Cozy winter garden on the loggia. Garden on the balcony: arrangement ideas

Many city dwellers dream of their own suburban areas, but, unfortunately, you have to be content with only local beauties. How to create your own paradise, in which you can grow plants, care for them and enjoy coziness and comfort - you can make your own winter garden on the loggia or on the balcony.

You can and should make a winter garden in your apartment with your own hands if you want a green corner, but you should pay attention to a number of secrets so that the dream does not turn into a large number of problems. Wall decoration should be carried out exclusively with natural finishing materials- stone, wood. Moreover, the wood must be treated with a special compound that prevents the formation of mold and rot.

And further:

  1. A mini pond or indoor fountain would look great.
  2. Plants with large leaves, planted in solid clay pots, will look very stylish. If they are placed on the walls, then you need to install strong fastenings.
  3. Rattan furniture is considered a traditional decoration option, because wicker furniture creates incredible comfort and comfortable conditions.

If the dimensions of the room allow, you can install a rocking chair. Such an element in the interior of a room is especially important for those who prefer to use the greenhouse for reading or relaxing procedures.

If there is no space to install large flower pots, then you can purchase functional ceiling racks.

Everything in the room should look harmonious, from the small shelf right down to the selected plants. All elements must be selected so that they complement each other.

Garden ventilation on the balcony

In order for the plants filling the greenhouse to feel as comfortable as possible, you will need to take care of suitable conditions. Namely, it must be supported optimal temperature, especially in winter. To do this, install a fan heater, which must have a temperature sensor.

Greenhouse or mini-greenhouse in an apartment multi-storey building- This:

  • Beautiful;
  • Stylish;
  • Modern.

In addition, it is worth equipping the room with a heated floor system. It is strictly forbidden to install heated floors if you plan to place pots of flowers on the floor, as there will be a kind of overheating of the plants, which does not have a favorable effect on their development.

In this case, it is better to choose heaters located around the perimeter of the balcony.

In addition, it requires maintaining optimal humidity, the level of which should vary between 75-80%, however, such conditions may not be very pleasant for a person. How to solve this problem? It is worth choosing plants that are easy to care for and can grow in conditions of average humidity. To maintain the microclimate, you can install an air conditioner or a special room humidifier, which has a regulator that can independently control the room conditions.

Forming a greenhouse on the balcony

It is in such a room that you can safely grow plants of various types, for example, citrus fruits, orchids, as well as palm trees or coffee trees. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the flowers, since they will remain completely safe, even if there is frost outside the window.

To make a winter garden in which you can grow flowers even in winter, you need to carefully arrange it:

  • Glazing;
  • Insulation;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Interior decoration.

You definitely need to take care of compensating the light on the loggia by installing additional lighting fixtures. This may be spot lighting, however ideal option considered a choice of special ultraviolet lamps, which will replenish the light balance in full and the plants will not have vitamin D deficiency.

To ensure that the greenhouse is always green and leaves do not fall off with the onset of autumn, in the winter garden it is worth choosing those flowers and plants that do not wither and do not shed their leaves.

Otherwise, all efforts to arrange the greenhouse will be in vain. Some people prefer to turn to specialists who select plants for their personal greenhouse, based on personal preferences and the conditions in which they will be kept. It is important to remember that plants are divided into different groups, there are tropical, subtropical and the like, but in order to collect your own garden It’s worth paying attention to each type separately so that you don’t make a mistake with your choice and the greenhouse can delight you with its uniqueness. It is best to pay attention to vegetation from one climate zone, which will allow them to maintain an ideal optimal climate.

Ideas from professionals for a balcony garden

It is important to remember that a winter garden is not just a decoration for an apartment, but a unique world that smells nice, looks beautiful and at the same time simply amazes with its peace and comfort. It will be a wonderful place for adults and children if you plan its space wisely.

Ideas on how to arrange a flower garden in your apartment can be very different, however, when creating a greenhouse, you should start from some factors:

  • Room area;
  • The side on which the light falls;
  • Temperature conditions;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Lighting level;
  • Air humidity;
  • Degrees of insulation.

It is very fashionable to make winter gardens on loggias and balconies in an aristocratic style. It would seem, how can a small room replace a huge greenhouse? Actually, it can. All you have to do is use your imagination and add your own own hands and a great desire, and then you will be able to create a unique and especially pleasant room.

Flowers in pots or creative containers look very original. self made, which can be installed in several tiers.

No less interesting solution installation of small ceiling racks will be possible, due to which you can significantly save room space. If you add exclusively to the decoration of a balcony selected for a winter garden natural materials, then the effect will be simply unforgettable.

To make the room even more stylish, you can install a couple of artificial fruit trees, and if room conditions allow, then it is permissible to install a real orange or lemon Tree. Compositions from coffee topiary and many other decorative items can decorate the greenhouse, enliven it and make it most comfortable.

Living corner or winter garden on the balcony (video)

Ideas may be different, but the rules of arrangement winter garden alone on the balcony and this creature suitable conditions for plants, and only then populating the premises with green neighbors who will delight you with their appearance for a long time and even in the most severe cold. Proper sealing of the room is very important, since if there are drafts, then all the vegetation can die in just a few weeks.

Design of a winter garden on the balcony (photo examples)

In this article we will offer you ideas that will allow you to organize a real garden right on the balcony of your own apartment in order to create a green corner in the center of the metropolis, delighting not only guests of the house, but also passers-by.

Petunias are a recognized leader in “balcony” gardening. Unpretentious, bright, pleasing to the eye in a variety of shades, they bloom almost all summer, growing and hanging in picturesque floral “waterfalls.”

Today, inexpensive, lightweight plastic flowerpots are the most popular.

The side walls of the loggia can also be used to organize home garden. A variety of hanging planters will help create beauty on a previously featureless wall.

You can complement the overall picture of a picturesque home garden with figurines, African masks, Chinese bells and other decorative details.

Experts advise choosing for “balcony” gardens such plants from the liana family as maidenhair or fragrant grapes, honeysuckle honeysuckle and clematis

Of course, such large flowerpots should only be used on fairly spacious balconies, where shrubs will look great. The only problem is that in our climate many perennials will not be able to survive the winter, so you will have to take care of this separately

Simple and tasteful - wooden shelves on the side wall of the balcony with colorful pots. Perhaps this garden will not be as noticeable from below as the hanging “waterfalls” of petunias, but it will definitely delight the guests of the house

And in this case, the design with glass doors serves as a real greenhouse in which you can grow flowers from the earliest spring without fear of frost or strong wind

The hanging garden on this balcony is successfully complemented by an imitation of a lawn, because the more greenery, the better

A green rug like this, which has become the center of an outdoor recreation area, can help imitate a lawn.

It's bright on this balcony flowering plants go well with an equally cheerful tablecloth and chair upholstery. After all, a garden on a balcony is not only flowers, it is also a relaxing atmosphere that should take you from the city to nature

Large flowerpots with legs can accommodate a variety of flowers, which can be grouped by flowering time and shades, creating a composition that will delight owners throughout the warm season. In addition, it is quite possible to plant herbs and spices in such flowerpots, combining business with pleasure

The owners of this garden chose colorful pots and took the trouble to label each flower in order to know exactly where everything grows and how to care for a particular plant.

Fragrant or girl's grapes Over time, it may well move from the balcony to the roof or window of a neighboring apartment

Appreciate all the advantages of this invention - pots that are securely attached to the balcony railings. True, they are not very spacious, so you can’t plant large flowers here. But traditional geranium - please

Even on such a narrow balcony you can create a picturesque flower arrangement, simply placing pots along the walls and railings. True, the railings themselves remained unused - apparently, the owners simply did not know about the existence of special pots from our previous idea

In this garden on the balcony there are as many as four levels of flowers, which were placed in a relatively small area

There are two principles for organizing such a “hanging” garden on the balcony - choose flowers different shades to create a bright palette, or plants in the same color scheme to achieve a more subdued, but no less beautiful result

An example of how original a composition of flowers of the same shade can look. Looking at this balcony on the wall of an old house, you understand that there are a great many shades of red, and they were created by nature itself

And here the owners took the second path and chose petunias of all colors of the rainbow for their “balcony” garden

Selecting furniture for a garden on a balcony is a rather difficult task, because you don’t want to disfigure a beautiful flower arrangement with a banal plastic chair white. The owners of this balcony managed to choose a cute sofa and an armchair, not too bright, but eye-catching colors. And be sure to pay attention to the artificial tree on the wall. Cute, isn't it?

On the balcony it is recommended to grow shrubs such as common juniper, black broom, Thunberg barberry, American maple, Weymouth pine (eastern white), Fortune's euonymus, whole-leaved willow and dwarf lilac

A real canopy, which over time will be completely covered with grape vines, will become a source of shade on this small balcony. And the owners decided to complement the overall picture with classic stucco on the wall and sansevieria (aka “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”)

If at your home snow-white facade, petunias should be chosen like this, juicy, bright shade, which will look especially attractive against such a background

It is appropriate to plant delicate, lovely violets in pots suspended on railings - this way they will be at eye level and will not get lost among other, more lush and climbing plants

Creating a garden on a balcony is not so difficult - often it is enough to simply move flower pots from the room to fresh air. However, if you approach the arrangement of a “balcony” garden with imagination, listen to the advice of experts, you can become the owner of a very beautiful and unusual place for relaxation and even take part in a competition for the most beautiful balcony, which is held today in many cities.

Anna Sedykh,

Winter garden on the balcony, photo

At a time when there are dull autumn landscapes outside the window or frost and cold, you really want to communicate with wildlife, sun and warmth - especially when returning home after a busy day at work. Create a real blooming oasis in ordinary apartment, you can by organizing a real winter garden on the balcony. Such a corner will not only become your outlet, but will also clean the house of dust, saturate it with useful biological substances, and create harmony and comfort.

How to create favorable conditions for crops in the winter garden

Before setting up a winter garden on a balcony or loggia, you should create favorable conditions for growing green creatures.

The following factors play a major role when planning a home flower garden:

  • glazing area;
  • the side on which the windows face;
  • lighting;
  • ventilation and air exchange system;
  • insulation;
  • temperature regime;
  • air humidity.

Glazing area

The first and most important stage arrangement of a winter garden in an apartment - glazing of the balcony. Since even the most shade-loving plants cannot survive without a lack of sunlight long time. The glass area is of great importance - the larger it is, the closer the conditions for growing flowers are to natural ones. Best material for finishing - double-glazed windows of the double-chamber type. They do not block the penetration of the sun's rays, and at the same time perfectly retain heat indoors.

How to place it correctly

As is known, different cultures prefer different daylight hours and degrees of illumination (shade, partial shade, open areas). Therefore, in addition to the competent selection of plants, it is important to provide all inhabitants of the winter garden with an even distribution of light from the windows. It is not only the system that needs to be planned artificial lighting, but also high-quality protection from direct exposure to the rays of the bright sun.

The most suitable place for a winter garden in an apartment is a balcony with large windows, located to the east or west. But this arrangement has both pros and cons. If the balcony is oriented to the east, the sun will shine evenly in the first half of the day, and in the second half the plants will have to be shaded.

On the balcony located on the west side, heat is maintained around the clock, but during the daytime it will be necessary reliable protection from direct sunlight. Great solution To place a garden on the balcony, the south side will be, but in this case you should be wary of the greenhouse effect. Therefore it must be equipped good system ventilation.

Sun protection can be installed both inside and outside the garden. Most effective method external shading - the use of awnings of the "awning" system. Such designs are equipped with an electric drive and light, humidity and wind sensors, which allow you to control these indicators indoors using a radio remote control or wall switch. Internal protection will be provided by blinds made of veneer - the thinnest sheet of valuable wood.


Before you start creating a winter garden on the balcony, you should take care of high-quality lighting. Due to the lack of light, which is so lacking in winter time, flowers shed their leaves, grow and stretch in height, so there is no way to do without artificial lighting. Currently, there are many options for phytolamps. An economical, although not very cheap, option is considered LED bulbs.

Ventilation and air exchange system

Overheating of the loggia, as well as high humidity air, can have a detrimental effect on plants. That is why it is necessary to provide combined protection of the room from the sun and dampness. Most effective way- regular ventilation of the balcony greenhouse. Ventilation holes are installed in such a way that fresh air enters from below, mixes with the warm flow, rises upward, where it exits. If the structure is located on the south side, an additional air conditioning system is installed to counteract the greenhouse effect.


The room for a home flower garden should not only be light enough, but also well insulated. For creating favorable conditions, high-quality sealing of all cracks is necessary. Reliable, environmentally friendly and easy-to-install insulation materials are polystyrene foam, penofol and styrodur (expanded polystyrene). It is also necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling.


Most species indoor crops prefer air temperatures ranging from plus 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. There are two ways to provide plants with the appropriate temperature regime - install a heater or water heating. It is best to place electric fireplaces in several places - around the perimeter of the room, and radiators - along the glazed wall.

Air humidity

One of the most important conditions For the full growth and development of plants on the balcony in winter, it is necessary to constantly maintain air humidity inside the structure within 75-80%. The most effective device for regulating air humidity in a winter garden is considered ultrasonic humidifier, equipped automatic regulator. For example, Redmond RHF-3315, or Gorenje H50DW.

Selection and rules for placing plants in the winter garden

After everything installation work completed, you can safely begin choosing plants for your home flower garden. To make the winter garden look beautiful and harmonious, you should definitely make a sketch of the future composition, taking into account the characteristics of the selected plants. Better solution- cultures from one climate zone. Then it will be easier to create equally comfortable conditions for all residents of the green corner.

In the background, right next to the window, it is rational to arrange the most light-loving plants: succulents, ficus, Dieffenbachia, gasteria. In the second row fuchsia, azalea, tuberous begonias and other beautifully blooming house flowers.

Plants with variegated leaves should be placed in the third row: fittonia, heptapleurum, hipestems, peperomia. And in the center of the composition - monstera, yucca, dracaena, and any other tall shrubs. In the foreground, where little light reaches, you can shelter vines, ferns, asplenium, anthuriums and other shade-tolerant plants.

Winter garden on the balcony - photos and original design ideas

A winter garden is not just a decoration for an apartment, it is a unique world, fragrant with flowers, calming colors and giving health, in which you can relax from the bustle of the city alone, or have a pleasant time with family and friends.

What appearance will yours have? indoor flower garden, depends only on you and your imagination. There are many design options. Flowers in pots or containers placed in two tiers, one above the other, will look very original and unusual. Great solution for a small balcony - ceiling racks, which not only save space, but also accommodate a large number of plants.

To create a garden with exotic vines It is enough to place boxes or pots with thunbergia, graceful kirkazon or ivy on the floor near the wall of the balcony, and then attach supports to the containers along which the plant shoots will crawl upward. The most appetizing option for decorating a garden on a balcony is a composition of indoor fruit crops. To create it, citrus fruits, pomegranate, a coffee tree, feijoa.

An integral part of the winter garden interior are handmade decorative elements, mini-ponds, cascades or fountains. You can also use untreated stone, slabs, gravel and any other material. Wicker furniture, a table made of matte glass or your favorite rocking chair will add uniqueness and aristocracy to the compositions.

Bottom line

It’s not difficult to create a wonderful miniature winter flower garden with your own hands right on the balcony of your own apartment. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for plants to live in, choose the right assortment and, using your imagination, decorate the room beautifully and tastefully.

Fans of rare tropical plants now have every opportunity to expand their collections. And many people have a desire to create a winter garden - a transparent room with a special microclimate, where everyone will feel good - both flowers and people. It is possible to arrange such a structure not only if there is country house- quite suitable for these purposes. Architects have long used the amazing ability of volumetric transparent structures to fit into almost any style. Winter gardens, or, as they are called in English-speaking countries, conservatories, with the right design will add charm to even the most banal building.

This is a glazed building protruding beyond the plane of the facade of the main building. It is the connection to the house that distinguishes a winter garden from. The construction of a winter garden includes two key elements: a translucent roof and facade glazing. There are several types of structures, the choice of which depends on the nature of the main structure and the location of the winter garden.

If you plan to have large glass extensions, it is better to choose a T-shaped, P-shaped or hipped structure. Suitable for low main structures single-pitch design winter garden, and as an economical option you can consider a corner structure. The triangular bay window with a multi-pitched roof and the five-beam design rounded at the end look very compact, simple and at the same time elegant.

Many people believe that the glass volume of a winter garden can be easily assembled from standard high quality window frames. However, this is not the case. For favorable conditions inside, not only the material of the facade is important, but also its combination with a structure that also transmits light.

A huge role in arranging a winter garden is played by its orientation to the cardinal points. The comfort of plants depends on this, and therefore the choice of glass for glazing the roof and facade.

Considered the best. On the south side of the house, problems may arise due to overheating. To avoid them, a number of necessary measures should be taken. First, install a powerful ventilation system. Secondly, choose special tinted glass or regulate the flow of light using blinds. Thirdly, do not block the floor with carpets or other coverings, since this is the only place in the winter garden where solar energy is accumulated.

On the north side, on the contrary, there will be a lack of light, which means that the winter garden will have to be equipped with additional lighting. But there are also advantages: the heat loss of a building is usually very high on the north side, and the winter garden will serve as a climate buffer between the street and the house.

The glass itself for facades can be ordinary, tempered or laminated. Also, companies involved in the design and installation of winter gardens offer double-glazed windows with special energy-saving (low-emissivity) glass. It is made with a metal coating that repels thermal radiation and holding him in the room. In addition, spraying prevents direct sunlight from entering the room. The thickness of the glass unit is from 24 to 38 mm. The glass can be interlaced: a kind of decoration in the form of bars or arches, repeating the design elements of the main building. You can decorate the winter garden with stained glass windows.

The minimum roof slope is 15°, this requirement is due to the need for snow melting in winter. Cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 25 mm is increasingly being used for winter garden roofing. Besides the fact that this modern material Much stronger than glass, it is coated with a special layer of protection against ultraviolet rays. Now you can choose cellular polycarbonate from different color range: transparent or matte, bronze, opal, blue, green.

But, in addition to visual appeal, the roof should be able to do a lot. The main requirement is to withstand changing loads, sometimes quite serious: rain, hail, snow. So that precipitation, and especially snow, does not push through the roof, and its covering remains transparent even in winter period, drainpipes and gutters that are part of the garden structure are equipped with heating systems. To prevent condensation from accumulating inside, the winter garden structures include a passive ventilation system. Nothing supernatural: transoms open along the perimeter of the facade and a hatch with manual or automatic control in the roof.

With external beauty, transparency, lightness, it must remain rigid and resistant to various mechanical influences, including atmospheric influences. Aluminum profile in the design of a winter garden it is very advantageous in all respects: the external openwork is combined with high fire resistance, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, and most importantly, it is very durable.

Nowadays, when constructing modern translucent structures, they usually combine different kinds materials. So, PVC is used as a profile for the facade, and aluminum is used for the roof. It should be noted right away that an ordinary window PVC profile not suitable for a winter garden. An all-aluminum frame is much more expensive than a combined one. Wood is used extremely rarely due to its high cost.

When installing a winter garden, additional work will be required. If a winter garden is planned in a suburban area, then a foundation must be laid under it and heating systems must be provided. If this is a loggia in a city apartment, then it must first be insulated. For those who have a small loggia, it is quite possible to do without additional heating systems.

Any winter garden must be based on a safe design, be protected inside from cooling and overheating, have a rigid and durable frame, let in light and be resistant to any attacks, even extreme ones. atmospheric influences. Neither hurricane winds, nor heavy snowfall, nor torrential rains, nor scorching heat should affect the internal microclimate. Although there are now a lot of options for winter gardens on the market, do not rush to choose. First of all, make sure that the system is suitable for the difficult weather conditions of our country, because some of them, even patented ones, were developed for completely different climatic zones.

It's important to think through color scheme winter garden - correctly selected colors of the design will add individuality. "Classics of the genre": a combination of white and color natural wood or white with anodized metal.

The winter garden is also a relaxation area. Be sure to provide space to place a small table and a few chairs.

Many people love flowers and grow them at home, but few people dare to dedicate an entire room to them. But the solution to this problem will be a winter garden on the balcony. If you put effort into transforming it into a space where people and plants will feel comfortable, you can bring your project to life. And a small space used occasionally will turn into a relaxation corner in which you will want to spend more time. Now we will tell you what needs to be done to achieve this result.


Most of the work is related to the refurbishment of the balcony, and the first stage is insulation. Creating a comfortable temperature is the main condition for turning a balcony into a comfortable room.

To achieve the desired effect you need:

  • glaze the balcony;
  • put a layer of insulation on the walls, floor and ceiling;
  • organize heating.

The most common option is to use double or triple glazing and PVC frames. If you have installed wooden frames, and you do not plan to change them, seal all the cracks as carefully as possible to save heat. And for those who are ready to spend more money on landscaping their garden, there are a few more interesting options. Among them are glass with a special metal coating that improves the thermal insulation of the room, stained glass windows and false bindings that allow you to imitate various ancient styles.

Then it is necessary to cover all surfaces through which heat loss occurs with insulation. Most often, a wooden sheathing is made, into the cells of which a heat-insulating material is placed, usually mineral wool or polystyrene foam. But now there are more modern insulation materials, such as styrodur and penofol. Having chosen one or another type of thermal insulation, read the rules for its installation in more detail. Options finishing quite a lot, starting from wooden lining and ending plastic panels. You can give preference to any of them, the main criterion is compliance with your artistic concept.

In our climate, even high-quality insulation of a balcony is not enough to create conditions suitable for southern plants and comfortable for a lightly dressed person. Therefore, you need to take care of the heat source. Water heating convenient, but you are unlikely to get permission to install a battery. Choosing suitable way, keep in mind that you need uniform heat distribution throughout the room. Warm floors are one of the good options, but keep in mind that in this case you should not place pots with plants on the floor, this is harmful to the roots. A very convenient device for solving the tasks at hand is a fan heater; it provides both the necessary temperature and distribution warm air around the premises.

It is better to start remodeling the balcony in the spring or at least early summer. This will give you more time for repairs under conditions that are most favorable for most types of work. And the more time, the more possibilities think through everything and foresee what your winter garden on the balcony will be like.

Humidity and lighting

Another condition necessary for plant life is sufficient humidity. This aspect is very relevant, since heating devices dry the air, but ways to solve the problem have long been known. Most cheap option– containers with water, the most effective – devices that humidify the air. The question is also what level of humidity you want to achieve. Many tropical plants need high humidity(70-80%), but such an environment is not very comfortable for a person. Therefore, if you plan to spend quite a lot of time on the balcony, it is better to maintain the humidity at approximately 50%, and for the winter garden choose those plants that can adapt to the specified conditions. There is hardly any need to clarify that proper watering is also necessary.

Good lighting is the third required condition. Moreover, you will have to not only make up for the lack of light, but also protect against its excess. To correctly assess the situation, you need to know which side of the world the balcony faces. The most favorable in this aspect will be the eastern or southeastern side. In the south and west the lighting is too intense, in the north, on the contrary, it is too weak. To protect from bright light, tinted glass or blinds are used. The lack of lighting is compensated with the help of lamps.

If necessary, people living on the top floor, where there are no overhanging structures above the balcony, can make a canopy from polycarbonate. This material is quite durable, lightweight and, what is important for us now, transmits light, but not ultra-violet rays, which can negatively affect plants.

Selection of plants

The starting point when choosing plants for your balcony winter garden is the conditions you create (temperature, humidity and lighting levels). The better this correspondence, the less hassle you will have and the more beautiful your balcony will be, because withered plants will not decorate any garden. So, on the northern balcony it is more convenient to plant shade-loving flowers. And if it gets cool here in winter, then you shouldn’t buy tropical plants that need temperature environment not lower than 20 degrees. You also need to consider how well the species you choose get along with each other. It is convenient to create a composition from plants that exist in natural environment on the same territory. You will get a harmonious combination and avoid this problem.

From an aesthetic point of view, it is desirable to select plants in such a way that their flowering periods do not coincide. Then your balcony will always look interesting. Plants with decorative leaves are very useful; they constantly maintain excellent appearance and can serve as the basis of a composition. Finally, plant size matters too. Firstly, it is important to take it into account when choosing suitable place for each inhabitant of the garden, since it is necessary to provide sufficient lighting for all of them. Secondly, they are too large and tall plants V small room will create unnecessary complications.

The winter garden on the loggia can be equipped with several bird cages. Their chirping will serve as a wonderful addition to the image of the garden. If desired, you can also place a small animal on such a balcony, also in a cage.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to make a winter garden on the balcony with your own hands. It will find its place not only in a luxurious mansion, but also in an ordinary apartment. From a technical point of view, such a project is quite feasible, and if you know and love plants, you can turn a small balcony space into a real oasis. And he will delight you all year bright colors and the freshness of the garden.