Weevils: granary and rice weevils. Fighting granary weevil

In May 2017 employees of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Kostroma and Ivanovo regions a batch of grain in the amount of 1000 tons was identified, infested with pests of grain stocks - barn weevil. The infected grain, feed wheat, was delivered by rail from the Penza region to a poultry factory in the Ivanovo region. In accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 015/2011 “On Grain Safety”, contaminated grain was not allowed into the enterprise, but was returned to the supplier.

Problems with pests of grain stocks and its processed products have appeared as soon as people learned to grow grain crops.Thus, even the ancient Egyptians and Romans were displeased to discover beetles in their granaries, which spoiled their food, and still pose a threat to granaries around the world.

One of the main and most dangerous pests grain crops (barley, rice, rye, wheat, buckwheat, corn), which can render stocks unusable both in the kitchen of one family and in huge grain storage facilities, isgranary weevil.

Barn weevil develops inside the grain, completely eating awayuh ndosperm. If you count ten weevils in a kilogram of grain, it means that in a batch of 1,000 tons, the weevils and their offspring have already eaten 3.4 tons of grain.

Grain infected with larvae looks completely normal. But, inside the grain in the void there are remains of the vital activity of insect larvae. The grain becomes poisonous and unsuitable for nutrition. Infected grains cannot be removed during grinding, soin ground form they are also contained inflour.

The granary weevil can infect dried apricots, prunes, dried apples, raisins, and eats cereals, flour and pasta. Products spoiled by weevils are brought from warehouses with improper storage conditions to store shelves, and in turn, like food, they can end up in any family.

Contaminated bread, cereals, pasta, and dried fruits, if they enter the human stomach, can cause serious harm to health, causing allergic reactions and acute gastric diseases.

It is not immediately possible to detect the granary weevil in household stocks of cereals and other bulk products. These insects in adulthood have a length of no more than 4 mm, and at the larval stage they generally remain invisible, but they cause enormous harm, therefore it is necessary to combat the contamination of grain and its processed products immediately, as soon as the first signs appear.

How to deal with such a dangerous pest as the barn weevil at home? Infected cereals and grain can be fed to poultry and animals, but if there are still a lot of bugs, then it is better to destroy it and carry out a number of preventive measures. First of all, you need to processsolution laundry soap followed by washing with a small concentration of vinegar solutionall internal surfaces of cabinets. Place bulk products in jars or hermetically sealed containers - not in bags, which the granary weevil can easily gnaw through with its sharp teeth. The weevil is afraid of pungent odors, so you can put garlic cloves next to the food, and put lavender, cloves, and nutmeg on the shelves. Products must be stored in a cool place with limited access to light according to the indicated expiration dates. Make supplies in small quantities for 2-3 months.

The question of how to deal with weevils in grain is faced by everyone who grows and stores cereals. This insect was known back in ancient Egypt.

1 Description of the pest

The granary (or grain) weevil received this name because of the peculiar shape of its head. There is a rostrum with jaws on it, with the help of which the insect penetrates the soft parts of the grains.

An adult beetle cannot fly, but quickly captures new territories and is unusually voracious. As a rule, it destroys seed reserves of cereals and legumes. If there is no suitable food, the beetle can eat flour, pasta, coffee, and tea. Therefore, it can be started in premises intended for storing not only grain, but also food products. Removing the pest is very problematic.

But its larvae pose a greater danger. They resemble worms with a body length of up to 4 mm. In the front part of the body there is a head with mandibles (unformed jaws) and small limbs.

After emerging from the egg, the larva penetrates the inside of the grain and gnaws it almost to the shell. A cavity is formed, the entrance to which is blocked by the pest with its excrement.

The intensity of the destructive activity of the larvae depends on the temperature of the environment and can last up to 3 months. After this, the individual turns into a pupa and can remain in this state for up to 3 weeks. At one time, the female weevil lays up to 200 eggs, thereby infecting up to 200 grains.

The fight against weevils is complicated by the fact that the insect unfavorable conditions adapts well to changes in the external environment: it can easily tolerate significant changes in temperature and air humidity. If conditions are unfavorable, the barn weevil may go into suspended animation.

In this state, his vital functions can persist for several months. When favorable conditions arise for the pest, it will continue its destructive raid on grain reserves.

There are many tips out there on how to get rid of weevils.

2 How to destroy pests using folk remedies?

At home, folk remedies are used to combat weevils. The most proven methods for ensuring the safety of products from the barn weevil:

  1. Inventory should be inspected carefully. If signs of the presence of weevils are found, the products should be thrown away, since the secretions of weevils and their larvae are dangerous to human health. This is the simplest and most proven method.
  2. Insects do not like strong odors. Place cloves of garlic, lavender or bay leaves in a container with flour products.
  3. The barn weevil does not tolerate high or low temperatures. Therefore, grain, flour, cereals, pasta can be kept in the oven at a temperature of 60°C and stored in the freezer. If food is kept at a temperature of -5°C for about a month, the beetles and their larvae will die.
  4. Products should be stored in glass or plastic dishes with tight closed lids, into which weevils cannot penetrate. If traces of weevils are found in one container, you need to check the others.
  5. Cabinets in which food is stored should be wiped with soapy water or vinegar solution.
  6. You should not create large reserves of food that weevils and their larvae feed on.

2.1 Methods of controlling weevils to protect berries (video)

2.2 How to kill insects with chemicals?

In industrial and farm conditions, chemical treatment of grain and storage facilities should be done.

The most effective are:

  1. Aerosol treatment. This treatment is used to kill insects in empty warehouses and surrounding areas.
  2. Gas treatment. The main toxic substance used is ethyl bromide.
  3. Processing in pickling machines.

For gas disinfection, Foskom, Alfos, Phostoxin tablets based on aluminum phosphide are used. The disinfection procedure can only be carried out by licensed organizations.

After the grain has been processed, it is necessary to monitor the possibility reappearance insects IN winter time the inspection is carried out after 30 days, in the warm season - after 15.

As an alternative, you can use a microbiological disinfectant and pheromone traps, the basis of which is a preparation made from zinc phosphide.

For long term storage planting material processed in special treatment machines that apply a liquid preparation to the grains, forming protective film. The machines are expensive, but they are profitable on large farms. For small farms, you can design a grain treater with your own hands. For these purposes, concrete mixers and washing machine units are used.

Preventative measures are of great importance in pest control.

Typically, weevils appear in places where grain has previously been stored. Therefore, before storing the new crop of cereals, it is necessary to remove the remnants of last year’s stocks and treat the room using a dressing compound. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places where affected grains may remain.. This is where the pest can start.

Keep different kinds grains are needed in different places. Seed stored for long-term storage must be selected; damaged grains are primarily affected by the weevil.

Preserving the harvest of grains and legumes is an important task. If the raw material has not been treated, losses from weevils alone can amount to up to 30% of the seeds.

Recently, volumes have been increasing grain storage various crops both in the procurement system (elevators, grain receiving enterprises) and in the growing system (farms, joint-stock associations). Despite their differences, these systems share a common goal: grain preservation without quantitative losses and reduction in quality.

It’s a shame, but it is during the storage process that quite large losses are observed due to imperfect technologies, an insufficient number of modern granaries, and an inadequate level of equipment. One of the reasons that leads to significant losses and a decrease in the quality of grain during storage is pests of grain stocks (insects, mites, mouse-like rodents).

More than 100 species of pests were found in Russia and Ukraine, including: ticks - 34, insects - 60 (Coleoptera - 51, Lepidoptera - 9), mouse-like rodents - 6.
At optimal conditions barn pests have high fertility and rapid development, reaching significant numbers. It is estimated that one granary and rice weevil can destroy 80 grains . The rice weevil is especially dangerous because it damages wheat grain , rice, oats, barley, corn, buckwheat, sorghum , pearl barley and flour products , seeds of millet, oilseeds and legumes. The grains from which the beetles emerged lose up to 50% of their weight and become unsuitable for sowing and consumption.

The vital activity of barn pests depends significantly on temperature conditions, grain and air humidity. For example, for the collared weevil, temperatures of 20 ... 28 ° C and relative humidity of 75-90% are favorable. At a temperature of 5 ... 10 ° C, beetles stop feeding, above 3 ° C they fall into torpor, at 0 ° C and below they die. The rice weevil is more warm and moisture-loving: the favorable temperature for it is 26 ... 31 ° C, and at 13 ° C and a grain moisture content of 10%, development stops. To combat barn pests apply a system of preventive (precautionary) and destructive measures. The measures include work on the preparation of granaries and operations that are performed with grain: cleaning, drying, cooling, ventilation, moving. Destructive methods include biological, physical-mechanical and chemical methods.

Measures can start from the field: the use of chemical crop treatment , which destroys and limits the number of grain pests. They continue at the stage of preparing granaries for storing grain mass. It is advisable to completely empty and clean granaries with small amounts of filling. When cleaning granaries, especially warehouse-type ones, you should Special attention pay attention to hard-to-reach places where pests initially develop: upper and lower galleries, elevator pits, waste pits, ventilation ducts. The surrounding area and equipment for processing and moving grain must also be cleaned.

Miscellaneous corn is unequally damaged by barn pests. Even within the same crop, small, broken, and injured grains are more damaged. Therefore, before filling into storage, grain must be cleaned, removing weeds and grain impurities and inferior fractions as sources of potential damage. In case of grain colonization small pests they are removed on sieves with oblong cells: 1.5-1.8 mm - for wheat, 1.4-1.7 - for rye, 2.0-2.2 mm - for barley. Large insects are removed on sieves with holes, which are selected for each specific case. Some pests, such as weevils, can be removed using aspiration separators or channels. In general, any movement of grain mass has a negative effect on the condition of barn pests, limiting their development and numbers. However, cleaning work and moving the grain mass for the purpose of pest control should be carried out during the cold season to prevent their migration.

During storage and storage, special attention should be paid to grain moisture . In no case should humidity exceed the standards established separately for seeds and food and feed grains. In case of long-term storage, it is better to reduce the humidity by 2-4% compared to the norm - this significantly increases the resistance of the grain to damage by pests and limits their vital activity. One of effective measures control of barn pests is grain cooling. It can be used both prophylactically and to suppress the vital activity of most pests. To do this, it is enough to bring the temperature of the grain mass to 8 ... 10 ° C. At a temperature of 5 ... 6 ° C, the shelf life increases threefold. Cooling is carried out in cold, dry weather using ventilation or active ventilation. During the cooling process, the equilibrium moisture content of the grain must be monitored: if it is lower than its actual moisture content, cooling can be performed, otherwise the grain, due to sorption, will become moistened.

Cooling using refrigeration machines is more effective and reliable, but it requires additional means and special devices. Therefore, this measure is primarily recommended for crops that are especially unstable during storage, are quickly damaged by pests, and are affected by diseases: corn, grains and oilseeds. As a last resort measure to combat pests of grain stocks, their thermal disinfection is used for the maximum possible permissible temperatures. For selection temperature conditions and the duration of disinfection, you should use a special table that takes into account the type of pest and its thermal resistance. It is not recommended to disinfect seed grain in this way, since its similarity may be reduced.

Disinfection of grain
Chemical disinsection of grain continues to be a radical destructive measure to combat pests of grain stocks: aerosol, gas (fumigation). Chemical treatment is carried out according to special instructions and carried out by organizations that have official permission. Fumigation is especially strictly controlled: it is prohibited to use it for grain shipments intended for shipment and concentration at port elevators. Aerosol disinfection against barn pests is effective for treating vacant warehouses and surrounding areas. For this, organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides are used (Aktellik, Arrivo, Karate, Fastak, Fufanon and others), the application rate of which is: for wet treatment - 0.2 l/m2, for aerosol - 20 ml/m3 of storage area. To treat the territory, the norm is doubled. Processing of grain batches is carried out with the same preparations during loading into the granary. The consumption rate of the drug, for example Actellik, is 16 mg/t for food grains and seeds. The drug Fastak is recommended only for treating seeds (with the same rate).

The advantage of aerosol treatment is the high effect of the drug even in unsealed storage facilities; its disadvantage is a rather long period of time before the permitted sale of grain. It is reliably known that after several months, drug residues do not exceed the maximum permitted level (MLL) and reliable grain protection is achieved when drugs are used in recommended doses.

Gas disinfection (fumigation)
Of the chemical measures, gas fumigation is the most effective. To carry it out, the following fumigants are used: ethyl bromide gas; tablets based on aluminum phosphide (Alphos, Foscom, Phostoxin); tablets based on magnesium phosphide (Degesh Plates, Magtoxin). Before carrying out fumigation, it is necessary to carefully seal the room, and fumigation should be carried out with the involvement of only special teams with permission and appropriate equipment. Decontamination is a relatively short period - up to 10 days from the start of treatment. Ethyl bromide is supplied into the composition or directly into the grain mass from cylinders at the rate of 20-100 g/m3 (one-time treatment). However, it should be noted that the use of bromomethyl has recently (since 2005) been severely limited due to negative impact to atmospheric ozone. It is also necessary to vacate the premises from people during fumigation with this gas and degassing.

Phosphine is used as a substitute for bromomethyl in the form of round tablets or powder. The tablets are introduced into the grain flow using special dispensers. The norm is 2-6 tablets per 1 m3 or per 1 ton of grain. The active substance (aluminum or magnesium phosphide) introduced into the grain mass or spread indoors reacts with moisture, thus releasing hydrogen phosphide, which is toxic to pests. But a neutral substance remains in the grain - aluminum or magnesium hydroxide - and the phosphide residue is not partially decomposed. The duration of fumigation depends on the temperature: at 5 ... 10 ° C - ten days; for 21 ... 25 ° C - five days. Degassing is at least ten days. The sale of grain is allowed if the phosphide residue is not higher than the permissible level (MAL). Neutral substances in the form of gray powder are removed from the grain using separation or aspiration. The fumigation regime with phosphine (dosage of the drug and exposure time), depending on the type of pests and temperature, must be filled in. Failure to comply with the regime leads to resistance (immunity) of pests to the drug. The types of pests that have acquired resistance become especially dangerous because their sensitivity to the drug can decrease by 80-120 times. The fumigation regime is also associated with constant monitoring of the concentration and residue of the drug.

To monitor phosphine, indicator tubes from different manufacturers, as well as gas analyzers, are used. In Russia and Ukraine, indicator tubes are mainly used, since the cost of gas analyzers is quite high. However, indicator tubes have a noticeably larger error and lead to poor-quality disinfection of products, so preference should still be given to modern gas analyzers.

The feasibility of fumigation should be determined based on the degree of pest damage and the economic efficiency of the planned work. Based on the total density of infestation by insects and mites, grain batches are classified into five stages introduced in regulations. Depending on the degree, the feasibility of fumigation and the intended use of the grain are determined. It is estimated that the cost of fumigating grain is relatively small and equals the cost of 3-5 kg ​​of grain for each ton. Inspection interval for contaminated grain The effectiveness and timeliness of all pest control methods for grain stocks largely depends on monitoring the level of infestation. The inspection interval is set based on the temperature and humidity of the grain and its purpose.

When storing seeds in bags, checks for pest infestation are carried out once every 30 days in winter and every 15 days in summer. Contamination analysis is carried out in accordance with regulatory methods and standards. As an alternative chemical method To combat barn pests, we can also recommend the use of microbiological preparations and pheromone traps against Coleoptera and Lepidoptera pests. However, this method is justified only when their numbers are low and storage volumes are small. In addition to harmful insects and mites, significant damage during grain storage is caused by rodents, which breed and cause damage in warehouses regardless of weather conditions. To combat them, the use of poisonous baits based on zinc phosphide (RODENFOS), brodifacoum, flocumafen (Storm) and others is effective. The delights are placed at a distance of 2-15 m from each other in places where rodents gather. Thus, complex application all methods of protection, taking into account the species composition of pests, the characteristics of their biology, the number and degree of damage, systematic forecasting of development and control of the level of harmfulness will ensure reliable protection grain during storage.

The weevil (lat. Curcullionidae), or elephant beetle, belongs to one of the largest families, numbering more than 70,000 species, and most of them inhabit the tropics. IN middle lane There are about 5,000 species of weevils. The weevil insect is a plant pest, and each species has its own preferences - one variety damages forest plants, another is a garden beetle, a third is a garden beetle, a fourth variety of beetle damages the growing point of a palm tree, as a result of which the plant dies.

Weevils range in length from 1 to 30 mm, while tropical species grow up to 5 cm in length. The body shape of beetles of this genus can be flat and oblong, cylindrical, rod-shaped, rhombic, spherical, convex hemispherical or pear-shaped. The color varies from yellow to black, there may be spots on the body, and it may have a metallic tint. The insect's legs may differ in color from the body. The upper part of the weevil's body may be hairy or bare, and may be covered with an earthen crust or glazed brown scales. Characteristic feature The insect is characterized by an elongated front part of the head - the rostrum, from which the genus of insects got its name.

Weevils are divided into two subspecies - short-proboscis and long-proboscis, differing from each other in the length of the rostrum. The larvae of long-proboscis species usually develop in plant tissues, consuming them as food, while the larvae of short-proboscis species live in the soil, feeding on plant roots.

Weevils living in the middle zone prefer to live on berry crops, and they are attracted not by fruits, but by flower buds in which the female lays eggs. The larvae that emerge from the eggs eat the flower from the inside, and if there are a lot of weevils, you may not get any berries at all. However, there are also types of weevils such as house weevils and barn weevils.

Barn weevil

The barn weevil is a small dark brown bug about 4 mm long with underdeveloped wings. This is a dangerous pest of grain crops. Moreover, archaeologists have established that it has been engaged in its destructive activities for a long time: in the 20th century, scientists discovered traces of the weevil in excavations of ancient Egyptian burials, and in Ancient Rome the insect was known as a pest called Curculio. Adult insect damages grain and products made from it, and larvae from eggs, which a female can lay up to 300 eggs in one clutch, develop in grains of millet, wheat, rice (rice weevil), oats, barley, buckwheat, and rye. The weevil also lives in flour and pasta. Grain infected with weevil larvae becomes unusable, causing digestive disorders in people, as it becomes hygroscopic, heats up on its own and rots.

House weevil

The weevil in the apartment is the same granary weevil in the grain, which gets into the apartment along with the purchased cereal. The female lays each egg in a cave gnawed out in the grain and seals the hole with her secretions. There, after 6-12 days, a larva emerges from the egg, which feeds on the inside of the grain, and then gnaws through its shell and comes out. How to get rid of weevils in grain? It is difficult to combat the pest precisely because the larva cannot be detected while it is in the grain, and yet there are ways to combat the weevil.

How to get rid of weevils

Fighting weevil.

Everyone has to fight this dangerous and polyphagous pest. available means– preventive, physical-mechanical, chemical, biological and folk.

As a preventive measure, before receiving and placing grain, you should disinfect storage facilities from the granary weevil - wet or aerosol, and then treat the grain - dry it, clean it of debris, cool it as much as possible and, if necessary, treat it with contact insecticides.

On summer cottages where other types of pests are common, loosening is used for preventive purposes tree trunk circles trees, removing fallen leaves, dry and diseased branches, planting pest-repellent crops in the rows, carrying out preventive treatment plants with the biological preparation Fitoverm, attract birds to the site by hanging birdhouses and nest boxes on the trees, and when weevils appear before mating and laying eggs, they are collected manually or shaken off onto a dense cloth spread under the trees or bushes, after which the pests are destroyed. If the invasion of weevils is widespread, you will have to resort to folk remedies or to treating plants with potent chemicals.

Remedies for weevils (preparations).

Chemicals It is dangerous to use weevil control at home. But in the garden or garden, their use is quite justified. The best drugs for weevils:

  • – Kinmiks – plants are treated with a solution of 2.5 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water;
  • – Decis – 2 ml of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water for spraying plants;
  • – Fufanon, Iskra-M, Kemifos, Karbafos-500 – 10 ml of any of these drugs must be diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • – during the growing season, plants are treated with a solution of 20 ml of Fitoverm in 10 liters of water.

IN summer time bugs on tree crowns are treated with a solution of Bazudin or Fozalon, prepared in accordance with the instructions, and against the larvae of leaf pests, the soil can be treated with Bazudin or Diazinon.

Fighting weevils with folk remedies

Since application chemicals can be harmful to human health, it is best to destroy the weevil with non-toxic folk remedies. For example, during the period of bud formation, you can treat plants with the following preparations:

  • – dissolve 10-13 g of powdered mustard in 10 liters of water;
  • – dissolve 40 g of grated laundry soap in a bucket of water;
  • – dilute 2.5-3 kg in 10 liters of water wood ash;
  • – stir 5 g of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water;
  • – rub 80-100 g of laundry soap, dissolve them in warm water, add 20 g of borax, 200 g of kerosene and stir the mixture vigorously until an emulsion is formed, which must be immediately applied to the plants.

How to deal with weevils in an apartment

How to get rid of barn weevil after finding it in an apartment? There are simple and effective ways pest control based on the characteristics of its life and reproduction:

  • – check all stored cereals, tea, cocoa, coffee, pasta and flour in which weevils can settle and, if you find traces of their presence, get rid of these products, since the secretions of weevils and their larvae are carcinogenic;
  • – since weevils and their larvae die already at -5 ºC, you can place for 2-3 days not yet infected products, in which pests can settle, in freezer. For preventive purposes, you can do this with all the cereals, flour and pasta that you buy;
  • – weevils also die when heated to 40 ºC for two days, and if the heating is increased to 60 ºC, then in six hours, so it makes sense to heat the cereal in the oven;
  • – it is better to store already disinfected products in glass or plastic, hermetically sealed containers that will be difficult for the beetle to chew through. Place whole, peeled cloves of garlic in jars with cereals and pasta; you can put 2-3 in flour nutmeg, and sprinkle a little hot pepper into the peas and beans;
  • – shelves and surfaces on which there are containers with cereals, flour or pasta are treated from time to time, first with a soap solution, and then with water and table vinegar, and after treatment, cloves are laid out on them, Bay leaf or lavender flowers;
  • – to make it easier to monitor the condition of products, do not stock too much unnecessarily.

How to get rid of weevils on your property

Weevil on strawberry.

The strawberry weevil is a gray-black long-proboscis bug up to 3 mm in size. In the spring, individuals mate in flower buds, in which the larvae then develop. How to deal with weevils on strawberries? Today, there are many ways to destroy the pest, which can save up to 40% of the crop even with total damage. The sooner you start your fight against the beetle, the more chances you have to emerge victorious.

In the spring, when the air temperature is uncomfortable for the pest, treat the area with strawberries with the following means:

  • – iodine solution – dilute a teaspoon of iodine in a bucket of water;
  • – dissolve 3 Intra-vir weevil tablets in 10 liters of water.

Carry out the first treatment 5-6 days before the start of flowering, the next time spraying is carried out in mid-summer. Biological preparations Antonem-F and Namabact can be used to process strawberries or garden strawberries. Until the end of spring, it is permissible to use the drugs Fitoverm, Iskra-bio and Akarin. It is advisable not to resort to stronger means, for example, insecticides such as Karbofos, Actellik and Metaphos.

Cherry weevil.

The cherry weevil, also known as the cherry trumpet weevil, also known as the cherry weevil, affects not only cherry trees, but also cherry, plum, apricot, cherry plum and even hawthorn trees. This is a golden-green bug, 5.5 to 10 mm long, with a purple metallic tint. The larvae are white, dotted with sparse red hairs, with a brown head and brown mouthparts. Weevils cause damage to the generative organs of stone fruit crops even before sap flow begins - tree buds dry out and crumble. An invasion of the cherry borer can lead not only to loss of fruit yield, but due to the death of leaves, the trees themselves may also perish.

The fight against the cherry weevil should be carried out by all possible means - preventive, agrotechnical, folk, biological, and if necessary, then chemical:

  • – in the fall, clean the tree trunks of old exfoliated bark, then burn the plant remains and clean the trunks with a solution of lime;
  • – also remove fallen leaves from under the trees into a compost heap or burn them;
  • – be sure to dig up the soil in the tree trunks;
  • – during the period of swelling of the buds, shake off the beetles onto white paper or cloth spread under the tree and destroy them;
  • – during fruit ripening, collect and destroy carrion so that the larvae do not go into the soil;
  • – immediately after flowering, if you find more than 8 beetles on the tree, treat it with any of the chemicals we described.

Plum weevil.

This bronze-colored bug with a metallic sheen is up to 45 mm long, all covered with short thick hairs, for its appearance also called a copper pipe maker. Not only plums suffer from it, but also thorns, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, and sometimes apple trees, hawthorns, rowan berries and even currants. Harm is caused both by adult insects, which consistently damage buds, buds, flowers, pedicels, young fruits and leaves, and by larvae that develop in fruits.

The fight against copper pipeweevil is carried out in the same ways as against the cherry weevil, and among the chemical preparations, pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds are most effective against it - for example, Actellik, Fufanon or Bazudin.

Raspberry weevil.

Raspberries are damaged by the same type of weevil as garden strawberries, and the main damage is caused to the plant by the female weevil, which can damage up to 30 buds in one season, laying eggs in them, from which larvae appear after 6-7 days, devouring the flowers from the inside within three weeks You can prevent weevils from appearing on raspberries by following the preventive protective measures that we have already described to you, but if preventive measures do not produce results, proceed to treating raspberries with folk remedies. How to poison a weevil if the number of its individuals on raspberries threatens to destroy the crop? During the period of bud protrusion, treating the bushes with Taran will be justified. Before flowering and after harvesting, it is better to spray raspberries with insecticides Fufanon Expert, Karbofos, Iskra-M or Novaktion. Throughout the growing season, Alatar copes well with weevils on raspberries. Before using toxic drugs, carefully read the instructions and do not neglect safety precautions.

Nut weevil.

Nut weevil, or nut weevil - brown bug 7-10 mm long. At the end of April, its females lay eggs in unripe hazelnuts, and the larvae, while developing, feed on their pulp, as a result of which half the harvest can be lost. Favorable conditions for the appearance of a weevil on a nut are high humidity at average daily temperature about 19 ºC.

As a preventive measure, you can consider digging up the soil in the tree trunk to the depth of a spade bayonet, collecting fallen and wormy nuts, and you can destroy weevils on the nut before oviposition by treating the plants along the ovaries with a two percent solution of Fufanon or Actellik.

Pine weevils.

The large pine weevil, or ancient spruce weevil, is a dark brown beetle 7-14 mm long. They damage three to six year old pines and spruce trees exclusively by mature individuals, eating their bark down to the sapwood. The wounds from these gnaws merge, becoming covered with resinous juice, as a result of which the entire trunk becomes tarred, and the tree dies. The pine weevil is also dangerous because it also damages deciduous trees - oak, alder, birch and others, if they are located near a pine or spruce forest.

Two more types of weevils damage coniferous trees - pine and blue pine. The pine weevil, also known as the pine weevil, is a dangerous pest of coniferous forests that damages the bark of trees, which can cause the plants to die. This is a brown bug with yellow dots that form two longitudinal stripes on the body. The blue pine weevil is a beetle with a bluish tint that eats holes in young coniferous shoots and lays eggs in them. The larvae of the blue pine weevil eat into the wood, make tunnels there and pupate. Coniferous trees suffer from both adult blue weevils and its larvae.

Natural enemies of all types of pine weevils include rooks, crows, starlings, woodpeckers, magpies and jays, which can be attracted to the garden. Ground beetles and black beetles also eat weevils. How to remove weevils from coniferous trees using insecticides? Treat the plants with Karbofos, Metafos, Actellik or another preparation during the period of mass pest infestation.


Methods of combating weevils: chemical, folk

Weevil on raspberries

The weevil beetle looks unremarkable, but in fact it is a very dangerous pest. Female beetles lay eggs in the buds of berry plants, and the emerging larvae feed on the insides of the bud.

I know from my own experience that if you leave everything to chance and do not take any measures to combat the weevil, you can lose half the harvest of berry crops - strawberries and raspberries.

More often I use traditional methods, which are safe for humans and plants, as I am afraid of harming the environment. In the most extreme cases, when there are incredibly many beetles, I use chemical treatment.

How to fight weevils without chemicals

You should prepare for the fact that all of the following procedures will have to be repeated constantly. These methods are proven and work well against the pest, but are quite labor-intensive. I use them throughout the summer if I haven’t treated them with chemicals in the spring.

Mechanical removal of beetles, unfortunately, is not enough. A good effect is obtained by spraying plants with a solution of mustard powder, which repels them. Dilute 100 grams in three liters of water.

Flower damaged by weevil

Also, I found out that weevils do not tolerate herbs from strong odor- capsicum, wormwood, tansy. I prepare infusions from them and spray my beds.

And around the berry plantations I plant onions and garlic. These plants with a specific smell repel pests.

Under the raspberry bushes I simultaneously apply both a protective and fertilizing agent - ash. You can dust the beds, add them to tree trunk circles and between rows. I prepare a strong solution from ash and laundry soap, which I carefully spray the plants with. For 3 kilograms of ash, 40 grams of laundry soap are required.

But that’s not all, in the fall I rake up last year’s leaves, the remains of buds and leaves from the bushes, and burn them as a preventive measure against surviving pests.

Pesticides and weevil preparations

Spray the bushes with chemicals - more reliable way get rid of the pest forever. I carry out this procedure twice a year:

  • The most the right time spring treatment- 5 days before the buds begin to bloom.
  • At the end of June - beginning of August, after harvest. This is necessary to destroy the new generation of pests before they hide in the ground for the winter.

I use the following drugs for weevils: Attelix, Karbofos, Metafos. In addition, I feed the soil under the bushes with Nemabact, which contains live microorganisms. They protect the soil from weevils and other dangerous pests.



Fruit weevils include bukarka, goose, cherry, pear, gray bud weevils, apple flower beetle, copper and red-winged hawthorn weevils and many other types of weevils. They all cause damage orchard.

Portrait of fruit weevils Fruit weevils are a large group of small beetles (up to 4 – 6.5 mm long). First, adult beetles damage the buds, piercing them and causing “crying buds,” then they damage buds and flowers, eating petals, stamens and pistils, and occasionally young leaves and shoots. In early to mid-summer, beetles eat out narrow, prick-like pits in the ovaries or fruits. Females lay eggs in them. The larvae that emerge from the eggs develop in the fruits for about a month, feeding on their pulp (and sometimes gnaw out the seeds in apples).

Risk group

Apricot, quince, cherry plum, hawthorn, cherry, pear, viburnum, cherry laurel, almond, peach, plum, sloe, bird cherry, sweet cherry, apple tree, and less often other stone fruit and fruit plants.

Damage from fruit weevils

Damaged buds turn brown and fall off, or they form ugly, damaged leaves, buds, flowers or ovaries that never fully develop. Damaged leaves wither, turn brown and fall off. Premature leaf fall is most often observed in early June. With the massive development of fruit weevils, up to 50% of all foliage falls, sometimes almost complete shedding of leaves from the crown of the tree is observed. Such leaf fall simultaneously leads to increased vegetative growth of trees and the fall of the remaining ovaries, weakens the plants, and reduces growth and fruiting. This has a detrimental effect not only on the harvest current year, but also on the formation of fruit buds for the next year.

Damaged fruits become dwarfed or have convex, knobby, suberized areas. In addition, part of the current year's harvest is directly eaten or separated from the plant. Thus, female goose, after laying eggs in the fruit, specifically gnaw the stalk - the fruit falls to the ground and rots, since the goose introduces spores of the causative agent of fruit rot (Monilia sp.) into it. In addition, some of the fruits left hanging on the branches of the plants become infected and rot.

In the years abundant flowering apple trees, especially in warm spring, the damage caused by weevils is insignificant, since in this case they reduce the number of excess ovaries.

Preventive measures fight against fruit weevil

  • Disembarkation fruit plants on a high, well-drained area away from wild plants.
  • Shake the beetles onto boards, bedding made of synthetic film, tarpaulin or other material and destroy them in a bucket of water to which a little kerosene is added. Shake off in the spring during swelling and bud opening, early in the morning, when the air temperature is below +10° C. At more high temperature Most of the beetles fly away. To do this, use poles, the ends of which are covered with burlap so as not to damage the bark. With poles they hit the branches sharply, but not too hard, after which the beetles fall. If there are a lot of weevils, you need to do 3-6 shakings before flowering (every 5-9 days from the moment the buds open until the beetles lay eggs). They shake off not only fruit trees, but also from trees of other species growing nearby, which often contain many weevils during the mating period. The same procedure can be carried out in the fall against young beetles if they rise into the crowns.
  • In the spring, during the swelling of the buds (necessarily before the bud scales move apart; later this technique loses its meaning, since the beetles manage to climb into the crown of the tree), trapping belts are placed in the upper part of the tree trunk. You can fix two belts - in the upper and middle parts. First, the area of ​​the trunk is cleared of dead bark so that there are no gaps left under it suitable for the passage of pests. More often they use adhesive belts, which are made from soft cardboard or thick paper and coated with special glue. Cotton belts are also used; they are made from slightly loosened cotton wool, through the layers of which insects cannot get through. Unfortunately, beneficial insects also fall into trapping belts, so they should not be used unless absolutely necessary. The belts attached to trees are covered with a canopy made of waterproof material to protect them from rain. The belts must be burned after the trees bloom.
  • Flower beetles and many other types of fruit weevils weakly colonize fruiting apple trees, the crowns of which are whitened with lime milk (1.5 kg of freshly slaked lime per 10 liters of water) at the beginning of bud swelling.
  • Collect and burn prematurely fallen leaves immediately after they fall to kill the larvae, as the larvae will later go to pupate in the soil.
  • Collection and destruction of buds with brown caps in which apple blossom beetle larvae develop. It must be carried out when the buds turn brown, preventing the development of adult insects in them.
  • Collection and destruction of rotten and mummified fruits and carrion.
  • Periodic loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles. Late autumn (early spring) digging of tree trunk circles to destroy wintering beetles, as well as plowing the soil in the fall between rows of trees.
  • Autumn cleaning of trunks and branches from old dead and flaking bark, whitewashing of the cleaned butt parts of trunks with lime mortar.
  • The use of root traps made from dry fallen leaves, which are then destroyed along with the beetles that have climbed into them. Placing trapping belts at the base of the trunks in the fall and burning them in the winter. They will prevent insects from crawling into the tree crowns.
  • During harvesting, place cloth or paper on the bottom of the container you are using. In a day, weevil larvae will accumulate at the bottom, which need to be collected and destroyed. Or use dense containers for the same purposes.

Fighting fruit weevil with folk remedies

The most popular method is to spray infested trees with an infusion of common field chamomile. To prepare it yourself, you will need about 150 flowers, which need to be filled with 10 - 15 liters of water. After a day, strain the infusion and add 60 g of laundry soap to it.

You can also use onion, garlic, spruce and pine infusions. Fill any container halfway with onion or garlic peels, spruce or pine branches, and add water. Leave for 2 weeks to ferment. Then strain the infusion and dilute it at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. Frequency of use: every 5 – 6 days.

They also spray with a decoction prepared from tomato tops immediately after flowering. A kilogram of tops is boiled in 10 liters of water for half an hour. Then laundry soap (40 grams) is added to the resulting decoction. Spray with the resulting solution.

You can also spray with a decoction of bitter wormwood. To do this, freshly harvested or pre-dried plants are crushed. For 10 liters of water you will need 350 - 400 g of dry raw materials or about a kilogram of fresh ones. Infuse in water for a day, then boil for half an hour, add 40 g of laundry soap, filter and spray the plants with this infusion.

Fighting fruit weevil biological methods

  • Attracting insectivorous birds to the garden.
  • Protection of ants of the family Formicidae and wasps of the family Vespidae.
  • Spraying plants with Fitoverm (2 ml/l of water) during the growing season.

Active control measures against fruit weevils

Chemicals are used only if other measures have not helped. Currently, Actellik, Bi-58 Novy, Rogor-S, Karate Zeon, Altyn, Lambda-S, Sensei, Karachar (spraying before flowering), Fufanon, Kemifos, Karbofos-500, Novaktion, Iskra M (spraying) are used against fruit weevils during the growing season). Working fluid consumption is from 2 to 5 l/tree (depending on the type, variety and age of the plant). Typically spraying is carried out three times: the green cone phase, the end of the flowering phase and ten days after flowering.

To avoid addiction, do not treat plants with the same preparation several times.

Before the first use, any drug must be tested on one plant. If the plant’s condition has not worsened within 24 hours, the drug can be used on all protected plants of this species.

Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read the label and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules.

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If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please let us know. Illustrations for the material: Nina Belyavskaya

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