What can interior walls be made of? What to make a partition between rooms from. Both types of bricks have different purposes

Quite often, when renovating an apartment, the question arises of demolishing old walls and completely remodeling the home. After all, standard layouts, especially in old panel houses very inconvenient. To increase the space of the apartment or to make it more comfortable, it is necessary to demolish the old non-load-bearing walls and, if necessary, build new ones in such a way as to obtain the desired result. When carrying out such work, permits are required from the relevant authorities to ensure that everything is done in accordance with all the standards adopted in construction. Only after this should redevelopment begin. There are no special restrictions in terms of construction rules, there is only your imagination, which will tell you exactly the configuration and type of wall that you want.

First of all, you should understand what exactly you want to see in the apartment. This can be an ordinary wall that performs the simple function of a partition, or it can be a figured configuration with niches and arched openings for doors. You can realize any idea, even to the point of implementing sliding doors, which will hide in the wall itself. You also need to take into account such nuances as the creation and installation of a sports wall to a new wall in the future. This requires building a wall not from plasterboard, but from a more durable material - brick or foam concrete. In addition, you should consider such things as insulation or soundproofing of the partition. Let's take a closer look at the last two points that will create additional comfort in your apartment.

This point will be relevant if the apartment is located on the corner of the house, that is, it has two walls that face the street (corner apartment). Or if external walls have any defects that require additional insulation interior walls when planning. Usually, such problems do not arise if the house is built in accordance with all the rules and regulations of construction work. Insulation in the case of constructing partitions in an apartment is required during the construction of external walls. Insulating materials such as polystyrene foam, mineral wool or glass wool. The insulation is laid between two partitions of plasterboard panels. The last two insulation materials (glass wool and mineral wool) have the same thermal performance indicators. There is an opinion that these materials are harmful to health, but this is only during the construction process, when a lot of dust is generated and inhaling it is not recommended at all. When the work is fully carried out, when the insulation is laid and closed, it poses absolutely no danger to others. Expanded polystyrene is also a pretty good material, but it is more expensive than glass wool or mineral wool, but has a lower thermal conductivity rate, therefore it is more effective. Also, the flammability of this insulation is not a significant drawback, although if the polystyrene foam contains a fire retardant additive, this drawback is eliminated.

For partitions inside an apartment, the problem of sound insulation is more acute than thermal insulation. After all, the noise that overly restless neighbors can make can be very annoying. In addition, the sound of a working elevator can often be heard in the house, which is also very unpleasant. Soundproofing is especially important in an apartment where a young family with a small child lives, who may often be disturbed by unexpected noises coming from the lower or upper floors. When carrying out sound insulation, almost the same materials are used as for thermal insulation. Only with soundproofing occurs combining layers of materials, having different densities to achieve a better effect. For example, glass wool is combined with mineral wool. You can cover it not with ordinary plasterboard panels, but with gypsum fiber material, which has a higher density and is well suited for sound insulation. There are other materials for better absorption of noise and sound, but they are not very cheap. Their use will bring much better results than traditional methods soundproofing listed above. It should be noted that sound insulation will require significant thickening of the partitions that will be built in the apartment. This is approximately 5-7 centimeters, which can reduce the area of ​​the home.

Types of partitions or what to build walls from in an apartment?

– a very convenient material for constructing various shapes and configurations of partitions. For example, if you decide to create an arch in a doorway or a through window of a semicircular or other shape, then drywall will allow you to implement almost any configuration. This could be a column or a niche. It is also very convenient to hide communications in the form of electrical wires, the Internet, cable television or pipelines behind plasterboard partitions. The main disadvantage of this partition will be its low strength if you want to attach something heavy to the wall. This can be solved by using a double layer of plasterboard sheets, which will significantly strengthen the wall and make it possible to hang a bookshelf, for example.

classic way create a wall in an apartment, which is not very expensive, but requires more time to implement. In principle, any brick is suitable for partitions, be it hollow or solid. If heavy objects will be attached to the wall, for example, a sports wall or a large bookshelf, it is better to use solid brick, which will withstand such loads without problems. Plastering brick walls may lead to additional financial costs and more time to carry out repair work. This is not the most popular method of constructing partitions, especially in an apartment, so it is not done often, since other types of partitions have more practical and less costly characteristics.

Partitions in an apartment made of aerated concrete and gypsum blocks– in the first case, walls are built much faster than brick version, since the blocks are much larger than bricks and lighter. Aerated concrete or, as they are also called differently, gas silicate, require plastering of the surface, like brick, but the finishing costs will be lower, since there are few irregularities. The second option or tongue-and-groove slabs do not require plastering and are ready for finishing work almost immediately. Their surface is flat and smooth, and the joints fit tightly and are almost imperceptible.

Tips for constructing walls and partitions in an apartment

One of important points is the construction of partitions, if you do not do it yourself, but hire workers, then to be sure of the quality of the work and the use of appropriate quality building materials, visit your apartment more often, where renovations are being carried out. It is best to buy building materials yourself from trusted and well-known manufacturers to avoid being deceived by construction workers. It is also important to note that when soundproofing, the places where the partition connects to the floor and the ceiling should be taped with a special elastic tape, which will avoid resonant impact noise, which is well transmitted through the plasterboard ceiling.

How much do internal partitions in apartments cost, what materials are best to use?

Photo: Depositphotos/kalinovsky

To divide living space into separate rooms, thin, relatively light, but strong and reliable, fireproof and noise-absorbing partition walls are required. Fulfillment of all these requirements largely depends on the characteristics wall material. Partitions are erected from brick, foam-gas concrete blocks, gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs and plasterboard. The editors of RBC Real Estate found out what the pros and cons of these materials are and compared the costs of constructing 1 sq. m. m of internal walls.

The most expensive, labor-intensive and heaviest walls are made from ceramic bricks. Their main advantage is strength, durability and the ability to build walls of any curvature. Modern technologies replaced them with smoother and cheaper piece materials made of foam concrete and gypsum with approximately equal characteristics with the exception of moisture resistance. Material prices vary, but foam concrete blocks have a less smooth surface than gypsum counterparts. They require additional plastering in one layer, which increases costs. In practice, bathroom walls are usually built from brick or gas and foam concrete blocks, since in the future they are better combined with cement-based plaster and adhesive compositions for wet rooms. Lightweight plasterboard partitions are cheaper, but if you add another layer of plasterboard for strength and put insulation inside for sound insulation, their price will increase by 20-30%. As a result, the room will become much quieter and this will have virtually no effect on the speed of construction of the structure.


Partitions are erected from inexpensive solid building (ordinary) bricks of a grade not lower than M100 standard size(250×120×65 mm). Sustainable brick partition should have a thickness of half a brick (150-170 mm together with a layer of rough finishing plaster). This design not only eats up centimeters of usable space, but also creates a local load on the floor, since the brick has a high density (1800-2000 kg/cubic m).


- high strength and moisture resistance;
- possibility of erecting curved partitions.


- low speed of partition construction;
- high consumption of masonry and plaster mortar;
- high weight of the partition;
- low surface quality;
- high cost and deadlines finishing works.

Gas and foam concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks have high quality surfaces. Partitions made from such materials do not require labor-intensive plastering. It should be noted that aerated concrete has open, communicating air pores. On the one hand, this provides the material with excellent vapor permeability, and on the other, it increases moisture absorption, making the blocks hygroscopic. Foam concrete does not have this disadvantage, since the air cells are closed.

When remodeling, blocks with a thickness of 75-100 mm are used. Thinner products (50 mm) are not recommended, since the partitions made from them are different low level sound insulation and do not hold a cantilever load in the form of a bookshelf or a TV on a bracket.


- high fire resistance and sound insulation;
- large block format increases the speed of work;
- quick drying of finished structures;
- easy processing using a simple tool;
- the ability to create arched openings without reinforcing elements;
- high surface quality.


- low level of sound insulation of thin blocks;
- insufficient resistance to cantilever loads.

Tongue-and-groove gypsum blocks

An alternative to cellular concrete blocks is tongue-and-groove slabs. For their production, environmental gypsum, cement binder and light fillers (mineral or organic) are used. Such products have protrusions (ridges) and recesses (grooves) at the ends, and they can be rectangular or trapezoidal in shape. The length of the slabs is 667 mm, height - 500 mm, thickness - 80 or 100 mm. High-quality products are distinguished by high geometric accuracy (permissible deviations do not exceed 0.5-2 mm) and a smooth surface.


- partitions do not require plastering underneath finishing. It is only necessary to seal the seams and apply thin putty;
- environmental friendliness of the material;
- vapor and gas permeability. Partitions absorb excess moisture and humidify the air;
- high speed of installation and ease of processing.


- low moisture resistance. In wet rooms, only specialized moisture-resistant blocks can be used;
- low level of sound insulation of 80 mm thick slabs.

Partitions are also made from load-bearing frame (steel profile) and plasterboard sheathing. The material has a three-layer structure: a gypsum core between two sheets of durable and rigid cardboard. Several types of similar products are produced: standard plasterboard sheets(GKL), fire-resistant (GKLO), moisture-resistant (GKLV) and moisture-fire-resistant (KGLVO). GKL are used in rooms with humidity not exceeding 70%. To increase the fire-retardant characteristics, crushed glass fiber (glass section) of 10-12 g/sq.m. is added to the composition of the gypsum core. m. In the production of moisture-resistant material, cardboard impregnated with an antiseptic and a gypsum composition, which includes fungicides and water repellents, are used. GKLV can be used in a humid environment (humidity up to 90%) provided that no water gets on the skin. In the area of ​​the bathtub or shower stall, they must be covered with waterproofing and tiled, so that there are no open areas or cracks.


- fast construction using dry technology. Particularly important when cosmetic repairs or short deadlines;
- perfectly flat surface;
- the possibility of installing sound insulation from insulation in internal voids;
- possibility of erecting curved structures;
- vapor and air permeability.


- low strength. In order to hang a heavy shelf, you need to make embedded elements. Corners require special metal reinforcement;
- low moisture resistance. Even moisture-resistant boards can be affected by water;
- exactingness regarding compliance with the construction assembly technology and finishing. Otherwise, the structure becomes unstable and cracks appear.

Cost of construction of partitions, rub.sq.m

Partition type

Cost of materials, rub./sq. m (including cement-sand mortar, assembly adhesive, reinforcement)

Cost of construction and installation works, rub./sq. m

Total cost, rub./sq. m

Brick (0.5 bricks) made of solid ceramic bricks

From foam concrete blocks 100 × 300 × 600 mm (on cement-sand mortar)

Made from aerated concrete blocks 75 × 300 × 600 mm (on adhesive composition)

Tongue-and-groove gypsum slabs 80 mm thick (with adhesive)

Plasterboard structures on a single frame with a total thickness of 125 mm, without sound insulation

Table: "Vira-ArtStroy"

What to consider when remodeling

Internal non-load-bearing walls are required to be erected in new apartments with open plan, in the process of replacing old, cracked or crooked walls during overhaul or due to redevelopment of the apartment. Moreover, the material of new designs can be anything. It is important that the load on the prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete floor did not exceed the maximum parameters - 600-1250 kg/sq. m, which are determined by the length and thickness of the slabs.

Redevelopment of apartments, which lead to changes in BTI plans, are divided into simple and complex. A simple redevelopment is coordinated according to the sketch and provides for minimal changes affecting non-load-bearing walls: combining a bathroom, moving a door in a non-load-bearing partition, etc. With a complex redevelopment, load-bearing walls are also affected, and the communications scheme changes. This requires the development of a special project.

In the process of any redevelopment, in accordance with the Housing Code, Sanitary Rules and other requirements, it is prohibited:

- increase the area of ​​the kitchen, bathroom and toilet at the expense of the living space;
- reduce the kitchen and bathroom to increase living space;
- equip a bathroom above the kitchen of the neighbors below;
- move the kitchen to the living area;
- combine living space and kitchen if the latter has a gas stove;
- divide one living room into several, if at least one of them does not have natural light.

Technical characteristics and cost of materials


Dimensions, mm

Weight 1 sq. m of single partition, kg

absorption, kg/sq. m

Airborne noise insulation index, dB

Compressive strength, MPa

Price, rub

Quantity per 1 sq. m walls

Cost of 1 sq. m walls

Solid ceramic brick (M150)

250 × 120 × 65

(1/2 brick)

Silicate brick (M100)

250 × 120 × 65

(1/2 brick)

Foam concrete blocks D 600

100 × 300 × 600

Aerated concrete blocks D 600

75 × 300 × 600

Tongue-and-groove slabs, gypsum

80 × 500 × 667

5 (for compression),

2.4 (bending)

Moisture-resistant tongue-and-groove slabs, gypsum

80 × 500 × 667

5 (for compression),

2.4 (bending)

Drywall (12.5 mm) 3 sq. m

12.5 × 1200 × 2500

Moisture-resistant drywall(12.5 mm) 3 sq. m

12.5 × 1200 × 2500

Table: knauf.ru, tokc.ru, market.yandex.ru

Anton Elistratov

IN modern construction are widely used when planning premises original projects. Many new apartments are rented without finishing or internal partitions, as future residents design the apartment to suit their needs and finances.

And if with design and finishing materials Everything is more or less defined, then even professional builders have problems when choosing materials for partitions. Also, similar selection problems arise during mass development and construction cottage villages.

This article provides the basic materials for construction interior partitions and are compared with each other to select the most applicable in modern conditions.

Before description various materials and by comparing them, we present the basic requirements for interior partitions: The material for partitions must be well processed to create complex shapes - arches, bulges, etc.

There should be no problems when laying electrical wiring and other wires due to the high strength of the material of the interior partition. Interior partitions must be strong enough to attach shelves to them, household appliances and so on.

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS – interior partitions must provide good sound insulation between rooms. Partitions in the bathroom must be moisture resistant. Interior partitions should be easy to install.

Basic materials:

Interior partitions – brick

When using bricks to build partitions, qualified masons are required, which is not always possible. Plus, these partitions are distinguished by their high cost, and they also require mandatory plaster due to the curvature of the masonry. Satisfies requirements 3,4,5.

Interior partitions – vibropressed blocks

These interior partitions are larger in size than bricks (for example, SKTs 2R-14

“Parental” 379x79x140mm), so they are easier to lay. Another plus is that there are grooves on the blocks precision masonry. Therefore it is possible to do smooth walls, do not require plaster. The main disadvantage is the heavy weight and high strength. Due to their heavy weight, their use is not always possible; due to their high strength (usually M200), laying electrical wiring and other wires is difficult. Satisfy requirements 3,4,5,6

Interior partitions – plasterboard partitions

Recently, plasterboard interior partitions have been very often built. This is due to the fact that they are the easiest to build. At the same time, they have a lot of disadvantages. They are very fragile and can be broken simply by a blow. Hanging shelves and other items is also problematic. These interior partitions have high sound permeability, and in a cottage there may even (not always, but possibly) be inhabited by fauna other than the legal residents, such as mice. We can say that the use of these partitions is justified only in the case when it is necessary to make the lightest possible partition; in all other cases it is better to use other materials. Meets requirements 1,2,6

Interior partitions - gypsum tongue-and-groove blocks

These blocks are very popular when constructing interior partitions. Walls can be easily and quickly erected from them. There are no special problems when laying wires. The only problem is that in the vast majority of cases blocks of standard sizes 667x500x80mm are used. The problem is that interior partitions made of gypsum blocks 80 mm thick have an airborne noise insulation index of 39 dB (source http://www.knauf.ru/ SP55-103-2004), and this does not even satisfy the standards of the outdated SNIP 2-12-77 . According to this SNIP, the airborne noise insulation index must be at least 41 dB. These indicators are satisfied by interior partitions made of gypsum blocks 100 mm thick.

Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,5,6

Interior partitions made of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks today are one of the most popular materials for insulating external walls and constructing partitions. High geometric accuracy, ease of processing and installation, and environmental friendliness ensured their popularity. The only requirement that these blocks do not satisfy is sound insulation. This happens because aerated concrete blocks are produced with a density from 400 to 600 kg/cub.m. And a material with such a density cannot provide normal sound insulation. Therefore, it can be argued that while this material is ideal for insulation, it is too sound-permeable for the construction of internal partitions. Interior partitions made of aerated concrete blocks, density 500 kg/cub.m. 100 mm thick have an airborne noise insulation index of 39 dB, 150 mm - 41 dB. Also, aerated concrete blocks have low moisture resistance. Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,5

Interior partitions made from foam blocks, foam concrete blocks, partitions made from foam blocks produced by us

Foam concrete blocks have also become widespread, but are still inferior in popularity to aerated concrete and gypsum. The reason, apparently, is that these blocks are produced not only by large manufacturers who can provide quality control, but also by many small ones. Therefore, foam concrete blocks often have poor geometry, which prevents their implementation in mass construction. However, despite this, this material successfully competes with aerated concrete and is gradually finding its niche in the construction market.

Foam concrete with a density of 500 has similar sound insulation characteristics to aerated concrete. But the advantage is that you can order blocks with a density of 1000 kg/cubic meter from any manufacturer. Blocks of this density are sufficient, but not too strong. They are moisture resistant and easy to install. Interior partitions made of foam concrete blocks with a density of 1000 kg/cub.m. have an airborne noise insulation index of 41 dB, which satisfies SNIP standards. Satisfy requirements 1,2,3,4,5,6

Conclusion– in the presence of high-quality foam concrete blocks, they are the best material for the construction of interior partitions. It is necessary to order blocks with a thickness of 100 mm, a density of 1000 kg/cub.m. If it is impossible to purchase these blocks, it is advisable to use tongue-and-groove gypsum blocks with a thickness of 100 mm.

interior partitions, wooden partitions, foam block partitions, masonry partitions, interior partitions, design of interior partitions, plaster interior partitions,

There are a huge variety of designs for interior partitions; they can be used regardless of the materials from which your house is built.

It is quite important to make the partitions technologically correctly and to ensure the appropriate requirements that will be necessary for certain rooms.

If we consider the vertical structures inside the house, we can distinguish load-bearing walls and interior partitions. All floors and roof structures rest on the former, and they themselves rest on. Position on the house plan load-bearing walls strictly recorded.

Interior partitions in in this case will not be load-bearing structures. They only divide into separate rooms the interior space of the entire house. Therefore, they can be made from heavy building materials (for example, sand-lime brick), and from the lungs (for example, wood or). The sound insulation of the house, environmental friendliness, and beautiful aesthetics depend on the building material and the quality of the interior partitions. appearance, the possibility of redevelopment of the space in the future.

Interior partitions in wooden house must be:

  • durable and reliable so as not to create any danger for the residents of the house;
  • maintain the established period of its operation;
  • have no cracks or crevices on the surface or at points of connection to other structures of the house.

In addition, there are special requirements:

  1. For partitions in bathrooms and laundry rooms, resistance to the penetration of moist air and steam is quite important. They must be made from waterproof building materials, but the main thing to consider is to prevent moisture and dampness from getting inside the structure. This problem will be perfectly solved by the correct cladding made of waterproof building material;
  2. For interior partitions on second floors and attic rooms in houses with wooden floors, their little weight, since they are able to withstand a smaller load than reinforced concrete;
  3. If you plan to illuminate a room in the back of the house, then it is better to use a translucent partition made of special glass blocks or structures with glass inserts;
  4. For laying the appropriate utilities (chimney, etc.), a stationary interior partition of increased thickness is ideal;
  5. Partitions inside the house separating areas with different temperature conditions, must be massive and guarantee good thermal insulation.

Interior partitions made of gypsum concrete are several times lighter than brick ones and have a flat and smooth surface.

The thickness of such a structure from one layer of slabs will be only 10 cm. If it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of the room or lay pipelines in the interior partition, it must be made double.

Installation of this system begins with leveling cement-sand mortar ceilings, then a special waterproofing made of roofing felt is placed under the lower blocks.

The template is made from two racks with a moving rail. Typically, the slabs are mounted on top of each other with the long side strictly horizontal, with all seams bandaged. A gypsum solution is used. Metal reinforcement is placed in all horizontal seams and fastened into the walls that limit the interior partition. The gap between the ceiling and the interior partition is sealed with a special gypsum mixture. It is not necessary to plaster the slabs, just puttying is enough.

An important point is that the gypsum mixture must be prepared immediately before use, since it hardens very quickly. And all metal rods that are installed between the rows of slabs must be treated with a special bitumen varnish.

In new houses, before installing partitions, it is advisable to wait several months after installing the load-bearing structures of the house so that they can undergo the necessary shrinkage. Interior partitions in the house are installed before the floor screed is made. When performing screed or roughing in the future wood flooring, between the wall and the floor there is a 2 cm thick layer of soundproofing building material.

The installation of systems begins by marking their location with lines on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Interior structures are firmly connected to the floor at the base and nearby walls.

Wooden interior partitions

Currently, two types of partitions are used: frame house using wood - these are solid and frame.

Wooden partitions are used in houses made of different materials, no gain wooden floors, they are perfect for the second floors of houses and attic rooms. Such structures are easy to install and dismantle, so they are ideal if you are planning redevelopment in the future. In rooms with increased humidity wooden partitions need to be protected by waterproof.

Solid wooden partitions are made from vertically standing boards. To increase the size, the boards are mounted in two rows, distributing soundproofing material or an air gap between them. The disadvantage of this design is the high consumption of materials and, as a result, cost, as well as the high specific weight compared to frame interior partitions.

Do-it-yourself installation of these partitions in a house is carried out as follows: a special beam is laid at the base of the interior partition, which rests firmly on the floor beams. To form a continuous structure on the harness, it is necessary to fasten two horizontal guides, between which boards are vertically fastened, connecting them in the upper part with a fastening wooden block.

When installing a frame partition, the posts are placed on the strapping with a certain step, combining them top harness. Details and elements wooden frame secured together with nails or self-tapping screws, using metal corners. The sheathing is installed on one side, and after that the space between wooden beams filled with sound insulation. Wooden frame structures are secured to the walls using metal crutches and to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

At the junction of partitions with adjacent structures, it is necessary to secure a special metal mesh. This will protect the entire structure from cracks.

In a wooden frame house, interior structures must be installed a year after the house is built, i.e. after significant shrinkage. The distance between the top of the interior partition and the ceiling must be at least 10 cm. It must be filled with tow and covered with triangular bars.

Plasterboard partitions

Drywall wall partitions

A modern system for installing frame partitions made of plasterboard allows you to construction works especially fast.

Lightweight plasterboard partitions in the house can be used from different designs and building materials and in any other premises, even with increased air humidity.

This system includes metal profiles - horizontal guides and vertical racks and a special soundproofing building material.

They use structures with different layers of cladding, as well as on a double metal frame. The level of sound insulation of an interior partition depends on the total number of sheathing sheets, the total thickness of the internal sound insulation layer, and the presence of an air gap.

These structures are mounted during finishing work before installation. Polyurethane soundproofing tape is glued onto horizontal metal profiles and secured to the floor and ceiling using dowels and screws. Rack-mounted metal profiles are installed in increments of 60 cm. The frame sheathing must be secured on one side with self-tapping screws, and be sure to be placed between metal profiles soundproofing material. After this, the sheathing is installed on the other side of the partition. All roughness and unevenness of the cladding, as well as screw heads, must be sealed with putty.

For more good quality soundproofing, partitions are installed to the supporting structures of the ceiling and only after that the plasterboard is laid. All seams between plasterboard sheets should be puttied in several steps.

Interior partitions made of glass materials

Glass interior partitions

To create these interior partitions, glass blocks are used, which differ from each other in a huge palette of different colors, a choice of surface textures and original sizes.

Glass interior partitions are used so as not to limit the access of natural light to rooms located in the depths of a frame house.

All glass blocks have the appearance of hollow “bricks” with walls made of transparent or colored glass. Due to the presence of air inside them, they have excellent soundproofing properties and transmit up to 80% of daylight.

Installation and installation of glass blocks is carried out as follows: blocks, as a rule, are laid at the final stage of finishing the room, but before final finishing walls and ceiling. Glass blocks are laid on cement screed. Technological process their installation in the wall is similar to the process brickwork, although ligation of stitches is not necessary. The thickness of the seam is approximately 1 cm. For laying, use a cement mixture or cement-lime mortar. It is applied to horizontal and vertical surfaces of a glass block.

The connection of an interior partition made of glass blocks to the ceiling must be sufficiently elastic, using cork gaskets, since glass is a very fragile building material, and the wall may crack under various deformations.

It is better to install glass blocks on white or colored cement, then the seams will look neater.

Prices for interior partitions

The final cost of the interior partition will depend on various factors.

And fire-resistant building materials will cost more than standard materials. Also, the price can be increased by the quantity and quality of the final finishing, base frame and soundproofing material. Installation of an interior partition is approximately 40% of the cost of all building materials, and its delivery to the destination and unloading, especially when choosing heavy building materials, can be equal to their cost.

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  • But you don’t need it without it. Afterwards you need to worry about installing the walls, and here a reasonable question arises - what are these walls made of? Today I offer you several common options...

    Let's remember what walls were made of before? Everything is simple here - it’s either brick, or concrete, or a variety of gypsum. All these technologies can be applied now, but is it worth it? Let's figure it out, point by point


    Indeed these walls are the most famous and used to be very common. The big advantages of such walls are good strength, as well as good sound insulation.

    However, doing them now is quite problematic and there are several explanations for this:

    1. You need to be able to lay bricks, keep the level, you are unlikely to be able to do it yourself, you need experience.
    2. You need cement, that is, you will need to mix it.
    3. The complexity of delivery, imagine - if you were delivered several hundred bricks to your yard multi-storey building? You'll block all traffic, but it's really difficult to lift them
    4. After laying, the brick will need to be “drilled” for wiring, and for this you need diamond discs. The work is difficult and very dusty.

    Concrete or gypsum

    Now it’s difficult to imagine at all if you don’t have walls in your apartment and you want to fill them with concrete. Then you, “my friend,” are simply a sufferer. I have never seen such complex work before. You'll have to make molds for the walls and then pour them in. concrete mixture! The walls, of course, turn out to be very strong, but the labor costs are simply not commensurate. Yes, and it will be expensive, again, how will you drag concrete to high floors? If you mix cement and sand yourself at home, you will have construction site, and not renovations in the apartment. You will complete the floor 100%. In Soviet houses, concrete walls were already in the form of slabs, ready-made, they were delivered to the construction site and simply welded, and then sealed with cement at the joints. Now this technology is practically dead.

    GYPSUM still lives today, but for some reason it has not become widespread. As I suspect - because of its price. Modern form factors of gypsum are slabs that are assembled like a construction set.

    They are made from foamed cement, so they are very light. Personally, I have walls precisely because of him. The developer made these for me, so I didn’t demolish them, they suit me. Now it is one of the most common types of material for interior walls.

    The big advantages are lightness, good heat retention, large sizes (there are pieces half a meter wide and 30 cm high), easy fastening (there are grooves like a construction set, into which you pour the solution and insert them into each other), good sound insulation rooms.

    However, there are also disadvantages, although there is only one - this is durability, you can pierce right through with an ordinary hammer (hanging a kitchen is problematic), such walls are most likely decorative. No, of course I hung both the TV and the kitchen, but the fastenings had to be strengthened (maybe I’ll write a separate article).

    Concrete blocks

    Almost the same as aerated concrete, but they are made from cement, there are also large sizes (50 cm X 30 cm).

    Durable, some have grooves like construction kits, which makes it easier to attach them, good sound insulation, they are also attached to the “mortar”, you can hang anything you want (it will hold very firmly).

    The disadvantages are their weight (really heavy), difficult delivery (one person can’t handle it, again because of the weight).

    GVL and gypsum board

    I combined it into one paragraph because both materials are supplied in sheets and the technology for installing walls is the same. Now many people make walls from these materials. You know, guys, this is almost always justified, because construction from these materials is very “fast” and one might say “mobile”. You ordered the sheets, they were brought to you, they were carried straight from the car to your apartment (that is, you do not create any traffic jams) and then the craftsmen erected such walls for you within 2 – 7 days. Very fast. However, I would like to separate them a little:

    – the most durable material than gypsum plasterboard, it is moisture resistant, suitable for the bathroom. It does not crumble even from impacts; it is installed on a special profile. The walls are really smooth; with a little skill, you can handle the construction yourself.

    There are some minor drawbacks - the wall has no sound insulation and heat retention; it is necessary to install insulation and sound insulation. Also, if you are fastening the kitchen or drawers, you must be sure to fit into the profile, otherwise they may simply fall.

    (or drywall) - the most cheap material(that’s why many people buy it - because of the price), however, it is also the most fragile, essentially it is compressed plaster inside, which is held on top and bottom by two sheets of pressed paper.

    The big disadvantage is its fragility, it can be broken even with your hands, I’m already silent about hammers, etc. Not intended for the bathroom (swells immediately). The joints of the sheets must be carefully sealed with special plaster, otherwise they may collapse. Just like GVL, it needs to be insulated and soundproofed.

    DSP board

    There are quite a lot of builders now frame houses, the walls inside are made from this very material: DSP board (). This is an environmentally friendly and durable material that consists of cement and converted wood shavings. There are different thicknesses, ranging from 10 mm to 100 mm. Usually they are attached in the same way as gypsum plasterboard - gypsum plasterboard; it can be used in bathrooms and in ordinary partitions.

    The downside is the price, weight and ease of installation; it is really difficult to mount it alone.

    These are the main materials from which walls can be made in an apartment. Many may ask a question about, but I think this material is still for exterior finishing walls of the house, and not for internal use.

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