Secrets of caring for an indoor azalea or what to do with a flower after purchase. How to replant an azalea and divide the bush. Humidity in the pot

Azalea is a highly branched shrub from the Heather family, whose lush flowering occurs during winter period. Ornamental plant with a huge amount bright colors captivates the hearts of almost all gardeners, including beginners. However, it is necessary to study the nuances of how to care for azalea at home in order to prolong its life. life cycle and flowering.

Azalea: adaptation period after purchase

Often, a new owner of an azalea, having purchased it in a store or received it as a gift in a blooming state, after a short period of time observes how the chic “bouquet” in the pot begins to dry out, shedding flowers and foliage, and then dies.

To prevent the development of such a scenario, it is necessary to acclimatize the plant in new conditions:

  1. When a flower enters an apartment, the condition of the earthen clod is inspected.
  2. If mold is detected, the soil is treated with a fungicide or manganese solution.
  3. If the lump is dry, then the flower pot is placed in a basin of water for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then the azalea is located in a semi-shaded place with a temperature no higher than 18°C ​​and gradually gets used to the new lighting regime.
  5. Using a spray bottle, you artificially increase the humidity level of the flower close to the natural one.

Quarantine conditions

To avoid the possibility of infecting other indoor plants with infections and pests, azalea is kept in quarantine for 14 days, the main conditions of which are:

  • constant monitoring of plant condition;
  • timely treatment of the flower in case of detection of pathogens or pests.

Do I need to replant my azalea after the store?

The azalea flower must be transplanted into a new substrate after flowering has completed and acclimatization to new conditions.

The reasons for this need are:

  • a high concentration of macro- and microelements in the old soil, which stimulate the splendor of the bush and abundant flowering;
  • rotting of an earthen clod due to frequent overwatering of the plant in a flower shop to maintain the elasticity of the leaves and prolong the flowering period.

Requirements for soil and pot

Because of the culture’s love for acidic soils, it is better to purchase a substrate for cultivating azaleas at a flower shop. However, if desired, you can prepare it yourself by mixing rotted pine needles, moss and sand in a 2:1:1 ratio. The pot is selected low and wide, at the bottom of which a drainage layer is placed to prevent water stagnation.

Thanks to its lush flowering, azalea is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. However, this beauty is quite capricious: in uncomfortable conditions for it, it begins to dry out and shed its leaves.

Therefore for successful cultivation and propagation of flowers, it is necessary to study their natural habitat and provide the flower with the conditions that it needs. Our article will help you with this.

Azalea flower - description

Indoor azalea is a beautifully flowering dwarf plant, up to 50 cm high. The small leaves of the bush are dark green and covered with reddish hairs, or are completely smooth.

Picture 1. Species diversity azalea

Indoor azalea blooms at the age of 3-4 years with snow-white, hot pink, red, violet, lilac and even two-color, simple or double, corrugated or fringed inflorescences (Figure 1).

Planting and caring for Azalea at home

Decorating your home indoor azalea, try to provide her with as much comfortable conditions and appropriate care for long-term and abundant flowering(Figure 2).

Azalea after purchase

Azalea is demanding both in terms of the quality of lighting and soil, as well as in the level of humidity and watering. When choosing a place to place a flower in your apartment, avoid direct sunlight on the flowerpot. Give preference to partial shade or diffused sunlight.

Note: Since the crop loves high air humidity, in the hot season and during heating season It is necessary to regularly spray the plant. In winter, azaleas should be kept in a cool room at a temperature of +12+14 degrees.

Since purchased flowers are most often grown in greenhouse conditions, it is recommended that during the first time the flower stays in the apartment, try to create familiar conditions for it:

  • do not replant immediately;
  • organize high humidity;
  • use additional means of increasing immunity (once every 2 weeks, drugs Zircon, Epin and the like).


A nutrient substrate for growing crops can be purchased at a specialized store, or prepared independently from rotted pine needles, moss and sand in a ratio of (2:1:1). The main thing is that the soil is acidic (4-4.5 ph).


Based on the fact that azalea is a rather capricious plant, you should especially carefully follow the watering rules so as not to destroy it.

The basic rules for watering azaleas include:

  1. Watering should be regular, especially during the flowering period.
  2. The best way to water is to moisten the soil through the bottom of a pot placed on a tray of water.
  3. It is recommended to use settled or melt water.
  4. Adding a few drops of lemon juice to water for irrigation (twice a month) will make flowering more luxuriant.

By following these simple rules, you can provide the flower with an optimal level of soil moisture without excess moisture, and the crop will delight you with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Top dressing

For feeding indoor varieties use purchased mineral fertilizers, which are applied once a week in spring and summer time and once a month in winter. In addition, during the period of bud formation and flowering of the plant, it is recommended to support it with the help of preparations such as “Uniflor-bud” or “Kemira-lux”.


The pruning procedure is mandatory and regular (once a year). It involves removing all last year's shoots, as well as weak, unnecessary and closely spaced branches. Experienced flower growers It is advised to pinch and trim the stems to form the bush itself and ensure lush flowering. So, starting from May, it is necessary to regularly trim and pinch fresh shoots. This procedure stimulates the appearance of buds at the tips of the shoots. In this case, it is not at all necessary to cut off all the shoots, but only those that have become excessively elongated.

Figure 2. Basic stages of flower care

Pruning an azalea results in the formation of a crown in the form of a small tree or bush. In the first case, the strongest and straightest branch is left, and all other shoots are cut off. As the trunk grows, it may bend, so it is recommended to tie it to a support and constantly rotate it around its axis. As soon as the trunk reaches the right size, its top is pinched, after which the plant begins to branch. In the future, it is necessary to pinch the side shoots in time to form a crown shaped like a ball.

When forming a bush, pinch the cuttings and the tops of the side branches at a distance of 10-12 cm from the soil surface. For uniform growth of shoots, it is recommended to periodically rotate the bush around its axis. You should also know that formative pruning early varieties held no later than March-April, and later - in May-June.

Transplantation and propagation

The frequency of replanting plants depends on their age. So, young specimens are replanted once a year, and mature ones - once every 3 years. In any case, the transplantation procedure can be carried out only after flowering has ended.

Note: Because root system This indoor flower is very vulnerable; it is recommended to replant it using the transshipment method, in which the roots remain protected by a lump of earth. When replanting your azalea, be sure to trim dry shoots and remove faded flowers.

Figure 3. Plant propagation by cuttings

Azaleas are propagated mainly by cuttings (Figure 3). In this case, semi-lignified cuttings, 5-8 cm long, with buds are used. Their cuts are treated with root formation stimulants or growth substances. The prepared material is planted in acidic soil (coniferous soil, sphagnum peat) to a depth of 1-2.5 cm, covered with glass or polyethylene, watered and sprayed abundantly, preventing the soil from drying out. After rooting (3-5 weeks), the cuttings are transplanted into pots, and their elongated shoots are pinched to form the desired crown. It has been proven that the most top scores produces cuttings from March to June and propagation from May to August.

Diseases and pests

Most often, azalea is exposed to diseases due to violations of such care rules as insufficient watering, exposure to direct sunlight, uncomfortable temperature regime, incorrect soil composition, etc. Therefore, if you notice any painful changes on the surface of the soil, reconsider the nuances of care.

Thus, yellowing, wilting and falling leaves indicate a lack of moisture or exposure to direct rays of the sun. And excess moisture can cause a disease such as late blight. Therefore, it is so important that watering is carried out within reasonable limits. The appearance of rust and rot can be stopped by choosing a comfortable temperature for the flower. environment. But the fight against spider mites, earthen mites, as well as various scale insects will be much longer and more difficult. To get rid of these pests, it is recommended to treat the leaves of the plant with a soap solution and then spray special means, for example, Aktellik.

Types and varieties of Azaleas

All varieties of azalea come from two main species:

  • Indian azalea (rhododendron) - Sims' azalea;
  • Japanese azalea.

Figure 4. Azalea varieties: 1 and 2 - Indian, 3 and 4 - Japanese

With all their external differences, both of these species are low-growing shrubs with a height of 30 to 50 cm. You can see these species in more detail in Figure 4.

From the video you can find out useful information about one of the main stages of azalea care - replanting.

Azalea – wayward indoor flower. In order for the plant to delight with amazing flowering for several months, it needs appropriate care. Azalea needs appropriate lighting, abundant watering, temperature control, fertilizer, as well as timely pruning and replanting.

How to care for azalea - lighting

When arranging the flower, it is worth considering that azalea requires diffused light, because it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Or it should be partial shade. In summer, the plant can be taken outside; it must be placed in a cool place where there is mostly shade. In an apartment, the best location is a western or eastern window. For azaleas, the presence of heating radiators near them is considered a detrimental factor. Therefore, close proximity should be avoided.

How to care for an azalea - watering

  • Azaleas need plenty of watering. The health of the flower depends on proper hydration. Never allow the soil in the pot to dry out, but the tray should also be empty. For irrigation, you need clean precipitation or melt water; if this is not available, then you need to boil the tap water or let it sit for a day. The water temperature should match the room temperature.
  • It is very important to maintain soil acidity. The water should be acidified two or three times a month. For a liter of water you need to add a couple of crystals of citric acid.
  • It is also necessary to regularly spray the azalea with water, especially during the heating season. Because hot batteries dry out the air a lot.
  • Peat soil is often used for planting, but when it dries, it hardens into a lump. Therefore, it must be periodically moistened, namely, place the flower pot in a container of water.
  • Loosening the soil in a pot can lead to the death of the plant, since azalea has small roots that can be accidentally damaged.
  • If your plant is in a cool place, then in winter you can put snow or pieces of ice on the soil in the pot, which will melt and provide moisture. But this option is not suitable for warm houses, apartments, since a sharp jump in temperature can negatively affect the development of the flower.

How to care for azalea - temperature regime

The acceptable temperature for growing azaleas is 8 – 16 degrees. However, when proper watering, moistening, the flower takes root even at a temperature of 21 - 22 degrees. If the flower was located outside in the summer, then as winter approaches it is necessary to bring it into the house before turning on the heating, since the temperature difference will cause the flower to become diseased. It is recommended to keep azaleas at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees during the flowering period. IN winter time It is necessary to periodically spray the flower, thereby moistening it. Since the temperature regime of the content of this plant a little lower than in your home, you can artificially provide the flower with the necessary conditions. To do this, gardeners place pieces of ice on the soil in a pot or water and spray with chilled water.

How to care for azalea - fertilizer

For proper development, azaleas must be fertilized. The choice of fertilizer depends on the time of year, namely:

  • in the spring and summer months, mineral fertilizers 1 time every 2 weeks;
  • in the autumn-winter months, feeding consisting of potassium and phosphorus once every 2 weeks.

Carefully study the dosage of fertilizing so as not to burn the plant.

How to care for azalea - pruning and replanting

In order for the azalea to bloom magnificently, it must be periodically pruned, pinched and replanted.

  • Shoots should be trimmed in early summer or immediately after flowering. Weak or overgrown shoots need to be plucked.
  • For abundant flowering, the stems should be pinched. Young shoulder straps need to be pinched.
  • Young shoots that are located near the buds must be removed immediately.
  • A young azalea needs to be replanted every year after flowering, and an adult flower needs to be replanted every 3 years.
  • The pot for transplanting should be selected according to the following criteria: wide, but not deep.
  • Azaleas are bred in the summer from cuttings.

Azalea is demanding in terms of care, but it thanks you for your work with bright, lush, long-lasting flowering!

Azalea (also known as alpine rose or rhododendron) is a flowering, lush indoor plant. Luxurious flowers and the bright colors make it very impressive.

Azalea decorates an interior made in any style. As a rule, indoor azalea is an evergreen variety, although there are also deciduous varieties. With age, it blooms more and more spectacularly and abundantly.

Before buying a flower

Azalea has different terms flowering and is divided according to this criterion into three groups:

  • early (from December to January);
  • average (from January to March);
  • late (from February to April).

The flower should be selected at the beginning of flowering when large quantities unopened buds. The purchased flower does not need to be replanted until it has bloomed, leaving it in the soil where it has adapted.

Temperature and light conditions

Azalea feels comfortable in a bright and cool room with a temperature no higher than +18°C. Optimal value The temperature should be within +10-15°C.

In autumn (from October to December), rhododendron begins to form flower buds. At this time, the temperature can be “lowered” to +6°C. It is not always easy to provide such a regime in warm apartment. But you can “cheat” if, for example, you surround the plant crushed ice or water (spray) cold water. By the time of flowering, the temperature can be increased. Azaleas bloom most actively in the fresh air. Therefore, before the cold weather, it is better to take them out onto the terrace or balcony or place them in a constantly ventilated room. If an azalea is taken out into the garden, then it should only be in a shaded place.

The plant is brought indoors at the end of August, before the autumn cold. Unlike garden rhododendrons, indoor azalea does not tolerate temperature fluctuations, due to which already established buds will begin to actively drop. The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Soil composition

Rhododendron loves to “live” in acidic soil. Therefore, the soil is usually mixed with peat, sand and coniferous elements in the ratio:

  • two parts of soil;
  • one part of additives.

For beginning flower growers there are ready-made mixtures, they are easy to buy in a store or flower shop.

The soil should be watered periodically alkaline solution with a weak concentration of oxalic acid. Can be used citric acid in the amount of one tablespoon per 10 liters of water. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this, because it’s too acidic soil promotes premature death of leaves and flowers.

Watering and feeding azaleas

Proper watering

Excellent care for azaleas at home requires strict adherence to the rules of watering the plant:

  1. Azalea doesn't like "heavy" cold water. It should be filtered and boiled. Melt water free of chlorine and other heavy impurities is suitable.
  2. The soil should be moist, but not wet.
  3. In hot weather you need to water in the morning and evening, in cool weather - much less often.
  4. Features of irrigation consist of alternating top and bottom watering using a tray.
  5. It is useful to spray the plant regularly. But this is done carefully to avoid brown spots on flowers and leaves. Many spray from a spray bottle above the flower and at a meter distance.
  6. To humidify the air, you can line the azalea pot with moistened moss or sawdust.

At the time of flower bud formation, watering can be reduced slightly.

Features of feeding

There is specificity in feeding this indoor plant. It should be done not every week or month, but every watering. It is necessary to add complex liquid fertilizers in reduced doses (preferably special ones for azaleas), which are divided by the number of waterings.

During the period of growth and bud formation, one should not forget about classical feeding. They need to be applied once every two decades by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Care during the rest period

Need for transplant

When the plant's flowers fade, post-blooming care for the azalea continues. It is necessary to remove brown leaves and wilted flowers. It’s a good idea to transplant the flower into a larger pot. Rhododendron likes wide and low containers due to its shallow root system.

Azaleas are transplanted:

  • up to the age of three - every year;
  • after three years - every two to three years.

Signs of the need to change “housing” may be:

  • entwining the roots of a plant into an earthen coma;
  • if moss appears on the surface of the soil in the pot.

Rhododendron is transplanted into special soil- better in coniferous land.

Trimming and plucking

After the end of the flowering wave, each branch should be cut off by 5 cm. Weak and elongated shoots are cut off completely. Thanks to this pruning, the plant will produce new and strong shoots.

After a month, at least three pairs of leaves form on the new shoots. At this point, the top of each shoot must be pinched. This procedure is repeated three times a year - the third time in July-August before the buds open. When buds appear on the branches, you should pluck out all newly appeared side shoots. All this contributes to lush flowering.

Reproduction method

Azaleas are propagated by cuttings. This is done in June. Semi-lignified shoots up to six months old are cut into cuttings. An oblique cut up to 6 cm in length is made under the bud of the last leaves. Then you need to:

  • -two pairs lower leaves shorten to half;
  • remove buds;
  • treat the sections with a growth accelerating agent;
  • deepen into the soil 2 cm.

IN flower pots for rooting the following must be laid:

  • fine drainage with a layer of up to 5 cm;
  • coniferous soil up to 7 cm high.

Cuttings must be sprayed twice a day. They need to be covered with plastic wrap and placed in a room where the temperature is above +20°C. After rooting, the cuttings are grown in the same containers for up to two years. Only after this can they be seated.

If any azalea care condition is violated, the flower may get sick. The yellowness of the leaves, their drying out and falling off signal a lack of moisture and an excess of sunlight. Sometimes the reason is insufficient acidity of the soil. Proper care of indoor azalea will ensure its normal growth and flowering not only during the warm period, but also during the winter cold.

Azalea (Azalea) - decorative flowering shrub, which belongs to the Heather family. In natural conditions it can be found over large territorial areas of Europe, North America and Asia. Japan considers the cultivation of of this flower. The flower became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. It was grown in botanical gardens and various nurseries.

This is an evergreen, highly branched shrub with lanceolate, elliptical, ovate leaves, pubescent on both sides. Flowers come in single colors, ranging from white to all sorts of shades of pink, red, purple, violet, brick red, single or double.

Now azalea is common among indoor plants, and is in great demand because of its unusual beautiful flowering. But there are some serious care details, and before you bring this flower into your home, you should familiarize yourself with these rules.

Azalea or rhododendron is a very finicky, capricious flower. But when it blooms it is a real beauty. Warm regions grow it in the form garden plant. Cold regions, on the contrary, domesticate it. Caring for this flower is not easy. If you have just mastered the skills of a florist, then caring for an azalea will seem quite labor-intensive. You just need to know some rules for caring for azaleas for the best effect. The flower will make you happy lush flowering and longevity.

Location and lighting

It is best to place azalea in a bright or semi-shaded place, and the light must be diffused, since it does not tolerate direct sunlight. In summer, it is recommended to take the flower out into the open air.


The most suitable temperature for growing azleas is about 12-15 degrees. Creating such a temperature is not an easy task; this problem is especially relevant in the summer. Therefore, azaleas blooming in summer are quite rare. However, when proper care azalea can grow at temperatures of 20-22 degrees.


The soil should be kept moist, but under no circumstances should it be allowed to become permanently damp. When watering azaleas, it is advisable to use soft water. You can store water from melted snow, or use rainwater. It's also worth trying to dilute the water. lemon juice, approximately 10 drops per 1 liter of water. The plant accepts oxygenated water well.

If the soil becomes too dry, the azalea may shed all its leaves and flowers.

Air humidity

Maintenance high humidity air is one of the main factors in azalea care. The flower should be watered and sprayed every morning. In autumn, watering is slightly reduced, spraying is carried out extremely rarely. With the beginning of the heating season, the apartment becomes very dry, and sunny days spraying is resumed.

To maintain high humidity, you can use a deep tray and fill it with small pebbles. Or you can use sphagnum moss, placing it at the bottom of the pot. Pour water into the tray and place the flower pot on top.

Daily spraying during azalea flowering is a mandatory procedure. The flower must be sprayed finely, as large spraying will leave stains. If fine spraying is not possible, you should refrain from the procedure altogether.

The soil

Growing azaleas requires acidic soil (pH 4-4.5). Heather soil is best suited for it, but you can replace it with a mixture of coniferous and peat soil (2:1) with the addition of a small amount of river sand. Azaleas grow well in hydroponics.

Feeding and fertilizers

Azaleas need to be fed once a week in spring and summer. You can use fertilizers for azaleas as fertilizers. IN autumn-winter period, during the budding period, it is recommended to add superphosphate (15 g per 10 liters of water).


Young plants are replanted every year, old ones - once every 2-3 years. When replanting an azalea, it is very important not to disturb the root ball, so instead of replanting, it is recommended to replant the plant with the addition of fresh substrate. Since the root system of azaleas is superficial, only flat pots are usually used as dishes.

If the azalea is grown in a garden in open ground, then before starting to dig up the plant, it is recommended to put nylon stockings over the pot. This is done in order to protect the plant from harmful insects. Before bud formation, the plant should be kept at a low temperature, about 6-8 degrees, gradually increasing it to 12-15 degrees. Unsuccessful or incorrect transplantation of a flower can completely destroy it.


It is very important to trim and pinch the stems in a timely manner. Pruning can be done from the beginning of May. All weak and overgrown shoots should be removed, especially those facing the inside of the room. Remember: than more luxuriant bush, the weaker the flowering. Young shoots are pinched, leaving 4-5 leaves on them. When small young shoots appear near the flower buds, they must be removed.

There are two main types of crown formation in azaleas: standard ( small tree with a trunk of approximately 20-30 cm) - the most decorative option or bush - the option is simpler and more natural. Pruning for early varieties must be carried out no later than March-April, for late varieties- in May-June. Crown formation is carried out in order to obtain a plant with a beautiful voluminous crown and evenly spaced buds. In general, annual pruning comes down to shortening all the shoots of the previous year and completely removing excess, weak or very closely spaced branches.

Care during flowering

For longer flowering, azaleas need to be kept cool. After the azalea has finished blooming (or better yet, as it begins to bloom), the seed pods should be removed so as not to weaken the plant. Unlike many other plants, azalea can be safely turned and moved during flowering. But after the azalea has finished blooming, it must be returned to its original place in the position in which it was during budding. During flowering, all faded buds must be removed immediately, then the azalea will bloom longer.

With proper care, the azalea will bloom more and more luxuriantly every year. After flowering, you need to trim off all faded flowers. To form a lush bush, pruning of shoots must be carried out several times in early summer. Young shoots that form immediately before or during flowering are also pinched.

Azalea propagates by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and grafting. Propagation by seeds is the most labor-intensive and complex process, which is most often used by professional flower growers to cultivate new varieties, so this method is practically not used.

The easiest way is to divide an azalea bush, which is already 3-4 years old, into several parts. The roots of the plant are thin and superficial, so you need to divide with great care.

At home, azaleas are propagated by semi-woody stem cuttings, although this is difficult. The most optimal period for propagation by cuttings is from May to August. Take a cutting approximately 5-8 cm long - not completely woody and not entirely green. Rooting is faster and better in coniferous soil or sphagnum peat. The cuttings are buried 1-2 cm into the soil and covered glass jar or plastic film, regularly watered and sprayed. Optimal temperature for rooting 25 degrees. Cuttings take root in 3-5 weeks.

Rare varieties of azaleas or azaleas that are difficult to take root are propagated by grafting. They are inoculated with the method of copulation. After this, the grafted plant is placed under a jar or in a mini-greenhouse made of polyethylene, constantly watering, spraying and ventilating.

Diseases and pests

More dangerous pests when growing azaleas in pots - whitefly, mealybug, azalea moth, sulcata weevil, as well as some other types of insects, mites and mollusks.

Difficulties in growing

  • Wrinkling and falling leaves - insufficient watering. You can immerse the pot in a container of water several times a week until it is completely saturated. Others possible reasons May be low humidity air.
  • Short flowering period – warm dry air. It may also be due to bright sunlight and insufficient watering.
  • Yellowing of leaves - clay soil or clay in water.

Azalea - how to care for a flower (visible)