Better peach varieties with photos for middle latitudes. Peach: varieties, their descriptions, photos and cultivation features

Now you can see a growing peach tree in every garden plot. But its harvest may not always please the owner. Why is that?

Surely the tree was not properly cared for.

Before choosing any option, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics popular varieties. After all, the climate of the region in which it will develop, the composition of the soil and the place chosen for its growth are very important for the peach.

Only if you comply with all his wishes, you will be able to enjoy a rich and high-quality harvest.

Delicious Redhaven

These large, oval, tough-skinned peaches are great for both home grown, and for commercial. Weight sometimes reaches 150g. The color of the fruit is rich yellow, even orange, with red barrels or dots.

The pulp is very juicy, bright yellow, with small raspberry specks, tender, has an amazing taste and rich dessert aroma.

These peaches rightfully receive one of the highest tasting scores. At the top of the fruit you can see a small hole or tubercle. The suture on the abdomen is rather superficial. The funnel is medium in width and depth. Bone large, with a sharp tip and a blunt base, quite easily separates from the pulp.

According to the time of ripening, peach fruits are divided into 3 categories - early, late and mid-ripening varieties. Peaches of the "Redhaven" variety are fruits with early maturation. The harvest can be harvested already in early August.

Trees of this variety are medium-sized. They have a flat, rounded foliage crown. The leaves are glossy, green, large, with slightly jagged edges. The flowers are small, bell-shaped. The yield of this variety is quite high, which is one of its many advantages.

Other advantages of the Rayhaven variety include excellent taste characteristics, large fruit size and good transportability. These peaches are pretty universal for use.

The disadvantages are slight resistance to frost and diseases such as Powdery Mildew and Clasterosporiasis, as well as low tolerance to drought and absolute instability to curl.

The main features of caring for a peach tree are regular pruning, a full watering regime, timely high-quality feeding of the root system and protection from winter frosts, diseases, and pests.

Pruning of a peach tree is carried out in order to improve the shape of the crown, reduce the load on the tree, increase the fruiting period, etc.

Before you begin this procedure, you need to decide on the skeletal branches. Mark the expected height of the trunk (usually about 50cm above the bud site) and select one from the strongest skeletal branches. The second skeletal branch is selected through 4 buds from the first, on the opposite side of the trunk.

Please note that the angle of the branches is not sharp. The next branch is selected so that when viewed from above, it is located between the first two. After this, the remaining conductor and the remaining shoots are pruned, leaving you with a tree crown consisting of three single branches.

Feeding peach trees consists of annually enriching the soil minerals over the entire area of ​​the root system. At the end of spring, before the peaches begin to form, every 14 days it is necessary to water the tree with potassium fertilizers.

After the flowering period has ended and the first ovary has appeared on the tree, it is necessary spray the trunk and branches with the following mineral solution: 20g copper sulfate 10g boric acid 60g soda ash 1g manganese 10 drops of iodine 10l water.

Watering is very important for fruit trees. If there is a lack of moisture, the peaches will be small and fall off prematurely. When drawing up a watering schedule, it is worth taking into account the climate and the proximity of groundwater where the tree grows. It is necessary to ensure that after watering the soil was moistened to a depth of 70cm and the water did not stagnate.

Preparing for winter should start with: two supports are dug in next to the seedling, on which a bag is placed that covers the entire peach tree. On the south side, in the shelter, several windows are made for oxygen access. At the base, the bag is secured with a weight or covered with earth to protect it from being torn down by strong winds.

To save root system from freezing, the seedling is planted in a large plastic bag with black soil. The edges of the bag are left on top just enough to cover the circle around the trunk in the spring after watering.

This will help retain moisture and prevent the soil from drying out, and will also protect young roots from pests such as mole crickets and mole crickets. As the roots grow, they will be able to break through the polyethylene.

After hibernation, at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to carry out the first treatment of the tree to protect it from pests and various diseases.

Treatment with 3% solution Bordeaux mixture helps protect peach from clasterosporiosis, leaf curl, cocomycosis, etc. The next treatment is carried out in April, when the tree is already beginning to bloom.

Whitewash trunk in the spring with a solution of lime with the addition copper sulfate will protect the tree Not only from pests, hidden in the bark, and will stop flowering, which may, by the way, be due to spring night frosts.

Sunny "Jaminat"

The shape of these peaches is elongated, slightly pressed on the sides, oval. In terms of weight and size, they belong to large fruits: weight 160g, height about 65mm, diameter about 60mm. There is a small dimple at the top of the peach.

The funnel is quite deep, the ventral suture is light, the stalk is short and held tightly at the base. The skin is bright yellow with marble-like redness, difficult to remove from peaches, medium in density. The pulp is bright orange, very juicy, sweet, with a slight pleasant sourness. The juice is colorless. The stone is medium, separated well from the fruit.

Ripening time occurs in early September, which classifies this variety as a mid-late peaches.

The trees are not tall, rather medium-growing. The deciduous crown resembles the shape of a ball, slightly flat on top, spreading and sparse. Young branches have two colors. The side that is illuminated by the sun has red bark, and the underside of the shoots has green skin.

Lentils are white, in small quantities, medium in size. The leaves are large, glossy, bright green, with small, turning into large, jagged edges to the base. The flowers are bell-shaped, large, with a reddish tint. Productivity is high, ranges from 110 c/ha to 302 c/ha. They bear fruit every year, starting from the third year after planting.

The fruits of the "Jaminat" variety have high transportability. They ripen on the tree at the same time. They perfectly retain their taste and external characteristics for up to two weeks. The buds are quite resistant to spring frosts. When tasting their flavor characteristics, these peaches rightfully receive 4.7 points.

Peach trees of this variety have only relative resistance to diseases such as clasterosporia and curl, and also do not tolerate winter frosts very well.

There are no special care features for the “Jaminat” variety that distinguish it from other peach trees. Its fruitfulness and good development depend on sufficient watering and fertilizing, increasing resistance to frost and pruning, and, of course, protection from pests and diseases.

When pruning a peach, its crown shape is formed.. If the lower branches of the tree are opposite each other, then the crown is formed from the number of 4 skeletal branches. The two upper branches are laid at right angles to the lower ones. The distance between the branches is 5 – 6 buds. The third and fourth branches are located opposite each other. The conductor is removed, like all other shoots. As a result, we get a tree with four strong branches, which will further form the crown.

When planting a seedling the pit is fertilized with two buckets of rotted humus, pre-mixed with black soil. You can use the following composition for feeding: 10 kg of rotted manure 65 g potash fertilizers about 80g ammonium nitrate 150g of superphosphates topsoil removed from the hole.

Peach trees like adequate watering. The water temperature should be within 25 degrees. During the formation of fruits, the trees must be watered at least once every 10 days, pouring 2 buckets of water under each. Excessively abundant watering is also undesirable, as it will lead to cracking of the fruits.

For winter protection tree preferably wrap in old rags. And here trunk circle cover with spruce or pine branches. This will protect not only the trunk of the tree, but also its roots from rodents.

In order to protect the tree from pests and diseases spraying is necessary. Before the buds ripen, the peach is irrigated with 9% copper oxychloride or 3% Bordeaux acid.

Also suitable are double spraying with a 1% solution of copper sulfate with an interval of 5 days or treatment with DNOC (a universal remedy for pests and diseases, 100 g per 10 liters of water).

About 5 days after the end of flowering, as well as in the summer, the tree is sprayed with preparations such as Decis, Dursban or Karate Zeon.

Universal "Irganaysky late"

The fruits of this variety are medium in size and round. Their weight is about 140g, height 65mm, diameter 62mm. The funnel is small and narrow. Base with a middle depression. The abdominal seam stands out a little. The peach stalk is short, easily separated from the branch, and thick.

The peach itself is bright yellow, sunny, with beautiful red spots. The peel is easily removed from the fruit, which is of medium thickness and has a slight coating. The pulp is bright, orange, juicy, delicate in taste with barely perceptible fibers.

The juice is clear, very sweet with a slight sourness. The seed is small and easily separated from the fruit. The period of full ripening of the fruits occurs on September 5–8, which classifies the variety in question as late peaches.

Trees This variety has a spreading, spherical deciduous crown with a slightly flat top. In height and density - average. They have straight and elbowed shoots with a small edge. The buds consist of three parts, two of which are generative, and the middle one is necessarily vegetative.

The leaves are wide, elliptical in shape, pointed at the base and edges. The flowers are small with a reddish tint. Flowering occurs in mid-April. Petiole up to 10 mm long, pigmented. Fruiting occurs to a greater extent on mixed shoots.

Productivity ranges from 87 c/ha to 208 c/ha. Peaches ripen at the same time, which is preferable for small gardens, since it is possible to harvest the entire crop at once.

The advantages of this variety are good transportability of fruits. Their shelf life is up to 10 days from the date of harvest. High tasting assessment of taste – 4.6 points. These trees bear fruit every year. Generative buds are quite resistant to spring frosts. This variety is suitable for commercial purposes. It's quite versatile.

One of the main disadvantages is late entry into fruiting, only in the fifth year after planting. The yield is lower than that of the “Jaminat” variety. They are not very resistant to frost, as well as to such major diseases of peach trees as clasterosporia and curl.

If we see a small number of shoots in front of us, this makes it impossible to select 3-4 skeletal branches for the formation of the crown. In this case, it is necessary to bring one pair of branches closer together.

For a tree with three main branches, the first two branches are brought together, and for a seedling with four, the second and third ones are brought together. If the tree has no strong branches at all, then the crown is formed from shoots, grown within a year after planting. In this case, it is necessary to wait until the skeletal branches become woody and only then cut out all unnecessary shoots. Otherwise, the angle of the branches may change and become sharper.

After the crown is formed and the peach begins to bear fruit, sanitary Branches are pruned annually. This will protect the tree from moving fruiting to the periphery of the crown, relieve excessive density of branches, and protect healthy parts of the tree from becoming infected with diseases.

You cannot feed peach with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the fall. They promote sap flow, and as a result, the tree will not be able to “fall asleep” in time and risks dying from severe frosts.

The timing and frequency of watering depend on the climate zone in which the peach tree is planted. To determine the soil moisture level yourself, you need to take a soil sample.

The lump is taken from a depth of at least 40cm and squeezed in the palm of your hand. If the earth crumbles, it means that the soil is not moistened enough. Ideally, the lump should stick together well and not smear your hands. To slow down the flow of sap and prepare the tree for winter, the last watering is done at autumn digging near-trunk circle and soil fertilization.

In winter, not only frosts are terrible, but also sunburn of the bark. To avoid them it is recommended whiten the trunk and branches of the tree with lime solution, which will reflect the rays. The same protective measure will also protect the tree from pests that have laid their larvae in the bark until spring.

Planting features are the same for all peach varieties. Planting pit must be deep, dug up and fertilized 2-4 weeks before the expected date. It is very good to choose a place for the tree near the wall of the house facing south. Then the peach will be protected from the winds and will receive additional heat from the wall heated by the sun.

The tree is planted at a distance of 20cm from the shelter with a slight slope towards the wall. It is better to choose the landing time in early spring or early autumn. For the southern regions, it is better to schedule it in the fall. In this case, the tree from the nursery will immediately fall into the planting pit. Over the winter it will already take root, and in the spring it will direct all its forces into growth.

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Peach is a fast-growing, short-lived crop, characterized intensive growth and the rapid pace of passage of age periods. The buds are early ripening, therefore, in young individuals, from the wintering bud during the growing season, a branched system of shoots with lateral branches of the second and third order is formed. Along with this, it should be noted the high bud awakening and shoot production ability, due to which the crown of 1-2-year-old trees is usually very thick.

Not so long ago, peach was considered an exclusively heat-loving crop and could only be grown in southern regions with a mild climate. Modern varieties Peaches can withstand frosts down to -28C, which allows the plant to be planted in all latitudes. Flowering, fruiting and ripening of fruits directly depend on the variety (early, middle and late ripening), the climate of the area where the tree is grown, as well as on the conditions of growth and care. The gardener should also remember that fruits of all varieties ripen in the greenhouse. For landing in open ground you need to choose those whose fruits ripen during the growing season.

IN greenhouse conditions trees with a fan-shaped crown are grown. Each plant requires an area of ​​3/2 m in size. The greenhouse must receive sunlight, at least half a day in the summer.

Early ripening varieties include those whose fruits ripen in July-August. Medium and medium-late ripening varieties ripen in the third ten days of August or early September. Late peaches are harvested in September-October.

What type of peach is best to plant?

When choosing which peach variety is best to plant, you need to take into account that early-fruiting varieties begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. High yields begin to be produced in 4-5 years. Late-fruiting plants begin to bear fruit at 5-6 years. Many varieties are self-pollinating, but in order to produce a rich harvest, a proximity of 4-5 trees is recommended, this will ensure cross-pollination.

The peach crop annually lays a large number of generative buds, ovaries and, as a result, an abundance of fruits, but they may be small or poorly colored. To obtain fruits High Quality You need to regularly thin out the crown to ensure good lighting. This work will help regulate the intensity of fruiting. Without pruning, trees age early and yields decrease.

The most common varieties are:

Peach variety “Kyiv early” (with description and photo)

In Russia, the “Kyiv Early” peach variety, bred by crossing the “Kashchenko 208” and “Gros Mignon” peaches, has gained great popularity. This is a low tree or bush, reaching 4-5 m, which makes it quite convenient for harvesting. The crown is round, compact, of medium density.

The fruits weigh 60-100 g, round in shape with a pronounced abdominal suture. The color of the skin varies from light yellow to white-cream with a slight blurred blush.

The pulp is white, without redness at the pit, juicy, dense, sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness, pleasant to the taste. In warm climates, fruit ripening occurs on July 15-20. When describing the Kiev Early peach, it should be noted that the winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is high, so the variety can be grown in any latitude. The yield is high, about 60 kg of fruits are obtained from one tree. "Kyiv Early" is stable in powdery mildew, leaf curl and other diseases.

Peach “White Swan”: photo and description

Peach "White Swan" is a medium-sized tree up to 6 m in height. Its crown is spreading and broadly oval. The fruits are round, large, weighing 150-200 g. The skin is intensely yellow, with a pink blush. The pulp is white-cream, juicy, with a high sugar content, due to which the White Swan variety is considered a dessert variety. The fruits ripen on the 20th of August. This peach is highly productive and self-fertile. Withstands long droughts. Increased frost resistance, tolerates temperatures down to - 25°C. Flower buds are not damaged by frost. The fruits are transportable. They are used fresh and also used to make compotes, juices, jams, and desserts.

Description of the peach “Ambassador of Peace”

Peach "Ambassador of Peace"- a tree of medium height, reaching 5-6 m, with a spherical spreading crown. Flower buds are formed on all types of shoots. The fruits are round and very attractive in appearance. Their weight is 180-220 g. The skin is yellow-carmine. The pulp is yellow, quite juicy, fibrous, and has a pleasant taste. The fruits ripen in the second half of August. “Ambassador of Peace” is frost-hardy, with high resistance to spring frosts. Self-fertile. Brings regular rich harvests. To prevent tree branches from breaking under the weight of fruit, regular annual pruning is required.

Greensboro peach

Greensboro peach released in America in 1981. It has many positive qualities that outweigh some of its shortcomings. It is a vigorous tree with a wide spreading crown. Annual shoots middle length and thickness, smooth, burgundy in color, have short internodes. Flower buds are large, ovoid, pointed at the top. The leaves are thick, leathery, with downward curved ends, 16 cm long. The surface of the leaf blade is smooth, shiny, dark green, the lower part is greenish-gray. The flowers are large, with wide pale pink petals. The peduncle is short. The fruits are spherical, slightly elongated shape, weighing 100-120 g, with a blunt top and a small depression, which is characteristic feature varieties. The skin is hard-haired, greenish-cream, with a blush in the form of dots, occupying? part of the fruit.

The pulp is very juicy, fibrous, fragrant, the same shade as the peel. The taste is sweet and sour. The bone does not separate from the pulp and often cracks. The winter hardiness of the Greensboro variety is high. Its disadvantage is poor transportability of the fruit.

Peach variety “Fluffy Early”: photo and description

Peach “Fluffy early”- tree up to 5-6 m in height. The crown is broadly oval, slightly spreading. The fruits are elliptical with a rounded top, in which there is a small depression, weighing 70-100 g. Peel medium density, with a weak ventral suture and tomentose pubescence, creamy in color with a bright red blush. The pulp is loose, fibrous, tender, white, sweet taste. The “Fluffy Early” peach variety is valued for its good winter hardiness and annual, rich harvests. The disadvantages include the satisfactory taste of the fruit.

Description and photo of the peach “Golden Jubilee”

Peach "Golden Jubilee"- American variety, bred in 1921. It is a medium-sized, fast-growing tree, 4-5 m high. The fruits are large, weighing 130-140 g, spherical, with a weakly defined abdominal suture, deepening towards the base. At the top there is a narrow, deep funnel. The skin is dense, slightly pubescent, golden yellow with a dark red blush.

The pulp is juicy, soft-fibrous, yellow-orange, tastes sweet and sour. The bone is well separated from the pulp. Fruit ripening occurs in the second half of August. A description of the “Golden Jubilee” peach would be incomplete without mentioning its frost resistance and winter hardiness of flower buds. Fruiting occurs at 3 years of age. Trees give annual bountiful harvests(40-50 kg from one bush). The fruits of this variety are transportable. They are stored for up to 8 days.

You can see what the Golden Jubilee peach looks like in the photo below:

Peach variety "Favorite Morettini"

Peach "Morettini's Favorite" - early variety, bred in Italy. A medium-sized tree with a spreading crown. The fruits are round-oval, small and medium-sized, weighing 70-90 g, with a superficial ventral suture. The skin is dense, velvety-pubescent, yellow, with a red dotted and streaked blush that occupies most of the fruit. The apex is pointed. The pulp is tender, fibrous, juicy, aromatic, sweet, with good taste. The bone does not separate from the pulp. The fruits ripen in early July. Transportability is average. Shelf life is 3-4 days. The yield of this variety is average. Winter hardiness is high.

Peach variety “Veteran” (with photo and description)

The Veteran peach variety was bred in Canada. It is a low-growing tree up to 4 m in height with a spherical thickened crown. The fruits are round in shape, weighing 130-180 g. The peel is yellow, with a pronounced blush, occupying most of the fruit. The pulp is yellow, medium density, juicy, aromatic, sweet, sour, of good taste. Ripening occurs on August 10-15.

The description of the “Veteran” peach is in many ways reminiscent of the description of other winter-hardy varieties of this crop. The tree's productivity is high. Up to 50 kg of fruits are obtained from one individual. This variety is distinguished by the abundance of flower buds, which ensures stable fruiting after harsh winters. The advantages of the Veteran peach include good keeping quality and transportability of the fruit. The tree is resistant to powdery mildew and clasterosporiosis.

Peach variety "Redhaven": photo and description

The Redhaven peach variety was developed in the USA in 1940. This is a low tree up to 5 m in height, with a wide, cone-shaped crown of medium density up to 10 m wide. The bark of the branches is gray-brown, highly cracking. Vegetative buds are small, cone-shaped. Generative - small, elongated to the top. The leaves are large, lanceolate, finely serrated along the edges, up to 17 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Leaf plate smooth, shiny, dark green. The flowers are bell-shaped, bright pink, medium in size.

The fruits are round or round-oval, weighing up to 140 g. The skin is dense, bright yellow, with a red blurred blush and delicate pubescence, easily removed from the fruit. At the top there is a depression and a slight bulge. The pulp is creamy, loose, fragrant, and has a pleasant taste. The stone is easily separated from the pulp when the fruit is fully ripe. Ripening August 5-10.

Peach "Redhaven"(photo above) translated from English. means "red paradise". The variety received this name for the attractiveness and high taste of the fruit. Its advantages also include regular and abundant fruiting (from 50 to 100 kg of fruit from one bush), resistance to leaf curl. "Redhaven" is self-pollinating, but to increase productivity, peaches of other varieties are planted in the neighborhood. Due to the abundance of fruits, they may become smaller and the branches may be overloaded with the harvest.

Peach variety "Novoselovsky"

The Novoselovsky variety was bred by crossing one of the peach varieties with the Kievsky Ranny variety. This is a low-growing tree up to 4 m in height. The crown is compact and round. The fruits weigh 50-70 g, round or round-oval in shape, with a well-defined ventral suture. The skin is pubescent, white-cream, with a diffuse pink blush on the sunny side.

The pulp is greenish-white, tender, moderately sweet with sourness, satisfactory taste. The stone is fused with the pulp.

Ripening in the third decade of July. “Novoselovsky” is one of the most winter-hardy varieties, superior in this regard to “Kyiv Ranniy” and some others frost-resistant varieties. However, the quality of the fruit is significantly inferior to the above-mentioned peach.

Photo and description of the Irganaysky late peach

Peach “Irganaysky late” obtained by open pollination of the Hadussamat yellow variety. The tree reaches 5-6 m in height. The crown is spreading, broadly oval. The shoots are straight and geniculate, green, red on the sunny side, slightly pubescent, with a few white lentils. Each bud consists of two lateral generative and one vegetative. Generative buds are located on the lower and middle parts of the shoot. The leaves are broadly oval, elongated towards the base, shiny, dark green, flat, curved downwards, with serrate-crenenate edges. The flowers are red, bell-shaped.

The fruits are round, weighing 120-160 g. The apex is slightly depressed. The peel is yellow, with red spots, of medium thickness, easily removed.

The pulp is yellow-orange, soft-fibrous, sweet. Ripening in late August - early September. Fruiting occurs at 4-5 years of tree life. The variety is frost-resistant, generative buds are not damaged by spring frosts.

Peach “Domestic” (with photo and description)

Peach "Domestic"- a tree with a wide oval crown, reaching up to 8 m in height.

The fruits are round-ovoid, slightly oblique, weighing 80-120 g. The skin is creamy, with a bright crimson or carmine blush, dense, with velvety pubescence. The pulp is white, loose, fleshy, moderately sweet with sourness. Variety “Domestic” of early ripening.

Our gallery contains photos of peach varieties:

The best varieties of nectarine: photos and descriptions

As you know, nectarine is a variety of peach, distinguished from it by its smooth skin without pubescence, smaller fruit size and firmer pulp. The nectarine variety of peach is more aromatic and pleasant to the taste, but its flesh is not as juicy and loose as that of the common peach.

Despite the huge variety of nectarine varieties, those that last longer and are better transported are popular. In addition, there are large-fruited varieties with fruit weight up to 200 g.

Peach is a short-lived plant. It is characterized by rapid entry into the fruiting phase and intensive growth.

Peach buds have the ability to quickly awaken and produce young shoots. The crown grows and if it is not thinned out, starting from the second year, the yield will decrease.

From the fourth year onwards, the peaches will become small and misshapen. Young trees begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting. At good care can produce a harvest in the first year, when planted in autumn.

But this should not be allowed. It is better to let the plant develop. The harvest will be small, but time will be wasted and the plant will lose its vigor.

In the past, gardeners dreamed of peaches that could be grown in all regions of the country, not just in the South.

Today their dreams have come true: breeders have developed many interesting winter-hardy, frost-resistant varieties with different terms fruiting, fruit shapes and taste.

Peach trees are divided into four groups(depending on the shape of the fruit):

  1. The real peach is a plant with pubescent fruits.
  2. Nectarine or starving peach.
  3. Potanin's Peach (Potanin's Almond).
  4. Fergana peach or (flattened fruit).

The timing of fruit ripening, the flowering period - all this depends not only on the area where the tree is grown, but also on the characteristics of the variety:

  1. Early ripening varieties They produce their first fruits from July to August.
  2. Mid-season They enter the fruiting phase in early August and produce a harvest until September.
  3. Late peaches ripen in autumn: September, early October.

What sort of would be better suited for a plot or garden depends on climatic features terrain. It is important to choose plants so as to extend fruiting throughout the season.

The productivity of a plant depends on the right choice varieties. When buying a seedling, you need to pay attention to several important points, we give their description:

  1. Where did the seedling come from?. If the nursery is located in a different zone, then the seedling may die in the first year after planting or will constantly freeze. The variety must be zoned, and the nursery must be located in the same climatic zone (preferably even in the same region) where the tree will grow.
  2. Inspection of the scion site. It should be smooth and even, without lumps or frozen juice.
  3. Plant root system should have a fibrous shape. A single trunk root is not suitable.

Annual seedlings take root better and produce a faster harvest. When purchasing, it is better to focus on them, but choose strong, healthy plants, and not frail twigs.

Varieties and their descriptions

Ripens early: Kiev Early, White Swan, Grisboro and Redhaven, Morettini

The peculiarity of early ripening varieties is that they quickly enter the fruiting phase. Two- and three-year-old seedlings are already producing a small harvest. Peak yield occurs in the fourth or fifth year after planting.

When choosing early-ripening varieties, it is better to focus on plants that have a low, spreading crown. They are easier to care for and shape during the growth period. It is also easier to collect fruit from short trees.

Among the representatives of this group on Special attention deserve the grade Kyiv Early, White Swan and Redhaven.

Redhaven's harvest peaks in year eleven. More than one hundred kilograms of fruits are collected from one tree.

Each variety of early peach is good in its own way and has a lot of advantages.

Advantages of early peach varieties:

  • form a wide crown no more than 5 meters high;
  • plants bloom in April-May;
  • they enter the fruiting phase quickly: in the fourth year after planting the seedling;
  • fruiting is extended from July to August;
  • It is characterized by high productivity, aromatic and tasty fruits.

The first fruits appear on a mature, well-formed tree. This cannot but affect the yield: from a six-year-old tree, with proper care, you can harvest up to 60 kilograms of peaches.

Another bright representative of this group is Grisboro variety. It has average growth vigor, but, unlike the above-mentioned varieties, it has average winter hardiness.

In order for the plant to bear fruit in mid-latitudes, it must be planted in windless places.

Pleases with high winter hardiness peach Morettini. One of its advantages is its spreading crown, which is easy to shape.

Morettini fruits are among the first to ripen, but have average transportability. This does not allow transporting fruit over long distances.

Medium ripening: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Sibiryak, Saturn, Kremlevsky, Donskoy

Medium-ripening varieties allow the peach conveyor to continue.

Features of plants of this species:

  • high, spreading crown (from 5 meters);
  • high yield;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • large fruits.

There are a huge number of varieties of mid-ripening peaches, but among them there are several species that perform ideally in any conditions and do not require special care: Collins, Cardinal, Golden Moscow, Siberian, Saturn, Kremlin.

Variety Cardinal famous for its huge fruits (from 140 g) and excellent taste. This is one of the most delicious types of peaches. According to the international tasting scale, it received five points. This is the highest rating.

The plant is resistant to diseases, but does not tolerate return frosts. It is better to plant it in a windless place, not far from the wall of a house or fence, but away from water.

Kremlin peach adapts to shifts without problems temperature regime, has high winter hardiness. Thanks to this, he attracted the attention of gardeners from regions where summers are cool. With good care, the fruits reach up to 200 g.

Variety Golden Moscow appeared on the market not so long ago, but its seedlings are very popular. The plant winters well and is resistant to diseases, has juicy large fruits.

The fruiting period is extended to almost three weeks. Peach blooms late, after frost threatens to return, and this increases the quantity of quality fruit.

Variety Sibiryak highly valued by farmers for its excellent transportability. Yellow fruits can be stored in a cold room for up to three weeks. In addition, they are tasty and juicy, and the bone is easily separated from the pulp.

The first harvest is harvested in August, and the last fruits are harvested in early September.

Peach Saturn stored no longer than 12 days. This is also a lot. The plant has high winter hardiness (up to -27). A vigorous crown makes it difficult to care for and this affects the yield.

If you tilt the branches down, you can get excellent harvest Every year.

The most winter-hardy representative of this group is peach Donskoy. It not only withstands severe frosts, but also quickly recovers after freezing.

The main advantage of mid-ripening peaches is their high yield, transportability of the fruit and excellent winter hardiness of the tree.

Most varieties have juicy pulp and pleasant aroma . A high crown can be regarded as a disadvantage, but with the correct formation of the tree it is easily eliminated and turns into an advantage.

Late, frost-resistant: Fury, Frost, Veteran

Have you planted a peach, but it doesn’t bear fruit, it just intensively grows its crown? Don't be upset: it's better to be patient and wait a little longer.

Late-ripening varieties bear fruit starting from the 5th year after planting the seedling. They are intended for cultivation in the southern regions. In the North and in the Middle Zone they do not have time to ripen and turn out sour.

American Fury variety withstands frosts down to -28 degrees. It is valued for its huge, up to 300 g, orange-colored fruits. The plant is undemanding to care.

The fruit harvest occurs in September, when only apple and pear trees remain in the garden. The fruits are stored for no longer than six days.

Variety Frost also bred by American breeders, who focused on winter hardiness and large-fruited plants.

The tree produces a high, stable yield, withstands frosts down to -26 degrees, and is resistant to diseases. The fruits are used for fresh eating. Stored for ten days.

Variety Veteran differs from late-ripening varieties in that it quickly enters the fruiting phase and has low growth. The size of the fruit is also not impressive (no more than 150 g).

They love it for its good taste. It is ideal for preservation.

Self-pollinating, self-fertile peaches: Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Jubilee

Self-pollinating varieties are very popular among gardeners. To increase fruiting, It is recommended to plant several plants for cross-pollination. But one tree will also bear fruit.

Among self-pollinating, self-fertile varieties, a good harvest in a single planting gives Inca, Vulcan, Harnas, Golden Jubilee.

Harnas belongs to winter-hardy, early-ripening dessert varieties. This is a vigorous tree that bears fruit regularly. Its peculiarity is that the fruits hold tightly to the branches and do not fall off.

Early ripening varieties are characterized by high winter hardiness of trees and flower buds. They can withstand return frosts. This makes it possible to grow them not only in southern latitudes, but also in the middle zone, as well as in Siberia and the Urals.

In the regions of Siberia, it is necessary to protect trees from recurrent frosts.

Mid-season varieties grow a decent crown and only then delight with a rich harvest. Their disadvantage is that it is difficult to form branches, but regular and bountiful harvest allows you to turn a blind eye to it.

The branches of mid-season varieties often bend down, which makes harvesting easier.

The disadvantage of late-ripening varieties is that that they can only grow in a certain area. But if climatic conditions allow, then these trees will not only decorate the garden, but will also delight you with delicious fruits.

When planting peach, it should be taken into account that all varieties bloom very early, when there are still few pollinating insects. You can help the plant and gently shake the upper branches so that the pollen falls on the lower inflorescences.

Plants respond favorably to fertilizing and watering. Water plays a big role in the formation of fruits. Not only the size of the peaches, but also their taste and aroma depends on its quantity.

Give your seedlings a little attention and care so that they can turn into beautiful trees and delight you with a harvest every year.

The peach tree, otherwise called the Persian plum, first appeared in the gardens of Persia and then Italy at the beginning of our era. Its cultivated varieties penetrated to the south of Eurasia from China, where peaches were grown several thousand years ago.

The fruits of the peach tree are not particularly rich in vitamins: only C, PP, E, K, and some representatives of group B are present. However, most varieties contain high concentrations of carotene, various mineral salts, pectins, several types organic acids(lemon, wine, apple, cinchona) and essential oils.

Nowadays, this heat-loving representative of the Rosaceae family is actively cultivated in the south of Russia, in Central Asia and Transcaucasia, in some regions North America with a moderately hot climate. Experienced experimental gardeners practice growing individual varieties even in conditions middle zone. Trellis forms are especially suitable for these purposes. However, for full development, the plant needs to create the maximum favorable conditions: choose a sunny place protected from cold winds on the south or south-west side of the site, plant varieties that are resistant to low temperatures, and be sure to insulate the tree winter period. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, varieties with early, medium or late ripening are selected.

The most worthy of early ripening varieties

Early varieties of peaches begin to ripen 3–3.5 months after flowering. Typically, harvest time occurs in late June or July.

Fluffy early– high-yielding, self-fertile variety, recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. Medium-sized trees form pot-bellied oval fruits of medium size (up to 100 g) with an almost imperceptible seam. The not too dense and thick skin of a creamy-greenish hue with thick fluff is almost completely covered with a dark coral blush. The snow-white, silky pulp pleases with its juiciness, sweet taste and bright aroma. Early Fluffy Peach has good frost resistance and good disease resistance.

Greensboro– a high-yielding early-ripening variety of American selection, forming vigorous trees with a spreading crown. Suitable for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. Large fruits (about 120 g) are oval in shape with a slightly flattened top. The main color of the dense skin, covered with hard fluff, is cream with a greenish tint. Rare burgundy streaks of color of varying intensity are scattered across the entire surface of the peach. The greenish-creamy, fibrous pulp is juicy and has a pleasant, sweet taste with a light, refreshing sourness. The fruits are very fragrant. Greensboro peaches are not afraid of low temperatures and have good resistance to cluster blight.

Dagestan gold– stable productive variety domestic selection, early dates maturation, zoned for Dagestan. Medium-sized trees grow quickly, forming a spreading, spherical crown and producing the first harvest already in the fourth year of the growing season. The oval-shaped fruits with a slightly elongated apex are of medium size (up to 130 g). They are covered with slightly pubescent saffron skin with a one-sided scarlet blush. The bright golden-orange pulp with delicate fibers pleases with its juiciness and pleasant sweet and sour taste. Peaches are distinguished by their rapid ripening in the third ten days of July and good transportability. The variety is resistant to winter cold and recurrent frosts, has good immunity to curl and clasterosporiosis.

What to choose from mid-season varieties

To get a harvest of medium-ripening peaches, at least 115–125 days must pass after flowering, so be prepared to harvest in August.

Redhavenhigh-yielding variety American selection, ripening in the first ten days of August. Medium-sized trees form large and very beautiful fruits weighing up to 170 g, round or slightly elongated. The very tasty and juicy pulp has a light orange hue, diluted with crimson veins. It is covered with dense, golden skin with a fuzzy, coral blush and very delicate fluff. Red Haven peaches tolerate transportation well and are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning. The characteristics of the variety include weak frost resistance and average resistance to powdery mildew and clasterosporia, and satisfactory drought resistance.

Golden Jubilee– verified mid-season variety American selection, zoned for the North Caucasus region. Actively developing, medium-sized trees produce a harvest in the first ten days of August. Large (up to 140 g) dessert fruits with a spherical shape are covered with a delicate, slightly pubescent skin of a golden hue with a rich pomegranate blush. Very tasty, juicy and sweet fibrous pulp has an intense orange color, turning into dark pink in the center of the fruit. The Golden Jubilee peach produces consistently high yields, is not afraid of low temperatures and is resistant to fungal diseases.

Stavropol pink– a fast-growing and high-yielding variety of medium ripening, obtained by domestic breeders. Zoned for the central and foothill regions of Stavropol. Medium-sized trees with a spreading but not dense crown in the second half of August finally form large (up to 140 g) fruits with velvety golden skin, half covered with a carmine blush. The snow-white, silky pulp is distinguished by its extraordinary juiciness and delicate sweet and sour taste. The variety likes to grow on well-warmed and actively ventilated slopes with light soils rich in moisture and humus. The trees have good frost resistance, but are less tolerant of drought and actively resist diseases.

Late peaches - the best varieties

The most patient gardeners, who want to have the tastiest and longest lasting harvest, prefer to plant late varieties, which ripen in September and even in October. For such varieties, more than 130 days pass from flowering to the appearance of ripe fruits.

Jaminat– medium-late, early-fruiting peaches of Dagestan selection, ripening in the first or second ten days of September. Medium-sized trees produce large (up to 160 g) compressed-oval fruits. The not-too-dense skin with a slight fluff adorns the fruits with a golden color with a blush in the form of densely spaced cinnabar-colored veins. Bright orange pulp has a delicate consistency and a very pleasant sweet taste, shaded with slightly acidic notes. The variety is resistant to winter cold and has good immunity to curl and cluster blight.

Elberta- a late-ripening and early-fruiting variety of American selection, proven for decades, zoned in the North Caucasus region. Spreading, vigorous trees form large (up to 150 g) and very elegant fruits with velvety golden skin, 70% covered with a terracotta blush. The bright fibrous orange-hued pulp pleases with a very pleasant, sweet taste with refreshingly sour notes. A consistently rich harvest of peaches ripens by the end of August, is well transported and stored for about a week. The variety is winter-hardy and has good resistance to most fungal diseases.

Irganaysky late– high-yielding variety late dates ripening with fruits of universal use, obtained by Dagestan breeders. Medium-sized trees with a spherical crown of moderate density are relatively resistant to winter cold and major diseases. The round, one-dimensional fruits, which ripen together in the first ten days of September, are medium (up to 120 g) or large (up to 160 g) in size, depending on the conditions. The light yellow, not too thick skin is decorated with an uneven orange or garnet blush. The sweet, very tasty, bright corn-colored pulp with delicate fibers pleases with its juiciness and pleasant sourness. The harvest tolerates transportation well and can be stored for about 10 days without loss.

Who is not afraid of frost?

Peach is traditionally considered a heat-loving plant. However, in recent decades, varieties have appeared that can easily withstand winter temperatures down to -30 °C. Flower buds do not die in frosts of -23 °C, and buds survive cold temperatures of -8-10 °C. In normal winters, such highly winter-hardy varieties have no damage at all, and in severe frosts the trees suffer very little.

Vavilovsky– a medium-early ripening variety, obtained by Crimean breeders and zoned in the southern and central regions. It has proven itself excellently as a highly frost-resistant plant that copes well with low winter temperatures and recurrent frosts. Medium-sized trees with a spherical crown delight with high yields of beautiful and very large (up to 250 g) rounded fruits. The bright yellow, velvety skin is densely covered with coral-red streaks of blush. Very tasty and juicy pulp of an intense amber hue with delicate fibers delights with an active sweet taste with a refreshing sourness. A dessert variety that has good immunity to most diseases.

Juicy– a mid-season variety of domestic selection is distinguished by its increased winter hardiness and consistently high yield. Vigorous trees with a branched crown form a harvest by the last ten days of July. Medium (up to 100 g) and large (up to 200 g) fruits look beautiful thanks to the carmine blush of varying degrees of intensity, unevenly distributed in streaks along the creamy-green surface of the skin. The pinkish-white juicy pulp has a very delicate, perfectly balanced taste and bright aroma. Plants are relatively resistant to fungal diseases, including clasterosporia.

Ambassador of Peace– a mid-season variety, distinguished by increased resistance to return frosts and excellent harvest quality. Medium-sized trees with a spreading spherical crown form large (up to 160 g) fruits already in early August, covered with amber skin with a rich (up to 80% of the surface) salmon blush. Remarkably tasty, dense and juicy golden-colored pulp consists of delicate fibers. The variety is prone to minor damage by powdery mildew and requires regular formative pruning.

Golden Moscow– a self-fertile, highly winter-hardy variety of medium ripening, obtained by Crimean breeders. Medium-sized trees with a dense crown are not afraid of winter frosts and return frosts, and are immune to powdery mildew. Large (up to 180 g) and very tasty peaches are covered with medium-velvety amber-colored skin with a rich (up to 75%) coral-red blush. The bright saffron, fibrous, but dense pulp turns crimson towards the center of the fruit. It pleases with its perfectly balanced taste and juiciness. In addition to the listed advantages, the Golden Moscow variety is characterized by excellent yield.

Fairy tale– a self-fertile mid-season variety of Crimean selection, ripening in mid-August. Large (up to 180 g) fruits are formed on medium-sized trees with a dense, compact crown of a wide oval shape. The medium-dense skin with slight pubescence is colored amber with fuzzy streaks of carmine blush, covering more than half (up to 75%) of the surface. Tasty, dense and juicy pulp has an intense yellow. In addition, it pleases with the pronounced sweet aroma of the most delicate fibers. The fruits tolerate transportation well and have a universal purpose: suitable for fresh consumption, making juice, compotes and jam. The variety tolerates low temperatures and recurrent frosts well, but does not cope well with powdery mildew infection.

Just ten years ago, peach was considered a curiosity in the front garden. And it is not surprising, because this crop is quite capricious, and is mainly suitable for planting in southern climatic conditions. But thanks to breeders, today you can purchase and plant suitable variety Even in relatively cold regions, living will not be difficult.

The main thing is to choose the right variety. So, which ones are derived? the best varieties peach and how to choose the right species for cultivation in a certain region and will be discussed below.

What types of peaches are there?

Peach is a heat-loving crop and the vast majority grows in warm regions of our country. But as described above, today you can easily choose a variety that can grow even in places where summers are cool and winters are harsh. To do this, you just need to choose the right variety.

At the moment, all varieties of peach crops are classified according to the following criteria:

  • early ripening varieties that are suitable for planting in southern latitudes;
  • mid-season varieties, perfect option for those areas where summers are cool and winters are severe;
  • Late varieties of peaches are most often planted in temperate latitudes.

Well, now it’s worth taking a closer look at each type of peach crop and finding out which representatives are the best for planting and growing.

The best early ripening varieties

Quite often, novice gardeners are interested in what kind of early peach is it? IN in this case An early peach variety is considered to be one that begins to bear fruit literally 3 months after flowering. As a rule, harvesting of these varieties begins in July.

Today there are many different varieties this crop, which can delight you with a harvest literally at the end of June, but the following types are considered the best:

  • early fluffy peach;
  • peach Dagestan gold.

Fluffy early

The early fluffy peach variety has many advantages, such as:

  • high productivity;
  • self-fertility of the tree;
  • good frost resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • incredible fruit aroma;
  • disease resistance.

As for the tree itself, it is distinguished by its relatively low growth and powerful spreading crown. The fruits of this species are relatively light in weight, but literally from one tree you can pick up to 70 kg of tasty and juicy peaches.

Dagestan gold

This peach is very popular because it is endowed with many excellent characteristics, namely:

  • early fruit ripening: you can enjoy the fruit already in early July;
  • a good harvest can be harvested already 4 years after planting;
  • the fruits are large, weighing up to 140 g;
  • the taste of the fruits is very juicy, sweet and slightly sour;
  • this variety It is highly resistant to curl and cluster blight.

In addition, it is worth highlighting that the tree itself is medium-sized and has a powerful crown. And also among the advantages of this variety is that the crop is resistant to frost and is capable of producing good harvests even in temperate climates and regions with harsh winters.

It is worth noting that today new varieties of peach crops regularly appear, which also have a lot of positive characteristics. But above we described exactly those species that are very popular in our homeland.

Mid-season varieties

The following point is characteristic of mid-season peach varieties: fruits can be harvested from such varieties 125 days after flowering.

Therefore, if you are a beginner gardener and have given preference to this particular crop, be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to try peaches by August.

Well, as for the best varieties, there are several of them, namely:

  • Golden Jubilee peach variety;
  • and Stavropol peach.


The Redhaven peach species appeared thanks to American breeders, who endowed it with the following characteristics:

  • the fruits are large and reach a weight of about 170 g;
  • The fruits taste very juicy and sweet;
  • Peaches ripen by early August;
  • drought resistant;
  • transportable and long-lasting, which is why this variety is often grown on an industrial scale.

As for the characteristics of this crop, Redhaven can hardly tolerate severe frosts, but if you cover the crop correctly, it will easily please you with a harvest next year. It is also worth highlighting that this variety has average resistance to powdery mildew.

Golden Jubilee

The Golden Jubilee peach variety also appeared thanks to American breeders. This variety has the following characteristics:

  • large fruits, weighing up to 150 g;
  • delicious taste;
  • this variety can be used both for fresh consumption and for preservation;
  • high yield rates, literally up to 90 kg of fruit can be harvested from one tree.

The main advantage of this crop is that it is not afraid of severe frosts and is very resistant to infections, fungal origin.


AND latest variety mid-season variety of peaches - Stavropol. This species is the pride of domestic breeders. Judge for yourself: the peach is endowed with the following characteristics:

  • the yield from one mature tree reaches up to 120 kg of tasty and very sweet fruits;
  • is not afraid even of harsh winters;
  • resistant to many diseases, including powdery mildew;
  • the fruits are large, weighing up to 150 g;
  • You can pick the fruit at the end of July.

In general, the Stavropol peach is the most popular among many gardeners today. The only thing you need to grow it is to choose the right soil. The land must be fertile and rich in moisture and humus. Because this variety does not tolerate drought.

It is worth highlighting one point: if you are just planning to purchase peach seedlings, then try to make purchases only in well-known nurseries that are located in your region.

Only in this case can you be sure that you have purchased a really good variety.

The best late-ripening species

If you are interested in a late-ripening peach variety, then in this case, too, the breeders did a great job. Let's start with the fact that growing just such varieties is quite profitable. First of all, late-ripening varieties They are distinguished by their delicious taste, keeping quality of fruits, good transportability and especially large fruits.

And such varieties begin to ripen mainly in September. It is worth highlighting that there are varieties that delight with a ripe harvest even in October.

So, the best late varieties of peaches:

  • peach variety Jaminat;
  • the best variety of our time, Elberta;
  • and the universal species Ingarai late.

It is worth highlighting that all three varieties described above were selected as the best for a reason. The fact is that they are the ones that are most popular among gardeners, even despite the fact that breeders regularly breed new peach species.

Peach Jaminate

This variety appeared thanks to the efforts of Dagestan breeders, who endowed the culture with the following positive qualities:

  • large fruits, weighing about 170 g;
  • honey taste;
  • resistance to frost;
  • good immunity to curl and clasterosporiasis.

As for the tree, it does not grow very tall, but the crown is powerful and spreading. One of the main advantages of this variety is that it produces high yields every year. So, literally from one crop you can get about 90 kg of delicious peaches.


The next variety is rightfully considered the best. The fact is that Elberta is endowed with unique characteristics, namely:

  • the fruits are very shelf-stable;
  • peaches of this variety can be transported without difficulty for a whole week;
  • the weight of the fruit reaches 160 grams;
  • the tree itself is very tall with a spreading crown;
  • the average yield from one tree can be up to 160 kg;
  • high levels of resistance to disease and frost.

It is worth noting that Elberta has been extremely popular for decades. And today, despite the wide range of peach varieties, gardeners most often choose Elberta.

Irganaysky late

And the last variety, which also deserves your attention, is Irganaysky late. The main advantage of this species is its high yield even in a cold climate zone. In addition, this variety of peach has many more undeniable advantages, namely:

  • large fruits, weighing up to 160 g;
  • very sweet to taste;
  • high yield rates;
  • easy to transport;
  • The shelf life is approximately 2 weeks without loss.

It is also worth highlighting that this variety of peaches is capable of regularly yielding literally from one tree up to 130 kg of tasty and very juicy fruits.

So, we looked at the most popular types of peach crops that delight good harvests in September. But this article would be incomplete without a description of varieties that resist frost well.

What types of peaches are not afraid of frost?

As a rule, almost every experienced gardener grows a peach crop, and the cultivation of nectarines is associated with warm regions. But thanks to the tireless work of an army of breeders, peach varieties have emerged that can be successfully grown in cold regions.

As a rule, the buds of such crops do not freeze even at a temperature of –25°C. And half-opened buds can easily withstand temperatures dropping to -8°C. winter-hardy species may suffer slight damage even in particularly severe frosts.

The varieties that can withstand even severely low temperatures include the following:

  • late variety Vavilovsky;
  • peach variety Juicy;
  • and the last widespread type called Tales.

Peach Vavilovsky

It was bred by Crimean breeders to grow it in the harshest climatic conditions. But, in addition to the fact that this crop tolerates severe frosts well, it is also endowed with many excellent qualities, such as:

  • large fruits reaching a weight of about 250 g;
  • The peach tastes very sweet and has an incredible aroma;
  • endowed with excellent immunity to many diseases;
  • easy to transport;
  • has high shelf life;
  • Great for preservation.

It is also worth highlighting that literally from one tree you can pick up to 130 kg of large and tasty fruits.


The next variety, which also deserves your attention, is called Juicy. A tree of this variety grows vigorously, with a powerful and spreading crown and has the following positive characteristics:

  • the fruits are large, weighing up to 200 g;
  • peaches taste qualities excellent with slight sourness;
  • The culture is resistant to frost and diseases of fungal origin.

In general, it is worth highlighting that this variety is very popular and can most often be found in regions of our country with a cold climate.

Fairy tale

And the last variety, which also enjoys popular love, is called Skazka. This variety appeared thanks to Crimean breeders. This culture was endowed with the following indicators:

  • the fruits are large, weighing up to 180 g;
  • medium-sized trees with a compact crown;
  • on average, up to 85 kg of fruit can be collected from one tree;
  • Peaches taste very sweet and aromatic;
  • the tree is resistant to severe frosts;
  • the crop is not resistant to powdery mildew.

The fruits of this crop are well suited for preservation. Therefore, it is from the fairy tale that preserves, jams and compotes are most often prepared. And one more advantage of this culture that is worth writing about: the fairy tale peach takes root well even in the most severe climatic zones. For this reason, today this variety can be found almost everywhere.

So, above we looked at the best varieties of peach crop. Naturally, breeders do not rest on the laurels of winners, but regularly work to create new and unique varieties. But we will talk about this in the next article.