Insulation thickness for aerated concrete walls. How to properly insulate an aerated concrete house from the outside? Materials and tools for insulating a house made of aerated concrete


Insulation aerated concrete walls necessary in order to make the room warmer and reduce the cost of heating a residential building. Today, the choice of materials for insulating aerated concrete surfaces is quite large. Moreover, some insulation materials are distinguished by their low price, but no less high physical characteristics and heat-insulating parameters. It is not difficult to insulate the walls of a house made of aerated concrete; installation requires a minimum number of tools and materials.

Insulation of aerated concrete - which insulation to choose

To understand how to insulate a house, you need to know what thermal insulation materials exist. Previously, houses were insulated only with plaster, today there are a number of insulation materials that will help not only retain heat, but also not spend a lot of money on their purchase. In order to insulate aerated concrete walls from the outside, the following materials can be used:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene (penoplex);
  • polyurethane foam.

Mineral wool is the most popular and effective thermal insulation material for insulating a house. Its basis is glassy fibers. This material is environmentally friendly and has excellent properties vapor permeability and does not burn. But to insulate aerated concrete walls with mineral wool, it must be used only with a vapor barrier material, since mineral wool absorbs moisture. Moreover, the walls need to be protected both outside and inside.

Penoplex is a dense and durable insulating material and has high thermal insulation, waterproof, and soundproofing properties. The thickness of the slabs is from 30 to 50 mm. Fastening polystyrene foam (foam) is simple and quick. But this insulation for aerated concrete walls does not have the same fire-resistant properties as mineral wool.

Polyurethane foam is characterized by high thermal insulation properties; installation of insulation is not difficult. The building mixture must be applied under pressure to the wall. After polyurethane foam is applied to aerated concrete, it is bonded to the wall surface, foaming occurs and a protective warm layer is formed.

Some builders use foam glass and wood (cork) boards to insulate aerated concrete walls. But in such cases, it will be quite difficult to carry out the installation yourself; you may need the help of specialists.

You can insulate a house made of aerated concrete with polystyrene foam or standard plaster. This option is the cheapest, but it has one big disadvantage - aerated concrete blocks after applying plasters to them, they lose their vapor-permeable properties, and the thermal insulation characteristics are worse than when using other insulating materials.

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Insulating a house made of aerated concrete - tools and materials

To insulate an aerated concrete wall you will need:

  • thermal insulation material;
  • dowels;
  • roofing felt;
  • metal profiles;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • any container for making glue;
  • building level;
  • hammer drill;
  • perforated corners.

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Insulation of a house made of aerated concrete blocks from the outside with mineral wool

It should be noted that heat leakage depends on how correctly the insulation is applied. The seams and joints between the insulation need to be closed as much as possible, and for this it is better to use non-standard cement mortar, and special glue for mineral wool. In this case, there will be no heat leakage. For external wall insulation and thermal insulation, the ideal thickness of mineral wool slabs is 50 mm.

First of all, you need to stir the adhesive, after which you still need to let it sit for about 10 minutes and only then start insulating it. The outer surface of the aerated concrete wall must be cleaned of dirt and dust for better adhesion of the insulation and aerated concrete. An adhesive is applied to the mineral wool sheets; the sheets must be placed against the wall, pressed and released. In the same way, you need to go over the entire area of ​​the aerated concrete wall. After the glue has dried, use a punch to make four holes around the perimeter of each sheet of mineral wool. Use special umbrella dowels to secure the sheets.

The next stage is stretching a special mesh around the entire perimeter of the mineral wool sheets. It is necessary to apply a layer of adhesive to it. After the additional layer of glue has dried, the already insulated wall must be puttied with a vapor-permeable compound and painted.

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Insulation of aerated concrete walls with polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene is ordinary foam plastic, that is, a material that is filled with gas. The basis of the insulation material is polystyrene and its compounds. Foam plastic is suitable for insulating external and external walls any room made of aerated concrete. The thicker the sheets, the better the heat will be retained. The advantages of this insulation include its high resistance to different materials, to weather conditions, temperature changes. The thermal insulation material has excellent vapor permeability and resistance to fungi and mold. For reference, a 12 cm layer of polystyrene foam can replace brick wall 20 cm. Installing foam plastic on aerated concrete walls is not at all difficult; no construction skills or abilities are required.

The surface of aerated concrete walls must first be sanded and leveled. Secure with dowels metal profiles on the wall. They must be attached as firmly as possible. For the surface of the walls, it is better to use solid foam plastic; in places where it is impossible to install whole slabs, it is necessary to use pieces of insulation that correspond to the dimensions. The glue is diluted and applied to penoplex (expanded polystyrene). Temperature factors should be taken into account when insulating aerated concrete walls. The air temperature should not be below 7 ° C. Otherwise low temperature air may prevent the adhesive from drying properly.

In some cases, individual slabs may not be smooth enough, so before applying the adhesive composition, it is better to process the foam (foam or polystyrene foam) using a grinding machine or sandpaper. You need to glue the sheets starting from the bottom of the building - first the base, then the facade. After gluing is completed, the insulation sheets must be secured with dowels (6 pieces for each sheet). Joints and seams need to be coated with glue.

You definitely need to pay attention to the adhesive composition - it should suit your needs chemical composition for penoplex. Otherwise, the aggressive substances present may destroy the structure of the insulation. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to apply cladding to the insulating layer. This can be done using metal mesh, which will be attached to the insulation with glue or concrete mortar. It is necessary to make a penoplex lining in order to prevent the influence of external environment, which can destroy the thermal insulation material. Penoplex is afraid of temperature changes, direct sunlight, and precipitation.

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Insulation of walls with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is mainly applied to aerated concrete walls by spraying. To make the solution, you will need a special container in which the polyisocyanate and polyol will be mixed. After foaming the composition carbon dioxide it heats up. The composition is sprayed onto insulated surfaces using a spray gun under pressure. It should be noted that polyurethane foam is quite easy to apply to the surface of aerated concrete walls.

Polyurethane foam is popular because it has high adhesive characteristics, creates an insulating layer without joints and seams, which increases the thermal insulation properties. In addition, the material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, light weight, durability, resistance to fire, mold and rodents.

You can carry out work on insulating aerated concrete from the inside of the house in the same way as from the outside. Aerated concrete can be insulated both during construction and during repair work. Internal insulation carried out in places that are more susceptible to cold.

The modern material aerated concrete is perfect for building a residential building. When you have already built the mansion of your dreams, the question arises about insulating a house made of aerated concrete. What and how to insulate? Is it necessary to do this? Let's figure it out.

Is it worth insulating?

First, let’s figure out what aerated concrete is as a building material. This construction mixture includes cement with gas-forming agents and quartz sand. Due to special manufacturing technologies, it has a porous structure.

During the production of blocks, the components are first mixed, then the aerated concrete is shaped. Against the background of the applied chemical influences, the mixture expands and becomes porous. After the material has dried, it is cut into blocks rectangular shape. Some of them have protrusions or indentations.

Next, the finished product is subjected to final drying using autoclave or non-autoclave methods. Blocks dried using the first method are much stronger, but also more expensive. Insulation solution aerated concrete house accepted by the owner. If you live where there are severe frosts and harsh winters, and at the same time want to reduce the cost of heating your home, then you need to insulate it.

Insulation methods

There are many ways to insulate aerated concrete houses outside. Manufacturers of insulating materials offer a huge selection of these products to suit every taste for buyers with different incomes. Let us characterize the most popular of them.

Insulation with mineral wool

When insulating aerated concrete buildings, mineral wool is in great demand. This material has increased strength and vapor permeability, making it perfectly compatible with aerated concrete. Insulating aerated concrete walls with mineral wool will provide a comfortable microclimate and moderate humidity in the house. The service life of this insulation is more than 70 years.

Before insulation, the walls should be thoroughly cleaned. The wool is attached to the wall with plastic dowels. Then a fiberglass mesh is glued onto the mineral wool using a special glue. It will ensure the integrity and safety of the plaster and painting of the walls. Another layer of glue is applied on top of the mesh. When it dries, the walls can be plastered and painted.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene insulation is considered economical. They are used exclusively outside the building. There are two types: foam plastic and penoplex.

Polystyrene foam is much cheaper than mineral wool. It is often used to insulate houses on a limited budget. But it is worth considering that it does not allow steam to pass through. Therefore, ventilation ducts should be added to aerated concrete houses with foam insulation.

This material is attached to pre-cleaned aerated concrete walls using glue, which is applied with a notched trowel. In addition to this, the foam is reinforced with plastic dowels. When gluing foam plastic, a slight displacement is allowed. The insulated walls are painted and plastered after the glue has dried.

Penoplex insulation outside the house

This insulation has characteristics similar to polystyrene foam. Used outside. Before laying, aerated concrete walls are cleaned of small gaps, chips, protrusions, and cracks using plaster. This will not only make the insulated surface smooth, but will also protect against cold penetration through the cracks.

After plastering, the wall is primed for better adhesion of the penoplex to the aerated concrete. Next, after the primer has dried, the insulating material is directly glued. For this, cement-based glue is used. When the last sheet of penoplex is laid, for better strengthening, the insulated facade is covered with disc-shaped dowels. At the end, the façade is finished. Plaster or siding is suitable for this.

Comparative characteristics of insulation materials

Insulating materials have similar properties, but there are still differences. Some of them retain heat better. But at the same time you will have to pay a round sum for the material. Some insulation fulfills its obligations worse, but is more affordable. Here the builder needs to rely on material capabilities. But you should think about whether the quality of thermal conductivity of the selected material is satisfactory.

The main thing is to make sure before purchasing insulation that it is safe, environmentally friendly and meets quality standards.

This is guaranteed by a certificate that the seller must provide. If a company selling insulation materials does not have this document, you should doubt the quality of its product and think about changing the supplier.

When should you insulate an aerated concrete wall from the outside? If you built a house from aerated concrete, you should not rush with insulation. Let's explain why. At the end, they are wrapped in special packaging material, which retains moisture inside the block for a long time. This humidity remains during construction. If you don't cover it construction material

, it will absorb even more moisture.

In winter, when the house begins to heat up, the water accumulated in the walls is pushed out. If you rush to plaster the facade of the house, this will ensure low vapor permeability on the wall surface. As a result, the moisture that comes out cannot evaporate and settles on the inside of the plaster. At the same time, the insulating material gets wet, freezes, and begins to rot.

If you plan to insulate the outside of your house immediately after its construction, you should first protect the building material from moisture. If the house has already been built, but the blocks were not previously covered, we advise you to wait several months to insulate the facade until the walls are completely dry. This can be achieved by covering the walls of the house with waterproof film. Aerated concrete is enough warm material. His thermal performance indicators about three times better than hollow

ceramic bricks

  1. . According to calculations, a wall made of cellular concrete is required to be three times thinner than a brick one, but in practice such a structure often requires additional thermal protection. It is best to insulate a house made of aerated concrete from the outside. Features of insulation The need for waterproofing. Cellular concrete absorbs moisture well, so when insulating they use high-quality waterproofing materials. An unprotected wall can hold cells inside
  2. Use of chemical anchors. Aerated concrete does not have high strength, therefore, when using conventional dowels, cracks and chips easily form on its surface, which can lead to the destruction of the wall;
  3. The need for conservation. Insulation of an aerated concrete house is carried out several months after the completion of the masonry, so that the material dries out. If the insulation of the facade is planned to be carried out immediately, then additional measures to protect the material from moisture during construction.

Options for additional thermal protection

When installing insulation outside, the service life of the building is extended, the interior space is not affected, and moist air is easily removed from the wall to the street. But when high altitude buildings require the use of the services of industrial climbers, which greatly increases the cost of insulation work.

Insulation from the inside can be done at any height of the building, but it is worth remembering that in this case the wall requires vapor barrier and waterproofing. The insulation will last less than in the previous case, and the usable space of the premises will be reduced. This option is not recommended for low-rise construction, since experts consider it ineffective.

Materials for thermal insulation of facades

When designing a house, professionals carefully calculate the required thickness of insulation. At self-construction You can take the size approximately, since a house made of aerated concrete itself is warm. Most often, mineral wool and polystyrene foam are used for thermal insulation. Their thermal insulation characteristics are approximately the same.
It is important to choose quality materials, since the service life of the facade structure, the frequency of replacement and the cost of installation depend on this.

Foam insulation

Polystyrene foam costs half as much as mineral wool. The main disadvantage of this material is that it does not allow steam to pass through, the walls of the house do not “breathe”, so the rooms require additional ventilation. In the absence of sufficient air movement, condensation forms in the building, the presence of which leads to the appearance of mold and mildew.

Work with foam plastic should be performed in the following order:

  1. Cleaning the wall from dirt;
  2. removing all irregularities and protrusions on the wall, if any;
  3. treatment with antiseptic compounds to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold;
  4. gluing fiberglass mesh near windows to increase strength;
  5. applying special glue to the insulation and the wall;
  6. gluing foam sheets to the outside of the wall;
  7. plastering and painting the surface after the glue has dried.

Additionally, the insulating layer can be secured to the wall with plastic dowels.
To complete the work you will need polystyrene foam, special glue and a notched trowel for its application, plastic dowels and fiberglass mesh.
The service life of foam plastic when fixed outside in a climate with significant temperature changes is 20 years, more mild conditions the material can last up to 50 years.

When insulating with foam plastic, a question may arise regarding fire safety finishing, but with the help of special flame retardant additives the material can be made non-flammable.
The material does not emit harmful substances during operation and is recyclable, which allows us to talk about its environmental safety.

A more expensive alternative to polystyrene foam is extruded polystyrene foam. It has greater strength, but in most cases its use is unjustified, since for facade works Inexpensive and lightweight materials are preferable. But a significant advantage is the absence of the need to use waterproofing, which allows it to remain among the ranks of facade thermal insulation.

Insulation with mineral wool

The main competitor of polystyrene foam has become mineral wool insulation. The material is used in slabs, since rolled wool can sag over time and stop performing its functions.

Installation of thermal insulation from the outside is carried out in the following order:

  1. Cleaning the insulated surface from dirt and dust;
  2. leveling if necessary;
  3. applying an antiseptic;
  4. application of a special adhesive composition;
  5. fixing the slabs in the design position;
  6. fastening with plastic dowels;
  7. installation of fiberglass mesh over the insulation for a strong fit of the plaster;
  8. applying an additional layer of glue;
  9. After the glue has dried, plaster and paint the wall.

Unlike polystyrene foam, mineral insulation has good vapor permeability and does not require additional ventilation. Some types of material can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius without igniting or starting to melt. Mineral wool can last up to 70 years.

Mineral wool weighs more than polystyrene foam, so it puts more stress on building foundations. This should be taken into account when the load-bearing capacity of structures is small.
Work with mineral wool must be carried out in special clothing, gloves, and a protective mask. Particles of material coming into contact with the skin cause irritation and itching. The mask prevents them from entering the respiratory tract and harming the health of builders. This complicates the installation of the material.
Another obstacle to the use of this type of thermal insulation is its cost, which exceeds the price of foam plastic.

Modern methods of insulation

One of the latest developments in the field thermal insulation materials become insulated plaster mixtures . Warm plaster can increase the protective characteristics of a wall if it is sufficiently thick.

A layer of material of 15 millimeters replaces 4 centimeters of foam. To improve the properties, sawdust or paper pulp is added to the composition. You can buy it already ready mixture or cook it yourself.

Main advantages of the coating:

  1. Good sound insulation of the facade;
  2. resistance to mold, mildew, insects, rodents;
  3. relatively low cost;
  4. environmental friendliness and naturalness;
  5. Fire safety;
  6. lack of additional protective equipment for workers.

Installation is carried out in exactly the same way as with conventional mixtures.
When applied externally, the coating requires additional protection from atmospheric moisture. To do this, a layer of ordinary plaster is applied on top of the insulated composition.
This material is best suited for carrying out interior works. Unlike previous types of insulation, plaster does not require vapor barrier or waterproofing.
The material is completely safe and can be used even in children's rooms and medical institutions.

One of the most commonly used building materials for wall construction is aerated concrete. Unlike other types of concrete, this type It has a porous structure, which gives it properties such as high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity.

This means that for most buildings, when installing a thermal insulation layer, it is enough to lay only one or two layers of insulation. This will be quite enough to ensure a comfortable temperature in winter period time.

Let's take a closer look at the insulation of a house made of aerated concrete from the outside and inside, starting with a description of the material and ending with the technology for performing this work.

Aerated concrete - features and production

An aerated concrete block is an artificial stone consisting of cement, sand, gas-forming agents and impurities such as ash, lime, gypsum and slag.

The role of gas-forming materials is usually played by aluminum powders. After mixing the starting materials with water, as a result of a chemical reaction, hydrogen is formed, which forms in the future artificial stone many pores. Until the material hardens, it is cut into blocks and slabs required sizes, and then dried.

House built entirely from aerated concrete blocks

The blocks are easily subject to any technological processing. Aerated concrete is fireproof, environmentally friendly and has a high degree of sound insulation and heat conservation.

The thermal protection parameters of a house depend on what building material was used during construction. Insulation of aerated concrete is carried out in a very short time, which allows you to save significant money on heating.

Double-sided insulation

General scheme of insulation using mineral wool

There are different types aerated concrete - the better its structure, the longer it will retain heat on its own. However, the heat-saving properties of aerated concrete are not unlimited, so it is recommended to additionally insulate houses made from this material before putting it into operation.

Insulation load-bearing wall outside the house, can be produced simple polystyrene foam- V in this case It is not the thermal characteristics that are important, but the uniform distribution of the load on the building structure.

Insulation from the inside is carried out if the thermal insulation from the outside is not enough and an additional heat-saving barrier is required.

Remember that insulating the aerated concrete walls of a house from the inside entails a reduction in the free space of the premises. If this moment is very critical, then it is worth performing more reliable thermal insulation and finishing of the walls outside.

Thermal insulation rules

Between aerated concrete and facing bricks a ventilation gap must be provided

Installation of thermal insulation materials shifts the dew point from the walls towards the insulation. This affects the increase in humidity levels in rooms.

To prevent the appearance of condensation, it is necessary to install the insulating material correctly: there should be a gap of three to five centimeters between the load-bearing wall and the insulation.

To ensure greater reliability, vapor-permeable materials are used - in this case, excess moisture will evaporate into the external environment even without leaving a gap.

Selection of material for external insulation

The most effective insulation materials at the moment for thermal insulation work in private construction are:

  • polyurethane foam - forms foam when interacting with the insulated surface. It is foaming that provides additional heat retention. This material has a long service life and does not require repairs;
  • expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam - usually used to insulate aerated concrete walls on the street side. The only disadvantage of this insulation is the long installation time;
  • extruded polystyrene foam - suitable for installation on any surface. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which significantly reduces the heat loss of the building through the outer surface of the walls and facade.

The use of mineral wool is only possible with high-quality external finishing

Mineral wool is not advisable for use when insulating a house made of aerated concrete blocks. It absorbs moisture well, but in this case this property will only do harm: the accumulation of moisture will destroy aerated concrete.

A five-centimeter layer of such insulation will hold fifty liters of water per square meter area. As you can see, a negative impact on aerated concrete will occur not only due to the accumulation of condensate, but also due to the creation of additional load on the structure.

Technology and procedure for insulation work

General scheme for insulating an aerated concrete wall

At the first stage, finishing work is carried out interior walls— first you need to create a smooth and dirt-free surface. To do this, the unevenness on the walls is rubbed down, and then the voids are filled with glue. Instead of glue, cement-sand mortar is sometimes used. After the surface has dried, it is cleaned of any dust that has formed.

The walls are treated with a primer, and then, after the last layer has dried, plaster is applied to the surface. If some places on the walls will be regularly exposed to dampness and moisture, you need to locally treat them with waterproofing agents and apply a moisture-resistant mixture on top.

After the insulating layer has completely dried, the walls are leveled again, only this time by wetting the top layer with water. If you repeat this process several times, you can achieve a more ideal result.

Polyurethane foam is a reliable insulation material for internal and external thermal insulation work

Interior decoration can be done using plasterboard: the material is glued to the walls using primer composition. Decorating a damp or damp room is done with tiles.

When choosing a particular material, look at properties such as vapor permeability. Despite the additional installation difficulties, you will get a longer service life.

At the second stage, work is carried out to insulate the walls outside the house. Heat escapes through the joints of some aerated concrete blocks, as well as window and door openings. Any gaps can be eliminated by applying an adhesive solution.

As already mentioned, aerated concrete can be easily insulated with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. In this case, you can significantly save on both material and installation. The main disadvantage of polystyrene foam is that it does not allow steam to pass through very well, which means that additional care will need to be taken of ventilation.

Thermal insulation using expanded polystyrene

When choosing insulation for aerated concrete walls, much attention should be paid to vapor permeability. If the insulation on the inside is made with vapor-permeable insulation, and with outside- vapor-tight, water vapor simply will not have access to the outside - as a result, the humidity in the premises of the house will significantly increase.

Taking this into account, for insulation from the outside you should not use:

  • foamed plastics;
  • foam glass;
  • steam and air-tight paints;
  • polymer solutions

The plaster should be used specifically for aerated concrete blocks. Ordinary plaster will crack after some time and take on a sloppy appearance.

A good option for insulation would be brickwork. However, this option is only possible at the beginning of building a house, since the support for brickwork there must be a foundation.

It is worth remembering that since the bricks will completely cover the aerated concrete, moisture will begin to form between the materials. This problem is solved by installing ventilation holes.

Ventilation is installed at the base level and under the eaves overhang. Even with good ventilation, aerated concrete needs additional protection with a layer of waterproofing.

  • waterproofing and windproof layers are required;
  • do not use vapor-proof materials;
  • be sure to organize ventilation;
  • thermal insulation can be omitted if available heating system. However, thermal insulation will cost less than heating;
  • the insulation parameters must match the parameters of the aerated concrete wall;
  • aerated concrete can only be insulated from the outside, excluding insulation from the inside of the house. Exterior cladding is usually done to improve the appearance.

Before insulating a house made of aerated concrete from the outside, it is necessary to select insulation materials. They may be different.

The main task is insulation, they will be able to do it, but depending on the composition it is necessary to take into account their weaknesses. In order to insulate a house made of aerated concrete from the outside, several types of insulation are suitable. Some are classic types of insulation, others seem not quite suitable, but nevertheless they cope with their task.

A completely classic type of insulation. Also suitable for wooden houses for both concrete and brick houses. Installation of mineral wool is quite simple and does not raise any special questions. Insulation of aerated concrete walls with cotton wool is done in two ways:

Frame installation

To do this, wooden blocks or metal guides are mounted at the corners of the house and throughout the entire area with a certain step. The pitch of the guides depends on the width of the mineral wool. Mineral wool is placed into the resulting frame, and everything is covered with a vapor-proof membrane on top.

Glue mounting

Mineral wool can be mounted with a special glue, which is sold in construction hypermarkets. The glue is diluted according to the instructions and allowed to stand for a while. After this, it must be applied as evenly as possible onto the mineral wool and then it, together with the glue, must be pressed firmly against the wall.

The disadvantage of both methods is that it is necessary to subsequently finish it, otherwise the exterior will be ugly. Also, a serious disadvantage of the insulation itself is that it is hydrophobic; it is necessary to make high-quality insulation of the mineral wool layer from the foundation.

Using the same methods, you can insulate the facade of a house made of aerated concrete. Due to the fact that polystyrene foam is produced in the form of slabs, you can not build a frame, but glue the foam plastic to the wall.

A serious advantage of polystyrene foam is that it is not as hydrophobic as cotton wool, and also does not lose volume over time, which is what soft insulation materials are susceptible to. But additional decorative finishing You will still have to make it at home.

Liquid polyurethane

This method applies to modern methods. The heat-insulating layer will be a layer that, under the influence of certain substances, will harden into one layer.

In order to install such insulation, it is necessary to mix the base composition with a hardener and, using special equipment, distribute the mixture between the facade of the house and the finishing. Also, before performing this operation, you need to think about what kind of finishing the house will be and do it, leaving a gap into which the mixture will be poured.

A serious plus in the question of what is the best way to insulate a house is that at the same time it is necessary to carry out decorative finishing, otherwise it will not be possible to do insulation.

The downside is that you cannot perform this operation yourself, since you need to use special equipment, and, therefore, you will have to involve some specialists in this process for a certain fee.

Cladding a house with bricks

Another way to solve the problem of how to insulate a house made of aerated concrete from the outside is brick. This is somewhat non-standard, but it allows not only to create a layer of insulation, but also to simultaneously solve the issue of decorating the facade.

In order to clad a house, you need to prepare brick and mortar that will hold the masonry together. There are different bricks on sale:

  1. Hollow - not very suitable for insulation, as internal voids will take heat from the house.
  2. Silicate is most suitable for cladding work, but it will not work on its own for thermal insulation, which means it is necessary to build an air pocket.
  3. Solid - acts more as an insulating layer or is used to create walls for a house. But it needs to be decorated.

Thermal insulation can be done by creating an air pocket, and the facing layer will be clinker brick.

As a rule, cladding work starts from the base and continues upward. To create an air pocket, leave some distance from the wall. After completing the cladding work, loose insulation is poured into this air pocket. It can be foam balls or expanded clay.

Insulation using decorative plaster

Decorative plaster can also act as insulation for a house made of aerated concrete. As a rule, such houses adhere well to a layer of leveling compound, which will act as insulation; it is also called warm plaster.

A layer of decorative plaster is applied to this leveling composition, which is secured with paint or varnish. All these layers will play a role in insulation. Also, this system solves the problem of decorating the facade of the house.

But insulation decorative plaster can be done with another layer of insulation. For example, first a layer of mineral wool or foam is installed. Then, a fiberglass facade mesh is laid on this material, with the help of which the leveling layer will be held, and after that decorative plaster is applied.

Before insulating with glue or plaster, the walls must be cleaned and primed. Regardless of what good glue was not used for gluing insulation, installation needs to be strengthened.

That is, in addition to fastening the slabs with special glue, each slab must be additionally secured with a dowel-nail, also known as a façade dowel. For mineral wool - with a metal nail, for foam plastic - with a plastic one. As a rule, such dowels are driven into the corners and into the middle of the slabs.

In order to prevent the formation of condensation, it is better to additionally putty the joints of the gas block or coat it with the solution on which the gas block was laid. Thus, there will be no escape from the connection points warm air and mix with cold water, causing condensation to form.

It is worth noting that any insulation also serves as sound insulation. Therefore, you should not neglect such work; the result can be warm house, into which no extraneous sounds penetrate.