Low growing marigolds. Marigolds: varieties, descriptions and photos of flowers

Marigolds are probably known to everyone; they are one of the most unpretentious flowers. Bright, sunny flowers will decorate any flower bed or balcony. Marigolds are real hard workers; their flowering lasts all summer until frost.

These plants can be used for more than just decoration. garden plot, but also as medicinal plant, seasonings in cooking and as a means for cosmetic procedures. From this article you will learn what types of marigolds there are; varieties with photos and names are described below.

Types of marigolds


This species includes mainly low plants. They have compact bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 centimeters. The foliage is small, dissected and the flowers are simple. Thin-leaved varieties look good in flower beds and in combination with other types of marigolds; they can also be grown in balcony conditions. Now let's look at the most popular varieties of this species.

"Lemon Jam"

The plant grows to a height of only 35 centimeters, the flowers are small, lemon-colored, the bushes are minimal in shape, branching with abundant flowering.

Lemon Jam


It grows up to 25 cm, the plant has the shape of a ball, the foliage is dense and openwork. This variety blooms earlier than others. The flowers have a yellow center and brown petals on the edges.


"Golden Ring"

The plant forms shoots up to 50 cm, yellow flowers, small ones begin to bloom in June and end with the onset of the first frost.

Golden Ring


The plant forms small dense bushes up to 25 cm, the flowers are small and simple.


Marigolds erect

This species includes the tallest varieties; they reach 100 cm. The flowers grow large, up to 15 cm, of the same color, double type. In addition, marigolds are divided into the following sizes: super high -90 cm, tall - 60-90 cm, low - less than 45 cm

Upright varieties of marigolds with photos and descriptions:


These plants reach 105 cm, the flowers are large, with a hint of orange, 12 cm in size, bloom late, at the end of summer.


"Gold Dollar"

The bushes look miniature, grow 120 cm in height, powerful trunks, light green foliage, rich orange flowers.

Gold Dollar


The plant grows up to 35 cm in height, the flowers are milky-colored, the peduncle size is up to 6 cm.



The plants form small bushes up to 80 cm, the flowers are large, with a yellow center and orange edges, blooming at the end of July.



It blooms with lush orange flowers, the bush itself is dense and densely branched.


Marigolds rejected

This species is otherwise called French; it is characterized by a wide range of color shades. The bushes reach a length of no higher than 60 cm. The flowers are double and simple, they are small, only 8 cm. For convenience, the variety is divided into classifications: tall - 60 cm, medium - up to 50 cm, low - 20-40 cm, lowest - 15-20 cm .

Here are the most popular varieties rejected velvets:


A relatively new variety that has become a favorite among gardeners. The flowers are not large, lush, red with brown and a small splash of lemon color. The bushes are not high, about 30 cm. These marigolds grow quickly and bloom a lot throughout the summer season.



The bushes are lush, grow up to 50 cm. The foliage is saturated Green colour, openwork. Flowering begins in early summer.


"Jolly Jester"

These marigolds branch well, the bush itself grows up to 30 cm, the flowers have several shades.

Jolly Jester

"Gold Ball"

The bushes are spreading, up to 60 cm high, the shoots are green with a brown coating, the flowers are simple or semi-double, about 5 cm in diameter. The variety blooms in early June, the flowers can be used for cutting.

Gold Ball

The shortest varieties

A variety of low-growing marigolds is widely used to create flower beds and ridges. Shades of flowers are yellow, orange, reddish, and brown. Mostly dwarf varieties marigolds curl strongly, reaching a height of 20-35 cm. The smell of the flowers is well expressed, but somewhat softer than that of other species.

Here are the most favorite marigolds among gardeners , low-growing varieties with good photos:


Belongs to rejected marigolds, the bush reaches up to 30 cm, the flowers are brown-red in color with a yellow center and 6 cm in diameter.


"Petite orange"

The bushes of this plant are very miniature, only 25 cm, the foliage is bright green, dense, the orange flowers are not large, 6 cm in diameter, double.

Petite orange

"Golden Head"

This plant is only 20 cm high, the bushes are dense with strong shoots, and the foliage is dark green. Double flowers resembling chrysanthemums, about 4 cm in diameter. These marigolds bloom early from the beginning of June, abundant flowering last until the first frost. The variety is suitable for growing in pots, on balconies, flower beds and garden beds.

golden head


The variety consists of a series of plants with a variety of colors. The flowers come in shades of yellow, white, reddish brown and orange. All inflorescences are double, 6 cm in size. The size of the bush is from 25 to 30 cm.


Low-growing large-flowered varieties are characterized by powerful stems, dark green foliage, and large double inflorescences. Flower color can be lemon, yellow, orange.


The variety is upright, the height of the bush does not exceed 25 cm. The inflorescences are quite large, 15 cm in size, double. 4-5 flowers bloom on one bush; they have a uniform color. Flowering begins early at the end of May and lasts for two months.



Beautiful low-growing variety with large chrysanthemum-shaped flowers, predominantly orange. Flowering begins two to three months after germination.


Perennials among marigolds

Perennial marigolds grow in natural conditions hot countries. In the climatic conditions of our country, marigolds can grow as annual flowers, because they die due to frost. But due to the abundant release of seeds and their germination in the same place in the next season, the effect of perennials is achieved. Perennial cultivars grow in Mexico and America, but here are the plants most resistant to climatic anomalies: “Bicolor French”, “Bonita”, “Golden Domes”, “Khokhloma”, “Mexican Tarragon”, “Sofia”.

Planting seeds in the ground

Marigolds are easy to grow from seeds. Planting in flower beds begins at the end of May, when the soil warms up well. It is better to choose an open sunny place, away from bodies of water, light partial shade is allowed. For convenience, furrows can be made with a hoe, then spilled with water.

The seeds are laid out approximately 1.5-2 cm apart, and sprinkled with 0.5-1 cm of soil. Next, the plantings are watered and covered with covering material so that the moisture does not evaporate so much, of course, if rain is forecast, then this is possible not to do.

After about five days, marigold shoots will appear, the covering fabric is removed, if there is severe drought, the plants need watering. When the second pair of true leaves appears, the places where the marigolds have grown densely are thinned out. Excess plants can be planted in beds with cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, and carrots. The fact is that all parts of marigolds secrete phytoncides, which repel pests and fight pathogenic microflora, including such a common fungus as late blight.

When planting these plants, depending on the variety, certain conditions are observed. So between tall marigolds you need to keep a distance of about 40 cm, between medium-sized plants keep 30 cm, and low marigolds are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Growing marigold seedlings

If you want to receive flowering plants early, then you need to sow the seeds for seedlings. This is done at the end of March or at the beginning of April, when daylight hours increase so that the marigolds have enough sun for full growth.

You can choose ready-made primer for flowers or for universal use. If you prefer to use soil from your own plot or from the forest, then you must definitely disinfect it. To do this, use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, or pour boiling water over it several times. You can immediately take deeper containers; you need to put a drainage layer of expanded clay or other material on the bottom.

In the moist soil, make grooves one centimeter deep, lay out the seeds and cover them with soil. Next, moisten the crops with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the soil. For germination of marigold seeds, a temperature of 20 degrees is suitable. Boxes with seedlings are covered with film with small slits so that less moisture evaporates.

In approximately five to seven days, depending on the variety, the marigolds will sprout. Now the container can be moved to well-lit places, with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. Most likely, in an apartment this will be a place on the windowsill. After the plants have 2-3 pairs of true leaves, the plantings can be thinned out by transplanting the excess plants into another container.

Planting seedlings on permanent place produced in mid or late May. But gardeners should pay attention to the weather forecast and if there is a threat of frost, the plants are covered with high-density material or plastic film.


Marigolds have bright and beautiful flowers and delicate foliage, but many gardeners decide to plant these plants because they do not require special care. Flowers easily tolerate dry days and temperature changes, grow well, bloom profusely and do not get sick. Plants also do not need fertilizing. Caring for marigolds involves weeding, watering and removing faded buds to promote longer flowering.

Growing and caring for these flowers is not at all difficult. And there are a lot of varieties of marigolds, so everyone will find a suitable option.

This usually includes the tallest representatives of the species. They grow up to 100 cm. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm in diameter), uniform in color, double.
All known varieties erect marigolds additionally divided according to their sizes:
giant (above 90 cm);
tall (60-90 cm);
medium (45-60 cm);
low (less than 45 cm).

The most popular varieties:

Antigua. The bushes are only 20 cm high. But they produce a lot of large inflorescences - up to 10 cm in diameter. Antigua marigolds are yellow or deep orange in color.
Hawaii. The bushes of the variety are considered the largest (up to 105 cm). Hawaiian marigolds have large flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) of orange color. The variety is late, flowering begins only in August.
Gelber Stein. These beautiful yellow marigolds are quite tall - up to 70 cm. The flowers are chrysanthemum-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter.
Gold Dollar. Tall (up to 120 cm) bushes are very compact. The shoots are thick and strong, and the leaves are large and light green in color. The color of the inflorescences is red or red-orange.
Kilimanjaro. These are white marigolds. The plant is tall - up to 70 cm. The inflorescence is spherical, densely double. Kilimanjaro is a hybrid designed specifically for further cutting flowers.
Glitters. The variety can be conditionally classified as giant marigolds - the bush sometimes reaches 110 cm in height. At the same time, the yellow inflorescences are small (up to 6 cm in diameter).
Eskimo. The bush with beautiful pinnately divided leaves grows up to only 35 cm. But the flowers themselves are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter. Color: vanilla-white.
Goldlicht. Neat bushes 60-75 cm high have strong shoots with massive green leaves. Inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter are double marigolds, carnation-flowered, hemispherical. Flowering begins early.
Smile. These bush marigolds grow up to 95 cm. The inflorescences are large with mixed colors (transitions from golden yellow to orange). The bush begins to bloom in mid-summer.
Frills. Compact bushes (up to 80 cm high) with large double inflorescences of a golden-orange hue. The plant begins to bloom late - in late July-early August.
Mandarin. The bush is compact (up to 30 cm in height), spherical, densely branched. The inflorescences are double, orange in color.

Marigold rejected (French)

The height of the bushes belonging to this group rarely exceeds 60 cm. French marigolds are compact and have a wide range of color shades. The flowers are double and non-double, with a diameter of no more than 8 cm. For the convenience of all representatives of this group, experts have classified:
tall (from 60 cm);
medium (approximately 50 cm);
low (25-40 cm);
midgets (15-20 cm).

Let us designate the most famous varieties of rejected marigolds:

Bolero. This new variety, which has already become popular among gardeners. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The inflorescences are medium-sized, double. The color of the flower is very unusual - red-brown with small splashes of golden yellow. Bolero marigolds are fast-growing and bloom profusely throughout the summer season.
Naughty Marietta. This variety can be called traditional among Russian flower growers. The bushes of the plant (up to 40 cm high) are compact, densely branched, with single flat flowers. The color is bicolor (golden with red spots in the center). From July to September, marigolds of this variety will bloom profusely without requiring special care.
Petite orange. Quite a well-known variety among gardeners. The bush is small in size (up to 30 cm), compact. Light orange flowers - double, carnation-shaped.
Bonanza. Beautiful flower with small double inflorescences (up to 6 cm in diameter).
The variety series includes several varieties: Bonanza Harmony, Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Yellow, Bonanza Flame.
Gold Ball. Spreading bushes of small height (up to 60 cm) have strong shoots of rich green color with a slightly brownish bloom. The inflorescences are simple, semi-double, up to 5 cm in diameter. This variety is classified as an early variety - flowering begins at the beginning of summer. It is especially good for cutting.
Variety Fighter. The bushes are very lush, up to 50 cm high. The shoots have a beautiful green color. Blooms in early June.
Jolly Jester. This variety is distinguished by its branchiness. And this is with a small bush height (30 cm). Inflorescences are of mixed color (pale orange with red stripes), solitary.
Red gem. These red marigolds surprise with the abundance of inflorescences - it is impossible to count them. The bush is spherical, low. The flowers are flat, non-double.

These were brought to us in Europe by conquistadors from Central America, where they are located habitat a habitat. However, they easily took root on our continent, and one of the achievements of selection is white marigolds.

In essence, plants with white flowers are no different from the yellow and orange marigolds we are used to in terms of their biology and agricultural technology, only they look a little more graceful and delicate.

Look how white marigolds look in the photo.

Beautiful white marigolds

A little about names

The wide distribution of marigolds has also given rise to a rich palette of names. In Latin these flowers are called Tagétes - tagets. They say that this name was given to the flowers by Cal Linnaeus himself in honor of the Etruscan god Tagets.

But in many countries they are called more poetically:

  • in Ukraine - Chernobrivtsy;
  • in Germany - a student flower, hinting at their cheapness, or a Turkish carnation;
  • in England - Mary's gold.


Let's briefly summarize biological characteristics marigolds. These flowers belong to the Asteraceae family, otherwise known as Asteraceae. These are herbaceous plants with spreading stems with a height of 40 to 120 centimeters, depending on the variety.

Marigolds have feathery leaves of dissected or divided type. The inflorescences are baskets of various shades: from yellow to brown. And, of course, our today's heroes - white marigolds - are colored in a special way. The number of species of marigolds totals 53 units, many of them are decorative.

Our help! White marigolds are not a separate species, inflorescences white may be characteristic of different types of tagets.

Protective properties

Many people do not like the specific smell of marigolds, and this applies not only to people, but also to many insects. This property of tagets has long been adopted by gardeners, planting flowers along the edges of vegetable beds. There is a double benefit here:

  • protection of vegetables;
  • decorative plantings.

Agricultural technology

When grown, marigolds do not deliver special troubles. Tagets are quite plastic and are applied to them various ways growing season:

  • sowing directly into the ground;
  • through seedlings;
  • through seedlings with picking.

It is natural that seedling method cultivation allows you to get the most early flowers, and during cultivation with picking, already flowering marigolds are often planted in the ground.

Seedling method

It is necessary to sow marigolds for seedlings in such a way that they are planted in open ground fell at a time when the likelihood of return frosts has passed, do not forget that Tagets are natives of the American continent, and therefore are very capricious in relation to cold weather. When calculating the sowing time, do not forget that you need to add a week for germination and one week for picking. Thus, the approximate sowing time is mid-April, then by June we will have good strong seedlings.

Marigold seedlings

The seedlings are planted in the ground according to the optimal scheme for the variety. Typically, such information is given on the bag of seeds. If you purchased seeds from friends or other gardeners, consult them.

Sowing in the ground

If you sow seeds directly into the ground, you should do this around mid-May. Lower compared to room conditions the weather will slightly delay the seedlings, and the flowers will hatch only by June 5-6.

Attention! The given terms are valid for middle zone, for other growing conditions, adjust them.

When sowing seeds directly into the ground, it is worth slightly increasing their number compared to sowing in seedling containers. This is done to protect against insufficient germination. Extra plants better later thin out to the distance recommended for a particular variety.


Marigolds that are often left until late autumn are inseminated on their own and sprout well in the spring. The only drawback of this method of cultivation is the uncontrolled spread. But in the spring you can creatively thin out the seedlings and get an interesting pattern of your favorite flowers.

Marigolds as protection

Marigold various types, including white ones, are excellent protectors of garden and garden plants from pests and diseases. The phytoncides they secrete cause the smell that some people don’t like, as well as:

  • whiteflies;
  • various aphids;
  • mushrooms (including fusarium);
  • bears;
  • mice;
  • nematodes;
  • and many types of harmful insects.

In addition to sowing marigolds along the edges of beds or flower beds, embedding dry plants into the top layer of soil is also used, which creates additional protection for vegetables or flowers planted later.


Now let's talk about varieties of white marigolds; there are not many of them yet, but breeders are not sitting idle and will certainly delight flower growers with their new successful finds.

Kilimanjaro F1

This is one of the most popular white marigold hybrids. The shoots of these flowers reach a height of 70 centimeters. Stems are erect, branched with openwork decorative foliage.

Terry inflorescences of a creamy white color reach a diameter of up to 12 centimeters; the middle of the flower is slightly darkened, which gives some sophistication to the whole plant.

Marigold hybrid Kilimanjaro

The flowering of Kilimanjaro marigolds continues until the autumn frosts.

Beatles White Moon F1

The recently bred hybrid is only 45 centimeters tall. It is distinguished from other marigolds by its excellent resistance to external influences, primarily to bad weather and winds. Its inflorescences are 10 centimeters in diameter and have light green petals.

Eskimo F1

Low tagets, 25 centimeters tall, have cream-colored inflorescences 6 centimeters long. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is its cultivation in sparse partial shade. These marigolds belong to the group terry species, their flowering lasts from July to October.

Hybrid Popsicle

Vanilla F1

Erect marigolds with a stem height of 70 centimeters and a flower diameter of 12 - here characteristic creamy white hybrid Vanilla. To obtain lush splendor and full benefit, it is recommended to grow the variety through seedlings.

Vanilla hybrid tagets

Snow White

These marigolds are valuable because they are a variety and not a hybrid, so seed production is possible. Plants are 45 centimeters high with white-cream flowers reaching a diameter of up to 15 centimeters.

One of the disadvantages of the variety is its low germination rate, up to 40 percent, but this is compensated by the ability to use its own seeds.

Videos about growing marigolds will help you understand the agricultural technology of these interesting colors. We are giving you a link to Tatyana Pivkina’s first video report; if you like it, you can also easily find the next videos online.

Marigold flowers – unpretentious plants, there are perennial and annual. Growing from seeds in open ground is easy; replanting can be done even during flowering. Flowering of marigolds begins in the first month of summer and continues until the first frost.

Marigolds have medicinal and beneficial properties. The individuality of marigold is a rare individual scent. In natural conditions, marigolds have about 35 varieties and a large number of species.

Marigold varieties and types

Erect marigolds They are a straight bush with large double inflorescences with a uniform shade, the diameter of the flower is 12 cm. Dense and stable shoots sometimes reach one meter in height. This species is popular among gardeners.

They present a flowering of a rich yellow or orange hue, the inflorescence is about 10 cm in diameter, and the height of the bush is only 20 cm.

They are not a tall bush with a height of 35 to 50 cm. The inflorescences are about 5 cm in diameter, flowering occurs from July until the first frost. The inflorescences sometimes have a two-color tint. This variety is used for planting on borders.

They are a lush compact bush, reaching a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves of this species are greenish, the shape is slightly dissected. And the inflorescences resemble baskets with a diameter of about 3 cm. This species loves good lighting, quite thermophilic. Used in cooking as a seasoning.

Represent good lush bush with numerous flowering, about a hundred inflorescences on one plant, each inflorescence is 4 cm in diameter. The height of the bush is from 20 to 40 cm. Among them there are dwarf plants up to 20 cm in height. The color of the inflorescences is different in one color and combined in two colors.

Probably the most popular type, because they have neat bushes, and they serve as an excellent decoration for flower beds, borders, and flower beds.

This is a rejected, low-growing variety. It is distinguished by a thick cover of leaves, height 30 cm. The inflorescence is about 5 cm in diameter, double with corrugated petals. The color is fiery brown, with a yellow-orange tint at the base.

This annual plant about 25 cm in height. Inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The name is associated with the rich orange, double inflorescences, showy. Marigolds are unpretentious to either moisture or the soil in which they grow. Blooms abundantly until the very first frost.

Also, there are varieties of white marigolds from upright varieties: Kilimanjaro , quite a rare variety. Plant height up to 70 cm, inflorescences double, spherical in diameter up to 12 cm, white and beige.

They have a neat bush, similar to feathery leaves. Height is about 35 cm. Inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The shade of the inflorescence is similar to vanilla.

Height is about 70 cm, the inflorescences are cream and whitish in color and have a diameter of about 13 cm.

Marigolds planting and care in open ground

There are few ways to plant marigolds in open ground: seeds, seedlings and mature bushes.

Any of these methods gives successful results when performed correctly.

Planting marigolds in open ground with seeds

Planting marigolds with seeds can be done directly in open ground. They are sown in the second half of May, when the soil has already warmed up a little. Sowing is done to a depth of approximately 5 cm.

To do this, a groove is dug about 5 cm deep, watered with water, seeds are sown there and sprinkled with earth. Seedlings are thinned out if they are densely planted.

Before planting marigold seeds, they can be moistened and placed in a piece of damp cloth, wrapped in cellophane, after a few days the seeds will sprout. Such seedlings germinate faster in open ground.

Marigold seedlings

If you want to achieve earlier flowering, it is better to plant marigolds as seedlings. To do this, it is better to sow the seeds in a container early in the spring. For marigolds, growing seedlings is not a complicated process. When sowing, it is necessary to take into account different sowing dates.

In the first half of March, upright ones are planted, and in April, low-growing ones. Planting seeds is not difficult, you just need to provide the marigolds with care after sowing.

The composition of the soil should include peat, sand, humus and turf, all in a one to one proportion. Before sowing, the soil is disinfected with a manganese solution. Don't forget to place drainage at the bottom of the container.

When sowing seeds in a container, try to maintain a distance of about 2 cm, moderate constant watering and a temperature of about 23 degrees.

Watering is done from a sprayer. After the first shoots, and this is approximately the fourth day, if the seeds are fresh, and if the seeds are stale, then the shoots will appear somewhere on the seventh day. We move the container to a cool but bright place.

  • Marigolds do not tolerate temperature drops below 10 degrees , they slow down growth and may stop flowering.
  • If marigold seedlings have stretched out, what to do? - in this case it is necessary to plant a little deeper into the ground.
  • Is it necessary to pinch the plant? - in no case should you do this, since the plant will be late in flowering for a considerable time.

When to pick marigolds after germination

After the first three leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be planted. You can pick up young plants by slightly securing the rhizome, planting the shoots in separate boxes, deepening them into the ground up to the cotyledon.

It should be noted that after diving, marigolds will begin to grow rapidly due to an increase in the amount of soil.

Marigold seedlings are planted in open ground two to three weeks after picking. After the seedlings take root well, and for this they require abundant watering and sufficient lighting.

The best period for planting seedlings in open ground is when the air temperature at night is not lower than 6 degrees. Marigolds are not picky about soil, but prefer loamy soil. Considering all the varieties and varieties, marigolds must be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. If you plant adult bushes, then the distance is at least 40 cm.

Watering marigolds

After planting the seedlings, moderate watering is required for their rooting. In hot weather, it is better to water in the evening.

Also, abundant watering is required during active growth; stagnation of water is not allowed, this can lead to rotting of the root system.

How to fertilize marigolds for abundant flowering

Marigolds tolerate all feedings well, except humus, but it is better to choose complex fertilizer. It should be fed 3 times per season, during the active growth of seedlings, during the appearance of buds, and during flowering.

But don't over-fertilize, or your plants will stop blooming. Flowering begins in June and continues until frost.

Marigold diseases and pests

Diseases of marigold seedlings - can occur due to excessive watering or prolonged rains; seedlings can also be threatened by snails and slugs. You can destroy or drive them away using chlorine liquid, which must be placed around the area with marigolds.

In dry times, flowers can be affected spider mites, fight them with the help of infusion of yarrow or onion, spraying with a spray bottle. And to avoid their appearance, it is necessary to spray the flower bed more often.

Also, marigold seedlings are affected gray mold and fungus. The cause of the fungus could be high humidity and lack of sufficient lighting. In this case, the plant should be transplanted into light. If gray rot appears on the leaves in the form brown spots, then the plant will have to be removed.

Marigolds medicinal properties and contraindications

  • Marigold oil is used in the treatment of burns and skin diseases. To do this, you need to infuse marigold flowers with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Only picked marigold flowers should be eaten in salads; they help restore vision and prevent eye diseases, this applies to programmers and those who spend a lot of time near the monitor.
  • A decoction of marigolds is used to treat diseases of arthrosis of the joints. For one glass boiled water about 25 gr. dried flowers, infused and taken orally. You can take up to two liters per day.
  • In cosmetology it is used as a lip balm. To prepare it you need to take about 15g of almond oil. 25 dry marigold inflorescences and about 45 gr. almond oil, mix and leave for about two weeks, and everything is ready for use.
  • In cooking, marigolds are used as a seasoning, an additive to soups, added to salads, where they add some spice and individual taste, and when preserving cucumbers, they add it to brine.

Contraindications - essential oils are not recommended for use by pregnant women and people with individual intolerances, as they can cause allergic reactions. And so in general, there are no contraindications for use.

Despite the fact that the homeland of marigolds is South America, they have successfully taken root in our area. And so much so that they began to be grown everywhere: both in city parks and gardens, and in private garden plots. These are easy to care for bright flowers pleasing to the eye until late autumn. Today you will get acquainted with the best varieties of marigolds. Presented to your attention detailed description varieties, as well as a photo selection with the names of individual varieties.

Description of the plant

An annual/perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is distinguished by its varied stem length (from 15 to 130 cm) and the presence of a fibrous root system. The flowers grow quite large, forming a lush bush that can become a worthy decoration for any flower bed or garden.

The leaves of the plant are pinnate, whole, and jagged. The color of the leaves can be soft green and even rich green. Inflorescences on the bush are found both solitary and asteraceous. Distinctive feature Marigolds are considered to be due to their bright, rich color (yellow, orange, brown and multi-colored with a red variegated coating) and a peculiar delicate aroma.

Marigolds blooming

Marigolds are generous beautiful flowering, which begins with the arrival of warm summer and ends in late autumn (sometimes right up to the first frost).

Advice. If you want to add some “zest” to your garden, but don’t know which plant to choose, you should pay attention to marigolds. Choosing wisely suitable variety, you will not only not spoil the appearance of the garden with its help, but will also enhance the pleasant impression. In addition, marigolds are mostly a perennial plant, so for 3-4 years you can enjoy their beauty without worry.

Classification of marigolds

Despite the fact that there are annual and perennial varieties of marigolds, the latter are most often used in gardening. Marigolds are also classified according to the height of the bush: giant (about 1.5 m and above), tall (about 0.6 m), medium (not higher than 0.5 m), short (up to 0.4 m), dwarf (maximum height - about 0.15-0.2 m).

Main types

Despite the variety of marigold varieties, only a few main types of this plant can be distinguished:

Erect marigolds

  • Erect (African). This species is characterized by spreading, erect bushes covered with a thick “carpet” of double, rounded inflorescences. The diameter of the flowers is, on average, about 10-12 cm. The stems of the plant are quite large, strong, reaching 1 m in height. This variety is most often used in group compositions, in flower beds and even in small bouquets.

Advice. If you have chosen a variety related to this species, keep in mind: significant drawback The African variety of marigold is considered to have poor moisture tolerance. With frequent and heavy rains, flowering begins to lose its original appearance, and the plant itself rots over time.

  • Small-flowered (French). A low variety of plant - it does not exceed half a meter in height. The inflorescences are also quite small - only about 3-5 cm in diameter. The plant pleases with its flowering until mid-autumn. The flowers are characterized by a single-color orange color (sometimes they are two-colored). Most often used to create beautiful edging around borders. They are unpretentious in care.

Small-flowered marigolds

  • Thin-leaved. Thin-leaved marigolds grow in a very compact bush, not exceeding 0.4 m in height. The inflorescences are shaped slightly like chamomile, but have a rich yellow color. The size of the flowers is small - only 3 cm in diameter. Most often used to create bright compositions in small flower beds. Also used in cooking (as a seasoning). High maintenance: they love light and warmth.

Thin-leaved marigolds

  • Small (graceful). Despite their name, marigolds of this species are truly gigantic in size - the height of the bush sometimes exceeds 1.2 m. But the inflorescences themselves look very elegant, neat, and are tiny in size. They are often used in cooking.

Small marigolds

Hybrid species

Separately, we can distinguish several varieties of marigold hybrids:

  • Antigua. This dwarf hybrid (about 30 cm) is most often used to compact and decorate garden plantings. It is distinguished by the variety of color shades of its inflorescences: yellow, lemon, golden, etc.
  • Aztec Lime Green. The bushes of medium height (about 0.4 m) proudly bear lush double inflorescences of delicate lime color with a green tint on their tops.

Aztec Lime Green

  • Lunasi. These low-growing African marigolds are distinguished by their incredibly small size (about 15 cm) and inflorescences. unusual looking– resemble chrysanthemums in appearance. They bloom unusually quickly (in just a couple of months) and fade just as quickly.
  • Vanilla. An unusual hybrid that got its name thanks to its inflorescences delicate color vanilla. Used exclusively for propagation in flower beds and flower pots (after cutting).
  • Amber. The hybrid is represented by low bushes with powerful stems bearing bright orange double inflorescences. The view pleases with its early flowering and resistance to adverse climatic factors.

  • Dianthus. Grown exclusively for further cutting. They are distinguished by their medium size and powerful, beautiful inflorescences.

The hybrid varieties presented above are just a few of the wide variety of marigold plants.

Popular varieties

Let's look at some of the most popular varieties of marigolds, most often used for growing in small flower beds, private gardens and for decorating city flower beds. Among large quantity African varieties can be distinguished as follows:

  • Gold Dollar. The variety is compact and at the same time large in size (small in width, but tall - more than 1 m). The flowers are orange with red accents.
  • Kilimanjaro. Hybrid variety intended exclusively for cutting. The size of the bush is large - it reaches a height of 0.6-0.7 m. Lush marigolds have a white color unusual for a plant.


  • Glitters. An unusual variety, represented by giant bushes - about 1.1 m. At the same time, the inflorescences grow in rather rare groups and are small in size - about 5 cm in diameter.
  • Smile. This late-flowering variety is represented by a fairly powerful, developed bush about 1 m high. The inflorescences are large, yellow in color (sometimes several shades of yellow echo each other on one inflorescence: light yellow, lemon, golden, etc.).

Among the French varieties, the following can be distinguished:

  • Naughty Marietta. One of the most popular varieties. Easy to care for, blooms for a long time. The bushes have an average height - no more than 0.4 m. The flowers grow densely and look like daisies. The color of marigolds is bright yellow, with a reddish core.

Naughty Marietta

  • Fighter. Variety with unusual appearance: Marigolds resemble chamomile flowers in appearance. They grow very densely, creating a beautiful lush bush. They bloom for a short time - only at the beginning of summer.
  • Bolero. A relative newcomer among the wide variety of marigold varieties. It has already caught the fancy of Russian gardeners. The bushes grow quite small - only about 0.3 m. The flowers on them are also small, double. The color is unusual - rich red with small yellow splashes. It blooms for a long time and is easy to care for.

Among the Mexican varieties, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mimicix. An unusual variety, represented by compact bushes with dense, dense flowering of small marigolds. During active flowering bushes form natural low-growing flower bed. They can become a worthy decoration even for a large garden.


  • Lemon Jam. Also a low-growing variety (the bushes grow no more than 0.3 m in height). Marigolds grow thickly, but have very small size(looks like daisies). The color of the flowers is lemon.
  • Dwarf. An excellent variety for forming small flower beds. Dwarf bushes. The inflorescences are single, medium in size, have a red-brown color along the edges and a yellow core.

So our acquaintance with marigolds has come to an end. Now you know how diverse this plant is, and you can choose the best variety for your garden from the considerable number of options presented. Good luck!

Growing marigolds: video

Thanks to their bright colors, long-lasting flowering and unpretentiousness to growing conditions, low-growing marigolds are especially popular among gardeners. They are used to decorate private areas, parks, city squares and public gardens. Small compact bushes can grow quickly, turning the flower garden into a colorful carpet. Plants do not require frequent watering and are resistant to drought and shading. The variety of colors and shapes of flowers is a real find for landscape designers.

Marigolds - description of the plant

Marigolds appeared in Europe in the 16th century; their historical homeland is Central and South America. Annuals and perennials from the Asteraceae family have become a favorite decoration of gardens, balconies and terraces. Latin name They received Tagetis from Carl Linnaeus. He named the flowers after the mythical deity Tages, the grandson of Zeus. Today there are about 60 species of marigolds and many hybrid varieties in the world.

Marigolds in landscape design

Stems herbaceous plant strong, erect, forming a compact or spreading bush, depending on the type. Height from 20 to 120 cm. The leaves are elongated and colored in various shades of green. They are pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, the edges are jagged. They are located alternately or opposite each other on the stems. Root system well developed. The inflorescences of the basket consist of reed and tubular flowers.

Information. Many marigold varieties have leaves that are more fragrant than the flowers.

The flowering period begins in June and continues until the first frost. After the petals fall, the fruit is formed - a dark, flattened achene. The seeds of the plant ripen in it, their number is 280-650 per 1 g. Positive attribute seeds - good germination, which lasts for 3-4 years. Tagetis is classified according to several criteria:

  1. Stem size:
    1. tall - from 60 cm and above;
    2. medium height – 45-60 cm;
    3. short - 25-45 cm;
    4. dwarf – 20-25 cm.
  2. Structure of inflorescences:
    1. carnation-shaped flowers consist of dissected lingual petals;
    2. anemone-shaped - large tubular petals are located in the center, and reed petals are located along the edges in 1-2 rows;
    3. chrysanthemum-shaped - the inflorescences are shaped like a ball, they consist only of tubular petals.
  3. By number of petals:
    1. simple - flat inflorescences, similar to daisies, consist of one or two rows of reed petals;
    2. semi-double - flowers have at least 3-4 rows of petals;
    3. terry - lush inflorescences combined type, they include reed and tubular petals.

Varieties and names of low-growing marigolds

To get your own idea about these interesting flowers, it is worth studying the varieties and photos with the names of low-growing marigolds:

  • "Red Brocade" is a compact bush up to 25 cm high with large bright red flowers. The inflorescences are 4-6 cm in size and have a velvety texture. Marigolds bloom profusely from June to October. They go well with primroses and cineraria.

    Red brocade

  • Tagetis rejected “Baby Harmony” - the variety stands out for its spectacular two-color color. The stems are branched from the very base. On the rejected shoots during the flowering period, many bright spherical flowers appear, turning the bush into an extravaganza of colors. The marginal flowers of the inflorescence are brownish-red, the middle flowers are golden. The leaves are green, pinnately dissected. The height of the crop is 20 cm, the diameter of the flower is 5 cm.

    Baby Harmony

  • “Petite Spray” - low-growing (up to 30 cm) spreading bushes retain their decorative appeal throughout the summer, until the first autumn frosts. The inflorescences are densely double and resemble chrysanthemums in appearance. The color is two-tone - the middle is bright yellow, and the frame is dark red. Planted according to the 20×20 pattern for decorating flower beds, borders, and flowerpots.

    Petite Spray

  • “Red Gem” - the height of the bush is 20-25 cm. The plant is characterized by abundant flowering, many simple flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm cover the spreading bush. Tagethis petals are bright red, the centers are yellow. By removing wilted buds, you can extend the flowering period.

    Red gem

  • "Naughty Marietta" - among French or rejected marigolds, this is the most popular variety. Its second name is “Naughty Marietta”. The size of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. Flat, non-double inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. The color is two-color - red-brown strokes at the base on a golden-yellow background. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the edges are covered with jagged edges.

    Naughty Marietta

  • “Bonita mixture” is a dwarf annual up to 20 cm. The main decoration of the bush is multi-colored star-shaped inflorescences. The mixture is characterized by the presence of colors with different colors: yellow, orange, red-brown. The variety is good for group plantings and for growing in flowerpots.

    Bonita mixture

  • “Carmen” is a rejected tagethis with a spreading bush up to 30 cm. The inflorescences are clove-shaped, the reed petals located at the edges are red-brown. The center of the flower is yellow. Double inflorescences grow up to 5-6 cm. A distinctive characteristic of the variety is a persistent aroma, reminiscent of the smell of asters. A plant for decorating ridges and flower beds. Planted in the garden and in the city to repel pests.


  • "Tiger's Eye" - decorative variety rejected marigolds up to 35 cm in size. Branched bushes, carved leaves, dark green. The inflorescences are double, consisting of many tubular flowers of deep orange color, framed below by red-brown petals. The diameter of the carnation-shaped inflorescences is 5-6 cm. Often found when decorating balconies and verandas. The plant has a peculiar aroma.

    Tiger's Eye

Low-growing, large-flowered marigold varieties have particular decorative appeal:

Rules for growing marigolds

Planting in open ground

The optimal time for planting seeds of low-growing marigolds in open ground is the last month of spring. Seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures; frost can kill them. To germinate, seeds require temperatures above 20°. Before planting, the land must be prepared. Poor soil is fertilized with humus and superphosphates. Using a hoe, make furrows 4-5 cm deep under the seeds. Moisten the soil. The seeds are scattered evenly and buried. Depending on the temperature, sprouts will appear in 5-10 days.
Tagetis seeds

Growing seedlings

In order to enjoy the variegated colors of tagetis at the beginning of summer, you need to plant the seeds for seedlings in March-April. For germination seed material It is recommended to prepare a loose mixture:

  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

All components are taken in equal proportions. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container for growing seedlings. This will prevent stagnation of water, which negatively affects the development of seedlings. The layer should be at least 3 cm. Fine gravel, expanded clay, and crushed stone are suitable for drainage. To disinfect the soil taken for the substrate, use a solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice. Sow the seeds of upright tagetis in March, and deviated (low-growing) ones in April. In this case, they will bloom simultaneously in the flowerbed.

The container for seedlings is filled with soil, leaving 2-3 cm from the edges. Before planting the seeds, the substrate is moistened. Transverse grooves are made at intervals of 3 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The seeds are laid out at a distance of 1 cm from each other. But it is not required condition, if the seedlings turn out to be dense, they can be thinned out. The seed material is covered with 1 cm of soil. The container is covered with glass or polyethylene and left in a warm place with a temperature of 20-22°.

Planting seeds in a container

If the soil dries out before the first shoots appear (5-7 days), it should be watered. Small seedlings are gradually accustomed to lower temperatures by moving them to a room where it is 15-18°. When caring for seedlings, it is important to avoid overwatering the soil. The water from the pan is immediately poured out. After two carved (real) leaves appear, a pick is made. The seedlings are moved into separate containers so that they can fully develop.

A spoon is suitable for removing seedlings from the ground. Planting of grown seedlings in open ground occurs at the end of May, and in cold climates - at the beginning of June. By this time, night frosts have stopped. There are few requirements for the soil at the planting site: it must have a neutral pH level, loose and fertile. The planting site is dug up and complex fertilizers are applied. mineral fertilizers. Low-growing marigolds are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm. In the first month, the flowers need regular watering. Periodically it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed out weeds.

Marigolds can be grown in potsDiseases and pests

Thanks to the phytoncides emitted, insects avoid marigolds. Their fungicidal properties protect the plant itself and nearby crops from the spread of fungal infections. The only danger for tagetis is excessive moisture. High dampness causes flower roots to rot. Drought is also harmful to plants; in hot weather, spider mites settle on them.

Beneficial properties of low-growing marigolds

Not everyone likes the unusual aroma of tagetis, but it has beneficial properties. The spicy scent helps you calm down and relax. The aroma acts as a repellent on insects. Garden pests avoid places where fragrant flowers grow. This property of marigolds has long been noticed by farmers; they plant bright bushes along the perimeter of the beds. Natural protection works no worse than insecticides, while being safe and environmentally friendly.

Chemicals released by low-growing marigolds help cleanse the soil. They have a negative effect on fungi and bacteria. In the fall, after the onset of frost, the plants are used as green manure - crushed and buried on the site. The composition and condition of the soil improves. Every part of culture benefits people. Tagethys roots are capable of driving away nematodes. Small worms cause enormous damage to plantings of potatoes, strawberries and other crops. In 2-3 seasons, chemical compounds from the root system of flowers get rid of dangerous pests.

The leaves and inflorescences of Tagethys contain essential oil. It has found application in cosmetology, is added to liqueurs and soaps, and is used in Food Industry. Healing properties Marigolds help treat colds, inflammation of the gallbladder, and constipation. Dried flowers repel moths; by placing them in the closet, you don’t have to worry about the condition of your clothes.

Use in landscape design

Used in ornamental gardening hybrid varieties tagetis. Low-growing flowers look organic in a colorful flowerbed and garden flowerpots.

Low-growing marigolds in a flowerbed

Minimal care requirements and long flowering contribute to the popularity of marigolds. Compact bushes are grown to decorate the interior of rooms, terraces and balconies. They grow well in pots.

Moscow, Russia, on the website from 01/11/2017

Marigolds are probably known to everyone; they are one of the most unpretentious flowers. Bright, sunny flowers will decorate any flower bed or balcony. Marigolds are real hard workers; their flowering lasts all summer until frost.

These plants can be used not only as decoration for the garden, but also as a medicinal plant, seasoning in cooking and as a means for cosmetic procedures. From this article you will learn what types of marigolds there are; varieties with photos and names are described below.

See also: “When to plant marigold seedlings”

Types of marigolds


This species includes mainly low plants. They have compact bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 centimeters. The foliage is small, dissected and the flowers are simple. Thin-leaved varieties look good in flower beds and in combination with other types of marigolds; they can also be grown in balcony conditions. Now let's look at the most popular varieties of this species.

"Lemon Jam"

The plant grows to a height of only 35 centimeters, the flowers are small, lemon-colored, the bushes are minimal in shape, branching with abundant flowering.

Lemon Jam

It grows up to 25 cm, the plant has the shape of a ball, the foliage is dense and openwork. This variety blooms earlier than others. The flowers have a yellow center and brown petals on the edges.


"Golden Ring"

The plant forms shoots up to 50 cm, yellow flowers, small ones begin to bloom in June and end with the onset of the first frost.

Golden Ring


The plant forms small dense bushes up to 25 cm, the flowers are small and simple.


Marigolds erect

This species includes the tallest varieties; they reach 100 cm. The flowers grow large, up to 15 cm, of the same color, double type. In addition, marigolds are divided into the following sizes: super high -90 cm, tall - 60-90 cm, low - less than 45 cm

Upright varieties of marigolds with photos and descriptions:

A remedy that makes plants grow by leaps and bounds! Just water your plants with this...


These plants reach 105 cm, the flowers are large, with a hint of orange, 12 cm in size, bloom late, at the end of summer.


"Gold Dollar"

The bushes look miniature, grow 120 cm in height, powerful trunks, light green foliage, rich orange flowers.

Gold Dollar


The plant grows up to 35 cm in height, the flowers are milky-colored, the peduncle size is up to 6 cm.


The plants form small bushes up to 80 cm, the flowers are large, with a yellow center and orange edges, blooming at the end of July.



It blooms with lush orange flowers, the bush itself is dense and densely branched.


Marigolds rejected

This species is otherwise called French; it is characterized by a wide range of color shades. The bushes reach a length of no higher than 60 cm. The flowers are double and simple, they are small, only 8 cm. For convenience, the variety is divided into classifications: tall - 60 cm, medium - up to 50 cm, low - 20-40 cm, lowest - 15-20 cm .

Here are the most popular varieties of rejected marigolds:


A relatively new variety that has become a favorite among gardeners. The flowers are not large, lush, red with brown and a small splash of lemon color. The bushes are not high, about 30 cm. These marigolds grow quickly and bloom a lot throughout the summer season.


The bushes are lush, grow up to 50 cm. The foliage is rich green, openwork. Flowering begins in early summer.


"Jolly Jester"

These marigolds branch well, the bush itself grows up to 30 cm, the flowers have several shades.

Jolly Jester

"Gold Ball"

The bushes are spreading, up to 60 cm high, the shoots are green with a brown coating, the flowers are simple or semi-double, about 5 cm in diameter. The variety blooms in early June, the flowers can be used for cutting.

Gold Ball

The shortest varieties

A variety of low-growing marigolds is widely used to create flower beds and ridges. Shades of flowers are yellow, orange, reddish, and brown. Basically, dwarf varieties of marigolds are very climbing, they reach a height of 20-35 cm. The smell of the flowers is well expressed, but somewhat softer than that of other species.

Here are the most favorite low-growing marigold varieties among flower growers with good photos:


Belongs to rejected marigolds, the bush reaches up to 30 cm, the flowers are brown-red in color with a yellow center and 6 cm in diameter.


"Petite orange"

The bushes of this plant are very miniature, only 25 cm, the foliage is bright green, dense, the orange flowers are not large, 6 cm in diameter, double.

Petite orange

"Golden Head"

This plant is only 20 cm high, the bushes are dense with strong shoots, and the foliage is dark green. Double flowers resembling chrysanthemums, about 4 cm in diameter. These marigolds bloom early from the beginning of June, abundant flowering lasts until the first frost. The variety is suitable for growing in pots, on balconies, flower beds and garden beds.

golden head


The variety consists of a series of plants with a variety of colors. The flowers come in shades of yellow, white, reddish brown and orange. All inflorescences are double, 6 cm in size. The size of the bush is from 25 to 30 cm.


Low-growing large-flowered varieties are characterized by powerful stems, dark green foliage, and large double inflorescences. Flower color can be lemon, yellow, orange.


The variety is upright, the height of the bush does not exceed 25 cm. The inflorescences are quite large, 15 cm in size, double. 4-5 flowers bloom on one bush; they have a uniform color. Flowering begins early at the end of May and lasts for two months.



A beautiful low-growing variety with large chrysanthemum-shaped flowers, mostly orange. Flowering begins two to three months after germination.


Perennials among marigolds

Perennial marigolds grow in the natural conditions of hot countries. In the climatic conditions of our country, marigolds can grow as annual flowers, because they die due to frost. But due to the abundant release of seeds and their germination in the same place in the next season, the effect of perennials is achieved. Perennial cultivars grow in Mexico and America, but here are the plants most resistant to climatic anomalies: “Bicolor French”, “Bonita”, “Golden Domes”, “Khokhloma”, “Mexican Tarragon”, “Sofia”.

Planting seeds in the ground

Marigolds are easy to grow from seeds. Planting in flower beds begins at the end of May, when the soil warms up well. It is better to choose an open sunny place, away from bodies of water, light partial shade is allowed. For convenience, furrows can be made with a hoe, then spilled with water.

The seeds are laid out approximately 1.5-2 cm apart, and sprinkled with 0.5-1 cm of soil. Next, the plantings are watered and covered with covering material so that the moisture does not evaporate so much, of course, if rain is forecast, then this is possible not to do.

After about five days, marigold shoots will appear, the covering fabric is removed, if there is severe drought, the plants need watering. When the second pair of true leaves appears, the places where the marigolds have grown densely are thinned out. Excess plants can be planted in beds with cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, and carrots. The fact is that all parts of marigolds secrete phytoncides, which repel pests and fight pathogenic microflora, including such a common fungus as late blight.

When planting these plants, depending on the variety, certain conditions are observed. So between tall marigolds you need to keep a distance of about 40 cm, between medium-sized plants keep 30 cm, and low marigolds are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Growing marigold seedlings

If you want to get flowering plants early, you need to sow seeds for seedlings. This is done at the end of March or at the beginning of April, when daylight hours increase so that the marigolds have enough sun for full growth.

You can choose ready-made primer for flowers or for universal use. If you prefer to use soil from your own plot or from the forest, then you must definitely disinfect it. To do this, use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, or pour boiling water over it several times. You can immediately take deeper containers; you need to put a drainage layer of expanded clay or other material on the bottom.

In the moist soil, make grooves one centimeter deep, lay out the seeds and cover them with soil. Next, moisten the crops with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the soil. For germination of marigold seeds, a temperature of 20 degrees is suitable. Boxes with seedlings are covered with film with small slits so that less moisture evaporates.

In approximately five to seven days, depending on the variety, the marigolds will sprout. Now the container can be moved to well-lit places, with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. Most likely, in an apartment this will be a place on the windowsill. After the plants have 2-3 pairs of true leaves, the plantings can be thinned out by transplanting the excess plants into another container.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the middle or at the end of May. But gardeners should pay attention to the weather forecast and if there is a threat of frost, the plants are covered with high-density material or plastic film.


Marigolds have bright and beautiful flowers and delicate foliage, but many gardeners decide to plant these plants because they do not require special care. Flowers easily tolerate dry days and temperature changes, grow well, bloom profusely and do not get sick. Plants also do not need fertilizing. Caring for marigolds involves weeding, watering and removing faded buds to promote longer flowering.

Growing and caring for these flowers is not at all difficult. And there are a lot of varieties of marigolds, so everyone will find a suitable option.