Delphinium tall. Perennial delphinium: basic rules for planting and care, photos of flowers. Which variety to choose for growing seeds

Due to the fact that the flower bud resembles the head of a dolphin, the name “delphinium” came about.

There is a version that the flower is named after the city of Delphi located in Greece, since it first appeared here.

In order for a flower to grow for more than one year and have beautiful bright flowers, must be adhered to simple rules when planting a plant.

Selecting a location

For the most good results You need to grow the flower in a sunny place where there is no wind.

The soil should be loose and free of weeds, and trees and shrubs whose roots can inhibit the growth of delphinium are undesirable nearby.

Plants should be planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other, however, each species has its own characteristics when planting.

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Time to board

When the plant is less than 10 cm, then delphinium is planted from March to May. Otherwise, the suitable months for best rooting are August-September, when there is no frost yet.

If landing is done in summer season, then it is necessary to cut off the stems of the plant, leaving only 10 cm from the soil. The buds at the base of the stem should not be buried. When the flower is planted, it must be protected from direct sunlight and watered regularly.

Soil preparation

The peculiarity of the delphinium lies in its inflorescence - two small petals grow inside the flowers, contrasting in color with the sepals

Growing delphinium should be on loamy, fertile, well-drained soil. The reaction is allowed to be neutral or normal.

In the fall, before planting, you need to dig up the soil and add a handful of complex mineral fertilizer, humus (bucket per 1 sq.m.).

If the soil is clayey, add sand and broken slate, brick and crushed stone to the bottom, acidic - 50 grams of lime per 1 sq.m, sandy - peat.

Instead of complex fertilizer potassium chloride, superphosphate and ash are used (3:2:1).

Flower propagation

Delphinium is propagated by several methods: cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by seeds

Before planting, plant seeds must be kept in the cold, that is, undergo stratification. In the fall, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator and sown in March.

In boxes with soil mixture, make depressions of 0.3-0.5 cm at a distance of 6-7 cm and sow delphinium seeds. After the seeds are planted, moisten the soil.

After a month, the seedlings must be thinned so that the distance between plants is 7 cm. In May, delphinium is planted in open ground.

Propagation by cuttings

In spring, shoots that have grown 10-15 cm are cut off along with a piece (2-3 cm) of rhizome. The cuttings are immediately planted in open ground, where there is no direct sunlight, and after 2-3 weeks they are transplanted to a place where the plant will grow further. Or they root indoors in pots (boxes).

Cuttings that have just been planted should be watered about 3-4 times a day.

Delphinium care

Delphinium for better growth and flowering plants should not only be planted correctly and watered well, but also fertilized, pruned and prepared for the winter season.

For abundant flowering daylily, you must follow basic rules of care: watering, fertilizing and pruning

Top dressing

The flower should be fed 3 times: in the spring season, before flowering and after. Fertilizing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer.

After the end of July - beginning of August, the delphinium is not fed so that the plant blooms better next year.

Perennial delphiniums (over 3 years old) need to be fed more often. Depressions are made around the flower and fed 2-3 times a season with liquid fertilizer along with water. During the period when the plant produces buds, you can feed boric acid on leaves (10 g per 1 l).


For a delphinium that has reached 30 cm, the stems should be thinned: annual plants They leave 2 peduncles, in adults – 4-6. For the beauty of the main cluster in the inflorescence, you can remove the side branches.

If there are other plants growing in the flower garden, then there is no need to remove the side brushes.

When the delphinium has faded, the inflorescences should be cut off. Also, when the leaves on the stem dry out, cut it off from the soil at a height of 30 cm and bend it down so that water does not get in.

In warm places, delphinium can bloom in autumn, in cool places - better flowering prevent.

Winter care

Delphinium, which is more than 3 years old, tolerates quite well winter period. But newly transplanted or young plants are covered with film or spruce branches for the winter.

Sometimes it is enough to simply bury young plants planted in the fall with soil.

We choose.

Read about the rules for planting and caring for broom.

Disease and pest control

Delphinium can be affected by viral diseases, fungi or pests.

Viruses can be carried by aphids, so it is better to preventive measures. The plant is harmed by delphinium flies, which lay eggs in buds, slugs and caterpillars. Spraying with insecticides will help in the fight against these pests.

Delphinium is susceptible to various viruses and diseases; in order to avoid the death of the plant, it is necessary to remove all damaged parts of the flower

Black spot caused by bacteria: the leaves at the bottom are initially affected, gradually moving upward. The stems and the entire plant are also infected.

At the first stage of the disease, tetracycline (solution - 1 tablet per 1 liter of water) will help save the delphinium; before this, the infected leaves are removed.

Ring spot caused by viruses: yellow rings of irregular shape appear. Delphinium with the disease should be removed so as not to infect plants growing nearby.

Powdery mildew is a disease that is caused by a fungus and tends to develop rapidly due to high humidity. A grayish coating appears on the leaves. white, then turns brown.

Spraying with a solution of foundationazole helps against the disease. But it is better to resort to the prevention of this disease: plant bushes at a distance, do not overwater the leaves, remove excess shoots.

Ramularia of leaves is the appearance of dark brown spots on leaves in large quantities up to 10 mm in size. The leaves gradually dry out and then fall off. The use of an antifungal drug will help eliminate the disease.

Delphinium varieties

Back in the 19th century, the first varieties of delphinium appeared, but in the coming decades quite a lot of varieties and species of this beautiful plant were bred.

Popular varieties:

  • Dwarf: bush – 60-70 cm, inflorescence – 20 cm, bluish-lilac dense and double flowers with a green stripe, small and spike-shaped.
  • Pink butterfly: inflorescences – 40 cm, flowers are large and have pyramidal shape. Blooms in July-August.
  • White Butterfly: Similar variety to Pink Butterfly, but the buds are white.
  • Princess Caroline: peduncle height – 180 cm, inflorescence – 60-70 cm. The flower has double soft pink petals with a diameter of 6-8 cm.
  • Red Caroline: Descended from Princess Caroline, but with a more powerful bush. The flowers are smaller and have a bright reddish color.
  • Bellamosum: reaches a height of up to 100 cm and has bright dark blue inflorescences. Blooms in July-August.
  • Snow lace: has large snow-white flowers, with a brown coating on the edge of the petals.
  • Pacific mixture: delphinium of the Dutch mixture, the height of which reaches up to 180 cm. Used for cutting planting, also for single and group plantings. Blooms in July and September.
  • Marfin hybrids: Lilac spiral, Pink sunset, Blue lace, Daughter of winter, Morpheus, Venus, Lavender obelisk. The varieties are not afraid of frost and are able to grow without replanting, without loss of decorativeness.
  • Foreign varieties: Summer Skies, Blue Shadow, Laurin, Early Gray, Black Night. The varieties are frost-resistant and drought-resistant and have large flowers.

Some popular varieties look at the photo:

Eggplants are tall, erect plants with wide, dark green leaves and large fruits- create a special mood in the garden beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, grow decent harvest in the middle zone and to the north - the task is not easy. But subject to agrotechnical cultivation rules, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse.

Noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air from dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment, Vacation home or office. But only healthy, well-groomed plants can decorate a room, so creating suitable conditions and proper care- the main task of flower growers.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many others chemicals, it has properties that protect garden and berry crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate to treat garden plants against diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

There were times when the concepts of “garden tree”, “family tree”, “collection tree”, “multi tree” simply did not exist. And it was possible to see such a miracle only on the farm of the “Michurintsy” - people who were amazed by their neighbors, looking at their gardens. There, not just varieties ripened on one apple, pear or plum tree different terms ripening, but also in a variety of colors and sizes. Not many people despaired of such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trials and errors.

On the balcony, in an apartment, on a summer cottage - everywhere enthusiastic people find a place for their pets. It turns out that growing flowers is a very troublesome task and requires only endless patience, hard work and, of course, knowledge. Providing flowers with varied and healthy nutrition is only one, not the biggest, but a problem on the difficult, exciting path of a florist. One of the most responsible and difficult jobs in caring for indoor plants is replanting them.

The unique combination of chrysanthemum-like flowers with fleshy original leaves attracts attention to aptenia. But its ability to grow tirelessly and vigorously, the dazzling colors of both greenery and flowers are its main advantages. And although the plant was long ago transferred to mesembryanthemums, apthenia still remains a special star. Hardy and unpretentious, but at the same time resembling a beautifully blooming star, it is rapidly gaining popularity.

Pollock fish soup is light, low-calorie and very healthy; it is suitable for a vegetarian menu (pescatarianism) and non-strict fasting. Pollock is one of the most common and affordable fish that can be found on the shelves of almost any store. This fish is from the cod family, the meat is dense and white. Pollock does not fall apart when cooked, there are not many bones in this fish, in a word, it is a suitable fish for both novice home cooks and experienced thrifty housewives.

The front garden is the face of the garden and its owner. Therefore, for these flower beds it is customary to choose plants that are decorative throughout the season. AND special attention In my opinion, front garden perennials that bloom in spring deserve it. Like primroses, they bring us special joy, because after a dull winter, more than ever, we want bright colors and flowers. In this article we suggest getting acquainted with the best decorative perennials, blooming in spring and do not require special care.

The climatic conditions of our country, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing many crops without seedlings. Healthy and strong seedlings is the key to a high-quality harvest, in turn, the quality of seedlings depends on several factors: Even healthy-looking seeds can be infected with pathogens that long time remain on the surface of the seed, and after sowing, getting into favorable conditions, are activated and affect young and immature plants

Our family loves tomatoes very much, so most of the garden beds are devoted to this particular crop. Every year we try to try new ones interesting varieties, and some of them take root and become loved. At the same time, over many years of gardening, we have already developed a set of favorite varieties that are required to be planted every season. We jokingly call such tomatoes “special purpose” varieties - for fresh salads, juice, pickling and storage.

Coconut pie with cream - “kuchen”, or German coconut pie (Butter milch shnitten - soaked in milk). Without exaggeration, I will say that this is an incredibly tasty pie - sweet, juicy and tender. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time; cakes with cream are prepared on the basis of this sponge cake in Germany. The recipe is from the “Guests on the doorstep!” category, since usually all the ingredients are in the refrigerator, and it takes less than an hour to prepare the dough and bake.

The snow has not yet completely melted, and restless owners of suburban areas are already rushing to assess the work ahead in the garden. And there really is something to do here. And perhaps the most important thing to think about is in early spring– how to protect your garden from diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners they know that these processes cannot be left to chance, and delays and delays in processing can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the fruit.

If you prepare your own soil mixtures for growing indoor plants, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the relatively new, interesting and, in my opinion, necessary component - coconut substrate. Everyone has probably seen at least once in their life a coconut and its “shaggy” shell covered with long fibers. Many delicious products are made from coconuts (actually a drupe), but the shells and fibers used to be just industrial waste.

Fish and cheese pie is a simple lunch or dinner idea for your daily or Sunday menu. The pie is designed for a small family of 4-5 people with a moderate appetite. This pastry has everything at once - fish, potatoes, cheese, and a crispy dough crust, in general, almost like a closed pizza calzone, only tastier and simpler. Canned fish can be anything - mackerel, saury, pink salmon or sardines, choose according to your taste. This pie is also prepared with boiled fish.

Family: buttercups (Ranunculaceae).


In nature, delphiniums grow in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Europe, Asia, America, Africa). Many species are native to Southeast Asia, particularly China. The genus Delphinium has about 400 species.

Form: annual or perennial herbaceous plant.


Delphinium (larkspur, spur) - powerful tall perennial from 0.2 to 3 m tall. Delphinium leaves are alternate, slightly pubescent, palmately divided, often strongly and deeply dissected into pointed or jagged lobes. The flowers of the plants are simple, irregular, non-double, usually blue, blue or violet, collected in inflorescences, consisting of five sepals, the upper of which is crowned with a spur - a hollow elongated outgrowth, which, as a rule, serves to accumulate nectar. This structure of delphinium flowers attracts bees and other insects. Plants bloom at the end of June and bloom throughout July (there are also late-flowering species and varieties that bloom at the end of July). Unopened delphinium buds are shaped like the body of a dolphin. Delphinium fruit - leaflet. Most delphiniums have a racemose root system (numerous adventitious roots extend from the rhizome in a bunch, but there is no main root).

(D. brunonianum). Heat-loving, non-wintering Middle lane Russia plant from 0.3 to 0.5 cm. The leaves of the Bruno delphinium are funnel-shaped, five-parted; the flowers are usually blue or purple, with a black eye, collected in paniculate inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. Delphinium Bruno is perfect for planting in rocky gardens. In nature, plants grow in the high mountainous regions of the Pamirs, Tibet, India and Afghanistan.

(D. elatum). A very elegant tall plant from 0.8 to 1.5 m tall (sometimes reaching a height of more than 3 m). The leaf blade of the tall delphinium is rounded, deeply heart-shaped at the base; the leaves are dissected into jagged unequal lobes. Tall delphinium flowers are blue or blue-violet, collected in racemes of 20-60 pieces. In nature, plants grow in Northern Europe, Mongolia, the European part of Russia and Siberia.

Delphinium holostem (D. nudicaule). The plant grows from 0.4 to 1 m tall. The flowers of the holostem delphinium are semi-closed, scarlet-red, collected in loose paniculate inflorescences of 10-20 pieces. There are garden forms of plants with bright red and orange flowers. In central Russia, the holostem delphinium does not overwinter. In nature, the plants are found in the mountainous regions of California.

Delphinium blue (D. glaucum). Plants are from 0.2 to 0.4 m high. The leaves of blue delphinium are semicircular, palmately divided. The flowers of the plants are bright, cornflower blue, with a dark eye; collected in loose paniculate inflorescences. Delphinium blue is unstable in central Russia, but the plants self-sow and are renewed by seeds. In nature, blue delphinium is found in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet.

Delphinium labiosa (D. cheilanthum). Plants from 0.5 to 1 m tall with a bare, smooth, unevenly leafy stem. The leaves of delphinium labiata are green above, bluish below, and pubescent. The flowers of the plants are lilac-violet, bluish or dark gray, collected in a multi-flowered raceme. Delphinium labiate is the ancestor of many cultivated varieties. In nature, plants are found in Eastern Siberia.

(D. cashmerianum). The plant is from 0.2 to 0.4 m in height. The leaf blade of Kashmiri delphinium is rounded, the leaves are five-parted, serrated along the edges, and in appearance resemble the leaves of a cuff. The flowers of the plants are half-open, of an original shape, light purple or bluish, with a black eye. In nature, delphinium Kashmiri grows in India (Kashmir).

Delphinium is beautiful (D. speciosum). A very impressive species with a height of 0.3 to 0.8 m. The leaves of the beautiful delphinium are round-heart-shaped, five-parted, dissected into wedge-shaped lobes. The flowers are bluish or light purple, with a contrasting black eye, look bicolor, collected in multi-flowered racemes. The homeland of the beautiful delphinium is the Caucasus.

Delphinium red (D. cardinale). Tall plant up to 2 m tall. Red delphinium flowers are scarlet-red with a red or yellow eye; collected in inflorescences of 15-30 pieces. Plants do not overwinter in central Russia. In nature, red delphinium grows in Southern California and Mexico.

Delphinium grandiflora , or delphinium chinensis (D. grandiflorum or chinensis). Plants are from 0.3 to 0.8 m high with a straight, branched, short-hairy stem. The leaves of delphinium grandiflora are repeatedly trifoliate, dissected into narrow lobes. The flowers of the plants are wide open, bright blue, less often white or pink, collected in rare racemes. Large-flowered delphinium is grown as an annual. In nature, Chinese delphinium grows in Eastern Siberia, on Far East, in Korea, Mongolia and China.

Delphinium half-bearded (D. semibarbatum). The plant grows from 0.3 to 1.5 m tall. The leaves of delphinium semibeardum are repeatedly dissected into narrow lobes. The flowers of the plants are very showy: bright yellow, with a greenish tint and a yellow eye, collected in multi-flowered racemes. Delphinium half-bearded is quite winter-hardy, but suffers from excess rainfall both in winter and in summer; plants categorically do not tolerate flooding, so they often die in summer cottages. In nature, half-bearded delphinium grows in Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Delphinium rocky (D.scopulorum). A winter-hardy plant with a height of 1 to 1.5 m. The leaves of delphinium rock are five- or seven-parted. The flowers of the plants are blue or purple, less often white, collected in dense racemes. The birthplace of the rock delphinium is Mexico.

Delphinium cultivated , or delphinium hybrid (D. x cultorum). This group unites all kinds of forms and varieties obtained as a result of selection. All hybrid delphiniums are classified depending on their origin into several main groups.

Growing conditions

Delphinium (larkspur) prefers lighted areas with shading during the midday hours. Delphiniums grow well in sandy or loamy, humus-rich, moderately moist, well soils. Plants are drought-resistant and suffer greatly from excess moisture in the soil, so they should not be planted in places where water accumulates. Delphinium is a plant that does not tolerate salinity. Plants should be planted in places protected from the wind. As a rule, delphiniums are winter-hardy (with the exception of certain species), but to a greater extent the plants suffer due to snowless winters, temperature changes, thaws, flooding, and prolonged rains in the summer.


Delphinium is one of the most popular plants in landscaping summer cottages. Delphinium is a flower that will always look great in the garden: in group plantings, in mixed plantings, as a background plant in various compositions. The spur is also good in quality. Low growing varieties delphiniums can be planted in - and. Contrasting color combinations of delphiniums with each other or with other plants look very impressive. The variety of shapes and varieties of delphinium provides room for imagination and allows you to create unique compositions. For example, bright blue or pink delphinium will look good with different colors of needles, and dark purple varieties will emphasize the originality of the golden ‘Aurea’.

Larkspur is also good for cutting and lasts a long time in water.


Delphinium needs mainly feeding, which is necessary for its active growth and the formation of a large vegetative mass from powerful shoots with large leaves. The first feeding is done when the spur reaches 10-15 cm in height, the second - during budding or the beginning of flowering, the third - at the end of flowering. With each feeding, delphiniums are watered abundantly. soils on which delphinium grows need.

To obtain powerful flower stalks, delphinium bushes are thinned out. This is done in the spring, when the plants reach 20-30 cm in height; remove thin and weak shoots. Since the inflorescences of most delphiniums are very powerful, with large flowers and can break under their own weight, the plants must be tied up: first at a height of 40-50 cm, later at a height of 100-120 cm. Delphiniums are tied up very carefully, since its shoots are very brittle. When tying, you should not use twine - it can pull the shoots and cut them; It is better to tie delphiniums with cotton ribbons.

For winter, delphinium shoots are cut at a height of approximately 30 cm from ground level. This is done for preventive purposes, since pests and fungal spores can overwinter in plant debris.


Delphinium is propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Annual delphinium propagated by seeds. Delphinium seeds are sown in open ground; sowing of delphinium is carried out in spring or autumn. Perennial delphinium Propagated by seeds and vegetatively - and by dividing the bush. Growing delphinium from seeds is possible, but varietal characteristics may not be preserved, so cultivars are propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush. For division, it is better to use 3-4 year old bushes, since divisions taken from young plants will take root better and faster. Delphinium is divided and replanted in the spring or in the second half of summer. When cutting, take the upper part of the young stem when it reaches about 10 cm in height. It is better to carry out cuttings in the spring. The cuttings are planted in boxes or in greenhouses, shading the plantings from the sun. Delphinium cuttings will take about three to five weeks to root. Planting delphinium on permanent place held next spring; the distance between plants when planting is 30-40 cm.

Diseases and pests

Delphinium is a flower susceptible to the following diseases: root collar rot, rust, powdery mildew, spotting, wilting, mosaic, viral diseases(leaf curl, dwarfism). The most dangerous pests spider mite, onion fly, root-knot nematode, aphids, slugs and others. Allows you to avoid possible diseases correct agricultural technology delphinium. To avoid diseases, the delphinium needs to be thinned out, old, weak, diseased shoots and dry leaves must be promptly removed, and the quality must be carefully monitored planting material during vegetative propagation.

Popular varieties

Varieties of hybrid delphinium

Group "Belladonna"- Hybrids obtained mainly from Delphinium grandiflora and Delphinium labiosa. The varieties are distinguished by branched paniculate inflorescences and strongly dissected leaves. Varieties bloom in June-July, repeated flowering is possible in August. These include:

Marfin hybrids- varieties domestic selection. Plants form dense bushes up to 1.6-1.8 m high. The flowers are very graceful, semi-double, collected in tall pyramidal inflorescences. These include:

    ‘Spring Snow’- flowers are white with a slight purple tint and a black eye;

    ‘Blue lace’- dark blue flowers with a white eye;

    ‘Daughter of Winter’- snow-white flowers with a black eye;

    ‘The Pledge of Youth’- pale pink flowers with a black eye;

    'Caravan'- dark lavender flowers with a white eye;

    ‘Lavender Obelisk’- delicate lavender flowers with a black eye;

    'Summer morning'- flowers are lilac-pink with a white eye;


    ‘Memory of the Cranes’- purple flowers with a black eye;

    ‘Pink Sunset’- flowers are lilac-pink with a black eye;

They belong to the buttercup family and number about 450 species. The flowers of the plant are collected in the form of a pyramidal inflorescence located on a long peduncle. Their color scheme can cover various shades of white, blue, indigo and violet, captivating everyone with their uniqueness. Let's consider the main types of this beauty.

The homeland of this representative of delphiniums is the northern mountains of Europe, Siberia and Mongolia. Graceful reaches 1.5 m in height. Its stems are bare, the flowers are blue, collected in loose clusters.

This variety was first bred in 1837 and since then has often been used as a source for growing hybrids, as it has a large supply of breeding possibilities. Tall delphinium blooms in July for 20–25 days.

Did you know?There is a giant form of high delphinium, which reaches 3 m in height and blooms generally later than the original form.

In the wild, this variety grows in California. Its stems are tall, 40–100 cm, erect, branched, bare, leafy. The rhizome is tuberous in shape.

The inflorescence is a loose panicle consisting of 10–20 flowers, 3.5 cm in diameter, reddish in color with a yellow eye. Garden forms can be bright red and orange in color. Delphinium holostem blooms in June and July.

It was introduced into garden culture in 1869 in Great Britain. If you want to decorate yours with it, then an excellent combination for it would be with yellow and orange flowers - for example, or with its openwork and delicate shades.

It grows in the wild in Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and Tibet. It grows preferably in meadows and rocky plains in dry climates. Reaches a height of no more than 40 cm.

Stems are elongated, bare. The leaves are semicircular in shape, the lobes at their tips are 1–2 cm wide. The loose panicle inflorescence consists of 6–20 flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm, bright blue with a dark eye. It was introduced into garden culture in 1880.

Blue delphinium is not resistant enough to the conditions of our climate, so sometimes problems arise when growing it. However, the plant quickly renews itself by seeds and blooms again within a year.

The mountains of the Pamirs, Tibet, India and Afghanistan are considered the birthplace of the Bruno delphinium. The peculiarity of this is that it can grow in high terrain - up to 6000 m above sea level.

It reaches a height of 30 cm to 50 cm and is used mainly for decorating rocky trees. It has semi-funnel-shaped leaves with serrated lobes. There are 5–10 flowers, 5 cm in diameter, the inflorescence is a panicle.

Important! Delphinium "Bruno" can bloom only when warm temperature. With the onset of cold weather, he can die instantly.

The color of the flowers can take shades from blue to dark purple, the eye is mostly black. The shape of the flowers is unique and differs from others in its originality.

The name of this variety comes from the mountains of Kashmir, where wild conditions This flower grows at an altitude of 3000–4000 m. An adult grows up to 20–40 cm. The leaves are round, divided into 5 parts, with teeth at the tips.

Diameter 5 cm, delicate purple, black eye. Blooms actively in June-July. The Kashmiri look is very popular among designers as it hybrid forms with a wide variety of colors they can create contrasts in garden areas.

It was first developed in Europe in 1875. It is most widespread in.

In the wild, this species grows in Southern California and Mexico in elevated areas. Delphinium red, as seen in the photo, has a bright color characteristic of its name. Mature plant grows up to 2 m.

The flowers are red in color with yellow eyes, 5 cm in diameter, collected in 15–30 pieces in inflorescences up to 60 cm long. This variety prefers dry places. Introduced into garden culture in 1856.

With its help, new species of delphinium with non-standard colors are developed. The only drawback of the selected varieties is their low winter hardiness; they are grown mainly in greenhouses or specially designated premises.

The beautiful delphinium is far from the most popular species, but it is successfully used to decorate home gardens. It reaches a height of about 80 cm. It has simple, erect, densely leafy stems covered with short hairs over the entire surface.

The leaves are heart-shaped and five-parted. The flowers are rich blue in color with a dark eye, collected in inflorescences 35–45 cm long. garden culture appeared in 1897.

This species covers a large number of varieties grown through a process of hybridization that began in 1859. They all differ in height, flower diameter, shades and size of inflorescences.

The height of an adult plant is 120–200 cm, most of which is a pyramidal raceme, consisting of 50–80 simple-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 7 cm. It does not tolerate drought well, so the most best condition for it is a cool and humid summer.

To prevent its flowers from fading in the sun, they need to be shaded during the midday hours.

Important!For delphiniums, thaws are the most dangerous, since its rhizomes are located close to the surface and can easily dry out, which will lead to the death of the plant.

This one is considered the ancestor of cultivated varieties. Grows in Eastern Siberia. Reaches a height of 45–95 cm. Its stem is bare and smooth, with small hairs at the base.

The leaves are bicolored, bright green above and bluish below. Flowers of a rich bluish hue can be elliptical or oval in shape. The inflorescence is presented in the form of a simple multi-flowered raceme.

In general, delphinium labiata is quite winter-hardy and does not need shelter in the winter cold. The plant itself is unpretentious, but if you want it to please you active growth and lush flowering, should be observed optimal conditions its cultivation.

It grows in the mountains of a country such as Kenya, at an altitude of 1800–3000 m. It is quite well adapted to temperate climate England and Sweden, where it is grown en masse. In adulthood, the plant has a height of 60 to 200 cm.

The leaves are smooth, 5–7 divided. The inflorescence consists of 10–12 flowers collected in a panicle. The bluish-green color of the flowers and the light green eye add unusualness and peculiarity to this species.

This variety of delphinium is the most successful for growing and will be a great addition to yours.

Delphinium – pretty unusual plant, which always stands out from the crowd due to its impressive growth and incredible beauty of its flowers. Many gardeners dream of growing this giant in their garden, which is quite simple. Nevertheless, certain subtleties are still present in this process. Today you will meet the best varieties perennial delphinium, and also learn all about the features of its planting, as well as about care and pest control (photo instructions for caring for the plant are attached for your reference).

Delphinium perennial: description, characteristics of the best varieties

Delphinium is a plant of amazing beauty and resilience that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and for many years has been “looking” at the world with the wide eyes of its luxurious petals of blue, white or purple. The plant can reach a height of 2 m and today has more than 800 varieties.

The plant has a fairly powerful peduncle, on which there is a dense bunch of flowers, collected together in the form of a pyramidal figure. Inside almost every flower there are several petals of a darker shade than all the others.

There are many varieties of delphinium

Among the variety of delphinium varieties, you can find double, super-double, dwarf, giant, etc. The perennial plant was originally grown using one of two species: Delphinium grandiflora/tall. Over time, the first hybrids were developed. Today you can find about 800 different varieties of delphinium, each of which belongs to one of 5 main categories:

  1. Marfin hybrids. Although this category of delphinium is called hybrid, almost all representatives of this species retain 80-90% of the characteristics of their parents. Externally, they are represented by plants of quite impressive size - 1.7-2 m. The “highlight” of the species is the appearance of the bush: it is quite strong, tall (about 1.7-1.8 m, some specimens reach 2 m in height) and dense with semi-double flowers of a delicate shade.
  2. Belladonna. The original subspecies of delphinium. The only one presented in the list has a “drooping” type of inflorescence (panicle).
  3. Elatum. Unlike other varieties, this one stands out because almost every plant has flowers of similar shades (ranging from soft blue, almost transparent, to rich lilac and purple shades).
  4. Pacific hybrids are distinguished by their gigantic growth (almost all of them reach a height of about 2 m) and large, dense semi-double inflorescences.

Among the huge variety of delphinium varieties, it is quite difficult to single out just a few, but perhaps we can focus on a few of the most striking.

  • Snow lace. The plant has a delicate delicate aroma. The bushes grow to an average height - about 1.5 m, and the length of the peduncle is slightly less than half a meter. The variety has an unusual delicate flowers white color, characterized by luxurious appearance. Flowering occurs very luxuriantly and quickly.
  • Princess Caroline. It is considered one of the most aesthetically attractive varieties of delphinium. The plant is considered a giant: its stem reaches 2 m in height, the flowers can reach 10 cm in diameter. The petals are painted in a delicate pinkish color.

Princess Caroline

  • Pink butterfly. The variety is distinguished by rather low bushes: the height of the stem reaches a maximum of 1 m. But the variety blooms with rather unusual flowers hot pink color, which, when blooming, look like a flying butterfly. The plant is extremely popular among landscape designers who use it primarily for trimming tall bushes and trees.

Methods for propagating delphinium

This process can be carried out in several ways. Let's look at each of them in detail. So, if you are planning to replant a plant and it is already decorating your garden plot about 3 years, you can plant a delphinium by dividing the bush. For this, in early spring, when the bushes are not yet distinguished great height(no higher than 15 cm), you need to carefully dig up one of them and divide it into several parts.

Advice. In order for the delphinium to take root well in a new place, try to divide in such a way that at least 1 shoot remains on each separate part of the rhizome.

First of all, remove all damaged parts, clean the rhizome from any remaining soil and rinse it thoroughly with warm water.

Carefully lower the separated parts into containers with prepared soil mixture consisting of sand, humus and black soil in equal proportions. Sprinkle the planted parts with soil and send them to a warm place for a couple of weeks (no longer, since the transplanted sprouts take root very quickly). After this period, you can plant in open ground.

Delphinium seedlings

Propagation by cuttings is also carried out in early spring. It is necessary to cut off 10-centimeter shoots so as to capture part of the rhizome. The resulting cuttings can be safely planted immediately in open ground, and after a couple of weeks they can be moved to the garden.

Advice. Remember: in order for cuttings planted on the site to quickly take root and immediately begin to grow, they must be regularly sprayed with water (several times a day).

Well, and finally, propagation by seeds. To do this, you need to prepare them ahead of time (in the fall). Keep in a cool place. You can start planting seeds with the onset of the first days of spring. Seeds are sown in a container with a prepared soil mixture consisting of the same components as when propagating delphinium by division.

The seeds are lowered into prepared shallow grooves at a distance of about 6 cm from each other, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, which should be slightly moistened with a spray bottle.

Growing in open ground

Regarding planting delphinium and caring for it in open ground, then this process is not so complicated, however, there are certain nuances here.

Soil preparation and planting

You should choose a place suitable for delphinium very carefully, since the plant loves the sun very much and reacts negatively to wind and strong shadow. Therefore, for planting, choose a sunny, warm place with minimal access to wind and shade (but the shadow must still be present over the area where the flower is planted for 2-3 hours a day, otherwise it may simply get burned).

Delphinium is frost resistant

Delphinium is absolutely not afraid of frost (it can withstand even -30 degrees), so even in the harshest climate it will take root well.

Attention! Delphinium has a fairly powerful root system, but located close to the surface. For this reason, in no case should you choose as a planting site a place in which large clearings appear in the spring - the rhizome may simply dry out.

Delphinium loves fertile and fairly light neutral/slightly acidic soil, but at the same time feels quite confident on loam if it is properly fertilized. For these purposes, you can use peat, humus, etc.

With the onset of autumn, the area for the delphinium should be dug up with a shovel and fertilized with a peat-manure mixture. In the spring (immediately before planting), the soil is dug up again, and potassium salt and superphosphate in an amount of about 60 g, as well as ammonium sulfate (about 40 g), are added to it.

Now you can start preparing the holes. Their depth should be about 0.5 m, and the distance is selected individually (it all depends on the size of the variety chosen for planting). Some of the soil from the hole is mixed with compost and sent back. When it settles (in a couple of days), you can plant the plant in the way that is most optimal for you.

Features of delphinium care

This process is quite simple, but it must be carried out on a regular basis. The main thing is to water the plant on time and provide it nutrients and periodically thin it out, because the denser the delphinium grows in the area, the smaller its size will be.

Delphinium needs to be fed

As for fertilizing, there should be at least 3 of them per season:

  • The first is carried out in early spring. A mixture of ammonium nitrate(15 g), calcium chloride (30 g), superphosphate (70 g) and ammonium sulfate (40 g) are poured under the bush and slightly deeper into the ground.
  • The delphinium is fertilized for the second time during the period of its appearance. large quantity buds. This time the plant should be fed with a mixture of potassium and superphosphate (each element in the amount of 40 g).
  • The third time the same mixture is used as the first. Plant feeding is carried out approximately at the end of August.

Disease and pest control

Delphinium – beautiful plant, living in one place for up to 10 years, but, unfortunately, highly susceptible to various diseases. Next, about what diseases and pests the delphinium most often “suffers” from and how to protect it from them:

  • Powdery mildew. A white-gray coating that appears on the surface of the leaves. Over time, damaged leaves darken and die completely. Control method: sulfur gas (1%) must be sprayed on the plant until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.
  • Downy mildew. Yellowish spots on the visible side of the leaf, with reverse side is formed white coating. Control method: thin out the bushes and spray with Bordeaux mixture (1%).
  • Black leaf spot. Black spots on the visible side of the leaf, gradually covering the entire leaf and moving to the stem. Control method: spray the root collar with 1% sublimate, and after some time with Bordeaux mixture.

Delphinium in a flowerbed