Which cucumber seeds are the best is an age-old question for gardeners. High-yielding varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinating

If you are an avid gardener, then you are probably familiar with the spring excitement in anticipation of the future harvest and the autumn disappointment when something did not work out. If the cause of failure is not due to errors in agricultural technology, you should replace the seeds with the best varieties cucumbers for open ground.

In our time varietal diversity The number of cucumbers is so large that it allows you to make just the perfect choice that matches even the most difficult conditions of your site and limited care options. But getting to the point is impossible without careful preliminary preparation. Store shelves are full of packages with the names of the most famous productive varieties and new products, the vast majority of which are hybrids. So, what should you choose?

The variety is distinguished by its stable ability to pass on its characteristic characteristics and properties by inheritance. That is, varietal cucumbers make it possible to independently harvest seeds and grow the plants you like for many years. With hybrids things are different. A plant with the wonderful characteristics indicated on the package can be grown once. Seeds collected from grown fruits and further cultivated will produce plants with completely different qualities. They may be low yielding, sterile or outstanding, which is unlikely. The result is difficult to predict. Seeds of F1 hybrids do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

The designation F1 (short for Italian Filli - children) indicates that this is a hybrid formed by artificial cross-pollination of two different varieties. Seeds obtained in this way, in the first generation, produce plants characterized by extraordinary vitality, accelerated growth and high productivity.

The ability of hybrids to significantly surpass the original varieties (often not the most outstanding) in all respects is called heterosis, which means change in Greek. F1 hybrids have increased immunity to diseases and pests, successfully bear fruit in the most unfavorable conditions, and the fruits from the lower clusters to the very top are identical in size.

The only opportunity to grow the F1 hybrid you like is to annually purchase seeds, the price of which is much higher than the seeds of varietal cucumbers.

Selecting parent pairs for a hybrid is a very painstaking work that takes many years. Therefore, breeders keep the original varieties secret, maintaining the uniqueness of the resulting hybrid and protecting themselves from copying. Pollination of the parent forms is done almost manually, which, of course, affects the cost of the seeds. The F1 group has several hundred titles and is constantly being updated with new ones.

Let's consider the most popular and productive hybrid varieties:

Domestic and foreign breeding farms are constantly working on developing new hybrid forms, trying to anticipate the growing demands of buyers. This year we are offering the following new items:

First generation F1 hybrids with minimal care produce consistently high yields, are immune to diseases, withstand difficult climatic conditions, forgive shortcomings of agricultural technology, and have excellent taste and pickling characteristics. It is not surprising that the choice of modern gardeners stops at them. Hybrids can only disappoint if you purchased a fake instead of the original seeds. Therefore, you need to buy seeds in specialized stores, packaged in branded bags from well-known manufacturers with a proven reputation.

Video “The best varieties”

From the video you will learn about best seeds cucumbers

Varieties of varieties

The descriptions of varieties often contain unfamiliar words and incomprehensible characteristics. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to understand what benefits certain features can bring.

According to the timing of fruit ripening, varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for open ground are divided into three groups:

  • early ripening varieties, ripen 32-40 days after germination;
  • mid-season varieties bear fruit in 40-50 days;
  • late varieties, reach commercial maturity in more than 50 days.

Early varieties of cucumbers impress with their short fruiting period, but are more susceptible to disease. Due to the poorly developed root system, they bear fruit amicably, but for a short time. Among the early varieties there are many salad varieties that are unsuitable for pickling. Medium and late varieties are characterized by high immunity to various infections and high yield.

Early varieties of cucumbers:

Mid-season varieties:

  • Gunnar F1 – Dutch, parthenocarpic, hybrid variety, tall, indeterminate type. Tasting taste score – 4.9 points out of 5 possible;
  • Stork is a bee-pollinated variety, vigorous (the length of the main shoot is 170-220 cm). It takes 49-52 days from sowing seeds to fruiting. Fruits with large tubercles and solid black pubescence weigh from 70 to 105 g. Good fresh, for pickling and preservation.

Late varieties:

According to the method of pollination, varieties can be:

Bee-pollinated varieties are distinguished by enviable germination and resistance to adverse environmental factors. They are not inferior to, and sometimes even surpass, self-pollinating varieties in terms of productivity. However, if we take into account the fact that the population of these beneficial insects decreases, pollination by bees extends the period of formation of ovaries and does not always stand during flowering good weather, then the advantages of self-pollinating varieties, as they say, are obvious. A disadvantage of self-pollinating varieties is the poor formation of ovaries in hot, dry weather. They need at least a drop of dew to self-pollinate.

Parthenocarpic forms were originally intended for cultivation in greenhouses, but today they are successfully grown in open ground. These varieties are genetically provided with a double set of chromosomes and form fruits due to the proliferation of fruit and pericarp cells. The fruits of such varieties do not turn yellow, since they do not require seed ripening and retain an attractive appearance for a long time. green color, density and freshness.

According to the method of formation of lashes, cucumbers are divided into determinate and indeterminate. In a determinate plant, the growth of the central shoot is limited to the formation of the upper flower cluster, after which fruiting occurs on numerous lateral shoots. Indeterminates are characterized by unlimited growth of the main stem and a small number of weak lateral shoots.

According to their intended use, cucumbers are divided into salad, pickling and universal.

Salad varieties:

  • Forward F1 – parthenocarpic, disease-resistant, late-ripening variety. Forward cucumbers are smooth, long, with an excellent sweet and delicate taste;
  • White angel F1 – parthenocarpic medium grade, the ovaries grow in bunches. Ripe fruits are pale green in color. Used fresh.

Pickling varieties of delicious cucumbers for open ground:

How to choose seeds

When you start making your choice, know that some of the work has already been done for you. All varieties are zoned, that is, selected taking into account climatic conditions. Cucumber varieties intended for open ground in Ukraine will not reveal their best qualities in Siberia.

  1. First, the choice is between a variety and a hybrid. If you prefer to harvest your own seed material and not depend on the store, then choose the variety (Nezhinsky, Competitor, Dzherelo, Lyaluk, Phoenix 640). At the same time, it must be taken into account that different varieties need to be grown away from each other to prevent cross-pollination. If low maintenance and productivity are for you more important than means spent on purchasing seeds, choose a hybrid.
  2. The next choice depends on the conditions in which you plan to grow cucumbers - in a greenhouse, on a loggia or in outdoor beds. In the first two cases, it is worth taking a closer look at parthenocarpic hybrids (Claudia F1, Gunnar F1, Masha F1, Kolibri F1, Amur F1). For open ground, the choice is not so simple. You can choose bee-pollinated hybrids (Carom F1, Athlete F1, Magnet F1, Cartel F1). In this case, it is necessary to check the presence in the package of seeds of pollinating plants (they are distinguished by contrasting colors), which make up for the lack of male flowers, for better pollination of hybrids. Self-pollinating hybrids are also a good choice (Matilda F1, Zyatek F1, Alliance F1, Orpheus F1, Envy of Everyone F1, Dynamite F1), especially if the forecast promises a rainy summer. Or you can not make a choice but plant both. It is better to have your own experience than to use other people's advice. And don’t forget to experiment with parthenocarpics in open ground.
  3. For winter growing in protected ground, you need to choose shade-tolerant hybrid varieties (Relay F1, Berendey F1, Sarovsky F1, Everyone is Envy F1). They are late-ripening with wide leaves, which contributes to better light absorption.
  4. We determine the timing of the harvest. To get a lot of cucumbers in a short time, pay attention to sprinter hybrids (Mels F1, Anzor F1, All in a bunch F1, Meringue F1). The wait will take a little over a month. Medium and late varieties will ripen just in time for the harvesting season.
  5. It's time to figure out for what purposes it will be used future harvest. If you are a follower of a raw food diet or just love fresh cucumbers, plant salad varieties (White Angel F1, Blagovest F1, April F1, Bazaar F1, Bukhara F1, Makar F1, Forward F1). If the lion's share is intended for winter preparations, choose pickling varieties (Nezhinsky, Competitor, RMT F1, Gypsy F1, Perfection F1, Farmer F1, Satina F1, Forsazh F1). Usually the purpose of the variety is indicated on the packaging, but still make sure that the spines of the fruit are black. Fruits of the gherkin type are good for preservation (Siberian Garland F1, General F1, Tufted Splendor F1, Hummingbird F1), equally small. Gherkin varieties will also be of interest to those who are at the dacha infrequently and are engaged in harvesting herbs from time to time. The fruits of such varieties do not outgrow.

Cucumber is a popular vegetable crop among residents of Russia and neighboring countries. The fruits of the plant are widely used in the preparation of hot and cold dishes, snacks, salads and even drinks. Cucumber seedlings are whimsical and require special care, so for a good harvest you should take care optimal conditions growing. Breeders are actively working to develop hybrids suitable for planting in local soil.

Which variety of cucumbers is best for open ground?

There is a division in crop production vegetable crop by variety. The choice is determined by several factors: purpose (eating raw, rolling, adding to salads, etc.), method of cultivation (seedlings, regular), climatic conditions, soil type, etc. Cucumber varieties for greenhouses and open ground are widely popular among summer residents and are actively grown on plots. There are the following popular classes suitable for planting in open ground:

  1. Zozulya is a favorite class among gardeners. The first gherkins appear 1.5 months after planting. Partially self-pollinating vegetable crops are considered the best because they are resistant to sudden changes. temperature regime. Their feature is considered to be good yield even in low light, and there is no need for pinching and pinching. On initial stage Fruiting yield is up to 16 kg per square meter of planting, but within a month it continues to increase to 20. Vegetables are cylindrical in shape, on average up to 24 cm in length and weighing up to 300 g.
  2. Claudia is a self-pollinating species that does not require chemical treatment against insect pests. A medium-sized vegetable with a cylindrical shape, dark green skin with sparse light stripes. On average, the weight of a ripe fruit is 80 g and its size is up to 12 cm.
  3. Masha F1 is a parthenocarpic class, capable of forming a vegetable without fertilization and pollination. The first harvest comes within a month. The plant is demanding of light; in insufficient lighting, a decrease in ovaries may be observed, so if possible, it is necessary to turn on the backlight. The gherkin is cylindrical, medium in size with large protuberances, tasty, not bitter, resistant to various diseases.
  4. Chinese climbing plant is a late ripening class. The first harvest must wait almost two months. Bushes with a mixed type of flowering, pollinated by bees. The fruits reach an average length of 13 cm, weigh up to 130 g, and have an average density. Its main advantage is resistance to powdery mildew and the ability to withstand low temperatures. The variety is universal in use and has good taste and appearance.

Ultra-early ripening varieties

Species that are quick to ripen crops are gaining popularity among gardeners, are resistant to changing climatic conditions and have good taste and yield. It has been proven that this category of plant is distinguished by its ability to fight diseases. Gherkins are distinguished by their versatility, they are suitable for eating raw, and do not lose their taste when salted and pickled. Among the varieties of cucumbers popular for open ground, each summer resident chooses his favorite.


This subspecies represents a hybrid group of seeds. It has high commercial and taste qualities, productivity, is pollinated by bees, and is resistant to powdery mildew. The bushes are highly branched, the flowering type is mixed. The average length of a ripe vegetable is 13 cm, weight 100-108 g. There are sparse tubercles on the surface. It is recommended to plant from early spring to the first month of summer in warm soil. For good yield, frequent fertilizing with fertilizers, loosening the soil and timely watering is necessary; the first harvest appears on the fiftieth day.


This category is considered hybrid, universal. It ripens early, the first harvest is harvested within 1.5-2 months. The hybrid is suitable for growing at home on the balcony because it is compact, unpretentious to room temperature, and has a pleasant taste. The plant is productive, with proper care it can produce up to 13 kg of fruits per square meter. The gherkin is cylindrical in shape with small white spines. Due to its genetic characteristics, it does not taste bitter, which is why it is popular among gardeners.

Medium ripening

It is recommended to alternate such cucumbers with early and late ripening varieties in order to consume the fruits constantly, until the first frost. Mid-ripening ones are more resistant to diseases than early ones, and require much less fertilizer than late ones. Seedlings of medium maturity have the opportunity to build up powerful root system, which will provide high level productivity.


This plant variety is one of the oldest, but no less popular; its name comes from the Ukrainian city. The average length of the whip is two meters. The vegetable belongs to bee-pollinated species and bears fruit in 1.5-2 months; they are suitable for eating raw, for preservation and pickling, since they have a very high level of quality. The pulp is juicy, with a characteristic crunch, and tastes sweetish. The peel is thin, with bumps and small black spines. The sprouts are disease-resistant, for which they are valued by experienced vegetable growers.

Nezhinskie are recommended to be planted in open ground, covered with film. When planting in a greenhouse, hope for big harvest It’s not worth it, since this type of plant needs natural pollination, and cucumber loops, due to their length, need a lot of space. Growing possible seedling method and using seeds. It is recommended to plant pre-soaked seeds in mid-May in warm soil. To achieve better results, the crop is grown on ridges using trellises.

Far Eastern

The variety belongs to the class of mid-season, bee-pollinated. The first fruiting occurs 40-55 days from the moment of planting in the soil. Zelentsy middle length, up to 15 cm, weighing 150-200 g. The peel of the cucumber is light green, covered with a slight waxy coating. The application is universal; the vegetable is used raw and for pickling. The plant is capable of developing a powerful root system, the foliage is not abundant, and the seedlings are resistant to drought.

Late ripening

Bush plants of this class germinate well only in the third year. Late-ripening varieties for open ground are planted by vegetable growers for preservation or pickling. In total there are more than 80 plant species, including Dutch ones, with an average ripening time. You should buy seeds for planting with caution; you need to purchase a small number of different types so that after the fruits ripen, you can independently evaluate their taste and external qualities. Several vegetables of the classes you like should be left to ripen for seeds.

Relay race

Hybrid, bee-pollinated class. Collection is possible in 1.5-2 months. Dimensions of gherkins 16-20 cm, average weight 220 g are intended for preparing salads. The pulp is aromatic, the seeds are small. The skin is dark green, covered with tubercles with small spines. Suitable for growing in winter-spring and characterized by its ability to produce high yields, on average 30-35 kg per square meter. It has been proven that greens retain freshness well, which is why they are often exported.


Versatile plant, used for pickling and preparing salads. The oval, cylindrical fruit is strong, large (weight up to 180 g), reaches 16 cm in length. The surface has large tubercles and white spines. The type of ovary is bunched, the flowering is female, the stem is long, reaching an average of 3 meters. The species is resistant to some diseases, has a good taste and a dense structure. Fruiting occurs 60-65 days after planting.


An experienced gardener achieves High Quality fruits The main criterion for selecting seed material is taste qualities. Preparing and fertilizing the soil, loosening, weeding are mandatory procedures to guarantee a good harvest. Any varieties of cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation and open ground require careful care. There are several popular classes of plants that guarantee proper care good harvest.


Cucumbers of this subspecies are among the promising leaders of their group. The plant adapts well to adverse weather conditions and is resistant to diseases. The fruits are cylindrical, aromatic, not bitter, grow to an average length of 10 cm, and weigh no more than 80 g. Sowing is done in soil loosened and heated to 14 degrees. The first harvest is harvested after two months of cultivation and care.


This variety is unpretentious for planting; it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The harvest ripens on the 36th day after planting, so the Dasha variety is early ripening. The cucumber is slightly elongated, dark green in color, cylindrical in shape, the length of a ripe cucumber is 7-8 cm, weighs up to 80 g, is highly productive and has good taste.


Previously, for planting in open ground, gardeners preferred varieties pollinated by bees. Recently, vegetable growers have been actively growing self-pollinating species, since they do not require special care. For active growth cucumbers are provided with good air humidity, fertilize the soil and provide the necessary amount of sunlight.


Gherkin variety of medium ripening period, resistant to deformation, overgrowth and some dangerous diseases. The fruits ripen on the 40th day after planting, have an elongated shape, and have small spines and tubercles on the surface. Cucumbers of this species are juicy, grow up to 10 cm in length with a weight of 75-80 g, the seed chamber is small. Vegetables are suitable for pickling and eating fresh.


An early ripening representative of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground. Zelentsy are cylindrical, short, green in color. They have a pleasant taste without bitterness. Productivity is 11-17 kg per square meter, the vegetable is 7-8 cm in length, weight up to 80 g. The hybrid is valued by gardeners for its resistance to certain diseases, early ripening of the crop and high marketability. The purpose is universal - gherkins are suitable for pickling and canning, and for fresh consumption.

Disease resistant

Unfortunately, this vegetable crop is susceptible to viral and fungal infections, which can cause a decrease in yield and death of the plant. Thanks to the efforts of specialist breeders, varieties for open ground with resistance to diseases have been developed. They are unpretentious to the environment, so they are grown in greenhouse conditions and open ground.


The plant of this class is a hybrid and belongs to the early-ripening, high-yielding varieties. The bushes are resistant to some dangerous diseases, such as powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, and cucumber mosaic virus. Ripe salad cucumbers have high commercial and taste qualities and are used by housewives for pickling and pickling. The fruit is of medium thickness and cylindrical in shape with small tubercles. The length of the greens is 10-13 cm, weight up to 120 g. Benefis is a heat-loving vegetable, the optimal soil temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees. The ripening speed of the crop is 1.5 months.


Representative of this variety cucumbers for open ground belong to the class of mid-season hybrids, the growing season of which ranges from 45 to 48 days. The fruits are rich green in color and have the shape of a cylinder with large tubercles. The vegetable is resistant to olive spot, cucumber mosaic, and southern (powdery) mildew. The plant is high-yielding, suitable for pickling, and tolerates increased temperatures well.

Ground cucumbers for pickling and canning

Not every type of vegetable crop is suitable for pickling and preservation. In order for the processing result to please you, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of seeds. The optimal cucumber for pickling and pickling is one that has thin skin and elastic flesh that does not lose its crunch when exposed to salt. If the gardener’s goal is to achieve the most pleasant taste of canned cucumber, then one should rely on popular varieties suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Parisian gherkin

An early-ripening, bee-pollinated species, which is a leader for pickling and preservation because it does not taste bitter. The first harvest is harvested on 41 days. The ripe fruit has a dense skin with large tubercles and black spines. The cucumber grows no more than 10 cm in length and weighs 100 g. The plant is resistant to climate change and dangerous diseases.


These hybrid gherkins are distinguished by their abundant yield. The variety requires pollination and can be grown in open ground or in greenhouse conditions. Fruit ripening occurs on days 43-48. The vegetable is smooth, small in size, with thin skin, optimal for preservation. It is distinguished by a bunched arrangement of ovaries and has a female type of flowering. Valued for its disease resistance and lack of bitterness.

Son of the regiment

The plant of this species is medium-sized with green leaf medium size, bee pollinated. The greenery is oval-shaped, green, with medium-sized tubercles, sparsely spaced. The length of the fruit is 7-9 cm and has high taste. The plant is resistant to scab. A ripe vegetable can be harvested after 40-45 days; it has good yield, and for its small size actively used for canning and pickling.

New varieties of cucumbers

The bunch variety is also called the bouquet variety. Seedlings take up little space and can bear fruit even on window sills and balconies. It is distinguished by its miniature size, but is a record holder for productivity. From one branch of the plant you can get up to 10 kg of vegetables. All bushes with a bunched ovary are hybrid; to breed them, two subspecies that have the necessary characteristics are crossed.

Relatively recently, gardeners began to plant Chinese cucumbers. This plant is a variety of ordinary vegetable and has an elongated thin fruit. The taste is brighter, the flesh is sweetish, with a slight watermelon aroma, the skin is not bitter. Almost all varieties of Chinese cucumbers are early ripening, so they easily adapt to weather conditions and temperatures.


The variety is an early self-pollinating hybrid. The harvest ripens on the 38th day. The leaves of the plant are medium-sized, weakly growing. The fruit is cylindrical in shape with medium-sized tubercles. When they reach a size of 6-8 cm, cucumbers continue to grow in width, so they try to pick them small. The main advantages are resistance to peronosporosis and other diseases, high yield, and high taste. Unfortunately, cucumbers of this variety have significant drawback– they are prone to the formation of voids in the middle of the fruit.


Good seeds cucumbers for open ground – “Master” variety. The gherkin of this class is a mid-season bunch hybrid. Up to 6 ovaries are formed on a branch. Suitable for greenhouse planting and open ground. The skin is green, with tubercles and white spines. The species is resistant to cladosporiosis and has good taste. On average, the mass of greens is up to 110 g.

Chinese farm

Seeds of Chinese vegetable species are popular among gardeners and vegetable lovers. The farmer's variety plant is a mid-ripening hybrid with a highly branched stem that ripens well in open soil. The harvest can be harvested after 50 days. The fruits are even, smooth, about 40 cm long, resistant to diseases and bad weather.


This variety is actively used for preparing salads. The plant has a female flowering type, medium branching, and is resistant to some diseases. The greenery is long, dark green in color with small tubercles and white edges. The bush produces a high yield and adapts well to weather conditions and temperatures. The pulp is juicy, not bitter, and has a sweet aftertaste. The vegetable is heat-loving and requires large quantity sunlight, planting is done in warm soil.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground in the Moscow region

Russian breeders decided to develop special types of vegetables adapted to the climate and soil characteristics of the Moscow region. Researchers began actively developing and breeding new hybrids to increase the yield and quality of the finished product. Among domestic hybrids, gardeners have identified some leading species suitable for growing in open ground.


Cucumbers of this species are considered early ripening bee-pollinated hybrids. From the moment of germination to harvesting, up to 47 days pass. The weight of ripe greens is 90-110 g, length up to 11 cm. High plant productivity can be achieved when grown in open ground, under these conditions the indicators reach 25-35 kg per square meter. Fruits with black and brown pubescence, cylindrical, dark green in color, medium-sized tubercles, located on the surface.

State Farm

A rare variety of vegetable that fully ripens in two months. The weight of a ripe vegetable is approximately 150 g, the color is dark green, with light tubercles on the surface of the skin. The species is one of the most successful for planting in the soil of the Moscow region, since it is adapted to certain climatic conditions. The cucumber is universal, suitable for eating raw in salads and canning.


Good yield variety, belongs to late varieties, begins to bear fruit 55-65 days after planting. Cucumbers are green in color, reach 10-12 cm in length, with an average weight of 70g. The ovary type is single, the plant is bee-pollinated with mixed flowering. The hybrid has a high presentation and taste, and is resistant to transportation. The vegetable is used for salads and for preparing for the winter.


It would seem that such a thing as growing cucumbers is nothing complicated. According to knowledgeable people, this is actually true. True, if you arm yourself with certain knowledge. For example, about how to choose the right variety of vegetable. You can understand all the cucumber diversity by answering three questions.

How to choose the right variety?

  • Where will the vegetable be grown? As a rule, “green ones” grow in a greenhouse, hotbed or open ground. It is not uncommon to grow them on a windowsill.
  • When would you like to get the harvest? You can enjoy young cucumbers already in early June. The most patient are willing to wait until July or August.
  • How long would you like to harvest cucumbers?

According to this principle, the “green ones” are conventionally divided into early, middle and late. It's worth remembering that early varieties plants get sick more often. In addition, compared to later ones, they have a shorter fruiting period. If the variety of cucumbers is chosen correctly, they are not afraid of either false or real, or bacteriosis. The main thing is to pay attention to the increased resistance of plants to these scourges.

It is worth deciding what vegetables are needed for. After all, some people prefer to pickle them, while others don’t mind crunching fresh ones. And here they distinguish salad, pickling and universal varieties. Naturally, each of them has certain advantages.

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing in open ground

Many of those varieties that are considered successful are hybrids. Their easily distinguished by the F1 mark. Hybrids are obtained by crossing with first generation seeds. Such a plant should be:

  1. hardy;
  2. productive;
  3. have an enviable taste of fruit.

April F1

The hybrid, which is early ripening and universal, bears fruit in 45–55 days from the time of germination. By the way, it is easily grown not only in open ground, but also on the windowsill and balcony. The reason for this is the compact size of the plant and its “ability” to self-regulate branching. The fruits, which have a cylindrical shape, are large in size. Their weight often reaches 200–250 grams, and their length reaches 22–25 centimeters. Pleasant additions are low maintenance, lack of bitterness, and cold resistance.

Masha F1

The hybrid has the ability to form fruits without pollination and fertilization. In addition, it is ultra-early ripening (35–39 days) and high-yielding, characterized by a long fruiting period. The fruits are gherkins with large tubercles, their shape is regular cylindrical. They have excellent taste and are not bitter. They are tasty not only canned, but also “straight from the garden.” Bonus - resistance to many diseases. Unfavorable growing conditions will also not prevent you from getting a “crispy harvest.”

Ant F1

It has such qualities as self-pollination and ultra-early maturity (35–39 days). The medium-leaved plant has limited branching of fruits on the sides. The fruits, growing up to 12 centimeters, have large tubercles and a cylindrical shape. In addition to downy and powdery mildew, the variety is immune to olive spot.

Fontana F1

The hybrid belongs to bee-pollinated and early varieties. You will have to wait only 48–55 days for fruits. Immune to a range of diseases. Cucumbers with small tubercles and sparse spines are cylindrical in shape. They are not bitter, and are actively salted and preserved. The length of a ready-to-eat cucumber is 12 centimeters, and its weight is about 100 grams.

Connie F1

A gherkin-type hybrid that does not require pollination and has increased productivity. After 43–45 days (the starting point is the emergence of seedlings), the plant will delight you with its harvest. The bush is medium-climbing. Cucumbers are small - only 6–7 centimeters in length, 60–80 grams in weight, and have the shape of a cylinder. Pleasant to look at:

  1. finely tuberous;
  2. with whitish spines;
  3. bright green color.

Crispy, juicy, delicious fruits They are absolutely not bitter. The hybrid is resistant to overgrowth and is not afraid of root rot and powdery mildew. Cucumber is equally tasty both fresh and canned.

Miranda F1

The hybrid is distinguished by:

  1. precocity;
  2. high yield;
  3. versatility.

On a plant without pollination, fruits with a female type of flowering appear. The fruits grow up to 11–12 centimeters in length and 110–120 grams in weight. They have white spines and a cylinder shape. The color is green with white specks, and even stripes up to the middle part. Juicy fruits with a wonderful aroma are good in salads and pickles. Additions - cold resistance and resistance to the most common diseases.

Also marked F1

Ira F1

This bee-pollinated hybrid is an ultra-early hybrid. It will take approximately 50 days for the plant to produce fruit. Grown cucumbers are cylindrical, with large tubercles, dark green in color, with white pubescence. The length is about 15 centimeters, and the weight is about 85 grams. The dense and crispy flesh is also pleasant to the taste. The plant produces an excellent harvest of cucumbers and is immune to diseases.

Emerald Flow F1

The hybrid is early - it takes approximately 48 days for the fruits to ripen. The bush is weakly climbing and vigorous. The female type of flowering predominates. The cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, with tubercles, dark green in color, with thin skin. The length is about 50 centimeters, and the weight is about 200 grams. The taste and aroma of cucumbers are simply magnificent. They:

  1. cold-resistant;
  2. shade-tolerant;
  3. do not suffer from powdery mildew;
  4. have a long fruiting period.

Indispensable in salads.

Corinna F1

The hybrid is distinguished by high yield and ultra-earliness. Cucumbers are an improved version of Connie F1. These are gherkins, reaching a length of 10 centimeters, dark green, with small tubercles and white spines, without bitterness. They have excellent consistency. The hybrid is immune to many diseases. When salted, they retain crispness and density.

Gherkin “Madame” F1

The early bee-pollinated hybrid produces fruit 48 days after the shoots become visible. In these vigorous plants, the female type of flowering predominates. The shape of cucumbers is cylindrical, they are short, with small, frequently located tubercles, white spines, and thin delicate skin. They have small white stripes. Length in centimeters - 12, weight in grams - 85. Dense fruits do not overgrow and do not turn yellow. There is no bitterness. The plant is not affected by root rot and downy mildew, it has intensive fruit formation. Cucumbers are consumed fresh, salted or canned.

In addition, varieties not designated F1 can be planted in open ground. They also have advantages that allow them to be grown this way.

For the purpose of growing in open ground experienced gardeners It is recommended to use several varieties of such cucumbers.


The variety is bee-pollinated, early ripening - fruits appear in about 60 days. They are white-spiked, with small tubercles, reach 13 centimeters in length and 140 grams in weight. The variety is cold-resistant and immune to olive spot. Cucumbers are delicious both fresh and salted.


The bee-pollinated mid-season variety is universal. Perfect for both pickles and fresh consumption. The plant is vigorous and has great branching. Zelenets small size- only 6–7 centimeters, has an elongated-ovoid shape, slightly tuberculate. It is not afraid of downy mildew.


The plant will take from 45 to 55 days to ripen cucumbers. Such precocity, coupled with increased productivity and unsurpassed taste make cucumbers an excellent pickling variety. Fruits up to 12 centimeters long, the shape of which is elongated oval or cylindrical, completely cover large tubercles. And the weight didn’t let me down - 120 grams. The plant will be able to resist bacterial spotting and powdery mildew.

Nezhinsky 12

As gardeners say, one of the best pickling varieties. It is mid-season and bee-pollinated. In addition, cucumbers are easy to care for and resistant to disease. The bush is long-climbing. Fruits:

  1. short;
  2. coarsely tuberous;
  3. with black spines;
  4. having crispy flesh and delicious taste.

The shape is elongated-ovoid, weight is from 80 to 100 grams, and length is up to 12 centimeters. The variety does not suffer from bacteriosis and olive spot.


The early ripening plant is powerful, with long vines. The fruits are cylindrical, with small tubercles, delicate dark green skin, and grow up to 12 centimeters. The pulp is dense, with a lot of sugars. The small size of the seed chamber means that it is better to pickle these cucumbers.

Such “green” varieties as “Phoenix” and “Dalnevostochny” have also earned recognition from gardeners for planting in open ground.

What do gardeners say?

“Rodnichok F1” and “Masha F1”, probably most fruitful. The second one is also good for those who want to grow vegetables on their windowsill. But if cucumbers still grow in open ground, the main thing for them is moderate watering. So there is a chance to harvest even in October.

There is nothing better than Alligator F1 cucumbers. A long fruiting period and excellent taste - for those who prefer fresh fruits. But it’s better to salt this variety cut into slices.

“Chinese disease-resistant” F1, gherkins “Son of Polk” F1, cucumbers of the “Pickling” variety are distinguished by long and abundant fruiting, indicative taste and product characteristics, and therefore are recommended for pickling. In addition, they are resistant to the most common diseases.

What else is important to know?

Among the hybrid varieties of cucumbers there are: bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic, that is, capable of forming ovaries and bearing fruit without pollination. When choosing the first, it is important that there are bees on the site.

The presence of male and female flowers will help to avoid barren flowers. Usually the former have a three-sided, and the latter - a tetrahedral shape. The sex of a plant can be determined by the first fruit. To do this, you need to cut it crosswise and see how the seeds are located. In the male cucumber they are in three segments, in the female cucumber - in four.

When determining those varieties of cucumbers that are more suitable for growing in open ground for you, it is worth remembering about zoned seeds, tested by more than one generation of gardeners.

The spring planting boom begins with careful planning of garden work. To get in the end decent harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labor in winter, you need to choose one of the 15 best varieties of cucumbers for the middle zone. Some gardeners will want to grow these fruits in a greenhouse, while others will want to grow them on their balcony. With the first glimmers of warmth, most will switch to vegetable gardens, but open ground is a completely different element. In this regard, for each of the mentioned work sites, it is necessary to select worthy “inhabitants”. Knowing these nuances will help farmers achieve the best results.

Briefly about the main thing

When planting any crop, you should focus on the weather conditions of the region. To do this, you can analyze the weather of past years and get an overall picture by deciding on the date. Then comes the waiting process. As soon as the thermometer does not fall below +5°C for 5-7 days, it means it’s time to open summer season. IN middle lane- This is approximately the month of May or the beginning of June. However, sowing seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse is carried out 2-3 weeks before.

In parallel with this, the farmer needs to resolve four important issues:

  • planting site (garden, balcony or greenhouse);
  • harvest time (one of the summer months);
  • duration of fruiting;
  • For what purposes are they grown: pickling, canning, selling or eating fresh cucumbers.

The gardener must calculate the approximate date for transferring the seedlings to open ground and count back 21 days from it. In total, it will be mid-March or early April. This will be the approximate time for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Having decided on these points, the summer resident should pay attention to the characteristics of some varieties of greens. For example, early varieties of cucumbers bear fruit for a relatively short period. At the same time, their fruits can suffer from various pests and diseases. Nevertheless, the advantages of such crops include the fact that after 40-50 days you can enjoy the first harvest.

The taste of these hybrids and early ripening varieties is special because their peel does not produce bitterness. Some of them can even be canned or pickled. However, it is important to understand that in the middle zone they are threatened by diseases that affect cucumbers. Then the farmer will have to fight real/false or bacteriosis. In view of this, it is important to choose the right variety of crop for your land.

Some housewives practice sowing half of their “plantations” with varieties specifically for pickling, and leaving the other half for universal or salad varieties.

Top 5 for greenhouses

Most people do not want to deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating greens, which is why they choose this method of growing them. The coolness outside is not a reason to rest on your laurels, because there is a lot to do in a greenhouse/greenhouse. They rush to choose the best ones for their greenhouse. The main features of such growth “sprinters” are that the side shoots of the plant do not need to be pinched. Shortened weaves form a compact bush. It is not very lush, so moisture does not collect in its foliage. After all, because of it, the stem can begin to rot, and the greens can become covered with powdery mildew. Among the many hybrids bred, it is worth highlighting 5 that are well suited for the Greenhouse mission.

“Murashka F1” is a favorite of many

This variety is a generalist in the truest sense of the word. It bears fruit well in any conditions: greenhouse, vegetable garden or balcony. In addition, it is not afraid of bad weather conditions. Fruit sets even on cool days. Since greens have an excellent taste, they can be used for various preparations. Culture is also valued for:

  • early maturity (maximum 45 days);
  • high productivity, because more than 3 ovaries are formed near the leaves;
  • visual attractiveness (the dense bush grows to medium size without sending out many long shoots);
  • original taste qualities: unsurpassed aroma, crispy flesh and lack of bitterness;
  • the dark green fruit (12 cm) is covered with black spines, which are planted on large tubercles.

This characteristic makes this hybrid the first in the top five best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse. The age of seeds for sowing must be 3 years or more. Before planting, it is important to disinfect them with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The germination rate of the Murashka F1 variety is very high, so the beds need to be thinned out. Otherwise, the plant will grow slowly. Moreover, the recess in the groove is made up to 5 cm.

“Emelya F1” – from peasant to prince

Initially, breeders developed it as a salad sub-variety, but later many housewives began to use the fruits for canning/pickling. The hybrid "Emelya F1" tolerates cool cyclones without problems, while giving excellent harvests in bad weather conditions. However, ovaries, as well as fruits, develop more actively in rooms with heating systems. Characteristic Features of this culture are:

  • self-pollination;
  • flowering - female;
  • establishment of bunch-type ovaries;
  • 40-45 days growing season;
  • moderate branching;
  • the fruit is spindle-shaped, 15 cm in length and weighing 120-150 g (diameter up to 4 cm);
  • the skin is thin and without a bitter taste;
  • the coarsely tuberous surface is covered with white spines;
  • shade – rich green;
  • leaves are slightly wavy with a smooth edge.

From one square meter, a farmer can harvest from 12 to 16 kg of crop. However, it is important to ensure that the leaves are not affected by downy mildew or cucumber mosaic virus. This often happens with hermaphroditic fetuses.

Specimens need to be planted at a distance of 50-75 cm. Then the plant can successfully develop in a greenhouse.

“Benefit performance F1” – the performance is not over

It can take either 40 or 50 days from sowing to the appearance of full-fledged fruits. At the same time, the flowering (mostly female) pollinates independently, without the intervention of insects. Each leaf axil has one pair (2 pieces) or a whole “quartet” (4 pieces) of ovaries, 8 mm long. From them grow sophisticated 10-centimeter oval-shaped greens.

From a small piece of land (1 m²), a farmer can get up to 6-8 kg of elegant gherkins. Behind the elastic fruits lies a delicate and sweet taste. Zelentsy "Benefit F1" tolerates transportation well and retains its properties during long-term storage. Many are for sale. The culture grows well in moist soils, which makes it resistant to merciless powdery mildew and root rot.

For seedlings, their seeds are sown in late April. Experts recommend transferring young seedlings to land only after a month.

They call him “Alekseevich F1”

Despite such a high-profile title, these gherkins grow up to 8 cm in length. The girth of a miniature fruit in the form of a cylinder is no more than 4-5 cm. Still, many prefer the Alekseevich cucumber variety, because its yield is 14 kg/m². These greens are also suitable for pickling. But for such purposes, they need to be collected in time, when they are no larger in size than pickles or gherkins. Millions love them for unique features, namely:

  • crust without tubercles and sharp spines;
  • do not taste bitter;
  • greens ripen almost simultaneously;
  • germination is observed earlier than all other varieties;
  • fruits can be harvested 38-43 days after germination;
  • growth and branching are average.

This crop bears fruit from May until almost October. The inflorescences do not fall off and are rarely empty. The fruits grow evenly, without curling.

For successful fruiting of the variety, you need to maintain the room temperature at least 12-15°C.

"Boy Thumb" comes from a fairy tale

The first fruits appear 40-45 days after sowing the seeds. Oval-shaped dark green cylinders covered with small spines. The tubercles are not very clearly expressed. The peculiarity of this hybrid is that all cucumbers are the same size. The bush is so thickly covered with them that a square. meter you can collect up to 14 kg of such wealth. In this case, each individual instance will:

  • weighing 50-60 g (maintaining all its juiciness);
  • up to 10 cm long;
  • 3-4 cm in diameter (without thick skin).

In just one bunch the housewife will find up to 6 ovaries. It is noteworthy that barren flowers are very rare. The bush has an impressive appearance, but the shoots weave weakly and do not grow much.

Since the fruits outgrow, they need to be collected on time, that is, every 2 days or even more often. As soon as they grow to 6-8 cm in length, it is recommended to pick them.

What seeds should I use for the garden?

Protected soil and a favorable greenhouse microclimate are no substitute for fresh air, nutritious rain, and the rays of the spring sun for plants. Moreover, from a large plot of land you can get an unlimited amount of appetizing product. Understanding this, you should know which are the best. These are the seeds you need to take with you when you go out to your garden in the spring.

“April F1” – early bird of spring

This hybrid is not afraid of cold weather. The appearance of the harvest can be observed on the 45th or 55th day after germination of the first shoots. Some gardeners start planting seeds very early. In such cases, it is necessary to use a film to create a greenhouse effect.

Over the next 30 days, the ovaries form together. However, the best indicators were recorded due to two factors: early boarding and insect pollinators. Thanks to this, a farmer will collect from 7 to 13 kg (per 1 sq. m) of harvest from his small plantation. These cucumbers are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • large size: 20-25 cm;
  • optimal weight – from 200 to 250 g;
  • tubercles are small and sparsely located;
  • white spines;
  • the greenery does not turn yellow and does not overgrow.

Many people like to grow this crop because it does not require much care. The bush has a compact shape, since the branches themselves control the degree of their growth.

"Masha F1", but without the bear

Among the 15 best varieties of cucumbers for growing in the middle zone, this one is considered the leader in terms of ripening speed. Just 35 days and a salad of aromatic gherkins will become an original addition to festive table. The harvest is massively harvested already on the 40th day, which allows them to be preserved. As a result, they turn out crispy and juicy. Distinctive Features counts:

  • correct, almost even shape of the fruit (up to 10 cm);
  • pimply surface with large tubercles;
  • sweet taste, without the slightest bitterness;
  • high yield over a long period;
  • tolerance to unfavorable conditions.

The mosaic virus, as well as powdery mildew, bypass the crop. However, over time, white rot or anthracnose may appear on the leaves and stems.

To avoid the bush being affected by diseases, you need to fertilize the soil with mullein or humus, and also disinfect the seeds before planting.

"Competitor" to everyone else

The branches of this hybrid develop so strongly that they can reach 2 meters in length. With the help of graceful tendrils, the plant clings to fences or other structures. Formed on the stems yellow flowers that emit pollen. It is viable for just a few hours, so it is advisable to plant the crop near an apiary. As a result, after 1.5 months you can go out to the garden with baskets to collect the harvest, and so on for the next 3 months. These greens have:

  • oblong shape;
  • 12 centimeter fruit;
  • weight about 120 g;
  • large pimples;
  • long stalk (this is a bonus for assembly);
  • ribbed surface painted with white stripes.

Sudden temperature changes negatively affect fruiting. In this regard, the site must be protected from such anomalies using various devices.

“Springhead F1” – a source of refreshment

It belongs to the category mid-season varieties, since the first fruits on the stem can be picked 55 days after the seeds germinate. The inflorescences of the plant are pollinated thanks to the active work of bees. Up to three knots are tied in one bunch, and the stem itself can sprout up to 5 shoots. Zelentsy reach 12 cm, gaining weight up to 100 g. Outwardly, they look like light green barrels with small pimples.
Since the black thorns are not very dense, picking the fruits is much more convenient. These cucumbers retain their taste even when pickled or canned.

To get about 25 kg of greens, you need to grow the variety using a trellis method. Otherwise, this figure drops to 5-7 kg.

"Ant F1" is not an order of Hymenoptera

About it hybrid variety What you need to know about cucumbers is that the stem does not sprout long side shoots, so the bush is compact. Flowers are pollinated without the intervention of bees. The fruiting period begins after 35 or more days. This is much earlier than with other early ripening plants. Despite this, they bear fruit for a relatively short time. Externally, greenies resemble real ants, only under a magnifying glass:

  • rare black spikes;
  • smooth gradation of color from pale to marsh with pronounced white stripes near the nose;
  • oval-cylindrical outline of the fruit;
  • in section it can be up to 4 cm;
  • The density of the pulp is average.

Of course, they are several times longer than insects - almost 11 cm. Up to 3-7 cucumbers are tied in one bunch at once. Therefore, from a small plot, a summer resident can expect up to 12 kg of a bountiful harvest.

When growing them in a container, the seedlings should be watered, maintaining the temperature in the room at least 12 degrees. It is advisable to transfer it to the ground when the seedlings have 3 to 5 leaves.

"Erofey" from the Russian hinterland

This true all-rounder is suitable for any culinary experiments. The variety amazes everyone with its paradoxical nature. On a thick, lushly growing bush, miniature greens (only 6-7 cm) “show off”. These oblong fruits are somewhat reminiscent of chicken eggs, but with some differences. The peel has small tubercles and is decorated with symmetrical light green stripes. The type of flowering in the Erofey variety is mixed.

Seedlings are transferred to open ground at a temperature of +15°C. In this case, the beds need to be weeded, removing weeds and loosening the soil. During the growing season, you should not neglect fertilizing. It is worth watering the crop in the evening hours.

In addition to the varieties mentioned above, many farmers successfully “collaborate” with other hybrid varieties. Among them, “Phoenix” is popular, for which it is necessary to build a temporary shelter from film in the garden bed. But this is only at first. While “Far Eastern” withstands almost all the vagaries of nature.

They grow even in the shade

Cucumber varieties that are suitable for shady places deserve a separate description. Every country cottage area has varying degrees of relief. Because of this, there are areas that are not fully heated by the sun. It is not recommended to plant peppers, tomatoes or. In this situation, there is practically no space left for greens in the garden. Breeders came to the aid of gardeners. They have developed several varieties of cucumbers that “get along” well in shady areas. You need to get to know them better.

"F1 Company Secret" Discovered

A fairly humid microclimate is created in the shade. The genetic characteristics of this hybrid make it protected from powdery mildew and mold. In turn, only one or two flowers on the stem are pollinated. After 38 days, young fluffy fruits appear in their place. They grow to almost 14 cm and weigh about 120 g. The sharp nose and thin neck of the cucumber harmoniously complement each other. Its greenish skin is covered with sparse and chaotically scattered pimples. The plant is mostly weak-growing, so the harvest ripens early.

“Muromsky 36” - address of the monastery or factory

You can easily plant a whole “prospect” of this crop on the borders of your vegetable garden and orchard. After literally 1.5 months, the greens will be ready to eat. Nevertheless, this hybrid was bred exclusively for salting. The main characteristics of the variety include the following:

  • relatively smooth surface covered with small tubercles;
  • length no more than 8 cm;
  • in cross-section it resembles an ellipse.

Until the 15th of August, the plant bears fruit at an accelerated pace. Per 1 sq. m turns out to be 4 kg. However, then the leaves and stems become infected with fungal diseases, which is why the crop gradually disappears.

Harvesting must be done in a short time. The peel literally takes on a yellowish tint within a day. Therefore, they need to be picked as often as possible.

How do we appreciate “Moscow Nights F1”

The yield of this hybrid species is more than 16 kg per square meter. This is despite the fact that it grows in partial shade. For residents of the middle zone, this variety is a real find. A gorgeous fruit with several tubercles reaches 14 centimeters in length. The advantages of this culture are:

  • female type of flowering (no need for pollination);
  • shoots weave strongly;
  • branches are located on a powerful stem;
  • almost simultaneous maturation.

Still, these greenies are afraid of a sharp drop in temperature, and therefore are not suitable for the autumn-winter season.

You can grow them using a trellis method or build a base in the shape of a hut. .

Personal garden on the balcony

The gardener instinct manifests itself in many city dwellers. However, due to busy schedules and remote rural areas, turning your ideas into reality is not so easy. This problem can be solved very simply. To do this, you just need to choose the best varieties of cucumbers for the balcony. As a result, the crunchy sound of biting the greens will give all your neighbors an unprecedented appetite.

“Swallowtail F1” is almost a relative of large butterflies

Balconies, verandas, loggias can also be a great place for this gherkin species. The elongated stem produces short shoots that do not grow. Refined rough leaves look exquisite in home interior. Thanks to their excellent taste, cucumbers are suitable for both salads and pickles. From one node grows up to 10 greens, 7 or 11 cm long (60-100 g each). At the same time, the diameter of the fruit is no more than 3.5 cm. But not only Swallowtail has such characteristics.
The following varieties of cucumbers get along well with this crop:

This description includes only 15 of the best varieties of cucumbers for the middle zone, but there are tens of thousands of them in the world. Yet, without the painstaking work of a gardener, any of them will simply wither away.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground - video

Both self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers and those that are pollinated by bees can be planted in open ground.

It is imperative to take into account your region, that is, choose cucumber varieties acclimatized to your climate. Naturally, these will be different varieties, for example, for the Southern regions and for Siberia and the Urals, or the Moscow region. Here, either experiment yourself by planting different varieties, or read reviews from gardeners from different regions and take their word for it. And, by the way, it’s up to you to decide what to plant - hybrids or varieties. It's a matter of taste here. And again, you must decide what purpose the planted cucumbers are for - for fresh consumption, pickling and canning, or whether they are universal varieties and hybrids that are suitable for everything.

We only offer the best varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, which have been highly appreciated by those who grew them.

Cucumbers Masha F1, characteristics

This Dutch hybrid is intended for cultivation in open ground only in southern regions, in the middle zone it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Seeds are packaged in Holland. The manufacturer warns that the seeds have already been treated with thiram and do not require soaking before planting.

Masha cucumbers are early ripening, and if agricultural practices are followed, they begin to bear fruit on the 36th day after germination. They are high-yielding and, conveniently, parthenocarpic (self-pollinating, not requiring pollination by bees).

The plants are determinate, meaning that the growth of the main stem is limited by the flower cluster. Female type of flowering. Abundant fruiting is achieved through bouquet formation of ovaries in the nodes of the plant (up to 7 ovaries per node).

The cucumbers themselves are dark green, large-tubercular, weighing 90-100 grams, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, with light stripes of medium length and mild spotting, with thick skin and white spines. The length of the fruits is stated to be 11 cm, but we recommend picking them at a length of 8-9 cm. By this we provoke the development of new ovaries, which increases the yield from the bush as a whole. The fruits are genetically without bitterness.

Cucumber Masha is intended by the manufacturer for fresh consumption. In 2000, this hybrid was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation as a salad and canned hybrid. Masha F1 cucumbers show excellent taste both pickled and fresh. The fruits do not lose their elasticity and remain crunchy when preserved. Greens also tolerate transportation well.

Productivity of cucumbers Masha more than 10 kg/sq. m. (subject to agricultural technology).

The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus, and powdery mildew.

Cucumbers Amur F1

Ultra-early (the period from germination to fruiting is 37-40 days), bred in the selection and seed production company “Manul”. In 2000, the variety was included in the State Register for cultivation in all regions of Russia. This hybrid is suitable for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open ground.

The plant is parthenocarpic (does not require pollination by bees), vigorous, indeterminate. The branching is weak, so the bush does not require shaping. One or two ovaries are formed in the nodes.

When landing in exhaust gas for 1 sq. m. place up to 5 bushes. Amur produces its main harvest in the first month of fruiting.

Cucumbers are small-tubercular, with a short neck, 12-15 cm long, weighing 90-110 grams. The skin is dark green with faint light stripes reaching up to a third of the fruit. The spines are small and white. The hybrid is salad, but is also suitable for canning.

Productivity of cucumbers Amur: 12-14 kg per 1 sq. m.

The hybrid is cold-resistant. It is resistant to the main diseases of cucumber - olive spot (cladosporiosis), cucumber mosaic virus, root rot, powdery mildew and downy mildew. This is a salad variety, but is also suitable for canning.

Advantages of the Amur cucumber: early ripening, self-regulating branching, high taste, abundant and long-term fruiting, disease resistance.

Cucumbers Herman F1, characteristics

Super-yielding, early ripening (40-45 days from germination to fruiting), parthenocarpic hybrid of universal use for open ground and film greenhouses.

The plant is powerful, simultaneously producing up to 6-7 fruits in one node with sufficient nutrition.

Zelentsy are dark green, large-tubercular, dense, 10-11 cm long, weighing 70-90 grams, excellent taste, crispy, without bitterness. Cucumbers are intended for fresh consumption, canning and pickling.

Advantages of the Herman F1 hybrid: combination of early ripening with high yield, uniformity of fruits, resistance to major diseases of cucumbers.

Productivity of cucumbers Herman more than 10 kg/sq. m.

Cucumbers Competitor

Mid-early (the period from germination to fruiting at spring planting is 45 - 50 days, in summer - 29 - 30 days), a bee-pollinated cucumber variety bred at the Crimean Experimental Breeding Station.

The Konkurent variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1980 and approved for use in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region, the Republic of Dagestan, Adygea, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, and North Ossetia. Recommended for growing in open ground.

The plants of this cucumber are powerful, weakly branched, with a long main stem. The length of the stalk is 5-7 cm, which makes harvesting easier. Requires formation.

During formation, blinding is carried out (all stepsons and ovaries are removed) in the first 3-4 leaf axils of the main vine, which allows the plant to form a strong root system and gain green mass. At node 5-6, only 1-2 ovaries are left, removing the stepsons. And starting from the 6-7th node, the ovaries and side shoots are left, pinching them after the 1st leaf. But in the upper tier, the side shoots are pinched after 2-3 leaves, depending on the density of plantings. When the plant reaches a horizontal trellis, the main stem is wrapped around it 2-3 times, then lowered down 50-80 cm and pinched.

The fruits are large-tubercular, small (9-12 cm long, weighing 70-100 grams), the skin is green, with blurry white stripes of medium length. The pubescence is frequent, the spines are black. The pulp is dense, crispy, aromatic. These cucumbers are good for pickling, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from gardeners, but fresh and in salads they are also very tasty.

The cucumber variety Competitor is resistant to bacteriosis, olive spot, powdery mildew and downy mildew (peronospora). The harvested fruits do not turn yellow for a long time. With a lack of moisture, greens begin to taste bitter.

Cucumber yield Competitor: 3-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. meters (subject to timely watering and fertilizing).

Advantages of the variety: inexpensive seeds, excellent taste of the fruit. The disadvantages include thick skin and overgrowth of fruits not collected in time.

Cucumbers Director F1, characteristics

Medium early (42-45 days from germination to fruiting), productive, Dutch cucumber hybrid from Nunhems. In 2013, it was included in the State Register and approved for use in Russia. Recommended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses.

Parthenocarpic hybrid, female type of flowering, commercial purpose. Plants are indeterminate, medium-sized, highly branched. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. There are 2-3 female flowers in one leaf axil.

When landing in exhaust gas for 1 sq. m place 3 plants.

The cucumbers are medium-tubercular, weighing 65-80 grams, 9-12 cm long. The skin is thin, dark green, with short, barely noticeable light stripes. The pubescence is medium, white in color. The pulp is slightly crunchy. Fruits without voids.

Cucumber yield Director 250-360 c/ha. The fruits are collected every other day.

This hybrid is characterized by high shade tolerance and good disease resistance. It produces a lot of shoots that need to be removed in a timely manner so as not to burden the root system and increase productivity.

Advantages of this hybrid: unpretentiousness, high and stable yield, keeping quality and excellent presentation.

Cucumbers Garland, characteristics

Early ripening (period from germination to fruiting 45-50 days), parthenocarpic hybrid with bunched ovaries (up to 4-5 in one node). Recommended for open ground and film shelters. Due to its shade tolerance, the Garlyanda F1 cucumber is suitable for growing on a balcony, loggia and in room conditions on the windowsill.

The plant is powerful, weakly branched. The fruits are 12-14 cm long, dark green, finely tuberculate, white-spiked, weighing 120-130 grams. These cucumbers are good for pickling, pickling and eating fresh.

The Garland hybrid is resistant to root rot, powdery mildew, olive spot, and relatively resistant to downy mildew.

Advantages: high yield, excellent taste and marketable quality of the fruit.

Productivity of cucumbers Garland: 14-16 kg/m2.

Sowing of seedlings is carried out at the end of April. Planting seedlings in the ground - in late May-early June in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. Sowing directly into the ground - in May-June.

The plant is formed into 1 stem. Planting pattern: 30 x 70 cm. Optimal temperature soil for seed germination +25-+30 degrees.

If you have grown any of these varieties, please write which variety for open ground you liked best. Be sure to indicate the region in which you live. If possible, attach a photo of the cucumbers you grew.

Your feedback will help many gardeners choose the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground for planting.