Decorative pepper at home. Let's start landing. Inedible ornamental varieties

Ornamental pepper is a plant that grows successfully not only in open ground, but also at home. Indoor culture bears fruit and can change the color of the fruit.

It is a pleasure to watch the development and growth of ornamental peppers.

Characteristics and description of indoor pepper

Decorative pepper is perennial plant. Growing it from seeds is quite simple. It is important to choose the right planting material and soil. And if you provide the plant with proper care, it will become a decoration for any windowsill. All the beauty of indoor peppers can be seen in the photo. The seeds of the plant can not only be purchased in the store, but also dried, which are left over from previous fruits.

Planting and caring for the plant

To get fruits in early autumn, planting should be done in February or March. How the plant will grow and develop depends on the variety. In total, the culture has more than a dozen varieties. All varieties are thermophilic and love air temperatures from 18 to 5 degrees. Caring for indoor peppers at home also includes selecting correct composition soil. It is preferable to grow the crop in chernozem, sandy loam and medium loamy fertile soils.

Watering the plant is carried out per 1 m2 of soil. You will need 10-12 liters of water. Before flowering, the plant needs to be watered once a week. During flowering, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, increasing the dose of water to 12-14 liters. The water temperature should be at least 25 degrees. Stop watering 14 days before harvest.

Stimulating flowering and fruiting

Shaking the pot with soil helps stimulate the number of ovaries on the pepper. Indoor hot peppers love sunlight - this enhances flowering. And the irrigation system allows ornamental plant actively bear fruit, which is confirmed by photos of flowering crops.

Caring for miniature peppers in winter

In winter, the plant especially needs sunlight, moderate watering and loosening of the soil. Therefore, it is extremely important to place the crop exactly where there will be a lot of light, a temperature comfortable for the plant and soil fertilized with minerals and components necessary for development.

Growing peppers at home

To get a high-quality harvest at home, you need to plant the seeds in soil with humus. The first shoots that appear after 15 days will need to be pinched. It is necessary to pinch decorative peppers when the eighth leaf appears on it. But this can also be done when there are already five or even nine leaves. The dive is carried out 30 days after landing. Watering should be plentiful, and the soil needs to be constantly loosened. Indoor hot peppers grown at home like to be watered with warm water.

How to replant peppers in a pot

In order to transplant the pepper into a pot, you need to wait until the third or fourth leaf appears. You should take a clay pot with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. It is imperative to place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Do peppers need fertilizing?

Top dressing indoor culture necessary. It needs to start in mid-January. If the pepper is transplanted into room conditions from open ground, then in the fall it needs feeding, but in winter, in this case, feeding should be stopped.

Is it necessary to pollinate peppers at home?

Domestic varieties do not require special pollination. For better pollination, you need to shake the pot with soil.

Pepper varieties for planting on the windowsill

  • confetti - yellow, red and peppercorns purple flowers;
  • lilac cone – purple peppercorns;
  • goldfinger - yellow and orange peppercorns;
  • bishop's crown - red exotic fruits;
  • Queen of Spades - miniature pointed peppers of yellow, red and purple color on one bush;
  • Indian summer - peppercorns are white when ripe, red when fully ripe;
  • Rowanberry – yellow and purple peppers.

Edible red varieties

Small indoor miracle

A small miracle is Dutch variety. In addition to the fact that the plant actively bears fruit, it is also compact, which allows it to fit beautifully into home interior. This variety is excellent for use in cooking, for making tinctures that treat radiculitis, rheumatism and lower back pain.

Medusa or gorgon pepper

This crop is decorative and is also suitable for planting in open ground. The jellyfish variety is edible. The height of the plant is no more than 30 centimeters. The fruits have a long and curved shape. The color of the fruit is bright. The fruits can be used as food for canning or in the preparation of salads and soups.


The height of the Ogonyok variety reaches 1 meter. The bush has a compact volume and actively bears fruit. The culture is unpretentious. Of all the varieties, Ogonyok shows top scores in terms of fruiting and durability.


The variety can bear fruit for 7 years. The crop yield is up to 1 kg. It has a height of about 25 cm. As the fruit ripens, it changes color from green to purple and red. The fruits are suitable for eating. Aladdin bush pepper is a valuable variety, as evidenced by reviews from gardeners who receive a large harvest.


Phoenix is mid-early variety with a spherical bush. The fruits change color from green to red. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent. Growing peppers is easy. You need to monitor watering, feeding, humidity and temperature.


It is a low-growing crop. The culture has a special look. This is due to the fact that the fruits are large and they look quite original.

Explosion Amber

This variety is distinguished by its original bush. The leaves are purple in color, so they stand out on the windowsill. The ripe fruit is red. The fruit has a medium pungency.


A not very common variety that has a bell shape. The color of the fruit is red. The yield is up to 1.5 kg per bush. The pulp has a sweet-sharp taste.


The culture is compact. The fruit changes color several times as the fruit ripens. The taste of pepper is moderately hot.

Decorative filius blue

The variety has fruits ranging from purple to red. Filius fruits are curved. They last quite a long time. The plant does not like dry air. The fruits are used in cooking to give dishes an original taste.


It has red oblong fruits located at the ends. The taste of the fruit is quite pungent.


The variety has a spreading bush. The variety received its name because of its elegant growth. Fruits with a burning taste. The variety is suitable for growing in pots as well as in open ground.

Multi-colored varieties of decorative peppers


The fruits are brightly colored and diamond-shaped. The pepper is quite hot, and the heat is in the core.

Queen of Spades

This variety is considered mid-season. It has friendly flowering. The fruits are used as spicy seasonings for dishes.

Inedible varieties of ornamental peppers


The pepper is formed by a bush whose height reaches 35 centimeters. Decorative fruits remain on the bush for two months. The fruits are not edible.


This is a variety with fruits that cannot be eaten. The fruit pods have a beautiful yellow color.

Indian summer

Peppers come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. This variety is considered unpretentious and shade-tolerant.


The bushes of this crop are up to 60 centimeters high. The fruits are no more than 2 centimeters in diameter. The color of the peppers is fiery red. Great for meat dishes. This variety is great for growing in pots.

Bush bonfire

The bush of this pepper variety is decorative, unpretentious and compact. According to gardeners, the pepper produces a decent harvest. The taste of the vegetable is quite pungent.

Black Pearl

The leaves of this variety have purple. The fruits ripen black, but over time change color to red. The plant requires minimal care and can be planted in a sunny location.


This pepper variety is mid-season. You can grow it at home, on open terraces, on the balcony. The plant is unpretentious, shade-tolerant.

Shrubby the whole sky is in the stars

This pepper variety is very beautiful. The plant spreads its bushes and is lush. The fruits can have different colors. This variety can be used in cooking.


Dragon pepper is a bush pepper. It is ideal for growing in a pot. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped. This variety can be used as a seasoning for dishes. Gardeners give good feedback. The plant is unpretentious and tolerates heat well.

Homeland of the plant. South and Central America.

Description.The genus consists of 700 annual or perennial shrubs with erect, branched stems that become lignified with age and are covered with light brown bark. The leaves of decorative pepper or capsicum are oval or lanceolate, simple, dark green, up to 10 cm long. During the summer, small, white, star-shaped, single flowers appear on the tips of the shoots, in the axils of the leaves. The plant acquires its main attractiveness with the appearance of fruits - yellow, orange or red. At the same time, the plant may contain buds, flowers and ripened fruits. The variegated forms of pepper look very attractive.

Height. Decorative indoor pepper, when grown indoors, this plant reaches a height of 30 - 60 cm.

Decorative pepper in a pot care

Temperature conditions . In spring and summer, the temperature is close to room temperature - from 18 to 22 ° C. If you lower the temperature during the fruiting period to 16 ° C, the pepper will slow down its development and remain attractive longer. During the rest period, the temperature should be 13 - 16 ° C, but not lower than this range.

Decorative pepper at home - lighting. Abundant flowering and, accordingly, fruiting depends on the amount of sunlight. Plants should be kept in a place where they will receive direct sunlight in the morning and evening; shade from the sun during hot daylight hours in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, maximum possible lighting.

Growing ornamental peppers.Homemade decorative peppers are undemanding and at the same time very decorative. In the warm season, you can take the plant outside under protection from direct sun, strong wind and rain. The stems of young peppers are regularly pinched to produce a denser, branching plant. Using pruning, you can give the plant the desired shape, however modern varieties remain compact even without trimming.

Substrate. Nutrient soil with a high content of organic matter in the form of peat, leaf humus and rotted manure. The substrate must have good drainage - add coarse river sand to the mixture.

How to fertilize ornamental peppers. From spring to autumn, feed with fertilizers specially designed for peppers or tomatoes - they contain an increased amount of phosphorus. During the dormant period, do not feed.

Purpose.Decorative hot pepper - very impressive indoor plant, which decorates itself with white flowers, green, yellow, orange, red and even black fruits.

Flowering time. Summer.

Air humidity. It tolerates the atmosphere of residential premises well. Spray plants in the morning only if the air becomes too dry. Provide the plant with a well-ventilated area with good air circulation.

Soil moisture. Watering should be regular and plentiful during the period active growth. Excess moisture accumulated in the pan after watering should be removed after a few minutes. The soil should be evenly moist throughout the growing season. In autumn, watering is reduced and in the winter months the soil is dried to half its depth.

Transfer. If necessary, replanting is carried out in the spring, before flowering, approximately every 2 years.

Reproduction. It reproduces successfully using seeds sown in the spring. The seedlings are placed in a warm place with a temperature of about 20 ° C under a cover made of a transparent plastic cap. Germination occurs within 2 months. Sometimes propagated using stem cuttings.

A wonderful decoration for the window sill in the kitchen is the indoor capsicum flower or simply decorative pepper. Thanks to its color-changing fruits (from green to all shades of yellow and red), which, depending on the variety, are different shapes(oval, pointed, blunt, curved, pear-shaped, cylindrical or cone), they perfectly decorate kitchen interior. But in order for these fruits to ripen and not fall off immediately, you need to know the rules of care and use the right varieties.

Ornamental pepper: growing and care

Care for ornamental peppers as if they were indoor flower, quite easy, just choose right place location and adhere to certain rules of care.

  1. Location. Pepper is a light-loving plant, so the pot with it should be placed in a well-lit place with light ventilation. When it’s warm, you can put it on the balcony, but when it gets cold, be sure to bring it in.
  2. Landing. It is better to sow in late February - early March in well-permeable nutrient soil consisting of sand, peat or compost and leaf soil.
  3. Bush formation. To form a beautiful bush, as soon as the seedlings begin to grow, they should be pinched, repeating this procedure 2-3 times during the summer.
  4. Temperature . For the formation of ovaries, the temperature in the room where the pepper is located should not be higher than 28°C during the day, and not lower than 20°C at night.
  5. Watering. This moisture-loving plant requires frequent watering at the root and spraying 1-2 times a week, as for good growth he needs high humidity air.
  6. Top dressing. Throughout the entire growth period, pepper needs fertilizing: at the beginning of seedling growth - complex mineral fertilizer, and after the start of flowering - potassium and phosphorus fertilizers three times a month.

Varieties of decorative peppers

For home grown better use low-growing varieties, of which the most common are:

  • Blau is a compact bush 13-16 cm high, producing a cone-shaped fruit from dark blue to dark red in color;
  • Rot is a bush 20-25 cm high, producing an elongated cone-shaped fruit (2-4 cm), which when ripe has a yellow to bright red color.

The question often arises: is it possible to eat the fruits of homemade ornamental peppers? Only certain varieties of this plant can be used for food.

Edible varieties:

  • Bouquet of the East F1 – semi-sharp hybrid;
  • Masquerade F1 - spicy hybrid;
  • Black Prince;
  • Troll;
  • Carmen;
  • Firework;
  • Bride.

Inedible varieties:

  • Goldfinger;
  • Red rocket;
  • Pepperoni;
  • Clown;
  • Orange;
  • Filius Blue.

Ornamental pepper: problems and diseases

If planted and growing conditions are improper, ornamental peppers can be affected by the following diseases and pests:

Potted pepper- this is the well-known Bulgarian pepper or sweet pepper, capsicum. This plant arrived in Europe initially from the environs of Central America, and in particular from Mexico and Guatemala. This plant has been cultivated for a very long time, about 2 thousand years.

Pepper can be grown in open and closed ground, as well as in a room or winter garden.

His the fruits are rich on minerals and vitamins. Vitamin P helps lower blood pressure, and vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Grow This plant is not difficult and is very useful when you can please yourself with fresh vegetables in the middle of winter.

Botanical description

Potted pepper (lat. Capsicum annuum var. grossum) is a herbaceous annual plant and is part of the Solanaceae family (lat. Solanaceae).

Stem its erect, strong green color. It alternately bears whole ovoid leaves with a rich dark green color.

Growth period and pepper ripening is 90 days early varieties and about 120 for later ones. This can be taken into account if you want to get the fruits of indoor pepper by a certain date.

Fruit indoor pepper, fleshy, juicy, elongated, red, yellow or green. Many round, flat, white or cream-colored seeds are formed inside the fruit.

Exists There are many varieties that can be equally successfully cultivated both outdoors and indoors. They are divided into groups, which depends on the speed of ripening.

Early ripening varieties: Golden shower, Californian miracle, Lighthouse, Flamenco. Mid-season varieties: Crystal, Bogatyr, Belozerka. Late ripening varieties: Eva, Nochka.

Lighting and temperature

Potted pepper loves bright and diffused lighting. During the autumn-winter growing period, due to the short daylight hours, it is necessary to illuminate the plant with lamps daylight, if you want to get juicy fruits.

Temperature for indoor pepper it should be maintained at +25 °C. At temperatures below +13 °C, the plant stops growing.

Temperatures above 30 °C slow down stem growth and cause flowers to wilt.

Drafts or sudden changes in temperature - negatively affect the development of the plant.

Humidity and watering

Air humidity for indoor peppers, the higher the better. An indicator of 45-50% will be quite enough for development. Spraying is carried out under the condition that the air in the room is too dry and there is no way to maintain the required level.

Watering indoor pepper a week after transplanting the seedlings into a new pot. The soil is first allowed to dry to a depth of two centimeters, and then watered again.

During the period of fruit ripening, watering is done more often, constantly keeping the soil moist with warm water.

In order to protect To protect the plant from waterlogging, you must first place good drainage on the bottom of the pot.

Soil and fertilizer

The soil for indoor pepper it can be sour or neutral. The main conditions for it should be: lightness, nutritional value, good permeability to water and air.

For landing seeds can be used peat tablets, and for transplanting plants to permanent place growing the following soil mixture:

  • peat (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • humus soil (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • expanded clay (1 part).

This manifests itself in slower growth, wilting of flowers, loss of leaf elasticity, which is caused by insufficient lighting, low or high temperatures maintenance or violation of the watering regime.

If you follow If you follow the rules for caring for indoor pepper at home, the plant will delight you with juicy and healthy fruits.

And for the most curious, we suggest watching a video about indoor pepper

Having a fruit-bearing plant at home is very beneficial. Except lemon tree, you can often see indoor peppers on the kitchen windowsill. To grow this plant at home, you need to know some nuances, as well as the features of caring for it. Our article today will tell you about this and much more.

A houseplant like pepper is a bush descended from species growing in the undergrowth. Despite the fact that these varieties grow in shady conditions, there are certain nuances to growing them in an apartment.

When growing ornamental peppers, you must remember that they come from the south. Therefore, for him, the combination of conditions such as cloudy weather and short daylight hours is a real test. The plant tolerates a lack of light especially hard during the period from November to January. If there is not enough light, then the pepper stops growing and blooming. In this case, the answer to the question “why do pepper flowers fall off” will be a lack of light. With short daylight, the plant begins to shed not only flowers, but also leaves. Due to this need for winter period Pepper grown at home requires additional lighting. To do this, use phytolamps (the light source can be any). Remember, this crop requires 12 hours of daylight.

Being a perennial plant, pepper, subject to proper care, can live in a house for up to 10 years. Caring for it begins at the stage of soil preparation.

To grow seedlings, it is recommended to use purchased soil mixtures, but for a pot (permanent container), you should prepare the soil yourself.

When preparing the soil, you need to remember that pepper loves slightly acidic soil (pH 6.5-7). Therefore, to make a soil mixture it is necessary to use the following ingredients:

  • leaf or compost humus (4 parts);
  • neutralized peat (4 parts);
  • agroperlite or vermiculite (2 parts). This ingredient allows the soil to retain moisture well and also prevents it from becoming too compacted.

When the soil mixture is ready, it needs to be poured into the selected container. However, before this, clean gravel or garden expanded clay must be placed on the bottom of the pot. The layer thickness is 2-3 cm. This will create good drainage. Some gardeners advise adding humus and compost, as well as river sand, to the nutrient soil.

Seeds are planted randomly. After this, they must be sprinkled with a small layer of soil that has been sifted. Usually the first shoots appear on the 15th day after sowing seed material. After they appear, you need to pinch the top to prevent the shoot from being pulled out. Picking is usually carried out a month after sowing the seeds.

Pepper grown in an apartment or house must have the following care:

If the plant is cared for correctly, it will bloom with small white flowers. During this period, indoor pepper takes on a particularly impressive and decorative appearance.

It is worth noting that the formation of fruits does not require artificial pollination. When the harvest has been harvested, it is necessary to rejuvenate the pepper. To do this, it is transplanted into new land. Replanting should be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

It is recommended to replant the plant into new soil and pot every three years. During transplantation, it is necessary to remove too powerful and old shoots. Pruning will make decorative peppers not only fruitful, but also beautiful.

If the bush is not properly cared for, various diseases may appear on it. Diseases especially often develop due to improper watering or insufficient lighting.

As you can see, pepper is an easy crop to grow at home. The main thing is to create the right conditions for it.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this indoor vegetable.

Varieties of varieties

It is necessary to understand that pepper in a pot is a purely conditional thing. Since any hot pepper that has suitable sizes bush and easy care. Therefore, bitter pepper for growing at home can be of any type. You can choose from varieties designed to grow in open or closed ground.

When choosing a variety, you need to remember the existence of Nightshade false pepper or “Jerusalem cherry”. The fruits of this plant are poisonous.

In addition to the species described above, you can grow the following varieties at home:

  • Poinsettia. On the bush, the fruits form peculiar bunches at the ends of the branches. Thanks to this they resemble unusual flowers. The length of the fruit is 7.5 cm. They are characterized by a pungent taste;
  • Garda Firewall. The plant forms low bushes - no higher than 30 cm. The bush is usually densely strewn with fruits that stick up. The pods can have several colors at the same time: orange, green, red and lilac. Their length is 5.5 cm. They have a rather pungent taste;
  • Nosegay. This is the smallest and most compact variety. Its height does not exceed 15 cm. The plant produces round and small fruits. Their color changes from green, cream and orange to red as they ripen. The fruits have a medium-sharp taste.

Particularly decorative varieties of pepper include the following varieties:

These are not all varieties that can be grown at home. However, they are the most popular.

Common Mistakes

When growing peppers in an apartment, you need to know about the most common mistakes so as not to make them. Otherwise, the bush is attacked by various diseases. The fight against them, even if started immediately after the first signs of illness are detected, will not always be able to save the plant from death.

The very first mistake that inexperienced gardeners make is failure to comply with the water regime. The plant should not be watered cold water. Such watering will lead to rotting of the root system.

Because pepper is heat-loving crop, then it needs to be watered only with water at room temperature.

When placing the pot near heating systems, watering should be done every other day, as the soil will dry out quite quickly. In such conditions, it is recommended to place a container of water near the pot for evaporation. Under normal conditions, this procedure is carried out twice a week.

In addition to improper watering, the most common mistakes include the following:

If the pot has been on the loggia or in a summer greenhouse for some time, then when moved into the house, the pepper may begin to shed its leaves. This situation reflects a lack of light. To solve the problem, it is necessary to install additional lighting. If you do not need flowering, you can simply cut the shoots radically by about 1/3, and also stop abundant watering. However, remember that in such a situation you should not allow the soil to dry out.

Useful properties and applications

Potted pepper grown at home can be used as an ingredient in various dishes. It can be used to prepare hot sauces and seasonings. But it can also be added during canning.

Pods hot pepper They are an excellent appetite stimulant. This plant is considered medicinal, as it is part of many healing tinctures. They are prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders, radiculitis and neuralgia. They are also actively used to prevent burns. But remember that pepper tinctures cannot be used for diseases of the pancreas and liver.