Brovalia: growing from seeds in a home garden. Browallia: how to grow a spectacular annual from seeds

Today you can find several varieties of this plant. Flower growers are engaged in its cultivation and distribution. Several subspecies have been bred that are suitable for a particular area.

This plant is found in South and Central America. It was introduced to Europe from Colombia and is grown as indoor flower. In terms of external characteristics, Browallia is similar to petunia. This is a small bush that climbs. It is covered with axillary flowers, which can be blue, white or purple. They are attached to the shoot with thin stalks. The plant has long and large green leaves.

An annual plant that gets its name from the stickiness of the stem. It differs from other species by its low, branched stems. During the period from November to February, the plant is covered with small flowers. They can be white or dark blue with light spots.

This type of brovallia is very spectacular and beautiful. It differs from the others in that its colors are not quite ordinary. The small bush is strewn with sapphire-colored flowers. The bush itself reaches no more than 25 cm in height.

This species has been grown exclusively for decorating gardens or flower beds since the mid-nineteenth century. The annual plant with a branched crown reaches almost half a meter in height. Its flowers are collected in small inflorescences that resemble a brush. They can be white or blue. Flowering of the plant begins in November and ends in January.

Tall bush, blooms quite profusely. It can reach almost a meter in height. Its large flowers are most often colored blue or purple.

Among other things, we can highlight the most popular and sought-after types of this plant. They are more suitable for decorating rooms, gardens, and flower beds. It will be much easier to grow such varieties.

Ampelous, pearl bells. This ornamental flowering plant also belongs to the nightshade family. It is grown as an annual plant, so it requires some care for the bush. The plant reaches a height of 30 cm, so it is more suitable for gardens and flower beds. The leaves are green and oblong.

The flowers resemble small bells white, hence the name. Flower growers say that this type also suitable for hanging flowerpots as potted plants.

Beautiful Browallia is a potted, mostly indoor plant that blooms for quite a long time. This bush branches well and reaches about 25 cm in height. The flowers are large and can reach about 5 cm in diameter. If you properly care for this plant, you can achieve long-term flowering. It lasts almost all summer.

An annual plant that reaches a height of 30 cm. This type of brovallia is suitable for growing in hanging baskets or containers. The plant is quite large and strong, so it quickly forms a bush with big flowers light shades. With proper care, the bush will bloom all summer until autumn frosts.

Features of care

This bush is not particularly demanding, so you can grow it without any problems good plant. It needs established care measures. It is necessary to carefully remove dried buds, yellowed leaves and old shoots. Spraying and fertilizing is mandatory, but it is better to consult with specialists to avoid mistakes.

IMPORTANT! Care measures must be carried out extremely carefully, because Brovallia is a poisonous plant.

You should not grow such a flower at home without following the recommendations of specialists. The fact is that the plant can negatively affect children and animals living in the house. After contact with brovallia, you should wash your hands with soap.

  1. Lighting. This flower loves bright places, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In summer it is worth shading the brovallia a little, so it is better to place the plant on an eastern window.
  2. Temperature. The plant does not like high temperatures, so if you do not pay attention to this, you may not see blooming buds for a long time. Optimal temperature for browallia it will be 20°C. In winter, such indicators should correspond to 15°C. In cool weather, such a plant slightly reduces its growth rate, and this extends its life.
  3. Air humidity and watering. It is unacceptable to leave the flower in a room with dry air. It is advisable to spray the brovallia once a day, and if it blooms, you should not get water on the flowers. They may appear brown spots. The soil in the potter should not dry out, but excessive moisture is also unacceptable.
  4. The soil. You need to use regular soil for planting brovallia. The purchased soil contains everything you need, namely sand and humus.
  5. Fertilizers. Feed twice a month, starting in spring and ending in summer. All fertilizers can be used for flowering plants, slightly reducing their concentration.
  6. Transfer. The annual plant does not need to be replanted, because it dies after the flowers ripen. Subsequent bushes are already obtained from seeds.
  7. Brovallia propagation. Seeds can be planted in different terms. If the florist wants to achieve early flowering, then you need to plant the plant in February. For indoor growing you can sow the seeds in August. The bush can also be propagated by cuttings (you can find out more about growing brovallia from cuttings and seeds). You just need to cut a cutting from an adult plant and root it in the substrate.

The flower is very vulnerable, so if the air in the room does not meet its usual standards, it may appear spider mite. If the plant is left outdoors for a long time, aphids or scale insects may develop. Proper care will solve such problems.


It is worth noting that Brovallia is a rather unpretentious plant, which can delight its owner with continuous flowering.

Browallia is a flower that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Close relative petunias. The plant came to Europe in the middle of the 19th century. from Brazil, which is considered his homeland. In nature, it can be found in South and Central America. About 6 varieties of this plant are known. For home grown Only one species is suitable - beautiful Browallia. It is used to decorate balconies and window sills, flower beds and plantings.

Read the description of plant varieties and tips for growing it.

Houseplant beautiful brovallia, Ocean, Fidelity, Bell Blue and other varieties (with photo)

Browallia flower is an annual herbaceous plant. In the wild it grows up to one and a half meters. The domesticated species takes the form of a small bush with dark green leaves and soft, drooping shoots. Some species have velvety foliage. The crown of the flower is no more than 40 cm, which is recommended to be pinched to create a beautiful green head with color.

The aesthetic beauty of a plant is assessed by its flowering period. Browallia growing in room conditions, with proper care, gives a very lush color on the stems, which lasts quite a long time, compared to other types of house flowers, up to 16 months. Even in winter time Brovallia can delight you with bright colors. True, during this period the saturation of the color shade may change due to a lack of sunlight.

The color itself is odorless, resembles the shape of a funnel-shaped star, and is formed by five petals fused to the middle of the base. The shade can be different - from white to purple, depending on the variety. For example:

Brovallia Loyalty- this is a variety of domesticated subspecies, small in stature, with beautifully combined dark green leaves and sky blue color;

Brovallia Sapphire has an average height of up to 25 cm, and its color has a sapphire tint, hence the name of the species;

Browallia americana– abundant purple color;

Brovallia beautiful Ocean– rather large flowers with a whitish throat;

Large-flowered Browallia has white or pale blue flowers;

Browallia Bell Blue is a species that has a large blue flower.

If you want to achieve diversity on your windowsill or flower bed, then today there is Brovalia beautiful ocean mix on sale, which combines the seeds of several subspecies that produce flowers of different shades.

Since the plant is an annual, the domestic Brovallia loses its color and dies. But the beauty of a flower can be extended thanks to proper reproduction. In addition, many plants grown indoors can be considered biennials, as they bloom for quite a long time. For example, a beautiful Browallia (look at the photo to see what it looks like) can live for more than 18 months in a room:

After the flower of the plant fades, a fruit forms in its place. Dark and fairly small seeds ripen in it. Next, the valves of the fruit open and the seed spills out. Note that the seeds of the first year of flowering have a high germination rate.

Growing brovallia in the garden and at home

Beautiful Browallia is a houseplant that can also be grown in the garden. Any variety does not require complex care; they are quite unpretentious - periodically remove dead leaves and flowers that have bloomed. This is quite enough for the plant. But if you still want to achieve a beautiful bush with large bright colors, then you should remember some rules:

  • periodically pinch the ends of the shoots to create an aesthetically beautiful crown;
  • old shoots must be completely removed;
  • provide the plant with a bright area, but at the same time protect the delicate leaves from direct sunlight;
  • for creating lush bush Even in a pot, several seedlings should be planted, and in the garden Browallia should be planted in groups;
  • For a plant, the quality of the soil is not as important as its moisture.

The plant does not like very high temperatures. +20 V mode is considered optimal for it summer period, and in winter – +15 degrees. If you see that the young leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out, then this is a clear indicator that the flower is hot. In addition, when elevated temperature Brovallia stops blooming profusely.

If you want Brovallia as a houseplant to delight you with color even in winter periods– feed the soil. This should be done once every 14 days after the start of flowering. For this, use any liquid universal fertilizer intended for house plants.

An old Browallia bush, which can be grown from seeds or by cuttings, can be renewed very quickly.

Brovallia propagation by seeds

Browallia can be propagated vegetatively throughout the year. The cutting method is especially suitable for growing plants at home. This will help update all year round on the windowsill there is the color of Browallia. Growing from seeds is in most cases used for further landing seedlings in open ground, but also for landing in indoor pots can also be used.

Let's take a closer look at one of the methods of propagating Browallia - growing the plant from seeds at home. There is no optimal time for this - you can do it both in winter and summer. When determining the time of sowing, they are guided by when you want to see the color of the plant:

  • sow at the end of summer, the first inflorescences will appear in February (this time is ideal for home growing);
  • February is optimal time for the further growth of Browallia in the garden.

Sowing is also interesting. Prepare the soil. It should be loose with the addition of peat. Place in pots or any other convenient container. The seeds are placed in the prepared soil at a short distance from each other and are not covered with soil. A seed needs light to germinate, so if you cover it with soil, it will not sprout.

To speed up and increase germination before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water. To do this, take a small piece of gauze or light, non-dense natural fabric, moisten it and lay out the seeds.

The soil with Brovallia seeds sown is sprayed daily using a spray bottle. Use only water at room temperature.

The pot should be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect and at the same time ensure sufficient light penetration. Open the planted seeds daily for 2 hours, then spray the soil and close again. Brovallia grown from seeds produces the first shoots after 10 days, at a temperature within + 22...+25 degrees.

Note that seeds sown directly into the ground on open area, will give a very late color, and the emerging shoots themselves will be very vulnerable. But if you don’t want to bother with boxes and pots, then it is recommended to sow them in the ground and make a greenhouse using film. This will provide the seedlings with protection from negative impacts environment.

Let the borings grow well and you can start planting. The next stage is intermediate before landing on permanent place. Narrow small pots (diameter about 7 cm) are well suited for picking. Once the weather is warm outside, without night frosts, you can plant the grown plant in the ground or pots.

Propagation of brovallia by cuttings

If mature plant produces a seed, it will soon begin to wither and die. Don't want to part with indoor Browallia, then hurry to pinch off the stalk. When working with the plant, always use gloves and wash your hands well after finishing work, as the sap of the plant is poisonous.

For propagation by cuttings, the upper part of the stem, which does not have flower buds. Treat the lower part with a root stimulator (leave it in for at least 12 hours).

You can prepare your own horse growth stimulant. To do this, willow shoots are cut into small pieces and infused in water for about 24 hours.

Bury this part into loose soil with added sand. Make a shelter (cover with a jar, film) to create a greenhouse effect. Don't forget to water and ventilate the cuttings. When the plant takes root, it can be transplanted to a permanent place in a pot or in open ground.

Brovallia does not require feeding during germination and transplantation. After some time, when the first buds appear, you can fertilize with any universal fertilizer for blooming flowers.

Look how beautiful Brovallia looks in the photo:

This unpretentious plant will decorate any place. A flower grown in the house will bring bright colors in the autumn and winter.

Place brovallia on the windowsill next to decorative foliage plants and it will enliven almost any composition with its colors. In summer it can be placed on the balcony or taken out to the patio.

Beautiful Browallia is usually found on sale in spring or summer, but sometimes it can be found in stores in winter, since this species does not need long daylight hours to bloom.

Purple, white or blue flowers beautiful brovallia appear in the corners of the lanceolate leaves of the plant. Browallia itself does not grow more than 35-40 cm in height and stands covered with flowers.


The greatest advantage of beautiful browallia is that its seeds can be germinated in different time, then the plants will bloom either in summer or winter.

However, you should also remember that browallia does not tolerate low temperatures. It is an ideal late fall/early winter plant when few species are in bloom. Sometimes Browallia blooms lightly, but its flowering time lasts quite a long time. Remove fading flowers regularly to prolong the flowering time of this beautiful plant.

On mature beautiful brovallias, the leaves thin out and very few flowers appear, so this perennial is grown as an annual plant.


Brovallia beautiful can be covered bright flowers in any season. Small size, abundance of flowers and drooping stems are the main advantages of this plant. Beautiful Brovallia looks perfect in hanging baskets or flower boxes. It can also be grown on a sunny windowsill among plants with decorative leaves. Outdoors, the beautiful Brovallia should be provided with a shaded place or a sunny place, protected from strong winds.

Seed propagation

1. Browallias grown from seeds sown in February or March usually bloom in summer. Beautiful Brovallia seeds are not recommended to be sown very thickly. They are sown in greenhouses filled with a mixture of peat and sand. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil on top. Cover the greenhouse with a lid or glass. Brovallia seeds can also be sown several at a time in separate peat pots (before sowing, such pots are soaked in water). Cover the top of the seed pots with plastic wrap.

2. Seed germination should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20°C. They germinate in 8-14 days.

3. When the seedlings grow up, they need to be planted in separate pots, in each flower pot there should be 4 plants.

4. The temperature in the room with seedlings should not fall below 15°C. Pinch the growing tips of young plants once or twice to encourage them to bush.


Beautiful Browallia is an unpretentious plant, you just need to provide it with a bright place and proper watering. It is a perennial that is grown as an annual, so it does not require additional care or replanting. If you are growing a plant from seeds, then sow the seeds in a mixture of sand and potting soil taken in equal amounts.

Watering and fertilizing

Brovallia is beautiful throughout the entire flowering period and needs abundant watering. Water the plant as soon as the soil on the surface dries out a little. On particularly hot days, plants growing in the house should be regularly sprayed with water. Beautiful Browallia needs regular feeding. Feed it with complex fertilizers once every two weeks.

Selecting a location

Provide the beautiful brovallia with a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight (be sure to protect the beautiful brovallia from the direct rays of the midday sun). The plant can also grow on the veranda, the main thing is to provide it with good watering. beautiful grows well at normal room temperature. At the end of flowering, this plant is thrown away.


The most popular plants are those of the Bells line, the most commonly grown varieties being the white "White Bells" and the blue "Blue Bells". "Jingle Bells" plants may bloom different shades blue and white. Another blue-flowered variety is "Blue Troll". For those who like other types of Browallia, we recommend American Browallia (Browallia americana). Its seeds can be found in specialized nurseries.


It is best to buy beautiful brovallia just before flowering, when you can determine the color. Choose plants with many buds and healthy leaves. Brovallia is beautiful - it is an annual, so after flowering it is removed. Beautiful Brovallia seeds are inexpensive.

Possible problems

Rot of the stem base

Root and base rot is a consequence of overwatering.

beautiful browallia. If you find traces of rot, immediately destroy the diseased plant.

Yellowing leaves

The leaves of the plant turn yellow if it is kept in a cold room. Move it to a warmer place.

Sticky leaves

Brovalia – excellent plant from the nightshade family, which can complement your home collection plants. Although Brovalia is related to potatoes, the plant looks more aesthetically pleasing and has interesting flowers, which, by the way, grow whole year, which certainly pleases the owners of brovalia.

The plant itself is not demanding on lighting, which makes it the perfect flower for a period of short winter days. What is worth paying attention to is that brovalia does not tolerate low temperatures and drafts. This is perhaps its only weakness despite its general unpretentiousness in conditions. For long-lasting flowering, remove wilted and dried parts of the plant. Despite the fact that Brovalia is considered a perennial, over time the plant ages, which is reflected in thinning leaves and poorer flowering. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to grow it as an annual.

Advice: “So that brovalia makes you happy abundant flowering for a long time - regularly pick off dried flowers.”


Brovalia is easy to care for and is completely unpretentious at home. Provide the plant with timely sufficient watering, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil, do the appropriate fertilizing twice a month. It is advisable to water as soon as it becomes clear that the soil has dried out, and in hot weather such care as additional spraying of the plant is recommended.

Pests and diseases

The plant may suffer from powdery mildew, which may result from excessive improper watering. Be especially careful in the cold season, when the plant is in vulnerable conditions and the risk of damage is greatest. If you notice rot, destroy the infected plant immediately. If the plant’s leaves suddenly turn yellow, the problem can be solved by moving it to a warmer place.

Advice: “Brovalia can delight you with its flowering for a very long time. To enjoy vibrant flowers all year round, you can sow the seeds at regular intervals.”

How to grow brovalia

Brovallia is propagated at home using the most common method. Seeds are sown in the ground. The flowering of a flower depends on the time of sowing. The ripening process lasts 3-4 months, so if you want to admire the flower in winter, you should plant the seeds at the end of September, beginning of October. First you need to prepare the soil. For better ripening of the fruit, it is necessary to make a substrate by mixing peat and sand.

Sowing and cultivation

Seeds should be sown rarely and sprinkled with a layer of substrate on top. To improve germination, you can optimize care and create a greenhouse effect by covering the seed container with some impervious material, such as polyethylene or glass. In about a week and a half, the first shoots will appear. Young shoots need to be ventilated regularly. The seedlings need to be replanted when they reach a height of 3-4 centimeters. Brovallia begins to bloom approximately 70-80 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

To make the plant more lush and bloom profusely, it is necessary to cut off the tallest shoots; such care activates the plant. Brovallia loves warm rooms. Ideal temperature during flowering it is 20-23 degrees Celsius. Like all flowers, homemade brovallias require fertilizing. Experts recommend using the drug “Agricola” for flowering plants.” The frequency of fertilizing is once a week.

Optimal conditions

Except temperature regime When breeding, care for this plant requires maintenance high humidity air. To maintain the plant in such home conditions, it is necessary to spray the plant at least once. But you should not get water on the flowers, as they may become covered with brown spots and the entire aesthetics of the flower will be lost. This must be carefully monitored during spraying.

You should carefully monitor soil moisture. If the soil dries out or is too wet, the stem will either dry out or begin to rot, and it will be impossible to stop this process. Usually, to maintain the required level of ambient air humidity, a vase with water is placed next to the brovallia bush; such care is not difficult.

Advice: “All parts of brovalia are poisonous; when carrying out these types of work, you should be careful and always wash your hands after performing them. You should try to keep children away from this flower or keep an eye on them if they touch it.”

If you want to decorate your balcony or gazebo with this plant, then you need to sow the seedlings in the last days of winter at the end of February. The planting process was described above. The plant is afraid of the cold, so you can take it out into the open ground or plant it only if you are sure that the frost period has ended.

The ideal place to place a flower is the eastern side of the gazebo or a balcony located on the eastern side of the house. Brovalia, however, can be planted under other conditions, however, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the flower is constantly in the shade; accordingly, care becomes more labor-intensive. To keep the plant blooming, periodically remove fading or dry leaves and cut off excess shoots.

Modest, not provocatively bright flower crops are becoming increasingly popular in the design of flower beds and garden plots. Their calm, gentle, peaceful beauty fascinates and makes you look back and stop. This also applies to the brovallia flower - herbaceous annual plant from the nightshade family. A neat bush strewn with small flowers will decorate a balcony, terrace, or any corner garden plot, will give the interior of the room a cute originality. Browallia can be grown as a garden and indoor plant.

Description of Browallia

The roots of the culture go back to the tropical regions of South and Central America, where it grows wild. The bush with branching drooping stems has a compact rounded shape and natural environment grows up to 1m, the height of cultivated species varies from 20cm to 35cm.

Small dark green leaves look like an elongated oval with a narrow tip. Single flowers of white, blue and purple color, resembling stars, grow from leaf axils. The petals, of which there are five, are fused at the base, slightly curved and show a light “eye” in the middle of the flower.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until frost, and potted plants delight with an abundance of flowers all year round.

Small seeds ripen in a box with valves, from where they spill out when ripe.

Information! Browallia is an annual plant, but at home with proper care it can life cycle can be extended up to 2 years. After prolonged flowering, the plant fades and needs to be renewed.

Brovallia varieties for indoor growing

How garden culture Several species have become widespread: beautiful, large-flowered, pubescent, sticky, American, and as a plant for home cultivation there is only one species - beautiful brovallia.

Varieties of beautiful browallia

Sowing seeds

Growing brovallia from seeds is not time-bound - sowing can be done at any time. To obtain a flowering plant throughout the year, you can spread out the sowing of seeds of one or several varieties over time. For example, sowing in August or early September will produce flowering in winter, sowing in February in spring, sowing in April or March in summer.

How to sow seeds:

  • prepare a soil mixture from equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus, river sand, disinfect it in an oven or with boiling water;
  • fill shallow containers with the mixture;
  • distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil (before this, soak them in warm water for 2 hours and dry on a cloth);
  • moisten with a spray bottle (no need to add seeds);
  • cover the container transparent material(glass, film), place in a bright and warm (22°-25°C) place;
  • open the shelter daily to remove condensation and ventilate the greenhouse;
  • moisten the soil with a spray bottle;
  • pick into narrow pots;
  • pinch the top if there are 3-4 leaves.

In order not to prepare the soil yourself, you can use for sowing peat tablets, having previously soaked them in a zircon solution. After this, squeeze out excess moisture, place 3 seeds on each tablet (do not soak the seeds or treat them with anything). Place the tablets in a transparent bag or container (cover the top) and place them in the light, where the temperature is 22°-25°C.

Propagation by cuttings

Brovallia cuttings are an easy and simple way to propagate the desired variety or renew an already growing one. Cuttings take root well in both water and soil.

Procedure for planting cuttings:

  • cuttings are obtained by cutting the top of the stem without buds in May or early June (water the plant the day before);
  • soil for flower crops with the addition of vermiculite (gives looseness) pour into small containers;
  • Place the cutting in the ground, cover the container with a bag (jar) and place it in the light at 20°C;
  • Water the soil regularly and ventilate the greenhouse;
  • picking is carried out after germination of the roots (2-3 seedlings can be planted in each container to obtain an ampelous bush);
  • When diving, be sure to pinch the top.

Home care

The value of brovallia is in its long flowering (13-18 months), which is not often found among indoor plants. flower plants. The flower spends a lot of energy on such a life cycle, but proper care helps him recover.

Care stages:

  1. Temperature regime. Depending on the season, the temperature varies from +25°C in summer, to +15°-18°C in winter and +20°C in autumn and spring. Support desired temperature You can move the pot with the plant to the balcony, to the windowsill, or, conversely, by removing it from there to a warmer room.
  2. Humidity. tropical plants They grow in a humid environment, so the air in the room can be humidified using a spray bottle or installing a container with water. It is not recommended to spray the bush itself, since drops of water may cause stains on the flowers.
  3. Illumination. If there is insufficient lighting, flowering may not occur, but direct sunlight is also undesirable - the light should be diffused. On sunny, hot days, protection from the sun should be provided, and in winter, if necessary, the plant should be illuminated.
  4. Water generously in hot weather sunny days and moderate in winter and autumn. The container must have a drainage hole and a drainage layer to avoid moisture stagnation.
  5. Feeding (every 14 days) to replenish nutrients it is necessary to apply in the soil - ready-made complexes without nitrogen are suitable for indoor flowering plants. The recommended dosage should be reduced by 2-3 times.
  6. Trimming and pinching. To form a beautiful bush correct form, you need to regularly pinch the top of the shoots, trim off dried stems and remove faded flowers.
  7. Diseases. If signs of powdery mildew appear (grayish coating on leaves and shoots), treat with a fungicide (Topaz, Skor) or, in case of severe damage, remove the plant so that the infection does not spread to neighboring plantings. The disease appears in too humid environments and high temperature, so you should follow the rules of care.
  8. Pests. For indoor plants The dangers are aphids, thrips, scale insects and red spider mites. Special drugs (Intavir, Oktara), solution help to fight them laundry soap(spraying, sponge washing), growing nearby plants with a specific smell, for example, geraniums, marigolds.

Information! Brovallia flower belongs to poisonous plants— all work with it is best done with gloves. When placing it in an apartment, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of contact with children and animals.

Appearance of the plant and errors in care

ABOUT incorrect implementation caring for brovallia signal changes in its appearance. It is possible to correct the situation if you take immediate action.

How to correct mistakes in care

Appearance changesCausesHow to fix
Yellow spots on the leaf plateSunburnProtect from direct sunlight
The entire leaf blade has turned yellowIron deficiency (chlorosis)Use complex fertilizers with a balanced composition
The bush is sluggish, droopingHeat,

dry soil

Observe watering norms and humidify the air
Pale leaf colorInsufficient lightingMove the pot to a brighter place
The leaves are fallingSudden change in temperaturePlace the plant in a room with a constant temperature, avoid drafts
Reducing the number of budsHigh room temperatureChange location

At correct landing and proper care, browallia will reward you with abundant flowering all year round, creating comfort in the apartment and a homely atmosphere in the office, and will help maintain a good mood in any season.