The most beautiful country houses. Decoration of premises at the dacha. Choosing an interior for the kitchen

Dacha plots made in our time are not just intended for maintaining a vegetable garden and growing useful crops. Many people come to their dacha to relax, have a pleasant and useful time with family or friends, be in the fresh air and go to the bathhouse. This is why country houses must be comfortable and well designed. After all, you don’t want to have a shed on the property for storing accessories or a simple temporary shed. It is important to know in advance the basic requirements for a country house and implement it according to plan.

In this article we will look at projects of country houses for 6 acres or more. They will help you figure out the design for yourself.

Basic requirements for a country house

If earlier you could be content with an ordinary building, where you could spend the night after working in the garden, then these days the requirements for country houses have changed. Some buildings are no different from a private house: there are all communications, a bathroom, a shower, a kitchen, a TV, and electrical appliances. The yard is also made wisely: gazebos, a swimming pool, playgrounds. There are plenty of options. You need to understand what requirements your building will meet. After all, everything requires investment.

What are these requirements?

  1. The size of the dacha should be such that inside it is possible to equip a kitchen, a relaxation room and an open terrace or veranda. Some people make a country house 6x6 m. This is quite enough. Even for a 6-acre garden, such a structure will not interfere, and you will get a full-fledged home.
  2. It is important that the dacha has electricity. There is no way without him.
  3. It would be a good idea to make sure that guests or you can stay in it all year round. Heating can be either wood or electric.
  4. Since a dacha plot may not always be large, the house should not occupy the entire area. To save space, you can make a 6x4 m country house with an attic. This is an additional room that does not affect the width of the building.

What is a country house project

We have all heard the word project many times. But what does it mean? If we talk about country houses, then for them a project is a set of documents containing necessary information for construction. What does this include:

  • construction drawings;
  • plans;
  • scheme;
  • recommendations;
  • a set of materials and tools;
  • specification;
  • approximate cost.

In general, three sections of the project can be noted: engineering, architectural and structural. The engineering section contains wiring diagrams for heating, sewerage, ventilation, wiring, water supply, etc. The structural section is responsible for the placement of rooms and layout, and the architectural section is about the general concept of the building.

Country house building projects

Many owners prefer to make their dacha with their own hands. And everything you need - a project, a building plan, drawings and photos - can be found on the World Wide Web. I would like to note that for those who are not able to carry out a large building there are good budget projects. Here are the three groups:

Cheap country houses

Dacha houses from the first group cannot be called capital buildings. The project, plan and sketch can be done independently, without the help of specialists. Such buildings do not require a serious foundation, and they themselves are made of wooden planks or plywood. Oddly enough, if you use beautiful Decoration Materials and perform quality assembly, then their appearance it won't be bad at all. Below you can see such a country house in the photo.

And the main thing is that the construction does not require a lot of money.

Medium cottages

The most popular are houses from the second group, since they are closest to comfortable conditions. It has all the amenities you need to live all year round. Such houses are suitable for 6 acres of territory, as they are easy to place there. Inside, you can build a kitchen-dining room, a shower cabin and a bathroom.

Most often, the structure is capital, with a solid foundation, thermal insulation and amenities. If you build for a plot of six acres small house, then you can place a small pond, recreation area or gazebo on the territory.

Large summer houses

If you have a large family and your budget allows you to build a massive two-story structure with everything you need, then this is for you great option. This house can accommodate many guests. You can make an attic room or add a second floor. As for the layout, it is logical to make a lounge and a kitchen on the ground floor. And in the attic or second floor place comfortable and cozy bedrooms. To make the house ideal in general, a large terrace or veranda does not fit.

Note! All this is important to reflect in the design of such a dacha. On paper you need to depict the placement of rooms and the layout of the site.

Materials for a country house

The most common and inexpensive material for building a summer house is wood. This is an environmentally friendly material that has good thermal properties. Over the entire period of using raw materials, people have become convinced of its quality. Some are old wooden buildings, which are 100 years old or more, have survived to this day. If you love nature, then this is the material for you.

Note! Sandwich panels are often used to build a country house.

Easily considered no less popular concrete blocks for country houses. Their price is low and specifications simply excellent. It’s convenient and quick to work with them, because unlike bricks, they are larger in size. Structures made from foam blocks have a neat geometric shape. If you insulate the building well, you will not freeze in winter.

Well, let's not forget about the good old brick. The construction of the house is strong, reliable and durable. And the material itself has good heat conservation properties. The country house will be warm in winter and cool in summer. You will need to spend a little money on the material and do the laying, but the result is worth it.

To decide on the choice of building material for a country house, it is important to compare the pros and cons. In addition, if you want to save as much money as possible, consider the cost of raw materials in your region. Personal preferences, delivery conditions and plan requirements are also important. After all, for the massive two-story house It is unwise to use wood.


Have you already decided which country house project to implement? Weigh all the pros and cons, and then start doing the work.

The dream of many citizens is a beautiful small house outside the city, where you can escape from the city noise and bustle, hide from the heat, and feel the pleasant freshness of the earth under your feet instead of hot asphalt. But not everyone’s dreams come true; it seems that a country house is complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

Planning the space

Choosing a place for the future country house– this is not the time for hasty decisions, because there is not much space. Thoughtful, competent planning will help you use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street – 5 m
  • from the passage – 3 m
  • from the neighboring plot - 3 m

We are not considering the option with a low area - water will accumulate there. Optimally, the highest place on the site is in its northern (northwestern) part.

Projects of small country houses

Considering standard projects country houses, it is easy to see that the undisputed favorite is one-story building with an attic. This is a time-tested option for a country house, but you can dispense with the utility unit, because equipment and household supplies can be stored in the attic.

You can add a terrace to the house - in summer it can be used as a dining room. Two-story country houses often obtained without actually constructing a “clean” second floor, having arranged instead attic. Then on the ground floor you can plan a kitchen and living room, and the second floor - for the personal space (bedrooms) of the owners.

Advice! You can save significantly on the heating system - even at the most modest prices for installing a classic one (boiler, pipes and radiators) accounts for 15-20% of the total budget. If you are building a small country house with your own hands, where you plan to live only during the “season” (late spring - early autumn), then to heat it in bad weather, you can get by with electric or infrared heaters.

Prefabricated country houses are becoming very popular - unpretentious, outwardly monotonous parallelepipeds with roof We replaced architecturally interesting buildings with an improved layout, one or two floors.

You buy a kind of construction kit, such a country house can be easily erected with only basic knowledge about construction. The main thing is that it already includes all the systems - electrical wiring, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing. This will help avoid many mistakes that beginners make when they decide to build a country house with their own hands.

A prefabricated country house is designed for a long holiday with family or friends; it is larger in area, can be one or two floors, with an improved layout. Such a house is equipped with a technical room, a kitchen, rest rooms and a bathroom, equipped with a heating, ventilation, air conditioning system, and supplied with electricity.

The house can be equipped with a water heater, sink, countertop, hanging shelves, shower cabin, necessary plumbing. After installing such a country house, no additional repair work, it is completely ready for use.

Laying the foundation

The choice of foundation type is directly related to the choice of material from which the house will be built, as well as the number of storeys. Light houses (from rounded wood, timber, frame houses and modular) can be built on a columnar or screw foundation, heavy (brick, aerated concrete, stone, concrete blocks) and two-story houses will require laying a strip foundation (as an option - prefabricated, from reinforced concrete blocks) around the entire perimeter and under load-bearing walls Houses.

It is important to know the depth of soil freezing - the foundation should be laid below this level, taking into account the level at which groundwater lies.

In the basement part it is required to install waterproofing at a level of 0.2-0.5 m from the ground. If the soil is dry enough (sand), you can use it as a screed cement-sand screed 2-4 cm thick. For wet soil, roofing material will need to be laid on top of such a screed - in two layers. As an option, roofing felt can be glued onto a dry screed using hot mastic. Waterproofing is installed below the expected level of laying the floor beams.

Advice! In the basement, to ensure ventilation of the subfloor, small holes are made, which are covered with a protective mesh.

A blind area is created around the base, its width is at least 70 cm (it should protrude further than the overhang of the cornice), with a slight slope directed from the walls of the house. To do this, the top layer of earth is removed, clay (sand) is poured, a layer of crushed stone (gravel, broken brick) is poured on top of it and filled with concrete (rolled with asphalt).

Floor and walls

Flooring begins with laying the logs. To insulate the floor, insulation is laid between the joists, on top of which a vapor barrier is laid. It is attached to the joists with a stapler, and the joints are taped. Then the subfloor is laid, for which they use an unedged, cheapest board, having previously treated it with an agent against dampness and rot. And only then the finished floor is laid out. In a two-story house, the frame for the floor on the second floor is ceiling beams first.

Small country houses on plots are most often used as outbuildings for storing garden tools and electrical appliances. However, with a thoughtful approach to construction and decoration, the dacha project can be turned into a comfortable place to relax in the summer.

Compact country house made of wood

A small building for seasonal living will cost the owners a modest amount, since it does not require a solid foundation, careful insulation and a powerful heating system.

Features of country houses

The stereotypes of the Soviet era, when a country house was a miniature barn with a small couch for relaxation, have lost all relevance. Modern owners supply a small country house with utilities, cozy decoration and necessary household appliances. Quite often the only difference between a dacha and a country house is for permanent residence consists of the size of the living area.

Examples of modern country houses in the video:

The main feature of a country house is the combination of compactness and functionality. Many owners prefer structures of 6x6 meters, which can easily accommodate a miniature bedroom, a kitchen combined with a living room, and a small veranda. If area suburban area small, then such a house will become the best option: without cluttering the site, it will provide residents with all the conditions for summer recreation.

Ready-made project for a 6x6 country house

Engineering communications in such a structure must be carried out efficiently; for this it is advisable to use the services of professionals. Minimum Required– electrical wiring and heating system. The latter can be either a full-fledged electric boiler or a small stove that warms the owners on cool and stormy days.

The location of the house on the site determines the overall comfort during its use. If the plan of a country house involves a large terrace, it is advisable to place it on the sunny side. In general, it is better to build country houses on an elevated plot of country property, if such an opportunity arises. It is not recommended to occupy the entire land area with a house, so that there is space for outdoor recreation and gardening.

Country house in the depths of the plot

In general, the characteristics of the future house depend on the wishes of the owners. For example, a miniature temporary building created during the construction of the main house can be a “temporary shelter” for overnight stays. If several generations are expected to live in a house for a long time big family and active gardening, the size and functionality of the building should be increased.

The process of constructing a country house

Regardless of the chosen design, size and purpose, the construction of a country house consists of choosing quality materials and creating a suitable layout.

Examples of effective use of space in small houses in the video:

Creating a layout for future housing

Before laying the foundation, you should choose appropriate place for future miniature housing. The highest piece of land, at least 3 m away from the road and neighboring property, is best suited.

Most owners of compact summer cottages prefer to design a terrace where they can enjoy spending time on warm summer evenings.

The attic, equipped under the roof rafters, will provide the owners with another useful room, and will also give the house a unique flavor.

The attic is the ideal place to create a cozy bedroom

Variety various projects country houses allow everyone to choose the option that suits them or create their own, relying on the experience of professionals. In any case, the project must take into account all the needs of the people living in it: avid gardeners need a place to store tools, and lovers of noisy company will enjoy a spacious living room.

Selection of foundation material

The materials and method of constructing the foundation depend on the area and weight of the finished residential building, and the quality of the soil on which it is being built should also be taken into account.

A universal foundation option for a small country house is a strip type, which is dug into the ground to a depth of 50 cm. This design is durable and can withstand heavy loads.

Slab foundations are used for buildings located on “difficult” soils that are prone to movement, heaving, and with abundant groundwater.

Ready slab foundation

Pile foundations, depending on the installation depth and the material of the pillars, can be used for miniature buildings (wooden piles) or full-fledged residential buildings for seasonal living (metal piles dug several meters deep).

Material for building walls of a house

The most common material for quick construction of a summer house is wood in various modifications: rounded logs, laminated veneer lumber, and frame construction. Eco-friendly material creates a favorable indoor microclimate, while providing high level thermal insulation. Fans of year-round living outside the city will be able to heat such a building quite quickly. Main disadvantage wooden houses– the need for careful selection of materials. Low-quality wood can ruin not only the appearance, but also the functional characteristics of the building.

Original wooden country house

Brick houses are the most durable, visually pleasing and expensive material for construction. In addition, the finished structure is quite heavy and will require the installation of a powerful foundation. Construction brick house requires a long time, strict adherence to technology and additional thermal insulation, and therefore does not apply to budget construction options.

Block houses – more affordable way construction of a durable building. Depending on the materials, there are foam blocks (made from concrete foamed with a fire composition), gas blocks (material made in autoclaves) and ceramic blocks (based on clay chips). Any of these varieties requires a choice quality material and compliance with all thermal insulation conditions. Otherwise, the finished housing will be exposed to drafts, precipitation and mechanical damage.

Country house made of blocks before finishing

Frame houses are the most affordable and quick option construction of a summer house. Easy to use, beautiful country houses based on frames are affordable, you can build them yourself or with the help of a team of professionals. Patented and time-tested technologies (Finnish or Canadian frame structures) allow you to create comfortable housing in a short time with minimal costs.

Frame house under construction

Roof finishing materials

The simplest option for designing a roof in a dacha is a gable roof, which prevents the accumulation of precipitation and subsequent leaks. In addition, this option for installing rafters involves the construction of an attic, which provides additional space in country house.

External roof finishing can be done with sheet or piece materials.

The most popular option is metal tiles, which are molded sheets of galvanized steel coated with polymers. Reliable and lightweight material withstands regular exposure to precipitation and strong winds.

Seam roof made of metal sheets connected to each other using “bends” along the edges of each element. Such a roof will look more aesthetically pleasing than metal tiles, but due to the complexity of installation, the services of professionals will be required when installing it.

Seam roofing on the roof slope

Ondulin – more soft material for roofing, most often used in warm climates. Under the influence of heavy rainfall and temperature changes, the material may change color and lose its performance properties.

Ceramic tiles – traditional piece material for roof cladding with a long service life. Unfortunately, the tiled roof is quite heavy, so additional reinforcements are required on the rafters. In addition, the material is one of the most expensive on the market.

Bitumen shingles are a “soft” version of the previous one. The sheets are laid out in layers; due to their tight fit, the material is resistant to atmospheric influences and has high thermal insulation properties.

Popular country house projects

The market leader is cottage with an attic, made of various materials.

Small country houses

One-story country house on strip foundation– economical and functional solution. A miniature veranda allows you to spend summer evenings in the fresh air air

A small brick house with a built-in garage is suitable for both seasonal and year-round living outside the city.

A classic two-story country house with a bedroom on the second floor.

Interior solutions

Interior of a country house 6x6 meters: using the kitchen-living room as a relaxation area.

Compact country house with attic room: competent zoning allows you to place everything you need in a minimal area.

Classic furnishings of a wooden country house

The original decor of the stove in country house for year-round use.

The heating system will allow you to live comfortably in your dacha all year round.

Country houses for year-round use

Compact one-story house with dormer windows in the attic - optimal solution for living on the site in the summer.

A wooden house on two floors with a built-in garage on a strip foundation.

A stone country house with an attic and a balcony is a comfortable option for permanent residence.

A two-story house with a garage is suitable for comfortable permanent residence of a large family.

Unusual country houses - video

And a few more non-standard country houses in the video:


A functional and modern country house is created using technological materials and an ergonomic design project. A variety of building and finishing materials allows each owner to choose the appropriate option for construction.

Buying a summer cottage is just the beginning. It needs to be planned, the optimal house must be selected, and a general concept for its design must be developed. In this article we will consider a variety of country house projects. From the smallest for one room, to very spacious ones - for 100 square meters of usable area.

With veranda and terrace

When choosing the layout of a country house, they often try to find a project with a veranda or terrace. Such a covered area is good not only for relaxing or eating outdoors. On a rainy or hot day, you can do a lot of things under a canopy, which, due to large quantity You can't create trash in the premises.

Relaxing at the dacha is no less important than work. What could be more enjoyable than relaxing outdoors?

On a common foundation

Projects of country houses with a veranda have a small area: the smallest have dimensions of 6 * 4 meters, and the veranda occupies 2 meters on the long side, and the house itself is 4 * 4 meters or 16 square meters (taking into account the thickness of the walls, even less).

Project of a 6*4 country house with a veranda and a bathroom

The project presented above provides for winter use of the dacha. To keep the house warm, there is an entrance through the vestibule. The entrance through the veranda can be used in summer time. It is also good because it has a bathroom - a small shower, with sinks and a toilet. If there is no sewage system at your dacha, you can consider the option of a dry closet.

Another option - one room, in which space is allocated for several kitchen cabinets and a stove, costs a small dinner table and there is sleeping area. This layout is ideal for one person. Two people will feel good in it. This option does not have a bathroom, so you will have to build a toilet separately.

Project of a small country house with a veranda under a common roof

The layout of a small country house (up to 40 meters) is quite simple: usually there are two rooms, the first of which is used as a kitchen and dining room at the same time. Most often it is a walk-through. The second room is living. You can more or less comfortably place two sleeping places here. So, projects of country houses with a 6*4 meter attic are designed to accommodate 1-2 people.

Project of a country house with a bathroom and an open terrace under pitched roof

If the construction budget is very limited, consider projects of country houses with a pitched roof. They are unusual for our country, but the cost of roofing for a small area is much less. You just have to choose correct angle roof slope (taking into account the amount of snow cover).

Country house with buried winter veranda 8*8 meters, project with layout

A medium-sized country house is shown in the photo above. The project is interesting because the veranda here was originally “winter”, glazed. Most owners open verandas They come to the need to glaze it, and to build a gazebo for a pleasant time outdoors. In this project, the veranda is a continuation of the living room, but a partition can be installed here. Overall, convenient and comfortable home with a traditional layout, all rooms are separate, there is a bathroom, a fenced off corridor. All conditions for year-round living.

On a separate foundation

Please note that the above projects of country houses with a veranda have a common foundation. This is reliable, since even with spring heaving of the soil there will be no movement. But the foundation costs are significant. Therefore, this approach is justified on complex soils prone to heaving. On normal soils, you can build a veranda on a separate, disconnected and lightweight (usually columnar or pile) foundation. One such project is presented below.

Country house plan 4*8 with attached veranda

In general, a veranda can be attached to any building. It can be laid at the design stage, or it can be added afterwards (as happens very often).

Small country house 6*4.5 with a veranda on a separate foundation

The veranda can completely occupy one side of the house, or it can cover two or even three of its sides. But there are options with little open area(as in the photo above). In this case, the foundation may be separate, but there will not be much savings. For example, in the above project, only 1.1 meters of the main foundation were “won.”

One-story house 7*7.5 with an attached terrace

We are so accustomed to comfort that even at the dacha we don’t want to have “convenience in the yard.” For many, the main selection criterion is the availability of a bathroom. Even the need for equipment individual sewerage doesn't scare them. Not all projects of small country houses can boast of such “excess”, but some have a bathroom (toilet and shower).

With attic

The idea of ​​increasing living space by adding an attic floor comes up often. It is believed that construction costs do not increase much, since most of the superstructure is a modified roof. In reality, if the attic is used all year round, the difference in the price tag will be two-storey house and a one-story building with an attic will be small. After all, we must take into account that the area of ​​​​the attic floor premises is much smaller, and the costs will be high, since good heat, sound, and vapor insulation is required.

For some, a dream home looks like this

Attics under a gable roof

A country house with a summer attic will be really cheap. But it must be taken into account that in sunny days without insulation it will be too hot there, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter use.

Country house 6*6 with veranda and attic

A country house with a summer attic will be really cheap. But it must be taken into account that on sunny days it will be too hot there without insulation, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter use.

Small country house 5*4 for two living rooms with an attic

The country house projects presented above are intended for seasonal visits. They provide only living rooms. In the room on the first floor you can organize a kitchen corner.

Below is the layout of a small garden or country house measuring 5 by 5 meters with a dedicated kitchen. Please note that the porch is attached and is not on the plan.

5*5 cottage plan with attic and kitchen

All these houses are designed as frame houses. With minor modifications, these designs can be used for houses made of any other material. You just need to take into account the thickness of the walls and choose the right foundation.

Cottage with a covered veranda and attic 6*10 meters: floor plan

If desired, the covered veranda can be made open. Although, usually the opposite happens. Having built an open one, it is glazed or pushed out to half the wall, and single frames are installed. If you want fresh air, you can always open the windows, and the area can be allocated for a summer dining room or kitchen.

How to increase the area of ​​the attic floor

All projects of country houses with an attic floor are made under gable roof. This is good in the sense that the snow will not linger on such steep slopes. The second advantage is that it’s easy rafter system. The downside is the small area of ​​the “full” room upstairs. Too much wasted space around the edges. You can make cabinets there, but this area is unsuitable for living.

If the attic roof is gable, a lot of space is lost

If it is important for you to increase your living space, you can make the roof sloping. It is more complex and more expensive, but the area of ​​the premises on the attic floor is much larger.

House project for a 7*7 dacha with an attic under a sloping roof and a bay window

Another way to increase the area is to raise the walls above the level of the first floor. They say to build “one and a half floors.” This option is good for dachas that are visited during the cold season. The roof can be made as you like, but a large area of ​​​​the rooms still turns out to be broken.

Example of “one and a half floor”

When choosing a project for a country house with an attic for periodic visits, it is better to make the attic cold and make the ceiling insulated. On the stairs that lead to the second floor, it is necessary to provide a door/cover that will fence off the upper tier. Otherwise, heating will take a lot of fuel and time. In winter, there are usually fewer people, and visits are short. Warming up both floors is too time-consuming and expensive, so this isn't a bad solution.

Projects of two-story country houses

Building a two-story house is not such an expensive undertaking. You still need one foundation, albeit a more powerful one, but its cost does not increase twice, but by 60%. The dimensions and insulation of the roof do not depend on the number of storeys at all, so there is no need to increase investments. Added costs for the walls - their area is twice as large, but overall the cost square meter area is cheaper than when building a similar one-story dwelling. That’s why many people are looking for designs for two-story dachas.

Project of a small two-story house for a summer residence with an attached garage: living area 100 sq. m. m, total 127 sq. m, garage for one car

The above project is designed for aerated concrete or ceramic building blocks. Suitable for long areas. Attached garage very convenient to use - you can get into the house from the garage. Another plus: this option saves space on the plot, and there is always little of it at the dacha, no matter how big the plot you have.

In this layout option, there is a spacious terrace on the back side of the house. It is not included in the total area of ​​the house. Interesting design makes the house different from others: a large window on one and a half floors, cubic shape a garage and a canopy in front of the house do not affect the price tag too much, but make the house unique.

Project of a two-story country house with a garage attached to the side

Another project for a two-story dacha with a garage attached to the side is presented above. This option is more suitable for square or wide areas. The building area in plan is 10*10 meters, living area is 108 square meters. This house gives an unusual look high windows second floor. The selection of finishing materials, the combination of light beige and brown colors. Overall an interesting project.

Project of a summer house with a balcony around the perimeter of the second floor

A non-standard-looking two-story house with a balcony that encircles the entire building. At the rear there is a large open terrace. The roof is hipped, which complicates the design, but gives the building a special flavor.

With sauna

For many people, a dacha is associated with a bathhouse. A bathhouse, of course, can be built separately, but it is time-consuming and expensive. In a medium-sized country house, it is quite possible to set aside a room for a steam room. It is usually made with an entrance from the bathroom/WC, since water procedures necessary. For true steamers, there should still be access to the street nearby: so that you can quickly cool off in a river or outdoor pool.

Project of a country house with a bathhouse/sauna in a Scandinavian style

The minimum size of a steam room is 2*2 meters, the optimal size is 3*3. Such rooms can be fitted even into small houses, but at the same time the amount of living space will be reduced. If you still need to have enough rooms, you can consider the option of an attic floor. One such example is in the photo below.

Project of a country house with a bathhouse and an attic

Pay attention to the layout. The first thing you should focus on is that the stove is installed in such a way that it is heated from the next room. IN in this case This is the rest room. The option is not very good, since the entrance is far away. You will have to carry firewood across the room, which is inconvenient and usually results in a lot of garbage.

Another drawback: this option does not have a kitchen. For country life this is a serious drawback. The kitchen corner can be organized in big room, the bedrooms should be placed exclusively upstairs. Another layout option is to make a kitchen in the current “furnace/recreation room.” It is more comfortable to relax in a large room. It’s convenient to go in there after taking a shower.

Small and inexpensive

Small dachas are usually designed using the most inexpensive construction technologies. In our country, this is frame technology and wooden houses. Houses made of porous building blocks (foam concrete, aerated concrete) are in approximately the same category. But they are still not so popular.

Small frame house for the dacha

Projects of country houses using frame technology

Small country houses are usually built according to frame technology. You can build frames yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones - prefabricated ones. These are two technologies that, with minimal investment of money and time, allow you to have good holiday housing.

One-story country house 5*5 meters: project with layout

To optimize the budget for building a country house, look for projects whose foundation on the plan is a rectangle or square. The presence of any protrusions leads to an increase in the price per square meter. Not only do the costs of the foundation increase, the area of ​​the walls increases, and, therefore, the costs for them. The roof is also more expensive - the rafter system is more complex, there are more complex components.

Layout of a 6*4 country house with kitchen, toilet, summer veranda

One more point for those who plan to visit the dacha in winter time. So that when walking back and forth from the house he does not “run away” warm air, it is advisable to make the entrance with a vestibule. If the area does not allow it to be built-in, make an extension. This will greatly reduce fuel consumption and the time it takes to warm up the house.

Beam and log

One of the most common building materials in our camp: timber and logs. The advantage is that a small country house can be built very quickly. The downside is that it takes a long time to shrink (from six months to a year, depending on the initial moisture content of the log and climatic conditions). Before the end of the active shrinkage period, carry out Finishing work It’s not worth it, which delays the possibility of using the building. This does not apply to standing log houses (ready-made kits) or laminated veneer lumber. But the price is significantly (twice) higher for such options.

A small country house made of 4*4 timber - a very simple project

If we talk about the smallest country houses, they measure 4 by 4 meters. Doing less simply doesn't make sense. The layout in this case is quite simple: it’s just one room. They can differ only in their orientation to the cardinal directions, the number and location of windows. Doors can also be located in the middle or on the side. All. The options have run out.

The house will be a little larger in area, 6*4 meters. Here in its “pure” form we have about 22 squares of area, place 14-15 in the previous version. The layout is still not very diverse, but you can already fence off the kitchen area.

Country house plan 6*4

If we talk about optimal costs, then the above country house projects are not the most the best option. The fact is that it is better to make timber or log cottages 6*6 in plan. The fact is that the standard length of both beams and logs is 6 meters. If the walls of your house are smaller, you need to either look for a non-standard length of suitable length, or saw off the excess from the standard ones. Yes, non-standard costs much less, but you will have to look for it in different sawmills. Even at the largest sawmill, it is more than difficult to find timber or logs 4-5 meters long in sufficient quantities for construction. So you will have to “iron” everything nearby. It is difficult to say what the quality of the material will be. Although, if it doesn’t work for you, you can buy the same non-standard logs for several years, put them in piles, bringing them to operating humidity. Overall, this is a good plan. It just takes a lot of time to implement.

Country houses are not usually intended for year-round use, but this does not mean that you can be negligent in the design of the premises. A country house, no matter what style it is decorated in, is characterized by thinner walls and autonomous systems heating and water supply.

Features of country buildings

The modern interior of a country house often resembles the design of city apartments. Today popular house designs are made from wooden materials, although brick, cinder block and other types of building materials are no less often used.

The choice may depend interior interior dachas:

  • wooden walls can be left unfinished, and you will get rooms in rustic style;
  • for a country house made of panels, an interior in modern style using decorative plaster or paints;
  • The interior of a country house made of brick or cinder block requires serious finishing work.

For any country house you will need to prepare all surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor. This is ensured by a full range of rough work, which involves leveling surfaces, as well as preparing them for the application or installation of finishing materials.

Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

The center of the interior of a country house is many designers or, which are gaining popularity again, displacing the gas and electric systems that replaced them not so long ago.

Among the advantages of such heating, experts note:

  • stoves and fireplaces look great in the interior of a country house in the living room, kitchen or bedroom;
  • they can be decorated in a rustic style or given modern look design;
  • a fireplace can be made one of the design elements of a Russian stove for beauty, as well as efficient heating;
  • such systems do not require gas or electricity, and fuel is cheap.

For the interior of a country house, a fireplace will be simple ideal option, because it becomes a practical element heating system, but also emphasizes the special atmosphere of a country home. This is precisely the detail that city apartment owners cannot afford, which is why a fireplace is very relevant in a dacha.

Furnishing of premises

What is also typical for a country house is that for the furnishings inside they usually use old furniture, which is removed from the city apartment after being replaced with new ones.

This imposes some features of a country interior:

  • it represents a mixture of different styles in design;
  • Often people decorate the interior of their dacha with their own hands, making homemade furniture;
  • motley and varied design belongs to the kitschy style, and soft ones are simply called country style.

It looks good at home, where an area for outdoor recreation is usually set up. Glazing the veranda is a good modern move to protect the room from the wind, but preserve open review and a beautiful view of the picturesque courtyard.

Sleeping places and homemade furniture

Another feature of the house in country style is the need to arrange additional sleeping places.

The interior of a country house is approached from a practical standpoint, first of all, which is why sofas are usually selected as folding sofas, with the ability to be folded out. This is required because quite a lot of people periodically gather at the dacha; relatives and friends come for weekends or holidays.

Furniture in a variety of styles will fit into the decor of a country house, and mixing is acceptable different styles for decorating the interiors of such a house. But it looks best at the dacha wooden furniture, even if these are outdated options and models. It is only very important that the house is cozy and comfortable for everyone who lives in it from time to time, since the atmosphere should be relaxing and help you relax.

Complementing the interior with handmade furniture

Rustic style country house interior does not require serious financial investments - it does not make sense and is not rational.

If there is no old furniture, which could be transported from the apartment to the dacha, then you can try to make it yourself. Homemade structures in the house, including partitions or verandas, are also appropriate.

Homemade furniture does not look good in every style:

  • Provence is good for a bright and delicate country house;
  • Wooden structures look great with country style;
  • rustic style allows you to combine any furniture options;
  • very bright and unusual loft style for any room;
  • will be bright and free.

A modern garden interior can be decorated with wooden finishing materials or stone. Loft allows you not to use finishing materials in some places, since this is a feature of the style.

Layout, its features

On the plan of a small country house there may be only one room combined with a kitchen, and there may also be several rooms, which are also typical for classic house for year-round use.

If you plan to regularly receive guests, then you should get a dining room. And if a small number of people are planned to stay at the dacha, then limit yourself to the minimum area.

For a dacha the following are acceptable:

  • thin walls and partitions;
  • lack of electric or gas heating;
  • makeshift stairs and dining areas on verandas.

Dachas are usually used in the summer, and therefore there is no need to worry about ensuring that the heating is sufficient for living in winter period. Although if you plan to spend the winter holidays at your dacha, you need to create autonomous heating.

Designer things

The interior design of a dacha involves the use of a large number decorative elements, including already out-of-fashion decorations from city apartments.

When a person does not have old things in stock, then an excellent move to decorate the house and liven up the atmosphere would be:

  • flowers or artificial trees in massive tubs;
  • light curtains combined with a lot of wood;
  • antique lamps or with a minimum of decoration.

Paintings or copies look great at dachas. However, it is not recommended to store valuable paintings in dachas, because such housing is more susceptible to attacks by thieves and looters if long time remains without owners. It’s good when a country house is located on the territory of a guarded village, but this is typical only for suburban villages near large cities. Otherwise, there is a high risk of robbery if the house is decorated with very valuable items.

Bathroom of a private house

To decorate in a rustic style, they use antique, out-of-fashion cast iron alloy bathtubs, mounted on large legs, often made in the form of animal paws. Often, and this great alternative outdoor summer shower and village toilet.

Typical for a country house bathroom:

  • installation of an autonomous sewer system;
  • location of water supply pipes at the desired slope;
  • saving space and compact furnishings.

If you have or plan to have children, then you should take care of stone or tiled finishing floor. This will allow children to play without fear of getting the floorboards wet, since wood can rot quite quickly from water and moisture.

Features of kitchen design

Kitchen in village house can be decorated in both modern and classic style, and wide windows in this room are of great importance - they allow you to save on lighting during the day, since bright sunlight enters the kitchen through the windows.

In this case, it is necessary to choose furniture for the kitchen from materials that are not afraid of not only moisture and dirt, but also direct sunlight. There are usually few cabinets in a country kitchen, since the bulk of the dishes are usually stored in permanent housing, and only the essentials are kept in the country house.

Bouquets of fresh or fresh flowers or flowers in pots can refresh the atmosphere. Still lifes in reality and in paintings also look advantageous. Despite the fact that we are talking about a country house, you should not give up modern household appliances, which can greatly facilitate the work of cooking and cleaning, so that the rest becomes complete, and household chores do not interfere.

Country houses outside

Country houses are perfect for spending time in in the summer or spring, and garden plantings are usually placed in front of the building. Vegetable gardens with greenhouses are often placed in the backyard, or even outside the yard. If there is space, then it would be relevant to install a pool or pond with fountains and streams in the courtyard of a country house.

The paths to the house are being laid out decorative bricks or filled with concrete, and unpretentious flowers are planted along them, which do not require regular watering and care.

To make yard maintenance easier, you can use special coatings with lawn grass, and lighting can be made with built-in motion sensors.