How often should you water cabbage in open ground and with what water? How to water cabbage and with what. Watering cabbage in open ground

Cabbage is one of the most popular types of vegetables for planting. open ground. Almost every gardener has this plant on his summer cottage, because it is unpretentious; to grow it, you don’t need much experience, it has high taste qualities and can be used in a variety of dishes.

The main subtlety in growing cabbage is proper watering. If the soil is well moistened and the cabbage has received all the useful elements, then it will delight you and your family for a long time.

Mistakes when growing cabbage

Most of the mistakes people make when preparing seeds and seedlings, namely:

How to determine if there is not enough moisture in the soil

If there is not enough moisture in the soil, the cabbage head may begin to crack, sometimes even bursting. If you notice something like this, then urgently review the watering schedule of your plants. If the cabbage leaves are not completely cracked, you can manage to save the head of cabbage by grasping it firmly with your hands and shaking it 2-3 times in different directions. This will slightly disrupt the integrity of the root system, and moisture will flow better to the plant.

Ways to water cabbage

There are 3 watering methods:

  1. Irrigation along furrows is possible if the topography of your soil is always level. This is necessary to ensure uniform hydration of the root throughout its entire depth.
  2. Sprinkling is watering using a special spray nozzle that is put on a hose. Then you will spend a minimal amount of effort, but be prepared for more energy consumption.
  3. Drip irrigation is one of the most effective methods of watering, which will help deliver moisture to every root. To do this, take tubes with a diameter of 2 cm, make small holes every 30-40 cm and place them on the bed. You can regulate the flow of water using a regular bottle.

Water for watering cabbage

Suitable water temperature for irrigation

Cabbage does not like extremes; the ideal water temperature is from 18 to 23 degrees. If the water is too cold, the plugs may not set, the plant will not grow, and various diseases can also be provoked. Therefore, if you live in northern regions, preheat the water in the sun. Remember that too warm water can also negatively affect the growth of cabbage and can inhibit its germination.

Top dressing

Feeding cabbage should be carried out according to a strictly defined schedule:

What additives can be added to water?

One of the most popular additives is mullein; it can be used with every feeding. Superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate, and nitrogen fertilizers, such as Azofoska, are also useful for cabbage. Do not forget to hill up after each use of fertilizers.

Frequency of watering cabbage in open ground

Depending on the ripening period

When the seedlings have just been planted in open ground, you can water them up to 2 times a day. When the plants are already mature, you need to pay close attention to precipitation and climatic conditions; everyone chooses for themselves how much moisture their plants need depending on weather conditions. IN middle lane cabbage needs 5-6 waterings per week, southern regions- up to 10-12 waterings.

Depending on the type

The most popular cabbage, white cabbage, is watered about 7 times a week. But it is necessary to keep in mind that this variety has a well-developed root system and the soil should be moistened to half a meter deep.

Red cabbage is an unpretentious, drought-resistant plant, so you can worry about watering it much less, 4-5 times a week will be enough, but you also need to make sure that the soil is well moistened deep down.

Broccoli's roots lie close to the soil, so they need high-quality moisture over the entire growing surface. It is watered about 5-6 times a week.

The most moisture-loving variety is cauliflower, it must be watered about 10 times, and quite abundantly, otherwise the root system will not be able to develop.

Depending on soil type

Sandy soil needs moisture most of all, as it instantly absorbs moisture. It is also necessary to water clay soil frequently. Heavy chernozem soils will bring less trouble to gardeners; they require less frequent watering. Remember that regardless of the type of soil, cabbage must be hilled; this will save it from many diseases. You need to hill up after watering or after rain, this way the soil will better retain moisture.

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20 days after planting, the first hilling of cabbage is carried out. Repeat it after 8-10 days. Hill up for the last time before closing the rows. Varieties with a short stump need to be hilled 1 time, with a taller one – 2-3 times.​

​ Water flows only to the right places. Drip irrigation can be used on any soil and terrain. The row spacing during drip irrigation remains dry, this makes it possible to carry out auxiliary work and weeding.​

​The sprinkling method is carried out in areas with various topography, and it is desirable to be able to regulate watering rates. Watering cabbage using the sprinkling principle has a number of disadvantages: a dense crust forms on the top layer of soil when using this technique, and too much energy is spent on watering.​

How often

​Early cabbage is planted at a distance of 50x50 cm, middle cabbage - 60x60 cm and late cabbage - 70x70 cm. After planting the seedlings in the ground, it must be protected from the cruciferous flea beetle. There is the easiest way to do this: sprinkle the planted cabbage with dry ash, which is obtained from tree species. If it rains, you need to sprinkle it once a day. To avoid diseases of the seedlings, it is necessary to water them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and loosen the soil every time after watering the next day. For good growth Cabbage needs oxygen supplied to the roots and moisture. But cabbage cannot tolerate excess moisture or lack of moisture. Therefore, the land on which cabbage is grown should not be too fertilized and loose on the one hand, and not too dense and poor on the other.​

To obtain an excellent cabbage harvest, it is very important to adhere to the watering rules. Here it is worth taking into account not only the climatic conditions of the place where the plant grows, but also the water temperature, as well as the frequency of watering. Only in this way can adequate development of cabbage be achieved, the formation of strong and healthy heads of cabbage, as well as their long-term storage.​

  • ​hilling;​
  • Whatever method you choose, hilling is required after watering or rain. This process is carried out until the rosettes of the emerging leaves close. For early varieties (whether colored, red or other types), hilling is carried out 1-2 times, and for late varieties - 2-3 times. This will allow additional roots to form. In this case, hilling is carried out only on damp soil.

In addition, heavy watering of plants before harvesting is not recommended. This can cause cracking of the heads of cabbage. To avoid this, a month before harvest and before full ripening late varieties cauliflower, white cabbage, red cabbage, etc. Watering should be stopped altogether.

​Most often cabbage needs to be watered in the following situations:

Cabbage is everyone's favorite agricultural product. But to get it excellent harvest, it is necessary to patiently and properly care for the plantings. An important criterion for a high-quality harvest is timely and proper watering of the plant. It is this that influences both the taste and other characteristics of the resulting product. You will learn how to water cabbage correctly and how often from this article.​

​The first feeding of cabbage is combined with hilling. It is advisable to carry it out after watering or rain. In this case, first add 1.5-2.5 g per 1 square meter. m of active substance nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. During the second feeding (20 days after the first), 2-3 g of the same fertilizers are added. Instead, you can use diluted with water slurry(in a ratio of 1:3), mullein (1:4), bird droppings (1:8) 1-1.5 liters per plant. If the soil is fertile and enough fertilizers have been applied for the main filling, you can do without fertilizing

​The drip irrigation system for cabbage is expensive - this is its main, and perhaps only, drawback. Timely and correct watering of cabbage makes it possible to obtain a high and high-quality harvest of this vegetable crop.​

The sprinkling irrigation technique is carried out mainly in small areas of cabbage plantings. For sprinkling, special pulsating installations are used. Water is supplied to the installations through a special hose and under high pressure.​

​Water the cabbage​

It is also very important that the cabbage has enough light. In conditions where cabbage does not have enough light, it produces large leaves, but the head of cabbage turns out to be loose and small. Therefore, you must choose a sunny place for growing cabbage.

  • ​In this video you will learn what features lie in caring for early varieties of white cabbage, and what watering requirements exist.​
  • ​loosening the rows.​
  • ​It is especially worth noting that after planting the seedlings in open ground, it is watered with 5-6 liters per 1 m2 every day for two weeks. After two weeks, watering is carried out once, pouring 12 - 15 liters per 1 m2. In addition, it is known that early varieties should be watered more in June, and late varieties in August. 15 liters of water must be poured per 1 m2. Please note that it is better to water cabbage only in the evening, and if necessary, you can also water it in the morning.​

​after planting the seedlings;​

Video “All about growing cabbage”

How long

​Growing cabbage, both its seedlings and in open ground, requires compliance with the water regime. The gardener must know what kind of water to water the cabbage. Because even if all recommendations are followed, the wrong water can lead to undesirable consequences. At the same time, the characteristics of the water do not depend on which variety was chosen for planting (white cabbage, red cabbage, colored, etc.).​

​For feeding and to prevent the appearance of pests (aphids, snails, slugs), the soil and plants are dusted wood ash at the rate of 1 glass per 1 sq. m.​

Various fertilizing when watering

​Igor Serba, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-Industrial Bulletin"​

  • ​Some models of installations are equipped with regulators that allow you to control the gripping radius of cabbage plantings. If used for water supply pumping unit, you need to avoid overloads that will inevitably occur when a large number of consumers are connected to the pump.​
  • ​- important stage care for this vegetable crop, which must be taken into account. How to water cabbage, how much moisture this plant needs, varieties and methods of watering cabbage - we will consider all these relevant issues for gardeners in the article.​
  • ​It is very important to protect cabbage from caterpillars. Caterpillars appear after the flight of butterflies, which lay eggs on cabbage leaves. Eat different ways fight these insects. You can spray the plants with Intavir or other chemicals, you can collect eggs by hand if the crop area is small, or you can use a scaring method by hanging the shells from chicken eggs over cabbage. In this case, the butterflies, thinking that other butterflies are flying over the cabbage and the place is occupied, do not lay eggs on the cabbage leaves. The most reliable way is to collect the caterpillars by hand and inspect the cabbage leaves for the presence of butterfly eggs.​
  • There are different types of cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, cauliflower, decorative... This article will talk about growing white cabbage. It plays an important role in human nutrition; without it you cannot cook cabbage soup or borscht. The majority of our country's population prepares cabbage for the winter. What are the features of growing cabbage in open ground?

​The first feeding of plants with watering is done two weeks (or at least 10 days) after placing the seedlings in open ground. Fertilizing involves adding liquid organic fertilizers to the soil (mullein, diluted with water in a ratio of 5:1, bird droppings, which is diluted in water 10:1). Organic fertilizers add 1-1.5 liters per vegetable. They can also be replaced with a 0.5% solution of ammonium nitrate.​

It is necessary to water the cabbage throughout growing season. But not always evenly. The greatest intensity of watering will be when planting seedlings in the ground, as well as during the period of development and formation of heads of cabbage. At all other times, watering is limited to preventing excessive drying out of the soil.​

​Today there are three irrigation options. Each gardener chooses the one that is most suitable for his garden. You can use them at different periods of the plant’s growing season or try them every year new way to determine the greatest efficiency specifically for your garden.​

​after the head of cabbage begins to form.​

Watering cabbage should be correct not only after it is planted in the soil, but also at the seedling stage. Watering cabbage in open ground or even at the seedling stage requires water at a certain temperature. This parameter remains important for all cruciferous vegetables, not just cabbage. note that cold water may cause defective development of the root system. As a result, the forks will tie weakly or not tie at all. In addition to this, watering cold water any cabbage (cauliflower, red cabbage, etc.) can provoke the development various diseases. In this situation, even the death of fragile plants is possible. This is especially important when planting seedlings in open ground.​

​the main problem of cabbage is the cabbage fly, saves from it preventative treatment: either use granular insecticides when planting, or water with a regular solution at the root. For processing, use preparations approved for use in private household plots. Amen:-/​

Video “Care and watering cabbage”

For caterpillars, water with water diluted with vinegar. Loves water, warmth and light. I planted in the grooves. Convenient and easy to water. Lower leaves delete. The head of cabbage will start faster. See what your neighbors are doing. You can't go wrong.​

Growing cabbage in open ground.

​Water the cabbage​

About choosing a variety for cultivation

Watering cabbage in open ground

Preparing seedlings

During the summer there are two flights of the cabbage fly, which lays eggs under the cabbage root. White worms grow from them and destroy the cabbage by biting into the root. To protect yourself from this scourge, two methods are used: pollinate the cabbage with shag or tobacco before the flies fly, or water the plants with water infused with tobacco or plants that repel butterflies. If the worms have already appeared and the cabbage is sick (the leaves wither during the day), then watering the plants with salt water can save them: one liter of water per plant with a tablespoon of salt dissolved in this water.​

All cabbage varieties can be divided into three groups according to ripening periods: early, middle (mid-early and mid-late) and late. Agrotechnics of cultivation different varieties different, but also have a lot in common. Early cabbage produces a harvest in 2 - 3 months, medium cabbage in 3 - 5 months, late cabbage in 5 - 7 months from emergence.​

Fertilizers should be applied very carefully, avoiding getting them on the leaves. Otherwise, burns will appear on them. After fertilizing, the soil is loosened between the rows.

Caring for cabbage in open ground

The plant should be watered from the moment the seedlings are planted in the soil until the harvest. The procedure is stopped a month before harvesting to prevent spoilage of the vegetable. This rule applies to everyone autumn varieties. Excess moisture will make further storage of heads of cabbage impossible. Summer varieties in this situation, they are less demanding on moisture and their watering can be stopped three weeks before harvesting.​

So, the methods for watering cabbage (any variety - cauliflower, white, red, etc.) look like this:

​In these situations, it is correct to water the plant several times a day. This must be done when growing white, cauliflower, red and other varieties of cabbage. This intensity persists for a couple of weeks. During the period of growth of deciduous mass, watering and its frequency can be slightly moderated.

​Therefore, it is not recommended to water cabbage with water from a tap or a well. In this situation, you need to let the water warm up by pouring it into buckets and allowing time to settle. You need to heat water in black buckets, not iron ones. gray. Black color attracts sunlight and water warms up faster. But this applies to the northern and eastern regions. In the south, this method will cause the water to heat up too quickly. Too much hot water also negatively affects the germination of vegetables in open ground. This applies to all varieties (colored, white, etc.). Therefore, be careful. Watering cabbage is best done with water at a temperature ranging from 18 to 23°C. This is the only water that can and should be used to water plants in open ground.​

​This summer eliminates many problems. There is enough water, you just need to collect slugs and caterpillars.​


Cabbage is very demanding of moisture. Greatest need of this crop in water manifests itself in the phase of increased leaf growth after planting seedlings, as well as during the formation of a head of cabbage. After planting, it is thoroughly watered every 3-4 days for two weeks at the rate of 6-8 liters per 1 square meter. m. Subsequent watering is done once a week, 10-12 liters per 1 sq. m. m.​

Watering cabbage | Agroindustrial Bulletin

along arranged furrows - one of the most common. But it requires taking into account the topography of the area chosen for planting cabbage. The area of ​​such a site should be small, and the relief should be perfectly flat. Only under such conditions will watering be effective.

​carried out in accordance with the age of the plant. So, if cabbage begins to form fruits, then it needs more moisture. During the period of leaf growth, cabbage needs slightly less moisture. If cabbage is planted in low-lying areas, then the soil layer in the planting areas may become oversaturated with moisture.​

Watering cabbage should be done daily and preferably by sprinkling. With a lack of water, cabbage becomes tough and grows poorly. Even with further normal watering, the cabbage will not regain the lost mass. On the other hand, especially at the stage when cabbage takes root in open ground, waterlogging is very harmful to it. Under these conditions, it rots and dies. Since cabbage does not tolerate transplantation quite well, it is best to grow it in peat pots or separate containers. You need to try to determine as accurately as possible the time of planting seedlings in open ground in accordance with the weather. Cabbage seedlings are usually planted at 40–60 days of age, when they are already quite strong and developed. But you can plant it in more early dates, then she will settle down faster in the new place.​

How much moisture does cabbage need?

​The second feeding should be carried out during the period when the active growth of leaf rosettes begins. It is organized approximately 14-21 days after the first feeding. Here, a mixture of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and potassium sulfate can be used as fertilizers. For all of these fertilizers, a 2:1:1 ratio must be used. Consumption should be approximately 40-60 g per 1 m2. Nitrophoska is applied in the same dose. Organo-mineral fertilizers can also be used here. But in this situation, a dose of mineral nitrogen fertilizers should be reduced slightly.​​Another important parameter for caring for cabbage is its feeding, which is carried out simultaneously with watering. This whole procedure includes the following manipulations:

Watering as needed. An economical method, which involves watering in the evening or morning in dug holes around the plants. After adding soil, loosening must be carried out here. The highest intensity of watering occurs at the stage of active growth of leaves and formation of heads of cabbage. In this case, for one watering under one plant you need to pour approximately 10 liters of water (20-30 liters per 1 m2, and in drought - up to 40-50 liters);​

Sprinkling method

​But remember that excessive watering, as a rule, causes excessive moisture in the soil, as a result of which the vegetable can begin to rot and will soon die. The death of roots begins when they are in moist soil for more than eight hours. In addition to what kind of water should be used to water the cabbage, many gardeners are concerned with the question of how often this should be done. After all, untimely watering is fraught with many negative consequences and can even lead to the death of planted seedlings or an already mature plant. Wherein different varieties cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, red cabbage, etc.) may have some differences in how often a given crop should be watered. But in general, the rules remain the same for all varieties, with minor nuances.​

​I always add coriander (cilantro) to cabbage, but I don’t know what caterpillars on cabbage are.​

​Early cabbage is watered more abundantly in June, and late cabbage during August, when the forks are tying. Late cabbage is more moisture-loving, so its watering rate is 2.5 times higher than that of other varieties. Cabbage is watered in the morning or evening. The water temperature must be at least 18°C.​

Furrows for watering cabbage

​The water will be evenly distributed by the cabbage roots. If the site consists only of sandy and sandy loam soils, then it is better not to use irrigation along furrows. During initial stage For the development of cabbage, it is better not to use this type of watering; it is better to add water to the root area.​​This will have a detrimental effect on the cabbage, the plant will begin to hurt, growth will be delayed, and the cabbage may even die from excess moisture. If cabbage roots have been in moisture for 12 hours, the process of their death begins. If excess moisture appears before harvesting the cabbage, then a problem arises with the heads of cabbage - they begin to crack and burst. It is recommended to stop watering cabbage about a month before harvesting. There are several methods for watering kaputa, we will look at them further.​

Cabbage should be cut for storage after frost. It becomes softer, tastier and juicier. Cabbage easily tolerates frosts down to minus 7 °C, and many gardeners even specifically wait for the cabbage to freeze so that it can be cut for harvesting. Mid-season varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. Late-ripening varieties are used for long-term winter storage fresh. Early ripening varieties cabbages are not intended for pickling and long-term storage.​

Drip irrigation of cabbage

Cabbage seeds are sown for seedlings from February to May. The sowing time depends on the variety and the goals you set for yourself. For example, to obtain an early harvest of cabbage, it must be sown as early as possible, but for harvesting for the winter, calculations are made based on the cabbage ripening time. In any case, late cabbage must be sown for seedlings at the end of February or in the first ten days of March, otherwise it will not have time to ripen. Mid-season and mid-season late cabbage it is necessary to sow in March - early April, early cabbage - from early March to May.​

The third feeding is carried out based on the plant’s need for fertilizers. For example, if they remain weakened or underdeveloped. It is carried out 2 weeks after the completion of the second feeding. For the third feeding, use a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in a 1:2 ratio. You can also use wood ash. Here the calculation should be made based on the ratio of 30 g per plant.​

There are different opinions among gardeners about how often to water cabbage in open ground. After all, due to excessive humidity, the heads of cabbage crack, may burst, and the lower leaves turn yellow and rot. For active growth The temperature of the water for irrigation is also important for the health of the vegetable crop.

It is known that without knowing the rules for watering cabbage in open ground, you cannot get a good vegetable harvest. And here everything is important: the method of watering, its time and water temperature. If you water according to the rules, then the heads of cabbage in the fall will delight you with juiciness and strength. They will not rot or crack.

Ways to water cabbage

After planting young cabbage bushes in open ground, organize regular watering of the vegetable. There are several ways to rationally carry out the procedure:

  1. The grooves made along the vegetable plantings will allow the roots of the plant to be evenly saturated with moisture. The advantage of this method is that each bush will receive enough water. Irrigation is usually used for plants with a developed root system. The grooves will firmly conduct water on flat areas with dense, heavy soil.
  2. It is easy to regulate the watering rate when using the sprinkling method. To do this, water flows through a hose into a special installation that sprays water over the cabbage beds. The convenience of the method lies in the minimum expenditure of effort, but the maximum expenditure of electricity. In addition, the heads of cabbage will only be refreshed with cold water, which is not always beneficial for them.
  3. An effective type of irrigation is drip irrigation. You can arrange it by selecting and laying pipes with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters. The holes in them for releasing water are located at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other. Regulate watering using medical IVs. Many people use simple plastic bottles that dig between the rows garden crops. Through the holes made, the roots are supplied with moisture. Way drip irrigation used as one of the most cost-effective. It will prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged and will deliver water to every root.

When organizing watering, it is important to know that the average watering rate for early varieties, when the forks have not yet set, is five liters per square meter, during maturation - eight. For late varieties the norm is one and a half times higher.

The depth of soaking after planting cabbage depends on the period of cabbage formation. Before this, you need to water to a depth of up to thirty centimeters, and with active formation of forks - up to forty.

Watering schedule and frequency

If it is not clear why the cabbage is cracking, then you need to reconsider the frequency of watering and adjust the procedure schedule. The moisture requirement of a vegetable is determined by such parameters as the age of the plant and the variety of cabbage.

You can adjust the moistening procedure, knowing that you water every day before the heads set and during their formation. Usually moisten up to two times a day when planting seedlings. In this case, weather and climatic conditions are taken into account.

In temperate climates, five to six waterings per week are sufficient, in regions with hot climates - up to eleven. For all varieties of vegetables, the duration of irrigation by sprinkling should be up to three hours after planting, and during the formation of heads of cabbage - two hours.

Irrigation should be stopped two to three weeks before harvest, and for late varieties – a month.

The stability of moisture supply plays an important role in the development of the plant. If they don’t know how to water cabbage and with what frequency, then the vegetable will not receive sufficient moisture. Lack of watering, even for some time, leads to stagnation in the development of the middle heads of cabbage. And the establishment of abundant moisture leads to active growth of inner leaves and rupture of outer ones. Hence the cracks on cabbage heads.

How many times to water cabbage beds, adjusted depending on the presence of precipitation and soil composition.

The intensity of water absorption is different for each type of soil. You can determine the type of soil by rolling a ball out of it. If, when pressed, the earthen ball disintegrates, then it is loam. Then you need to water often. If it does not crumble, then cabbage grows on heavy soils. Moisture is absorbed for a long time, so you should not be overzealous in watering. It will not be possible to roll a ball out of sandy soil. Such soils easily absorb any liquid.

Water requirements for watering cabbage

An important point in caring for vegetables is what kind of water to water the cabbage with. And there are no special secrets here. It is best warm and settled. To do this, containers are filled with water in advance. To make them heat up better, they are painted in dark color. Optimal temperature water for irrigation should be at least eighteen degrees and not higher than twenty-five.

Excessive overheating of the liquid can cause the heads of cabbage watered with it to burst. This happens if the difference between the temperature of water and air is ten degrees.

The sprinkling method, that is, watering with cool water on hot days, is unacceptable. Then the forks crack severely, which will subsequently lead to their rotting. The situation can be corrected by turning on the unit earlier in the morning.

Useful additives for watering Feeding cabbage is carried out during watering. They're starting immediately after planting vegetable seedlings in the ground. Having dissolved five hundred grams of mullein in a bucket of water, water the seedlings at the roots two weeks after planting. Chicken manure is also used, diluted in a ratio of 1:15. During watering, make sure that organic matter does not get on the leaves. Even a few drops of the solution on the leaves of the plant will cause a burn.

From mineral fertilizers superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate. The substances are also diluted in ten liters of water, first taking fifteen to twenty grams, in subsequent feedings - twice as much.

For planting vegetables, such watering with fertilizers two to three times per season is sufficient.

The richest source of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus is nettle. Infuse the cut stems of the plant in water until the solution ferments. After watering with nettle infusion, cabbage grows more intensively, a head of cabbage forms quickly and does not burst.

For late ripening varieties vegetable plant It is useful to spray the leaves from above with the following solution: a kilogram of potassium chloride is diluted in four liters of water, eighty grams of superphosphate, ten grams of molybdenum. After steeping for 24 hours, the heads of cabbage are sprayed. In case of weakness or yellowing of the shoots, add two grams of urea to the solution. After foliar feeding, there will be no problem why the cabbage ripens slowly and the heads of cabbage crack.

Basic rules for watering vegetables

If the cabbage in the garden is cracking for some reason, you need to remember the basic rules of watering:

  1. After planting the seedlings, the period of head formation is watered daily in the morning and evening. In rainy weather, you can reduce the frequency to once every two to three days.
  2. One to two liters of water are poured under the root of each bush.
  3. To prevent moisture from evaporating, cover the heads of cabbage with newspaper on hot days.
  4. To better retain moisture in the soil, we will hill up the bushes.
  5. Stagnation of water is dangerous for the plant. Staying in water for ten hours is fraught with rotting of the roots and the death of the garden crop.
  6. To prevent cabbage from cracking, it must be watered regularly, avoiding excessive waterlogging.
  7. It is impossible to water abundantly after a long drought, as the heads of cabbage will crack.
  8. A few hours after moistening, the soil around the bushes is loosened, removing the dry crust.
  9. After hilling the vegetable, the amount of watering is reduced.
  10. If the hot weather season gives way to a period of heavy rains, then you need to lightly trim the roots of the vegetable, which will reduce their absorption of moisture. Then the problem of why cabbage cracks will disappear.

There are many types of cabbage, and each of them has different watering requirements.

How to water different types of cabbage

When people talk about cabbage, they often mean white cabbage. She is popular useful look vegetable. The formation of light green heads of cabbage is effective if watering is properly organized, to a depth of up to forty centimeters. It is reduced only twenty days before harvesting the fruits.

Red cabbage is considered an unpretentious, drought-resistant plant. The reason for its resistance is the well-developed root system of the vegetable crop. But still, the plant is watered intensively during the period of formation of dark red forks.

In broccoli, the roots lie close to the surface, and the heads form quickly. They need quality hydration. The soil is poured forty centimeters deep. After watering, be sure to loosen the rows in order to remove the crust that has formed on the ground.

For cauliflower, it is important that the soil is always moist. The heads will not set if the soil dries out. The plant needs ten liters of water per week.

Kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts Watering is provided regularly. Dry soil in the garden will lead to cracking of the stems.

Moderation of watering and reasonable frequency will allow the Beijing type of vegetable to form forks efficiently. It is useful for the plant to arrange a shower from warm water. The sprinkling method will also eliminate cruciferous flea beetles.

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology when growing vegetables plays a big role in obtaining high yields. For moisture-loving crops, regular, high-quality, competent watering is important. If you know how to water cabbage correctly, then high yields of strong, juicy heads of cabbage are guaranteed. The plant will be healthy, since the density of the plugs, which do not crack, will not allow infection to get inside.

Kira Stoletova

Cabbage is not easy to grow. For good harvest proper care must be taken. One of the most important actions is watering cabbage, which directly affects the taste of the plant. Let's consider how often to water cabbage.

How to identify a lack of moisture

The main criterion for water shortage is appearance fetus Most often this is the poor condition of the leaves. The reason for this may be the rapid evaporation of moisture under the influence of the sun, which causes a lack of moisture for the roots.

The condition of the soil can also indicate a lack of fluid. The soil is rolled into a ball, and if it crumbles or cracks when pressed, increase the frequency of irrigation.

Water for irrigation

When growing any variety, care must be taken good quality used waters. The main criterion affecting the growth of a vegetable is temperature. It is necessary to water the cabbage with water at the required temperature, starting from the first stages. Watering the crop with cold water negatively affects the development of roots. The result is a complete stop in tying forks, various diseases and the complete death of the vegetable. In open ground, cabbage tolerates watering with cold water especially poorly.

Watering directly from a tap, well or well is not recommended. It is enough to fill the container with water and let it warm up until room temperature. To heat water faster, you can use a black container. It is better to water the plant in open ground at temperatures around 20-23°C.

Watering cabbage

The need to water a vegetable increases with the development of the plant. There are several methods for watering cabbage in open ground, depending on the variety.

Most often you need to water the cabbage after planting the seedlings in the ground and after the head of cabbage has begun to form. During these periods, the vegetable needs to be watered several times a day for a couple of weeks. During sheet formation, the frequency of moisture application is reduced.

What does watering depend on?

The frequency and intensity of watering depend on a number of factors:

  • Features of the variety. Some species may be more demanding of moisture, while others are the opposite. In this case, moistening is carried out based on the variety’s requirements for moisture.
  • Weather and climate. The amount of water is determined based on the presence and frequency of precipitation, the severity of drought and air temperature. In hot regions, cabbage requires moisture more often. This also includes the stage of fetal development.
  • Add moisture if necessary. This economical way, in which irrigation is performed in the morning or evening. Water is poured into the holes around the roots. When the fruit needs water most strongly, use about 30 liters per square meter. During periods of drought, watering is increased to 45-50 liters.

After any of the selected irrigation methods, it is necessary to carry out hilling. For early varieties of cabbage it is carried out 2-3 times, and later varieties require 3-4 operations. After this, the seedlings strengthen their roots. Hilling up is necessary only for wet soil.

Careful irrigation can be carried out to prevent the occurrence of various diseases and pests. For this you can use special solutions. Popular remedies are decoctions of tops and vinegar solutions. To achieve therapeutic effect The liquid should remain on the plant for some time, and water can accidentally wash it off.

For cabbage, irregular watering during an important period can be disastrous. Irrigating too frequently can also be harmful. Excessive watering after a drought often leads to cracks in the cabbage.

Watering methods

There are 3 most popular and effective ways watering cabbage in open ground:

  • Watering cabbage along the furrows with a hose. The method is applicable only for mature plants, a large number of water can damage the vegetable at an early stage
  • Irrigation drip method. In this case, water is supplied to the plant in small portions, which provide a sufficient amount of moisture during active growth. The disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment, as well as the possibility of waterlogging the soil using the drip method.
  • Sprinkling method. Provides moisture not only to the soil, but also to the air. Irrigation is carried out by special installations. Together with water, the crop can be treated with fertilizing and various medicinal preparations. The disadvantage is the possibility of soil becoming swampy.

When to water

After planting in the ground, the seedlings are watered every 3-4 days with 8-10 liters per 1 square meter. m. In the future, the volume will be increased to 12-14 liters.

Early varieties will require more moisture in June, and later ones - in August, when head formation begins. Water is added in the morning or evening. In the dry season, the amount of moisture is doubled. Drip irrigation at such times is most effective, because it gives constant influx moisture into the soil. In the absence of special installations, you can dose water using a watering can.

The need for irrigation depends on the climate. Most often, it must be carried out in areas where liquid quickly evaporates from the soil.

It is necessary to completely complete the application of moisture in the fall, several weeks before the start of harvest. This is done to increase the shelf life of the vegetable after cutting and to eliminate the possibility of cracks appearing on the heads of cabbage.

Fertilizing after watering

Fertilizing should be carried out during the entire period of vegetable growth, immediately after abundant watering.


The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting. During this period, a solution of mullein (5 parts water and 1 part fertilizer) or bird droppings (10 parts water and 1 dropping) in a volume of 1.5 liters per plant is added to the soil. An alternative is ammonium nitrate solution.


The second feeding is carried out when the leaves begin to actively develop. This is 15-20 days after the first feeding. In this case, superphosphate, saltpeter and potassium sulfate are used in a ratio of 2:2:1. You should apply 50-60 g per 1 square meter. m. The application of mineral fertilizers will be useful.


The third feeding is carried out if necessary (in the presence of disease or slow development). It should be carried out no earlier than 14 days after the second; before this, it is important to water the beds thoroughly. It is customary to use a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in a ratio of 1 to 2. 25 g are consumed per plant. Wood ash is added to chemical fertilizers.

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What kind of water to water cabbage with?

​If the summer is rainy​

​: at the root or along the furrows after 7-10 days and moderately. Difference in the number of waterings per season. For tomatoes, 8-9 times are enough, for peppers and eggplants, 10-12. And the norm for the latter is “tomato”, from 15 to 30 liters, which depends on the weather.​

​You can get more detailed information in the “All courses” and “Useful” sections, which can be accessed through the top menu of the site. In these sections, articles are grouped by topic into blocks containing the most detailed (as far as possible) information on various topics.​

How often should you water cabbage?

​Plant seedlings as early as possible early cabbage. Seedlings are planted 15 days later mid-season cabbage, and a month after planting early cabbage, late cabbage is planted.


​Getting cabbage from seedlings on a home window is a labor-intensive and ineffective task. Even in a well-lit place, plants stretch and are often affected by diseases, such as blackleg. Cabbage grows well when sown directly in the ground.​

​After purchasing cabbage seeds, you should keep them in water whose temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius. Let the seeds lie in it and warm up for 15-20 minutes, and then you need to transfer them to cold water for five minutes. This kind of “hardening” will definitely yield results: the cabbage will be much more resistant to fungal diseases.​

​And the benefits will be truly impressive, because only in terms of vitamin C content, cabbage ranks on par with citrus fruits!​

​Third feeding: It should be carried out in June. You need to take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. Use this solution at the rate of 5 - 7 liters per 1 square meter.​

How long to water cabbage?

​in open ground.​

To make your cabbage harvest happy, you need to know a lot about growing this crop in open ground. An important factor in the good development of a plant is its watering. Each gardener has his own preferences in the amount of moisture and cabbage is no exception.​

​, it is better not to water the beds at all; in dry and hot weather this is done after 5-6 days. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped so that the bulbs and heads are better stored. In addition, excess moisture at this time delays their ripening.​

​Irrigation is carried out either in the morning or in the evening​​You can also subscribe to the blog and learn about all new articles. It does not take a lot of time. Just click on the link below:​ ​Landing is carried out on a cloudy day, or in the evening. When planting, the plant is buried in the ground until the first true leaf. The roots and stem are well pressed with soil.​

- biennial plant. In the first year it forms a head of cabbage, and in the second year it forms a powerful peduncle with seeds.​
​Before planting the seeds, it is necessary to rake the snow in a selected small area, and then shed the soil generously hot water, sprinkle with ash and cover with plastic wrap. The film should be pressed tightly to the ground and wait several days for the soil to warm up. This should be done in the second half of March or early April. During this period, the sun actively bakes the earth. After waiting for the soil to warm up to a depth of 10 cm, plant the cabbage seeds. You can sow thickly, since after some time the seedlings will need to be pricked.​

Next, the seeds are dried until they flow, and at this time the soil needs to be prepared in special trays. Of course, for growing seedlings it is better to prepare the soil mixture in the fall, but if for some reason this was not done, you should not be upset. You need to mix equal amounts of humus with the selected type of soil (for example, turf soil), and then add a small amount of ash. Ash plays the role of an additional source of nutrients and protection against diseases of cabbage seedlings. This whole mixture should be well mixed and placed in trays.​

Cabbage picking pattern: 1. Correct, 2,3,4. Incorrect (2. The root is bent, 3. The root is not in contact with the soil, 4. The seedling is shallowly peaked).​

​Fourth feeding: Usually carried out in August (1 tablespoon of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water) Consumption - 5-8 liters per 1 square meter.​
​Early varieties should be sown from April 25 to May 5.​

​Water temperature is very important for growing this cruciferous plant. So, the cold does not allow the root system to fully develop, and the plugs will be tied weakly, or even not at all. Therefore, watering tap water or from a well is undesirable. After all, passing underground through an extensive pipe system, cold water cools even more.​

​It is better to water the potatoes in the grooves.​
​, at sunset, and if there is a long drought - at night. At temperatures below 15°C, the bushes are not watered at all to prevent the appearance of gray rot.​

​After planting, it is advisable to shade the seedlings for 2-3 days so that they take root better.​

Cabbage needs fertile and structured soil. Good harvests of cabbage are obtained on loam with a high humus content, which retains moisture well.​

​Together with cabbage, you can plant different varieties of asters, alternating furrows for planting seeds. The growing conditions of these plants are very similar, so this solution will significantly save space. In addition, you do not need to take up space on the windowsill for flower seedlings. You only need to water the sprouts if the soil under the film dries out. During the first few days there will be enough moisture due to the thawing of the lower layers of the soil. Cover the garden bed at all times. As soon as the seedlings appear, the shelter should be raised above the seedlings as they grow. You can use boards as long as the ridge for this purpose, but it is more effective to prepare metal arcs in advance. They need to be strengthened deep in the ground, creating a reserve in order to gradually raise them when the seedlings become taller.​

​Then into the prepared holes, watered warm water, seeds are sown. If you need fresh heads of cabbage at your dacha already in June-July, seeds for seedlings need to be sown in March. Mid-season varieties can be planted from the end of March until the twentieth of April, and cabbage of late varieties is sown on seedlings in April, until the last of April.​

​To grow such a healthy vegetable in your dacha, you need to follow simple rules. Firstly, the soil before planting cabbage must be well cultivated. Ideally, the predecessors should be new potatoes, onions, cucumbers or peas. And for late varieties of cabbage, fertile soils cultivated with herbs (annual and perennial) may also be suitable.

​As a top dressing to control cabbage pests (snails, aphids, slugs), you can dust the soil next to the plant with wood ash. Use 1 cup of ash per 1 square meter.​

​It is best to settle and heat the water in special containers located on the site. They can be painted black and the process of heating by the sun's rays will occur much faster. When the soil dries a little, it is loosened on top and sprinkled with peat, sawdust or humus. In this case, you can water 1-2 times a month, and without mulching - once a week. Consumption 20-30 l per 1 m2. About 1-2 weeks before harvesting, stop watering so that the tubers remain dry and clean. Cabbage likes to drink more than other vegetables.

How to grow cabbage

When watering, monitor the condition of the soil and do not allow it to dry out. Adjust the intensity of watering based on the weather.​


Europe's number one vegetable

​Growing cabbage in open ground prevents it from being damaged by early pests. In mid-April, make sure that the midday sun does not burn the young shoots; it is better to remove the film for several hours during the day. Cabbage is a cold-resistant crop and can withstand frosts down to minus 5 °C. Annual asters also frost-resistant. At two weeks of age, seedlings need to be fed with a regular solution of water and wood ash.​

​Growing a good harvest is also facilitated by preliminary soil preparation in the fall - hilling and fertilizing with compost. Plus, before planting cabbage in the spring, the beds are carefully dug up, having previously chosen the most optimal place for them, well-lit (the heads of cabbage do not develop well in constant shade), with well-moistened soil. Ideally, the air should be humid, and the optimal temperature should be +17-+20 degrees Celsius.​

​The article tells how I spend​

Caring for cabbage consists of proper watering, loosening the soil and applying the necessary and timely fertilizing.

​This should be done in the eastern and northern regions, but in the south, in a dark container, the water will overheat, which is also not good. The optimal water temperature for irrigation is in the range from 18 to 23°C.​

Water pumpkins and zucchini a lot, and carefully under the roots

The guarantee of a rich harvest

She needs a lot of water to fill the juicy head of cabbage. Therefore, when it is formed, the irrigation rate per 1 m2 is from 30 liters, but can reach 50.​

​U proper watering three main conditions: timeliness, regularity, norm.​

​Only planted cabbage seedlings are watered at the rate of 0.5-1 liter of water per plant. The next day it is watered again.

​The soil should be either neutral or slightly acidic.​

Planting cabbage

​Young plants are planted on permanent place, as soon as the earth warms up 15 cm deep. The planting location for this crop is chosen to be shady and humid. The cabbage flea beetle is not harmful to plants, but to avoid slowing growth, you can scatter a handful of mustard seeds on the garden bed - this will repel the pest. Mustard sprouts very quickly and almost all cabbage pests are afraid of it. Cabbage butterflies are repelled by sprinkling plants with ash and tobacco, as well as by planting flowers with a pungent odor, such as calendula or marigolds. It is advisable to hill cabbage twice a season. The lower leaves are removed, cutting off the possibility of slugs appearing and thereby helping the head of cabbage to curl.

​It is important to observe temperature and light conditions so that growing cabbage does not turn into a struggle for every healthy seedling. Seedlings that grow on the windowsill of a country house need to be illuminated with a regular lamp. Sprouts need light up to 15 hours a day! The temperature during the day should be on average plus 17, and at night - plus 10 degrees Celsius. We must not forget about feeding young seedlings: first, they need to be watered so that nutrient solution Do not burn the stems and then add fertilizer.​

​Growing cabbage becomes an easy and rewarding task when strong seedlings was correctly placed in the ground, the earth near it was tightly pressed and subsequently often loosened. Those whose dacha is located on low-lying areas of land can expect good cabbage growth. It is only important to ensure that the water in the soil does not stagnate.​

  • Caring for cabbage after planting
  • ​Water:​
  • ​The frequency of watering depends on the area where the plant is cultivated and on climatic factors specific summer season. After all, in a rainy summer it will be completely inappropriate to water already waterlogged plants again and again.​
  • ​, without exposing them in any way. The time is chosen in the morning or evening, since during the day in sunny weather large drops can linger on the wide leaves, which can turn into lenses. The rays pass through them and leave burns.​
  • In dry and hot weather, watering is carried out by sprinkling - in the morning or evening.
  • ​How should they be used for different vegetables in the summer?​
  • ​For the next 2-3 weeks, the cabbage is watered every 3-4 days, spending 6-8 liters of water per square meter.​

The soil for cabbage is prepared in the spring. Per one square meter add 1-1.5 buckets of rotted humus or compost, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, and 2 tablespoons of complex fertilizer.​

Cabbage is a very moisture-loving crop, so it needs to be watered constantly. On hot days, the ground is not just wetted, but literally filled with water. Water only early in the morning or in the evening so that the scorching sun does not damage the wet leaves.

​When the cabbage seedlings have become stronger, they can be planted into separate cups or cassettes. The main rule: you cannot use soil from the bed where cabbage was already growing. This threatens the transfer of plant pathogens to young seedlings.​

​When general information Having studied about such a process as growing cabbage, you can begin the planting process itself.​

​in open ground. I would be glad if, in the comments to the article, you tell us about your methods and subtleties of caring for cabbage.​

​After planting, the cabbage must be watered very thoroughly, every 2-3 days for 2 weeks, spending 7-8 liters of water per 1 square meter. Then watering is reduced to once a week. You need to water 10-12 meters per 1 square meter of beds.​

​And vice versa, in a hot, dry summer, when under the scorching rays of the sun the liquid evaporates instantly, not having time to saturate the plant well, you will need to water more often than recommended, taking average indicators.​

Pumpkins are watered before the first hilling

​Daytime ablutions can provoke not only burns, but also mucous bacteriosis. When it gets cold, water is poured at the root. Early varieties are used less often - once every 2-3 days, and late varieties - every day. Stop watering late cabbage 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

​Cucumber roots​

Then the cabbage is watered once a week, pouring 10-15 liters per square meter. In general, the moisture requirement of cabbage is not very large, but with the beginning of the formation of a rosette of leaves, it increases. At this time, water is consumed more intensively, approximately 15-20 liters per square meter. After the head has formed, the water consumption rate is again gradually reduced, but 10-15 liters per square meter.

Proper care

Cabbage seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the threat of frost has passed:

Storing heads of cabbage also has its own characteristics. In autumn, late varieties are removed from the ground along with the roots. In the cellar, cabbage is hung with the head down to allow air circulation.

​10 days before planting seedlings in open ground, you can begin to harden them by opening a window in the cottage where the cassettes with seedlings are located. First for a couple of hours, and then for the whole night.​

​You can really envy summer residents: on their plot of land people relax and work, spending their free time usefully. While others sit in concrete boxes of city apartments, the happy owner of a dacha breathes fresh air, works with the soil, which ultimately responds to him with gratitude in the form of a rich harvest.​

​Early cabbage needs to be watered more abundantly in June, and cabbage late dates ripening - in August, that is, during the period of setting heads. You can water cabbage in the evening and in the morning. The water must be at a temperature not lower than +18 degrees.​

​Not many people know how to properly water cabbage in open ground after planting. After all, the plant has not yet had time to grab the ground. But you shouldn’t be afraid of watering, because just for good rooting, when planting, each hole is watered with one liter of water, and the next day the procedure is repeated.​

​1-2 times, spending 7-8 liters per plant. Then they do not water at all for 25 days, and when the fruits begin to swell, dosed irrigation is resumed.​

Immediately after sowing carrots

​weak and located in the surface layer of soil, which quickly dries out. In addition, plants have large leaves and evaporate a lot of water. Therefore, cucumbers are often watered using the sprinkling method.

​If after growing in open ground cabbage will do for storage, watering is stopped 30 days, and in southern arid areas, 15 days before harvesting.​

Growing cabbage in open ground | The Road to Computer Business

​early​​<Предыдущая статья​​Перед тем как начать выращивание капусты в открытом грунте огорода, нужно убедиться, что почва подготовлена, удобрена, хорошо полита, а саженцы имеют минимум четыре полноценных листика.​

​For this you will need:​​The cabbage seeds should be kept for 15-20 minutes in water, the temperature of which is approximately 50 degrees, and then placed in cold water.​ ​Loosening:​​Next, water the cabbage regularly and quite intensively, especially when the forks are tied . Interestingly, early varieties are watered more in June, and late varieties in August. At least 15 liters of liquid should be poured per square meter during this period. Regularity of watering - once every 10 days, consumption - 10 liters per plant. A month before harvesting, pumpkins should be protected from water so that they absorb more sugars.​

​and before the first shoots, soil moisture should be high. To prevent water from evaporating, it makes sense to cover the bed with plastic wrap until the shoots emerge, and then remove it. Water from a watering can through a strainer. In moderate weather - after 10 days, the norm is 30 liters per 1 mg. The last watering is carried out 3 weeks before harvesting. ​However​ Watering is done in the morning and evening with water at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

Soil preparation

​cabbage at a distance of 30x30 cm;​ ​No comments​​A useful tip for those who want to know how to grow cabbage in the country: early varieties can be planted in the garden as early as April 25. Mid-season varieties are recommended to be placed in the ground in mid-May, and late-ripening varieties - at the end of the last spring month.​

​cabbage seeds;​


​The dacha plots are decorated with neat rows of beds with cultivated plants, but the most impressive, probably, are the beds with large, strong heads of cabbage heads. The luxurious appearance of cabbage plus knowledge about its incredibly beneficial properties makes you want to grow this vegetable on your own plot. And it turns out that it’s not difficult at all!​

  • After the rain or after watering, the cabbage should be loosened to a depth of 5 to 8 centimeters. You need to loosen approximately every 6 - 7 days. As soon as the soil looks dry, the plants need a new portion of moisture without waiting for the soil to dry out. We should not forget about timely loosening of the soil between waterings; this must be done carefully, because the root system is also located in the upper layers of the soil. A simple test will help determine whether it is time to water the cabbage - use a shovel to dig a hole up to 30 centimeters deep (the center of the root system is located at this level). If the soil is dry or slightly damp, you can safely water the area with cabbage.
  • ​Adult zucchini​ Beetroot and parsley do not need frequent watering.
  • ​so that the roots go deeper into the soil​In hot weather it is necessary to do

​mid-season ​Next article>​​​

​soil mixture (peat or turf soil plus ash and humus);​

​Growing cabbage is an activity familiar to people dating back to Ancient Rome. This vegetable, which originally grew wild in the Mediterranean, has been cultivated since the distant times of the great Roman emperors and generals. And all because even then its beneficial, positive effect on human health was noticed.

​3 weeks after planting, you need to carry out the first hilling of the cabbage, and after 8 - 10 days, repeat the hilling. Since after hilling additional lateral roots will form on the plant, it is necessary to retreat from the base of the head of cabbage when loosening.​


A watering can or bucket is best suited for watering; they can be used to distribute water in doses, but watering from a hose, and even with a strong stream, compacts the soil too much. In the best way counts drip irrigation when the hoses are buried in the ground or laid out on the surface and moisture constantly oozes from small holes.​

​Water once a month carefully at the root. The norm is 20 liters per bush.​

​For a season, 4-5 times are enough at the same rate as for carrots. But in hot weather, of course, water more often, otherwise the plants will wither, or even simply “burn.” Water early in the morning or late afternoon in the furrows or with a hose throughout the garden bed. If you water during the day, a dense crust will form faster on the soil surface.​

​, the plants do not need to be watered at all until the buds appear, if there is at least a little rain. When they are not there, this is done once a week. With the beginning of flowering, watering in sunny weather is carried out every 3-4 days until 17:00. And in hot weather - every other day. If the nights are cold - in the morning. The dose for adult vines with fruits is 20-30 liters per 1 m2.​

​refreshing watering​

​cabbage at a distance of 40x40 cm;​

​So, we​​ Experienced summer residents advise planting seedlings not in sunny weather. Ideally, it should be late afternoon and the weather should be cloudy. And in the first days it is better to create artificial shading for cabbage seedlings.​ ​seedling trays;​

​Feeding:​​As the harvest time approaches, watering should be gradually reduced, because the forks may burst, and excess moisture will interfere with the long-term storage of late varieties. For cabbage, which is harvested in the fall, watering should be completed a month before harvesting. Summer varieties are less demanding; they need two to three weeks of drought. Under vegetables, as a rule, the soil should not dry out.

​Fast-growing radishes are watered in open ground from 16 to 17 hours.​

Sprinkling is abandoned when spots appear on the leaves - a symptom of infection.

​for cabbage early in the morning and in the evening.​


Watering vegetables, three basic watering conditions

​grown cabbage seedlings​Growing cabbage involves not only proper landing, but also cultural care. Cabbage loves moisture very much. On hot days it must be watered, and abundantly. If you do not water the cabbage for a long time and then give a lot of water at once, the heads of cabbage will be susceptible to cracking. Water for irrigation should be warm, it should be supplied in the morning or evening at least once a week, and especially abundantly during the setting of heads of cabbage. To prevent aphids and snails from harming the cabbage, it is recommended to sprinkle the heads of cabbage and the ground next to them with ash (wood).

Watering cucumbers from above or into the furrow

​pots, cassettes or plastic cups for picking seedlings; Cabbage was supposed to be consumed not only as food, but also as medicine: Insomnia, deafness, migraines and even signs of stomach ulcers were treated with the help of this vegetable crop. Such statements are not unfounded: even the well-known thinker Pythagoras noted that cabbage has wonderful properties of maintaining vigor of body and spirit. By the way, the name of cabbage most likely came from the ancient Roman word “kaput”, which meant “head”.​

​First we need to grow a good green mass of cabbage and provide fast growth. To do this, about 20 days after planting, you need to start feeding our cabbage. In total, during the period of growth and development of cabbage, you need to fertilize the plant 3-4 times. The plant is very responsive to fertilizing, and therefore after planting and a month after it, you should water the cabbage twice with mullein solution. One part is diluted in four parts of water and added under each bush. If drought and waterlogging alternate, this leads to cracking of heads of cabbage, root crops of carrots, beets, celery, radishes and tomato fruits.

​On light soils this is done every other day, on medium soils - after 2 days, on heavy soils - after 3, and in small doses, 10-15 liters of water per 1 mg. As soon as the soil dries slightly, it is loosened with a rake with short teeth. Affected cucumbers are not watered at the root. Water is poured into shallow grooves around the plants or along the row. Watering is stopped as soon as the water in the furrow stops being absorbed. For this you can use porous hoses.​

Watering tomatoes at the root

Watering should be frequent and regular. If you water rarely and in large quantities, the plants will spend a lot of energy and effort on root growth, to the detriment of the development of heads of cabbage. If you water in small doses and often, the root system will be located near the surface where optimal conditions for food and air supply. Consequently, the yields will be higher. Cabbage at a distance of 60x60 cm.

The principle of watering peppers and eggplants

​, now it’s time to plant it on the site. Let's look at the features​​

​fertilizer for feeding;​ Cabbage heads were also highly valued in Ancient Greece: written sources with instructions on how to grow cabbage and how to care for it have been preserved. The treatment of many diseases, as well as strengthening the immune system, was recommended by cabbage by Hippocrates, a Greek healer, whose advice is still relevant and accurate.​