Geysers powered by liquefied bottled gas. How to choose the right gas water heater that does not need a chimney

If it so happens that your house does not have hot water supply, but there is gas, then you need a gas water heater to heat the water. Experts from Price Expert analyzed the models of geysers that buyers were most interested in in 2017 and early 2018, and selected the 10 best. Now you will learn about them. But first, let's choose a manufacturer.

Which brand of geyser is better?

The leading positions in popularity, reliability and build quality today are occupied by gas water heaters from the Czech manufacturer Mora Top. Its products never stay in stores for long, and therefore sometimes you just need to have time to place an order. Among foreign manufacturers of geysers, the always popular brands Bosch and Ariston do not lag behind. Products with a good price-quality ratio are offered on the Russian market by Zanussi and Hyundai. The best domestic manufacturers are traditionally represented by gas water heaters of the Neva and Ladogaz brands.

Useful tips to ensure long and reliable operation of geysers

  1. Installation and connection must be carried out by qualified specialists. Often the quality of its operation depends on how the gas water heater is configured.
  2. It is necessary to regularly clean the igniter and heat exchanger from combustion products (it is strange to blame the column for blockages). This will significantly extend the “lifespan” of the device.
  3. In old houses with too low water pressure in the system, it is better to install special pumps. With stable water pressure, automatic start-up occurs without problems, and the heating temperature will be maintained more correctly.
  4. Must be observed important recommendations from the manufacturer as specified in the user manual

Using the correct and suitable fuel consumption formula, you can easily heat your house with gas cylinders. A gas boiler running on propane can heat a room no worse than a unit configured for regular mains gas. When installing equipment, you must remember about the oxygen regulator, since according to the standards, more of it should be supplied to the unit than to a conventional boiler. In order to guarantee uninterrupted and safe work With such a device, boilers are equipped with special devices that stop the operation of the device in the event of an emergency. Another feature that significantly distinguishes a liquefied gas installation from a natural gas boiler is that the burner in it has a significantly smaller diameter, and, as a result, lower gas pressure that comes from the cylinders.

As practice shows and consumer reviews indicate, for a house of 100 m², approximately 3 - 2 cylinders of gas per week are needed, provided that the capacity is 50 liters. From this calculation you can determine how much fuel you will need for heating country house. For example, for a house of 200 m², the amount of gas will increase to 4 containers per week. If your house has an area of ​​about 50 m2, then 1 cylinder will be enough for you.

A gas-cylinder installation of a gas boiler room for a private house using liquefied gas cylinders for 100 m² requires the simultaneous connection of at least 4 cylinders - 2 working ones, plus 2 reserve ones. For an area of ​​200 m², 8-10 containers are usually enough. To ensure absolute ease of use, your connection equipment set must have a ramp.

Alternative heating with gas from cylinders: making the right choice

If you have a boiler that runs on propane to heat your dacha, then it is very difficult to accurately determine the gas consumption it needs. Often this indicator depends on the method of insulating the room. If the winter is harsh, the figure will, of course, increase. If you have insulated your house well enough and there are no severe frosts outside, then you will use gas with great savings.

Many people prefer to heat their house with a gas boiler because it is very profitable

To calculate the approximate propane consumption for heating a room, use the formula, which shows that to obtain 1 kW of energy you will need about 0.1 kg of propane.

The fuel consumption of a gas boiler running on propane will please you much more than what you would have to pay to heat the same house using electricity. It is considered the most economical to use main gas, but it is not always possible to connect to the public centralized system gas supply. In this case, heating the room with a propane boiler will be the most sensible idea. When purchasing a heating unit, be sure to take an interest in user reviews, consult with experts, and ask consultants to give you a full description of the device and the possibility of converting it to liquefied bottled gas. Before you finally make a decision in favor of installing gas equipment, be sure to carefully weigh all the important arguments, calculate fuel consumption, and only then proceed with installation steps.

Gas boiler from a 50 liter cylinder: how long will it last?

Often owners country houses, as well as real estate within the city, are being abandoned central heating and the main gas pipeline in favor of alternative options, providing for the possibility of heating premises using liquefied gas. It is easy to use and more affordable. The radiator and battery heat up no worse.

Modern gas heating of premises using boilers operating on liquefied gas involves the use of a number of parts, consisting of several types of equipment and a heat supply system. Only the main unit in this design still remains the boiler, which is responsible for generating heat.

As with standard heating appliances, a gas boiler that operates on liquefied gas allows private homes to provide room heating, as well as hot water supply, through its combustion. Often given heating equipment It is distinguished by its compact size, high performance and good efficiency indicators, which sometimes reach 95%.

In addition, such a device has the following advantages:

  • Low cost;
  • Allows you to significantly reduce the funds spent on heating and hot water;
  • Can operate at low gas pressure;
  • Has low fuel consumption;
  • Allows you to turn off the heating when it is not needed.

If you use a gas boiler that runs on propane, then the fuel consumption will be approximately as follows: 130 sq. m taking into account qualitatively installed windows And entrance doors, will be in the area of ​​one cylinder weighing 50 kg for 2 or 3 days. If your desired room temperature is at least 21-23, and in addition to this you also need hot water, then you will have to refill 3 - 4 cylinders per week. If your home is smaller, fuel consumption decreases proportionately.

Features of heating with liquefied gas

The choice of heating units that run on liquefied gas today is simply huge. Here you can find products from both domestic manufacturers and goods from various global brands.

Each model you come across has unique performance properties and a corresponding cost. To make the process of heating a country cottage with bottled propane gas from a gas holder economical and efficient, you need to choose the right type of unit and take into account its main operating features, and technical capabilities.

In order for a propane heater to work properly, it must be connected correctly and the nozzles must be replaced. This equipment has proven itself quite well. It is readily installed by the owners of a country cottage who do not have the opportunity to connect to a common gas main or heating system. This type heating system is very practical to use, has a low emission rate of harmful substances, is compact, and the efficiency is quite high. Propane-butane gas is an excellent alternative to conventional natural gas.

When choosing gas boiler type should be taken into account heating device and its efficiency

When purchasing a boiler, consider the following:

  • Type of heating device. Heating devices using liquefied gas can be single-circuit or double-circuit. The first option is suitable exclusively for heating, while the second type, in addition to heating, also provides hot water supply.
  • Efficiency In fact, all units that operate on liquefied gas have high efficiency rates, reaching 90-94%.
  • Power. This indicator is one of the most important parameters characterizing the type of heating equipment. It is necessary that the unit you choose can easily provide hot water and heating all rooms in the house.

And, of course, the manufacturing company is an important indicator. Practice shows that it is highly desirable to give preference to companies that have been successfully existing on the market for a long time and have positive user reviews.

Heating from a gas cylinder (video)

Owners of private homes should be aware that heating boilers run on liquefied gas. It is possible to switch to a different operating mode without any problems, and they will work using a different type of fuel, or rather main gas. To do this, you just need to replace the burner, nozzles, remove the gearbox and replace some other equipment. You can do all this with your own hands, however, in order to properly install the connection, you must follow the rules for using propane installations.

Heating system for a private house using gas cylinders

Heating a private house with gas cylinders is a necessary measure in the absence of a main gas pipeline. This heating method is often chosen for country houses and dachas with an area of ​​up to 70-100 sq.m. In order to save gas, the building is insulated as much as possible, and a gas boiler is used in conjunction with electrical appliances, if electricity is connected.

The fuel used is liquefied propane gas or mixtures (propane + butane), depending on the season. After processing natural gas under high pressure, it changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state and is pumped into cylinders. Liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the abbreviated version are called LPG.

For heating with LPG, cylinders with a capacity of 50 liters are used (gas weight in liquid state is up to 22 kg). The cylinders are filled to 80% of the volume, because... gas is capable of expanding with increasing temperature and can rupture the cylinder. Also, when the contents of the cylinder are exhausted, complete emptying is not allowed, but only 90%.

What you need to connect

To install a heating system on gas cylinders you will need:

  • Gas boiler equipped with a burner for liquefied gas;
  • Gas cylinders with a capacity of 50 l;
  • Gearboxes;
  • Ramp, if several cylinders are connected;
  • Shut-off valves;
  • Gas pipeline in the form of pipes and hoses for connecting equipment to the system.

Equipment for heating a private house with gas cylinders

When choosing a gas boiler, you should pay attention to models with the lowest operating pressure and high efficiency. Many boiler models are already equipped to work with natural and liquefied gas. If a connection to the main gas pipeline is not expected, then it is better to choose just such a boiler to operate on LPG.

Otherwise, additional equipment is purchased: nozzles for the burner or an entire burner for liquefied gas, and in some models, a gas valve. The natural gas boiler burner is designed for lower pressure in the system and has a valve with a large hole, which can lead to an emergency.

Connection diagram to the boiler

The cylinders are connected to the system through a special reducer, which converts the gas from liquid to gaseous for further supply to the boiler.

Gas cylinders with separate reducers

Note! The gas flow rate through the reducer should be 1.8-2.0 cubic meters per hour; a conventional gas reducer with a flow rate of 0.8 cubic meters per hour is not suitable for this system.

When connecting cylinders to the boiler, two options are used: one common reducer for all cylinders or a separate reducer for each. The latter option is safer, but also more expensive.

Several cylinders can be connected to a gas boiler at once, which allows you to increase the time between their refills. For this, a ramp is used - a two-arm manifold that distributes the cylinder capacities into two groups, the main and reserve.

First, gas is selected from the cylinders of the main group, and when it runs out, the ramp automatically switches the boiler to the reserve group. The moment of switching is accompanied by a signal. After connecting already filled cylinders to the ramp, the boiler automatically switches to operation from the main group.

Connection diagram of cylinders to the ramp

Note! Gas cylinders are installed at a distance of at least 2 m from the boiler, but best option their placement - in a separate non-residential premises or an insulated gas cabinet on the north side of the house.

Do not expose gas cylinders to direct sunlight.

Wall thickness metal pipes the gas pipeline must be at least 2 mm. Where it passes through the walls, the pipe is placed in a special case and foamed. The boiler is connected to the gas pipeline using a flexible connection, and a rubber-fabric hose (durite hose) is used for the reducer.

Liquefied gas consumption

To understand how efficient and expedient it is to heat a house using LPG, let’s calculate the consumption of bottled gas for a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m. In such a house, according to thermal calculations, it is recommended to install a 10 kW boiler. To produce 1 kW of heat, the boiler consumes an average of 0.12 kg/hour of gas. Gas consumption for heating the entire area will be 1.2 kg/hour, and per day - 28.8 kg. If we consider that a standard 50 liter cylinder contains about 22 kg of gas, then the weekly consumption will be about 9 cylinders, and this is absolutely impractical.

Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters

But in this mode, the boiler only works to heat up the heating system. The rest of the time, a properly adjusted boiler consumes 3-4 times less gas, i.e. about 8-9 kg of gas per day or approximately half a cylinder. per week to heat a well-insulated house of 100 square meters. m will need about 3 gas cylinders. In this case, the temperature inside the room will be maintained at +22 degrees (at -18-20 degrees outside).

Heating efficiency can be increased through the use of automation.

Note! A decrease in temperature at night by 6-7 degrees leads to a reduction in gas consumption by 25-30%.

This means that per week, to provide such a system with liquefied gas, you will need about 2 cylinders.

In case of heating country house, during the absence of the owners, you can set the temperature to +5+7 degrees (only to maintain the heating system in working condition). Then the gas consumption per week will decrease to 1 cylinder.

When increasing the heating area, the required number of cylinders is calculated in proportion.

Gas cylinders in winter

If gas cylinders are located outside the house, then in winter when negative temperatures the liquefied gas pressure decreases and the boiler may simply turn off. To prevent this from happening, the cylinders are installed in a special cabinet with good ventilation, insulated with non-flammable materials. Also suitable for this purpose are detached non-residential buildings with minimal heating. When using cylinders, safety precautions should be observed:

Special cabinet for installing cylinders

  • It is prohibited to heat containers with gas using open fire;
  • There should not be a basement or cellar near the cylinders, since liquefied gas sinks down when leaking, has no odor and can accumulate to an explosive concentration;
  • It is advisable to install a gas leak sensor;
  • Storage of full containers is allowed at a distance of 10 m from the living space;
  • Storing empty cylinders in the house is prohibited;
  • Once every 4 years, it is necessary to check the cylinders for integrity and tightness.

Disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas

The main disadvantages of a heating system using gas cylinders:

  • The inconvenience of periodically refilling cylinders, especially in the case of self-refueling (there is no delivery of cylinders to your home);
  • The imperfection of the method of determining the fullness of the cylinder - by weighing;
  • High gas consumption with an incorrectly adjusted system and, accordingly, a decrease in its efficiency;
  • It is not always possible to create the necessary conditions for installing cylinders - stopping the boiler operation at low temperatures;

Gas cylinder refilling device

In what case can such a system be used?

This heating method is often chosen if electricity is not supplied to the house, but in the future it is planned to connect to the main gas pipeline. Then there is no need to buy two boilers, and buying a gas boiler will justify itself - it will only be enough to switch it from operating on liquefied gas to normal mode. Sometimes liquefied gas boilers are used simultaneously with electrical equipment or a heated floor system in order to save money.

When choosing a heating system using LPG, the area of ​​the house and the degree of its thermal insulation must be taken into account. Optimal area heating with such a system is up to 100-150 sq. m, and houses with high-quality thermal insulation and no cracks. Heating of areas over 150-200 sq. m is already becoming inefficient and requires regular refilling of too many gas cylinders.

Geysers powered by gas cylinders

If there is no centralized gas supply, you have to heat water and cook food using gas water heaters and stoves that can run on a gas cylinder.

The gas cylinder used to heat water contains gases such as propane and butane. They are by-products of oil, gasoline and gas refining. The cylinders may contain only technical butane or a mixture of butane and propane, which is available in summer and winter.

Compression of these gases converts them into a liquid of a smaller volume (and therefore such a gas is called liquefied), and as the pressure decreases, this liquid begins to turn into a vapor state. Since an increase in temperature causes a strong expansion liquefied gases, the cylinder is usually filled to 85% of its volume, so there is always a layer of vapor gas above the liquid gases.

For a dacha, choosing a heater that uses gas from a cylinder as an energy source is often the only way to get hot water in a dacha. In situations where there is no main gas pipeline connected to the dacha, and there are also problems with the electrical network, a gas water heater of this type will be a real salvation.

When operating a water heater connected to a gas cylinder, on average one gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough to provide the minimum daily hot water for two to three people for a month.

First of all, you need to make sure that your gas water heater is configured to use the gas that is present in the cylinder. If required, work is carried out to re-adjust the column by replacing the collector nozzles and assessing the tightness of the connections. In this case, the equipment must be marked with the date of reconfiguration and the type of gas that can be used in the device.

The cylinder that will be connected to the gas water heater must be equipped with a reducer with a stabilization pressure of 300 mm water column, as well as a minimum vapor phase capacity of 1 m³ per hour. They also pay attention to the selection of the hose - its length should be up to two and a half meters, and the internal diameter should be from 12 millimeters. It is important to purchase a hose that can withstand working with a dispenser on a gas cylinder.

When installing the hose, do not bend or twist it. If the hose has to be installed with a bend, adapters are used for this and the radius of the bend is monitored (it should not be less than 90 mm along its outer line). In addition, the hose must not bend within 50 mm of the ends of the nozzles.

The installation of a gas shut-off valve must be carried out in front of the column so that this valve can be easily reached. After finishing installation work The hose and other connections should be checked to detect leaks in a timely manner. Only after this can the column be used to heat water.

Heating a house with gas cylinders is a reliable way to build a heating system

Today, the most common type and method of heating real estate in the suburbs, country towns and villages is heating the house using gas cylinders.

This is the most promising and promising heating method small dachas, cottages and multi-storey residences.

But it, like other home heating options, has its disadvantages and, of course, advantages. To do this, it is necessary to at least theoretically understand gas heating, the equipment itself and how to use it.

Propane cylinders for heating needs

Theoretical part

Heating is done using gas:

The gas is liquefied, filled into cylinders and in this state supplied to industries and the private sector.

Since in the gaseous aggregate state the gas occupies a large volume with a small amount, as a result of its treatment with high pressure it turns into a liquid state. This allows you to pump a larger volume of gas into the cylinders.

The cylinder is connected to the heating boiler through a reducer (a device for reducing pressure in the system).

Reducer for connection

The gas leaving the cylinder passes through the reducer and, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its original (gaseous) state of aggregation. It is burned in the boiler, releasing a large number of heat.

Advantages of gas cylinder heating at home

  • Fuel: clean (environmentally friendly) and meets all regulations and standards.
  • Autonomy.
  • Relative stability: the pressure in the pipes does not fluctuate or change.
  • Simple operation and ease of management.
  • Fuel consumption is minimal.

During new construction and reconstruction old building You need to carefully consider heating your dacha with gas cylinders, which has become even more popular in recent years.

In addition, a heating system using gas cylinders can supply your country property with hot water.

Gas heating a country house is used in cases where it is not possible to connect the dacha to the main gas pipeline.

Heating with gas cylinders has high efficiency, since liquefied (natural) gas very quickly, almost instantly, passes from one state of aggregation to another (from liquid to gas).

Boiler running on liquefied gas

Such heating of a country house with gas cylinders is truly autonomous, since cylinders with natural gas can even be brought to a forester’s hut and heating from a gas cylinder can be organized there.

Individual heating of a country house with bottled gas makes it possible to:

  • warm up interior spaces and rooms;
  • use the water heated by the system for your immediate needs (through a heat exchanger).

Today, many people prefer to use propane-butane in cylinders. It is most in demand because it has more advantages.

Such as:

  • availability;
  • high heat of combustion;
  • safety;
  • ease of operation;
  • equipment durability;
  • possibility of replacing the burner with a version for natural gas;
  • work in automatic mode.

Thanks to these advantages, country property owners have:

  • reliable;
  • economically beneficial;
  • continuous heating of the house from a gas cylinder.

A big plus is the ability to turn on the autonomous heating of the house using gas cylinders with liquefied gas at any time. And then, when the house is still under construction and when the house has been built a long time ago and you have already completely settled into it.

Heating with gas cylinders is also possible when it has become economically or aesthetically unacceptable for you to use other types of heating. For example: diesel fuel (more expensive every day); firewood (soot, smoke).

Connection of several cylinders

When you use gas cylinder heating, you should listen to all the recommendations and advice of experts and people who have been using bottled gas heating for several years (see Gas heating in wooden house: implementation options and safety precautions)

Advice! For greater savings and safety, it is useful to reduce the gas supply or completely turn it off during sleep. Burner for heating on cylinders

In many stores you can purchase a burner designed to operate from liquefied gas cylinders.

There are many options to choose from, but it is best to choose a burner with a power of approximately 10-20 kW, depending on the total volume of the premises to be heated.

The liquefied gas cylinder is connected to the purchased burner through a special reducer (purchased separately), which should consume from 1.8 cubic meters to 2 cubic meters per hour (the usual one uses 0.8).

If you use a burner that is designed to operate from main gas, it will be necessary to adjust the valve for proportional gas supply, since the pressure in the main is an order of magnitude lower and the hole in the valve is larger.

Each burner that is designed for heating a house with bottled gas comes with instructions in which you will find a description of this adjustment.

You can, of course, use an old, Soviet-style gas stove (to save money), but you will also have to replace the jet in it (see photo)

Gas stove jets

on the other (with a smaller hole).

You can find all the methods, methods and instructions on how to do this in articles and forums on the Internet or watch a video about reinstalling jets.

On a note! In one of the articles we read on the Internet, in an article about buying a burner, it is said that the sellers, wanting to sell a more expensive product, assured the buyer that the stove would not work on liquefied gas, although the instructions provided for the possibility of adjusting the valve.

Refilling cylinders

Heating with bottled gas requires timely delivery of a new portion of gas. In some villages and towns there are special teams with a truck and auxiliary workers, in others there are special gas filling stations for filling gas cylinders.

But not everyone fills gas as needed. At some gas filling stations, only half a cylinder of gas is filled, and the remaining half is filled with condensate, citing the fact that gas boils already at -40 degrees Celsius and condensate is necessary to prevent the cylinder from bursting.

From various forums you can find out that approximately one gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters can ensure the normal operation of an automatic heating system with a power of 10-20 kW.

The automatic system operates approximately one third of the time per day, turning on the burner as it cools to a certain temperature (which you set).

That is, at a room temperature threshold of approximately 20 degrees, your system consumes an average of 5 kW.


  • At low temperatures in winter frosts(if the cylinder is placed outside) your system may shut down as the condensate freezes and prevents the gas from escaping.

Advice! Gas cylinders must be kept in a sufficiently warm place.

  • This means that you will have to place the cylinders in a room where there is heat, but preferably not in a living room. Many have personal plots there are separate buildings, old greenhouses, etc.
  • If you do not have a suitable building nearby, you can make a simple insulated box with your own hands, which is made of metal or plastic.

Box for cylinders

  • All walls are insulated with a 5-centimeter layer of polystyrene foam; ventilation holes are provided in the lid

Advice! Do not place cylinders in unventilated areas or areas with a basement or subfloor.

  • Propane and butane gases are heavier and denser than air. In the event of a leak, they can accumulate, for example, in the basement, which, when concentrated, can lead to irreversible consequences.

An approximate calculation for heating a house of 200 sq./m shows that the price for a full heating season will be 40-60 thousand rubles (see Correct gas consumption for heating a house)

Page 2

For the entire Soviet generation, the combination of letters “AGV” meant any gas boiler. Few people have thought about the fact that this is not only an abbreviation (gas water heating device), but also a trademark of a specific product.

Similarly, today we call any photocopying machine a copier, and a jeep any brand of SUV.

Gas boilers AGV-80 (pictured below) and AGV-120 at one time were not only the main, but also, perhaps, the only equipment of this type for heating a private home.

Appearance of AGV-80

Low efficiency that distinguished AGVs gas boilers heating, no one really cared because the price of natural gas was ridiculous.

The primitive automation that these gas heating boilers for private homes were equipped with usually broke down during the first year of operation, but the boiler worked perfectly without it.

Pipes for distribution (Ø 2”) were laid outside along the perimeter of the walls. This bothered few people, because about design heating systems They didn’t think much about it, but they coped with providing heat.

Important! When installing pipes of a smaller diameter in a heating system with AGV, air “bubbles” may form, which will impede the circulation of water.

During the entire period of mass production and operation, these boilers have undergone only two small modernizations (brands AOGV and AOKGV). These new modifications inherited all the shortcomings of the original design (efficiency, unreliability of automation, and the impossibility of control from an air thermostat).

Appearance of AOGV-11

But, at the same time, AGV heating gas boilers have quite serious advantages that allow them to confidently occupy their niche in the market.

Important! AGV is the only (of the widespread) type of heating boilers that do not require electricity.

Advantages of heating systems based on AGW:

Operating principle of AGV

The main element of the AGV is the tank. Through it, the heated coolant (water) is supplied to the heating network of the apartment. When burning, the gas heats the flame tube-heat exchanger, which is located inside the tank itself.

The flame tube is narrower and gives off heat to the water in the tank. It is connected to the chimney, into which all combustion products are discharged. Automatic device connected to a valve that is turned on to supply gas. This maintains the required temperature of the coolant in the heating tank.

General view of the connected AGV

The heating network consists of the following elements:

  • expansion tank;
  • pipeline (upstream);
  • radiators;
  • distribution line (upper);
  • return line.

Heated water, which is lighter than cold water, rises through the pipeline, enters the radiators, cools, enters the return line and again ends up in the heating tank. The movement of water in the system is created by the difference in height between the heating tank and the radiators, where heat transfer occurs.

AGV operation scheme

Such a heating system is called thermosiphon (gravity flow). The movement of water occurs due to natural circulation. When the system operates, the coolant (water) heats up and increases in volume. The excess volume of water enters the expansion tank, which is installed at the highest point of the line.

The overflow tube drains excess water from this tank back into the main line. Due to the water in the tank, the loss of water in the system is compensated, and the pressure in it is equalized due to the fact that the expansion tank communicates with the atmosphere.

Important! A pump can be installed in a heating system with AGW, which will circulate water in the system. But in this case it is necessary to have an accessible power grid.

The AGV automation provides for stopping the gas supply if the chimney draft is disrupted, the pressure of the gas itself drops, or if the pilot flame goes out.

Modernization of AGV boilers by the manufacturer

The boiler manufacturer AGV was in no hurry to discontinue them due to obvious advantages.

However, taking into account that this equipment needed a thorough modernization, the following design changes were made:

  • Fragile glass thermometers have been replaced with more reliable instruments made in Italy;
  • The new systems were equipped with automation from the American company Honeywell;
  • To turn on the device with a handle, a piezo ignition system was used;
  • New technology coating made it possible to make appearance the unit is more aesthetically pleasing.

Boiler diagram AOGV - 23

Rules for handling the heating system

Install the unit in separate room. It is advisable that this room be soundproofed, since when the boiler burner is turned on, a rather loud bang occurs.

In some new modifications (AOGV-23.2-1-U), this drawback has been largely eliminated, since when the water overheats, the automation does not turn off the burner completely, but switches it to a mode in which the flame is minimal.

A chimney (with a diameter of 140 mm) for combustion products is installed outside residential premises. Below the junction of the pipe from the heating tank with the chimney, there is a garbage container - a “pocket” for foreign objects and waste that accidentally fell into the channel.

Option for a chimney for AGV in a private house

Note! You should not connect the unit yourself. It must be carried out by gas service workers. In this case, the device is registered.

For the unit, a room should be allocated in the lower part of the building. The ascending pipeline needs insulation. The return line should not be insulated.

The installation instructions for heat transfer devices (radiators, convectors and heating panels) provide for their installation at the highest possible height from the unit itself. To circulate layers of air, such devices should be installed under windows. The return pipeline is laid under the floor of the room.

If the return line is laid above the door jambs, airing of the system may occur.

General view of a fragment of the pipe layout of a heating system with AGV

Two-inch network pipes do not look very aesthetically pleasing, however, when replacing them with pipes of smaller diameter, it is necessary to take into account that as the diameter of the pipe decreases, hydrodynamic resistance increases, which weakens the water pressure in the system. This, of course, can seriously impair the performance of such a unit.

AOGV connection: rear view

During installation, pipelines are installed with a slope of 1 cm for each meter of pipe length. This avoids the appearance air jams in the system, facilitates the circulation of water and allows water to be drained from the system.

This video examines some practical issues of installing AGV in a private home:

Some Cautions

  • When the water temperature in the system drops below 55-50°C, condensate begins to release abundantly. If it accumulates, it can extinguish burners;
  • Combustion products, when mixed with condensate, form nitric and sulfuric acids, which cause corrosion of equipment;
  • If the water temperature in the system drops below 50°, then its circulation in the system almost completely stops;
  • If the room is in winter time it is not heated, the water from the system must be drained, but in this case corrosion increases significantly;
  • To get hot water without heating the entire system, you can use a tap that shuts off the circulation in the heating system. And if you connect the forward and return lines, you can maintain turnover.
Page 3

How does a geyser work, and what elements does it consist of? If you are interested in this issue, I propose to consider in detail the design of the gas water heater. I am sure that this will help beginners understand the principle of operation of the heater and, in case of a malfunction, diagnose it in a timely manner.

Geyser - instantaneous water heater

Column device

General information

The geyser for water is flow heater. Unlike a boiler, where a container of water is heated, in columns the water has time to heat up as it flows through the pipes. Accordingly, no storage capacity they do not have.

Instantaneous gas water heaters were invented at the beginning of the last century. During their existence, they, of course, have improved significantly. However, in general, the design and operating principle of the gas water heater have not changed.

Diagram of a column with an open combustion chamber

Essential elements

All existing instantaneous gas water heaters consist of the following main elements:

  • Igniter and ignition system. Provides ignition of the burner;
  • Combustion chamber and burner. Important element, which provides the column with thermal energy;
  • Water block. Responsible for the gas supply when the water is turned on, and shuts it off when the hot water tap closes;
  • Heat exchanger. Transfers heat from the combustion chamber to the coil in which the water is heated;

In the photo - a heat exchanger with a coil

  • Coil. It is a spiral pipe located around the heat exchanger;
  • Water and gas pipes. Provide connection of the column to the gas pipeline and pipeline;
  • Chimney connection pipe. Provides a connection between the column and the chimney, through which combustion products are discharged to the outside;
  • Control block. Allows you to change the heating temperature, etc.

Modern speakers are equipped with some safety features, such as:

  • Chimney draft sensor - blocks the operation of the column in the absence of draft;
  • Gas valve – shuts off the gas if the gas pressure in the line drops;
  • Flame sensor - shuts off the gas if the column for some reason does not light up within a few seconds.

Diagram of a modern column with a closed combustion chamber

It must be said that all columns differ in the combustion chamber. Depending on its type, they are divided into two types:

  1. With an open combustion chamber. The name speaks for itself;
  2. With a closed combustion chamber. In this case, air is supplied to the burner using a fan. As a rule, such devices are equipped with an electronic unit that controls the operation of the heater.

Speakers equipped with electronic control units most often operate on batteries, which ensures their autonomy. True, there are also models that operate from the network.

During gas combustion, the heat exchanger heats up, which transfers heat to the coil

Principle of operation

In general, the operating principle of geysers is quite simple:

  • When gas burns, thermal energy is released;
  • Thermal energy heats the heat exchanger. The latter is usually made of copper or special alloys with high thermal conductivity;
  • A coil passes around the heat exchanger, also made of metal with high thermal conductivity, as a result of which it also quickly heats itself and heats the water;
  • The supply is carried out from the coil hot water into the pipeline;
  • Combustion products leave the combustion chamber and are discharged outside through the chimney.

Construction and operation of a gas water block. Separately, we should consider the design and operating principle of the gas water block. As I said above, the water block reacts to the water supply and ensures the start of the column.

Gearbox device

The main element of the water block is the gearbox, which is called the “toad”. Inside it there is a membrane with a rod. In modern columns, the water unit works as follows:

  • When the tap is opened, the water flow passes through the reducer;
  • In one of the gearbox chambers, high blood pressure, causing the membrane (position 2 in the diagram above) to bend and push out the plate. The plate, in turn, pushes the rod (position 1). It must be said that the rod pressure is about 50 kg;
  • The water rod pushes the rod of the gas module, which is located opposite;
  • A pusher connected to the rod acts on the switch plate, as a result of which electricity from the battery section enters the electronic control module section, and then into the ignition burner, where a spark is formed;
  • At the same time, the rod presses the mechanical gas valve and gas begins to flow into the ignition system and burner. At the same time, an additional solenoid valve is also activated, which also ensures free passage of gas;

The igniter ensures ignition of the gas burner

  • When a spark appears, the gas ignites in the igniter, after which the main burner lights up. In this case, the flame presence sensor sends a signal to the control unit, as a result of which the spark plug producing the spark is turned off;
  • When the hot water is turned off, the pressure in the two chambers of the reducer is equalized, as a result of which the rod is pressed out. Accordingly, the gas valves are activated, and the gas supply to the burner is abruptly stopped.

Modern speakers also have a water temperature sensor. When the water heats up above the set temperature, it sends a signal to the control unit, which in turn shuts off the gas supply system. When the water cools down, the sensor is triggered again and the burner is ignited.

In simpler models, many sensors are missing, but in any case, the gas supply opens only after the water pressure in one of the reducer chambers increases. Therefore, if the water pressure is insufficient, the column will not turn on.

If the hot water supply pressure is weak and the water heater does not ignite, but the pressure in the water supply is good, then the reducer channels are most likely clogged. In this case, you can disassemble it yourself and wash it thoroughly.

The principle of piezo ignition is based on the conversion of mechanical energy into an electrical discharge, which ignites the igniter

Ignition method. Currently, there are the following types of speaker ignition:

  • Manual. In this case, to ignite, you need to turn the handle of the column all the way, without pressing it, and then light the igniter with your own hands, for example, using matches. After igniting the igniter, you need to press down on the handle and turn it clockwise to turn on the gas supply to the burner. At the same time, the igniter will light the burner;

Lviv column with piezo ignition

  • With piezo ignition. In such dispensers, as in manual ones, gas is first supplied to the igniter. To light it, you need to press a special button, which will result in a spark. After igniting the pilot, you can open the gas supply to the burner. During the day, you don’t have to extinguish the igniter; therefore, the next time you turn on the column, you don’t need to press the button.

Column Oasis with automatic system ignition

If the hot water pressure drops, you need to disassemble and clean the reducer

The most common breakdowns

Finally, I will give a few of the most common breakdowns of geysers. Most often you can observe the following problems in the operation of heaters:

  • The coil is clogged with scale. If there is low pressure in the hot water tap, and cleaning the reducer does not solve the problem, it means that the coil is clogged. In this case, it needs to be washed with a remover such as Antiscale;

Antiscale - descaling agent

To prevent scale formation, make sure that the water temperature does not rise above 60-65 degrees. In addition, the heater should not long time operate in igniter mode.

  • Flow. This problem is usually encountered by owners of old speakers. As a rule, leaks occur due to wear of the seals; therefore, they simply need to be replaced. In rare cases, a leak occurs due to depressurization of the coil. It can be repaired by soldering;

A depressurized coil can be soldered

  • Doesn't light up. There are several reasons why the column may not light up:
    • low water pressure;
    • there is no draft in the chimney - perhaps a foreign object has entered the chimney;
    • the batteries are dead (applies to speakers with automatic ignition);

If the column does not light up due to low water pressure, the filter located at the inlet may be clogged.

  • Doesn't heat water well. There may be several reasons:
    • gas equipment clogged;
    • the need to adjust the burner - modern columns have a tap that allows you to adjust the gas supply to the burner.

To increase the service life of the column, install a high-quality filter at the inlet

These are all the most common malfunctions of geysers that you can fix yourself. The service instructions, which usually come with the passport, will help with this.

If you are not sure that you can fix the problem yourself, it is better to seek help from specialists. The repair price starts from 300 rubles excluding the cost of parts.

Performing serious operations, such as soldering a radiator, costs 1000-1200 rubles. Prices are current in spring 2017.

Often water heaters are purchased for use at dachas, for work “in the field”. Accordingly, there may be no centralized gas supply in dacha cooperatives and villages. There is a solution - install an electric water heater or choose geyser with the ability to connect to a cylinder. Can a gas water heater run from a gas cylinder? Yes, if the manufacturer has provided such an option. How to connect it and what fuel to use - you will find answers to these questions below.

You can also reconfigure an existing column. To do this, carefully read the instructions in the final part of the article.

The substances used to heat water are called propane and butane. These are derivatives released during the processing of “black gold” - oil (gasoline, gas). Both pure technical butane and a mixture of butane and propane are used in winter or summer versions.

When compressed, gases turn into a liquid state and occupy less volume. That is why this type of fuel is often called “liquefied”.

When the pressure decreases, the gas turns into a vapor state. Since on high temperatures gas tends to expand, the cylinder is usually filled to 85% of its full volume. If you think that you have not been “refilled” with fuel, this is for your own safety.

Fact! Above the liquid gas there will always be a layer of gas in the vapor state.

Gas cylinder - 100% country option

Often, an instantaneous water heater powered by bottled gas is the only way to heat water for a summer residence. Of course, no one has canceled the “summer shower” with natural heating from the sun, but what to do in winter? The output is a boiler or geyser.

Concerning electric heater water, it is not always possible to make a choice in its favor for a simple reason: not all holiday villages have an ideal electrical network that would work without failures and would not irritate with power surges. Those who use electric motors for irrigation, electric saws, air conditioners and other powerful appliances are partly to blame for this. A boiler or an electric instantaneous heater is not always a profitable solution.

Getting a cylinder with a gas mixture is not a problem. Moreover, most domestic manufacturers (and not only) produce gas equipment that operates regardless of what gas is used - regular or liquefied.

Connecting equipment to the cylinder

Before you start connecting the equipment yourself, make sure that the model is really suitable.

Other brands of acceptable equipment: , (almost all the latest models). The instructions for the Bosch speakers indicate that a 50-liter cylinder will be enough for 10 hours of stable operation at a power of 25 kW. A conversion kit for Bosch speakers can be purchased from an authorized service center.

If it is necessary to carry out work on reconfiguring equipment, replacing collector nozzles and assessing the tightness of joints, they must be done strictly according to the rules. Nozzles should be of smaller diameter: as in gas stoves, the pressure produced by liquefied gas reducers is 2–3 times higher than when natural gas is supplied through pipes. Wherein calorific value Liquid fuel is 1.5 times stronger than natural gas.

The equipment must be marked with the date of refurbishment - day, month and year. The type of gas suitable for use is also indicated.

The connection diagram of the cylinder to the main valve requires it to have a reducer with pressure stabilization of 300 mm of water. Art. and a minimum steam phase productivity of one cubic meter per hour.

Parameters of the hose connecting gas equipment to the fuel tank:

  • 250 cm - minimum length;
  • 1.2 cm is the least permissible inner diameter of the tube.

Important! When installing the hose tube, do not bend or twist it under any circumstances. Even if bending is required, use adapters and watch the radius - it cannot be less than 9 cm along the outer arc. And also do not bend the hose earlier than 5 cm from the end of its tips.

Please note that on online forums there is information of the following nature: if you reconfigure the column correctly and carry out the work without flaws, problems with water pressure may arise and the column will not start. Then you will need to additionally install a pressure pump.

When installing a shut-off valve, remember that it must be easy to access so that in the event of an emergency the user can quickly turn it off.

After completing the installation work, check the tightness of the connections and conduct a test run of the equipment.

Geysers running on liquefied gas help out consumers who have not been reached by centralized gas supply. Most water heaters are purchased by Russian citizens to operate on natural gas - it is cheap and reliable way obtaining hot water. Almost any dispenser can be easily converted to use liquefied gas, and some models are initially designed to operate on bottled gas.

The device is connected to a propane-butane cylinder. The process of heating water begins from the moment the tap is opened at the water intake point. Heating occurs when the liquid flows through a metal heat exchanger - copper or steel. The heat exchanger itself is heated by the operating burner. Heated water enters the water intake and flows from an open tap hot stream. How stable the water temperature is depends on the characteristics of the water heater - power and performance.


Pros of propane water heaters:

  • efficiency - cheap fuel and low cost of equipment;
  • high efficiency value of the heat exchanger - reaches 88%;
  • a hydraulic gas burner device is used to regulate the supply of propane - it responds to changes in pressure;
  • You can choose a modification that suits your specific requirements - a wide range of models is offered.

How to choose?

Instantaneous water heaters operating on gas - natural or liquefied - have almost the same design. Differences in nuances - materials, control method, degree of automation. Important parameters when choosing gas water heater:

  • Ignition method. Older versions were lit by hand using matches and lighters. Today, manufacturers offer three ignition options - piezo, electric and from a hydrogenerator.
  • Heat exchanger material. The service life of the device depends on the quality of this part. If you buy a cheap Chinese device, the heat exchanger in it may turn out to be tin. Such water heaters do not last longer than three years.
  • The inner diameter of the tubes in the heat exchanger. Wide tubes do not need to be descaled as often as narrow tubes.
  • Water block. Metal is preferable. A cheaper alternative is plastic.
  • Performance. When choosing this parameter, you need to take into account the volume of water flowing from the tap per unit time. The easiest way is to note the time and see the result on the water meter. If the flow is less than 10 l/min, why buy a model with a capacity of 15 or more l/min?

  • Temperature control - manual or automatic. The first ones are cheaper. The adjustment is made by valves. In modifications with power modulation, the temperature is maintained at a given level automatically.
  • Removal of combustion products. It is safer to output through a coaxial chimney. Along with the power of the device, the diameter of the pipe increases. The second option is output through a traditional chimney. The third one has no chimney. The latter cannot be installed in a confined space and without ventilation. These are usually mini-speakers - devices with low power.
  • Oxygen supply. In cheap versions, air is supplied through vents. Minus - combustion products penetrate back into the room. Expensive devices are equipped with a pipe leading from the bottom of the device. The housing is additionally closed with lids - from below and from above, so that combustion products do not penetrate into the room.
  • Power. Mini heaters rated at 17–19 kW are suitable for systems with low pressure and one water intake point. Powerful devices should be taken for a pressure of more than 10 l/min and with several water intake points. Versions for 21–31 kW are not installed in apartments, these are options for country houses.

How is fuel consumption regulated?

The adjustment is carried out in order to save energy resources. To reduce gas consumption, adjust the water temperature and flame intensity. There are three ways to adjust:

  • stepped manual;
  • stepless manual;
  • automatic (flame modulation).

Gas consumption

The average user is interested in how much fuel his dispenser consumes. If the device operates from a centralized gas supply, you need to know how many cubic meters are consumed per unit of time; If it's propane, I wonder how long one tank will last? Costs depend on different characteristics and above all from thermal power. An example of calculating propane-butane consumption. Initial data:

  • specific heat of combustion - 14 kW/h;
  • Efficiency - about 92%;
  • burning 1 kg of propane-butane mixture gives 12.9 kW/h.

Let us have a heater that produces 5 liters of hot water per minute, and fuel consumption is 1.5 kg per hour. A 50 liter cylinder contains 42 liters or 23 kg of propane-butane. By making simple mathematical calculations, you can find out that one cylinder is enough to heat 4,600 liters of water. Translated into hours, this is just over 15 hours of continuous heating. If you use hot water for 2 hours a day, you will need 4 cylinders per month.

Are there turbocharged models?

To heat water, you can use a turbocharged water heater. Such devices do not require a traditional vertical chimney; combustion products are discharged through a coaxial pipe led through the wall. It also supplies air to the closed firebox to maintain the combustion process. Turbocharged speakers have disadvantages: you need to make a hole in the pipe, ask the consent of neighbors above to install the equipment, the device is noisy due to the operation of the turbine. Plus, when working on propane-butane, you will also need to place a cylinder in the room. An important advantage of turbocharged versions is their versatility; they can be placed in any room, since a chimney is not needed. Second important advantage- they do not “eat up” the home air.

Where is the best place to use it?

Water heaters running on propane are appropriate in the country. There is often no centralized gas supply here. And if people live on them only in the summer, then it is unprofitable to spend it. Therefore, the option with propane-butane turns out to be quite successful. At the dacha you can wash yourself regardless of the availability of electricity.

Precautionary measures

The cylinder must not be stored near a heat source. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. This also applies to the hose through which propane-butane is supplied to the burner. It is forbidden to turn on the device if the cylinder has any damage. Children and strangers should not have access to it.

Switching to alternative fuel

Most columns can be translated into alternative view gas - from natural to liquefied and vice versa. The changeover must be carried out by a service department that has the appropriate certificate. You must use parts kits from the manufacturer. When reconfiguring, the manifold jets are replaced: you need to install nozzles with a diameter suitable for the type of fuel used and its pressure. When performing work, turn off the device and turn off the gas valve. After completion of work, check the tightness of the connections. On the device itself and in its instructions it is written what it is used for, the date the work was completed, and the organization that performed the work.


Requirements for the cylinder:

  • presence of a gearbox;
  • pressure - 300 mm water column;
  • productivity of the 1st phase - 1 m³/h.

For installation, you will need a flexible hose with an internal diameter of at least 1.2 cm and a length of no more than 250 cm. Use only a special hose - for propane-butane. When connecting, do not twist or bend the hose near the ends. If you have to bend the hose, then the radius should be greater than 90 mm along the outer outline. The beginning of the bend is no closer than 50 mm to the tip. No kinks should be allowed; adapters and corner connections should be used. An excessively long hose is secured to intermediate supports. A valve is installed directly in front of the water heater to shut off the fuel supply. After completing the installation, check all connections and the hose for leaks.


Water heaters "Neva" are products of OJSC Gazapparat. They are simple, reliable, economical and have low fuel consumption. Affordable. You can always find the necessary spare parts.

" " 6011

Propane flow column. Estimated cost- 12,500 rubles. The modification is equipped with an automatic temperature control function with an accuracy of 1°C. There is a digital panel, mechanical buttons. The temperature is shown on the screen. Fault codes are also displayed here - there is self-diagnosis. Reliable protection from emergency situations. Technical features and parameters:

  • auto ignition;
  • open firebox with water cooling;
  • no control panel provided;
  • productivity - 11 l/min.

"Neva" 4510

Small 17 kW heater. Designed for 2 water intake points. For control - an electronic system. There is auto-ignition and indication. Weighs 10 kg. There is no constant burning pilot light - this is a plus.

"Neva" 4511

Cost - 9,500 rubles. Wall option. Indicators - inclusion and pressure. Automatic ignition and open firebox. Characteristics:


"" - budget speakers assembled from Chinese components. Many consider them to be “last century,” but our consumers value them for their simplicity and low cost - the lineup consists of devices whose price does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

Despite its cheapness, this equipment works properly, providing homes and apartments with hot water. All models are different stylish design, they can even become a decorative element. Distinctive feature- compactness. Chinese spare parts, if necessary, are easy to find in any market.

Controls - knobs for adjusting the gas and water passing through the heat exchanger. Some versions are equipped with a mode switch - winter and summer. The disadvantage is accelerated wear of spare parts. For example, the walls of the heat exchanger are made of copper, but this layer is so thin that they fade over time. There is no flame control module.

Vector JSD 20

Like all representatives model range“Vector” speaker is inexpensive - it costs about 4,000 rubles. Compact, fits in the cramped kitchen. There is a digital display and auto ignition. Color - white, gold and silver. Closed chamber. Electric ignition.

Vektor JSD 11-N

Compact version for small spaces. Eat automatic sensor fire extinguishing and overheating protection. Heats up 5 l/min. It weighs only 4.5 kg, but is designed for only one water intake point. Options:

Vektor Lux Eco 20-3

This new product from Vector has improved protection that reduces the risk of overheating. The closed firebox is cooled with water. Selection and installation temperature regime. There is a digital display. Case with mirror panel. The model is developed taking into account pressure changes in water pipes. average cost- 8,000 rubles.

Now we will understand the principle of operation of an instantaneous gas water heater using liquefied gas (also known as bottled gas). Let's see what advantages such boilers have and how to install them (install). In the end, let's look at the rating of manufacturers who produce best models On the market.

You can find out the price and buy heating equipment and related products from us. Write, call and come to one of the stores in your city. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Owners of private houses and summer cottages are constantly selecting the best option for supplying users with hot water. One such option is an instantaneous water heater operating on.

Instantaneous water heater Vektor JSD

Principle of operation

The main function of geysers is to heat water in the shortest possible time. It looks like a housing in which the combustion chamber is located.

In a column powered by liquefied gas, water is heated as it flows through a heat exchanger, which in turn is heated by the burner. In addition, the device contains such elements as: a water cooling system, a control unit, temperature, pressure and draft sensors. Thanks to the electronic security system, the operation of the column is monitored throughout its entire operation.

Water heater Electrolux GWH 265 ERN NanoPlus


Water heater Neva 4510-M

Gas boilers using bottled gas are widely recognized by consumers due to their advantages:
  • efficiency;
  • high efficiency of the heat exchanger, reaching 88%;
  • the presence of a hydraulic burner, thanks to which the gas supply is adjusted depending on the water pressure;
  • a large selection of models on the heating equipment market;
  • affordable price;
  • environmental friendliness.


Before installing a gas instantaneous water heater using liquefied gas, you need to understand the cylinder. It is important that it meets the following characteristics:

  1. There must be a gearbox on it.
  2. Pressure equal to 300 mm. water Art.
  3. The minimum capacity of the first phase of the cylinder should be 1 m³ per hour.

It is also necessary to purchase a flexible hose with an internal diameter of at least 12 mm and a length of no more than 2.5 m. This hose must withstand the gas, taking into account the required temperature and required pressure.

A gas shut-off valve must be installed in front of the column itself. After you complete the installation, be sure to check all connections and the hose so that if there are any problems, they can be corrected immediately.

If you have experience with gas equipment, then you can install the geyser yourself. If not, you should contact a specialist.


Manufacturer Characteristic
Vektor JSD 20-W (Russia) Power - 20 kW.
Water consumption when heating 25 °C - 10 l/min.
Weight - 10.5 kg.
Dimensions (H*W*D) - 580*330*208 mm.
Automatic independent electric ignition, powered by batteries.
To start, just open the mixer tap.
Operates at water pressure from 0.2 to 7.5 atm.
Multi-level security system.
The automatic protection and safety system turns off the water heater when:
— lack of sufficient draft in the chimney;
— the flame on the burner goes out;
- reducing water flow;
- overheating of the heat exchanger.
The presence of a digital display that displays the temperature of hot water at the outlet of the water heater.
The presence of a “Winter-Summer” mode, which allows you to save gas up to 40% in the warm season.
Instability of operation when water pressure changes, auto-ignition failures and heat exchanger leaks due to thin walls.
The problem is likely to occur after a year of operation.
Low price - about 4,500-4,800 rubles.
Neva 4510-M (Russia) Affordable price and excellent functionality.
Work on natural and liquefied gas.
Power - 17.9 kW.
Productivity - 10 l/min.
Possibility of connecting several points of consumption.

Bottom gas supply.
Quiet operation.
The presence of a thermometer and electric ignition on batteries.
Works at a water pressure of 0.1 atm.
There are problems with the quality of materials used and reliability.
Bosch WR 10-2P (Germany) Power - 17.4 kW.
Productivity - 10 l/min.
Heating water up to 60 °C.
Convenient mechanical rotary switches for temperature adjustment.
Two versions of the dispenser are available - P23 for natural gas and P31 for liquefied gas from a cylinder.
Work at pressure from 0.1 to 12 atm.
The combustion chamber is open type, requiring the installation of an air vent.
Easy to operate and install, small dimensions, quiet operation.
Installation is vertical, on the wall.
Bottom gas supply.
Presence of piezo ignition.
Thermometer for monitoring water temperature.
The model is sensitive to water quality.
Relatively high price.
Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus (Sweden) Power - 20 kW.
Capacity is 10 l/min, which allows you to shower comfortably.
Average cost of the model.
Work at water pressure from 0.15 to 10 atm.
Convenient controls.
Installation - vertical, on the wall.
Communications connections are from below.
Availability of electric ignition.
The presence of a “gas control” function that prevents any leakage of flammable substances.
Fine temperature regulation and high sensitivity to pressure.

As a result, the work instantaneous water heater on liquefied gas will allow you to autonomously supply your house or cottage with hot water.