How to arrange small rooms? Ideas for renovation in a small room. Small room design ideas (photo)

Most residents of cities - large and small, peripheral and metropolitan areas, most often own small apartments. But how I want to organize even this space so that the interior is completely comfortable, cozy, ergonomic and beautiful! It is believed that in order to make the most efficient use of the space of a small apartment, its layout should be organized as simply as possible. It is undesirable to oversaturate the space functionally. Each room should have its own purpose. There is no need to combine them contrary to the prevailing stereotype of open space, but on the contrary, to separate the living area and kitchen, living room and bedroom.

Design tricks to visually increase space

So, where does the transformation of a small-sized apartment into a cozy, comfortable and functional home? That's right, from the compilation simple project, which you can sketch out yourself on a piece of paper.

Of course, unfortunately, it will not be possible to physically solve the problem of space shortage, but it is still worth trying to make housing more ergonomic and comfortable for life. Moreover, many positive reviews from owners who decided to resort to small design tricks that help visually increase the space in their apartment speak of their successful experience.

Corridor and hallway

When designing the interior of your small apartment, it would be appropriate to use neutral and simple things. However, these things can be simple and at the same time stylish or even designer. Also, do not complicate and clutter an already small space. For such apartments, the most suitable style is -, in the interior of which only the most necessary things are present, and other unnecessary junk is thrown away.

The main task of pieces of furniture is to make maximum use of the free space of the rooms along the walls, while using corners and hidden volumes. For example, corner cupboard, occupying visually little space, will accommodate quite a large number of items, and access to it will be facilitated by self-extending shelves.

Having thought through every little detail, you can get a functional and stylish art object that attracts attention.

Objects built into each other will allow you to store them more compactly when not in use, the main thing is that they appearance It wasn’t complicated or intricate. It is appropriate if the furniture of one room is made in the same style and from the same materials or companion materials.

Narrow corridor will not be cluttered if the shoes are placed not on the floor, but in a special shoe shelf, which is compact in size, spacious enough and closed.

And in general, the fewer open surfaces on which objects are located, the more neat and uncluttered the design of a small-sized apartment looks.


Bathroom space will allow you to save money by properly placing all its elements. Washing machine Conveniently placed under the shelf on which washing accessories will be stored. This shelf can be multi-story, which will allow you to place rarely used or purchased hygiene products there.

The space under the washbasin can be used to store towels and a basket with things, and under the bathtub - buckets, brushes, cleaning or other plumbing supplies.


In the kitchen, the space above the refrigerator is often neglected, where you can install a cabinet with shelves for storing rarely used dishes. The narrow space between base cabinets or a cabinet and a wall is well suited for a pull-out shelf that can accommodate pot lids, rolling pins and other compact items.

It is undoubtedly better to use color to decorate a small kitchen; this will visually expand the space. High wall cabinets will also visually increase the height and overall volume of the kitchen. Dinner table It’s better to have a sliding one, which will free up space. When 1-2 family members take food, the table does not need to be moved apart; when the whole family gathers for dinner, its size can be increased.

It's a good idea to have a couple of folding chairs that can be stored hanging on hooks behind the door or in a pull-out structure between floor cabinets. These chairs can be taken out as needed and do not take up space when not in use.

Living room

The residential area should, if possible, be divided into separate rooms, reserved for the bedroom and living room. Having your own private bedroom creates a feeling of comfort, security and stability.

The design of modern beds allows you to use all its elements. Bottom part- for storing bulky items or bedding. Headboard- as a shelf, and sometimes even a bedside table, on which you can place night lamps (or reading lights), favorite photographs, souvenirs brought from travel.

If room layout has a niche, it is advisable to install a cabinet in it. It is better if it occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling. Then all things – seasonal and everyday – will be conveniently and accessible in it. Mirrors are perfect for finishing cabinet doors. This will visually enlarge the room and avoid installing a separate dressing table.

If the layout of the room does not require a niche, then you can install a corner cabinet. This design will not be visually cumbersome, but will allow you to use hard-to-reach corner space.

If after all apartment layout forces you to combine the living room and bedroom, you need to be more careful when choosing a sofa and the mechanism for folding it out. It is worth giving preference to a reliable and convenient design, because you will have to use it every day. It is also necessary to provide a built-in box for storing bedding.

Children's room

Under it you need to allocate the brightest room in the apartment. The one that receives sunlight most of the day. Let it be small, but exactly Light room . Children of any age need a table, and it should be placed near the window. It would be quite beneficial to use the same plane as the window sill as a tabletop.

This will save you money and make it interesting to play workplace, and along the side walls to the right and left of the window, place bookshelves, which can accommodate not only a children’s library, but also a family one.

If there are two children or the room is very small, then it makes sense to install a loft bed. In the first case, another sleeping place will fit under it, in the second, it will free up space for games or storing toys. Based on the size of the rooms - the master bedroom and the nursery - you need to determine where to store children's clothes.

If it doesn’t allow you to place a wardrobe in it, but in the parents’ room it is spacious enough, then all the children’s things can be stored in it. And for everyday items and underwear, allocate a couple of closed shelves in the closet for books or toys in the nursery. This is especially true when children are still small, and the choice of clothes is made by parents. For teenage children, you already need to allocate a separate storage space (wardrobe). The main requirement for pieces of furniture for children is reliability, safety And environmental friendliness!

Choosing shades for decorating a children's room, do not forget that the child not only spends his leisure time in it, but also studies and relaxes. Therefore, the desire to dress everything up in bright elements and colored paints can result in fatigue and excessive excitability of the child.

Zone the space, brightly decorate the part of the room in which the child will play and where his toys are stored. And if the furniture in the nursery is already quite colorful, then it is better to make the surfaces of the walls and floors calm light colors.


Now a few words about the choice of materials and shades for decorating the interior of an apartment with a small area.

IN small apartment you need to give preference to light colors and balancing pattern geometry. In irregularly shaped rooms (long and narrow), short walls can visually stretch out the horizontal lines in the wallpaper pattern, as well as a lighter shade relative to the long walls.

The floors in such a room are preferably parallel to short walls (if it is laminate or parquet board). In the case of linoleum, a pattern with a horizontal transverse direction is suitable.

Decorating it in a white or light shade, as well as vertical geometry on the walls, will help to visually raise the ceiling. Verticality does not imply the presence of strict verified lines.

Such an ornament will be boring and dull. Give preference to a design that is only perceived as a whole, as vertically directed.

Its elements themselves can be abstract or of your favorite theme. Do not use saturated colors, rough and variegated fragments. If all the walls of the room are decorated in pastel colors, then one of them can be highlighted. To do this, it is good to use companion wallpaper, photo wallpaper, and frescoes. The main thing is that the drawing is not too loaded and heavy.

A bed hidden in the wall is an excellent choice for small room


Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the apartment. A poorly lit room seems to “hide” the darkened areas, creating the feeling of an even smaller space. A flat-shaped central source is suitable as central lighting if the ceiling is too low (less than 2.5 meters).

Point sources on the ceiling, operating from one control center and uniformly illuminating the entire room, are always appropriate. In the rooms you can additionally use sconce And desk lamp , if they correlate with the main lamp. The fewer diverse and dissonant interior items in a room, the simpler and more spacious it seems. In a small apartment, sliding doors or accordion doors would also be very appropriate. Then, when open, they will not take up much space.

Diversity and availability of modern finishing materials and materials for furniture making allows one to overcome the limitations imposed by square meters. By properly planning the space, you can always visually compensate for its volume.

And by following the simple tips outlined in this article, you can organize your small apartment interior cozy, comfortable, and most importantly, as functional as possible.

If you don’t have a spacious apartment, then you’re probably wondering how to arrange a small room so that everything is compact, functional and in its place. Today we will show a photo interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, they cannot all be used in one interior, but you can borrow some of them when creating a design for future renovations.

Cabinets and storage

Use full-length wardrobes with mirrored doors: they are spacious and take up relatively little space. A sliding wardrobe will allow you to store all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to approach its filling wisely: all shelves and hangers should be well thought out so that you place things as compactly as possible. Recommendations for filling a wardrobe (see others):

Layout of shelves in a wardrobe

More mirrors- another way to visually increase the area of ​​the room. But do not overdo it with glossy surfaces, they must be used very carefully in small space.

Use the free space under the bed, sofa, above the door and on the walls. It can fit a lot of things that are just lying around the room. You can use wall shelves without visible fastening to place some of the things on the floor tables. Do not overload the space, this is the main rule: as little unnecessary things in sight as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often a large bed takes up all the free space in the room. This problem is solved by French hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which are completely removed during the day and free up space. Examples of such bedrooms are in the photo below:

Many people abandon beds altogether and use sofas for a small room as sleeping place.

If you have a small room, how can you arrange it for several people to live in? You can use bunk beds and loft beds; they allow you to properly distribute free space.


Perhaps one of essential elements any interior – harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old shades and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different areas. It will allow you to adjust the light in the room as desired: bright when needed, and when you decide to watch a movie in the evening, a soft glow near the wall will be enough.

Most often, for embedding directional lamps, single- and stretch ceiling. In addition, consider the option, it can be easily pasted anywhere and allows your designs to “float in the air”.

The photo shows examples of well-chosen lighting in small rooms:


Zoning can be done using lighting, wall, floor or ceiling decoration. The role of a “border” can be a closet or a transparent curtain separating the workplace from the relaxation area.

Typically, one room contains a bedroom, a study, a living room, and sometimes a kitchen.


An excellent solution for saving space and zoning a room is a multifunctional podium. At the top there can be a sleeping place, a relaxation area or a work area, and below there are spacious shelves or a pull-out bed.
Look at the photos of the finished frame podiums - all the necessary things are collected in one corner, isn’t it functional?

In this article, we touched on many techniques for increasing the space and functionality of a room. When you start a renovation small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt ready-made solutions to suit your needs, modify ideas to get an unusual and practical design small room.

A house is an indicator of the taste and sense of style of its owner; you can know a person all your life, but once you visit his home, you will radically change your opinion about him. Coming up with a room design is not as easy as it seems: you need to look through many websites, magazines, photographs, be able to combine the ideas you see and create a harmonious combination of them. The most difficult thing is for those who develop the design of a small room: maintaining functionality without losing comfort and creating cluttered structures is very difficult. Each room has its own purpose, its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing interior elements. You can always turn to professional designers, but your own project will look better and less formulaic. An apartment with individuality evokes admiration for its owner, the creator of a beautiful design. The rooms, depending on their size and location, are divided according to their purpose.

By purpose

Traditionally, large rooms are associated with a living room, small ones with an office or a nursery - these stereotypes are no longer relevant for a long time, getting rid of them is the most difficult part when starting to create designer rooms. Creating a project for an apartment or one of the rooms requires technical knowledge, an innate sense of style, and knowledge of new modern trends. There is no point in blindly following fashion, but it is quite possible to take and implement individual elements into your project. This approach will protect you from template solutions and will preserve the uniqueness and originality of the design. Increasingly, professionals, in order to avoid the hackneyed design of a room’s interior design, are turning to unusual themes or outdated trends, which in a new version create a sensation, the same “loft” style. The purpose of a room is a determining factor in creating its image. Basic stereotypes, mistakes and possibilities of the type of rooms.

Room viewTraditional PerceptionModern features
Living roomthe largest room in the apartment· kitchen-living room in a studio apartment;

· living room combined with bedroom or workplace.

Kitchen· along the wall with a ventilation shaft;

· with window access.

· arbitrary location due to the presence of high-quality air conditioning;

· if there is no window - a powerful hood for large area premises.

Children'sthe smallest roomif space allows, then a room of medium or larger size - to create play and sports areas
Bedroomsmall to medium sized roompart of the office or living room dedicated to the bed
Bathroomconnection to the sewermodern equipment allows you to install a toilet or shower even on the balcony
Hallwaylarge area with a huge number of cabinetsHanger, shoe rack, chest of drawers, mirror - other decorative elements
Corridorwide, spacious, the size of a full roomlack of a corridor or minimal area for it

Living room

The function of the living room in different families and people often differs significantly. This can be a place for spending time together as a family, then we make it cozy and comfortable, complement it with a spacious sofa, a fluffy rug, and a large round table. Or, the living room can be formal, in which case minimalism is popular: a sofa, a small table, big TV on the wall with an audio system. The notorious “slides” and “walls” have long lost their relevance - the capacity of such structures is small, but there are enough dust collector shelves. When choosing living room furniture or shelves dark color, it is worth choosing a high-quality antistatic agent in advance, otherwise dust will be visible on it after a few hours. A stylish living room is: pastel colors, bright accents, original catchy interior items (the main thing is not to overload, turning the apartment into a flea market). In the design of the living room, minimalism and neatness, clear lines and beautiful geometry are relevant.


A modern bedroom often turns out to be just a separate bed with little decor or photo frames overhead. At best, space is created for the bedroom in a small room. The situation is due to the fact that not everyone can afford a cottage, and in a simple apartment, even one consisting of more than 4 rooms, space is more useful application. Is it possible to do without a bedroom and sleep on the sofa? It is possible, but after 5 years of this practice or if health problems arise, you will need a high-quality bed and an appropriate mattress. Modern folding sofas do not have a very beneficial effect on the quality of sleep and back health. A convenient and stylish option is to combine a bedroom with a dressing room, which is separated by translucent glass. In the bedroom, warm colors are relevant, creating a calm but solid environment. It is popular to decorate the wall at the head of the bed with a different type of wallpaper or texture.


Kitchen interior design – design first kitchen set. Built-in household appliances look the most stylish, so before you start preparing a kitchen sketch, you need to know the parameters of all household appliances: size, power consumption, recommended distance from it to a wall or other device, cord length, hose length (dishwasher or washing machine).

Important! Before you start planning your kitchen set, you need to know the exact parameters of household appliances and the location of sockets!

Neglecting this information will complicate the installation of the set and ruin the appearance of the kitchen. Nowadays, more and more people are abandoning tiled splashbacks in kitchens in favor of glass, which is brighter, more impressive, and more hygienic. Designers partially support the trend by offering aprons made of wood, embossed plastic, or unusual tiles. Glass looks impressive when it has an original image on it, and not just “flowers, butterflies, horses.” An integral and convenient part modern kitchen- a bar counter, but if possible, it is better to move it, along with the minibar, to an insulated balcony.


The interior of a bathroom greatly depends on its size. In a large room, it is appropriate to place a large bathtub, shower stall, and use large mirrors to decorate the walls. The design of a small bath will differ in favor of functionality. It is important not to overload the room with elements or clutter the space. Stylish bathroom gives preference pastel colors: olive, beige, shades of gray, white, black and their combinations. The volumetric panel on the wall gave way to small decorative inserts. Small mosaic, ornaments from geometric shapes, relief, multi-level wall surfaces, stylized wood, brick and stone are trends in modern style. Plays an important role good lighting, the colored lighting looks fresh. If the size of the bathroom does not allow you to combine a shower cabin and a bathtub, you can consider limiting yourself to a shower - this will save space and look presentable.


The size and interior design of a children's room depends on the age of the children, their number, if there are more than 2, then the difference in age and gender. If the children are small and same-sex, after a short period of time each of them will need personal space, their own workplace. Workstations should be located on different sides of the room or, if there is a long table along the window, then at a sufficient distance from each other. Every year a child needs personal space more and more, and this also needs to be taken into account when designing a nursery. You shouldn’t openly make a “children’s room” by gluing wallpaper with cartoons and making everything framed with trains - after a couple of years, an “adult” child will not want to live in a room “for kids.” To save space, designers resort to tricks: bunk beds, beds that pull out from each other, podiums with pull-out beds. All this will free up space for exercise, active games or a sports corner.


Stylish hallway - minimum cabinets, maximum functionality. This does not mean that you need to give up built-in furniture - it is quite appropriate if the space of the room allows, but if the hallway is small, it is better to limit yourself to the basic elements: a shoe cabinet/shoe rack, a hanger for outerwear, a shelf for hats, an ottoman, a mirror, a rug, small decorative elements. Personal photos in the hallway and corridor look inappropriate; if you want to decorate the walls, paintings or panels are more suitable. Traditionally, furniture in the living room is chosen in a dark color, but white or milky will look more impressive and will not require too much maintenance. Small details, such as a plate for small items and keys, an umbrella stand, a hanger for a handbag, and a vase will add comfort and individuality. It is better to make the color of the walls in the corridor light due to the lack of lighting in this part of the apartment.


A workplace is one thing, but a full-fledged office is quite another. In most cases, the office involves following the office style, but for creative people there may be a more comfortable room with bright colors, bags scattered on the floor with chairs and intricate interior elements. Classic cabinet must create a working environment, set the tone of work, and be suitable for business negotiations. The work space should not resemble a museum - it must be stylish: elements made of natural materials, combinations of dark and light colors, an interactive or simple board. Large personal photographs look inappropriate on the walls; it is better to use modern painting. Shelving and cabinets are a necessary part of the work process. You should not decorate your office excessively; this is, first of all, a place where you should be comfortable working.

By size and shape

Traditionally, rooms vary in size, shape and functionality. By size: large, medium, small. Shape: rectangular, square, L-shaped, round, quadrangular, polyhedron. The most common are square and rectangular. Of particular interest are the premises unconventional shape. The first impression is that this will complicate the creation of a design project, in fact, the structural features of the room themselves suggest what and where it is better to place. If there are an abundance of corners, we hide them with built-in cabinets and shelves, leveling the space, achieving the correct geometry of the room. When designing a trapezoid room, we adhere to the same rules, or we emphasize the features of the room and arrange the furniture so that the trapezoid is clearly visible in the center. A quadrangular room with irregular angles other than 90 degrees requires adjustment with furniture and wallpaper with an abstract volumetric pattern. We don’t hide inappropriate walls, but emphasize them – highlight them with other wallpaper or texture.

Small room design

When developing the design of a small room, you need to learn how to save space without compromising general style. You can use hanging shelves, a window sill stylized as a workplace. Transformable furniture, for example, a wardrobe that transforms into a bed, will significantly save space. If a small room is L-shaped, it can be zoned into a rest area at the far end, and a work area closer to the door. When it is impossible to separate the work area and the bed, multi-sized colored pillows will help out, forming a cozy sofa from the bed. It would be appropriate to use a podium or loft bed. The design of a very small living room is much more complicated than a large one, but with the right approach you can get a unique, stylish part of the apartment. There are several ways to visually increase space:

  • decorating a wall with photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern or another texture and type of wallpaper;
  • the advantage of light shades with elements of bright or dark color;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • in a rectangular room, traditional curtains are used to cover the window, in a square room, blinds or roller blinds are used.

Middle room design

Designing a medium-sized room gives you a lot of possibilities and options. In this topic, it is more appropriate to talk about how to make part of the apartment stylish. We use either catchy wallpaper and calm pastel furniture, or we make neutral walls and give free rein to our imagination in decorating the room. The second option is a win-win and does not require special knowledge and skills. A medium square room can be divided into two rectangular sectors; built-in wardrobes with large drawing, three-dimensional panels or paintings on the walls, drawings with glow-in-the-dark paint. In matters of interior design for a medium room, you can resort not only to using shelves, but also hanging cabinets. Give preference to expanding the bathroom to the size of an average room and organizing a real home beauty salon. Such a bathroom will be very stylish and impressive.

Large room design

When creating the design of a large room, you can use two options. The first option is minimalism. If there is a living room in a large room, a huge sofa and a massive armchair and table would be appropriate. Small details will get lost in such a space and will look out of place. If part of the apartment is very large, it would be reasonable to divide it into several interconnected zones. This could be a living room separated from the bar by a bar counter, or zoning based on interests: decorative partitions separating the TV viewing area from a hammock, sports complex or play area. It is better to emphasize zones with different types of textures or color combinations. A large room is suitable for organizing a large living room and two smaller sectors: for preparing food and for organizing meals. Large areas must be well lit, so external wall made completely glass.

Rectangular rooms

Room rectangular shape requires adjustment and visual expansion space. This effect is achieved with the help of long voluminous curtains; their waves remove excess length, hiding disproportion. Empty walls filled with square panels, adjusting the height. Division into zones - effective solution for a rectangular shape: make a work area on the window side, and a bedroom closer to the entrance. If a large room is intended to be a living room, then the part farthest from the entrance will be equipped as a work area or bedroom. When zoning, it is not necessary to clearly separate zones - by color or partition; it is enough to leave a small free space or highlight one of the areas with a rug, and visually this part of the apartment will be divided. Shelving in the back of the room, podiums, combination different types wall and floor coverings will help visualize the length and make it more comfortable.

Square rooms

The design of square rooms is more difficult than with rectangular ones, especially if it small size. A large square one can be zoned into 3 parts: bedroom, relaxation area, workspace. The square part of the apartment is more suitable for the interior of the living room; its inherent minimalism will be appropriate. If design is necessary for a very small square, you will have to prioritize and make do with the necessary: ​​a sofa, small parts interior, TV on the wall. A square kitchen is inferior to a rectangular one - useful space for the kitchen unit is lost and an extra one is acquired in the center of the room. Square room ideal for office design: strict lines and the ability to create ideal proportions will come in handy. Wall panels and paintings must be chosen rectangular, lengthening and visualizing the space.

Room styles

When choosing the style of a room, you need to follow it impeccably. By mixing one style with another, we risk getting bad taste. Modern styles They offer a solution for every budget and taste. With a limited budget, you can create a stunning room design in a loft or minimalist style. There is a general trend of preference in the interior for a combination of light colors and bright elements. The individuality of a room is given not by the chosen style, but by the elaborate details of the interior. The style depends on the purpose of the room.

Important! The styles of rooms in the same apartment should be close or identical!

Provence is often used for the kitchen, Scandinavian style, rarely minimalism. For the living room, loft, hi-tech, avant-garde are relevant. The bedroom can be made in eco-style or hi-tech. When choosing the style of a room, you need to take into account the general style of the apartment or house. There are the following types of interior design of rooms:

  • High tech. Characterized by the predominance of black and red colors in the interior and bright red and turquoise accents. It is distinguished by emphasized minimalism and strict lines.
  • Vanguard. It manifests itself in an abundance of bright details and interior items when decorating floors and walls in pastel colors. Reflected in broken lines, asymmetry, light abstractionism.
  • Eco style. The name speaks for itself - an abundance of plants, natural materials, lack plastic windows and synthetic carpets.
  • Scandinavian style. Characterized by a predominance of white, shades of brown and gray colors, wood and imitation brick finishing.
  • Loft. A subtle combination of simplicity and minimal renovation with designer pieces from unwanted, unusual old items. In the style we can see: a panel made from “aged” boards, open fireplace in the form of a bowl. The direction was supposed to be a solution in the interior of attic rooms, but now the execution of this style is more solid and expensive.
  • Minimalism. The owner of an impressive cottage can afford this style. By allocating a significant area for a centrally located bed or sofa, you can create a unique design, but at the expense of functionality.
  • Provence. This style creates doll interior, popular in kitchen design. Stylized elements of antiquity, vintage wallpaper, dishes on the shelves, artificially aged materials - reflection sophisticated style Provence

Ceiling decoration - types of ceilings

The ceiling is a noticeable part of the room, it is difficult not to pay attention to it, so it must be perfect. There are not many ceiling options, and if the electrical wiring runs along the ceiling, then there are only two of them: plasterboard or tension. You can combine these two options or do mirror ceiling. Currently, suspended ceilings and plasterboard can be of any color or with photo printing. Stretch ceilings may differ in texture: matte or glossy. Matte is used in large rooms, glossy in the bath and toilet. A leveled ceiling can simply be painted - it looks high-quality, solid, but not always durable. Decorating the ceiling in a room involves maintaining the overall style of the room, and color combination. A white ceiling looks win-win, but rather ordinary; you can add modern notes with the help of interesting lamps with original patterns or lighting.

Wall decoration - types of materials and wallpaper

The choice of material for the walls of the apartment depends on the room: in the corridor we choose a denser, wear-resistant texture. In the bedroom and living room we give preference to more delicate materials. This type of finishing such as painting can be used for the corridor or rooms with low temperature conditions: pantry, veranda, basement. Wallpaper amazes with its variety of types and colors. Often wallpaper comes in two styles at once: plain and with a pattern on the same background. Paper - an economical option, not inferior in style and quality expensive wallpaper. Non-woven wallpaper is easy to apply to walls - only the wall is smeared, which allows you to paste the wallpaper quickly and evenly. Vinyl wallpapers known for durability and good performance. Glass wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster, stone, decorative panels– will allow you to create a unique style.

Floor decoration - types of floor coverings

A popular floor covering is linoleum - durable, unpretentious to use, and easy to repair. In second place in popularity is laminate, which is considered natural and requires a perfectly flat floor when laying and maintaining the distance to the wall. If the corner sways in one place, there is a high probability that when the humidity of the room changes, the floor will rise and it will have to be disassembled and filed. Ceramic tile durable, requires professional installation and is fireproof, suitable for bathtubs, toilets and islands working area kitchens. The disadvantage is a cold surface in the absence of floor heating. Cork coverings floors are natural, wear-resistant, suitable for the bedroom. Polyvinyl chloride - fire-resistant high-quality coating, will last up to 30 years, has an elegant relief. The stone covering is durable, but heavy and cold. The self-leveling floor looks impressive - it provides a wide range of design possibilities.

Curtain design

Curtains are an integral part of the room design; you have to limit blinds or roller blinds, but it’s hard to resist the number of full-fledged stylish curtains. Classic curtains are often used, but curtains such as Roman curtains find their place in apartments and houses: they are distinguished by airiness, delicate shades, and horizontal folds. Austrian curtains are distinguished by the presence of laces for lifting them and the predominance of expensive shiny fabrics in the design: cambric, silk. London curtains - reflect chic English style: graceful waves reminiscent of the Roman style, characterized by high costs of materials and type of assembly. The design of a small room does not exclude the presence of curtains: you can choose them of the required length and color. Curtains with photo printing are popular - such an interior element will allow you to adjust the visual perception of the size of the room.

If you have small apartment and it would seem that there is no way to bring all your design ideas to life - do not despair, because even the interior of a small room can be made very attractive and cozy. But to do this you will need to follow several important rules.

In fact, these are rather not rules, but useful advice from professional designers, following which you will be able to visually expand the space, properly decorate the interior, eliminating all that is unnecessary and leaving only the essentials.

Color solutions

As a rule, the interior of small rooms is decorated in several colors. It is not at all necessary that base color was white. Many people believe that it is what gives the room volume. However, you can also use shades of other colors, for example, blue, beige, green.

As an additional color, it is necessary to select more bright shades main background. By the way, this technique allows you to add volume to a small room.

Various figurines, watches, photo frames and other small items can be made in rich colors. At the same time, remember that you do not need to clutter up an already small room with these items - they should not attract attention to themselves at all.

It is worth mentioning separately about the interiors, where dark colors were chosen for the main background. Of course, this solution allows you to smooth out some imperfections in the walls and ceilings, but at the same time the room will seem much smaller than it actually is.

Interior lighting

Decorating the interior of a small room, Special attention need to pay attention to lighting. Large chandeliers, which can be used in spacious rooms, are not suitable here. Instead, purchase stylish ones, such as spotlights, which can also highlight one or another area of ​​the room.

If possible, install big windows instead of standard ones. Daylight will fill the room with warmth and will lift your spirits.

In some cases, you can use neon lighting for niches and shelves. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because you most likely want to create a cozy atmosphere, and not something like a noisy nightclub.

Ceiling in small rooms

The main rule to remember is that you cannot have a multi-level ceiling in small rooms. It is also highly undesirable to paint it in dark colors.

If you want to visually increase its height, then choose the same color for the ceiling as the walls. Or use curtains on the windows vertical stripe.

But still, the ideal solution is white color and a flat surface. Stretch ceilings look very good. Glossy PVC film gives the room volume, and the ceiling height will visually increase.

You should not paint baguettes with a separate (especially saturated) color, because this solution will not bring the desired result. You will immediately notice how the border stands out, which will make the ceiling noticeably lower.


So, you are thinking about the interior of a small room. Wallpaper with vertical stripes, proper lighting, a light color palette - all this visually expands the space. But what other options are there? If your financial situation allows you, then, of course, use mirrors. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it.

Mirrors can be used on walls or cabinet doors. If we are talking about a bedroom, then you can sheathe the wall behind the head of the bed with them. Various glass shelves and other decorative items will create a stunning play of light.

Of course, you can say: “If a person can afford such expensive decoration, then he most likely has the money for an apartment with spacious rooms.” Maybe that's true. However, for example, the same bedroom does not always have to be large. Rather, compact and cozy.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small room

Modern photo wallpapers are often used by designers in their projects. The pattern can be selected to suit any interior style. But even if you don’t find something that suits you, you can order photo wallpaper, for example, with a picture of your loved one.

However, most often, to increase the space, wallpapers with beautiful landscapes or busy cities are used. In principle, it all depends on the taste preferences of the apartment owner, but sometimes you still need to listen to the advice of experts.

If your room is decorated in light colors, then it is better to choose black and white photo wallpaper, for example, with images of mountains. Colorful ones are recommended for use in children's rooms, but not in all cases.

General advice - try to buy photo wallpaper that best matches the interior style of your room.


A crucial moment in arranging the interior of a small room is the choice of furniture. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in the size, so before going to the store, take all the necessary measurements.

If we are talking about the living room, then corner sofa in the interior of a small room there will be great solution. Concerning general recommendations, then it is better to choose transformable furniture here. This will significantly save space.

The bed should be equipped with drawers where you can hide bed linen. Today you can find interesting models tables with retractable table tops. Sofas in the interior of a small room should be as simple as possible, without bulky armrests.


Do you want to bring coziness and warmth to your room? Then approach the issue of choosing textiles correctly. You should not use curtains with tassels, large bows and other decorative elements in the interior. Remember, simplicity is key.

Light flowing curtains will give the room a certain charm. At the same time, they should be light shades; the presence of some simple pattern is allowed.

Bedspreads should also be simple, without a pronounced pattern. Cushions can be used instead of chairs.

As for carpets, whether to lay them or not is your personal choice. However, if possible, it is better to do without them. At the same time, if the floor is not heated, and it would be cold to walk without a carpet, then, of course, you must use it.

By the way, using a striped carpet, you can visually make the room wider. To do this, lay it in strips perpendicular to the long walls.

An original way to visually increase space

To visually expand the space, you can draw a window on the wall with a view of the ocean or mountains. Such a pattern will not only decorate the room, but also visually enlarge its boundaries. Of course, such work may not be cheap at all, so, as an option, try to find interesting photo wallpapers.

It is not necessary to apply the drawing to a separate wall. It can go to the door and even to the ceiling. Here everything depends on the designer’s imagination.

Small bedroom interior

It is better to choose low furniture so that it does not catch the eye. In principle, in the bedroom it is enough to install one or two bedside tables, a wardrobe with mirrored doors for visual increase space, bed and dressing table.

Proper lighting will create a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. You can use lamps built into the furniture to beautifully illuminate the shelves. But in any case, the lighting should not be too bright.

Wallpaper for the bedroom in the interior for small rooms, choose light shades, which will give the room volume. But too much light - not in all cases good decision. Therefore, behind the head of the bed you can cover the wall with photo wallpaper or decorate it with a large painting.

How to choose a bed for a small bedroom?

Choosing a bed is perhaps the most crucial moment in arranging a bedroom. By the way, it is undesirable to use a folding sofa with a high back instead, since this technique “eats up” space.

As a rule, the interior design of a small room does not always make it possible to install a large bed. But there are several options to solve this problem. Firstly, if you live in an apartment alone, you can purchase a single bed. Secondly, arranging a sleeping area under the ceiling has long been practiced. In this case, it is recommended to use the space under such a bed for storing clothes or other items.

Of course, for a young couple it is better to buy a large bed. In this case, a prerequisite is the presence of drawers where you can store bed linen.

Interior of a small room for a boy

The choice of interior design for a small children's room for a boy must be approached based on the child's age and interests. If he is interested in, for example, airplanes, then it is recommended to decorate the nursery using paintings with images of pilots and various thematic figurines.

Color solutions depend on the boy's temperament. The interior of a room for active children should be done in soothing colors. If the child is not very active, then use brighter shades. At the same time, remember that red can cause increased irritability, while green can calm you down.

As for the furniture, everything is simple here - a small bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk by the window. If possible, equip a small sports corner.

Separate functional areas can be highlighted using spotlights or small carpets.

In order to make the most of space when decorating the interior of a small room, you need to listen to the advice of professional designers:

  • It is not recommended to make a multi-level ceiling in small rooms;
  • You need to use the free space rationally, so you should leave only the necessary pieces of furniture in the room;
  • if you install a sofa with a high back, the ceiling will seem lower, which means it is better to abandon such models;
  • forget about large chandeliers, buy neat modern lamps instead;
  • if possible, use mirrors to visually increase the space;
  • Natural light will fill the room with warmth and lift your spirits, so install windows of non-standard sizes.

And remember that there should always be order in a small room. Put everything unnecessary in drawers and closets.


Decorating the interior of a small room is not as difficult as it might seem. Of course, in a large room you would most likely have more possibilities. But not everyone can afford a spacious apartment.

If ideas for arranging a small room don’t come to your mind, then use someone else’s. Today there are many sources of information. Remember, the main thing is desire! With a little imagination, you can definitely create interesting design and bring it to life.

Small room design not that hard to come up with if you follow our helpful tips)

Unfortunately, the standard layouts of our apartments often leave much to be desired. Especially many problems arise for owners of small rooms, which are found in abundance in homes. old building. To make a small room cozy and comfortable to live in, you should seriously think through all the interior details. A few tricks used successfully modern designers, will tell you how to visually expand a small room.

Small room design: color scheme

If you are faced with the task of visually expanding the boundaries of the room, you will have to stick to one color scheme in the interior. We are talking not only about wallpaper and curtains, even furniture will need to be carefully selected by color. Light and soft colors will help you make a small room more spacious.

At the same time, when choosing shades, you should not limit yourself only to warm tones. You can safely make the walls of the room pale blue or green - this will create a visual effect of distance and make the room seem more spacious. Professional designers Gray-blue interiors are often used for small rooms in combination with light furniture - this creates a feeling of lightness and spaciousness.

Disastrous for small rooms are:

Dark shades in the interior;

The presence of bright, contrasting elements.

Window decoration

To visually expand the window opening and let more light into the room, curtains in small rooms should be hung along the edges. Choose light, translucent fabrics that harmonize in color with the walls of the room.


Dense materials;

Shortened curtain models;

Bulky lambrequins.


The same requirements apply to the color of the flooring as to the general color scheme. The floors in a small room should be light, ideally even white. You can choose the desired shade using today's popular Scandinavian interior style. Light floors make the space feel lighter; a small room with such flooring will feel much more comfortable.

Another original small room interior design idea helping to visually expand the space: flooring, laid “diagonally”. You can use tiles for this, floorboard or linoleum with patterns.

Small room design: photo wallpaper

If you associate bright interiors with the design of a hospital ward, you can enliven the room with photo wallpaper. For a small room, the optimal choice would be an image that visually “leads deeper”, since it also visually expands the space.


Glossy stretch ceilings are a real find for small rooms. By reflecting light, such a ceiling will make your room taller, and the room will seem much more spacious.

When choosing lighting, it is better to give preference to small built-in lamps, distributing them around the perimeter. Floor lamps or wall sconces look good in small rooms, but impressive chandeliers should be abandoned.

Small room design: furniture and accessories

When arranging furniture in a small room, you should not occupy the middle of the room - this will only emphasize its modest size. Built-in wardrobes look good in a compact space, especially with mirrored or glass doors.

The use of glass and mirror elements in the decor adds light and space, making it ideal for small rooms. A glass coffee or computer table, translucent plastic chairs and cabinets, a “false window” in the form of a mirror in window frame will help you visually enlarge the space. If appropriate, you can also use transparent partitions or sliding door instead of the usual wooden one.

Excessive quantities are contraindicated for small rooms. decorative elements in the form of vases, figurines or pictures. If you want to decorate the room, choose and hang one medium-sized painting on the wall in neutral, light colors.

Following these simple rules will help you transform even the smallest room beyond recognition, making it bright, cozy and comfortable for its owner.