Lunar calendar for planting vegetables for October. Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes

Read in our article when and what is the best way to carry out work in the garden in October 2018 according to the lunar calendar. What are favorable and not favorable conditions for carrying out dacha work? favorable days in October.

This month, work is in full swing, preparations for winter are underway: pruning and covering heat-loving crops, cleaning the garden and vegetable garden.

Work in the garden in October according to the 2018 Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners

In October the last grape harvest is harvested and winter varieties apples and pears. The berries of viburnum, barberry, sea buckthorn and cranberries are removed after the first frost.

Before frosts, moisture-recharging watering of tree trunk circles is carried out, and holes are prepared for spring planting. They dig in seedlings that have not yet been planted permanent place until spring.

Trees are whitened with lime containing copper sulfate or special formulations that are sold in garden centers.

This will not protect the trees from frost, but will protect against winter and early spring sunburn of the bark. In young trees, the trunk can be tied with spruce branches.

At the beginning of the month, if the weather is warm, you can still plant ornamental shrubs and treat the garden from diseases and pests with Horus solution, 3-5% copper sulfate solution or 3% Bordeaux mixture solution.

And to get rid of lichen on trees, spray the trunks and branches with a 3% solution of iron sulfate at the end of October.

Throughout the month, the garden is gradually cleaned and heat-loving plants: grapes, roses and large-leaved hydrangeas are covered with spruce branches, lutrasil or burlap.

In October you can prepare cuttings fruit trees for winter grafting and trim dry and damaged branches. Trim off the faded inflorescences of tree and paniculata hydrangeas.

If you did not cut out the root shoots and prune the raspberries in September, then do it now.

Work in the garden in October according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener 2018

In October, the last harvest is harvested and the beds are prepared for the future gardening season.

At the beginning of the month they clean cauliflower late varieties. Cabbage harvesting must be completed before the onset of stable frosts. optimal temperature for cleaning +3…+4 °С.

Root parsley is harvested when the temperature reaches about +5 °C. Small root vegetables can be left for winter forcing into greens.

In October, flower beds are put in order: plant debris is cleared, perennials are pruned and heat-loving plants are prepared for winter.

Clematis and roses are removed from their supports and covered. Gladioli, dahlias and cannas are dug up and stored in storage. Perennial flowers are pruned: delphinium is cut to a height of 20 cm.

The dried stems of lilies are carefully removed. Until mid-October, if necessary, you can still replant perennials: astilbe, phlox, mantles.

When to plant tulips and hyacinths?

Until mid-October, tulips and hyacinths are planted in flower beds. Best time for planting tulips when the temperature is around +10°C.

According to the folk calendar, hyacinths are planted at the moment when half of the birch trees turn yellow.

How to cover roses for the winter?

Fruits, leaves and unripe shoots are removed from roses, hilled up or covered with a mixture of peat and sand. Do not add manure; this can lead to damping off of the roses in the spring.

In the rose garden, preventive treatment is carried out with copper-containing preparations. Large climbing roses bend down to the ground.

Deadlines for gardening work in October 2018 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

The best days in October to work in the flower garden:

  • Watering is carried out on any day except the 8th, 9th, 27th, 28th;
  • pest and disease control: 6,7,27,28;
  • fertilizing: 2,3,8,20,21,27-30;
  • planting perennials: 2,3,6,7,10;
  • pruning and hilling of roses: 1,4,5,18,19.

Work at home in October according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener 2018

October - beginning heating season. In addition to regular watering, it is necessary to add air humidification, leaf care and plant spraying. They begin to prepare flowers for winter forcing: tulips, hyacinths, lilies of the valley.

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During this period, reduce watering and fertilizing for plants that need a period of rest. Clivia needs to be kept cool and moderately watered from the beginning of October until January.

The leaves of hippeastrums are cut off at the end of October and beginning of November, but first reduce watering and provide a period of rest.
Fuchsias can bloom until the end of October. After flowering, they need to be provided with a relatively cold winter and rest.

Deadlines for working with indoor plants in October 2018 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

  • replanting, transshipment and replacement of the top layer of soil for large-sized trees – 6, 30;
  • feeding complex fertilizers – 2-3, 31;
  • watering on any day except 1, 17-18;
  • preventive treatments from diseases and pests (aphids, spider mite, scale insects, whiteflies) – 4, 6;
  • pruning – 28-29.

You should prepare for the new planting season in advance. All experienced gardeners and gardeners know that the main help when planning earthworks is provided by moon calendar as of October 2017, which is formed with the help of the most advanced technologies involved in astrology, astronomy and mathematics. Such a sowing calendar is very useful for any gardener and gardener, since it takes into account the influence of the moon in each of its phases on the health of plants and on the processes occurring in the soil, depending on its position and the order of the lunar day, as well as the governing sign of the zodiac, whose influence also should not be underestimated.

October 1, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Sunday. Autumn digging soil.

October 2, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Monday. We apply herbicides against weeds.

October 3, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. Tuesday. Mulching tree trunk circles fruit trees.

October 4, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. Wednesday. We treat trees and shrubs against pests.

October 5, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Aries. Full moon at 21:38. Thursday. Day of rest!

October 6, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Friday. We add fertilizers to the soil.

October 7, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. Saturday. We carry out winter plantings.

October 8, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. Sunday. We are doing winter plantings.

October 9, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. Monday. We are pruning the grapevine.

October 10, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Gemini. Tuesday. We cover heat-loving plants.

October 11, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Wednesday. We collect plant debris and create compost heaps.

October 12, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Thursday. We are harvesting the late harvest. Salt, marinate.

October 13, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Friday. We plant seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes.

October 14, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Saturday. We are engaged in pruning trees and shrubs.

October 15, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. Sunday. We continue the work of the previous two days.

October 16, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. Monday. Digging up the area.

October 17, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo. Tuesday. Planting winter crops.

October 18, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra. Wednesday. You can start uprooting sick and old trees.

October 19, 2017, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Libra. New moon at 22:10. Thursday. Day of rest!

October 20, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Friday. Today it is better not to do gardening.

October 21, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Saturday. Pre-winter sowing of salad plants.

October 22, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Sunday. We work in a greenhouse.

October 23, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Monday. Harvesting the late harvest of cabbage and other vegetables.

October 24, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Tuesday. We plant seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes.

October 25, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Wednesday. Sheltering heat-loving plants for the winter.

October 26, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Thursday. Cleaning the area, whitewashing the trunks.

October 27, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Friday. We work on the site, putting plant residues into compost heaps.

October 28, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Saturday. Autumn digging of the soil, weed control.

October 29, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius. Sunday. We continue the work of the previous day.

October 30, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. Monday. We carry out pre-winter sowing of salad plants.

October 31, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces. Tuesday. We carry out water-recharging watering of the garden.

Depending on the sign in which the Moon was at the time of sowing, the plants are endowed with certain qualities. Can be productive with low-quality seeds or low-yielding with seeds High Quality, tall or short, fragile or strong. Therefore, sowing, planting and replanting plants should be carried out when the Moon is in favorable signs for cultivating the land and watering: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, taking into account the phase of the Moon for different plants. At the same time, cuttings, grafting, and rooting of the mustache are carried out.

The day of sowing a seed is the time when it touched the ground, or the time when we put it in water to soak. That is, as soon as moisture began to flow through the seed shell to the embryo, we can talk about the beginning of awakening. On this day, the plant’s harvest program is set, which cannot be changed during transplantation. Transplantation can only correct the condition of the plant. So, for example, if you sowed in Cancer, then you can pick in Virgo or Capricorn root system and make plant stems less fragile.

There is one very important rule in agroastrology: if the zodiac sign is suitable for sowing, but the phase of the Moon is not suitable, then you need to focus on the sign and carry out the work on the last day of the Moon’s stay in this favorable sign. For example, Taurus is a good sign for sowing carrots, but we are not happy with the waxing phase of the Moon. Then we sow in Taurus, but on the last day the Moon is in this sign. The phase of the Moon on this day will have almost no effect on the growth and harvest of carrots in the future.

Folk signs about the weather for October 2017

  • On Arina (October 1, 2017) cranes fly to warmer climes, the beginning of the rosehip harvest.
  • North wind on Astafiev's day (October 3, 2017) - expect early frosts, but if the weather is warm, autumn will be warm.
  • October is a time of bad weather, but the beginning of family happiness.
  • At the beginning of the month it was time for weddings.
  • Kondrat and Ignat (October 4, 2017) foretell the weather for the next two to three weeks: what the weather is like on this day, the same will happen in the near future.
  • If birch trees are in foliage on Foka (October 5, 2017), the winter is expected to have little snow.
  • Thekla Zarevnitsa (October 7, 2017) - it’s time to start threshing bread and harvesting beets.
  • If the north wind blows on Sergei Kapustnik (October 8, 2017), the winter will be harsh.
  • Ivan the Theologian (October 9, 2017) - patron of icon painters, pray for success in business.
  • On Pokrov (October 14, 2017, October 2017) the wind is blowing - which means the same wind will blow all winter.
  • Snow fell on St. Sergius in winter (October 20, 2017) - winter will begin in November.
  • October will cover the earth with leaves in some places and snow in others.
  • From Tryphon and Pelageya (October 21, 2017) it gets colder.
  • From Jacob (October 22, 2017), start preparing firewood for the winter, as well as bake pies and treat your neighbors.
  • If there are many stars on the night of Prova (October 25, 2017), there will be a good harvest of peas and legumes.
  • Paraskeva Gryaznukha (October 27, 2017) - it wasn’t dry today.

For many summer residents, October marks the end summer season. Before the real frosts, you need to finish planting flowers, trees and shrubs, and winter sowing of vegetables. As usual, there is a lot of work to do, and in order to get everything done on time, you need to strictly adhere to the plan and recommendations of the agrotechnical and lunar calendar of work in the garden.

Gardener's lunar calendar and gardener for October 2018

The gardener's lunar calendar will help you plan the most favorable days for planting and sowing, fertilizing, watering, pruning, and cuttings. On unfavorable days, you can start preparing fruits, berries and vegetables for the winter, arranging country house and outbuildings, removing plant debris and debris from the site.

  1. In October you need to have time to carry out all planned winter sowing and planting: root crops, onions, garlic, bulbous flowers, fruit trees and berry bushes.
  2. Stone fruits crops (plums, cherries, sea buckthorn) can be planted no later than first ten days of October. At late landings in October, plants are heavily mulched to prevent plants from bulging out of the soil due to temperature changes (night frosts and daytime thawing).
  3. It is important to remember that the planting period is short - October is the last chance for summer residents to plant such plants.
  4. Container plants ( with closed root system) can be planted at any time during the growing season (from spring to late autumn).
1, Mon
23 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We cover strawberry plantings, rose bushes, and perennials for the winter. We spray the garden against diseases and pests. We prepare firewood.
2, Tue
24 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
A favorable day for planting garlic, onions, and root vegetables before winter. We forget to cover the crops with spruce branches, dry grass, sawdust, and peat.
3, Wed
25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
If autumn is dry, we water shrubs, trees, and perennials. We plant bulbous flowers. watering indoor plants.
4, Thu
25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
We dig up the roots of parsley and herbs for forcing on the windowsill. We continue to tidy up flower beds, greenhouses, and greenhouses.
5, Fri
26 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo
We collect the last harvest and put it away for storage. We are making preparations for the winter. We plant peonies, irises, and phlox.
6, Sat
27 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo
We make shelters for roses, clematis, grapes, chrysanthemums and other tall flowers. We collect chokeberry and viburnum.
7, Sun
28 l.d.
Waning Moon in Virgo
A favorable day for pest and disease control. We construct trapping belts. We spray the garden. We lay out traps for rodents.
8, Mon
29 l.d.
Waning Moon in Virgo
Good day for root feeding indoor plants. Drain water from all containers. We clean garden tools and put them away for storage.
9, Tue
1 l.d.
New Moon in Libra
We dig up the earth without breaking clods. We put things in order in the greenhouse. bend the raspberries to the ground and tie them up. We are preparing the beds for planting in the spring.
10, Wed
2 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Libra
You can replant ornamental and berry bushes, process and trim them if you don’t have time. We divide and replant perennial flowers.
11 th
3 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio
If the climate allows, we sow green and leafy crops before winter. Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be effective.
12, Fri
4 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio
We scatter the quail manure and humus from the compost heap under the bushes and trees. Forming warm beds for future plantings in the spring.
13, Sat
5 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
Harvesting the last harvest. The day is favorable for canning. We trim bushes and trees. We carry out formative pruning of hedges.
14, Sun
6 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
We cut off the last flowers - they will last especially long. Preparing the flower garden for winter: removing dry leaves, cutting stems, feeding, covering for the winter.
15, Mon
7 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
favorable for spraying and treating the garden against diseases and pests. We dig up the last root vegetables. We put them in storage.
16, Tue
8 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
Getting organized and ready for winter country houses, house, greenhouses and greenhouses. We continue to pile waste residues into a pile.
17, Wed
9 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
We mulch winter plantings. We cover flowers and strawberries for the winter. We cover peonies, irises, and phlox with soil. Repairing seedling boxes
18 th
10 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aquarius
We burn garbage. We scatter the ash around the area. We are preparing this house and buildings for winter. We hang bird feeders. We fight rodents
19, Fri
11 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aquarius
We are taking care of the reservoir: we remove all the equipment and transfer heat-loving fish. If the pond is small, drain the water from it.
20, Sat
12 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Pisces
We sow green and leafy crops before winter, if the climate allows, or in boxes on window sills. Watering indoor plants.
21, Sun
13 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Pisces
We take care of the greenhouse: we disinfect, wash, and paint the frames. We sow green manure. If necessary, water them. We prepare wine and juices.
22, Mon
Waxing Moon in Pisces
We continue to cover winter plantings. We clear tree trunks of lichens. If the climate allows, we whiten the trees.
23, Tue
15 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aries
Sow dill and parsley in boxes on the windowsill. salad, watercress. We put the last harvest in the cellar. We are preserving it
24, Wed
16 l.d.
Full Moon in Aries
We remove plant debris from the beds. We dig up the earth without breaking clods. We construct trapping belts on fruit trees.
25 th
17 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
If the climate allows, we spray the garden against pests and diseases. We clean and whiten tree trunks. We are fighting rodents on the site.
26, Fri
18 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
We continue to cover the plantings for the winter. We clean the house. We take away everything valuable. we hide bedding and food in plastic bags.
27, Sat
19 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
A good day for drying vegetables and fruits. We finish forming the compost heap. If the climate allows, we prepare beds for future plantings.
28, Sun
20 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We weed and loosen the soil in the planting boxes on the windowsill. We examine the bulbs and tubers of flowers stored in the cellar.
29, Mon
21 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We are finishing cleaning up the house. We remove garden tools. drain all the water from the containers. We roll up the hoses. We remove garbage from the site.
30, Tue
22 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
We water and feed organically the plantings on the windowsill and indoor flowers. We prepare juices and wine for the winter.
31, Wed
23 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
If the climate allows, you can sow root vegetables, garlic and onions before winter, and replant perennials. We cover the plantings for the winter.

Sowing and planting calendar for October

Preparations for winter continue for enthusiastic gardeners and gardeners: microelements are added to the plants and nutrients necessary for full ripening of shoots and successful wintering. The beds are prepared for spring work, the soil is carefully dug up and fertilized. Warm-season crops waiting for shelter for the winter.

Sowing in October in the garden

In Siberia, winter sowing is carried out in third ten days of October– you need to do it before the soil freezes completely. When sowing before winter, you must remember that the seeding rate increases compared to spring planting by 25-30%.

  • Before October 10 in the Urals and Siberia, it is recommended to finish with. Choose a place where nothing grows in the summer and where a lot of snow will accumulate in the winter. Bulbs prepared for planting are planted in beds to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  • In the first half of October, winter plantings are still possible. The exact time of planting is determined by the weather: planting begins 3 weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather. At the same time, it is better to plant garlic later than to rush.
  • At the end of October for harvest in early spring winter sowing is carried out. After sowing, the beds are mulched with rotted manure.
  • Some summer residents also practice winter planting. Potatoes planted in October yield a sufficient harvest, but the plant requires a lot of care.


Read more about autumn planting in the garden in the articles:

Home garden in October

In addition to traditional winter sowings in open ground Many summer residents are also keen on arranging

  • At the end of October, you can get onions, beets, parsley, celery, carrots, etc. from the vegetable storehouse.
  • To force root crops, prepare a special substrate and place the containers in cool rooms: you won’t need much light and heat, and watering should be regular, as well as fertilizing.

Planting in the garden in October

Most are planted in October fruit and berry crops, ornamental shrubs, colors. Autumn planting is also good because the plants accumulate the necessary moisture and have enough time to adapt and grow.

  • Before frost sets in young plant will have time to grow stronger and adapt to changed conditions.
  • Although raspberries are unpretentious in planting and care, you can pamper them with light soil flavored with organic matter.
  • Depending on the number of raspberry bushes that need to be planted, the planting method is chosen: trench or hole.


  • You need to finish it by October 10th.
  • A place for berries can be found on a slope, away from lowlands, marshy soils and shallow groundwater.
  • In October you can. In autumn there is enough moisture in the soil, so heavy watering is not required. Survival rate during autumn planting is 100%.


  • You can still plant in October.
  • Such planting dates are acceptable for seedlings with a closed root system or in the hands of experienced gardeners.


At the beginning of October, when real frosts are still far away and the weather is not too cold, you can.

  • Autumn planting For honeysuckle it is more preferable than spring.
  • The soil is prepared a month before planting, planting holes are dug approx. half a meter wide and deep, leaving 3 m between plants.
  • Drainage is required; the seedling is placed in moist soil, with the roots well spread out.
  • No pruning of the seedling is required. When planting, the root collar is buried 3-5 cm.

Planting ornamental plants in October

October is a suitable period for planting.

  1. When planting hydrangeas in Siberia, it is better to move the plants along with a lump of earth in order to cause minimal damage to the root system.
  2. It's time for the seeds. Seedlings are usually sown in the second half of October (after the onset of light daytime frosts) in a pre-prepared box with soil.
  3. Throughout all autumn months, incl. in October and directly under the snow, you can lay. Lawn care will be minimal in rainy, cloudy weather. The lawn will take root well in the fall and successfully overwinter.

Read more about sowing and planting work in October in the following articles:

Planting in a flower garden in October

  • For good storage take unfrozen heads of cabbage with 3-5 covering leaves.
  • Store cabbage at 0-1.5 °C and humidity approx. 85%.
  • Late varieties before the head cracks.
  • When collecting heads of cabbage, you should not pick off the leaves - they serve to protect the head of cabbage from pests and protect the cabbage from early frosts.
  • Before storing heads of cabbage cut from the garden beds, be sure to leave a couple of top green leaves and a stump 2-3 cm long.

Carrots and beets

At the beginning of October the time is right for.

  • There is no need to rush to dig up beets early; they will be stored well during the onset of persistent cold weather, and it is not recommended to load them into the cellar before October.
  • When digging up carrots and beets, it is better to use your hands to avoid damaging them and causing infection.

Greens and onions

  • Harvesting. To store the plants, they dig them up, cut off their roots and leaves.
  • They are dug up, including for medicinal preparations.

Sweet potato

In mid-October, before frost, they harvest Middle lane harvest .

  • The tubers are dug up with a pitchfork, washed, dried in the sun and then at room temperature.
  • In winter, sweet potatoes are stored at a temperature of 15-18 °C.


You also need to be careful when digging up tubers using a pitchfork.

  • Freshly dug tubers are almost tasteless, but after lying in the sun for several hours, they become sweet and ready to eat.
  • Yacon is stored in the same way as carrots.


At the end of October, useful things are harvested.

  • The main thing is to remove the root crop before frost and not damage it when digging.
  • When storing the leaves, they are cut off, the root crop is cleared of soil, dried and laid, sprinkled with sand.
  • You can also store parsnips in the soil until spring, provided that you are guaranteed not to be eaten by mice in the winter.

Jerusalem artichoke

  • In late October they dig up and.
  • It is not stored for a long time, so the tubers are dug up as needed.

Recipes for homemade vegetable preparations for the winter see the section, for example:

Gardener's calendar for October

In October, you need to have time to prepare the garden for winter, start cleaning and landscaping, and protect the plants from the upcoming frosts.

  1. The soil is being prepared for spring work, contribute autumn fertilizers, cover the plants, carry out winter watering, preventive and sanitary pruning.
  2. Tree trunks need to be whitened to protect plants from sunburn, cracking and freezing of the bark.
  3. It is advisable to tie young plantings when constant frost sets in.
  4. In the fall, before sheltering for the winter on the bushes in the garden, you need to carry out preventive treatments: spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture, a solution of iron or copper sulfate, and fungicidal preparations.
  5. For successful overwintering of garden crops, incl. , without proper fertilizing not enough. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers nourish the plants with the necessary microelements; mulching with humus or peat compost will insulate the roots. Such fertilizing will be useful for all shrubs, except for stone fruits (to avoid damping off of the stem).
  6. In addition to basic gardening work, it would be nice to take care of the birds - you can use feeders and titmice, feeding your feathered helpers during the winter


Watering the garden in October

In October, when preparing the garden for winter and increasing the winter hardiness of plants, it is recommended to carry out moisture recharging.

  1. In terms of timing, you need to choose a period when it is still quite warm, but not so warm that the moisture evaporates.
  2. In this case, you need to be in time before frost and snow falls. For autumn watering, choose a clear, sunny day with a temperature of approx. 10°C.
  3. Depending on the crop, age of the plant and weather conditions, 3 to 9 liters of water are poured under the plant.
  4. In central Russia, autumn water-recharging irrigation is carried out at the end of October. Consumption: 3-4 buckets of water per 1 m².
  5. In arid regions, winter watering will also be useful. berry bush water at the rate of 5-10 buckets per 1 m².

Reproduction and preparation of cuttings in October

  1. In October you can propagate by seeds. Freshly harvested seeds are sown on ridges before winter. After a period of natural stratification in the spring, the seeds sprout vigorously, and in the fall the grown seedlings are ready for transplanting to a permanent place.
  2. In October, cones are collected for seed. The cones are dried, the seeds are removed and stored in a bag under the snow until spring.
  3. At the end of October in Siberia, immediately after the leaves fall and before the snow falls, they begin. Shoots should be selected that are healthy, mature, annual, approx. 1 m and a diameter of at least 0.6 cm. Frozen shoots will not take root.
  4. They do it all October. The middle part of one-year growth with a diameter of approx. 1 cm long 18-20 cm with 4 or more buds. Leaves, stepsons, tendrils need to be cut off from the shoot.
  5. At the end of October (before the onset of stable frosts), cuttings are prepared for vegetative growth. They are stored all winter in a cool place (in a cellar or buried under the snow), preventing the shoots from drying out.

Harvesting and storing crops in the garden in October

  1. In October, the collection of fruits and seeds for the plant continues.
  2. The harvest is harvested when almost all the foliage on the trees has fallen. By the time the fruits are harvested, they should gain a bright color and become slightly soft to the touch.
  3. The fruits also ripen in October. The yellow, aromatic fruits are good for making jam; when fresh, they are sour and astringent.

Homemade winter recipes from fruits and berries, see the section, for example:

Shelter in the garden in October

  1. , landed in northern regions, needs shelter in early October immediately after harvest. The bush is covered with soil or sawdust, the stem is bent to the ground, pressed and covered with special material, and snow is thrown on top.
  2. In mid-October, annual shoots are spudded and bent down.
  3. For successful overwintering of plants such as hydrangea and mock orange, it is better to bend them under the snow. In order not to break the plants, they need to be bent down while they are not woody, before the foliage has fallen off.
  4. Preparations begin in October. For successful overwintering, the unripe part of the vine is removed. When covering grapes in different climatic zones, there are specific characteristics. In some places it is enough to remove the vines from the trellis and cover them with a layer of dry fallen leaves, while in others the grapes are packed into boxes and trenches.



  5. At the end of October, when, it is recommended to spud up its bushes and cover them with straw and spruce branches. It is also good to mulch new plantings with peat or sawdust 5-6 cm thick.
  6. also needs shelter. When the temperature drops below -5°C, the bushes are laid on the ground, pinned down and a weight is placed on top. After that, the main thing is to get more snow on the bushes. Some summer residents do not bother themselves and select zoned varieties and follow the recommended agricultural practices.
  7. needs shelter for the winter. The shoots are bent even before the leaves have completely fallen and provide sufficient snow cover.
  8. To prepare for the planting, the vines are cut and laid on the ground. At the end of October, when steady cold snaps set in in Siberia, actinidia is covered with non-fabric (for example, agrotex). A blanket of snow will protect the plant in winter, and in winters with little snow and open areas additional covering with film will be required.

Read about the choice of methods and materials for shelter in the article:

Florist calendar for October

In October, flowers and ornamental plants, like others horticultural crops, they begin to prepare for winter: some beauties are trimmed and carefully wrapped, others - heat-loving sissies - have to be dug up and stored in the basement or on the balcony.

In October, minerals (phosphorus-potassium) and organic fertilizers to increase the winter hardiness of flower crops.


  • From the middle to the end of October they spend in the Moscow region.
  • When light frosts are already felt in the flower beds in October, you can mulch the surface with horse manure - this will protect the roots of peonies in winter and provide the necessary nutrients with the onset of the new season.


Early October is the deadline. Bulbs do not like cold, wet soil, long stay in damp earth negatively affects plant health. After digging, the bulbs are processed, sorted and placed to dry, and after a month and a half they are sent for storage.


  • at the end of October they dig up, separate the rhizomes and put them on shelves in the cellar.


Along with planting and sowing flowers, the time for transplanting and propagation comes. In October, the babies and seeds ripen. They are collected for sowing at the end of February.


  1. They need to ensure regular watering, especially if there is no precipitation. The more moisture there is, the better evergreen and semi-evergreen shrubs will overwinter. Every 4 days, pour half a watering can of slightly warmed water under the bush.
  2. In mid-October, for good results, they need to be fed with a solution of double superphosphate.


  • At the beginning of October, you need to start pruning paniculata and trees, if you have not done so earlier.


Before sheltering, the plants are pruned, removing foliage and unripe shoots.

  1. Founding in mid-October rose bushes Hill up to protect plants from frost.
  2. Already at the end of October or later, before the onset of real frosts, the roses are spudded again and covered completely.
  3. To cover roses, spruce branches, dry leaves, plant debris, and special covering and insulating materials are used.
  4. fertilizing of indoor plants is running out. They need to be replaced, reduced or stopped altogether.


    1. From October and throughout the rest period, the temperature is lowered to 15 °C - elevated temperatures may negatively affect flowering.
    2. When caring from October, you need to maintain a low temperature of approx. 10-18 °C. During this period, the plant lays flower buds, the light should be bright, diffused

    With the onset of cold weather, it becomes an indoor dweller. In October, it is transferred to home conditions, having previously shortened the shoots.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Florist lunar calendar 2017 - indoor plants and flowers. Caring for indoor flowers, preparing the flower garden for winter

October 2017

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, as in room conditions, and in the flower garden at the dacha.

October - golden autumn, leaves and wedding.

In October, the last plants that could still remain in the garden or on the balcony (such as aucuba, laurel, ligustrum, boxwood) are brought indoors.
At this time, many indoor plants enter a state of winter dormancy. Therefore, they need to be watered much less frequently and not fed with anything until spring.
In the middle or end of October, due to weather conditions, when the temperature remains stable at -5-8 C, they begin to cover the roses for the winter with spruce branches. If there are prerequisites for the onset of early severe frosts with a small amount of snow, then you can fill up the central part of the rose bush dry humus and compost, while you need to protect them from moisture, covering them so that air circulation is ensured under the cover, otherwise the roses may dry out.

Helpful advice. How to clean a clay pot from white limescale or divorces? - Rub the pot with raw potatoes, and then rinse everything off in water with a stiff brush.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

from October 01, 2017 00:00 (Sun)
to 02 October 2017 17:26 (Mon)
Digging the soil and forming flower beds. Digging up gladioli bulbs and root tubers of dahlias and other non-wintering perennials. Loosening the soil in pots (dry watering).

(In connection with the lunar calendar, blog Dacha and garden, - entry only from )

October 01 (18.09 old style) - Irina
(Arina Osennyaya. - “If the cranes fly to Arina, then there will be frost on Pokrov, but if not, then winter will come later.”)

from 02 October 2017 17:26 (Mon)
to 04 October 2017 17:52 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Pruning indoor plants is strictly prohibited. Carrying out winter sowing of flowers (cold-resistant annuals and perennials whose seeds require stratification). Planting indoors onions and garlic, green crops for forcing. Carrying out watering and liquid fertilizers indoor flowers and forced greens.

October 03 (20.09 old style) - Evstafiy
(Astafiy. - "On Astafya, note the winds: northern - for cold, southern for warmth, western - for wetness, eastern - for bucket").

from 04 October 2017 17:52 (Wed)
to 07 October 2017 18:59 (Sat)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or prune anything.

October 05, 2017 21:40 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until October 04, 2017 23:39 Moon in the sign of Pisces, then in the sign of Aries, from October 07, 2017 02:56 in the sign of Taurus)

Folk sign: If you ferment cabbage during the full moon, it will turn out soft

from 07 October 2017 18:59 (Sat)
to 09 October 2017 04:44 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering indoor plants and flowers. Planting decorative bulbs. Planting root crops of parsley and celery, as well as perennial onions to produce forcing greens.

October 08 (20.09 old style) - Sergius of Radonezh
("On Sergius, they cut cabbage and note the weather: If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on Michaelmas Day /November 21/; If good weather, then she will stand for three whole weeks.")

from 09 October 2017 04:44 (Mon)
to October 11, 2017 06:38 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Gemini

This is an unfavorable time for watering and fertilizing indoor flowers and forcing greens. It is possible to apply fertilizers in solid form (not solutions). Loosening the soil (dry watering), pruning and shaping plants. Pest control for indoor plants will be most effective these days.
from October 11, 2017 06:38 (Wed)
to October 13, 2017 09:41 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Construction of shelters from spruce branches for flower and ornamental crops. Tying conifers. Fertilizing indoor flowers, pest control. When the soil freezes, winter sowing of cold-resistant annual flowers is possible.
from October 13, 2017 09:41 (Fri)
to 15 October 2017 14:19 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Leo

Pest control for indoor plants. It is possible to plant onions and garlic indoors on greens, green crops (lettuce, watercress, mustard greens).

October 14 (01.10 art style) - Pokrov
("What is the weather on Pokrov, so is the winter: If the wind blows from the north or east, the winter will be cold and snowy; if from the south, the winter will be warm, from the west - snowy")

from October 15, 2017 14:19 (Sun)
to October 17, 2017 20:35 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Virgo

Favorable time(for regions where there has been a steady cooling down to –2-3°C and the soil is frozen by night frosts to a depth of 2-5 cm) for winter sowing of annual cold-resistant flowers, as well as perennial flowers, the seeds of which require stratification. Planting hyacinth bulbs, digging chrysanthemum queen cells. Deep digging of the soil without breaking clods of earth, to freeze out weeds and pests overwintering in the soil. Covering perennial flowers for the winter with sawdust, spruce branches, peat, and boxes.
Covering rose bushes for the winter, if the temperature remains stable at -5-8 C.
from October 17, 2017 20:35 (Tue)
to October 18, 2017 04:57 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Libra

This is an unfavorable time for watering and liquid fertilizing of indoor flowers and forced greens. In indoor conditions, you can plant root crops of parsley and beets for greens. Shelter perennial crops for the winter.
from October 18, 2017 04:57 (Wed)
to October 21, 2017 08:33 (Sat)

It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants.

October 19, 2017 22:11 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until October 20, 2017 04:41 The moon is in the sign of Libra, then in the sign of Scorpio.

from October 21, 2017 08:33 (Sat)
to 22 October 2017 14:56 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

This is an unfavorable time for pruning greenhouse, greenhouse and indoor plants. Covering the central parts of the rose bush with dry humus and compost. Covering flower and ornamental crops with spruce branches. Sowing watercress and mustard greens indoors. Watering indoor plants and forcing greens.
from October 22, 2017 14:56 (Sun)
to October 25, 2017 03:12 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

It is possible to trim dry branches from ornamental trees and bushes. Covering low-winter-hardy ornamental plants with spruce branches. Covering perennial flowers for the winter with sawdust, spruce branches, peat, and boxes. Tying conifers into a sheaf and tying them with craft paper to prevent spring burns. Loosening the surface crust in pots and other containers for indoor plants and flowers.

October 23 (10.10 art. style) - Evlampius.
(“On Evlampia, the horns of the month point in the direction where the winds come from.” - If the horns of the month are inclined upward (north) - there will be an imminent winter, the snow will fall dry; if downwards - do not expect an imminent winter, there will be mud and slush")

from October 25, 2017 03:12 (Wed)
to 27 October 2017 15:58 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Sheltering weakly winter-hardy perennial crops for the winter. Carrying out winter sowings vegetable crops and cold-resistant annual flowers. Planting indoors onions and garlic on greens, green crops, and sods of perennial onions.
from October 27, 2017 15:58 (Fri)
to October 30, 2017 02:46 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting, as well as for watering and fertilizing indoor plants and forcing greens. Sheltering perennial flowers for the winter.
from October 30, 2017 02:46 (Mon)
to October 31, 2017 23:59 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Pruning indoor plants is strictly prohibited. It is possible to sow greenery grown on the windowsill and indoor plants from seeds. Watering and fertilizing indoor flowers and forcing greens.

Table continuation:

October :
Folk signs about the weather in October:
October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.
Thunder in October foreshadows a snowless, short and mild winter.
If the leaves of a birch and oak tree do not fall cleanly in October, expect a harsh winter

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Perm: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

The moon, changing every day, actively influences all the liquids of our planet, even the juices of plants, largely determining their development. The gardener's lunar calendar for October 2019 helps you navigate this and choose the right days for a particular activity in the garden.

October 2019 will begin with the period of the waning moon - from the 1st to the 7th it will decrease, and on the 8th it will completely disappear from the sky. This time is favorable for harvesting, putting things in order in the beds, preparing them for subsequent plantings or sowings.

From October 1 to October 3, when the Moon passes the constellation Cancer, you can trim bushes and trees, prepare cuttings for spring grafting, it is recommended to mow, collect medicinal or spices and greens that will need to be thoroughly dried for storage. These days you need to collect those fruits that will be used for processing, and not for long-term storage; all preservation will work out perfectly.

On October 4–5, our satellite will be in the constellation Leo - this is a great time for collecting root crops (especially potatoes); it will be possible to complete the harvesting of cabbage, fruits and berries. You can collect seeds, fight pests, and mulch tree trunks for winter. From the very beginning of the month, there is no need to engage in sowing, planting and replanting plants; it is better to spend time fighting pests and cultivating the land.

On October 6–7, it is still forbidden to plant crops; these days are advisable to use for weeding, loosening; you can hill up and mulch trees.

On the 8th–9th the moon will not be visible in the sky, it is better to devote these days to superficial cleaning of the area, you can sweep, remove fallen leaves, but there is no need to disturb the plants at all.

From the 10th, the period of the waxing moon will begin, when all the juices rush upward, and the processes occurring in the roots slow down. Therefore, the gardener’s lunar calendar for October 2019 recommends using these days for sowing, planting, transplanting, watering, and fertilizing.

On October 10-11, it will not be possible to propagate any crops by dividing the roots; it is better to start grafting. Collecting herbs is also undesirable; it is better to focus on home preservation. Gardeners can control pests, loosen the beds, and apply fertilizers.

From the 12th to the 14th, while the Moon passes through the constellation Sagittarius and moves to Capricorn, the lunar calendar recommends harvesting: you need to clean up late varieties fruits, collect sea buckthorn, hawthorn, prepare viburnum for the winter, collect seeds. You can start drying mushrooms and planting homemade flowers (they will be a great success).

Planting and replanting efforts will bring success to gardeners if they are tackled on October 15–16. You can not only plant fruit crops, it is useful to take up vaccinations, fertilizing, and fertilizing for the future.

From the 17th to the 19th, it is better to stop sowing and planting activities, and devote time to pest control; you need to take measures against insects that intend to overwinter in the garden. Spraying with appropriate preparations will be very effective.

How to end the month

The last ten days of October are marked by the full moon, and this is a period when it is better not to disturb the plants. But before and after it you need to continue with the end of one gardening season and the beginning of the next.

On October 20–21, it is necessary to continue measures to protect the garden from pests and insulate the shrubs for the winter. The end of October is a great time to build frames over plants; you need to prepare insulation, but not yet cover the bushes.

22–23 you can start sowing plants in greenhouses, and garden plants Water generously for the winter.

On the 24th, on the day of the full moon, it would be best to take a rest for yourself and all the plants.

On October 25–26, on the waning moon, you can begin winter planting of onions and garlic. These days you need to continue pruning fruit and berry crops, collecting the remaining berries, and covering some plants with spruce branches for the winter.

On the 27th–28th, while the waning Moon passes through Gemini, you can continue harvesting (both above-ground and root crops), mowing, weeding, continue the gradual preparation of trees and bushes for winter, but there is no need to plant or replant anything.

29-30 of the current month it is again better to focus on canning or pickling the remaining harvest. Everything that will be collected these days is not subject to long-term storage.

The last day of the month is best devoted to preparing beds for future plantings.

Signs and traditions of October

October is a very important month for gardeners: they need to collect the remaining harvest, plant and sow new plants, water, fertilize and insulate the remaining ones for the winter, and carry out pest control work. In addition, you need to process the entire harvest: salt and preserve some, and put some in the cellar. Beds, greenhouses, and gardening equipment also need to be put in order.

Not only the lunar calendar, but also numerous folk signs. So, on the 1st, not only were we harvesting rose hips (brewed for the first time), but we were keeping an eye on the cranes - if they fly away, it means that there will already be frosts on Intercession (October 14), and if they are not in a hurry, it means that they will have time to get everything done, and October will be warm.

On Astafia Windmill (October 3), they tried to remove all rotten fruits from the garden (“so that rot does not occur”).

On the day of the prophet Jonah (5th), radishes were harvested and several dishes were prepared from them for dinner.

St. Sergius Day (October 8) has long been dedicated to cabbage, they harvested it, and began to salt it. We monitored the weather of that day: if the day is clear, then another 3 weeks will be the same.

By the 19th, our ancestors were already summing up the harvest. This day is dedicated to the Apostle Thomas, therefore, looking around the rich barns, they said: “Glad is Thomas, that the wealth is great.”

By the 21st, the day of Pelagia-Znobnitsa, frosts were already expected, so all fruit crops should be covered.

Video “Country work in October”

In this video you will learn how to make the most of your time in the garden in October.