Geranium is bloody red. Reproduction and care of geraniums. Properties of pelargonium oil

The plant forms a magnificent, rich picture in the garden bed. The period of growth and development is quite long. In one season, only one generation of leaves grows. They are able to overwinter, however, according to other sources, it is better to leave geraniums to overwinter without green leaves.

Reference! The stems reach a height of 20-50 centimeters and are usually covered with long hairs. The base of the stems and lower leaves most often turn red in the fall. The leaves are also covered with hairs and are divided into several deep lobules.

The flowers bloom one or two at a time, the petals on them are oblong and blood-red. The fruits have the ability to crush and disintegrate into single-seeded parts. Blood red geranium blooms in June-July, fruiting begins in August-September. According to other sources, it blooms from mid-June until the very end of August. Occasionally the plant self-sows. Self-sowing plants bloom in the second year.

Popular varieties

Let us list the most common varieties of geranium in Russia.

Maverick is the most diverse variety in terms of colors and shades. Despite its small height (20-30 cm), it has fairly large inflorescences (up to 15 cm). It has beautiful two-color hemispherical flowers. Suitable for both open ground, and for keeping at home. Calmly tolerates temperature fluctuations.

It has a surprisingly long flowering period, making it ideal for landscape design. The flower is two-color, decorated with white eyes. The bush is very compact, suitable for hanging flowerpots. Another advantage of this variety is that it germinates very quickly: within one week.

Bulls Eye is a very unpretentious geranium. However, it is more suitable for growing at home.

Has a distinctive feature from other varieties appearance thanks to the two-color loose leaves. Has a pronounced mint aroma.

Tornado is the only weaving species. Perfect option for creating hanging baskets. In addition, it has a slightly audible lemon aroma. This variety of geranium is considered one of the most popular. The flower looks very impressive due to the fact that it grows with large hanging stems and blooms for a long time and luxuriantly. The plant has ivy-shaped leaves, which makes it look very impressive.

Check out the photo of geranium.


When choosing a place for planting, you should remember that geranium is one of the most unpretentious plants, so it will be accepted both in open ground and in indoor pot. Lighting should be 5-6 hours a day, but these numbers can change by one or two positions in both directions. However, you should not plant the sprout in an open place, where in the summer there will be light from morning until evening. The rule here is: the main thing is not to overdo it.

Attention! Geranium does not like a lot of moisture and swampy soil, and various diseases can develop from this. If you decide to plant a flower in an indoor pot, make sure that the pot is spacious for the roots.

Experienced flower growers recommend replanting in the spring after all winter frosts, then you can expect to bloom in summer. Geranium loves loosened and nourished nutrients soil. Don't forget this. Give each shoot its own “house”, the distance between them depends on the variety (from 15 to 60 centimeters).

The hole for the plant should be twice the size of the pot in which it grew. So, for example, from a 20-centimeter pot, a shoot should be transplanted into a 40-centimeter hole. If you decide to grow blood red geranium from scratch, that is, from seeds, then plant them directly in the soil. But it will be better if the seeds first stay in a pot, where the roots grow and strengthen, and then the grown plant can be taken out into open ground. When you cover a flower with soil, do not cover its stem, as this may cause the entire flower to rot.

As mentioned above, geranium is an unpretentious plant and does not really like wet soil, but this does not mean that you can safely forget about it, especially during dry periods. Outdoors, water the flower until the soil is completely moistened, and in an indoor pot until water begins to pour out of the pot.

Certainly, all living things love fertilizer and geranium is no exception. Remember this, especially in spring.

Remove dead flowers in a timely manner so that the plant has the opportunity to grow again with renewed vigor. Get rid of dry stems ( characteristic feature theirs is Brown color) to prevent the appearance of a fungus that multiplies on dead and dry parts of the plant. Every 3-4 years, geraniums must be divided. You yourself will see the need for this when the flower expands its boundaries to those that were not planned by you. It is very simple to separate this green miracle: to do this, you need to take it out of the ground with its roots and divide the roots into several parts.

In the fall, it would be a good idea to prune geraniums, leaving at least two lower leaves.. But if you don’t do it before frost, you can fix it in early spring.

Important! The exception is the large variety royal geranium, to which pruning can only damage and reduce the abundance of their flowering.

Diseases and pests

The most common danger for of this plant The soil may become waterlogged, especially at low temperatures. In this case, the leaves wither and appear yellow spots. as well as mold caused by fungus. Affected leaves should be removed and the plant should be provided with access to fresh air. Swampy soil can also cause the stem to turn black. This disease cannot be treated, but the sore spot is removed, followed by replacement or treatment of the soil.

Often the flower can be attacked by mites, aphids or whiteflies. Careful treatment of the leaves, especially on the underside, with chamomile infusion can help here. After 2-3 hours, be sure to wash it all off.

But sometimes moisture may not be enough. The dry edges of the leaves will tell you this. The loss and yellowness of the lower leaves indicates a lack of light or that it is time to change the pot to a more spacious one. Often the reason for yellow leaves is trivial: adaptation to a change of location or after replanting.

Many people wonder: why doesn’t geranium bloom? We answer:

  • the plant is cold or lacks light;
  • the soil is not suitable (you can eliminate this problem by purchasing a special substrate for geraniums or preparing it yourself);
  • the pot is very spacious (in this case, you don’t have to worry and don’t do anything, just wait until the root system fills all the empty space, and then it will come to flowering);
  • you simply forget to trim the geranium, and timely “haircut” is the key to abundant flowering;
  • fertilizers are supplied irregularly.

The last trouble that can happen to geraniums is that they may start to dry out. If the geranium begins to dry out, you have two options.:

  1. or water it more often;
  2. or save the plant from fungal disease rust (characteristic signs - the leaves become red-brown, and then dry and fall off): for treatment, the leaves should be sprayed with a five percent solution of Bordeaux mixture or treated twice with phytosporin with an interval of 7-10 days.

Propagating this plant by seeds is not that difficult. Usually, seeds purchased in stores give beautiful bloom. However, you should not expect the same effect from seeds collected from your own geraniums, since often hybrid varieties at seed propagation lose maternal characteristics. You need to sow the seeds in moist, loose soil.

It would be a good idea to treat the seeds with a light solution of potassium permanganate. Before germination, you will need to cover the seeds with glass, thereby forming a greenhouse. After the first 5-6 leaves appear, you can plant the shoots in pots. In order to propagate geranium by cuttings, you need to stock up on 5-7 centimeter shoots with 2-3 leaves.

Note! Freshly cut cuttings should be dried for 24 hours, the cut area should be sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in pots.

Some gardeners recommend strengthening the cuttings in coarse sand, and it should always be moist, but under no circumstances should water get on the stem or leaves, as this can lead to rotting. After the roots of the cuttings appear, feel free to plant them in open ground. The variety of Garden geranium Striatum (striatum) is suitable for open ground.

Medicinal properties

Geranium is a plant that can rightfully be called medicinal. It contains a large number of tannins (fresh flowers up to 16%), carotene, vitamin C, bitter, resinous, mucous substances and other compounds.

Herbal infusion helps with diarrhea in both adults and children, with urolithiasis, rheumatism, gout. Helps stop bleeding, is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and for the treatment of skin diseases. Local baths are taken with herbal infusions for bone fractures, lotions are prepared for cuts and ulcers, as well as ulcers. Decoctions of geranium are used to rinse hair in case of severe hair loss. The substances contained in geranium have an analgesic and antiseptic effect, as well as the ability to dissolve salt deposits. Contraindications for the use of geranium include pregnancy, lactation and gastrointestinal problems.

So, if you are looking for an unpretentious flowering plant, which also have many medicinal properties, you simply must turn your attention to geranium. It will delight your eye both in the house and on the street, causing admiring glances from your guests and people simply passing by.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo medicinal plant Blood red geranium

Geranium - medicinal properties

Blood red geranium- anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic effect. The use of medicinal plants in official medicine is advisory in nature. Blood-red geranium uses it much more actively in different countries folk medicine.

Synonym: Blood red geranium.

Latin name: Geranium sanguineum.

English name: bloody cranesbill, bloody geranium.

Family: Geraniaceae - Geraniaceae.

Pharmacy name: blood red geranium herb.

Common names: wolf foot.

Parts used: grass, flowers, roots.

Botanical description: blood red geranium - perennial up to 70-80 cm high. Geranium has a horizontal, fleshy, knotty rhizome and straight branched stems, the bases of which often turn red in autumn. The rounded leaves with pubescent petioles are successively divided into linear-lanceolate lobes. The leaves of this type of geranium are wintering, in the fall lower leaves take on a red tint. Numerous red flowers with obovate-shaped petals are located on long stalks. The fruit is a dry capsule, which is then crushed into single-seeded fragments. This type of geranium blooms from early summer to mid-July, the fruits ripen in July-September. Blood-red geranium can bloom and bear fruit for up to 12-15 years in a row. Reproduction occurs both by seeds and by cuttings of rhizomes.

Habitat: grows throughout Ukraine, but less often in steppe regions, in the countries of the Western Mediterranean, Central Europe, and the Caucasus.

Collection and preparation: The grass is collected during the flowering of the plant, and the roots are collected after the fruits ripen, in the fall. Store raw materials in dry rooms.

Chemical composition: starch, salts of organic acids, ascorbic acid, tannins, anthocyanins, essential oils are the main chemical components of geranium leaves and flowers. Tannins and bioflavonoids are also found in its roots.

Medicinal properties and uses

The medicinal properties of blood-red geranium are used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, bone fractures, gastritis, enteritis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, food poisoning, dysentery, insomnia, epilepsy, rheumatism and gout, angina pectoris and tachycardia, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, tonsillitis, anal and genital fistulas, pustular skin lesions.

Blood red geranium in folk medicine

The herb and roots of blood-red geranium were used for various kinds gastrointestinal disorders, enterocolitis. Decoctions and infusions of geranium helped normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In recent years, data have emerged on the successful use of blood-red geranium rhizomes in the treatment of malignant tumors.


Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

Recipes with blood red geranium
  • Oncology. For all types of tumors, instead of water, drink a cold infusion of the herb: 1 tablespoon per 2 glasses of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, drink throughout the day.
  • Nose bleed. Insert a cotton wool soaked in the juice of the herb into the nostril. In the absence of fresh herbs, prepare a strong decoction of the roots (1-2 tablespoons per glass of water, boil for 5-7 minutes).
    Leave until cool, take 1-2 tablespoons every 2-3 hours until bleeding stops.
  • Pulmonary hemoptysis, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding. To quickly stop them, you need to take 20-30 drops of fresh grass juice every 2-3 hours.
  • Angina pectoris. Pour 5 tablespoons of dry meadow geranium herb into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain.
    Take 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day before meals.
  • Kidney stone disease. Pour 10 g (2 teaspoons) of dry crushed roots of blood-red geranium into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 7-8 minutes, leave for 1 hour, add boiled water to the original volume.
    Take 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day before meals.
    The value is that geranium does not push out, but dissolves stones.
  • Schizophrenia. 2 teaspoons of blood-red geranium per 2 cups of boiled water.
    Leave for 8-10 hours (put overnight).
    Take 1 tablespoon every 2-3 hours (has the ability to correct the patient’s energy field, normalizing sleep, relieving irritability).

Contraindications. There are no established contraindications to geranium in the existing literature, but we would not recommend its use in case of increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, as well as intestinal atony and senile constipation, gastritis with high acidity.

This beautiful flower familiar to everyone. He can often be found in summer months, bright purple flowers decorate forest edges and more often. But few people know that geranium, which contains many useful elements, is successfully used in folk medicine.

Botanical description of blood red geranium

Belongs to the long-standing Geraniaceae family, can grow up to 15 years. Quite tall, an adult plant reaches a height of 80 cm, but its usual length is 50 cm. Straight stems begin to branch into many others from the rhizome, their color is deep green.

The tap root system goes deep into the ground, the roots are knotty and fleshy. The leaves consist of several lanceolate-shaped lobes. Their color is the same as that of the stems; by autumn they can turn red. It is this property that explains the name of geranium, since its flowers acquire a purple-pink hue (but some species have a scarlet tint).

Flowering begins at the end of May; fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. The average lifespan of a plant is 12-15 years.

It is found in Russia and the CIS countries, in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Chemical composition of blood red geranium

  • Organic acids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • bitter substances;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • carbohydrates.

Features of growing blood-red geranium (video)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of blood red geranium

  1. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Able to stop bleeding, promote faster healing of wounds and scratches.
  3. Relieves swelling and spasms.
  4. Relieves pain, even headaches.
  5. Restores the functioning of the kidneys and large intestines.
  6. Calms the nervous system, helps eliminate negative thoughts, depression and fatigue.
  7. Prevents the occurrence of blood clots.
  8. Improves blood circulation.
  9. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

It is advisable to use the flower in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Insomnia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • arthritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fever;
  • elevated temperature;
  • ischemia;
  • tachycardia;
  • dysentery;
  • depression;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diabetes.

But it is worth remembering that the remedy is not a panacea for all diseases, but only helps to improve the effect of properly selected treatment. Before use, you should consult a specialist and find out if there are any contraindications for use.

The use of geranium in folk medicine

Fresh raw materials

Blood red geranium The good thing is that it can be used fresh. It is enough to pick the leaves in the required quantity and mash them in a mortar or garlic press. The resulting paste should be applied to the sore spots and secured with gauze. Helps with:

  • Toothaches, headaches, and joint pains;
  • high blood pressure;
  • joint problems;
  • radiculitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • otitis.

10-15 minutes are enough for treatment, after which the mixture must be removed and the skin thoroughly cleansed.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

Take a container of any size, preferably glass. Pour fresh or dry raw materials, filling the jar 1 quarter full. Fill the remaining space with vodka or alcohol. Close the lid tightly. Place the infusion being prepared in a dry and dark place, and gently shake the bottle every 4-5 days. After 2 weeks, the healing agent will be ready. Dilute it with water 1 to 1, lubricate the inflamed areas with the tincture three times a day. Store it in the refrigerator.

Infusion for constipation

15 g of raw materials (crushed and dried) should be infused in 300 ml of water. After 8 hours the drink will be ready. Take it in equal portions throughout the day.

Universal tincture

Eliminates nervous disorders, acts as an antibacterial, destroys infections. Excellent healing of wounds. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials;
  • half a glass of vodka or 40 degree alcohol.

Mix the ingredients in a glass container and leave for 1 week. Afterwards, the vodka needs to be cleared of geranium. To use, dilute the liquid with water in proportions of 1 to 4.

Medicinal properties of geranium (video)

Honey water

Famous in folk medicine for its positive properties. Compresses with water can be applied to the eyes (relieves redness and inflammation, and also eliminates bags and circles), eliminates caries and bleeding in the gums, and also heals wounds on the skin.

  1. Grind 10-12 leaves.
  2. Add 1 tsp there. liquid honey.
  3. Pour in 250 ml of water.
  4. Shake the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Leave for 8 hours.

It is not necessary to strain the product. It can also be taken undiluted.

Universal decoction

4 tbsp. l. Boil dry raw materials for 1 minute in 500 ml of water. Then cover the dish with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Leave the broth for half an hour. Then remove the geranium.

Take 1 tbsp. after meals 3 times a day.

Root decoction

The root system of a flower also contains a sufficient number of useful elements, so this The decoction can also relieve many ailments.

  1. 2 tsp dry raw materials, pour 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. Leave the brew for 1 hour.
  4. Strain and cool.

The product can be wiped onto your face. It perfectly cleanses the skin and gets rid of acne and redness.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

  1. You can use all parts of the plant, so do not forget to dig up the rhizome of the flower.
  2. Choose a place where flowers grow, far from civilization. Make sure there is no road nearby! Pure geranium will make truly healing raw materials.
  3. Prepare the above-ground part in June and July, when active flowering.
  4. Harvest the root system in September, after the seeds have ripened. Exactly then useful microelements concentrated as much as possible.
  5. Do not collect the flower after rain or during dew. Geraniums must be dry; wet grass may begin to rot even before drying begins.
  6. Chop the prepared raw materials with a sharp knife or scissors. Place the flower on a thin cloth or paper in a 1 cm layer.
  7. Choose a place for drying, it should be in the dark, in a room where air will constantly circulate.
  8. Stir the plant approximately every 3 days.
  9. The finished flower will acquire a gray-brown color with a faint green tint. It should break easily. Drying will take approximately 2 weeks.
  10. Store raw materials in containers with a lid. Shelf life – 1 year.

Contraindications and harm of geranium

It is not advisable to use geranium during pregnancy or lactation. Test yourself for individual intolerance; to do this, just apply 1 drop essential oil geranium on the skin and leave it for 24 hours. If there is no redness, irritation or pain in this area, then there is no allergy.

Use geranium-based products with caution for the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis (if already present, then the flower can worsen the situation;
  • ulcer.

Geranium in cooking

During the Middle Ages, many decorative flowers were used as food. Geranium was no exception; it was used as a seasoning. Its aroma stimulated the appetite, and milk boiled with grass calmed and helped to fall asleep faster.

Varieties of geranium (video)

The smell of the flower goes well with fish, meat, and also adds a piquant note to desserts.

Blood red geranium has many uses. It can not only be treated, but also used in the preparation of any dishes.

Pelargonium is a herbaceous semi-shrub flower. There are already more than 400 varietal varieties around the world. The name comes from the shape of the fruit, which was similar to a crane's beak. The first species were identified in Africa. The pleasant smell and neatness have been loved since ancient times, and after that they began to appear in every home. Popularity arose due to the active growth and unpretentious care. In warm climates, the plant lives in the garden, as the height can reach large sizes. Read about garden pelargonium, as well as how it differs from geranium, and you can find out about hanging varieties in.

Important! Do not leave the plant in the shade. When purchasing a flower, select a sunny and warm place for it in advance.

It is difficult to find a florist who has not been breeding flowers from beautiful name Pelargonium. There are a lot of varieties of this beauty. And each of these types is worthy special attention. We want to tell you about some of the most popular and charming, for example:, and.

Names of species with descriptions and photos

There are a huge number of varieties of pelargoniums and the classification of some species is still unclear. Let's move on to the most famous plants that can be found in every person's home.

Orange pelargonium grows up to 35 cm in height. Extraordinary view with a peach cap on each bud and a greenish tint on the edge. At good care changes 240 inflorescences over 4 seasons. Provides a pleasant view from the balcony. Doesn't demand increased attention. Prefers semi-shaded areas. It should be watered abundantly, a little less in winter. In summer it is best to take it out into the fresh air. You can plant seeds in any weather.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium white. The foliage is medium sized, dark green. Compact plant. It grows slowly, but the buds of this variety, are worth it. The flowers grow large, up to 6 cm, and are shaped like a rose. If you keep the plant in the sun a little, you can achieve a slight lilac tint. Pelargonium Anita also has the same beautiful rose-shaped inflorescences. It is easy to grow and good growth. Read about it.

It is different from all the others, because even the origin of this plant is still unclear. The species is not assigned to any classification, which is why it is called unique. Its foliage refers to dissected leaves. The aroma is piquant, without too much harshness. The small flowers look like a bird's feather. Plants can have either single or bicolor foliage. The variety is classified as tall. The peak of popularity of uniques took place at the end of the 19th century.

Refers to zonal pelargonium. Their flowers are whitish with a pinkish tint in the middle. Foliage is small in size. In a pot it looks impressive and without unnecessary flaws. In the sun it takes on a brighter tone. And in winter time requires special care and fertilizing. Pelargonium Silk is also a zonal species. She is a true decoration of the home. You will learn about the varieties of this variety.

Miniature golden leaf pelargonium. Belongs to the zonal group. Despite their small size, the flowers are large, white-pink in color and have a pleasant golden tint. Leaves are semi-double with light green tint. Each leaf has a bright brown zone. Blooms at an accelerated pace. Not whimsical. In a small pot the flower looks compact and fluffy.

Zonal pelargonium. The petals are wavy with jagged edges in the shape of a carnation. Light shading. Spectacular bush, not whimsical in flowering. Has a pastel orange tone. In order for a flower to sprout, it needs pruning. It bushes well, looks large and has grown. The leaves are compact. Inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Quite a well-known variety. Mostly good flowering occurs in summer period. This plant needs feeding.

Small semi-double species pelargonium. The first flowers are 4 cm in size. It grows in large caps. The bush is elegant, compact, but rather capricious. Not very tall. After pruning, it does not sprout immediately; most often it only replaces it. Responsive to temperature changes. The variety is tender. It has peach colour with pale white edging of petals. The trunk is almost always not leafy. Formation does not happen immediately. In hot weather it can throw leaves. The plant is worthy of attention for its dissimilarity.

Small zonal pelargonium with salmon color. The lining of the petals is light, and the leaves themselves have a dark zone. Neat fluffy bush. The heat makes the cap white and thick, which creates a nice contrast. Shoots form quickly. Bright and pleasant to look at. There are almost always many buds present. The plant itself is small in size, which is why it will look perfect on the windowsill. Spraying is useful. Take it out onto the balcony only in hot weather. Dwarf variety.

A dense double flower in the form of an unopened rosebud. The petals of this plant are deep red. Each rose is 1 cm. In hot weather, the red color becomes a little paler, and in winter, on the contrary, it acquires a bright shade. The inflorescence is dense. Peduncles of medium height. Green sheets with a cream-colored mosaic pattern. Belong to the zonal type. It blooms in the shape of a cap. Over time it grows to medium size.

Pelargonium Albina grows quite quickly. After the cuttings have appeared, the peduncle rises on the 3rd day. However, the first flowering is not particularly abundant. 4 flowers grow on 1 peduncle. Large plant. It belongs to the zonal species and is considered a dwarf in height. The leaves are intense green. The flowers themselves are double, white with a small red stamen, and collected tightly. Due to the density of this species, the plant looks collected and neat. He loves feeding, so thanks to courtship, the flowers become larger. Suitable for beginners who take responsibility.

Zonal variety of dwarf speckled pelargonium. Flower growers are attracted by the bright, golden-green leaves with creamy double flowers and red veins. The flower is decorated with light, bright crimson specks. Durable. With a neat shape, blooms profusely. The bush is well-fed and strong. Does not throw leaves, bushes on its own.

Neat decorative border and barely noticeable pink color, which has something in common with white, distinguish this plant variety from other terry types. The inflorescences are dense and delicate, voluminous compared to the dwarf type. In the sun, the bloom of dovepoint turns from white to pink. Peduncles are short.

Mary belongs to the double zonal pelargoniums. The inflorescences are tight, reminiscent of a rose. They grow up to 10 cm. The flowers themselves are white with a small green one in the center. When blooming, it may acquire a slight pinkish tint. The bush is fluffy. Blooms profusely in spring and summer. Should be replanted annually. Loves the sun and warmth. Tries to bloom even in low light. Prefers complex feeding. The name of this variety goes well with the name.

The wavy petals of Pelargonium Laque are colored orange, and towards the edge of the flower they become completely white. The clearly colored color can only be seen in the sun. In the shadows the color fades. The plant belongs to the usual zonal variety, but in addition it requires careful formation. The leaves are elegant, thanks to the contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

In the center of the leaf there is a light shade in the shape of a butterfly, which, after basking in the sun, can give a bronze tint. The flower itself is large with peach color and needle-shaped. The variety is not tall, the peduncles are short. Requires shaping. Bushes and blooms for quite a long time. Not afraid of rain and heat. Looks great on the balcony in summer. The size can be easily adjusted using a small flowerpot. Unpretentious, fast growing. Exactly unusual leaves and do this type special.

Terry zonal pelargonium plant. Flowers in the form of a red rose. The flower itself is bright and velvety. Blooms profusely and looks compact. The hat is round. The leaves are green, iridescent with a slight brown tint. In person it has a very bright colorful color.

In summer, you can see this type of plant in vegetable gardens, flower beds and balconies. It is distinguished by lush flowering and grace. Quite demanding to care for. It blooms for a short time, about 5 months. But if you see this plant even once, you will immediately want to bring it to your windowsill. Royal pelargonium grows up to 60 cm in height.

It differs from its colleagues by folded multi-colored leaves, dense leaf plate and jagged edges.

On a note. Not everyone can make such a beauty bloom. This individual prefers warmth and sunlight for continuous abundant flowering.

It can tolerate a little shade, but will bloom a little less luxuriantly. Prefers nutritious soil. You can add a little clay mixture to the soil. In cold weather, the temperature should not be lower than 12ºС.

Tamara is many-sided and unique. The flowers are like dense pink and white marshmallows. The color is variable with pink veins and a border of the same color. The plant is tender and airy. Compact bush with small leaves. It blooms from infancy and never ceases to delight with the process. The petals are neat, with pointed tips.

Sunny side required. The soil should be kept moist constantly, but in moderation. It is recommended to spray. Red pelargonium grows up to 30 cm in length. It should be placed on the balcony immediately after frost has passed.

It has a bright shade and universal resistance to all weather conditions. The variety branches well. There are huge inflorescences. The color of this type of pelargonium is similar to wine red. The leaves are classified as ivy-leaved. Grows quickly. Landing 30×30.

The plant is 30 cm tall with good branching. White-pink color. The inflorescences are large. The leaves are green with a slight dark tint. Drought resistant. Gives preference sunny places with fertile soil. You can start planting from the end of January. The depth for seeds is 0.5 cm. If you maintain a temperature of 20°C, then seedlings can be seen within a week.

Pelargonium is a non-double, ivy-leaved plant. Large caps and beautifully colored in a variety of shades. Blooms profusely, completely covered with inflorescences. There are two types of Tuscany that are currently popular. Read about pelargonium Tuscany and Edwards Elegance.


Bright flowers, opening wide, deep red. Each leaf is dark green with a bright brown ring. Classified as semi-double. The bush is harmonious, never stretched out. The lower part of the flower must be compacted tightly.


Large flowers of a crimson-red hue with white dots on the leaves. The bush is fluffy. It grows slowly, but branches very well. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green. The bush is low, the average height is up to 25 cm. The color is very rich. Does not require growth regulators.

herbaceous plant With fragrant aroma. The height of the bush is 25 cm. The leaves are round, green with a small red edge. The flowers are pink with a slight pallor in the form of a spherical inflorescence. The plant prefers light. For feeding, a turf mixture is chosen, and moderate moisture is preferred. If the flower is treated with love, the flowering will continue all summer. In the fall, a transplant and a bright place in the room are necessary. For seeds to germinate, the temperature must reach 20°C.

The difference between black velvet is in the unusual chocolate sheets, which create a wonderful combination with bright red inflorescences. If the bush is newly formed, you will notice that initial stage There is a bronze coating on the sheets. The height of black velvet reaches about 40 cm. The shoots are strong. Loves light, but the sun's rays should not touch the petals.

Pelargonium is unpretentious, but this does not mean that it does not need care. Periodically you need to check the soil and water on time. Prefers mineral fertilizers. Sowing 1 cm. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out.

The hybrid variety grows well at home. It looks like a large shrub up to 75 cm in height. Rounded green leaves. The flowers are umbellate up to 3 cm, come in multi-colored shades, namely: white, red, purple and. Flowering lasts six months.

The most popular pelargonium hybrids include two species.


Rare hybrid plant. Wine red flower with a black stripe down the middle. This hybrid plant is easy to care for, but requires light. Moderate watering is required. Mature plant reaches a height of 20 cm.

Miss Stapleton

The plant never sleeps. This hybrid is heart-shaped, looks like a bouquet pink roses. The stems are hard with stipules in the form of thorns.

Rosaceous pelargonium. The flowers are dense, double. The petals have two colors. The inside is like red wine and the outside is silver. The inflorescences are dense. The leaves are greenish, folded.

Madame Pelargonium has several varieties. Let's look at the main ones.


Type of double zonal pelargonium. Fluffy bush. Blooms profusely. The flowers look like dark red wine, there are bright and large inflorescences. It is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray as often as possible.


Graceful pelargonium with variegated leaves. The leaves are long-stemmed, gray-green with a wide cream edge. Has thin cuttings. Belong to the dwarf group (read about caring for dwarf pelargonium at home). Blooms in bright pinkish color. The variety hardly blooms, but captivates with its beauty. The bush is compact and pleasant to look at.

Large flowers resembling a rose. The plant is white, with a rich white-pink border. Tight caps. The bush needs shaping. The leaves are green and have a dark zone. Requires special care.

Terry ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers have a similar blue-lilac hue. Compact bush. Needs a sunny area. Requires daily care. The plant needs additional minerals.

Miniature pelargoniums first appeared in England. The height of small pelargonium starts from 8 cm and ends at 15 cm. Ideal for the home, they can also be placed on balcony boxes. The leaves come in a variety of green shades. Pelargoniums are light and airy, but this is not their only advantage. They are compact. They can bloom in any decade.

Among the most worthy breeders is Stanley Stringer. He was born in a small village called Okkold. He took up selection at the age of 50. The most popular variety grown is Alde, which can still be seen on shelves today. Varied

Deacons are also dwarf varieties Stringer. Among them, the best are: tangerine and moonlight. The tangerine's flowers are orange-red in color, while the moonlight's are white-purple. The most impressive thing is that such a miniature plant has very large flowers.

One of its last cultivations is a golden goblet, which had a creamy hue and the petals were strewn with red dots. Stringer left behind about 160 varieties of pelargonium.

Ry Beatwell started his life as a postman. Therefore, it has a number of geographical names for varieties. Bitwell became famous for being able to deduce the new kind polka dot varieties. And they were covered with red, pink and purple specks.

Among the varieties with small spots, the most popular are: Milden, Semer and Elmsett. Milden has green-yellow leaves with bright white flowers flecked with pale pinkish. Semer is a dwarf species pink flowers with red dots. Elmsett is a zonal species of pale pink flowers with red flecks. The latter species was named after Bidwell. The variety is decorated in wine color with green-red foliage.

And last but not least is the famous breeder Brian West. West is famous for developing a variety whose leaves resemble stars, which is why the variety is called. The varieties have spread throughout the world. Even despite their unusual shape and the fact that they do not exactly resemble pelargoniums, they can be cared for in the same way as ordinary varieties.

There is also another interesting and unusual variety of pelargonium -. This is a plant with very unusual and beautiful flowers. Instead of the usual flowers, inflorescences appear in the form of tulip buds. We talked about such a plant of the Patricia Andrea variety in, and you will learn about the tulip-shaped pelargonium Red Pandora.

In recent years, Vesta has produced miniature plants up to 8 cm. The varieties were named anni popham.

Rules of care

Plants require special care and pelargonium is no exception. Usually the flower is located in the room, and begins to bloom profusely in the summer. In winter, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of at least 15 °C and avoid waterlogging of the soil. It is best to leave the plant on the sunny side, but only where there are no drafts.

Pruning is carried out after flowering - in autumn. But if the roots have grown well, an exception is made. It is recommended to transplant in February. For pruning, you need to leave shoots of about 10 cm. Do not forget about fertilizing for each flower.

Plants can lose their compactness if they are not given proper care.

On a note. It is best to obtain new specimens from cuttings that have not yet flowered. Each stem should have about 5 leaves.

After pruning, the cuttings should be left for 2 hours in a dry room with fresh air. After pruning, cover them plastic bags, this will help them take root. For pelargonium to grow, a temperature of at least 20 °C is required.

Besides beauty, Pelargoniums also have medicinal qualities for people. After all, they contain an extract that cures respiratory tract infections. In addition, the oil of this plant has a calming effect. But the main thing is that the flower goes well with any landscape in the house and allows every housewife to feel like a woman.

In some European countries you can find such a plant as blood-red geranium. Meet unusual flower bright shade with carved leaves can be found in clearings in light forests. It is usually noticeable among not too dense bushes. During flowering, a curtain appears, on which an inflorescence of a dark red hue is located. This is where the name of this variety comes from. This beautiful flower is often used in folk medicine.

In some European countries you can find such a plant as blood-red geranium

Blood red geranium is a plant that belongs to the genus Geranium and the Geranium family. It is a herbaceous and flowering perennial. Root system long. At the same time, it is also meaty. During the period of vegetative growth, a large bush with many branches emerges from the roots, which will then begin to sprout inflorescences of a red carmine hue.

Pelargonium (this is another name for it) is distinguished by its long-lasting growing season. The stem that comes from the base begins to branch greatly. In some varieties it stands upright and its height is no more than 55 cm, while in others it is in a recumbent position and has a covering of long hairs pale color. By the end of summer - beginning of autumn, the leaves, which are located at the very bottom of the stem, acquire a reddish tint.

Leaves survive winter. They have petioles that are covered with hairs. The foliage has a bright and rich green hue. The leaf blade has a palmate, divided shape. It is divided into several lobes (usually there are 5 or 7). The shape is linear-lanceolate. The bottom of the leaf is also covered with hairs.

Blood red geranium is a plant that belongs to the genus Geranium and the Geranium family

Blood-red geranium has a single inflorescence of regular five-petal type. The inflorescence has a bright reddish tint. It is located on a peduncle, and it is quite long. The shape of the petals resembles an inverted egg, and the petals themselves are 2 times longer than the brown egg-shaped bract. The petals do not have a notched shape on top. The flower has 5 petals, the same number of nectaries and the same number of sepals. By the way, the latter have small spikes at the ends. They are distinguished by their oblong egg-shaped shape. The ovary has 5 thread-like stigmas. The fruit is formed dry and breaks into 5 parts, which are the seeds.

Red geranium begins to bloom in June, and the fruits form as early as July, but ripen only by September. When they fall to the ground, a flower grows from them, but its flowering will begin only the next year.

Gallery: blood red geranium (25 photos)

Blood red geranium (video)

Beneficial features

Blood red geranium is practically not used in traditional medicine, although several medicines have been created that contain components of this plant. These drugs have a good therapeutic effect.

The composition of red geranium includes the following substances:

  • tanning type components;
  • resinous compounds;
  • anthocyanin substances;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils.

In addition, various organic acids were found - citric, malic and others. Also present are carbohydrates, carotene, substances that impart bitterness, ascorbic acid, calcium oxalate and others.

Pelargonium (this is another name for it) has a long growing season

Thanks to this unique composition, which includes a large number of active biological compounds, this geranium variety has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Antiseptic. Kills pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Stops the development of inflammatory processes, as it suppresses the activity of their pathogens.
  3. Painkillers. Eliminates pain syndrome regardless of its etiology.
  4. Astringents.
  5. Hemostatic. Stops bleeding, especially pulmonary, uterine and hemorrhoidal.
  6. Dissolution of salts accumulated in the body.
  7. Normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Blood red geranium in the form of infusions is often prescribed to adults and children who suffer from diarrhea. Another indication for the use of such drugs is gout, rheumatism, and the presence of kidney stones. The infusion will be especially effective for bleeding from the nose, lungs, uterus and anus. That is why the remedy is used as a hemostatic. It also helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The infusion should be used as a rinse solution.

The infusion is also prescribed for topical use. Also used for washing and compresses. This especially helps with wounds that are festering, and in cases where ulcers and cuts on the body do not heal well.

Due to the fact that red geranium contains tannin compounds, products based on it have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Due to this, the plant is used for inflammatory processes in the intestines. It can also be used as a rinse for inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

Decoctions prepared from the roots , have antitumor properties, so they are recommended for use in the treatment of cancer. These decoctions are also prescribed for skin pathologies in which severe itching and are used as baths for bone fractures. Such decoctions are recommended for rinsing hair to stop and prevent hair loss.

Contraindications have not been established, but individual intolerance to the whole plant or its individual parts is possible. In such cases, the herbal medicine is simply not used - this can lead to an allergic reaction. In other cases, the product is completely safe, but doctors do not recommend using geranium-based decoctions and infusions for people who suffer from gastritis with high levels of acidity, intestinal atony, constipation, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and increased blood clotting.

Blood red geranium in the form of infusions is often prescribed to adults and children who suffer from diarrhea.

To preserve the medicinal properties of red geranium, it is necessary to properly collect and store raw materials. Almost all parts of pelargonium are useful: leaves, stems, roots, inflorescences. Stems, foliage and flowers must be harvested during the flowering period of the plant. It usually starts in June and lasts until July. It is necessary to dry in the shade, placing the raw material on clean gauze. When it is completely ready, it should be placed in paper bags and stored in a dry place. Beneficial features are stored for no more than a year.

It is necessary to harvest the roots in the fall after the fruits are fully formed. This period begins in September. The roots must be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces. Then dry in the same way as the rest of the plant. Roots can be stored for no more than a couple of years.

Treatment with folk remedies (video)

Use in folk medicine

Red geranium is actively used in folk medicine. It is used to prepare decoctions and infusions. These medications are prescribed for various diseases, including in severe form. Freshly squeezed juices and dry powders are also very useful.

Basic recipes:

  1. For diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pour a spoonful of crushed plant roots into a cup hot water and wait 8 hours for the product to infuse. Then filter and squeeze out the remains. Top up boiled water to the original volume. Then divide all the liquid into 3 parts, which should be consumed during the day. The course lasts a month. Then you need to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then repeat it again.
  2. For allergic dermatitis. Rely on 2 tsp. roots, pour 3 cups of cold boiled water. Wait 8 hours. Then filter and use for compresses on sore spots.
  3. For cracks and bleeding in the anus. Need 2 tbsp. l. roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water and wait 15 minutes. Then filter and use for lotions and enemas. Use the decoction only when warm.
  4. For depression and mental disorders. Pour a cup of boiling water over a pinch of leaves and wait 15 minutes. Then filter and drink throughout the day. It is recommended to use this home remedy regularly.
  5. For cancer. It is necessary to pour a spoonful of powdered roots with a cup of boiling water and process in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then wait until the product cools down and filter. After this, consume 1 tbsp 30 minutes before meals three times a day. l.
  6. For pathologies of the adrenal gland. Pour boiling water over a pinch of leaves and leave for 10 minutes. Then filter and drink the liquid throughout the day. You need to drink the remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear and continue therapy until complete recovery.

Blood red geranium is rarely used in official medicine. Its components are used in the preparation of some drugs, but they are few. But in folk medicine it is often used, as it helps against various health problems: angina pectoris, kidney disease, schizophrenia, cancer, bleeding in the lung, uterus and anus, etc. Such an active and widespread use of this plant is associated with medicinal properties flowers, but in order to preserve them, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials. In addition, be sure to remember: before you start using red geranium-based products, you should consult your doctor.