How to properly prune a young pear tree in spring. Proper pruning of pears

Allows you to form the crown in such a way that the tree will devote all its energy to ripening fruits, and not to growing secondary branches. Pruning patterns for pear trees in spring and autumn have their own characteristics. This article is all about proper pruning of pear trees.

Proper pruning of pears in spring: diagrams

Spring pruning of pears is aimed at correct formation tree crowns. The operation should be performed before the start of sap flow, with the first warming and the beginning of melting of the snow cover. The optimal temperature for starting pear pruning is +5 °C.

Spring pruning is carried out before the trees begin to flow sap.

Pruning young pears in spring

Young pear seedlings require pruning from the second year of life. Some necessary requirements for formative pruning of young trees:

  1. The central trunk must be shortened by a quarter of the length.
  2. Strong lateral branches of a young pear (no more than 4), which will subsequently form the main skeleton of the crown, are shortened, and the remaining branches are cut out completely. It is important to form a “ring” from the branches remaining on the tree, so they may not be trimmed at the same distance.
  3. A year later, young pears need to be pruned again with the onset of spring. In the second year, shoots of the second order are cut off, interfering with the growth of the main branches, as well as those growing inside the crown and preventing the penetration of sunlight.

Schemes for formative pruning of an adult pear in the spring (diagram, video)

The main requirement when pruning pear branches is not to harm the tree itself, so that the plant does not have to subsequently spend maximum energy on restoration.

You can start pruning adult pears in spring in early spring, after the snow melts, when the buds have not yet begun to open. Trimming Tools:

  1. Hacksaw.
  2. Secateurs.

Pear pruning scheme

To disinfect instruments, it is necessary to use alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions.

Look at the photo of an overwintered pear - an overgrown crown, unkempt and shaggy. Chaotically growing shoots block access to the sun's rays, which cannot penetrate deep into the crown. It is to provide light and air that it is carried out spring pruning pears.

The pruning scheme for an adult tree is as follows:

The central trunk should be shortened by about a quarter, and the branches should be given a bowl shape. Sections of branches must be covered with garden varnish, drying oil or paint. When pruning pear tree branches, two methods are used:

  • Cutting into a ring - shortening of the shoots is carried out under the ring of the branch. With this method, first an incision is made in the bark at the bottom near the cut site, and then only the branch can be cut down.

Advice! When pruning, it is preferable to leave branches growing in a horizontal plane, getting rid of vertically growing shoots.

  • Shortening branches - with this pruning method it is possible to stimulate the growth of branches from buds located below the cutting level. First of all, shoots growing on the main trunk of the tree are removed. They are cut at an angle of 90 degrees. Then they begin to remove unnecessary growth on the main branches.

Important! When carrying out spring pruning, it is not allowed to fertilize trees with nitrogen fertilizers.

Rules for autumn pruning of pear trees

It is recommended to begin autumn pruning of pears at the end of summer and complete the work by mid-September. Thus, about a month is allotted for pruning. Early completion of pruning work will allow the wound surfaces to heal before the start of the cold period. In the fall, middle or early varieties are pruned, which stimulates a high yield for the next year, as well as diseased and dried trees.

Scheme autumn pruning pears:

  1. First of all, broken, diseased or dried branches are removed from the tree, and strict care must be taken to ensure that no stumps remain.
  2. Branches growing at an angle of 90 degrees are removed.
  3. All branches and shoots that will interfere with the development of fruits next year should be removed.
  4. All branches removed from the tree must be burned to protect the pear orchard from the development of infectious diseases.
  5. You should not fertilize pruned trees in the fall; it is enough for them nutrients supplied by roots from the soil.

Advice! Pear trees over 1 year old should be pruned in spring and autumn. Trees older than 4 years must be pruned to form skeletal branches of the second tier. Old trees (over 5 years old) are pruned with care so as not to remove fruit branches, and a rejuvenating pruning method is used.

Proper pruning of pears can increase yield and life expectancy. fruit tree, as well as rid the garden of infectious diseases. A detailed video will help even a beginner in gardening perform sanitary or formative pruning of a pear.

How to prune a pear correctly: video

Pear pruning: photo

Pruning pears in the photo

The pear, like the apple tree, belongs to pome crops, which means their pruning principles are similar, and everything that was said about the apple tree is absolutely true for the pear. However, compared to the apple tree, the pear also has its own characteristics.

When starting to prune pear trees, novice gardeners should remember that these trees are tall by nature; often in old city yards there are specimens looking into fifth-floor windows. This means that in any garden, sooner or later the question arises of limiting the size of the crown, especially in middle lane, where winter-hardy dwarf pear rootstocks do not yet exist. The pear tree will resist losing its crown, so plan to prune it annually.

Pear wood is denser and harder than apple wood, but it is also more fragile and prone to breaking. Therefore, before pruning a pear, safety precautions should be given increased attention and under no circumstances climb skeletal branches.

Pear pruning diagram in the photo

Most varieties of pear are characterized by a pyramidal crown shape; they are prone to the formation of a huge number of tops and rapid thickening.

As you can see in the photo, when pruning pears, regular and fairly strong removal of tops is required, as well as careful thinning of the crown:

Pear ringlets are quite durable and can branch, so another piece of advice is that at a certain stage you can increase fruiting by rejuvenating pruning of individual ringlets, although this is labor-intensive and elaborate work. Old fruiting pear branches look like deer antlers, densely covered with old ringlets. It is easier and more reasonable to remove such branches entirely when the harvest ceases to satisfy you, and the pear will easily and happily grow new shoots from which you will subsequently select and form young fruit-bearing branches. From the variety of tops for growing future fruit-bearing branches, choose only those that are well located, with a strong attachment to the trunk or skeletal branches. And it will not necessarily be the longest and “fattest” shoot - sometimes tops appear on the pear even on the lower surface of the branch.

The intensity of pruning must correspond to the shoot-forming ability of the tree, and this is a varietal characteristic. Varieties with weak shoot-forming ability require less pruning.

Features of pruning some varieties of pears

Here you will learn how to properly prune different varieties of pears.

Varieties with ringed type of fruiting (Bessemyanka, Dekanka winter, etc.) usually branch rather weakly, but may form an excessive number of ringlets. It is imperative to regulate growth and fruiting by pruning, to establish the correct balance.

Varieties with strong branching (Tonkovetka, Forest Beauty, many varieties from the Bere group, etc.) require regular crown thinning. It is recommended to shorten long growths to make the crown more compact and stimulate the formation of generative buds. Such varieties are prone to the formation of sharp corners, and in in this case Any methods of struggle are applicable.

Some pear varieties have fruit formations on one tree different types. In this case, the decision: to prune - not to prune - and how, is made for each specific branch.

A dwarf pear for the middle zone is possible only in one case - unrelated grafting onto hawthorn, mountain ash, chokeberry, (in southern regions common quince is added to the list of rootstocks). The peculiarity of pruning such pears is the obligatory leaving of at least one branch of the rootstock, and since the scion grows faster than the rootstock, such a grafted tree requires a garter to a support for life. The formation of the crown is the same as for apple trees on dwarf rootstocks.

Watch the video “Pruning a Pear” to better understand how to shape the crown of this tree:

Pruning a pear tree is often compared to that of an apple tree, but there are several significant differences, both in the shape of the tree itself, its preferences, and its ability to withstand injury and change. environment. For example, pruning a young pear tree is a more delicate task. This type of fruit tree grows more slowly than an apple tree and does not like such strong shortening of shoots. At the same time, pruning pear trees pursues the same goals as other fruit crops, namely, the formation of the crown and the creation of a sufficiently stable and strong skeleton to withstand the load of fruits. Also, proper pruning of the pear should improve the illumination of the crown, making it convenient for spraying and harvesting. To do this, it is necessary to artificially create favorable conditions so that each skeletal branch is covered with several fruiting branches.

Pear trees must be cared for and pruned from the moment of planting and throughout their life, until they dry out. It’s worth saying right away that there is no universal scheme for garden care, and throughout the life of one fruit plant, the gardener will have to solve many problems. various tasks, focusing on your desires, the chosen variety of fruit, the condition of the soil and climatic features region.

When to prune pear trees, timing, time?

Even novice gardeners know that there are certain deadlines pear pruning, when certain manipulations should be performed with the tree to obtain best result, whether it is the formation of the crown young tree or rejuvenation of old fruit plantings. Just the mention that the time for pruning a pear is a somewhat relative concept, and largely depends on the climate zone, the weather forecast for the coming days, expected weather changes in the next month and the experience of the gardener, usually leads people into a stupor, especially those who have just decided dedicate yourself to the garden. For example, having received the question “When can you prune a pear in the spring?” a fairly comprehensive answer: “from February to May”, an amateur gardener cannot bear any useful information. It would be easier for such people to know what, when and how much can be done so that the final result allows them to be proud of the work done. Therefore, let’s try to understand in more detail when and what kind of care both old and young fruit trees need. What exceptions might there be?

Pruning a pear tree in spring is the most important part of caring for fruit plantings, and therefore the most difficult. The fact is that the pear is a light-loving plant, and if some part of its crown is heavily shaded, then flower buds won't appear there. In addition, failure to prune or the wrong plan of action will lead to the tree becoming tall but with poor yield.

To prevent this from happening, the first pear pruning in the spring is done on seedlings starting from one year of age, as soon as their height exceeds half a meter from the ground. This removal of the top will stimulate the growth of the lower branches, which means that the crown will be formed from the lower branches. Next year, using a similar technology, it will be necessary to plan a second tier of skeletal branches.

It is better to start all work with the orchard in the spring so that frosts no longer threaten the plants, but the juice has not yet begun to circulate through the branches. If everything is done correctly, the pear will not even notice the wounds inflicted on it during the formation of the crown, and nutrients will not be wasted on branches that need to be removed. The important thing is that if the gardener is in a hurry and severe frosts hit after pruning, the tree may die. It is the confluence of such factors that requires the gardener to carry out all the basic procedures for removing or forming fruit plantings in the spring. Therefore, before removing excess branches, you need to wait for a stable increase in air temperature above -5°C and check the forecast for the coming week.

Pruning of a young pear in the fall is carried out annually except for the year in which the tree was planted. This is due to slow growth rates and poor frost tolerance.

For older plantings, the timing of care procedures depends on the variety and climate zone of the garden. So, early varieties, growing in the middle zone, can be pruned in the second half of August until mid-September. During this period, branches damaged during the fruiting period, as well as those that create a thickening of the crown, must be removed. The same applies to diseased branches.

Proper pruning pear cultivation in the fall, in addition to removing excess branches, should include shortening annual shoots. However, this should be done without fanaticism, no more than 1/3 of the length. If everything was done correctly, then in the spring you can expect the appearance of new shoots.

When pruning pears, you should try to create optimal conditions so that new young shoots continue the pyramidal shape of the crown, but at the same time the crown itself does not expand much. Otherwise, during the harvest season, horizontally growing branches may break off.

Winter pruning has one significant advantage over similar operations in other seasons, namely: due to the fact that the plant is in a state of maximum dormancy, all wounds inflicted on it will cause minimal damage. Pruning old trees in winter has worked especially well, since the cold and lack of sap make the wood more pliable for sawing, and the cut is more uniform. With some experience working with pruning shears and a hacksaw, the likelihood of bark scoring is reduced to almost zero.

They usually start pruning pears in winter in February, when the average air temperature, even at night, is above -15°C. Winter care In the garden, you should start with the most mature and fruit-bearing trees, since their fruit buds will awaken earlier than deciduous ones. If Orchard comprises various types plants, then the removal of broken and diseased branches begins with apple trees, and only then moves on to pears as a less frost-resistant crop. Having finished with the diseased branches and those broken under the weight of snow, the gardener can move on to working on the formation of a columnar pear tree by pruning, which is the most common work pattern. After all, when complete absence leaves on the branches, you can more easily and accurately assess the density of the crown and the presence of competing shoots.

To ensure that the wound heals quickly and does not freeze in winter, it is very important to use the cleanest and sharpest possible instrument. After removing the branches, the gardener needs to carefully treat the cuts with garden varnish.

Summer pruning of pear

Summer pruning of pears is carried out in the presence of strongly growing shoots. In this case, removing part of the shoots will increase the flow of nutrients to the fruit. We should also not forget that this tree is a light-loving tree and, if necessary, by thinning the crown, the gardener will provide better illumination to the fruits and uniform ripening. If the fruits receive enough sunlight, it will strengthen them taste qualities, making pears more aromatic, soft and juicy, which is fully consistent with this variety.

It’s worth noting right away that, unlike spring and autumn pruning, work on removing parts or entire branches in winter and summer is carried out only in cases of extensive experience and extreme necessity. That is, summer pruning in most cases it should represent a minor cosmetic intervention, while the autumn one can be called a major redevelopment.

So in the summer they do not engage in crown formation, with the exception of removing vertical tops and trimming the central conductor in order to slow down too much active growth. All other manipulations are aimed at removing broken and diseased branches, as well as pruning those that may break off under the weight of the shoots.

After summer pruning, the wounds are allowed to dry for 1 day, and the next day they are covered with a decoction or oil paint.

Improper pruning of old pears by amateur gardeners is one of the main reasons for the death of old fruit trees. However, very often, rejuvenating pruning of a pear is necessary and the only way to return the plant to fruiting, health and optimal shape for processing and harvesting. The latter is most relevant if the garden has passed from one owner to another, and the tree has not previously been subjected to any crown formation schemes, and therefore, due to its specificity, has grown large, but bears little fruit.

If there is such a need, then pruning old pear start by shortening it. But if the tree was subjected to systematic proper care and its height corresponds to optimal indicators for harvesting, then the gardener needs to begin the rejuvenation process by thinning the crown. This is done at the end of winter - beginning of spring before the plant wakes up and buds and leaves begin to form on it. First of all, broken, dry, frozen and non-fruit-bearing stems are removed. This will open the center of the crown to sunlight and show the amount of work remaining. Then they begin to shorten the shoots, remove shoots of competitors, shoots growing parallel to the trunk or having too sharp corners. The remaining young shoots can be shortened slightly (by 1/4 of the length), and then the wounds can be treated with a decoction.

The correct technique for rejuvenating a pear can save an old tree, which, due to the lack of fruits, was already about to be written off for cutting down. It all depends on the experience of the gardener, who must carry out all the necessary manipulations after winter cold, but before the formation of buds. You should also be prepared for the fact that in the process of rejuvenating an old pear, its yield will temporarily decrease, and the period of optimizing the height of the plant without the risk of its death may take several years.

Pruning a young pear

The first pruning of a pear seedling occurs immediately after planting and performs two tasks at once:

  • because during transplantation root system is damaged, plant nutrition can be facilitated by shortening;
  • the first tab of the pear trimming scheme, shortening the conductor.

Pruning of pear seedlings in the fall in the year of planting is not carried out, since there is no such need. If everything is done correctly in the first year, then the young tree will then form its crown quite well and naturally, requiring, basically, only regular pruning of last year’s shoots and the formation of tiers of skeletal branches. When pruning a young pear, the guide should protrude above the trimmed shoots, which will promote natural pyramidal shape crowns

Young trees older than 1 year are pruned at least twice a year, which increases branching, strengthens the fruit branches of the lower part of the annual growths and promotes the formation of semi-skeletal branches that bear fruit branches. To do this, every spring the annual growths are shortened by ¼ of the length. Then the gardener needs to turn his attention to the tops. Tops form on young pears very often, especially after winter, when even slight freezing of the skeletal branches leads to the growth of tops. Tops can very quickly develop into strong branches, thereby thickening the crown, so in the spring the gardener needs to turn them into semi-skeletal and overgrown branches. And those that are too powerful and grow vertically in the shady parts of the crown should be cut out entirely. If the winter was too cold and the wood was severely frozen above the appearance of the tops and leaves did not grow well on the pear, then shoots would not develop on the edges of the skeletal branches, only rosettes of leaves. In this case, everything that is higher than the tops is cut off, as well as part of the tops. The second part turns into overgrowing branches, thereby restoring part of the crown.

The second tier of young pears is laid only in the fourth year of life. After the fifth year of life, there will be a decrease in annual growth, so shortening will need to be done more moderately.

Pruning columnar pears

Pears of columnar varieties require special attention at all stages. This swings and trimmings of columnar pears. The technology for pruning these trees is determined by their characteristics. In order to maintain the shape of the crown and increase yield, all side shoots should be completely removed.

The Sovereign company is always ready to help and make your garden well-groomed, productive and aesthetically pleasing. We will promptly and correctly perform any type of pruning of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs, treat them and carry out disease prevention. In late autumn, our specialists will competently carry out sanitary pruning of pears, the tree will be fully prepared for winter. We are ready to help our clients quickly, efficiently, and taking into account all requirements.

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Today we will talk about an important part of caring for a pear tree, since pruning pears in spring and autumn will not only improve appearance garden, but also to increase the quality and quantity of fruit.

Rules for getting a bountiful harvest

In order for the pear tree to develop quickly and make us happy a bountiful harvest, you just need to know three rules:

  1. Proper tree planting;
  2. Proper processing of pears, which includes:
    • root feeding;
    • mulching;
    • pruning;
    • watering;
    • foliar feeding.
  3. Proper winter care.

Pruning: goals, objectives and types

Pruning a fruit tree has several purposes:

  • thinning and crown formation, which provides the maximum amount of sunlight, which is very important for such a light- and heat-loving tree as a pear;
  • reducing the growth of young shoots, which allows you to redirect the flow of juices and nutrients to the fruits;
  • control of the height of the tree, which can shade its neighbors and prevent their proper development.

The tasks that a gardener faces in the process of pruning a fruit tree are the correct sequence of actions, which is the key to an excellent result.

Types of pruning:

  • shaping - creating the correct crown;
  • sanitary - removal of diseased or dried branches;
  • rejuvenating (supporting) - removal of part of the large branches.

Before you start pruning fruit trees, you need to read the recommendations from specialist gardeners.If you start pruning without knowing the basic rules, there is a high risk of seriously damaging the tree., which will lead either to its death or to the destruction of the crop.

Deadlines trimmings pears in spring

The exact timing of this type of care is difficult to determine unambiguously, because it depends on the region of growth and on specific weather conditions.

Spring pruning of pear trees should begin before sap flows in the branches, that is, after the time of frost has passed, at a stable daytime temperature of +5°C . In temperate Russian latitudes, this period usually begins in the 3rd decade of March or the very beginning of April. Thus, mid-March is the time for sanitary pruning, April-May is the period of main pruning.

It is also worth listening to the recommendations lunar calendar: successful pruning should be carried out during the waning moon, a few days before the new moon. The manipulation is especially effective if it is performed on Fruit Days. This is the name of the days when the moon passes through the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. In the spring of 2018, the following periods can be recommended for pear pruning:

  • from March 3 to March 16, Fruit Days - March 8, 9;
  • from April 01 to April 15, Fruit Days - April 4, 5, 14,15.
  • from 01 to 14 May, Fruit Days - 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 May.
  • Always use only sharp and clean tools for work, which must be disinfected before and after work.
  • Before you start pruning the pear, prepare a garden varnish or the “Rannet” preparation for processing the cuts.
  • Do not prune trees in sub-zero temperatures.
  • Decide in advance what age of pear tree you are going to prune, since the pruning sequence differs for young and old trees.
  • The priority is the correct formation of the pear crown, otherwise, fractures and death of the tree are likely. More details in the video:
  • As the pear matures, the rate of emergence of shoots decreases; formative pruning can be carried out once every two to four years, but this does not cancel annual sanitary pruning, since there are always broken or frozen branches on an overwintered pear tree.
  • There is no need to prune the trees too much at one time, because this way they will activate all their forces for a quick recovery and release new shoots that will surpass the height of the tree in a couple of years. It is best to divide this process into several parts of the stages - some branches are pruned in the first year, the second part - a year later.
  • You should always remove shoots growing parallel to the central trunk - they do not bear fruit, but at the same time they “take away” water and nutrients.
  • On the trunk should always be left no less four side branches, which should be located at an angle of 45°.
  • When cutting branches, do not remove excess, but do not leave stumps. The guideline should be the annular influx on the bark (“ring”), clearly visible at the base of the branches. This is where tissues “live” that will help quickly heal wounds to restore the tree. If you make an incision too deep, the wound will take a very long time to heal.

Proper spring pruning

Tools : Most often, a garden pruner with a narrow blade is used to perform this job.A hand saw or even a chainsaw is used to trim old branches of neglected trees.

Pear trees of different ages cut differently:

  • Annual seedlings are pruned at a height of about 50-70 cm from the ground level, which leads to the growth of branches from the lower buds.

  • If we are dealing with a two-year-old seedling, its main stem is cut off by 25%, and competing branches are cut off under the “ring”.

  • In a mature tree, under whichmeans pears 8-10 years old,unnecessary branches are removed, of which there are too many, ramifications , due to which there is a lack of nutrition.In this case, it is important to both thin the crown and shorten the shoots.

  • Old trees are pruned immediately after the end of the winter cold, but only until leaves and buds appear on the branches,in this case, anti-aging pruning begins from the lower branches, with a gradual transition to the upper ones. In the middle and end of spring, only young shoots of such pears are shortened.

Proper, consistent pruning of a pear tree throughout its life increases yield and reduces the risk of disease. The gardener's mistakes, due to his inexperience or unwillingness to adhere to the rules, when pruning a pear tree can lead, at best, to a deterioration in yield, and at worst, to the death of the fruit tree.

Sequence of actions when pruning pear trees:

  1. Delete shoots that grow from the trunk at an angle of 90°.
  2. Cutting it off those that grow vertically and have a parallel direction to the central trunk.
  3. We cut the skeletal branches by about 25%, At the same time, we monitor so that their tops are even.
  4. The shoots, which are the “base” for the formation of a new ovary, must be carefully bent down or given a horizontal position by tying them.

The technique of cutting down branches is also important:

Branches , the diameter of which is thicker than three centimeters,cut as follows:First make a cut from the bottom, then move to the top. Otherwise, the bark may be damaged and the branch may break under the weight.

And so the spring pruning of the pear was carried out according to all the rules, but it should be remembered that subsequent care of the tree is also important:

  • We must treat the cut areas with garden varnish. If this work is not done, the trees will begin to “cry” and secrete sap, which will become a real bait for insects and weaken the tree.For young seedlings, it is better to do this procedure not on the same day, but the next day, let the pruning areas dry out.
  • You should not “feed” the pear with fertilizers after work, because the tree itself will recover, drawing out all the substances and nutritional elements from the root system.

Pruning pears in spring (video)

IN summer time Pear pruning, as a rule, is not carried out, but this procedure in the fall will also help to achieve a good and high-quality harvest. More about this can be read in the article ““.

Pruning a pear is an important procedure prescribed by the rules for caring for fruit trees. It provides the tree with growth, productivity, proper crown formation, and is also an excellent preventive measure. various diseases, the pathogens of which penetrate inside through damaged branches. In our article we will look at the types, periods and features of pruning, and also discuss how to carry out this procedure correctly.

Autumn pruning of apple trees is extremely important for maintaining the garden and ensuring its good yield. But pear pruning is no less important and useful procedure provided it is carried out correctly. Despite the fact that this fruit tree grows quite slowly, improperly growing branches can block the light, without which it will quickly begin to wither and may even die. That is why you need to start pruning the pear the next year after planting, and finish it only after it dries out.

Systematic pruning of pear trees has a number of advantages:

  • the formation of a strong trunk and skeletal branches that will not break from the weight of ripe fruits;
  • the possibility of uniform distribution of moisture and nutrients throughout the trunk;
  • ensuring free access to direct sunlight;
  • convenience in spraying and other tree care procedures;
  • free access to fruits at the time of harvest.

Pruning scheme for 1 year

Pruning scheme for 2nd year

Pruning scheme for 3 years

If you ignore pruning of branches, this will lead to depletion of the plant due to intensive growth its branches and shoots, which is why the volume of fruiting will decrease significantly, and after a while it will stop completely.

However, any type of pear tree must be pruned correctly. To do this, you need to know the types and methods of carrying out these procedures, the time of year when they are carried out, the basics of circumcision techniques and have all the necessary tools.

The tool used for this procedure must be well sharpened and absolutely clean. This will reduce the risk of infection and make your work easier.

There are 2 types of pruning:

  1. Shortening is the pruning of annual shoots and the upper parts of branches, which slows down the upward growth of the tree and promotes better branching.
  2. Thinning is the cutting of branches at their very base, ensuring the penetration of the sun into the crown.

In parallel with this, other, additional work is carried out - gartering, bending, bending branches, removing root shoots, etc.

As for the purpose of pruning this fruit tree, it can be:

  1. Forming - to give the crown shape.
  2. Rejuvenating – to extend its fruiting period.
  3. Supportive - necessary for the yield and health of the pear.

Formative trimming

Regardless of what variety grows in your dacha, you will have to carry out all of the above types of pruning correctly throughout the life of the pear.

Pruning of branches is required, first of all, to increase productivity fruit plant. For example, trimming strawberry leaves and tendrils doubles its fruiting volume. The same goes for pears and others fruit trees. A diagram of how this procedure is carried out correctly is available on the Internet.

Pear pruning is carried out both in autumn and early spring before sap flow begins. The technique by which a scheme for this type of tree care will be built throughout the entire period of its life can be presented as follows:

The first pruning necessary to form the crown.

  1. One bud is selected on the trunk, which gardeners call the first - from it the branches that need pruning will be determined.
  2. Three buds, if counted from the first, are removed.
  3. The fifth bud, located on the opposite side of the trunk from the first, is left to form the second skeletal branch.
  4. The sixth, seventh and eighth kidneys are removed.
  5. A cut is made above the ninth bud to begin shoot growth.

The second pruning is carried out after the young tree is 2 years old. It will consist of shortening, tilting and bending skeletal branches from the trunk. The third pruning is performed when the plant reaches five years of age. Each subsequent procedure should be carried out correctly as needed. It will include the following work algorithm:

  • removal of shoots growing from the trunk;
  • crown thinning;
  • removal of spiny and abnormally growing branches;
  • trunk shortening.

Autumn pear pruning scheme

As for the specifics of how to carry out these works correctly, their secrets were revealed to us experienced gardeners, who annually collect a stunning harvest of ripe fruits from their garden. They will consist of the following rules:

  • at large quantities For pruned branches, it is better to extend this procedure into several stages;
  • The branches should be cut into rings, this will promote faster healing;
  • the bark at the cut site should not be lifted under any circumstances;
  • a branch that is too large is cut off in parts;
  • All cuts must be treated with garden varnish.

If the number of remote branches is too large, there is no need to try to cover everything at once. Pear pruning can be extended over 2 or more seasons.

Pear trees, depending on the purpose, are pruned year-round. Accordingly, it has autumn, winter, spring and summer pruning. Each of them has its own characteristics and is carried out according to the rules.

Autumn pruning is carried out annually. Its purpose is to remove dry, old, damaged and broken branches in order to give way to young shoots in the formation of the crown.

In winter, when the tree is dormant, the tree is pruned to shape its crown. And in the spring, before the sap begins to flow, the tops of one-year-old seedlings are pruned, and the central conductors and lateral skeletal shoots of other trees are shortened.

Trimming methods

In the summer, tree pruning is carried out as a last resort. Only the removal of diseased, dry and broken branches, as well as those that have broken under the weight of fruits, is allowed.

Age pruning

The formation of the crown of apple and pear trees is required for both young and old trees. But the features of cutting branches will be different for them.

The first pruning is carried out immediately after planting a young tree, which makes it easier for it to adapt.

The second pruning is carried out a year later to increase branching, and from now on this procedure should be carried out regularly twice a year.

As for pruning old pears, they, like others, garden plants, shown sanitary pruning, designed to increase fruiting and prolong the life of the tree.