Garden jasmine, mock orange. Mock orange crown

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Chubushnik is one of the most popular plants. It belongs to the hydrangea family. Most species of this plant are shrubs with thin branches. gray, covered with small leaves. And in order for the mock orange bush to please you with its flowering, you need to learn a few secrets for growing this plant.

Mock orange planting

The most important thing when planting is to choose the optimally comfortable place for the plant.

Mock orange loves the sun very much, but at the same time it can tolerate a little shade. In the sun, the mock orange will bloom profusely, but in the shade its branches will begin to stretch out and the flowers will become smaller.

So, choose a place for mock orange:

Sunny or with some partial shade

Soil composition: leaf soil, humus, sand (ratio 3-2-1)

When there is a threat of water stagnation, drainage is necessary

The soil should be well moistened

The best time for planting is early autumn. In the remaining time before the cold weather, the plant will have time to take root. If you plan to plant in the spring, it is better to do it as early as possible, before the leaves bloom.

The most important thing is to position the plant correctly landing pit: The root collar should be at soil level to prevent rotting.

When planting several mock orange bushes, leave a distance of at least 0.5 meters between plants. After planting, water the plants at the rate of 1-2 buckets per bush.

Mock orange loves regular watering, although it can withstand short periods of drought.

Reproduction of mock orange

Mock orange is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering and seeds.

The most productive propagation of mock orange is propagation by cuttings.

R propagation by lignified cuttings:

In early spring or autumn, cuttings 15–20 cm long with 3–4 pairs of buds are cut

Rooting occurs within 3–5 weeks

R propagation by green cuttings:

During active flowering of mock orange, cuttings 4–5 cm long with one internode and two pairs of leaves are prepared

The top leaves are cut in half, lower leaves delete

Cuttings can be soaked for 12 hours in a stimulant solution ("Epin")

Planted at an angle of 30-40° in light, moist soil.

The cuttings are covered with a film or cap on top

Rooting occurs within 3–4 weeks

R propagation by layering

In the spring, they dig up the ground next to the bush and make furrows.

Last year's strong shoots are bent and laid into the prepared furrows.

Sprinkle them with earth, compact them if necessary, pin them to the ground to fix them in this position

Layers are watered regularly

In the fall, cuttings can be separated from the plant and replanted

Pruning mock orange in spring

For correct formation Mock orange requires regular pruning.

In the spring we remove old, dead, inward-facing, broken branches.

After planting, we prune weak branches and shorten the main ones to increase the number of buds and form a beautiful crown.

Immediately after flowering, we prune weak branches so that new and stronger ones develop; already in October, young branches are formed on strong shoots that will bloom next year.

In the third year of flowering, the old stems are cut back to the very base, making way for younger shoots.

Feeding and watering mock orange

Many people have seen mock orange at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that it was exactly that. Fragrant shrubs with white flowers are found in parks and resemble jasmine. That's why they called him garden jasmine. It got its name because of the so-called chibouks - smoking pipes that were made from its branches. This unpretentious plant is loved by gardeners and landscape designers. It is easy to grow and easy to care for, and looks like a luxurious green fountain. The homeland of mock orange is Europe, North America and the eastern regions of Asia.

general characteristics

Mock orange is a perennial that belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. These are small shrubs with small leaves and thin flexible shoots. They bloom throughout the summer. The brownish-gray bark is notable for being slightly flaky. Shoots reach 3 m, but more often grow to a meter. They thicken and become woody only towards the base.

The leaves are ovoid, elongated or oval, up to 7 cm. They are smooth and dark green, with pronounced longitudinal veins. Single or double flowers with pointed petals are collected in clusters of up to 9 buds. The maximum diameter is 6 cm. The fruits are sectional capsules about a centimeter, containing tiny dusty seeds.

Mock orange needs sun, but tolerates shade well. It requires moisture and constant hydration, but withers if the water stagnates. Short-term drought has almost no effect on the condition of the flower. Fragrant flowers attract numerous insects to the garden.

Dense thickets - excellent hedge. They are used in the design of fences, borders, facades and commercial buildings. When flowering, the bushes turn into fragrant cascades. Tall varieties are an ideal background for flower beds and seedlings, while low and miniature ones will fit harmoniously into alpine slide or rockery.

Types of mock orange

There are approximately 60 species of mock orange. They differ in aroma and slightly in appearance. The smell of some varieties is reminiscent of citrus or strawberries.

Classic upright branched mock orange with graceful three-meter shoots. The leaves are simple oval, medium in size. Loose clusters with delicate cream flowers appear on the shoots. Like the rest of the variety, they are small and elegant.

This is a frost-resistant spreading three-meter shrub. His homeland is southern regions and Asia Minor. The shoots are flexible, long and branched. The bark has an unusual reddish or yellowish tint. The thick oval leaves are arranged oppositely. They are smooth on the outside, but reverse side– slightly pubescent. Flowers are about 5 cm in diameter, of a delicate cream color, in large and loose racemes.

The flowering period begins towards the end of spring and lasts up to 3 weeks. Coronet mock orange tolerates winters down to -25C. Interesting subspecies include golden Aureus, wide and dark Variegata with edged leaves and spreading Innosens with sparse flowering and decorative marble patterns on sheet plates. Such mock orange lives up to 30 years.

The extensive breeding category includes dozens of ornamental varieties and their interspecific combinations. For example, the compact colorful Moonlight, the spreading Majorie, the graceful Elbrus, the slender Snowflake, the tall weeping Schneeshturm and others.

This variety got its name because of the light, airy bottom leaves. Large and neat cup-shaped flowers have almost no scent. But large inflorescences of 5–10 buds are very decorative. The tall bush grows up to 3 m. Flowering begins in midsummer.

The bush with large green four-meter shoots and large leaves has no odor even during the flowering period, as indicated by the name of the variety. But it is beautiful and decorative, with large white flowers of 5 buds per cluster. The length of leaves on shoots on which buds do not grow sometimes reaches 12 cm. This variety is notable for its width. The flowering period begins at the end of June and lasts almost until August.

His homeland is Far East, China and Korea. Main feature - early flowering. It is one of the first to bloom in mid-latitudes. The oval, tapered leaves resemble an egg. Delicate fragrant flowers reach 4 cm. An inflorescence contains an average of 9 buds. The flowering period starts in June and lasts 3–4 weeks.

This is a hybrid that includes several dozen subspecies. They are united by a rich, sweet smell. The bushes grow into dense three-meter thickets. Small and bright leaves diluted with fragrant flowers. Of the most known species– frost-resistant terry mock orange, thick and compact Mont Blanc, fluffy bell Snowbel, flexible and spreading Virgin, fluffy decorative Bicolor and luxurious Ermine mantle.

This is one of the most high grades, which at favorable conditions grows up to 5–6 m. It has large glossy leaves and large snow-white flowers, which also make it one of the most decorative varieties. The aroma is almost indistinguishable. The flowering period begins towards the end of June.

Selected varieties

Quantity decorative species artificially bred mock orange is almost unlimited. These are the tall Airborne, the snow-white Arctic, the miniature Unusual, the original Moth Ballet, the graceful Pearl and others.

By its nature, mock orange is a very unpretentious ornamental shrub. But it is important to choose the right place. In order for it to intensively turn green and bloom, it needs as much sun as possible, and for it to grow and stretch, it needs shade.

The ideal soil is leaf soil mixed with humus and sand. It must be loose, lightweight and nutritious, certainly with a neutral level of acidity. Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened and weeds removed. Fertilizers are applied systematically. In spring - organic matter, and immediately before flowering - mineral mixtures with potassium and phosphorus.

To avoid stagnation of water, drainage is needed. The simplest option is a fifteen-centimeter pebble layer. This is more than enough for the plant to live comfortably. As for watering, natural precipitation is sufficient for mock orange. It needs additional watering during the dry season.

Mock orange is pruned in several passes. In spring, all damaged, dried out and frozen shoots are removed. At the same time, the crown can be shaped. Old thickets must be rejuvenated by completely cutting off the stems to stimulate growth. This will increase the number of kidneys and significantly improve appearance crowns In the fall, sanitary cleaning is carried out, shoots growing inward and excess ground growth are removed.

Transplantation and propagation

Mock orange planted in the fall takes root best. In spring, this can only be done before the leaves bloom. Otherwise, the bush may die. When planting, lower only the root into the ground, but not the stem, so that it does not start to thread. The average planting depth is about 0.5 m. The interval between bushes is up to 1.5 m. When forming a bushy hedge, it can be reduced. The ornamental bush propagates in any classical way.

To grow from seeds, take only fresh material that is not yet a year old. A couple of months before planting, mix the seeds with sand and leave in the refrigerator. By early spring they can be planted in containers. The first shoots appear within 10 days. After another 2 weeks, the seedlings can be picked, and by the beginning of summer they can be transplanted into open ground. But keep in mind that such a shrub will not bloom soon. Sometimes - only after 5-8 years.

A convenient natural method is root shoots or air layering. At the beginning of spring, large, mature and healthy bushes are dug up and divided. But this method is not very suitable for miniature varieties.

Cuttings are an effective and almost win-win option. You don't even need any special experience or skills here. During the summer, cut the shoots to 10 cm and treat the cut with charcoal or a special rooting compound. After this, plant the cuttings in a box with garden soil and cover with film, spraying systematically. Roots appear within two weeks.

Pest and disease control

The most common diseases of mock orange are: gray rot, septoria spotting and other fungal infections. The control mechanism is standard: collect and destroy all damaged leaves and preventively treat the bushes with Bordeaux mixture and its analogues.

Chubushnik - photo

If you are just looking for where to get inspiration and fresh ideas for decorating home seedlings, we offer you our selection of photos! We have collected bright and original photographs with mock orange so that you can find a solution to your liking!

Chubushnik or syringa is a highly ornamental shrub that has become a favorite of many thanks to its beautiful flowers and divine aroma. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there ismany types of mock orange , and each species has many varieties.

In gardens you can already find not only simple white-flowered varieties, but alsovarieties with pink, double flowers . Every gardener can grow mock orange or garden jasmine in his garden.

But keep in mind that the more beautiful the variety, the less frost-resistant it is. Some varieties, especially terry ones, freeze already at a temperature of - 15 °C. Therefore, when choosing varieties for your garden, choose those that are suitable for your region.

Mock orange planting and care

Mock orange planting. Where and how plant mock orange? Mock orange loves a lot of sun and a quiet, windless place. Needs fertile, loose and permeable soilsoil . Mockbushniki can't stand it spring flooding and nearby groundwater.

Mock orange seedlings can be planted in early spring and in autumn. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted throughout the season.

As soon as you purchase seedlings,start landing . Dig a hole size up to half a meter deep and wide. If you plant plants as hedges, thendistance between the pits there should be from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

To the bottom of the pit pour a layer of drainage (coarse sand or fine gravel) 15 - 20 cm deep. Then pour fertile soil (leaf soil, sand, compost, humus) into the hole. Water the hole.

Place the sapling into the hole, so that the root collar is no more than 2 - 3 cm underground. Cover the roots with soil, compact them thoroughly and water again. To reduce moisture evaporation, we recommendmulch tree trunk circles with mulching material (sawdust, peat, compost or dry garden grass).

Mock orange care. How to care for mock orange? All care in summer time consists of loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. For mock orangevery important so that the soil is fertile, rich in humus. It doesn’t matter whether it is slightly alkaline, neutral or slightly acidic.

On poor, sandy soils, mock orangegrows very slowly. For abundant and bright flowering it needsin bright light . It also grows in semi-shady and shady places, but it will not please you with flowering.

Chubushnik tolerates drought well , but it’s better not to try it. Always keep the soil around the bushes moderatelywet . Mock orange is especially sensitive to lack of moisture during flowering.

Feed the mock orange in spring and summer, after flowering. Feeding in the summer is mandatory; it stimulates the growth of shoots that will bloom next season.

Ideal fertilizer for mock orange counts slurry or a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. Apply fertilizer after heavy rain or watering. Use a bucket of solution for one bush.

Mock orange bushes sometimes affected spider mites, aphids or weevils.To fight with such pests use an infusion of garlic, and it is permissible to spray heavily affected bushes chemicals(insecticides).

Do I need to prune mock orange bushes? In order for mock orange to bloom regularly and profusely, its bushes need pruning. In the spring, cut out all old, frozen and damaged branches. Remove all branches older than 3 years. After flowering, shorten all young branches.

How does mock orange (garden jasmine) reproduce? Mock orange propagates by seeds, layering, cuttings and dividing bushes. Seed propagation rarely used. The most common method of reproduction iscuttings .

Cuttings cut during flowering, from semi-lignified shoots. Tear off the lower leaves from the cuttings and plant them in damp sand or light soil in greenhouses. If there is no greenhouse on the site, plant in boxes or pots and cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Keep the substrate moist at all times. Plantings should be shaded from direct sunlight. Cuttings take place quickly if the daily temperature remains within +20°C.

After cuttings form strong roots , drop them off at permanent place in the garden. Don't worry if the cuttings don't grow in the first year after planting, this is their peculiarity. For the winter, young plants must be covered with covering material (dry leaves or spruce branches).

It’s even easier to propagate mock orangelayering . To do this, bend the lower branch to the ground and secure it with a wire pin. Sprinkle soil on top and water well. When the branch takes root, carefully cut it from the mother bush and plant it on Right place in the garden.

Reproduction dividing the bush , are carried out mainly when transplanting bushes.

Mock orange in autumn. In autumn, mock orange requires little care. Be sure to carry outsanitary pruning , remove damaged or very old branches.Apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. An adult bush does not need shelter; only young plants are protected; you can mulch the soil or cover a young seedling if your winters are very cold.

A minimum of care, and your mock orange will decorate the garden and exude a divine aroma for many years.

Mock orange variety description

Mock orange species.Today, three types of mock orange are extremely popular in gardening. They are divided into many varieties, you can choose the best one for your garden.

Common mock orange (Philadelphus pallidus), it is also called pale mock orange. Homeland - Western Europe and the Caucasus. The shrub is quite tall, up to three meters. This type has very beautiful and decorative varieties and varieties.

You will find varieties of this jasmine with double flowers, as well as varieties with large flowers, with attractive cream-colored flowers, the leaves can be green, golden and even with a beautiful border.

Crown mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius). This species often grows in our gardens. The shrubs are usually tall, have cream-colored flowers, and bloom for about three weeks. They have a bright and memorable aroma, the color is usually beige and white.main feature - the presence of a large number of leaves on the shoots.

Lemoine mock orange (Philadelphus x lemoinei). This species is loved for its snow-white and fragrant flowers, as well as for the beautiful shape of the crown; it is a hybrid variety. The shrub is tall and spreading. It looks very impressive in single plantings, as well as in entire jasmine gardens.

It grows in America, but today it is also popular here. Large flowers are collected in brushes; they will immediately attract attention.

Other popular types: broadleaf mock orange, Schrenk's jasmine, odorless jasmine, Caucasian, grayish, thin-leaved and even fluffy.

Mock orange variety. Popular varieties of common mock orange : Virginal, Bicolor, Belle Etoile.

Variety Virgin pleases with double flowers white, they are collected in attractive and large inflorescences. The size of the flowers is about five centimeters, and the entire inflorescence is up to 14 cm.

Variety Bicolor often planted in parks for landscaping, because the bush is very lush and beautiful. The flowers are solitary, the average size is five cm.

Belle Etoile - This is a very compact variety in our country, the average height is up to a meter, although in many other European countries it can grow up to two meters and even higher. The flowers are bell-shaped, they have a very interesting aroma, it is a little reminiscent of the smell of strawberries.

The most commonvarieties of crown mock orange - Aureus, Variegatus, Innocence.

Variety Aureus impresses with its very decorative leaves, they are so beautiful that during flowering even attractive flowers are lost against the background of the leaves. The leaves are yellowish, very bright. The flowers have a very rich aroma.

Variegatus - This large variety, the height of the bush is up to three meters. Its leaves are very beautiful and noticeable, different highly decorative. A special feature is the presence of a strip along the edge of the leaf.

Leaves of the variety Innocent unusual, each leaf is covered with spots. The flowers are fragrant and small.

Makes me happy like this varieties : Glacier, Charm, Blizzard.

Glacier has incredibly beautiful double flowers, they are collected in bunches, the color is white. Pleases with flowering for three weeks.

Variety name Charm speaks for itself, because the flowers are very beautiful, fragrant and unusual.Peculiarity - double flowers of snow-white color.

Co rt Snowstorm has white flowers, they are in inflorescences of 9 pieces. Terry, very interesting and beautiful.

Mock orange photo

Common mock orange Virginal:

Variety Belle Etoile :

Coronet mock orange Aureus:

Mock orange Lemoine Glacier:

Real jasmine in middle lane not growing. What they fill gardens with in Russia is called mock orange. But this imaginary garden jasmine is in no way inferior to the real one in either aroma or beauty.

Features of growing jasmine as a perennial garden crop

Mock orange bushes complement the design of many garden plots

Garden jasmine, common in Russian gardens, is mock orange, a representative of the Hydrangeaceae family. Philadélphus has nothing in common with true jasmine, which is classified as Olive. The similarity is found only in the aroma emanating from the flowers of the bush.

In the old days, smoking pipes - chibouks - were made from the hollow stems of mock orange. The name of Russian jasmine is connected with this. The Latin name reminds us of the ancient Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus.


Wild mock oranges living in the hot mountains of the Caucasus were acclimatized to the cold climate by the Frenchman Lemoine. Today, the varieties he bred are excellent for the winters of the European part of the country. Foreign mock oranges found on the market are most often suitable only for the fifth frost resistance zone. As for the conditions of Siberia, the varieties bred by Vekhov are more relevant for them. They can easily tolerate up to forty degrees of frost. When choosing a variety, you should take into account that the same one can belong to both the Lemoine and Vekhi varieties. This point must be clarified when purchasing.


Some varieties are different abundant flowering, but they are not always fragrant

Most varieties are characterized by short flowering; the average period of flower decoration is about three weeks. Ermine mantle blooms longer than others - up to 50 days. Flowering dates vary depending on the variety. Having picked up different kinds mock oranges, you can achieve the appearance of fragrant flowers in the garden from May to July inclusive.

Role in landscape design and ideas in the photo

Deciduous or semi-deciduous perennial shrub with gray or brownish bark, it turns into a snow-white bouquet during flowering. It looks impressive against the background of red brick buildings or in a mixborder. Mock orange is also planted on the lawn. Low growing varieties will find a place for themselves in rock gardens and rockeries, decorate the shores garden ponds. In forest gardens they occupy the lower tier, located under the trees. From varieties reaching two to three meters, an excellent hedge is formed, capable of blooming even after pruning. Mock orange is combined with spirea, hydrangeas and. The taller the bush becomes, the better it looks on its own - in solitary plantings.

Climbing varieties can be used to decorate garden arches
A hedge made of garden jasmine is the most popular application. Monolithic hedge-walls can be used to design secluded gazebos. In combination with hosta, it is used especially often. Mock orange is successfully used in group plantings. Mock orange will decorate the entrance group of a house. A good neighborhood between tall garden jasmine and shade-loving short ones will be good. crops in flower beds and garden beds Low varieties of mock orange look great in single landing

Popular varieties with photos

Twenty types of mock orange are divided into more than 70 varieties. Here are the most popular ones.


The extensive crown occupies up to three meters of area and rises two meters in height. Double flowers of the Virgin variety, 5 cm in size each, are collected in inflorescences of 8–10 pieces and almost completely hide the lush green leaves. This happens in the middle of summer and lasts about a month.

The second name of the variety is flower of innocence

Sybille (Sibyl)

Single white fragrant flowers of this variety are shaded at the base pink, appear at the beginning of summer for 3–4 weeks. The dense crown reaches a height of one meter. The leaves are round and dark green.

The variety blooms in the first half of summer for 3–4 weeks

The above varieties are classified as common mock oranges and can withstand up to 25 degrees below zero in winter.


The variety of coronal mock orange is distinguished by spherical double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, collected together in 5–7 pieces. You can expect a delicate aroma in July, but it will last only a couple of weeks. The maximum growth of the bush is 2 meters. The foliage is dark green, with a sparsely toothed, oval-shaped edge.

The Snowbel variety when planted alone when flowering resembles the appearance of a beautiful snow globe

Aureus (Aureus)

The three-meter-tall handsome Aureus is famous for its yellow-golden foliage. White flowers up to two centimeters in size are actively fragrant at the end of May. The stems come straight from the ground.

The Aureus variety is more notable for its bright foliage than for its flowers.


The variegated two-meter variety is useful in dark areas of the garden - it can fade from direct sun. As for flowering, it occurs in early summer and gives a truly jasmine aroma.

The Innocence variety is usually planted in sunny or semi-shaded areas

Belle Etoile (Beautiful Star)

Lemoine mock orange is a meter tall. The leaves are smaller than those of other varieties - only four centimeters long. Single bells of flowers reach 4 cm and are colored purple. The anthers are golden in color. It blooms for 3–4 weeks at the border between spring and summer.

During flowering, Belle Etoile resembles apple blossoms

Manteau d'Hermine (Ermine Mantle)

The long-flowering shrub does not even reach a meter in height. The branches are thin, drooping, covered with small foliage. It is literally covered entirely with semi-double snow-white flowers (up to three centimeters each). The smell is reminiscent of strawberries.

An ermine mantle will complement the design of a small garden plot well


The arched branches of the one and a half meter mock orange are abundantly covered with medium-sized flowers - the variety is distinguished by the largest number of them. Strawberry aroma.

Avalanche mock orange can also be called a strawberry variety for its smell.


The powerful aroma of these double flowers can be enjoyed in July. The leaves reach nine centimeters, the crown is oval and grows up to three meters.

The name of the variety Schneesturm is translated from German as “snowfall”, “blizzard”

Airborne assault

Drooping white parachutes-bells are an achievement of the Vekhi variety. The shrub exudes a strawberry aroma in June-July. The height allows it to be used as a living fence.

The flowers of this variety resemble airborne parachutes in the sky.


A shrub with drooping branches does not grow higher than one and a half meters. The aroma is strong, the flowers are double.

The Majori variety needs light, because it blooms much worse in the shade.

Bouquet Blanc

Crown diameter is up to two meters. Leaves with serrated edges. Double flowers about 3 cm in size have a yellow center. The fifth winter hardiness zone, young plants are covered for the winter.

Bouquet blank requires thinning pruning every 2–3 years

Minnesota Snowflake (Minnesota snowflake)

The bushes are vertical, two meters high. The inflorescences are small, the flowers are double.

Minnesota Snowflake can be grown in the Urals and Siberia


At first, the vertical branches begin to gracefully fall down with age. Maximum height is 1.5 meters. The flowering period is June-July, the aroma is delicate.

Girandole is a frost-resistant variety

Planting methods

Mock orange seedlings are easy to transport

A sunny place in the garden is allocated for the plant. Drained and fertile soils are preferred, but any other soil will do. The quality of the soil primarily affects the abundance of flowers.

A couple of weeks before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole 50 by 50 cm under each bush. When the hedge is planted, the hole is replaced with a trench. If the soil is heavy, drainage made of expanded clay or crushed stone is laid as the bottom layer. Next, the recess is filled with leaf soil (three parts), humus (one part) and sand (two parts). The root collar of the seedling should not be buried more than a couple of centimeters to avoid rotting. After heavy watering trunk circle cover with mulch.

The best time to plant a seedling:

  • early spring, when the buds have not yet awakened;
  • first half of autumn (in Siberia and northern regions- no later than September 15, in the Moscow region - until October 10).

The approximate distance from mock orange to other plants is a meter and a half. When forming a hedge from garden jasmine, the gaps between specimens are narrowed to half a meter.

Caring for garden jasmine

Young plantings need to be well watered

The rule is no fertilizer in the first year. Until the root system is sufficiently developed, slurry can damage the plant. But from the next season, they begin to feed the mock orange with nitrogen liquid - a bucket for each bush. This meal will remain unchanged even when the ground shoots have been completely cut off.

Freshly planted plants need abundant watering - 25–30 liters at a time. During periods of drought, water every other day; during rainy periods, once a week is enough. Leaves are a good indicator of soil moisture. If there is a lack of moisture, they droop.

The soil should always be loose. After the first watering, it is loosened to a depth of 8 cm and immediately mulched. This helps preserve both moisture and airiness of the soil. With good mulching, further loosening will not be necessary; all that remains is to replenish the mulching layers with new ones.

Care during growth and flowering

The recipe for annual fertilizing with manure is one part to ten parts water. For flowering two-year-old specimens, the diet is replenished mineral fertilizers. To do this, add 15 g of urea, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfide to a bucket of water. This portion is enough for one plant reaching maximum sizes, or two - if they are half as large.

After flowering and before winter

Dead jasmine branches are quickly replaced by new ones by spring.

After dropping the flowers, the vitality of the mock orange is restored with ash - two glasses per bush. It can be replaced with a ten-liter bucket of a solution of potassium sulfate (a tablespoon) and superphosphate (two tablespoons). Weak branches after flowering are removed immediately.

Before the first snowflakes appear in the fall, the root system is insulated with a layer of compost or humus at least five centimeters thick. You can add a little phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they will increase frost resistance. A coconut felt spread on the ground would be a good “blanket” for the roots.

Plants that have not yet reached their full size are covered with snow as it appears. Many varieties lose in frosts that part of the branches that rises above the snowdrifts. This is not critical.

If an experiment is taking place with more heat-loving mock oranges, you can cover the entire bush for the winter. To do this, stick a tall stick into the middle, spread agrospan on the ground and carefully but tightly tie it to the installed support at the top and bottom. In the middle, the cocoon is also grabbed with a rope, but more freely.

Vekhov varieties tested in Russian winters usually do not need such a procedure. Autumn tying of branches will be sufficient for them, giving them strength to withstand the weight of snow.


The scheme for pruning mock orange after flowering will help a beginner to carry out the work correctly

At the very beginning of spring, all strong branches are slightly shortened. The weak ones can be removed completely, as well as those that are more than eight years old. The resulting stumps are smeared with garden varnish.

Very old plants are rejuvenated, leaving only 3-4 stems up to 40 cm long. All the rest are cut to the ground.

Possible problems when growing mock orange

Garden jasmines are considered completely unpretentious. But from time to time, force majeure occurs during their cultivation:

  • Mock orange sheds its leaves in summer. The probable cause is deepening of the root collar. It should be freed from excess soil in the coming spring.
  • The foliage darkens and curls. This happens if you damage young roots with fertilizers. You can strengthen the roots by watering with zircon (ampoule in a bucket of water).
  • Black bean aphid attacked. You can’t do without chemicals here - for example, FAS-double, Intavir, Fitoverm, Kinmiks or Tanrek can help. Aktara is watered at the root.
  • Gray rot - leaves become covered with a white coating, curl and dry out. Diseased branches must be removed, the remaining branches must be treated with any fungicide.
  • Weevil attack. The crown is treated with chlorophos, the bugs with larvae are caught and destroyed.
  • Spider mite. Repeated spraying with Keltan (0.2–0.3%) or Phosfamide (0.2%) emulsion is necessary.

Easiest to produce spring prevention the indicated misfortunes. The recipe for the tank mixture used for this must contain a fungicide and an insecticide - for example, Hom and Fufanon.


The easiest way to propagate mock orange is by cuttings

Mock orange can be propagated in several ways, and the choice depends on the needs of the gardener.

Planting seeds

In autumn, fresh mock orange seed pods are planted to a depth of 30 cm and covered with organic mulch. In spring, the blanket is removed to allow the ground to warm up and the sprout to hatch.

Spring planting is carried out in greenhouses, but this must be preceded by seed treatment. They are placed in water in a nylon stocking to swell, after which they are allowed to dry. Add a little sand and humus to the soil.

Diving is allowed after a couple of weeks from the emergence of seedlings. It should be borne in mind that seeds rarely produce a plant of the same variety, and flowering may be delayed for several years.


Cuttings cut in the fall are buried in damp sand in the basement, maintaining zero temperature. Planted out planting material already in the spring, slightly tilting the cuttings and deepening them into two buds. The babies are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall, when enough roots have formed.

Old branches are unsuitable for cuttings because they have a loose core.

Green cuttings are taken from the parent in May or June and immediately planted in a greenhouse. After a couple of months, the seedlings gradually begin to harden, and are sent for permanent residence only after a couple of years.

Reproduction by layering

Young stems are pressed into the ground and fixed, leaving only the top 15–20 cm long above the soil. As they grow, this shoot is watered and hilled. After two years, you can replant it away from the parent, separating it from it with a sharp shovel.

A white bouquet the height of a man will delight you with its aroma for many years. And the more work and love you put in, the more light and fragrance your garden will acquire.

Mock orange (garden jasmine) is a beautiful tall shrub with spreading branches, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. The shrub is distinguished by a large number of varieties and species. The most basic and common types of garden jasmine include: lemoine, crown, terry. In order for a fragrant-sweet shrub with rich colors to please the eye, it must be planted correctly, carefully cared for, and know the peculiarities of reproduction.

Features of the plant.

Garden jasmine stands out among the diversity of all plants with its individual structure. Stem fragrant shrub It has a brown-brown color, the bark is cracked, the height of jasmine reaches 4 meters. In spring, the color of garden jasmine leaves is characterized by a pale green hue; in autumn, the leaves transform into a bright lime color. The leaf size of the plant is quite large.

The flowers of this colorful shrub have a size not exceeding 5 cm in diameter, grow in a brush-shaped inflorescence, and stand out in creamy white shades. The flowering time of garden jasmine depends on its type, but the flowering period of most plants falls at the end of spring and lasts until mid-summer.

Chubushnik and its historical roots.

They knew about the mock orange bush back in old times. The origins of its name come from Ancient Greece, in which a craftsman made “chubs” for a smoking pipe from the lower stem of the plant.

Sometimes mock orange is called jasmine. This is due to the similarity of the aroma notes and the inflorescence itself of these two extraordinary plants. Distinctive feature lies in the growing conditions. Jasmine is mostly grown indoors, while mock orange is grown outdoors in the garden.

The main types of garden mock orange.

Garden mock orange pleases gardeners with a huge selection of varieties and species. To the most popular and unpretentious species shrubs include: lemoine mock orange, coronal mock orange, terry mock orange.

Mock orange lemoine.

The diameter of the crown of the Lemoine mock orange bush is 1.7 m, the maximum height is 1.5 m. The flowers are characterized by a fairly large size (up to 4 cm, 3-7 flowers on a brush), a rich sweet aroma, shades of white and light beige flowers. The total flowering period is three weeks, beginning to bloom in June and ending in July.

Lemoine foliage is ovoid in shape. The variation in leaf size is 4-5 cm. In spring and summer, the leaves of jasmine-lemoine are colored dark green, in autumn – golden yellow. Growth rates are characterized by an annual increase in width and height of 3-5 cm. The maximum peak age of garden lemoine is reached at 25 years.

This type of mock orange is practically unpretentious in choosing the soil in which it is planted, but the exception is saline and very wet soil. The plant loves to bathe in sunlight. If you plant it in a shaded place, this will affect the flowering level for the worse. In humidity it prefers regularity.

It tolerates winter quite well and is characterized by frost resistance. During a harsh winter, the shoots may freeze, but will quickly recover. Lemoine mock orange is planted in a well-lit place, the distance between the bushes should be 0.5-1.5 m, the planting depth is 50-60 cm (the root neck should be deepened no more than 2-3 cm, so as not to rot).

Root system Mock orange holds the soil well and tolerates replanting quite favorably. Before planting, drainage is made with a 15 cm layer of sand and crushed stone. Soil mixture ratio: (2:3:1) humus, leaf soil, sand.

During care, it is worth systematically removing 4-5 old shoots. Sanitary pruning, thinning of the bush is carried out after flowering of the lemoine. It is worth carrying out 2-3 feedings throughout the season. It is stable in urban conditions. It is often planted on the lawn in the form of decorative compositions (hedges, trimmed borders).

Mock orange crown.

The diameter of the crown of this type of jasmine is 2 m, the maximum height is 3 m. The flowers are characterized by a fairly average size (up to 3 cm, 5-9 flowers on a brush), a rich honey-sweet aroma, shades of white and cream color. The total flowering period is 1.5 weeks, it begins to bloom in July and ends in August.

The foliage of mock orange is characterized by a sharp-oval shape. Leaf sizes range from 4.5 to 9 cm. In spring and summer, jasmine leaves are painted matte dark green, and in autumn – bright yellow. Growth indicators are characterized by an annual increase in width of 20-25 cm, height of 30-40 cm. The maximum age of the crown mock orange is 20 years.

This type of shrub is not picky in choosing soil, but the exception is soil that is oversaturated with moisture. Mock orange loves light very much. Planting in a shaded area will result in poor flowering. Prefers regular moisture and a place protected from the winds.

Tolerates winter well, characterized by high level frost resistance. Crown mock orange is planted in a lighted place, the distance between the bushes is 0.7-2 m, the depth for planting is 55-60 cm. Before planting, drainage is prepared from sand and crushed stone. Soil mixture: (2:3:1) humus, earth, sand. Doesn't get fussy when transplanting. Thinning and pruning of the bush is carried out after flowering. Feeding is carried out in March-April. Basically, mock orange is planted to decorate a garden plot.

Terry mock orange.

The diameter of the crown of the bush is 1.3 m, the maximum height is 3 m. The flowers are medium in size (up to 4.5 cm, dense clusters, 5-10 flowers each), there is a light aroma of ordinary jasmine, the color is predominantly white-cream. The total flowering period is 3.5 weeks, it begins to bloom in early June and ends at the end of July.

The foliage of the terry mock orange has an ovoid, serrated shape. The leaf size is 5 cm. The leaves of the shrub are painted bright green, and yellow in autumn. Growth rates increase every year in width and height by an average of 5 cm. The maximum age is reached at 25 years. This type of mock orange is practically unpretentious in choosing soil, with the exception of high humidity land. The plant loves light. Planting in the shade is not recommended as this will reduce the flowering rate.

It tolerates winter with complications and is characterized by high sensitivity to frost (the small shrub wraps itself up). Terry mock orange is planted in a lighted place, the distance between bushes is 0.5-1.7 cm, planting depth is 50 cm. Drainage for this type of jasmine is made of sand and crushed stone. Care involves regular pruning and thinning. Feeding is carried out several times a season. Used in decorating garden plots.

Garden jasmine has a large number of and other types. It is worth paying attention to a detailed consideration of planting, care, and propagation of mock orange.


Initially, you should select a site for planting. If the place is shaded, then the flowers of the shrub will be small, and the shoots will grow very tall. An open, well-lit place would be great. If the soil permeability level is low, it is worth making drainage at the planting site (mix sand and crushed stone).

The optimal composition for planting garden mock orange is the ratio of leaf soil, sand, humus (3:2:1). The most favorable time The year for planting mock orange is autumn (mid-September - mid-October). In spring, jasmine can also be planted, but this should be done before the buds on the trees open.

When planting several mock orange bushes at the same time, the distance of the holes should be from 50 to 100 cm, taking into account the size of an adult bush. If the purpose of planting mock orange is to acquire a “fence-plant”, then when planting the seedlings have a distance of 50-70 cm from each other. The root system is immersed in the prepared hole so that the neck of the root is level with the surface of the area. Next, the root hole is filled with fertile soil.


There are four ways to propagate mock orange: shoots, cuttings, dividing the bush, and seeds.

Reproduction of mock orange using shoots. In spring or autumn, shoots are cut from the bush and placed in moist soil until the root system forms. Next, the place where the sprouted shoots are planted is determined in accordance with the planting rules.

Propagation of mock orange by cuttings. The young branch is torn off with a sharp movement from the main shoot. It should have a small piece of bark wood. To root the cutting you need drainage, peat, sand, a cap and a container. One-year or two-year cuttings no higher than 50 cm are selected. A drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the container, and moistened sand and peat are placed on top of the drainage. The next layer is 2.5 cm of sand, which is watered with a fungicidal solution. The cuttings are planted at an angle of 35 degrees and covered with a previously prepared cap. To speed up growth, the cuttings are sprayed with water daily.

Reproduction of mock orange by dividing the bush. Is the most in a fast way, with which you can grow a plant. The most optimal period for this type of propagation of garden jasmine is autumn (October). If the procedure is carried out in the summer, then it should be done before the plant blooms or after (except during flowering).

First, carefully dig up the bush so as not to damage the root system. Next, using garden scissors, the bush and roots are carefully divided into several bushes, which are planted in soil prepared according to all planting rules. For rapid development and strengthening of the root system, the plant should be planted in a well-lit place.

Propagation of garden mock orange by seeds. A type of reproduction that occurs in early spring. Before this, a greenhouse or greenhouse is built, containers with a nutritious mixture of peat, sand, and humus. To speed up germination, mock orange seeds are placed in a nylon bag and immersed in water at room temperature for 2 hours.

Next, for swelling, the bags are placed in sawdust or wet peat for 2 days. Then they are dried and laid out on paper, mixed with sand and sown in prepared grooves. At the end, the soil surface is crushed with peat. After strengthening the shoots, they are planted from the greenhouse into open ground.


Garden mock orange belongs to unpretentious plants. But despite this, every plant needs care and attention. The care procedure is not complicated. For an adult bush, the lion's share of care is carried out in early spring, until it completely emerges from winter dormancy. The soil around the root system is loosened and sprinkled with peat and humus.

For all types of garden jasmine, pruning is very useful (in place of old branches, young and healthy ones are formed). Using pruning shears or garden shears, very tall, old branches are trimmed at the very bottom of the bush (which, if not removed, will spoil the shape and aesthetic appearance of the plant).

In summer, the procedure for caring for flowering mock orange consists of watering. Since almost all types of garden mock orange are frost-resistant, they do not require special care. The exception is a few species that need to be slightly wrapped in special material. It is necessary to carry out timely weeding.

A good fertilizer for garden jasmine is a mixture of water and manure (10:1 ratio). After the bush fades, it is fed with wood ash. If the plant is planted correctly and carefully cared for, it will delight the eye with light-saturated colors of flowers and a delicate aroma.


Weevils, aphids, and spider mites are among the main pests of garden jasmine. Weevils and their larvae feed on the juice from mock orange leaves. If the summer is rainy enough, then aphids may appear on the tops of a young bush, which will harm growth. Often jasmine branches are covered in spider mites.
To avoid troubles with these pests, the plant should be treated with a karbofos solution.

If individual branches are damaged, mock orange can be saved by washing a mixture of water and laundry soap. From spider mite and aphids, you can protect the plant with an infusion of burdock (10 liters of water are poured into 2 kg of burdock, infused for 10 hours, filtered). Damaged mock orange is treated three times every 5 days. An infusion of mustard helps against weevils (100 g of dry mustard, pour 10 liters of water, let it brew for 48 hours). The plant is treated three times every three days.