What plants bloom in autumn. Autumn magic: what flowers bloom in October and November without fear of frost

Autumn plants and flowers are good because they serve a decorative function in spring and summer. With lush foliage they fill the empty space between and create for them beautiful background. And when summer crops fade, autumn crops come into their own and enliven the front garden with fresh colors.

Here are the 8 most popular autumn plants that bloom until late autumn, along with and. Compositions of these flowers will enliven your design and allow you to extend summer for some time.

Rudbeckia (Golden Ball)

This plant is very impressive and unpretentious. Feels great both in a sunny flower bed and in partial shade.

Rudbeckia grows quite widely. therefore, it must be planted at intervals of at least 0.5 m. And so that the crop does not lose its decorative value, the bushes should be moved to a new place every 6 - 8 years.


Buzulnik inflorescences reach a height of up to 2 m. But even with such rapid growth, the plant does not require fertile soil; it can be grown in one place for up to 30 years.

However, the culture loves shade and moisture, and therefore it should be placed under trees and on the banks of reservoirs.

Buzulnik reproduces in the spring by dividing the roots. On each division we leave 1 - 2 buds and bury them 3 - 5 cm into the soil.

Calendula (Marigold)

With its thick foliage, calendula perfectly muffles and repels with its pungent odor. garden pests, and the phytoncides it secretes destroy pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to your beneficial properties, it is advisable to use calendula to make medicinal baths and balms based on it.

The flowers, which are low to half a meter, are perfect for decorating borders and bloom until frost at - 7 C.

Tagetes (Marigolds)

The smell of this plant with lacy leaves and fiery flowers, also not to the liking of harmful insects. Therefore, it can be planted not only in flower beds, but also between the beds.

When propagating Tagetis by seeds, you need to pay attention to the timing of their collection; seed two years ago does not germinate well. Different varieties should be planted at a distance from each other, as they easily cross-pollinate.

Annual dahlias

They look great among autumn flowers, especially annual varieties; perennials are heat-loving and therefore their rhizomes have to be dug up for winter storage before the first frost occurs.

And late bloomers are in the active phase at this time and it is not advisable to disturb them.


Chrysanthemums must be grown in places protected from the wind, otherwise the bushes will become disheveled and will not look tidy.

Both annual and perennial varieties, because they do not need to be dug up for the winter, just trimmed and covered. Chrysanthemums bloom until the first snow.


Annual asters in special care dont need. But for abundant flowering they need loose, fertile soil. It is very useful to add sand and humus to plant them.

It is better to do this before winter, so that the organic matter has time to decompose and does not cause fusarium disease in the future.

You can plant asters in one place for 6 years in a row, and after that - 4 years where calendula or tagetis grew before.

Mattiola (Levkoy)

Blooming matthiola fills the garden with the intoxicating honey aroma of the passing summer. It grows on any soil except acidic soils (it’s not difficult even without a device), so you can’t add fresh manure to it; it’s better to feed the beauty with ash and mineral fertilizers.

It is better to plant matthiola where it has not grown before cruciferous plants, with whom she has common diseases.

Helichrysum (Immortelle)

You probably won’t regret it if you select an elevated sunny place in the flowerbed for this plant; it will fit perfectly into the design alpine slides. In order for the plant to bush better, you need to pinch its central shoot above the 5th leaf and remove wilted inflorescences.

And to make the hylechrysum happy even in winter, you can dry it by hanging it upside down under a canopy, and then put it in a vase.

So if you love these autumn plants and flowers and make friends with them, then the gray, dull autumn will not touch your front garden, which is blazing like a fire with yellow, orange and red autumn flowers.


Garden Ideas website

Autumn magic September flowers
September is an amazing month. It does not come, but imperceptibly seeps with a yellow glow into the blue of summer, little by little scattering drizzling clouds and whitish fogs. He allows summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving us for another warm earth autumn flowers, as evidence of your love and sadness from parting. Maybe that’s why September flowers are so touching and achingly beautiful...

Let's walk through the early autumn garden and look at the gifts of the just-gone summer.

Chrysanthemums in autumn flower beds are so good that they permanently occupy the very top of the flower charts. The variety of colors never ceases to amaze and delight: white and cream, pink and bronze, yellow and orange, copper-red and lilac... they alone are able to decorate the whole world, without repeating themselves and without boring with monotony.

The name "chrysanthemum" translates as "golden flower". It is truly revered in the East as an extraordinary value. From the depths of centuries, a belief has come that the chrysanthemum flower is endowed with truly magical powers on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year, and if you pick it on this day, the flower will be a protective talisman all year round, will ward off misfortune and protect from the evil eye and diseases.
Try it!
Chrysanthemums - flowers short day, which is why they begin to bloom when the days are waning. There are many varieties of these wonderful plants that will brighten up any fall garden. True, large-flowered plants are quite difficult to grow in our conditions, but many magnificent smaller forms please the eye. Many flower growers today have given their hearts to unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, abundantly strewn happy flowers. Such as this small-flowered double chrysanthemum Mishal. Well, is it really a miracle?

You can learn a lot of new and interesting things from the publications of our summer residents on the website:
Chrysanthemums - planting, growing, care,
6 most beautiful chrysanthemums,
The story of the Japanese love for chrysanthemums,
Modest small-flowered chrysanthemums,
Chinese chrysanthemums - the charm of antiquity,
Two-color chrysanthemums of the autumn ball,
Chrysanthemums of the autumn ball

One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers. About 20,000 species of these flowers are known. They differ in the height of the bushes, in the shape and structure of the inflorescences, in the size and doubleness of the flowers. Our flower growers equally love peony and anemoid dahlias, needle-shaped and collared, spherical and nymphal.

Natives of distant Mexico and Guatemala, dahlias have remained lovers of heat, and the slightest frost is destructive for them. In the meantime, while the September sun is warming, the wonderful heads of dahlias delight summer residents, decorating every corner of the garden.

Our flower growers have also already talked about these flowers on the website:
Dahlias - planting and growing,
Dahlias are aerial ballerinas,
Dahlias - decoration of an autumn flower bed,
And in the next video, Oleg Krivoshein shares the beauty of dahlias grown on his plot, admire it too

Someone quite rightly said: if only phloxes remained on Earth from flowers, then the planet would still be beautiful - the world of these flowers is so rich and diverse the most beautiful flowers. In September, paniculata phlox (Phlox paniculata) blooms luxuriantly - bushy, tall, with bright juicy colors of delicate quivering petals.

Breeders have tried very hard, and today gardeners can decorate their flower beds with paniculate phlox of a wide variety of colors - pink, scarlet and carmine, burgundy and crimson, lilac, purple and even striped!

In September, the garden is decorated with late flowering phloxes - “Vladimir”, “Cloud”, “Andre” and “Creme de Mente”; The snow-white "Anna", the light salmon "Bornimer Nachsrmmera", the blue-and-white Novelty and the tri-colored Margry are flowering... and these are the very last flowering representatives of this year.

In the language of flowers, phlox means “the flame of your lips,” so it turns out that September phloxes give us the farewell kiss of the past summer..

You can read about phlox:
Phloxes are so simple and so beautiful,
Phlox - early spring planting and care,
Phloxes. Filings.,
Phloxes are welcome guests for any flower garden

Helenium autumn
Helenium is a real gift of autumn. Its flowers are so numerous and beautiful that a fully bloomed bush looks like a festive fireworks display of sunny yellow, brick-crimson or orange-red splash droplets. Tall helenium bushes resemble the shape of a large compact bouquet and invariably become an autumn decoration for any summer cottage.

One of the legends says that bright sunny flower Helenium is named after the beautiful wife of Menelaus Helen, whose abduction by her lover Paris caused the Trojan War. They say that the unusual vibrant color of helenium resembles the gold of Elena’s hair... anything is possible, although the assumption that the flower is called “a drop of the Sun” is also no worse.

Our summer residents most often use hybrid forms with inflorescences different shades- pure yellow, red-orange and terracotta. Varieties with double flowers are also favorite.

Helenium will accompany us until the frosts, collecting bees from all over the area and attracting glances with its joyful sunny blooms.
The following video offers an excursion into the wonderful world of Helenium

Rudbeckia looks like a bright yellow daisy with a dark velvety center; it will delight us with its sunny blooms throughout September. Prairie Native North America, she found her second home in our flower beds, settled down perfectly and was loved by everyone. Previously, dissected rudbeckia (Rudbeckia laciniata) grew in almost every garden plot, in every front garden, and was known to everyone as the “Golden Balls”. Many people still have warm memories of her as a flower of childhood.

Today, other species are more often found on sites - shiny rudbeckia (Rudbeckia fulgida) and glossy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia nitida). Now other names are in use - “Golden Umbrella”, “Golden Tower”... But look how interesting: everywhere it is golden)

Regardless of the type and variety, rudbeckia is unpretentious, not capricious and always stunningly beautiful.

If you are interested in this flower, you can find out more about it in the materials
Sunny rudbeckia And Rudbeckia sun in the garden. -

These cute touching flowers remind spring primroses. Delicate and light, they captivate with their defenselessness on the eve of winter, and the more striking is the contrast between the warm purity of the petals and the cold signs of nature's withering.

The name “anemone” (anemone) is of Greek origin; its philosophical interpretation means something like this: “Gusts of wind that open a flower will eventually also carry away the withered petals.” But, despite their visual fragility and inevitable cold, anemones show amazing resilience and are very unpretentious in care.

Autumn anemones entering September bloom include Japanese anemone (Anemone japonica), tomentosa anemone (Anemone tomentosa) and grape anemone (Anemone vitifolia).

In summer cottages, hybrid anemones, Japanese and felt, are most often grown; grape-leaved is less spectacular, so it is rarely cultivated.
The following video invites you to admire this miracle - the Japanese anemone

You can read more about anemones in the materials Secrets of growing sissy anemones And Wood anemone blooms again in October

Colchicum, or crocus, is still considered one of the most mysterious plants of our nature. Its development cycle and chemical composition unusual and arouse genuine interest. This flower was called Colchicum because, contrary to its “bulbous” nature, it begins to bloom not “when it’s supposed to,” but without any regard for time - almost before the first snow. But purely humanly one can understand him: here she is, autumn nature, many colors have already faded, the grass is fading, the leaves are drying up - and here I am, fresh, tender and luxurious like spring!

Indeed, colchicum makes a charming impression during flowering. Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of the “spring” color among the yellow shades of autumn and its unpretentiousness in flowering. Such advantages make colchicum a welcome guest in autumn flower arrangements.

This autumn beauty is a classic of the genre in any autumn flower bed. Huge variety of shapes and colors for autumn period- just a gift from nature! The one who planted asters on his plot, one might say, “rented” the summer for another two months. And throughout September they will definitely be ablaze with all the shades of the just-gone summer: white and pink, red and purple, crimson and blue!

Asters can be planted anywhere: in the middle of a flower bed or at the end of a vegetable bed, along a path or hedge - this wonderful flower It will look beautiful everywhere.

By the way, it will surprise some, but the flower that we are used to calling the garden aster does not belong to the genus Astra, but to the genus Callistephus (although many gardeners, out of habit, call Callistephus annual aster).

The most famous perennial asters that bloom in the fall are New Belgian (Virginian) and New England (American). We have these luxurious bushes with pink, purple and purple flowers often called Septembers or Octobers.

Small-flowered asters are easy to care for, they do not need a garter to a support and are not afraid of even night frosts. You can learn more about asters by reading the materials on our website:
Asters - planting and care,
15 flower crops

Elegant zinnia is one of the most beloved ornamental flowering annuals by gardeners. By the way, many people know zinnia under the common name “majors” or “majoriki”. These bright, cheerful flowers, truly standing at attention like soldiers on their straight stems, will color the autumn flowerbed with all sorts of shades and will delight the whole of September with rich, stable flowering.

Due to its stability and unpretentiousness, zinnia is always welcome guest on any summer cottage, and how butterflies and birds love it! The language of flowers has endowed zinnia with its own meaningful symbols:
white zinnias are a good attitude
- red - constancy,
- yellow - longing and thirst for meeting,
- pink - a symbol of memory of someone who is not around now

If you haven't had zinnias in your garden yet, be sure to plant them! She is modest and undemanding, and with the appearance of these joyful multi-colored majors, your site will immediately be filled with buzz, cheerful, completely summer bustle and positivity.

This native of South Africa intrigues from the first minutes of acquaintance - as soon as it turns out that he has not one name, but four. In addition to the scientific Crocosmium, there is an outdated, but still used Montbrezia, a lesser known one - Tritonia and a fourth, popular one - Japanese gladiolus. And this mysterious plant, belonging to the iris family, also looks like an iris)

Crocosmia is a very decorative and exquisite plant. It decorates the September garden with lush thickets of linear leaves and bright orange, intense red or yellow flowers. Once dry, the flowers begin to smell like saffron, hence the scientific name (from the Greek “krokos” - “crocus, saffron” and “osme” - “smell”).

Crocosmia - not yet infrequent visitor in our summer cottages, but will definitely win the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. Moreover, dug up in the fall before frost and transplanted into a flowerpot, this orange beauty can continue to bloom on the balcony in a city apartment for another month!

Well, we ran through the autumn September flower beds and took a closer look at the nine autumn plants that decorated them. There are still many beautiful autumn trees left behind the scenes - these are roses and Physalis Franchet, gladioli and gerberas, goldenrod and marigolds, lilies and yarrow... Our nature is inexhaustible, and, thank God, there is something to decorate the Earth in summer, autumn, and even winter .

Today's flower journey has ended, but autumn is just beginning, and we will have many more reasons to meet at autumn summer cottages)

Autumn flowers decorate areas, prolong the feeling of summer, create a great mood, and delight hosts and guests. Their flowering is touching and amazing. The approaching cold, rain and first frosts do not frighten autumn flowering. They support them, reveal colors from a new side.

The main criterion for choosing flower crops is the variety of colors. Homeowners want their garden to be a rainbow of colors. Moreover, I want to admire her not just for one month, but from the first sunny days to light snowflakes. Selection criteria shared by experienced gardeners:

  1. Ease of care. Most of the sites are located in suburban area. Summer residents come to visit them on weekends. Plants that require daily care may die. Varieties have special watering requirements; they must withstand drought, rain and hot sun.
  2. Disease resistance. Those species are selected that are not susceptible to most diseases. Pests are also being studied.
  3. Connection of perennial and annual plants in the area. Each variety has its own advantages, which should be used.
  4. Stem location and plant height. Low bushes require a place that will be easily visible. High ones must be maintained, that is, placed near walls and fences. The stems can curl and stretch across the surface. They also require a special place on the site.

Flowers for the garden in October (video)

Names and descriptions of autumn perennial flowers for flower beds

Perennials are a popular choice among gardeners. They do not require complex and lengthy care. There is no need to deal with seedlings every year. The main thing is to form a bush and check its condition.


The shrub will make in the garden the new kind floral decoration. Huge balls against the background of autumn foliage and extinct grass can be compared to a miracle of nature, difficult to explain and fabulously magical. To preserve flowering in late autumn, special varieties have been developed. They do not require shelter and are afraid of frost. The first snow makes them even more magical.


The evergreen small bush is covered with scales. Heather delights with red scales in summer and autumn. Even when it dries out and freezes, it does not change its color appearance.



The bush is practically no different from heather. But begins to bloom only in mid-autumn. The rest of the time it is green. Erica inflorescences can be red, white, lilac and pink.


There are 3 known species: paniculate, caudate, tricolor. Each variety is similar. Burgundy panicles are united into a bouquet and stand in bright bunches among the withered autumn grass. What's surprising is that when falling under the snow, it does not lose its shape or appearance.



The hybrid begins to bloom in July, the last buds will open before the first frost. Bluebells look like butterflies that have flown from another continent. The palette of colors is amazing: white, red, lilac. Tropical colors will transform any garden area.

Gomphrena globose

Family - dried flowers. They are very popular dwarf varieties. Original purple cones cover the bush like candles in New Year's celebration.


Beautiful autumn wildflowers for flower beds and flower beds

Gardeners create special decor with the help of cereals that bloom in a particularly gentle way. In the last warm days they will change the area, bringing back the impressions of the first summer months.

Boutelua graceful

Externally This is a grass with a white grass at the end. White sticks (cereals) are bent at right angles. The bush is covered with white inflorescences. Sometimes it seems that the sticks are simply hanging in the air, located on top of the grass.

Acute reed grass

The grass reaches 1.5 meters. It is placed along paths and fences. The bushes in front of the house look original. Designers suggest planting reed grass behind flowers. When the summer fragrance and play of colors are over, the cereal reaches its maturity. It begins to bloom. The pale green of thin grassy leaves are covered with white-golden panicles; as the temperature drops, the panicles turn pink.

Acute reed grass

Blue molinia

The strong, dense leaves of field grass have no flowers, but in the fall the leaves take on a blue tint. Purple bright grass will outshine the brightly flowering bushes.

Flat-leafed flatleaf

The stems of the plant look like bamboo foliage. During summer season they change color several times. By late autumn they turn golden. The inflorescences can be compared to hop cones, but they are not voluminous, but flat. The type of inflorescence is a cone smoothed with an iron. They also change their color: first green, then bronze, eventually pink or yellow.



Brown foliage is covered with silver and red inflorescences. It gives the impression of flowering herbs and frosty silver.


The perennial field grass is modest and inconspicuous during the summer. In late autumn the bush transforms. It turns golden. Inflorescences consist of small baskets. The panicles shimmer in the wind and make you dream and admire their beauty.

Liriope spicata

Green leaves always remain the same color; some die imperceptibly, others are born. Inflorescences appear in September. The flower stalks are covered with small purple buds - balls.

Gallery: garden autumn flowers (93 photos)

How to care for autumn flowers (video)

Garden flowers that bloom in September


There are more than 20 thousand species of unpretentious flowers. They are classified according to the shape of the bush, type of inflorescence and color palette. Gardeners who want to admire the bright autumn buds are offered to choose from several varieties: peony - anemo - spherical, collared, needle-shaped, nymphal. Dahlias will open in end of August, They will be decorated with bright heads until the first snow. If the buds are closed at night, they will not freeze and will last even longer. It is impossible not to notice dahlias. The heads are large, they sit tightly on the legs


Late stars different varieties impressive. Annual species large and spherical. Perennials stand in bouquets. The varieties even have names close to autumn ones: September, October. Lush heads of different shades able to withstand drops of up to 7 degrees. The wide palette of colors pleased, the wonderful bitterness attracted.

The guest from Japan has settled down well in Russia. Flower of the Land of the Rising Sun very thermophilic. Breeders from Korea have developed a variety that is not afraid of cold temperatures. The palette is similar to the originals, but the aroma is bitter and wonderful.



The graceful bells protruding from the ground before winter, when there are practically no flowering plants left, are surprising. Magical colchicums resemble the appearance of snowdrops. They protrude straight from the ground. Varieties - autumn, magnificent. Outwardly cute, gentle and magically fantastic.


Autumn daisies are comparable to small suns or sunflowers. In September you can admire the dissected rudbeckia, in October - the glossy appearance.


The Queen of the Gardens is a favorite resident of the gardens. Breeders created late varieties. Autumn roses are not as large, but the attractive pink buds cover the stem with an almost continuous cover. Late varieties are no less attractive than early ones, but more charming.


Names and characteristics of annual autumn flowers for flower beds

Annual flowers attract owners of personal plots with the opportunity to make annual changes to it. Every season you can experiment and admire new varieties and repeat your favorites.

Callistephus chinensis

Annual aster has more than 3 thousand varieties. You can find low or tall, strict and curvy, pale and bright. Easy to choose for every taste and garden preference. Without frost, the aster grows in winter period without losing its charm. The bright aster loves open places and sunlight.

Callistephus chinensis


The plant belongs to the bulbous group. It does not require annual replanting. The bush came from African countries. The inflorescence resembles the Iris, but the location on the stem is incomparable. The buds cling to the stem one after another, some fall off as they bloom, others bloom at this time. The leaves of the bush are sword-shaped, dense and strong. The peduncle is strewn with bright red buds.

A bright bush is one of the must-haves personal plots. Species diversity also very wide. The height of some varieties reaches 1.5 m. The lowest ones are 20 cm. Chrysanthemums have inflorescences of different shapes - simple, mazrovoe, needle-shaped, tubular. A perennial that combines several colors in one place looks beautiful. Flower beds with chrysanthemums amaze with the variety of bright colors of autumn and summer.


A special type of chrysanthemum is Oak. The flower heads of Korean varieties are unusually colorful and beautiful. Lush terry hats like oak trees cover green bushes of small leaves and colorful unopened buds. Semi-double species surprise with the delicate colors of summer before the approaching winter.


The perennial is comparable to yellow daisies, but the core is voluminous and protrudes outward. The petals may not just be bright yellow. Autumn paints them with strokes of red and orange. It gives the impression of a single bush, but in fact, it is many individual plants.


Rules for placing autumn flowers in a flower bed

Plants are placed in plots not randomly, but in a special way. Order is required not so much for beauty as to enable flowers to reach full maturity. When composing flower arrangements, many characteristics are taken into account:

  • flowering time;
  • property to grow;
  • accessibility for weeding.

Some flowers will help highlight lawns and hide outbuildings. Others will begin to delight immediately after the snow melts. They often try to hide the autumn blooms a little, that is, plant them further away, behind those varieties that will bloom earlier. Each plant has its own place and soil type.

Autumn flowers in landscape design (video)

You can find tips for each bush:

  1. In the flowerbed, croxomia is planted in the last row. When blooming, the stems stretch out, the abundance of buds makes the branches heavy, they bend and cover the plants, which have already lost their attractiveness.
  2. Helenium is not afraid of cramped spaces, it can be placed in any area, it will carve out a place for itself and create an island.
  3. Amaranths are planted in thin strips along buildings. They will decorate withered greenery with weeping panicles.

Fall flower beds can be just as charming as summer flower beds. The main thing is to choose the right plants. Multicolor autumn varieties as rich as the summer bouquets familiar to summer residents.

Attention, TODAY only!

Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.

It is not known which garden Alexey Pleshcheev was in when he wrote the poem “Autumn,” but in our gardens everything is in order with the riot of colors in autumn. There is something to admire in October and November, let alone the first month of autumn. In September, the new season has not yet fully come into its own, so many autumn flowers delight the eye. Let's talk about what flowers bloom in September and October.

Autumn anemones

The first to delight with flowering among the autumn anemones is the Hubei anemone ( Anemone hupehensis. Particularly striking are the elegant silver-pink flowers of the 'September Charme' variety. This autumn beauty prefers fertile soils in partial shade under the canopy of trees. ( Anemone) also blooms in September, but a little later. Distinctive features This type of anemone has a more diverse palette of colors and long flowering. Japanese anemone can grow in either sun or partial shade if the soil is nutritious enough.

Autumn asters

Lovely flowers that bloom in autumn and amaze with a variety of shapes and colors. When the garden begins to prepare for peace, these perennial asters, also popularly known as (or October asters), amaze with the splendor of shades of white, red, pink and blue-violet flowers. Flowers grow better on the rich nutrients, moderately moist soils.

Autumn aster (New England)


This is a very beautiful large one and a half to two meter cereal that came to us from the Far East. Miscanthus( Miscanthus) variety "Malepartus" is valued for its red-silver inflorescences and red-brown foliage. Variety "Silberfeder" - for its silvery fluffy panicles with a pinkish tint at sunset.

Sedum spectabile- the most common plant in the gardens of Russian gardeners. There is nothing surprising. Unpretentious, even with minimal care, it will decorate September with raspberry inflorescences.

Eupatorium purpureum- interesting unpretentious plant height from 90 to 150 cm for sunny places in the garden. Can grow in partial shade or partial shade, but blooms less profusely. Valued for its extraordinary decorativeness throughout the growing season. But at the end of summer, when large corymbose inflorescences from small pink baskets appear at the ends of the shoots, it is the king of the site. Today, flower growers everywhere cultivate two varieties: “Little Red” and “Little Joe.”

Viola cornuta- a flower that can surprise even seasoned gardeners. One cannot help but admire the resilience of the tender baby, which after the cold weather still tries to fully fulfill its purpose and bloom, no matter what.


September is the penultimate month of flowering for this powerful rhizomatous plant. But the resilient goldenrod ( Solidago), the height of which, depending on the variety, ranges from 70 to 150 cm, holds its shape until the last, confidently swaying its powerful light yellow, yellow or golden inflorescences in time with the wind. The flower grows well in light or partial shade in moderately moist soil. Among the most common varieties are: "Goldstrahl", "Spatgold" and "Stahlenkrone".

Gentiana sino ornata— flowering time September-October. With moderate but timely watering, it will appear in all its glory, spreading out with a carpet of sky-blue flowers.

Saxifraga cortusifolia- a flower that will fill the garden with the freshness of snow-white flowers in September-October. Saxifraga feels great in shaded corners on breathable, moderately moist and nutritious soils.

Pennisetum foxtail

Pennisetum alopecuroides- goes harmoniously with sedum. The “Compressum” variety, which blooms in August-September, reaches a height of 100 cm. The “Hameln” variety grows 60 cm. Both varieties of ornamental grass thrive in the sun on permeable, rich soils.

Perennial chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum morifolium- charming autumn plant, most varieties of which bloom in September. The inflorescences of this small-flowered chrysanthemum are similar to the flowers of asters, only the palette of colors is much more diverse. We are so accustomed to the cute chrysanthemum that autumn without it is not autumn at all. The plant thrives in full sun and in rich, moderately moist soils.

Of course, the article lists only some of the plants that bloom in the first months of autumn. Although the list can be continued indefinitely, we will not do this - there is not enough space on the pages of the site, because nature has given us a huge number of colors with muted tones autumn garden become brighter.

2013 - 2014, . All rights reserved.

  • ✓ 1. Purple sapling (Eupatorium purpureum).
  • ✓ 2. Helenium autumnale
  • ✓ 3. Dahlia (Dahlia)
  • ✓ 4.Phlox paniculata
  • ✓ 5. Common crocosmia (crocosmia x crocosmiiflora)
  • ✓ 6.Asters (Aster)
  • ✓ 7. Rudbekia.
  • ✓ 8. Korean chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum koreanum)
  • ✓ 9. Hylotelephium spectabilel
  • ✓ Flowers blooming in autumn- photo
  • ✓ What about the rest of the flowers?
  • ✓ Drowning in flowers in autumn

What flowers bloom in autumn

Flowers, decorative in autumn, are especially valuable for gardeners, since at this time the garden is preparing for winter sleep. The bright colors of perennials that bloom in September prolong summer season and give a feeling of a holiday, albeit an autumn one!

1. Purple sapling (Eupatorium purpureum).

The peak of decorativeness of this plant occurs just at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. That's when the sapling blooms. Its purple or pale pink inflorescences do not lose their beauty for almost a month. The plant looks especially good when traveling with large grains. The window sill does not cause gardeners much trouble, since it does not require shelter. In early spring If you suddenly don’t find your favorite bush, don’t be alarmed. This plant appears from the ground late - towards the end of May.

2. Helenium autumnale

There is no way to ignore Helenium if we are talking about perennials that bloom in autumn. It is beautiful with bright colors and very long flowering, which will delight you from July to September. The basket inflorescences will pleasantly surprise you with the variety of shades of red and yellow. And if you want to add red notes to your flower garden, then you should pay attention to the varieties "Ruby Jewel", "Moerheim Beauty", "Klaudia" and "Ruby Thuesday". For better growth It is recommended to divide helenium every 2-3 years.

3. Dahlia (Dahlia)

Dahlia (Dahlia) – beautiful plant, but requires annual digging in the fall. Tubers are harvested depending on the weather, usually in late September - early October. Flowers can be different colors and size, depending on the variety. Their shape is also variable: anemone-shaped, cactus-shaped, pompom-shaped, peony-shaped, nymphal. So it won’t be difficult for you to choose a flower to your liking, especially since there are about 15 thousand varieties in the culture.

4.Phlox paniculata

Phlox paniculata is a traditional resident of Russian front gardens. Most varieties bloom in July, and by the end of August their splendor and showiness are significantly reduced. However, there are also late varieties whose peak flowering occurs in September. It is worth paying attention to the following of them: lilac-pink phlox "Anastasia" white with a blue-violet tint "Arguna", "Border pink", hot pink "Sunrise", "Carmine", whose name speaks for itself, orange-red "Bonfire" and many others. Most phloxes are paniculate - large plants, 60-100 cm high, so it is better to plant them on the middle line of the flower bed or as a background. Mono plantings are also beautiful.

5. Common crocosmia (crocosmia x crocosmiiflora)

Common crocosmia (Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora), which is often called Montbretia, is not new in our gardens. This corm perennial is loved for its exotic appearance and bright flowering. U different varieties flowers can be red, orange, coral and yellow in different colors. IN southern regions Crocosmia is left in the ground for the winter, having built a shelter, but in the Non-Black Earth Region its corms need to be dug up and stored in the basement.

6.Asters (Aster)

Asters (Aster) come in different varieties, including those with different flowering periods. Since we are interested in September, we will talk about a. bush (Aster dumosus), New England aster (Aster novae-angliael and New Belgian asters (Aster novi-belgii). It is not for nothing that they are called “Septembers” in our gardens. The first species grows quickly. New England aster bushes grow slowly. But New Belgian asters are larger than the others susceptible to powdery mildew, and the bush of many varieties is falling apart.

7. Rudbekia.

Its bright, sunny inflorescences will illuminate any country cottage area even in cloudy weather. This plant is one of the symbols of the autumn garden. Surely you too will have a flowerbed with “golden balls” - dissected rudbeckia. This species can be found in dachas more often than others. Another resident of the gardens - beautiful rudbeckia - looks more like “daisies”. Its yellow, orange and reddish inflorescences are decorated with a dark brown core, thanks to which in English-speaking countries the flower is nicknamed “black-eyed Susan”.

8. Korean chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum koreanum)

Korean chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum koreanum) is where a gardener can devote his soul. There are both border varieties that do not exceed 30 cm, as well as medium-growing (50-60 cm) and tall-growing (up to 1 m). Flowers can be different shapes and with a different number of petals (doubleness). Their size is also individual. Well, what can we say about coloring: you have almost the entire palette at your disposal. For beautiful flowering, which usually occurs at the end of August - beginning of September, chrysanthemums need a well-lit place protected from the wind. You need to be careful with fertilizers, because if there is an excess of them, the plant develops green mass, forgetting about flowering.

9. Hylotelephium spectabilel

Sedum spectabilel (Hylotelephium spectabilel) is the true king of late autumn, as it blooms from September until frost. The most common varieties are in different shades of pink; sedums with white and cream flowers are also found. There are varieties with white-edged leaves, for example "Elsie's Gold". The plant is winter-hardy and does not require shelter. Prefers fertile soils and sunny places. Sedum can tolerate even a slight drought, but for the harmonious development of the ground part and more spectacular flowering it needs good watering.

Flowers blooming in autumn - photo

What about the rest of the flowers?

Colchicum can also decorate your autumn garden. Its flowers appear just in September. It is worth paying attention to annual plants. An indispensable decoration of the autumn garden is annual aster (callistephus). Remember the children walking on September 1st with bouquets of these bright flowers. Stands up to the last and looks good decorative cabbage. Its lacy heads are better than any flowers. And she will last until the very frost, going under the snow like a true beauty.

Drowning in flowers in autumn

In summer flowering plants replace each other from week to week, never ceasing to amaze with the variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences. But with the arrival of autumn days, our flower beds often become boring. To make the composition look spectacular even in autumn, it is enough to use a traditional set of perennials for this time of year - heleniums, echinaceas, rudbeckias; add to them dahlias and annual crops, for example three-month-old lavatera, they will extend the flowering period in the mixborder until the first frost.

Plants with textured foliage will look appropriate among the color spots. For example, in the flower garden shown in the photo, the plantings are delicately seasoned with large wrinkled chard leaves, and the soaring foliage of cereals gives vertical volume to the flower garden.

An even greater effect can be achieved by dividing the mixborder with a path, in our case a grass path. This is a great technique, almost a win-win: while walking through the garden, it’s so nice to suddenly find yourself among blooming herbs, with a marvelous flower garden spread out on both sides of you. And even though some tall plants will not be planted according to the rules, right next to the path, like echinacea and dahlias, there will be a sea of ​​emotions from such accompaniment to you
guaranteed: you'll feel like you're drowning in flowers!
The fading phloxes are being replaced by Echinops and agasta-he, and delphiniums, poppies and cornflowers are blooming again. A modest geranium nestles at the edge of the path next to sage and Nepalese cinquefoil. But the undeniable highlight of the flower garden are the dahlias, playfully displaying a variety of varieties - from bright red, crimson and burgundy with white specks in the background to yellow and coral in the foreground.

Soon the Jerusalem artichoke will bloom, the cereals will take on a golden color, and the autumn anemones will stand out more noticeably.
In order for a composition divided by a track to look like a single whole, it is important to observe several simple rules. Firstly, in both parts of the flower garden there should be repeating plants or combinations thereof. This is especially true for accent plants. Secondly, work hard on the background for the composition. Thirdly, when creating such a mixborder, it is very important to choose a plant that will set the tone and mood of the composition in a certain season. It can be long-term decorative or, on the contrary, short, then select neighbors for it who will transfer the emphasis to themselves when the prima retires.