Growing quality tree seedlings

Have country cottage area or Vacation home Today it is preferred by almost every city dweller. One part of the land owners are engaged in growing fruits and vegetables in their own backyard, the other part prefers to produce high-quality landscape design, plant beautiful bushes and trees and all year round experience aesthetic pleasure. And only a small part of the people who love to work on the land know how to do business. Today we will talk about how to turn growing seedlings into a profitable enterprise.

  • Technology for growing seedlings for sale
  • Where to start a business on ornamental trees and bushes?
  • How much can you earn from seedlings?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for growing seedlings
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering with the tax authorities?
  • What documents are needed to organize a business?
  • Which tax system to choose for work?
  • Do you need permits to organize the production and sale of seedlings?

As we already mentioned, you can build a business in two directions: growing and selling fruit and berry crops or ornamental shrubs and trees. Both seedlings will be in demand. The peculiarity of business is its seasonality. Planting material is in demand mainly in spring and autumn.

Technology for growing seedlings for sale

Let's consider how to arrange the cultivation of seedlings fruit trees and berry bushes. Fruit plants most often propagated by grafting and re-grafting. This is a process where part of one plant is transferred to another so that they grow together. The first part of the plant, which is mostly underground, is called the rootstock. The scion is always above the ground and retains the very cultural characteristics of the plant that need to be propagated. During the process of growth, they grow together so much that they turn into one single organism. Grafting is a way to get productive, long-lasting trees. This technique is also used to correct irregular tree crowns.

Growing seedlings berry bushes occurs through seeds or vegetatively. The first method is practically not used for ordinary gardening purposes. Vegetative propagation is a method that is based on the ability to form an independent plant from a part of an adult bush. The young offspring have all the characteristics of the mother plant. The vegetative method is divided into two more types:

  1. Natural reproduction (layering, offspring);
  2. Artificial propagation (cuttings, dividing the bush).

Currant and gooseberry bushes are propagated by vertical layering. A strong, healthy branch is bent to the ground and covered with a layer of soil. The mother plant is severely pruned. When propagating horizontally, the branches are completely laid in the groove and covered with soil. The soil in such nurseries needs to be regularly watered and loosened. When the cuttings take root, they are separated from the mother plant and planted on permanent place. This produces seedlings capable of independent growth.

A popular method is cuttings. To do this, take one-year-old woody shoots of 25 cm and plant them in nurseries, preferably under film. There the seedlings take root. This method is suitable for propagating currants, gooseberries, grapes, cherry plums, and pomegranates. For sale, the root system of seedlings is packaged in a cellophane pot filled with soil. In this form, planting material lasts longer and is easily transported. Tree seedlings are usually sold with an open root system.

Where to start a business in ornamental trees and shrubs?

Among ornamental plants Today, seedlings of coniferous trees and shrubs are in great demand. It takes quite a long time to grow one unit of planting material. They use the cutting method for this, and the shoots themselves are placed in special nurseries where a special microclimate is maintained. Cuttings are taken from young healthy plants. Select branches on which a growth point has clearly been formed. Shoots take root both in a heated and in a cold greenhouse. In the first case, the process takes 3-4 months. After this, the plants can be transplanted to another place for active growth and formation. In the second case, it will take about a year to form a full-fledged root system. In general, to grow one full-fledged plant with a good root system, you need to spend 3-4 years.

How much can you earn from seedlings?

Grow ornamental seedlings coniferous trees, despite all the complexity, it is quite profitable. How older plant, the more expensive it costs. The price range for coniferous seedlings is approximately as follows. A 40-centimeter tree costs about $15, six summer plant– 80 dollars, and if an adult 10-15 year old plant is sold, then its price is based on 450-500 dollars per unit.

Before creating your own nursery, it would be useful to consult with specialists on the subject of agricultural technology and the survival rate of a particular species in the conditions of a particular region. If on your own personal plot If the entrepreneur has gained positive experience, then the cultivation of young trees and shrubs can be expanded to the scale of a serious business. For this you will need an area of ​​about 2 hectares. The site should have both regular beds and greenhouses.

Constant sales channels are the key to any successful business related to production. Seedlings can be sold to gardeners at markets or supplied in bulk to specialized stores. Internet advertising also works effectively. Often people themselves come to the nursery to purchase seedlings. To attract buyers in the future, you need to leave business cards with your contacts to buyers. Then novice gardeners will always be able to get advice from a specialist and make new purchases.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The purchase of various planting materials (seeds, seedlings) will cost 25-30 thousand rubles. The price range depends on the plant variety and its production methods. To build, equip and equip a small greenhouse you will need about 6-8 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for growing seedlings

Planting and caring for fruit and berry seedlings ornamental crops in a nursery it will require conventional soil-cultivating tools. As well as devices for fertilizing, combating diseases, pests and weeds. The equipment of the mother nursery for seedlings is the same as the greenhouses, where irrigation and heating are equipped.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering with the tax authorities?

Registration of this enterprise will require code 01.3 Production of seedlings, namely group 01.30, which includes: cultivation of a variety of plant materials for planting, including: cuttings, shoots, saplings and seedlings. This applies to both ornamental and fruit crops.

What documents are needed to organize a business?

At high speed and large-scale agricultural production, when cultivating more than 1 hectare of soil, state registration of a peasant farm is required. But if there are small plots of land under cultivation, then personal subsidiary farming is allowed (within one’s own yard). In which you can grow agricultural products for sale without paying taxes.
Documents for registering a peasant farm enterprise: application, civil passport of the founder, agreements, decision on the founding of a peasant-farmer enterprise (if there are several shareholders). Then, documents confirming payment of the duty and address permanent residence founding person. When a farm is established by one person, an agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm is not required.

Which tax system to choose for work?

In relation to peasant farming, the Unified Agricultural Tax system operates, i.e. Based on the results of activities, the farmer pays a single agricultural tax for the enterprise.

Do you need permits to organize the production and sale of seedlings?

State This type of activity does not require licensing or special permits.

Today it is no surprise to anyone that a considerable part of citizens in our country are striving to start their own business. This is due to the fact that no one wants to depend on the state salary, which does not always and not everywhere allow one to provide their family with everything they need.

If you decide to follow the path of an independent entrepreneur, then the main problem may be choosing the direction of your own entrepreneurial activity.

Many people prefer to deal with food products; others follow the path of organizing private veterinary clinics or clothing stores.

But in both of these cases, the problem lies in the intense occupation of these areas of activity. The competition there is such that without ample financial influence and strong business acumen, a budding entrepreneur will have virtually no chance.

Therefore, it would be wise to look for those areas of activity that are practically not occupied by anyone in our country.

Growing seedlings

For example, we advise you to pay attention to our business plan. Growing seedlings will be our main activity. This business is extremely attractive because it does not require any serious expenses. Of course, in our country there are many specialized nurseries, but their production capacity does not cover the ever-increasing needs.

Which trees and shrubs are valued more?

It will not be news that varietal seedlings are more valued. It is readily purchased even by those same nurseries that do not always have the means to purchase varietal seedlings from official suppliers. The latter have always been known for their immoderation in setting prices.

Of course, even this business has its drawbacks. Main negative factor for an entrepreneur is its strict seasonality. Simply put, peak sales occur in the fall and spring period. In the depths of winter, seedlings fruit trees for some reason no one is interested.

Therefore, entrepreneurs, unlike the nurseries mentioned above, prefer to deal only with the most unpretentious and popular plants. So, you will always have regular customers by selling apple, pear, gooseberry, raspberry and currant seedlings. Most often, novice entrepreneurs focus on just such a business plan. Growing seedlings of seed crops is much more labor-intensive, and therefore not so widespread.

Currently, propagation of fruit trees using scions is common, and shrubs are divided using shoots.

Brief information about the technology

So, cuttings of the same currant or gooseberry are dug into the ground until the root system is formed, after which they are transferred to greenhouses, where they are regularly watered and treated against pests. With the beginning of spring, seed material of proper quality is distributed en masse among gardeners.

Thus, if you have a heated greenhouse and several varietal bushes on your site garden shrubs, the amount of initial investment will be simply ridiculous. This is the ideal business plan for beginners. We will consider growing seedlings in more complex cases in the next part of our article.

How to grow seed crops?

If you have any experience in garden fruit growing, growing pears, apple trees and similar crops looks much more promising.

Since this is done by grafting existing seedlings, in this case you will have to spend a lot of money on their initial cultivation. We will consider general technology growing seedlings.

The easiest way to grow suitable rootstocks is from seeds wild apple trees and pears. In this case cultivar, which will be grafted onto them, will acquire excellent resistance to domestic cold and local pests.

Thus, you will have to collect seeds. This is done in the fall, as sources seed material Fruits that are well-ripened and already beginning to rot are used.

They are crushed by hand, taking care not to damage the seeds. They are then washed thoroughly in running water and dried in a room with natural ventilation. If the seeds are overdried, then growing seedlings will be impossible.

Important! During the drying process, mold should not be allowed to form under any circumstances, as it will easily destroy all the seeds and leave you without profit for the next year. To do this, the material must be periodically turned over to promote better ventilation and drying.

Sowing and cultivation

In the spring or before the first autumn frosts, seeds are planted in the soil, and sowing is done at the rate of one seed per square meter area. If autumn sowing is planned, then in the middle of winter the seed material is placed in a box with sawdust, where it is stored until planting.

The room temperature cannot exceed 5 degrees Celsius. In general, growing tree seedlings requires the availability of a sufficient number of premises and containers for seeds, so you need to worry about all this in advance.

After a week of such exposure, the substrate is watered with cool water (the sawdust should become slightly damp), after which the box is transferred to basement and kept at a temperature just above zero. After the snow melts, the seeds are planted in the soil.

Vaccination procedure

Before the first winter, young seedlings are covered with sawdust or other covering material. They are vaccinated next year. If the procedure was successful, then by the fall the finished plants can begin to be sold. It is best to start selling in early September.

Thus, this business plan (growing pome seedlings) requires much more costs. And you can start selling only from the second year of work.

Cost of finished seedlings

So what kind of financial reward will you get after working hard with cultivation? Relax: profits promise to be good. One (!) two-year-old seedling good grade costs at least 700 rubles. Imagine how much money you can make when fruit tree seedlings sell like hot cakes! By the way, the price for apple trees three to four years old starts from 4-5 thousand, so the prospects for such a business are very attractive.

Growing seedlings as a business can be easily organized even on a small scale plot of land. A business plan for growing seedlings is not very complicated, so even beginners can cope with it. You will not need to invest a lot of money in such activities. And if you like to dig in the garden, or you are an avid summer resident, then your business of growing seedlings will be a joy for you!

Business: growing seedlings for sale

The seedling business is quite simple, and at the same time quite profitable. The only one significant drawback– this is seasonality. Naturally, you will not be able to have a stable income all year round from growing seedlings, so you need to take this into account in financial terms in advance.

What seedlings to grow?

If you are not yet experienced enough in gardening or are just starting this activity, then you need to start with those plants that are the least demanding to care for. The ease of plant propagation will also play a big role. To begin with, we recommend trying to work with raspberries, gooseberries and currants.

From fruit trees, it is profitable to grow seedlings for cherries, pears, apples, apricots, and peach. But to work with such plants you need at least minimal experience in gardening. And if you are attracted to flowers, then think about growing rose seedlings for sale.

Now let's take a closer look at each type of plant.

Growing berry seedlings for sale

All berry plants are propagated by cuttings. The stalk is separate part a shoot of a plant, or its root. You need to separate the cutting from the plant very carefully so as not to damage its structure. Cuttings of most berry plants are taken throughout the year. A freshly cut cutting must be placed in water for a very short time, and then planted in a container and sent to a greenhouse, where it will develop.

In the greenhouse, you need to regularly water the planted cuttings and spray them if necessary. At the beginning of the spring season, cuttings that have already turned into seedlings can be sent for sale. About where and to whom you can sell seedlings, a little later.

Growing fruit seedlings for sale

If you want to work with fruit trees, you will have to master grafting skills. This is a little more complicated than the cuttings discussed above. You will need seeds from the type of tree you are planning to propagate. For example, this is a pear. Around mid-winter, we take the seeds and place them in a box filled with soil and sawdust. We place the box in a room with a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius for one week. After this, we water the ground and place the box in another place, the temperature in which will be slightly above zero degrees.

At the very beginning of spring, seeds can be planted in the ground. As soon as the first shoots appear, do not forget to water and fertilize them. Plant the seeds with the expectation that there should be a distance of more than one meter between the sprouts.

In a year, next spring, seedlings can be grafted. And next fall you will already receive a product ready for sale. As you already understood, to start selling fruit seedlings, you will need to wait two whole years. And not just wait, but all this time diligently care for your tree sprouts. Therefore, the business of fruit tree seedlings is considered quite difficult for unprepared people.

Growing pine trees for sale

One of the most popular types of seedlings are trees such as cedar, pine and spruce. Growing them is also not easy for a novice gardener. But the demand for them is very high, so don’t waste time and immediately start learning the science of growing pine trees. The oldest trees that you manage to grow, you can sell for a very high price. For example, a cedar or pine tree three meters high can be sold for 200-300 dollars. And sometimes the cost of such trees can reach 500 dollars or more.

If you are interested in growing pine trees for sale, then you will need a considerable area - about 1.5-2 hectares of land. This is the minimum required to really make money from this. This area is enough to grow 1000 seedlings. And your first sales will appear only after three to four years of caring for the plants.

Growing rose seedlings for sale

Roses are the most favorite flowers of many people. This is a kind of “floral” classic that will never lose its relevance. Roses of any kind are very easy to sell for almost any money. Therefore, if you decide to grow seedlings of these particular flowers, you will make the right choice.

There are many types of rose propagation, but the most convenient and common of them is cuttings. First you need to cut the rose cuttings so that each of them has several leaves with buds. The most best cuttings obtained from the middle part of the stem. The resulting cuttings should be immediately placed in a container with cool water.

Next we need to prepare the soil for planting the cuttings. Choose a place on your site so that it is convenient for you to care for your plants. This should be an area open to the sun. If your climate is too hot, then you should plant the cuttings where they will be protected by a little shade. The soil in which the cuttings will be planted must first be fertilized.

Each planting hole must be at least 50 centimeters from the other. Pour a little water into the hole, insert the cutting and bury it almost completely in the ground. Each cutting needs to be covered on top glass jar and once again fertilize the soil thoroughly. If you diligently water and fertilize the soil, the cuttings will soon delight you with their first shoots.

Where to look for clients?

You should take care of the distribution channels for your plant products in advance. A few months before the expected start of sales, make a list of those to whom you can potentially sell your products. It can be:

  • private summer residents and gardeners;
  • gardening associations;
  • plant breeders;
  • owners of country houses;
  • botanical gardens;
  • and even your friends and acquaintances (by the way, you can start with them).

An advertising campaign will not hurt in this matter either. Nowadays you can find many forums and portals for gardeners, and these sites are an ideal environment for advertising your business. Write messages, leave ads, and your clients will definitely find you.
You can also sell seedlings at agricultural markets. This will be absolutely “our own” territory for such a business.

Growing seedlings for sale is a business for those who are patient. But for flora lovers it will be a real treat!

Under certain conditions, you can grow seedlings of some tree species not only in the garden, but also at home, on the windowsill, like ordinary indoor plants. However, tree species growing in our climate, unlike most indoor plants, have a seasonal development cycle and need not only summer period growth, but also in winter period peace. Disruption of the seasonal rhythm of life of tree species growing in temperate climate, will inevitably lead to their death or, at least, to a serious disruption of development. Thus, the development phases of the trees in the room should more or less coincide with the development phases of the trees outside. For example, an oak acorn can germinate in the fall, and by spring a small seedling will grow from it on your windowsill. However, if you plant this seedling in open ground, he will most likely die in the first year. If you germinate this acorn in the spring (for example, in March or April), then the seedling you grow by autumn will be suitable for planting in open ground, able to survive the winter and begin to grow normally next spring.

Thus, you can try to grow tree seedlings suitable for permanent planting in one year (this is not possible for all tree species) or overwinter your trees in “street” conditions. Seedlings that you grow at home for more than one summer season without providing normal conditions for their winter dormancy will most likely die before being planted in open ground or in the first winter after that.

At the same time, it must be remembered that in natural conditions Tree seedlings overwinter under a thick layer of snow, which protects the seedlings from sudden changes in temperature and severe frosts.

The temperature of the soil covered with snow never drops to such low values ​​as the air temperature outside. Seedlings of only a few tree species are able to survive the winter when simply exposed to the street (for example, on a balcony). Therefore, to ensure the wintering of your seedlings (if you want to continue growing them at home for the second year), we can recommend burying them somewhere outside (in a place where normal snow cover accumulates in winter). Only larch seedlings are able to survive a “cold” winter on an open balcony, and in not very frosty winters - pine and birch seedlings.

Another important condition success - good lighting. As noted earlier, the challenge is not to grow a seedling, but to grow a seedling of sufficient size. Only such a seedling, after planting in a permanent place, can successfully compete with weeds for light, moisture and elements mineral nutrition.

To do this, seedlings of tree species need significantly better lighting than most indoor plants. In partial shade conditions (for example, if your windows face north or are shaded for a significant part of the day), you can grow in one summer season seedlings of some tree species, but they will be much smaller and weaker than seedlings grown in open ground at good lighting. Even for such “shade-loving” tree species as maple or linden, lack of lighting can be critical.

You can grow seedlings of tree species at home either from seeds or from annual seedlings found on the street, in parks, forest belts, or under individual trees. Seedlings of tree species take root much better at home than in an outdoor garden bed, since after transplanting the seedlings into pots it is easier to ensure required humidity soil and the necessary shading in the first days after transplantation.

It is advisable that each seedling grows in a separate pot or glass. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to separate one seedling from another without damaging their root systems.

To grow seedlings of tree species, it is necessary to provide a sufficient volume of land for their development (during the growing season). For different breeds trees this volume is different, but general rule one thing: the larger the volume of soil in a pot with a seedling, the better seedling develops, the easier it is to provide the conditions of moisture and mineral nutrition it needs. We can only recommend the following minimum volumes of land for growing different tree species:

annual pine or larch seedlings from seeds - 150-250 ml;
two-year-old pine or larch seedlings from one-year-old seedlings - 700-1000 ml;
annual oak seedlings from acorns - 700-1000 ml;
annual seedlings of other deciduous tree species from seeds - 500-700 ml;
two-year-old seedlings of deciduous trees from one-year-old seedlings - 1000-1500 ml.

Under industrial conditions, annual seedlings of tree species are grown in a much smaller volume of land. For example, in forestry, high-quality pine seedlings (12 or more centimeters high) in greenhouse conditions sometimes grown in one summer season in plastic containers with a volume of about 50 ml. However, this requires much more frequent watering and fertilizing.

For successful cultivation For seedlings, not only the volume of pots is important, but also the quality of the soil. You can use almost any potting mix sold in seedling stores. vegetable crops or flowers. You can also prepare such a mixture yourself or use loose, fertile soil taken from a garden or field.

You will get the best results if you use the most loose and breathable earth mixtures(for example, prepared on the basis of high-moor peat, they are sold in gardening stores). It is not advisable to purchase dense earth mixtures for coniferous seedlings (for example, prepared using “California” earthworms), which are sold for growing vegetable seedlings.

You can easily find seeds of tree species for growing at home (as well as their annual seedlings) in the spring after the snow melts in the nearest forest, park or shelterbelt. In almost any year you can find seeds of maple, linden, ash, and oak under the corresponding trees. Since these seeds have overwintered in natural conditions and have undergone the necessary cold treatment, you can plant them immediately after collection - in March, April or early May. The first leaves of seedlings of many tree species are completely different from the leaves of mature trees, so do not rush to mistake these seedlings for weeds. Normal leaves, such as those of an adult tree, are formed in seedlings of many tree species only towards the end of the first year of life or in the second year.

Throughout the tree growing season, make sure that the soil in the pots is constantly moist. In addition, it is necessary regular feeding any complex fertilizer for house plants or vegetable seedlings (detailed instructions for using such fertilizers are usually printed on the packaging). A lack of moisture or mineral nutrition will inevitably affect the growth rate of your seedlings, and as a result, you may not receive plants suitable for transplantation to a permanent location.

It is best to plant home-grown tree seedlings in open ground before the onset of severe autumn frosts, so that the trees have time to acclimatize and properly prepare for the winter dormancy period. The most suitable time for this is the period of massive leaf fall in your area.

Every spring and autumn, the market is full of planting material. It happens that they are brought from afar and sold under the guise of a local one. It’s a shame to watch how a happy buyer at the beginning of autumn carries a luxurious green tree from the market, and the seller didn’t even pick off the leaves...

Not everyone knows that even if a seedling with dried roots takes root, it will good fruiting will not give. This especially applies to peaches, grapes, and other plants. In markets, seedlings stand, lie in heaps with an open root system, they are moistened from time to time, giving them a fresh look... And what fruits are shown in the photo! How not to buy? Knowing that the peach tree is capricious, I did not plant it in my garden. But one day my relatives treated me to a large, tasty peach, and it became annoying: can’t I grow the same ones myself? At first, in order not to waste time, I bought several seedlings and planted them. I wrote about quality above. And there was something wrong with the variety. In short, I decided to grow planting material myself.

In the spring, under wet leaves, I collected apricot and small cherry plum seeds. They underwent natural stratification under leaves and snow. Some have already opened and have white roots. These can be planted directly into the shrub to a depth of 3.5-5.5 cm, depending on the density of the soil. Unopened ones - put them in damp sand and wait until they open. It’s even better to wait until the roots grow to 3-4 cm, then you can immediately shorten them and plant them in treated soil, compact them a little near the roots, and water them. IN in this case do not bury it, but lightly cover it with soil, compost or humus. And we shorten the spine in order to root system was fibrous.

It is better to mulch the school when the seedlings grow to 5 cm.
This can be done with strips of black film. If possible, plantings should not be thickened. It is easier to process and bud if there is room for plant development. The distance in the row when planting seedlings should be 30-40 cm, between rows 60-80 cm.
During the growing season, they need to be watered and fed if necessary. At good care By the end of summer, the stems of the seedlings should be no thinner than a pencil; they can be budded.

If you want to have seedlings just for yourself, you can plant a few seeds in a permanent place, cull them, leave the best one, and remove the rest. Let it grow, bear fruit, and please with its fruits. In this case, the root is not shortened; it will develop into a central tap root, which penetrates deep into the soil and feeds the tree with everything it needs. This is how monastery gardens used to be laid out. My tree blossomed without replanting the following spring. One fruit weighed more than 300 g.
I don’t describe the budding technique in detail; I don’t know how relevant it is. Anyone who wishes can find literature or knowledgeable person. Peach can be grafted onto apricot, cherry plum, and almond. This is done with ripened buds of the variety you have chosen.
While the seedling is growing, take a closer look at who has a healthy tree growing with good fruits. You should not take grafting material from a weak, sickly tree.
During the growing season, cut off premature lower branches. Hill up the seedlings a few weeks before grafting, and water them well 4 days before - the bark will come off better.
There is a recommendation: leave a thorn above the developing budding bud next spring. I believe that this should not be done, especially with stone fruits.
The tinder fungus especially loves peach. If he can “eat” an apple tree for decades, then he will destroy a peach in 5-7 years. That's why you can't leave a thorn. To make the wound above the kidney heal faster, an oblique cut is made.
The faster the wound heals, the less likely it is to infect the seedling. You should pay attention to this when purchasing a seedling.
We graft at the end of summer, when the bark is well behind. I plant in a T-shaped cut at a height of 5 cm from the root collar. The shield with the kidney can be moistened with a growth stimulator. To be on the safe side, you can immediately or after some time give another vaccination a little higher. All this is done from the north side of the trunk.
If you are interested in my idea, you will be able to have your own high-quality seedlings, and even earn something. I provided for myself planting material with excess, sold a little at a price below the market price. I’m not standing in the market, there’s a lot of this stuff with demonstrations of fruits and beautiful photos, only the seller himself does not always know what he is selling... What I sold myself, I took straight from school, the freshest. There are still a few peaches left, a super early apricot and a large fruited one that looks a bit like a peach.
Last summer, we, our children, and our grandchildren enjoyed peaches. Some of it had to be boiled down to make jam. Try growing your own seedlings - you won’t regret it. You will know one hundred percent what to expect from them. Just don't chase big harvest: the peach is a suicide, overload is disastrous for it.
Yes, I forgot to write about how to quickly get seedlings. You can look in forest belts, gardens, or maybe you yourself have young self-sown trees growing. If there are such, then in the spring, early, transplant them with a lump of earth into Right place and graft in any way you know how. And if you have never done this, try it, you have nothing to lose here. I have such trees, and I made them for people. If successful, you will have your own reliable seedlings. Graft thin ones using the oblique copulation method, thicker ones - into a split or behind the bark.
Carry out the first two methods in the spring, early, behind the bark, when sap flow begins and the bark is easily separated from the wood.
I wish you success.