Homemade croton flowers care. Video: propagation of croton by air layering. Type of croton and its varieties grown indoors

Croton flower, also known as codiaum plant, belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. The culture comes from the humid tropical countries of Oceania and Asia. This graceful houseplant is known for its high content of milky sap in its vegetative organs. Crotone areas are used to heal damaged skin. Juice forms protective film. The dried coating prevents wound infection. Codiaum is especially popular among flower growers due to its decorative leaves. The unusual shape and shade of the plant can become the main decoration of the interior. The croton flower is capable of changing colors several times during its life cycle.

Croton is a heat-loving crop.

Ambient temperature

Codium should be kept in a warm room. Temperature V summer period It is advisable to maintain it at + 20 - + 22 degrees.

It is important not to allow the temperature to drop below the thermometer mark of + 16 degrees. The root system begins to rot at low temperatures.

In hot conditions, it is necessary to increase the level of air humidity.

Lighting standard

Indoor flower Croton needs sufficient lighting. To preserve the decorative effect of bright foliage, the plant should be provided with diffused sunlight. In a darkened room, the leaves may take on a uniform green tint.

In summer, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight. IN winter time year, it is advisable to move the flowerpot to a window on the south side of the building.

Proper watering

How to provide good care for Croton at home? Codiaum is a rather capricious culture. For rapid development, regular inspection and compliance with all recommendations will be required.

Croton differs from other representatives of the flora in that it lacks the ability to regenerate leaves. In the area of ​​wilting of the vegetative organ, new leaves do not form.

Capricious croton may suffer from excessive watering.

Drooping leaves indicate insufficient soil moisture. Codiaum must be watered regularly. Spray water at least once a week room temperature on the plant, and also wash the leaves with a damp sponge.

IN spring-autumn period Croton especially needs wet procedures. The soil should be watered every day. It is important not to allow the substrate to dry out completely.

The plant does not tolerate watering easily cold water. Exposure to drafts and sudden temperature changes also have a detrimental effect on croton.

In winter, the flower should be moved to an area of ​​the room with sufficient lighting. The amount of watering must be reduced. It is enough to moisten the plant once every three days.

Transplantation of codiaum

How to replant croton without harming the plant? It is recommended to change the container or soil in early spring. It is important to keep the earthen ball intact. Damaged root system very difficult to recover.

It is advisable to replant the codiaum once every three years. For the plant, you need to prepare a container three centimeters larger in diameter.

When damaged by pests or diseases, the transplant can destroy the croton. Before replanting, the plant should be completely restored.

Trimming procedure

After purchasing from a garden dealership, codiaum may suddenly die. The leaves gradually become smaller. The branches are stretched out. The main reason for the wilting of croton is a sharp change in microclimatic conditions.

Affected areas must be trimmed. If the plant has lost its decorative appearance, you can completely clear the above-ground part of the croton from shoots and leaves. After a few weeks, new leaves will appear on the crop. Cuttings can be easily used for further rooting.

Codiaum responds well to pinching and pruning.

An adult plant is regularly trimmed to keep it compact. Young codiaum responds well to pinching. It is advisable to carry out the first pinching on an older specimen (more than fifteen centimeters).

The subsequent procedure can be performed after reaching twenty centimeters. The cut must be sprinkled with sulfur powder or crushed wood ash. After pruning, flower stalks appear on the codiaum. Areas for growing green mass should be removed.

How to grow a plant in open ground

It is important not only to properly care for indoor plants. Improper planting often ends in the death of croton.

Outdoors, croton can reach more than three meters in height. In unsuitable climatic conditions, the plant will only maintain decorative properties. In this case, development may stop completely. The reason for the lack of new ground vegetative organs in strong growth of the root system.

In the winter season, the plant will die in a temperate continental climate. When moving into a pot, it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the roots. The underground part of the croton can reach more than one meter in diameter. A damaged plant in a container will begin to wilt and dry out. After dropping its leaves, the croton will die within a few weeks.

You can save the plant from damage with a little trick. It is enough to plant the croton on the site in a container. It is important to make several holes in the container. Through the openings, the codiaum will be able to receive all the necessary components from the soil.

Croton in natural environment a habitat.

Tight spaces inhibit the development of the root system. All the plant's energy is spent on the growth of leaves and stems.

Features of growing in a container

High quality soil

To plant croton, you should purchase a substrate for indoor crops. It is advisable to choose a universal soil mixture for deciduous ornamental plants. Codium grows well in soil for Dieffenbachia and Aglaonema.

It is recommended to avoid excessive soil looseness. Rapid loss of moisture negatively affects plant development. It is necessary to prepare a drainage layer at the bottom of the container. Drainage should be no more than ¼ of the container volume.

When planting, it is necessary to prepare a drainage layer.

How to feed croton

Active development and decorativeness can be ensured by regularly fertilizing the substrate. It is advisable to use minerals and complex compounds for deciduous ornamental crops for croton.

Fertilizing should be done weekly immediately after watering. In the cold season, it is necessary to reduce the use of compounds. It is enough to add minerals once a month.

Pot parameters

The right pot will help prevent the substrate from souring. It is recommended to use a small, tight container. After the root system has mastered the pot, you can replant. It is not advisable to allow the earthen clod to dry out.

You should prepare a glazed clay or plastic pot. Ordinary clay promotes rapid absorption of moisture.

Main pests and diseases of codiaum

The main cause of croton diseases is reduced immunity. Dry air contributes to plant damage. Insufficient spraying and wiping of leaves increases the likelihood of disease.

The appearance of brown marks or dry patches indicates sunburn. It is necessary to protect the leaves from direct sunlight. If only the tips of the leaves become dry, it is necessary to increase the amount of watering and air humidity.

The appearance of light areas on the leaves indicates the presence of scale insects. After identifying insects, croton should be isolated in separate room. All areas should be thoroughly wiped with cotton wool soaked in vegetable oil.

Pale leaves appear due to root rot. The disease occurs as a result of constant excessive watering. At the beginning of the disease, you can dry the plant. The soil should be gradually moistened. “Fitosporin M” or “Alirin B” can be added to the root zone.

Allergic reaction to croton

Codiaum inflorescences are quite simple and inconspicuous. Gardeners recommend removing flowers. The formation of buds takes a lot of energy from the plant.

All crops of the family are characterized by increased toxicity. When processing, be sure to use protective equipment. It is important to protect children and pets from contact with the flower.

Accidental consumption of parts of the plant can cause anxiety, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal pain, cramps, difficulty breathing and increased salivation.

Croton belongs to very dangerous poisonous crops.

Despite the increased toxicity, codiaum is used in the pharmaceutical industry. Take medications only under the strict supervision of specialists. Using croton oil in its pure form will cause the skin to become covered with burns and blisters.

Croton propagation at home

To spread codiaum at home, you can use seed from seed pods.

The collected rudiments must be soaked in a growth stimulator. After germination, you need to place the seeds in a prepared container with a moist substrate. The planted croton must be carefully covered with plastic wrap or transparent glass.

Croton cuttings.

How does croton propagate from cuttings? Propagating codiaum vegetatively is quite simple. It is necessary to prepare large, mature cuttings. The length of the shoots must be at least fifteen centimeters. You need to take cuttings from the main stem. Then place in water at room temperature. The warm liquid will wash away the milky juice. The shoots need to be dried. To prevent moisture loss, it is advisable to tie the leaves with a tube.

Treated croton can be planted in a container and covered with film. To create favorable conditions, place the container in warm room. In a month, new leaves will appear on the rooted shoots. Unlike the seed propagation method, cuttings are suitable for all varieties of croton.

Codiaum flowering

For abundant flowering Croton needs to be created favorable conditions. It is necessary to remove inflorescences in a timely manner.

The absence of buds indicates improper care. The amount of watering needs to be reconsidered. Nitrogen use also influences abundant flowering.

How to choose croton

The tropical flower can often be found in garden nurseries and ordinary flower shops. Variegated croton “Excellent” in a container is sold at a price of 750 rubles. The standard croton “Petra”, 140 cm high, is valued at 4 thousand rubles.

Evergreen decorative flower Croton is also called codiaum. It is a perennial with variegated leaves. It belongs to the Euphorbia family. There are 15 varieties in total, these can be trees, shrubs and herbs.

Found in southeast Asia, the Indian Peninsula, Malaysia, and the Pacific Islands. There are four-meter representatives there. Croton indoor plant is no higher than 1 meter.

The plant has long attracted people with its unusualness, so the croton flower has not been spared by signs and superstitions.

According to astrologers, the Earth, Sun and Mercury give their energy to croton. Therefore, the residents of the house are not afraid of negative emotions from people who come - it extinguishes them. But the codiaum itself thrives in an atmosphere where people respect each other and live in cleanliness and order.

Important! Croton is poisonous; when caring for it, you need to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly. Otherwise, burns cannot be avoided. That is why they place the flower in places where children and pets cannot reach it.

The main superstitious features of the flower:

  1. Croton creates with his presence positive energy indoors, making it cozy and comfortable. People can communicate freely, they will always have common topics.
  2. It is believed that croton flower increases human immunity.

Selected varieties

In their natural habitat, there are varieties of croton that grow up to 3–4 meters in height. There is only one species that can be grown at home - the variegated croton flower, which is called Joseph's Cloak. Breeders have bred many hybrids that differ in leaf shape and color. This is what makes the plant popular.

Note! Codiaum blooms very rarely, usually in summer. The inflorescence contains both male and female flowers. They vary in color and shape.

Breeders took variegated croton as a basis and created many varieties. Kindspopular codiaums:

  • Petra and Excellent;
  • Mix and Mrs. Eyeston;
  • Sunny Star and Mammy;

The Zanzibar croton is especially popular due to its thin, long leaves, which have a bright unusual color: green, red, burgundy and orange.

Features of proper care of croton

Any tropical plant is capricious and requires care. This also applies to croton. Any deviations from the rules can cause death. Therefore, before purchasing a flower, you need to learn in detail how to care for it at home. Let's look at how to care for this plant at home.


All varieties, including Croton Zanzibar, require good lighting. Only in this case will it be possible to admire the decorative colors. Lack of light causes leaves to wilt. The flowerpot should be placed on windows facing east or west. A south-facing window will also work, but in this case it will be necessary to artificially create shade so that the sun does not burn the leaves.

Temperature and humidity

Features of temperature and humidity. In spring and summer, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 25 degrees, in winter no higher than 18. An indoor flower can be taken outside, but the main thing is that the street temperature does not fall below 14°C.

Tropical plants are demanding of moisture, so you need to systematically spray and wash the leaves. The humidity level should be about 40%. There should always be wet pebbles or expanded clay in the tray. This must be especially monitored in winter, when the heating is on, otherwise the croton will shed its leaves.


Soil is also important for the plant. You can use ready-made soils for ornamental crops or prepare them yourself. We take sand, turf and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Sometimes gardeners add one part of peat and crushed charcoal. The soil is sterilized and spilled with boiling water and potassium permanganate.

Features of watering and fertilizing

In different seasons of the year, croton requires special watering. In spring and summer, water frequently, but in winter only when the lump of earth dries to the middle of the pot. Water only with settled and warm water.

If there is insufficient watering, the leaves dry out and fall off. Overwatering leads to rotting and death of the root system.

As for fertilizing, it should be carried out from the beginning of spring until the end of summer 2 times a month. You need to use only special compounds.

How to prune a plant

Pruning should be mandatory for croton flowers. Care in this case will allow you to form a beautiful crown and serve as the beginning of active branching. The cut or pinched area should be sprinkled with sulfur or activated carbon so that decay does not begin. There is no need to throw away the cut branches; this is an excellent material for propagation.

The first pruning is carried out when the height of the codiaum is 15 cm. The next one is when the plant grows another 20 cm. Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of what to do with dry shoots when they can be removed. To ornamental plant it looked elegant, dry twigs are removed when the need arises. Croton will not be harmed.

Plant transplantation and propagation

Croton transplantation at home is carried out in plastic or ceramic containers. Young specimens are replanted approximately once every 2 years, and adult plants are replanted every 3–4 years.

Important! Choose a deep, but not too wide pot so that the roots can easily fit in it.

If there is no need to replant, and the soil is covered with salts, then the top layer is replaced with new nutritious soil.

Croton propagation at home is done in the following ways:

Propagation by leaves is not suitable, although roots appear, they do not grow after planting.

Croton cuttings

For getting quality seedlings, cuttings are cut only from healthy plants. Propagation by cuttings should be carried out in the last days of winter; cuttings are cut and placed in warm water. This is necessary to remove milky juice. Clean water is poured into a new container, a composition is added to accelerate growth, and the cutting is placed. For roots to appear, you need to maintain a temperature in the room of at least 25 degrees. Usually the root system develops within a month. Then the new plant is transplanted to a permanent place.

By the way. If roots have not appeared after a month, do not throw away the cutting. Just trim lightly, treat with a growth stimulator and put it back into the water. Heat the container from below.

Sometimes gardeners immediately place several cuttings into the substrate. The soil is well moistened; a greenhouse is created for the plant from a plastic bag. During the month while rooting occurs, the plant needs to be ventilated and watered. The grown seedlings are transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Air sprouts

Propagation of croton at home is also possible by air layering. They can be obtained in different ways.

Cut a 7 mm strip on the stem and treat it with a special composition that stimulates growth. To make roots appear faster, wrap the cut with damp moss. Cover the top with dark cellophane. The bottom of the film needs to be pulled tightly with twine or thick thread, the top part should also be pulled in, but loosely. When the soil dries, water is added to it. In 30 days the root system will appear. But it is still weak, so cutting the cuttings is recommended at a height of 5 cm.

Take a small one a plastic cup, cut and placed at the cut site. The lower part is attached tightly, and peat is placed in the upper part (socket). Water is also added here.

The resulting croton flower is transplanted into a pot the right size, put it in a place where the sun's rays do not reach and constantly spray it.

There is another way to propagate croton by air layering. The lower part of the woody shoot is cut off, treated with a special growth compound and bent to the ground. The shoot is sprinkled with soil. Soon leaves and roots will grow. We separate the plant from the uterine shoot and transplant it to a permanent place.

Sowing seeds

Croton Zanzibar, like other varieties of codiaum, can be obtained from seeds. But this method will take a lot of time. The seeds are first soaked in a special solution. Then pour it onto moist soil. Cover the top glass jar or polyethylene.

Every day the crops are ventilated and watered as needed. After 30 days, sprouts will appear. Caring for the seedlings continues until 3 open leaves appear on them. After this you can transplant it into a pot.

Croton diseases

Codium is disease resistant. If care at home is carried out according to all the rules, then the plants delight with their decorative properties.

But sometimes the plant becomes lethargic, the leaves droop and the tips dry out. Most likely it's a sunburn.

Many novice flower growers are interested in the question, why do croton leaves fall? The cause may be harmful insects that have settled on the plant:

  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • scale insect.

To eliminate harmful insects, you need to use insecticides. Crotons are processed with them.

If an ornamental tree is sick, the cause must be sought in its care. Croton leaves dry out and fall off for the following reasons::

  1. Incorrect watering or dry air. It is necessary to humidify the environment not only in the summer, but also in the winter, since heating systems dry out the air in the apartment.
  2. Not enough light: Find a new place, but without direct sunlight.
  3. Mites have settled on the plant.

Learn the rules for caring for tropical plants and feel free to place them in your apartment. Don’t be confused by the fact that croton is capricious; its decorative qualities are attractive. A flower will make the room cozy and comfortable. Croton is a real decoration that will not leave either residents or guests indifferent.

Croton or codiaum is an ornamental foliage plant from the Euphorbiaceae family. In nature it grows up to three meters in height. At home, with proper care, it can reach a height of one and a half meters. Croton at home requires good care and suitable conditions.

From this article you will learn how to properly care for this unusual flower at home, and what conditions it requires for full growth and development.

Croton flower - growing features

Home croton called one of the most capricious plants (Figure 1). The features of caring for it are as follows.

Figure 1. External features of croton

First, it needs to spray the leaves with a spray bottle and wipe them with a damp sponge. In the summer, from time to time the flower needs a warm shower. He does not like drafts and watering with cold water.

Secondly, the flowering of a plant takes a lot of energy from it, and if you do not plan to propagate it, then the flower stalks must be removed. At the beginning of the growing season, the leaves of the crop may have strange shapes.

In addition, the sap of the plant is poisonous and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dermatitis, so you need to wear gloves when caring for the flower.

Croton care at home

This is very beautiful plant, which requires a lot of attention and compliance with all the rules for caring for it. To make it easier for you to master the basic steps of caring for this unusual plants, let's look at the main ones in more detail.


Young plants should be replanted twice a year, mature plants - once every two years. Take a pot two centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one. When the root system fills a container with a diameter of 25 cm, there is no need to replant the flower, but only annually remove the top layer of soil from the pot and update it with fresh soil (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Main stages of transplantation

The finished substrate should include: peat, leaf, turf soil and river sand in equal parts. When replanting, you should not disturb the earthen lump, but simply transfer it from the old pot to the new one, having previously made a drainage layer equal to a quarter of the container’s volume.

Croton in winter

With the onset of cold weather, the pot with the flower is moved from the northern window sill to the southern one, watering is reduced, but they adhere to the principle that the earthen lump should be slightly damp. Spraying and wiping with a damp sponge are continued, but not done so often. It’s better to forget about the shower until summer.

In the cold season, the plant is fed no more than once a month.

Croton propagation

At home, the culture is propagated in several ways, each of them has its own characteristics.

We will consider the seed and vegetative methods, since they are considered the most effective for growing young crops.

By seed method

The longest and most labor-intensive way to obtain a new plant is considered to be propagation by seeds. This method is recommended only for experienced gardeners.

If you decide to implement this method, you need to remember that seeds of indoor species:

  • soon after ripening they lose their germination capacity;
  • do not pass parent properties;
  • Before sowing, they need disinfection and special preparation to accelerate germination.

To disinfect the seeds, they are immersed in hot water, then kept in water at room temperature for a day. A growth activator can be added to the liquid.

Before sowing, the soil must be sterilized, then the prepared seeds are pressed into the soil to a depth of 1 cm. The soil is moistened, and the container with the crops is transferred to the greenhouse. At high temperature and air humidity, the seeds will germinate in about a month. When the shoots appear, they are still carefully watered and gradually hardened. Seedlings with three open leaves are transplanted into individual pots.

Vegetative method

This method involves the use of cuttings. To do this, it is better to root an apical shoot 6-10 cm long (Figure 3).

Note: If you want to get several cuttings, the shoot must be cut into pieces so that each piece has at least one internode with one leaf. To do this, it is better to take semi-lignified or lignified cuttings.

The juice that flows from the slices should be washed off, and the slices should be allowed to air dry for about three hours. At the top of the cutting, the leaves are cut in half parallel to the veins, and the leaves from the lower part are removed. The finished cuttings are placed with a dried root in water heated to 23-30°C and placed in a bright place to grow roots.

Figure 3. Plant cuttings

When the cuttings have roots 2 cm long, it can be transplanted into special soil for this crop. In the first two weeks, young seedlings need to create high humidity air with frequent spraying. The elasticity of the leaves indicates that the cuttings have taken root.

Croton pests and diseases

This plant is poisonous, so diseases and pests attack it very rarely. The development of a disease or the appearance of a pest can only provoke improper care behind the plant or incorrect location of the flower in the house.

Insect pests

The flower is susceptible to damage by mealybugs, spider mites, nematodes, scale insects and often mites. The appearance of these insects indicates that the plant was rarely washed and watered irregularly.

To combat the mealybug, spider mite and scale insects use a tobacco solution with the addition of soap. The above-ground parts are wiped with this solution and washed off after an hour and a half. You need to wash it off carefully so that the solution does not get into the ground.

Croton dropped its leaves

This phenomenon can be observed when the plant cannot get enough moisture. This happens when the roots are cold. The plant is transferred to a bright, warm place, watering is adjusted so that the earthen ball dries out deeply between waterings. Spray the leaves well, do not feed the plant and put a cap or transparent bag on it.


It is considered a natural phenomenon when lower leaves The plants dry out gradually. Dry leaf tips indicate that the plant needs increased humidity.

Dried edges of leaves brown spots indicate that the room is cool and the crop is freezing. If you notice that your flower's leaves are drying out and falling off, then the plant needs to be watered.

Drops leaves

The flower sheds its leaves in the following cases: prolonged insufficient watering and low humidity air, as well as very low room temperature, temperature changes or drafts. In such cases, carefully examine the roots of the plant: if they are tightly entwined with a lump of soil, then it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and the soil can be fluffed up so that the plant can develop the root system. This is necessary because if root growth is inhibited, they will not be able to supply the plant with the necessary nutrients and water, which is why the leaves fall.

Adjust watering, because the crop is adversely affected by both waterlogging and drying out of the soil. During active growth Fertilize croton with universal fertilizers. It is also necessary to regularly replace a third of the old potting soil with fresh substrate. To increase air humidity, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge every morning.

The author of the video will reveal even more secrets for caring for croton at home.

In nature, there are more than 1,200 varieties of kraton flower, and only a small part of them can take root at home. The plant can take the form of a tree, bush or grass, and depending on the habitat, the craton, also known as codiaum, can change not only the color, but also the shape of the leaves. The plant is fastidious in its care, so if you want to grow a healthy and beautiful flower, you should adhere to certain rules.

The most common plant species include:

  • Gold Dust is one of the most beautiful varieties. It has rich green foliage with numerous yellow splashes throughout.
  • Excelent is a classic version of croton. It has broad foliage, the color of which can change from green to yellow, sometimes with a reddish tint. In order for the plant to delight with rich colors, it needs to provide a sufficient amount of light, but at the same time avoid direct sunlight.
  • Norma is one of the most common types of flowers; it has a compact shape and wide leaves of a reddish hue. Due to what he loves a large number of moisture, it is recommended to regularly spray it with water.
  • Gold Star - the name of the plant translates as “golden star”. All thanks to its unusual shape and color - long and narrow leaves stick out in all directions. Color – yellow with green splashes or green with yellow splashes.
  • Petra is one of the most unusual representatives of croton. The color is bright, on one plant you can find red, yellow, orange and green leaves.
  • Aiston can easily be considered one of the unusual varieties. Leaves look in reverse side, on one plant they can be painted in a wide variety of colors.
  • Golden Ring - the plant has a neat appearance, the leaves are oblong and small. The color is bright, combining yellow and green shades.

Flower Kraton: nuances of cultivation

Croton, which is grown at home, is one of the most capricious plants.

There are several nuances in care that every grower should know about:

  • This is a moisture-loving plant that requires regular watering. Its leaves need to be constantly sprayed with a spray bottle or moistened with a sponge.
  • During flowering, the flower loses a lot of strength and energy. If you are going to start propagating croton, you will have to remove all the flower stalks.
  • The plant is poisonous and can cause vomiting or diarrhea. Use gloves when caring for it.

Home care

So that the croton pleases with its decorative look over the years, follow the basic rules for caring for it.

Soil requirements

High quality soil is the key to healthy growth. In order for the plant to feel comfortable at home, it is worth preparing loose and well-drained soil for it. The soil should be breathable, with average acidity. You can make your own substrate. To do this, take sand, turf, leaf and peat soil in equal quantities. Before planting the plant, you need to disinfect the soil. To do this, pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Optimal conditions of detention

To make growing croton a fun activity, it needs to create optimal conditions for growth. First of all, this concerns the temperature regime. The plant is a heat-loving plant, so the room temperature should not be lower than +17 degrees. It is best for it to be within +22…+23. Low temperatures will lead to the death of the root system and lethargy of the leaves. Also avoid drafts and sudden fluctuations in humidity.

Flowers should be placed on windowsills with good lighting, but they do not like direct sunlight, as this can cause burns.

In winter, pots can be placed on western or southern windows, in summer - on eastern or western ones. Insufficient lighting will cause the plant to lose its decorative color and the leaves will turn green.

Watering a flower

Abundant watering is required only in spring and summer, since during this period moisture evaporates with maximum force. IN winter period 1-2 waterings per week are enough; spraying the leaves with a spray bottle is also allowed. Be sure to use settled warm water. Cold tap water can cause leaves to die in a short time. Also make sure there is a sufficient level of humidity in the room, as croton is tropical plant. The leaves of the flower will “tell” about the lack of water; they will become limp and hang down the walls of the pot.

Feeding and fertilizer

Like other indoor plants, croton periodically requires mineral fertilizers.

  • It is best to feed the flower during the growing season - spring and summer.
  • It is recommended to fertilize once a week.
  • Use only fertilizers designed for tropical plants.
  • The maximum effect can be obtained from liquid fertilizers; they are usually diluted with water.

In addition, tea leaves, coffee grounds or banana peels can be used as top dressing. The grounds or tea leaves should be added once every 2 weeks, after steaming them. Once crushed, the banana peel is placed under the top layer of soil; over time, it will begin to decompose.

Carrying out pruning

Do not forget that the plant is poisonous, so pruning should be done with extreme caution. Croton juice may be harmful to health.

How to replant correctly?

For young plant characteristic fast growth. In order for this process to continue with the same intensity, it is recommended to replant the flower every six months. Over time, replanting will be required much less often as the container fills with the root system.

  • With each subsequent process, take a container that is 2 centimeters wider than the previous one.
  • The maximum size of the pot can be 25 cm, after which the flower does not need to be replanted. However, for comfortable growth, it will be necessary to update the top layer of soil annually.
  • Try to replant the plant each time in soil that is as close as possible to its natural habitat conditions.

After you remove the croton from the pot, do not remove the remaining old soil from the root system. Transfer the plant to a new pot and add the required amount of substrate. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom. After transplanting, it is better to place the codiaum in the shade and at first it will need plenty of watering.

Winter care

Craton care in winter is practically no different from any other period. Experts recommend placing the pot with the plant on a south-facing windowsill, reducing watering slightly and fertilizing it no more than once a month.

The main enemies of croton are spider mites and scale insects.

Gray rot affects the stem and young leaves. As a result of the disease, large spots appear Brown. It is necessary to cut off all affected leaves and cuttings and remove moldy soil. Treat the flower with copper oxychloride and reduce watering.

When growing croton, a gardener may encounter some problems:

  • The plant drops its leaves. This is due to the fact that its root system freezes, as a result of which it ceases to absorb a sufficient amount of moisture. Move the pot to a warmer place with good lighting, organize regular watering and spraying, and stop fertilizing. It is recommended to put a plastic bag on top of the flower.
  • The plant sheds its leaves. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the flower sheds its lower leaves during the growth period. A bad sign would be massive loss of foliage. This picture can be observed as a result of low air humidity, draft, insufficient watering and sharp fluctuations temperature.
  • The plant is drying out. A natural process when the lower leaves dry out and over time the lower part of the trunk becomes bare. If the edges of the leaves begin to dry, this indicates low air humidity and uncomfortable temperatures. The plant urgently needs to be moved to a warmer room.

Despite the fact that codiaum is considered one of the poisonous plants, it can create a special atmosphere on your windowsill. And with proper care, it will continue to delight with its decorative flowering for many years.

Croton (codiaum) is an interesting indoor plant that designers use when decorating offices and homes. All thanks to the varied colors and shapes of the leaves. And this plant needs care. Therefore, the topic of the article will be caring for croton at home.

There are species of croton that in their natural environment grow up to three meters in height. The height of indoor specimens does not exceed one meter.

Croton is capricious and appearance will demonstrate that you are not caring for him correctly. Such signals boil down to a change in color or wilting of leaves.

Secrets of care

  • Temperature . The room temperature should be above 16 degrees, otherwise the croton will shed its leaves. Low temperatures lead to rotting of the root system. Optimal temperature content - 22 degrees.
  • Lighting. At good lighting Codiaum leaves become uniformly green and acquire a bright color. Do not allow the flower to be exposed to sunlight in summer. In winter, keep it on the windowsill of a south-facing window to ensure comfort.
  • Watering. For warm season Water croton well and regularly. The soil should dry out no more than a centimeter. Lack of moisture causes a lot of problems. However, you cannot overdo it with watering, otherwise aboveground part the croton and root will rot. In autumn and winter, reduce watering. If there is a lack of moisture, which the plant will indicate by drooping leaves, spray it with water at room temperature from a spray bottle. Usage cold water will start the leaf dropping procedure.
  • Air humidity . In spring and summer, spray the codiaum regularly. Carry out the procedure in winter, only less often. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. To increase air humidity, place a container with wet pebbles near the pot, which correct design will further decorate the interior.
  • Top dressing. During the growing season, croton requires complex fertilizers, which are recommended to be applied weekly after watering. With the onset of the autumn-winter season, fertilize the flower once a month.
  • Transfer. It is recommended to replant young plants once a year in the spring. During the process, use a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one. Replant carefully, trying to preserve the earthen ball. Remember about drainage, which should account for a quarter of the pot’s volume. Adult specimens are replanted every few years.
  • Reproduction . Proper care promotes growth and creates normal conditions for reproduction. Experienced flower growers They do this using seeds and cuttings. Since this is a broad topic, I will address it separately.
  • Diseases. In most cases, croton suffers from scale insects and mealybug, but spider mites often cause inconvenience. If problems arise, wash the plant with soapy water and treat with a special preparation.

Video tips and instructions

Many houseplants, including dracaena and croton, require careful care. They more than pay for the labor costs of the florist with beauty that pleases the eye and fills the interior with colors.

Croton species

There are 14 types of croton. IN indoor floriculture One species has found application, which has a large number of varieties, forms and varieties.

In nature, the plant in question is a herbaceous perennial with stringy, leathery and dense foliage. The leaf shape is ovoid, linear or lanceolate. The highlight is not the axillary inflorescence with small flowers, but the foliage.

In home floriculture, housewives grow variegated croton and varieties differing in leaf color and shape. The plant is demanding in terms of care and maintenance conditions, so lazy and impatient people will not be able to grow this beauty. If you're not one of those people, Croton will give you something to do when you're bored.

  1. Croton variegated . An evergreen shrub that grows up to a meter in height at home. The shoots are smooth, and the leaves are lanceolate and green in color. The color scheme of the foliage varies depending on the variety.
  2. Croton variegated genuine . The foliage is lanceolate in shape, tapering towards the base with solid and smooth edges. There is a silvery pattern on the vein that runs down the center of the leaf.
  3. Croton motley tortoiseshell . It is characterized by olive green leaves with a red vein and a golden stripe. There are small spots along the stripe.
  4. Croton variegated oval-leaved . The leaves have a central vein with a golden pattern. Oval leaves with a blunt base and apex.
  5. Croton variegated three-striped . Beautiful leaves, each of which is divided into three separate parts. The foliage has stripes of a golden hue running along the main veins.
  6. Croton variegated decorated . The leaves resemble the foliage of its oval-leaved counterpart, but they are elongated.

I looked at the six most common types of codiaum found in home breeding.

Croton propagation

Croton's homeland is the tropical region of India and Asia, where in its natural environment the height reaches three meters.

Grow codiaum without proper care and increased attention impossible. Indoor exotic blooms inconspicuously, but the variegated and multi-colored leaves have excellent decorative properties. The color pigment undergoes changes at the beginning of autumn, which is due not to the time of year, but to the age of the foliage.

Method one - propagation by seeds

Growing croton from seeds is rarely practiced; the technology has a right to life. Sow seeds at the end of winter.

  • First, treat the seeds with phytohormones. To do this, immerse them in the appropriate solution for two to three hours. Next, sow shallowly in a compact container or box, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  • After a month, small shoots will appear. Dive the strengthened seedlings into separate pots. Provide seedlings with stable temperature and humidity through ventilation and spraying.

Method two - cuttings

A popular method of propagating croton is cuttings, although buried shoots are suitable for this purpose.

  1. To help the branch take root, sprinkle it with soil in the pot with the mother flower. After rooting, cut off the new shoot and plant it in a separate pot.
  2. Propagation by cuttings is based on the use of phytohormones. Dip cuttings fifteen centimeters long into water with activated charcoal and charcoal. After milky juice appears on the cuts, dry the cuttings. To reduce the intensity of moisture evaporation, roll the foliage on the shoots into a tube.
  3. Ready planting material plant in a moistened substrate and keep in greenhouse conditions. The care that accompanies this process boils down to regular ventilation and spraying.
  4. After 30 days the shoots will give roots. After that, seat them. There are growth stimulants on the market that speed up the rooting process.

Video tips for proper reproduction

What to do if the leaves dry out and fall off

As practice shows, if a croton sheds its leaves, it means it is not being properly cared for or pests have appeared. In some cases, this phenomenon is due to a natural process.

In this chapter of the article I will tell you what to do if the croton leaves dry out and fall off. But before we fight this phenomenon, let's determine the root cause.

Croton leaves have an unusual color, so it is difficult to immediately detect signs of drying. Most often the problem is noticed when the foliage falls off. Basically, such consequences are caused by a lack (the leaves are dry and crumble when touched) or excess moisture (the leaves are withered and stringy), dry air, drafts or pest activity.

A common pest that affects exotic plants is the spider mite. It can be identified by loss of color and cobwebs on the foliage. Scale insects also cause many problems for the plant when waxy spots appear on the leaves. dark spots.

If a plant sheds old leaves that are located in the bottom row, this is a natural process. If young foliage drops, make sure you care for the flower properly.

  • If there are characteristic signs of pest damage, treat the croton with special preparations and cut off the affected leaves. To combat spider mites, I advise you to use “Aktellik”, and “Karbofos” will help to cope with scale insects.
  • If no traces of pests are found, change your watering technique. The top layer of soil should dry out and the bottom layer should remain moist. If the room is hot, regularly spray the codiaum with water and wipe the leaves.

By listening to the recommendations, you will preserve the pristine beauty of exotic croton. Just don’t forget to determine the reason for the falling leaves before starting any action. Only in this case you will not harm the flower and will be able to help.