Roses in autumn. Planting roses in autumn and proper care of seedlings

Rose bushes have incredible beauty and aroma. They can decorate any garden plot. Their planting is carried out in several stages, observing many rules and nuances. Starting from choosing the right " planting material”, planting sites, as well as preparing the soil and ending with covering the bushes when frost sets in. Follow the basic rules for planting roses, as well as our recommendations, and in the spring the plants will thank you with abundantly blooming buds.

Is it possible to plant roses in the fall?

Autumn is a great time to plant flowers in open ground. All conditions suitable for this procedure are provided optimal temperature and air and soil humidity. A seedling planted in autumn will form its young buds in the spring.

When to plant rose bushes - in spring or autumn

There is no clear opinion when it is better to plant flowers in the soil - in spring or autumn. Beginner gardeners prefer spring planting, since it does not require further provision of temperature conditions in winter time. Experienced gardeners, on the contrary, prefer autumn planting.

Planting flowers in the ground in the fall has a number of advantages:

  1. Bushes planted in autumn grow faster than those buried in the soil at spring period.
  2. The autumn months are rainier, so plants develop their root system more actively and become more firmly established in the soil. There is also no need to carry out additional watering and check soil moisture.
  3. The soil is warmer after the hot summer, its temperature is relatively stable and allows plants to fully grow their root mass.
  4. Frosts occur in the second half of autumn, and sub-zero temperatures may return in the spring.
  5. there is a high risk of purchasing low-quality seedlings, since the product can be sold from the previous autumn season.

However, planting roses in the fall in open ground has its disadvantages:

  1. Planting too early. If you hurry and plant roses in the fall ahead of schedule planting, the seedling will begin to germinate and produce leaves. In winter, such a bush will most likely freeze over.
  2. Late planting of roses. Plants planted in November most likely will not adapt and will not grow root mass before the onset of frost.
  3. Poor quality shelter. If the plant is not properly covered and insulated, its surface may be affected by fungal diseases.

We do not recommend planting seedlings obtained as a result of cuttings and sold in containers in the fall. Their roots have not developed enough and there is a high probability that they will die in winter. We plant them in the period May-mid-summer.

When to plant rose bushes in the fall

We plant seedlings from September to the end of October. We recommend completing the entire process 25-30 days before the arrival of frost, so that the seedlings have time to form a full-fledged root mass and. The optimal temperature for planting is +10-15°C, and its minimum temperature at night should be +5-10°C.

Landing in different regions

The time for planting rose bushes depends on the climatic conditions in the region. For example, planting seedlings in the fall in the central zone is carried out earlier than in the southern part of Russia.

According to the lunar calendar 2018

When planting plants according to the lunar cycle, we adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. We do not carry out any work in the garden during the new moon.
  2. In the first quarter phase of the moon, we only water and spray the bushes.
  3. We do not plant roses during the full moon, as the plants will begin to build up the vegetative part, which will lead to poor flowering in the future.
  4. In the final 1/4 phase of the moon, we only carry out spraying and irrigation.
  5. During the waning moon, we prune flowers and wilted buds.

Suitable days for planting rose bushes in 2018:

The most cold-resistant varieties of roses

In order for the plant to take root after planting in the autumn and successfully overwinter, we recommend planting the following cold-resistant types of roses:

  • Scarlet, The Fairy; Swany. These varieties belong to the species. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and sprout in the form of a carpet of richly colored bushes with a delicate scent;
  • Black Magik, Rugelda, Golden Celebration, New Dawn - bush type of roses. Their bushes can be combined and create original and unusual compositions;
  • Simpathie, Golden Showers, Heidelberg - which can take root well under different climatic conditions. You also don't need to spend a lot of time caring for them.

Proper planting of roses in autumn - basic rules

To plant roses correctly, be sure to take into account the following nuances.

Selection of seedlings and preparing them for planting

When choosing and preparing seedlings for planting, we follow the basic rules:

  1. We buy “planting material” in stores that specialize in their sale or from trusted sellers.
  2. We choose plants with branched roots that grow in all directions. We do not buy seedlings whose roots show stains or traces of rot.
  3. Plants should be glossy green in color, with three or more developed shoots and sharp thorns.
  4. If the plant is placed in a container with soil, then be sure to check how well the soil lags behind its roots. This will allow you to determine the duration of its stay in the flowerpot. If there are leaves, we inspect them, select those plants in which they are dark green in color, without streaks, spots or traces of diseases.

On a note!

If seedlings are purchased just before planting in the soil, we advise you to buy “planting material” with open roots. So, you can carefully examine the plant for any defects.

Seedlings with open roots must first be prepared for planting in the ground. If the purchased plant is in a flowerpot, then we do not disturb it until it is transferred to the garden plot.

Rose bushes prefer sunny areas that are protected from gusts of wind. The plant should not be planted near tall trees that will provide a lot of shade. A bush planted in a shaded area gets sick more, throws out fewer flowers and “spends all its energy” on lengthening the stems in order to “reach” the light. Also, lowlands are not suitable for planting, since water stagnates in them. Roses do not like moisture; in such conditions their roots will rot.

We try to choose sunny areas that are in the shade for some time after 12:00. Since constant exposure of the plant to the sun will lead to rapid loss of moisture and shedding of flowers. The western and southeastern parts of the garden are suitable.

To plant plants in the soil, choose a sunny, warm and dry day.

Selection of soil and fertilizer

To make the flowers feel comfortable, we choose a plot of land with airy, loose soil that is well permeable to moisture. We prepare the part of the garden selected for planting in 21 days.

We dig the ground to a depth of 40 cm. Rose bushes prefer slightly acidic soil, so if necessary, mix it with lime. If the soil is too dense, then when digging, mix sand with cake and compost into it.

We do not fertilize the plant with organic matter and nitrogen fertilizers. autumn period, since this will lead to the beginning of the growth of its terrestrial part.

Well preparation

Before planting the plants, you need to prepare the planting holes. We dig them 40-50 cm deep and 50-70 cm wide. The distance between the holes depends on the variety of rose bushes chosen for planting.

Planting methods

Planting roses in the fall with an open root system is carried out using two methods:

  1. Dry. We do not throw into the prepared hole a large number of earth in the form of a mound, place a seedling with roots on top of it and straighten them so that they are directed in different directions. We deepen the grafting of the plant by 5 cm. Stamp roses - by 10 cm. Then we fill the hole with fertile soil, tamp it down and irrigate it with plenty of water.

When preparing holes in clay soil, we pour expanded clay onto their bottom as drainage. And only after that we add soil. If the soil is sandy, fill the lower part of the hole with a clay layer 6-7 cm high.

  1. Wet. Prepare a solution of sodium humate according to the instructions on the package and pour it into the well. This is necessary to stimulate plants to quickly grow their root system. We install a seedling on top and then carry out the same measures as when planting using the dry method.

When planting roses with a closed root system, dig a hole no larger than the size of the pot in which the plant is located. We fill the bottom with drainage. We take the rose bush out of the pot along with the soil in which it grows. We dust the roots with root. We transfer the bush into the prepared hole and sprinkle it with earth on all sides.

Planting roses from cuttings in the fall is done only after their preliminary preparation. The root system of plants must be sufficiently developed so that they have time to adapt before frost. We prepare cuttings in several stages:

  1. In the first half of summer, we make a trench 15 cm deep in a shaded place. Cover its bottom with a layer of sand 2 cm high.
  2. We choose a ripe shoot, without bends, whose thickness is 8 cm.
  3. Under the bud we cut a stalk measuring 20 cm, and from below we remove the thorns and leaves on it. Leave no more than 2 leaves at the top.
  4. We deepen the cuttings into the sand at a distance of 15 cm, tamp them and pour soil into the trench, covering 2/3 of the height of the cuttings. Next, we compact the soil.
  5. In summer we water regularly, controlling soil moisture.

By autumn, the cuttings will have formed a sufficient number of roots for planting in the autumn garden.

Late planting of roses in October

We carry out late planting of rose bushes as follows: make a deep hole the entire height of the pot, add it to the bottom organic fertilizers(about 1/2 bucket) and mix them well with the soil so that the plant does not burn its roots. Carefully remove the rose from the pot, having previously knocked on its walls so that the soil can easily move away from them, and place it in landing hole. We deepen the grafting by 2 cm so that it does not freeze during snowless frosts. We fill the planting hole with earth. Water the plant thoroughly so that there are no voids left in the soil. Next, we cover the watering area with earth so that there is no stagnation of moisture in the root collar. We cut off a small part of the buds along with thin stems.

Care after landing

After planting, the plants do not need watering due to the rainy season. But if the autumn turns out to be dry, we carry out additional watering.

With the onset of night subzero temperatures We cover the bushes so that they overwinter successfully. For shelter, we use pine branches, on top of which we pour sawdust and leaves in a layer 15 cm high. Next, we fix arcs 50 cm high and stretch agrofibre over them. Before frost sets in above -11°C, it is necessary to ventilate the shelter.

Roses planted in the ground, trimmed next spring so that each seedling has two active buds. Treat the cut area with garden varnish.

Possible errors during landing

When planting plants in open ground, we try to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. The optimal depth of immersion of the graft into the soil is 5 cm. Exceeding this depth leads to oppression and death of the plant.
  2. We do not plant plants in peat soil, since it strongly retains moisture, the excess of which is detrimental to the roots of rose bushes.
  3. To ensure that the plant takes root and can survive the winter, we carefully straighten its roots when planting. Incorrect location of the root system leads to slow growth and development of the plant.

Planting roses in open ground, experienced gardeners It is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Loamy soil – the best option For . It allows air to pass through well, contains useful and nutritional elements, and also does not retain moisture.
  2. We do not water the bushes cold water.
  3. After watering the planted plant, the soil may begin to settle, which indicates the presence of “gaps”; add a new layer of soil to level its surface.

To grow lush and beautiful rose bushes in your garden, you need to adhere to the basic rules for planting and caring for them, as well as our recommendations for choosing “planting material”, the optimal planting location and ensuring comfortable conditions growth.

Planting roses in autumn begins in mid-October. October is the most favorable period for planting - the seedlings have time to take root and form well before the onset of real frost. Having planted roses before October, the plant begins to form shoots, thereby giving them all the nutrients, and as a result, depletion occurs. Such a seedling will not survive severe cold. If planted later, the rose will not have time to take root, which in turn will have a detrimental effect on the plant when winter comes.

Selection of rose seedlings for autumn planting

A distinctive feature of roses is their long lifespan. Choosing a place for autumn planting, it should be taken into account that roses can live, bloom, and develop for decades. Define permanent place for growth, replanting in the future is extremely undesirable. By the way, there are instances wild roses, which live in nature for about a hundred years.

When purchasing rose seedlings for autumn planting, pay attention to the number of shoots. There should be at least a couple of them. Three shoots on a seedling, considered the most good material, two – not bad. It is better to ignore seedlings with one shoot.

When purchasing planting material with an open root system, carefully inspect the roots. They must be strong, without mechanical damage, without signs of fungal diseases or damage by insects. The trunk of the plant is dense, at least eight millimeters in diameter; scratches and other damage to the trunk are unacceptable. Planting material for roses with an open root system is not stored for a long time; for transportation, wrap the roots with a rag, moisten them or place them in damp sawdust or grass.

For seedlings that have closed roots, they are stored for much longer, periodically moisten the soil at the roots. When buying just such seedlings, pay attention to the earthen lump. The soil on the roots should be absolutely dry, with cracks, wrapped in a jute net, which, after planting the rose in the fall, will decompose over time.

Roses in containers, pots best choice for autumn planting. When buying roses in pots, you can visually assess the quality of the plant and the health of the planting material. Usually in nurseries they sell flowering specimens, the convenience of choice is obvious. Choose the color you like. As soon as flowering ends, the seedling is ready to be planted in open ground. All you have to do is transfer it from the container to the hole, and you're done.

How to plant roses in autumn

There is no point in planting young seedlings in the place where rose hips, grapes, other rosaceous plants, and young seedlings previously grew. The soil in such a place is depleted of predecessors, there is a risk of infection of the roots and the plant as a whole. Since our dachas have very limited planting area, if there is no particular choice, rejuvenate the soil for autumn planting of roses. Remove soil over half an area square meter, bring in fresh, fertile soil and then plant. Try to determine the location away from groundwater, preferably on a flat, elevated area. Rose loves sunny, warm areas, without drafts.

Setting the stage

Organic soil for autumn planting of roses, ash. Exceptions are fresh manure, green compost, and bird droppings. Use well-rotted compost, humus, and peat soil. Ash is added at the rate of two hundred grams per square meter. The ash additive will act as a disinfectant; pests and larvae are afraid of it; ash is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for flowers. It is recommended to apply complex fertilizers for autumn planting. mineral supplements such as " Fertilizer for flowers autumn ».

Having dug a planting hole, form a small mound at its bottom, place the seedling on it with the base of the root, the roots should be located freely in the hole. Fill the hole with the prepared humus-ash substrate, compacting it well. The soil should fit very tightly around the root system. Sprinkle with ash infusion.

When planting bushes, do not thicken the planting; roses should grow freely, without touching each other. The area depends on the variety. After autumn planting, be sure to mulch the soil under the bush. Use fallen leaves, rotted sawdust, humus, and peat. Mulch will help the plant survive frosts, stop the evaporation of water from the soil, nutrients will penetrate the roots after each watering or rain. Mulch also stops the growth of weeds. Mulching roses with straw, bark, sharp fragments will deter slugs and snails. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the bushes from wind and frost with film or tarpaulin.

By following the simple rules for planting roses in the fall, with proper care, the plant will thank you for many years. That's all, I wish you beautiful things, lush garden, good mood, all the best, see you!

  • How to plant roses in the fall with an open root system

Roses are one of the most beloved flowers by gardeners, which are grown everywhere in almost all regions. Russian Federation. Many gardeners are mistaken that they should be planted only with the onset of stable spring warmth.

Autumn plantings of crops that will delight you with their flowering next year take root well at the temperature and humidity levels characteristic of August and September. Autumn is considered the optimal time for planting seedlings.

Roses are planted throughout Russia, except for the regions of the Far North. The northern climate is not suitable for growing fastidious flowers. temperature conditions and humidity. In August and September you can plant rose seedlings in middle lane European part of the Russian Federation, Moscow region, in the southern part of the European north. In the middle zone, the planting of roses is completed at the end of October, in the south of the Russian North - in the last days of September.

August and September are favorable months for planting roses. During this period, the soil substrate has an optimal temperature and percentage of natural moisture content.

Monitor the temperature background. It is important that during the day the temperature is not lower than 10°C, and at night the thermometer does not drop below +5°C. Extreme heat, like cold weather, negatively affects the adaptation process. The ideal temperature range for planting roses is from +5°C at night to +15°C during the day.


Planting of rose seedlings must be completed no later than 1 month before the onset of frost. Follow the weather forecast to exclude the possibility of plant death.

Depending on the region, you should plan the time for planting rose seedlings. If the first frost in your area occurs in mid-October, then flowers should be planted before September 15th. Within a month, the seedlings will have time to take root well and adapt to the substrate. If you follow these rules, in the spring roses will already delight you with the blooming of the first buds.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting roses in August. Since the flower will have optimal conditions to grow, it can develop buds and prepare buds. But before the onset of cold weather, the rose will not have time to fully bloom. This is stress for the plant, which will negatively affect wintering. A crop may die by directing its resources to flowering rather than preparing for wintering.

When is the best time to plant roses is up to the gardener to decide. You can use both planting periods to enjoy pink blooms from May to August.

How to prepare rose seedlings for planting in autumn

For rose seedlings, you should carefully select seedlings. They should be purchased in specialized stores, agricultural farms and from trusted suppliers. If you plan to start planting immediately after purchase, pay attention to specimens in which you can visually assess the root system.

When selecting a rose seedling, it is important that root system was:

  • evenly developed in different directions;
  • have a brown color;
  • don't have dark spots, rotten.

The seedling itself must have at least 3 strong main branches of rich green color. The shoots should have thorns and a dense trunk.

When purchasing a rose seedling in a container, you should make sure that the plant is firmly anchored in the ground and that the soil easily leaves the walls of the container. Existing leaves must be fresh, without dry areas, damage, or spots.

Preparing a seedling for planting

Before planting, seedlings should be prepared for better adaptation:

  • Immerse each plant in water for a day so that the liquid covers the root system;
  • dried or weak roots should be removed;
  • regulate the length of the root system to 30 cm. There is no need for a larger size of roots, it will be more difficult for them to adapt to the substrate;
  • trim leaves from the trunk. You shouldn't cut them off. It is better to cut with scissors or a special garden tool;
  • green shoots need to be shortened to 30 cm;
  • cut off the buds below the grafting segment. If this is not done, the rose will produce empty shoots, which will take away nutrients and moisture from the flower itself.

How to choose a place to plant roses

Before landing, you should carefully approach the landing site. Practice has shown that rose gardens take root well and bloom in sunny, windproof areas, sheltered from the north wind.

It is also better not to choose areas with excessive humidity. If excess moisture often collects in the furrows, or the groundwater level rises after rains, you should look for a more elevated place. Waterlogged soil will cause putrefactive lesions of the root system.

Soil quality requirements

Roses take root well, grow and bloom in fertile soil rich in microelements. You should take care of the quality of the soil in which you plan to plant seedlings.


Prepare the soil for planting roses in advance. Before the date of planned planting of seedlings, carry out everything necessary procedures no less than 2 weeks.

The soil should be prepared as follows:

  • digging with a depth of at least 40 cm;
  • lime addition or dolomite flour with high acidity;
  • adding peat or compost if the soil is clayey.

After digging with a garden tool, harrowing is carried out to break up large pieces of soil and provide the best aeration.

Ways to plant roses

It is important to maintain the optimal distance between the bushes so that each plant receives enough light, moisture and nutrients. To do this, you need to prepare the holes. The size of each hole must be at least:

  • 40 cm deep;
  • 50 cm wide.

If the area of ​​the site allows, ensure the diameter of each planting hole is 70 cm.

Distance between roses

The distance between planting holes varies depending on the variety of roses. Tall flowers can be planted closer together; bushy plants will require greater spacing.

Two ways to plant roses in autumn

  • dry method. In the planting hole, using a spatula, create a small mound of soil collected from the bottom of the hole. The planted bush is installed on the top of the mound with a depth of 5-10 cm in the center. The root system is carefully distributed over the surface of its area. Then the hole is filled with soil and lightly compacted;
  • wet method. The technique involves immersing the seedling in liquid, which is poured into the bottom of the planting hole. As a liquid, prepare a solution of sodium humate in the proportion of 3 liters of water and 10 g of dry matter. At least 3 liters must be poured into each hole ready solution. After immersing the seedling in the liquid at the bottom of the hole, soil is poured on top and compacted.

After planting, it is necessary to water the soil next to the rose to eliminate voids in the buried hole. Both methods have proven themselves well among gardeners.

Rose care

After planting, seedlings must be provided with regular and complete care such as:

  • high-quality shelter for insulation to protect the plant from low temperatures. You should purchase a special coating that will ensure optimal air circulation and will not cause fungal or mold growth on the soil or flowers;
  • watering when the soil dries out. Autumn days and nights are quite wet, so regular watering will not be required.


Do not add mineral or nitrogen fertilizers. This will provoke active growth A rose that does not have time to bloom before the cold weather does not adapt to winter and may die.

  • do not use only peat substrate as a planting site. This type of soil contains a large amount of moisture, which causes rotting of the root system;
  • It is more advisable to plant roses in loamy soil. It is rich in nutrients and minerals, provides favorable aeration;
  • It is required to position the root system of the seedling in the most optimal way. This will help the plant take root in the soil and withstand winter;
  • Do not water with cold water.

Among all plants, roses have become quite widespread, which is due to their attractive looking and growing characteristics. Planting roses in the fall is done quite often. However, the process itself has some features that should be taken into account. Today there are a huge number of different wild growing and garden roses. Many gardeners engage in crossbreeding and breeding new varieties on their own.

Varieties of roses

You can plant rose seedlings in the fall different ways. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the classification of these flowers, because each variety tolerates planting differently in the autumn. Thus, bush varieties of roses are divided according to the shape of the bush into creeping, spreading, drooping and narrow pyramidal.

Roses are also classified by height. The most common varieties are those whose height is from 10 cm. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Miniature varieties - up to 30 cm high.
  • Polyanthus roses reach a height of 45−60 cm.
  • Hybrid tea varieties - grow up to 90 cm.
  • Climbing roses - due to the support, the height of the plants can be about 6 m.

Roses also vary significantly in flower shape. There are simple, semi-double, double and densely double varieties. The classification may also be based on the environment in which plants take root. Some varieties can only grow in greenhouse conditions, others are planted in open ground.

Reproduction methods

There are five ways to propagate flowers. To properly plant roses in the fall using one of these methods, you must take into account the characteristics of the variety and the weather conditions of the area. Roses can be propagated in the following ways:

You can plant roses with roots in the fall without fear of them dying off due to low temperatures. To do this, just place the plant in a deeper hole.

Features of planting in autumn

The question of how to properly plant roses in the fall is quite relevant. This is due to the fact that autumn time year is most suitable for propagating the plant. Planting roses in autumn has the following features:

  1. Air humidity in autumn is suitable for planting roses. According to statistics, at this time the humidity level is 75−85%. In April or May the corresponding value is only 65%.
  2. There is much more rainfall in autumn than in spring. Thanks to this, when planting roses in the fall in the middle zone, watering has to be done much less frequently.
  3. In autumn, the soil temperature is stable and comfortable for roses, since the earth warms up well during the summer.

Roses, which have been decorating gardens since the times of Ancient Rome, are represented by numerous varieties and hybrids, numbering several thousand. The queen of flowers cannot be named unpretentious plant. It is demanding in terms of growing conditions and is moderately capricious, but generously rewards the gardener with lush flowering in gratitude for proper care.

Its successful development is influenced whole line factors:

  • Choosing a favorable season when it is better to plant roses: spring or autumn.
  • Planting and transplanting.
  • Pruning.
  • Watering.
  • Compliance with the rules of reproduction.
  • Feeding.
  • Disease prevention.

Each of the listed stages of care requires careful attention and has certain nuances and subtleties.

Planting material: features of the root system

The choice of the time of year when it is better to plant roses (spring or autumn or summer) depends on the type of planting material and the region.

Seasonal planting of roses is as follows:

  • In summer - only seedlings in containers (with a closed root system).
  • In autumn and spring - plants with a closed or open root system: in containers, in special packaging with a small amount of soil or with bare roots.

When purchasing seedlings with an open root system, the main selection criterion should be the roots: well branched, without damage or dried out areas. The stem of a quality plant is smooth and glossy. If you buy a rose in the spring, a little dryness is allowed in the upper part of the shoots.

If the rose is in a container, its branched roots should occupy the entire volume of the pot. Stems may be bright green or Brown color, leaves - with a uniform smooth surface.

Seedlings in cardboard or cellophane packaging can be purchased even in winter and stored until spring transplantation, if you transfer them to a box or leave them in the package and keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5 0 C. After winter storage Plants must be planted together with soil covering the roots.

Choosing a season for planting

What time to plant roses? Spring and autumn are best for this.

The spring period is most favorable for planting material obtained by cuttings. The roots of such seedlings are not able to survive the winter cold, as they are still very weak. End of April - May - best period for plants grown from cuttings. At this time, the earth has already warmed up, the risk of sudden frosts is minimal.

Spring planting is also relevant for residents of the central part of Russia and northern regions, where winter comes earlier than in the south. In order not to risk the health of the seedlings, which may not have time to take root before the onset of frost, it is better to plant them in open ground in the spring, when the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees.

In other cases optimal time for planting - autumn. Gardeners often doubt whether it is possible to plant roses in September. It would seem that the earlier the plants are planted, the more time they have to take root and meet the winter in their prime. But that's not true. The plant quickly settles into the soil and, under the warm rays of the sun, begins to form the first shoots that cannot cope with frost and weaken the plant. Early planting in the ground can lead to the death of a young seedling.

So that the rose has time to take root, but does not begin to grow, it should be planted from the second half of September to mid-October. Before the first frost, the root system will become stronger, the plant will go into winter dormancy strong and healthy, and in the spring it will begin to develop rapidly.

When deciding when it is better to plant roses (spring or autumn), you should take into account that the timing of autumn and spring planting may shift in one direction or another depending on the region and weather conditions. If cold weather has already set in and the seedlings are not planted, then it is better to bury them or leave them in a cool cellar until spring.

A place for a heat-loving beauty

An important condition for lush flowering- in what part of the garden.

Rose loves warmth and sun, but not heat, in which the flowering period is shortened and the shade of the petals becomes faded. The ideal side of the site for a sissy is southeast. The place is sunny, warm, without drafts and stagnation of air and moisture.

The sun is the basis of pink splendor. The sun's rays should caress the rose for at least six hours a day. It is advisable for this to happen in the morning or evening hours. When planting in groups tall varieties placed in the background. Trees and bushes should be no closer than 2 meters from the rose, fences and high walls - no closer than 0.6 m.

Rose does not like drafts, but favors good air circulation - this protects it from insect pests and pathogens.

The soil

The rose is not as demanding on the soil as it is on the planting site and watering. The main condition is the absence of surface groundwater, good drainage, a pH-neutral environment and the addition of a nutrient composition during planting.

If the soil is sandy, add a mixture of manure and mineral fertilizers, if loamy - manure with sand.

Planting roses where there was already a rose garden is contraindicated. Previous plants depleted the soil, which created fertile conditions for fungal bacteria.

How to plant a rose: basic rules

For planting, dig a hole measuring 0.5 x 0.5 m. This depth and width will be sufficient for the free development of the root system. Compost or humus is placed at the bottom, a layer of soil is covered, a small mound is raised in the center of the hole and watered abundantly. Planting begins when the water is completely absorbed.

Before planting a seedling with an open root system, the roots are cut to 1/3 of the entire length. If the roots are in the substrate, then the substrate is not removed from the roots when planting.

After the seedling is placed in a hole on a mound, the roots are straightened, covered with soil 5 cm above the grafting site, a roll is made of soil and watered abundantly with water (a bucket per bush). After watering, the shoot is hilled up and left sprinkled with loose soil until the seedling takes root and sprouts its first shoots. Usually two weeks are enough for this. After this, the shoot is freed from excess soil in cloudy weather or in the evening so that the sun's rays do not burn the thin branches.

Watering after planting

An important factor influencing when it is best to plant a rose in open ground is the amount of water available to the young seedling. In spring, the soil is saturated with moisture from melted snow - this makes survival easier.

Subsequently, the rose is watered once a week at moderate temperatures. If the sun is active and the weather remains hot, then the amount of watering is doubled.

The norm for the volume of water for one watering is 1 bucket per bush. Water strictly at the base of the bush, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves.

Water must penetrate deep into the soil. Surface watering causes small roots to tend to grow upward, thereby slowing down their growth.

Reduces moisture evaporation and retains it in the soil mandatory care behind roses, like mulching. Covering the base of the bush with humus will protect the roots from drying out and prevent the ground from becoming overgrown with weeds.

Pruning roses

Regardless of when it is better to plant roses: in spring or autumn, we must not forget about pruning them.

When planting in autumn, shoots are cut to 1/3 of their length. In spring, prune more heavily, leaving 2 or 3 buds on the stem.

Subsequently, pruning is done twice:

  • In early spring, diseased and dry shoots are pruned to improve the health of the plant. 4-5 healthy branches are left on the bush. This will allow you to form a beautiful bush of the correct shape.
  • In the summer, dried flowers are removed by cutting off the stem to 3-5 buds for hybrid teas, large-flowered polyanthas and floribundas, to 1-2 for small-flowered polyanthas, and for other varieties - up to 5-7 buds.

No pruning is done in the fall.

The general rules for pruning are:

  • Weak and diseased branches are cut off as much as possible or removed completely, strong branches are pruned minimally.
  • The instrument must be disinfected and sharp.
  • If you cut to the bud, which is located on the inside of the stem, vertical growth of the shoot will begin. If you cut to a bud located outside, the growth of lateral branches will occur. The second option should be predominant so as not to thicken or shade the middle of the bush, as this leads to a lack of oxygen and lighting and contributes to the development of diseases.

Proper pruning helps beautiful view and the growth of the rose, and irrational, in violation of the basic rules can lead to the death of the plant.

Feeding roses

From early spring to mid-August, seedlings are fed with a mixture of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt. Then ammonium nitrate should be excluded from the composition.

If the seedling is in stressful situation(stable heat, prolonged rains), spraying with sodium humate, root or epin will help him survive the difficult period.

One of the best fertilizers for roses, manure (horse, cow) or bird droppings are considered. It must be kept for six months, since the acidic environment of fresh manure or droppings not only blocks nitrogen in the soil, but can also burn the roots of the plant.

Cuttings of roses

One of the most common ways to propagate roses is by cuttings.

It is better to cut cuttings in the spring, when pruning bushes after wintering. If we plant roses from cuttings in the spring, we adhere to the following rules:

  • take the middle part of the shoot more than 0.5 cm thick;
  • the stalk has from 2 to 4 eyes;
  • the lower cut is made 2-3 cm below the bud, the upper cut is made immediately above the bud;
  • The leaf at the bottom of the cutting is removed completely, while at the top leaf only half is removed.

It is recommended to cut the stems in the morning, when the branches are saturated with moisture. Prepared cuttings are stuck into weed-free and abundantly moist soil. This can be a specially prepared bed or a place on the north side of the mother bush. To create a favorable microclimate, the cuttings are covered with trimmed plastic bottle or spunbond.

Spring planting in the ground

The cuttings have taken root, the first shoots have sprouted, and the question again arises about when is it better to plant roses: in spring or autumn?

It is better not to touch young plants, let them grow in their original place, under the protection of a mini-greenhouse or covering material. During spring, summer and autumn, the soil must be moistened regularly (without flooding!). For the winter, the seedlings are covered with earth and securely covered.

Safely rooted and surviving the winter, seedlings in the spring unfurl their first leaves and throw out thin shoots. If the plant is strong, you can transplant it to a new place. If there is no urgent need for this, then it is better to leave the bush in the same place for another year so that it gains strength until next spring.

Planting young roses in a new place is done carefully and always with a lump of earth.

Autumn planting

If the rose has a strong root system, and the bush itself is strong and healthy, then the best time for planting is autumn. The rules for planting roses with roots in the fall are no different from planting seedlings in the spring. Special attention should be devoted only to introducing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which can ensure accelerated preparation of seedlings for winter conditions.

The main advantage of planting roses in autumn is that at this time nurseries offer for sale numerous grafted varieties and hybrids. in spring varietal diversity not so bright, and the plants themselves are weakened after wintering.