Nematanthus - tropical goldfish in our planters. Nematanthus at home (hypocyrta)

IN natural conditions Nematanthus is native to the hot tropics and is ubiquitous in Brazilian forests. It is a climbing plant, so it is perfect for growing in flowerpots, thanks to its unusual flowers will become a real decoration of any room. By providing the Nematanthus flower with care at home, experienced or novice gardeners will receive unusual tropical beauty in gratitude.

Nematanthus belongs to the ethereal and semi-ethereal vines of the Gesneriev genus. The plant received such an unusual name due to the merger of two Greek words “thread” and “flower”, which literally means a flower on a string; the vine has another name - gold fish. It received this nickname due to its unusual flowering; the shape of its buds exactly repeats the shape of small fish. It is also right to call it hypocyrta nematanthus, because The genus Nematanthus was combined with the genus Hypocyrtus.

The leaves of Nematanthus are juicy, glossy, elliptical in shape, rich Green colour With outside, and burgundy to purple in color on the inside. Young shoots are straight, but over time they begin to bend and hang from the pot under the pressure of their own weight. The inflorescences have a short peduncle, waxy buds with fused petals about 5 cm long. The plant blooms with pink, purple, orange and reddish flowers. Has a long flowering period - from early spring to late autumn. Usually grown as a hanging plant in hanging pots or flowerpots. All nematanthus are quite compact plants, their height does not exceed 60 cm.

Species diversity

There are about 28 species in the Gesneriev family, while indoor plants are represented by 8 subspecies, which include the following:

It also has another name - goldfish. It is a compact plant with rich dark green foliage and orange-red inflorescences that resemble small fish in shape. There are several varieties, including the "Australian" subspecies. Nematanthus Gregarius - the most common indoor flower from the Gesneriev family.

Nematanthus Wetsteina- another common species, previously known as hypocyrta. This hanging plant produces stems that reach up to 90 cm in length, perfect for growing in pots. The most outstanding feature is its small glossy leaves of a rich dark green color, against the background of such foliage orange tubular flowers about 2 cm long look bright. This nematanthus has the longest flowering period - from the first rays of spring until mid-autumn.

Nematanthus Fritsch is an indoor plant about half a meter high with shiny leaves green on top and red on the underside, and inflorescences hanging from a thin stem orange color tubular shape.

Nematanthus riverine- a climbing plant with ellipse-shaped leaves, the length of which reaches 10 cm; bright yellow flowers grow from the axils of the leaves.

Nematanthus tropicana is a plant with dark green pointed leaves and orange flowers with brown stripes.

Nematanthus anklet is a climbing shrub, has large leaves of light green color and red buds with an unusual swelling on the tube.

Nematanthus small bristle- compact evergreen, which reaches a height of no more than 25 cm. It produces buds of an orange-red hue with a ball-shaped swelling on the tube.

Separately, hybrid plants are distinguished, the most unusual of which are the Santa Teresa and Tropicana varieties. The first amazes with the aroma of flowering, and the second with the incredible beauty of the inflorescences.

Home care

There are many unpretentious indoor plants, these include nematanthus, care at home is very easy to carry out. Despite the fact that this is a tropical flower, even a novice gardener can care for it. The main thing that must be observed is regular watering, proper feeding and annual pruning of shoots. If neglected, the plant will not bloom and may die.

The only thing that causes difficulties for gardeners is ensuring a fairly low temperature during wintering; maintaining a comfortable temperature is the key to long flowering.

All life cycle this indoor flower is divided into several stages:

  • rest period;
  • development period;
  • preparation for flowering;
  • flowering period.

By the way, in the Brazilian tropics, nematanthus bloom only in summer, while indoor plants can bloom for up to six months, from the end of March to the end of October.


After shedding its leaves, the nematanthus flower enters a period of rest; it is at this time that it is necessary to special care and accurately maintain the temperature. If in summer the optimal temperature is 24 degrees, then in winter time it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 16-18 degrees. As soon as the temperature rises to 28 degrees, the nematanthus plant begins to suffer from the heat, but at night it is necessary to reduce the temperature by 5-6 degrees. Under these conditions, favorable flowering will be ensured.

You cannot lower the temperature too much; the minimum temperature for a comfortable winter is 16 °C; at lower temperatures, the leaves begin to fall off and the plant begins to turn brown.

Watering and air humidity

Indoor fish loves regular but moderate watering. It must be carried out as the top layer of soil dries with water at 25-26 degrees. Do not allow excess moisture; after each watering, you must immediately drain the water from the pan. If the leaves droop or curl into a tube, it means the soil lacks moisture.

You also need to monitor the air humidity; if the temperature in the room does not exceed 24 degrees, then the humidity must be maintained at least 50%.

Please note that the higher the air temperature, the higher the humidity should be.

You can maintain the necessary air humidification using a simple sprayer; it is better to spray the foliage with water daily room temperature. You can also install any container with expanded clay moistened with water in the immediate vicinity of the plant.


Hypocyrta is classified as a light-loving plant; it needs light throughout the year. In winter, indoor flowers need additional lighting. Nematanthus needs especially bright diffused light during the period of active flowering; it is better to choose windows facing east or west.

However, it is worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight; burns may appear on the foliage, so there is no need to choose a window sill on the south side. But the shadow can affect flowering, it will become sparse or the flower will not bloom at all. But this will not affect the natural beauty of the leaves.

Plant pruning

Despite its fleshy leaves, nemanthus requires pruning, which is best done in the fall, after flowering has ended. Without pruning, the plant will lose some of its leaves and become bare. If the plant spends the winter in a warm place, then it is better to postpone pruning to spring.

The pruning process is not difficult. It is necessary to remove all thin and weak shoots, and shorten strong shoots by 1/3 of their length. To rejuvenate old nematanthus, you need to double their branches.

Feeding and fertilizers

During active growing season, the plant needs fertilizers. Feed 2 times a month with special fertilizers, which include potassium and phosphorus. Saturated fertilizer in liquid form, diluted 2 times more than indicated on the package. To avoid burning the roots, the soil is slightly moistened. From mid-autumn to early spring, the plant is not fed.

Transplanting a plant

To transplant a hypocyrta, you need to choose the right suitable soil. For healthy development and long-lasting flowering, you need to choose a loose substrate with increased breathability. The best substrate would be a mixture of coarse sand with pieces of sphagnum, peat and leaf soil (2:2:1:1). Since nematanthus are quite compact plants, they will not need frequent replanting., it is optimal to replant a flower no more than once every 2 years. In this matter, it is better to stick to how quickly the roots fill the soil in the pot.

The procedure must be carried out using the standard method - transshipment with slight removal of excess substrate and top soil. When replanting a plant, you need to carefully monitor the roots of the flower and avoid contact with them. To prevent the hypocyrt from suffering from excess moisture, it is better to lay out a good layer of drainage.

The container for replanting should not exceed the height of the previous pot by more than 3 cm. Since the flower has a small rhizome, it is better to select small pots.

Plant propagation

Nematanthus supports reproduction in two ways: seeds and cuttings. To sow seeds correctly, you need to pour them onto a paper sheet and spread them over the surface of the substrate with light patting movements. After sowing, the container is placed under glass. When seedlings appear, the glass must be periodically lifted to allow air to enter. After germination, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. Young hypocyrts begin to bloom after a year.

It is much easier to propagate this indoor plant by cuttings; to do this, you need to cut cuttings 10 cm long with 3-4 internodes. You need to cut from powerful mature shoots. Cuttings take root in water at an air temperature of 22-24 degrees. On average, roots appear after 2 weeks, after which the cuttings are planted in loose, breathable soil. You can add perlite to the substrate.

Harmful insects and diseases

The plant has high immunity to pests. However, improper care weakens the nematanthus, which leads to the appearance of mealybugs, aphids or thrips. Mealybug manifests itself as white plaque between the leaves. Appearance viral diseases, is associated with thrips and mites, which transmit them through the sap of the plant. You can get rid of pests chemicals Fitoverm, Actellik or Akarin.

Important! With frequent watering and high level humidity, the plant often gets rot!

The appearance of diseases is caused by improper care and cultivation of this amazing plant. Namely:

  1. at very high temperatures, the tops of nematanthus leaves dry out;
  2. the falling of leaves and buds occurs at low temperatures;
  3. brown spotting on leaves caused by watering cold water;
  4. lack of pruning affects flowering;
  5. Brown leaves indicate that water has entered them during watering.

Beliefs about the plant

Around hypocyrta there are some folk superstitions. Some believe that in a house where the nematanthus plant blooms, there will definitely be happiness and prosperity. Thanks to her beautiful lush foliage, he always cheers up anyone who looks at him.

It is also believed that the flower purifies indoor air well.

Nowadays, probably, every house or apartment has fresh flowers. Some people breed them for sale, but for others it is a fascinating hobby. Home flowers become an excellent room decoration that fits perfectly into any interior. Just don’t forget that for healthy growth they need constant proper care. Nematanthus, which requires considerable effort to care for at home, belongs to the Gesneriaceae family, which has 28 species. The flower was discovered in 1846 by German botanist and doctor Heinrich Adolf von Schröder. Nematanthus is also called money flower. This plant symbolizes prosperity, which is why many gardeners grow it at home.

general information

The genus Nematanthus includes semi-shrub and bush plants native to Brazil. But these days these flowers can be found almost throughout the continent. Its leaves are elliptical in shape, small in size and dark green in color. The stems are straight and very thin, so as the plant grows they bend under the weight of the flower. The flower stalks are tubular in shape and can reach a length of approximately 5 centimeters. The corolla of the nematanthus (can it be kept at home and how to properly care for it will be discussed later) can be red, pink, yellow or purple. The flowering period is quite long and lasts from spring to autumn. IN room conditions The flower is usually grown in various decorative vessels and hanging baskets.

Plant care

So, you have decided to breed nematanthus at home. Caring for this plant at home is a very painstaking task, but if you follow some tips and recommendations, which will be discussed below, then even a novice gardener will not have any special problems with this. Despite the fact that the plant is not particularly demanding and whimsical, nevertheless, in order for it to grow well and delight you with its beauty, it is necessary to create for it special conditions. This is where the main difficulties lie.

Indoor flowers need bright light for at least 12 hours a day, but plants should not be left in direct sunlight. Special attention lighting should be given in winter, when there is a clear lack of sunlight.

It is best to keep nematanthus on a windowsill facing west or east. A special flower stand is used for this. On the south side of the house you will have to close the flower from sunlight during the midday hours, and on the north side you need to turn on artificial lighting, which should supply the plant with light for at least 15 hours.


Nematanthus, caring for which at home requires the creation of certain climatic conditions, feels best at an air temperature of 20-24 degrees in summer time, and at 16 degrees - in winter. If the room temperature is 28 degrees or higher, the flower will suffer. Therefore, at night it is better to take it outside or into a cooler room with an air temperature difference of approximately ten degrees. This is necessary so that Nematanthus can rest from the heat of the day and gain strength. The plant tolerates short-term cold snaps quite normally, but it is not recommended to keep it for a long time at temperatures below 12 degrees, since otherwise the nematanthus will lose its attractive appearance. And at a temperature of 5 degrees, the leaves of the flower may fall off.

When caring for this plant, much attention should be paid to indoor air humidity. Nematanthus (goldfish is one of its names)_ grows best with a humidity of at least 50 percent. But the ambient temperature plays a big role here. The higher it is, the higher the humidity should be. To do this, it is necessary to spray the plants with water from a spray bottle. But this must be done in such a way that water does not get on the flower itself, otherwise it will lose its decorative effect. A good alternative to spraying is to place a container with wet pebbles near the plant. In winter, spraying is not required, since due to low temperatures the flower may freeze and die.

As for watering, you should not do it too often. The signal for watering is when the soil in the pot dries out. The water must first be left to warm up to room temperature. A sign of a lack of moisture is the leaves curling and falling. If this begins to happen, then the Nematanthus flower is immersed in a container of water so that the water does not overflow into the pot. This way the plant itself will take as much water as it needs through the drain holes at the bottom of the pot. As soon as the ground is moistened, the plant is taken out of the water, covered with polyethylene and left in this form until the flower regains its attractiveness. When watering, you should not over-water the nematanthus, as this can cause root rot and death of the flower.

Plant pruning

In order for the nematanthus, which should be cared for regularly at home, to be attractive and its flowering to be lush and stable, it is necessary to periodically trim the flower. It is best to do this in mid-autumn, after the end of the flowering period, when the flower is preparing for winter. However, if the plant will be kept in a warm room in winter, then it is better to postpone pruning until early spring. Weak and thin shoots need to be trimmed.

Preparing nematanthus for wintering

In order for the plant to overwinter well, it is very important to provide it with suitable conditions. The plant should be placed in a place with good lighting, which is located away from the heating system. In addition, for the winter period the amount of watering should be reduced and fertilizing should be stopped altogether. If the room temperature does not exceed 12 degrees, then you don’t have to water the flower at all.

If the nematanthus is kept in a warm room throughout the winter, its flowering period will not be as abundant or will not occur at all. Therefore, it is recommended to place the plant in a cool room for at least 8 weeks.

Plant nutrition

Fertilizer for indoor flowers is an essential component necessary for the normal growth and development of any plant, and nematanthus is no exception. It is recommended to feed when growing season. Balanced mineral fertilizers, which are added to the soil once every two weeks, are well suited for this. When using concentrated fertilizers, it is necessary to dilute twice as much liquid in water as the manufacturer indicates in the instructions.

Nematanthus feeds in the evening, when the sun sets. You must first water the flower with a small amount of water so that the fertilizer penetrates the ground and reaches the root system of the plant. This will also protect the roots from burning. As autumn approaches, the amount of feeding is gradually reduced, and in winter it stops altogether.

at home

If you want to breed nematanthus at home, propagation can be done in two ways: seed and vegetatively. In the first case, the seeds are evenly distributed over a sheet of paper, after which, lightly tapping, they are poured onto moistened soil. To do this, it is better to use a small container in which drainage holes will be made to remove excess moisture. The container is covered with glass and placed in a special container into which water for irrigation will later be poured. After the seeds germinate, the container is periodically opened slightly to provide the sprouts with fresh air. Nematanthus transplantation can be carried out after two weeks.

The vegetative method is more preferable because it is much simpler and gives results much earlier. For propagation by this method, apical or stem cuttings are used, the length of each of which should be approximately 10 centimeters. It is best to take cuttings from old shoots, since young ones take root very rarely. The bottom cut should be just below the knot. It should be planted on the ground so that the node is completely in the ground. This is very important, because it is from it that the root system future nematanthus blooming.

The flower should be rooted in water, living moss or loose peat substrate. In the latter case, the plants are placed in a greenhouse in which the air temperature is maintained at 22-24 degrees. The formation of the root system in most cases takes 2-3 weeks, after which the flowers are transplanted into pots filled with a special substrate, which is used for growing violets. The soil for nematanthus is prepared according to the following recipe: take two parts of leaf soil and peat, and mix with one part of humus and sand. You can also add some mineral fertilizers to the substrate. Some gardeners claim that you can also add pine bark. To prevent root rotting, a drainage layer is placed under the substrate. Next year the flowers can be planted in larger pots. Young nematanthus, which have not yet had time to grow stronger and gain strength, need to be replanted every year. In this case, a larger pot is used each time.

Why the flowering period does not occur: main problems

Many gardeners are faced with a situation where nematanthus does not bloom. Most often this happens due to improper care behind the plant. To ensure that the flower always looks great and delights you with its exoticism, it is not recommended to use pots that are too large. In addition, it is necessary to provide the nematanthus with bright lighting, regular watering, optimal temperature and the level of humidity in the room, as well as use fertilizer for indoor flowers in accordance with the recommendations given earlier. And do not forget to prepare the flower for winter, since rest at this time of year is vital for it.

Diseases and pests

Nematanthus is highly resistant to various diseases and harmful insects, but this does not mean that the plant does not need any protection. Very often, the flower infects plant mites, aphids, bladder-footed and hairy lice.

Hair lice are very difficult to detect because they live in the axils of leaves. The damage to a flower by these pests can be recognized by white formations resembling cotton wool. Insects are removed manually using a swab soaked in alcohol.

To combat all other harmful insects, insectoacaricides are used. You should not delay this, since pests, sucking the juice from the plant, can cause the development of various viral diseases of Nematanthus; the reason for the falling of leaves may also be this.

If the flower is kept in a hot room that is poorly ventilated, then Nematanthus can be affected by fungi. With proper maintenance and care, the likelihood of this happening is extremely low, but if this suddenly happens, the flower is treated with fungicides.

The most common problems that gardeners encounter when breeding nematanthus are:

  • drying of the tops of the leaves: occurs due to keeping the flower in an incorrect microclimate;
  • leaf fall: can occur due to improper watering or a strong change in ambient temperature;
  • leaves become brown or covered in spots: this occurs due to watering with too cold water.

If you follow all agricultural technologies, you will never have any problems with this plant.

Nematanthus species

The following types of nematanthus are suitable for growing at home:

  1. Nematanthus riverine is a flower with green leaves, shaped like an ellipse, which can reach a length of up to 10 centimeters. The flowers are bright yellow.
  2. Fritcha - flowers growing up to 60 centimeters, with green shiny leaves. The stem is quite thin, so it bends under the weight of the flowers.
  3. Nematanthus lucidum is a plant from the category of subshrubs. The leaves are elliptical in shape, bright green in color and grow up to ten centimeters in length. The flowers grow singly on shoots and are bright red in color.
  4. Nematanthus Wetsteina is an ornamental climbing plant with long flexible shoots. The stems are very thin and grow to almost one meter in length. The leaves are oval-shaped, dark green in color and small in size. Orange flowers and small size. This type valued for its abundant flowering.
  5. Nematanthus tropicalis - exotic flower, with oval leaves, slightly pointed at the end, and yellow-orange flowers. A decorative flower stand for this variety will be an excellent addition to the flower.
  6. Nematanthus Gregarius is popularly called the “goldfish” because of its flowers, which in their shape and color resemble this fish. The leaves are small in size and dark green in color.
  7. Nematanthus naked - climbing plant, having fleshy leaves of an elliptical shape. The flowers are small in size and orange in color.
  8. Nematanthus coinifolia - another one climbing variety With round leaves light green in color, the length of which is only 2 centimeters. Flowers are red with yellow stripes, look very contrasting against the background of leaves. After the flowering period ends, the plant sheds its foliage.

The varieties of Nematanthus discussed above belong to the group of indoor plants, but there are also wild plants.

People have various beliefs and legends about many plants, and nematanthus is no exception. If you believe the beliefs, then in the house in which this grows amazing flower, happiness and family idyll will always reign, and its inhabitants will be successful in all endeavors. In addition, the plant purifies the air and serves as an excellent interior decoration. At proper care the flower will always look amazing and will also give people a good mood. Thanks to their exoticism, Nematanthus are able to add a small touch of tropical forests to the decor and make the room brighter, more colorful, interesting and cheerful.

As you can see, growing nematanthus at home is quite possible. The most important thing is to adhere to certain tips and recommendations, as well as provide the flower with proper care.

Nematanthus, or hypocyrta, - tropical plant, which appeared in our home flower beds relatively recently. Therefore, not all plant growers know how to properly care for this beauty so that it is always green and pleasing to the eye. Caring for nematanthus really requires some effort. But they more than pay off with the result: a flourishing view beautiful plant, which leaves no one indifferent.

Description of the plant

Nematanthus is native to the rainforests of the Amazon, where it grows freely in the form of small bushes with flexible stems. This plant belongs to the type climbing vines, and therefore it seems to be asking itself to be grown in pots on the wall or in flowerpots on various openwork stands installed at a height. Dark green, sometimes with bluish veins, nematanthus leaves are located oppositely on the branches, have an ovoid or elliptical shape, size from 3 to 10 cm. The underside of the leaves sometimes has purple and slight pubescence.

Nematanthus flowers resemble aquarium fish in shape and size

Thanks to its original, unusually shaped flowers, reminiscent of smaller copies of aquarium goldfish, nematanthus can become a wonderful decoration for a home flower garden. Each type of nematanthus has its own color nuance- its buds can be painted in various shades of red and yellow. The shape of the flowers is also very interesting: the petals of its corolla grow together like a pocket-shaped cavity with a tubular pharynx, and the corolla itself is sometimes painted purple. The lower part of the flowers may have a slight swelling, which gives them a resemblance to exotic fruits, berries and even goldfish. All this looks very elegant and decorative: against the background of a mass of dark, juicy leaves, bright flowers stand out like precious stones. During the flowering period, nematanthus is a true miracle that can bring a smile and lift your spirits.

Blooming nematanthus with its bright view transforms everything around

In their homeland, in the Amazon jungle, in Brazil, nematanthus bloom only in summer, and in home flower garden With proper care, these plants bloom for a long time - from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn.

Associated with Nematanthus popular belief. They say that in a house where this plant blooms there will definitely be happiness and prosperity. This flower is also believed to freshen indoor air.

Variety of species

In the Nematanthus genus, botanists count 28 species, approximately 7–8 of them grow in the flower beds of amateur plant growers around the world.

  • Nematanthus Gregarius is perhaps the most spectacular and is therefore most often cultivated by flower lovers. It is he who is known by his second name - “Goldfish”. This species of Nematanthus has thick, dark green leaves and bright red-orange flowers that actually resemble aquarium fish. There are several varieties of Gregarius, the most famous being the Australian subspecies. It looks best in wall or hanging pots: with this type of cultivation, it does not need to cut off its shoots, let its vines flow beautifully. This is a spectacle for true exotic lovers.
  • The Wetstein species is also very common. It produces many liana-like shoots up to 90 cm long. The leaves of this plant are small, oval in shape. Their surface is glossy waxy, the color is rich dark green. The flowers are tubular, yellow, orange-red, slightly swollen, up to 2.5 cm long. They look magical against the background of dark green foliage. Like other members of the genus, Nematanthus Wetstein blooms continuously from spring to mid-autumn.
  • Fritsch's view. Less common than the previous two, but still well known. Nematanthus Fritsch - relatively large beautiful view with quite large leaves having a slight edge on the underside. Nematanthus Fritsch forms bushes up to 60 cm tall. Its flowers are gracefully curved, bright pink, and shaped like a funnel.
  • Nematanthus finely bristle is a small bush 20–25 cm high, producing straight ascending shoots that are quite branched. The leaves of this type of nematanthus are oval, shiny, small, single or collected in threes. The flowers are tubular with a spherical swelling, with a corolla that has a slight bend. The color of the buds is bright yellow-orange, classic for the Nematanthus genus.
  • Nematanthus locustus belongs to the type of climbing subshrubs. Its leaves are light green and large, reaching a length of 7–10 cm. The pedicels are equally long, with single red flowers, strongly swollen on the tube.
  • Prirechny view. This is also a very graceful climbing plant. The leaves of Nematanthus riverine are large, ellipsoid, about 10 cm long, back side theirs is purple. The flowers are lemon yellow, up to 5 cm long. The flower's throat, unlike most nematanthus, is unfolded, the tube is pubescent on the outside.
  • Nematanthus Tropicana stands out from other nematanthus with large, pitcher-shaped flowers. In the lower part they are swollen, their color is yellow-orange, bright. Stripes of red-brown and golden-burgundy color stand out noticeably on the buds. The bracts are red-orange. The inflorescences are incredibly beautiful. The underside of the dark green, dense, glossy Tropicana leaves has a reddish tint. The shape of the leaves is oval, pointed. The shoots are erect, but over time they droop and branch. The Nematanthus Tropicana species is very popular among plant growers because it blooms profusely and effectively for a long time.
  • The unique species of Nematanthus Santa Teresa is considered to be less common, but it cannot be confused with others due to its striking large flowers. They reach 5 cm in length, are white or cream in color and are abundantly dotted with yellow dots and spots. The shape is tubular, the pubescence is weak. The flowers emit a delightful aroma reminiscent of zest and olive oil. The throats of Nematanthus Santa Teresa flowers, unlike other species, are wide open to attract insects for the purpose of pollination. Large (up to 7 cm) dark green elongated leaves of Nematanthus Santa Teresa have reddish veins and pubescence on the underside. The shoots can reach 70 cm, but during the growth process they droop and branch.
  • The variegated (variegated) forms of nematanthus are worth special mention. Such forms of plants arise due to genetic mutations: some leaf cells do not produce chlorophyll, so the leaves acquire light green or white spots. Variegated nematanthus are extremely beautiful.

Photo gallery: the most common types of nematanthus

"Tropical sissy" nematanthus is very sensitive to conditions of detention

During summer flowering, the temperature must be kept at 19–24 o C. But nematanthus does not like extreme heat: at 27 o C it already begins to suffer - the tips of the leaves dry out. At night it is recommended to keep the temperature 5 degrees lower than during the day.


In summer, nematanthus should be watered when the top layer of the substrate dries with soft, pre-settled water at ambient temperature. It is important to remember that watering should be individual for each species: large-leaved plants need more water than small-leaved ones. In winter, nematanthus is watered moderately.


Nematanthus requires bright but diffuse lighting 12–14 hours a day. Therefore, it is recommended to place pots with it on windows on the east or west side of the room. Plants near windows on the south side must be shaded to protect them from sunburn. In winter, nematanthus needs additional strong lighting.

It is best to place nematanthus on eastern or western windows

Pre-planting and post-planting care

The blooming appearance of nematanthus will be ensured not only by correctly selected temperature, lighting and watering conditions. Proper selection of soil and timely fertilizing will also affect the well-being of the plant.

Soil selection

Nematanthus prefer loose, light and breathable soil with a slightly acidic or neutral chemical reaction (pH 5.5–6). The soil should be composed of leaf soil, humus, peat and sand (2:1:1:1), it is advisable to add a little charcoal, pieces of sphagnum or pine bark.

Top dressing

In order for the nematanthus to delight you with its beautiful buds, you should feed it with fertilizers for flowering plants containing phosphorus and potassium. However, you should not apply fertilizer too often: fertilizing should correspond to the natural cycles through which the plant develops. During the period from October to February, nematanthus is dormant, so fertilizers should not be applied to the soil. But in the period from March to September, when young shoots are actively growing and intensive flowering begins, the need for feeding arises.

Nematanthus should be fertilized only during active growth

Nematanthus should be fertilized every 10–15 days, not more often, otherwise the leaves and flowers will fade. Fertilizer dosage is according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

Plant pruning

Nematanthus needs formative pruning at least once a year at the end of the active flowering period, that is, in October. Pruning should be done as soon as the leaves begin to fall off.

The pruning method is very simple: the shoots of old bushes are shortened by half the length, the branches of young bushes are cut by one third.

Nematanthus, like other types of house plants, must be pruned correctly

Without annual pruning, the next year the plants will lose their foliage density, the crown will lose its density and impressive silhouette.

It is necessary to shorten the old branches of Nematattus so that they send out new shoots - only on them do the brightest and largest flowers bloom on this plant. There are few flowers on last year's old branches; they are small and ugly.

Signs of improper care

  1. No or insignificant flowering. Reasons: poor lighting, indoor air too cold or dry, lack of nutrition, plant not pruned.
  2. Brownish spots appear on the leaves. Reason: watering with too cold water. The water temperature should be 20 o C or slightly higher.
  3. In summer the plant sheds its leaves. Reason: drying out roots - nematanthus requires compliance with watering rules. If a plant sheds its leaves in winter, the reason for this is the low temperature in the room.
  4. The tips of the leaves dry out. Cause: low humidity and excessively high temperature.
  5. Flowers fall prematurely and change their natural color. This is due to the fact that during watering drops of water fall on the flowers, this must be avoided.
  6. The appearance of gray rot. Reason: excessive watering, it should be reduced.
  7. The leaves are fading. This may be due to an overdose of fertilizers, excessive lighting, or excessively dry air. Neutralization of these factors puts the plant in order.

Pests and diseases of nematanthus

Unfortunately, nematanthus are susceptible to all sorts of diseases, and many pests want to feast on their juicy greens. The best way combating all misfortunes is strict adherence to care requirements. But if it was not possible to avoid the disease, drastic measures should be taken. When attacked by aphids, scale insects, and spider mites, insecticides are used. When rot appears due to waterlogging of the soil, it is recommended to limit watering. Against powdery mildew fungicide treatment is used.

Table: causes of pests and diseases and their control

or pest
CauseDisease or pest control agent
AphidPenetration from
nature indoors.
Insecticides: Actellik, Aktara, Inta-Vir, Decis. Use according to the instructions on the package.
ShchitovkaInsecticides: Actellik, Fitoverm, Metaphos. Use according to the instructions on the package.
Insecticides: Apollo, Fitoverm, Vermitek, Aktofit. Use according to the instructions on the package.
RotSoil infection by fungus.Security necessary conditions indoors, limited watering.
Powdery mildewAppears at high
indoor humidity and
low temperature.
Providing the necessary conditions in the premises.
Spraying with Fitosporin-M fungicide (10 drops per 1 liter of water), a mixture of soda ash (25 g) and liquid soap (5 g) dissolved in hot water.

Photo gallery: from whom and what should the plant be protected from?

If a thin cobweb appears on the plant, and the flower itself begins to weaken, it means it has been struck spider mite

How to plant and replant nematanthus

Those who want to have a nematanthus at home can purchase an already formed flower in the store or try to grow it from seeds or cuttings.

Growing from seeds

To propagate nematanthus by seeds, you must first prepare the substrate - before sowing it must be leveled and moistened. Nematanthus seeds are very small, dust-like; from the dried seed pod they should be poured onto a sheet of paper and scattered evenly over the surface of the prepared substrate, and then covered with glass. When the seeds sprout, the glass must be moved to the side so that a gap forms between the edge of the container and the glass.

Nematanthus seeds should be placed under glass

Grown seedlings dive - they are transplanted 5–6 pieces per pot. The plants will bloom in a year.

Propagation by cuttings

With this method of propagation, the substrate is thoroughly loosened before planting. The mother plant is cut into cuttings 8–10 centimeters long (they can be harvested throughout the year). The leaves are torn off from the bottom of the cutting and planted in a prepared substrate (this can be sphagnum moss, preferably fresh).

Propagation of nematanthus by cuttings is considered a more traditional method.

The donor plant should be placed in a shaded place, and after a while it will produce new shoots.


The practice of cultivating nematanthus has shown that this plant needs replanting. But it should be carried out no more often than every 2–3 years, since nematanthus develops at a fairly moderate speed. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, as soon as the first sign of growth of a young shoot appears.

Nematanthus has a small root, so it needs a compact pot, and the new one should not exceed the previous one by more than 2-3 cm in diameter. In flowerpots that are too spacious, nematanthus are more often affected by diseases or pests. In addition, this tropical sissy does not grow or bloom well in large pots. As for the soil, it should be moist, soft and breathable.

Step-by-step process of transplanting nematanthus

  1. Prepare the container and soil for replanting the plant. Place about a third of the pot where you plan to place the nematanthus under drainage (expanded clay, brick chips, vermiculite). Its presence ensures that the plant will not suffer from waterlogging. Compose the new substrate from leaf soil, peat, humus and sand (2:1:1:1).
  2. Carefully remove the top layer of soil from the old pot, being careful not to damage the delicate roots.
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot without destroying the lump of earth with the rhizome.
  4. Carefully place the root ball on the drainage layer in the new pot.
  5. Add the previously prepared new substrate. There is no need to compact the soil. If the soil settles naturally, you can add a little soil, but still do not compact it.

The genus Nemananthus includes only six species of plants, which are semi-epiphytic and epiphytic vines, shrubs and subshrubs, classified in the Gesnerieceae family. They are most often found in the wild in South America.

The name of the plant consists of two Greek words: nema - meaning “thread” and anthos - “flower”. This is due to the fact that some flowers of the plant have a thin, long stalk. The colors of the flowers are orange, red, yellow. Nemanatus plant external sign similar to Hypocyrtus and Columnia; previously, some species of Nemananthus were classified specifically in this genus.

The stems of the plant are creeping, covered with small, fleshy, glossy dark green leaves, sometimes the lower part of the leaf has a red-violet tint. Form sheet plate ovoid or elliptical. The flowers are very unusual - in shape and color they look like a bright small aquarium fish. The color of the corolla is yellow, orange-red, size is about 2 cm.

Thanks to this flowering, Nemananthus is also called the Goldfish flower.

Caring for nematanthus at home

Choosing a location and lighting

The optimal place for permanent habitat of nemananthus will be windows facing west or east. It can also grow near a north window, but in autumn-winter there will be insufficient light, which will negatively affect flowering. When placed on the south side in summer, shading is necessary, since direct sunlight threatens the foliage with burns.

In general, lighting should be bright, diffused, daylight hours should be 12-14 hours a day.

In winter, daylight hours are short. It is necessary to resort to the use of artificial lighting.

Air temperature

During the period of active growth, it is necessary to provide the plant with a temperature regime within the range of 19-24 ° C. Night temperature fluctuations within the range of 5-10 ° C will have a beneficial effect on the plant. Reduce the temperature to 14-16 ° C during the plant's dormant period (in winter).

Prolonged exposure to temperatures below 13°C negatively affects the condition of the plant. When kept for a long time in conditions of 7 ° C, the leaves turn brown and fall off, a further decrease in temperature leads to death. The plant also suffers greatly from too high temperatures (27 ° C and above).

Watering and air humidity

During the period of active growth, abundant growth is necessary; gradually reduce it towards winter, bringing it to moderate, especially if you lower the air temperature to maintain the plant. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries.

When watering, it is necessary to use only soft and settled water at room temperature, which is used to moisten it as the top layer of soil dries.

Why do nematanthus leaves fall and curl?

If small leaves of your nemanthus fall off and large ones clump together, there is insufficient watering, the earthen ball is very dry. Immerse the plant pot in a pan of water to allow the soil to become saturated with moisture. If the earthen lump has moved away from the walls of the pot, be sure to pour fresh soil into these cracks.

The level of humidity for a plant depends directly on the temperature in the room: the higher it is, the higher the air humidity should be. When the temperature is within 21° C, maintain air humidity at 50%. At temperature conditions up to 27 ° C, air humidity should be approximately 60%.

It is necessary to spray daily with a fine spray. If the dormant period occurs when the temperature drops, spraying must be stopped. At this time, you can only occasionally place the container with the plant on a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles.

It is necessary to water and spray with soft water that has stood for at least a day at room temperature.

Feeding and pruning nematanthus

It is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizers once every two weeks during the active growth stage. In the fall, reduce (apply fertilizers about once a month or in a smaller dosage). There is no need to feed in winter.

A characteristic feature of Nemanatus is that flowers appear only on young shoots. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out anti-aging pruning. It is usually produced after flowering has finished. During a warm winter, the nemananthus grows and requires new pruning in the spring. Cut shoots can be used for rooting.

Typically, Nemanthus flowering lasts from spring to autumn, but with sufficient light in winter, repeated flowering is possible.

Nematanthus transplant

Replant the plant as needed, this should be done in the spring. The plant feels better in cramped conditions, so when replanting, the size of the pot is increased by 1-2 cm in diameter compared to the previous one.

The semi-epiphytic or epiphytic mode of existence in the natural environment necessitates the need to ensure good drainage at home, maintaining moisture and looseness of the soil. The substrate must be light, loose, breathable with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. For example, the following mixture is suitable: two parts of leaf soil, one part each of humus, sand and peat, add pieces of charcoal or sphagnum.

Growing nematanthus from seeds

Goldfish flowers can be obtained from seeds and cuttings.

The seeds are very small, almost dusty, and are collected from the plant at White list paper, shaking out ripe seed pods.

  • Moisten and level the soil, scatter the seeds evenly over the surface, and never sprinkle with soil.
  • Spray the surface with a spray bottle, cover the container with clear glass, plastic wrap or a plastic lid.
  • With the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter should be slightly moved to the edge.
  • Perform bottom watering through a tray.
  • When two true leaves appear, the sprouts are plucked and planted in separate pots, several at a time.

Expect the flowering of stronger hypocyrta seedlings only next year.

Propagation of nematanthus by cuttings

Produced in spring and summer. Cut the apical or stem cutting 7-10 cm long. The lower cut should pass under the node, also remove the two lower pairs of leaves. You can root in peat soil, sphagnum moss or water.

To root in the substrate, you need to cover the cuttings with a cap made from cut plastic bottle or plastic cup and maintain a temperature of 22-24 ° C. Rooting occurs in 2-3 weeks.

Pests and diseases of nematanthus

The plant is quite resistant to diseases and pests, but aphids, spider mites, thrips, mealybug. All problems are most often associated with the weakening of the plant by improper care.

If pests are identified, they can initially be removed mechanically: moisten a cotton pad or soft cloth with alcohol or soap solution and gently wipe the leaves of the plant. If this does not help, treat with special preparations - insecticides.

The following problems are possible due to improper care:

  • The tops of the plant leaves dry out from too much high temperature and inappropriate (too low) air humidity;
  • The plant sheds its leaves due to drafts or sudden temperature changes. This also happens if you over-moisten the earthen ball in winter at low temperatures, or, on the contrary, dry it out in the summer.
  • Light brown spots appear on the leaves from watering with cold water.
  • If, when watering, large drops of water fall on the leaves of the plant, the leaves will begin to turn brown and fall off.

Species of Nematanthus hypocyrta

Nematanthus fluminensis

It is a climbing plant. The leaves are 5-10 cm long, elliptical in shape, arranged oppositely. The surface of the leaf plate is glossy, green in color, with a reddish tint underneath. Flowers of a bright lemon hue.

Fritsch's nematanthus Nematanthus fritchii

In the natural environment it reaches a height of about 60 cm. The leaves are 7.5 cm long on top and reddish on the bottom. The flowers are funnel-shaped, bright pink.

Nematanthus longipes photo

In the form of a climbing bush. The leaves are 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. Elliptical in shape, opposite arrangement. The surface of the leaf plate is slightly pubescent and has a light green color. A peduncle about 10 cm long emerges from the axils of the leaves. Single, funnel-shaped flowers of a coral-red hue appear on them.

Nematanthus wettsteinii

It has thin long (about 90 cm) stems that branch well. Grown as an ampelous plant. The leaves are small, waxy, oval-shaped, dark green in color. The color of the flowers is red-orange, they are up to 2.5 cm long.

Nematanthus nummularia

It has fleshy, rounded leaves, 2 cm long, light green in color. The flowers have a bright red color with a yellowish tint. After flowering, the plant sheds its leaves.

Nematanthus gregarius Nematanthus gregarius

Or “goldfish” - the leaves are small, glossy, dark green in color. The flowers have a yellow-red hue and are shaped like aquarium fish.

Nematanthus naked Nematanthus glabra

The plant is semi-ampelous. The leaves are fleshy, glossy, about 4 cm long. 1-3 bright orange flowers hang from the axils of the leaves.

The video will tell you about the care and maintenance of the Hypocyrtus nematanthus plant:

The genus Nematanthus includes only six species of semi-epiphytic and epiphytic vines, subshrubs and shrubs, which are included in the Gesneriev family. In the wild, these plants are most often found in South America.

The origin of the name is due to two Greek words nema - thread and anthos - flower, due to the fact that some flowers of the plant have a thin and long pedicel. The flowers are red, orange, pink or yellow. In appearance, the Nematanthus plant can be compared with the Hypocyrtus flower and Columnea, for this reason, previously some species were also classified in this genus.

Varieties and types of nematanthus

This plant is a climbing plant with satin-green, elliptical and opposite leaves, reaching up to 5-10 centimeters, which are reddish in color on the underside.

In the wild, the plant reaches up to 60 centimeters in height. The leaves are reddish below, reaching up to 7.5 centimeters, quite beautiful with a green color. The flowers are bright pink, with a funnel up to 5 cm.

It is an epiphytic climbing shrub. The leaves are light green in color, without pubescence, elliptical and opposite, reaching up to 10 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide, and the length of the peduncle is up to 10 centimeters, which emerges from the axils of the leaflets. The flowers are solitary, funnel-shaped, scarlet-red in color, and the corolla tube is swollen at the base. The calyx consists of five narrow segments and is incised.

It is grown as a hanging plant with thin, abundantly branching stems reaching up to 90 centimeters in length. The leaf cover is small, waxy, oval, with a dark green color. The flowers have an orange-red hue with impurities yellow color, reach up to 2.5 centimeters in length. The flowering period occurs quite abundantly and for a long time.

Nematanthus care at home

When growing nematanthus, it is necessary to provide diffused bright lighting up to 12-14 hours a day, somewhat similar to lighting for Saintpaulias. When choosing a place for permanent habitat, it is best to choose windows of eastern and western orientation; the plant can also tolerate being placed near a northern window, but in the autumn-winter period the plant will not have enough sunlight and may have problems with flowering.

If the plant is placed near south-facing windows, then in the summer it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight to avoid sunburn of the foliage.

In winter, it is necessary to provide the nematanthus with maximum lighting. You can also use additional lighting; plants respond well to them. Place large specimens under fluorescent lamps not very convenient due to their size.

During the active growing season, the plant must be kept in a warm room at a temperature range of 19 to 24 degrees. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, during which it is necessary to lower the temperature to 14-16 degrees.

Nematanthus can withstand depression quite well temperature regime, but with prolonged exposure to temperatures below 13 degrees, it will negatively affect appearance plants. If the temperature reaches 7 degrees, the leaf cover falls off and turns brown. At very high temperatures of about 27 degrees and above, the plant suffers greatly. At night, it is very useful for the plant to ensure that the temperature drops to 5-10 degrees.

Watering and air humidity

In spring autumn period The nematanthus plant requires abundant watering, and in winter, watering is reduced to moderate, especially when kept cool. When watering, it is necessary to use only soft and settled water at room temperature, which is used to moisten it as the top layer of soil dries.

If these are species with large leaves that absorb more moisture, differentiated moisture is used, depending on the size of the leaves, the size of the plant itself and the composition of the soil.

If your plant's large leaves bunch up and small ones fall off, this is a consequence of insufficient watering. If the soil is very dry, it is necessary to immerse the plant and pot in a container of water to allow the soil to absorb moisture, then add fresh soil into the gaps formed between the walls and the soil.

The nematanthus plant needs to be provided with a relative humidity of about 50 percent. Moreover, the level of humidity is directly proportional to the temperature of the content: the higher the temperature conditions, the higher the air humidity should be. At temperature conditions not exceeding 21 degrees, it is recommended to provide 50 percent air humidity. If the temperature reaches up to 27 degrees, the air humidity needs to be increased to a higher level of about 60 percent.

Every day it is useful to spray the plant with a soft and warm water. In winter, spraying is not carried out when kept in cool conditions, but you can place the dishes with the plant on damp expanded clay or pebbles to increase air humidity.

Fertilizer and pruning

During the active growing season, fertilize the nematanthus once every two weeks with a comprehensive mineral fertilizer. In the autumn period, feeding should be reduced, and in winter, do not feed at all.

The plant blooms from spring to autumn, but if you provide the plant with sufficient lighting in winter, it can also bloom.

A characteristic difference between nematanthus and many plants is the appearance of flowers only on young shoots. It is for this reason that the plant needs regular anti-aging pruning. It is usually carried out after the flowering period.

If the plant is kept warm in winter, it grows and needs new spring pruning. Overgrown plants should not be thrown away; they can also be re-rooted by cutting off stronger shoots and rooting them.

Nematanthus transplant

IN spring period transplant nematanthus into earth mixture as needed. You should not greatly increase the size of the container when replanting, as the plant feels best in cramped conditions. The new pot is chosen to be slightly larger by 1-2 centimeters in diameter compared to the previous pot.

Epiphytic or semi-epiphytic existence in natural conditions is due to the need for drainage in the container, stagnation of moisture in the container and loose soil. The substrate is slightly acidic or neutral, light, loose and breathable with a pH of 5.5-6. For example, you can use the following composition: 1 part humus, 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand, with the addition of chopped sphagnum and pieces of charcoal to the soil.

Nematanthus propagation by seeds and cuttings

Nematanthus propagates using seeds in the same way as other Gesneriaceae propagate. Pour dusty seeds onto a white sheet of paper from already ripened boxes. By gently tapping the leaf, you should sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the pre-moistened and leveled substrate, and then cover with glass.

After this, the crops are watered through the pan. And as soon as the first shoots appear, you should move the glass to the edge; the seedlings need picking. Grown young plants are planted in the same way as cuttings, several in one container. The flowering period will begin next year.

Nemanthus is successfully propagated by stems or apical cuttings. Cuttings are cut in size from 7 to 10 centimeters throughout the year. The leaves are removed from the lower third of the cutting and planted in sphagnum or loose, breathable soil. It is better to initially hide the mother plant from which the cuttings were taken from the sun in a shaded place. After a long period of time, numerous shoots will appear from the center of the dish.

Possible difficulties

  • The appearance of light brown spots on the surface of the leaves , may indicate watering with cool water; for irrigation, the water temperature should be 20 degrees.
  • If the nematanthus sheds its leaf cover in the autumn-winter period , the reason for this may be the low temperature limit in the content.
  • The plant suffers from severe dryness of the root system , this happens due to the substrate being too dry in the summer.
  • The tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry , the cause may be low humidity at high temperatures.
  • Flowers turn brown and fall , this happens when water gets on the flowers, try not to do this when spraying.
  • The plant may be affected by the disease gray rot with excess moisture . And also pests: aphids, thrips, spider mites.