Indoor bamboo is a plant of good luck! How to grow decorative bamboo at home

Indoor or decorative bamboo belongs to the family Dracaenaceae(Dracaena Sandera). Discovered it amazing plant world in the 19th century, the English florist Frederick Sander during his trip to China.

In its homeland, decorative bamboo is considered a symbol of prosperity.

There are several subspecies of decorative bamboo on sale - they differ in shades(from gray to golden) and height. Some species of Dracaena Sander grow up to 40 cm in height; there are species reaching a height of 2.5 m.

Choosing a place to grow indoor bamboo

Caring for a bamboo houseplant is very simple - this plant is surprisingly unpretentious. Bamboo does not like direct sunlight; diffused sunlight is ideal for it. You can place a pot with a plant on the eastern windowsill, but provide it with reliable shading.

You can place bamboo and on the floor, closer to the window. When choosing a place for your plant, remember that partial shade is more comfortable for it than prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Range temperature The temperature at which Dracaena Sander feels comfortable is quite wide - from +17 to +30 °C. But it should be protected from drafts. IN winter period The plant should be removed away from a window that opens for ventilation.

Bamboo in water

How to best care for indoor bamboo if he develops in water? It's simple. Because this is the best environment for him. Ordinary tap water won't do. You can use rain or melt water.

In urban conditions, it is very simple to “organize” melt water - dial plastic bottle tap water, put it in the freezer and wait until it freezes completely.

When defrosting water, leave an unmelted piece of ice about the size of egg– this is where all the harmful biocidal additives and chlorine remain.

Once a week The water in the container needs to be changed. This is important - stagnant, stale water will cause mold to appear on the roots. If your bamboo grows in a transparent vase, you can add colorful stones or decorative pebbles for beauty. But be sure to rinse them with boiling water to destroy possible germs. This procedure should be repeated regularly.

Eliminate bacteria and bad smell will help charcoal. It is antibacterial and your plant will love it. From time to time, just add a little of it to the container with bamboo.

The soil

In the ground decorative bamboo also does well. There is no need to buy soil for ornamental plants; an abundance of peat will harm this dracaena.

Will do ordinary land for flowerpots and even from the garden bed, mixed in a 4:1 ratio with expanded clay, you can add a little sand. It is also important to choose a pot with drainage holes at the bottom and a drainage layer. Their absence will lead to mold on the roots and plant diseases.


Decorative bamboo needs humid environment. Watering should be abundant and frequent, especially in summer. In winter, plant development stops and watering can be reduced slightly. But the earthen lump should always be moist. For watering Melt or rain water is also needed.

IN spraying bamboo doesn't need it. It is important for him to regularly wipe the trunk, leaves with a damp cloth and remove dust.

Top dressing

Dracaena Sandera loves soil rich in minerals and organic matter. Sufficient saturation with nitrogen and phosphorus is also important. Choose special ones in the store mineral supplements for dracaenas with large staff these substances.

Autumn and winter feeding bamboo needs to be done once every three months. In spring and summer, carry out the procedure once every three weeks. If feeding is not enough, then the question may arise - why is your indoor bamboo starts to turn yellow and what to do?

This sign will indicate the need additional food to prevent growth slowdown. If your plant drops its leaves, do not remove them from the pot - the bamboo will not like it.


Before the bamboo is 3 years old, it must be transplant every spring. Then this procedure can be carried out every two years. But, when intensive growth this will have to be done more often. For bamboo, the distance from the roots to the walls of the pot (at least 5 cm) is extremely important. Replanting plant, keep in mind that the roots develop horizontally and choose a pot “for growth”.

After transplant bamboo should be watered more intensively to feed the weakened root system.


Dracaena sandera seeds does not reproduce. Generally, the easiest way to propagate a bamboo houseplant is through pruning. Both stems and strong shoots are suitable for this purpose.

Bamboo is good because its stems can be formed into intricate spirals. To do this, you will have to cut off the shoots; they are used to propagate the plant.

Escapes After cutting, indoor bamboo can be immersed in water until new roots appear. You can plant them immediately in the ground, but provide more intense lighting and abundant watering.

Reproduction is less commonly used dividing the root system. This procedure is undertaken while indoor bamboo is being planted. In this case, you can also put the new plant in water or plant it in the soil.

Diseases of indoor bamboo

Kit diseases of this plant is kept to a minimum. The most common problem is yellowing of leaves and stems. The cause of the disease may be caused by fungus or bacteria, malnutrition, poor quality water for irrigation, insufficient drainage or untimely replacement of water in the container.

If the reason is improper care, correct errors. Yellowed leaves and even the stems need to be trimmed. This must be done quickly, even after small spots appear. Leave the cut for several hours, it should dry out. Then disinfect it with powdered charcoal. After 2-3 hours, remove the charcoal from the cut and cover it with soft wax.

If your bamboo started to dry out, perhaps too bright lighting bothers him.

Pests Dracaena Sander is affected very rarely. The main pests of decorative bamboo, as well as many indoor plants, are and. It can be saved by washing the leaves and stems with soapy water.

For the most curious, we offer a short video description of Dracaena Sander.

Indoor bamboo. Beautiful ideas and caring for bamboo in water

Neither a tree nor a bush - you won’t understand what))), but very beautiful plant- indoor bamboo, an unusual plant with green shoots of a spiral or zigzag shape. The shoots can be of varying heights and have small green leaves. On the price tags they are called “lucky bamboo”, but they have no relationship with the real one, except for the similarity in appearance. In fact, this is a variety of a completely different plant - dracaena. Today, indoor bamboo is sold in all florist shops; it was brought from Asia; there are about 80 species of plants. Read below for how to care for and propagate indoor bamboo.

Caring for bamboo in water is an opportunity to let your imagination and fantasy come true. You can create various interesting compositions from bamboo shoots and add decorative stones, red and gold ribbons or mascot figures. "Lucky Bamboo" looks great in a transparent vase with colored hydrogel. Don’t forget about its purpose - 3 stems for good luck, 5 for prosperity, 7 influence health, and 21 stems will have an impact on all areas of life. A composition of twenty curled bamboo stems is called a tower of love.

Growing Basics

Indoor bamboo is unpretentious, but requires quite simple rules caring for him. First of all, indirect sunlight, a little coolness and periodic ventilation of the room where it grows.

In winter, the bamboo of happiness should be kept at a temperature of at least 12, and preferably 14-16 degrees. A comfortable room temperature for him is about 22 degrees. At temperatures above 35 it dies. Does not require constant spraying, occasionally it is worth wiping the leaves from dust. Pebbles or expanded clay of various sizes are placed at the bottom of a vase with water. Special mineral fertilizers for dracaenas are used as feeding.

It is recommended to feed bamboo every three months. If fertilizing is carried out regularly, the leaves and stems will retain green color throughout the life of bamboo. Yellowed leaves and stems should be cut off, the cut area should be allowed to dry and lubricated with soft wax.

Water for bamboo

In many apartments and houses, bamboo is grown in water, because its straight or twisted shoots look very impressive in various glass vases. But then you will need to feed him mineral fertilizers to preserve the green color of the leaves

The water in the vase with it must be filtered, or preferably distilled, room temperature. It must be updated every 2 weeks.

You can also use rain or melt water - filtered or plain water pour from the tap into a plastic bottle and place in the freezer until the water completely turns into ice. Then put the bottle to thaw at room temperature. The resulting water becomes soft and more suitable for growing bamboo in it. If the water has acquired an unpleasant odor or a suspicious color earlier than 2 weeks, then you should change it and subsequently change the water in the vase with bamboo more often. If its leaves turn yellow, then the water also needs to be changed.

Happy place in the apartment

It is best to place a vase with bamboo on the eastern side of the window or closer to it. You should not leave it on a sunny windowsill, because direct rays of the sun will burn the leaves. The ideal place for bamboo in water is in partial shade. If there are no such places in the apartment, then you can place a vase with bamboo on the windowsill or floor, covering the glass with a curtain, blinds or newspaper, protecting the plant from sunburn. When ventilating the room, the plant should not be exposed to cold air, as this will have a negative effect on it.

Trimming and propagating bamboo in water

If the bamboo has grown too much and no longer looks attractive, then pruning should be done. It is done with special scissors, above the knots, otherwise the cut will be ugly.

Pruning can be done annually, trimming long shoots on all sides, and if necessary, removing outer canes at ground level.

By removing side shoots from the desired sides, you can model the shape and appearance of bamboo as you wish. Pruning can also be used to propagate bamboo. In this case, either cut off the top cuttings and root them in water, or cut the stem into several parts, lubricating the cuts with soft, but not hot, wax. Under no circumstances should yellowed areas of bamboo be used for propagation. If there are no shoots, then you can cut the top and after such an operation a shoot should grow, but if it does not appear, then repeat pinching the stem.

When the conversation turns to bamboo, each of us imagines something different: fishermen - light fishing rods, lovers of comfort - comfortable stylish furniture, housewives - fluffy towels and practical kitchenware, and for gardeners - a cute indoor plant with a tuft of green leaves on the top. Who is right? Everyone, except flower growers, since it is not the famous representative of Cereals that is grown in protected soil, but Dracaena Sander, or Sanderiana, a perennial herbaceous plant of the Agave family, growing in tropical and subtropical rain forests of Africa and Asia. By the way, this lovely lady is called not just “bamboo”, but “lucky bamboo” or “lucky bamboo”. They say that prosperity, harmony and peace come to the house with Sanderiana. The lucky Tropican also has an accommodating, unpretentious character and looks great in any interior. Captivating characteristics, isn't it?

Conditions of detention

Like other representatives of the Dracaena genus, sanderiana loves warmth and bright light, so the most comfortable place for it would be an eastern window sill or a flower stand located not far from the southern window. However, you should not expose the plant to direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will become covered with burn spots. In the autumn-winter period, when it is gloomy and gloomy outside the windows, it is advisable to equip the place where indoor bamboo is kept with agro-lamps, since a lack of light can lead to illness of the flower. No less important temperature regime: in summer and spring, sanderiana is kept at +20...+25 °C, in autumn and winter - at +15...18 °C. In warm weather, you can take your lucky pet out into the garden, but the place where he will spend his “vacations” must be reliably sheltered from drafts and precipitation.

Note! Very often, unscrupulous or not very knowledgeable sellers present Sander's dracaena as aquarium plant, but this is not at all true. The exotic tropical woman really adapts well to the most different conditions and can grow for a long time in a vase with water, but it is most comfortable in the ground. And of course, under no circumstances should the land beauty be immersed entirely in water; Sanderiana will not survive such barbarity.

Basic care

Working with Sander's dracaena is interesting and not at all difficult, because even a person who has never dealt with indoor plants can easily cope with all the activities:

  • You need to water the “lucky bamboo” regularly and generously, not sparing water, but there is no need to dilute slush in a pot either. Just make sure that the substrate under the plant is always moderately moist. In the autumn-winter period, water should be poured less often so that the soil surface has time to dry out between waterings.
  • It is recommended to feed sanderiana all year round: in spring and summer. complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous crops, apply every week, in autumn and winter - no more than once a month.
  • The plant, accustomed to tropical downpours, must be sprayed with warm, settled water every day, and bathed in the shower every 2–3 weeks. So that during water procedures If the soil does not turn into a swamp, wrap the pot in plastic in advance.
  • To give a beautiful gloss, indoor bamboo leaves can be coated with special polishing compounds. Unlike many inhabitants of the windowsill, Sanderiana tolerates this procedure painlessly, but even without “cosmetics” it looks no worse.

And further. Over time, the leaves of Dracaena Sandera fall off and the bare, elongated stem becomes like a bald thin stick. In this case, the plant needs to be renewed: cut the stem at a height of 25–30 cm and place the cut top in water for rooting. Leave the shortened part in the same place, continue to water and feed - it will soon be overgrown with young shoots.


Adult sanderianas should be replanted every 2–3 years after the roots of the plant have completely entwined the earthen ball and begin to “crawl” out of the drainage holes of the pot. Young specimens are transferred to new containers every year.

This is done like this:

  • A thick (about 6 cm) layer of drainage material (expanded clay, pebbles, broken foam) is poured onto the bottom of the pot.
  • The substrate for replanting is made up of turf soil, leaf soil and coarse sand (4: 2: 1). In addition to the main components, it is recommended to add a handful or one and a half to 5 liters of the resulting mixture. wood ash(prevents rotting of the root system) and half a kilo of brick chips (absorbs excess moisture and improves soil aeration).
  • Upon completion preparatory work the plant is extracted from old container, transfer it to a new pot and fill the resulting voids with a nutrient substrate. As the pot is filled, the soil mixture is lightly pressed down with your hands, giving the flower stability.

After transplantation, sanderiana is watered abundantly and shaded from bright light for several days.

Reproduction methods

When breeding lucky bamboo, most gardeners use the method cuttings:

  • 5–6 cm are removed from the leafy tuft and the stem is cut from bottom to top along an oblique path approximately to the middle.
  • To prevent the cut flaps from touching, insert a toothpick into the gap.
  • The wound is wrapped in sphagnum moss and secured with a fabric strip.
  • Just below the cut, attach a funnel made of thin plastic or thick cardboard and fill it with nutrient soil.
  • Both the moss and the substrate in the funnel are periodically moistened, and when the crown takes root, it is transplanted into a separate pot.
  • The remaining part of the stem is divided into parts about 5 cm long and planted obliquely in a peat-sand mixture under glass.
  • The remaining “stump” with roots (at least 5 cm) is removed from the old pot and transplanted into a glass with a sand-peat mixture.

If you follow all the rules, you will soon get a whole grove from one plant. Just imagine what an avalanche of luck this “forest belt” will bring you!

Possible problems

The patient dracaena Sandera is not picky about minor mistakes in care, but if agricultural practices are systematically violated, she begins to express dissatisfaction. The following symptoms indicate that the plant is not feeling well:

  • Brown spots on the leaves - dracaena suffers from thirst. Water and spray the plant.
  • Twisting sheet plates- a sure sign of frequent and sudden temperature changes. The flower needs to be moved to another place.
  • Yellowing foliage - dracaena lacks nitrogen. Water it with a weak organic infusion or a solution of nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  • Dry light spots on the leaves are traces of burns. Move the plant out of direct sun or hide it behind a light, sheer curtain.
  • Slow growth is a plant’s reaction to excessive watering. The dracaena should be immediately removed from the pot and checked to see if its roots are rotting. Having discovered the affected shoots, remove them and replant the pet in fresh soil.
  • Browning tips of leaves - the cause of this problem is drafts, insufficient soil moisture and dry air in the room.

This is interesting

If sanderiana bamboo was named solely for its external resemblance to a popular cereal, then it owes its ability to bring good luck to the Dracaena genus. Exists ancient legend about an Aztec warrior in love, who was forbidden by a stern leader to see his daughter. Deciding to ward off the unwanted groom, the father came up with a test: the young man had to stick a stick into the ground and water it for 5 days. The wedding could only take place if the dead snag turned green. It is unknown what higher powers took pity on the young people, but by the due date a dracaena grew from a dry stick. The leader's stony heart softened, and he blessed the union of loving hearts. Since then, in their homeland, all dracaenas are called “trees” of happiness. This is probably just one of those beautiful stories, but it very accurately describes the character of Sanderiana. A green stick with leaves bought for the occasion will become an attractive plant only in response to your love and care.

Or Dracaena Sandera refers to ornamental plants cereal family. It is also called the bamboo of Happiness. Therefore, this exotic novelty can increasingly be found in the collection of every gardener. The original branched stems are used not only to decorate residential premises, but also as an element landscape design. In order for the plant to develop well, it is necessary to provide it with appropriate care and know how to replant bamboo correctly.

Transplantation is one of the most important points for caring for indoor plants. Therefore, if it is planned immediately after purchasing a flowerpot with a flower in a store, it is initially necessary to give the plant time to acclimatize. To do this, it is kept in room conditions from 7 to 10 days. Only after such preparation, replanting indoor bamboo will not be too stressful for the flower and will not lead to its death.

Key points about replanting decorative bamboo:

  • Selection of flowerpot
  • Selection of soil mixture
  • Drainage preparation
  • Purchasing a root stimulator

The best option would be a ceramic or clay pot with drainage holes. Diameter of new flower pot should be a little larger than the previous one. A water tray is required.

Selecting soil for bamboo will not be difficult. special labor. To plant it, you can use ready-made soil mixtures for palm trees, dracaena and ferns. You can also prepare the soil substrate yourself. To do this, turfy, clayey soil and humus are combined in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.

Bamboo grows well in moist soil, but does not like stagnant water and poor soil aeration. Therefore, a layer of drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the flowerpot. You can use pebbles or clay shards as it.

Using a root formation stimulator will allow the plant to quickly take root in a new location. In addition to stimulating the growth of the root system, these preparations contain active substances that prevent the development of fungal and viral infections. This allows the transplanted person to quickly adapt to new conditions. Also, plants that were transplanted with root formation stimulants develop better and are highly resistant to diseases and pests.

In shops this plant more often offered in the form of stems growing in water or hydrogel. Young shoots can be replanted only after the roots reach a length of 5-6 cm. If the size is smaller, the bamboo may not take root.

If the stems are placed in hydrogel, they must be carefully removed and washed with water at room temperature. If root system very dense, it is recommended to shorten the roots to 7-9 cm. This is necessary so that when planting they do not break off at the base.

Proper preparation is the key to a successful transplant. Therefore, following all the recommendations, replanting indoor bamboo yourself will not be difficult.

How to replant bamboo in open ground

Bamboo is very often used landscape designers when designing suburban areas and parks. This plant gives special originality to artificial reservoirs and small ponds. In the wild, bamboo grows in the form of bushes or reeds. For natural decor bush varieties are used, since such a plant does not grow throughout the territory.

Under natural conditions, bamboo grows only in warm and humid climates. Therefore, transplant it to open ground recommended in late spring or early summer.

For planting, mature plants are used, which are sold with a closed root system. Typically, the soil ball of such bushes consists of a special transport soil mixture. Such a substrate does not contain the necessary nutrients, but is well fixed in flowerpots and does not spill out of them.

Correct transplant bamboo planting in open ground is carried out only after preliminary preparation of the site and plant.

For this:

  • The variety is selected. This point is especially important. The type of decorative bamboo must correspond to the climatic zone of growth. Only in this case will the plant develop well with minimal care.
  • A place is chosen. This should be an area with free access to sunlight and daylight. Shaded areas are not suitable.
  • Bamboo develops well on loose chernozems and loams. The soil must have good aeration and water permeability.
  • It is recommended to enrich the soil before planting nutritional components. To do this, it is mixed with humus or ready-made ones are added.
  • Immediately before planting, place the bamboo in a vessel with water for 1-1.5 hours.

Bamboo transplantation is carried out in the following sequence:

The root system of decorative bamboo is located in the upper layers of the soil. Therefore, young plants after transplantation can be damaged by strong winds. To prevent this, temporary ones are placed around the bush. garden fencing. When the bush is well rooted, they are removed.

After transplanting bamboo into open ground, you must carefully monitor the humidity. The bush should not be allowed to dry out. A special sign of a lack of moisture is the curling of the leaves into a tube.

While watching the video you will learn about growing bamboo.

Regardless of the conditions in which bamboo is grown, it must be systematically replanted. Proper replanting of bamboo will create suitable conditions for the development of a strong and healthy plant.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

In the interior of every home indoor plants is given a special place. They make the apartment more comfortable by purifying the air and saturating it with oxygen. Today, decorative bamboo in indoor compositions is not uncommon. It looks very original and unique. For experienced flower growers well known at home. Let's reveal some secrets of growing this exotic plant in an apartment.


The dwarf bamboo variety has straw-like, hollow inside stems with cranked isthmuses. They bear narrow leaves reaching a length of ten centimeters. For indoor cultivation, bluish bamboo is most often purchased. It can reach a height of up to forty centimeters. Variegated bamboo has original leaves with cream stripes. Its maximum height is one meter. Taller varieties of this crop (2-3 meters) look very impressive in tubs. The plant blooms only once. As a rule, this occurs at the age of 33 years. The buds, collected in inflorescences, are quite small. After flowering the plant dies.

How to care for bamboo at home?

This exotic plant loves warmth and moisture very much. Therefore, before purchasing bamboo, you need to decide on the place where it will stand. It is very important that there is a sufficient amount of shadow and light. Bamboo needs to be watered thoroughly. However, it is not at all necessary to irrigate the land every day. It all depends on the plant itself and the condition of the soil. So, if the bamboo leaves curl inward, this indicates that it does not have enough water. And their drooping indicates an excessive amount of moisture. How to care for Ideally, you need to spray it daily, or place the flowerpot in a tray with fine gravel and pour a little water into it. Periodically, the plant needs to be taken out into the fresh air or the room in which it is located should be ventilated.


How to care for bamboo at home? Five to seven days after acquisition, it is necessary to transplant the plant into new soil. For this, it is recommended to use turf or peat soil, as well as humus. It is not recommended to apply any fertilizers at first. The plant needs to be replanted every spring. Pots and tubs should be purchased wide, as bamboo grows very quickly. The plant reproduces by dividing the bush. In moist soil it takes root quite quickly and well.

How to properly care for bamboo planted in water

Many gardeners grow this plant without using soil. A humid environment can provide bamboo with everything it needs for successful growth and development. The growing container should be wide and not very deep. It must be filled with purified water. Rain water is perfect for these purposes. You can then let it thaw in natural conditions. Thus, it will acquire the necessary softness. How to care for indoor bamboo? You just need to change the water in the flowerpot once a week. To prevent fungal infections, you can add a little charcoal to the liquid. It has excellent antibacterial effects.