How to grow a lemon from a seed beautifully. How to create the best conditions for planting a lemon tree at home. How to care for a lemon in a pot


Today I want to tell you in detail how to grow lemon from a seed at home. Yes, not just a lemon, but a real tree with fragrant and healthy fruits. Last year I wrote about growing tangerines from seeds and in the comments there was a request to tell about lemon. There are some things to keep in mind so that you can drink tea with your lemons in a few years.

Lemon is an evergreen shrub with glossy, fleshy leaves. On them and on the branches of the bush there are many pores that secrete essential oils and phytoncides are the familiar wonderful lemon aroma.

Lemon grows at home as a small tree, but it can grow up to three meters. It has small thorns on its branches and dark green leaves. Lemon has beautiful small flowers - pink-red or purple on top and white on the inside.

lemon flower

It’s just that you won’t surprise anyone with a lemon tree now, but a tree with fruits is not so common. But this is a completely feasible task for everyone.


Let's start from the very beginning. You need to choose the right seeds for planting and prepare the soil. We choose a beautiful, smooth, ripe lemon fruit. We choose the best ones from it - large seeds. And we plant them in a wet state - there is no need to dry them, otherwise they will take a long time to germinate or will not germinate at all.

Before planting, you can treat the seeds with any biostimulant for rapid germination and the formation of good roots in the future. To do this, prepare the solution according to the instructions for the drug - and soak the seeds overnight.

It is necessary to prepare containers for sowing and good soil. Pots for seedlings can be bought in the store, or you can use cups of yogurt or sour cream for this, or cut off plastic bottles. You need to make holes at the bottom and put drainage. These can be shards from pots, nut shells, pebbles, a layer of vermiculite up to 1.5 cm.

Plant a lot of lemon seeds at once - a couple of dozen at a time. Firstly, not everyone will sprout, secondly, you will have the opportunity to choose the best ones for further cultivation, and finally, not everyone can tolerate the grafting well.

It may seem to some that the information about holes in cups and the need for drainage is known to everyone and there is no need to write about it in such detail. But I remember being a novice gardener and I didn’t always know all the intricacies of planting and care. And the plants died.

Now you need to prepare loose, fertile soil. Without any problems, you can plant lemons in purchased citrus soil or prepare them yourself. Mix humus and leaf soil in equal quantities and add peat and sand for lightness. We moisten the soil and place the seeds in pots. Plant the seeds to a depth of about 2 cm.

The temperature for lemon seed germination should be at least 18°C. To create lemons Better conditions for germination and development, cover them with cut plastic bottles. Or simply cover the cups with seeds with film and place them in a warm place. This will create greenhouse conditions for lemons.

Lemons under plastic bottles - mini-greenhouse

There is no need to pour seeds after sowing - they can suffocate and become moldy. It is better not to water at all, but simply spray the soil with a spray bottle. Water only when the soil begins to crack. And after the lemon shoots appear, it is also better to follow a low watering regime so that the roots do not rot.

Growing lemon from seeds at home

Sprouts appear in the apartment in different ways. It may take from two weeks to a month. Until 4 leaves appear, young seedlings are kept in mini-greenhouses. We gradually accustom the seedlings to room air– Spray more often. Then we move the pot to a bright place, but without direct sunlight, otherwise the young sprout will die.

Don't forget about watering, in the sense that don't get carried away

Water the seedlings only after the soil has dried out.

First shoots and small lemon seedlings

Helpful Tips:

  1. Use distilled water room temperature. Rain and melt water are good for irrigation - just not cold.
  2. The little lemon is not fed in the first months. In spring and summer you need to water with biofertilizer. But always remember that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.
  3. Do not forget that the lemon tree is a capricious and demanding plant when grown in room conditions. It likes constant temperature or humidity. Drastic changes climate and care will immediately be reflected in the deterioration of the lemon’s health.
  4. Hot, dry climate, exposure to direct sunlight, drafts and cooling air, wind - these factors can lead to the loss of all leaves and the death of the plant.
  5. By autumn, watering is completely reduced; only after the soil has dried, the soil ball is moistened. Be sure to ensure that the water does not stagnate and that excess flows out freely. Feed once a month in the fall.
  6. Already in the first year of growth of the seedling, its crown begins to form. Remove all deformed, weak branches growing inward.

Growing lemon at home in a pot

When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, select the strongest ones and transplant them into pots. For lemon, it is better to grow only in clay pots. The diameter and depth increase as the tree grows. A few hours before transplanting, the pot should be soaked in water. Be sure to put a drainage layer on the bottom. You can cover the hole with a shard, placing it with the convex side up. On top we pour small shards, pebbles, coarse sand, coal, expanded clay.

We pour the same soil as we prepared when planting lemon seeds. After transplanting, cover the seedlings again with a jar or half a bottle. We remove it only after the seedling has completely taken root. At the same time, new leaves will begin to grow.

How to choose the most the best seedlings for transplantation. Here are the main things to pay attention to:

  • We look at the density of the crown. Look at the distance between the buds on the seedling - take the smallest ones.
  • Presence of needles. Less is better.
  • Leaf quality. There are many of them, they hold tightly, and do not fall off when touched.
  • We immediately reject all weak, thin shoots with bad leaves.

Lemon tree - care rules and growing problems

Growing lemons at home requires special care. If you follow all the rules, you can get flowering and fruiting plants.

  • Lemon requires additional lighting - especially in early spring and in autumn.
  • You need to create a humid climate in the room. To do this, spray the plant more often. Give him a shower, wash the leaves - lemons are tropical inhabitants and love high humidity.
  • Frequent transplants are important for young lemons. We prepare the ground as for the first planting. Plants must be replanted with a clod of earth. A new pot is taken 5-7 cm larger. Young ones - once a year, mature plant can be replanted every 2-3 years. Best time in summer - in June, and in winter - replant in February.
  • During the period from February to September, lemon grows more actively - so you need to feed the bushes with biofertilizers at this time, alternating with mineral ones. We feed only liquid fertilizers. Don't forget the rule: less is better than more.
  • We form plants correctly. To make the tree more luxuriant and the side shoots grow actively, pinch the crown. It is better to do this in the first year of growth.
  • For correct formation crowns should be turned by a quarter every week. In the future, a well-formed trunk will affect the quality of the fruit.
  • If the lemon at home began to bloom in the first year, then you need to pick off all the flowers - do not regret it. The lemon will spend all its energy on flowers and then wither. Lemon can be allowed to bloom when the plant has at least 15 leaves per flower!

Will a lemon grown from a seed bear fruit?

The seeds grow into full-fledged fruit plants, but they begin to bear fruit late. Seedlings grown from seeds are more adaptable to home conditions. They are more hardy compared to cuttings.

In order for the lemon to begin bearing its first fruits earlier, you can graft it onto other citrus fruits. For example: grapefruit. Optimal time for this operation the beginning of summer or spring.

Another important factor is the formation of the crown. As I already wrote, in the first year they pinch the top of the head - more precisely, when the seedling grows to 20 cm. Then branches of the second order begin to grow, they are pinched when they are 18 cm tall. Then the process is repeated until branches of the 4th order appear - the first flowers and fruits appear on them .

Fruiting lemon at home

And yet, before flowering, the lemon needs to rest. To do this, place it in a cool place for several months in winter. And in the spring put it in a warm, bright place.

Types of indoor lemon

You can grow many varieties at home - these are Pavlovsky, Maikopsky, Eureka, Genoa, Meyer, Novogruzinsky. The most productive is Maikop. And the Genoa and Eureka varieties are not tall and can grow even on a warm windowsill.

Lemon variety Pavlovsky

Pavlova lemon

This is an old variety of folk selection. Bred in the village of Pavlovo more than 100 years ago. The variety is very unpretentious, well adapted to home conditions - dry air and insufficient lighting.

Pavlova lemon

Grows up to 2 meters. The crown is rounded. It can produce from 20 to 40 fruits per year. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.

Meyer lemon variety

Meyer lemon variety

Appeared in Russia in 1929. It became widespread in Europe, as it produced rich harvests in open ground. It is considered a natural hybrid of lemon and orange.

Chinese lemon variety

Chinese lemon variety

This is a short tree - usually about a meter. It has high productivity. It begins to bear fruit early - for 2-3 years. The fruits are early ripening, bloom on old and young shoots, bloom early.

Does not tolerate shade well - should be grown on south and south-west windows. It tolerates heat well, but during the dormant period it needs coolness and moistening of the leaves.

Unpretentious, productive, decorative variety. Grows up to 1.5 meters. It blooms very profusely - it looks like a white ball from the abundance of flowers. Fruits weighing 500 g with thick, yellow skin. Begins to bear fruit in the 2nd year of life. Shade-tolerant, grows quickly and adapts well to different conditions. Fruits set in any conditions.

Genoa lemon variety

Genoa lemon variety

This variety can be from 1 to 3 meters, without thorns. It begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years. Usually about 50 fruits are harvested per year. On an adult tree there are up to 100 pieces. It blooms several times a year, Genoa lemons are medium-sized, up to 100-120 g. Features high taste qualities fruits

Maikop lemon variety

Maikop lemon variety

The variety is common for growing at home, as it is very unpretentious and productive. Tolerates cold well. The weight of lemons is 120-160 g. They collect 200-300 fruits per year. Trees aged 30 years produce 700 fruits per year. Branches without thorns.

Lemon variety Novogruzinsky

Lemon variety Novogruzisky

Tall tree up to 3 meters. Begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years. The fruits are very fragrant, with a thin crust, without seeds. At good care produces up to 200 fruits per year.

How to plant lemon at home

Vaccination with rotor is best. I suggest watching a video on how to perform this operation.

Pests and diseases of indoor lemon

The most common pests of lemons at home are scale insects, aphids, spider mite, scale insects. All of them suck the juice from plants, leading to curvature of shoots and drying out of leaves.

With all the pests there are general rules fight to save the lemon:

Major diseases of all citrus fruits at home- This sooty fungus and gommosis. The fungus causes the leaves to become covered with a gray coating, which disrupts their nutrition. And with homosis, gum appears in places where the bark is damaged - the branches and leaves gradually dry out.

Actions for illnesses:

  1. We clean the bark or the site of the disease - treat it with copper sulfate (copper sulfate).
  2. Cover with RanNet (or garden varnish).
  3. We wipe the leaves with fungus with a wet cloth.
  4. We feed with fertilizers to maintain the strength of the plant to fight the disease.

How and in what quantities to use drugs to treat plants or control pests can always be read on the packaging of each drug. You will find them in large quantities in any specialty store.

Growing lemon in a greenhouse

As mentioned earlier, the lemon tree loves:

  • Strong but diffused light
  • Good root breath
  • Constant above-zero temperatures all year round

All these conditions can best be met in the following conditions: a greenhouse, loggia or balcony with glazing, in a greenhouse or winter garden.

Growing lemons and other citrus fruits in a greenhouse has its own characteristics. You can plant lemons directly in the ground or in pots. To grow in the ground, the greenhouse must be heated.

Let's take a closer look at the requirements for the greenhouse in which the lemon will grow:

  1. A prerequisite is that even in severe frosts, the temperature should not fall below + 6°C, but preferably + 10°C.
  2. You need a lot of diffused light. In the autumn-winter period, you need to use additional lighting, and in spring and summer, on the contrary, shade it from direct sunlight.
  3. Remember that lemons do not tolerate stagnant air; if there is high humidity, you need to ventilate the greenhouse. But do not create drafts!

In an apartment, the most appropriate place for planting and growing lemons - this is a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia.

Otherwise, growing and caring for plants is completely the same as described in the article.

I will repeat the main points important for obtaining full-fledged seedlings:

  • Choosing beautiful fruits
  • We sow freshly harvested wet seeds - do not dry them!
  • Water carefully as the soil dries out.
  • We cover the pots with film or bottles - we create a mini-greenhouse.
  • When applying fertilizers, remember the rule: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.
  • We form and transplant young lemons in time

Plant and grow lemons with pleasure!

This is where I end. How to grow a lemon from a seed is no longer a secret to you. If you have any questions or comments, write in the comments.

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Other interesting articles.

Each of us, when removing achenes from citrus fruits, thought that we could plant them in a pot and get a real tree with fruits.

And this is really possible, the main thing is to know how to grow a lemon from a seed at home, using many years of experience indoor gardeners. Let's find out how realistic it is to get a full-fledged tree from a lemon achene by studying information about correct landing and caring for this plant.

For planting, you will need fresh seeds from ripe fruits: they need to be planted in the ground as soon as they are taken out.

If you wait, the seeds dry out, crack and lose their viability.

We plant as follows:

Preparing the ground

How to prepare soil for lemon?

Mix sand (1 part), peat (2 parts) and soil from under deciduous trees(1 part). We thoroughly loosen the soil and moisten it moderately.

Sow the seeds

We lay the seeds horizontally on the surface of the soil: if you place them upright, you can mix up the ends - sprouts appear from one, roots appear from the other. Sprinkle a 1.5 cm layer of soil on top, water and cover with film until germination.

In a month or a month and a half, the first shoots will appear: immediately remove the film.

Growing lemon at home in the first two years

When the seedlings have grown 6 leaves, not earlier (the plants can be destroyed), we pick them up and transplant them into pots.

The picking is done like this: without removing the seedling from the ground, we plunge a sharp knife into the soil to a depth of 10 cm and move it from side to side, cutting off the root. After the operation, we spill the soil with a pale solution of potassium permanganate.

Thanks to picking, the roots branch better.

How to grow lemon at home: transplanting seedlings into pots

Soil preparation

After picking, we transplant the plants into pots where they will grow for the next 2 years. Prepare the soil for lemon by mixing:

  • Earth from under deciduous trees: linden, birch, etc. - 2 parts.
  • Humus - 1 part.
  • Meadow soil, preferably from clover or alfalfa (very rich in nitrogen) – 1 part.
  • Gray river sand (calcined first) – 1 part.
  • Wood ash from hardwood – 0.5 parts.

It is especially important if you want to grow lemons at home, to know that the soil does not contain residues of petroleum products: gasoline, diesel fuel and other harmful impurities.

To check, we dilute a handful of each type of soil in water: if a greasy multi-colored film does not form on the surface, we can safely use it for replanting.

Disinfection and fertilization of soil

The substrate, mixed independently, needs disinfection:

  • Pour the soil into an enamel container, add 1 liter of water and place on medium heat.
  • Steam the soil under the lid for 40 minutes.
  • Cool and dry the disinfected soil.

Before growing lemon in pots, be sure to fertilize the substrate with organic complex fertilizers to restore ecological balance.

Lemon transplant

To transplant lemon seedlings, growing indoors is not as difficult as it seems, we buy new pots, lay expanded clay on the bottoms with a layer of 2 cm and proceed further:

  • We fill in a layer of earth to make a mound.
  • Sprinkle the root of the lemon seedling with ash and “lay out” the roots along the earthen hill.
  • Add soil evenly, occasionally tamping with a spoon or spatula so that air voids do not form near the roots.
  • Sprinkle soil until the root collar is reached (the place where the roots enter the trunk).

You cannot cover the root collar with soil: it will crack and become infected with fungus, which can cause the death of the plant.

We water the transplanted lemons and watch their development.

How to grow a lemon from a seed at home if the seedling is two years old

After a couple of years, we replant the trees again: by then the roots will fill the entire pot. To make sure that replanting is necessary, turn the container over and tap it on something hard or on your palm. If there are a lot of roots, the lump will quickly fall out of the pot.

How to plant a lemon after two years of life? We transplant the lemons into pots that are 4 cm in diameter.

Substrate for transplantation

The composition of the soil for further transplants is somewhat different from the previous one. Older lemons need other ingredients: loam, silt, more sand.

Lemon is 2 years old

For planting lemons, we use soil consisting of the following components:

  • Leaf humus - 2 parts;
  • Manure humus - 4 parts;
  • Peat - 2 parts;
  • River sand - 1 part.

Lemon is 4-8 years old

For transplanting lemons 4-8 years old, the following substrate is suitable:

  • River sand – 1 part;
  • Meadow land - 4 parts;
  • Leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • River (lake) silt - 2 parts.

Lemon is 9 years old

Lemons that are 9 years old or more bear fruit well in the following soil:

  • Meadow land - 6 parts;
  • Leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • Peat – 2 parts;
  • Il – 4 parts;
  • River sand - 1 part;
  • Wood ash – 0.5 parts.

Transfer the lemon to a new pot, cutting off the rotten roots if they are clearly visible, and water.

Further care in general

To get a lemon grown indoors, we care for it like this:

  • Watering. We water the tree regularly, without flooding it and without forcing it to suffer from drought. In winter we rarely water.
  • Humidity. We make sure that the apartment is sufficiently humid: drying out the air does not benefit us or the plants.

To get rid of dryness, you can use a household humidifier.

  • Dust removal. Lemon leaves have a harder time breathing if they are covered in a layer of dust. Regularly wipe the leaves with damp gauze or sponge. Once every 7 days we spray the plants with a spray bottle to wash away dirt. Once every 30 days we give the lemon leaves a warm shower.
  • Temperature. In summer, lemon needs more heat, and in winter, during the dormant period, coolness
  • Top dressing. Once every 14 days we fertilize the plants with complex minerals and organic fertilizers, alternating them (during the rest period we do not feed).

This is almost all the information about growing lemons at home obtained from seeds.

So, you have learned a lot about how to grow lemons from seeds at home. And in order for it to produce juicy and fragrant fruits not in 9-10 years, but much earlier, it must be grafted, taking grafting material from already fruit-bearing plants.

A subtropical tree called lemon will definitely take its rightful place in the green corner of your home. Anyone can grow it, provided that the bush is provided with a favorable microclimate. Learn how to plant a lemon at home, and one day it will reach a truly large size. In addition, lemons actively bear fruit. If you follow basic care instructions, your tree will bear fruit throughout the year.

Planting lemons is done by two common methods: cuttings or seeds. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but is equally widely used by domestic flower growers. To plant lemons at home correctly, it is worth considering both technologies. This way, you can choose the most optimal method for yourself.


How to properly plant a lemon tree using seeds is something that gardeners who are faced with such a need for the first time are often interested in. First of all, you need to select high-quality seed material. Take only large seeds for planting. Direct planting of grains into the ground is carried out in stages:

  • V flower pot pour a substrate specifically designed for planting citrus plants;
  • sow lemon seeds into the ground;
  • At the end of the procedure, thoroughly moisten the soil, but avoid excessive accumulation of water in the ground. Otherwise, the seeds will begin to rot and the seedlings will not appear;
  • It is recommended to sow several seeds of homemade lemon in one pot at once. When they finally emerge, you can leave the strongest ones in the ground. Another option is to simply plant all the sprouts you like in different containers;
  • When you decide to grow lemon sprouts at home, be sure to take care not to damage the root system, which is already quite frail. That is why it is better not to touch the earthen lump enveloping the rhizome of the plant.

This planting method is not bad and is often used by domestic flower growers. However, not all so simple. There is an opinion that lemon grown does not bear fruit on its own. This is possible, but the situation is fixable. To do this, it is recommended to graft the sprouted and strengthened plant from another citrus tree (grapefruit or orange), which has been growing in your home flower garden for several years.


This tree is often propagated at home. To do this, you will need to cut it off, leaving two buds at the edges. It is desirable that each future sprout have 2-3 leaves and the same number of buds. When the branch is cut, dip it briefly in a growth stimulator, and then put it in water for several days. Planting occurs, as a rule, at a time when the cuttings have not yet sent out roots. That is why it is very important to be able to properly care for the plant. Spray newly planted sprouts thoroughly, since without roots, the future tree is still unable to receive moisture from the soil.

Boarding time

How to plant a lemon correctly? The result is influenced not only by the method of planting or quality, but also by the period that is most optimal for such a procedure. Most lemon trees are planted in the ground in late winter or early spring. What is favorable about this time of year is the phase of awakening of the tree itself and the activation of vital activity. A plant rooted during this period will quickly take root.

What kind of soil is needed

To plant and care indoor plant proved to be effective, special attention should be paid to the selection or preparation of a high-quality substrate.

It must meet two key requirements: be loose and include various nutrients. In addition to soil, it is recommended to put a drainage layer in the flowerpot. The soil mixture itself is considered optimal for growing indoor lemon, if it includes light loamy soil, leaf soil, as well as sand and humus. Of course, some gardeners prefer to dig up ordinary soil somewhere on personal plot. However, if you want to grow a full-fledged lemon tree, such land will be too poor for it.

Selection of capacity

It is necessary to plant a lemon tree in a properly selected container. You should not immediately purchase a voluminous flowerpot: it is too large space root system plants may rot. As for the material, it can be plastic, glass, or wood. However, it is preferable to buy a clay container in which indoor flower will feel “at ease”. You will have to water the planted lemon quite often, so you cannot do without drainage holes in the pot.

Landing instructions

Flower growers often ask how to properly plant lemons using cuttings. You will get the desired result provided that you follow the basic recommendations. Special attention Pay attention to the deepening of the root neck of the tree into the ground: it should not be located deeper than 5 mm in the substrate. Plant the cuttings in such a way that the root collar does not begin to rot in the future. After you have planted all the branches, it’s time to spray them first with water and then with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Further care

It is not difficult if you provide it with a humid microclimate. The plant must not only be watered and sprayed, but also the leaves must be thoroughly washed. During the growth of the vegetation mass, it is recommended to feed the lemon with mineral and biofertilizers. Give preference to formulations with a liquid consistency. Remember that you will do much less harm to the bush if you underfeed it with vitamins than vice versa.

Under natural conditions, lemon trees grow in the tropical zone and reach a height of two to six meters. This is perennial evergreen. When growing lemon trees in standard city houses and apartments, these plants reach a smaller height, but if the plant is not shaped, it can become very elongated. from seeds at home does not cancel his love for stably warm temperatures, high humidity and it also requires care.

How can you grow it yourself at home and how will it differ from a citrus varietal plant from a cutting?

You can plant a lemon tree at home using cuttings or seeds. It should be kept in mind that varietal plants retain their properties only when vegetative propagation, that is, propagation by cuttings. From the seeds you will get citrus, which will not bear fruit at home.

Lemon tree from cuttings

Upon landing lemon tree From the cutting, a cutting about 8-10 cm long is taken, on which a pair of leaves and several living buds are left. Before placing the cutting in the ground, it is advisable to treat its base with a root formation stimulator, for example Kornevin, after which it is planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters and covered with a jar or bag. Until the cuttings have roots, it will need to be sprayed with water daily and the soil in which it takes root well moistened. Rooting occurs approximately a month to a month and a half after planting. It should be borne in mind that only some cuttings take root - this is to some extent a matter of luck. Next, the plant can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

When growing citrus, you need to put in the work and knowledge, carefully monitor its condition, and then the plant will delight you with elegant flowers with a delicate aroma, healthy fruits and a spectacular appearance.

The location in the room determines how the tree will develop at home. Therefore, before purchasing a lemon (Citrus limon), you need to think about where to place it. North windows are not suitable, since there is no sun there, and the plant needs sunlight. In the south, it needs to be shaded, especially in summer. West, southwest, east and southeast windows are perfect. And insulated balconies and loggias play the role of mini-greenhouses - ideal for both winter and summer maintenance.

Note! Not all Citrus like bright sunlight. Some varieties (for example, Avlovsky, Lunario) can be placed at a distance of several meters from the window.

Video about growing lemon at home

It must be remembered that lemons react poorly to any movement; they especially cannot tolerate turning pots: they can slow down their growth or shed their leaves. The pot must be returned to its original position after any procedures. And only once every 2 years can you turn the plant around, carefully turning it at a small angle every day. This rotation makes it possible to form the crown more harmoniously without causing damage to the lemon.

The variety matters

If you try to grow a tree taken from an industrial greenhouse at home, then most likely the experience will be unsuccessful. These varieties are not suitable for indoor growing, because the conditions of detention are very different. When growing lemon indoors, varieties should be adapted to the dry microclimate of a city apartment, have a compact size and not be too demanding of sunlight. Only then, with proper care, is there a chance of getting a harvest from homemade citrus.

Photo of homemade lemon

General signs:

  • small sizes within 1-1.4 m (in the ground they are much higher);
  • the beginning of flowering from the second or third year of life;
  • fruit weight from 100 to 250 g;
  • number of fruits different varieties ranges from 6 to 25 per year.

Popular indoor varieties and some of their features:

  1. Pavlovsky. Medium size, adapted to conditions with moderate light and dry air. The yield is small;
  2. Genoa. A dwarf tree with a decorative crown, without thorns. The fruits taste excellent and the peel is sweet. Productivity is good;
  3. Lunario. Medium-sized, one of the most unpretentious, produces few fruits and their taste is of low quality;
  4. Meyer. A dwarf tree in the form of a bush that needs to be illuminated in winter time. The “sweetest” of all varieties, delicious;
  5. Villa Franca. It is demanding of light, has many medium-sized leaves and small single flowers;
  6. Anniversary. The crown is practically not formed. Does not require air humidification. It has large fruits, high-yielding;
  7. Maikopsky. Medium height, has no thorns. Unpretentious, good harvest.

On the picture homemade lemon Maykop

How to grow a lemon at home so that it blooms, bears fruit and looks healthy? Carry out all the procedures necessary for plants with amendments specifically for lemon - select the soil, fertilize, water, humidify the air.

Soil acidity can range from slightly acidic to neutral. The mixture should be nutritious, but loose. For example, turf (2 parts) and leaf soil (2), humus (1), coarse sand or perlite (1). It is permissible to use purchased land.

Citrus limon is very fond of feeding with organic matter - diluted and infused manure. When using complex mineral fertilizers, the content of phosphorus and potassium should be higher than nitrogen. Ideally, these two types of feeding alternate. The feeding scheme looks like this: water - mineral fertilizers– water – organic matter – water. But many people refuse slurry at home because unpleasant odor and quite successfully manage with mineral, organo-mineral fertilizers, and liquid extract of vermicompost.

Water for irrigation must be allowed to settle for several days to remove chlorine and precipitate calcium. If it is very hard, it is better to boil it. The best for irrigation is rain or purchased distilled water, melted snow (ice). The liquid temperature should be no lower than room temperature or 1-3 degrees higher than the room temperature, especially in winter. A slight drying of the top layer is a sign for new watering. In summer this is about once every two or three days, in winter - much less often.

Photo, poured lemon

Different varieties are not equally sensitive to humidity. Some (Pavlovsky, Yubileiny) can withstand dry indoor air quite well. But everyone loves wet procedures. You only need to spray with soft water (distilled, rain). Otherwise, over time, a white calcium coating will appear on the leaves. To increase humidity, use pallets with wet expanded clay (pebbles, coconut fiber, etc.) or an air humidifier.

Comfortable temperature for development is 18 - 25 ˚С.

Citrus limon needs light for 12 hours. When kept in winter at temperatures above 14 °C, plants need additional lighting. Otherwise, the imbalance will lead to leaf shedding in some varieties (for example, Meyer). When the winter temperature is less than 12 °C, additional lighting is not needed.

How to grow a lemon so that it does not lose its leaves, has whole year decorative and well-groomed appearance? Regular pruning in the spring is simply necessary for most Citrus limon: 3 buds with leaves are left on each new branch, weak branches are removed. A beautiful crown is gradually formed.

Pictured are lemon trees

The first flowers are torn off and the fruits are not allowed to set, so young plant don't get exhausted. At 3-4 years of life, after self-pollination or artificial pollination of flowers, fruits are set, which can remain on the tree for as long as 2 years. During this time, the fruits can change color - green, yellow, then green again, which turn yellow again. But they must be removed on time. 1 fruit should be per 15 leaves. The plant will not be depleted, but decorative look be preserved.

Healthy citrus fruits have a large number of leaves. A temperature change of 7-9 °C in one direction or another can lead to a sudden drop of leaves. The reason may be moving from a cold to a warm place or vice versa, a sudden change in weather if the plant is taken out into the open air.

If the leaves fall off gradually, the reason must be sought in improper watering or soil quality, which lead to the death of roots, short daylight hours, presence of pests.

The photo shows a lemon tree

Tree change appearance gives an SOS signal in time. To prevent your citrus from dying, you need to find and eliminate all errors in its cultivation as quickly as possible.

Is it possible to propagate lemons at home?

What to do if all the adult Citrus limon you bring disappear, but you really want to have this plant at home? You can try to solve this problem in 2 ways.

Plant fresh seeds in prepared soil and grow a tree. You have to wait for flowering for more than 10 years, or even 25! There is information about fruiting after 7 years, but this is still too long. But don’t be upset, if you are seriously interested in citrus fruits, then a lemon grown from a seed can be used as a rootstock for some cutting of the varietal Citrus limon.

Video about how to grow lemons at home

In spring, the survival rate of cuttings is much higher, but cuttings can also be carried out at other times of the year. The branches are taken with several leaves (buds), treated with a rooting agent and placed in sand or directly in the ground, covered with some transparent covering material, and the temperature is constantly maintained at at least 20˚C. After rooting, they are transplanted into good soil and after a year they begin to form a tree. In the first year, transplantation occurs 2-3 times, and then it is transplanted less frequently (every few years).

It is much easier for young plants grown from cuttings and seeds to adapt to life in your home than for adult lemons grown in other conditions. In addition, watching your pet's full development is interesting and rewarding.