets on the floor plan. Then you can calculate the remaining free space.

A few words about the depth of wardrobes. There are two standard options - 45 cm and 60 cm, the minimum depth is 40 cm. With a width of 60 cm or more, a regular crossbar or pantograph is installed under clothes on hangers in the closet (so that the entire height to the ceiling can be used). Smaller models require a special rod that allows you to place hangers parallel to the door, since the hangers have a standard width of 55 cm and simply do not fit.

Filling corner cabinets

Like any sliding wardrobe, the corner wardrobe has a certain set of shelves, drawers, baskets and sections for hangers. The peculiarity of the corner cabinet is its shape: there are a number of inconvenient places that, nevertheless, must be used. In some models there are more such inconvenient places (diagonal), in others there are fewer (L-shaped). Proper filling of these inconvenient places is the main task when developing the internal filling of a corner cabinet.

How to fill corners

The difficulty is the use of narrow triangles in diagonal and trapezoidal models. Shelves are usually located here. This is the best option, because there are always small things that can be stored on these shelves.

No matter how much you look for options for filling such structures, standard layouts almost always have shelves installed there. There are creative options. For example, a compartment for some long and narrow things - such as umbrellas, skis and ski poles. Or - add hooks or jumpers for storing ties, belts and other similar small items. There are simply no other opportunities to use this type of space.

There is another difficult area that also needs to be carefully considered - the right angle formed by the adjacent walls. Most often there is a compartment for clothes on hangers (hangers, hangers). The most problematic design in this regard is in the form of the letter G. If there is no partition between the two parts, everything is solved simply - a pole is placed in the middle, and crossbars are attached to it.

If there is a partition, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some part of the space will be inconvenient to use. Typically, out-of-season or rarely worn clothing is sent to this area.

By filling in the tricky spots, the remaining space can be planned more easily. You just need to decide on the number of different types of things that you plan to place in the closet.

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Inside a wardrobe there are usually three types of filling: shelves, hanger bars and drawers/baskets. Since we have already partially placed the shelves and crossbars, we need to think about whether you need drawers/baskets, and if so, how many and how large they should be. If the furniture is planned for the bedroom, linens are usually stored in drawers, ties, socks, etc. can be stored. In this case, there can be three or more boxes.

If we are talking about a hallway or corridor, then you can only store gloves and some household items in the boxes. One or two boxes are enough here, but you can do without them at all.

The drawers are not located at the very bottom - so you have to bend or squat to use them. They are placed at hip or waist level. Below and above there are shelves or another compartment for hangers. It all depends on the amount of clothes different types that you have.

In corner wardrobes for hallways, the lower part is reserved for storing shoes. In the very simple version These are shelves with a height of 30 cm for shoes and sandals, and a little more for boots and shoes.

Facade selection

The appearance of the corner wardrobe depends on how the doors are designed. They are the ones who attract attention. They are made from:

  • MDF and chipboard. Durable and relatively inexpensive materials. They have a lot of colors and textures: wood imitation different breeds and colors, colored plain-painted surfaces with shine (glossy) or without (matte), drawings and ornaments different styles and type.

  • Glass (usually frosted, patterned, colored). The glass used is thick, tempered. Some companies offer to apply some kind of design on glass. Usually there is a certain catalog from which you can choose the image you like.

  • Mirrors with possible application of drawings and ornaments using sandblasting. Mirrors are also used thick. They may still have different shades- gray, blue, yellowish, etc. shade. Drawings on the mirror are also usually made from catalogues, but some companies can realize your idea.

    Mirrors are almost a classic of the genre

  • Photo printing is one of the possible coatings for chipboard doors, but thanks to the unique appearance usually placed in a separate category. A drawing or photograph is transferred to the film. The print quality is very high, the image is very realistic.

  • Combinations of the materials and technologies described above. Most decorative effect It turns out if you combine several materials. The number of combinations is very large and you can choose a front for a corner wardrobe to suit any interior and taste.

  • Radial corner wardrobes. This is the name given to those models whose walls or facades are not straight, but curved. Such models look more modern, smooth lines

With all this diversity, it is necessary to remember the influence of color on the perception of furniture. Since a corner wardrobe usually occupies a fairly large area, it largely determines the “sound” of the entire interior. Therefore, it is necessary to remember several truths. There aren't that many of them. First, mirrors push boundaries, expanding space. Light semi-gloss or glossy furniture and facades with light glass work approximately the same way. Second - dark furniture does small room even less. If you at least take this into account, there will be fewer questions.

Photo of design ideas and interior layout

Each corner wardrobe is an individual design. What’s good about this type of furniture is that it allows you to adapt to the lifestyle and taste of everyone. But sometimes you need an idea for inspiration, and the easiest way to find it is in a photo of finished furniture.

A corner wardrobe in the bedroom is a great way to hide everything unnecessary

This is no longer quite a corner wardrobe. More like a small one

When looking for a kitchen set, we pay more attention to the aesthetic component than to the size. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that all sections simply will not fit or, on the contrary, there will be extra space left.

Know standard sizes kitchens is useful not only for buyers, but also for designers. After all, these are the standards that manufacturers are guided by when launching serial production and cutting of materials. We offer an overview of the standard sizes of all popular cabinets, cabinets, pencil cases and corner sections.

Types of Kitchen Cabinets

We decide and mark which cabinets we need. They are divided into two categories: by installation location and by type.

There are four types of cabinets based on location.

  • Floor cabinets. This required elements kitchen sets. They store pots and food, household appliances and detergents. They serve as the basis for the built-in large kitchen appliances– refrigerators, freezers, ovens and hob, kitchen sinks, washing machines and dishwashers.
  • . They are usually hung at a distance of 40-55 cm from floor cabinets. It is convenient to store small household appliances, dishes, and food supplies that the housewife does not use often. Pipes can be hidden in the upper cabinets, geyser or hood. The height should be such that without a stool you can reach anything from top shelf. Although, if the task is to optimize the kitchen in terms of height, the cabinets can be as high as the ceiling.
  • Pencil cases combine both lower and upper cabinets. However, it is not hung on the wall, but stands on the floor or base. The functions are the same - hide food, dishes, kitchen gadgets from prying eyes.
  • Corner cabinets. Installed if the kitchen set runs along two walls. This allows practical use of the corner using roll-out, pull-out or rotating storage systems.

There are several types of cabinets.

  • Cabinet for sink.
  • Wardrobe with shelf.
  • Wardrobe with 3, 4 or 5 drawers and metaboxes.
  • Wardrobe with shelf and top drawer.
  • Wardrobe with drawers.
  • Section for built-in equipment: hob and/or oven.
  • A fake cabinet for a hood or column.
  • Corner cabinet with roll-out system.
  • Corner cabinet for sink.
  • Pencil case.
  • Corner cabinet with open shelves for edge furniture.
  • Corner cabinet with a door for the edge of the set.
  • A pencil case for a microwave oven or a built-in oven.

Kitchen cabinet sizes

Of course you can order custom production kitchen set according to your size and kitchen area. But compare, perhaps the sizes of kitchen cabinets that are produced in workshops according to standard parameters will suit you. This will significantly reduce the amount allocated for the purchase of furniture. And you can choose the design yourself and even decorate the facades yourself. The article talks about this in detail.

How did standard sizes appear in the first place? kitchen cabinets? After all, they weren’t drawn out of the blue. No, the basis was based on anthropometric analysis data of people, equipment and utensils that will be stored in these cabinets.

Bottom row of cabinets

Much depends on the height of the hostess - whether she is miniature or the height of a fashion model.

  • The standard height dimensions of kitchen cabinets are 850 mm. It can be increased or decreased due to the base, the height of which is 100 mm.
  • The tabletop also increases the height by 28, 38 or 40 mm.
  • The tabletop protrudes from the front by 30-50 mm.
  • At the rear, the space between the table top and the back wall of the cabinet is 50-100 mm. Thus, electrical wiring is not pinched, and water and gas pipes are hidden and do not spoil the design.
  • At the same time, the depth of a standard tabletop is 600 mm, wide – 900 or 1200 mm.
  • The cabinets have an internal depth of 460 mm. If this is a cabinet with drawers, then the metabox depth of 450 mm plus 10 mm is left for the gap between the metabox and the rear wall of the cabinet.
  • The total width of the facade (side wall plus door) should not be more than 900 mm, so doors are made 300-450 mm wide.
  • Shelves inside floor cabinets are installed in increments of 200-300-400 mm. Their height depends on the height of the devices and products that are stored in them.

Top row of lockers

Here, too, there are standard sizes of kitchen cabinets and standards in their placement.

  • The bottom edge hangs over the worktop at a height of 450 mm.
  • Depth wall cabinets less than in floor ones, and is 300 mm.
  • If a microwave oven is built into the top row, the depth increases to 400 mm.
  • The maximum height of the upper cabinets is 700 mm, maximum 900-1200 mm.

In total, the total dimensions of the kitchen cabinets are: 100 mm (basement) + 850 mm (bottom cabinet) + 40 mm (countertop) + 450 mm ( kitchen apron) + 1200 mm (upper cabinet). It turns out 2640 mm. Add here the height of the cornice.

  • The hood is mounted above the surface at a height of 700-750 mm (if the panel is electric) and 750-800 mm (if the panel is gas).
  • The oven or microwave oven is installed so that it is convenient for the housewife.

Width of kitchen cabinets

Standard sizes of kitchen cabinets are used in mass production, which helps reduce costs.

  • The width of a single door cabinet ranges from 300 to 500 mm.
  • If the cabinet has double doors, then the total width is 600-1000 mm.
  • Corner cabinets are often made 900 mm in width. This refers to the width of the side walls. The width of the facade is calculated using the geometric formula of isosceles right triangles and it will be equal to 1250-1300 mm.
  • The dimensions of the kitchen cabinets of the top row, more precisely, their width, depends on the parameters of the lower cabinets - it is the same, that is, from 300 to 1000 m, depending on the number of doors in the cabinet.
  • The dimensions of the corner upper cabinet differ. It is narrower, the sides are 600 m, respectively, the width of the facade will be 850 mm (remember school course geometry).
  • But the corner outer cabinets are narrow. Their side walls can be either 300 mm or 250 mm.

It is worth knowing the dimensions of kitchen cabinets in order to fit in built-in appliances. What are the parameters of the same refrigerator? dishwasher, oven or washing machine, can be found on manufacturers’ websites or in online stores. As a last resort, go to the store household appliances with a tape measure and measure the models you like. Just remember to provide space between the side walls of the appliances and the sides of the cabinets.

In general, components for kitchen cabinets are produced in increments of 15 cm or more in width.

  • Floor standing cabinets: 150, 300, 450, 500, 600 and 800 mm.
  • Wall cabinets: 150, 300, 450, 500, 600 and 800 mm.
  • Corner cabinets: 600, 900, 250 mm.

Types of kitchen units

Knowing the standard sizes of kitchen cabinets, it is easier to decide which furniture arrangement option is suitable for your kitchen.

  • Single row furniture. All cabinets are lined up in one row: from the kitchen sink to the stove and refrigerator. This option fits perfectly into narrow but long kitchens. In this situation, the stove is placed on one side and the refrigerator on the other. The sink and work surface are installed between them. To fit all your utensils, use tall wall cabinets.
  • Double row. This model looks great in spacious kitchens, as it allows you to remove the hob or work area separately - in the middle of the kitchen or to the opposite wall. To make it convenient to move around the kitchen, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 120 cm between opposite cabinets. In such a kitchen, the rule of the triangle is violated - we’ll tell you what it is below.
  • U-shaped. The option is similar to a two-row one, but the cabinets are also located along the third wall. Suitable for spacious kitchens with an area of ​​at least 10 sq.m. The triangle rule is observed. The distance between opposite sides should be 120 cm (minimum) or 280 cm (maximum).
  • L-shaped. This is a universal model. The sizes of kitchen cabinets can be selected so as to fit them into both a spacious and a small kitchen. This option allows you to zone the space, separating dining area from the worker. This technique is often used in kitchens combined with dining rooms or living rooms. The work triangle is perfectly observed.

Advice. Do not place the refrigerator, oven, or dishwasher in a corner, as it will be difficult to reach them due to the adjacent cabinets, as well as to the cabinets due to appliances.

  • Peninsula accommodation. The layout is based on an L-shaped or single-row kitchen and provides for a bend or protrusion. This ledge is a kind of kitchen divider into functional areas. Like the L-shaped version, the peninsular one is usually used for studio kitchens, dining room kitchens, and living room kitchens, so that the room becomes multifunctional.
  • Island kitchen. You could see such kitchens in famous Hollywood films, for example, in the movie “Home Alone”. It requires a very spacious room (from 20 sq.m. or more), since there are cabinets on one, two or three sides, and in the center there is a separate cabinet, pedestal, “island” with dimensions of 80 by 150 centimeters or more. A sink, hob, and worktop are usually placed here. A bar is mounted on top for hanging ladles, pots and pans (but you can do without it).

Standard kitchen cabinet sizes fit any of six floor plans. Just select the ones you need and install.

Working triangle rule

We already mentioned the work triangle above. What is it?

Kitchen cabinets, stove, sink, refrigerator and other items are placed not just like that, but obeying some laws of ergonomics, safety and convenience. Even the science of Feng Shui has its own point of view, similar to the European and Russian ones, although it is based on the interaction of the elements. Read more in “Kitchen according to Feng Shui.”

The sizes of kitchen cabinets are usually standard. But if the furniture is selected and arranged correctly, then even a small room will look advantageous and seem more spacious than it actually is. Otherwise, the kitchen will be like a furnished room with a pile of all kinds of furniture.

In addition, it is important to take into account the path of the housewife and learn to respect her work. German marketers conducted a study, during which it turned out that during the morning, afternoon, evening, during the preparation of dishes, washing dishes, equipment and arranging food and dishes, almost ten kilometers are passed in different places. And this is not counting the fitness load in the form of pull-ups to upper cabinets, squats to lower cabinets, bending to drawers, lifting bags of groceries and balancing tricks and juggling dishes. It is not surprising that by the end of the day even housewives are exhausted. What can we say about women who combine official work and household chores?

The point is not in the carelessness of the housewife, but in the competent organization of the kitchen space. If you arrange everything correctly, you can save time (about 30%) and reduce distance (about 65%). This is the basis of the working triangle rule.

At the vertices of the working triangle are:

  • working surface. It could be a stove, countertop, microwave;
  • long-term food storage area: freezer or refrigerator;
  • “clean” zone. Here you wash dishes, vegetables: kitchen sink or dishwasher.

The distance between zones should not be more than two arm lengths. From the refrigerator you go to the sink, wash the food and go to work surface to cook them. After finishing work, you can move away from the stove to the refrigerator to place the remaining food and a cooled dish in it, or to the kitchen sink to wash your hands, dishes, wet a cloth and wipe the countertop.

Along the way, the housewife slows down near the cabinets (these are the sides of the work triangle) to take spices, cereals, dishes, and near the dining table to set it for dinner. Agree, this trajectory is the least exhausting for the housewife.

It would seem much easier to install a sink near the hob and place a refrigerator on the other side of the sink. However, this placement does not justify itself. The refrigerator will constantly get dirty, and the grease coming from the dishes being prepared will splash on the newly washed dishes. Drops of water from the tap will invariably fall into a hot frying pan or milk that you set to boil. This is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe. It is not for nothing that the science of Feng Shui is categorically against placing the Fire Zone (stove) and Water Zone (sink) next to each other.

Now, knowing the dimensions of kitchen cabinets and the working triangle rule, it will be easier for you to arrange your kitchen.

Not so long ago it was believed that a bathtub could only have a standard length and rectangular shape. Now everything is no longer the same. Different sizes and the shape of the product allows it to be installed anywhere. The cost of the product depends on the size and material, the manufacturer, color and design. Every day there are more and more people who want to replace the old cast-iron rectangular bathtub. The purchase is expensive, so they choose a convenient, aesthetically attractive look.

Corner bath

She is the most popular now. The material for production can be acrylic, cast iron, steel. A corner bath allows you to save space in the room without sacrificing comfort. Depending on the dimensions of the product, it can be installed both in a large bathroom and in a small one.


If it says “the product is angular”, this does not mean at all that its two sides are equal. Modern market plumbing offers corner baths of different shapes:

  • triangle shape;
  • trapezoid shape;
  • one corner can be beveled or rounded;
  • asymmetric polyhedron shape.

Each model is made in two versions: right-handed and left-handed. A consultant in the store will tell you which option is right for you.


Thanks to the emergence of new materials in production, it was possible to improve the shape of the bathtub: now it is produced in both rectangular sizes and in different sizes. design projects. Naturally, the prices will be completely different, accessible to any buyer.

Steel products.

They are distinguished by their low price and service life of 10–15 years. Steel material is not very popular in this product; steel corner baths are always available.

Cast iron.

A product made from such material is very well known for its quality and long service life (more than 20 years). Of its drawbacks, only one is known - the significant mass of the bathtub.

Nowadays, buy a new one cast iron bath, unlike steel, is not easy. To produce such a product, large iron smelting capacities are needed, which will entail an increase in price. Cast iron is an excellent conductor electric current, therefore it is not possible to install hydromassage nozzles into the product. For safety reasons, when installing a cast iron product, grounding is required. Small corner baths made of this material are extremely rare.

Gallery: corner baths (25 photos)


Acrylic products have appeared on the market recently and have already become popular. They attract buyers with their low price, large assortment of colors and sizes, light weight and beautiful appearance.

Acrylic material can be characterized as:

  • heat-resistant, low thermal conductivity;
  • plastic;
  • safe – non-toxic;
  • reliable and durable.

Lifetime acrylic bathtubup to 15 years, the coating is suitable for restoration, which does not require large financial costs.

A product made from this material is very easy to care for - do not use abrasive products to clean it. Unlike steel, an acrylic product has a vulnerable coating.

A corner bathtub with hydromassage will allow you to enjoy not only hygienic procedures, but also to feel relaxation and excitement of the whole body. Water procedures are very beneficial for health.

Standard corner products have dimensions: from 1.5 m to 1.8 m; depth: from 0.48 m to 0.65 m; Volume – no more than 400 l. There are a great many non-standard sizes.

A corner bathtub in a small bathroom is a unique offer that many people have already taken advantage of.

Bath for a small room

If the bathroom in your apartment is small, don't worry. Minimum set no bulky plumbing fixtures and a small-sized bathtub - all this can fit. Instead of a standard rectangular bathtub, you can install a walk-in shower or a smaller sitz bathtub. Corner bath in a small bathroom - will excellent option, but its dimensions need to be measured first.

The purchase of a product should be taken seriously, because this investment should serve you for at least 15 years. A specialist from the salon will help you choose the right model, knowing the size of your room. He will help you install it correctly. A small corner bathtub is a wonderful invention with which you can not only wash off the dirt, but also enjoy its comfort while sitting in it.

If we talk about installing a small acrylic corner product, then it is better to place it along the short wall of the room, taking up the entire length of the wall. Taps and mixers, curtains - it’s better to buy them in the same store so that everything fits exactly.

For small size Bathroom spaces can be considered with both symmetrical and asymmetrical dimensions of a corner bath. Symmetrical sizes include: 140x140 cm, 130x130 cm, 125x125 cm; Asymmetrical sizes: 150x105 cm, 150x100 cm, 140x100 cm. The size of the corner bathtub can be from 0.9 m to 2 m. The most popular on the market are products with a length of 150 cm and 120 cm.

Sitz bath Suitable for a very small room. To accept water procedures in his apartment a person will be happy with such an invention. The materials for its manufacture are cast iron, steel and acrylic; The maximum length of the product is one meter and 50 cm.

Its advantage is small size, which allows you to install it even in a niche. This design will please the elderly, pregnant women and people with disabilities. Its standard meters are: 100x70 cm, 120x70 cm, 150x70 cm, 120x110 cm. The product can be rectangular, oval and square. He looks wonderful.

Corner bath in a large room

When renovating a large bathroom, you imagine it already with furniture and plumbing. Original design a large room can be achieved by installing a long corner bath. Size can be taken largest, illuminated, hydromassage function. It can even accommodate two people – the size allows it. In addition to the length of the bath, you need to pay attention to its depth.

The large corner invention should be equipped with headrests and handles, and, if desired, a hydromassage function. Its inner surface must have a special coating that prevents slipping.

A large corner product will decorate the bathroom interior, making it original and sophisticated.


Everyone understands that the external dimensions of the bathtub are much larger than its internal dimensions. The pallet may be from 45 to 80 cm in height. For many, this value does not matter; after a difficult working day, comfortable just from the word bath. I would like to note that the deeper the shower tray, the more convenient it is to carry out various hygiene procedures in it.


You can buy a corner product with a hydromassage function - its benefits have been proven by doctors. Taking such a bath will allow you to get a massage session at the same time. A person feels relaxation of all muscles, pleasant fatigue, and soon a sound sleep overtakes him.

To attract more customers, manufacturers of products with hydromassage function, adding all sorts of innovations:

  • remote control;
  • air massage;
  • aromatherapy;
  • adjusting the power of water jets;
  • soft backs, headrests;
  • towel holder – built-in;
  • additional seating;
  • sensors that monitor water levels;
  • overfill protection function;
  • automatic disinfection.

The complete set of a corner bathtub with a hydromassage function is up to you. In simple models this function is not available at all, but in expensive models, in addition to these functions, backlighting may be provided, faucet that imitates the function of a waterfall and something else.

Most corner models have built-in shelves and special storage areas for personal hygiene products. It is very convenient and functional.

Every year the number of people who value comfort and convenience, and are willing to pay a lot of money for it, is increasing.


Before installing a corner bath, you need to level all the walls, corners and floor. The product must be left in the room for more than a day, and only then can it be installed. In order not to injure your heart, installing even the simplest corner bathtub is better entrust to proven specialists.


A corner bath does not have to be white. On sale you can find models from light and bright to rich dark tones. Unusual color also affects the price, but for any buyer there is exactly his corner model at an affordable price.

The main thing:

Corners in a room are often difficult to navigate areas. In most cases, large pieces of furniture - wardrobes, tables, sofas, and so on - are designed to be placed along the wall. It is, of course, possible to install such a sofa or table in a corner, but in this case only part of the area is used.

Furniture in the corner

Corner structures are calculated according to slightly different principles. An ordinary cabinet can be adjacent to the wall with one side, and at the same time its entire usable area is concentrated on one side of the right angle. Corner model has working sections on both sides, and the space between the perpendicular walls is organized in several ways, thanks to which the façade can have different shapes.

There are several types based on the method of using the corner area.

  • Triangular - in cross-section the cabinet is a triangle, where the facade is the hypotenuse. Its dimensions are entirely determined by the parameters of the room. It is not easy to fill this option, since its depth is significant and requires unconventional placement of shelves and drawers.
  • Trapezoidal - assumes the presence of sidewalls. The size of the facade, if we are talking about the compartment version, is determined by the possible width of the sliding door. This option takes up less space, but provides the same useful benefits.
  • Pentagonal is a modification of trapezoidal, in which three of the five section angles are straight. This is the easiest scheme to implement and the most popular.

  • Radial - result modern technologies allowing the construction of curved sliding systems. In cross section, the model is a segment of a circle. Filling such a wardrobe seems like an interesting engineering task, but the effectiveness of such a solution for a bedroom has been appreciated by many designers.
  • L-shaped - a traditional design that is easily implemented when using cabinet and built-in furniture. The shape of the facade follows a right angle.

Design features

  • Cabinet furniture is a free-standing element that, if necessary, can be moved to another room. However, for a corner wardrobe this difference is questionable, since its dimensions are precisely tied to the size of the corner in the room.
  • Built-in - the model is fixed to the walls, floor and ceiling of the room and in the vast majority of cases cannot be mounted in another place. The option is much more economical, since it allows you to do without many ordinary elements - sidewalls, ceiling, rear wall, and the like. A triangular modification to a bedroom, for example, can only be a façade attached to the floor and ceiling.


  1. Design begins with measuring the height of the room and creating a drawing. The latter must contain at least one vertical projection and a horizontal section.
  2. On the section drawing, the estimated dimensions of the cabinet are plotted in proportion to scale.
  3. The shape of the module is determined and the dimensions of the corner cabinets in the bedroom are calculated from the drawing.
  4. Filling is planned, since the configuration of the additional internal frame depends on the number and size of the elements.

Several requirements must be taken into account when making calculations.

  • The maximum height of furniture in most cases is determined by the size of the chipboard sheet - 280 cm. If this is not enough, it is recommended to arrange a mezzanine at the top.
  • The minimum opening width for a sliding system must be at least 100 cm, while the leaf width will be 55 cm. Otherwise, it is preferable to install a swing door or a folding one.
  • The maximum leaf width is no more than 110 cm. In principle, the value can be larger, but such large doors are inconvenient to use, are heavy and deform over time. Therefore, if we are talking, for example, about a triangular module, then you should not fill the entire facade with sashes - it is better to cover part of the opening with chipboard panels.
  • The maximum depth of the shelves is limited to 80 cm - it is simply impossible to reach further with your hand. When calculating an L-shaped structure, this value determines the depth of the section.

Features of corner cabinets for the kitchen

A kitchen set consists of upper and lower elements, the shape of which may not match, but the dimensions are always different. The lower elements form work surfaces, the width of which is greater than the depth of the wall cabinets.

  • In cross-section, the lower and upper corner modules can be pentagonal, trapezoidal and L-shaped. The radial and triangular option, for obvious reasons, is not implemented.

  • The dimensions of the hanging element for the kitchen change little. Effective use of shelves limits their depth to 30 cm. Accordingly, the width of the sides of the corner module will be the same 30 cm. Other parameters depend on the shape.
  • The lower element - the cabinet has a large width, as it is connected to the work surfaces. This creates a fairly large space that cannot be filled with shelves. It is recommended to install retractable elements or a carousel.
  • At L-shape For kitchen cabinets, a folding door is preferable; with pentagonal and trapezoidal doors, a regular hinged or radial concave door can be used.

Every housewife spends time in the kitchen a large number of time, and cooking sometimes makes her run all over the kitchen in search of this or that item. But the whole point is that traditionally it worked out like this: kitchen tables were arranged in one line, ending with a table with a sink, but this is not entirely ergonomic. A sink located in the corner saves many times on food preparation, regardless of whether big kitchen or not, because she will no longer be at the end of the line of work, which will reduce the mileage in the kitchen. Moreover, under the washing surface a large corner space, which houses not only a trash can, but also shelves for chemicals, containers for permanent storage of non-perishable vegetables such as potatoes, onions, garlic and others. Corner sink is very convenient option location kitchen furniture, making it possible to make the space aesthetic, ergonomic and comfortable.

What types of corner kitchen sinks are there?

Kitchen sinks can be divided by installation type

  • on mortise when the sinks are recessed into the countertop;
  • on invoices when the sinks lie on the countertop, holding onto it with their sides;
  • on sinks mounted under the countertop special devices.

An important point is that the sink has at least one wing for drying dishes.

According to form corner sinks can be different:

Pros and cons compared to conventional sinks

If we compare them with non-corner sinks, then with all the same technical specifications the material used, corner option has a number of advantages compared to conventional models:

  • placing the sink in the corner makes the kitchen space more spacious ergonomic;
  • additional space under the sink makes it possible store kitchen items there;
  • shell shape can be any size and shape; with one, two or three bowls;
  • the corner space on the table behind the sink allows you to place household items there so that they do not interfere with the cooking process, or you can put a shelf with constantly used chemicals in the kitchen;
  • in a small kitchen an additional table will allow remove all the dishes and not keep it on top of the cabinets.

There are a number of corner sinks with small bowls, inconvenient to wash large containers. This cannot be called a disadvantage, because everyone knows what dishes they use most often in the kitchen, so they either choose the option of installing a regular double sink on a corner, or wash large basins in the bathroom, this happens no more than a few times a year.

There are models of sinks, shaped like an arrow- this is a very inconvenient design, because approaching such a sink will be extremely inconvenient, and the taps are located far away in this version, which makes their use uncomfortable.

But a table made with a front door for the sink is more comfortable, allowing you to stand comfortably in front of the sink.

Features of the models (unusual options)

A copper sink can be called unusual and original. Restart LVQ 041, made by Italian craftsmen in the form of a trough. It will last a long time, thanks high quality material, it can be installed with a side or made mortise.

Very original ceramic sink with ornament. It may not be as convenient as modern sinks with additional bowls and wings on the sides, but it looks simply charming and creates a folk flavor. It is secured under the table and looks like a drawer that can be pulled out.

The enamel sink looks simply amazing, creating a festive mood in the kitchen; it seems that this is just an original bowl for fruit, and not a container in which to wash dishes.

Features of sinks made of different materials

There are enough materials used to make sinks; They all have their own positive and negative qualities.

  • Stainless steel leads the sales market among sinks. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the properties of steel, sinks of various configurations can be made from it, suiting any taste; These can be sinks in the form of a bowl, with platforms for dishes, with two bowls, round, square and others. Stainless steel sinks unpretentious in operation, easy to clean and withstand shock, heat and food acids; The color of the steel matches the faucets. The disadvantages of such sinks are surface instability to scratches, sharp instruments leave marks on it; They make noise from falling water, and there are also traces of soap, dried drops and smudges. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash the sink after use and wipe it dry.
  • Composite material- this is a mixture of granite or quartz chips special technologies with acrylic resin, which gives such products strength and heat resistance. The appearance of such sinks is always attractive, thanks to the abundance of choice of colors, sizes and configurations; they may be accompanied by composite accessories. The disadvantages of composite sinks include their high price, but it is completely covered by long service life, durability, noiselessness, attractive looking, lasting for many years. A composite sink does not scratch, does not break, does not lose color, and is not exposed to high temperatures and various chemicals.
  • Ceramics gained its popularity due to its environmental friendliness. Ceramic sinks are made not from pure ceramics, which are fragile by nature, but from mixed materials with additives and various additives included in the mixture of clay and water. After firing at high temperature At 1000˚C, the workpiece goes through several more stages of processing, hardening it, after which protective enamel is applied to the surface. Advantages Such a product can be considered: high resistance to mechanical damage and temperature, noiselessness when flowing water. Disadvantages include heavy weight, difficulty of installation and a price that is 5 times higher than the cost of stainless steel sinks.
  • Sinks made of enameled steel, Well suited for home, office, public spaces. They are inexpensive, but have a number of advantages: resistance to mechanical damage and abrasive substances, chemicals, high temperature and its changes. The disadvantages are possible damage to the surface as a result of chipping.
  • Enameled cast iron sinks today have not lost their relevance. As a rule, this is a modest elegance of forms that do not have such flights of design thought as those of sinks made of stainless steel and composite; nevertheless, the advantages of cast iron (its strength) are beyond doubt. The application of porcelain coating makes it possible to manufacture the product in wide color range, thanks to it, they wash well, however, they are afraid of abrasive substances and over time, as a result of cracks or chips, they can succumb to corrosion.

What to look for when choosing

Today the choice of corner sinks is quite wide; they are made from various materials, you can choose a sink to suit any color scheme, any configuration to suit the most sophisticated taste. Corner sink is a way to reduce the housewife's movements, the convenience of the layout of the workspace, the ability to hide kitchen utensils in additionally formed cabinets, making your stay in the kitchen enjoyable in all respects.