How to insulate an old roof of a house. Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside: instructions and video. Insulation of the attic roof

Quite often, situations arise when thermal insulation of the roof of a house from the inside is insufficient or is completely absent in a building that has been in use for a long time or in which renovations have recently been carried out. installation work. In this regard, according to the recommendations of specialized builders, it is necessary to carry out Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside. Because the roof is enough complex design, relative to humidity and temperature regime, this work should be carried out in special cases. To maintain the required temperature in a residential or technical room, insulation alone from the ceiling to the ridge will not be enough. Wetting of any heat-insulating material leads to its loss useful properties In addition, moisture can enter the material both from inside and outside the building. Since the house is the main source of moisture, it is necessary to ensure that the moisture leaves it through its transfer from one building material to another before the final release of the vapors into the external atmosphere. If the roof is already installed, these actions will not be possible.

Types of materials for roof insulation

In order to do roof insulation wooden house Various materials are suitable from the inside. Expanded clay is considered a fairly effective insulation material, which can be used if the roof is pitched and unused. In other words, visits to roofs should be limited, since the “loose” layer of material will impede walking on it, and frequent trampling can lead to the appearance of various clearings. Since the penetration of cold occurs from the side of the roof, insulation with expanded clay lying underfoot will be a useless action, not suitable for equipping technical and residential premises or constructing an attic.

In order to thermally insulate a roof in use, you should apply mineral wool as insulation for floors. In this case, it will be necessary to install a sheathing made of timber, the thickness of which should correspond to the layer of insulation that is laid between the beams of the sheathing itself. Using chipboard or another layer of hard material, the sheathing is laid, which can also be made using polystyrene foam, which can be passed through cement strainer. Closely laid sheets will then not require the use of sheathing.

Scheme of the roof structure of a private house

Despite the simplicity of the latter option for roof insulation, the height of the room will be reduced, and this will lead to the relocation of ceiling lighting fixtures. For these actions, you will need to increase the length of their fasteners.

Methods for insulating a roof from inside a room

The modern market offers a huge selection building materials and tools for roof insulation. For example, mineral wool.

In order to produce high quality insulation mansard roof from inside or any other, you will need either sheet material (penoplex or expanded polystyrene) or rolled material (any type of mineral wool). In order to produce insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool When sheathing the ceiling of a room, parallel rows of wooden blocks should be used, and the selected thermal insulation material in thickness should correspond to the thickness of the wooden block, the thickness of which depends on climatic conditions. The same technology can be followed when insulating foam inside.

Sheet materials can be fastened in two ways. The first is less effective due to the contact of the rafters with the sheathing. If you use penoplex or expanded polystyrene, which do not require additional sheathing and air gap, then decorative paneling can be attached directly to the rafters by placing a vapor barrier material under it when insulation of a pitched roof.

The second method when insulating the roof of a house is more complex, but effective. Insulation is laid in a continuous layer on the inner surface of the rafters when fastened decorative finishing to the rafters themselves. You can also do insulating a garage roof from the inside or insulating an attic roof from the inside with your own hands.

Video: Roof insulation process

Catalog of materials for insulation


Material - L-35

Ready-made examples of roof insulation (10 photos)

We insulate the roof with massandra. Laying insulation between wooden beams.

Blowing in a special insulation mixture using a pooler. One of the most effective methods, allows you to fill the most inaccessible places, thereby increasing the thermal insulation of the roof.

One of the most important stages in construction and major renovation roofing is the insulation of the roof of your own house. The roofs of residential buildings can be flat or pitched. Pitched roofs have a cold attic or attic space. Flat roofs can have attic-type rooms. The technology for installing thermal insulation layers directly depends on what configuration the roof has, what insulation is used and what requirements are imposed on the room under the roof.

Why is it necessary to insulate the roof from the inside?

Whether the owner will insulate the roof or not is his decision, however, insulating the roof from the inside has the following advantages over an uninsulated roof:

Insulating the roof from the inside is the only correct solution if the house is already in use. If roof insulation is provided for by the project, then it is better to do it before the roof is installed. This is necessary so that the house can be built in unfavorable weather conditions.

Roofing pie: elements and main requirements

The set of materials that are included in the insulation of the roof and from which the layered structure is formed is called “roofing cake”. The rafter system is the main component in this design, everything else is based on it. All elements in sequence, starting with the roof covering, look in cross-section as follows:

This design helps prevent heat loss in winter, and in summer it protects the under-roof space from extreme overheating. Moisture from outside does not enter the thermal insulation and there is no water vapor inside the room.

Vapor barrier, thermal insulation and waterproofing determine how high-quality the roof threshold will be in terms of insulation capacity.

Basic properties and purpose of vapor barrier and waterproofing

Waterproofing must perform the following tasks:

  • prevent moisture from getting on the external thermal insulation;
  • help ensure that moisture vapor disappears when it enters the thermal insulation inside the house.

For waterproofing materials, special membranes and films are used. The film is a microperforated material consisting of three layers, it is a film made of polypropylene, it is laminated with polyethylene on both sides.

The membrane has a non-woven structure. The layer in the middle provides a vapor barrier and waterproofing, while the outer layers are designed for strength. These membranes are called superdiffuse. They have high vapor permeability, while films have lower permeability, and no air gap is required for their installation.

In the case of film, there must be a gap between it and the insulation, otherwise not all steam will be removed. This leads to the fact that the insulation will get wet and lose its heat-saving properties. Membranes last longer than films.

The vapor barrier is designed to prevent moisture vapor from reaching the insulation from the room. Different materials are used for roof insulation. Material characteristics:

  • the material must have average density because they have the best thermal insulation properties compared to materials with low density. The lower the density of the material, the greater the porosity, and thermal conductivity depends on this;
  • thermal conductivity. If its indicator is low, it means that the thermal insulation of the material is good. In addition to porosity, the temperature and humidity of the material also affect thermal insulation; if their growth increases, the thermal conductivity also increases accordingly;
  • water absorption. This is the ability of a material to absorb and retain moisture in its pores;
  • frost resistance;
  • flammability;
  • environmental friendliness.
  • chemical resistance.

The following materials are used to insulate the roof:

  • mineral wool and glass wool. They are available in the form of slabs and rolls. Mineral wool has much better characteristics than glass wool; it is more resistant to elevated temperatures;
  • polystyrene foam or as it is also called expanded polystyrene. It is made in the form of extruded products or slabs. The disadvantage is its flammability. If it burns, then harmful and toxic substances are released. Such material must be reliably protected from fire;
  • polyurethane foam. Available in liquid mixtures and panel forms. They are applied when insulating structures. If you use liquid mixtures, then the possibility of doing the work yourself is almost eliminated, because you will need to use complex and expensive equipment.

Roof insulation with various designs

As varied as roof designs are, there are so many technological solutions for their insulation. The types of roofing materials also make differences. For example, if the roof is soft, then insulation is carried out outside the house during installation. Work is done before roofing material will be laid. The insulation of pitched and flat roofs differs from each other.

In the absence of waterproofing, roof insulation work must begin with fastening to the rafters waterproofing material. The air gap must be at least twenty millimeters.

For waterproofing, a super-diffuse membrane is best suited; this will avoid an additional air gap between the insulation and the waterproofing.

Thermal insulation must be laid in several layers between the rafters. There must be at least two layers, thereby eliminating through joints between the mats and slabs. Its thickness should be at least fifteen to twenty centimeters. If the width of the rafter legs is less than this size, a second layer should be laid overlapping the rafters- this improves the quality of insulation. The sheathing is attached through the insulating layer to the rafters, thereby strengthening the vapor barrier.

Insulate flat roof the inside is more complicated than a pitched one. Thermal insulation must be applied horizontally and is not supported. In this case the bars are pre-fixed to the ceiling, the distance between them should be slightly less than the width of the slabs or roll, and the height of the bars should be equal to the thickness of the insulation.

The insulation must be laid tightly between the bars; you can also strengthen the insulation by gluing it to the ceiling with special mastics or adhesives. The vapor barrier and sheathing for the internal cladding are laid on top of the insulation.

An insulated roof creates a comfortable atmosphere in the house, conserves heat and saves money on heating. However, no need to save and choose cheap materials for thermal insulation. As a result, several times more money will be spent. The roof should be insulated only with expensive and proven materials.

When installing a pitched roof structure, the roof is most often insulated from the inside. Installation flat roof First of all, it involves using an external heat-insulating layer, and adding an internal one only if necessary.

Preparation for installation of insulation

The key function of a house roof is protection. building structures from external influences and heat preservation in rooms. High-quality insulation helps maintain a favorable microclimate in the house in any season and in any weather. A properly installed thermal insulation layer is designed for long-term service and does not affect the condition of building structures.

When choosing insulation, it is important to consider whole line characteristics, including:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • installation technology;
  • durability.
The minimum thickness of the insulation layer is 25 mm. The optimal thickness of the heat insulator is 100 mm. Specific indicators are recommended to be calculated individually depending on the requirements for heat saving and climatic features region.

Materials suitable for insulating the roof of a house from the inside include:

  • mineral wool heat insulators in rolls and slabs;
  • polymer board materials;
  • polymer sprayed materials;
  • natural environmentally friendly insulation (mats made of seaweed or straw, cork, ecowool, etc.)

If you intend to insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands, it is recommended to resort to the installation of roll or slab materials. This is the simplest and affordable way provide reliable thermal insulation. Spraying polyurethane foam or penoizol, laying ecowool requires the involvement of specialists with specialized equipment.

Characteristics and cutting of materials

Mineral wool materials include glass wool and stone (basalt) wool. This is a layered material that is resistant to temperature influences. Mineral wool is available in various thicknesses and densities; this should be taken into account when choosing insulation based on its technical characteristics.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material that does not burn, does not deform over time, is not damaged by microorganisms and rodents, and is a good sound insulator. The disadvantage of cotton wool is its ability to accumulate moisture. Even a relatively small increase in the humidity of the material (up to 5%) halves its thermal insulation properties. That is why when installing such insulation Special attention paid attention to its proper hydro- and vapor barrier, ventilation of the roofing pie.

Polymer board materials (extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam) are widely used due to their durability, resistance to moisture, and ease of installation. Extruded polystyrene foam and rigid polyurethane foam have a closed-cell structure and do not absorb moisture. This allows you to install a roofing pie without the use of vapor barriers and ventilation gaps.

The disadvantages of polymer thermal insulation materials include flammability. Such insulation can ignite and smolder, releasing harmful substances. In addition, roofing pie made using polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene boards does not “breathe”, that is, to ensure normal microcirculation of air in the attic room, special attention will need to be paid to the ventilation system.

Mineral wool slabs must be cut with an allowance of 10-15 mm to ensure a tight fit of the insulation to the rafter system. Polymer boards compress less well, so they should be cut to size.

Insulating the roof of a house from the inside can be done using environmentally friendly heat insulators. Mats from natural materials(straw, algae, hemp) are mounted similarly to mineral wool slabs. It is recommended to treat straw blocks with fire retardants, as the material burns well. Hemp mats contain boron salts, which improves the fire resistance of the material. Thermal insulating drains made from algae do not burn or rot; the wooden roof elements in contact with them remain dry, which increases the service life of the roof.

Insulation from the inside of a flat roof

Flat roofing is made with external insulation, for which foam concrete, expanded clay, foam glass, slabs of basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam are used. But during operation, it may become clear that the existing thermal insulation layer does not fully cope with its functions. In this case, it is necessary to add another layer of insulation from the inside.

In order to properly insulate the roof of a house from the inside, you will need to install wooden sheathing on the ceiling of the rooms located directly under the ceiling. This method has significant drawback– the ceiling height is reduced. The thickness of the bars chosen for the sheathing must correspond to the thickness of the insulation. This parameter is best determined based on professional thermal calculations.

Bars are packed around the perimeter of the room, then the surface of the ceiling is divided into cells (rectangles or squares) with the same bars. It is recommended to select the width of the cells based on the width of the slab or roll material taking into account allowances so that the soft insulation blocks stand upright. For rigid slabs, temporary fastenings should be provided, which are removed after filling. polyurethane foam joints of polymer slabs with a wooden frame.

To prevent the insulation from absorbing moisture, a vapor barrier film is attached over the sheathing. It is important to properly glue the joints of the panels and ensure a tight fit of the vapor barrier around the perimeter of the structure. The film is attached to the sheathing with a construction stapler.

Principles of insulating a pitched roof

Insulation technology pitched roof from the inside may vary depending:

  • on the type of slab material (soft or hard insulation);
  • from the presence of a waterproofing layer under the finishing roofing covering.

A special membrane or roofing felt can be laid under the sheathing as waterproofing. If waterproofing is available, you should proceed with the installation of thermal insulation material. Soft slabs are cut with a small allowance and laid between the rafters. It is first recommended to stretch the cord 3-4 cm from the waterproofing, securing it with nails to create a ventilation gap. Plates from polymer materials can be mounted close to the waterproofing, blowing out the joints with rafter legs construction foam.

When building or renovating a private house, roof installation is one of the most important stages. If it is not designed correctly, precipitation will accumulate on it, which will create an extra load and contribute to the deterioration of the roofing material. If you lay the roof incorrectly, then moisture will get into the seams and over time it will leak into the house, and if you do not insulate the roof from the inside, then cold air will very quickly enter the room and will not allow it to be fully warmed up by any means, that is, living in such conditions all year round will be impossible.

Physical factors: impact

Any house that is used for housing must meet certain requirements to make living in it cozy and comfortable. It is important to lay the foundation correctly so that the house does not shrink or crack, insulate it and build a roof. The choice of covering is very important because it determines the weight that is applied to the house, the time it takes to complete the covering work and the cost. In addition to all this, it is necessary to take care of insulating the inside of the roof so that the structure of the house remains as reliable as possible and the residents feel comfortable at any time of the year.

In different climatic conditions, buildings are affected by various factors.

Our latitudes will be characterized by:

  • precipitation in the form of rain;
  • snow, cereals and similar phenomena;
  • hail;
  • roof icing;
  • active sun;
  • strong wind.

To withstand all these negative factors, the roof must be covered with sufficiently dense materials that can reliably protect the house for many years.

A private house is a structure that consists of a main floor and an attic. If the roof is not insulated, then up to 15% of the heat from the room escapes through the ceiling in cold weather, which makes it necessary to intensively heat the rooms. In addition, having an insulated attic, this space can, if desired, be made residential and used as rooms for a specific purpose. In conditions big family this is an ideal option.

Processes inside

In order to properly insulate a private house and to make the roof a full-fledged protective mechanism for both the main room and the attic, you need to be able to choose the right material for insulation. Usually the selection is based on the physical processes occurring inside, under the roof.

There are several of the most important ones.

  • Heat exchange, which occurs due to different temperatures in and outside the house. If the roof is not insulated, then some of the heat escapes through the roof, and the insulation prevents this process and retains optimal performance room temperature.
  • Moisture exchange, which arises from the person himself, his breath, fumes from body temperature to cooking processes, when vapors rise to the ceiling, carrying particles of moisture that are removed through the roof. If the roof is insulated, the humidity level remains optimal, and unnecessary odors can be removed using ventilation.

When insulating the roof, you can protect yourself from temperature changes inside the room, because the insulation has its own temperature, which is often slightly higher than that on the street, and does not allow the heat of the building to escape outside, which will eliminate the need for additional heating, which requires reserve funds.

Insulating layer helps prevent condensation, which is formed when hot and cold air come into contact, so laying it together with insulation will help preserve it appearance and performance. Properly performed work increases the service life of the building almost twice and minimizes the need for repair work Every year.

Necessity or whim?

A private home often has a pitched roof that creates an attic space on top of the main living floor. If there is no insulation, then living in such conditions will be very uncomfortable due to the lack of heat during the cold season. If the attic is designed as a residential floor - the same attic, then the insulation process must be mandatory.

Any roofing material cannot protect as much as polystyrene foam, mineral wool or another type of coating. In addition to the insulation itself, it is important to use a vapor barrier film that can cope with various types of fumes.

If you ignore the installation of an insulating coating, then in addition to the cold in the house, very soon problems will begin with the roof rafter system, which will rot and there will be a risk of collapse. The same effect can be observed with incorrect installation technology or inaccurate choice of insulation. If you choose the wrong thickness of the insulation, then instead of protection it will have the opposite effect. Under normal conditions, when there is a difference in temperature, protection is provided against condensation and heat loss, which makes it possible to feel comfortable in any weather.

If the thickness is compromised and thin insulation is selected, excessive heat will form on it. a large number of condensation, which will contribute to rapid rotting of the rafters and disruption of the microclimate of the room.

Failure to comply with standards is dangerous for both health and safety, as the roof structure may collapse. The choice of material that needs to be insulated depends on a wide variety of factors that are important to consider in order to be able to independently install what is needed. If difficulties arise with the choice of insulation or its installation, it is better to contact professionals and receive comprehensive advice and assistance in installation.

Roof “pie”: what is it like?

A properly designed roof requires a large number of layers various materials, which are superimposed on each other, which resembles a pie - hence the name. The basis of the construction “pie” is the rafters, on which all other layers are already being laid.

To correctly lay out all the layers, it is important to know their correct sequence, which looks like this:

  • Roof.
  • The lathing on which the finishing materials will be installed. It can be laid completely or with gaps.
  • A counter-lattice in the form of bars, which serves to ventilate the space under the roof itself.
  • Film for waterproofing.
  • Materials for thermal insulation.
  • A layer of vapor barrier material.
  • Creating a sheathing where they are mounted insulating materials and interior lining.
  • Material for internal lining.

If you lay the “pie” correctly, you can avoid heat loss from the living space during the cold season, and it will also help prevent the space from overheating in extreme heat. The waterproofing layer will help protect the insulation from moisture coming from outside, and the vapor barrier layer will protect against various types of fumes.

Pitched roof is a fairly common type, so it won’t be difficult for her to pick up everything necessary materials. The positive aspect of high attics is the convenience of insulating them and the ability to create a full-fledged living space.

Without additional work, it will be extremely unpleasant to be in it - it is very cold in winter, and too hot in summer.

Requirements for materials and their functions

To carry out quality work, it is necessary to choose the right materials. It will depend on them how accurately it can be done comfortable conditions for living and secure roof supports. The choice will depend on the region where the building is located, its size, purpose, as well as the funds available to purchase materials.

There are four main methods of insulation.

  • Use of mineral wool, which is the most commonly used material due to its properties. It is best to purchase the basalt variety. It is advisable to obtain a quality certificate from the store in order to know for sure that the products are safe and meet all norms and standards. There are varieties that are lighter in weight; they are suitable for working in conditions of independent insulation of the room. The positive qualities of cotton wool can be considered non-flammable composition and moisture repellence, which corresponds to the main task of this layer. In addition, rodents do not like it, which means you don’t have to worry about someone getting in the house, especially on the roof.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the rather high cost, but it is fully compensated by the positive aspects.

  • Use of glass wool. Some time ago, this material was considered the main one for roof insulation, but due to some dangerous properties Safer analogues were soon found for it. The thermal insulation of glass wool is quite good, and the efficiency is very high. When working with such material, it is very important to follow all safety rules, namely, use a protective suit, gloves, and goggles. It is important to close your nasopharynx and eyes to prevent pieces of glass dust from getting into them.

People with allergies will not be able to live in such a house, so you need to be able to choose the right type of internal insulation coating.

  • Polymer roof insulation– these are special tiles made of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene. They have both advantages and disadvantages. This is an inexpensive option, so anyone can afford it, but if you look at the disadvantages, you should think carefully about purchasing such insulation. These materials are very flammable, and when burned they produce a large amount of smoke, which is very dangerous to humans.

Usually this type is used when other options cannot be used.

  • Insulation with expanded clay. This material is very often used for floor insulation and has good thermal insulation properties, but it is very difficult to use for roofs due to heavy installation. Usually only experienced workers can handle it to make internal insulation of the ceiling in the house.

If we consider alternative options, then among them there is polyurethane foam, which can be used in two states - in the form of slabs and foam. It is advisable not to take slabs for arranging the ceiling, because working with them is inconvenient and they are very expensive. At the same time, liquid or foamed polyurethane is easy to apply and has a number of advantages. With its help, you can fill voids of any shape and size; cracks and opening lines are very well clogged. If other materials need to be cut and achieved maximum fit, then in this case the foam will fall on its own, the main thing is to distribute it correctly and evenly.

It is very convenient to use foam for roofing made of slate or broken structures when there are many differences on the roof and the frame has significant differences. Another significant advantage is the independence from hydro- and thermal insulation, which are not needed for polyurethane foam. In addition, the material has excellent flammability resistance, which ensures home safety.

How to choose?

When choosing a material for insulation, it is important to understand what exactly you should pay attention to, what indicators will play a decisive role in the selection of one type or another.

The main criteria are:

  • Mass of material. Heavy insulation will serve as additional weight on the house itself, which will affect both the roof rafters and the building as a whole. If the house is built from high-quality bricks or foam blocks, then enhanced insulation can be allowed, but in this case the rafters need to be made more powerful so that they can withstand a lot of weight.
  • Thermal conductivity index. The lower the numbers, the better for the roofing material. If the indicator is approximately equal to 0.04 W/m*s, then this will be the best option.
  • An indicator of resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  • The density of the material, which affects the heat transfer of the material. If the density is low, the porosity of the insulation increases, which reduces thermal conductivity and leads to an increase in thermal insulation properties.

  • Ability to absorb moisture. In order to repel moisture, any insulation can be treated with a hydrophobic substance. Some materials are already sold with such impregnation.
  • Flammability indicators, which is the most important factor for arranging a roof.
  • Opportunity to resist low level temperature.
  • Resistant to chemical elements.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.

Having considered all these indicators, the best option would be to use mineral and glass wool. Glass and mineral wool are sold in the form of rolls or slabs. It is safer to insulate with mineral wool, because it is more resistant to fire.

If we consider modern insulation materials, the most advanced technology would be roof sheathing with foam flex. This is a durable and lightweight unit that can be easily installed on any surface, be it a wall or ceiling. You can cut the desired piece with a regular knife.

In addition, the storage conditions for penoflex are also distinctive; they can be kept outside at any temperature, but it is better to have packaging on it.

It is convenient to use polystyrene foam, also called penoplex, in rooms with unfavorable conditions, because he is not afraid of them, and various microorganisms will not begin to develop in him. A very important feature is the environmental friendliness of this insulation. It does not emit any harmful odors or fumes and is completely harmless to both adults and children.


To carry out insulation procedures, it is important to clearly understand what type of roof you will be working with. By correctly determining the order of work, you can quickly and efficiently insulate the roof. It is also worth considering the materials that will be at hand during work. It is important to clearly understand for yourself what exactly you have to work with and what to do.

If the insulation process has become completely clear, then you can cope with absolutely any roof, be it a rural house or a large villa by the sea. In order to carry out insulation work, it is important to prepare the roof itself for this.

There is a specific procedure for this, which includes:

  • inspection rafter system so that damaged boards can be identified in time and replaced;
  • treating wooden structures with an antiseptic;
  • checking communications if they are located under the roof. This applies to piping and wiring.

As soon as the roof is ready, you need to check the availability of all the materials that will be used for insulation, prepare the tools, and only after that you can get to work. The work process has its own rules and patterns that you need to know in order not to make mistakes and get a good and high-quality result.

The process step by step: how to do it?

In order for the work to proceed quickly and efficiently, it is important to prepare well, read articles on the topic, watch videos to clearly see what is being done and why in the process of work on internal insulation roofs.

The algorithm for carrying out the work comes down to four points.

  • Installation of the waterproofing layer. This task should be performed at the time of covering with roofing material. The waterproofing is installed along the rafters so that there is slight sagging. A slate house involves laying this material directly on top of the insulation. It is important to lay the waterproofing correctly - its smooth side should be on top. The strips of material must be sealed with tape to prevent cracks from forming over time. Only after this are the counter-battens placed on the rafters, to which the sheathing will be installed. The roofing material must be laid on the finished boards.
  • Installation of thermal insulation. It is important to choose a thermal insulation mat with the required thickness and lay it between the rafters. The material is placed in a spacer or on a rough backing, which is made from small-width slats, fishing line and rope, which are attached to the rafters with nails. Thermal insulation mats take up free space, and excess pieces are cut out.

If you need to insulate a room as efficiently as possible, the mats are laid, moving to the side with each row.

  • Placement of a vapor barrier layer. This material consists of a smooth side, which is placed towards the insulation, and a rougher one, which is directed towards the building itself and collects vapor emissions from the room. Laying such a film is an important point for its full operation. The installation process takes place using a stapler. In this case, you can do without a counter-lattice, but it is important to glue all joints with tape.
  • The process of installing profiles and guide bars. These materials serve as the basis for mounting decorative elements and ventilation, which is necessary for proper operation insulation.

The technology of work will be similar, be it a dacha, where the house has a flat ceiling, or a large Vacation home, where it is built gable roof. Right choice materials and installation in the right sequence will give the desired result.

For a long time in Rus', there were no problems with roof insulation at all: straw was knitted or reeds were dried, and that’s all - the roof of the house was reliably protected from both rain and cold. But modern coatings They do not have any heat-insulating properties at all, and with all the development of progress, up to 30% of all heat leaks through such a roof.

Therefore, if you do not want to warm the atmosphere, study in detail the insulation of the roof from the inside - in this article we will cover all the points!

Conventionally, roof insulation in the construction world is divided into attic, when the roof slopes are insulated, and attic, when the ceiling is thermally insulated.

Like this? We can say that attics also have their own attic - this is a ventilation gap between the internal insulation and the laid roofing. The fact is that heat, according to all the laws of physics, always rises and seeks its release into the atmosphere. It passes through both the insulation and the vapor barrier, and together with water vapor. And then in the eaves plumb he pulls himself up outside air, which passes to the ridge and along the way picks up both vapors and excess heat. Through aerators or the same ridge, all this is safely removed and does not cause any problems.

Those. in an ordinary, unused roof, the attic occupies the entire space from the ridge to the attic floor, and in the attic, the attic is just a small space under the slopes between the insulation and the roofing. And in insulating both, the type of roof has its own approach, which we will now study.

Cold roof insulation technology

If your roof is cold, then the heat-insulating layer should not be on the slopes, but on the floor of the attic. This is where it stops the heat flow coming from below and prevents the cold from the roof from descending into the living space below. As a result, the temperature in the attic is kept within +1-2 degrees, the roofing material is not heated. In fact, such an attic serves as the necessary air gap between the living rooms of the house and the thin roof covering.

All roll, slab and bulk insulation materials are suitable for attic floors. Because the slope overlap does not have any special requirements for the materials used thermal insulation material he doesn’t have any: nothing will crumble and become exposed.

Please ensure that after the roof is insulated, there remains properly organized ventilation: there must be dormer windows, located opposite each other, ventilation ridges and aerators, and in the eaves there is round-the-clock access to suck in outside air. As a result, the temperature in non-residential attic should be as close as possible to the street, and the living space below is already separated from it by proper thermal insulation of the ceiling.

Now let's take a closer look at insulating a cold roof.

Insulation with mineral wool

When insulating the attic floor with mineral wool, first of all pay attention to the distance between the slats or joists - it should be slightly less than the roll or mat of insulation.

Typically, thermal insulation of the internal space of the roof is complicated by the uneven surface of the attic floor, differences in its height, a large number of slats and bars, not to mention ventilation pipes and electrical wiring:

Ecowool insulation

If you want the house to breathe and steam to escape easily, then insulate the attic floor with modern eco-wool:

Insulation with blown-in cotton wool

Recently, blowing - roof insulation with blown-in cotton wool has become increasingly popular. The Japanese “insulation” Esbro-Vul II is used here, which does not emit dust and therefore does not create problems. And the blowing method itself is actually quite simple:

  • Step 1. Place a vertical ruler on the floor and mark the required height of mineral wool spraying.
  • Step 2. Apply insulation in an even layer to the desired level.
  • Step 3. Lay the insulation so tightly that one cubic meter accounted for his 25 kg weight.

Note that this type of insulation is the most popular in Japan, and has already found many supporters in Russia.

Glass wool insulation

And finally, glass wool - if you will not use the attic at all. The fact is that even glass wool closed under the sheathing sometimes causes irritation to the ENT organs. This is why you have to wear a respirator and goggles when working with it:

Insulation with sawdust

When insulating a roof with sawdust, follow these instructions:

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to protect wooden structure. To do this, we first apply an antiseptic composition, then fire-bioprotective mixtures, and on top - water-repellent agents.
  • Step 2. The next step is to place a backing (cardboard is possible) and close the seams and cracks, if any, with foam (large) or sealant (small). When finished, we trim off the foam that has come out and level it with the beams.
  • Step 3. Now we fill in the sawdust in two layers: first the larger fraction, as well as shavings, and then the fine ones, so that dust does not form in the room.
  • Step 4. To prevent rodents from growing on the attic floor, add dry lime and small broken glass to the sawdust.

Warm roof insulation technology

The mansard roof is a special design. There is also a cold attic here, only it is very small, because... the insulated attic ceiling is pulled almost flush against it using additional sheathing. In fact, there is only space for ventilation, and nothing more. And ventilation serves to ensure that the heat from the attic does not touch the roofing, on which the snow in winter should remain as a heat insulator and not melt.

Here is a striking example of the most standard situation of improper insulation of an attic: they install the cheapest rafters of 15 cm, put fluffy mineral wool in two layers of 5 cm and cover it all with a roofing covering. Ventilation - only 5 cm, without inflow and outlet, because... There was no specialist nearby to advise. As a result, in the summer there is unbearable heat, from which even air conditioners cannot help, and in the winter there is a generous amount of ice on the roof. And all because in this circuit it is the street air that heats up the most. In other words, that very small attic that we talked about must definitely be there, and far from 5 cm.

And in such a roof you need to think through the vapor barrier especially carefully:

And further. The material used to make rafters is always designed for a certain weight. Yes, the roof is under soft tiles It can also be built from drywall profiles, but it cannot be insulated with heavy basalt wool. Also, the attic roof needs good forced ventilation so that the insulation does not rot or deteriorate. Therefore, carefully read all the points of the master classes we prepared:

Insulation with mineral wool

Follow these simple instructions:

  • Step 1. Install hydro and wind protection. If possible, use modern membranes - they are stronger and more durable. In any case, fasten the material with an overlap, and seal all joints with construction tape.
  • Step 2. Now measure the distance between adjacent rafters.
  • Step 3. Using a regular or stationery knife, easily cut the insulation into the required pieces and insert it between the rafters.
  • Step 4. We install additional lathing between the membrane and the inner lining.

Please note that you need to attach the vapor barrier membrane with the smooth side to the insulation, and the fleecy side - inside the room.

If the distance between the beams is no more than 60 centimeters, it will be more convenient for you to use square insulation mats:

  • Step 1. It is advisable to add rough sheathing inside, under the rafters, so that the insulation has something to rest on. Make the distance between the bars about 20-30 cm. Ordinary uncut wood with medium-sized nails is also quite suitable for this purpose, it is only important that the bars are of the same thickness.
  • Step 2. After installing the rough sheathing inside the structure, remove all dust and dirt using a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Step 3. Next we process everything wooden special means from fungus, rot and mold. Just use for this purpose not a spray gun, which is less effective, but a regular paint brush. With its help, you can achieve deep penetration of the product into the wood, and this is important.
  • Step 4. Allow the product to completely absorb and dry for two to three days.

As a result, all your sheets should lie tightly - a little tighter than you need at first glance. This is the only way to avoid the presence of cracks and subsequent freezing of the roof.

And one more point: ordinary mineral wool slabs are not particularly suitable for insulating roof slopes, because... They don’t stick well between the rafters, but they can be used to insulate gables.

Glass wool insulation

To insulate roof slopes, purchase the best glass wool from well-known manufacturers. Such glass wool practically does not contain dangerous glass dust, which is what annoys workers the most. Also, even after installation it does not emit harmful substances, which is even confirmed by the Finnish Institute of Health. After all, it’s one thing to throw this “thorn” onto the ceiling of an unused attic, and another thing to cover it with clapboard in a billiard room or personal account on the attic floor.

Combined insulation

If desired and appropriate, you can insulate the roof from the inside using two different types insulation at the same time. But one thing needs to be taken into account important point– vapor permeability. The fact is that when selecting different insulation materials for an effective combination, we usually only summarize their heat-insulating properties. But their vapor permeability is completely different!

And, if, for example, you put mineral wool down first when insulating, and foam plastic on top, then the water vapor that gets into the wool will begin to tend to the colder part of the roof and bury itself in the absolutely non-breathable foam plastic. As a result, all the insulation will simply suffocate and “delight” with mold. But on the contrary, it is possible: first we put foam plastic on the bottom of the rafters, and then mineral wool on it. If some steam passes through the vapor barrier and the cracks between the foam plates, it will easily overcome the mineral wool and enter the ventilation duct. Therefore, there is such a rule: the top layer of insulation should always have high vapor permeability and thermal conductivity.

And finally, if the warm roof will be used as a sauna or an additional bathroom, insulation and roofing in it need to be thought out especially carefully.