Campsis: planting and care in the middle zone. Living flowering hedge of bright Kampsis liana

Large, abundant flowering bush in the garden amazing beauty- this is kampsis ( Campsis). We will consider planting and caring for this marvelous giant with elegant spreading branches reaching 15 m along the support in this article.

Planting Kampsis

Choosing a location. The plant gained popularity due to its splendor and unpretentiousness. Any type of soil is suitable for it, but it will grow better in loose, fertile, not waterlogged soils with a neutral pH level. Campsis is a southern plant that requires a sunny place on the south side of the site. Over time, it develops powerful roots from which multiple shoots grow.

To prevent the bush from taking over more than the territory allotted for it, plant it on a paved area, in a specially designated place for plants, or fence off the rhizome metal sheets to a depth of 80 cm. You should not place it near the window because insects are actively flying towards the campsis.

Landing. In the spring, after all frosts, seedlings with sprouted buds can be planted in the ground. It is advisable to prepare a hole for planting measuring 50x60 cm in the fall, add phosphorus and potash fertilizers in an amount of 500 g and compost 5 - 10 kg. Pour 15 - 20 cm of sand and gravel into the bottom of the hole for drainage, and pour soil on top. Place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots, cover with soil and compact. After this, water and mulch with peat. Initially, seedlings need tying and support.

Campsis can be grown from seeds. Seeds are sown in early March in boxes with loose soil 3–4 mm deep. Water the soil in the box as soon as the surface dries out. When the seeds sprout, move the box to a windowsill on the sunny side. In the phase of 5 - 6 leaves, seedlings are planted in the ground. However, flowering will occur only in the 7th - 8th year.

If harsh winters prevent you from growing a bush outside, then with the help of formative pruning it can grow in a house or apartment as a houseplant.

Campsis radicans "Atropurpurea"

Campsis care

Watering. It is drought-resistant, but in order for the plant to maintain its decorative appearance and abundant flowering, regular watering is required. You can plant perennial bushes next to it to maintain soil moisture and cover bare vines below.

The plant cannot tolerate excessive watering - the roots begin to rot and it dies.

Campsis is able to withstand only short-term unfavorable conditions.

Trimming. The vines grow quickly and stretch high along the support. Their growth can be controlled by pruning, which is carried out at the end of the growing season and is necessary to enhance flowering next year.

To form the skeleton, 2–3 of the tallest shoots are selected, the rest are removed. During the growing season they are guided along trellises and tied up. The steps are repeated until the shoots cover the entire surface allocated for them. The formation of the skeletal system takes at least three years.

Heavy pruning of the formed plant is done every year. Only lignified skeletal branches formed from perennial shoots and 3-4 new shoots pruned to 2-3 buds are left.

To maintain an elegant appearance throughout the season, faded inflorescences are removed and faded shoots are shortened by 3 to 4 buds.

Excess growth near the bush is dug up or cut off with reinforced pruning shears.

To stimulate the growth of new strong shoots, rejuvenation is carried out. To do this, all shoots are cut down to 30 cm above the ground.

Feeding. The liana grows excellently without fertilizing. The application of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers increases the duration of rich flowering.

Pests and diseases. Campsis is very disease resistant. But, in moments of drought and prolonged heat, aphids can attack it. To combat aphids, spray the foliage with a solution of laundry soap.

Shelter for the winter. The plant is heat-loving, and we often have harsh winters with severe frosts.

It is imperative to cover Kampsis for the winter!

The liana is removed, covered with spruce branches, covered with dry leaves, and covered with polyethylene. In winter, a large snowdrift is made at the shelter site.

Some gardeners place vines between sheets of foam and wrap them with thick acrylic on top.

Without shelter, the plant can only withstand short-term frosts down to -20C, but, as a rule, it freezes out.

Place of vines in the garden

Campsis is used as a green hedge when decorating lattice fences, house walls and gazebos. Lianas gracefully wrap around pergolas and long arches, which decorate the entrance to the garden or make a passage between buildings in the yard, and if you put a bench under such an arch, you will get a cozy place to relax.

With the help of a competent shaping haircut, a small flowering tree in the form of a ball, pyramid or bizarre shape is obtained.

Campsis is a magnificent garden decoration that creates a pleasant, cool shade. All summer until late autumn it will delight you with splendor and flowering, without requiring any special labor in return.

Tatiana Salomatina

Among the plants that can decorate personal plot and the territory of a private house, a special place is occupied by Kampsis - a tree-like vine with large bright colors. Southerner by origin, Kampsis has taken root well in middle lane. Below we will talk about how Kampsis grows and develops. Any gardener can plant and care for it.

Origin and species

Campsis is a light-loving and drought-resistant perennial height from half a meter to a meter. This one has flowers tree vine red, orange and yellow. The name of the plant comes from the Greek word kamptein (to bend, bend).
A whole genus of plants of the Begnoniaceae family is known under this name. It, however, is represented by only two types:

  • Kampsis rooting, native to America;
  • Campsis grandiflora, Chinese origin.

Another type of Kampsis is a hybrid of the first two, called Kampsis hybrid, which was bred artificially.

Rooting campsis is a vine that grows on the edges of forests and near fences. Him aerial roots located along the entire length of the stem, with their help it is attached to vertical surfaces. Climbing up, the plant begins to grow. Grandiflora looks the same, but its flowers are noticeably larger and brighter.

How to plant

Kampsis is planted in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • root shoots;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The seeds of this plant can be bought at a flower shop, or taken from those gardeners who have already grown the vine - now this plant has become very popular. Growing using seeds has its drawbacks, because a vine planted in this way will bloom only after several years.

Most often, lovers of woody vines choose the second method - propagation by shoots. A shoot and root are cut off from an adult plant. This is done before the plant comes into season. active growth. There are quite a lot of such shoots next to the parent plants; after cutting them off, they are immediately planted in open ground.

The vine can also be propagated by green cuttings; this is done in mid-summer. They are cut from the central part of the Kampsis shoot, making sure that each cutting has a pair of leaves. Then the cuttings are planted in the ground, in a previously dug hole.

Cuttings can be not only green, but also grown and lignified. In early spring, they are cut from the mother plant, first of all paying attention to the shoots from last year's growth.

You can also propagate the vine by rooting cuttings growing near the ground. They are simply pressed to the soil, and they take root with constant moderate watering. Rooting occurs during one season, the next year the cuttings are separated and replanted.

Since this plant loves the sun, it is planted on the south side of the site, this is especially true for the middle zone with its few sunny days.

The roots of the plant are creeping, so you should not plant it very close to the house - the foundation may be damaged over time.

Fences, gazebos, and trellises serve as support for the campsis, but a tree is not suitable as a support - the vine shoots will strangle it. Growing will be more successful on temporary supports made of wire or rope (for young plants); in winter, this entire structure is laid on the ground and covered along with the roots.

How to care for Kampsis

Properly planted campsis grows quickly, entwining fences, fences, gazebos, and is convenient for decorating a personal plot. It does not require specially prepared soil and careful care. However, the more fertile the soil and the more regular the soil moisture, the better the vine grows and blooms. We must also remember that she loves watering, but does not tolerate too wet soil.

Like any ornamental plants, this vine will appreciate feeding. You can pre-fertilize the soil in the areas of intended planting ( complex fertilizers or compost), can be fed during the flowering period potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, preferably at least twice during the entire period.


Campsis grows quickly, so the plant must be shaped. Before growth begins, all but the most stable shoots are broken off from a cutting that has taken root (3-4 of them are left). It is these shoots that will later form the “skeleton” of the plant and allow it to safely endure winters.

Pruning shoots as the plant matures is of considerable importance. Those that died during the cold season are removed. You can also trim other shoots in order to give the volume of the vine shoots a certain shape.

Campsis, by the way, can also be grown as a shrub if the area for growth is large enough. To do this, the aerial roots simply need to be trimmed periodically. It can even be grown as a ground cover because it spreads across the ground without any support.

This vine rarely gets sick, it is little damaged by insect pests (except aphids, but they are easily removed after treatment with insecticides).

So, Kampsis is a beautiful and fast-growing inhabitant of gardens, decorating any vertical or even horizontal surfaces. It is not demanding in care, although it grows and blooms better on the south side of the site. Planting Kampsis in the middle zone is carried out without any problems; the plant quickly takes root and pleases the eye with its bright and large flowers. Cultivation requires only watering and regular pruning, then the plant will decorate the garden for a long time - both in the form of a vine and in the form of a shrub.

Campsis is a handsome exotic species that captivates the eye with its amazing splendor and decorativeness. Graceful gramophone flowers, in bright, rich colors, will decorate any flower bed or summer cottage. In this article we will talk about how to grow and propagate the plant in Russia, the Moscow region and the middle zone.

Campsis is otherwise called bignonia. It is a perennial plant, liana type, from the Bignoniaceae family. Often used as decoration for walls, loggias, balconies. It has complex serrated foliage, slightly drooping down, and very beautiful flowers, in the shape of gramophones, a bright orange-red hue. The fruit, in the form of a pod, opens when ripe, scattering seeds around it.

A hedge of climbing campsis

The honey-bearing properties of Kampsis attract a huge number of bees and other sweet-toothed insects.

The genus includes only two varieties:

  1. taking root
  2. Large-flowered (Chinese)

Of these two varieties there was another variety:

  • Hybrid

Is it easy to grow a flower at a summer cottage in the middle zone?

Any soil is suitable for it, but more comfortable plant thrives in loose, moderately moist soil. Campsis is a sun-loving plant, and when bathed in the gentle rays of the sun, it will reveal itself in all its glory.

How to plant and grow a liana flower correctly?

In central Russia, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees below zero, only if such frosts do not last long.

When planting, you should consider some nuances:

  1. The area for planting vines must be protected from winds and drafts.
  2. You should not plant the plant under the windows, otherwise, bees and other insects that feast on this honey plant will be frequent guests in the house.
  3. The root system of the vine develops very quickly. This feature should be taken into account when planting and planted either near asphalt, or limit root growth with metal prostheses.

How and when to plant?

To plant liana seedlings in open ground start after spring frosts. To do this, make holes half a meter deep and around the perimeter.

The following are poured into the bottom of the hole: a ball of sand, a ball of gravel, a ball of soil. When planting, you can use fertilizers: compost, phosphorus, potassium. Next, you need to lower the seedling into the hole, cover it with soil, compact it, water it and mulch it with peat. To give the necessary shape and avoid breaking the branches, it is necessary to tie the stems from time to time.

You can grow a vine through sowing. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in a container at the beginning of March to a depth of 4 mm, in loose and moist soil. After germination, the container is taken out into the sun. They are planted in open ground when the seedlings have 5 leaves. This method has significant shortcomings: this vine will bloom in 6-7 years. But you can choose other varieties.

Care immediately after landing


The plant needs moderate watering. Lack of moisture will cause the flowers to be small and pale. Excess moisture will cause rotting of the root system, and the plant may die.


To give the necessary decorative form flower, it is necessary to prune. The plant reaches a height of 15 meters. Prune it after the end of the growing season. To do this, the strongest and tallest shoots are left at the base of the bush, the rest are removed.

As it grows, the bush is tied up, giving the desired direction to its growth.

Throughout the entire flowering period, branches with dried flowers (which have already bloomed) are pruned. At the end of the year, the bush is cut back to its woody skeleton, leaving a few young shoots.

Top dressing

The plant does not particularly need additional feeding. But to enhance and extend the flowering period, you can feed the bush with nitrophosphates.

Popular varieties

Campsis can't boast species diversity. There are only 2 types of vines, and one hybrid.

  1. Rooted. It reaches a height of 15 meters. The deciduous system consists of one large leaf, which in turn is divided into many small ones. Flowers reach 9 cm in diameter and form inflorescences of 13-15 flowers. This species is divided into several subspecies:
  • The flowers are yellow-orange.
  • It blooms a month earlier than its fellows.
  • . The flowers are bright purple.
  1. Large-flowered (Chinese). Unlike the first type, this variety is not so frost-resistant. It also differs in larger and brighter flowers, and fewer leaves.

3. This variety is characterized by large and bright flowers and complex foliage, good frost resistance.

Campsis - very beautiful liana, is capable of perfectly decorating any area without requiring, special troubles in courtship.

To say that Kampsis is beautiful is to say nothing. And no photo can convey all the beauty of this plant with bright red-orange flowers that adorn it all summer. Those who just want to plant campsis in their garden in the open ground should know more about all the intricacies of caring for the plant. This will be discussed in the article devoted to kampsis. Here you will find detailed description secrets of care - from planting to wintering.

Campsis - a wonderful liana

Campsis is also called “pipe flower” or “tekoma”. This is a tree-like perennial deciduous vine that can climb a high trellis to a height of 15 m.

Campsis can “camouflage” any fence or even building on summer cottage

The shoots of the plant have the peculiarity of spiraling around the support. Having become older and woodier, they resemble the trunks of quaint fairy-tale trees. Young shoots have lush green leaves and paniculate inflorescences, collected from large bright orange or scarlet tubular flowers, reminiscent of gramophones. The plant blooms all summer: from June to September.

There are two known types of plants:

  • Kampsis rooting - native to North America;

Campsis rooting

  • Kampsis grandiflora - grows under natural conditions in China.

Campsis grandiflora

Planting Kampsis

For Kampsis to reveal itself in all its glory, it needs a lot of heat and light, so for planting it is advisable to choose places well lit by the sun.

Tecoma can grow on any soil, but for a beautiful and abundant flowering it needs fertile and loose soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, since poor and dry soil will not give the plant the required strength for full development. Therefore, if the soil on the site is not nutritious, then in the fall it is necessary to prepare the site for spring planting.

To do this, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of approximately 50 cm and a depth of 55-60 cm, add half a bucket of humus and 0.5 liters of complex mineral fertilizer, mix everything. For drainage, it is advisable to pour fine gravel, expanded clay or sand at the bottom of the hole, pour soil on top and leave until spring.

If you want to plant several plants, then plant them so that they do not interfere with each other

At the beginning of April, when the threat of frost has passed, seedlings with hatched buds can already be planted in open ground. To do this, the seedling needs to be lowered into the hole, carefully straighten the roots, cover it with earth and lightly compact it. Then water and mulch with peat in a circle.

If the soil is quite suitable, then Kampsis is planted in the spring directly in open ground. To do this you need to dig a hole 2 times larger than root system young plant. Then deepen it into the hole, sprinkle it well with soil, compact it and water generously.

Important! You need to provide a support in advance along which the vine will climb.

Liana care

Caring for Kampsis consists of watering, fertilizing, pruning and ensuring safe wintering.

Watering. Although Kampsis is a drought-resistant plant, it needs to be watered regularly, especially during hot, dry days, but not too zealously and often, so as not to over-wet the roots.

It is not necessary to feed Kampsis if the soil is fertile enough

Feeding. The plant does not need fertilizing, but if the soil is not fertile enough, the applied nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers will ensure abundant flowering throughout the season.

Trimming– a necessary part of plant care: it should not be neglected. After all, the vine grows very quickly both upward and in breadth - its growth needs to be regulated. In addition, Kampsis flowers develop on new branches: in order to achieve lush flowering, you need to remove old branches to develop new and strong shoots.

Pruning is done from year to year, in the fall, after the end of the growing season, or in the spring, before the buds swell. This is done like this:

  • V young plant you should select two or three strong, well-formed shoots, trim the rest with pruning shears;
  • during the growing season, growing branches should be tied to a trellis or support, directing them in the desired direction;
  • such actions should be repeated for 3-4 years in a row until the plant trunk grows to the desired size.

To make a vine look good, you must shape it

In this case, it is recommended to leave only the woody branches of the skeleton and 3-4 young shoots, which must be shortened to three buds. When the formed plant occupies the entire area allocated for it, every year you need to remove excess branches for the growth of young shoots on which flowers will develop.

If any of the main trunks is damaged, it must be cut off and one of the strong branches chosen instead.

In order for the plant to have an elegant appearance during flowering, faded branches also need to be trimmed, shortening them by 3-4 buds. Some gardeners, in order to rejuvenate the plant, perform complete pruning, leaving shoots up to 30 cm high.

Pruning Kampsis

Campsis tolerates pruning well in the summer, so that, if desired, you can trim the bush and give it any shape using pruners: make green hedges or, using special designs, create figures of any bizarre shape.

Preparing Kampsis for winter

In areas where winters are mild and not too frosty, there is no need to worry about tecom. If the temperature drops below -20 degrees, then the vine must be prepared for winter. It is necessary to protect the entire plant from the cold - both roots and shoots. To do this, the vine is pruned, leaving only the skeletal trunks and main shoots. Next, the plant must be removed from the trellis, placed on the ground and covered with spruce branches or hay, dry leaves or sawdust. Cover the top with plastic wrap, which in turn press the edges to the ground.

Kampsis must be covered for the winter

If the vine is fixed on an arch or other structure, you can sprinkle the roots with sand, or cover them with spruce branches, leaves, etc., and wrap all the stems with several layers of lutrasil. Place plastic wrap over the top to protect from wet snow. This method also ensures good preservation of the vines. But it is still preferable to have removable supports so that the shoots can be laid on the ground.

In spring, reattach the plant to its habitat. If some shoots did not survive frost well, they should be pruned.

Advice! If winters are so cold that shelter will not protect the plant from frost, Kampsis can be planted in a home greenhouse or apartment. With careful care and correct pruning this garden vine can become a houseplant.


Campsis propagates by seeds, layering or cuttings.

Reproduction seeds- the method is quite simple, but not popular: after all, you need to wait a very long time for flowering, seven whole years. And why languish in anticipation for so long if there are other, more effective methods.

Campsis seeds

A very simple way to propagate vines - layering. To do this, the shoot growing closer to the ground must be bent and pinned to the ground. It is advisable to loosen the soil in this place, dig the shoot a little and water it, and also cover it with plastic wrap to preserve moisture. Soon the dormant roots that are on the shoots will “wake up” and begin to sprout. The rooting site needs to be watered regularly. The rooted cuttings are already next spring will give a new plant. This method can be used during the growing season at any time.

By the way, vines can take root not only in the ground, but also in cracks in the walls of houses, in fences where dust or sand has entered. That is why it is recommended to use trellises for vines, rather than allowing them to entwine walls, climbing onto roofs.

Another common and perhaps the most easy way reproduction - with the help root growth. For this in early spring, after frost, but before the onset growing season, the shoots with roots should be separated from the adult plant and transplanted to another place.

Also quite popular and very productive is the method cuttings. At the beginning of spring, you should select last year's woody shoots from the middle of the bush and cut them into cuttings, each about 30 cm long. Then plant them in deep flowerpots with good soil, water and cover with film. On about the 12th day, leaves will appear. When the threat of frost has passed, plants can be planted in open ground. permanent place.

Pests and diseases

Campsis is very resistant to disease and is practically not susceptible to pest invasion. The only thing that can bother him is aphids, which sometimes appear in flower buds or in leaves located at the tips of young shoots. It is quite easy to get rid of aphids by spraying the affected areas with vodka from a spray bottle. You can simply give the plant a shower to wash off the aphids with a stream of water.

Aphid on a campsis flower

These are the simple but very important rules for caring for campsis. But the time will not be wasted in caring for the plant: after all, it will turn into joy - every day all summer long to look at the wonderful bright beauty of the overseas vine.

Campsis in the garden: video

Types of Kampsis: photo

Campsis is another wonderful vine that has feathery leaves and can decorate the veranda, hedge or wall of the house with its bright tubular flowers throughout the summer. Will Kampsis grow successfully in the middle zone? What conditions must be created for him to surprise with his exotic flowers?

What does Kampsis look like?

This is a large perennial liana, woody over time, included in the Bignoniaceae family. The shoots can be fixed to a vertical support with the help of aerial roots and reach a length of 5-10 meters. The leaves are compound, odd-pinnate, consisting of seven, nine or eleven small leaflets, the edges of which are serrated. Campsis flowers are quite large (average diameter 5 centimeters and length 9 centimeters), tubular, resemble miniature gramophones, and do not emit a scent. They form small inflorescences - panicles - at the ends of the shoots. Some varieties are orange-red in color, while others can be salmon, crimson, yellow, pink, or reddish-golden. The first flowers open in June, and the flowering period ends in the first autumn month. Although the flowers have no smell, these large tubes attract the attention of wasps, worker bees, ants, and flies. Bignonia fruits are tough, leathery, elongated pods. Their size is from 8 to 10 centimeters. Many membranous winged seeds ripen inside. When the pod cracks into two halves, they fly apart. The roots of this plant spread in different directions.

Campsis is popularly called differently: tekoma, tecomaria, bignonia, trumpet flower.

Let us tell you that tecomaria, tecoma and campsis are not exactly the same thing; they are still representatives of different genera, although they belong to the same family.

“Camptein” can be translated from Greek as “bend”, “twist”. And this name is associated with the twisting, bizarre trunk of these vines or with curling stamens.

Botanists distinguish two types in this genus:

  • Campsis rooting (its homeland is North America). Thanks to its aerial roots, this bignonia is capable of climbing to a height of fifteen meters. The odd-pinnate leaves of this vine are bare, bright green above, and pubescent below. The size of the leaves is 20 centimeters. The apical racemes are represented by ten or fifteen large tubular-funnel-shaped flowers. Their length reaches nine centimeters, and their diameter can be up to five centimeters. Whisk richly orange color, and the limb is fiery red. After flowering, long pod-like boxes appear on the plant.
  • There are a few beautiful shapes this type:

    • Magnificent (grows like a bush, has thin shoots and red-orange flowers),
    • Early (large flowers painted in bright red are formed on it first),
    • Golden (the color of its flowers is yellow),
    • Dark purple (has bright red flowers with a purple tint).

    Let's name several attractive varieties of this type of bignonia:

    • “Flamenco” - from July until the arrival of frost, the vine is decorated with purple-red flowers,
    • "Judy" - this vine produces reddish-golden flowers,
    • “Flava” - rich yellow flowers open on the bush from July to September.
  • Campsis grandiflora, Chinese (natural habitat - China, Japan). The shoots of this species do not have aerial roots, so they are attached to parts of the support with their tips, or the vine even grows like a bush. The leaves are also complex, but smaller in size (up to six centimeters), without pubescence. But this species produces more spectacular, large flowers (the diameter of one is eight centimeters). They are painted in a reddish-orange color, tubular-funnel-shaped in shape. The seeds ripen in long pods. Frost resistance is much lower than that of rooted ones. There is a form on which they open orange flowers(Thunberg's campsis).
  • Thanks to the two described species, breeders were able to create a hybrid campsis. It usually grows as a magnificent bush with a spreading crown. Less common climbing vines. Its flowers are comparable to those produced by Campsis grandiflora. But he inherited another positive quality - frost resistance - from his second “parent” - Kampsis rooting. The well-known variety “Madame Galen” - apricot-colored flowers are formed on a shrub vine.

    Features of planting Kampsis

    This plant is planted in open ground in the Moscow region or other areas of the middle zone after May 15. It is better to choose a place for the vine on the south or southeast side land plot, protected from drafts and gusts of wind. Do not place Kampsis near the windows of the house, because many insects flock to its flowers. The vine does not make any special demands on the soil; it feels normal even on limestone soil. The main thing is that there is a sufficient amount of microelements and minerals in the soil. Usually, for a cutting, it is enough to dig a hole of the following dimensions: 40x50x50 centimeters. Mix the soil that was taken out of the hole with mineral complex(in the amount of 500 grams) and compost (you need 5 kilograms). Immediately place part of this mixture in the hole, then spread your pet’s roots on the mound, and then completely fill the remaining space with nutritious soil mixture. As a result, the seedling in a new place should be at the same depth to which it was previously accustomed. Lightly tamp down the soil around the seedling and then water it. Wait for the soil to dry out a little and mulch with peat or soil from the compost pit. Do not forget that Kampsis shoots definitely need support, otherwise they will grow as ground covers.

    Further recommendations for caring for Campsis

    The main elements that make up the care of this vine:

    • watering,
    • periodic loosening, combined with the removal of weeds appearing in the ground,
    • feeding,
    • mandatory pruning,
    • prevention of pests and diseases,
    • preparation for wintering.

    When watering Kampsis, the golden mean is important; this plant should neither be flooded nor the soil around it dry out. Try to do loosening and weeding when the soil is wet, then you will spend less effort and time.

    The secret to abundant flowering is adding nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers to the soil.

    Periodic pruning helps to form a beautiful, neat vine. As soon as you plant a seedling or small bush, cut off all its shoots, leaving 15 centimeters from the ground. In the future, it is recommended to leave only the 5 strongest shoots of the plant. Direct these growing shoots along the vertical support. If necessary, they can be tied up. In three years the plant reaches four meters in height. Shorten the side shoots every year to three eyes. Cut out weak, disease-affected, unsightly shoots completely. If for some reason the skeletal branch is damaged, remove it, and then try to send a replacement shoot in its place.

    An aging vine can be rejuvenated in the following way. Trim all branches of the bush at a level of 30 centimeters from the ground.

    It is advisable to carry out the pruning procedure before the buds on the shoots awaken, that is, in early spring.

    If desired, in the summer, using pruning shears and special designs, you can create fancy shapes or green hedges.

    Campsis grown from seeds show their first flowers only in the 4-6th year of their life. If you managed to buy a Kampsis cutting and plant it, it will bloom in the third year of its life. Campsis may not produce flowers for the following reasons:

  • Growing in regions with cold climates.
  • The plant is exposed to late frosts.
  • Living in a place where there are drafts.
  • Serious vine diseases or pest damage.
  • Poor soils.
  • There is no pruning, because old branches must be removed periodically; flowers appear on new shoots.
  • It should be noted that if Kampsis lives in conditions favorable to it, then it rarely suffers from diseases and is not affected by pests. If these plants are over-watered, their roots begin to rot, which negatively affects their condition and appearance. If the summer is hot and dry, then colonies of aphids may settle on the campsis, sucking out their juices. In this case, you can prepare such a solution for spraying by stirring 10 grams of grated tar soap in ten liters of water. Or you can use “chemistry”, for example, “Aktara”.

    Campsis propagation options

    Gardeners resort to two methods:

    • using seeds (generative propagation),
    • using root shoots, cuttings (green or lignified over time), as well as layering (all these are vegetative methods of propagation).

    Seeds special conditions do not require storage, they can easily lie all winter in room conditions, they do not need to be stratified or processed in any way. In the spring (March), they simply need to be sown in boxes with a moist, pre-loosened substrate, the reaction of which is neutral. The embedment depth is approximately 5 millimeters. The boxes must be left in a room where the temperature is within 25 degrees, then in a month (or a little earlier) the long-awaited shoots will hatch. Such seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place in the garden when they grow three pairs of true leaves.

    If it is possible to take young green cuttings from an adult campsis, then they should be pruned in June or July. Leave the top three leaves of each cutting, just shorten them by two-thirds. Make a loose bed for them in partial shade. Place the cuttings in fertile soil at a slight angle (about 45 degrees). In the future, these plantings need to be moistened and mulched. Experience shows that on average 90% of such cuttings take root.

    Lignified cuttings are cut from woody shoots in the spring. They are also placed in the ground at an angle. Their survival rate is much higher.

    If the vine has a so-called root shoot nearby, then you can dig up the developed root shoots and move them along with the soil to another place on the site. The time for such a procedure is the beginning of spring or days after leaf fall.

    Now let’s introduce the method of propagation by layering. If you notice shoots growing close to the ground in the spring, bend them to the ground. Secure with wire staples. Keep the soil constantly moistened throughout the summer. Within a year, at the beginning of spring, the rooted cuttings can be transplanted from the vine.

    How does Kampsis winter?