Comfortable country house for country holiday projects. Beautiful country houses - modern photo ideas. Project of a house with a glazed veranda


For some, suburban housing is built by developers or they even bring ready-made change houses on a loading platform, while other owners prefer to do everything with their own hands, both designs for small country houses and the residential buildings themselves.

At the heart of everything related to the construction of housing is the desire of the future homeowner to surround himself with comfort. That is why any plan to build a new country cottage, country house or for permanent residence in it, begins with the layout of the premises. Finishing, wall insulation and choice of roofing material are considered second and third. So what's the best place to start planning your room layout? Let's look at all the factors that need to be taken into account.

First of all future construction need to be oriented to the cardinal points. Do you want the sun to shine through your windows at sunrise, or do you prefer to watch sunsets before bed? Take pictures from the proposed location of the house and look at the photos to see what the views will be like from the windows. And also think, maybe it’s better to place the bedroom on the shady side? It is useful to remember where squalls usually come from in your area; it is better to arrange living rooms on the leeward side, in order to avoid drafts and cooling of the premises in winter. But let's be consistent.

We take a sheet of paper and schematically, even with circles, mark the location of the rooms. It is better to orient the front door, and therefore the hallway, towards the gate or gate in the fence enclosing the area. Next, we remember what rooms are needed on the first floor. First of all, this will be the living room, which can be planned to the right or left of the hallway, that is, if the porch faces south, then the windows of the hall will face the sunrise or sunset. However, nothing prevents you from placing the living room in the back of the house so that its windows face the side opposite the front door.

Also on the ground floor there can be an office, small bedroom, a library or a billiard room (or both in one room) and, of course, a kitchen. The dining room can be combined with the living room, or you can make the kitchen unit more spacious and put dinner table there. Don’t forget about the utility rooms, in particular the laundry room and storage room, although both can easily be combined with a bathroom, which must also be on the ground floor. It would be a good idea to build a boiler room near it.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to try to place all of the listed premises in the house. full list, it is quite enough that on the ground floor there is a small kitchen with a storage room, combined with a living room, partially extended onto the terrace, as well as a tiny office and a bathroom. That is, focus on the building area, which may be limited to dimensions of 6x6 meters. In such a space you are unlikely to fit more than 2-3 spacious or 4 tiny rooms. If you want more, you might want to consider a basement.

So, you have drawn a sketch, perhaps even a full-fledged plan of a house with an attic. And what to do with it? Bring it to the design office if you are ready for large expenses and have an unlimited budget allocated for development. Individual architectural projects are quite expensive, especially taking into account the wishes of future homeowners, because specialists need to take into account a lot of subtleties in order country house IC didn’t work out after an hour, like a card game. Often, customers’ sketches are repeatedly challenged, because where there should be a load-bearing wall, the owners sometimes think of a through fireplace.

It is much more convenient and, of course, cheaper to try to select a similar option based on the plan you have drawn, considering standard designs of small country houses. The advantage of this approach is that you immediately see a photo of the building that should turn out in the end. In addition, there is no need to spend money on developing a project, and when choosing a frame or panel house with attic, thanks to factory production wall panels, construction is greatly simplified. And there is no reason to regret that the construction will be standard; today there are so many finished projects, that, quite possibly, there will not be a similar house for tens of kilometers around.

When building a dacha with their own hands, everyone tries to save at least something so that there is money left over for planting, and so that the family does not lack money. Perhaps the most budget-friendly solution would be an adobe hut, if, of course, someone would like to relax in a shed. From adobe you can build a full-fledged house with dimensions of 6x6, and one that will beg to be photographed. But this requires, firstly, skill, and secondly, again, a project worked out by specialists is needed, and there are very few professionals qualified in adobe construction. So let's look at other options.

Of the available designs, it is first of all worth mentioning standard panel houses. They are produced in factories, immediately equipped with all necessary details, including timber for the frame and panels for walls, floors and ceilings. The cost can only be lower for a change house, which is also assembled directly on the site from ready-made elements, and its installation may require only one day. These 2 types of buildings differ in durability, which is much higher in frame-panel houses, and comfort, which is slightly greater in the cabins than in the utility blocks. There is one more difference: projects of frame country houses with an attic are often found.

A more expensive, but still fairly budget-friendly type of housing - log house or a house made of timber, including laminated timber. Of course, not every owner of a country plot can afford to buy fifty logs, but still, by saving money for a couple of years or taking out a loan, it is quite possible to start a grandiose construction project. Temporarily, you can also install a change house at the dacha. The advantage of housing made of logs or timber is undeniable when it comes to reliability and durability. If frame house will stand for 50 years, then a log one will last a whole century.

And finally, stone construction is the most expensive, taking greatest number time. Even with dimensions of 6x6, such a country house is difficult to build with your own hands; projects require the participation of specialists. And the main difficulty, as well as the main difference, is that a stone house requires a powerful buried foundation, which the above types do not need. This alone significantly increases the cost of construction. Laying building blocks, in turn, requires much more man-hours than lifting the crowns of a log house or assembling the frame of a panel house with an attic.

Having purchased a kit for a frame cottage, it is not at all necessary to pay for its assembly by specialists; the parts also include detailed diagram assembly, that is, everything can be done with your own hands.

Unusual projects of country garden houses - make a sketch from a photo

Every owner of a country plot wants to decorate it, not only with flowers and gazebos, but also with a residential building. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to consider standard projects and place an ordinary 6x6 box under gable roof with an attic. There are many extremely unusual houses in the world, and perhaps you have seen one and taken a photo as a souvenir. Well, take the photo as a basis and make something similar with your own hands, adding something of your own.

Projects country houses from the construction company Mir Dach. Noisy city life eventually begins to tire you with its dynamism and speed. But not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation abroad or at least to their native sea coast. And, to be honest, modern city dwellers rarely find a minute even to go to a barbecue in the nearest forest or to a lake with their children. Therefore, for many, a small country garden house becomes a real panacea from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis.

Many of us have looked with longing more than once country houses photos of which can be found on the pages of fashion magazines or on the Internet and dreamed of getting this one for yourself small piece suburban happiness. But there is an opinion that no matter how attractive country houses photos of which you looked, but reality hits your pocket, preventing you from achieving what you want. Although these are just excuses, in fact, modern construction companies have long been offering quite budget projects country houses intended for people of average income.

Free drawings and photos of country house projects you can look at the company's website. It would seem, why contact a construction company to build country houses, photo projects, which can be easily found on the Internet, and even pay fabulous sums for it. You can download the desired project or program for its development yourself, plan the construction and hire a team of cheap, low-skilled builders. Of course, in the end you will get yours Vacation home. But the question is what quality will this construction be and how much money will you have to spend on materials purchased based on advice from the Internet or from a nearby foreman. Therefore, it is better, after all, not to tempt fate and build a turnkey country house.

What are the advantages of country houses whose projects are developed by specialized companies with a full staff of qualified employees?

  1. During the development of the project, both the wishes of the future owner of the house and the technical recommendations of a specialist are taken into account. Thus, you can be sure that the end result will not only be a beautiful country house for which you approved the design, but also properly installed communications, a reliable foundation, etc.
  2. Speed ​​of construction. Firms that have been in the construction services market for a long time try to complete all the tasks set by the client in the shortest possible time. After all, they don’t have to look for a store with cheap building materials, transport for their delivery, or workers.
  3. Guarantees. Large firms are concerned about their reputation in the market and are ready to confirm the quality of the work they do by giving legal guarantees. Having such paper in hand will make it much easier for you to prove that errors were made during construction and to demand compensation if any.

Almost every city person has a dream of a country house. Projects of garden houses are compiled by special services, but I want to have an individual design. This article lists options for country houses that can be built with your own hands without difficulty if you draw up the right project and plan of action. The compactness and functionality of the house are combined in a small footprint, with a small area.

Small building in the garden for comfortable living

Before drawing up a drawing of a garden house, you should determine its size, number of floors, and functionality.

Single storey small house for the essentials

Previously, there was the simplest option - one floor occupying 20 square meters. In such a house there is one room without a corridor and an entrance hall. There is also no veranda (canopy) in front front door. The arrangement is very simple: there is a small kitchen table, sleeping area. The rest of the area is occupied by gardening tools, boxes with seedlings, empty boxes and sometimes things unnecessary in the apartment. As a rule, electricity in such houses is rare.

Single storey wooden house in the garden plot

Now houses are being built 6 by 6 m, with electricity, water heater, shower and toilet, a separate place for garden supplies and seedlings, the room is equipped in a minimalist style: small functional kitchen, dining table, sofas and armchairs.

If there is a desire to increase the area of ​​the house, but at the same time you should not violate the construction plan, and also leave space for a vegetable garden, then an attic or second floor is created. This is especially true if there is a desire for everyone big family take a break from the bustle of the city.

To create an attic or second floor, you should use the drawings of a garden house with an attic. If you have individual ideas, the drawing is created with your own hands.

Materials used for the construction of garden houses

The construction market has big choice projects of a country house, which is built from various building materials, but only those present on the market, but also from improvised means ( plastic bottles). The following material is mainly used:

  • bricks of various types;
  • blocks of various sizes;
  • frame-panel technology;
  • wood - logs, beams.

Depending on the selected material, a diagram of the garden house is selected. Brick garden houses are the most durable and durable. But, they take a lot of time to build, and this option is the most expensive.

Small brick house Location on

Wooden houses are a little cheaper, construction does not take much time, especially if screw piles are used. Such a house will look beautiful and fit into the environment.

Compact two-story log building

Attention. If there is an expectation that the house will be used in winter period, then wood heats up faster than stone or brick.

Frame-panel technology for building a house is the most quick option. Immediately after installing the house with a roof, you can begin installing windows, interior decoration. This house has a service life of 30 years maximum.

Read also

Greenhouse projects for summer cottages

Layout options for garden houses

The design of a house depends on its functionality, the time of year of use, desired communications, and the number of people who will use this building. Electricity is planned in every plan, but water is discretionary. Gas pipelines and sewerage are often absent. Therefore, a fireplace or stove is created in the house to heat it during the cold season.

Little house with two floors and an installed fireplace

One-story garden houses with one room

A one-story house can have at least one room. From the outside it looks like a regular quadrangle. Has one or two windows, pitched roof. If, in the attic a room is created for unnecessary things. In some options, the roof goes down to the ground, creating an interesting option - a hut. The most common economy class house is a house measuring from 3*3 to 3*5, 2.5*5, built on a cinder block foundation.

A one-story garden house may include a veranda. It is not heated, has a window or is completely dark. But one way or another, it is combined with the front door.

Garden houses with two rooms on one floor

A garden house has 2 rooms, if its area is not less than 4 * 4.5 m. The first room according to the standard is the kitchen, small sizes, equipped with minimal furniture, the second room can be a bedroom or a guest room. A canopy is created in front of the entrance where you can leave shoes and clothes.

More interesting option is a house 4*4.5 with large terrace, on which stands a comfortable wicker chair. At the entrance to the house there is a vestibule with a coat rack and shoe rack. Next there is a bedroom-living room, kitchen with shower.

If the plan is calculated for an area of ​​4 * 6 meters, then two full rooms with a stove or fireplace are created. There are windows in the rooms. If the area of ​​the room is 6*6, then three full rooms are created. The first is a kitchen with a living room, there is also a bathroom with a shower, a vestibule, the rest of the room is two full rooms.

Country house with a flat roof

A house with such a roof is created mainly if it is planned to create a 2nd floor or an attic in the future. This gives individualism. The windows in such a house are placed high, which will add charm to the appearance. It's bright inside because of these windows. The number of rooms depends on the footage of the room. Basically this is a kitchen-living room, bedroom.

4x4 house construction plan flat roof with dimensions

Frame garden house

Frame houses are constructed from ready-made panels measuring 4*4, 6*6.

Watch the video: construction of a 6x6 garden house with a built-in terrace.

The height of this structure is 3.2 meters. It is insulated. There is a partition inside that divides the room into 2 rooms. The outside of the house is finished with corrugated sheeting or other material, and the inside is finished with clapboard. Creating a frame garden house is fast, accurate and reliable.

First and second floor plan frame house with attic

Lovers of nature and country life who did not have time to acquire at least a 6 by 6 frame garden house , but having land plot, usually dream of at least some kind of refuge in their possessions. Making a home with my own hands scares most citizens. But in vain. Today you can find a sea of ​​information about step by step construction, from experienced craftsmen. It will not only give you confidence, relieving you of worries and fears. Using the recommendations of professionals, you can carry out all the necessary manipulations competently and in the proper order, significantly saving on hiring a work team.

Of course, it’s a good idea to use the services of specialists. They guarantee (most often) quality, and lead times will be noticeably reduced. construction work. But if the budget is limited and you want, or have a desire to try yourself in such an interesting business, nothing prevents you from rolling up your sleeves and building a garden house cheaply. An additional bonus is that for yourself everything is usually done exactly as you imagine and dream. Sometimes it can be difficult to explain your vision to hired employees.

Then the walls are assembled from the timber, fastening the joints with dowels. It is laid between the crowns. In general, insulation is desirable for each next layer. For an economy class home, they usually use a tourniquet or tow. Next, work begins on.


For rafters, a board with a cross-section of 150x25 or 100x50 mm is used. You will also need roofing felt with glassine. To make the task easier, racks measuring one and a half meters are placed in the center of the building, and a beam is attached to them. The rafters are placed on the resulting structure.

Installing the roof of a one-story garden house on a frame can take only one day. Kind of specific roofing material is chosen individually, according to one’s own capabilities and taste. We must not forget about the climate characteristics of the area where the future homeowner lives. Sheets of ordinary galvanized iron are often used.


Using glassine

The finished frame must be covered with glassine, and only the selected finishing material is mounted on it. It can be different, in accordance with the budget and preferences of the owner. Looks great, which is attached with self-tapping screws.

One-story frame frames look attractive garden houses, finished outside wooden clapboard or siding. Both wooden and plastic windows. Doors made of wood or an imitation of this material will look natural. the interior of the room can also be covered with clapboard. Or you can cover them with plasterboard, which is then covered with paint or wallpaper. The floor is made of planks.

Approximate cost

Garden house projects

Some people give their money to developers so that they can build a country house on their site, while others prefer to purchase ready-made structures such as country houses made from block containers. But there are also summer residents who want and can do everything with their own hands, from the project itself to the construction process.

Consumer qualities of building materials

Many people know about the existence of such a thing on the market. modern material, like a foam block, and reviews about it are mostly positive. In this article we would like to talk not only about the advantages of this material, but also about its application in low-rise construction in suburban areas, or more precisely about what projects of small country houses made of foam materials could be like.

In order to use lightweight blocks in construction, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with them technical characteristics in order to create original design solutions based on these parameters.

What is a foam block

We will try to highlight the most important properties of light blocks that will form the basis of the future structure. Foam block is a building material created on a base of lightweight concrete with a cellular structure.

For the production of these materials the following is used:

  • Ordinary cement solution;
  • Water;
  • Sand;
  • Foaming agent.

The weight of the product can be about 25 kg, and the average block size is 600/300/200 (mm).

In terms of strength parameters, cellular material is inferior to many others building blocks, but, nevertheless, it is used quite widely, and the scale of such construction is only gaining momentum.

What can be built from blocks

Foam concrete can easily be used in almost any type of construction.

As already noted, this material has low strength, which is not enough for load-bearing structures, but it can be used to build:

  • Non-residential premises(garage, basement gazebo);
  • Residential one-story house;
  • Residential house with attic;
  • Two-story building subject to a reinforced concrete frame.

Advice. If you are planning to enhance load-bearing walls, then the design of a 6x4 country house, for example, may include more than one floor.

What influences design

Giving the choice to foam block as the main one building material, it should be understood that the project of a 5x5 country house should be developed strictly for it.

Let's look at the main factors influencing the design:

  • If your suburban area has enough large area, then you should opt for a one-story building;
  • The small area of ​​the site is a clear indication that additional living space can be obtained using an attic;
  • Also instructions for choosing one of standard projects country house provides for taking into account such factors as the number of residents;
  • Possibility and necessity of the device ground floor or basement;
  • The need for a garage and its arrangement separately or as an extension;
  • Type heating system, on which the choice of thermal insulation material will depend;
  • Type of roofing materials.

Advice. Do not lose sight of the fact that foam blocks, in addition to low strength, are lightweight and have high insulating properties. The foundation for such a structure must be adequate and inexpensive.

The most simple options What remains are projects for a small do-it-yourself country house on one floor, since they do not require either powerful foundations or additional insulation of the walls, which significantly reduces such a parameter as the price. The absence of a second floor and ceiling guarantees light loads.

In addition, if you decide to build everything yourself, a one-story building will be much easier for you, and its roof is simple.

If your area often experiences prolonged power outages, then a service such as renting a diesel generator for your dacha can help you out.

Design nuances

The number of floors of a country building certainly depends on the wishes of the owners. After all, for example, a cottage house with dimensions of 5x6 will take up very little space on the site, but the useful living area of ​​such one-story house very small.

The construction of a second floor can significantly change the parameters of the living space, thereby ensuring comfortable living.

It should also be taken into account that not the entire area is residential; there are rooms such as a bathroom, kitchen, storage room, etc. Thus, precious meters are also spent on the needs of technically important rooms. This means that such a structure must certainly have an attic or full second floor.

Now that we have sorted out the quadrature, we should pay attention to the cladding and insulation. Although foam blocks themselves are endowed with excellent insulating parameters, they are not aesthetically attractive appearance, therefore, the issue of finishing material should be resolved.

Options facing materials quite a lot and the choice must be made at the design stage, because some of them can weigh quite a lot, and this must be taken into account when calculating.

If you nevertheless decide to provide an additional insulating layer, this must be taken into account when calculating the heating circuit. After such calculations, the price for the heating system may decrease significantly.

In conclusion

Having chosen or developed a project for a 4 by 4 country house or any other size, the construction process itself will not be special labor. The technology for the work is quite simple and building a house will not be difficult even for craftsmen who do not have deep knowledge in this field.

The main thing in this matter is to comply with the design requirements and recommendations of the builders. And the video in this article will help you find many additional and useful information on this topic.