Types of fertilizers and the correct concentration when used for zamioculcas. Zamioculcas - caring for a Dollar Tree at home

Another wonderful decorative foliage indoor plant is Zamioculcas zamifolia. Zamioculcas received its name due to its external resemblance to zamia, which is quite rare in room conditions plant from the Sagovnikov family.

Zamioculcas as an indoor plant gained popularity thanks to massive sales at flower auctions in the Netherlands, although it was not even heard of until the end of the 20th century.

Zamioculcas - herbaceous plant with rather high, up to one meter, complex pinnate leaves, belonging to the Araceae family. Zamioculcas is considered an unpretentious indoor plant, easily tolerating low humidity and even partial shading, which is why it was highly valued by landscaping designers and amateur gardeners. But, despite its unpretentiousness, the conditions for keeping Zamioculcas should not be taken to extremes.

Zamioculcas has a very beautiful leaves. The individual leaves included in the complex pinnate leaves are leathery, dark green, glossy, slightly pointed at the apex. The complex pinnate leaves themselves are slightly thickened towards the base. They are densely arranged on a short horizontal stem, giving the appearance of a rosette. Zamioculcas root is a large underground water-storing tuber. Thanks to this root, Zamioculcas easily tolerates drought conditions. But flowering in Zamioculcas is a rather rare occurrence in indoor conditions. Even if Zamioculcas blooms, it will not attract attention, since its inflorescence, which resembles a small cob, is formed at the base of the leaves and is surrounded by a kind of green blanket.

By the way, in 2007, a new miniature variety of zamioculcas was introduced in Holland; in appearance it is not much different from the usual one, only the height of the bush is more compact, it grows only 60 centimeters, and its leaves are smaller than those of the usual zamioculcas zamioculcas.

They say that zamioculcas reduces the symptoms of depression and has a positive effect on the overall emotional state.

Growing zamioculcas at home does not present any particular difficulties; it is quite unpretentious.

The soil

Zamioculcas does not have any special requirements for the soil mixture; the classic soil mixture, which contains peat, turf and leaf soil, and sand, is perfect for it. IN earth mixture you can add a little chopped sphagnum.

Young plants are replanted as they grow, once every 1-2 years. Adult zamioculcas are replanted once every four to five years. Zamioculcas is considered a slow-growing plant.

To transplant an adult zamioculcas, use narrow and tall pots. At the bottom of the pot you need to put a thick layer of drainage, approximately 1/3 or 1/4 of the height of the pot in the form of clay shards, expanded clay or a layer of sand. Such drainage will make the bottom of the pot heavier and make the pot more stable, since leaves that are too tall can easily outweigh a light pot. In addition, to support tall leaves (so that they do not fall or turn out of the pot), you need to use a circular support. But this is only necessary for large specimens older than 5-7 years.

There is no need to rush into replanting newly purchased zamioculcas. Give it two to three weeks to adapt, and besides, Zamioculcas does not need frequent transplants. The transplant will also not benefit Zamioculcas if it occurs at autumn- winter period. Therefore, if you purchased zamioculcas in the fall or winter, it is better to take a closer look, observe how the plant behaves in new conditions, and start replanting at the end of February - March.

Light for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas prefers diffused light. For normal development The plant should be kept in a bright place without direct sunlight. Zamioculcas grows well on eastern and western windows. If you have only southern windows in your house, then with the arrival of spring, zamioculcas should be moved away from the window or shaded from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get sunburned.

Watering Zamioculcas

Temperature of keeping Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas grows well at normal room temperature +20 +25°C. IN winter time in winter you can reduce the temperature to + 16°C, while watering is also significantly reduced. Zamioculcas, like other indoor plants, needs fresh air, but does not like drafts.

Feeding Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is periodically fed, starting from mid-March and up to September inclusive, at intervals of two to three weeks. Liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents that do not contain nitrogen fertilizers, and their concentration is slightly lower than the concentration of other fertilizers. Fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are suitable for Zamioculcas, just dilute them more than for other decorative deciduous plants. Too high a concentration of fertilizers, as well as the use of nitrogen fertilizers, can cause burns and rot of the rhizomes and leaves of zamioculcas. To prevent the plant from getting burned, an aqueous solution of fertilizer is applied to moist soil. For foliar feeding zamioculcas by leaves, a standard aqueous solution of fertilizers for feeding the rhizomes is diluted in water tenfold. In October, all feeding of Zamioculcas is stopped.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow. This may be a natural cause of leaf aging, improper care, which consists of insufficient or excessive watering, or damage to zamioculcas by pests.

Zamioculcas does not like prolonged coolness and prolonged stagnation of water in the soil. This can cause rotting of roots and stems. However, do not rush to throw away the plant. Remove it from the pot, rinse thoroughly root system zamioculcas in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and inspect it. All bad, rotten parts of the roots must be carefully cut out, the rest sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal, dried, and then planted in a new earthen mixture without watering. If necessary, for the first time (3-7 days), zamioculcas can be covered with a bottle.

Shoots and leaves that retain color all year round. Life cycle– 5-10 years. Originally from the dry regions of Africa, this succulent capable of storing water in fleshy roots, stems and leaves.

Due to its similarity with Crassula, which we usually call the “money tree,” Zamioculcas, which is fleshier and larger, therefore looking more impressive, is called the “dollar tree.” It is believed that its cultivation as an evergreen plant guarantees the constant presence of evergreen currency.

Another sign is related to the fact that at home the plant almost does not bloom - therefore, the girl who achieves its flowering is guaranteed female happiness. But since the appearance of flowers is an extremely rare phenomenon, another name “zamioculcas - the flower of celibacy” has taken root. And in China it is also used as a New Year tree.

  • Advice! Since zamioculcas juice contains toxic substances that can cause allergies or intestinal disorders, you need to wear gloves when caring for it (cutting, replanting). Also make sure that pets and small children do not try the plant, otherwise the risk of poisoning is very high.

Due to the fact that the plant has been introduced into cultivation relatively recently (since the early 2000s), its “pure” botanical species, Zamioculcas zamiaefolia, is mainly found on sale. However, in 2007, the first hybrid appeared - low-growing variety Zamicro, which differs from the original type in its miniature size (it grows no more than 60 cm in height) and smaller, more graceful leaves.

Zamioculcas: care at home

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and plasticity, in a fairly short time Zamioculcas has become a fairly frequent indoor guest and a favorite of phytodesigners. For his successful cultivation You need to follow a few simple rules:

  • temperature– the plant feels quite comfortable in a wide temperature range - from 12 to 30 C, but for the summer period the optimal temperature will be in the range of 18 - 26 C, and in winter - 14-16 C. At the same time, the plant is very sensitive to temperature changes - they can cause yellowing and falling leaves

Advice! When choosing a place for zamioculcas, it is worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate drafts - this is one of the main causes of diseases.

  • lighting– Zamioculcas adapts quite well to any light conditions. It grows well in bright light (although prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can cause burns). sheet plate), and partial shade, and even with strong shading. True, in the latter case, the intensity of its growth will be insignificant, and the leaves will be curved and small, and it will not be possible to form a lush, dense bush.

Advice! Since the leaves will constantly be drawn towards the light, so as not to disturb the shape of the plant, the zamioculcas must be periodically rotated around its axis.

  • the soil- for normal growth of zamioculcas you will need a loose substrate, not very fertile, as in general for cacti and succulents. To avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil, which will cause rotting of tubers and leaves, drainage should occupy up to a quarter of the total volume of the pot, and the content of sand and perlite in the substrate should be about 50%. Sphagnum or coal would be a good addition. “Heavy” waterproof soil is absolutely contraindicated for planting zamioculcas
  • watering- quite moderate, the earthen lump should dry out not only on top, but also a little in the middle. If you are not sure, then it is better to wait a day or two - the plant will be able to provide itself with moisture accumulated in the stem and leaves. Watering schedule: in summer, once every 2 weeks; in winter, once a month.
  • humidity- zamioculcas seems to have been created for our apartments with central heating, in which the air is very dry in winter. It does not require regular spraying, but periodically it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to wash away the dust that has accumulated on them.
  • transfer– the zamioculcas root is quite powerful, so it will need a fairly powerful pot, preferably a clay one, because the growing rhizome can not only deform, but even tear plastic containers. If young (1-2 years old) plants are recommended to be replanted annually, then at a “mature” age, zamioculcas replanting is carried out much less frequently, sometimes once every 3-5 years, depending on the growth rate. In this case, the new pot is chosen only 20-30% larger than the previous one.

Another method is propagation by cuttings. The cut stem is divided into parts by making cuts between the leaves. After drying the cut for an hour, the cutting is pressed into vermiculite and watered abundantly and a greenhouse is made, which is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Vermiculite is kept slightly moist. The process of root formation and subsequent growth of the tuberous underground rhizome is quite long - it can last several months, and new leaves will appear only after six months. For propagation, you can also use single leaf plates, but in this case the process will be even longer.

Advice! The larger part of the plant is taken for rooting, the faster the rhizome is formed, the larger it will be, the sooner it will be possible to obtain a full-fledged specimen of Zamioculcas from a young plant.

Zamioculcas was not known as an indoor crop until the end of the 20th century. Its mass sale began at Dutch flower auctions. Now this is a popular indoor plant not only among amateurs, but also among indoor gardening professionals. This is due to the high decorative qualities and unpretentiousness that Zamioculcas is characterized by. How to plant and care for it, structural features and reproduction - read about all this further in the article.

Zamioculcas should be paid attention primarily to novice gardeners who have minimal experience in growing indoor plants. In order to understand what your green pet needs and likes, you should pay attention to where it comes from, as well as its anatomical features.

Zamioculcas: description

Zamioculcas belongs to the genus of the same name and is its only species. For the first time botanical description compiled by a collector tropical plants K. Loddiges. Now Zamioculcas zamiaefolia, so named for the similarity of the shape of the leaves with the leaves of Zamia, can be found under the name Loddiges and lanceolate.

The plant is native to Zanzibar, East Africa and Madagascar. It is a representative of the lower tier, which explains its high resistance to shading. What is Zamioculcas? How to care, photos, tips and recommendations - all this will be discussed below.

So, before us is a grassy perennial with a characteristic tuberous rhizome. The leaves are compound-pinnate, glossy, rich dark green in color, and can reach a height of 1 m. Although the plant is considered evergreen, in case of drought it can shed its leaves.

Zamioculcas has an inconspicuous inflorescence, which is not particularly beautiful or charming. It is a light cream-colored ear that forms on a thin peduncle. A modest light green blanket reliably camouflages it among the leaves. In room conditions, flowering occurs extremely rarely and only in very old specimens. It would be logical to start a conversation about how to properly care for Zamioculcas. How should it be placed in an apartment, house or office? The choice of location depends on two main factors: lighting and air temperature.

Temperature and humidity

Zamioculcas is a child of the tropics, so it prefers warmth. The most optimal mode for it will be in the range from +20 to +25 °C. However, indoors it can grow over a wider temperature range. In winter, the plant enters a kind of dormant period. It requires a cooler temperature (from +16 to +18 °C, but not lower) and rare watering. Keep in mind that Zamioculcas is very sensitive to temperature changes. If it is consistently cool, this is normal, but if there are constant fluctuations, the plant may turn yellow and drop its leaves.

Air humidity does not play a special role when growing zamioculcas. This fact cannot but rejoice, because in city apartments the air is often dry. Occasionally you should wipe the leathery leaves of the plant with a damp cloth to remove any dust that has accumulated on them. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the green part of the plant.


Knowing how to care for zamioculcas at home, you can greatly facilitate the already simple process of growing it. One of the main factors of care is lighting. As mentioned above, Zamioculcas is able to tolerate shading, and therefore can often be found in rather dark offices. Note that this is only an opportunistic feature of an unpretentious plant. In bright, but necessarily diffused light, it will have more decorative look and develop much more intensively. The plant does not like direct sunlight and can get severe burns. When choosing a place in the house for Zamioculcas, pay attention to the presence of drafts on the window or on the floor. The plant doesn't like them very much. Remember that drafts are one of the main reasons for the development of various diseases.

The soil

Admiring the powerful shoots of Zamioculcas and its juiciness, you can guess that it is absolutely unpretentious in terms of soil composition. The only requirements for the soil are lightness, moisture and breathability, which will not allow water to stagnate, and a slight presence of organic matter. In order to plant (photos, how to care for, propagate vegetatively - further in the text), experts recommend using universal soil or soil mixture for cacti and succulents.

If you can’t buy it in the store, you can prepare it yourself. Mix washed coarse river sand, turf and leaf soil, and peat in equal proportions. Be sure to add a drainage layer in the form of expanded clay to the bottom of the flowerpot, which should be at least 1/4 of the total volume.


Excess water and its stagnation are something that the zamioculcas plant cannot tolerate. It is important to understand once and for all how to care for it in terms of watering. There is only one rule: it is better to underfill than to overfill. Watering should be moderate and not too frequent: once a week in summer and once a month in winter. Let's dry the earthen coma not only on the surface, but also up to the middle of the volume. You can check this by dipping your finger into the soil or weighing the pot in your hands. If you are not sure, then it is better to play it safe and wait another 1-2 days. The moisture reserves accumulated in the leaves and stems will be enough for the plant for this short period. Always drain the water from the pan, as stagnation of moisture in it can negatively affect the condition of the tubers and cause them to rot.

Feeding with fertilizers

When talking about how to care for zamioculcas at home, one cannot help but dwell on the topic of feeding the plant with fertilizers (organic and/or mineral). Note that this type It grows slowly, and this is its physiological feature. Don't expect to get a powerful zamioculcas bush in a couple of months or even a year. The annual growth is 1-2 leaves. Trying to greatly accelerate the development of a flower is not only useless, but also dangerous.

Fertilizer feeding should be done very carefully. There is no need to use organic matter. Choose complex mineral preparations designed for cacti and succulents. Strictly follow the dosage indicated on the package, otherwise you risk burning the roots of the plant. Frequency of fertilizing - once every two weeks during active growth(in summer).


Not every representative of the flora likes frequent transplantation, including home flower Zamioculcas. We will look further at how to care for it. This plant belongs to those species that grow a very powerful root system. It is recommended to replant young specimens once every 1-2 years, gradually increasing the size of the pot by a small volume (4-5 cm larger than the previous diameter). Adult plants can be left undisturbed for 3-5 years, but you should focus on their growth rate.

Zamioculcas roots are so strong that they can easily deform or even break a plastic container. In addition, the abundant and heavy foliage of the plant can simply become overwhelming, and the flower will fall. Therefore, preference should be given to heavy and strong clay pots. Transshipment of large specimens and transplantation of young ones is one of the important aspects of the question of how to care for zamioculcas at home.

Before you begin this process, do not water the plant. Carefully remove it along with the lump of earth from the old pot. Remove the old soil, remove dried or diseased roots, let the wounds dry and only then plant the zamioculcas in a new pot. The level of tuber penetration should remain the same. Ideally, the rhizome should protrude only 1-1.5 cm above the surface.

Reproduction by division

This method is the simplest and most effective. Remove an adult bush from the flowerpot, shake off the soil and divide the rhizome in half or into several parts. It is important that each division has buds that will “wake up” as soon as you plant the plants and produce side shoots. It is important to know how to care for zamioculcas in a pot when it does not yet have leaves. Bury the tuber, and to stimulate germination, create it greenhouse conditions. To do this, you can cover the pots with the new plant plastic film or glass, and then put in a warm place.

Propagation by cuttings

The method using cuttings is a little more complicated. They can be obtained by cutting into pieces compound sheet plant or using it entirely. In the first case, use a sharp knife or scalpel to cut small cuttings. They should be 5-6 cm long and have one leaf. Root them directly into the ground (use a loose sand mixture, as for an adult plant), covering plastic bag or a glass (or plastic) cap.

As a result, a small nodule should form on a section of the leaf underground, on which roots and a bud will subsequently develop - a growth point. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the greenhouse. The tuberization process is not fast and can take several months, and new leaves will appear even later - after six months. Well, you already know how to care for zamioculcas at home.

Can also be used for vegetative propagation whole Zamioculcas leaf. Root it in a similar way. Or you can put the leaf in water and wait for the roots to appear, but there is a risk of rotting.

Zamioculcas diseases

Zamioculcas is a plant with high resistance to both fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as various pests. However, problems still occur, and they are mainly associated with errors in care.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Incorrect placement. If the plant is in the open sun, then be sure to expect burns on the leaves.
  • Improper watering is the most common and main cause of the lion's share of misfortunes that occur during the growth of Zamioculcas. How to care? The leaves of the plant turn yellow quite often, but few people know the main reason for this. And the reason, as a rule, is simple - frequent watering of zamioculcas in combination with low air temperatures. All this causes rotting of the roots and, as a result, yellowing of the leaves. You can save the plant at an early stage. Take it out of the pot, remove the damaged roots, sprinkle them with activated carbon powder, treat the entire plant (leaves and rhizomes) with Oxychoma solution and replace the soil.

  • Excess fertilizer. There is no need to try to “accelerate” plant growth with the help of special preparations. Increased fertilizing causes the death of roots.

Insect infestation

All plants are susceptible to insect pests to one degree or another, including indoor flowers. Zamioculcas (how to care, methods of reproduction are indicated above) is highly resistant. Its dense leaves are reliably protected by a leathery shell. However, sometimes, due to weakening of the plant’s immunity, aphids or scale insects may appear. If the air in the room is too dry, it may start spider mite. If traces of the presence of these insects are detected, the zamioculcas must be urgently processed. For starters, you can use traditional methods: washing the leaves with a weak soap solution, spraying them with tobacco tincture. If this does not help, then use insecticides, for example, Intavir, Fitoverm, etc.


  • The plant juice contains toxic substances that can cause eating disorders or allergies. In this regard, care must be taken when transplanting zamioculcas and pruning it. Be sure to use gloves. Also, try to keep the plant away from small children and pets.
  • Zamioculcas was introduced into indoor floriculture relatively recently and is an exclusively natural species. However, in 2007, breeders presented the first hybrid of this plant - the Zamicro variety, characterized by miniature sizes (no more than 60 cm in height) and more elegant leaves.

If you are looking for something spectacular, unusual and at the same time for your apartment or office unpretentious plant, then choose the Zamioculcas flower. Now you know how to care for it at home. It is enough to remember a few basic postulates, and then growing zamioculcas will turn into an easy task for you.

The culture is decorative and unpretentious; it belongs to succulents. Growing zamioculcas indoors is not difficult if you know how to properly care for it. The variety requires the creation of an optimal microclimate and various agricultural technologies in summer and winter. With proper care, the dollar tree blooms.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

Its natural distribution area is tropical Africa. In Russia, Zamioculcas is a houseplant. The first description of the species dates back to 1828, with the speaker Conrad Loddiges classifying it as Caladium samyaefolia. In 1856, Heinrich Schott named the plant Zamioculcas Loddiges. In 1929, Gustav Albert Peter characterized the lanceolate variety found in Mozambique.

The exact description of a succulent depends on the variety; there may be slight differences in appearance. The correct name for the dollar tree is Zamioculcas, the Latin scientific name is Zamioculcas. The culture is popularly called zamifolia, Zanzibar pearl, currency tree, flower of good luck, celibacy or female happiness, because it has many mystical properties attributed to people.

It is believed that the plant cries, secreting tears at the tip of the leaf before it begins to rain or worsens the weather. In fact, if Zamioculcas is crying, it means that there is high humidity air or watering too much.

The monotypic genus belongs to the Araceae family. The dollar tree indoor flower has no stems. The unique shoots are leaves up to 1 m long with individual leaf-like blades, which can be shed during drought. The surface looks glossy, dark green in color. The inflorescence is inconspicuous, looks like a creamy cob covered with a light green blanket, and is formed on a short fleshy stem. The succulent stores water in its tuberous root system and petiole. In addition to the tuber, many fleshy long roots are formed.

Main varieties

The genus is represented by a single species – Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Among the representatives there are various forms with different colors, size, height of leaves. The main subspecies and varieties of succulents:

  1. Lanceolate received its name for the shape of its elongated leaves. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant reaches 0.6 or 1.5 m.
  2. Zamioculcas black It is distinguished by the very dark color of its leaf shoots, close to the color of the feathers of crows. But a young bush is salad-colored, darkening as it matures, regardless of lighting.
  3. Zamiocalcus variegata also called variegated due to the bright colors of the leaves. At home, the tree grows up to 1-1.5 m.
  4. - a dwarf variety with a thicker trunk, very dark leaf-like blades.
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Necessary conditions for cultivation

The dollar tree is an unpretentious plant that tolerates short-term exposure to adverse factors. If the location is incorrectly chosen, it will not die, but the decorative effect will be greatly damaged. When growing in a pot, it is necessary to select the correct size of the container and fill it with a suitable substrate for the culture. Excess care, especially waterlogging of the soil, is much worse than lack of attention. At home it rarely blooms, but there are cases when it throws out a peduncle 2 times a year. Zamioculcas is poisonous; if it comes into contact with the skin, the juice causes a strong burning sensation, so it should be carefully cared for.

Location and lighting

When choosing a variety in a store, it is recommended to clarify whether it is photophilous or not. Dollar Tree needs good lighting, but without exposure to direct sunlight to prevent burns. Most subspecies tolerate shading, but this may result in a decrease in leaf blades, a change in color, or loss of decorativeness.

Temperature is no less important. Zamioculcas feels best at temperatures of +18-26 °C. In summer, an increase to +40 °C is allowed, at which there are no problems with the condition money tree not visible.

Air humidity

When growing zamioculcas (dollar tree), installation of additional humidifiers is not required. The succulent tolerates low air humidity well. During the period of active growth in the evening, you can spray the aboveground part with a spray bottle. With regular procedures, as well as over-moistening of the soil, drops of water appear on the leaves.

Soil and pot requirements

To transplant a dollar tree, it is recommended to purchase special soil for cacti and succulents. The culture does not have any special requirements, but it requires well-drained soil that allows air and water to pass through. At home, you can collect a mixture of equal proportions of turf, leaf soil and coarse sand. Before use natural materials should be disinfected.

The container for zamioculcas should not greatly exceed the volume of the root system. It is important to note that you will need to add 2-4 cm of drainage layer to the bottom. If the soil substrate is significantly larger than the size of the roots, rotting and the development of fungal diseases are possible. Best material for a flower pot - clay. It allows air to pass through, allows you to remove excess moisture, and keeps the massive succulent from tipping over. At first, you can grow them in plastic containers.

Features of care

Caring for a dollar tree at home is quite simple. It is necessary to create and maintain optimal microclimate, remove dust from the leaf-shaped plates; to do this, wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth. Care secrets may vary depending on the variety. To provoke flowering, certain manipulations are required. Indoor flower Quite unpretentious, easy to reproduce.

Home care for zamioculcas includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • transplant;
  • ensuring a period of rest;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

Watering requirement

Zamifolia does not tolerate excessive humidity. The succulent accumulates water in the tuberous stem and petiole thickenings. First of all, he must use up excess supplies. If at the same time a new portion of liquid arrives, cracking and rotting of the root system is possible.

During the active growing season, you should focus on the condition of the soil. Water only after almost complete drying. If the regime is violated, a “currency” tree can shed its leaf-shaped plates, but first releases water from its leaves. In winter, watering 1-2 times a month is enough. For the procedure, use the settled liquid room temperature.


Fertilization is required from April to September once a month so that the indoor flower grows better. It is advisable to purchase a special complex composition for cacti and succulents. It is permissible to feed the succulent with folk recipes. Particularly useful wood ash in a low concentration solution. Excess nutrition has a negative effect on Zamioculcas.

Newly planted young specimens should not be fed until new leaves form. Always fertilize together with watering to protect the root system from aggressive fertilizing components.

Flowering and pollination

When grown at home, it is difficult to make a dollar tree bloom. The inflorescence itself is a spadix with a small spathe. It blooms on a peduncle up to 20 cm long emerging from the tuber. The generative organs of the flower are located separately, protected by a sterile zone, self-pollination is almost impossible.

Zamioculcas blooms only in adulthood. During flowering, there is often a slowdown in foliage growth. If the plant does not produce a new peduncle, there may be irregularities in its care. In order for indoor zamioculcas to bloom, it is necessary to provide sufficient nutrition, soil moisture, and a period of rest.


It is not necessary to form a crown for a dollar tree. The decorative value of the succulent is quite high. Pruning of shoots is more often carried out when growing using the bonsai technique. Removing parts of a succulent is mainly required when it becomes infected with infections or infested with pests. Also, after flowering, it is necessary to trim the peduncle. When propagating a plant, you can use a sharp pruner or knife to cut off a leaf or leaf-like plate. Large zamioculcas can be subjected to a procedure in order to rejuvenate the succulent.

Pests and diseases

The culture is unpretentious, but lack or excess of care can cause harm. Excessive watering is especially dangerous, causing rot and death of the succulent. When fertilized, indoor flowers grow faster, but excess leads to deformation of shoots, cracking of petioles and tubers. Sunburn of leaves is possible and cannot be treated.

Infectious diseases and pests can be brought along with the newly purchased specimen. For this reason, new bushes should be kept in quarantine for some time to avoid infecting other indoor flowers.

Dollar tree diseases:

Fungal diseases often appear in cool air and excessive moisture. If a plant is damaged, it must be isolated from others, the damaged parts must be cut off, and, if necessary, transplanted into new soil. Spray the remaining mass with a solution approved for home use fungicide.

Dangerous pests include mealybugs, thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. The fight against insects should begin as early as possible, since in addition to causing damage to the plant, they can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. Severely damaged parts need to be cut off, the above-ground parts should be washed with soapy water and sprayed with insecticides.

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Reproduction methods

Vegetative propagation methods - rooting cuttings, leaves, dividing the bush. The dollar tree is a succulent and to avoid rotting planting material It is recommended to carry out the procedure immediately in the soil mixture, and not in water. Reproduction can be combined with pruning, but only healthy parts of zamioculcas should be planted.

When cutting cuttings, you need to make sure that each one has 1-2 leaf blades and an internode. Sprinkle the wound with crushed activated carbon and dry for several hours. Plant in a moist soil substrate; it is advisable to tie long shoots to a support so that they do not fall over. Rooting of cuttings takes 2-3 months. The same procedure applies to leaf plates. Seedlings are considered ready for transfer to an individual container after the formation of a tuber and small roots.

Tuber division is used only for adult specimens with several growth points.

It is important to carefully examine the root system and remove rotten roots. Cut with a sharp knife or scalpel to leave as little damage as possible.

Sprinkle the tuber pieces with activated carbon, dry them, and plant them in a moist substrate.

Timing and technology of transplantation

When purchasing any variety of zamioculcas in a store, the plant must be replanted, since the soil used for sale is not suitable for subsequent cultivation. The procedure should be carried out a few days after purchase. The succulent loves light, well-drained soil, good light and warmth. After transplantation, it is recommended to provide the plant with all these conditions.

Subsequently, the operation is carried out every year in the spring using the transshipment method. There is a period of active growth ahead, so adaptation takes place quickly and without negative consequences. Choose a flower pot slightly larger than the previous one (2-5 cm), be sure to put a drainage layer on the bottom.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Difficulties with cultivating a dollar tree at home rarely arise; the culture is quite tenacious and unpretentious. Most problems are related to improper care. The reasons are often excessive watering, reducing the temperature to unacceptable values. Fading and shredding of foliage, stretching upwards often means a lack of lighting. One of the main signs that the plant is sick is a change in color and loss of shine of the leaf blades.

Rotting of the root system sometimes leads to the death of the plant, so if signs of ill health appear, it should be transplanted into a new substrate. Flowers take the forces of zamioculcas upon themselves, so during the flowering period leaf blades are almost not formed. Other reasons are lack of moisture in the soil, drafts, sudden temperature changes, and pests. The appearance of spots on the leaves and protruding roots from the flower pot indicate the need for replanting.

The dollar tree has been grown at home relatively recently. During this time, it has established itself as an unpretentious evergreen plant. Minimal care is required; it is more important to immediately create an optimal microclimate and protect it from adverse factors.

Zamioculcas, or “dollar tree” (Zamiocúlcas), is a rare and fairly undemanding ornamental plant that external signs resembles a very rare gymnosperm called zamia. The houseplant has a very decorative appearance and is cultivated at home for its lush, dark green foliage.

Botanical characteristics

Along with other succulents, Zamioculcas is characterized by the accumulation of moisture inside the foliage, trunk and root system in order to gradually consume it in the future. The underground part is represented by a large water-storing tuber of yellowish color. The stem part is thick, erect, fleshy, and moisture is retained at the base of the trunk.

The indoor flower has very beautiful leaves. The foliage of this ornamental plant leathery, glossy, dark green, ovoid, closely located on a short stem part. In indoor culture, the height of this ornamental plant reaches a meter, and keeping this relatively tall species at home can sometimes be quite problematic.

Indoor culture is quite rare, but still blooms. Formed flowers are not attractive enough. Flowering is accompanied by the formation of an ear surrounded by a spathe, but after the formation of flowers the plant takes a very long time to recover, so it is recommended to remove the flower stalks. Zamioculcas reproduce well by leaves and grow nodules.

Zamioculcas: planting and care (video)

Description of the main types and varieties

There are several varieties of Zamioculcas, which are not classified as separate species, but belong to natural variations. Grown in culture Zamioculcas zamifolia(Zamioculcas zamiifolia), which is native to East End Africa, has highly decorative. The plant has a rhizome and foliage no more than 60 cm high. The leaves are divided into eight to twelve separate feather-like leaflets. Rachis is thick and juicy; it is necessary for indoor plants to accumulate water. Flowers-cobs white.

Natural variation of an ornamental plant is presented Zamioculcas lanceolate, having longer, lanceolate leaf blades. The first cultivated form of Zamioculcas was bred by breeders less than ten years ago. This varietal variation is called Zamicro.

Growing the variety indoors is not difficult, but in order to maintain its decorative properties, it must be properly cared for at all stages of growth and development.

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Features of home care

The technology for growing zamioculcas is quite accessible even for novice gardeners, but requires compliance with certain rules, among which the most important are the following:

  • nutritious soil substrate for growing ornamental crops must be humus and have a pH of no more than 6 units;
  • good option is to use a soil mixture obtained from garden and forest soil, as well as medium-grained clean sand, in a ratio of 1:1:3 parts with the addition of crushed coal;
  • the flower pot must have large drainage holes, and before filling it with soil substrate, be sure to fill the bottom with a drainage layer, one-third the height of the total dimensions of the planting container;
  • The plant should be watered sparingly spring-autumn period and greatly reduce irrigation activities in winter and early spring;
  • zamioculcas, like other succulent crops, are quite easily able to tolerate some overdrying of the soil, which reduces the risk of rotting of the root system and the formation of stem rots;

  • places completely open to the sun's rays on southern window sills are well suited for growing, but in summer period It is recommended to shade the ornamental crop from the midday heat;
  • quite suitable place for growing there will be windows in the western or eastern direction;
  • in spring, as well as in the summer-autumn period, zamioculcas needs to be provided with a temperature within 21-25°C;
  • in winter, a southern plant will feel most comfortable at temperatures within 16-17°C;
  • it is very important to provide the decorative indoor plant with an influx of fresh air, but without draft gusts;
  • in the period from April to August, the plant requires feeding, and in order to properly feed the ornamental crop, it is recommended to use fertilizer for cacti and succulents;
  • Zamioculcas should be fertilized every two weeks, in the evening, on fairly well-moistened soil.

The plant grows quite slowly, but the largest adult specimens require support structures equipped with rings. It is almost impossible to plant Zamioculcas without damaging the root system of the plant., but in this case it is possible to reproduce and obtain new, young specimens. To share indoor culture That's right, you need to know all the features at home.

How does Zamioculcas reproduce (video)

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas are most often found in indoor floriculture They reproduce by dividing adult bushes during the process of replanting the plant into a larger flower pot. Among other things, zamioculcas can be propagated quite easily not only by leaf-bud cuttings, but also by means of separate leaf plates.

When dividing a leaf plate, it is very important to ensure that each division has a growth point. Immediately before rooting a leaf section or cutting of zamioculcas, the cut area must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, and then the planting material must be slightly dried.

Rooting is carried out in indoor mini-greenhouses filled with a nutrient mixture based on river sand and non-acidic peat. The optimal temperature for rooting, both cuttings and leaves, must be at least 20-22°C. Indicators of successful rooting are the formation of tiny nodules, after which the young plants can be planted in separate flower pots

small sizes. The appearance of the first shoots can be expected in about six months.

Of no small importance when growing zamioculcas is superstition, which characterizes this indoor decorative crop as a “flower of celibacy.” However, in recent years, very fashionable and modern trend became used as original gift for almost any holiday, the evergreen succulent plant Zamioculcas, already loved by domestic gardeners.

It is well known that the “dollar tree” is not only unpretentious, but also completely undemanding in terms of cultivation and care. This is popular in astrology ornamental culture positioned as a plant that can awaken confidence and determination, which makes this plant an indispensable gift for men of any age.