Growing fruit tree seedlings with your own hands. Growing quality tree seedlings

Planting seedlings is a very important and responsible stage in gardening.

After all, an incorrectly planted shrub or tree can take a long time to take root, not grow and bear fruit poorly.

Therefore, before planting young seedlings, you need to study and take into account many important nuances.

Seedlings for planting

Disembarkation time

Planting seedlings in the spring is most popular, as this gives the plants maximum time to take root and grow before the winter cold. But in principle, trees and shrubs can be replanted at any time during dormancy, that is, after shedding their leaves and before buds open. You can plant plants in the fall and even in winter; the latter option is the most gentle for the root system, but difficult for the gardener himself, so this type of planting is best left to specialists.

Thus, most crops are best replanted in the spring, after the soil has thawed and before buds open, allowing the plant to become established more easily. Let us next consider how to select planting materials. Only healthy and healthy people can grow, bloom and bear fruit well. good seedlings. Therefore, when choosing them you need to be very careful. It is better to buy seedlings in specialized nurseries in your native region so that the plants are well acclimatized in local climate. The seedlings themselves must be strong, healthy, without traces of diseases and pests.

Time for planting seedlings

In seedlings fruit trees there must be strong roots, a trunk more than 2 centimeters thick and three or more skeletal branches at least 45 cm long. It is also important to inspect the trunk and bark for mechanical damage, rot, stains, and color changes. For rose seedlings, in addition to healthy stems without a trace of aphids or other diseases, you need Special attention pay attention to root system, it must be strong and developed. If the plant is in a container, then the roots should sit firmly in an earthen coma, and when the rhizome is open, it should not dry out. The roots of the seedlings should be healthy, without signs of rot, and white when cut.

Seedling storage

Often young plants are purchased in advance, when it is too early to plant. And in this case, the seedlings must be protected from drying out during this time by wrapping the rhizomes with damp rags and placing them in a cool place, preventing the roots from drying out. When transporting seedlings, it is advisable to wrap the roots and tender branches with a soft cloth, and the plants should be transported inside a car or in a trailer, covering them with a thick tarpaulin.

Seedling storage

For quick rooting and good growth seedlings need to be prepared for planting. To do this, the roots are trimmed to healthy tissue, and dried and too thin roots are completely removed. Also, a few hours before planting, the root system of seedlings should be watered abundantly if the crop is growing in a container or immersed in water with the rhizome open. This will moisturize the roots and improve survival rate. Seedlings from containers are planted together with the mother earthen ball. Some ornamental shrubs and trees require significant pre-planting pruning of shoots.

Planting fruit tree seedlings

To young plant grew well, you need not only to choose the right time for planting, but also to choose the right place for it. For example, planting apple tree seedlings is not recommended in areas with a groundwater level higher than 1 meter; in these cases, the seedlings must be planted on specially raised areas. It is also not recommended to plant fruit trees, especially apple trees, in areas where similar crops previously grew, since the soil retains pathogenic bacteria.

Let's consider the main stages of planting fruit tree seedlings:

  1. For planting, planting holes are first prepared. Most trees require round holes with steep walls about 80 centimeters deep and a meter in diameter. Planting of apple and pear seedlings should be carried out in holes with a diameter of 125 centimeters, for cherries - 90-100, for cherries and plums - 80.

In the process of digging a hole, the top layer of soil must be set aside by one bayonet; it will then be needed to fill the hole as it is the most fertile. The dug hole is covered with this top soil mixed with long-soluble fertilizers, this can be wood ash, potassium sulfate, manure, compost, superphosphate.

  1. The rest of the extracted soil is mixed with sand, turf and peat and used for further backfill. Features of fertilizing soil for planting are described in the video.
  2. It is easier to plant a tree with two people: one holds the seedling, and the other sprinkles the roots with soil.
  3. A properly prepared seedling is lowered into the planting hole, the roots are carefully straightened, making sure that the central root is placed vertically.
  4. Next, the entire space between the roots is filled with soil, and the earth is thoroughly compacted.
  5. Most fruit trees need to be deepened into the ground so that the root collar is 6-7 centimeters above the surface.

Stages of planting seedlings

  1. In addition, this form will protect the tree from stagnation of water and rotting.
  2. It is advisable to make a roller around the trunk so that when watering, the water lingers briefly in the hole and is completely absorbed by the root system. Features of planting fruit trees are described in the video.

After planting, the tree must be carefully watered from a watering can at the rate of 2-3 buckets per seedling. Next, the plant is tied to a support peg using soft material.

Planting grape and rose seedlings

It is best to plant grapes in the spring, but sometimes they also autumn planting. For good development, it is very important to properly prepare the planting hole. Some experts recommend digging holes a meter in diameter, while others believe that 50-60 centimeters will be enough. A large hole depth, at least 60 cm, is necessary to ensure that the roots do not suffer from frost; this aspect should be especially taken into account by residents of cool climates. In addition, deep holes allow the plant to take root well and begin to bear fruit faster. Grape seedlings should be planted sunny places, dig holes in advance, when planting in spring - in the fall, so that it has time to settle.

Features of planting seedlings

Let's look at how to plant grape seedlings:

  1. We dig a 50 cm hole.
  2. Next, the holes are filled with a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone for drainage, and the trim is inserted vertically into it plastic pipe with a diameter of 4-5 cm, its upper edge should be 10-15 cm above the soil surface. The features of creating holes for grapes are described in the video.
  3. Before planting, the grape seedling needs to be dipped with its roots into a clay “mash” to maintain moisture, placed in a hole, straightened out the roots and turned so that its buds are directed in the north direction, and the root heel is in the south, as shown in the video.
  4. Next, black soil (10-15 cm), manure, fertilizers and soil are poured into the hole, these layers must be alternated until the hole is filled, then the soil is compacted so that after shrinkage the roots are not injured.
  5. After this, a small mound is poured around the trunk, and the seedling is watered abundantly. The video will help you learn more about the features of planting grapes.

Due to the whimsical nature of roses, for the health of the bush and lush long-term flowering, you need to carefully choose a place for planting. It should be a sunny place, protected from wind and drafts. Areas with close groundwater are also not suitable. You also need to remove the rose bed from the garden as much as possible and vegetable crops, since they are a constant source of diseases and pests harmful to roses. You cannot plant rose seedlings in places where these shrubs grew previously, since pests and pathogens long time are stored in the soil, but there is a way out - this is changing the 60-centimeter layer of soil to new and fertile soil.

Planting bush seedlings

Now let’s look at the stages of planting rose seedlings:

  1. To plant roses, you need to dig holes about 50 centimeters in diameter; different varieties require different planting technologies.
  2. The distance between the bushes also differs; it must be calculated depending on the characteristics of the variety, the height and spread of the bush and its climbing habit.
  3. Planting holes need to be fertilized, but clean ones are not suitable for roses. organic fertilizers, it is better to use ash, which, in addition to increasing soil fertility, also disinfects it and repels pests. You can also use humus to fertilize the soil for planting roses, which is mixed with soil in equal quantities. The video will help you understand the features of the fertilizer landing pit before planting roses.
  4. During the planting process, a small mound is poured into the bottom of the hole, the seedling is placed on it, the roots are carefully straightened and carefully sprinkled with prepared soil, avoiding air gaps and cavities.
  5. Next, the earth is compacted, and each seedling is carefully watered at the root. The video will help you learn more about the process of planting rose seedlings.

Planting shrubs

Shrubs are planted in the same way as other crops. For example, planting currant seedlings is carried out in holes prepared several weeks in diameter with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters and a depth of 40 cm, as in the video. They are covered 2/3 with fertile soil, then compost, superphosphates and ash are added. It is best to plant shrubs, including currants, in the fall, but no later than two weeks before frost, so that the bushes have time to take root.

The cool period gives plants time to recover, heal wounds and become stronger. The seedlings are placed in holes vertically or at an angle of 45 degrees, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with soil. The currants need to be deepened 7 cm below the root collar, as in the video. After planting, the seedlings need to be watered generously at the root.

Correct and high-quality planting is the key to a long and fruitful life of fruit trees, berries and ornamental bushes. Exactly from the right choice landing sites, high-quality planting pit, good fertilizer and proper immersion of the seedling depends on the rapid survival, rooting and further growth of the young plant.

" Apples

To grow a tree, gardeners resort to the help of special farms and purchase seedlings for planting. But there is another way, which is much more complicated and will take more time.

You can grow an apple tree from a seed.

This process takes a lot of time and can be quite risky. Because the resulting fruits may vary greatly in taste qualities from the original plant.

When growing an apple tree from a seed, the result of planting will be known only after the first fruiting, which occurs in the 5th year of life.

The final material can be obtained:

  1. A full-fledged tree that bears tasty, varietal fruits.
  2. Wild apple tree with small fruits suitable for processing.
  3. There is also the possibility of getting an ornamental plant, the fruits of which will be beautiful, but not tasty.

If you comply with all the conditions for growing an apple tree from a seed, there is a high probability of getting a varietal tree. The best option It is considered to be the use of an annual seedling as a rootstock for an already mature tree.

To protect yourself from not receiving material suitable for planting, It's better to germinate several seeds, extracted from different varieties apples

How to choose a seed for growing an apple tree?

It is worth remembering that growing an apple tree from a seed is a labor-intensive and lengthy process, and for it to end in success, you need to choose the right seeds.

They should be dense and ripe. This planting material is different dark color and uniform color.

Also, the seeds should not have any mechanical damage, so you need to remove them from the apple as carefully as possible.

For proper preparation the following actions are performed:

  1. Washing– to get rid of the inhibitory layer that interferes with germination, the selected seeds are placed in a container with warm water and stir with a small spoon for 3-5 minutes; it is better to repeat this procedure several times. Then the water is drained using a sieve or gauze.
  2. It is better to use a wooden spoon or stick, because such material is least likely to damage the seeds.

  3. Soak– then the seeds are filled with water and placed in a warm place for 3-4 days. On day 3, experienced gardeners recommend adding a growth stimulator to the container. The water must be changed every day to avoid stagnation.
  4. Stratification– using this procedure, the seeds are hardened and prepared for natural conditions a habitat.

There are several ways to carry out stratification:

  1. Planting material is mixed with peat and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3, then the resulting mixture is moistened until water begins to seep to the surface.
  2. According to gardeners, the best substrate is moss mixed with sawdust.
  3. A combination of sand, sawdust and activated carbon is also used.

The seeds should remain in the selected substrate for 6 days. at room temperature. At this time they will swell. Then they are moved to the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

How to grow an apple tree from a seed. Seed stratification:

Conditions for planting seeds

After the first shoots appear, the strongest and healthiest of them are selected. Any time of year is suitable for transplanting seeds at home.

Once the material is ready, do the following:

  1. For sowing seeds, a special container is prepared, which is most often a box or container. There must be holes at the bottom to drain excess moisture.
  2. Then a drainage layer is made from expanded clay, pebbles and other similar materials.
  3. Chernozem is used as fertile soil; such soil has all the substances necessary for a young tree.
  4. During planting, the following scheme is used: the width between rows is 15-20 centimeters, and between seeds 2-3.
  5. The depth of the damage should not exceed 2 centimeters.
  6. Then the soil is watered abundantly.
  7. When watering plants, act carefully so as not to wash away the soil and expose the seed that has not yet matured.
  8. As soon as the second pair of leaves appears on the grown trees, you need to sort them, removing weak plants and wild apple trees. They differ from varietal ones in that they have smaller and brightly colored leaves, and thorns appear on the trunks. Thus, the distance between the trees increases to 7-8 centimeters.

Apple trees can be kept at home for at least 4 years., in this case they will be able to get stronger and in the future will be ready for transplantation into open ground.

If the apartment does not allow for such a long period of time to maintain small tree, it can be transplanted to garden plot, but at the same time protect the plant from cold temperatures, pests, wind and other troubles.

Every year it is necessary to increase the volume of the container in which the apple tree grows. This technique will help the tree develop a proper root system.

How to grow an apple tree from a seed. Transplanting sprouted seeds into the ground:

Watering– for a young apple tree, timely watering is the main source of sustenance; without it, the not yet strong root system will not be able to receive enough moisture and the tree may die.

It is best to carry out this procedure once a week, avoiding the formation of a dry crust.

Top dressing– it is worth considering that in the first years of life, active organic additives, which include manure or bird droppings, can harm the plant.

They can cause burns and may cause various bacterial diseases. Therefore, it is better to replace these fertilizers with humus infusion.

To stop the growth of leaves and improve the aging of wood, at the end of August, the apple tree is fed with potassium-phosphorus supplements.

For each square meter The following amount of fertilizer is poured onto the crops:

  • 15-20 grams of potassium chloride;
  • 30-40 grams of superphosphate.

So that beneficial substances penetrate to the root system during feeding the soil must be carefully loosened and watered abundantly.

Transplantation into open ground

As soon as the seedling reaches 4 years of age, it can be planted in open ground. This procedure is best done at the end of April - beginning of May or in September.

In order for a tree to take root in a new location, it is necessary to choose the right site for planting.

Good lighting promotes proper development and quality ripening of fruits.

Also you need to pay attention to the level of groundwater, they must be at a depth of at least 1 meter. The technology of the process is no different from planting seedlings purchased from a nursery.

How to grow an apple tree from a branch?

If the method of growing a fruit tree from a seed seems too complicated, you can resort to cutting propagation. To get a seedling from a branch preparatory work start at the end of autumn.

This process is also quite labor-intensive, but it will take less time and there will be the greatest probability of getting the desired variety.

How to prepare cuttings for propagation

Many gardeners try to get seedlings by cutting off unprepared branches and placing them in water. But in this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to wait for the roots to appear.

For the process to end successfully, in late autumn - early winter, cuttings are prepared for propagation using the following steps:

  1. To begin with, a strong, young and mature branch is selected; its age should be 1-2 years.
  2. Its middle should be carefully broken without damaging the bark. To do this, the selected area is bent until a crunch appears.
  3. Then the injured area is wrapped with tape or tape.
  4. The last step will be attaching a support, which can be an ordinary stick. It will not allow the bent branch to straighten.

How to properly plant prepared planting material?

After the formation of fractures, the tree will independently try to heal them, for this it will go to the injured places a large number of nutrients.

With the help of such manipulations in April the apple tree will be ready to begin the propagation process:

  1. The first step is to remove the winding, after which the branch is cut in the damaged areas.
  2. To germinate cuttings, it is better to use a trimmed dark bottle filled with melt or rain water.
  3. For the best efficiency of the process, several tablets of activated carbon are dissolved in water.
  4. If you fill the container to a level of 10 centimeters, you can place 10 cuttings in it.
  5. After 3 weeks, roots will appear under the buds that are in water.
  6. It is better to place a bottle with sprouting branches on the windowsill.

As soon as the roots reach a size of 7 centimeters, they can be safely transplanted into open ground.

If a young tree is provided with regular watering and protection from bright sunlight, it will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Germinating an apple tree from a seed is very complex process , which can only be realized experienced gardener, but propagation from cuttings is also suitable for novice gardeners.

In any case, the resulting tree will be one of the most beloved on the site.

Today it is no surprise to anyone that a considerable part of citizens in our country are striving to start their own business. This is due to the fact that no one wants to depend on the state salary, which does not always and not everywhere allow one to provide their family with everything they need.

If you decide to follow the path of an independent entrepreneur, then the main problem may be choosing the direction of your own entrepreneurial activity.

Many people prefer to deal with food products; others follow the path of organizing private veterinary clinics or clothing stores.

But in both of these cases, the problem lies in the intense occupation of these areas of activity. The competition there is such that without ample financial influence and strong business acumen, a new entrepreneur will have virtually no chance.

Therefore, it would be wise to look for those areas of activity that are practically not occupied by anyone in our country.

Growing seedlings

For example, we advise you to pay attention to our business plan. Growing seedlings will be our main activity. This business is extremely attractive because it does not require any serious expenses. Of course, in our country there are many specialized nurseries, but their production capacity does not cover the ever-increasing needs.

Which trees and shrubs are valued more?

It will not be news that varietal seedlings are more valued. It is readily purchased even by those same nurseries that do not always have the means to purchase varietal seedlings from official suppliers. The latter have always been known for their immoderation in setting prices.

Of course, even this business has its drawbacks. Main negative factor for an entrepreneur is its strict seasonality. Simply put, peak sales occur in the fall and spring period. In the midst of winter, for some reason, no one is interested in fruit tree seedlings.

Therefore, entrepreneurs, unlike the nurseries mentioned above, prefer to deal only with the most unpretentious and popular plants. So, you will always have regular customers by selling apple, pear, gooseberry, raspberry and currant seedlings. Most often, novice entrepreneurs focus on just such a business plan. Growing seedlings of seed crops is much more labor-intensive, and therefore not so widespread.

Currently, propagation of fruit trees using scions is common, and shrubs are divided using shoots.

Brief information about the technology

So, cuttings of the same currant or gooseberry are dug into the ground until the root system is formed, after which they are transferred to greenhouses, where they are regularly watered and treated against pests. With the beginning of spring, seed material of proper quality is distributed en masse among gardeners.

Thus, if you have a heated greenhouse and several varietal bushes on your site garden shrubs, the amount of initial investment will be simply ridiculous. This is the ideal business plan for beginners. We will consider growing seedlings in more complex cases in the next part of our article.

How to grow seed crops?

If you have any experience in garden fruit growing, growing pears, apple trees and similar crops looks much more promising.

Since this is done by grafting existing seedlings, in this case you will have to spend a lot of money on their initial cultivation. We will consider general technology growing seedlings.

The easiest way to grow suitable rootstocks is from seeds wild apple trees and pears. In this case cultivar, which will be grafted onto them, will acquire excellent resistance to domestic cold and local pests.

Thus, you will have to collect seeds. This is done in the fall, as sources seed material Fruits that are well-ripened and already beginning to rot are used.

They are crushed by hand, taking care not to damage the seeds. They are then washed thoroughly in running water and dried in a room with natural ventilation. If the seeds are overdried, then growing seedlings will be impossible.

Important! During the drying process, mold should not be allowed to form under any circumstances, as it will easily destroy all the seeds and leave you without profit for the next year. To do this, the material must be periodically turned over to promote better ventilation and drying.

Sowing and cultivation

In the spring or before the first autumn frosts, seeds are planted in the soil, and sowing is done at the rate of one seed per square meter of area. If autumn sowing is planned, then in the middle of winter the seed material is placed in a box with sawdust, where it is stored until planting.

The room temperature cannot exceed 5 degrees Celsius. In general, growing tree seedlings requires the availability of a sufficient number of premises and containers for seeds, so you need to worry about all this in advance.

After a week of such exposure, the substrate is watered with cool water (the sawdust should become slightly damp), after which the box is transferred to basement and kept at a temperature just above zero. After the snow melts, the seeds are planted in the soil.

Vaccination procedure

Before the first winter, young seedlings are covered with sawdust or other covering material. They are vaccinated next year. If the procedure was successful, then by the fall the finished plants can begin to be sold. It is best to start selling in early September.

Thus, this business plan (growing pome seedlings) requires much more costs. And you can start selling only from the second year of work.

Cost of finished seedlings

So what kind of financial reward will you get after working hard with cultivation? Relax: profits promise to be good. One (!) two-year-old seedling good grade costs at least 700 rubles. Imagine how much money you can make when fruit tree seedlings sell like hot cakes! By the way, the price for apple trees three to four years old starts from 4-5 thousand, so the prospects for such a business are very attractive.

If you have even a small country cottage area, you may well start a business growing seedlings. At the same time, there is no need to invest large Money. The cultivation of varietal crops has become most popular.

Berry bushes - unpretentious seedlings

If you don’t yet have much experience in growing seedlings, we advise you to try growing unpretentious plants. Choose varieties that are adapted to local conditions, as well as those that reproduce and grow quickly. Raspberries, gooseberries and currants are best suited for these parameters.

Fruit tree seedlings are considered the most difficult. In order to obtain a certain variety of seedlings, they need to be grafted. Berry trees cuttings are taken, after which layering and root shoots are planted.

Pruning of grown gooseberry and currant bushes should be done every year. Place the shoots in water for a while, and then plant them in small pots in greenhouses, where they will develop more comfortably and it will be easier for you to care for them. Active sale of seedlings begins in the spring.

Fruit trees

If you have a certain starting capital and a plot of 15-20 acres, then you can start growing fruit tree seedlings. The most popular are apple trees, cherries, pears, etc. It is necessary to graft seedlings of these crops. Such trees should wait two years before grafting.

To plant seeds in the spring, you need to place them in a box with sawdust for the winter. The box is stored for about a week at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees, after which the sawdust is watered and the box is removed to the basement or other room with a temperature of about 0.

As soon as they arrive autumn cold, the grown seedlings are again fed and insulated with sawdust.

So, by the second year, fruit tree seedlings are ready for grafting. In this case, it is necessary to cut the upper part of the seedling 5-7 cm from the root, and place grafting material in this place. During this period, take special care of the plants: protect them from pests and strong winds. By autumn, if the seedlings have tolerated the grafting well and become stronger, you can put them up for sale.

Green spaces and ornamental trees

Growing fruit trees and bushes takes time and effort. But seedlings of ornamental trees cause even more difficulties. The most popular are seedlings of the pine family: spruce, pine and cedar. They are usually bred by large farms with large area land (several hectares or even several tens of hectares). It takes a lot of time and effort to grow such seedlings. But the demand for them has been quite high lately.

The age of ornamental trees plays a big role in determining the price. The older the tree, the higher its value.

For example, a three- or four-year-old cedar seedling 40 centimeters tall costs approximately $15, while a 5- or 6-year-old seedling sells for $80. Mature trees 10-15 years old sell for $500.

How to organize a garden nursery?

Before starting to establish a nursery, it is advisable to consult with specialists, for example, local agronomists, about which plants will feel best in a given soil and in a particular climate.

On average, the nursery should have an area of ​​1.5-2 hectares. It should accommodate several platforms for various cultures broken down by year of landing. A place for greenhouses is also needed. To cultivate the soil you will need to buy a trimmer and a motor cultivator.

How to sell seedlings?

We have come to the most enjoyable process - the sale of your seedlings. It’s very good when your nursery has convenient access to sell small batches of seedlings to everyone. Plants for sale must remain in the ground until the very last moment. And those that were not sold will quietly spend the winter in their place. But not always.

You should prepare to sell seedlings 3-4 months in advance. First, look for sales outlets. This includes agricultural markets, local newspapers, and farmer forums. There are gardeners who begin looking for seedlings as early as February-March.

Master the theory and practice of growing seedlings to answer any gardener's questions. Sales volume also depends on your awareness in this area. Find out how to start planting correctly, what diseases and pests can threaten the plant, and how to properly care for it.

Then your reputation will work for you, you will be known as an experienced and knowledgeable seller, which will lead to a large flow of regular and new customers.

Have a summer cottage or Vacation home Today it is preferred by almost every city dweller. One part of the land owners are engaged in growing fruits and vegetables in their own backyard, the other part prefers to produce high-quality landscape design, plant beautiful bushes and trees and all year round experience aesthetic pleasure. And only a small part of the people who love to work on the land know how to do business. Today we will talk about how to turn growing seedlings into a profitable enterprise.

  • Technology for growing seedlings for sale
  • Where to start a business on ornamental trees and bushes?
  • How much can you earn from seedlings?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for growing seedlings
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering with the tax authorities?
  • What documents are needed to organize a business?
  • Which tax system to choose for work?
  • Do you need permits to organize the production and sale of seedlings?

As we already mentioned, you can build a business in two directions: growing and selling fruit and berry crops or ornamental shrubs and trees. Both seedlings will be in demand. The peculiarity of business is its seasonality. Planting material is in demand mainly in spring and autumn.

Technology for growing seedlings for sale

Let's consider how to arrange the cultivation of seedlings fruit trees and berry bushes. Fruit plants are most often propagated by grafting and regrafting. This is a process where part of one plant is transferred to another so that they grow together. The first part of the plant, which is mostly underground, is called the rootstock. The scion is always above the ground and retains the very cultural characteristics of the plant that need to be propagated. During the process of growth, they grow together so much that they turn into one single organism. Grafting is a way to get productive, long-lasting trees. This technique is also used to correct irregular tree crowns.

Growing seedlings berry bushes occurs through seeds or vegetatively. The first method is practically not used for ordinary gardening purposes. Vegetative propagation is a method that is based on the ability to form independent plant, from part of an adult bush. The young offspring have all the characteristics of the mother plant. The vegetative method is divided into two more types:

  1. Natural reproduction (layering, offspring);
  2. Artificial propagation (cuttings, dividing the bush).

Currant and gooseberry bushes are propagated by vertical layering. A strong, healthy branch is bent to the ground and covered with a layer of soil. The mother plant is severely pruned. When propagating horizontally, the branches are completely laid in the groove and covered with soil. The soil in such nurseries needs to be regularly watered and loosened. When the cuttings take root, they are separated from the mother plant and planted on permanent place. This produces seedlings capable of independent growth.

A popular method is cuttings. To do this, take one-year-old woody shoots of 25 cm and plant them in nurseries, preferably under film. There the seedlings take root. This method is suitable for propagating currants, gooseberries, grapes, cherry plums, and pomegranates. For sale, the root system of seedlings is packaged in a cellophane pot filled with soil. In this form, planting material lasts longer and is easily transported. Tree seedlings are usually sold with an open root system.

Where to start a business in ornamental trees and shrubs?

Among ornamental plants Today, seedlings of coniferous trees and shrubs are in great demand. To grow one unit planting material, it takes quite a lot of time. They use the cutting method for this, and the shoots themselves are placed in special nurseries where a special microclimate is maintained. Cuttings are taken from young healthy plants. Select branches on which a growth point has clearly been formed. Shoots take root both in a heated and in a cold greenhouse. In the first case, the process takes 3-4 months. After this, the plants can be transplanted to another place for active growth and formation. In the second case, it will take about a year to form a full-fledged root system. In general, to grow one full-fledged plant with a good root system, you need to spend 3-4 years.

How much can you earn from seedlings?

Grow ornamental seedlings coniferous trees, despite all the complexity, it is quite profitable. How older plant, the more expensive it costs. The price range for coniferous seedlings is approximately as follows. A 40-centimeter tree costs about $15, six summer plant– 80 dollars, and if an adult 10-15 year old plant is sold, then its price is based on 450-500 dollars per unit.

Before creating your own nursery, it would be useful to consult with specialists on the subject of agricultural technology and the survival rate of a particular species in the conditions of a particular region. If on your own personal plot If the entrepreneur has gained positive experience, then the cultivation of young trees and shrubs can be expanded to the scale of a serious business. For this you will need an area of ​​about 2 hectares. The site should have both regular beds and greenhouses.

Constant sales channels are the key to any successful business related to production. Seedlings can be sold to gardeners at markets or supplied in bulk to specialized stores. Internet advertising also works effectively. Often people themselves come to the nursery to purchase seedlings. To attract buyers in the future, you need to leave business cards with your contacts to buyers. Then novice gardeners will always be able to get advice from a specialist and make new purchases.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The purchase of various planting materials (seeds, seedlings) will cost 25-30 thousand rubles. The price range depends on the plant variety and its production methods. To build, equip and equip a small greenhouse you will need about 6-8 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for growing seedlings

Planting and caring for fruit and berry seedlings ornamental crops in a nursery it will require conventional soil-cultivating tools. As well as devices for fertilizing, combating diseases, pests and weeds. The equipment of the mother nursery for seedlings is the same as the greenhouses, where irrigation and heating are equipped.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering with the tax authorities?

Registration of this enterprise will require code 01.3 Production of seedlings, namely group 01.30, which includes: cultivation of a variety of plant materials for planting, including: cuttings, shoots, saplings and seedlings. This applies to both ornamental and fruit crops.

What documents are needed to organize a business?

At high speed and large-scale agricultural production, when cultivating more than 1 hectare of soil, state registration of a peasant farm is required. But if there are small plots of land under cultivation, then personal subsidiary farming is allowed (within one’s own yard). In which you can grow agricultural products for sale without paying taxes.
Documents for registering a peasant farm enterprise: application, civil passport of the founder, agreements, decision on the founding of a peasant-farmer enterprise (if there are several shareholders). Then, documents confirming payment of the duty and address permanent residence founding person. When a farm is established by one person, an agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm is not required.

Which tax system to choose for work?

In relation to peasant farming, the Unified Agricultural Tax system operates, i.e. Based on the results of activities, the farmer pays a single agricultural tax for the enterprise.

Do you need permits to organize the production and sale of seedlings?

State This type of activity does not require licensing or special permits.