Care and cultivation of indoor camellia. Anatomical structure of the camellia leaf

In nature, camellias are large bushes or trees with a loose crown that grows up to several meters. But at home, caring for the camellia flower in the photo is not possible for all gardeners. This beauty, famous for its winter blooms, sometimes turns out to be obstinate and does not want to adapt to living indoors.

And yet, knowing the secrets of the plant, creating conditions for it that are as close as possible to nature, one can hope for the camellia’s favor. For experienced amateurs indoor crops With proper care, camellia feels great, forms many buds, blooming every year to the delight of others.

Features of camellia and flower care at home

Decorative varieties and varieties of camellias, of which there are several thousand in the world, are amazingly beautiful. They cannot be confused with other cultures. And in terms of splendor and flower shape, camellia competes only with. Smooth, leathery leaves of rich green color have a pointed elliptical shape and are attached to the shoots with short, dense petioles. Flowers, depending on the type, can be simple or double, white, soft pink, deep crimson or even variegated.

Most often in home collections you can find three types of this plant:

  • or Camellia japonica;
  • camellia reticulata or Camellia reticulata;
  • mountain camellia or Camellia sasanqua.

They gave the world the largest number of varieties and hybrids used by flower growers.

Having seen this miracle only once, it is difficult to refuse the temptation. But to prevent the purchased flower from dying, you will have to provide special care for camellia when growing it at home.

This means that the home beauty is provided with a semblance of a natural climate and is provided with:

  • moderate temperatures in summer time;
  • coolness in winter;
  • high air humidity;
  • nutritious ultra-light substrate;
  • protection from drafts and direct sun.

If all conditions are met, the maintenance and care of the flower is organized, the camellia, as in the photo, will respond with friendly flowering, lasting from 2 to 4 months.

Conditions for growing camellias and care at home

If you describe the features of a camellia flower, indicating that the plant can withstand frosts down to –5 °C, blooms at +10 °C, has almost no dormant period and is incredibly decorative almost all year round, you might think that better culture For home collection No. But that's not true. The difficulty of keeping camellias is that creating such conditions in an apartment is extremely difficult.

Without a bright closed balcony, loggia, terrace or winter garden It is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy the flowering of camellia, because the plant’s buds open in winter, and the growth of greenery begins with the arrival of spring.

How to care for camellia at home? Throughout the year, camellia needs up to 12–14 hours of daylight, but does not react well to direct sunlight. Therefore, on southern windows in the summer, the shrubs are provided with shading. But on the north side the plant will be completely uncomfortable, which is signaled by elongated shoots, pale and shredded foliage. With the decrease in natural light, when autumn comes, camellias are arranged.

If in spring and summer camellias are kept at room temperature, then with the onset of autumn it will be harmful for the plant to be in a warm room. It is transferred to a glazed loggia or an insulated balcony, terrace or other place where the temperature will be about 12–15 °C.

At proper care and maintenance, the camellia flower, as in the photo, will produce many buds, and flowering will begin in winter, continuing even with small sub-zero temperatures down to –10 °C.

Watering and fertilizing when caring for indoor camellia at home

Camellia care is based on the fact that in nature, most species grow in areas with a fairly humid climate, which affects the needs of the plant:

  1. In summer, indoor camellias need frequent, abundant watering. This is explained both by the consumption of actively growing shrubs and by the large evaporation of moisture in the soil surface.
  2. In winter, at low temperatures, although camellia blooms, it needs less water. Therefore, the substrate is moistened only when the earthen ball in the pot is dried.

Excessive moisture in the soil mixture in both summer and winter is unacceptable, since it leads to the proliferation of bacteria, soil pests and causes rot of the root system.

Water is used that has been settled, melted or boiled. When caring for camellias, lemon or lemon juice is occasionally added to the water. acetic acid to maintain a comfortable level of soil acidity for the plant. An increased content of calcium salts and other impurities negatively affects the condition of the flower.

In addition to proper watering, it is important for camellias to be kept in moist air. Operating heating devices will cause the leaves and already formed buds to fall off, therefore:

  • if necessary, you can use a humidifier;
  • Give the indoor beauty a warm shower with a spray bottle, trying not to touch the soil surface.

With the beginning of active growth, that is, in the spring, they begin to regularly feed indoor pets. This procedure, as part of camellia flower care, is carried out 2-3 times a month until the end of July, feeding the shrubs with organic matter and minerals. Then, in the second half of August, fertilization is stopped, which will help the camellia begin to form flower buds, and then buds.

Transplanting indoor camellia when caring at home

In nature, camellias are large shrubs. When kept at home, the flower also grows greatly, so it requires:

  • regular transplantation into a larger pot;
  • adding fresh substrate.

Young plants are transferred every year, and adult specimens - no more than once every 2-3 years, as the root system fills the entire volume of the pot.

Unlike other species that are carried to new soil in spring, indoor camellias are replanted in late autumn or winter. Lush flowering is not an obstacle to this procedure. The buds and already opened corollas will not fall off.

The vagaries of camellia concern not only the air temperature during flowering and its high humidity, but also the composition of the substrate. To simplify the care of a camellia flower, as in the photo, at home, the most structured light soil is selected for it, which provides the plant with good nutrition and does not interfere with the passage of water and air.

In this case, increased soil acidity at a pH level of 4.0–5.5 units is extremely important. If it is not possible to independently make the required substrate from equal parts of leaf and coniferous soil, perlite, high-moor peat and adding a small amount of crushed bark coniferous trees and sand to make the mixture loose, you can purchase ready-made soil for azaleas.

Drainage is made at the bottom of the pot, a little soil is poured on top, and a shrub with a straightened root system is placed on top of it. The substrate is poured carefully, easily pressing around the azalea.

The soil should not be allowed to hide the root collar. The same rules for caring for camellias are followed if the soil surface is mulched with shavings, sawdust or crushed bark that acidifies the soil.

Trimming and pinching camellias when caring for flowers

Pruning is an integral part of caring for a camellia flower growing in a room. In addition to the sanitary removal of weakened, damaged and dried shoots, the crown must be formed, otherwise the bush loses its compactness, grows and becomes unsuitable for keeping in the house.

The formation of the camellia crown is done during the period when mass flowering is declining and the plant does not form new buds. Depending on the type indoor flower camellias are cut down to half the length of the shoots. Places of large cuts are treated with garden varnish.

Experienced flower growers, using pruning and shaping, obtain elegant standard trees or miniature bonsais from camellias. Pruning and pinching help stimulate branching, so you can expect that after such care the camellia will bloom much brighter and more abundantly.

But at the stage of bud formation, the gardener should evaluate the strength of the plant and adjust the number of future flowers on the shoots. If there are too many buds, they will weaken the camellia, and the bush will still not be able to hold the large corollas that have opened for long.

Subtleties of camellia care - video

Anatomical structure of the camellia leaf

(Camellia japonica)

Examine a cross-section of a camellia leaf at low magnification and notice that the outside of the leaf is covered epidermis. Between the upper and lower epidermis there is tissue that consists of cells containing chlorophyll. This is assimilation parenchyma - mesophyll. Between the mesophyll cells, at some distance from each other, vascular-fibrous bundles are located.

Then proceed to a detailed study of tissues when high magnification. Start by looking at the upper epidermis and compare it with the lower. The main distinctive features are noticeable: a thicker outer wall, a more powerful cuticular cover and almost complete absence stomata on the upper epidermis.

Fig. 13.1. Camellia leaf in cross section: 1 – upper epidermis,
2 – columnar parenchyma, 3 – spongy parenchyma, 4 – cell with drusen, 5 – sclereid, 6 – vascular bundle, 7 – lower epidermis,
8 – stomatal apparatus

Note that the cells of the upper epidermis have elongated shape, tightly closed, without intercellular spaces, arranged in two layers. This columnar(palisade) parenchyma. This is where photosynthesis mainly occurs. The lower epidermis has more rounded cells with large intercellular spaces - spongy parenchyma. Leaves in which the mesophyll is differentiated into columnar and spongy parenchyma are called dorsoventral. The main function of the lower side of the leaf is gas exchange and transpiration. Having carefully examined the spongy parenchyma, you can notice calcium oxalate drusen in some cells, as well as large branched mechanical cells - sclereids(idioblasts) performing a supporting function.

The structure of the vascular-fibrous bundle is best examined on the main vein, since with increasing branching order the bundle becomes atypical. The main vein occupies almost the entire thickness of the leaf from the upper to the lower epidermis. At low magnification, the powerful xylem is clearly visible, consisting of regular rows of conductive elements that alternate with wood parenchyma. Adjacent to the xylem is the phloem. It is noted that the xylem faces the upper side of the leaf, and the phloem faces the lower side. The bundle is surrounded by sclerenchyma. The sclerenchyma sheath consists of a single layer of thin-walled cells that do not contain chloroplasts. It separates the bundle from the mesophyll. Above and below the fascicle is collenchyma, adjacent to the epidermis. Thus, it is a closed collateral vascular-fibrous bundle.

The ornamental camellia plant is an evergreen shrub that grows mainly in the Asian region, where a subtropical climate prevails. It is grown to decorate an apartment or personal plot, as well as for the manufacture of homeopathic remedies. Despite the rather capricious nature of camellia, by adhering to the rules of caring for the plant, in the future you can enjoy the look of luxurious buds.

Description and features

According to botanical taxonomy, this is an exotic plant with an evergreen crown and is ideal for growing in room conditions, belongs to the Tea family. They cultivate both tree and shrub forms of camellia, which are bred in order to obtain exquisite flowers or decorative foliage plants.

The elliptical leaves, which usually have blunt or pointed ends, have a leathery glossy surface. Usually grow solitarily.

It is typical for camellia flowers a large number of stamens, around which are located white, pink or red petals, fused at the base. Each flower blooms for at least a month. In total, camellia is able to delight with its flowers, similar to lush roses, approximately three months, which distinguishes it favorably from many ornamental plants. The fruit is a dry capsule consisting of 5 compartments with 8 seeds.

A distinctive feature of camellia, which makes it attractive to gardeners, is two growth periods. Thanks to this feature, the plant has the opportunity to develop faster. IN winter period, closer to spring, the indoor plant actively grows shoots and foliage, and in the summer, when camellia blooms, after the second growth phase, the formation of vegetative buds begins.

To everyone appearance beautiful flowers encourage you to smell them. Unfortunately, they do not emit a wonderful aroma - there is practically no smell.

Popular types

If you look at the botanical reference book, you will find out that today more than 100 species of plants of the Camellia genus are known. Through the efforts of breeders from all over the world, a huge number of unusual varieties have been created that differ in size, leaf shape, and bud color. To develop many modern camellia varieties grown at home and in the garden, we used most common plant species, namely:

How to grow cyclamen from seeds at home step by step

Other types of camellia are also widespread. These include:

  1. Camellia saluenensis.
  2. Camellia oleifera.
  3. Camellia reticulata (Camellia reticulata).
  4. Camellia sasanqua.

Reproduction methods

Growing this whimsical plant on your own is not so easy - you need to know all the intricacies of caring for an evergreen crop. There are several ways to propagate camellias. At home, they mainly practice cultivation from seeds and propagation by cuttings, but the use of a vegetative method such as grafting is also allowed.

Sowing seeds

A soil mixture with an acidic environment is required, for example, a peat substrate. The seeds themselves are quite large in size, and their durable shell is a bit like a nut shell. To speed up and facilitate germination, the seeds should be doused with hot water and try to carefully break the integrity of the shell by making a small crack in it with the tip of a knife.

At the next stage, the seeds should be planted in deep cups with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Having filled the container two-thirds with soil, place the seed material there and sprinkle the substrate on top. The finishing layer is 2 cm of perlite or vermiculite. The main thing is that the tops of the seeds are slightly visible.

Important note: there is a depression on the surface of the seeds, which must be placed below so that the roots of the plant can easily emerge from there. As soon as the sprouts begin to emerge, you should not rush to plant the seedlings in separate containers - you need to wait until two or three full-fledged leaves appear.

If the window sill is spacious, then you can immediately plant the seeds one at a time, so as not to resort to picking. After two weeks, they begin to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers that stimulate growth. Planting in a permanent pot is done when the roots become cramped in a temporary cup.

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Using cuttings

For propagation of indoor and garden varieties Camellias in winter and summer can be used not yet woody apical cuttings. To do this, cut off a small stem with several leaves, then soak it in a solution of heteroauxin, a powerful plant growth stimulator. The prepared cuttings are planted in boxes where peat and sand were previously poured.

To planting material rooted, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the region of 18-22 degrees. Now the cuttings need to be sprayed regularly, and also remember to water the soil. The roots should germinate after about two months, and the young shoots are planted in separate containers. The cuttings are watered abundantly for some time, and after they have formed root system- as needed.

Plant grafting

Rooting of certain camellia varieties when propagated by cuttings occurs with difficulty. In this case, they are propagated by grafting, using the tips of shoots with well-developed buds. Rooting occurs in bowls or pots; sphagnum and sand are used as a substrate in equal proportions.

Grafting is carried out by copulation into the butt or split. As practice shows, plants grafted on the butt demonstrate a higher survival rate.

Home care

Graceful, but at the same time capricious camellia needs special care. To create a favorable habitat for the plant, you should definitely pay attention to the following points.

Camellia (Camellia) belongs to the Tea family. IN natural conditions grows in Japan, China, Korea, India, Indonesia, Java and Sumatra. Camellia got its name from the name of the Moravian naturalist G. I. Kamelius, who first brought this plant to Europe in the second half of the 18th century. Blooms in winter and in early spring, depending on the type.

What a camellia flower looks like: photo and description of the bush

Camellia as an indoor flower is a small beautiful evergreen shrub or small tree with leathery, elliptical leaves. IN garden conditions The minimum height of the shrub is 1.5 m, and the tree can reach 20 m in height. The branched stems very quickly become lignified, become bare and instead of their green color they acquire a gray or light brown color. The leaves on the shoots grow alternately, one after another. They are short-petioled and can have an oval or ovoid shape with an elongated end. The surface is smooth, glossy. As you can see in the photo, the leaves of the camellia plant have a rich dark green color and are slightly folded along the raised central vein:

The size of the leaf plate can vary from 3 to 17 cm in length. There is slight pubescence along the veins.

This is a fairly popular plant among gardeners, as camellia flowers usually look very attractive, somewhat reminiscent of roses.

The diameter of the flowers ranges from miniature (6 cm) to large (up to 12-14 cm), red, white or Pink colour, with 5-7 petals. There are camellias with double and variegated flowers. However, they are on the bush for no longer than one month. Most varieties have no smell. The bases of the petals are folded into a tube. They can be located in one or several tiers, forming lush bud. Each individual petal has a round or wide oval shape with a wavy edge. In the description of camellia flowering, a large number of yellow stamens are also highlighted, which are located in the center of each flower. Most of the petals are monochromatic in color, but variegated varieties have also been bred.

You can see in the photo that the camellia looks like an ordinary bush after the petals fall:

However, in their place fruits are formed - dry seed pods, divided into 5 compartments. The seeds that are contained in them quickly lose their germination capacity, since their structure contains peculiar oils.

Diversity of camellia flower species and varieties: photos and descriptions of plants

The types of flowers such as camellia have quite a wide variety and differ from each other not only in the color of the inflorescences, but also in size and shape.

Popular types:

Japanese camellia (C. japonica);

Mountain camellia (S. sasanqua) - grows slowly, blooms in late winter - early spring;

Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis).

Many terry varieties have been bred.

Camellia japonica (S. japonica). This type Camellia plants are considered the most decorative among the others and are valued by gardeners because of their very beautiful flowers. It is an evergreen shrub that blooms profusely. Its dark green leaves are covered with thin skin.

You can see from the photo that this type of camellia blooms in winter, which especially makes the bright buds stand out against the background of snow. In indoor conditions, the plant grows up to 1 m in height. Its flowers are double, with a variety of colors.

Camellia "Guilio Nuccio". This is the variety Japanese camellia, which is distinguished by the rich raspberry-pink color of the flowers and not very large sizes. The oval-shaped petals are folded in two rows.

Camellia 'Lady Campbell'. This variety is highly valued due to its high endurance. It can withstand a short drop in temperature to -20°C without consequences. Because of this, it is ideal both as a houseplant and as a garden plant. The size of this shrub can reach no more than 2 m in height. It branches very strongly and forms a rather wide and lush plant. Peony-like flowers can be up to 10 cm in diameter.

Camellia "Japonica Nobilissima". Quite a tall bush, which natural environment can reach 2 m in height. In indoor conditions, the plant is naturally much lower. This variety blooms from December to January. The snow-white flowers stand out very favorably against the dark green background of the leaves.

Camellia 'Brushfield Yellow'. You can see in the photo that this variety Camellia is distinguished by unusual flowers with a double color - a creamy core surrounded by snow-white petals. This shrub has comparatively small sizes– he never reaches a height higher than 1.5 m.

Camellia sinensis (S. sinensis). As you can see from the photo, the description of this camellia differs in many ways from the previous species - this tree plant, sometimes small in size, which, however, can reach 20 m in height. As you know, this representative is the very Chinese tea tree. Since ancient times, this species has been used exclusively for practical purposes - special medicinal tea was prepared from its leaves. However, now more gardeners are paying attention to the lush flowering of the tree. Large inflorescences of white or yellowish color have a slightly noticeable mesh surface. The leaves of this species can reach sizes up to 14 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

Camellia montana (S. sasanqua). This camellia as a houseplant is quite small in size and looks good indoors. This species has branched, ground shoots covered with smooth green or green bark. Brown. The edges of the leaves are serrated, and their surface is slightly pubescent along the central vein. The plant can form small inflorescences with 3 buds, or it can produce single flowers. The color of flowers can be varied - from red and pink to white. Several have been derived from this species decorative varieties, which are especially resistant to low air temperatures. They develop best in cool rooms.

Camellia hybrida Williams (Camellia x williamsii). This plant is especially popular in Europe. This is due to the ease of cultivation and the bush’s tolerance to climatic conditions of temperate latitudes. Distinctive feature This camellia is that after the flowers fade, it completely sheds its buds.

Optimal home conditions for growing camellias and plant care video

Growing camellia at home requires not only care, but also providing the plant with optimal conditions environment.

Camellia is a light-loving plant, but exposure to direct sunlight is highly undesirable. The flower will feel best on an eastern or western windowsill. If you place a camellia near a north window, or in the back of the room, it will suffer from a lack of lighting. If the pot with this plant is placed on the windowsill on the south side of the house, then in sunny times of the day it is necessary to take care of shading the flower. To ensure that the crown of the bush grows evenly and does not stretch in one direction, you can turn the pot from time to time. However, during flowering, changing the position of the pot is highly not recommended. In response to stress, the plant may shed its buds. As you can see in the video, caring for camellia in the warm season does not require much energy and the flower can be taken out into the fresh air:

However, it is important to ensure there are no drafts or direct sunlight. This plant will do well in conditions daylight hours lasting 12 hours. IN winter time year when daylight does not last such a long period, it is necessary to place fluorescent lamps near the flower.

In winter, the room temperature should not be higher than 10-12 °C. Drafts should be avoided and sharp fluctuations temperature. When buds appear, the temperature should be increased to 16 -17 ᵒC. The flower feels best at 18 – 20 ᵒC. If the room is too warm, the camellia will begin to drop its buds. Also, flowering may begin earlier than usual, and the quality of the flowers will sharply deteriorate. The flower does not like musty air, so the room must be ventilated from time to time. However, the plant should not be allowed to remain in a draft.

Loose, moisture-permeable soil is best. Substrate - leaf, turf and coniferous soil, peat, sand (2:2:2:1:1). The soil must be acidic.

The plant is suitable for cool weather bright rooms, winter gardens.

How to grow a lush camellia bush at home

Many novice flower growers do not know how to properly care for home camellias and make mistakes that can lead to the death of the flower. However, in order for the plant to live long and bloom well, you need to follow just a few simple tips.

The amount of watering depends on the air temperature - the hotter it is, the more water the flower needs. Each time between moistenings, the upper part of the earthen clod, 1–2 cm deep, should have time to dry completely. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely, as this will harm the plant and it will begin to shed its leaves. Overmoistening is also extremely undesirable - in this case, the substrate will turn sour and the flowers will fall off and the leaves will become covered with brown spots. Irrigation with water is recommended room temperature. The water must be free of lime. In July - August, watering is reduced. Moderate in winter.

When growing and caring for a camellia bush, it is important to provide it with a sufficient level of humidity, since it survives dry conditions extremely hard. To do this, you need to regularly spray the flower. It is best to do this at low light intensity, otherwise burns may appear on the leaves. For this purpose, settled water at room temperature is used. If the camellia is blooming, it is important to ensure that during spraying droplets of water do not fall on the flowers, as this will lead to their rapid withering. You can also increase the air humidity around the plant by placing the pot on a tray with wet pebbles.

Caring for camellia flowers both at home and in the garden includes: regular feeding in order to provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients. With the beginning of growth, mineral fertilizers without lime are applied. They need to be diluted at the rate of 1 gram of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. When the buds appear, feeding should be stopped.

In order to grow a lush camellia bush at home, it, like everyone else, houseplants, must be replanted periodically. Considering that with the arrival of spring, most camellia varieties are still in full bloom, replanting is usually carried out at the beginning of winter. This must be done every 2 - 3 years for adult plants and every year for young ones. You need to choose a pot a few centimeters larger than the previous one. The root system of this plant is very fragile and can be easily damaged during transplantation. Therefore, they do not completely get rid of the old earthen coma, since after this the flower will hurt for a very long time. The best option will only get rid of a small part of the old soil and simply transfer the plant to a new pot. It is necessary to put a thick layer of drainage at the bottom, which will not allow excess moisture to stagnate in the soil. Expanded clay or broken bricks are used for this. After transshipment, the empty space remaining between the walls and the old earthen lump is filled with fresh substrate. The root collar of the plant must be placed on the surface of the soil. Care after planting a camellia is slightly different from usual - at first you need to water the plant quite rarely and very carefully.

Theoretically, this plant does not need pruning, but this procedure can be carried out to make the flower decorative. If you want to get a profusely flowering bush with a large crown, you can cut off the shoots a little, which will then branch much better. This procedure must be carried out after the camellia blooms. If there are too many flowers on the bush, the plant may get sick, since it takes a lot of effort to form them. In this case, it is better to cut off the excess buds, leaving about 3 flowers on one shoot.

If the pot is constantly moved, the plant may drop its buds.

Reproduction of camellia flowers: how to root cuttings

Reproduction of a flower such as camellia is carried out using seeds and apical cuttings, which take root easily. Seeds are used quite rarely.

Camellia propagation using cuttings can be carried out in the summer season - July-June, as well as in the winter, but it is worth remembering that in this case the development of the plant will last a little longer. To obtain cuttings, it is necessary to cut off several shoots from the apical branches. Stems that have already formed bark are best suited, but green ones can also be used. In order to root camellia, you need to place the cuttings as quickly as possible in pots with sandy-peaty soil or perlite. After this, the shoots are covered plastic bag or a jar, which will help maintain high humidity. Containers should be placed in a bright room with a temperature of 20 – 25 °C. From time to time it is necessary to ventilate the cuttings by spraying and watering them. In order for the root system to fully form, 1.5 - 2 months must pass. After this, you can remove the cover from the plant.

Growing camellia: how to plant seeds correctly to grow a beautiful bush

To grow a beautiful camellia bush using seeds, you need to select the plant variety as carefully as possible, since such propagation will ensure the successful production of decorative specimens of not all varieties.

It is necessary to plant camellia seeds as soon as they are fully ripe and suitable for sowing. To do this, place them in disposable cups with loose garden soil and cover with glass or polyethylene. Containers must be placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 20 – 23°C. The substrate is constantly sprayed with settled water. It would be correct to plant the camellia in a new pot after 2 full leaves have appeared on the plant.

At home, growing camellia using seeds is not recommended, since this method is usually used exclusively for breeding purposes.

Treatment of camellia diseases and how to get rid of pests (with photo)

As you know, camellia diseases are most often caused by errors in care, and each symptom can indicate what exactly the plant lacks.

If the flower begins to fade, the leaves become covered with brown spots, and the buds fall off, then most likely the reason for this is rotting of the root system. This can also be detected during transplantation. Roots begin to rot when the soil becomes waterlogged and the moisture turns sour. Excessive watering can have a particularly detrimental effect when low temperatures air.

As can be seen in the photo, to treat this camellia disease, the plant must be transplanted as quickly as possible into new soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well, while removing all damaged areas. After transplanting, you need to leave the flower alone for several days. There is no need to water it during this time - you can get by by simply spraying the leaves. Many inexperienced gardeners try to save a rotting camellia by reducing watering, but you should immediately warn that this method works quite rarely, and only if the damage is still very weak.

If the plant is generally doing well, but the leaves have begun to appear brown spots, then the camellia got sunburn the fastest. In this case, you need to take care of shading the flower from direct sunlight. Burns can also occur when foliage is sprayed at lunchtime.

At the same time, brown spots indicate the appearance of a disease such as phyllosticosis. It appears if the room with camellia is too high humidity air. In order to get rid of this disease, it is necessary to treat the foliage with copper sulfate. Damaged areas of the plant are removed. After this, it is important to take care of restoring the normal microclimate in the room.

It happens that camellia suddenly begins to shed its leaves. This can happen as a result of prolonged drying out of the earthen coma. This can be corrected by carefully resuming proper watering.

If grayish spots appear on the plant, then most likely the cause is a disease such as oidium. You can get rid of it by using sulfur or fungicidal drugs.

If symptoms such as black-gray spots on the leaves and brownish spots on the petals appear at the same time, followed by falling of the flowers, then the problem lies in the appearance of some fungal diseases. In order to cure a flower, you can use funginicides, but this will only help with a low degree of damage. Otherwise, it is better to throw away the flower, as the disease can spread to other plants.

Due to dry indoor air or frequent movement, camellia sheds its buds.

Many camellia diseases are caused, which can usually be detected even with the naked eye. For example, if on the stems and leaves of a flower there appears white coating, that is mealybug. Highly visible large plots white accumulations must be wiped with a cloth soaked in soapy water. Hard-to-reach ones can be obtained with gauze soaked in alcohol and wrapped on a stick. In case of severe damage, the flower must be treated with karbofos several times.

One of the common pests found on camellias is aphids, which cause the leaves of the plant to curl and become covered with yellow spots. For treatment, it is necessary to treat the bush with special aerosols. However, they only destroy adult insects, so the procedure must be repeated several times every 2 to 3 days.

In dry air conditions, it can settle on a flower. spider mite. It is easy to detect - with the help of accumulations of white cobwebs on the leaves and shoots. The bright red mite itself is also a very noticeable insect. To get rid of this pest, you can treat the plant with oil emulsions or chemical aerosols.

Camellia - evergreen flowering plant from the Tea family. It is mainly found in the subtropics of Eurasia and North America, but can also be cultivated as a houseplant or greenhouse plant throughout the world. Camellia is used for decorative purposes and also has medicinal properties. The leaves of some species serve as raw materials for tea. Many gardeners are afraid to grow the plant because of its capricious nature, but it is enough to learn a few care features in order to avoid problems and enjoy amazing flowers.

Description of the plant

Camellia – perennial shrub or tree 2-20 m in height. The stems branch from the base and quickly become woody. Young green shoots are pubescent. Over time, they become naked and acquire a gray or light brown color.

The branches of this evergreen plant bear alternate, short-petioled leaves of an oval or ovoid shape. They have smooth or finely serrated edges and a pointed, elongated end. The monochromatic dark green leaves fold slightly along the raised central vein. Each node can contain 1-3 leaves. The length of the shiny leaf blade, pubescent along the veins, is 3-17 cm.

Camellia blooms in November-December and can last until the end of winter. An individual flower lives up to 1 month. Large single flowers are located on straight stalks. Their diameter is 1-12 cm. The bases of the petals grow together into a short tube. The petals themselves are arranged in 1 or several tiers. They have a broad oval or round shape with a wavy edge. The center of the flower consists of a lush bunch of numerous yellow stamens with large anthers. Flowers do not emit a scent. Their colors are dominated by white, red, pink and yellow. Petals can be plain or variegated.

After pollination, the fruits ripen - dry capsules, divided into 5 compartments. Inside them are quite large angular seeds. They quickly lose their viability due to their high oil content.

Types of camellia

The international classification of camellia includes more than 250 species.

The most common plant among gardeners is in the form of a spreading shrub or tree 1.5-6 m high. The stems are covered with smooth grayish bark. During the flowering period, a lot of flowers appear, located between the leathery dark green leaves. Flowering begins in November-May. IN oriental medicine the species is used to combat cancer. Varieties:

  • Alba - white camellia with simple flowers;
  • Winter rose - large double buds of white or pinkish color.

The variety serves as raw material for making tea. It is a bush or tree up to 10 m in height with spreading branches. Leathery dark green leaves grow 5-7 cm in length. Fragrant single flowers in the leaf axils consist of a five-membered calyx and a simple corolla with a diameter of 25-30 mm. Flower color is creamy yellow or white.

A lignified shrub 2.5-3 m high consists of branched, ground shoots. The annual growth is covered with light pubescence. Gradually it is replaced by brown-green or brown smooth bark. The regular, short-petioled foliage is dark green in color, has serrated edges and is pubescent along the central vein. Large sessile flowers are arranged singly or in groups of up to 3 buds. Their color is dominated by pink and red, but white flowers are also found. The plant is used as an oilseed crop. Based on this species, several ornamental garden varieties have been obtained that are frost-resistant and therefore suitable for growing in temperate climate. The most famous varieties:

  • Bicolor - there is a wide pink border along the edge of the petals, and the bases are white;
  • Chansonier - double soft pink flowers;
  • Cleopatra - simple corollas with elongated pink petals.


Camellia is usually propagated by cuttings. To do this, in the summer (June-July) young shoots are cut from the tops of the branches. It is better to take ripened stems with olive bark, but younger, bright green ones are also suitable. Immediately after cutting, the cuttings are distributed into pots with sandy peat soil or perlite. They are covered with a bag to maintain high humidity, regularly ventilated and sprayed. The greenhouse should be kept in diffused light and at a temperature of +20…+25°C. A full-fledged rhizome is formed in 1.5-2 months. After this, the cover is removed. You can carry out cuttings in January, but then the rooting process will take longer.

Sometimes practiced seed propagation camellia, although it is not suitable for highly decorative varieties and is more often used in breeding work. Soon after collecting the seeds, they are planted in disposable cups or peat pots with loose garden soil. During germination, the temperature should be +20…+23°C. The soil is regularly sprayed. Seedlings with 2 true leaves dive into a larger container.

For poorly rooted varieties, the grafting method is used. The procedure is carried out in January. A developed shoot with 2-3 buds is attached to the species rootstock. The plant is kept at a temperature of +18…+20°C. It needs to be regularly watered and sprayed, and also shaded from direct sunlight. The engraftment process takes 2 months.

Home care

For the elegant, but sometimes capricious camellia, it is important to create an optimal habitat.

Lighting. The plant needs long daylight hours and bright but diffuse lighting. The Japanese variety is also suitable for shady rooms. Direct sunlight quickly damages the leaves, so the crown is shaded.

Temperature. In spring and summer, camellia forms flower buds, so it needs a temperature of +20…+25°C. Throughout the year, a hotter climate will not benefit the flower. From mid-autumn the temperature is gradually reduced to +10…+12°C. You can keep the plant even on an unheated loggia. It can withstand frosts down to -10°C. In the summer, it is advisable to take indoor camellias out into the fresh air (balcony, veranda, garden).

Humidity. Camellias live in the tropics and subtropics, so high air humidity is vital for them. Flowers are sprayed several times a day, and in winter heating season use humidifiers. It should be remembered that drops on flowers lead to rapid fading of the flowers.

Watering. The higher the air temperature, the more abundant the watering should be. Since autumn it has been gradually reduced. The soil should dry out by 1-2 cm, no more. Stagnation of water in the pan is not allowed. The liquid should be soft and well purified. Usually used rainwater or one that was defended for at least 3 days.

Fertilizer. From the beginning of active growth (April-May) until the end of July, camellia is fed twice a month. mineral complexes for indoor flowers. From August all fertilizing stops, which is a signal for the formation of buds.

Transfer. Since camellia is still in full bloom in the spring, it is transplanted at the beginning of winter. The roots are easily damaged, so they use the method of transferring them to a larger pot. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 years. A thick layer of drainage material must be poured onto the bottom. The root collar is placed on the soil surface. The soil must be sufficiently loose, water- and breathable. It is imperative that the soil be acidic or slightly acidic. You can make up your own mixture for planting from the following components:

  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • coniferous land (2 parts);
  • high peat (2 parts);
  • vermiculite (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part);
  • conifer bark (0.5 parts).

Trimming. Periodically, the camellia can be cut, giving it the desired shape. This should be done at the end of the flowering period. If too many flowers are formed at the budding stage, the plant may become sick. Because of this, some of the buds are removed, leaving 2-3 flowers on the shoot.

Growing in the garden

In the south of Russia, along the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus, camellia is successfully grown in the garden. Bushes with a dense crown or low trees that bloom between dense, dark green leaves bright flowers, look very decorative. Appeared in recent years hybrid varieties allow the plant to be grown in open ground in regions where winter temperatures do not drop below -20°C. Moreover garden plants have a more flexible character.

Camellia is planted in partial shade, in a place protected from drafts. You can plant it under tall deciduous trees with an openwork crown and deep-lying rhizomes, as well as near a fence or wall of a house. They will provide protection from the midday sun. You cannot choose a place in deep shade, as there will be no flowers at all.

The soil must be loose and fertile. When planting, it is important not to bury the root collar. It is placed flush with the soil.

The camellia will need to be watered regularly to keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Watering continues further in winter at positive temperatures.

In May-July they pay monthly mineral fertilizing, intended specifically for camellia (full dose) or for rhododendron (half dose).

In autumn, the soil near the trunk is mulched with fallen leaves and chopped bark, and then covered with spruce branches. If frosts rarely occur in winter, then additional shelter is not needed. In more northern regions The base of the trunk is covered with non-woven material. At night, the crown with flowers is also covered with lutrasil.