Advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated frame houses. Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

There are no such things in the modern world construction technologies, which would not carry some disadvantages. There are always some parameters in which a given construction technology is inferior to another. Therefore, the main evaluation criterion for mass construction is the combination of price and quality.

It is based on the price-quality criterion that it has an undoubted advantage and is gaining momentum in the global race among home builders and customers.

Let's take a closer look at the main disadvantages frame houses and their advantages in Russian conditions.

Disadvantages of material for frame houses

The basis of a frame house is wood building materials. Its advantages are striking. The tree does not leave anyone indifferent to its beauty; by its very appearance it brings a certain comfort to the appearance of the house. Materials made from it are easy to process and adjust to the required parameters. In addition, the tree is quite easy to install due to its low weight.

But, on the other hand, the disadvantages of a wooden house are no less known and fundamental. Wood, like any natural organic material, requires special treatment to protect it from exposure environment: moisture, fungi, insects. This material is especially dangerous in the event of a fire. All these vulnerabilities require additional material and time costs to prevent the destruction of the main material of frame houses.

But some of the shortcomings of a house built of wood cannot be corrected by any additional processing. We are talking about the low strength of these structures. On television we often see the aftermath of hurricanes in the United States, when entire cities are destroyed.

All this happens due to the use of frame technologies during construction. Wood panels will never be able to compete in strength with stone or brick walls in the face of strong hurricane winds or earthquakes.

The lightness of the structure gives rise to such a disadvantage as poor sound insulation. All wooden floors and the walls do not have the proper thickness and massiveness to dampen periodically occurring vibrations. Therefore, any knock in them is heard much more echoingly and loudly than in their brick and concrete counterparts.

To combat this disadvantage, various insulation materials are used. Mineral basalt layers are best suited, they will help insulate the house and partially solve problems with sound insulation. But it is impossible to completely eliminate the problem of too low sound insulation with additional efforts.

The lack of strength of frame houses causes another problem during their construction. Frame houses above 2 floors will require additional efforts to strengthen the structure, the cost of which will sharply reduce the financial advantages of constructing frame houses over other types of housing.

If you need a house with 3 floors, then it is better to give preference to classic materials and designs; trying to build a three-story frame house is not economically feasible.

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Typical panels

One of the major disadvantages of a frame house is the monotony of both appearance the house and its internal layout. It is extremely difficult to give individuality to a house where standard panels are used, due to which even making changes to internal layout not at all easy. If the individuality of your home is important to you, then you will have to spend additional money on exterior and interior decoration.

The use of standard panels not only reduces the individuality of the house, but also imposes additional requirements on construction skills. The fact is that a high-quality frame house requires extremely precise adherence to installation technologies. A small deviation from construction requirements, and as a result, the house can become unusable in the shortest possible time.

Loose fit of panels or insulation, and now high humidity not only destroys the wall material, gives shelter to harmful mold, but also leads to additional heat loss and heating costs. Therefore, real specialists in their field who take a responsible approach to their work must build a frame house.

You should not save money by hiring non-professionals or trying to build a frame house yourself. In this case, the disadvantages of a frame house will become not only a theory for you, but also a practice.

Besides increased requirements to builders, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that a frame house is technologically more complex than others and therefore requires more careful and professional preparation of the project, which must reflect all the necessary components and fastenings.

Every little detail must be taken into account at the stage of drawing up the drawing. It is also worth paying attention to the technical equipment of the builders; only with high-quality tools can you guarantee the proper level of installation of a frame house.

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Subjective disadvantages

In addition to specific and objective shortcomings, frame houses They are also subjective. The fact is that most Russians consider them unreliable and unsuitable for our climate. But a lot of advantages inherent in frame houses help to increase the popularity and construction of this type of housing in Russia.

Moreover, Russia is a very large country, and it has various climatic zones where the construction of a deep and powerful foundation and the construction of thick brick walls are not required.

The construction of frame houses is now receiving everything in Russia greater distribution. This is due to the fact that houses using this technology are quickly built, and building materials for them cost little compared to others. In addition, the frame house has reliable design. You can build such a structure yourself, thereby saving on hiring a team of builders. At the same time, the owner will be sure that everything was done correctly, since he built it himself. Naturally, if you build a frame house yourself, you need to have minimal construction skills and strictly follow the project and recommendations.

However, despite all the advantages, frame houses have a number of disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing and building such a home.

When designing a frame house, you need to take into account that the technology for constructing this building is more complex than when constructing brick or wooden housing. The frame is calculated in accordance with the elasticity, load and other technical properties of the materials; the house design must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

And when building a frame house, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology when installing all the parts. You also need to pay attention to quality building materials.

There are a few more points that need to be taken into account when building a frame house:

  • To prevent the walls from blowing through and the filler from subsiding, check the tightness of the frame at the joints.
  • All trim must fit well.
  • Energy saving in frame house achieved through the right choice Supplies and experience in construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

There is an opinion among Russian builders that a frame house is not very suitable for our country. In Russian house-building, construction technologies of this type are new, so there is not yet sufficient experience and, accordingly, practitioners who could, in case of difficulties in self-construction at home to give qualified advice.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • Minimum construction period - if special equipment, materials and specialists are available, the house can be commissioned in just a few weeks;
  • The lightness of the frame allows you to save on arranging the foundation;
  • Cost of building materials and work force 30-40% lower than that of a brick or monolithic building;
  • With proper thermal insulation, the house can be lived in all year round.

There are many opinions, let’s look at the disadvantages of a frame house:

How to fix problems that arise?

There are a few more points that you should pay attention to when deciding whether to build a frame house or not.

Search for materials

If a person decides to build a frame house himself, then he must be prepared for a number of difficulties. With all the variety of building materials on the market, find what you need for frame construction, pretty hard. Due to the scarcity of these goods, prices for them are quite high, since there is no competition, and sellers try to sell them at a higher price. As a result, the cost of export materials on our market is several times higher than the real price of the manufacturer. To reduce the cost of construction, you need to search for materials on the Internet, go to suppliers’ websites and monitor all offers. It should be taken into account that in the spring prices for building materials decrease.

Inadmissibility of defects during construction

There is a danger that when building a house, the team, if it does not perform its duties conscientiously, may hide poor-quality work under the cladding. When building a brick or wooden house, this is more difficult to do, since their walls consist of one material and are not prefabricated.
The danger of such defects in work is that shortcomings are not immediately discovered. They can take up to a year to appear, and it can be very difficult to figure out what's wrong. As a result, the owner is forced to hire other builders to detect and correct defects.

Mandatory ventilation

A frame house requires constant ventilation, which is not prerequisite for brick and wooden buildings. Air flow is the key to the durability of a frame house, so the cladding and insulation must be protected from moisture and constantly ventilated. Design and install ventilation system will be quite expensive, but if you combine air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, you will save money.

Difficulties in laying electrical wiring

Electrical wiring in Russia requires more expense and effort than in other countries. This is due to the standards we have adopted. According to the norm, all wires must be laid in metal tubes with junction boxes, although in Western countries they simply install safe wires running in grooves cut into the frame.

Find professionals

Frame construction has not yet been developed in Russia, so finding professionals in this field is quite difficult. Consumers are not inclined to trust frame houses; they consider them fragile and a fire hazard.

Work on the construction of a frame house must be carried out by qualified specialists, especially at the design stage, where it is important to take into account all the components, develop a clear plan, and calculate everything with millimeter accuracy. Therefore, with the relative cheapness of materials for construction, the cost of the house may increase due to design, and saving on calculations is not recommended, so as not to end up with a lot of problems.

In other countries, frame houses are assembled from calibrated boards. In Russia, the basis of the frame is still an edged board, to which it is difficult to attach other materials. With the adoption of Canadian technology for the construction of frame houses, most of the shortcomings will be corrected and this technology will be firmly established in the construction market.
Despite a number of difficulties, the advantages of frame houses in the form of low prices and a quick construction process make the buildings in demand throughout our country.

Frame cottages are very popular in the private housing construction market, as they are built quickly and are significantly cheaper than brick ones. But if you just know what frame houses are, then their real pros and cons often remain “behind the scenes”, lost against the background of myths and prejudices. Knowing the nuances will help you accurately decide on the design of your future home and choose exactly the version of the “frame” technology that is right for you.

Frame houses are very attractive in appearance, but living in them will be comfortable if the technology was strictly followed during construction

Features of frame construction

The advantages and disadvantages of frame houses are largely determined by construction technology. The fact is that all components are initially manufactured at the factory, and at the construction site they are simply assembled into a single whole. Therefore, it is so important to choose a professional construction company that has sufficient experience not only in assembling, but also in designing houses.

Otherwise, you may encounter negative consequences even when assembling a house - if the dimensions of some parts do not at least slightly correspond to the design ones, then, at best, workers will simply spend some time on adjustments.

In addition, the pros and cons of a frame-panel house, its comfort, largely depend on how accurately the parts (beams, strapping beams, etc.) fit together. The cracks that appear due to poor fit of beams or subsidence of the structure significantly reduce its thermal insulation characteristics.

Much also depends on the quality of the materials used - since the main component is wood, it must be free of chips, cracks and other defects.

Advantages of frame houses

    Quick installation. For the construction of a house frame technology it takes 1-2 months depending on weather conditions, the experience of the builders and the total area.

In just a month or two the house will be ready and you can begin interior decoration.

    Low cost. Compared to brick buildings, frame structures are significantly cheaper.

    Good thermal conductivity. Together with the use of high-quality insulation, this allows you to reduce the cost of heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. Frame houses quickly warm up, so during the cold season only the rooms in use can be heated.

    No shrinkage. When constructing frame houses, well-dried wood is used, which means that interior decoration can be carried out almost immediately after construction is completed.

    Low foundation costs. Frame structures lightweight, so houses using this technology are built on shallow or pile foundations. The use of the latter, in addition to saving money, significantly speeds up the construction process.

    Environmental friendliness. Houses are built using natural materials that comply with sanitary standards.

    Resistance to temperature changes. The material used in construction retains its original geometry in cold and warm seasons.

When built correctly, a frame house retains heat well

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    Wind and earthquake resistance. Frame houses built in compliance with all technology requirements are popular in the USA and Japan, where they have shown that they can withstand strong earthquakes and hurricane winds.

    Optimal microclimate inside. Such conditions are provided natural wood, which absorbs excess moisture from the air.

In addition, the demand for “frameworks” is also explained by installation features of such houses:

    Still at the construction stage inside walls or floors You can lay electrical cables, pipes for ventilation, water supply and sewer systems.

    Variability interior decoration and organization of premises. Since a frame house has few load-bearing interior walls, then, if necessary, home owners can make changes to the layout of the premises.

    Construction can be carried out in any season. Work should only be stopped at temperatures below -15 °C.

One of the advantages of a frame house is construction works can also be carried out in winter time of the year

The main advantage of the technology is the price. Compared to concrete and brick structures, building a 1 m 2 frame house will cost on average 30% less.

Disadvantages of frame houses

Most of the shortcomings that are attributed to frame houses are explained by insufficient knowledge in this area of ​​​​construction. Since houses of this type began to be built in Russia relatively recently, the use of labor of insufficiently qualified installers inevitably gives a negative result.

Violation of technology during construction significantly reduces the service life and reliability of a frame house

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Therefore, when considering the disadvantages of frame technology, one must first of all take into account who was involved in the construction and what materials were used. If we are talking about a house built in compliance with all requirements, then many of the shortcomings simply do not stand up to criticism.

The following are distinguished: :

    Short service life. On average, every 25-30 years any home requires overhaul. For the “framework” this is the replacement of the outer skin and thermal insulation materials.

    High flammability. Since frame technology is based on the use of wood, this drawback of a frame house really needs to be taken into account. But it must be taken into account that this is a common minus of all wooden houses, and their market share is only increasing. Everyone draws conclusions here for themselves. Moreover, modern methods treating wood with anti-fungal agents and using non-flammable thermal insulation materials significantly reduces the likelihood of a wooden house catching fire.

    Low noise insulation properties(in comparison with brick and concrete houses). It all depends on the thickness of the walls and the use of heat and sound insulation materials.

Good insulation will also provide sound insulation.

    The wood rots. If you don't take care of your house, the wood can actually begin to rot. This disadvantage of frame houses is leveled out if the wood is treated with appropriate compounds during the construction stage, as well as every 3-5 years.

    Rodents and insects live in the walls. In fact, this is a big and bearded myth, launched by no one knows who and when. In Russian climatic conditions, problems with insects rarely arise, and even if they do appear, they will not like the wood treated with impregnations. As for rodents, they can appear in any home, without exception, where there are suitable conditions for them. For example, they lived in brick houses even in those days when no one had ever heard of frame houses in Russia.

You can often hear talk about the low environmental friendliness of frame houses. Usually, antiseptics, impregnations and insulating materials- everything that is used to protect the structure from negative impact external environment. Partially, these statements are not without truth, but here everything depends on the quality of all the listed materials. Any house, for example, can be finished with low-grade plastic siding, which will not add environmental friendliness to it.

Video description

For a clear overview of the pros and cons of frame house construction technology, watch the following video:

Problems encountered during construction

During the construction of any house, problems often arise that require close attention from the installers and the owner.

Quality of materials

Since frame technology appeared in Russia relatively recently and competition in the domestic market is still quite weak, the issue of the quality of materials is acute.

This problem is some construction companies they decide to purchase structural elements from foreign contractors, but this significantly affects the final cost. A more acceptable option is to contact a company that has a full production cycle. In this case, domestic materials are used, but the processing equipment is installed from market leaders.

Builder qualifications

Another consequence of the technology’s youth is the lack of qualifications of most installers. Many people can assemble a frame house, but not everyone can do it well.

The most profitable option is to find good installers

If the construction of a house is not carried out by professionals who give a guarantee for their work, but by private “gray” teams, then you will need knowledge of technology and constant monitoring of workers at all stages of construction. This is especially true at the stage when wall cladding is installed, under which material defects are easily hidden. In this case, it will be possible to detect a defect at least several months after the completion of construction, and you will have to correct everything yourself.

Ventilation system

This is a separate issue that must be on the agenda when building a frame house. If polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam is used to insulate the walls, then essentially the house turns into a thermos - this is very good in terms of energy efficiency, but without a good ventilation system you will have to forget about fresh air. As an option, you can use vapor-permeable materials, but good ventilation is preferable in any case.

To others important point The thing you need to pay attention to is ensuring ventilation of the façade. If this requirement is not met, the insulation may become wet over time, which will negate its effectiveness and may negatively affect the microclimate in the house.

Video description

For a clear overview of ventilation in a frame house, watch the video:

To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to leave a gap of 3-5 cm between the insulating layer and outer skin. It is also necessary to make holes in the lower and upper parts of the facade through which air flows. This technology will prevent condensation from settling on the walls.

Video description

About the engineering communications of the “framework” in the following video:


The pros and cons of frame houses are often assessed completely incorrectly. Of course, if we take for example a house that was built with the goal of maximum economy and was made without complying with all technological requirements, the result will not stand up to criticism. If you do everything correctly, you will get a high-quality house made from environmentally friendly materials, and in terms of cost it gives a head start to many buildings built using other technologies.

Registration: 03/30/12 Messages: 71 Thanks: 31

Comparison of fire safety of log, frame and stone houses - answers from firefighters

For moderators:
The information is relevant primarily for people who are at the stage of choosing a technology for building their house (log, frame or stone). In questions and answers, stone (brick, concrete) is most often mentioned. That's why I posted the topic in the section Stone houses. If you think that the topic should be in another section, please move it.

On the fire department forums (, I asked the following questions and received the following answers. I'm publishing it.
And thanks again to the firefighters who responded!

"Dear forum members - firefighters!

The questions concern the comparison of fire safety of private wooden, frame and stone (brick, concrete) houses.
Answer, please. You are practitioners and specialists. In addition to the fact that your answers are interesting to me personally, I would like to publish them/give a link on the dacha forum. There is a lot of debate on this topic on the forum. I would really like to hear the opinion of experts.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, the neighbor’s house is on fire =>
2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas =>
3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) =>
4. From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?

Thank you very much!"

Answers from firefighters on the pojaru forum. net. ru:


From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?

Most often, we choose the material for our structure based on financial capabilities. So residential buildings Or we may have both brick and wooden dachas: log or frame-panel.

After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?

Not at all necessary. This depends on the load of the premises with combustible material, the combustion temperature of these materials and the duration of exposure to this temperature. Miscellaneous material It burns at different temperatures; from your own experience, even you know that, for example, birch firewood burns hotter than aspen chips. In addition, it also affects the destruction of brick walls in a fire: the sharp cooling of water jets falling on them also affects the load (mass) that these bricks or railway support. b. wall, beam. How large mass puts pressure on them, and with the simultaneous action of temperature, the sooner they begin to collapse. But private lived. houses usually don’t have more than 2 floors, so usually after a fire such walls (brick, reinforced concrete) only require repairs, but not erection again after dismantling - this is financially easier. Fires in ordinary city apartments of 5-15 storeys usually occur without destruction of brick or iron. b. walls and ceilings, even if the apartment burns out completely. It happens above basements, but the combustion conditions are different there and oxygen and acetylene cylinders are not stored in apartments, but this happens in basements.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems in houses will be quite effective, but it is an expensive thing and it is unlikely that even my colleagues will do this in their own home.
Alarms (fire) - well, sometimes they will help you quickly detect the start of a fire, maybe they will let you take measures to put it out yourself (at the very beginning, a bucket of water may be enough, then you will need a whole pond, lake), but not everyone can do this . Really, an example: the TV caught fire and my wife immediately ran to the back room, not even to the street, but my daughter ran immediately to get water and to the meter (the action reaction is IMMEDIATE but how different this reaction is!). But the alarm will at least warn you in time and allow you to leave the room while you are still breathing and moving on your own. Life is also expensive, more expensive than a house.

Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wooden and frame houses, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.

If it so happens that a neighbor’s house is on fire and the gaps between the houses are small (and dachas, basically all fire breaks are broken by buildings), then first of all the dangers of exposure high temperature are exposed wooden houses and especially frame-panel ones. Having warmed up enough, the wood of the building can catch fire and the planks from the frame will warm up much earlier than the logs of the log house! Therefore, even wall cladding on the outside wooden building with fireproof panels or plastering them will allow your building to stand safely next to its burning neighbor for a longer time - in the end, either fire trucks will reach your dachas or the rest of the neighbors will catch up and will not just wag their tongues, but will at least take care of preventing the spread of fire to other buildings. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that anything can be done to help the neighbor’s house in such events; it will burn down or at least remain brick walls, but for you it makes a difference what you made your house or dacha out of. To protect your wooden structure from fire (cooling), you will also need a supply of water, and not a small one, but given the limited water bodies in the dacha area, it may not be enough!
Added (03.04.2013, 22:33)

Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?

Domestic gas poisoning is a completely different case. You probably meant poisoning (suffocation) by combustion products (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, one poisons, the other does not allow breathing). Purely from this, people die only after falling asleep first in a drunken stupor or a person unable to move independently due to injury or illness in order to get out of the room. People suffocate in a fire because they cannot find an exit in the smoke or are cut off from the exit by flames or temperature, or in panic they hide in corners and dead ends (I showed you an example). In dead ends they will find both fumes and fire, so they also die from injuries from falling from a height and objects falling on them.

I didn’t want to, but I have to). I am not a professional in calculations, I only have 20 years of experience in extinguishing. Colleagues have the right to disagree.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.

If there is an external source of ignition (burnt grass, careless handling of fire, etc.) it is confirmed.

If the source of ignition is inside the building, there is no difference. Example: electrical fault. device, short circuit, the fire does not spread along the walls (initially), but through furniture, household items, etc. The fire develops. Provided that the floors and ceilings are wooden, what remains of the walls (brick, concrete) will be of little use for restoring the house. As stated above, the survival of a building is more dependent on how far away the fire station is.

2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?

Well, if you don’t take into account explosions, collapses, falling from a height (jumped out), then “choking” is the only reason. To die from fire directly, it is necessary for a person to douse himself with a flammable substance and set himself on fire, or, alternatively, be blocked with sufficient air supply for breathing (and at the same time to maintain combustion). And even in this case, having received burns, he will still die not from the fire directly, but as a result of intoxication of the body (kidneys fail).

3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?

Depends on the intensity of combustion, temperature, duration of exposure to fire on wall materials, and a number of other factors that make no sense to list. Simply put: the more flammable materials in the room, the greater the likelihood that the walls will be beyond repair after a fire.

Perfect option: cave) with stone furniture. But fortunately, when choosing a home, people are guided not only by considerations of fire hazard, but also by comfort, price, etc.
For myself, I would choose something non-flammable (professional fear for my family when I’m on shift), I’ve seen many different causes of fires

I apologize to my colleagues for the freestyle. I tried to make it clearer for non-professionals.

Sometimes I use your forum, I’m glad if you helped me understand the nuances.


In addition to the fact that your answers are interesting to me personally, I would like to publish them/give a link on the dacha forum. There is a lot of debate on this topic on the forum. I would really like to hear the opinion of experts.
If you are very interested in this issue, then it is advisable for you to study at educational institution fire profile, because the question you asked is not simple and cannot be answered in a couple of lines. To understand this issue, appropriate knowledge is required, for example, there are such concepts as flame propagation limit, smoke generation capacity, fire resistance limit and many others. If you want to know the opinion of a specialist with experience, then personally I have always leaned towards concrete. And its fire resistance limit is high, and the spread of flame is zero, and the durability is appropriate. In a word, if there is a fire in a monolithic reinforced concrete house, then after the fire at least the walls will remain in it, everything else can be salvaged, but the same cannot be said about wooden or frame houses. If the fire station is far from your home, then only God can save such a building in the event of a fire. And in order to detect a fire in a timely manner, it is imperative fire alarm. Autonomous fire detectors are especially helpful here; they will notify you of smoke in the room with a powerful sound signal.

dymok, Sergey_112, everything has already been chewed. And I'll be brief.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.
In its pure form - Yes.

2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?
From combustion products or factors arising from thermal effects on something.

3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?
There is no direct answer, it depends on the specific case.

4. From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?
Fireclay (fireproof) brick, lined for reliability with 5 (10) layers of sheet asbestos. But this is for the paranoid.

P.s. In general, you need to build and live in an environmentally friendly, comfortable house, and during construction, comply with the safety rules and regulations.
I live in a house with chopped wooden walls. In terms of comfort, in comparison with houses made of brick, and even more so made of concrete, houses made of wood are unrivaled. IMHO. There are plenty of options for external protection of such houses from fires. This also applies to frames. The vast majority of private houses in the USA and Canada are framed. In Germany, frames are built with adobe insulation. But this is already for forumhouse. ru


1. Yes. Wooden house dried out even by burning grass risks doing...
2. Yes, survivability is related to timely evacuation, and not to the severity of the fire.
3. Partially; in case of a weak fire, often the walls or part of the walls are in good condition.
4. I have a brick one at my dacha. Like Nuf-Nuf. Option Naf-Naf with timber house I don't like

Since ancient times, they have been used for housing construction. various materials. The desire to build cozy home, which has a good microclimate and at the lowest cost, led to the creation of frame houses.

Modern frame houses, the technology of which dates back to the times of mass migration to North America has undergone significant changes: it has become simpler and more economical. Many argue about the advantages and disadvantages of houses built using frame technology, without going into their design features.

How to build frame houses

The history of the development of frame construction goes back more than two centuries. The first structures were built using the frame-frame type. First, a log base was made, and logs or beams were attached to it. For greater stability, the vertical part was strengthened with braces.

Boards were placed on the finished frame outside and inside, and heat-insulating material was laid between them. This type of structure did not have internal load-bearing partitions; the entire structure was strong thanks to wooden trusses. Houses of this type could consist of two or three floors.

In connection with the improvement, technology has come to the possibility of erecting buildings from ready-made panels, and thus frame- panel houses, built much faster and at lower costs. New technology made it possible to manufacture parts of a house in one place, transport them to the construction site and erect them in the shortest possible time.

The first panel houses, in addition to the positive aspects of quick construction and relative cheapness, also had their drawbacks. The main disadvantage was the lack of high-quality insulation in winter - it is difficult to maintain heat in such a house, good heating was required.

The disadvantage was considered to be the impossibility of redevelopment. It is almost impossible to change the inside of a house built from ready-made panels due to the rigid connection of the elements. And another drawback that can be attributed to all wooden structures is the possibility of damage by wood-boring beetles. There was no talk of fire safety; if fire was handled carelessly, such houses burned quickly and were practically beyond repair.

With development chemical industry, new materials have come into construction technology that make it possible to protect wooden buildings from many dangers. Wood treated with special substances stopped igniting when exposed to open fire. Other materials, antiseptics, made it possible to prevent damage to parts of the building by biological factors.

Technological features of modern frame houses

Today, frame houses are built using several technologies. The differences between some technologies are insignificant; often the Finnish type of house can be called German, according to the construction method used in these countries.

There are three main technological types of building frame-based houses:

It is the half-timbered houses that belong to a variety of German construction technologies. When building a house, a timber frame is constructed. The main feature is that the frame beam is not covered with cladding and is visible on the facade of the building. Such houses, despite many advantages -good thermal insulation, resistance to natural factors is not without its drawbacks.

The main disadvantage is the contact of the frame with the external environment. Therefore, if you do not periodically treat or paint oil paints, the frame may become unusable over time, and the building, despite good cladding, will collapse.

According to Canadian technology, the construction of a frame house is carried out with the closure of supporting structures. In this case, the frame itself is not exposed to natural factors and, if necessary, you can change the skin or part of it. Typically, the lower cladding boards, which were close to the ground and more often exposed to moisture and biological factors, were subject to replacement.

Using modern antiseptics and preparations that prevent wood from burning, houses built using Canadian technology are less susceptible to damage and are fireproof. The use of modern insulation, vapor and moisture insulation materials allows for increased comfort and energy saving in such buildings.

Finnish panel technology allows you to build houses more quickly. For construction, ready-made panel blocks are used, connected using the tenon method. They are mounted on a pre-built frame.

In the production of shields, wood treated with antiseptics and fire-fighting substances is used. Used for insulation modern materials allowing you to make walls with low thermal conductivity. The main advantage of the technology: fast construction, high seismic and wind resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages of panel structures

Modern frame houses built using the latest materials, more profitable, they are easy to build.

The main advantages of a panel house:

  • speed of construction;
  • low cost of construction;
  • fire safety;
  • improved thermal insulation
  • no solid foundation required;
  • Possibility of construction at any time of the year.

Service life more than 70 years.

Disadvantages of a panel house:

  • the possibility of poor-quality insulation and waterproofing in finished panels;
  • there is no possibility of redevelopment;
  • Rodents can settle in some types of insulation;
  • buildings cannot be erected with more than 2 floors;
  • lack of impact sound insulation.

For temporary residence, country frame houses with minor thermal insulation properties. They are not heated and are suitable only for seasonal living.

Which design is better?

Having considered Various types and the technology of constructing frame houses, we can confidently say that there is no ideal model, but only a design for a specific type of use. Therefore, when choosing the best frame houses, you should focus not on technology, but on the purpose of the structure. For temporary residence, a lightweight panel house is suitable; for permanent residence, it is better to build a house according to Finnish technology with high-quality insulation and ready-made communications inside the panels.