Projects of Finnish houses made of timber (49 photos): very close from dreams to reality. Modern Finnish house

Projects Finnish houses from timber. Technology proven for centuries in harsh northern climates wood construction Today it attracts an increasing number of users.

Indeed, in addition to unique heat-saving characteristics, the wood used to build a Finnish house has a set of properties unique to other building materials:

  • hygroscopicity,
  • ability to "breathe"
  • environmental friendliness,
  • naturalness.

Even without additional finishing, the wood used for housing construction has a high aesthetic level and is particularly decorative.

A building constructed from timber or logs, fits perfectly into the surrounding environment, without requiring additional design tweaks.

It’s hard not to appreciate the visual characteristics of the natural material. Wooden walls by themselves, without additional finishing, they look very attractive. Thanks to this, it is very easy to create an ethno or country style without resorting to using expensive materials and without needing the services of builders and finishers. Walls made of logs or timber can withstand loads perfectly, which makes it possible to hang shelves and decorative items without additional reinforcement of the structure.

When choosing a building material for their home, many people prefer laminated veneer lumber. Compared to solid rounded logs, it has a number of advantages:

  • cheaper - a larger range of wood is used for its production,
  • more correctly, the geometric shape of the timber is easier to maintain and control, and over time the crowns made from it do not lead or twist.

In addition, assembling a house from rectangular elements is much simpler, and the use of insulating materials is elementary in technology and efficient in operation.

Interior layout - for people

For decades and centuries, creating a project for an ideal Finnish house, our distant ancestors sought to use the internal area of ​​the building with maximum benefit. Therefore, all the rooms in which family members live were located around the perimeter. This was done with the aim of making full use of outdoor lighting and the possibility of more uniform heating of all rooms from a central common hearth.

Modern technological capabilities allow you to create any open plan, extremely convenient for residents. To the project frame house timber can be used to build not only bedrooms, a kitchen, an office and a living room, but also a bathroom with all amenities, and even a sauna. Quality building material, used for modern construction, guarantees its safety in conditions of regular increases in humidity and temperature fluctuations.

Walls made of wood are lighter in weight than any other, so the height of the premises can be noticeably greater than in traditional houses. This gives additional volume to the rooms, visually making them much more spacious without reducing their comfort. Surface interior walls from natural wood and in itself it seems warm in appearance, which helps create psychological comfort in living spaces.

Do-it-yourself home is not a fantasy

Many modern construction companies are expanding the scope of their work activities due to the widespread and active introduction of wooden architecture. They offer their clients a variety of Finnish projects wooden houses And cottages, both standard and individual. Thanks to this universal approach, each customer can easily choose for their home not only the building material of their future home, but also a completely original architectural solution. By developing a project in accordance with the wishes of clients, specialists give their customers a unique opportunity to realize the dream of ideal home.

If desired and have at least average knowledge and construction skills, almost any craftsman can independently build a house for his family. The construction market allows you to select all the materials necessary for this, the Internet provides a lot useful information about the assembly frame houses. You can use finished project, found on the pages of various construction and architectural sites, or develop your own individual, albeit not so complex, version.

Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber traditionally have a fairly simple and affordable design, which allows you to successfully build them on your own, without turning to development companies. Thanks to this, the total cost of such a structure will become significantly lower and more attractive to the average consumer. The ability to do everything independently technological processes, without the involvement of special equipment and professionals, allows you to save a lot on the construction of the box, redirecting funds to the internal improvement of the house.

Moreover, each project of such housing can become the embodiment of the most fantastic dream of an ideal home. After all, it can be developed exactly according to the desires of each family member, and implemented exclusively with your own hands.

Finnish house IC at first glance looks very nice and quite cozy. For every person it is very important what kind of house he lives in. In our country, few people pay attention to the most small parts, and often the quality of the houses being built is determined only by the capabilities of the wallet. In other, highly developed countries, they devote most of their free time to this issue, since for their population, home is a holy place, and a lot of money can be spent on it.

At first glance, the Finnish house looks very nice and quite cozy

This happens, for example, in Finland. The interior of Finnish wooden houses often reminds of numerous, very interesting local fairy tales that people used to listen to in distant childhood. What do buildings look like today and how does the so-called general layout houses of a similar style from other, no less interesting analogues?

As you know, Finland is a highly developed state in northern Europe. Due to this geographical location forests consisting of different types trees. That is why Finnish-style houses are usually wooden. Since the middle of last year, woodworking technology has improved significantly, and that is why this Finnish house Nowadays it is the ideal of warmth and family comfort. Thanks to new developments, Finns use materials as efficiently as possible and get greatest number the heat that wood can provide.

The most common construction company in the state today is Omatalo. If we analyze the numerous reviews of people who have used its services, we must admit that it is very good manufacturer, located in Finland. The company's specialists can create absolutely any projects of Finnish houses made of timber, individually developed and depending on the numerous wishes of each consumer who uses the services of this manufacturer.

In fact, modern Finnish houses are small and one-story

In fact, modern Finnish houses are small and one-story. The fact is that due to the harsh climate, not many people live on the territory of the state. This is why the Finns have no need to build multi-story buildings, in which all people could fit. The main feature and at the same time advantage of such structures is their unique thermal insulation, because sometimes even high-quality heating cannot save you from too cold weather.

Finished house looks really fabulous. Having visited Finland, it is impossible not to pay attention to the layout of the houses. Judging by the statements of professionals, the designs of Swedish houses are as close as possible to Finnish buildings. Their key feature is that, just like Finnish buildings, they are made of wood. During their construction, all details are taken into account in order to obtain the warmest possible home.

Afford own house Maybe not every Finn, since this process will take a lot of money and free time.

Gallery: modern Finnish house (25 photos)

Finnish house (video)

Comfort and coziness are synonyms for the phrase “Finnish house”

At first glance it may seem that a house made of timber northern latitudes it is unprofitable to build, since this material will let cold and moisture into the room. The Finns did their best and turned an impractical tree into a very high-quality material that will provide warmth in the cold season and provide real coolness in the summer.

Any populated area in the country consists of one-story houses from timber. In rare cases, there are two- or three-story buildings that are considered high-rise. Such buildings are erected for the real poor. Despite the number of floors, every Finnish country house boasts of having modern technologies. There is not a single device or part in it that would function intermittently. Often such a building is so automated that people can close the door with one press of a remote control. In the bathroom, for example, there is no need to be afraid that water will spill on the floor and soak into the wood, after which the room will be very damp and cold. Typically, all Finnish houses have perfect waterproofing.

Well, the main feature of modern Finnish houses is the presence of numerous terraces. On such outbuildings, as a rule, residents of the country spend time with their family and friends. Similar houses have become very popular in other countries, but it is impossible to say that this is an exact copy of the original.

The finished house looks truly fabulous

Finnish little house– this is a truly convenient building, living in which is warm, pleasant and very comfortable. If you want to have such a building, consult with a specialist who will tell you how to realize your desires in the most fun way.

Frame house using Finnish technology (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

According to historical data, classic wooden Finnish houses began to be built more than five centuries ago. Since then, Suomi has zealously adhered to long-standing traditions. Currently, Finnish house projects occupy more than 70% of the private construction market in this northern country. Moreover, this technology has long gone beyond its borders and is popular in more than thirty countries around the world, including Russia.

Advantages of wooden Finnish houses

  • Energy efficiency. Finnish houses meet the highest standards of thermal insulation. Only natural wood is used for their construction. Most often these are timber or logs made from northern pine or spruce. The high resin content of coniferous wood makes Finnish wooden houses resistant to dampness and increases their ability to retain heat, which makes them relevant even in the harsh conditions of polar winters.
  • Durability. Thanks to the use of a special “lock” during the construction of a log house, Finnish houses made of logs or timber practically do not shrink and have a service life of more than 100 years. High-quality northern wood is practically indeformable, does not rot, and, thanks to special treatment, resists fire. Traditionally, Finnish houses are built exclusively using wood felled during the cold season. It is believed to have unique performance properties.
  • Comfort. All Finnish projects construction of houses fully reflect the practical mentality of Suomi residents. They do not contain any architectural excesses or design delights. The construction of Finnish houses is carried out with one goal - to ensure maximum comfort. This is facilitated by huge windows that flood the interior spaces with sunlight, spacious balconies and terraces, as well as practically required element– sauna. However, Finns do not like to overpay for an indoor garage, so the car is most often parked on the street.
  • Affordable price. Most of these house projects are one and a half stories high. Instead of full second floor, an attic with a sloping roof without walls is used. Therefore, the construction of Finnish cottages of this type is much cheaper while maintaining the total usable area. Also, such buildings do not require facing work and can be erected on almost any soil.
  • Minimum terms. Finnish wooden houses are built on a turnkey basis in just a few weeks. They do not require heavy equipment, and construction can be carried out at any time of the year.

Finnish houses, turnkey construction in Moscow

North Forest is a leader in the capital's market wood construction. If you are interested in Finnish houses, projects for every taste, developed using this technology, are presented on our website. The use of high-quality northern wood allows us to quickly erect buildings that can last for centuries.

For all houses, the projects provide for the use of two types of building materials - logs and timber (dry, glued, profiled). Design features projects and prices are discussed privately.

Finnish House: video

One-story Finnish houses are not only a stylish solution for building your own home, but also the practicality inherent in all buildings northern peoples, as well as comfort and coziness.

Modest and laconic in appearance, the building is very reliable and can serve you for many years. In this article we will look at all the advantages of a one-story house and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

Construction of a house begins with a project that satisfies all the wishes of the owner of the future home. Many companies offer various planning solutions for every taste and budget. Architects take into account not only the comfort and optimal location of residential premises, but also the safety of the building as a whole.

Standard projects are good because they have been used repeatedly, which means they have been time-tested. But if you want an individual project, then you can contact an architect who will take into account all your wishes and make your home not only functional, comfortable, but also unique.

A Finnish wooden house is an ideal solution for people who feel uncomfortable in the bustle of the city. Fresh, clean air in the house and the pleasant smell of natural wood will not only help maintain the warmth and comfort of your home, but also help you relax after working days and feel a surge of strength.

The reliable design of the house will allow you to be sure that in any bad weather the room will be warm and dry, and quality materials and unique construction technologies will guarantee the durability of the house.

A Finnish wooden house can be built to suit any needs, be it summer country house, insulated country house or full-fledged family home for year-round use.

Here are the main advantages of Finnish houses:

  • Beauty. The laconicism of the construction, inherited from the country of origin of such houses, will appeal to everyone. We can say that there is nothing superfluous in the design of the house, but it looks simply amazing!
  • Environmentally friendly. The material for building the house is only high-quality raw materials of natural origin (pine, cedar, spruce, larch). The glue included in the timber is absolutely harmless and non-toxic.
  • Economical. Due to the unique design, the seams between the beams do not let cold and moisture into the house, which means that the cost of heating the house will be reduced.
  • Durability. When building a Finnish house, be sure that rot, dampness and temperature changes will not damage your building. Special processing of each beam and its reliable joining with the rest is the key to a strong and reliable structure.
  • Speed ​​of construction.
  • "Breathing" house. Due to the fact that the walls allow steam to pass through, the room maintains optimal humidity, which prevents the development of mold, mildew and dampness.

Main technical characteristics any residential building is thermal insulation, sound insulation, strength and fire resistance.

Each of these indicators determines how comfortable it is to live in a house, and how safe it is to live in:

  • Strength. The design of Finnish houses is a unique combination of practicality, strength and durability. The design of the house allows it to be built even in the zone of constant earthquakes. Rest assured that nothing will happen to your home.
  • Thermal insulation. This indicator is the most important in the harsh Russian winters. Wooden house It's an excellent temperature regulator in itself. Depending on the region, you can choose the thickness of the walls, which will help retain heat even in the most northern areas. The unique design of assembly and joining of logs will prevent wind and bad weather from entering your home.
  • Fire safety. Finnish wooden houses are, in fact, one of the least fire hazardous among wooden houses. The material from which these houses are made is self-extinguishing and can contain fire for about an hour.
  • Soundproofing. In terms of protection from extraneous sounds, a Finnish house can only be compared with brick wall several meters thick. You will not be disturbed by unnecessary sounds from the street or other rooms in the house. This is especially good when there are small children or elderly people in the house.

Finnish houses, like many other buildings that have their own history, have some traditional features:

  1. It is traditional for Finland cottage with flat gable roof. Tall houses, as a rule, are not built, due to the fact that the cost of heating such a house increases significantly.
  2. There are no utility rooms in Finnish houses. The attic and garage are usually not part of a Finnish house. They're collateral unpleasant odors, accumulation of dust and dampness. All utility rooms are built on the site, but not next to the house.
  3. In traditional houses it is very low ceilings. This is again related to savings - heating a room with high ceilings in a cold winter is very expensive.
  4. Windows in a Finnish house are often large. Daylight hours in northern cities are very short, so to get maximum light, Finns install large windows.
  5. Two entrances and exits allow you to be prepared for any weather, and are also convenient. A Finnish house traditionally has a separate spacious hallway.


The variety of projects allows you to plan a room that is ideally suited to the customer’s needs. Modern companies offer many standard projects, which can be modified to suit your needs.

If you want to build a house with a unique layout, then you can always turn to professionals who will take into account all your wishes and will be able to create the house of your dreams.

Finnish one-story house with a veranda is an ideal solution for country house. Attic floor, which forms the roof of the veranda, will allow the whole family to comfortably accommodate, because on cozy attic bedrooms can be arranged. The house itself is compact in size and will fit on even the smallest area.

The smallest area for comfortable accommodation of a family of 3-4 people is 60 m2. This area is conventionally divided into several zones: a recreation area, utility rooms (storage rooms, space for a toilet and even a shower), a sleeping area.

This type of log house is good for the house or cottage where you will live all year round. In the Finnish layout one-story house there is much more space for relaxation and sleep than in a small summer house.

But when choosing a house design and calculating the area of ​​each room, keep in mind that the thickness of the walls should be greater to ensure reliable protection from the cold even in severe frosts.

For big family The main thing in the layout of a house is the rational use of space. When choosing a layout, pay attention to the corridors and utility rooms and calculate their area.

If the house has an area of ​​250 sq.m. non-residential premises is about 100 sq.m., then such a project incurs additional costs for both materials and construction of the house.

Think about how to reduce the amount of non-residential space (reduce the size of closets, narrow and shorten corridors) and then, perhaps, you can save a significant amount.

The layout of a cottage with a garage should take into account the following:

  • The garage should not be located next to sleeping areas
  • The area inside the garage must be solid (paved or concreted)
  • Zoning of premises should be well thought out
  • The foundation must be reliable
  • Exterior decoration should not only serve beautiful element decor, but also protect the house from adverse weather conditions

Choosing a country house

  1. Consider the size of the area and how you want to use it. A house would be ideal for small areas small sizes, for medium and large - a larger house.
  2. Carefully study the layout of the house and the layout of the rooms. The layout must fully meet the needs.
  3. Choose the thickness of the material depending on the climate in your area. The colder it is, the thicker the timber should be.
  4. Some country houses can be erected on different foundations. Find out which one is needed for the home you like.

Permanent Residence Options

  1. The most important thing after the project is comfort and convenience. Room layout and utility rooms should fully satisfy your needs.
  2. Don't forget about the material. Only high-quality timber with various impregnations (pest-proof and fire-resistant) can make your home not only reliable, but also safe.
  3. Choice of foundation. Depending on the type of soil, choose a foundation that will provide your home with reliable support.
  4. Take care of all necessary communications to your home. To do this, find out whether you need to change anything in the layout of the finished house.

Main stages of construction:

  1. Project
  2. Ordering materials or the whole house (the second option is preferable, since you will only have to assemble the house like a designer)
  3. Selection of foundation and its structure
  4. House assembly
  5. Installation of communications
  6. Finishing work

  • To get started, choose a house design or have an architect draw it up. The consumption of materials and the choice of foundation depend on the project.
  • After the entire project is ready, calculate the amount of materials, or contact a company that will assemble a house according to your project. Usually, preparing a house (measurements, cuts, delivery to you) takes at least 2-3 months, so during this time you can make the foundation.
  • Here are the main criteria for choosing a foundation: for loose soil, a pile bonded with a slab would be ideal; strip - universal, but with “moving” soil it is better to bury it; The slab is reliable and suitable for almost all types of soil.
  • The production and delivery time of your house will approximately coincide with the foundation production time, so you can immediately begin assembling the house. Usually the house is assembled as a simple log house, but does not require caulking; accordingly, each log will be numbered, and you will not be mistaken in the assembly. After the roof is assembled, double-glazed windows and entrance doors are installed.
  • After assembly, it is time to lay communications. If at the planning stage of the house this was included in the plan, then there will be no problems, since the plan will show where and what should be located.
  • do not require shrinkage, so you can start finishing immediately after assembling the house.

Finnish one-story house - great option for those who love beauty combined with reliability. A Finnish house is good not only in quality country house building, but also how - it is environmentally friendly, aesthetic and safe.

  • A good project is the key to reliable construction and rational use of the premises.
  • Rating: 3.5 4 votes

Finland is a country known for its breathtaking landscapes, but also for its harsh climate. It is famous for its centuries-old cultural and architectural traditions. “The Kingdom of pines, lakes and stones,” this is how the famous poet Sasha Cherny described Finland. And above this kingdom one can hear the unusual compositions of the majestic Jean Sibelius.

Finnish wooden houses

Finnish houses are organic primeval nature and famous folk tales. Architects in Finland build in Scandinavian style which brings together many traditions northern countries such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark. From the Scandinavian architectural line, the Finnish architectural movement separated and became independent only in the 19th century, however, even during this short period it already won the sympathy of millions.

Wooden cottages are incredibly picturesque corners of nature. Quite often, according to tradition, the first floor is lined with stone for greater strength, and the second floor is made lighter using relief plaster or high windows.

The history of the oldest wooden buildings in Finland dates back to the end of the 15th century. For more than five centuries, such buildings protected residents from frost, gusts of wind and rain. To this day, wooden buildings erected in the 17th - 18th centuries still stand in Finland. Their preservation was facilitated high quality timber together with the ancient traditions of constructing wooden buildings.

Perhaps, the best company for the construction of Finnish cottages can be called Maanhonka, which successfully combines national traditions, the latest developments and a European approach to doing business.

Maanhonka production facilities are located in the city of Kortesjärvi. This region is the best for mastering and developing skills in the production of wooden buildings. Skills passed down through generations, together with high-quality timber and the latest technologies, make it possible to produce wooden cottages with very good performance.

Maanhonka specialists use only the latest equipment, which provides a high price/quality ratio of materials, and also makes it possible to implement the most complex projects. The company’s experts will help you choose a suitable project and also create an individual one. The company's management hires only the most experienced and promising employees.

Due to current high-tech production and impressive experience in constructing buildings from laminated veneer lumber from Finnish pine, the period of operation of a cottage from Maanhonka reaches tens and even hundreds of years.

Cottages built using this technology are distinguished by reliability and comfort. Finnish turnkey log cottages can be called the most popular in the real estate market. There are several reasons for this:

  • high level of comfort
  • excellent sound insulation
  • excellent air circulation in the building
  • use of environmentally friendly materials.

Finnish wooden houses made of timber

Finnish turnkey timber cottages are most often built from laminated veneer lumber, dried and subjected to special treatment. After drying, the timber is not subject to destruction, it does not unstick and does not shrink. Features of laminated veneer lumber:

after chamber drying timber, it retains a minimum of moisture, which means it can be used in various climatic zones

after treatment with protective agents, raw materials are not affected by microorganisms

Availability of high-quality environmentally friendly maple seams.

Glued laminated timber is wood lamellas glued together, which after processing acquire a certain appearance. It is produced from timber from the northern forest because wood from harsh climates has a higher density compared to timber from milder climates.

Finnish wooden cottages assemble high-quality processed laminated veneer lumber. This increases ease of assembly and also reduces the time required to construct the structure.

Today, construction companies offer Finnish timber cottages of various designs and different architectural styles. They may have two or three floors. You can move into such a house immediately upon completion of construction. Another advantage is that the building does not require additional interior or exterior decoration.

Advantages of a building built according to Finnish technology:

  • long period of operation, due to the fact that the timber does not come apart and does not rot due to the very low humidity of 12%
  • ease of assembly and high speed construction
  • precise assembly, since all components are produced at the factory and tested
  • no external finishing needed
  • high fire resistance after treatment with fire retardants
  • Only environmentally friendly raw materials are used
  • the low weight of the structure makes it possible to save on the foundation
  • Low thermal conductivity of the walls guarantees high energy efficiency.

Choosing a project for a future cottage is not an easy task. When choosing ready-made standard projects from well-known companies, you can be sure that this is the easiest and most cost-effective way to get a long-awaited home. Great amount design solutions and a bunch of layout options that are rationally selected will save time and money.

The Kontio company builds and sells wooden Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber of any configuration. The company appeared on the market in the late 70s, and over the course of 40 years of activity it has built over 40,000 wooden buildings for various purposes.

Today Kontio presents the world's largest collection of Finnish wooden house designs. The company employs architects from different parts of the world, with fresh, original ideas. The client is offered a wide choice: from warm and comfortable family cottages to luxury interiors. And of course, the company offers individual projects, taking into account all the wishes and suggestions of the customer.

Finnish wooden one-story house

Main distinctive features Finnish one-story buildings can be called restraint, simplicity and high functionality. Most often, buildings are erected from laminated veneer lumber and logs, which preserve the natural texture of the wood. Traditional shades are white, brown, light grey, dark carmine and beige. Traditionally, a building is painted one color, and details such as cornices, window and door frames are highlighted with another.

The main advantages of a one-story Finnish building include:

  • The construction of a one-story building will cost less than a two-story building with the same living space.
  • builders do not need to lift materials, which means the work will be completed faster
  • In such buildings it is much more convenient to carry out repair work.
  • Convenient for young children and older people.

The Kontio company implements projects of one-story buildings with living space from 60 to 150 square meters, with a terrace or canopy.

Among the disadvantages of such a building, we note:

  • increased foundation size
  • large area and price of roofing.

A large building plot based on a one-story wooden building project will not be a problem if the plot is located far from large cities and capitals, but it can become a serious justification for the construction of Finnish houses, for example, in the Moscow region or the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Because in such regions the price of land is very high for the construction of a massive one-story building with a garage.

It is worth noting that when same size There will be more usable space in a one-story building. First of all, because there is no massive and expensive staircase structure. In addition, in such a building fewer corridors, but more living rooms.

When starting to build a log cottage, you need to give preference to a well-known company that has been working in this field for many years. High-quality timber, which is used for the construction of wooden buildings from timber, has many advantages over other building materials. Cottages made of laminated veneer lumber, the cost of which directly depends on the quality of the material and the experience of the craftsmen, are distinguished by reliability, durability and comfort.

Some features of Finnish buildings

In Finland, such houses are built from pine or larch timber, but today glued raw materials are becoming increasingly popular because they are environmentally friendly, easy to install and practical. To create a building with a truly Finnish flavor, dry cladding boards on the facade, which imitate solid wood beams, will help.

Since Finland is located in the north, the thermal insulation of the building must be at a high level. First of all, this applies to the foundation. Special technologies are used to create it internal insulation. A type of foundation called a grillage is popular in the construction of Finnish houses. Using this technology, pile or columnar foundation combined into one structure, which has the form of a slab or beams. The advantage of a grillage is that this type of foundation is applicable to various soils. It is also possible to build terraces or verandas.

Finnish craftsmen have learned to use the features of the landscape to the greatest advantage for the implementation of the project, trying not to disturb the natural balance. Laying out the foundation can also be a creative process. With the help of large stones, not only a unique exterior is created, but also the soil on the high part of the site is strengthened. There are many rock formations on the territory of the state. It is famous for deposits of granite, slate, and steatite. For this reason, stone is widely used in the construction industry.

An organic part of a Finnish cottage has always been a fireplace. A fireplace located outside the building is bright accent, which still performs the functions assigned to it. Such fireplaces can be built-in, wall-mounted or island. In order to decorate a wall-mounted fireplace, natural stone masonry is often used.

Interior of a Finnish wooden house

Finnish style is the source interesting ideas, which fit well into the interior. The Finns, who preserve and enhance their traditions, are still trendsetters in various areas of life, and design is no exception. This style can be described as aesthetic, functional and environmentally friendly. The Finnish style in home decoration is especially popular among admirers of the ethnic group. The interior of such a cottage combines advanced technologies and natural materials finishing.

For Finnish interiors, it is recommended to use shades of the country’s national flag, that is, a combination of blue and white tones. The Finns express their enormous admiration for nature in the creation of the interior - the design of the building is complemented by natural elements. This approach makes it possible to fully simulate distance from the city noise and closer proximity to the sources of life. Finnish high boots or hunting rifles will look interesting.

Main distinctive features Finnish style:

  • on the floor is the tanned skin of a predatory animal
  • flooring - solid wood
  • Availability natural stone, as decoration.

Modern office equipment and simple curtains, and a flat-screen TV can hang next to the Finnish stove. The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in the house. This is where cooking and receiving friends take place. Wood furniture set looks great next to modern household appliances.

If you adhere to the Finnish style in the interior, you will be able to create a home with a harsh character, but at the same time quite modern and even romantic.