How to defeat voracious caterpillars on your property. Three popular ways to fight caterpillars in your garden

When a summer resident plants an apple orchard, he expects to receive a high-quality harvest. The quantitative indicator also plays an important role in his expectations. To achieve results you have to put in a lot of effort. Selected the best varieties. young tree planted, cared for and nurtured. More than one year passes before the apple tree begins to delight with its fruits. What if this joy is overshadowed by caterpillars? Small pests cause great damage to trees: they destroy young buds, flowers and leaves. Long-awaited fruits are damaged. If the situation is left unattended, the apple tree will begin to wither, the yield will decrease annually, and the end may be disappointing. Exist different ways, which will not allow caterpillars to become masters in your orchard. By understanding what causes and conditions are favorable for these pests, you can prevent their appearance altogether.

Chapter 1. Pests and how to fight

Apple flower beetle (weevil)

This pest eats apple tree flowers that have not yet blossomed, and if there is no color, there is no ovary! You need to fight it in advance - before the female flower beetle has time to lay eggs. In principle, five females are enough to lose the harvest from one large apple tree.

Control measures:

A good result is obtained by shaking the beetles from the apple tree onto a cloth spread below; The collected beetles should then be drowned in a bucket of water. This procedure must be repeated 4 times before the air temperature reaches +10. Applying a hunting belt to a tree trunk is also effective.
From chemical methods It should be noted that trees are sprayed with a preparation such as Calypso. It can be used at any time growing season, even during flowering. It should be noted that Calypso is safe for bees.

codling moth

The most common and dangerous pest. Butterflies lay eggs (up to 100 eggs per season), and caterpillars emerge from them. They eat apples right up to the seed chamber, which is why the latter rot and fall off. As a result, up to half of the crop may be spoiled.
The difficulty of fighting the codling moth is that it is impossible to destroy the caterpillar located in the fruit, and it is already pointless. Therefore, you need to hurry up with the fight before the butterfly lays eggs, from which the notorious caterpillars will subsequently hatch.

Control measures:

Of great importance here is such a method of struggle as the use of catch belts. Anyone can create them. To do this, you need to wrap several layers of burlap around the tree trunk and tie it with an elastic band. Here you can use whey or kvass as bait. Caterpillars crawl into such a belt to create cocoons, where we detect and destroy them.

Be sure to collect carrion (affected by the codling moth) every day and destroy it; Old dead bark should also be removed from trees.
40 days before harvesting the fruits, it is good to spray the apple trees with Twix. This is a contact-intestinal insecticide, and, in addition to the codling moth, it is effective against 30 species of other insect pests. Also good result gives spraying with Confidor Maxi.

You should never forget about traditional methods; Although they are not as effective as chemical agents, they are much safer. So, for example, the following is effective against the codling moth: pour boiling water over wormwood grass, leave for one day, and spray the apple trees once every 7 days. Spraying begins immediately after flowering. Another good method(not only against the codling moth, but also against other pests): branches, leaves, green unripe fruits of tomatoes are boiled for 30 minutes (4 kg per 10 liters of water) and then filtered. For every 3 liters of the resulting solution add 40 g laundry soap and 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto apple trees.

leaf roller- These are small caterpillars that eat the buds and flowers of apple trees. At the same time, the leaves curl into a tube (which can be judged by the name of the pest), and the inflorescences are pulled together into a ball.

Control measures:

The above folk methods are very effective against leaf rollers - tomato decoction or wormwood infusion. The insecticide "Lufox" has proven itself to be excellent.

Apple comma scale

These pests crawl along the trunks of apple trees and suck the juice out of them; The scale insects themselves are covered with scutes (which is why they were called that). If there are a lot of scale insects, then the trees dry out, do not grow, and their buds do not form.

Control measures:

Very effective here mechanical methods pest control: you should make a solution from wood ash and tar soap (200g of ash and 50g of soap per 10l of water); then, using a long-handled metal brush, thoroughly clean the old bark, constantly wetting the brush in this solution. In this way, I wash the trunk and branches of the apple trees, but the air temperature during this process should not drop to + 15 degrees.
You should never forget about the use of insecticides - the most effective methods of the above. In the fight against scale insects, “Aktara”, “Confidor maxi”, “Bombardir Aqua”, “Lufox” give excellent results.

To obtain high yields of apples, not much effort is required. All you need to do is: while walking around the garden or lying down with a book under a tree, pay attention to curled leaves, cobwebs, rotten fruits, the presence of various insects on the apple tree, etc. This way we will detect apple tree pests and can immediately take the necessary measures.

By applying the above methods of pest control for apple trees and following our recommendations, you will always have strong, healthy trees strewn with juicy, plump apples.

Chapter 2. What to process

Prevention, as we know, is the key to health. This formulation is also relevant in relation to the garden. No matter how safe modern insecticides are, you want to reduce their quantity to a minimum in order to get a truly organic harvest. And to do this, you need to regularly “walk around” your property, checking the plants for the presence of clutches of caterpillars. Leaves entangled in cobwebs should be immediately removed and destroyed.

One of the methods of prevention is whitewashing trees, which protects plants not only from insects, but also from sunburn. Digging is also quite effective garden plot. Small grooves around the perimeter prevent many caterpillars from reaching the garden. The grooves need to be cleaned periodically.

Insecticides for caterpillar control
Insecticides can be contact (they protect only the treated parts of plants, act quickly, but, as a rule, they are also quickly washed off by rain), intestinal (enter the insect’s body with food and thus destroy the pest), systemic (affect insects in various ways).

The following drugs can be used to control caterpillars:

Bitoxibacillin– a biological product based on bacteria. Effective against caterpillars of vegetable, fruit, flower and ornamental crops. In summer, with a high density of pests, to achieve the desired result, treatments should be frequent and regular (with an interval of 7-8 days).

Lepidocide- another biological product designed to combat caterpillars in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden. During the heavy rainy season, regular treatment is required (every 7-8 days).

Monsoon- a drug wide range impact. Resistant to temperature fluctuations. The effect of use lasts about 15-30 days.

Iskra M– cannot be used near water sources. It acts quickly and is effective within two weeks.

Inta-Vir– a broad-spectrum drug. Dangerous for beneficial insects(therefore you cannot spray plants during the flowering period) and aquatic inhabitants.

Senpai– affects insects by contact. Valid for 2 weeks. Dangerous for bees.

All insecticides must be used with extreme caution, in no case exceeding dosages.

Chapter 3. Folk remedies

Pests on apple trees are not a new phenomenon. Caterpillars ate leaves 10, 20 and 100 years ago. Therefore, recipes for remedies to combat them were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day. They contain natural, natural ingredients. Therefore, these recipes are often the basis of adherents of an environmentally friendly approach to gardening.

In addition, the use traditional methods does not require costs, since improvised components are used to combat caterpillars. In response to the question of how to treat an apple tree against caterpillars, folk remedies will prompt:

The simplest remedy is water.. It is recommended to wash away visible populations of codling moths and silkworms with a strong jet. After this, the insects must be collected manually and destroyed.

Important! To combat apple pests, including caterpillars, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used.


To combat all types of caterpillars:

Infusion of dry leaves. To prepare the infusion, dry leaves of celandine are used. A glass of leaves should be soaked in a bucket of water and left for two days. Then the infusion is filtered, two tablespoons of soap are added. The resulting infusion is sprayed onto the apple tree;

A decoction of dry leaves. Boil 200 grams of dry celandine leaves in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The plant will retain its protective properties better if the decoction is boiled in a water bath. Strain. Mix the resulting broth with a bucket of water. Spray the diseased tree.

To combat the codling moth, use a belt made of celandine. To make it, a belt is constructed from fresh green leaves of celandine around the trunk of an apple tree. The greens are tied in the spring; in the fall the dressing must be changed to a fresh one.

Decoction of tomato tops

Used to combat all leaf-eating insects. 1 kg tomato tops leave in a bucket of water for 4-5 hours, simmer on fire for about 3 hours. Dilute the resulting amount of liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2.5.

Wormwood against all leaf-eating caterpillars. A decoction of dried flowers. Pour 1 kg of dried flowers into a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Add the resulting broth to a bucket of water and spray the apple trees.

Against codling moth and leaf roller. Infusion of fresh flowering wormwood. Chop half a bucket of fresh wormwood during the flowering period, add 10 liters of water. Leave for 24 hours, boil for half an hour. Dilute with water 1:1. Herbal infusions and decoctions will only be effective if the treatment of the apple tree is repeated 3-4 times. Typically the interval between spraying is a week. ADVICE! In addition to herbs, elementary ingredients are used to combat caterpillars. household products.


Soda - easily available, enough effective remedy to combat caterpillars that damage leaves. There are two ways to use baking soda:

Spraying an apple tree with a soda solution: 3 tablespoons of soda per bucket of water;
Dust the crown with a mixture of soda and ash or flour. In order for the soda solution to have an effect on the caterpillars, you must follow several rules when working with it. Never use metal, aluminum or plastic containers.

  • all soda solutions should be prepared in glass containers;
  • any soda solution must be used within 3 hours;
  • do not leave the soda solution in the heat and scorching sun - at temperatures above 55 degrees, the substance will decompose and will not bring the desired result;
  • Use only clean containers for preparing soda solutions.
    Foreign impurities can neutralize the effect of alkali.

Birch tar with soap

Birch tar is one of the oldest remedies used to protect fruit trees from pests. This natural remedy, made from birch bark. It is known to be effectively used to combat codling moths and hawthorns. The method of influencing these types of pests is different, but the composition of the required solution is the same. Preparation of the solution: dissolve 10 grams of birch tar and half a piece of laundry soap in a bucket of water.

To combat the codling moth, the composition is poured into plastic bottles, which hang in the crown of the apple tree. To combat hawthorn, it is necessary to pick dry hawthorn cocoons from the tree at the very beginning of flowering, and then spray the apple tree with tar soap. All soil that is in the projection of the crown also needs to be processed. Traditional methods of fighting caterpillars do not harm wildlife, but they are not 100% effective. Their use must be combined with mechanical destruction of caterpillars. If the pest population is small, the use of folk remedies is completely justified.

ADVICE! Feed the birds - they are good helpers in the fight against caterpillars.

Section 1. Chemicals

The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  • Intavir.
  • Tanrek.
  • Fufanon.
  • Karbofos.
  • The consumption rate is presented in the plate.

How is the drug used:
Intavir 10 liters of solution per 1 tree.
Tanrek 2.5 liters/1 tree.
Fufanon 2.5 liters/1 tree.
Karbofos 2 liters - for a young tree, 10 liters - for an adult fruit-bearing tree.
These products are best suited for treating apple trees.
Chemicals usually used for spraying. The procedure should be carried out 30-14 days before harvest.

You can also use special fertilizers. They are introduced into the soil. This helps repel caterpillars. Later they stop reproducing.

Chapter 4. Video

Timely agrotechnical measures will help prevent pests from entering the garden. However, if the moment is missed and the caterpillars are already in charge of the fruit trees, it is necessary to act quickly and effectively. In this situation, every minute we are increasingly deprived of foliage and fruits, which can lead to the loss of the tree itself.

Methods to combat caterpillars can be:

  • Physical. If the tree is not tall, you can easily scatter the caterpillars onto blankets previously laid under it and destroy it. A small amount can be collected by hand. This method is not suitable for helping tall trees;
  • Biological. These methods include control with the help of birds, which happily eat caterpillars. But it needs to be done in early spring, hanging all sorts of bird nesting devices on trees. And with the onset of summer and the rampant pest, using such a remedy is no longer effective.

TO biological methods control can also include the use of bacteriological preparations that are sprayed on trees. Lepitocide, bitoxibacillin, dendrobycillin and others, drugs of this class provide contamination with microorganisms pathogenic for insects.

The effect of these drugs occurs immediately. Without accumulating in plant cells and having a short waiting period, they can be perfectly used during the harvest period. The drugs are low toxic for both humans and environment. The disadvantages of such drugs include:

  1. Mandatory multiple processing. Since the drug acts through the gastrointestinal tract, the death occurs of those caterpillars that managed to feast on the foliage. However, with a large population of insects, the reproduction process can be repeated up to 4 times during the growing season, which is why there is a need for repeated treatments;
  2. Microorganisms pathogenic for caterpillars can only develop at temperatures above 18ᵒC, therefore, during the cold period, the use of drugs of this group is ineffective.
  • Chemical. No matter how ardent opponents of chemistry we may be today, these are the most effective methods of combating caterpillars on fruit trees. Modern science- agrochemistry has already been studied quite well biological features certain insects whose larvae cause irreparable harm to trees. The chemical ingredients included in insecticidal preparations for controlling caterpillars have been well studied.

Drugs: rovicurt, anometrine, benzophosphate, karbofos and others of this class are quite effective, but:

  1. The drugs are highly toxic to both insects and humans; the instructions for use must be strictly followed;
  2. Strictly observe the frequency of treatments and timing;
  3. Alternation of drugs is necessary, since the insect is addictive;
  4. The waiting period from processing to harvest sometimes reaches 45 days.

If the threshold of harmfulness has not yet been crossed, the pest population is small, you can easily use herbal preparations. Infusions of mustard, wormwood, and tomato tops are quite capable of dealing with caterpillars.

No matter how good the control agent is, the best results in gardening can be achieved by not allowing the pest into the garden.

Home → Diseases and pests → Caterpillar control: the most effective methods and recommendations

A beautiful well-kept area with fruit-bearing trees and vegetable crops- this is the result of the long and painstaking work of each summer resident. But if you lose your vigilance even a little, caterpillars may appear and reduce all your efforts to zero.

The most common caterpillar pests

Most of the caterpillars create nests in trees where they overwinter. It is noteworthy that such clutches can contain from hundreds to several thousand eggs, which later turn into caterpillars. If you don't get rid of them before spring arrives, problems may arise.

Types of caterpillars:

Methods of getting rid of caterpillars using chemicals

You can effectively fight caterpillars by using modern means, quickly defeating pests. They cope well with caterpillar populations and do not cause any harm to plants or humans.

The drugs are available in the form of powder, tablets or ampoules.

Usually, just one tablet or ampoule per 7-12 liters of water is enough to treat a planted area of ​​50 square meters. m. Summer residents should know that when choosing chemicals to combat caterpillars, they should remember that such products have a limited period of use, despite their effectiveness.

This means that the last spraying should be carried out no later than two weeks or a month before the crop is harvested. Otherwise, vegetables and fruits sprayed with such compounds cannot be eaten. Therefore, it is very important to comply with the deadlines described in the instructions for use. Another way to combat caterpillars using chemicals is to add fertilizer directly to the soil. They are able to repel such pests and prevent them from reproducing in the future.

Traditional methods

The best folk recipes for fighting caterpillars on the site:

  • Fumigation. This method requires any container that can withstand high temperature. It should be filled with hot coal and sprinkled with tar and sulfur, taken in proportions of two to one. Next, with this container, you need to walk near the trees and fumigate all areas that can be reached. An important rule: there should be no wind outside while performing this procedure. After this, the caterpillars will begin to die and crumble to the ground.
  • Chamomile infusion. For this recipe you will need field chamomile, which must be collected and dried. After this, the leaves and flowers are crushed. Next, the raw material is filled with water at the rate of one liter of liquid per 100 g of plant. The infusion should stand for a day in a dark place, after which it is filtered and diluted with water (proportions one to five). Add 40-50 g of liquid soap to the resulting mixture to make it easier to apply to the leaves.
  • Glue for caterpillars. This method is one of the most popular among summer residents. The sticky mess attracts caterpillars, which easily stick to it and cannot get out of such glue. In order to prepare such a trap for pests, you need to take resin (100 ml), stearin (55 g) and pork fat (60 g). To obtain a homogeneous consistency, all components are heated. After this, mix, cool slightly and apply to areas of trees that are affected by caterpillars.
  • Wormwood against caterpillars. An excellent remedy in the fight against such pests is wormwood. It works especially well against caterpillars that eat fruit on trees. This plant can be used as a decoction or tincture. In the first case, you need to collect flowering wormwood. Next, it should be crushed and the bucket should be filled exactly halfway with such raw materials. Pour water on top. It should be infused for 24 hours. After the allotted time, it must be put on fire and boiled for half an hour. After this, the decoction is diluted with water in proportions of one to two and the plantings are sprayed and fruit trees from caterpillars. An infusion of wormwood is prepared as follows. Grind this plant and fill the bucket exactly one third. Next, the raw materials are poured to the very top. Insist for three days. After the required time has passed, the infusion is filtered and the future harvest is sprayed with it.

This should be done all season. In addition, every autumn you need to rake and remove all the leaves that have fallen and debris remaining from the plants. This method will help reduce the number of pests on the site.

Every season, before sowing seeds, you should check all trees and shrubs in the garden for the presence of caterpillar masonry.

More information can be found in the video.

Category:Diseases and pests | Pests

Ravenous caterpillars on an apple tree: how to fight? We use the most effective methods

When a summer resident plants an apple orchard, he expects to receive a high-quality harvest. The quantitative indicator also plays an important role in his expectations.

To achieve results you have to put in a lot of effort. The best varieties are selected. A young tree is planted, groomed and cherished. More than one year passes before the apple tree begins to delight with its fruits.

What if this joy is overshadowed by caterpillars? Small pests cause great damage to trees: they destroy young buds, flowers and leaves. Long-awaited fruits are damaged. If the situation is left unattended, the apple tree will begin to wither, the yield will decrease annually, and the end may be disappointing.

There are different ways to prevent caterpillars from becoming masters in your orchard. By understanding what causes and conditions are favorable for these pests, you can prevent their appearance altogether.

Description of the pest and habitat

In addition, their populations are capable of migrating over long distances.

Distinctive feature of all types of caterpillars - their rare gluttony. Having settled on an apple tree, these pests can almost completely destroy the leaves; they do not disdain flowers and fruits, and some species even destroy the bark of the tree.

Caterpillars on apple tree leaves.

This is interesting! There are several thousand various types caterpillars Depending on the species, the caterpillar can lead an open or hidden lifestyle. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs that will allow you to determine whether an apple tree is affected by these pests.


One of the signs that caterpillars have settled on an apple tree is cobwebs. In the warm season, it can often be found in orchards. The degree of damage may vary. From small, inconspicuous cobweb formations, to advanced cases - huge cobwebs and completely eaten foliage.

The presence of cobwebs on an apple tree may indicate the presence different types caterpillars They can differ greatly from each other in color, size and way of life, and can be visible or hidden from human eyes.

One thing is constant - they all cause great harm to both the tree as a whole and the future harvest.

If caterpillars are found in the web on an apple tree, how to fight it? The first thing to do is to determine what kind of pest has settled on the apple tree. The main types of caterpillars on the apple tree in the web include: apple ermine moth, winter moth, ringed silkworm, hawthorn, gypsy moth, lacewing.

Larvae under the bark

There is a category of pests that is most dangerous for an apple orchard. These are pests that live under the bark of trees. They lead a secretive lifestyle and can long time remain invisible. Without taking the time to carefully examine the apple tree, it is difficult to understand why the health of an apple tree that appears healthy deteriorates or why the tree suddenly dies.

Under the bark of the apple tree, caterpillar larvae build passages and cavities, damaging the wood. This negatively affects the conductive functions of the trunk, increases the risk of fungal and bacterial infections, and stimulates the formation of hollows.

ADVICE! To detect such pests, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the bark. You should look for small holes in the wood. The entrance to this hole is usually marked with the remains of pests.

The most common caterpillars that live under the bark of an apple tree include: apple glass moth, fragrant wood moth, oriental codling moth, corrosive wood moth

In the buds of apple trees

Caterpillars in the buds of apple trees give the summer resident an advantage over the previous group of insects. They are clearly visible, which means you can quickly respond to their appearance.

By damaging the wood and leaf mass of the tree, the influence of the caterpillars on the crop is indirect. Those who prefer to destroy buds and flowers have a direct impact on the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Devouring flower buds, caterpillars prevent flowering. The apple tree discards those flowers that have managed to grow and have been damaged by insects before they have time to form ovaries. And if the fruits were able to grow fruits, the caterpillar will not hesitate to feast on them. If everything is left to chance, a careless gardener may be left without a harvest due to an invasion of caterpillars.

The most prominent representatives of flower and bud lovers are the leaf roller, hawthorn and codling moth.

Whatever caterpillar settles in your orchard, you need to fight it. The main thing is to choose the right remedy.

Caterpillars on an apple tree: how to fight?

Folk remedies

Pests on apple trees are not a new phenomenon. Caterpillars ate leaves 10, 20 and 100 years ago. Therefore, recipes for remedies to combat them were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day.

They contain natural, natural ingredients. Therefore, these recipes are often the basis of adherents of an environmentally friendly approach to gardening.

In addition, the use of traditional methods does not require costs, since improvised components are used to combat caterpillars.

In response to the question of how to treat an apple tree against caterpillars, folk remedies will tell you: the simplest remedy is water. It is recommended to wash away visible populations of codling moths and silkworms with a strong jet. After this, the insects must be collected manually and destroyed.

Important! To combat apple pests, including caterpillars, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used.


To combat all types of caterpillars:

  1. Infusion of dry leaves. To prepare the infusion, dry leaves of celandine are used. A glass of leaves should be soaked in a bucket of water and left for two days. Then the infusion is filtered, two tablespoons of soap are added. The resulting infusion is sprayed onto the apple tree;
  2. A decoction of dry leaves. Boil 200 grams of dry celandine leaves in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The plant will retain its protective properties better if the decoction is boiled in a water bath. Strain. Mix the resulting broth with a bucket of water. Spray the diseased tree.

To combat the codling moth, use a belt made of celandine. To make it, a belt is constructed from fresh green leaves of celandine around the trunk of an apple tree. The greens are tied in the spring; in the fall the dressing must be changed to a fresh one.

Decoction of tomato tops

Used to combat all leaf-eating insects.

Leave 1 kg of tomato tops in a bucket of water for 4-5 hours, simmer on fire for about 3 hours. Dilute the resulting amount of liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2.5.

  • against all leaf-eating caterpillars. A decoction of dried flowers. Pour 1 kg of dried flowers into a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Add the resulting broth to a bucket of water and spray the apple trees.
  • against codling moth and leaf roller. Infusion of fresh flowering wormwood. Chop half a bucket of fresh wormwood during the flowering period, add 10 liters of water. Leave for 24 hours, boil for half an hour. Dilute with water 1:1.

Herbal infusions and decoctions will only be effective if the treatment of the apple tree is repeated 3-4 times. Typically the interval between spraying is a week.

ADVICE! In addition to herbs, basic household remedies are used to combat caterpillars.


Baking soda is an easily accessible and quite effective means of combating caterpillars that damage leaves.

There are two ways to use baking soda:

  1. Spraying an apple tree with a soda solution: 3 tablespoons of soda per bucket of water;
  2. Dust the crown with a mixture of soda and ash or flour.

In order for the soda solution to have an effect on the caterpillars, you must follow several rules when working with it.

  • Never use metal, aluminum or plastic containers. All soda solutions should be prepared in glass containers;
  • any soda solution must be used within 3 hours;
  • do not leave the soda solution in the heat and scorching sun - at temperatures above 55 degrees, the substance will decompose and will not bring the desired result;
  • Use only clean containers for preparing soda solutions. Foreign impurities can neutralize the effect of alkali.
Birch tar with soap

Birch tar is one of the oldest remedies used to protect fruit trees from pests. This is a natural product made from birch bark.

It is known to be effectively used to combat codling moths and hawthorns.

The method of influencing these types of pests is different, but the composition of the required solution is the same.

Preparation of the solution: dissolve 10 grams of birch tar and half a piece of laundry soap in a bucket of water.

To combat the codling moth, the composition is poured into plastic bottles, which are hung in the crown of the apple tree.

To combat hawthorn, it is necessary to pick dry hawthorn cocoons from the tree at the very beginning of flowering, and then spray the apple tree with tar soap. All soil that is in the projection of the crown also needs to be processed.

Traditional methods of fighting caterpillars do not harm wildlife, but they are not 100% effective.

Their use must be combined with mechanical destruction of caterpillars. If the pest population is small, the use of folk remedies is completely justified.

ADVICE! Feed the birds - they are good helpers in the fight against caterpillars.


To completely destroy apple tree pests, scientists are developing chemicals.

These developments make it possible to protect the apple tree, if not by 100, then by 90%.

Created a large number of means to protect apple trees from caterpillars. Let's look at the most famous of them.


Description. A synthetic insecticide that belongs to the group of second-generation pyrethroids. The main active ingredient is cypermethrin, which affects the nervous system of insect pests, instantly paralyzing their organs. Produced in tablet or powder form.

Preparation of the solution: one tablet is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 10 liters of intavir solution must be used per tree.

Safety precautions for use: use only fresh solution, no more than 3 treatments; when using, be sure to wear a mask, gloves, and safety glasses;

Method of use: generously spraying the apple tree with the preparation ensures the destruction of codling moth and leaf roller colonies.

Disadvantages: non-systemic, cannot be used near bodies of water, toxic to bees and fish - cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees, has an addictive effect.


Description. Neonicotinoid is a systemic organic insecticide. The active substance is imidacloprid. Produced as a water-soluble liquid concentrate.

It affects the plant tissues, and through them the caterpillar. As a result of exposure, paralysis of the pest occurs, food supply ceases, and the insect dies. It has the same detrimental effect on adults and larvae.

The drug is not toxic to fish. The effect of one treatment lasts up to 3 weeks. The solution is resistant to precipitation.

Preparation of the solution: 3 ml of tanrek is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 2.5 liters of working solution per tree.

Safety precautions for use: cannot be used without personal protective equipment, cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees

Method of use: spraying apple trees once per season, against codling moths at least a week before harvesting.

Disadvantages: toxic, possible addictive effect - must be alternated with other types of insecticides.


Description. Organophosphate insecticide. The active substance is malathion. Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Has a contact-intestinal effect. Causes acute poisoning of the pest, the death of the insect occurs within 24 hours. The duration of the drug is up to 10 days. Unlike other drugs based on malathion, it has virtually no unpleasant odor.

Preparation of the solution: 10 ml of emulsion is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 2-5 liters of working solution per 1 tree.

Safety precautions for use: when working with the drug, personal protective equipment is required, it is toxic to bees and fish - cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees

Method of use: spraying apple trees against leaf rollers and codling moths during the growing season; Processing must be completed at least 3 weeks before harvesting; You can spray a tree no more than twice in one season.

Disadvantages: no effect on larvae, toxic.


Description. Organophosphate insecticide. The content of the active substance - malathion - has been increased. Available in different forms: powder, tablets, granules. Effective only upon direct contact with insects.

Causes almost instant death of the pest. The duration of the drug is up to 10 days.

Preparation of solution: 60 grams of the drug is diluted in 6-8 liters of water.

Consumption rates: from two liters of working solution for a young tree, up to 10 liters for an adult, fruit-bearing apple tree.

Safety precautions for use: do not use during apple tree blossoms; no more than 3 treatments when using the product personal protection required; The last treatment is possible 3 weeks before fruiting.

Method of use: double spraying (period of bud swelling, budding) against codling moths and leaf-eating insects

Flaws: bad smell; pests that were not affected by the drug continue to live and reproduce;

This is just a small list of insecticides that will help with the problem of how to get rid of caterpillars on an apple tree. It is up to the owner of the garden to decide whether to choose a folk remedy or turn to chemicals for help.

Watch the video for tips on fighting caterpillars on apple trees:

Species diversity of caterpillars

For ease of recognition, we will conditionally divide pests by color:


Several species of black caterpillars can attack apple trees. The easiest to distinguish is the large, about 7 cm, hairy caterpillar - this is the gypsy moth.

Unlike other types of silkworms, it eats not only foliage, but also likes to feast on flowers and ovaries.

Silkworms form cocoons in June, and by July butterflies are born from the cocoon, capable of laying more than 1000 eggs on the lower part of apple tree leaves.

If masonry is detected, it must be removed and the tree must be treated with nitrafen even before the buds open. Immediately before flowering, spray with a malathion-based insecticide.

Gypsy moth.

Small yellow caterpillars with black longitudinal stripes - hawthorn. It reaches 4.5 cm in length. Pupation in hawthorns begins at the end of May. Their cocoons can be seen among the crowns, hanging on cobwebs.

A characteristic sign of the presence of hawthorns is nibbled leaves with uneaten veins. If possible, nests should be destroyed before the pest emerges. Trees are sprayed against hawthorns at the end of May, when they emerge from their nests.



If a gray caterpillar has blue stripes, it is a ringed silkworm. During daylight hours, the insect is not active and sleeps inside the web. If the population is small, you can get by by spraying with herbal decoctions.

A large number of pests need to be treated with chemicals. One time is enough treatment with Karbofos, before flowering begins. At temperatures above 15 degrees, you can use “Bitoxibacillin” or “Lepidocide”.

Ringed silkworm.


The winter moth is a green caterpillar whose size can reach three centimeters. This insect has only 5 pairs of legs. When moving, the caterpillar's body bends in an arc. The vital activity of this pest envelops the entire vegetative part of the apple tree: eggs are laid in the bark, caterpillars in the crown, pupae on the ground under the tree. One cycle – one generation. The insect damages the buds, flowers, leaf parts, while simultaneously forming a web.

You need to fight the winter moth mechanically: install adhesive belts to catch and destroy insects.

Treatment with natural preparations is possible: tobacco tincture or yarrow decoction. Deep digging of the tree trunk area is recommended. When the winter temperature drops to -35, the eggs die without the intervention of the gardener

Winter moth.

In spring, a leaf roller emerges from the bark of apple trees. This is a small, up to 2 cm green caterpillar. The leaf roller damages the buds, buds and leaves of the apple tree. Until they pupate, they are quite difficult to see.

By the time they pupate, they manage to damage the flower buds. If a green worm hangs out of the leaves on a cobweb, the trees need to be treated urgently. In mid-July, the leaf roller can be recognized by its leaves rolled into a tube and wrapped in cobwebs.

Leaf roller.

ADVICE! In the case of leaf rollers, a tar-soap solution hung in the crown of an apple tree works well. Most insecticides are also effective against this pest.


Lately you can often find fruit striped moths, oriental codling moths and corrosive wood moths, which previously preferred other fruit trees to apple trees.

Wood is corrosive.

The fruit stripe moth is a small white and pink caterpillar. In the last weeks of spring, it forms clutches on shoots and leaves. Gnawing out the center of the green growths of the apple tree, the caterpillars destroy the green shoots. In one season, two or three generations of insects can change.

Fruit striped moth.

The eastern codling moth is a pink caterpillar 1 cm long. It lays up to 300 eggs at the central point of annual shoots. The emerging caterpillars destroy young branches from the inside.

To protect the apple tree from these pests, you need to find their nest. Caterpillar nests on apple trees are holes in the bark under which they live. Having found the hole, you need to check how deep it is. This can be done using thin wire. Having understood the direction of movement, the nest must be opened and the remains of the pests must be cleaned out. The place must be treated with any insecticide, and then copper sulfate. You can close the wound with garden pitch, or you can cover it with garden soil.

Codling moth caterpillar

One of the most common and dangerous pests– codling moth. She can spend the winter inside the bark of a tree or in the soil, in a dense cocoon. When the apple tree fades, the codling moth lays eggs on the ovary and leaves.

Caterpillars make their way inside the fruits, making tunnels in the apples.

Catching belts on apple tree trunks work well against codling moths. Spraying against this pest has to be done several times a season. Most insecticides are suitable for killing moths.

Codling moth.

Apple glass caterpillar

A white and yellow caterpillar, 2.5 cm long, that only infects apple trees. Makes passages under the top layer of bark in branches and trunks. Damaged apple tree branches dry out and die. In spring, glassware is especially attracted to frost holes and cracks.

Prevention of the occurrence of glassworm is whitewashing the trunks in the fall and immediate treatment of wounds. After winter, it is possible to treat the trunks with insecticides, for example Fitoverm.

Apple glass.


Apple moth caterpillar is dirty yellow color with parallel pairs of black dots located along the entire body. The size of the insect is 1.3-1.6 cm. The body is covered with fine hairs. This type of pest belongs to the group of monophages - it feeds exclusively on apple trees. Insects live in colonies, in cobweb nests that form on the leaves.

Small pests multiply very quickly and, if not controlled, can cause great damage to the garden.

Apple moth.

ADVICE! If the process of processing the orchard is systematic, this will minimize the damage from caterpillars on apple trees.

Terms of work

There are several main stages in the processing of apple trees:

Before sap flow begins

Spring work begin before the apple trees begin to bud. To carry out spraying and work with wood, it is necessary that the air temperature does not fall below -5 degrees.

The first step is to inspect the apple trees after winter.

  1. It is necessary to cut off and burn the cobwebs and oviposition;
  2. Open the trunks if there are signs of damage by hidden caterpillars under the bark;
  3. If the apple tree is affected by glassware, it’s time to treat the trunks with insecticides;
  4. Apple trees and tree trunks are treated with copper sulfate to destroy those pests that have overwintered in the soil and bark.

These procedures will prevent pests from damaging the flower buds.

Before flowering

When the buds woke up, but the apple tree had not yet bloomed, the second period of treating apple trees for pests began.

At this time, copper or iron sulfate and organophosphorus insecticides are sprayed.

The treatment will destroy the populations of those caterpillars that are aimed at damaging flowers, ovaries and young growth.

During flowering

During flowering, spraying apple trees is not recommended. During this period, it is better to focus your attention on mechanical collection and destruction of pests.

If no preventive measures have been taken before, you can spray the apple trees Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions. In case of special need, for example, large damage to trees, it is possible to treat the apple tree against codling moths, leaf rollers and other types of caterpillars with karbofos.

IMPORTANT! Spraying with insecticides can greatly reduce the number of ovaries formed.

Most effective chemical pest control products are harmful to pollinating insects. If the harm from caterpillars during this period is not too obvious, it is better to use folk remedies.

After flowering

Immediately upon completion of flowering, the following treatment is carried out against caterpillars. This is the last opportunity to treat apple trees against codling moths. Folk remedies and insecticides such as karbofos, funanon, intavir, etc. are suitable for treatment. From the moment of processing until the fruit ripens, at least a month should pass.

During fruiting

Something bad happened and caterpillars appeared on the apple tree: how to deal with it during fruiting? At this time, chemicals cannot be used to kill caterpillars; only manual collection is allowed. Of course, there are drugs that decompose quickly. But is it worth the risk and checking this information for yourself?

After fruiting

After the harvest has ripened and been harvested, it is necessary to prepare the apple tree for winter. Fallen leaves must be collected and burned. Dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle and treat it with insecticidal preparations. Conduct sanitary pruning tree, if necessary, treat the wounds well. The trunks of apple trees must be whitened for the winter.

Some caterpillars do not damage the ovary and fruits of the apple tree, feeding only on leaves or wood.

You should not think that these insects will not damage the crops, which means you can ignore them. The damage from their activities will be quite obvious.

Every leaf on an apple tree is involved in the fruiting process. He transmits nutrients tree, affects the process of formation of fruit buds. This will invariably affect the quantity and quality of the fruit.

Folk remedies for pests - Recipes without chemicals

In recent years, organic farming has gained significant popularity among amateur gardeners. Many of them at least partially (and some completely) refuse to use chemical means to protect their plants from pests and diseases and at the same time achieve good results.

How to get rid of pests without chemicals? We present to your attention a summary table folk recipes preparation of the most common decoctions, infusions and other herbal preparations used by summer residents against harmful insects, rodents and pathogens.

Folk remedies for pest control

Aphids, scale insects, currant bud aphid caterpillars, American powdery mildew. Even before the snow under the bushes thaws, pour boiling water over currant and gooseberry branches.Apple codling moth, ringed silkworm, gooseberry sawfly larvae. Spray the crowns of trees and shrubs with a strong stream of water from a hose and collect fallen pests.Strawberry transparent mite, strawberry-raspberry flower beetle, strawberry sawfly, leaf beetles, pennies. In early spring and after harvest, water the strawberry bushes with water heated to 65°C.Black ants. Pour boiling water over areas where ants gather.
Name Against what pest? Recipe
Henbane black Aphids, honey bugs, herbivorous bugs. Boil 1 kg of dry finely chopped raw materials in 3 liters of water. After cooling, strain the broth and dilute to 10 liters.
Birch tar Apple codling moth. The jars are filled 1/3 with birch tar and hung on apple trees. Each apple tree requires 4 jars.
Hogweed dissected Aphid. 1 kg. leaves, stems and roots are poured into 10 liters. water and leave for 24 hours.
Black elderberry Gooseberry moth, currant bud mite, mice, rats. Place elderberry branches inside the gooseberry bush, and place fresh branches between the currant bushes before flowering. You can also tie elderberry branches to the trunks of fruit trees to repel rats and mice.
Delphinium grandiflora Hawthorn, lacewing, moth, cabbage and turnip moth, cabbage cutworm, apple sucker. Pour 100 grams of crushed plant into a liter of water and leave for 48 hours. Then strain and spray the plants. You can sprinkle the leaves of plants with ground dried delphinium powder.
Ash Cabbage butterflies. Pour 0.5 liters into a bucket of water. a jar of well-sifted ash and boil for several minutes. Let cool and settle. Then dilute with water (half a liter jar of infusion in a bucket of water) carefully, without shaking the ash residue. Treat each cabbage bush with the product.
Kerosene Cabbage moth butterflies, white moths, cutworms, moths, ants. Soak pieces of cotton wool or rags in kerosene and place them on the cabbage beds.
Red hot pepper Thrips, suckers, spider mites, midges. Pour boiling water over 100 grams of chopped dried pepper and leave for 2-3 hours. Then wash all damaged leaves with infusion. Or sprinkle red pepper on top of the soil in pots with seedlings (repels midges).
Lemon False scale insects, scale insects, midges. Pour 100 grams of dry lemon peels into one liter of water. Infuse for 3-4 days in a dark, dark place. Spray the plants with infusion or wipe the affected areas.
Onion Aphids, spider mites, common earwigs, meadow bugs, cutworm caterpillars. Chop a quarter of the onion and add 1 liter of water. Leave for 12 hours, then filter and spray the infected plant. You can use onion peels by filling them with water at the rate of 6 grams per liter.
Dandelion Aphids, midges, mites. 1 tbsp. dry herbs pour 0.5 l. boiling water and leave for 1-2 days. Then spray the plant.
Field sow thistle Powdery mildew. Pour 330-350 grams of crushed stems and leaves with a liter of water and leave for 7-8 hours. Spray or wash the plant with freshly prepared infusion.
Chamomile officinalis Aphids, spider mites. Pour 50 grams of dried chamomile into 0.5 liters. water. Insist for a day. Before spraying, dilute with a liter of water.
Pine needles Aphids, copperheads. Two kilograms of pine needles are infused for 5-7 days in 8 liters of water.
Tobacco Aphid. Pour 1 part tobacco or dust into 10 parts water, leave for 24 hours and filter. Before spraying, dilute the solution 1:3 plus add 4 grams of liquid soap for each liter of solution.
Tomato tops Codling moth caterpillars, leaf-eating pests, rapeseed sawfly larvae, cabbage cutworm and meadow moth caterpillars. Infuse 1 kg in 10 liters of water. tops for 4-5 hours, then boil for 2-3 hours over low heat, strain and dilute 2-3 times with water. The decoction can also be obtained by boiling 4 kg over low heat. tops in 10 l. water for half an hour, then filter and dilute with water 3-5 times.
Yarrow Thrips, copperheads, spider mites. Pour boiling water over 100 grams of chopped dried herb and leave for 2-3 hours. Then wash all damaged leaves with infusion.
Horsetail midges, mealybug. Pour 200 grams of dry grass into five liters cold water and leave for 10 days. Strain, dilute with water at the rate of 1:10. Spray the plant or water at the root.
Horseradish Aphids, mites. Pass the horseradish roots and leaves through a meat grinder and fill 1/3 of the bucket. Then fill with water to the brim, stir and leave for 1 hour.
Cheremsha Hares. Mix the powder from the leaves and rhizomes of wild garlic with lime and coat the trunk of the plant.
Garlic Whitefly, mealybugs, thrips, meadow bugs, cutworms, slobbering pennies, common earwigs, onion mites and spider mites. Chop 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour 1 liter. warm water and leave in a tightly sealed container for 5 days. Strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5. Spray the plant.
Celandine Thrips, aphids, false scale insects. Pour 200 grams of dry celandine leaves into two liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. Filter well and spray the damaged plant.

Folk remedies for pests, prepared independently, are used to treat the affected plant at least 3-4 times.

By using natural pest control, you protect your soil, your plants, and yourself from the toxic substances contained in pesticides.

How to get rid of papillomas virus using folk remedies

Caterpillars bring a lot of trouble to summer residents. They are amazingly voracious and boldly attack fruit trees. The question of how to get rid of caterpillars worries many gardeners and gardeners.

The main reason is the lack of proper tree care.


Also, the invasion of these insects is caused by improper selection of feeding. Another reason is believed to be the pouring of reagents and a salt-sand mixture under the trees.

Basic methods of insect control

How to get rid of caterpillars in the garden?

There are the following ways to combat this voracious pest:

  1. Physical.
  2. Biological.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Folk.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Physical method

Caterpillars often become prey for their natural enemies. Birds eat mainly adults. You can collect caterpillar larvae yourself.

Then they should be thrown into a container of salt water. In this environment, the larvae quickly die.
Flowers and leaves damaged by insects should be collected and burned.
This method cannot be called effective. It also takes a lot of time.

Biological method

How to get rid of caterpillars on trees? One of the best ways is the use of a microbiological preparation containing spores of Bacillus thuringiensis.

The drug is available in the following forms:

  • pasty;
  • liquid;
  • powdery.

Apply the product to the leaves. As soon as the poison enters the insect's stomach, paralysis occurs.

The death of large caterpillars occurs after 3-5 days, small ones - after 48-72 hours.
The drug is not effective against all types of caterpillars.


The pest can be completely destroyed using chemicals.

The following remedies are considered the most effective:

The consumption rate is presented in the plate.

These products are best suited for treating apple trees.
Chemicals are usually used for spraying. The procedure should be carried out 30-14 days before harvest.

You can also use special fertilizers. They are introduced into the soil. This helps repel caterpillars. Later they stop reproducing.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of caterpillars using folk remedies?

  • fumigation;
  • use of special glue;
  • use of infusion of burdock roots;
  • use of tobacco.

For this procedure you will need a heat-resistant container. You need to do the following:

  • place hot coal in a vessel;
  • mix sulfur and resin in proportions 2:1, sprinkle the coals with this mixture;
  • go around the trees, fumigate all accessible areas.

The procedure is performed in calm weather. As a result, the insects die and fall to the ground.

Preparation of glue

How to get rid of caterpillars on a pear tree in the fall? One of the most effective methods The fight is track glue.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • Resin - 100 grams.
  • Fat - 60 grams.
  • Stearine - 55 grams.

All components should be heated and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is then cooled and applied to the areas damaged by the tracks.

The sticky mass attracts insects. They get stuck in it and die.

To prepare the product you need:

  • chop 1/2 bucket of fresh burdock leaves;
  • pour boiling water to the very top and leave for 48-72 hours;
  • strain thoroughly.

To get the best effect, it is recommended to add 30-40 grams of laundry soap to the bucket.
The prepared product is used to spray foliage.

Tobacco use

This product is used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

To prepare tobacco decoction you need:

  • pour 150 grams of raw material with 2.5 liters of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • boil over low heat for 5-6 hours;
  • cool, filter;
  • dilute with 10 liters of cool water;
  • add 40-60 grams of laundry or liquid soap.

This product helps kill both caterpillars and other garden pests.

To prepare a tobacco infusion, you need to pour the liquid just removed from the stove into the tobacco in proportions of 1 to 10 and leave for 24 hours.

Then the infusion must be filtered and diluted with cool water. You can add 30 grams of crushed laundry soap. The infusion is recommended for spraying foliage.


Preventative measures will help prevent pests from appearing. You need to regularly inspect the leaves on both sides. Trees need to be watered and fed.

Caterpillars can attack the most different plants. The following may need treatment for caterpillars:

  • Apple tree;
  • pear;
  • currant;
  • cabbage;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • gooseberry;
  • viburnum;
  • roses and others.
  • mechanical impact;
  • through the use of chemicals;
  • by attracting natural enemies;
  • use of folk remedies.

Mechanical impact

Mechanical action is the simplest available and safe method control, which includes not only dropping pests from trees and collecting them by hand, but also removing overwintered nests and oviposition. Collecting caterpillars by hand must be done with protective gloves, as many larvae have bristles that protect them from enemies.

On a note!

You can also influence butterfly larvae through hunting belts, which are placed on a tree trunk to protect its crown. No less effective are traps in the form of jars, which are filled with aromatic bait liquids.

However, such manipulations will have a positive effect in case of minor infestation of trees or other plantings by caterpillars. If there are already too many insects, fighting caterpillars in the garden will not give the desired results. This method is not suitable for tall trees either.

Biological method

Biological methods of controlling caterpillars

When caterpillars appear on trees, you can also use a biological method to destroy pests. It consists of attracting natural enemies. These are predatory insects (spiders or ticks) and birds (swifts, swallows, tits). To do this, in early spring, feeders, birdhouses, etc. are hung on trees. summer period It is not advisable to install such devices.

A biological control method is the use of bacteriological preparations (Bitoxibacillin or Lepidocide), which, when butterfly larvae enter the body, cause their death.

The disadvantage of such products is the need to spray trees repeatedly. Moreover, the composition does not have a negative effect on beneficial insects, and therefore it can be used for preventive purposes. In addition, this kind of product is “active” at a temperature of at least 18 degrees.

Use of chemicals

Chemicals against caterpillars

Insecticide-based chemicals are the most effective in combating voracious butterfly larvae. Poison caterpillars on personal plot possible with the following medications:

  • Spark and Karate;
  • Aktara and Taran;
  • Inta-Vir and Fufanon;
  • Rovikurt and Karbofos;
  • Lightning and Fas.

The use of chemicals can cause intoxication of the human body after consuming processed fruits, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The fight against caterpillars on flowers through the use of pesticides is carried out only in cases of the most advanced stage of infection.

How to get rid of caterpillars using folk remedies

Traditional methods of destroying caterpillars

On a note!

To achieve maximum effect, pest control using the fumigation method should be used exclusively in calm weather.

When crawling butterfly larvae appear on a plant, there is no time to waste, because the nests are inhabited by thousands of harmful individuals that can destroy leaves and young shoots. Affected trees and bushes should be immediately treated with one or another folk remedy.

When a summer resident plants an apple orchard, he expects to receive quality harvest. The quantitative indicator also plays an important role in his expectations.

To achieve results you have to put in a lot of effort. Selected the best varieties. A young tree is planted, groomed and cherished. More than one year passes before the apple tree begins to delight with its fruits.

What to do if this joy is darkened caterpillars? Small pests cause great damage to trees: they destroy young buds, flowers and leaves. Long-awaited fruits are damaged.

If you leave the situation unattended, the apple tree will begin waste away, the yield will be annual decline, the ending may be disappointing.

There are different ways to prevent caterpillars from becoming masters in your orchard. By understanding what causes and conditions are favorable for these pests, you can prevent their appearance altogether.

Description of the pest and habitat

In addition, their populations are capable of migrating over long distances.

A distinctive feature of all types of caterpillars is their rare gluttony. Having settled on an apple tree, these pests can almost completely destroy the leaves; they do not disdain flowers and fruits, and some species even destroy the bark of the tree.

Caterpillars on apple tree leaves.

This is interesting! There are several thousand different species of caterpillars. Depending on the species, the caterpillar can lead an open or hidden lifestyle. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs that will allow you to determine whether an apple tree is affected by these pests.


One of the signs that caterpillars have settled on an apple tree is web. In the warm season, it can often be found in orchards. The degree of damage may vary. From small, inconspicuous cobweb formations, to advanced cases - huge cobwebs and completely eaten foliage.

The presence of cobwebs on an apple tree may indicate the presence of different types of caterpillars. They can differ greatly from each other in color, size and way of life, and can be visible or hidden from human eyes.

One thing is constant - all of them cause great harm both to the tree as a whole and to the future harvest.

If caterpillars are found in the web on an apple tree, how to fight it? The first thing to do is determine what kind of pest settled on the apple tree. The main types of caterpillars on the apple tree in the web include: apple ermine moth, winter moth, ringed silkworm, hawthorn, gypsy moth, lacewing.

Larvae under the bark

There is a category of pests that most dangerous for an apple orchard. These are pests living under the bark trees. They lead a secretive lifestyle and can remain invisible for a long time. Without taking the time to carefully examine the apple tree, it is difficult to understand why the health of an apple tree that appears healthy deteriorates or why the tree suddenly dies.

Under the bark of the apple tree, caterpillar larvae build passages and cavities, damaging the wood. This negatively affects the conductive functions of the trunk, increases the risk of fungal and bacterial infections, and stimulates the formation of hollows.

ADVICE! To detect such pests, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the bark. You should look for small holes in the wood. The entrance to this hole is usually marked with the remains of pests.

The most common caterpillars that live under the bark of an apple tree include: apple glass moth, fragrant wood moth, oriental codling moth, corrosive wood moth

In the buds of apple trees

Caterpillars in the buds of apple trees give the summer resident an advantage over the previous group of insects. They clearly visible, which means you can quickly respond to their appearance.

By damaging the wood and leaf mass of the tree, the influence of the caterpillars on the crop is indirect. Those who prefer to destroy buds and flowers - have a direct impact on the quantity and quality of the crop.

Devouring flower buds, caterpillars prevent flowering. The apple tree discards those flowers that have managed to grow and have been damaged by insects before they have time to form ovaries. And if the fruits were able to grow fruits, the caterpillar will not hesitate to feast on them. If you leave everything to chance, a careless gardener may even to be left without a harvest due to an invasion of caterpillars.

The most prominent representatives of flower and bud lovers are leaf roller, hawthorn and codling moth.

Whatever caterpillar settles in your orchard, we have to fight it. The main thing is to choose the right remedy.

Caterpillars on an apple tree: how to fight?

Folk remedies

Pests on apple trees are not a new phenomenon. Caterpillars ate leaves 10, 20 and 100 years ago. Therefore, recipes for remedies to combat them were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day.

They include natural, natural ingredients. Therefore, these recipes are often the basis of adherents of an environmentally friendly approach to gardening.

In addition, the use of traditional methods does not require costs, since they use improvised components.

In response to the question of how to treat an apple tree against caterpillars, folk remedies will tell you: The simplest remedy is water. Strong jet recommended wash away visible populations of codling moths and silkworms. After this, the insects must be collected manually and destroyed.

Important! To combat apple pests, including caterpillars, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used.


To combat all types of caterpillars:

  1. Infusion of dry leaves. To prepare the infusion, dry leaves of celandine are used. A glass of leaves should be soaked in a bucket of water and left for two days. Then the infusion is filtered, two tablespoons of soap are added. The resulting infusion is sprayed onto the apple tree;
  2. A decoction of dry leaves. Boil 200 grams of dry celandine leaves in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The plant will retain its protective properties better if the decoction is boiled in a water bath. Strain. Mix the resulting broth with a bucket of water. Spray the diseased tree.

To combat the codling moth - celandine belt. To make it, a belt is made from fresh green leaves of celandine around the trunk of an apple tree. The greens are tied in the spring; in the fall the dressing must be changed to a fresh one.

Decoction of tomato tops

Used to fight with all leaf-eating insects.

Leave 1 kg of tomato tops in a bucket of water for 4-5 hours, simmer on fire for about 3 hours. Dilute the resulting amount of liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2.5.


  • against all leaf-eating caterpillars. A decoction of dried flowers. Pour 1 kg of dried flowers into a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Add the resulting broth to a bucket of water and spray the apple trees.
  • against codling moth and leaf roller. Infusion of fresh flowering wormwood. Chop half a bucket of fresh wormwood during the flowering period, add 10 liters of water. Leave for 24 hours, boil for half an hour. Dilute with water 1:1.

Herbal infusions and decoctions will only be effective if the treatment of the apple tree is repeated 3-4 times. Typically the interval between spraying is a week.

ADVICE! In addition to herbs, basic household remedies are used to combat caterpillars.


Soda- an easily accessible, fairly effective remedy for combating caterpillars that damage leaves.

There are two ways to use baking soda:

  1. Spraying apple trees soda solution: 3 tablespoons of soda per bucket of water;
  2. Powdering crown mixture soda with ash or flour.

In order for the soda solution to have an effect on the caterpillars, you must follow a few rules when working with her.

  • Never use metal, aluminum or plastic containers. All soda solutions should be prepared in glass containers;
  • any soda solution must be used within 3 hours;
  • do not leave the soda solution in the heat and scorching sun - at temperatures above 55 degrees, the substance will decompose and will not bring the desired result;
  • Use only clean containers for preparing soda solutions. Foreign impurities can neutralize the effect of alkali.

Birch tar with soap

Birch tar is one of the oldest remedies used to protect fruit trees from pests. This is a natural product made from birch bark.

It is known to be effectively used to combat codling moths and hawthorns.

The method of influencing these types of pests is different, but the composition of the required solution is the same.

Preparation solution: in a bucket of water you need to dissolve 10 grams of birch tar and half a piece of laundry soap.

To combat codling moth the composition is bottled in plastic bottles, which are hung in the crown of the apple tree.

To combat hawthorn At the very beginning of flowering, it is necessary to pick dry hawthorn cocoons from the tree, and then spray the apple tree with tar soap. All soil that is in the projection of the crown also needs to be processed.

Traditional methods of fighting caterpillars do not harm wildlife, but they are not 100% effective.

Their use must be combined with mechanical destruction of caterpillars. If the pest population is small, the use of folk remedies is completely justified.

ADVICE! Feed the birds - they are good helpers in the fight against caterpillars.


To completely destroy apple tree pests, scientists are developing chemicals.

These developments make it possible to protect the apple tree, if not by 100, then by 90%.

A large number of products have been created to protect apple trees from caterpillars. Let's look at the most famous of them.


Description. A synthetic insecticide that belongs to the group of second-generation pyrethroids. The main active ingredient is cypermethrin, which affects the nervous system of insect pests, instantly paralyzing their organs. Produced in tablet or powder form.

Preparation of the solution: one tablet dissolves in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 10 liters of intavir solution must be used per tree.

Security measures when using: use only fresh solution, no more than 3 treatments; when using, be sure to wear a mask, gloves, and safety glasses;

Method of use: Copious spraying of the apple tree with the preparation ensures the destruction of codling moth and leaf roller colonies.

Flaws: non-systemic, cannot be used near bodies of water, toxic to bees and fish - cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees, has an addictive effect.


Description. Neonicotinoid is a systemic organic insecticide. The active substance is imidacloprid. Produced as a water-soluble liquid concentrate.

It affects the plant tissues, and through them the caterpillar. As a result of exposure, paralysis of the pest occurs, food supply ceases, and the insect dies. It has the same detrimental effect on adults and larvae.

The drug is not toxic to fish. The effect of one treatment lasts up to 3 weeks. The solution is resistant to precipitation.

Preparation of the solution: 3 ml of tanrek is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 2.5 liters of working solution per tree.

Security measures when used: cannot be used without personal protective equipment, cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees

Method of use: spraying apple trees once per season, against codling moths at least a week before harvesting.

Flaws: toxic, addictive effect is possible - it is necessary to alternate with other types of insecticides.


Description. Organophosphate insecticide. The active substance is malathion. Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Has a contact-intestinal effect. Causes acute poisoning of the pest, the death of the insect occurs within 24 hours. The duration of the drug is up to 10 days. Unlike other malathion-based drugs, it has virtually no unpleasant odor.

Preparation of the solution: 10 ml of emulsion is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Consumption rates: 2-5 liters of working solution per 1 tree.

Security measures when used: when working with the drug, personal protective equipment is required, it is toxic to bees and fish - cannot be used during flowering and fruiting of apple trees

Method of use: spraying apple trees against leaf rollers and codling moths during the growing season; Processing must be completed at least 3 weeks before harvesting; You can spray a tree no more than twice in one season.

Flaws: has no effect on larvae, toxic.


Description. Organophosphate insecticide. The content of the active substance - malathion - has been increased. Available in different forms: powder, tablets, granules. Effective only upon direct contact with insects.

Causes almost instant death of the pest. The duration of the drug is up to 10 days.

Preparation of the solution: 60 grams of the drug is diluted in 6-8 liters of water.

Consumption rates: from two liters of working solution for a young tree, up to 10 liters for an adult, fruit-bearing apple tree.

Security measures when used: cannot be used during apple tree blossoms; no more than 3 treatments, when using personal protective equipment is required; The last treatment is possible 3 weeks before fruiting.

Method of use: double spraying (period of bud swelling, budding) against codling moths and leaf-eating insects

Flaws: unpleasant odor; pests that were not affected by the drug continue to live and reproduce;

This is just a small list of insecticides that will help with the problem of how to get rid of caterpillars on an apple tree.
It is up to the owner of the garden to decide whether to choose a folk remedy or turn to chemicals for help.

Watch the video for tips on fighting caterpillars on apple trees:

Species diversity of caterpillars

For ease of recognition, we will conditionally divide pests by color:


Several species of black caterpillars can attack apple trees. The easiest way to distinguish a large, about 7 cm, hairy caterpillar is gypsy moth.

Unlike other types of silkworms, it eats not only foliage, but also likes to feast on flowers and ovaries.

Silkworms form cocoons in June, and by July butterflies are born from the cocoon, capable of laying more than 1000 eggs on the lower part of apple tree leaves.

If masonry is discovered, it must be removed and before buds open wood needs to be treated nitrafen. Immediately before flowering you need to spray insecticide based malathion.

Gypsy moth.

Small yellow caterpillars with black longitudinal stripes - hawthorn. It reaches 4.5 cm in length. Pupation in hawthorns begins at the end of May. Their cocoons can be seen among the crowns, hanging on cobwebs.

A characteristic sign of the presence of hawthorns is nibbled leaves with uneaten veins. If possible, nests should be destroyed before the pest emerges. Trees are sprayed against hawthorns at the end of May, when they emerge from their nests.



If a gray caterpillar has blue stripes, it is ringed silkworm. During daylight hours, the insect is not active and sleeps inside the web. If the population is small, you can get by by spraying with herbal decoctions.

A large number of pests need to be treated chemicals. One-time treatment is enough Karbofos, before flowering begins. At temperatures above 15 degrees you can use "Bitoxibacillin" or "Lepidocide".

Ringed silkworm.


Winter moth- a green caterpillar whose size can reach three centimeters. This insect has only 5 pairs of legs. When moving, the caterpillar's body bends in an arc. The vital activity of this pest envelops the entire vegetative part of the apple tree: eggs are laid in the bark, caterpillars in the crown, pupae on the ground under the tree. One cycle – one generation. The insect damages the buds, flowers, leaf parts, while simultaneously forming a web.

We need to fight the winter moth mechanically: install adhesive belts for catching and destroying insects.

Treatment with natural preparations is possible: tobacco tincture or yarrow decoction. Deep digging of the tree trunk area is recommended. When the winter temperature drops to -35, the eggs die without the intervention of the gardener

Winter moth.

In spring it is picked out from the bark of apple trees leaf roller. This is a small, up to 2 cm green caterpillar. The leaf roller damages the buds, buds and leaves of the apple tree. Until they pupate, they are quite difficult to see.

By the time they pupate, they manage to damage the flower buds. If a green worm hangs out from the leaves on a cobweb - The trees need to be treated urgently. In mid-July, the leaf roller can be recognized by its leaves rolled into a tube and wrapped in cobwebs.

Leaf roller.

ADVICE! Works well with leaf roller tar-soap solution, hanging in the crown of an apple tree. Most insecticides are also effective against this pest.


Lately you can often find fruit striped moths, oriental codling moths and corrosive wood moths, which previously preferred other fruit trees to apple trees.

Wood is corrosive.

Fruit striped moth- a small white and pink caterpillar. In the last weeks of spring, it forms clutches on shoots and leaves. Gnawing out the center of the green growths of the apple tree, the caterpillars destroy the green shoots. In one season, two or three generations of insects can change.

Fruit striped moth.

Eastern moth– a pink caterpillar 1 cm long. Lays up to 300 eggs at the central point of annual shoots. The emerging caterpillars destroy young branches from the inside.

To protect the apple tree from these pests you need find their nest. Caterpillar nests on apple trees are holes in the bark under which they live. Having found the hole, you need to check how deep it is. This can be done using thin wire. Understanding the direction of travel, the nest must be opened, clean out the remains of pests. Space required treat with any insecticide and then with copper sulfate. You can close the wound with garden pitch, or you can cover it with garden soil.

Codling moth caterpillar

One of the most common and dangerous pests is codling moth. She can spend the winter inside the bark of a tree or in the soil, in a dense cocoon. When the apple tree fades, the codling moth lays eggs on the ovary and leaves.

Caterpillars make their way inside the fruits, making tunnels in the apples.

Works well against codling moths hunting belts on the trunks of apple trees. Spraying from this pest you have to do several times a season. Suitable for killing moths most insecticides.

Codling moth.

Apple glass caterpillar

A white and yellow caterpillar, 2.5 cm long, that only infects apple trees. Makes passages under the top layer of bark in branches and trunks. Damaged apple tree branches dry out and die. In spring, glassware is especially attracted to frost holes and cracks.

Prevention of the occurrence of glass glass is whitewashing trunks in autumn and n immediate treatment of wounds. After winter, it is possible to treat the trunks with insecticides, for example Fitoverm.

Apple glass.


Caterpillar apple moth dirty yellow with parallel pairs of black dots located along the entire body. The size of the insect is 1.3-1.6 cm. The body is covered with fine hairs. This type of pest belongs to the group of monophages - feeds exclusively on apple trees. Insects live in colonies, in cobweb nests that form on the leaves.

Small pests multiply very quickly and, if not controlled, can cause great damage to the garden.

Apple moth.

ADVICE! If the process of processing the orchard is systematic, this will minimize the damage from caterpillars on apple trees.

Terms of work

There are several main stages in the processing of apple trees:

Before sap flow begins

Spring work begin before the apple trees begin to bud. To carry out spraying and work with wood, it is necessary that the air temperature did not drop below -5 degrees.

First step - inspection of apple trees after winter.

  1. It is necessary to cut off and burn the cobwebs and oviposition;
  2. Open the trunks if there are signs of damage by hidden caterpillars under the bark;
  3. If the apple tree is affected by glassware, it’s time to treat the trunks with insecticides;
  4. Apple trees and tree trunks are treated with copper sulfate to destroy those pests that have overwintered in the soil and bark.

These procedures will prevent pests from damaging the flower buds.

Before flowering

When kidneys woke up, but the apple tree is still didn't bloom– the second period of treating apple trees for pests has begun.

At this time it is produced spraying with copper or iron sulfate, organophosphate insecticides.

The treatment will destroy the populations of those caterpillars that are aimed at damaging flowers, ovaries and young growth.

During flowering

During flowering spraying apple trees Not recommended. During this period, it is better to focus your attention on mechanical collection and destruction of pests.

If no preventive measures have been taken before, you can spray the apple trees Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions. In case of special need, for example, large damage to trees, it is possible to treat the apple tree against codling moths, leaf rollers and other types of caterpillars karbofos.

IMPORTANT! Spraying with insecticides can greatly reduce the number of ovaries formed.

Most effective pest control chemicals dangerous to pollinating insects. If the harm from caterpillars during this period is not too obvious, it is better to use folk remedies.

After flowering

Straightaway upon completion of flowering carry out the following treatment against caterpillars. This is the last opportunity to treat apple trees against codling moths. Folk remedies and insecticides such as karbofos, funanon, intavir etc. From the moment of processing until the fruit ripens, it must take at least a month.

During fruiting

Something bad happened and caterpillars appeared on the apple tree: how to deal with it during fruiting? At this time to destroy the caterpillars do not use chemicals, only allowed manual collection. Of course, there are drugs that decompose quickly. But is it worth the risk and checking this information for yourself?

After fruiting

After the harvest has ripened and been harvested, it is necessary to prepare the apple tree for winter. Fallen leaves need to collect and burn. Earth in the tree trunk circle dig up and process insecticidal drugs. Conduct sanitary tree pruning, if necessary - treat wounds well. Apple tree trunks are necessary for the winter whitewash.

Some caterpillars do not damage the ovary and fruits of the apple tree, feeding only on leaves or wood.

You should not think that these insects will not damage the crops, which means you can ignore them. The damage from their activities will be quite obvious.

Every leaf on an apple tree is involved in the fruiting process. It transfers nutrients to the tree and affects the process of formation of fruit buds. This will invariably affect the quantity and quality of the fruit.

Caterpillars bring a lot of trouble to summer residents. They are amazingly voracious and boldly attack fruit trees. The question of how to get rid of caterpillars worries many gardeners and gardeners.

Why do caterpillars appear?

The main reason is the lack of proper tree care.


Also, the invasion of these insects is caused by improper selection of feeding. Another reason is believed to be the pouring of reagents and a salt-sand mixture under the trees.

Basic methods of insect control

How to get rid of caterpillars in the garden?

Caterpillars in the garden

There are the following ways to combat this voracious pest:

  1. Physical.
  2. Biological.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Folk.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Physical method

Caterpillars often become prey for their natural enemies. Birds eat mainly adults. You can collect caterpillar larvae yourself.

Then they should be thrown into a container of salt water. In this environment, the larvae quickly die.
Flowers and leaves damaged by insects should be collected and burned.
This method cannot be called effective. It also takes a lot of time.

Read also: How to quickly get rid of caterpillars on cabbage: proven methods

Biological method

How to get rid of caterpillars on trees? One of the best ways is to use a microbiological preparation containing Bacillus thuringiensis spores.

The drug is available in the following forms:

  • pasty;
  • liquid;
  • powdery.

Apply the product to the leaves. As soon as the poison enters the insect's stomach, paralysis occurs.

The death of large caterpillars occurs after 3-5 days, small ones - after 48-72 hours.
The drug is not effective against all types of caterpillars.


The pest can be completely destroyed using chemicals.


The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  1. Intavir.
  2. Tanrek.
  3. Fufanon.
  4. Karbofos.

The consumption rate is presented in the plate.

These products are best suited for treating apple trees.
Chemicals are usually used for spraying. The procedure should be carried out 30-14 days before harvest.

You can also use special fertilizers. They are introduced into the soil. This helps repel caterpillars. Later they stop reproducing.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of caterpillars using folk remedies?

  • fumigation;
  • use of special glue;
  • use of infusion of burdock roots;
  • use of tobacco.
How to fumigate trees

For this procedure you will need a heat-resistant container. You need to do the following:

  • place hot coal in a vessel;
  • mix sulfur and resin in proportions 2:1, sprinkle the coals with this mixture;
  • go around the trees, fumigate all accessible areas.

How to fumigate trees

The procedure is performed in calm weather. As a result, the insects die and fall to the ground.

See also: Aphids on roses - how to effectively treat a plant

Preparation of glue

How to get rid of caterpillars on a pear tree in the fall? One of the most effective control methods is track glue.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • Resin - 100 grams.
  • Fat - 60 grams.
  • Stearine - 55 grams.

All components should be heated and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is then cooled and applied to the areas damaged by the tracks.

The sticky mass attracts insects. They get stuck in it and die.

Burdock roots

To prepare the product you need:

  • chop 1/2 bucket of fresh burdock leaves;
  • pour boiling water to the very top and leave for 48-72 hours;
  • strain thoroughly.

Burdock roots

To get the best effect, it is recommended to add 30-40 grams of laundry soap to the bucket.
The prepared product is used to spray foliage.

Tobacco use

This product is used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

To prepare tobacco decoction you need:

  • pour 150 grams of raw material with 2.5 liters of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • boil over low heat for 5-6 hours;
  • cool, filter;
  • dilute with 10 liters of cool water;
  • add 40-60 grams of laundry or liquid soap.

This product helps kill both caterpillars and other garden pests.

To prepare a tobacco infusion, you need to pour the liquid just removed from the stove into the tobacco in proportions of 1 to 10 and leave for 24 hours.

Then the infusion must be filtered and diluted with cool water. You can add 30 grams of crushed laundry soap. The infusion is recommended for spraying foliage.


Preventative measures will help prevent pests from appearing. You need to regularly inspect the leaves on both sides. Trees need to be watered and fed.

3 methods:Use of natural remediesUse of soap, pesticides and other means of combating caterpillarsFighting caterpillars in your garden

Caterpillars are the larval forms of insects of the order Lepidoptera, which includes butterflies, moths and moths. You can easily recognize caterpillars: the body of these creatures is soft and shaped like worms. Numerous species of caterpillars vary in shape and color, but all of them cause significant damage to trees and other plants. Most caterpillars appear in gardens and vegetable gardens in early autumn, but they can be found at any other time throughout the warm season. If you need to get rid of caterpillars, start pest control using natural methods. If this doesn't help, try making soap-based insecticides or other products that help control garden and garden pests. And finally, try to determine which types of caterpillars have attacked your garden - this will make it easier for you to choose the best method and get rid of the little gluttons.

Method 1 Using natural remedies

  1. Use preparations based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki(BTk).

    Under natural conditions, bacteria of this species live in the soil, where they develop on dead and decaying debris. These bacteria are used to control caterpillars because they have negative impact on the digestive system of harmful insect larvae. Moreover, this method of pest control is considered completely safe, since these bacteria are harmless to humans and pets. Moreover, dead caterpillars do not pose a danger to insectivorous animals (including birds).

    • When you apply a BTk-based product, it is necessary to treat the plants at a certain time, since the bacteria only begin their work after the caterpillars eat them. Carefully read the instructions for the bacterial preparation and follow all directions. It is usually recommended to treat plants in two passes. The first time you spray the plants with a solution of the drug ten days after the caterpillars hatch from the eggs, the second time - two weeks later, when the caterpillars are still in the early stages of development.
    • A BTk-based drug (for example, Bitoxibacillin or Lepidocid) can be purchased at most gardening stores, as well as large hardware supermarkets. These products are produced in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed with the resulting solution on plants affected by caterpillars.
  2. Make your garden attractive to birds.

    Birds are natural enemies of caterpillars, so with their help you can control the pest population. Try to attract birds to your garden by placing bird baths, hanging bird feeders and placing one or even two birdhouses. Feathered helpers will definitely fly to your garden!

    • If you have a cat in your house and he is allowed to walk in the garden, be sure to put a collar with a bell on your pet. Its ringing will alert the birds if the cat gets too close.
    • If possible, get chickens - these birds will help you get rid of harmful caterpillars in the garden. Chickens eat caterpillars, so they will pick up pests from plants without you having to do it yourself.
  3. Use burlap to catch caterpillars living in trees.

    If caterpillars have settled on a garden tree, wrap the trunk with burlap. Typically, caterpillars hide during the daytime, and burlap is an excellent shelter that allows the caterpillars to hide from the scorching rays of the sun. Once the caterpillars get into the burlap, you can kill a large number of pests at once.

    • This method is particularly suitable for controlling gypsy moth larvae that live in trees.
  4. Drown the caterpillars in water.

    If you're not afraid to touch the caterpillars, this method will help you eliminate garden pests without having to spray chemical pesticides or other harmful substances on your plants.

    • Take a bucket and fill it halfway with water. Choose a bucket that is the right size for the number of caterpillars you will be dealing with. If you only need to kill a few larvae, all you need to do is take an empty coffee can. If there are a lot of caterpillars, you will need a larger container, for example, a twenty-liter plastic bucket for gardening.
    • Add dishwashing liquid. If you took a small bucket, just add 50 milliliters to it detergent. If you use a large bucket, you will need to use more detergent. IN in this case there is no need to adhere to exact proportions.
    • Collect the caterpillars and throw them into the water where they will die. If you want, you can put gloves on your hands.
  5. Collect the caterpillars and move them away from your garden.

    After some time, the caterpillars will turn into butterflies and moths, which play an important role in pollinating plants.

    So consider taking the caterpillars to another location (such as a nearby wooded area) where they can live without posing a threat to your fruits and vegetables.

    • If you decide to relocate the caterpillars, collect them in a bucket or jar. Take the larvae to an area where they will not cause you trouble. Gently tilt the jar so that the caterpillars move from the container onto the leaves or tree branch.

Method 2 Using soap, pesticides and other means of controlling caterpillars

  1. Use pyrethrins.

    Pyrethrins are a group of natural pesticides that are obtained from plants in the Asteraceae family. They are poisonous to many insect pests, including caterpillars. At correct use Pyrethrins are safe for humans and pets, but can cause poisoning if eaten in large quantities.

    This product is sold in many gardening and gardening stores. Most often, this insecticide is sprayed directly onto the affected plants, and the active substance is destroyed after a few days by exposure to sunlight.

    • When you shop for a pesticide that contains pyrethrins, you may notice that some products contain ingredients labeled “pyrethroids.” These substances are synthetic analogues of pyrethrins.
    • If you want to protect beneficial insects from being harmed by this pesticide, spray the affected plants early in the morning, then cover them with an old sheet and leave them for 24 hours.
  2. Prepare a soap solution to combat caterpillars.

    This spray must be sprayed directly on the caterpillars, since its effect is due to the fact that the soap destroys the skin of the larvae. Take a spray bottle and mix 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap in it. Mix the contents well and spray the mixture directly onto the caterpillars you find in the garden.

    • Make sure you choose a biodegradable, plant-based soap first. In this case, the spray will be safe for plants, animals and beneficial insects living in your garden.
  3. Buy chemical pesticides for your garden.

    Chemical control methods should be considered as a last resort, to be resorted to only in the most extreme cases. Do not forget that chemical pesticides have a detrimental effect not only on pests, but also on beneficial insects and the environment as a whole. If you have no other choice and must use pesticides, make sure you choose one that is formulated to control caterpillars. All necessary information can be found on the drug label.

    • Be especially careful if you have small children and pets. Remember that contact with pesticides can pose serious risks to them.
    • Not worth processing garden plants pesticides if you use them in food.

Method 3 Fighting caterpillars in the garden

  1. Plant plants that attract beneficial insects.

    Some plants, such as aster, yarrow, coriander, fennel and dill, attract beneficial insects (predatory insects that feed on butterfly larvae) to the garden, which kill caterpillars. Plant them in your garden in the spring and, if necessary, replant throughout the gardening season to ensure that your garden is always a desirable place for insect predators.

    • The above plants provide an additional source of food for beneficial insects, so they will return to your garden again and again, even if all the harmful caterpillars are killed.
  2. Use insect screens.

    Fine mesh protective netting is a special fabric that is stretched over plants to protect against insects. This barrier prevents butterflies and moths from reaching plants and laying eggs, which later hatch into caterpillars.

    • This method of protection is ideal for leaf crops, as well as plants whose roots, tubers, bulbs and shoots are eaten. The yield of these crops does not depend on pollination, so growing under a net will not have a negative impact on the number of vegetables grown.
  3. Determine what kind of caterpillars you are dealing with.

    In the garden you can find a variety of caterpillars that differ from each other in shape and size: large, small, covered with hairs or worm-like in appearance. If you do not find caterpillars on your plants, but see holes in the leaves, most likely some harmful caterpillars have taken up residence in your garden.

    • Most caterpillars can be gotten rid of using one or another of the methods described above. However, this does not apply to cocoon-worm caterpillars, which often live on garden trees. These larvae build web-like networks in which they live. Traditional methods will not help you fight cocoon moths, but you can cut off tree branches on which you notice nests of larvae, and then burn them along with the pests.
    • Caterpillars do not bite, and most of these creatures are harmless to humans. However, you need to be aware that touching some types of caterpillars can cause severe skin irritation. There are many types of caterpillars, contact with which can cause burns. They look different from each other, so you need to remember general rule: If the caterpillar is covered in hairs or has bristles, touching it may cause skin irritation. These burns do not pose a serious health hazard, but are very painful, so try not to touch these creatures unless you know for sure that the species is safe.
  • In spring and summer, predatory wasps use caterpillars as food for their larvae.
  • If there are only a few caterpillars living in the garden that do not cause significant harm your plants, consider whether you should get rid of them.


  • Avoid touching caterpillars that are covered in bristles or hairs, as this may cause painful skin irritation.

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When a summer resident plants an apple orchard, he expects to receive quality harvest. The quantitative indicator also plays an important role in his expectations.

To achieve results you have to put in a lot of effort. Selected the best varieties. A young tree is planted, groomed and cherished. More than one year passes before the apple tree begins to delight with its fruits.

What to do if this joy is darkened caterpillars? Small pests cause great damage to trees: they destroy young buds, flowers and leaves. Long-awaited fruits are damaged.

If you leave the situation unattended, the apple tree will begin waste away, the yield will be annual decline, the ending may be disappointing.

There are different ways to prevent caterpillars from becoming masters in your orchard. By understanding what causes and conditions are favorable for these pests, you can prevent their appearance altogether.

In addition, their populations are capable of migrating over long distances.

A distinctive feature of all types of caterpillars is their rare gluttony. Having settled on an apple tree, these pests can almost completely destroy the leaves; they do not disdain flowers and fruits, and some species even destroy the bark of the tree.

Caterpillars on apple tree leaves.


One of the signs that caterpillars have settled on an apple tree is web. In the warm season, it can often be found in orchards. The degree of damage may vary. From small, inconspicuous cobweb formations, to advanced cases - huge cobwebs and completely eaten foliage.

The presence of cobwebs on an apple tree may indicate the presence of different types of caterpillars. They can differ greatly from each other in color, size and way of life, and can be visible or hidden from human eyes.

One thing is constant - all of them cause great harm both to the tree as a whole and to the future harvest.

If caterpillars are found in the web on an apple tree, how to fight it? The first thing to do is determine what kind of pest settled on the apple tree. The main types of caterpillars on the apple tree in the web include: apple ermine moth, winter moth, ringed silkworm, hawthorn, gypsy moth, lacewing.

Larvae under the bark

Some caterpillars do not damage the ovary and fruits of the apple tree, feeding only on leaves or wood.

You should not think that these insects will not damage the crops, which means you can ignore them. The damage from their activities will be quite obvious.

Every leaf on an apple tree is involved in the fruiting process. It transfers nutrients to the tree and affects the process of formation of fruit buds. This will invariably affect the quantity and quality of the fruit.

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