Section of a bathhouse with a pitched roof. Video: design options for houses made of foam blocks. Step-by-step instructions for building a flat roof for a bathhouse

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A bathhouse in a country house is a structure that has special requirements. It should be small, functional, plus its construction should not burden the summer resident’s pocket. The simplest option is a bathhouse with a flat roof or a pitched roof. Therefore, in the article we will deal with these two roofing structures: we will talk about their advantages and disadvantages, the features of the structure, the nuances of construction operations and the materials from which these roofs are built.

Flat roof - design features

Let's start with the fact that a flat roof is not one hundred percent horizontal. It has a slope that does not exceed 5°, that is, the angle of inclination is not visible to the eye. Hence the name. Typically, such roofs are built on buildings made of bricks or blocks. In wooden buildings this can be difficult to achieve due to the purely design features of wooden buildings.

So, a flat roof is built with support on the walls of the bathhouse, which is either ready-made iron concrete plates ceilings, or a monolithically poured concrete slab with a reinforcing grid of steel reinforcement installed inside. Both options form a horizontal ceiling of the building. That is, there is no bias. The latter is formed by a concrete screed, which is applied to the ceiling of the bathhouse. It is the screed mortar that is applied at an angle, namely on one side flat roof The thickness of the screed is greater, on the opposite side it is less.

It is difficult to do this by eye, so guides, usually wooden slats, located at the required angle, are laid along the floor slab. The slats are set with a special tool - a protractor. And the concrete solution is poured along the installed guides so that it does not protrude beyond the upper ends of the laid bars.

The next stage is the formation of the roofing. Here are several options:

    roll roofing material, glued to the roof surface with bitumen mastic;

    self-adhesive roll material ;

    built-up roofing;

    rubber cover.

It should be added that the roof of the bathhouse is usually insulated to reduce heat losses the buildings. For a bathhouse this is a relevant construction operation. Thermal insulation can be laid from the inside of the room, thereby insulating the ceiling. Or you can insulate the floor slab from the outside. The second option is preferable. They do it like this:

    used for this polystyrene foam boards, which are laid on top of the floor slab, installing the panels into each other, because they are connected by a tongue-and-groove lock;

    important to use for thermal insulation slabs thickness 80-100 mm, if used slabs 50 thick mm, then the installation is carried out in two layers, and the installation of the first relative to the second is carried out with an offset of half a sheet so that the joints in two rows do not coincide;

    laid on top of the thermal insulation layer waterproofing in the form of a film;

    and is already poured on top of the insulating pie screed mortar.

Formation of roof covering

Let's talk briefly about the four options mentioned above.

Adhesive technology

Everything is simple here. Bitumen mastic is applied to the surface of the screed layer laid at an angle. And a roll of bitumen-polymer material is rolled onto it, which is rolled with a roller and pressed against the adhesive composition.

The strips of roofing material are laid overlapping with an offset of 15-20 cm. In this case, the overlapping areas must be coated with mastic.

Self-adhesive roofing material

This is exactly the same material that is used in the first option. It’s just that manufacturers offer different modifications, one of them is self-adhesive. The reverse side of the roll is covered with a polymer film; it performs purely protective functions during the storage and transportation of products. It is removed before laying the material; a bitumen layer is applied underneath, which acts as glue.

The roll is rolled out and rolled on top with a roller or a special mop is used. The main task of the work manufacturer is to lay out the roofing material so that no folds form on its surface.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with any category and construction technology - from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Fused roofing

This is a modern way of covering flat roofs. To do this, use a bitumen-polymer material based on fiberglass, covered on the reverse side with a protective transparent polymer film. The laying technology is that reverse side roofing material is heated with a gas burner (open fire). To do this, propane gas is used, which is pumped into a cylinder.

As soon as the protective layer melts, this is a sign that the material is ready for gluing. It is immediately pressed to the surface of the flat roof and rolled with a metal roller.

Spray roofing

This technology for covering flat roofs has several names. The most commonly used term is rubber. The material itself does not contain rubber; the composition is based on polymer and modified bitumen. But the performance characteristics are reminiscent of a rubber coating due to the high elasticity of the applied coating.

The material easily expands at high temperatures, and contracts at low temperatures, but does not crack, burst, or lose its qualities and properties. It is applied by spraying, for which a compressor and a hose with a special nozzle are used. The main advantage of this type of roofing is its seamless coating.

Formation of a flat roof on wooden baths

All technologies described above can be used on flat roofs of wooden buildings. Here the main task in the process of building a building is to form an angle of inclination. This is done using a rafter system or floor beams. There is no other option. The rafters are set at the required angle using a protractor, while their upper ends are positioned in the same plane.

Then thermal insulation measures are carried out:

    on top rafter legs stuffed vapor barrier film overlapping stripes, the joints are covered with adhesive tape;

    From the inside of the room, the baths are laid between the rafters insulation;

    cover it waterproofing membrane;

    carry out finishing.

Stuffed on top of the rafter system continuous sheathing, usually use OSB boards or moisture-resistant plywood. And the roofing material is already installed on this wooden covering using the methods indicated above. It is optimal if a counter batten is placed on the rafters, which forms a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation cake and the sheathing. With the help of ventilation, moist air vapors that can form in the thermal insulation layer are removed.

There are quite a large number of standard designs for bathhouses with a flat roof. This allows you to select best option, which will fit exactly into the landscape design suburban area. Besides standard projects– this is an opportunity to save money because they are freely available on the Internet. But, as practice shows, experienced summer residents prefer to order projects taking into account their personal requirements.

Video description

The video discusses waterproofing a flat roof using rolled roofing materials:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Flat roof + corrugated sheeting

Another option for covering a flat roof. This is everyone's favorite corrugated sheet. This roofing material is produced by manufacturers in lengths from half a meter to 13 m. It has become possible to cover the roof of a building in a seamless way, meaning without transverse seams. And this guarantees one hundred percent protection against leakage, which is very important for flat roofing structures.

The only requirement is to use profiled sheets with a profile height of at least 44 mm and a sheet thickness of at least 0.5 mm. The thing is that a flat roof is subjected to serious snow loads; a non-durable profiled material may not withstand them.

The corrugated sheeting can be laid directly on the concrete screed, secured to it with metal dowels. Or a sheathing of 100 mm wide boards is laid under it, which are attached to the concrete base with self-tapping screws and plastic dowels.

Bathhouses with pitched roofs

Bathhouses with pitched roofs are found in dachas more often than those with flat ones. They are more effective in terms of protection from precipitation, because the angle of inclination of the slope exceeds 5°. More often, builders choose an angle of at least 10°. In this case, the slope of the roof is formed by the rafter system. There are two formation options here:

    rafters install on the walls of the bathhouse who have different height;

    form farm on one wall that will raise the ends rafter legs.

The first option is the simplest. For example, if a bathhouse is being built from blocks, then it is necessary to raise the front wall one or two (three) rows above the back wall, as shown in the photo below. Then lay the mauerlat on these two walls, which is attached to the building, and then the rafter legs on it.

The second option is a finished building, the walls of which are raised to one level. To form the angle of inclination of the slope, it is necessary to install a lumber truss on one wall. Essentially, these are racks tied at the top and bottom with beams or thick boards. The photo below shows this option.

It should be noted that both described options are suitable for baths built using different technologies. For example, the frame of a bathhouse with a pitched roof can be constructed by forming different heights of the walls of the building and by installing a separate truss. In a frame bath, the first option is optimal. Because the fewer joints and connections in the frame, the stiffer and more durable the structure.

Video description

The video shows the sequence of constructing a frame bathhouse with a pitched roof:

Projects for bathhouses with a pitched roof offer a huge variety of options available. There are not only one-story buildings, but also two-story ones. There are projects in which standard elements are present, and others where extraordinary solutions are used. For example, the photo below shows a project where a bathhouse was built on the shore of a reservoir. There is also a formed recreation area with sun loungers and dining table. This is a full-fledged recreation area that can be used not only for taking water procedures. And there are many such projects, the main thing is to choose the right one, taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Or another project that shows a two-story bathhouse with a pitched roof. The convenience of this building lies in the fact that a large number of rooms are planned in such a project. The first floor is, for example, a bathhouse with a swimming pool; a sauna can also be added. The second floor is a recreation area with a billiard room, a bar and other rooms intended for relaxation.

Advantages and disadvantages of flat roofs

Since the topic of the article concerns flat roofs, I would like to outline the pros and cons of this design.

    Flat roof area smaller than any slope, That's why expenses on materials and construction operations carried out here is significantly less. And this is obvious saving allocated budget.

    Convenience of additional installation work related to the arrangement of chimneys, ventilation, installation of antennas, air conditioners, solar panels and other elements.

    Easier conduct repair work associated with the appearance of defects roofing.

    Today, flat roofs are often used for various needs, for example, to organize recreation area. Such constructions are called exploited. Special technologies are used to form them.

And about the shortcomings, which are represented by one minus:

    Flat roof – collection large quantity snow. Snow cover from such roofs is regularly necessary. take away. If this is not done, then there is a high probability of occurrence leaks during the snow melting process. And of course, snow layer- this is a big .

Video description

In the video, a specialist talks about the advantages and disadvantages of flat roofing structures:

Conclusion on the topic

To summarize, we can say that flat and pitched roofs, which today are most often used to cover bathhouses, are structures that guarantee the strength and reliability of the structure as a whole. But provided that they are engaged in their construction experienced craftsmen. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, both types of roofs require a special approach, where a large number of nuances have to be taken into account. This is especially true for insulated roofs.

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The bathhouse box is considered complete after the roof is placed on it. Most often this building is on a personal plot or summer cottage real estate owners create their own property, involving relatives or friends as assistants. At the same time, in order to reduce labor costs, they prefer to choose the simplest solution for the roof of the bathhouse - they build a pitched roof as in the photo.

The simple installation of this option for covering a bathhouse contributes to its popularity and makes it the most common. A roof with one slope is supported on load-bearing walls structure and thus the magnitude of its slope depends on the difference between the heights of the walls. To calculate the tangent of the angle at the slope, you need to divide the height difference at the supporting walls by the distance between them. The cost of construction work directly depends on the angle of the slope: the smaller it is, the cheaper it will cost to create a roof.

Experts believe that a bathhouse with a flat roof is an unsuccessful construction option and recommend that when choosing an option for arranging a roof, preferring a slope within 20-30 degrees, especially for regions where winter period a significant amount of precipitation falls in the form of snow; the angle there cannot be less than 45 degrees. When choosing a roofing material, this factor should definitely be taken into account.

Often, owners prefer to lay a two-layer structure made of rolled material such as roofing felt on the roof of a bathhouse. But the fact is that in winter it will also be necessary to remove ice. A roof covered with roofing felt will be problematic to clean. Roofing material must be purchased so that it is durable and reliably protects against leaks.

Features of pitched roofs for baths

When a bathhouse with a pitched roof is being built, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the rules for its creation and study the technology for carrying out the work. First of all, you should know that any roof option involves the construction of a supporting frame on which the roofing covering is laid.

When a pitched bathhouse roof is created, its diagram looks like this:

Options for choosing roofing materials

In the retail chain, buyers can expect a huge selection of modern building materials for the construction of buildings for various purposes. If a bathhouse with a pitched roof is being built, then there will be no problems with purchasing quality products. When purchasing, first of all, you should pay attention to the durability of the roofing and whether its appearance matches the appearance of the building. An important parameter is the cost of the products.

The most popular roofing materials are:

  • metal tiles are considered an expensive product, but durable (they can last for half a century). If this option is chosen, then the angle of the roof slope should be at least 30 degrees;
  • corrugated sheeting is a durable coating; the minimum inclination angle cannot be less than 8 degrees;
  • roofing felt - its cost is low, but its service life is insignificant (maximum 10-15 years), it is used for roofs with a slope of 5 degrees (more details: " ");
  • slate can be a reliable roofing covering for 3 decades. When choosing this product, the smallest slope angle is 20 degrees;
  • Seam roofing is a durable option that allows for an inclination angle of 18 degrees.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier of bathhouse roof

When arranging a roof for a bathhouse with a pitched roof built from logs, even if it has a veranda, it is necessary to install waterproofing (more details: " "). In addition, installation of vapor barrier and insulation will be required. Usually the roof of the bathhouse with the veranda is a single whole. Wooden elements of the roof structure are processed by special means, protecting against fire, fungus and insect damage.

In recent years, modern materials have been used for insulation - membrane films.

Waterproofing, which prevents moisture from penetrating inside the bathhouse, is mounted on the rafter structure before the sheathing is created.

The vapor barrier layer is installed from the inside after the ceiling sheathing is ready before the insulation is attached. It prevents moisture from penetrating the thermal insulation from the bathhouse. The film pieces are overlapped at a distance of at least 20 centimeters and secured together with tape intended for this purpose. Under no circumstances should waterproofing material be installed under pressure, as it may rupture as a result of temperature changes (read also: "

The flat roof gives the building an original look appearance and is practical to use. Options for such roofs differ in installation features and therefore design is a preliminary stage of construction.

There are several options for flat roofs, differing in design and operation, construction technology and other parameters. The main characteristic of any option is the smaller roof surface area, which leads to lower construction costs than for pitched structures. At the same time, flat roofs are not exposed to strong winds and require less thermal insulation.

Proper arrangement of a flat roof makes it practical and beautiful

Flat roofs are divided into the following types:

Design of one- and two-story houses with a flat roof

Construction of residential buildings with flat roof It is characterized by a low investment of time and money, which is due to the absence of the need to equip the slopes. At the same time, it is important to ensure high performance characteristics of the future roof, for which it is necessary to determine the type of roof, number of floors of the building, drainage design and other factors. All these features are taken into account during the design process, but one of the main considerations is the design of the building with a flat roof. For example, cottage with such a roof is a practical and universal solution for regions with different climates.

Practical materials are used for exterior decoration

The project of a one-story building involves the development of architectural and structural parts of the building, wiring of communication systems, technical data and calculations of all parameters of the structure. Detailed plan necessarily included in the design process.

The layout of a house with a flat roof can be different

Construction two-story house, which has a flat roof, is more complex than the construction of a building one floor high. At the same time, the load on the load-bearing elements of the structure is calculated, the layout of the second floor is determined, taking into account the maximum functionality of the space.

Designing a two-story house requires choosing lightweight building materials

The drawings of a two-story building indicate the layout of each level with the dimensions of the premises. When designing, the material from which the walls are constructed, the type of foundation and other technical data are taken into account.

The main rooms are often located on the ground floor

The layout of the second floor can include both residential and additional premises. A bathroom can also be equipped on the second level. The staircase is also marked on the plan.

The flat roof effectively protects the building from precipitation

Projects of buildings with an exploitable roof

The construction of houses with an exploitable roof requires the presence of a rigid foundation for the construction of the roof. This is necessary for arranging a recreation area or other functional area at the top. Its purpose should be determined in advance to determine the planned load on the roof base. One of the universal solutions is concrete floor slabs. They have high strength, but their installation requires an accurate calculation of the load on the foundation and walls of the building.

The flat roof often serves as a seating area

Houses made of SIP panels with a flat roof

SIP panels are elements that are mounted on a prepared building frame. The slabs are made of practical materials, and when building a house it is possible to construct a flat roof. In this case, the load on the walls must be calculated, because SIP panels have a low level of strength. Therefore design one-story houses of such panels is the most in demand.

The panels are easy to install, but an accurate calculation of all structural parameters is required

External wall decoration can be carried out various materials, capable of protecting panels from climatic influences. The drawing indicates the parameters of all rooms. It is especially important to follow the panel installation technology, because the durability of the building depends on it.

A flat roof made of lightweight materials will protect a residential building well

House with a flat roof in high-tech style

High-tech style is characterized by straight lines, plain surfaces, and ultra-modern details. This style is often used in the design of residential buildings, and a flat roof perfectly complements the appearance of the house. At the same time, unnecessary details are excluded, and the design of the residential building is as practical as possible and has a modern style.

The flat roof serves as a harmonious complement to the high-tech style

An unused roof is suitable for a building in this style, but it is also possible to organize the necessary zones on the roof. The interior furnishings can correspond to the chosen design direction.

It’s worth creating an appropriate environment inside a high-tech house

What to build a house with a flat roof from

A flat roof of any type places a particular load on the walls and load-bearing elements of the building. Therefore, it is important when designing to determine the materials that are optimally suited for the selected type of flat roof. Of particular importance are the technical characteristics of steam, hydro and heat insulating materials.

Flat roofs are suitable in any climatic conditions

Residential house made of timber

When building a house from timber, the high quality of the building material is taken into account. A flat roof of this design must reliably protect not only the interior of the building, but also the walls. Designing a house made of timber involves the following main points:

  • waterproofing is made from membrane materials that do not require the use of gas burners during installation;
  • material for the construction of walls must be treated with fire-resistant impregnations;
  • drainage system, storm drains are always present in the design of the house;
  • Reinforced concrete slabs are not used for wooden structures.

The roof may have a slightly sloped shape to improve rainfall drainage

Aerated concrete building

The construction of a residential building made of aerated concrete with a flat roof requires taking into account important features, which the project must comply with. The main requirement is that the roof slope must have a slope of 2–4°. Depending on the type of insulating materials and the number of their layers, it is determined exact indicator slope The following features of the construction of houses made of aerated concrete with a flat roof are also relevant:

  • the supporting frame of the roof is presented in the form of wooden beams;
  • combined roofs are constructed without an attic;
  • careful insulation and waterproofing are important to protect the roof frame;
  • when designing a house made of aerated concrete, the region and climatic conditions are taken into account when determining the thickness of the walls;
  • The design documentation must indicate the technical characteristics of all materials and the parameters of aerated concrete.

Roll waterproofing is optimal for houses made of aerated concrete

Foam block building

For buildings made of foam blocks, the choice of project is based on the same requirements as for buildings made of aerated concrete. With proper calculation, it is possible to use floors in the form of a reinforced concrete slab, but this requires calculation of the load-bearing capacity of the walls. Waterproofing is carried out using polymer mastics, and the thickness of the insulation layer depends on climatic features region. Plaster, facing tiles and other similar materials are suitable for exterior finishing. Design documentation must include technical characteristics of materials and parameters of the building’s structural elements.

A house made of foam blocks can be easily finished on the outside with any suitable materials

Video: design options for houses made of foam blocks

Flat roof garage design

The construction of a space such as a garage often involves a flat or slightly sloped roof. It is best if the surface has a slope of 2–4°, which improves sediment drainage. Reinforced concrete slabs are used as the base, which can easily be laid on brick or block walls.

A flat garage roof must have a high-quality waterproofing layer

If the garage structure is made of timber, then a flat roof can be easily made from corrugated sheets laid on wooden beams. Heated rooms require the use of insulation.

When choosing a garage project, you should consider the following points:

  • area of ​​the garage;
  • presence or absence of insulation;
  • the presence or absence of internal partitions in the garage;
  • convenient arrangement of the area around the garage.

Video: flat roof installation

Photo gallery: flat roof options

The flat roof is a simple but demanding correct installation design. Therefore, design must take into account everything important points, construction rules and operating features of such a roof.

Bathhouse in high-tech style - not only design, but also architectural solution, although this style is mainly used in the interior of residential premises.

A little history and style characteristics

High - from the English high, which means “high”, and tech - short for technology, that is, “technology”. This involves, first of all, the use of progressive, latest technologies. But the technologies of the 70s of the last century have today become commonplace, and sometimes outdated, and the following features remain in modern high-tech architecture:

  • rectangular shapes of buildings without elaborate decorative elements, straight lines without roundness and unnecessary bends;
  • many well-known and widely used building materials in the “space” style - glass, metal, plastic;
  • main shades in color scheme this style - white, gray, blue and metallic silver;
  • diffused lighting that visually enlarges the space.

One of the main features is a pragmatic approach to the planning of buildings and interior design. The entire space must meet the principle of functionality; no frills are expected.

Bathhouse in high-tech style: a combination of traditional forms and materials with laconic lines constructing a functional space.

The high-tech style is visible in the lighting of the bathhouse, the original sauna stove and the wall made of natural stone.

Initially, offices created exclusively for work were decorated in this style. The movement of workers in the premises had to be as efficient as possible, without cost extra effort and time. This style was later introduced into architecture and residential design.

In its short history, high tech has been more and less popular. Laconicism and simplicity of forms, rational arrangement of rooms and furniture, functionality of all interior elements still attract many.

High tech bathhouse

In Rus', bathhouses were traditionally built, which were heated “black”. The firebox was located inside the room where they washed. They burned mostly with birch wood, which emitted tar when burning. It has a slight bactericidal effect. There is information that the medieval plague that struck the population of Europe stopped just on the border of those areas where black baths were heated. Today, such baths can only be found in the Russian outback.

Much greater distribution received a Russian bathhouse “the white way”. Traditionally, it is organized in a log house, but today the owners of huge household plots and small summer cottages are building bathhouses in completely unexpected styles. An innovation in the construction and interior of the room for taking water procedures is a washroom in the style high technology.

An example of 100 percent high-tech style of a bathhouse interior. Cosmic curves of the lines of the room decorated with wood, solid glass from floor to ceiling, a futuristic UFO heater. Impressive.

Bathhouse in high-tech style. Laconic lines of the pool and ceiling.

The high-tech style is emphasized by a two-level ceiling reminiscent of a starry sky.

High-tech ceiling and wall colors.

The signs of a high-tech style in the construction of a bathhouse are only a laconic interior, rectangular shapes of the structure and the functionality of the premises. When constructing a bathhouse, little metal is used, inherent in the high-tech style, but the spaciousness and functionality of the premises cannot be compared with a traditional Russian bathhouse or Finnish sauna.

Another distinctive feature of a bathhouse in this style is big windows in the rest room. The glass of these windows is covered with a mirror film, which hides everything that happens inside the room from those outside.

Laconic lines of high-tech style.

Practicality of high-tech style interior.

Successful execution by the interior designer of a high-tech sauna. The soft color of expensive teak in the decoration and the insertion of natural teak harmoniously complement each other.

Futuristic corner of the bathhouse in high-tech style.

Industrial version of the interior of a bathhouse in high-tech style. Calibrated lines and practicality.

Today, high-tech bathhouses are usually built from wood. But this is not a Russian log house, but laminated veneer lumber. Entire ones can be built bath complexes, consisting of a steam room, shower room, relaxation room, terrace, pool or pond. You can do all this yourself.

Such a complex requires sufficiently large spaces.

For ordinary garden plots or summer cottages, designers offer small structures. At the same time, little remains of the desired high-tech style - a flat roof and rectangular shape. Authentic high-tech will, of course, require a lot of space and additional costs.

Laconic lines of high-tech style. Video

High-tech style in bathhouse design

House designs with a flat roof were initially more popular in Western countries

For a long time, the concept of a “flat roof” was perceived extremely negatively - the legacy of Soviet construction had an impact, when, due to violations of technology, poor quality of materials and work, flat roofs of high-rise buildings began to leak within a couple of years.

  • Flat roofs: advantages and disadvantages
  • Types of flat roof
  • Operable roof: every square centimeter is in use
  • Flat roofing: features of design and installation

High-quality roofing materials and professional work with them allow you to create a reliable and durable roof

Therefore, in private housing construction, preference was given to pitched or hipped roofs. The situation has changed with the advent of modern technologies and roofing materials, which have made it possible to provide durable and reliable waterproofing roofs of a house with a flat roof.

One-story house with a flat roof

House with a flat roof overgrown with grass

Flat roofs: advantages and disadvantages

The main reason for the growing popularity of flat roofing was the popularity of modern design trends - the design of a high-tech house with a flat roof makes it possible to ensure that the exterior and interior of the building match the style features. Flat roofing is also often used in modernism and minimalism.

Multi-storey villa with flat roof

However, in addition to its spectacular appearance and visual appeal, it has a number of other advantages:

  • speed of roof construction - installation of a flat roof takes less time than a pitched (hipped) roof, including due to the convenience of carrying out work on a horizontal surface

Cozy terrace on the flat roof of a one-story house

  • availability of maintenance - there is no need to install ladders or involve steeplejacks, all work (cleaning drains, monitoring ventilation ducts, cleaning leaves, etc.) can be done independently

A flat roof is much easier and safer to maintain

  • obtaining additional space by arranging a usable roof

Using the roof space as a relaxation area

  • flat roof is ideal for installation and further operation/maintenance of various technological equipment– solar panels, wind generators, heaters, air conditioners, antennas, water collection systems.

Solar panels installed on the roofs of a small residential complex

Solar panels installed on the flat roof of a small house

A rather controversial issue is the cost of installing a flat roof. On the one hand, the area of ​​such a roof is much smaller than that of a pitched roof, which means that less roofing materials will be required. And the roofing materials themselves used to construct a flat roof are cheaper.

House with a flat unused roof

But, on the other hand, the use reinforced concrete floors(in most cases, especially when creating an exploitable roof) creates a significant load, requiring reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing walls, especially if these are projects two-story houses with a flat roof. Which, while saving money on roof installation, leads to an overall increase in construction costs.

Two-story house with a flat roof

The issue of snow accumulating on a flat roof during the winter also remains ambiguous. Some experts tend to consider this a positive point - snow acts as an additional layer of heat insulation, thereby reducing heat loss. Others argue that snow increases the load on load-bearing elements (and, therefore, this should be provided for in the design), and its subsequent melting can cause a leak in the roof.

The abundance of snow increases the requirements for roofing materials

Types of flat roof

Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof can have different types of roofing:

  • operated - involves the regular presence of people on the roof or the installation of heavy objects. Such a roof requires a rigid base (most often reinforced concrete), and the thermal insulation material must withstand serious static and dynamic loads and be strong in compression

The roof surface is decorated with stones

Large garden with paths on the flat roof

  • unused - does not provide for a large load, so the rigid (concrete) base can be replaced wooden joists with lathing. To service such roofs, special ladders or bridges are used to reduce the pressure and distribute it evenly over the entire roof area

House with patio and flat unused roof

One-story house with a flat unused roof

  • inversion - the insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer, thereby providing it with additional protection from temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences, the number of freeze/thaw cycles increases. Together, this leads to a significant increase in the service life of the roof. Most often, inversion roofs are used as functional roofs - you can put furniture on such a roof, walk on it, or plant flower beds.

House with roof planted various types ornamental grasses

House with a roof planted with various types of ornamental grasses with a magnificent view

Operable roof: every square centimeter is in use

The ever-increasing cost of modern housing forces us to make the most efficient use of all available space, and house designs with a flat usable roof will help with this. In fact, if we consider projects of one-story houses with a flat roof, the owners have an additional “seasonal” floor at their disposal, which makes it possible, for example, to abandon the veranda, thereby freeing up additional space on the site.

Decorative garden on a flat roof

Lush bright greenery on a flat roof

There are quite a few options for using a used roof:

  • recreation area - you can abandon the gazebos by arranging a canopy, grill (barbecue) on the roof, creating all the conditions for a picnic

    Rooftop BBQ area

  • green zone - equip flower beds, lawns and even beds, because the roof receives the greatest amount of sunlight

Small gardens on small modern houses

Evening illumination of residential and green areas

  • winter garden - an all-season version of a green area

Winter garden on a flat roof

  • swimming pool - creating a beach environment (fortunately, there is plenty of sun), you can sunbathe and swim on the roof from late spring

Swimming pool with transparent bottom on the roof

  • sports area - you can build a basketball court and install exercise equipment. Some owners even install a tennis court on large roofs

Tennis court on the roof

  • helipad is an attribute of premium houses

Flat roof with pool like helipad

Flat roofing: features of design and installation

In fact, houses with a flat roof (projects, photos of which are presented below) have a roof slope of within 5 degrees so that water can drain from the roof. Otherwise, a series of operations are performed - de-sloping - to obtain a roof slope.

Flat roof house project No. 1

A flat roof is a multi-layer structure (Fig. 1) (in the technical literature you can find the term “pie of a serviceable roof”), when installing it, not only the quality of materials and work, but also strict adherence to time intervals is of great importance. So, the necessary elements of a flat roof are:

Rice. 1. Installation of a flat roof roofing pie

  • rigid base - usually a flat roof is made of reinforced concrete. Before starting work, it is thoroughly cleaned and leveled, pouring cement screed, which tightens all cracks, chips and crevices. Work continues after the solution has completely hardened.

Flat roof house project No. 2

  • vapor barrier - a vapor barrier or bitumen-polymer film is laid on top of the screed. This layer is designed to protect the insulation from moisture and condensation coming from inside the building. Vapor barrier seams are carefully sealed (glued, welded)

Flat roof house project No. 3

  • insulation is a layer that largely determines the efficiency and durability of the roofing pie. And since a flat roof, unlike a pitched one, does not have an under-roof space (which provides additional thermal insulation), the issue of roof insulation is extremely important for our latitudes. Most often, mineral wool is used for these purposes - it is durable, fireproof, does not rot, is resistant to compression, hydrophobic, and vapor permeable. What is especially important in the case of a flat roof is that it is possible to lay built-up waterproofing directly on it. To improve heat saving indicators, a two-layer insulation system is used, in which the first (lower) layer acts as a heat insulator, and the second is denser and additionally performs a distribution function.

House project with a flat roof No. 4

Flat roof house project No. 5

  • waterproofing - for this purpose, choose a durable, elastic, non-flammable material that is resistant to temperature, microorganisms, fungi and mechanical stress. For unused roof roofing felt or bitumen can be used in utility rooms. Best for home use modern coatings- PVC membranes, sprayed waterproofing (polyurea, liquid rubber), EPDM membranes, diffuse (penetrating) membranes. They are durable (with correct installation and service life up to 30 years), are extremely resistant to mechanical stress. When developing them, even factors such as preventing the germination of plant roots were taken into account. PVC membranes made from polyvinyl chloride look optimal in terms of price/quality factor - they are durable, UV resistant, non-flammable and very light.

Flat roof house project No. 6

Flat roof house project No. 7

Advice! For structures with complex geometry, it is better to use liquid polymers that do not form seams after hardening.

When installing a serviceable roof (Fig. 2) with planting plants on the waterproofing, it is necessary to lay geotextiles, which are placed between the drainage (gravel) and the soil. Waterproof synthetic fibers prevent soil particles from being washed out into the drainage and silting of the soil. If planting is not planned, a concrete screed is applied over the waterproofing, on which the tiles are laid. As an option, you can use gravel and sand backfill as a finishing coating. The type and type of finishing coating is determined by the method of subsequent operation of the roof.

Rice. 2. Scheme of laying a flat roof in use

For long-term operation of a flat roof, it is very important to properly plan and organize drainage so that moisture is effectively removed from the roof surface. Depending on the overall design, gutters can be internal or external, and to prevent them from freezing in winter, they can be equipped with thermal (heating) cables.

A slight slope makes it easy to solve the problem of drainage from the roof

Advice! Drainage funnels are installed in places with a slope and carefully waterproof the areas adjacent to the roof; they are equipped with special baskets to catch debris.

The usual hipped roofs, forming an attic or attic, to a certain extent limit the spatial possibilities of a country house. Initially they tried to solve this problem using attic floors, and over time, waterproofing technologies made it possible for houses with a flat roof to appear, and most developers now have a catalog of projects for such structures. Of course, they are somewhat unusual for our traditions, but interesting from an architectural and practical point of view.

Carefully thought out flat roof design

Advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

It is clear that a well-equipped flat area at the top of the building can be used as a recreation area, a gym, or an original living room - its purpose depends entirely on the imagination and interests of the owners. But first of all, the roof of the house is the guarantor of the reliability, waterproofness and durability of the entire building. Therefore, a roof without slopes, like everything new, raises many questions, the main one among them: what is good about such a design and what may be wrong with it.

Arguments for horizontal roofing

    The flat roof attracts with its simplicity and time of installation. The roofing layers are laid on concrete slabs supported on Wall panels. There is no need to create a sheathing, use timber, boards, or other lumber; the surface is installed in one plane, without scaffolding or insurance. This saves time, finances, and resources.

    The horizontal plane design is reliable, durable, and does not require annual maintenance. If the technology and sequence of construction work is followed, and the drainage of melt and rainwater is properly arranged, a long service life is guaranteed.

    High thermal insulation capacity of all roofing options.

A well-made roof allows you to even build a lawn on it.

    Saving materials, working time, and money costs by reducing area.

    Ease of installation and service various equipment (air conditioners, ventilation, antennas, solar panels);

    Attractive design of the facade of the house with a flat roof, clarity and completeness of lines.

    The ability to use the additionally created area at your own discretion - recreation, sports, hobbies, entertainment.

In general, the design of a house with a flat roof fits well into the surrounding nature, and a practical approach to the additional space created on the roof improves the quality of living and leisure activities.

Cons of a flat roof

Main and significant drawback horizontal design there is a danger of leakage. The snow that has accumulated over the winter melts and seeps through the smallest cracks, gradually expanding them, moistening the walls of the house. This common occurrence for roofs installed incorrectly. This drawback will not appear if all the work was carried out using technology, but whether this will be possible will not be known immediately.

The second most important disadvantage of a flat roof is the guaranteed accumulation of snow on it, which will have to be cleaned manually if you plan to go “out into the open sky” in winter.

What you should think about before creating a flat roof - in the video:

As a result, you can only trust the construction of a house with a flat roof to a developer who provides a guarantee for the work performed, plus, you must be prepared for snow removal work.

Main types of flat roofs

The unusual configuration of a flat roof is not only functional and beautiful, but also diverse. Without going into details, initially they are conditionally divided into two large groups - exploited and non-exploited. Each of them, in turn, is structurally performed using traditional (classical) or inversion technologies.

Separation by method of use

Exploited. They are used by the owners of the house as additional space in the house. To do this, it is important that the surface is strong, even and smooth. A slight slope of up to 5°, necessary for water drainage, does not interfere with free movement and is practically not felt. In most cases, a house with a serviceable roof is preferable due to its additional features.

Part of the flat roof can be transparent

Unexploited. Structurally simpler, since there is no need for a rigid base for waterproofing and rigid insulation. To maintain the roof, ladders and walkways are placed on it so as not to create an uneven load. This type of flat roof is cheaper to construct, but because of this, the estimated service life is shorter than a more complex flat roof in use.

Design differences

Any flat roof is a kind of “pie” in which hydro-, thermal- and vapor barriers alternate. In some versions, layers are also added to increase the overall strength of the coating.

Classic (traditional) flat roofing is also known as “soft”. Its peculiarity is the location of the waterproofing layer, which is placed outside. The softness of this coating is due to the bitumen-containing component of the waterproofing.

The disadvantage of this solution is that the top layer is constantly exposed to the sun's UV rays and temperature changes.

Their influence is especially destructive with the onset of frost, when at night the temperature may already be below zero, but during the day the air still warms up well. As a result, waterproofing deteriorates over time and moisture from rain and melting snow gets onto concrete base and through the cracks in the joints of the slabs into the building.

Pie classic flat roof

The roof is inverted or lightweight, designed taking into account the sad experience of using the classic one. It has a significantly longer service life due to the inversion (turning over) of the arrangement of the “pie” layers, which eliminates the rapid failure of the waterproofing coating. Here, the concrete base is initially waterproofed, then there is a layer of durable hydrophobic (not wetted by water) insulation, on which there is already a “working” coating on which you can walk. Gravel, crushed stone or paving stones are often used as the latter. The quality of the inversion roof insulation allows you to even install a grass lawn on it or lay paving slabs.

Inversion roof pie

The beginning of everything is a project

Having decided to build a house with a flat roof, first of all you need to decide on the purpose of the roof - whether you need it to be used or not. There will be a serious difference in cost between them, because the first option provides for a reinforced foundation and load-bearing walls, taking into account the weight of reinforced concrete floors (especially for a two-story house).

The main purpose of drawing up a project is precisely to plan all the loads that the building will experience in order to determine the amount of materials that will be used for its construction. In addition, design helps to draw up a clear and understandable plan for the proposed work. Specialized programs are used to draw up the project, so it is strongly not recommended to take on this work yourself without having the necessary skills.

Moreover, you should not rely on your own strength if you want to get a house. complex shape

The main design stages are as follows:

    Drawing up a general sketch of the building. When the developer knows the linear parameters of the object being built and what materials it is planned to be built from, designers can already calculate the weight of the building, and therefore calculate the load on the foundation. In addition, the known shape of the building makes it possible to calculate wind and snow loads, which are added to the weight of the house.

    Calculation of load-bearing structures. Here the number of beams to create the sheathing, their cross-section and length are calculated.

    Creation of a plan diagram. On it, except for the main walls, everything is drawn additional elements future design and their location is indicated.

Review of the project of a house with a flat roof from the architect on video:

Houses with a flat roof can be designed in almost any style, but the most functional and appropriate design is the high-tech style. This could be a small cubic house designed for a married couple or a large modern cottage with terraces on the ground and on the roof.

In addition to the adapted architectural and construction project, it is advisable to order a working plan, taking into account the characteristics of the house, in relation to the construction volumes. Thus, the total cost of the future home is determined.

The roof plan indicates the slopes and location of additional elements

What the plan should consider

Despite its apparent simplicity, a flat roof consists of a fairly large number of different elements and each of them has certain nuances in selection and installation.

    Junction nodes. These are all the intersections of horizontal and vertical planes - outer sides, chimney walls, ventilation outlets, etc. The design of the junction units must ensure complete tightness of the connection, therefore it is carried out strictly according to the technology prescribed for the materials used.

Sealing of junction points

    Cornice. It is needed to protect the walls and blind areas of the building from water leakage from the roof, and simply gives the building an architecturally finished look. Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, the width of the cornice can be 0.5-1 meter.

The eaves extend to the required distance

    Drainage funnels. They are installed to remove water that collects from the entire surface of the roof in its lowest areas. The approximate number of funnels is one for every 0.75 m² of roof surface area.

Funnels for collecting water

    Aerators and weather vanes. The purpose of these elements is to remove water vapor that forms inside the coating cake.

Wind vane on a flat roof

    Lightning rod. It is made in the form of a horizontal mesh or vertical lightning rods.

Horizontal and vertical lightning rod on a flat roof

    Drainage Regulates the flow of water from the roof. It can be external or internal - the first option is cheaper and easier to operate.

The best way to drain water is through a drainage system.

We must always remember that the coordinated interaction of all components is ensured solely by the use of suitable materials and strict adherence to construction technology.

Examples of projects

When choosing a project for a future house, it is useful to pay attention not only to its architecture and dimensions, but also to the nature of the roof, the material of the floors, the structure of the roof and the possibility of using it as an addition to the total area of ​​the house.

Some examples of projects in the video:

Two-story house in Hi-Tech style

High-tech modern house project with a flat roof warm walls from aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. Two-story, medium size (up to 150 m²), designed for arranging a used flat roof.

The stepped configuration made it possible to divide the upper space, where one part of the roof is used to house process equipment.

The design of the facade is interesting, combining smooth walls and textured finishes.

Project appearance

Layout of rooms on the first and second floor


A small family with an average income can comfortably accommodate in a modern one-story compact house, the roof of which serves as an addition to the total area. Panoramic windows, big kitchen, the orientation of living quarters to the south, southwest maintains the warmth and comfort of the house.

The slight slope of the roof ensures the drainage of rain and melt water and does not interfere with safe movement on the roof. The estimated area of ​​86 m² is increased due to the exploitable roof. Monolithic ceiling and PVC membrane roofs guarantee a long service life of the house. The flat roof emphasizes the volume of the room and gives the entire structure a modern look.

Finishing the facade of a one-story house

Room layout

Large two-story house

Home for big family corresponds to ideas about modern construction. Good thermal and waterproofing of the roof allows you to create additional places for relaxation or training. Walls made of aerated concrete and monolithic floors keep rooms warm.

Despite the significant area of ​​the building (more than 300 m²), thanks to the flat on the roof it looks light and neat.

First floor layout

Second floor layout

Cubic house

A square house with a flat roof in the cubist style for a family with two children looks stylish due to the absence of a high hip roof.

A neat, voluminous, two-story house with corner glazing stands firmly on the site, attracting attention. The house is interesting from all sides, while the roof serves as its continuation, emphasizing the cubic architectural style. It is proposed to build such a house from sandwich panels, which provide sufficient thermal insulation and structural strength.

Cubic two-story house

First floor layout

Second floor layout

Wooden two-story house

Not everyone prefers to use exclusively modern materials during construction, preferring time-tested classics. A wooden house with a flat roof is not easy correct solution From the point of view of environmental friendliness of the building, it is also simply a very beautiful design.

Extraordinarily beautiful wooden house with modern layout

Any housewife will be happy with such a kitchen.

As a result, when should you choose a house with a flat roof?

All projects of houses with a flat roof are examples of beauty, conciseness and efficient use of space in modern buildings. If these aspects are primarily important, then such houses will be the right choice. The main thing during their construction is to choose a developer who will strictly adhere to the technology prescribed by the project.

How to decorate the inside of a balcony with your own hands using clapboard with insulation?

A bathhouse with a pitched roof is a popular option for building on your own. Such a structure can be built without extra financial costs. But in order for the bathhouse to retain heat well and be able to last for decades, it is important to carefully consider the choice of materials for construction and installation technology.

Bathhouse with one slope

Advantages of a pitched roof for a bathhouse

If there are no special requirements for the roof, in addition to reliability, durability and the ability to retain heat, single-pitch design- the best option. The advantages of bathhouses with a pitched roof include:

  • Easy to install. Even a person who has not previously been involved in this type of work can handle construction. It is enough to have at least basic skills in working with tools and some knowledge in the field of roofing. You can build a compact bathhouse with such a roof alone.
  • Small budget. The construction of a single-pitched roof will cost 1.5-2 times less than the installation of a gable roof for the building of one area. This is due to the fact that noticeably less high-quality lumber is required for the rafter system and materials for installing insulated roofing pie.
  • Durability and reliability. If the roof is designed and installed correctly, it can successfully withstand atmospheric loads for many years.
  • Practicality. Single-pitch option roofing is an ideal solution for a bathhouse attached to a house. A terrace or veranda of a bathhouse will also be successfully located under such a roof - there will be no need to install a complex rafter structure with unnecessary connections.

Bathhouse project with veranda

Main characteristics of a lean-to structure

The pitched roof has an extremely simple design. The slope is a quadrangular plane with a flat surface, located at an angle to the horizon due to the height difference between the supports.

To make a pitched roof for a bathhouse, the rafter system of the slope should be supported on structures located at different heights. This is done in several ways:

  • Walls are going up different heights. The Mauerlat is mounted directly on them, on which the rafters will rest.
  • The walls are erected at the same height. Vertical posts with a crossbar are attached to one of the walls, which serves as a support beam for the upper edge of the rafters. The lower end of the rafters is attached to the Mauerlat on the second wall. This design is cheaper, as it saves expensive wall material, but in this case the under-roof space requires enhanced insulation.
  • Combined option. It is used if the project provides for the arrangement of an open terrace instead of the corner part of a rectangular log house or on the side of it. In this case, part of the mauerlat (support beam) is taken outside the wall and rests on a stand of the appropriate height.
  • With additional support. If the terrace or veranda is located along a high wall, the rafters rest on the mauerlat on both walls, and additionally on a support beam mounted on racks. This will allow the protruding “canopy” over the terrace or veranda to withstand loads.

The principle of installation of the truss system of a pitched roof is determined at the design stage of the bathhouse.

Frame construction

Tilt angle

The slope of the slope depends on the climatic characteristics of the region, since the load from precipitation affects the requirements for the strength characteristics of the rafter system (the smaller the pitch of the rafters, the stiffer the structure, but at the same time its weight and the cost of lumber for installation increase).

The recommended slope angle for a pitched roof is 20-30 degrees for regions with light snow and rain load. For climates with snowy winters, optimal parameters slope - 30-45 degrees. In this case, water easily rolls off the roof, and accumulated snow comes off under its own weight.

Note! The smaller the roof slope, the higher the smoothness of the roofing material should be. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture in the places of fastenings and junctions. Stagnant moisture can cause damage to the roof and fasteners. This will significantly shorten the life of the roof.
Roof angles and roofing material

Since the angle of inclination depends on the difference in height of the supports, this should be taken into account when preparing the bathhouse design, especially if a decision is made to build walls of different heights. It is more difficult to adjust the wall structure than the height of the support posts.

Roof thermal insulation

For a bathhouse, the issue of thermal insulation of the roofing pie is pressing, since it is through the roof that the main part of the heat leaves the structure. So that the steam room does not cool down for a long time, and in the rest room and dressing room even in winter time It was comfortable, it is necessary to think carefully about insulation.

There are two main options for how to insulate a bathhouse:

  1. In a bathhouse for use only in summer, the roof can simultaneously serve as a ceiling. It is insulated, high-quality vapor barrier is installed, heat-reflecting foil material is installed and sheathed with clapboard.
  2. In a bathhouse designed for year-round use, a ceiling should be installed, insulated using sheet or roll materials, or thermally insulated using the backfill method.

If you use a bathhouse with an insulated roof-ceiling in winter, you will have to burn a large amount of firewood to compensate for the increased heat loss. As a heat insulator, it is advisable to use fire-resistant fibrous slab or roll material - mineral or stone wool. But high-quality vapor barrier should be provided, since moisture, accumulating in the heat insulator, degrades its thermal protection characteristics by half.

Floor insulation with mineral wool

Floor insulation is simpler and cheap option, if you use backfill materials - slag, expanded clay, vermiculite. The advantages of backfill materials include affordable cost and extreme ease of installation. For a bathhouse, it is recommended to use a backfill made of non-combustible materials.


You can prepare a project for a bathhouse with a pitched roof yourself. Building designs are easy to find on the Internet - the most convenient way is to choose the appropriate option and adapt it to the existing conditions. If you have no construction experience, it is advisable to pay attention to projects that are as simple as possible to implement.

At the design stage it is required:

  • determine the number, dimensions and purpose of the premises, their relative location;
  • calculate optimal height walls;
  • design the roof structure taking into account the angle of inclination and the selected roofing material;
  • select materials for installing the log house and roof;
  • decide on materials for external and internal finishing;
  • calculate the foundation based on the total load on the foundation.

Bathhouse layout

It is necessary to prepare drawings indicating all dimensions. It is important to carefully consider the installation of each unit of the rafter system on the bathhouse and choose the optimal technology.

If you are taking on the construction of a roof for the first time, when installing its frame, it is useful to have in front of your eyes detailed explanatory drawings of the correct fastening of the rafter legs.

Do-it-yourself pitched bathhouse roof

We select materials for installation of the structure. They must have sufficient strength so that the roof can withstand the design loads.

  1. Mauerlat. Horizontal supports for rafter legs, which are mounted on walls or racks, are best made from coniferous timber with a cross-section of at least 150x150 mm.
  2. Rafters. The ideal option is boards made of pine or dense wood with a cross-section of 50x150 mm - such dimensions make it possible to install insulation, the thickness of which is 150 mm. The length of the rafters is calculated taking into account the length of the overhangs beyond the supporting structures.
  3. Lathing. Transverse ties connecting the rafters to each other add rigidity to the frame and help distribute the load on building construction and foundation, serve as support for the roof deck. For sparse sheathing, slats with a thickness of 30-40 mm are suitable; for continuous sheathing (necessary for some roofing materials or if a minimum slope angle is selected) - moisture-resistant plywood, OSB boards, boards.
  4. Roof. We recommend lightweight flooring materials that can be installed even alone - bitumen slate (ondulin) or flexible tiles, corrugated sheets, metal tiles. Roofing felt is traditionally used as waterproofing.

Options for attaching rafters to the mauerlat The lumber must be dry, without deformations (bending, twisting), without wood defects in the form of fistulas and knots that affect the load-bearing capacity of the elements. After cutting the elements to size, they should be properly treated with a fire-bioprotective agent twice.

Installation work

When considering how to make a pitched roof, you should pay attention to the sequence of actions and work technology:

  • If the walls have the same height, the construction of the roof begins by installing racks on one of them and fastening the support beam at the calculated height. All connections are made by cutting into half a tree with additional fixation with metal staples or nails driven in at an angle.
  • A beam is laid on walls of different heights, which will serve as a mauerlat. This element is necessary for log baths, as well as if the walls are built from brick, foam block and other materials. Walls made of piece materials require the arrangement of a belt from monolithic concrete with embedded fastening pins and waterproofing of the Mauerlat using a double layer of roofing material. For walls made of timber, the function of the Mauerlat is performed by the upper crown.
  • Rafter legs. If the length of the boards is not sufficient to span the span, composite rafters made from spliced ​​boards are used. Special cutouts are made in the rafter leg to install it on the mauerlat. The first rafter, adjusted to the location, can be conveniently used as a template to make the required number of rafter legs on the ground according to the project. The elements are attached to the Mauerlat using nails, metal toothed plates, and additionally fixed with wire twists.
  • Placed on top of the rafter legs waterproofing material(in stripes, with an overlap of 100-120 mm) and is attached to the rafter legs with longitudinal counter-batten slats.
  • Perpendicular to the counter-sheathing, a lattice sheathing is installed with a step according to the design, or a continuous flooring is installed. The gap between the sheathing and the waterproofing allows for air circulation in the roofing pie, due to which the wood of the frame does not rot for a long time.
  • The roofing material is attached to the sheathing. The technology for installing the decking and the choice of fastening elements depends on the characteristics of the material. General principle– laying starting from the bottom of the slope. At the end, a ridge element and end strips are installed on the roof of the bathhouse.

Pediment cladding on the bathhouse

After the roof is installed, the roof is insulated, the gables are sheathed, and the drainage system is installed. Having completed the internal and exterior finishing Having installed the stove and furniture, you can put the bathhouse into operation. The simple design of a pitched roof allows you to implement your bathhouse project in a short time.

Bath with pitched roof-like do it yourself

Construction of a pitched roof for a bathhouse with your own hands. Advantages, main design characteristics for a bathhouse with a pitched roof.

How to make a pitched roof on a bathhouse - construction options

The traditional Russian bathhouse has now become not just a way to have a good time, but also an opportunity to join the cultural and spiritual life of the people. Even if there is only a small piece of free land on your site, there will certainly be a place for a bathhouse with a pitched roof and a veranda. It is exactly how to make a pitched roof on a bathhouse that will be discussed in this article with photos.

What are the benefits of pitched roofs for baths?

Some owners prefer to build an almost monumental structure because they have a large supply of resources, space and time. For such buildings, you can choose a variety of designs with gable or more complex roofs.

But for small sizes structures, the design of a pitched roof for a bathhouse is suitable, since it is the least expensive and the easiest to manufacture.

Among the advantages of pitched roofs are:

  1. Easy to install. Even a novice craftsman is able to make a pitched roof for a bathhouse with his own hands, without involving assistants or professional workers.
  2. Minimum costs for building materials. Compared to a gable roof, a roof of this shape with a similar area will cost 1.5 times less, since significantly less roofing materials and blanks for rafters will be required.
  3. Durability. With proper calculation of the angle of inclination, a pitched roof can withstand any weather conditions - snow, rain, strong wind, and the bathhouse will last much longer.
  4. Convenience. Another good thing about a pitched roof on a bathhouse is that it is convenient to install if you want to attach a bathhouse to residential building. In this case, you will save on material, and such a design will take up less space. In addition, the annex bathhouse can be entered from the street, directly from the house, or through the terrace. A very convenient structure that can be equipped with a pitched roof would be a bathhouse with a carport.

Of course, there are designs for very simple, flat roofs, however, they are absolutely not suitable for building a bathhouse. Although they are much cheaper than all other designs, nevertheless, the peculiarity of the bathhouse is that air must circulate in it, therefore, there must be at least one slope.

Design Features

If we consider the actual structure of a pitched roof, then it is a single plane located at an angle, which is formed as a result of different heights of the supporting walls. Typically, the angle of inclination is 20-30°, as it allows precipitation to drain spontaneously from the roof without damaging or overloading it.

There are several ways to build a pitched roof on a bathhouse:

  • Construction of walls of various heights. Since the roof will rest on two opposite walls, they are made with different heights, thereby creating an angle of inclination. The mauerlat is laid directly on the upper edge of the walls and the roof rafters are secured.
  • Installing additional racks. In this case, the height of the supporting walls themselves will be the same, but to create a roof slope, special racks are attached to one of them. Although this approach will be somewhat more economical in terms of the amount of materials, such a roof must be properly insulated, and all cracks must be sealed so that heat does not escape from the steam room to the street.

When constructing a roof, experienced builders are always guided by the principle that the roofing material must be selected taking into account the angle of inclination. That is, the smaller it is, the less relief the roof covering should be. In any case, to prevent water or snow from accumulating on the roof in winter, as well as various debris, its inclination angle must be at least 10 degrees. Then the structure will last longer and the need to replace the roof will not arise soon.

What does a pitched roof consist of?

A frame bathhouse with a pitched roof will be more durable the more quality materials will be used for its construction. It is important to take into account the operating conditions of such a structure.

When considering designs for bathhouses with a pitched roof, you can choose the option with or without an attic. The need for additional insulation of the roof slope will depend on which option you choose. So, a roof without an attic will need to be insulated with any rolled fibrous material that does not transmit heat well. But if there is an attic, additional insulation is not necessary.

However, in any of the options, it is necessary to have a film for waterproofing, fire retardants and antiseptic impregnations, fasteners for roofing materials, as well as the tools necessary for the work.

Construction method

Step-by-step instruction with a photo on the construction of a pitched roof in a bathhouse, based on many years of experience of professionals, looks like this:

  1. On initial stage walls of various heights are erected in accordance with the design of the bathhouse. For such a roof structure, shorter rafters will be required, so there is no need to compose them from several parts. This roof is quite durable.
  2. A waterproofing layer is laid on top of the walls and the Mauerlat is secured. This beam can be fixed with either anchors or metal pins, depending on the type of walls.
  3. Next, calculate the number of rafters based on the distance between them of 50-80 cm, and cut out a template. Grooves are cut out in each of the rafter legs, which are connected to the Mauerlat and secured with self-tapping screws, nails or overlays.
  4. Between the rafters, counter-batten slats are attached, which are covered with a layer of waterproofing film, fixed with staples. This lathing creates a gap between the rafters and the film to prevent moisture or condensation from getting on the wood.
  5. A sheathing is attached to the waterproofing perpendicular to the rafters to distribute the weight of the roofing material over the entire roof plane. If the material is light, use slats, nailing them with a gap of 15-20 cm. But for heavy or incapable roofing materials, use a continuous sheathing made of moisture-resistant plywood.
  6. The last stage of work will be roof sheathing. Begin fastening the sheets of material from top to bottom, laying them with an overlap of 10-15 cm. Self-tapping screws with rubber caps are used as fastening elements to prevent moisture from getting into the holes. As an option, you can take rubber pads and ordinary self-tapping screws.

When all the work on installing the roof, its insulation and cladding is completed, you can begin installing the flashings, sewing up the gables and moving on to the final finishing of the bathhouse inside. Read also: “How to make a roof on a bathhouse from the Mauerlat to the roof ridge.”

We hope that the information in this article will be useful to you, and that the sauna, built with your own hands, will delight you with warmth, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

How to make a pitched roof on a bathhouse: frame lean-to bathhouse with a veranda, how to build a structure, projects of bathhouses with a carport, photos and videos

How to make a pitched roof on a bathhouse: a frame pitched bathhouse with a veranda, how to build a structure, projects of bathhouses with a carport, photos and videos

Bathhouse with a pitched roof

For most baths ideal option The roof is a simple shed structure.

A pitched roof for a bathhouse is the simplest and cheapest option

If the roof area does not exceed 15 m2, then the installation of such a roof is simple and inexpensive. This is the most a budget option. As the roof area increases, the cost increases significantly due to the additional supports and beams that are used in this case.

Option for installing a larger pitched roof

When calculating the roof area, do not forget to add the length of the overhangs.

When calculating the roof area, do not forget about the overhangs

When building a bathhouse roof, it is important to choose the right slope angle. It depends on the region and the amount of precipitation characteristic of that area. If the zone is steppe and there is little precipitation, the roof slope may be small, about 8-20 °. For regions with significant precipitation this value is much higher: 30-45 °. In this case, the roof will be quite steep, which will facilitate the timely melting of snow.

The type of roofing material plays a fairly large role when choosing the angle of inclination:

  • When using corrugated sheeting, it can be from 8 to 20 degrees.
  • For metal tiles - at least 25 °.
  • When using roofing felt, the slope can be tilted minimally by only 5°.

The roof slope is created due to the difference in the height of the walls. Once its value has been selected, it is necessary to make one of the walls higher enough to provide the required angle.

An equally important role in the construction of the roof is played by the correctly selected type of thermal insulation. The thermal insulation of the roof depends on the intended use of the bathhouse. If you plan to steam all year round, you need to install an attic floor and then insulate it. If we are talking about a summer bath, then the roof will simultaneously serve as a ceiling. In this case, only the slope is insulated. This option is the cheapest, but using such a bathhouse in the cold season is difficult due to the rapid loss of heat: you have to spend a lot of firewood to maintain the temperature.

Installation of the bathhouse roof frame

If an attic floor is needed, beams are prepared for it. Their dimensions and cross-section depend on the width of the bathhouse and on the type (mainly weight) of the selected roofing material: the wider the size of the bathhouse and the heavier the roofing material, the larger the cross-section of the beams should be used. The pitch with which the attic floor beams are placed is usually 0.6-1.0 meters. But from the experience of bathhouse builders, it follows that the optimal distance is equal to the width of the insulation: there is no waste and no need to waste time on adjustment and compaction.

After completing the installation of the attic floor, they begin to manufacture the rafter system. The rafters are spaced from each other at a distance of 0.6 m to 1.2 m. The choice of this value depends on the type (weight) of the roofing material and the amount of precipitation falling in your region. The more precipitation and the heavier the roofing material, the smaller the pitch. If you decide to cover the bathhouse with slate or ceramic tiles, then choose the smallest distance between the rafters, since asbestos-cement and clay tile sheets are quite heavy materials.

Construction of a pitched roof for a bathhouse

In some cases, the beams of the attic floor and the beams of the rafter system are placed in the same place, fastened together with special U-shaped staples (if there are no ready-made staples, they can be made from reinforcement rods with a thickness of at least 8 mm). Sometimes reinforcement pins or wooden spikes are used as a fastening element, which are driven into the drilled holes.

Shed roof designs may vary. In other options, the following method of arranging roof elements is used (see pictures below).

Shed roofs for bathhouses

If the bathhouse is made of timber or logs, the upper crown can serve as a support for the beams. For structures made of stone, a beam or log-mauerlat is laid on top of the top layer of brick/stone, which serves to connect the truss structure and the frame of the building. Before laying the Mauerlat, the walls are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

To secure the beams, special through holes are cut out in the upper crown or mauerlat, into which the ends of the beams are then inserted. The depth of the hole is approximately half the height of the log/beam. In the place where the beams come into contact with the crown/mauerlat, they are wrapped with roofing felt (the ends of the beams cannot be wrapped, as this promotes rotting). To unload the rafters, give the structure greater rigidity and for safety, in addition to the rafters themselves, additional elements are used: spacers, lintels, ties.

How to secure the beams of the rafter system

After completing the installation of the roof frame, it is necessary to install sheathing to secure the roofing material. The sheathing pitch depends on the type of roofing material:

  • For rolled roofing, soft bitumen or ceramic tiles, a continuous sheathing is required, which is most often made from sheet materials (OSB, moisture-resistant plywood, etc.).
  • Under sheet roofing materials, sparse lathing is used. Its step depends on the size of the sheets. Usually, for such sheathing, an unedged board with a thickness of 25-40 mm is used, and only for wave slate they take a beam of 50 * 120 mm (0.8-1.0 meter step).
  • When using heavy roofing materials or large quantities precipitation, some elements of the sheathing can be replaced with metal profiles, maintaining a certain pitch.

Important! Don't forget all the elements roofing system treat with antiseptic compounds (sheathing too).

Installation of roofing material

Roofing material must be laid from the lowest point of the roof. To ensure tightness, be sure to maintain the required overlap and use appropriate fasteners. It is also necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing material under the roofing material.

Roll roofing materials are mounted on a continuous sheathing in at least 3 layers (they need to be glued together).

Installation of a soft roof begins from the lowest point. First, a layer of glassine or roofing felt is glued onto a solid sheathing using heated mastic so that the sheets overlap by at least 10-12 cm (they are nailed with special nails for roofing felt). The next step is to glue the rolled roofing material using the same mastic. Carefully remove all air bubbles. At the lowest point, the material is inserted 15-20 cm beyond the edge of the roof and nailed to the bottom of the sheathing.

The roof structure is certainly very important stage construction. Everything must be done carefully and carefully, observing all the necessary allowances and overlaps.

Projects of bathhouses with a pitched roof

A shed roof can be installed on any project. Another thing is that this is not always justified: sometimes it is necessary to make a large difference in heights to ensure the required angle of inclination. And quite often, erecting one of the walls to such a height costs more than a gable roof. So in each case you need to assume that it will be more profitable for you.

Project of a 6*4 bathhouse with an attached terrace

This layout has many small-sized rooms. The bathhouse itself occupies an area of ​​24 sq.m., under the same roof and on the same foundation there is a terrace.

The total occupied area on the plan is 10*4=40 sq. m.

Bathhouse layout 10*4 with a terrace under a pitched roof

If you are planning a sauna - with high temperatures and without brooms, this layout can be left. If the bathhouse is Russian, then the size of the steam room is definitely small: there must be at least one “lying down” shelf, and its minimum dimensions are 2.2 * 0.8 m, which already takes up 1.76 square meters. m. Moreover, the shelves do not increase in length in the proposed layout. For a Russian bathhouse, they proceed from different standards: the steam room is larger, and the washing room is smaller. Below is another option. In it, the terrace remained unchanged, but the layout of the remaining rooms changed: the bathroom disappeared, there is a fenced-off vestibule, which is mandatory for winter use, the partition between the recreation room and the functional rooms was shifted.

Bathhouse layout 10*4 for Russian steam room

Numerous other options are possible. Until you have laid the foundation, you can change and move the walls in a way that seems more correct to you (on paper). Having come to some option that will suit you in all respects, you can begin marking the foundation. When planning, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the walls and insulation: they “eat up” a lot of space (this is especially true for the steam room).

Bathhouse project 5*5

Project of a bathhouse with a pitched roof and a small terrace

If the bathhouse is visited in winter, with this arrangement of rooms (see photo below), you will have to think through the heating system for the rest room: it remains unheated. If you make the washing room smaller (it usually contains a shower and a bench, so large areas are not needed) and make the veranda shorter, then the stove can be heated from the rest room. In this case, the washing room warms up due to the heat coming from the steam room or due to the heat from the water tank. It will be very warm in the washing room if the water is heated by a separate wood-burning titanium: it will heat both the room and the water.

Bathroom layout

Project of a small 3*4 bathhouse under a pitched roof

Project of a small bathhouse under a pitched roof

Bathhouse layout 3*4

Plan the walls based on what kind of bath you want. If it is a dry-air bath, then the steam room (top left) may be small; if it is a Russian bath, proceed from the size of the shelf(s) and the location of the stove. In principle, you need to start from the stove, and from there plan both the walls and the rafter system (so that the rafters do not pass over the pipe).

Design of a 5*9 bathhouse with a pitched roof and a 3*9 carport

Project of a bathhouse with a pitched roof and a carport

The roof is pitched both over the bathhouse and over the packing area. The roof over the parking lot starts at the same level as the low wall.

Layout of a bathhouse with a pitched roof and a carport

In this project, a rather large space is allocated for a bathhouse, but the problem of parking a car is solved. If you have a garage for your car, the carport can easily be converted into a terrace - open or closed - according to your choice. Read about the features of terrace construction here.

When planning a bathhouse, you will definitely need to decide how many and what kind of windows are needed in the steam room.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse with a pitched roof photo

In many cases, it is much easier to make one slope for the roof of a bathhouse than to make a two-slope structure. It is necessary to consider all aspects of this roof.

Building a bathhouse is, on the one hand, a very rational and feasible undertaking, but on the other hand, there are quite a lot of nuances and features in this process, and this statement is quite true for all stages of work without exception. For example, there are many options for making a roof for this building, each of which requires special attention. In this article we will consider the option of a pitched roof.

Why single slope

A roof that is pitched is considered to be a single plane installed at a certain angle of inclination relative to the surface of the base. It should be noted that the indicators of this parameter are selected based on a number of criteria, including:

  • Roofing material. What is meant here is that the higher the ability of the material to get rid of falling precipitation, the smaller the angle can be made. If we operate with average values, we can note that the slope angles of a pitched roof most often range from 30 to 45 degrees.
  • Amount of precipitation. Everything is obvious here - in areas where there is little precipitation, you can ignore the angle of the roof and do it as desired, but if significant loads are expected, then this must certainly be reflected when choosing this roof parameter. By the way, this same criterion should be taken into account when carrying out work on installing the rafter system.
  • Wind loads. Among other things, if windy weather prevails in the area, then you should not make the angle too large. It turns out that the front part will be subject to very significant loads and if a number of factors coincide, the roof may suffer or be lost altogether.

If conditions permit, then the angle of inclination should be made as large as possible, as this will allow you not to worry about removing snow.

Among the advantages of this type of roofing are:

  • Comparative ease of installation. The construction of such a roof does not require the presence of any complex rafter system or support, which not only reduces labor costs, but also allows to reduce the load on the foundation to some extent.
  • Due to its simplicity of design, a pitched roof is highly reliable and has a long service life. It can also be mentioned here that if there is a need to repair or remove snow, the process is much simpler compared to options with several slopes.
  • Less material will be required for the work. It follows from this that both the total cost and time of work will be reduced.

If we talk about the operational shortcomings of this type of roof, then there are simply none (if you do not take into account that the snow does not fall off from it well). We can say that the appearance of a building with such a roof will be too simple, but this is a subjective question.

Roof construction

Before you begin installing a pitched roof, you need to make the walls so that they have the appropriate slope. This way, it will be possible to avoid difficulties when hemming the pediment and equipping additional supports for the rafter system.

Rafter system

  • First, a rafter system is installed, which will serve as a support for the entire structure, so it must be as strong as possible. For these purposes, a wooden beam with a cross-section of at least 10×10 cm is best suited. It is important to add that if the slope of the plane is not provided by the walls themselves, then it must be organized using the same beam.
  • On the wall, which is supposed to be a support for the high side of the roof, pieces of timber of the required height to obtain the desired slope are installed and fixed vertically. A beam is laid horizontally on them, which will serve as a support for the rafter legs.
  • In a similar way, a support is made, located approximately in the middle of the future slope. It is important to check that the supports are positioned so that a single inclined plane is formed. To do this, you can attach a beam, which will later be used as a rafter leg.
  • Next, the rafters are laid and mounted. The beams should be laid at a distance of 1–1.2 m from each other.
  • Next, the sheathing is mounted, that is, slats located perpendicular to the rafters. The frequency of their location should be selected based on the roofing material used.

Note! A layer of waterproofing must be laid on top of the sheathing, which is rolled out over the entire area, overlapped and secured with a stapler.

After installing the waterproofing, you can proceed to installing the roofing material. The work will differ to some extent depending on the material chosen, but there are some general points:

  • It is necessary to monitor the strength of fastening of the sheets of roofing material.
  • The formation of cracks and gaps should not be allowed.
  • Due to the fact that work is carried out at height, safety regulations must be observed.

Hemming the roof

After the main work is completed, the roof must be hemmed. For these purposes, the material used to decorate the walls of the bathhouse is most often used, but you can simply use wooden lining.

A lean-to roof option for a bathhouse is optimal choice. Such a roof will be strong, durable and easy to manufacture. In addition, if the work is carried out correctly, the appearance of the building will also be up to standard. Thematic photos can be used as an additional source of information regarding the issue under consideration.