Rules and secrets of growing deutia in open ground. Deytsia rough Plena (Captive)

Deytsia ( Deiitzia) - Very beautiful bushes, characterized by graceful and rich flowering. Different types reach a height of 0.5 to 4 m. In landscaping, the most commonly used plant is D. scabra, which grows up to 2 m. The leaves are up to 10 cm long, rough, like sandpaper. The flowers are bell-shaped, collected in racemes. action in the middle of summer, spectacular and long-lasting.

There are decorative double forms of Candidissima with snow-white flowers

Plena with white flowers, the outer row of petals is purple, etc.

In private gardens you can find deutsias Calmium flower ( D. kalmiiflora)

Deytsia hybrid ( D. x hybrida Strawberry Fields)

They are less winter-hardy than deutzia rough and require serious shelter. Growing features: deutsia prefer fertile soils with sufficient moisture, the plants are resistant to diseases and pests, and grow well in urban conditions. Propagated by cuttings and seeds. In the middle zone, deutsias need shelter for the winter. To do this, they are hilled, and the branches are bent, pinned to the ground, and sprinkled with fallen leaves or other materials on top. Despite its exceptional beauty, due to its low winter hardiness, deutia is risky to use in cases where stable decorative properties are required from the plant. Every gardener chooses the plants that he likes. To appreciate the luxury of individual types and varieties of deutzia, view the photos below:

Types and varieties of action: photos and descriptions

belongs to the Hortensia family.

This perennial has over five dozen species, distributed in Mexico, East Asia, and also on the slopes of the Himalayas. The famous botanist Thunberg saw the gorgeous plant for the first time in Japan and came up with a name for it - he named it in honor of the mayor of Amsterdam Johann van Deitz, who sponsored a sea expedition to the East and was always keenly interested in floristry. Before reading the characteristics and description of the action, look at the photo to make sure of its attractiveness:

Some external signs plants by which it is easy to recognize:
  • Deytsia– a spreading or erect shrub, the height of which varies from 0.4 to 4 m.
  • Leaves are opposite, finely toothed. Until the flowers bloom, the bush bears a certain resemblance to honeysuckle.
  • Last year's shoots are blooming. Numerous, odorless flowers are snow-white or pink. They are collected in apical racemose inflorescences.
  • The fruits resemble miniature boxes.
The average lifespan of a plant is approximately 25 years. A feature of Deiitzia, which is also common to many other representatives of the genus, is bark detachment. If you look closely, you can see under the inflorescences dark branches with scales hanging like rags. This is a natural, natural phenomenon for mature specimens of Deiitzia. Among the cultivated varieties and types of deutzia, there are those that are most often used in the design of personal gardens, parks, and alleys. The following are the most popular samples:

Deiitzia amurensis (small-flowered). It has a gorgeous crown. The brown bark after time acquires a grayish tint. The leaves are elliptical, pubescent on both sides. In spring and summer they are dusty or bright green, and by autumn they become brown and ocher. White flowers appear in the last ten days of June, remain fresh for 3 weeks, then box-shaped yellowish fruits form in their place. The variety withstands drought and smoke.

Deiitzia gracilis (graceful). Bushes with a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m. The shape of the crown is round, the branches are arched, thin. The leaves are light green, lanceolate (about 6 cm long). On the reverse side they are smooth, and the front surface is covered with edge. Snow-white flowers are arranged in erect 9-centimeter tassels. Flowering is abundant, begins in mid-July, lasts 1.5 months.

Deiitzia scabra (rough). The shrub has brown bark with a red tint, which gradually peels off. The elongated leaves (3-8 cm) are covered with star-shaped hairs, giving the surface a characteristic roughness. This is a late flowering variety. Inflorescences with a diameter of 12 cm remain attractive for 2-3 weeks. D. scabra has decorative forms(white dot, terry, Vaterera, etc.).

Convince yourself of the charm of this variety of deutia by looking at the photo.

Deiitzia magnifica (magnificent). Hybrid variety, which is a beautiful upright bush 2.5 m high. The leaves are elongated. Double flowers are grouped in umbellate racemes up to 10 cm long. Flowering is rich and long lasting.

Deiitzia longifolia (longleaf). 1-2 meter shrub with villous shoots. The edges of the serrated leaves are rich green, their undersides are grayish. Lilac-purple buds open in the last ten days of July.

Deiitzia lemoinei (Lemoine). Abundantly flowering hybrid. Height - up to 2 m. Blooms with snow-white or bright pink tassels. It has many decorative subspecies (for example, Boule de Neige, Mont Rose, Pink Pompon). All of them are frost resistant. After reading detailed description Deutia varieties, check out the photos of these wonderful plants:

Methods of propagation

Shrub propagation traditional ways, the most common of which is cuttings. Good planting material is obtained from developed, healthy, half-lignified shoots. The procedure is performed in June:
  1. Prepare cuttings 12-14 cm long. The cut should be beveled.
  2. The sheets are shortened by half (cut off with scissors).
  3. The cuttings are planted under a film in highly nutritious soil.
  4. Until rooting, water at least 2-4 times a day, then the frequency of watering can be reduced.
In spring, young seedlings are sent to permanent place– look at the photo for the key features of growing deutia:

It is also possible to grow deutia using seeds. They are sown superficially, sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, and covered with glass. Water 2-3 times a day using a fine spray bottle. Early shoots appear after 1.5 months. When leaves appear on them, the plants dive into suitable open soil. Dividing bushes is the most basic way vegetative propagation. An adult specimen is dug up and carefully separated with pruning shears. root system into several segments. Immediately the action is planted and taken care of. open ground- according to general rules(they will be discussed later).

Planting and caring for deutzia shrubs in open ground

The deutia shrub, the care and planting of which requires attention, is suitable for slightly shady areas under the crowns deciduous trees, since optimal air humidity is maintained there, diffused light is present. It is advisable to avoid areas subject to drafts. The plant prefers rich, medium-moist soils and loams. He will like a soil mixture consisting of the following ingredients:
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • wood ash.
Nitrophoska is sometimes added to this mixture. If the soil is acidic, then add slaked lime. If there is close standing groundwater, be sure to ensure high-quality drainage. They start planting deutzia shrubs in the spring - during this period the probability of its successful adaptation is very high. The depth of the planting ditch is 0.5 m; a small layer of sand or crushed stone can be placed at its bottom. What a planting hole should look like for deutia shrubs, look at the photo:

Seedlings should not be deeply buried; their root isthmuses should be level with the ground. The distance between the bushes is 1.5-2.5 m, and the row spacing is 2 m. After planting, the plant is generously watered, the trunk space is compacted, and covered with peat mixture (layer up to 7 cm). See the photo for some stages of planting and caring for it - they will serve as visual material for beginning gardeners:

The botanical description of an ornamental perennial may vary depending on varietal characteristics. However, all plants belonging to this genus are characterized by spreading or erect aboveground part height from half a meter to four meters. If the rules of care are followed, the plant can remain decorative for a quarter of a century.

Feature The plant is represented by very abundant and long flowering from the last ten days of spring. The flower may have a white, pink or lilac-purple color. The flowers are not fragrant, collected in small inflorescences. After flowering, capsule-shaped fruits are formed.

Characteristics of plant species and varieties

The genus includes about fifty species. Decorative unpretentious ones are especially popular. garden forms and varieties with high winter hardiness, not only with simple, but also with double flowers.

Deytsia rough

Rough, or star-shaped, or rough (D.scabra) is represented by a small and very graceful shrub. The shoots are covered with gray or reddish-brown bark that peels off over time. The leaves are dull, green or yellowish-brown in color. Flowers white or Pink colour, collected in beautiful and narrow racemes. Used in single and group plantings. It is characterized by insufficient frost resistance. The most popular varieties include the white-flowered and densely foliated “Candidissima” and the yellowish-white-flowered “Marmorata”.

Deytsia graceful

Graceful or slender (D. gracilis) is characterized by its small size. The height of the above-ground part can vary between 50-120 cm. Distinctive feature is a neat bush-like form of perennial, as well as early and abundant flowering.

The species enters the flowering phase in the second year after planting. The flowers are snow-white, collected in graceful racemes, which look impressive against the background of oblong-lanceolate light green foliage. The species is used when decorating borders and in group plantings with tall plants.

Deutzia pink

The pink one (D. rosea) is a hybrid form derived from the purple and graceful species. The height of the decorative shrubby perennial does not exceed a meter. The flowers are characterized by a very attractive bell-shaped shape with bicolor petals. The lower part of the petals is pink. The upper part of the petals is pinkish white.

The whitest forms snow-white inflorescences with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm, consisting of double flowers with a diameter of 30 mm. The period of active flowering occurs in mid-summer. The height of the above-ground part reaches two meters.

Deytsia Amur

Amur, or small-flowered (D.аmurеnsis) is represented by a spreading shrub up to two meters high. The aerial part is covered with brown or grayish bark. The foliage is elliptical in shape, with finely serrated edges and points. Leaf blade with pubescence. In autumn, the leaves are brownish-yellow. The flowers are numerous, white in color, up to a centimeter in diameter, collected in corymbose-type inflorescences.

D. hybrid

Hybrid deucea is represented by artificially bred species obtained by crossing several different varieties at once. Such hybrid forms adopt the best characteristics from the parent pair and are characterized by increased resistance to adverse external factors.

D. magnificent

Magnificent or lush, or hybrid (D. x magnifica) is a very popular hybrid form in home gardening, obtained as a result of crossing Deutia rough and Deutia vilmorena. Erect shrubby plant up to 2.5 m high with arched shoots. The foliage is elongated-ovate, bright green in color. The flowers are numerous, double-type, white, collected in large and lush inflorescences, blooming en masse in mid-summer.

D. terry

Terry deutzia is a very decorative plant and it is these varieties that are increasingly preferred by flower growers in the Moscow region, where wintering the perennial does not present any particular difficulties. The most popular varieties include large-shrub "Plena" and vertically growing white-flowered "Pride of Rochester".

Deutzia Mount Rose, Pride of Rochester, Strawberry Glade and other popular varieties

  • Variety "Mont Rose" with snow-white or pink, double flowers. Large shrub perennial reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Dark green foliage, autumn period takes on an attractive yellowish-red hue. The perennial blooms from June to July and grows and develops very well in any type of soil.
  • Pride Ochester(Pride of Roshester) belongs to the category of terry flowers with a height of the above-ground part of up to three meters and a width of up to 2.5 m. The flowers are very decorative, double type, snow-white in color;

How to plant deutsia (video)

  • Delightfully beautiful variety "Strawberry Glade" forms very large flowers, collected in large and lush paniculate inflorescences. It is distinguished by its whitish-pink coloring of the petals. Shades can vary from rich crimson tones to lingonberry or light lilac coloring. The average height of the bush does not exceed one and a half meters;
  • For variety "Pink Mountain" characterized by very beautiful and abundant flowering. A spreading perennial one and a half meter shrub has graceful hanging side shoots that are literally strewn with tender pink flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences. It is characterized by winter hardiness, and when frozen in severe frosts it is able to quickly recover from the root system.
  • Strawberry fields up to one and a half meters high, it attracts attention with its very beautiful, elegant whitish-pink flowers, which look impressive against the background of oblong-lanceolate leaves. The shoots of the shrubby perennial have an attractive arched shape. Active flowering falls in June-July, when large white-pink buds with a clearly visible red core are formed;

  • Captivity is a shrubby, medium-growing perennial with green foliage and white or pink flowers that bloom in late May or early June. The plant practically does not require a specimen;
  • Turbillon rouge refers to the popular and very common hybrid forms up to two meters high or slightly higher, with oval-ovate foliage and snow-white double flowers that bloom in early summer;
  • Hybrid Lemoine species obtained as a result of crossing the species graceful and small-flowered. It belongs to the early category, and flowering begins in late spring and early summer. The flowers are snow-white, collected in lush and fairly large pyramidal inflorescences. It has excellent winter hardiness.

Deytsia: planting and care in open ground

After sufficient thawing of the soil, but before the stage of active sap flow. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted until the first ten days of June. Before planting, it is very important to choose the right growing site. The perennial prefers open areas that are shaded during the midday hours. The culture is very difficult to tolerate gusty and cold winds.

The soil on the site should be nutritious, not too dry, and well drained. The plant feels most comfortable on soils represented by a couple of parts of humus, a part of peat compost and a couple of parts of medium-grained sand. The planting hole is filled with this nutrient substrate. If there is acidified soil on the site, be sure to apply slaked lime at the rate of 0.3 kg per square meter. Preference is given to slightly alkaline soils.

When choosing planting material you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before purchasing, a careful inspection of the bush is carried out in order to determine the presence or absence of visible damage or disease on the shoots;
  • plants with an open root system are sold at a lower price, but you need to carefully examine the roots to ensure they are not over-drying;
  • Before planting, you need to carefully trim the branches broken during transportation, and also be sure to shorten the dried roots, then soak the root system in water for a couple of hours and treat with a clay mash.

Deutzia should be planted at a distance of a couple of meters from each other, as well as other plantings, buildings or fences . It is imperative to fill the bottom of the pre-dug planting hole with drainage, represented by medium-fraction crushed stone or broken brick, after which a nutritious soil substrate is filled in with the addition of a small amount of nitrophoska. The root collar of the plant to be planted should be placed at ground level or buried a couple of centimeters. After planting, abundant watering is carried out, and the subsequent shortening of the shoots by three to five buds. The area is mulched with peat chips.

How to propagate action (video)

Features of garden care ornamental shrub:

  • Irrigation activities are carried out weekly, at the rate of a bucket of water per plant, but in very dry periods, watering should be increased by about one and a half to two times. Since last summer month Irrigation activities should be stopped, which will prepare the plant for wintering. After watering, shallow loosening is carried out, as well as removing weeds in tree trunk circle;
  • Fertilization should be done every month. For this purpose, it is best to use organic matter, represented by solutions based on manure or bird droppings, as fertilizers. It is recommended to fertilize with mineral complex fertilizers a couple of times per season. In early autumn, phosphorus-potassium compounds can be added to improve the winter hardiness of the bushes;
  • to save highly decorative and improve flowering, it is advisable to carry out periodic pruning of a sanitary and formative nature. The event takes place a couple of times a year. In process autumn pruning includes shortening branches and removing all old or damaged shoots. In the spring, frost-bitten branches that thicken the bush are pruned. If necessary, bushes are rejuvenated by pruning.

The subtleties of growing plants in the Moscow region

Soil and climatic features The Moscow region suggests some features when growing deutzia in personal plots. Frosty winter period requires the mandatory use of shelter above ground in preparation for cold weather. It is especially important to protect perennials in winters with little snow.

For this purpose, protection methods such as air-dry frame shelter are used. Dry leaves and spruce branches, as well as lutrasil and high-quality polyethylene can be used as insulating material. Tall deutsias need to be tied with breathable materials in the form of spunbond, burlap or lutrasil.

Deutzia fragrant: cultivation (video)

Deutzia is distinguished by its very abundant and elegant flowering, capable of decorating any garden space. Landscape designers and amateur flower growers have come to love the perennial for its decorativeness and relative unpretentiousness, but the longevity of the crop will directly depend on compliance with the care technology.

This is a low, about 1.5 m, deciduous shrub from the Hydrangeaceae family. A characteristic feature of action common to many hydrangeas is peeling of the bark. If you look closely, under the white lace of flowers you can see gray-brown shoots with thin plates of bark hanging in “rags”. This is a normal property of mature shoots, and not traces of a disease or pest.

In the garden, deutzia looks good, for example, in a prominent place with evergreen and terry. They all bloom at the same time, and the action creates a neutral white transition between lilac and yellow flowers. In landscape design, a combination of deytsia with decorative conifers is often used, and from tall varieties form . Deytsia is not afraid of exhaust gases, so it can be planted as a hedge in areas adjacent to the road.

Deytsia: planting and care

Planting action

The plant is very light-loving; for planting you need to choose the sunniest place, protected from cold winds. The soil should be loose, fertile, well-drained, with a neutral reaction. If, when planting deutzia, add 300 g of slaked lime or a glass of ash into the hole. The best soil for action - earth and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Places with waterlogged soil and high level groundwater.

Deutia is planted in the spring; it is best to buy seedlings immediately before planting. The depth of the planting hole is about 50 cm; for drainage, sand or broken brick can be poured into the bottom of the hole in a layer of 10-15 cm. It is recommended to add 100-120 g of nitrophoska to the soil mixture to fill the hole. Under no circumstances should the root collar of a seedling be buried; it should be at ground level. The distance between the bushes is at least 1.5 m. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly, the soil is compacted and mulched with a layer 5-7 cm thick.

Caring for action

Watering. Adult plants are drought-resistant and do not tolerate waterlogging well, so 1 bucket of water per bush once a week or less is enough for them. After watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 20 cm. In hot, dry weather and during flowering, watering is increased, and in the first ten days of August it is stopped to give the plant the opportunity to prepare for winter. Young plants during the period of active growth require more abundant watering.

Feeding. Fertilize the deutzia with compost with a glass of ash or fermented liquid (1 liter per 10 liters of water). Twice a season, complex mineral fertilizers are applied (120-150 g for each bush). It is advisable to fertilize during the flowering period and in the first half of summer; fertilizing in the fall has a bad effect on winter hardiness.

Trimming. Deutzia is pruned in spring and early summer. At the end of April, all branches growing inside the crown, broken or damaged, as well as shoot tips that did not ripen last year and frozen tips are removed. After flowering, each faded branch is pruned to a strong young shoot. It is also shortened by a third or a quarter, and it begins to bush and lay future flower buds.

If the plant is more than five years old, once every 3 years you need to remove 1-2 of the oldest shoots to ground level and thus rejuvenate the bush.

Preparing the action for winter. Deytsia winters not as problem-free as. In a harsh winter, the shrub can freeze to the snow level and then grow back, but there will be practically no flowering this year, because the deutzia blooms on the shoots of the previous year.

Young plants can be bent to the ground for the winter, fixing the branches with two sticks crosswise or in small arcs, throw foliage on top and build a “hut” from sticks. Cover the entire structure with lutrasil and polyethylene. This shelter design will not allow the snow that settles in the spring to bend and break the branches of the deutzia.

It will not be possible to bend an adult bush - its thick branches will break immediately, they are very fragile. Adult plants are prepared for winter even before the leaves completely fall off, so that they can serve as additional protection in the cold. The branches of the deutia are carefully tied together with a rope and a bag or any bag with a density of 60 is put on the bush. It is fixed on top with clothespins. Such a shelter protects not so much from frost as from drying out the shoots: without a bag, flower buds will most likely dry out.

Propagation of action

The plant reproduces well in early summer from green and woody cuttings, but bushes obtained by layering grow fastest. It is also possible to sow seeds. Preliminary preparation of seeds is not necessary; they are simply sown in the spring, pressed tightly to the ground without embedding into the soil. It usually takes about 3 weeks before germination appears.

Annual seedlings are easily damaged by frost, so they are covered for the winter. Flowering of seedlings begins in the third year.

Pests and diseases

The plant is very resistant to pests and diseases. Sometimes its leaves are damaged by the bumblebee-like proboscis, which can be eliminated by treating the bushes with phthalophos or karbofos (15% solution).

Types and varieties of action

The following species are grown in central Russia:

Deutzia small-flowered, or Amur (Deutzia parviflora, Deutzia amurensis). Spreading shrub up to 2 m high (in the Moscow region - up to 1.5 m). It blooms with small (up to 1.2 cm) white, odorless, five-petaled flowers. Flowering time is June, lasts up to 20 days.

Deytsia is magnificent, or lush (Deutzia magnifica). A shrub up to 1.5 m high with a wide crown that grows quickly. It blooms with large, up to 3 cm, bright white flowers, collected in umbrellas. Flowering time in the Moscow region is late June - early July. Decorative forms of Deutia splendid with double flowers are grown in culture ( Formoza), with bell-shaped flowers ( Superba), with particularly dense inflorescences ( Erecta).

Deutzia Lemoine, or hybrid (Deutzia x lemoinei). Taller, up to 1.6 m, with a wide rounded crown. White flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in pyramidal inflorescences-panicles, standing upright. Blooms early, in May; in the Moscow region flowering may be later. Withdrawn decorative varieties Lemoine actions, popular among gardeners:

Boule de Neige- with white flowers in panicle inflorescences.

Mount Rose- the flowers are large, up to 3 cm, bright pink, unusually wide open.

Pink Pom Pom- double flowers, rich pink color, hemispherical inflorescences.

Strawberry Fields- with flowers of unusual color: crimson on the outside and pale pink on the inside.

Deytsia rough, or star (Deutzia scabra) has rough, hairy leaves. The crown becomes spreading with age; in the middle zone the bush grows up to 1.5 m. It blooms with white or pink flowers small size(up to 1.5 cm) with characteristic oblong-pointed petals. The inflorescence is an elongated, narrow panicle.

In gardens there are forms of Deutzia rough:

Plena- with double flowers of pale pink color;

Roseo-plena- very frost-resistant, with pink double flowers.

It is thermophilic, grows and blooms well in sunny places, sheltered from the wind.

Requires loose, well-drained, fertile soil. Does not like acidic soils.

Drought-resistant, watering is very moderate except for young plants and the flowering period.

Pruning is required.

Shelter is required for the winter.

Deutzia is a deciduous perennial (lives about 25 years) shrub 0.4-4 m high. It belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. Natural habitats are Mexico, Japan, China.

The name of the plant is given in honor of Johann van Deitz, the mayor of Amsterdam, who sponsored the expedition to the East. Dutch merchants introduced Japanese and Himalayan species to Europe in early XIX c, and the Chinese species became known towards the end of the above-mentioned century.

Botanical description

The root system is of mixed type: 1-2 taproots are combined with fibrous roots located in the upper part. The shape of the bush is erect or spreading. The branches are hollow inside and easily break under stress. The stems are covered with smooth dark brown bark; over time, the old bark peels off and hangs in rags - this is a natural process and is not a sign of any problems.

Numerous oblong-shaped leaves are attached to short petioles, arranged oppositely, colored green color– before flowering, deutia can be confused with honeysuckle. Racemose inflorescences begin to appear on last year's shoots at the end of spring. Flowering is abundant. The diameter of the five-petal corolla is 1-2 cm, the perianth is double.

The flowers are bisexual, painted in white, crimson, pink, purple, and double colors are also found. They can be simple or terry. The core consists of the ovary and long stamens. Flowering lasts about 2 months and is accompanied by a subtle, subtle aroma. After flowering, spherical seed pods are formed.

Selecting seedlings and planting action in open ground

Deutzia ‘Scabra Plena’

When choosing seedlings in a store, you need to carefully examine the bush for damage, signs of disease, and whether the buds are intact. You can choose a seedling with bare roots rather than in a container, since you can clearly inspect the root system (the roots should not be overdried or damaged) and the cost is more affordable. Purchase such seedlings immediately before planting; when transporting, wrap the roots with thick paper.

But the best survival rate is for seedlings with a closed root system, planted in a container. It is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the leaves so that there are no stains or various damages.

When to plant

It should be planted in the spring, when the ground has already thawed and the buds have not yet opened. Pick up open area without direct sunlight in the afternoon.

Preparation for planting and distance between bushes

If the roots of the seedling have dried out and are exposed, you need to keep the plant for 2-3 hours in a container with a clay mash made from a light pink potassium permanganate solution; cut off broken branches. Container plants are lightly watered and allowed to stand so that the roots can be carefully removed along with the earthen lump.

The bush grows quite strongly, so it is necessary to keep it at a distance of 2.5 m from other plants or any buildings. The soil needs to be loose, nutritious and drained. If the soil in the garden does not meet these parameters, the planting holes can be filled with a mixture of humus, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:1:2. If the soil is too acidic, add 300 g of slaked lime. The depth of the planting hole should be 40-50 cm. Coarse sand can be placed at the bottom as drainage.

How to plant

The soil removed from the planting hole (if it is suitable for the plant) or the prepared soil mixture must be mixed with 100-125 g of nitrophoska. Place the seedling in the planting hole, cover it with soil, the root collar should be a couple of centimeters above the soil surface. Press the soil down a little and water the bush. To stimulate tillering, shoots should be shortened to 3-5 buds. Mulch the soil surface with a layer of peat about 5 cm thick.

How to care for deytsia in the garden

Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’ photo


Not needed often. It is enough to add 1 bucket of water once a week, but in hot weather you will need 2 buckets of water at a time. Stop watering from mid-August.

After watering, loosen the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. Remove weeds regularly.


Fertilizing should be applied only during the flowering period. Once a month, fertilize with organic matter (3-4 liters of manure solution for each bush). Twice a season, apply 120-150 g of complex mineral fertilizers to each bush.


Pruning should be done in spring and autumn. In spring, shorten frozen branches and cut off broken branches completely. If almost all the shoots have been damaged by frost, it is best to do a radical pruning: cut them almost to the base, leaving only the stumps. In the same way, the plant is rejuvenated once every 5-8 years.

After the end of flowering, it is necessary to shorten the shoots that have faded this year to the first strong bud or to the base. Cut off old branches, thin out the bush, give it the desired shape.


If there is a desire or need to replant the bush, this should be done only in the spring so that the deutzia has time to take root in the new place before the onset of cold weather. Moisten the soil, carefully dig up the bush and transfer it along with the earthen ball into new planting holes. At the bottom, first place a drainage layer and 20-30 g of complex mineral fertilizer. Add soil, tamp it down, water it generously. Old branches must be cut down, and young shoots shortened by 1/3 of their length. Adult bushes take a long time to adapt after transplantation, but young ones take root quickly.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests. Occasionally, the bumblebee proboscis may eat the leaves - also treat with an insecticide.

Frost resistance of action and shelter for the winter

The frost resistance of deutia is low, so it must be covered for the winter. In areas with snowy winters, it is enough to bend the bush to the ground and cover it with snow. In severe winters with low temperatures, shelter will be required. The safest way to build an air-dry shelter (suitable for young plants): lay the bush on the ground, make a frame, cover it with lutrasil or other non-woven material, and additionally cover it with spruce branches. Adult bushes should be tied with twine or twine, and wrapped on top with breathable material (burlap, lutrasil, etc.).

Winter-hardy species suitable for the Moscow region and middle zone that can withstand temperatures down to -18°C are Deutia longifolia, Deutia Lemoine, Deutia Amurskaya, and Deutia Rosea. However, shelter for the winter is still necessary. Deytsia rough (rough, terry) also winters in the Moscow region, but is more thermophilic and is often damaged by frost. Requires reinforced shelter. Frozen branches are pruned in the spring.

Action from seeds

How to sow in the ground

  • You can sow seeds in open ground before winter (the crops must be covered for the winter with non-woven material, which is removed with the onset of spring warmth).
  • The bed is prepared in advance so that the earth settles.
  • Fill shallow furrows at a distance of 25-30 cm, sow seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm, maintaining a distance of 8-10 cm.
  • In spring, seedlings are weeded to remove weeds and watered moderately during the dry period.
  • For the winter, cover with a layer of fallen leaves.
  • Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location after 2-3 years when they reach a height of 25-30 cm.

How to sow seedlings

  • To treat seedlings, use boxes with moist nutrient soil.
  • Distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil, spray with a spray bottle, and cover with film or glass.
  • Ventilate regularly and spray the crops with water from a fine sprayer.
  • Expect the emergence of seedlings in about 3 weeks, then remove the cover.
  • Continue to provide plants with moderate soil moisture and bright, indirect light.
  • Plant stronger plants in open ground in the spring of the next season, and be sure to cover them for the winter in the fall.
  • Full development of the bush will take about 3 years.

Propagation of action by cuttings

Most often, operations are carried out using cuttings.

How to propagate from green cuttings

  • At the beginning of July, cut green cuttings 20-25 cm long.
  • Remove the lower leaves and keep the cuttings in a growth accelerator solution for 24 hours.
  • Rooting is carried out in a container with sandy-peaty soil, you can add humus.
  • Place the branches at an angle of 45°, deepen them into the soil by 5-10 cm. Cover with glass or cling film and take them outside. Bring them indoors for the winter and grow the young seedlings until spring.

How to propagate from woody cuttings

Collect lignified cuttings 20-25 cm long into small bunches, tie them, sprinkle the lower part with sand, and store them in a cool room until spring. In April, plant in open ground and build a film shelter. When the buds begin to bloom, the cover must be removed.

Reproduction by layering and dividing the bush

By layering

To propagate by layering, bend the branch in the ground, make a shallow cut and cover it with soil. Rooted cuttings are separated from the mother plant next spring.

Dividing the bush

Actively used during transplantation. The bush must be dug up, the roots carefully cleared of the soil, and divided into parts. Each division must have growth buds. Plant immediately in open ground.

The easiest way to propagate is by root shoots, since the bushes quite actively form shoots, then the mother plant does not need to be disturbed. The young shoot should be dug up and planted separately.

Popular types and varieties

Amur action or small-flowered Deutzia amurensis

From Far East, China, North Korea. A spreading deciduous shrub reaches a height of about 2 m. Sheet plates elliptical in shape, 6 cm long, pubescent on both sides, bright green or ash-green color becomes yellow-brown by autumn. Corymbose inflorescences consist of white buds with a diameter of 7 cm. Flowering begins in June and lasts about a month.

A native of Japan. The height of the rounded bush is 0.5-1.5 m. The stems are thin and bend in an arc. The color of the leaf blades is light green, the lower part is covered with hairs. Erect racemes about 9 cm long consist of many white flowers. Flowering lasts a little over a month.

Deutzia scabra

Originally from China, Japan. The bush reaches a height of 2.5 m. The shoots are covered with brown or reddish bark. The leaves are elongated, pubescent, and colored dull green. Racemose inflorescences about 12 cm long consist of white or pinkish flowers.

Decorative forms:

  • terry - terry corollas are white on the inside and pink on the outside.
  • pure white - has snow-white double flowers.

Deutzia scabra ‘Pride of Rochester’ variety Deutzia scabra ‘Pride of Rochester’ photo

  • Vaterera - the corolla is white inside, the outer part is painted burgundy.
  • pink-terry – terry corollas are colored pink.

Deutzia scabra Candidissima photo

  • white-spotted - green leaves covered with whitish specks.

Deutzia magnifica

It is a shrub reaching a height of 2.5 m. The shape of the leaf blades is elongated-ovate. The flowering is abundant, the shoots bend to the ground under the weight of large umbrella-shaped panicles 10 cm long. The flowers are double, white.

Deutzia longifolia

The height of the bush is 1-2 m. The shoots and the underside of the leaf blades are pubescent. The leaf blades reach a length of 12 cm, the surface is dark green, the reverse side has a grayish tint.

Deutzia lemoinei

Shrub reaching a height of 2 m. Flowering early, abundant. The flowers are snow-white, the corolla diameter is 2 cm.

Decorative varieties:

  • Boule de neige - the height of the bush is 1.5 m. The flowers are white, about 2.5 cm in diameter.
  • Mont Rose - the flowers are large, painted in a bright pink shade.
  • Pink Pompon - dense hemispherical inflorescences consist of double flowers of bright pink color.

Other varieties are also popular: Deutzia Vilmorin and Wilson, large-flowered, purple.

Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’

Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ photo

One of the most popular hybrids based on Deutia gracilis and purple, with beautiful pink inflorescences of large double flowers.

Deutzia candidissima

Various interspecific hybrid forms with double flowers of bright white color.

Recently, with the development of landscape design and the prevalence of trends towards arranging personal gardens, we are increasingly seeing them in gardens. exotic plants and shrubs. Among them it is impossible to ignore the graceful action. This shrub got its name in the 19th century. It was given by the botanist Carl Thunberg and symbolized the memory of the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz.

The Deutzia shrub belongs to the hydrangea family. In nature, in the wild, it can be found in East and Southeast Asia and some areas of North America.

Description of the action and its photo

According to their own botanical properties Deutzia is an evergreen shrub. Depending on the variety, it can be either spreading or erect. The following is short description actions as botanical culture. Numerous photos of the action, which illustrate the possibilities of its use in landscape design, will help you get a general impression of the shrub.

The height of individual shrubs, depending on the type, reaches from 50 centimeters to 4 meters. The lifespan of a flower without transplantation and rejuvenation procedures is approximately 25 years. The leaves, which densely cover the stems, are entire, simple, located opposite each other, of an emerald green hue.

The main and exclusive advantage of the deutzia flower is its long and rich flowering. The beginning of budding occurs in late spring and early summer. This parameter largely depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region. As a rule, the deutia bush blooms 2 - 3 weeks after the snow cover has completely melted.

The flowers on the bush are white and can be pink or lilac-purple. Without smell. After flowering, a box is tied in which the seeds ripen. It can be propagated by seeds and by cuttings, as well as vegetatively by layering or root suckers.

Planting and care

Properly organized care for the action allows you to create beautiful landscape plantings. Shrubs are widely used in planting hedges and creating garden living sculptures.

Before planting the action, it is important to determine the location and mark the area. The distance between individual plantings in group plantings should be at least 250 cm. This space is necessary for proper development vegetative shoots and increasing leaf mass. It is advisable to plant deutia in an open area, but which does not receive direct sun during the day.

To plant deutia, dig a hole up to 40 cm deep and fill it with humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:2. The distance between the sprouts should be at least 2.5 meters. The planting depth is about 50 centimeters; after filling with soil, the root collar should be located at the same level with the ground.

To obtain the result of a lush flowering period, the deutia plant should be fertilized with organic matter from time to time. For root feeding, you can take any organic matter that is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The application rate when feeding once every 7 days is about 5 - 6 liters for each deutzia bush.

Mineral complex fertilizers for agricultural technology for cultivating deutia shrubs must be applied regularly immediately after spring pruning.

Action care includes proper organization glaze. It is advisable to water once or twice a month, spending approximately 10 liters of water for each bush. In hot and dry summers, the number of waterings should be increased to 4-6 times a month, while the amount of water also increases to 20 liters.

When it comes to care, the deutia bush is not capricious and hardy: it can withstand any city conditions, including smoke and gas resistance.

Deytsia is resistant to dry weather, prefers a lighted place and warmth. In cold winters, the above-ground parts of the branches may partially freeze out. However, even after severe frostbite, its shoots quickly grow again, and the plant is able to bloom in the same year.

Pruning deutzia bushes is mandatory; it is advisable to carry out this procedure every year in spring and autumn. Branches that have flowered are pruned to the level of the first strong bud or to the base. From time to time, old shoots of the bush are cut out, and you can also remove the excess ones, which thicken the bush.

Near the bushes, weeds should be weeded and the soil should be loosened to a depth of 25 centimeters.

Deutsias bloom on last year's shoots, so important point- this is to preserve them throughout the winter, otherwise the bush will lose its attractiveness. If your area has snowy winters, you can bend the branches of the plant to the ground. This will be enough to preserve the plant during the winter. If you have frequent frosts without snow in your area, then you can simply cover the bush with a frame, fill it with dry branches of spruce or pine, and cover the top part with film. This method is suitable for young plants, but for older and taller ones you can resort to the following method: tie and wrap with any breathable material, such as a sugar bag.

Common varieties of deutzia shrubs

Cultivated in culture various varieties Deutzia bush. The variety of varieties of this plant allows for maximum variety. landscape design personal plot at minimal financial costs. Indeed, among the common varieties of deutzia shrubs, there are species that are capable of forming full-fledged hedges and garden sculptures over the course of 1-2 growing seasons.

Deutzia gracilis

Grows naturally in Northern China and in the mountainous areas of Japan. Accordingly, Deutia graceana has increased resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions. Deytsia slender is able to withstand long droughts and periods of sudden cold weather.

The Deutia graceful bush has a rounded shape, which is ideal for forming garden sculpture. When correct managed care Deutzia gracilis grows up to one and a half meters long.

The leaves reach six centimeters in length, oblong, pointed, hairy above and smooth below. In summer the leaves are light green, and in autumn they acquire a yellowish tint.

The flowers are snow-white. Budding begins at the end of May, the flowering period lasts one month.

Deutzia scabra

In natural landscapes, Deutia roughens can be seen in various parts of Japan and China. This is a unique plant that has a rough surface of the leaf blade. The bush Deutzia scabra is low - up to 2.5 meters. the period of rapid flowering occurs in mid-summer. In the Moscow region this is usually the end of June or the beginning of July. The leaves are oval-shaped, 4-9 centimeters long, pale green. In autumn they become yellow-brown. The flowers are star-shaped, snow-white, slightly pinkish or light crimson, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter.

The shrub is relatively thermophilic and does not tolerate the harsh winters of the Urals and Siberia. In these regions it is better to grow zoned varieties of Deutia shershava.

Deytsia rough has a division into species that are more adapted to unfavorable conditions growth:

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom

Deytsia Pink Pom Pom - ezhto unique variety of this shrub, which was bred through selective breeding at the beginning of this century. The flowers are double, white with a pinkish tint on the outer part of the petals. The leaves are dark green, rough. It has a long flowering period, which begins in early June and can continue at proper care valid until the end of August.

Look at the photo of the Pink Pom Pom action, which fits well into any landscape design:

Deytsia hybrid

Obtained from crossing Deutia graceica and Deutia Amur. The hybrid deutia bush reaches a height of up to two meters. The flowers are snow-white. Gives color in the month of July. The leaves are dark green, rough to the touch, and turn yellow-red in autumn. Cold resistant.

Hybrid action has the following subspecies:

Deutzia rosea

It is a hybrid between Deutia purpurea and Deutia gracilis.

The bush grows up to one meter in length, no higher. The flowers are shaped like an open bell. The petals are pink at the bottom, and a little lighter at the top.