Zamioculcas (59 photos): planting, growing and care at home. And monetary well-being. Ways to propagate flowers at home

This is a unique plant in its own way: it is the only representative of the Aronia family. Although it received its official name due to its resemblance to another plant - the zamia flower. The popularity of Zamioculcas among the people is proven by the fact that it has many nicknames.

It is called dollar tree, everlasting tree, aroid palm, fatman. It slightly resembles Crassula - Money Tree, but its parameters are much larger than it.

Unpretentious flower

Amateur flower growers love Zamioculcas not only for its strict, elegant appearance- smooth straight stems with exquisite shape shiny leaves of deep dark color. The flower will decorate not only any windowsill, but also, as a single plant, will enhance any interior.

Most believe that the plant really has special energy. And the most important thing is that Zamioculcas is very easy to care for.

Although its origin comes from the African tropics, such conditions allowed Zamioculcas to become unpretentious and hardy.


The underground part of Zamioculcas consists of large tubers. Aboveground part the flower is not branches, as is commonly believed. These are compound leaves, each new one of which grows higher than the previous one.

The plant has elastic, straight leaves that are supported by strong petioles. The leaves of Zamioculcas are dark emerald in color, dense, glossy, which looks beautiful even in the photo.

Under natural conditions, the flower can grow even up to 2 meters. At favorable conditions At home, the record for its growth is 1 meter.

Few people can boast of having seen a blooming zamioculcas. A mature dollar tree usually blooms. It is difficult to call such a flowering beautiful, rather extravagant.

This is not a Zamioculcas flower, but simply a modified leaf that looks like a deformed spadix with small pale flowers. It is located below and covered with greenery, like a blanket.

Requirements for growing at home

Zamioculcas appeared among our flower growers quite recently and immediately appreciated the conditions of apartments in which heating maintains desert-like dry air.

Growing zamioculcas at home is easy and simple because of its unpretentiousness. This is accessible even to beginners who are not familiar with the subtleties and nuances of floriculture. But it is still necessary to take into account some features of caring for it.

The flower prefers moderate temperatures ranging from 12°C to 26°C. He will even endure sudden changes due to his unpretentiousness. But these are extremes. It is best to stick to medium temperature.

The dollar tree tolerates shade well, but prefers bright places with diffused lighting.

On the southern windowsill the flower will feel more comfortable, but on the northern one it will not die, it will just have smaller leaves.

It is not advisable to expose to direct sunlight. IN winter time It is better to move zamioculcas closer to the light or even organize it if possible artificial lighting. And in the warm season it is advisable to expose it to fresh air.

Watering and fertilizing the dollar tree

In the spring-summer-autumn period, zamioculcas should be irrigated in moderation. In nature, it lives in sandy soils and is not used to having its roots in water.

The soil in the pot should have time to dry out before next watering. The consequence of water stagnating in the soil can be rotting of the roots and the appearance of stem rot. Therefore, in winter the plant should be watered quite rarely.

It is not necessary to spray the leaves of zamioculcas, but to prevent the plant from collecting dust and losing its respectability, such a rain should be given occasionally.

The dollar tree consumes micronutrients from the soil quite quickly, so in the summer it should be fertilized carefully about every two weeks or even once a month during the growing season. It is preferable to use cactus fertilizer.

Zamioculcas transplant

Potty for dollar tree must be suitable in size for its root system.

Zamioculcas does not make any special demands on the soil. How to transplant Zamioculcas?

It is advisable to use ready mixture for cacti, but not necessarily. Any soil is suitable, except clayey, with the obligatory addition of drainage.

The flower, due to its slow growth, does not require frequent replanting. The flower should be replanted into a larger pot after root system will fill all the space in the pot.

The old flower is usually replanted every two years in the spring. It is advisable to do this with young plants annually and also in the spring.

The roots should not be too deep into the soil; they should be left above the surface.

How does the dollar tree reproduce?

In our area it is impossible to propagate Zamioculcas by seeds due to their absence. Therefore, the vegetation method is usually used. Any part of a leaf turns into a flower.

The first method is the simplest. This is division. An adult plant is taken out of the flowerpot, its rhizome is divided, dried slightly, and then each part is planted individually.

The next method is also not too difficult. It is necessary to separate the large leaf with the bud. It is also first dried, and then transplanted into a new permanent pot, not forgetting to cover the bud (tuber) with soil only up to the beginning of the leaf. This is followed by normal care.

The third method is the longest; the result of the formation of tubers can be expected for about six months. This is propagation one leaf at a time.

The torn leaf is dried for about 2 days, then placed in light soil in a shallow container, buried a third into the ground and watered. Next, you should cover it with a jar, but do not forget to ventilate it regularly.

What does Zamioculcas suffer from?

During hot, dry times, the dollar tree sometimes sheds the tops of its leaves. This protects it from excess water evaporation. This is not a disease. Moisture is retained in the lower part; its reserves are stored in the underground root system.

Zamioculcas rarely gets sick and suffers from pests. But even this hardy flower is sometimes destroyed by poor quality care. Excess moisture causes root rot.

However, it can still be fixed. To eliminate such a mistake, you need to remove the plant from the flowerpot, select the rotten part of the root, dry the rest, cover it with crushed coal, and replant it in another soil.

Yellowed leaves and brown defects on the petioles of Zamioculcas do not always mean that it is diseased. If yellowness appears on the leaves, but new ones continue to grow and the spots do not become wet, this means that the dollar tree is healthy. The yellow sheets are removed as soon as they are completely dry.

If, when yellowed leaves appear, fresh ones stop growing, you need to look for the cause. This may be caused various factors: temperature changes sharply, draft, lack of watering.

The cause may also be pests that can be found on back side leaf. To get rid of them, you need to treat the leaves with special solutions.

Zamioculcas is successfully grown by many gardeners.

Photo of Zamioculcas

Caring for zamioculcas at home, which is simple and accessible even to novice gardeners, will allow you to grow a spectacular and powerful bush - the real pride of the collection and interior decoration. This tropical beauty with shiny leaves and strong stems looks great both at home and in the office, delighting gardeners not only with its appearance, but also with its unpretentiousness.

Zamioculcas appeared in our country thanks to the restless Dutch plant breeders, who, in order to please exotic lovers, brought it to Europe from the eastern part of Africa. To be completely precise, the homeland of Zamioculcas is Kenya - a country with an amazing climate, where, despite its proximity to the equator and at the appropriate air temperature, snow does not melt on the mountain of the same name all year round. Perhaps it is this fact that makes the plant so flexible in terms of care.

The closest relatives of this tropical plant have long settled on the windowsills of our flower growers and are recorded as everyone’s favorites. These are Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Anthurium, Spathiphyllum - all belonging to the Araceae family. All these species are united by the presence of tubers or rhizomes, which are designed to accumulate and retain moisture, which is necessary for the plant to survive in conditions high temperature air and arid climate.

Like many other plants popular among gardeners, Zamioculcas also has a popular name - dollar tree. What this is connected with, now you can’t say for sure: maybe by analogy and some similarity with Crassula, which everyone knows as the money tree, or maybe because for someone the beginning of a period of financial stability was associated with the purchase of this plant. In any case, zamioculcas will be a good symbolic gift that carries a special meaning.

Varieties of Zamioculcas

The leaves of the indoor plant Zamioculcas are long, developed, dissected and grow directly from the ground. Its trunk is located below the surface of the soil, so many people mistakenly consider the leaves to be stems. They grow close to each other, forming a rosette. Mature plant, receiving proper care, can reach 1 meter in height, which is why it is very popular among phytodesigners who design offices and all kinds of institutions with large premises.

Most often in the collections of flower growers you can find Zamioculcas zamifolia. So it was called by botanists for its external resemblance to zamia - an American evergreen. The leaves of this variety are rich green, uniform, glossy. In large mature plants, the leaves may have dark green-purple spots closer to the base.

A much rarer, and therefore much more expensive, species is Zamioculcas variegata. The leaves of this plant have a heterogeneous color, transitions from intense green to very light and even white. This effect is due to the presence of mutated cells that are unable to synthesize chlorophyll, which makes them discolored. The word “variegated” translated from English means “variegated”, “multi-colored”, so often these types of plants are also called “variegated”.

Not so long ago, for lovers of curiosities, the dwarf zamioculcas was bred, differing from the ordinary zamioculcas only small size– up to 60 cm in height.

Plant characteristics


Zamioculcas – perennial, however, he does not live that long, from 5 to 10 years. In addition, it is not too generous with new leaves. To grow a new shoot, it will take at least six months and the creation of the most favorable conditions. Flower growers often resort to using fertilizers if they want to quickly get a lush and voluminous bush.


The slow growth and relatively short lifespan of Zamioculcas is compensated by problem-free reproduction. You can get a new plant in two available ways:

  1. Reproduction by tuber.
  2. Leaf germination.

Dividing the rhizome into individual tubers is the simplest method, which is best used when replanting the plant. As a rule, Zamioculcas itself breaks up into the required number of parts after the soil is shaken off the tubers. After this, each part is transplanted into its own pot.

Leaf propagation is a slightly more labor-intensive method, but it can be used at any time. To do this, it is not necessary to cut off the entire leaf from an adult plant. A small part of it will be enough. Zamioculcas leaf does not need to be germinated in water. The cut is sprinkled with wood or crushed activated carbon and then immediately placed in a prepared moistened substrate to a depth of 1-2 cm. You can cover the planted leaf glass jar or a glass to protect it and create the necessary microclimate. Rooting occurs quite quickly - in 4-6 weeks.

Interesting: even flower growers who are experienced in caring for house plants cannot germinate zamioculcas from seeds. In artificial conditions they simply do not ripen, and even if they ripen, they do not take root.


The flowering of Zamioculcas can be called both unusual and inconspicuous. A flower that looks like a light yellow miniature corncob covered with a light green spathe. As a rule, they appear closer to the base of the sheets and are quite difficult to notice. For Zamioculcas to bloom, experienced flower growers They advise you to take your time and try to create for him ideal conditions. Flowers appear most often on mature, strong plants that are provided with favorable conditions. temperature regime, proper lighting and sufficient watering. However, if zamioculcas flowering does not occur at home, do not despair, because in nature this is a rather rare phenomenon.

Features of home care

The fact that Zamioculcas feel great in office buildings with minimal care, speaks in favor of its unpretentiousness. They are not capricious plants that instantly respond to changes in conditions.


As a subtropical plant, Zamioculcas prefers warmth. Optimal temperature air for it is around +23°C, but a few units upward or downward will not be critical. However, you should not lower the air temperature below +16°C.


As already mentioned, zamioculcas tubers accumulate and retain moisture well, so the plant tolerates lack of watering well. Therefore, this is exactly the case when less is more. Zamioculcas needs to be watered a little warm water, quite abundantly, but only when the soil in the pot is completely dry. Otherwise, the tuber may rot and even kill the plant. As for spraying, it is not at all necessary. Zamioculcas will like wiping the leaves with a damp cloth much more.

The soil

The dollar tree grows well in ordinary universal soil, but you can also make your own mixture of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil, mixed in equal parts. The main conditions are loose soil and good drainage, which will not allow water to stagnate.


Zamioculcas feels great on any windows, but it is best to choose a place with good lighting for it - this will provide the plant with a rich green color and developed, thick leaves. In summer, the flower pot can be taken outside, choosing a place without direct sunlight.

Top dressing

It is necessary to feed Zamioculcas to accelerate its growth, since by its nature it is a slow-growing plant. Suitable for him universal fertilizers for succulents. It is optimal to fertilize 2 times a year.


The younger the zamioculcas, the more pronounced its growth. It is usually replanted every spring for the first three years. Then growth slows down and replanting is required no more than once every 3-4 years. During replanting, you should inspect the rhizome for the presence of soft, rotting fragments and remove them by sprinkling the affected area with charcoal.

Diseases and pests

Yellowing of leaves

If the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow, this is the main symptom of tuber rotting, which occurs due to excessive soil moisture at low air temperatures. It is necessary to identify this problem at an early stage, otherwise the flower cannot be saved. If the plant has yellow leaves, you need to remove it from the pot and inspect the tubers. If rot is detected, it must be cut off, the cut areas sprinkled with charcoal and the entire rhizome treated with a fungicide. The soil and drainage are completely replaceable.

If, upon examination of the tubers, it is discovered that the rotting process has gone too far, the best solution would be to throw away the rhizome and use the leaves of the plant for propagation.

If the lower leaves of Zamioculcas dry out and fall off, this is a natural process that should not cause concern.

Spots on leaves

When yellow dry spots appear on the leaves, this indicates that the plant has been exposed to direct sunlight, causing burns. Black or dark spots indicate that the zamioculcas is standing in a draft or the air temperature is too low.

Careful care

Any action with this tropical plant should be carried out with gloves, since Zamioculcas is poisonous. You shouldn’t be afraid to have it in your home, because it doesn’t emit any substances. The poison is contained only in the juice of zamioculcas, so replanting, cutting leaves, and cleaning the rhizome should be carried out with caution. Of course, the plant does not pose a mortal danger, but it can cause serious irritation or allergies.

An exotic flower with a funny name became known to amateur gardeners relatively recently - in the late 90s, when Dutch nurseries began offering the first specimens of the plant to their customers. In a very short period of time, Zamioculcas zamiaefolia has gained enormous popularity for its beauty and unpretentiousness.

Caring for Zamioculcas at home

Among the beautiful people unpretentious plant managed to come up with several names: dollar tree (bucks, money) and woman's happiness. Some consider it the flower of celibacy. IN natural environment The decorative foliage flower grows in dry weather conditions under the scorching sun, so in our latitudes the plant is especially comfortable. Caring for a dollar tree at home is very easy, but you need to breed and grow it correctly.

A home flower is not afraid of drafts and forgives forgetfulness when watering, but it needs good lighting. The plant likes to be scattered soft light so that the leaves do not get sunburn. Main care for zamioculcas - it means to withstand 2-3 weeks of adaptation after purchase, and then you can transplant. The lifespan of an evergreen plant is from 5 to 10 years. During this time, the flower grows up to 1 meter. It should be remembered that Zamioculcas zamiifolia (scientific name) is a poisonous plant, so it must be placed out of reach of children for interior decoration.

Zamioculcas - reproduction

During a planned transplant, propagation of zamioculcas is possible by dividing into separate cuttings. For an adult plant this is not difficult, but it must be divided carefully, otherwise the tuber may be damaged. Individual parts must be kept in the air for some time to dry, the sections should be sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal, and only then planted. How to transplant Zamioculcas? seat home flower You need to put them in pots with universal soil, and add vermiculite as a baking powder. Young shoots are watered by spraying every three days.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf

You can replant a plant not only with a shoot, but also sheet plate. To do this, a leaf should be cut off from an adult specimen, dried for several hours, treated with a growth stimulator (Kornevin) and planted in ready-made light soil. Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaves occurs very slowly. In a couple of months, a tuber will form, and multiplied leaves should be expected no earlier than six months later.

Zamioculcas – flowering

The dollar tree blooms very rarely. This indoor plant It is valued more for its glossy dark green leaves, but the flowers do not shine with particular beauty: light, small, collected in a spadix - a characteristic inflorescence for the entire Araceae family. Zamioculcas flowering can be seen in photos on the Internet. The outside of the inflorescence is covered with a leaf 5-8 cm long, which makes it difficult to distinguish. In nature, the cob, after fertilization, first forms brown berries, from which seeds ripen. When the plant begins to bloom at home, the seeds do not ripen.

Zamioculcas - transplant

The only thing that can cause difficulty for a gardener is replanting zamioculcas. The main condition after purchase is complete removal of the soil. If the rhizomes are intertwined, then they need to be carefully untangled. You need to choose a pot larger in size than the previous one with a hole for drainage. Next, mix soil, sand, turf, and leaf humus in a 1:1 ratio. Transshipment of adult domestic plants should be carried out once every 2-3 years, and young ones - every year. During this procedure, you should not touch the earthen lump.

Land for Zamioculcas

Flower shops usually offer ready-made universal soil to flower growers. For those who want to take special care of their favorite indoor plant, you can prepare the soil for zamioculcas yourself. The dollar tree prefers to be grown in loose soil so that water and air can circulate easily in the pot. It is advisable to dilute the soil with coarse river sand, fine expanded clay or perlite. These additives should make up a third of the total volume.

It is better to take fertile soil for the flower: forest, leaf, garden or garden soil. For feeding, you can add a little ready-made substrate from a flower shop. Fertilizer for cactus is also suitable. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to arrange a drainage of 2-3 cm from sand, expanded clay or small pebbles. After planting, you can put a small layer of sphagnum moss on top. The covering will be useful and decorative - with it the earth will retain moisture longer.

Zamioculcas - diseases

In order for a houseplant to be beautiful, it is necessary to carry out pest control correctly and on time. As already mentioned about zamioculcas, home care is not difficult, since the plant independently fights some microbial and viral diseases. Even when the leaves of a dollar tree first turn yellow and then fall off, this is a normal process. However, zamioculcas diseases for which the plant requires treatment do exist. Leaves may dry out or turn yellow en masse from direct sunlight, and roots may begin to rot due to waterlogging.

Sometimes the plant is attacked by pests:

  1. Spider mite. The insect is easy to spot - it is a bright red small spider weaving a white, thin web from the bottom of the leaf.
  2. Shield. The body of the pest is covered with a shield, which is why the insect is called that. It is difficult to notice the scale insect on a plant, but once it has multiplied, it is easy to identify it by dark spots at the bottom of the sheet. The voracious larvae spread throughout the plant in the form of small worms.
  3. Aphid. Pest deposits look like living white grains on the leaves. Insects come in black, green, gray and white colors. They feed on plant sap and live on the leaves (underside).

How to water Zamioculcas

There are several recommendations for care, watering and maintenance. house plant. Sometimes in winter the flower becomes lethargic and stops growing - this is a sign of waterlogging. During the cold period, watering zamioculcas should be carried out no more than twice a month. The room temperature should not be lower than +16 degrees. In the hot season, zamioculcas is watered 1-2 times a week, depending on the condition of the soil.

Video: how to care for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is a flower that will bring prosperity to the house, popularly called the dollar tree. How Zamioculcas reproduces at home, what conditions are needed for this, you can read or watch a video. The main thing in reproduction is not to rush things; the development of roots takes more than one month. First, the plant gains a tuber, and only then begins to grow green mass. Each subsequent branch grows from a tuber that increases in size.

Breeding conditions

Caring for zamioculcas at home includes reproduction with periodic transplantation into a new container. In this case, the process of dividing the tubers is gentle. They need to be carefully planted in prepared bowls with a good drainage layer and covered from above until new leaves begin to form.

All parts of the plant are poisonous. When working, you need to use gloves, and ensure that pieces of the plant are not eaten by animals or children.

Other ways to obtain new plants would be to root cuttings, leaves or cut tubers. It must be taken into account that any method of reproduction takes a long time. Therefore, if germination occurs in water, then it should not turn sour. The substrate for germination does not contain humus, is sterile, steamed.

During the rooting process, a nodule is formed due to nutrients leaf or cutting. Therefore, by the time the first young leaf appears, the old part turns yellow and wrinkles. This is fine.

Rooting occurs in warmth and light. To prevent the ground part from evaporating moisture, a cap is created over the plant, and sometimes the new plant is ventilated. Water very sparingly, so that the water wets the soil only near the walls of the cup.

How to plant zamioculcas at home

If a flower has outgrown its container and the gardener does not need new specimens, then the roots are not disturbed. The pot is either cut or broken, the plant is removed and planted in a new container, slightly larger than the previous one.

How to propagate Zamioculcas at home when planting an adult plant? Plant each tuber in a separate bowl. The soil taken is light and fertile. Add humus and expanded clay to the composition of equal parts:

  • turf;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand;

The plant should only be planted in spring in shallow pots, a quarter of the height of which is occupied by the drainage layer.

For replanting, you can divide the bushes by carefully disassembling the intertwined roots, or you can cut the tuber. If there is more than one dormant bud on a tuber, it is divided in half. The sections are dried, sprinkled with coal dust, and planted in a small pot. You can water the soil for the first time after 3 days, a little.

Any replanting or handling of a flower is stressful, and it takes time for it to regain its healthy appearance. Therefore, the flower grows until it deforms the pot. If you plant zamioculcas in a large container until it is full, there will be no growth of branches.

As practice shows, it is easier to propagate zamioculcas from leaves or cuttings. To do this, you do not need to injure the plant by replanting. With a sharp knife you can separate one pinnately dissected stem. If it is cut into segments that have growth buds, then these are cuttings. The top cutting may contain many leaf blades. And the higher the cutting, the more successful the rooting.

At home, Zamioculcas reproduces both in water and in a special substrate. It is important that the tip of the petiole does not rot. To do this, add to the water Activated carbon or a fungicide that suppresses the rotting process. It takes a month or more before roots appear. Rooting can also be done in clean, damp sand or sphagnum moss.

Leaf blades for propagation are cut with a sterile instrument with a piece of stem. They can take root in water or directly in a sterilized substrate. This rooting will last 2-6 months, you need to be patient while the nodules grow at the base of the leaf.

If you plant the top part of the leaf with several leaf blades, development will be faster. But then each leaf must be planted in a separate glass and a support must be provided. The dishes must have a drainage layer and a hole for draining water. The cuttings are placed in a sealed bag or under a jar. Occasionally, the plant is ventilated, watered sparingly, along the walls of the vessel. And only when the first leaf appears, the cover is removed.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf - video in four parts

Potted plants are always a decoration for any home, testifying to the skill and homeliness of the housewife. One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers is Zamioculcas. However, despite all its unpretentiousness, this plant requires care and attention.

General characteristics of the plant

Zamioculcas is a representative of the Araceae family, which was originally brought to Europe from the African tropics. This plant has massive leaves and a thick rhizome. It belongs to succulents, that is, a species that is able to survive significant droughts due to its ability to accumulate moisture in its fleshy tissues.

Based on this, it should be remembered that the flower has a number of features:

    does not tolerate excessive watering;

    requires a lot of sunlight.

Important! Zamioculcas is poisonous, so it can be dangerous for children and pets. When caring, replanting and watering, it is recommended to use gloves made of impermeable material.

Ways to propagate flowers at home

Many experienced and novice flower growers are interested in how Zamioculcas propagates at home. There are a number of ways to propagate this plant at home, which are very simple and do not require excessive effort.

Zamioculcas propagation occurs in the following ways:

    vegetative, that is, a method of propagation using parts of a plant, such as leaves, cuttings, shoots, and so on;

    generative, that is, propagation by seeds.

Each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages, and also requires compliance with special rules. But still, to propagate zamioculcas, as a rule, they use the vegetative method.

Video: methods of propagation of Zamioculcas.

Vegetative methods

To propagate zamioculcas at home using these methods, you do not need much time or effort; the methods are usually simple.

Reproduction by branch

In the case of Zamioculcas, the branch is a leaf of this plant. Its leaves grow from the very base. Professional gardeners call a zamioculcas branch a frond. The branch for Zamioculcas propagation and for planting should be hard and rough at the bottom, young and succulent at the top. There are several ways to root fronds.

Planting fronds directly into the soil

In order to apply this simple method of propagating zamioculcas with a branch for rooting, you must:

    Dry the rhizome of the frond for 24 hours, while wrapping the top in foil so that it does not dry out.

    Before planting, lightly treat the base of the frond with root fertilizer, for example, kornevin.

    Carefully root a branch into slightly moist soil to about the thickness of a phalanx.

Important! This method requires some experience and is not recommended for novice gardeners, since the roots are less likely to develop under such conditions.

Rooting in water

Rooting in water has certain advantages, including the ability to control root development. To root a zamioculcas branch, you must perform the following steps:

    let the tap water stand for 24 hours;

    add an activated carbon tablet to a glass of water;

    put the vayu in a glass;

    wait for small roots to appear;

    root the branch in semi-dry soil to approximately the depth of the phalanx;

    Do not moisten the soil for two to three days.

By the way! Since with this rooting method the zamioculcas branch absorbs a lot of water, it is necessary to water the frond rooted in the ground very sparingly, otherwise the plant will rot.

Propagation by cuttings

A cutting is a part of a branch with paired leaves. To propagate Zamioculcas from cuttings, you must select healthy cuttings without damage, with fresh green, no stains. Cuttings that are too old or immature are less likely to survive because they require a lot of nutrients to root.

Stages of work using this rooting method:

    trim the shoot with a sharp, disinfected razor;

    dry the cuttings for 24 hours;

    treat the base with the preparation “Kornevin”;

    root in a cup with a drainage hole;

    At night, cover the young flower with a jar or film to create a greenhouse.

Important! The greenhouse should not be left in the open sun, as the resulting condensation will contribute to rotting planting material.

The most favorable place for development young plant There will be a fairly bright corner where there is no darkness and direct sunlight.

Note! Rooting of cuttings can be done in spring or autumn, when the plant is in its growing season.

Video: propagation of Zamioculcas by cuttings.

Growing from a leaf

The advantages of propagating Zamioculcas by leaf include accessibility and simplicity. The planting material used is a young, fresh leaf without stains or damage. In this case, the soil should be light and contain a little sand for lightness and looseness. Suitable soil for succulents or a vermiculite-sand mixture.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf? To do this, you need to root the leaf as follows:

    The leaf is kept in the air for about two hours to dry the base;

    powdered activated carbon is applied to the base;

    deepen the zamioculcas leaf into a cup with soil at a phalanx distance.

Important! The planting material does not need to be watered for the first week. It should be lightly sprayed every other day.

Growing zamioculcas from a leaf is a simple, accessible and convenient process. But this method has a significant disadvantage. The fact is that cuttings of zamioculcas with leaves is a long process, that is, the development of a new plant is too long.

Video: propagation of Zamioculcas by leaf.

Reproduction by stem

This is a very rare method, since you need to know exactly how many leaves to remove from the base of the stem. They must be removed because they can rot if they come into contact with the ground. If too many leaves are removed, the new plant will not be able to develop.

To root zamioculcas with a stem, you must complete the following steps:

    remove the leaves from the base of the stem so as to free the stem by about ten centimeters;

    leave the stem for a day to dry;

    powder the base with activated carbon;

    lightly cut the base of the stem;

    lay the stem in the substrate at an angle of approximately twenty degrees;

    lightly sprinkle the base with soil.

Note! All cuts and cutting parts of the plant must be made exclusively with a disinfected knife, otherwise infection and disease of the planting material may occur.

Propagation by tubers

Propagation of Zamioculcas by a tuber has the advantage that it allows you to grow a very strong and durable plant, which very soon will look like an adult flower.

In order to separate the tubers, you need to take an adult zamioculcas that is at least a year old. The procedure should be carried out in the warm season.

Important! If you divide the tuber carelessly, there is a very high chance of losing both the donor and the new plant.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tuber includes the following steps:

    carefully remove the root from the container (it is important not to damage the roots);

    tuber washing;

    separation of roots by unraveling;

    treating all damage caused to tubers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

    drying the tuber for one to two days;

    planting tubers.

With this rooting method, the choice of substrate is important. The ideal substrate for rooting tubers includes:

    leaf soil;

  • peat crumb;

    a small amount of humus.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about drainage, which will not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil.

Video: reproduction of Zamioculcas by tuber.

Generative method of reproduction

This method is quite complicated and is more suitable for professional flower growers, since it involves extracting seeds from a ripe flower.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating Zamioculcas by seeds at home is a very troublesome and almost impossible task at home. The problem is that flowering of this plant in a city apartment occurs quite rarely. Those who have seen a Zamioculcas flower, as a rule, remain disappointed - it is inconspicuous and resembles an ear of corn.

Worth knowing! The flowering of this plant means that it is life cycle is coming to an end, and he will most likely die soon.

Since there are a number of simple vegetative methods, professional gardeners prefer them.

Propagation of Zamioculcas by seeds at home is usually carried out for scientific purposes, following the steps presented below:

    the flower is pollinated with a brush at intervals of about two hours;

    after the formation of the ovary, watering is stopped;

    after the capsule has formed and opened, it is cut off and left to dry for two days;

    the seeds are removed from the box by gently tapping it with your fingers;

    the seeds are mixed with sand and sown in a vermiculite-sand mixture.

In such conditions, a system of artificially maintaining the required level of temperature and humidity is necessary. Under favorable conditions, seedlings grow from the seeds, which are divided after the small plants form two or three leaves.

Possible problems

Reproduction of Zamioculcas, as a rule, is unsuccessful in a number of cases when gardeners make typical mistakes.

    Unsterile incisions, neglect of disinfection. Since this plant is a succulent, a lot of moisture accumulates in its tissues, which, in turn, creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. Sterile cutting instruments and new seedling containers must be used.

    Damage to planting material. This mistake is typical when dividing a tuber, when instead of untangling the roots, they are cut.

If you strictly follow the instructions and exclude possible errors, almost anyone, even a non-professional gardener, is able to grow zamioculcas on their own.

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