Indoor flower money tree care. The money tree needs to be fed! Lighting and temperature

Monumentality and a certain solidity have made the Crassula or Crassula not just a popular houseplant, but a kind of symbol of well-being, success and confidence in the future. This is evidenced by another common name for the crop - money tree. It is believed that Crassula, as a storage plant, absorbs the energy of thoughts and feelings aimed at increasing well-being and attracts financial independence.

Let’s not argue, let’s just emphasize its amazing ability to transform any interior - from a cozy living room to a formal office, and talk about the intricacies of caring for a money tree, its preferences, problems and their elimination.

Meet the fat girl

A plant whose characteristic appearance indicates that it belongs to the genus of succulents of the Tolstyankov family, in wildlife distributed mostly in the Southern Hemisphere - in the tropics of Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula. Thick elastic leaves and stems of Crassula - distinctive features representatives of a family numbering several hundred species.

The enviable endurance and peculiar thriftiness of this succulent are impressive. These qualities are characteristic of all Crassulaceae: wild and cultivated. Among them the most different plants– shrubs, aquatic, herbaceous, giants and dwarfs, united by a common feature: the leaves are located oppositely on the shoot, crosswise. Most often found in home floriculture is the silver crassula - a tree up to 1 m high. Greenhouse specimens reach 1.5-2 m. At home, in South American latitudes, this type of crassula is used as a hedge. It blooms beautifully, is hardy and grows well.

IN room conditions this strong tree with a thick stem often decorates the room with lush dark green foliage, but sometimes, although extremely rarely, it blooms with miniature pastel shades flowers. Flowers collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences appear on the tips of the shoots, emphasizing the overseas origin of the plant.

Important! Flowering can be caused only if certain conditions are met: maintaining a dry, cool regime during the dormant period, systemic transplants.

Flower buds appear on the tops of the stems in October-November; flowering begins in December and lasts about a month.

Important! At the end of flowering, when wilting begins, the flowers are removed so that the plant does not become depleted.

Many gardeners do not strive to force the plant to bloom, but use techniques aimed at slowing down the growth of the crop, and achieve the “bonsai” effect in a very short time. Natural adaptability to growing conditions and unpretentiousness, combined with decorativeness, have made the fat plant a popular crop in indoor floriculture.

There are many types of plants, but the cultivation technology and care techniques for them are approximately the same.

The unpretentiousness of the plant allows the gardener to forget about its existence for a while, but there is no need to abuse this, since the decorativeness of the money tree depends on the quality of care.

Planting Crassula: choosing a container and soil

The choice of container in which it will live is of decisive importance in the development of the fat woman. A deep container will cause the money tree to grow upward, stretching the trunk; a container that is too shallow will slow down its growth, causing the plant to shrink. The best option is a wide and shallow pot. The plant will develop harmoniously in it.

To plant a money tree, store-bought soil for succulents or a soil mixture of turf and leaf soil with humus and sand in the proportion 3 * 1 * 1 * 1 are suitable. Drainage is also necessary - expanded clay, screenings or fine gravel, which is used to fill the container a quarter before planting.

Important! Crassula grows difficult in acidic soils. Maintain neutrality of the soil in the pot by adding wood ash or periodic replacement of the surface layer of soil.

Lighting and temperature preferences

The fat woman is photophilous, and as a native of the hot tropics, she is not afraid of the bright sun, so a place on the windowsill or near windows facing south is quite comfortable for her. Some shading also does not harm the plant, the main thing is that it has enough light. Lack of light affects Crassula negatively - the shoots become longer and thinner, and the leaves begin to fall off. IN summer time It is better to keep the plant on the veranda or balcony: the fat plant noticeably becomes prettier.

The exotic origin and heat-loving nature of Crassula allows the plant not only to calmly withstand the heat of the sun. Even the neighborhood heating devices- the fat woman endures this age-old problem, which complicates care, at home, without suffering at all. From September to February the plant rests, and, if possible, it better time Place in a room with an air temperature reduced to 10-15˚C.

Watering and fertilizing

The basic rule for a gardener in caring for a plant is moderation of moisture. In summer, the money tree should be watered when the soil surface dries out; in winter, even less often: if the soil has dried out by 2-3 cm. The structure of the plant’s leaves allows it to accumulate moisture, so to speak, for a rainy day, so the fat plant is not afraid of short-term drought, which only activates life processes of culture.

Important! Fear of waterlogging is a weak point of this crop. Excess moisture, and especially stagnation in the pan, provokes bacterial infection and damage to the root system, and sometimes stems.

To maintain its decorative appearance, the fat plant is occasionally sprayed (once every 2-3 weeks) or the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Caution must also be observed when feeding. The money tree needs them only in spring and summer. active period. Feed it once every 15-20 days with a solution of liquid fertilizer for succulents or cacti, adhering to the concentration specified in the annotation for the drug.

Crown formation

The tree should be given the desired shape already in the first year.

Important! Pruning an adult plant will lead to some loss of decorativeness, since dense brown stumps remain in places where the shoots are shortened, which the young foliage cannot hide.

It is not difficult to form the crown of the Crassula; it survives pinching well and quickly produces new shoots. As soon as the stem of a young tree reaches 15-18 cm in height, the top two leaves are plucked off. From this point, branching will begin and instead of one pair of leaves, two or three will appear. The same operations are carried out on growing shoots, focusing on their own ideas about the shape of the crown.


The money tree is replanted as it grows. As a rule, for the first three years in the spring, young plants are transferred to slightly larger pots, removing it with a lump of earth and placing it in a new container, adding fresh soil. In the future, transplants are necessary when the entire volume of the container is filled with roots, but if the gardener consoles himself with the hope of seeing a flowering Crassula, then they must be carried out regularly - once every two years.

Advice! If the plant is grown as an ornamental foliage, and the goal is not to make the fat plant bloom, it is better to replant it once every few years, since replanting is a painful procedure for it.

The optimal time to transplant a money tree is spring, and the method that reduces the pain of the operation is transshipment.

Vegetative propagation

The amazing vitality of the plant is also manifested in its ability to procreate. Crassula is easily propagated not only by cuttings, but also by leaf blades. Upon careful examination of the stems, you can notice the beginnings of roots, sometimes growing from the internodes.

Cuttings are cut from the lateral or apical stems, the sections are powdered with crushed coal. For successful and faster rooting, they are left to dry for 1-2 days, activating the eternal law of life - extreme situations stimulate the plant to procreate. Then the cuttings are placed in water for root growth or immediately in light soil consisting of a mixture of sand and turf soil.

Both methods are quite effective: the fat plant takes root well both after it sprouts roots in water, and when planting the cuttings, bypassing this stage. Before planting the cuttings in the ground, they are treated with “Heteroautoxin”, and then a film cover is arranged.

Crassula is also propagated by leaves: by immersing it in water to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm and when roots appear, planting it in a sand-earth mixture. Vegetative propagation money tree is the most reliable and convenient way, but you can grow Crassula from seeds.

Propagation by seeds

They are sown in seedlings with soil made from leaf soil and vermiculite (2*1). The containers are covered with glass and placed in a warm, illuminated place. To prevent future seedlings from suffocating, arrange daily ventilation. Seeds germinate after 10-14 days. The grown seedlings are thinned out and planted in separate pots (5 cm in diameter), which are kept for some time at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, and then transferred to permanent place and care for them in the same way as for adult plants.


The hardy and substantial fat plant is rarely attacked by pests. More often than not, problems arise due to improper watering. Excessive moisture is the source of many troubles for the plant. Eg, withered leaves money tree, slightly wrinkled and lost its luster - the first sign of stagnation occurring in the container.

If the situation does not change and watering continues to be excessively abundant, then the leaves of the money tree will begin to fall. Here you can no longer hesitate: you should remove the plant from the container, inspect the roots, clean them, remove rotten ones, treat the cuts with brilliant green and leave them in a dry place for a day. The next day, the plant, previously soaked in the Kornevin solution, is planted, watered moderately and installed in a cool room, controlling rooting.

So, following simple rules agricultural technology will allow you to grow beautiful plant, bringing good luck and prosperity.

This article will focus on Crassula. I bet you haven't heard of such a plant before. But if I say fat woman or money tree, you will immediately understand who I’m talking about.

Crassula is a plant with a thick trunk and evergreen leaves. The height of an adult money tree can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, fleshy, rounded with a grayish-green coating. Money Tree looks very original.

For some reason I like legends, so here's one Chinese legend says: "exists in the world unusual tree with leaves, but not simple ones, but in the form of gold coins. If you shake it well, the leaves—coins—fall to the ground like drops of rain.” According to this wonderful story, everyone came to the conclusion that the Crassula was the same magical tree that everyone, of course, dreamed of finding.

Crassula belongs to the Crassula family. Motherland money plant South Africa, Madagascar, Australia. The money tree blooms with flowers collected in a brush of delicate white and pink shades. Beautiful inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems. The genus name of this plant is translated from Latin as krassus - thick and indicates the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems.

Crassula has long been popular in post-Soviet countries. This evergreen can decorate and complement any interior; moreover, the money tree requires minimal care. Any beginner, as well as a gardener who is limited in time, can handle it. The money tree propagates and grows easily.

When choosing a place for a fat woman, give preference to a south-east window. Then the money tree will attract success and financial well-being to your home. It is believed that the larger the size of the plant, the greater its impact. Crassula is a good talisman that activates the energy of money in the wealth sector according to Feng Shui.

Crassula arborescens- this is a shrub or tree, in natural conditions it grows to a height of 2 meters with stems measuring up to 15-20 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves is gray-green with a reddish edging, about 6-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. Crassula arborescens blooms with small whitish or cream pink flowers. Unfortunately, it blooms very rarely at home.

Only adult crassulas (5 - 10 years) are capable of flowering. To stimulate flowering, from June to August the money tree is taken out onto the balcony or garden, and in winter it should be kept in a cool room, only occasionally moistening the soil.

Money tree care: watering, lighting, replanting

Crassula is very easy to care for. In the spring and summer, it loves warmth, fresh air, sunbathing, and in winter it prefers temperatures no higher than + 15 degrees, and preferably +10. In summer, it is best to take the money tree out onto the balcony or garden. Can survive short-term temperature drops of even -2 degrees. Does not like to grow near heating radiators.

The money tree's dormant period lasts from September to February. It has a beneficial effect on the fat woman’s well-being and accelerates growth. During rest, the plant is placed in conditions with a temperature of +10 - +15 degrees with good lighting, and is rarely watered.

If the money tree is not given a period of rest, it will begin to stretch out its shoots and the leaves will begin to fall off.

In spring and summer, water generously, but allow the soil to dry well (1/3 or even half the pot). It all depends on the composition; the more moisture-retaining parts the soil contains, the greater the drying height.

In autumn and winter, water the money tree moderately and allow the soil to dry completely. Select the watering interval by looking at the leaves. They should not fade or wrinkle. Overwatering leads to rotting of the roots - this is their weak point.

Crassulas are not demanding when it comes to air humidity; they don’t need to be sprayed at all. But still, the plant will be pleased if you wipe the leaves with a cloth and remove the accumulated dust.

The money tree is replanted as it grows. It is better to buy bowls, since the roots of Crassula are shallow. The soil for replanting consists of leaf, turf soil, sand, humus (1: 3: 1: 1). You can buy ready-made ones for cacti or succulents.

Fertilize the plant from April to September once a month. Can be used universal fertilizer or special for succulents or cacti.

The money tree makes good friends with those who have never grown flowers before. This happens not only because as the fat woman grows, it grows financial income beginner florist. Crassula is absolutely not whimsical, responsive, and also beautiful.

To plant, you need to buy soil for cacti or any other nutritious soil, but it must be loose, light, and does not retain moisture.

Crassula is a coin tree that loves all banks and accounting departments. The classic coin tree, Crassula Ovata, grows quite large. Based on the classic green Ovata, breeders have created many colored varieties with interesting leaves.

For example, the money tree Sunset (sunset). The plant has an interesting yellowish-pink color. Moreover, the closer the plant is to good lighting, the brighter color, and if you move it to the middle of the room, the color quickly begins to fade.

Or even very interesting variety money tree HornTree (horse). Some people think that the name has a meaning; the leaves of the crassula look like a horse’s mane. As this money tree grows, it forms more and more new branches, the plant becomes like a bonsai.

Caring for a variegated money tree

Crassulas are variegated (blue, white, yellow) and have the same requirements. Green representatives are less whimsical. In order for a colored money tree to feel good, the most important thing is not to overwater it. Crassula is afraid of water and absolutely cannot stand bays.

The fat woman loves bright sun very much. It is usually written that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, but this does not apply to the money tree. Only, of course, everything should happen in moderation, that is, gradually. Even cacti cannot be exposed sharply. The money tree needs to be gradually accustomed to bright lighting. This also applies in winter - spring period. After a long cloudy winter, the sun is gradually transferred to spring.

If it happens that you overwatered the fat plant, you need to urgently remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are not alive (brown, black, etc.) they need to be dried and replanted. You shouldn’t water the soil right away; you should also give it time to dry out a little. When transplanting a money tree, do not skimp on expanded clay; more drainage can be used.

Money tree care: propagation

Crassula is propagated by cuttings from leaves or stems. The best time is March - April, but it is possible whole year, only in winter the survival rate is worse and you need to use additional lighting. Planting material carefully cut with a blade or knife. It is advisable to treat a fresh cut or wound with crushed activated carbon and allow it to dry for 2-3 days. After this, the cuttings are ready for planting; it is better to use a mixture of sand and leaf soil. You can put the cuttings in water to take root, but for disinfection add activated carbon. After the cuttings take root, I transplant them into 5-7 cm cups.

A longer and more labor-intensive way to propagate a money tree is by seeds. It is usually used by flower growers who like to tinker with seeds. Seedlings emerge easily. After you have scattered the seeds, cover the plantings with glass or plastic film. Spray well. Shoots will appear in 10 - 14 days. It is better to thin out the excess seedlings so that they are not crowded. Grown at good lighting. When the seedlings grow up, they can be planted one at a time to a permanent place. Carry on as usual.

Positive energy of the money tree

If you are unable to concentrate on work, Crassula will help you become more hardworking. In addition, it will relieve sad thoughts. Where the money tree grows it becomes good and comfortable.

Crassula is a “succulent” plant; its leaves are kind of storage vessels. Thanks to its physiology, the money tree is capable of absorbing negativity from harmful thoughts, feelings, words, in a word, everything related to the material needs of a person. This plant is recommended for people who spend a lot of time with money (cashiers, accountants) to relieve unnecessary stress.

Crassula is sensitive to the people with whom it grows. It has been noticed more than once that if someone in the family’s health deteriorates, she also drops some of the leaves. With the improvement of human health, the fat woman also begins to return to normal.

Money tree is very popular indoor plant, but not everyone is aware that it has an antiviral, antimicrobial effect and is not inferior to aloe juice. Just do not overuse it internally, since the juice of the fatty acid contains a concentration of arsenic.

Crassula leaves are useful for sore throat. And if you crush them into a paste and then apply them to a wound or cut, everything will heal instantly. For herpes, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in juice, fix it with a band-aid or lubricate the affected area every 40 minutes.

Money tree Buddha Temple (cultivar)

The Buddha's Temple Crassula variety is something with something. The plant is so unusual - beautiful with an unforgettable “appearance” that I wanted to introduce you to it.

This variety was created back in 1958 by crossing the Crassula Perfoliata with Pyramidalnaya. This miracle was created by Miron Kimnach. Therefore, sometimes when selling you can find the name Crassula or Kimnachi money tree.

In its appearance, the succulent resembles architectural building- Buddhist temple. This fat woman has an interesting physiological feature. Reaching a threshold of 15 cm in height, the plant may collapse from its own weight, as if unable to bear it.

Buddha Temple refers to the "herbaceous" Crassula, not the "sapling". In terms of care, they are more capricious and easier to refill. From the bright sun, the plant can “tan” and acquire a brownish tint.

Money tree, Crassula or Crassula belongs to succulent plants. When translated from Latin, “crassus” means thick, indicating a massive trunk with rounded leaves. Plant at home grows up to 1.5 meters, blossoms pale flowers, collected in inflorescences at the top of the branches.

Even the ancient Chinese fell in love unpretentious plant. This is evidenced by the imperial tomb from the reign of the Han emperors, decorated with bronze images of the Crassula.

On the territory of Ancient Rus' there was a belief that Crassula was a shoot of the Solar Tree. If you are known as a generous person during your earthly existence, then in the afterlife the tree will bestow you with heavenly life.

History of a flower

The plant's homeland is considered to be the arid regions of Africa, South Arabia and Madagascar.

For more than 1,500 years, the plant has been cultivated, captivating with its unpretentiousness, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Merchants of the Middle East called Crassula the money tree, because its leaves resemble silver dinars.

The common name is jadeite or jade plant. Jewelry symbolizes wealth and power and gives youth to its owners.

Cultivation in Europe dates back to the inclusion of Crassula in horticultural reference books in 1687. Already in the 19th century, the widespread distribution of the flower began; sprouts were transported from South Africa along with other tropical species.

Thanks to the breeding of many hybrid varieties, more than 200 species of Crassula are known. Among them there are tiny plants and flowering bright inflorescences, and striking with a pearlescent hue sheet plates.

Attention! The fat woman will satisfy the taste of any esthete and will fit into an apartment with antique or modern interior. The plant will not only become a magnet for wealth, but will also give the owner self-confidence and contribute to the development of leadership qualities.

What signs and superstitions are there?

To attract money, you should grow a fat plant yourself or purchase a small sprout. The smaller the shoot can be rooted, the sooner good luck will visit the owner.

Even if there is no time at all, take a few minutes to communicate with Crassula. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, saying any words about wealth over the tree.

Signs for good luck:

A strong magical effect is tying banknotes to a fat woman. It is advisable to choose red threads or satin ribbons to attach money of different denominations.

Over time, old bills are replaced with new ones to prevent stagnation of monetary energy. For the New Year, it is recommended to decorate the tree with chocolates in golden foil, tied with scarlet ribbons.

Why was the flower called “Money Tree”?

The money tree symbolizes financial stability and attracts the energy of cash flows.

The name refers to the round shaped leaves that cover the ground as they fall, like silver coins.

If the plant is not watered for a long time, it will not die, because it accumulates moisture in the leaves-coins in case of drought. Likewise, a prudent owner always has a cash reserve for a rainy day.

The ability to reproduce even with a small shoot or leaf, germinating at unfavorable conditions, also a symbol of enrichment, when profit grows from a small starting capital. The plant is also called the tree of happiness and good luck, the dollar and coin tree.

Can I keep it at home?

Many benefits of keeping at home:

  • attracting good luck and prosperity;
  • cleansing the home of stagnant negative energy;
  • if family members are sick, it takes on the negativity, begins to waste away, and after the person recovers, it returns to its original appearance;
  • does not release allergic compounds into the air, so it is suitable for everyone;
  • The bactericidal properties of the tree are known.

In addition to attracting financial well-being, the leaves are used to treat skin lesions, abscesses and arthritis. Decoctions of the leaves will help get rid of sore throats and herpes rashes.

For sprains and bruises, use the juice, which is soaked in a bandage, and then tied around the affected area.

Important! A fresh leaf will serve as emergency aid for a bee sting. Cut and apply the cut to the wound, secure with a plaster. Soon the pain will subside and the swelling will subside.

How to plant so that money flows?

Owners of fat women cannot always boast of increased well-being. Everything is due to the fact that the conditions for magical landing in order to attract monetary energy are not met.

Ways to fit correctly:

You can't talk about financial collapse so that the plant doesn't wither. Everything should be told in a positive way, future wealth should be described in detail.

What rituals are there to attract money?

Crassula is used in rituals to attract financial energy:

Attention! Crassula should not be kept in a house near cacti, which absorb radiation. It is better to place the flowerpot near orange tree or indoor chrysanthemums.

Magical properties of the flower

By the appearance of the tree one can judge the financial condition of the owners of the home. If it withers or has small leaves, then the owners will face poverty and disease. The good condition of the flower indicates well-established financial flows and a healthy climate in the family.

At proper care, the plant will not only saturate the air with beneficial volatile compounds, but will also attract financial energy into the house.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is considered a powerful money talisman, refers to resuscitators, that is, in short terms restores vitality and relieves fatigue.

According to an old legend, if you shake a tree, it will reward you with gold coins.

It is believed that the leaves accumulate monetary energy; the thicker they are, the more wealth will grow. It is recommended to bury coins in the soil under the plant and decorate it with red ribbons.

You can plant a miniature dragon between the branches to attract wealth, an owl is placed on the tree to monitor savings in the house, and 3 red lanterns are installed at the base to enhance the magic of the plant.

What does it mean if it died?

If the plant dries out, try to improve its care. You need to transplant it into another pot, inspect the root for rot, and cut off the affected areas with a sharp knife and sprinkle with charcoal.

Falling leaves are collected in a wallet to enhance monetary energy. When nothing helped and the tree died, nothing terrible happened. Similar troubles happen with any plants, but a shoot is taken from Crassula for subsequent rooting.

Why does the Crassula bloom?

Crassula very rarely pleases with flowering, but if this happens, then it’s time to make wishes that will certainly come true soon.

Flowering itself indicates the receipt of money from unexpected sources or the receipt of an inheritance.

Desires must be of a material nature; money will flow into the family in an endless stream.

Is it possible to throw away a dead tree?

When the money tree has grown old and withered, they get rid of it, but thank them for the financial assistance provided. Only a living fat plant becomes a magnet for wealth, and a dried one will slow down the energy of money. If there is at least one living twig left on the tree, then it is broken off to grow a new plant.

Is it possible to trim?

To form the crown, trimming is carried out. Take garden pruners and try to give the crown a round shape. The branches are cut a couple of centimeters above the dormant bud to provoke the growth of lateral branches.

If the plant is still young, it is too early to prune. During rapid growth, use your nails to pinch off the growth point located in the apical part of the shoot.

Is it possible to give?

They give a tree for a wedding with pure intentions, wishing prosperity to the young family.

The trunk is tied with a scarlet ribbon, and banknotes rolled into tubes are tied to the plant with threads.

They present a gift with warm wishes so that the tree becomes a guarantee of growing prosperity.

You can also give not a living tree, but one made from ornamental stones or metal. The talisman is placed in the south-eastern part of the apartment, people talk about money, and wipe the leaves.

What to do if you gave it as a gift?

According to legend, if you give an adult money tree into the wrong hands, you can go bankrupt. But if you gave a fat woman for a wedding with pure wishes, then everything will be fine financially, both for the donor and for the other party.

When giving a tree as a gift, it is better to pay with coins and place the plant for several days separately from other plants to adapt to its new home.

Is it possible to buy and sell?

They sell only young plants that were specially grown for sale. They try not to talk to such trees; they will generate income for future owners.

Buy only young plants to grow at home yourself.

Note! Buying an adult tree will not bring wealth, but will become another acquisition for landscaping your home.

How to properly sprout?

If you give the shoot into the wrong hands, then the wealth will leave the house. When you present the shoot with a pure heart, the wealth will only increase. You can break off a shoot from a tree and root it for a memorable date in order to give a young fat plant to close friends.

Useful video

Find out more about the signs and various superstitions about the “Tree Tree” from the video below:

Let's draw conclusions

A money tree will become a talisman of financial profit in your home if you follow simple care rules, replant, water and feed on time. Crassula will smooth out family conflicts and become the key to growing prosperity if you decorate it banknotes, coins and scarlet ribbons.

The fat woman will turn into home doctor, will be the first aid for joint pain and viral diseases.

Still, it’s worth remembering that the fat woman is a talisman. But no talismans will bring you money if you don’t make any effort.

Crassula, or money tree.

The plant known to many as the money tree is called Crassula. The Crassula genus belongs to the Crassula family, uniting annual and perennial succulents, distributed mainly in the southern hemisphere. The homeland of various species of Crassula is Africa, more precisely its arid southern and southwestern regions, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

The inhabitants of arid regions have an unusual decorative appearance, and therefore many of them are bred at home. Let's find out how to care for a money tree, what problems you may encounter during cultivation, and what ways to solve them.

According to various sources, the genus Crassula includes from 300 to 500 species. Among them there are dwarfs, whose height does not exceed a few centimeters, and large trees, towering 3–4 meters. Most species are perennials, but there are also annual specimens that die immediately after flowering.

Most representatives have erect or creeping herbaceous stems. There are shrubs with succulent, fleshy or woody trunks, and tall tree-like representatives. Juicy and fleshy, covered with a waxy coating, Crassula leaves with a yellowish, greenish or blue tint take on a red or cherry tint in the sun.

The plant was named Crassula for the characteristic structure of its leaves and stems: the word “crassus” is translated from Latin as “thick”. Hence another name for Crassula - Crassula. Original appearance, unpretentiousness to conditions environment, simple care at home have made Crassula popular among gardeners.

Beneficial features

For its healing properties, the money flower is sometimes called a living tree.

Many people know that the fat woman has positive energy. But not everyone knows that this money tree has healing properties and is a filter plant. The phytoncides secreted by Crassula have pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and disinfect indoor air.

Crassula juice is used to treat:

  • herpes, insect bites, cuts, abscesses, bruises (as lotions);
  • sore throats, gum inflammation (in the form of rinses);
  • arthritis, other joint diseases (rubbing before bedtime).

Parts of the plant are strictly forbidden to be taken orally as medicine - they contain a large number of arsenic.


The common tree-like Crassulas include three species.

  1. Crassula oval (or ovoid). The most common type of tree, which in nature reaches a height of 3 m, in an apartment it does not exceed 1.5 m. This money tree is unpretentious in care and tolerates shade better than others.
  2. Crassula arborescens. A plant with bare branches and trunk, fleshy, flat, ovoid leaves. The plant's white or pale pink flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. But the money tree (otherwise known as crassula tree) blooms very rarely when grown at home and does not tolerate shade.
  3. Crassula silvery (purslane). Unlike the two previous types of tree, this money flower is much smaller in size. Otherwise, the silver crassula is very similar to the oval and tree varieties.

Of the creeping plants, Crassulas are the most common:

  1. mossy;
  2. pseudomosquiform;
  3. milky;
  4. point;
  5. tetrahedral;
  6. Cooper.

The genus Crassula is distinguished by a variety of species, among which there are even specimens for the aquarium. However, the most widespread in home floriculture is the tree crassula.

Home care

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult. Essentially, caring for a money tree includes moderate watering, periodic feeding, removing dust from the leaves, pruning and shaping the crown.


The shape of the fat plant can change depending on the intensity of light: with a lack of light, the trunks stretch out and become thin; with too much light, on the contrary, they thicken.

Crassula, or money tree, should be placed in places with sufficient lighting, optimally on the southeast side. This rule is recommended not only by flower growers, but also by Feng Shui experts.

It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, which causes the plant’s foliage to turn red, wither and fall. In summer, Crassula arborescens feels good and comfortable on the balcony, and in the cold season, it is better to move the plant to windows facing south.


How often to water depends on the temperature. You need to water the money tree:

  • twice a week - in hot weather;
  • once every 7 days – at normal temperature;
  • once every 20–30 days – in winter.

The person caring for the plant must ensure that the soil is not excessively wet, but also does not dry out. It is better to water the plant in the evening, with warm, settled water.


Crassula tolerates moisture deficit well and does not require regular spraying. Dust accumulated on the surface of the sheet plates can be removed with a damp cloth. Crassula responds well to warm showers, which are carried out once every 2-3 months, covering the ground with film.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is from 20 to 25 ° C; it is advisable for the flower to be on the balcony or street - a living tree does not tolerate a lack of fresh air. In winter, the plant is comfortable at a temperature of about 15 ° C or lower, but not less than 4 ° C.

At room temperature the flower can also overwinter, but its leaves will most likely begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to place the money tree flower near heating radiators.

How to replant a money tree

You can learn how to replant a money tree from experienced flower growers. Transplantation is carried out once every 2-3 years, not more often, and only if necessary - if the flower has grown greatly.

The plant is transplanted in the spring (preferably in May) into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for replanting Crassula is taken from ordinary purchased soil, intended for planting cacti and succulents.

You can prepare such a soil substrate yourself by mixing part turf soil and sand with three parts leaf soil. If you add a handful of humus, clay, and ash to the ground, the nutritional value of the soil will increase. In order for the transplanted flower to grow well, it is important not to forget about drainage - expanded clay or crushed shards.

The roots of the plant along with a lump of earth are placed in a pot filled with drainage material and a quarter of soil. Then the voids are filled with new soil substrate. After transplanting, the flower is watered well. The soil is periodically loosened to improve oxygen supply to the roots, and if the soil sags, the top layer is added to the pot.

If the root has become too long, it needs to be shortened before planting the plant.

How to trim Crassula

To create a beautiful decorative look The money tree needs to be pruned. The formation of the flower crown begins while the tree is still young. When the height of the fat plant reaches 15–20 cm, pinch off the two small top leaves. As a result, branching will begin in this place, and four leaves will appear instead of two. As Crassula grows, the top leaves are removed in places where shoots are expected to branch.

Is it possible to trim the stems and leaves of an adult plant? It is possible, but in this case, stumps remain in place of the truncated shoots, spoiling the appearance of the Crassula.

How to grow a money tree?

In order for the plant to grow well and please the eye, it is important to know some of the features of Crassula and the rules of cultivation.


To grow a beautiful money tree, you need not only to properly care for the plant, but also to plant it correctly. The pot for Crassula needs to be small and shallow, but wide, heavy and stable. In a deep container, the root of the plant tends downward, and the Crassula itself stretches upward, which is why the trunk becomes thin and weak.

What kind of land is needed to plant Crassula? The soil for a money tree should consist of equal amounts of leaf soil, turf soil and sand. You can use soil containing three parts of turf soil, one part each of humus and leaf soil, sand, brick chips or small gravel. After planting the plant, the small fat plant is kept at a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C and watered once a day.

Top dressing

A living tree is fed with liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In summer, feeding is carried out twice a month, the rest of the time - once a month. The concentration of fertilizers is also halved. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil immediately after watering.

Other Important Points

  1. The fat woman loves constancy, so you should not often move the pot from one place to another.
  2. Lack of light can lead to lengthening of the trunk and massive loss of leaves.
  3. In winter, Crassula begins a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place the plant in a room with a temperature of about 5 ° C, and water it no more than once every 20 days.
  4. When placing Crassula on a windowsill, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass.

Problems in growing

Spots on the leaves are a sign of scale infestation.

  1. Spider mite. When a tick attacks, the leaves and stems of the plant become covered with a thin web. A soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon will help cure a living tree.
  2. Shchitovka. Infestation with scale insects can be identified by yellow and brown spots appearing on the surface of the leaves. The fight against scale insects is carried out in the same way as the destruction of spider mites.
  3. Mealybug. A solution is used to kill the pest laundry soap, insecticides. If there are few insects, they can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

In addition to pest attacks, other problems may arise when growing a money tree:

  • rotting of the roots and base of the trunk - with an excess of moisture (crassula should not be watered frequently);
  • wilting of leaves - in case of moisture deficiency;
  • shedding of leaves - when watering cold water, in a draft, with a lack of fresh air.

Crassula reacts poorly to drafts, which can cause all the leaves of the plant to dry out and fall off.

How it blooms

Crassula blooms very rarely even among experienced gardeners.

It turns out that a living tree can bloom. However, getting flowers to appear is very difficult even for professional florists who know exactly how to properly care for the plant.

Most often, beautiful white flowers appear on the plant when the fat plant is actively growing. Delicate flowers emit pollen, and therefore some people may develop allergies during the flowering period of the crassula.


Money tree propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.


Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate a money tree. Crassula reproduces by stem cuttings and leaves. A large leaf or shoot is cut with a sharp knife. The cuttings are placed in a container with water until the roots grow. To ensure that the root system forms faster and the stem does not rot, you can add charcoal to the water.

If you wish, you can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, but in order for the living tree to take root better, it is recommended to germinate the cuttings. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot with a diameter of 5–7 cm with a soil substrate consisting of equal quantities of turf and leaf soil and sand.


The Crassula flower can reproduce by seeds. They are sown in wide containers filled with a mixture of leaf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part), covered with glass. The crops are ventilated daily and condensation is wiped off the glass. Two weeks after planting, the seeds germinate.

The seedlings are planted in soil consisting of leaf soil (1 part), turf soil and sand (½ part each). The container with seedlings is placed under bright, diffused lighting. Grown-up Crassulas are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm in soil consisting of equal parts of leaf and turf soil and sand. Until the sprouts take root, they are kept at a temperature of 16–18 ° C. Then the Crassula is moved to a permanent place.

Where can I buy

Money trees can be purchased in specialized flower shops, greenhouses and online stores. The cost of Crassula varies widely, depending on the type of plant, its age and size.

Average prices for Crassula:

  • Crassula Ovata (height 20 cm) – 600 rubles;
  • Crassula Ovata (35 cm) – 1,390;
  • money tree (70 cm) – 8,500;
  • Crassula Hobbit (50 cm) – 3,700 rubles.

The money tree is unpretentious, and caring for the fat tree will not cause any problems. But in order for the plant not only to grow well, but also to attract financial well-being, you cannot just buy a crassula - you need to grow a money tree yourself from a small shoot. Caring for plants is very simple - even novice gardeners can grow money flowers.

Surely many have heard about the money tree, which is also called Crassula or Crassula.

Some people sincerely believe that this plant brings success, prosperity and prosperity to the family.

But be that as it may, first of all, this beautiful plant will decorate the interior of any home. Today we will tell you how to properly care for this miracle plant and reveal some secrets.

Money tree blossom

Few people have seen the Crassula bloom. Does the money tree actually bloom? This is quite a rare occurrence. Only in the homeland of this plant can one see how a large number of flowers dot its stems. How does Crassula bloom?

We can say with confidence that this is a truly mesmerizing spectacle. Each small and fragile flower is incredibly beautiful, and together they resemble the stems of a plant covered with down. Crassula flowers are similar in shape to umbrellas or bells; their petals are slightly curved at the edges.

Why did this plant get such a strange name? The point is that massive Crassula petals look like coins, hence the corresponding name. A blooming Crassula is a symbol of prosperity and success reigning in your home. That's why many people try to find the answer to the question of how to make a money tree bloom, but not everyone succeeds.

Important! Crassula flowers contain a small dose of arsenic, which can contribute to poisoning. This is why the color of the plant cannot be tasted.

Why doesn't Crassula bloom?

Today, three main factors are known due to which color does not appear on the Crassula:

Important! Growing the plant in a dark place and dry soil will also be a mistake. Choose a place for the flower near a window that faces north, this will be the best option.

So, from the above we can draw certain conclusions. Firstly, the flowering of Crassula depends on its location in an apartment or house. Per plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Secondly, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture. Do not water the flower often, this action will only harm him.

We create optimal conditions for the flowering of Crassula

For of this flower Almost any soil will do. very simple - from the usual small leaf a full-fledged plant can grow. The plant takes root very quickly, immediately putting down roots into the soil.

Proper care of the money flower will help you achieve its flowering. It consists of the following:

    1. Compliance temperature regime . Money flowers must be taken out into the fresh air. However, it must be taken into account that a sharp change in temperature can have a detrimental effect on the flowering of the tree. The best time The time to let the flower “breathe” will be late spring and summer. Optimal temperature for the growth of the fat woman it is 15 - 30 degrees. Some flower growers believe that Crassula should be kept cold in winter, then it will definitely bloom in the spring:

    1. Proper watering. There is no need for excess moisture in the soil. With an excess of water, flower growth slows down significantly. Also, due to oversaturation of soil moisture, rotting of the root system of the fat plant is possible. The tree should be watered when the surface layer of soil dries 0.5 cm deep. When watering, you need to achieve slightly moist soil. However, during periods of tree flowering, especially at the very beginning, the volume of water to moisten the soil can be slightly increased.
    2. Top dressing. Money flower needs timely feeding, this should be done a couple of times a month. It is better to choose fertilizers that are intended for cacti and other plants belonging to the class of succulents.
    3. Transfer. Growing a fat plant involves its subsequent transplantation. Given home tree can be classified as fast-growing. In order to choose a pot of the correct volume, pay attention to the top of the tree - it should correspond to the volume of the pot chosen for replanting. During the transplantation process, try not to damage root system. Replant the tree together with most of the earthen ball. However, some lovers believe that they know how to get Crassula to bloom - the new pot should be no more than 1 cm larger than the previous one, see:

  1. Shaping the trunk. Many gardeners advise cutting off the top of a plant that has reached a height of 35 cm. This circumstance contributes to better growth tree, the formation of a strong trunk and a beautiful crown.

The plant also needs constant care. Regular ventilation of the room and ridding the tree of dried leaves are encouraged. At intensive growth trees, you need to use supports for gartering branches. It is also necessary to wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

Flowering frequency

It is quite difficult to determine with what frequency the money tree blooms. A plant may delight you with flowers that bloom every year, or it may not bloom for a couple of years in a row. Flowering often occurs in early autumn or late summer.