Plants are unpretentious to light. Houseplants for dry atmospheres

For a long time, people have known the healing properties of many plants. Unbreakable connection ancient man connection with nature has always been tangible, people wanted to enjoy its beauty at home. They started growing plants in their home. This is how the concept of house plants appeared.

Currently, scientists have proven the beneficial effects of indoor flowers on humans. But not only. all year round, are able to neutralize all kinds of radiation, saturate the air in the room with oxygen, absorb toxic substances, and protect a person from colds and depression. Indoor flowers bring joy and fill the house with a pleasant aroma.

Unpretentious indoor flowers

There are a huge number of indoor plants of various colors and shapes. Unpretentious flowers for an apartment can grow in a dry, dusty and shaded room. They do not require special care and do not take much time to do so. Indoor flowers delight the eye with their splendor and make our lives more beautiful, creating a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house. Abundant flowering Unpretentious flowering indoor plants are distinguished by their beauty. Beginning flower growers who have no experience in growing indoor flowers are better off starting their cultivation with picky species.


This plant pleases with its magnificent double forms and variety of colors. Pelargonium in red, white, pink, and crimson shades blooms very profusely and almost continuously. The plant can be shaped as you wish, making it taller or lower. It is enough to place a pot of pelargonium in a shaded place - and it will grow tall. At the same time, the beauty of the flowers will remain the same. With moderate watering, dry air will not harm the plant.


A houseplant of this species is traditionally considered a symbol of comfort. It is included in the list of “10 unpretentious indoor flowers.” Geranium does not require special care. It tolerates lack of moisture well; excessive watering only harms it. Geranium loves a lot of light. Give it a place on the southern window, the flower will delight you with the variety of its colors and will bloom long and luxuriantly, producing pleasant aroma mint, lilac, rose, lemon or almond. Geranium not only decorates the living space, but also refreshes the air, rids it of germs and dampness, and perfectly repels flies. But placing a flower near the bed is not recommended.


This plant has red flowers and is otherwise called impatience. If you touch it, the seeds scatter in all directions. Balsam is unpretentious to growing conditions. The main thing is to water it abundantly. It reacts calmly to dry air in the apartment, but blooms better in partial shade. Therefore, when determining its “place of residence,” direct sunlight should be avoided.

Chinese rose

This plant has earned incredible popularity among lovers of home flowers for its unpretentiousness in growth and care. It is enough to put it in a lighted place - and that’s it. Fragrant all year round, during flowering you need to water more often, otherwise the buds may fall off. And during the rest of the period, water the rose as needed.

Flowering plants at home

The world of flowers is incredibly diverse and amazing. No wonder people love them so much. Thanks to the bright colors of all the colors of the rainbow, these plants can satisfy the most sophisticated tastes. The beauty of indoor flowers can be enjoyed at all times of the year, be it hot summer or cold winter. Right choice indoor plants can create an effect in the house continuous flowering and will provide the opportunity to enjoy garden of paradise without much effort.


It pleases and amazes the imagination with its various forms. Even if your collection of indoor flowers consists only of these plants, it will seem unique. Begonia prefers warmth, up to 20 degrees, and will not bloom in cooler temperatures. The flower is demanding of humidity, but does not like spraying. To prevent the plant from being affected by fungal diseases, you need to remove wilted flowers and leaves. Flower growers of all times treat this culture with special love for its unpretentiousness.


The flower prefers a lot of bright diffused light and moisture. On hot days, fuchsia needs spraying. Blooms white and red from spring to late autumn. For the winter, fuchsias, generally unpretentious flowering indoor plants, need to be put in a cool room without lighting. At this time, the plant sheds its leaves and should be watered sparingly.


The plant is very different with yellow, orange and red shades. Collected in inflorescences, they look very impressive. The flower tolerates dry soil well, but cannot cope with excessive moisture. Therefore, watering should be moderate - once a month. Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant, if it is deficient it can grow in the shade.

Bright, long-flowering plants in the house

All indoor flowers that bloom all year round can be divided into two large groups: the first includes those that require ongoing care to get a single flower, even the most beautiful one. To the second - those whose bright, lush flowering pleases for a long time. Of course, more often the housewife will choose a flower from the second group to decorate her home. Houseplants, blooming brightly and for a long time, look great in rooms and offices. They decorate terraces and balconies almost all year round. You can choose flowers with different flowering periods and enjoy their beauty all year round without interruption.


These indoor flowers, blooming all year round, have one special feature. There are many types of cyclamen, and each blooms in different time. If you wish, you can admire the beauty all year round. To do this, it is enough to plant Persian and European cyclamens. The first blooms from autumn to spring, and the second - from spring to autumn. For good flowering You need to water the plant moderately and place it in a lighted place. Cyclamen does not like heat; 15 degrees is enough for normal growth. This one feels cozy beautiful flower in a small pot.


Another name for koleria is Colombian beauty. This unpretentious plant and is content with little. With moderate watering and dim lighting it will bloom from early spring until frost. In winter, be sure to take the plant to a dark place, it will sleep. If this is not done, the koleria will not rest and will produce few or no flowers next year. In late autumn, it is better to cut the bushes of the plant to the very roots. With the onset of spring, new ones will quickly grow and bloom again.


Anthuriums - blooming all year round, open together with the veil one after another, starting from early spring until the onset of frost. They are usually planted in pots in groups. In order for anthurium to delight with its flowering for a long time, it needs warmth and good lighting. He does not like drafts and respects humidity.


This indoor flower, blooming all year round, belongs to the genus of orchids. If you properly care for the plant, it will bloom all year long. The flowers are golden yellow in color and have brown spots small size. It looks amazingly beautiful. Phalaenopsis reacts painfully to sunlight. The best place for it will be the eastern side of the apartment. Prefers moderate watering in the early hours of the day.


This flower is often called the Amazon lily. It can bloom several times a year if you care for it well. Like any other plant, the lily needs rest, otherwise it will not bloom again. Eucharis prefers diffused light, but in its absence it will easily tolerate darkening. It needs to be watered moderately and be sure to spray. The lily feels good after washing the leaves. Large flowers open one by one, which makes it possible to enjoy their beauty for a long time.


This plant is very beautiful when flowering. It is no coincidence that it was given the name jasmine rose. This indoor flower, blooming all year round, is a very whimsical plant. Gardenia lovers endure all its vagaries for the pleasure of enjoying its indescribable beauty. The flower feels good with sufficient lighting. In a shaded place and dry air, gardenia will form buds, but they will immediately fall off. The flower needs to be watered twice a month. The water should be warm and slightly acidified.

Violet blooms all year round

Indoor violets are called Uzambara Saintpaulias. This plant has 1500 species. Variety of shapes and color range breathtaking. At floristic exhibitions, delicate violets attract the attention of even completely indifferent people. The shape of flower petals can be simple, terry, edged, star-shaped, or corrugated. All this splendor blooms magnificently and violently.

A delicate indoor flower that blooms all year round, it is very loved by women. Every home where they grow plants must have Saintpaulia. The flower prefers light; direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. They will destroy him. This is a heat-loving plant. A cold, drafty window sill does not suit him. Water the violet with care so that water does not get into the outlet. Otherwise, the flower will begin to rot and die.

Even the simplest interior takes on a sophisticated look if it is decorated with greenery. It is much better to place a tall palm tree or beautiful bush than another nightstand with knick-knacks. And how flowers lift your spirits!

There are a huge number of indoor plants of various shapes and shades. Unpretentious flowers for an apartment can grow in a dry, dusty and shaded room. They do not require special care and do not take much time to do so.

Types of indoor flowers that bloom all year round

Every housewife wants plants that do not require complex care, and at the same time please the eye with their flowering for as long as possible. There are quite a lot of them. Here are the most interesting of them:

These residents, blooming all year round, can be bought at any store. They will “forgive” their owner for any mistakes, but still, there are subtleties in caring for each of them. The beauty and duration of flowering depend on them.

You should pay attention to the following points:

  • how light-loving, heat-loving and moisture-loving the plant is;
  • is there a difference in caring for a flower in winter and summer;
  • how to relocate an apartment resident;
  • in what soil the flower will feel best.

Geranium (pelargonium)

In fact, the correct name for geranium is pelargonium. A true geranium is a garden dweller, not an indoor one. The confusion in the names happened so long ago that no one remembers it anymore. And all because pelargonium could be found in literally every home.

Has a pungent odor, which repels insects and cleans the air of bacteria. If located next to blooming geraniums for a long time, you may get a headache.

  • The peculiarity of this plant is its love of sunlight. Pelargonium cannot be watered often - its roots may rot. In this case, in summer, watering should be plentiful, but infrequent, and in winter, dry maintenance is necessary.
  • If in the room where the pelargonium stands there is normal room temperature, then it will delight with flowering all year round, with the exception of December-January.
  • Over time, pelargonium can grow greatly. In this case, as well as to form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to do pruning or pinching. You should know that pelargonium does not like pruning too often.
  • Pelargonium can be propagated by seeds, but at home it is propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut off the apical shoot and root it. Young pelargonium is replanted and transplanted every year in the spring, before intensive growth begins.
  • The best soil for pelargonium is a mixture of turf, humus, leaf soil and sand. The pot should not be very large, otherwise shoots with leaves will develop strongly, and there will be no flowering.

Flower growers brought out many varieties of pelargonium, different colors and different smells. You can always choose a variety that perfectly suits your interior.


Begonia is an extremely unpretentious plant. It blooms so profusely that it is reflected in Latin name begonias - begonia semperflorens. It translates as " begonia always blooming" With careful care, begonia will bloom all year round without interruption.

Begonia light-loving, undemanding to soil And temperature conditions. In summer, you can take it out to the balcony and safely leave it there overnight.

Planting begonia is also very simple: cut a cutting and put it in water. Within a few days the cutting will take root, after which it can be planted in a pot. To make begonia more bushy, it can be pruned.


Balsam is colloquially called “light”. Its single, large flowers have long, curved “spurs.” During the flowering period, almost no leaves are visible behind the flowers; from a distance it seems that there is not a plant in the pot, but small bright light. And balsam blooms for a very long time - from June to October.

Impatiens are light-loving, but cannot tolerate bright sunlight. You cannot place it where the sun shines directly. He is moisture-loving; on hot days he is needed spray with water. He also loves warmth, but not heat (from +15 to +25 degrees).

In terms of maintenance conditions, it is ideal for city apartments, which, as a rule, do not experience extreme weather conditions. He feels great under artificial lighting.

You just have to make sure that they don't stand too close to each other. In this case, they may drop their leaves. Leaves can also fall due to cold and lack of light.

Propagate balsam better with cuttings, taken from the top (about 3 cm long). Cuttings produce roots in any solution or substrate. The best soil for balsam is a mixture of humus and leaf soil with the addition of large quantity sand.

When the age of balsam reaches 3–4 years, it is better to replant it, because young plants bloom more abundantly than old ones.

Fuchsia feels great in rooms with artificial light. It blooms richly from early spring to late autumn. At this time, fuchsia can be kept on the balcony or in the garden.

To ensure longer flowering, after the first flowers fall, trim them and feed. In winter, fuchsia needs to be watered rarely, and in summer - often and abundantly.

When fuchsia overwinters, it sheds its leaves, and by spring it is covered with them again. Fuchsia definitely needs rest, otherwise it will bloom poorly during the season.

During the flowering period don't rearrange the pots, move them from place to place. The plant may drop its buds.

The easiest way to propagate fuchsia is with large mature leaves with strong petioles. With a precise and sharp movement, pull the leaf from the stem. A bud will sprout from the bottom of the petiole, which will develop into mature plant.

Fuchsia is unpretentious to the soil, but feels best in a mixture of leafy soil, black soil, peat and sand (sand is half as much as the other ingredients).


Due to the characteristic shape of the leaves it is called indoor maple . This is a surprisingly unpretentious home dweller, requiring only regular but moderate watering and constant lighting.

To make flowering more persistent and long-lasting, abutilon can be fed with potassium nitrate and superphosphate. In the spring he heavy pruning required- by one third or even half of all shoots.

Abutilon is propagated by cuttings in spring or summer, and best soil for him - turf, humus, leaf soil with a small addition of sand.


Spathiphyllum profusely flowering, or flagolist, is valued not only for its ease of care, but also for unusual snow-white flowers with a subtle aroma. They are even grown for cutting (they can stand in water for a long time).

Spathiphyllum is thermophilic (optimum temperature 25-27 degrees), otherwise its care is usual. It is almost impossible to dry it, as well as to pour it. Spathiphyllum loves humid air(85−90%) and lack of direct sunlight.

If the conditions are not entirely suitable for it, it will not die, but will simply bloom worse. Spathiphyllum is propagated by dividing the bush into 2-3 parts. Each of the divided parts must have roots.

It's better to drop off young plant into small pots filled with a mixture of peat, humus, leaf soil and sand (in equal parts) and add a little charcoal, tree bark and crushed brick to the soil.

Hibiscus or Chinese rose

Hibiscus is an undemanding evergreen shrub that can grow from one to two meters in height in indoor conditions. From early spring to late autumn it is showered with large, fiery red, white or pink flowers.

Hibiscus needs to be placed in a sunny place. In summer it requires abundant watering and feeding. In winter, it is better to keep hibiscus at a temperature of 16−17 degrees.

Hibiscus propagates by cuttings. In water or sand, they instantly take root. The rose feels best in soil made from turf, humus and peat, with the addition of a small amount of sand.

Young plants are replanted every spring, and adults - after a few years (depending on the capacity of the pot and the nutritional value of the soil). In spring, hibiscus can be pruned to form a bush and form young shoots on which flowers grow.


There are many varieties of anthurium. They are divided into two groups: beautifully flowering and decorative foliage. When purchasing, you should pay attention to this.

The beauty of anthuriums lies in the blanket that surrounds their center. It is bent and leathery, bright red, pink, crimson and, less commonly, white.

Anthurium is photophilous, a comfortable temperature for it is not lower than +18 degrees. When watering, you should avoid overwatering. Anthuriums love spraying.

Anthuriums are planted by cuttings or by separating side shoots with roots (this is the easiest way). The soil must be well drained. It is best to mix leaf, peat, and coniferous soil in equal parts, and add a little sand and charcoal.


Clivia is a flower with dark green elongated leaves. During flowering, a long arrow with large yellow-orange buds, similar to bells, the number of which can reach up to 30 pieces.

Clivia is shade tolerant. If you feed her a little mineral fertilizers, then even in the most dark room she will bloom profusely at the end of winter, in spring, and then, after a short break, in summer.

Root shoots always appear near an adult plant, which are used to propagate clivia. They are carefully separated from the parent and planted in soil made from a mixture of turf, sand and leaf soil.

Beautiful, well-groomed green plants decorate the house, saturate the air with phytoncides, absorb harmful substances and create an atmosphere of comfort. But in order for store-bought potted flowers to grow and develop safely in your apartment, you need to take care of them.

Some capricious green creatures need to be sprayed with water mist 3-4 times a day, others need shading from the bright sun at noon and lighting in the evening. People who work outside the home and often go on vacation or on business trips cannot provide such plants with normal care.

So, can we do without greens entirely? No, you just need to choose the most unpretentious indoor plants for landscaping your home. Those that can withstand 1-2 weeks without watering, grow well in the dry air of a heated apartment, feel normal both in the heat and in a cold draft, and do not require frequent feeding and replanting.

1. It’s probably difficult to find a more unpretentious indoor plant than (mother-in-law’s tongue, pike tail). It grows well both on a south window and in a semi-dark corner, but on a sunny window the leaves will be brighter. You can replant it every few years when it doesn’t fit in the pot. No need to feed.

Sansevieria does not suffer from the dry air of the apartment in winter; it does not need to be sprayed. It is necessary to water rarely - the dense leathery leaves retain a supply of moisture, in winter you don’t have to water it at all - growth will stop, and it will rest until spring. Cold drafts of sansevieria are not scary; it often decorates cold foyers and hallways.

2. Another exceptionally durable one hanging plant- carnose or " wax ivy". It grows well on the south window; it will not disappear in the northern room either. In its thick wax leaves moisture accumulates, it can easily survive several months without watering. If you managed to completely dry out your hoya and it has lost all its leaves and roots, cut the stalk from the stem and place it in water - in a couple of weeks the plant will sprout roots again. Wax ivy is replanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. You can also do without fertilizing. And when good conditions unpretentious hoya will delight you with abundant and lush flowering.

3. Indoor plant, better known as Crassula or "money tree". It needs to be watered rarely - the fleshy leaves retain a lot of moisture. Dry apartment air does not harm the fat woman. It practically does not need fertilizing and replanting. The money tree can grow on the south window and on the north. Can be kept in a cool room in winter at temperatures up to 10 degrees.

You just have to follow two simple rules caring for a money tree: a small pot so that the soil has time to dry between waterings, and add more sand, perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture. It reproduces easily - just stick a leaf into the ground or water.

4. Graceful green or white-green narrow leaves appear tender and brittle. But this plant is one of the most undemanding and easy to care for. Its underground part has thickenings that accumulate water and nutrients. Chlorophytum is not afraid of drought and excess moisture, heat and cold drafts; it can grow in the sun and in the shade. It can live in one pot for many years (it’s better, of course, to replant it on time, but it won’t go away without replanting and fertilizing). Chlorophytum is considered one of the best absorbers of harmful substances from the air. Perhaps the reason the plant is able to survive without proper care is because it can obtain and process the substances it needs from the air.

Indoor flowers – bright decoration apartments or houses. They produce oxygen, making it easier to breathe in the room. They won't wither like a bouquet. Flowers are interesting to watch; the process of buds appearing, their transformation into a flower, lifts your spirits.

To have in the apartment blooming garden You don’t have to be a florist or understand the intricacies of plant care. Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round make it possible to decorate your home in an interesting way without spending a lot of time caring for them.

Unpretentious indoor flowers for an apartment

Flowers that are easy to care for are quite popular. There are several dozen species of them. They easily adapt to room conditions growth. Not required special technologies care You don't need to spend a lot of time caring for your mini garden. You choose the plants that you like the most.

If you choose plants that bloom all year round, you will have your own garden on the windowsill in winter. What unpretentious indoor plants bloom all year round and how to choose them?

The plant blooms until autumn and as soon as the day begins to shorten, its flowering gradually fades. The plant enters the winter sleep phase. But, if you provide regular watering and constant artificial lighting, will bloom all year round.

Indoor maple resembles a tree with leaves like a maple. Thanks to this feature, the plant got its name. Caring for a flower consists of regular watering and monitoring its growth. From time to time you need to pinch off shoots that are not growing as you planned.

Abutilone can be natural or hybrid. Hybrid varieties Plants are distinguished by a variety of flower colors and shapes.

This plant is popularly known as " male happiness" It is often given to men; the flower is unpretentious in care. The plant adapts perfectly to indoor conditions. The rules for caring for a flower are simple: provide constant diffused light, regularly water and maintain humidity.

It has large, fleshy leaves of a dark green color and a pronounced flower-cob. The flower itself is surrounded by a colored leaf of red, white or Pink colour. Anthurium symbolizes strength, passion and masculinity and activates masculine energy in the home.

These indoor plants bloom all year round and have white, red, and crimson flowers. Pelargonium blooms almost continuously. She will decorate the apartment all year round. The flowers have a faint spicy aroma.

Caring for pelargonium is simple. Water regularly, monitor the color and condition of the flower. The flower can grow tall or short. The height of the bush depends on the lighting in the room. If you need the bush to be tall, then place the flower pot in the shade. Pelargonium will stretch in height, remaining just as beautiful.

Magnificent geranium can be called a classic. It is found in almost every home. This plant blooms all year round if you don't forget to water it. has a specific smell. It can smell like lilac, mint, lemon or rose.

The plant perfectly repels flies and disinfects the air from bacteria, germs and dampness. It is not recommended to place Geranium near your bed. If you breathe in its aroma for a long time, your head will hurt.

Make sure Geraniums have plenty of light. It is placed in the southern part of the apartment or house. Watering the plant should not be abundant and rare. When Geranium is watered every day it may die.

She's Hibiscus. An unpretentious indoor plant that blooms all year round can be incredibly beautiful. Chinese rose doesn't need special care. It is worth placing it in a bright place, and it will systematically delight you with small roses of red, crimson or pink. During the flowering period, the rose should be watered more. Lack of water can negatively affect its appearance. Dry soil is the main reason for bud drop.

A heat-loving plant that loves water, but does not like to be sprayed. will not bloom if it is cold. Optimal temperature for a flower - 20 degrees Celsius. Begonia can suffer from fungal diseases, so dry leaves and flowers are removed immediately after they appear.

The flower will bloom brightly if it is placed closer to the light source. There are about 20 species of plants. If you are just starting to grow flowers, it is easier to buy a blood red Begonia, caring for it does not require any effort.

A plant with a complex name and white interesting flowers. Spathiphyllum is perfect for those who are just learning how to care for flowers. The plant tolerates the absence of water and light. If you leave it for a week, the flower will not die.

Spathiphyllum has long shoots and white flowers. They are similar to calla lilies that can be seen in wedding bouquets. The plant blooms all year round. The flowering boom occurs in the summer. At this time of year, the plant delights with lush, intense color.

These indoor plants are also very unpretentious, bloom all year round and can stand without watering for a whole month. The plant does not like strong moisture. It can grow both in the shade and in bright light. Kalanchoe blooms small flowers, reddish or yellow.

Blooms all year round. The leaves are almost invisible behind its flowers. Thanks to the range of varieties, it’s easy to choose a flower that fits perfectly into your apartment. Impatiens require regular watering and spraying. Tolerates temperature changes well.

He is also the Chinese Rose. The plant blooms all year round from spring to autumn. It has interesting feature, its flower lives only for a day. Then new buds appear again and so on in a circle. grows in the form of a tree. It constantly needs to be shaped to keep the plant neat. During the flowering period, it is better to place the flower in a bright place. There the Hibiscus will show itself in its full glory.

You can choose Hibiscus interesting shape and coloring. Modern varieties They delight the eye with their variety and richness.

The second name of this plant is “Colombian beauty”. The plant blooms until winter with beautiful flowers. For the winter, Koleria should be placed in a dark place, first at the root, cutting off the shoots. It sleeps during the cold season. If Koleria does not rest, you will see no flowers or very few flowers next season.

Koleria loves moderate watering and dim light. If you pay attention to the plant in time, it will delight you with its lush color.

If you want bright, unpretentious indoor plants for your apartment, feel free to choose. This flower belongs to the Orchid family. Does not like direct sunlight and grows best in the eastern part of the house or apartment.

Phalaenopsis has golden yellow flowers with brown spots. The plant looks incredibly beautiful. It is worth watering the plant early in the morning with a small amount of water. The frequency of watering is regulated by the appearance of the plant and its condition.

This cute flower belongs to the succulent plant family. It has small spines on the leaves and produces small flowers. Like cacti, Euphorbia Mila has small spines on its leaves. If you put the flower in a bright place, it will bloom profusely all year round. Indoor plants, such as Milya, can remain without water for a long time and, like all the species described above, bloom almost all year round. It is very easy to care for and if you forget to water it a couple of times, its appearance will not deteriorate.

Thanks to the bracts, the flowers of the Euphorbia Milya plant are very bright, juicy, and interesting. The plant is perfect for the hallway, living room, and can be placed in the bedroom.

Fuchsia blooms from spring until autumn. If you provide her with proper care, she will delight you with flowers all year round. The apartment will do well in a cool place, away from bright light. It is ideal to place the plant in the eastern or western part of the apartment.

Fuchsia loves regular watering and systematic care. An assortment of plant varieties will allow you to choose suitable look by color and shape of flowers. Fuchsia will fit perfectly into any interior design of an apartment or house.

The plant came to our country from Asia. It has the shape of a bush and is quite compact. Clerodendrum looks interesting both in the office and in the apartment. Blooms from spring until autumn. With regular care it can bloom all year round.

Clerodendrum flowers have the shape of corollas and look impressive. During the flowering season, the plant needs regular care and feeding. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. But you shouldn’t flood the flower either. If the air in the room is dry, the plant is sprayed with water at room temperature every day.

IN winter time year the flower rests and recovers. It is transferred to a room with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, the amount of watering is reduced and left here until spring.

This type of plant is quite popular because it does not require significant care and blooms all year round. Violet blooms in small flowers and has fluffy leaves with fibers. The color of the flowers depends on the plant variety. Saintpaulia should be watered in a tray to prevent the leaves from becoming moldy and rotting.

During the flowering period, the plant is watered twice a month. The soil in the pot is covered with moss. This not only looks beautiful, but is also beneficial for the flower. If the plant is regularly watered and fed, it will bloom almost all year round.

People call this plant “Wax " The flower does not need regular watering. Due to the fact that water accumulates in the leaves of the flower, the plant can live without watering for up to 2 months. Carnosa can live without regular feeding. It feels best on the south side of the apartment, but it will not die in the northern part of the room either.

If a flower suddenly dries up, this is not a reason to panic. Tear off a couple of shoots and place them in a glass of water for 1.5 weeks. The shoots sprout roots and the plant can be planted in the pot again. It is rare to replant an adult plant. This is done only when the previous pot is already small for him.

With regular care and feeding, Carnosa will delight you with its beauty all year round.

Unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round are always in demand. Not everyone has time to devote to flowers, but they want to be closer to nature. Decembrist – interesting plant, which will delight you with flowers throughout the year. They say that if the Decembrist blooms at Christmas, a happy year awaits you.

Decembrist has leaves that look like a long chain and small flowers of an almost fiery color. The plant is not afraid of temperature changes and can survive without frequent watering. It can be kept in a room with dim lighting.

When the Decembrist blooms, it cannot be moved from place to place. This “cowardly” plant will drop all its flowers if it moves. In the winter season, Decembrist will delight your eyes with juicy and bright colors. The plant does well in vertical racks for flowers.

Clivia's homeland is South Africa, with its humid climate. The plant can grow in almost any conditions. It is placed where other plants could not live. You can water the flower however you like. Clivia does not tolerate only blatant too much water.

The plant tolerates a lack of strong light and can live in a darkened living room or hallway. Clivia begins to bloom in February. This is wonderful, because during this period there is so little summer and warmth.

The flower has long shoots, orange and red flowers similar to a bell. Does well without fertilizing and spraying. Clivia – perfect option plants for busy people who forget to care for flowers.

This plant can live in almost any conditions. It tolerates shade and temperature changes well. Fatsia will feel fine even near a battery central heating. The plant blooms with bright lush flowers and has fleshy and green leaves.

Growing such a plant at home is beneficial. It is considered an energy donor, will fill you with energy and absorb negative experiences. In addition, Fatsia disinfects the air, destroying bacteria and germs. If Geranium cannot be placed in the bedroom, then Fatsia will be useful here.

The plant is not very whimsical, but it requires self-care. Thanks to the beautiful, bright colors, she is taken care of and kept in the apartment. Potted rose in the warm season, you can take it out onto the veranda or put it on the balcony.

At proper care the plant blooms profusely all year round. The interval between the formation of new flowers and the death of old ones is about 7 weeks. Rose loves sunlight, but you should not allow the plant to overheat.

The rose grows best in the eastern part of the room; you can also place the plant in the western part of the room. The optimal temperature in the room is up to 25 degrees Celsius.

The plant needs to be sprayed (once every few days) and watered well. Do not allow the soil to dry out, this will negatively affect the appearance of the rose. In the cold season, the rose is moved to a room with a temperature of only 11-15 degrees Celsius and the frequency of watering is reduced. If you regularly care for the plant, it will delight you with its lush color and beauty.

The plant resembles a small bush and has small red-orange flowers. It tolerates dry air well, so it does not need spraying. The plant is kept on the southern windows of the room, but protected from direct sunlight.

Watering should be moderate. Do not overwater the flower, it may die from this. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced. Primrose blooms all year round and looks spectacular, like in private apartment, and in the office.

Jasmine is an indoor plant with evergreen leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. Depending on the type of plant, flowers may or may not have a scent. Jasmine is placed on the east or west window of the apartment so that it has enough light.

Water the plant abundantly, but do not overwater the flower. Water the flower only when the soil is dry. Water for irrigation can be slightly heated or distilled. When the flower is actively growing (April–August) it is fertilized potash fertilizers 1 time per week.

Jasmine blooms almost all year round. If you get the hang of it, caring for the plant won’t take much time, and the flower will decorate your home for many years.

By appearance resembles a chamomile. The color of the flowers can be red, pink, white or yellow. Gerbera tolerates drafts well. In summer, the plant can be sent to the balcony, where it will remain until autumn.

When watering Gerbera, try not to let the water get on the flowers. Humidity may cause them to form fungal diseases. Water the flower regularly, but with a small amount of water. The optimal temperature for keeping Gerbera is 20 degrees Celsius in summer and 12 -15 degrees in winter.

In order for the flower to bloom magnificently, it needs to be fertilized 2 times a month with fertilizers for indoor plants. Gerbera does not require much attention when caring, but its flowers are simply impossible not to notice.

A plant with evergreen leaves and quivering flowers. Despite the fact that the plant blooms all year round, the flowers only live for a day and die. The plant can be in the form of a bush or vine. The leaves of Ruellia are dark green with white veins.

At the same time, several buds appear on the plant and several flowers bloom. Ruellia grows well on western and eastern windows in an apartment. If you place it on a north window, then in winter it may not have enough light. Water the plant as the soil in the pot dries. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. Autumn and winter are the period when the plant recovers. It doesn't require a lot of water. The optimal temperature for keeping a flower is 19-24 degrees Celsius.

A plant that blooms at any time of the year. Thanks to its fleshy leaves and beautiful flowers, reminiscent of candles, Pachistachis is the leader among flowers. If you need unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round, it is chosen more often than other flowers.

The plant loves diffused light and relatively cool temperatures. You cannot place a flower near a central heating radiator. Warm air negatively affects the plant. Drafts should be avoided and fresh air should be provided to the flower.

It is ideal to keep Pachistachis in a room that is frequently ventilated. But, pay attention, there should be no drafts. Dry air in the room can be compensated for by spraying the plant. It will appreciate your efforts and will bloom in bright and lush colors.

Ethiopian calla is an unpretentious plant that can grow in a darkened room. It has fragile stems and soft white flowers. Fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light do not affect plant growth.

The plant begins to bloom in November and until May. June and July are the periods of rest for Calla. At this time, reduce the frequency of watering and try not to move the pot with the plant.

In spring and autumn, the leaves of the flower may die off, which will eventually be replaced by new shoots. Dead leaves are removed to prevent mold and fungal diseases from developing. With constant care, Calla blooms intensely almost all year round.

Whatever type of flowers you buy, it is worth remembering that every plant needs a recovery period. Flowers cannot bloom all year round without a break. If you provide the plant with constant care and give it time to recover, it will delight you with its beauty for a long time.

In the apartment, especially in winter, when hot radiators dry out the air, the atmosphere is created like in the desert. Indoors become hot and dry during the cold season; the relative air humidity in apartments averages 30%. Most indoor plants lose their decorative properties due to too dry air, the leaves wither, turn yellow, brown dry spots appear on them along the edges and the tips dry out, the buds fall off, and the flowers quickly fade. The pest often appears on weakened plants - spider mite, it can be detected by cobwebs with reverse side leaves, these tiny insects preferentially reproduce in low humidity.

To support beautiful view home flowers have to be constantly sprayed, various humidifiers installed, but not everyone has time for such troubles. Cacti and succulent plants are adapted to grow in a hot and dry atmosphere, but they do not particularly add greenery to the interior and their spines do not add coziness to the home. For those who want to green their home with beautiful indoor plants with luxurious leaves and flowers, but without spending a lot of time and effort on caring for them, We recommend choosing unpretentious species from the selection below.

In this list with names and photos, all indoor plants are resistant to dry air. , they do not need to be specially sprayed, and they will look and grow like tropical crops. Other care for these unpretentious species simplest.

Zamioculcas or dollar tree perfectly greens and refreshes the interior of a home or office. This unpretentious plant looks impressive thanks to compound leaves- curved branches with a thick base are covered with paired shiny leaves. Zamioculcas grows rapidly in lush bush, shiny emerald leaves are not afraid of dry air, heat or draft, they only need to be wiped off from dust occasionally to make them shine again. Zamioculcas develops tubers in the ground, the plant stores moisture in them, so if you forget to water the flower, it will not suffer. Zamioculcas needs to be watered after the soil in the pot dries out; with frequent watering in a constantly humid environment, the tubers may rot and the flower will die. Place this large outdoor plant on a stand so that the cold floor does not cool the soil in the pot. This plant comes from Africa and loves warmth.

In recent years, it has been fashionable to give potted flowers - the most popular Kalancho e Brossfeld different varieties. A blooming Kalanchoe looks like a bouquet in a pot, the thick fleshy stem is covered with waxy dark green leaves at the bottom, and a dense corymbose inflorescence forms at the top. Kalanchoe flowering stimulates reduction daylight hours, so the plant’s buds appear at the beginning of winter. Dry air does not affect the growth of Kalanchoe in any way, and this flower loves bright sun on a southern window. Water the Kalanchoe after the soil in the pot dries. Gifted kalanchoe flower will delight you with bright flowers for a long time, since new buds are formed after the faded flowers, and the inflorescence stretches a little. Kalanchoe Brossfeld is usually used as a disposable crop and after flowering is over, the plant is thrown away.

Pelargonium zonalis blooms brightly , magnificently and at the same time practically does not require special care, only good things solar lighting. From the numerous varieties of pelargonium, you can choose pelargonium with flowers of any shape and color. Pelargonium flowers are collected in lush umbrella inflorescences, they are like bright hats rise above round, velvety green leaves. Pelagonia greenery has a specific smell, it is secreted essential oils, which kill pathogenic bacteria in the air. Water pelargonium in winter after the soil in the pot has dried, and in summer moderately, when only the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. If the flower gets enough sunlight, then pelargonium will bloom all year round. Form shoots by pinching, replant the flower annually and, if necessary, rejuvenate by rooting cuttings.

Ferns are quite demanding plants; at low humidity, their main decoration - the original fan leaves - dry out. Centipede fern or polypodium fern is resistant to dry air. . This plant develops “hairy legs”; these shoots are covered with brown hairs; they are necessary for the plant to grow wider, as they take root along the entire length and form new leaves. The leaves of this fern are lamellar with deeper cuts than older plant, the more segments there are in the sheet. The fern does not like direct sunlight, grows well in partial shade, and likes regular watering.

indoor ivy popularly called gossip, perhaps because of the long stems of the plant bearing recognizable triangular leaves. Ivy is used as an ampel plant or vertical, securing long stems to a support or wall. This wonderful gardener at home grows quickly with minimal care, without spraying or special temperature regime, requires only moderate watering and annual replanting in new soil. Indoor ivy with monochromatic green leaves is also shade-tolerant and can grow in the back of the room, but ivy with variegated leaves needs bright, diffused lighting, otherwise the varietal color of the leaves will be lost and become monochromatic green.

Sansevieria or piketail flower is one of the most low-maintenance houseplants with decorative leaves and the hardy qualities of succulents and cacti. In Sansevieria, depending on the type, the leaves with a pointed tip can be long, erect, like swords in a pot, or short, collected in a rosette. In nature, pike tail grows in dry semi-desert areas, so the leaves of this plant are hard and perfectly retain moisture inside. This plant is very hardy, you can forget to water it, put it in the darkest corner, do not replant it for several years, do not feed it, place it in a cool or hot room with very dry air, the hard leaves will still stand in the pot like soldiers without reacting to bad conditions. But if you suddenly take care of the sansevieria, move it to a bright place, water it regularly, and replant it in new soil, then the new shoots will quickly fill the entire pot.

Scindapsus - indoor plant with climbing stems and alternate leaves with a pointed tip, despite tropical origin, tolerates dry atmospheres without damage. Plant scindapsus in nutritious, moisture-absorbing soil so that after abundant watering, the moisture will remain in the soil for a long time, since the plant does not like long periods of drying out. Scindapsus will forgive the owner for waterlogging; its roots are resistant to rotting in wet soil, unlike succulent plants. For stable growth of stems and leaves, fertilize every 2-3 weeks. Scindapsus stems will hang dramatically down from tall cabinets and shelves, creating green curtains.

The most common Crassula portulactica or money tree grows in almost every home. This plant can easily be formed into a miniature bonsai tree and looks original with a lush crown of rounded leaves that look like coins. The leaves of the fat plant are thick and juicy, but this does not mean that this plant is moisture-loving; on the contrary, it needs to be watered carefully and moderately. In fleshy leaves money tree contains a supply of moisture in case of drought, even if you go on vacation, forgetting to tell your neighbors to water their flowers, the fat plant will not die, but the leaves from the crown of the tree will gradually dry out and fall off, using the moisture from them for life. After establishing a moderate watering regime, new leaves on the crown will soon grow. Widespread in indoor culture Crassula was obtained due to its unpretentiousness and easy propagation; this plant is perfectly adapted for dry and hot rooms, does not require spraying, and tolerates irregular watering and lack of lighting.

Ficus - tropical plants , V natural conditions grow in a warm, humid atmosphere. Not all types of ficus feel good in winter when they are hot heating devices, their leaves begin to rapidly dry out and fall off. For those who love ficuses, but do not have the opportunity to create a humid tropical atmosphere for them, we advise you to grow them at home or in the office ficus rubbery . This plant has plastic-like leaves, they are juicy green in color, regular oval in shape with a prominent central vein and have a soft shine. A ficus with large green leaves will be part of the decor, as it will definitely attract attention in the room. It is not necessary to spray the ficus leaves, but to make them look beautiful, clean them from dust with a cloth. The rest of the ficus care consists of regular watering, feeding during growth and replanting when the roots fill the entire volume of the pot.