We are furnishing a one-room apartment: how to make your home cozy and functional (59 photos). Design of a one-room apartment: how to properly decorate the interior

One-room apartments require you to create a multifunctional space in a small area. One person may be able to place here everything his heart desires, but what about a family? There are a few useful tips and ideas that will help you create a cozy family nest in a one-room apartment.

If you have just moved into one-room apartment. First of all, measure all the parameters of the room. Not only the height, length and width are important, draw at least a schematic plan of the room, mark the sockets, window, exit to the balcony, door (including when open) and take all measurements up to these elements. If you have not yet installed, but are planning a split system, also choose a place for it; do not plan to place a cabinet or other furniture that impedes the air flow directly under it. Complete the room plan with the furniture you want and estimate the size you can afford. Choose light shades for the walls and ceiling to visually expand the space. It is advisable to purchase furniture that is light, not bulky, if there are no small children, a wardrobe with. large mirrors pay attention to lighting: when zoning, each corner should be illuminated appropriately. Chandeliers, sconces and lamps should “dissolve” as much as possible against their background so as not to conceal the space. An exception would be floor lamps if, with their colorfulness and originality, they fit favorably into the interior.

It is better to place furniture along the walls so that the central part of the room is free. In the struggle for free space, you may have to sacrifice a double bed in favor of a folding sofa. In case your friends or relatives stay overnight at your place, folding chair beds will certainly come in handy. If you have one or two old enough children, install a loft bed or bunk bed to provide enough space to set up a work or play area. For children's toys, you can allocate under-bed drawers, so children can use them at any time, and putting all the toys back will not be difficult. If the area of ​​the hallway allows you to place a wardrobe in it or install a wardrobe, be sure to take this opportunity to install in the room instead of this interior element, for example, a stylish wall with cabinets for storing books, documents, souvenirs and other important things.

Zoning of living space can be a winning option in a small “one-room apartment”. As partitions, you can use translucent flowing fabric, tinted plexiglass with a print, bamboo trunks, the main thing is that it looks harmonious in the interior of the room.

Do not clutter the walls with shelves, flowers, carpets; a free wall with one or two paintings or photos will add a sense of space and will not seem empty and cold at all. Do not allow annoying bright accents, they will quickly get boring and will seem “tacky”, since in your case it will not be possible to change the environment by going to another room, and these “highlights” will always be in your sight.

In general, it all depends on your taste and income. But keep in mind that comfort and luxury are easy to achieve even with a limited budget, the main thing is that the interior items are not massive and heavy, combine with each other and create a harmonious palette, and textured textiles of curtains, bedspreads, and possibly a carpet will help with this. A one-room apartment is associated with a lack of space. IN residential buildings economy class minimum living area of ​​such apartments is 14 square meters

. In luxury new buildings this figure is at least doubled. However, in an apartment consisting of one room, it is always difficult to furnish it. But even in a small-sized apartment, every family member can be comfortable and psychologically comfortable if the interior is properly organized. Let's find out how to correctly arrange all the necessary household items.

The most important thing when furnishing a one-room apartment with a minimum area (28 square meters) is to take into account the number of residents in a given area, their age, tastes, and preferences.

It is important to choose in a small apartment light walls, ceiling, floor, matching the color of the furniture. The level of comfort of housing directly depends on the chosen method of interior redevelopment. The slightest change of internal partitions can lead to the desired result.

Posting rules

Like any important task, choosing and arranging furniture does not tolerate fuss. You can’t follow your desires and buy “that wonderful bed” or “amazing closet” just because you like them. Furniture is an important part of the interior; you need to choose it based on technical capabilities premises. Otherwise, all this beauty will turn into an absurd heap. But do you need a comfortable place to live, not a warehouse? Therefore, before furnishing a one-room apartment with furniture, try to evaluate the capabilities of the room and how to redevelop it if necessary:

  1. Do not rush to bring in household items and decor if the room is empty, or take them out if you are thinking about reorganizing the space;
  2. Take measurements of the room, hallway, kitchen, make an apartment plan on paper or using a graphic computer program, which employs interior designers;
  3. Create several furniture options by hand in a prepared plan or on the computer;
  4. Analyze photographs of the furnishings of an apartment similar to yours. This will help you navigate the organization of space and choose suitable interior solutions;
  5. Will be useful design tips about space zoning. In this case, in the middle of each zone, the main pieces of furniture are placed in a one-room apartment, and additional pieces are placed around them;
  6. Opt for compact furniture that does not clutter up the space;
  7. If you need a lot of furniture, then it is better to place it closer to each other so that it is convenient to move around the apartment;
  8. Reflect all your preferences and ways of moving around your housing in the plan.

If you are not the only occupant of the apartment, coordinate with other family members several options for plans and jointly approve the most successful one.


A one-room apartment is a living room, a bedroom and an office at once, so we only bring in furniture that is necessary and not bulky, which has the maximum functionality. If you have an apartment built during the years of Khrushchev’s rule, the first step towards the furnishings of the hall will be to refuse to place furniture along the walls. This compares the narrow rectangular room corridor or carriage, which cannot be called a cozy nest.

Modern design solutions are based on a square shape, since it is most convenient when creating an interior. What kind of furniture is needed and how should it be arranged in a one-room Khrushchev house?


We give preference to the coupe (one of the doors or all can be mirrored):

  • Firstly, it is roomy;
  • Secondly, it can serve to highlight two zones if it is placed with the end part facing the wall. In this case, it ceases to be visually perceived as a traditional cabinet standing along the wall;
  • Thirdly, he is tall, upper shelves mezzanines will be replaced.

Chest of drawers, bedside tables

We choose tall and narrow ones to make the space as light as possible.


For good rest You need a comfortable sleeping place. But you won’t be able to afford a royal bed. The options for one-room apartments are as follows:

  • Folding sofa, important detail which is the presence of storage boxes;
  • You can do without this item if you make a bedroom on the windowsill. It will be necessary to remake the window sill into a wide, long one, but this option will save space;
  • Another option is to create sleeping place at the window on the podium, inside of which there are many compartments for storing things;
  • A practical solution is a bed on the upper tier, a wardrobe, work zone, computer desk, chest of drawers, shelves, pull-out bed on the lower tier - in one. This mega-functional invention is real! It is ideal for small spaces, even when a baby appears and the question arises of how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment with a child and create a children's area.

Tables and shelves

Books, documents, needles, threads, all kinds of household items should always be in order, at hand, in a certain place, so that they can be conveniently obtained without spending a lot of time searching (you can use dividers, label drawers, boxes if they are opaque ). It is optimal to use:

  • Open wall shelves of different lengths, where you can put decorative items and place photos;
  • Open shelving that also serves as a partition;
  • Closed shelves, interior boxes and baskets;
  • Built-in sets, which, when opened, serve as a table for work, niches and shelves for storing various items.

When choosing built-in furniture, pay attention to the following details:

  • Its color should not contrast with the color of the walls, so as not to visually reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • Try to place such transforming headsets not above the sleeping place, because these are still attributes of the work area.

Armchairs and poufs

We will have to give up massive armchairs, replacing them with mobile folding chairs.


In one-room apartments, a sufficient level of lighting plays an important role. It is preferable not to use large floor lamps and other massive light sources. It is best to make spot ceiling lighting, purchase wall sconces, and table lamps in a minimalist style.


Refrigerator, stove, sink, cutting table, cabinets for dishes, food, spices, dryer, microwave, food processor- this is far from full list kitchen attributes. All of them should fit on a minimum of 6-8 square meters, without complicating your movement around the room and ease of use: when opening the oven, you should not think about how not to hit the refrigerator.

Kitchen furniture should be ergonomic and functional. The dimensions of the kitchen set are minimal. It is better to make an individual project that allows you to rationally use the corner space of the kitchen.

Combining a kitchen and a room is one of the common solutions to the problem of lack of space if a family of three lives in an apartment. At the same time, the broken wall between the two rooms is partially restored by installing kitchen floor cabinets, which are a continuation of the unit, with a countertop that can easily serve as both a place for eating and a bar counter. A small kitchen is often associated with a lack of space for a dining table where the whole family can gather. Therefore, the dining area becomes necessary, and the studio apartment becomes popular.

Hallway and corridor

Hallway in the apartment - business card. The overall perception of the interior depends on its design. Hallway layout in different apartments different, so ideas that work for the decor of a square hallway will be completely inappropriate in a narrow and long one. Assess the size of the hallway, lighting, and ceiling heights.

If the hallway is small (represents a corridor), proceed in two ways:

  • It is designed according to accepted design rules;
  • They combine the hallway with an adjacent room - a kitchen or living room.

In the first case (especially if we are talking about Khrushchev), you will have to abandon the large cabinet and use instead:

  • A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors will not only increase the visual space, but will also solve the problem with the mirror in the hallway. In such a closet there is only enough space for seasonal outerwear(middle tier), shoes (lower tier), accessories (upper tier), everything irrelevant is put away for storage in the room. If possible, it is worth placing an ottoman for ease of putting on/taking off shoes, and place a shelf or hook for a shoehorn nearby;
  • Modular furniture is perfect solution for any, especially small hallways.. No bulky cabinets, only interesting design proposals. This kit is assembled to order and will certainly meet all your requirements.

In the second case, the wall between the hallway and the room or kitchen is eliminated and replaced with an arch or other architectural solution.

The hallway becomes part of another space and must stylistically match it.

Features of accommodation depending on the size of the apartment

A one-room apartment, regardless of square footage, is a universal area. The main features of the environment here will be order and organization, and the multifunctionality of objects. Remember that large furniture is the compositional center. But the number of meters leaves an imprint on the distribution of furniture and its design solution. small room without a balcony, it is better to abandon bulky furniture, giving preference to modular furniture. Such a room should be equipped in a minimalist style so that every item has its place. Focus on the essentials, actively use wall space, corner space, and the space under the window sill. Preferred:

  • A sleeping place that can easily be transformed into a guest place during the day;
  • A table that can be used as a work or toilet place;
  • Sliding wardrobe or built-in wardrobe;
  • Hanging, hanging shelves, racks, mezzanines – great option storage, interesting way make the room stylish;
  • Corner furniture always looks original, does not clutter up the space, on the contrary, makes it smoother.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, it is reasonable to make it part of the living space: it can accommodate workplace, rest zone.


How to arrange furniture in an apartment whose living area is no more than 18 square meters? The answer is obvious - to zone the space. Depending on the composition of the family, the room requires areas such as:

  • Guest room;
  • Working;
  • Bedroom;
  • Children's room (the arrangement of this area depends on the age of the child and should change over time: a newborn and preschooler have one organization of a children's corner, and schoolchildren and students have a full-fledged workplace).

For the children's area you need to choose the warmest and most illuminated place! A loft bed with a workplace will become an excellent alternative children's room.

If parents get a non-isolated space, they should think about the arrangement in the passage room so as to preserve personal space.

Selection functional zones can be done using:

  • Shelving;
  • Screen;
  • Canopies;
  • Sliding partitions;
  • Suspended partitions;
  • False wall;
  • Podiums;
  • Partition-shelves made of plasterboard;
  • Inclusion of a balcony into the space of the room;
  • Bed arrangements above the guest area;
  • Arranging a sleeping/working/children's space on the “second floor” if you have high ceilings.

Common mistakes

Not everyone can afford to invite a specialist to properly arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. Not everyone is given a sense of proportion and style. Not everyone has enough knowledge, patience and time to create a competent interior. That is why the result of planning turns into disappointment. To prevent this from happening, let’s look at the most common mistakes and try to avoid them when furnishing a one-room apartment:

  1. An illogical project - even in the smallest one-room apartment there should be room for a hallway, a guest area and personal space. But why combine the kitchen and the room if one person lives in the apartment? And if there are several inhabitants, it is simply necessary to zone the room;
  2. Excessive zoning is a standard option for one person or a couple - two zones in a room. A larger number of partitions without an appropriate number of residents will make living uncomfortable;
  3. Refusal to have a proper place to sleep.
  4. Immobile interior - when there are not enough meters in a one-room apartment, it is impossible to place stationary furniture everywhere. Think constructively;
  5. Transformers are not in place - if everything is transformed and assembled, then this space is needed for something. If you don’t need it for anything, then you can do without transformers and install, for example, a normal bed;
  6. An ill-conceived storage system for things - why do we need drawers and chests of drawers if there is a built-in set, a podium or a wall niche?;
  7. Unsuccessful eclecticism, or what style the room is in - you can’t overload one room with a combination different styles, more than three colors, a variety of textures and light sources. The space must be homogeneous.
  8. Accumulation of unnecessary things and objects - get rid of unnecessary things in a timely manner so as not to turn your home into a storage room and yourself into a Box.

It may be one-room and small, but it is your apartment. What it will be depends on you!

If you are the owner of a small apartment and intend to continue living in it, then it’s time to take measures to optimize the space. Learn to turn disadvantages into advantages, and tiny rooms into interestingly furnished apartments. Think about what small houses already have their advantages. For example, communal payments there is less space here, and general cleaning on Saturdays ends faster. All that remains is to find out how to properly decorate a small apartment and maximize the existing living space.

One of the common mistakes says: in a small apartment it is impossible to create the interior style that you like (unless it is minimalism). But by learning how to properly manage space, you can create a cozy place even in a small area. The main thing is to follow a few rules.

1. Carefully zone each room separately and the entire apartment as a whole

At first glance it may seem that open plan is the best way out, but the lack of personal space and comfort will sooner or later lead to negative emotions. It is necessary to give each part of the room its own functional purpose: a corner for reading, for watching TV, for communication, for sleeping, etc.

Limit the hallway area with a small, flat wardrobe and shoe rack. Place a cupboard between the cooking area and the dining nook. Fit a multifunctional compact workplace into the corner. If you have hobbies or objects dear to your heart, you can use them as a partition. For example, using a bicycle to separate part of the room for a children's play area. Or create a living wall of plants to separate the living room and bedroom.

2. Choose furnishings with dual functionality

When you are dealing with a small apartment, you have to value every square centimeter. In addition to headsets or upholstered furniture, made to order, you should pay attention to sofa beds, built-in beds or workstations, bunk beds, book tables, folding dining table, etc.

This bed can be hidden in a closet

Any selected furniture must be checked to ensure that its dimensions match the size of the room. You shouldn't put a sofa that is too big in a tiny room, it won't make it bigger, it will just add bruises to your legs. However, today furniture manufacturers pay a lot of attention to the production of compact models for small apartments, so everyone can choose the right option.

3. Look for hidden reserves and unused corners

Staying in an apartment for a long time blurs your eyes. So you need to make an effort and look around each room for empty corners or empty walls that can be put to good use. And then brainstorm and decide how to best fill them. After all, there is never too much free space. You can even turn a window sill into a small workspace or part of a kitchen countertop. Or order special corner shelving and fill the corners of your bedroom or living room as much as possible. Place two identical shelves on either side of the doorway, thus creating a closet door.

4. Use all vertical space, from floor to ceiling

Empty walls living in a tiny apartment is an unaffordable luxury. Tall and shallow storage systems are The best way fit as many things as possible into as small an area as possible. You can place beautiful wicker baskets with lids at the very top of the kitchen unit and put rarely used utensils, holiday dishes or textiles there. Or create a partition between the bedroom and the living room, which is actually a huge floor-to-ceiling media center. Another way is a bed built into a niche or closet. Throughout the day, she does not remind of herself and does not take up space in vain.

5. Improve your storage and get rid of clutter.

Everyone knows that proper storage– this is the key to the problem of lack of space in a small apartment. Walk from the hallway to the bathroom, make a list where you can store temporarily unnecessary things, from spare shoes, frying pans, children's toys to household chemicals. Your task is to free up horizontal surfaces as much as possible, while giving each item permanent place dislocations. Wicker baskets for shelving are also a great way to hide household items from prying eyes and give your closet a neater look.

6. Choose a light color scheme for the room

Dark, rich shades make the room smaller, although they give a feeling of comfort and intimacy. But light colors visually expand the space. So a small apartment is a must! When choosing color range focus on a maximum of three colors. Two of them should be light and occupy most of the surfaces in the room. And then add a third one - dark, which will become an accent and make the interior more interesting and voluminous. Remember that too many shades in a small room are overwhelming and irritating.

7. Add depth to your interior

This can be done with splashes of accent color, rounded lines of furniture or decorative elements, and layering of accessories. Try a round dining table or an oval-shaped bed. Instead of choosing a simple rectangular bathroom mirror, order interesting model made of acrylic of any shape. In place of a regular floor lamp with a cylindrical lampshade, you can put several table lamps, reminiscent of vases or antique amphorae. You can also add depth to the interior different ways. For example, there are lamps that surprise with the play of chiaroscuro - real works of art. A simpler option is a layer of multi-colored decorative pillows on the sofa or a fluffy carpet with an interesting pattern on the floor. In this case, everything is built on the contrast of materials, textures and shades.

8. Get rid of unnecessary things more often

Over the course of just a few years, the apartment is filled with old, out-of-use furnishings, toys, books, and things. It is very difficult to part with them, and the rooms are becoming smaller and it is becoming more and more difficult to breathe in them. Once or a couple of times a year, make an effort on yourself - spend general cleaning and get rid of really unnecessary junk. Perhaps then you simply won’t have to look for hidden reserves and space for new storage systems. And the apartment may turn out to be much more spacious than you used to think.

It is worth emphasizing once again that small-sized owners should not choose between practicality and interesting design interior You need to find a balance between these two concepts and decide for yourself how to properly decorate a small apartment so that it is cozy, beautiful and accommodates everything you need for comfortable life.

Equipping the interior of a one-room apartment is a serious task, especially if several people will live in it. It is important to think through every little detail, taking into account the interests of everyone. Moreover, comfort should not compete with aesthetics. But nothing is impossible!

When creating a modern and practical interior Often you have to resort to the help of designers. And these are additional financial expenses. Take advantage of the professional recommendations collected in this article and try to transform a studio apartment yourself!

Forming the interior of a one-room apartment: key points


By playing with the placement of the walls, you will change the interior beyond recognition. Here are some radical transformations of a one-room apartment:

  • Enlarge a small kitchen using the space of the room. In our cultural tradition, the kitchen is a place for good gatherings with guests. Let it become the front part of the apartment, taking on the role of a living room and dining room. The rest of the room will become a secluded master bedroom.
  • Avoid cramped hallways. The hallway does not have to huddle there at all. By removing the wall, you will make the hallway part of a new, bright room. A little trick will help you avoid spreading dirt from your shoes throughout your apartment. Do it on the floor front door rectangular recess. Change your shoes there, leaving your street shoes there. Sand and dirt will not leave this “bath”.
  • In houses modern layout a one-room apartment can have a decent area (about 50 sq.m. or more). It’s easy to convert such a room into a two-room one: divide it into a bedroom and a living room, or allocate a separate full-fledged children’s room.

Don't stop at the suggested options and come up with your own. It all depends on the initial data of the apartment, the number of people living in it and their needs.


An advice as old as time: use light colors to decorate small rooms. It is believed that cool tones (blue, lavender) better “open up” space. But warm (golden, Ivory, creamy, delicate peach, caramel) give a feeling sunny day even in bad weather.

The opposite trend: to give the room depth, the walls are painted in rather dark, rich colors. At the peak of popularity, emerald green and especially dark blue. These colors are quite calm, their intensity does not overwhelm.

Those who love compromises can use the trendy dark color for only one or two walls.


In a one-room apartment, furniture of simple shapes, without elaborate details, is justified. Modern multifunctional transforming models will be a lifesaver. The table-bed will serve during the daytime desk, and in the evening it will turn into a comfortable sleeping place. Wardrobe-sofa, sofa-bed, chair-beds, folding tables - all this wonderful furniture is irreplaceable in the interior of a one-room apartment.

Interior of a small one-room apartment: decoration of the hallway

When assessing the interior of the hallway, guests subconsciously form an opinion about the owners of the home. Let's pay due attention to its arrangement!

In a small one-room apartment, the hallway area is also small, so it should be decorated in light colors. If you don’t like the monochromatic option for wall decoration, choose a material with a medium-sized, not very variegated pattern. A large print in a small room will “overload” the space, while a small and bright one will dazzle the eyes.

Don’t forget about mirror surfaces and photo wallpapers with the “infinity effect”.

If there is a niche in the corridor, equip it with a dressing room. If you don’t have one, make do with a small wall hanger and a shoe rack. A narrow chest of drawers is also useful, where you can put various small things.

Your task is to arrange the pieces of furniture so that the hallway space remains as free as possible.

Bathroom in the interior of a one-room apartment

In small apartments, the bathroom is usually combined. If it is divided into a bathroom and toilet, the partition can be dismantled - this will slightly increase the area. Give up the bathroom in favor of a shower stall, and give the free space to the washing machine.

A pleasant innovation in the world of plumbing is wall-hung toilets. They have no lower leg, and cistern"hiding" in the wall. This “lightens” the space and gives it freedom.

From furniture, use only the essentials: a washbasin with a cabinet (it will serve as a good storage for cleaning and detergents) and shelves for toiletries.

Like the entire interior of a small one-room apartment, the bathroom requires good lighting. It also gives a feeling of spaciousness. Bright lamps and multi-level lighting will come in handy here.

Don't forget about light finishing colors. Tiles can be medium or small in size. A winning option for decorating a small bathroom would be mirrored surfaces and glossy stretch ceilings.

Important: If a family of three or more people lives in an apartment, for the convenience of users it is better to abandon the idea of ​​a combined bathroom.

Arranging a kitchen in a small apartment

The layout of small-sized apartments from Soviet times was completely deprived kitchen space. Into 6-9 squares you need to squeeze in a food preparation area with appropriate equipment and furniture for storing food and kitchen utensils. Use only the essentials: a stove, a sink, a refrigerator, a cutting surface with a cabinet, and a couple of wall cabinets for cereals and dishes.

Place a folding transforming table in the dining area, using the tips from Dekorin. If space allows, add a compact sofa. Based on the needs of the family, it can be with a sleeping place or with a drawer for storing kitchen utensils.

Important: Do not try to emphasize the separation of the dining and kitchen areas with contrasting finishing materials! Such fragmentation will make the room visually even smaller and cramped.

TO light colors You can add small elements to the interior of a small kitchen bright decor(vase, wall panel, etc.). Cover the window with roller blinds or transparent tulle without much ruching - this will make the room seem more spacious.

Room design in the interior of a one-room apartment

Arranging a room in a one-room apartment is the most important task, because here every square meter must be used as efficiently as possible. It is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members and equip:

  • place for active recreation;
  • bedroom;
  • wardrobe;
  • work area for schoolchildren, students or those working at home;
  • children's corner if there is a baby in the family.

According to modern trends, the interior of a one-room apartment is best decorated in a minimalist style. His motto: nothing superfluous, practicality and versatility of interior items.

Actively use furniture transformers, which were already mentioned above.

If the room is equipped with a storage niche, turn it into a wardrobe with a mirrored door, equipping shelves and hangers inside. A spacious niche can even play the role of an autonomous mini-room for one of the family members.

In a room with a high ceiling, use the second tier for sleeping space.

A real bonus in the interior of a one-room apartment is the balcony. Depending on your needs, it will turn into a dressing room, an office with a library, a relaxation room, a workshop and even a full-fledged children's room. The main thing is not to spare money on its insulation.

It is best to give preference to light, light tones in a small room and place the necessary accents with bright decorative elements.

For windows you can use light blinds roller blinds or tulle, and place curtains in darker shades along the edges. This design will create the illusion panoramic window and visually expand the space of the room.

Modern interior of a one-room apartment 30 sq.m.

30 sq.m. - an excellent area for modeling a spacious and stylish studio apartment.

Of course, you will first have to find out exactly which of the walls are not load-bearing and get permission to dismantle them. If complete abandonment of the wall partition is not possible, arches and load-bearing columns will come to the rescue. They will not only decorative element, but will also take on the main burden.

Interior one-room studio apartment needs proper zoning. To do this, several basic techniques are used that can be combined with each other:

  • Decorating a multi-level room using a podium step. Place a cooking area, a mini-office or a guest area with a soft sofa and armchairs on it. A bed may be hidden inside the podium.
  • Zoning using finishing materials different color and textures.
  • The use of low solid partitions, as well as sliding panels made of tempered glass. Sliding partitions are more functional. They allow you to maintain the integrity of the space or isolate part of the apartment at the right time. For example, to prevent the spread of odors and fumes from the kitchen area or to hide clutter in it along with dirty dishes.
  • Division into zones using furniture. Traditional delimiting elements are a shelving unit, a bar counter or a sofa installed “facing” the seating area.

Studio interior 30 sq.m. gives more scope for color experiments. Contrasting zones will look interesting here.

Free space will allow you to purchase a full kitchen set with plenty of lockers. They will help to avoid the accumulation of kitchen utensils in visible places, which is unacceptable for a studio where everything is visible.

Important: Studio - perfect option for one person or a young couple with the same lifestyle and routine. Otherwise, its inhabitants face psychological discomfort. They will interfere with each other and suffer from the inability to be alone.

We hope our review gave you a couple of ideas on how to make the interior of a one-room apartment modern, comfortable - and individual.

Interior of a one-room apartment: arrangement of comfortable and practical housing updated: June 6, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, occupied with solving primary problems: where to put a double bed, how many square meters to allocate for the living room and where to find storage space in all this chaos? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning a one-room apartment is not an easy job. The good news is that there is no need to “reinvent the wheel” - just get ideas from our article!

Basic zoning methods

Owners of studio apartments can be proud of their homes, as open space, like studio apartments, is very popular today. They keep the number of partitions to a minimum, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a kind of magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide a room into visible living areas while maintaining its functionality. You can use anything for this: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfit and maintain their dignity. For a long time, this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place for changing clothes, or because of the variability of morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest option for a partition.

Screens are ideal for cases when you need to divide the space into two areas. At the same time, they are mobile, do not require complex installation, and do not take up much space when assembled. You can purchase products that will fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes, or create light outlines, decorating the interior.

Curtains and drapes

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited for enclosing a bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy atmosphere, promoting sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to textiles in light shades.

You can install a partition curtain on a regular cornice inside the room or create a structure similar to holders for canopies.

Plasterboard partitions

You can visually zone a one-room apartment using plasterboard partitions. They are problematic to remove if necessary, such as mobile screen, but in appearance you cannot distinguish it from a main wall.

Plasterboard construction is cheap, lightweight, will not cause any difficulties during installation and has good sound insulation. It can be smooth, rounded, arched, helping to create a unique design. Depending on the needs of the space, it is made bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the zoning mission.

Shelving and cabinets

We are used to betting bookcases and shelving along the wall, thereby “taking up” a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

Cabinets with through shelves are more suitable for this, but in the case of a closed structure, the back side can be made mirrored or used as a slate board, coated with special paint. Items that combine several functions at once - modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


A small podium is another great way to zoning a one-room apartment. Those with high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or office on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which requires minimal movement.

Such a height can serve as additional storage space thanks to retractable drawers. For very high podiums, it is recommended to build steps. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help highlight a certain area.

Sliding partitions

Created according to the principle sliding doors Such partitions allow you to completely separate an area or make it open. Modern products in open form occupy a minimum of space, and thanks to different materials, help create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy but lets in some light. Ideally, this solution will fit into the Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is a solution not only for bachelors. A married couple with a child can also comfortably accommodate here if you choose the appropriate zoning option.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and brightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use a regular screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of any age will love the children's ones on the podium, and the higher the better. To do this, you can purchase two-tier furniture. Transformable structures with a table crossing two zones will help control the child’s activities.

You can visually separate the nursery from the living room in a one-room apartment with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so the children's corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are compatible.

For this typical zoning option, any type of partition is suitable. You need to start from the features of the layout, design and desired effect.

In square-shaped studio apartments, it is customary to highlight the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling of a separate room. This can be achieved by combining different types. For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates the theoretical material than realized projects of one-room apartments in which zoning principles are involved. By studying them, you can learn for yourself interesting ideas and verify the effectiveness of different solutions.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

In the Wood&Stone project, designers from Welcome Studio managed to combine two opposing properties - intimacy and openness. Typical one-room apartment 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following areas from the mandatory “set for a comfortable life”: a bedroom, an office, a living room and a kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is carried out using wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They transmit light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image inseparable from the overall interior. Natural Decoration Materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. Small sizes And low ceilings only complicate redevelopment by limiting the choice of “tools”. But designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The initial layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is at the same time a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the seating area, making it as compact and cozy as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually separated by a narrow dining table. The neutral color scheme of the finish is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov transformed this entrance long apartment to a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even in bachelor housing there should be comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space are two cabinets that form a small dressing room. In addition to its main purpose, it helps to separate the hallway from the living areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves are installed between the sofa and the bed - a shelving unit of an unusual design.