Caring for indoor cypress. Homemade cypress - decoration and benefit for your home

The cypress that grows in the room has small sizes and was bred specifically for growing in an apartment. How to properly care for this plant so that it feels good in home conditions that are not entirely typical for it? What to do if a miniature tree dries out for unknown reasons? The answers to these questions can be obtained after reading the article and viewing the photographs.

What kind of cypress can be grown indoors?

Large-fruited cypress, grown in a pot on a windowsill, differs from its counterparts from subtropical groves only in size. In its homeland, in California, the tree reaches a height of 25 m, and in room conditions its maximum height is 2 m. The home cypress has the shape of an elongated cone, its shoots and fruits are densely covered with small scaled leaves - ovoid cones.

Attention! Very often indoor cypress is confused with cypress tree. You can distinguish them by the color of the needles - the first one is dark green, the second one is light green.

It has been proven that growing cypress indoors has a positive effect on the human respiratory system. This is due to the release of phytoncides into the indoor air - volatile substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms, including pathogenic ones.

Caring for indoor cypress

If you care for the cypress properly, it will delight you with its beautiful appearance for many years. The main thing is to create conditions for it that are close to those in which it grows in nature.

Lighting. Cypress is a native of the southern regions, so it prefers good lighting. However, direct sunlight can cause significant damage to the tree. In natural conditions, only adults strong plants can withstand the sun. So best windows for indoor pets, those that face east or northeast.

Choose an east window for cypress

Room temperature. In order for large-fruited cypress to grow and develop well, summer months it needs warmth and coolness in winter. In summer, home cypress requires a temperature of + 20°C and above. The plant feels very good in the yard or on the balcony.

Advice. A room with a growing cypress should be well and often ventilated. Conifers really don't like stagnant air.

In winter, the temperature in the room with the growing tree should not exceed +15°C. Better conditions for him this season is +8..+10°C. Such a place can be found on an insulated apartment balcony or an unheated extension of a private house. If you leave a cypress tree to winter on a windowsill with a heating radiator located under it, the tree will die.

Advice. To prevent cypress roots from freezing in a cold room in winter, you can insulate the flowerpot by wrapping it in several layers of thick fabric or covering it with foam plastic.

Watering. From spring to autumn, cypress needs to be well watered. The higher the room temperature, the more often you need to do this. The soil in the flowerpot should not be allowed to dry out, but excess moisture is also unnecessary. Therefore, when planting, you need to ensure good drainage.

In winter, cypress needs to be watered every 7-10 days. In summer, even if the plant is placed outside, to maintain required humidity it must be sprayed periodically.

Fertilizing the soil. Indoor cypress should be fed with liquid mineral fertilizer regularly once every month and a half. During the period when it is actively growing, that is, in the spring, you should fertilize the soil once a month.

Advice. It is advisable to feed cypress growing indoors with half the dose recommended on the package. Otherwise, its growth may exceed the expected size.

Transfers A. Young plants require annual replanting spring period, and older ones - as needed. To avoid damaging the roots, the cypress needs to be transferred along with the soil into a larger pot.

Young cypress needs to be replanted every year

Reproduction. Indoor cypress can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. In the first case, seeds can be purchased at the store. They need to be placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 months (stratified), and before sowing, soaked for 12 hours in warm water with the addition of growth stimulants.

Sown planting material in boxes filled with wet sand or sawdust, and as soon as shoots appear, the plants are transplanted into a soil mixture for conifers. The germination rate of large-fruited cypress seeds is not high - less than half of them germinate.

An indoor tree can also be propagated from semi-lignified cuttings remaining after the crown has formed. To do this, the lower leaves are removed and the branches are immersed in a solution of a growth stimulator for a day. Then the cuttings are planted in a box with soil and a greenhouse made of glass or polyethylene is installed above them. Rooting occurs after at least two months.

Reasons for drying out of large-fruited cypress

There may be several reasons for this change in appearance:

  • very dry indoor air;
  • water used for irrigation is of poor quality;

Adjust watering intensity

In addition, leaf scales may turn yellow and crumble after careless transplantation.

Attention! The above reasons can not only spoil attractive appearance plants, but also completely destroy it. Therefore, you need to immediately identify them and begin eliminating them.

Large-fruited cypress is a capricious plant that requires due attention. But, with proper care, it will purify the air and fill your home with the unique natural aroma of a coniferous forest.

Ask experienced flower growers, and they will tell you that during the USSR, no one even heard of the fact that coniferous trees could be grown on window sills.

Today this will not surprise anyone, because dwarf conifers take root well in the conditions of our apartments. Now many enthusiasts grow thuja, cryptomeria, cypress and even cedar trees in pots.

This list also includes interesting plant which we will talk about today - hamaekiparisovik or cypress tree(chamaecyparis). The cypress tree is a miniature indoor conifer tree. It is also called false cypress, chamecyparis or indoor cypress.

This handsome coniferous tree can not only decorate a home, but also benefit the health of its owners by releasing substances into the atmosphere that can kill pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Of course, to grow a handsome conifer, you will need a lot of attention and care. However, the beauty and benefits of chamecyparis are undoubtedly worth the effort.

How nice it is to hear in the room fresh forest scent!

Brief description of the family and variety

Cypress is a bright representative of monoecious conifers evergreen trees cypress family. To everyone appearance it resembles a cypress: its shape, the presence of needles, and cones.

It differs from real cypress in having flatter branches and small cones, each scale of which contains two seeds. The needles of young cypress trees are needle-shaped, while those of adult plants are scale-shaped. The tree bears fruit in small cones ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 cm.

In nature it grows on the Atlantic coast and Pacific Ocean North America, in subtropical regions of East Asia. IN natural conditions chamecyparis grow in the form of cone-shaped trees up to 60 meters high. In indoor conditions, the tree can grow only up to 2 meters in height.

Breeders have bred about 200 varieties of cypress trees. Varietal diversity The number of plants is so large that among them you can see trees of weeping, pyramidal and dwarf shapes with needles of yellow, gray, blue and variegated colors.

The following types of cypress are most often grown indoors:

  • Nootka cypress (Chamaecyparisnootkatensis)– grows on the Pacific coast, reaches a height of 40 meters. It has grayish-brown bark and dark green needles with unpleasant smell. The cones are spherical, brown with a purple tint. Can be grown at home.
  • Lawson's cypress (Chamaecyparislawsoniana)- lives in North America, growing up to 60 meters in height. The bark and needles are scaly, the cones are spherical and green. Good for indoor floriculture. Its most interesting varieties:
      • Alumii(gray-blue needles);
      • Alumigold(yellow needles);
      • Erecta Vitidis(light green needles).
  • Thuja cypress (Chamaecyparisthyoides)- Distributed in eastern North America. It has soft green needles with a bluish tint, which gives way to silver in spring and bronze in autumn. In nature it grows up to 25 meters.
  • Pea cypress (Chamaecyparispisifera)- its homeland is Japan, where it reaches 30 meters in height. It is distinguished by smooth reddish bark with a blue or brown tint. The needles are dark green, covered on the inside with white stripes and spots. The cones are small, round, brown. The varieties bred on its basis are incredibly beautiful:
      • Boulevard(silver-blue needles);
      • Filifera Aurea(golden needles);
      • Squarrosa dumosa(bluish-green needles).
  • Blunt cypress (Chamaecyparisobtusa)- grows in northern Japan. It is distinguished by light brown smooth bark, shiny light green needles and small spherical cones.
  • Mourning cypress or in Latin Chamaecyparis funebris- This is a native of China with grayish-green needles and dark brown cones. The mourning cypress is the smallest representative of its genus and is perfect for growing in the bonsai style.

Despite the differences in the appearance of these species, they are united by common features: the shape of the crown, cones with scales turned down and slightly protruding, a straight trunk. There is an exception - Kashmiri weeping cypress, whose branches are lowered down.

Secrets of caring for indoor cypress

Chamoecyparis is considered a not very picky plant to care for. However, it requires certain conditions of detention. When caring for a coniferous tree, it is important not to forget that it is a forest dweller. Therefore, fresh air and coolness in the hot season - main condition, which chamecyparis presents. And regular rain in the form of spraying is the key to the health of the lush needles of an indoor tree.

When caring for a cypress tree, you should remember about once or twice a month. rotate the plant 10 or 15 degrees around its axis. This procedure will provide him with a crown that grows evenly on all sides.


The coniferous cypress tree is very loves bright light, somewhat shaded or diffused, without direct sunlight, so you can keep it on the east and west windows, on the south side it can be placed at some distance from the window.

In summer it is especially necessary watch closely so that the needles are not burned by hot rays. Cypress, being a true native of the forest, loves fresh air.

Ideal summer option placement of the plant is a balcony, veranda or garden. But even in street conditions The cypress tree will need shading. However, this does not apply to plants with yellow needles - they, on the contrary, adore the sun's rays.

If you have the opportunity to move the tree into the open air in the summer, where the sun does not penetrate and there are no drafts, the chamaecypress will develop and grow faster.

In winter, the tree should stand as far as possible from heating appliances. Too dry air is a threat to the life of the plant. The best place for wintering This plant will become a southern windowsill, and only with the appearance of bright spring rays it must be removed away from bright light. also in winter period You may need additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

You should know that in low light Hamaecypress tree stretches out, loses its shape, and if there is excess, the needles turn yellow and fall off. And we should not forget that chamecyparis does not tolerate drafts.


Indoor cypress, although it is a plant of southern latitudes, loves cool conditions at home. Optimal temperature content for it will be +8-15°C. Do not place the tree near radiators or other heating devices. In winter, the plant is kept at low temperatures - no higher than 10 degrees. In summer it does not tolerate heat well.

In winter, the plant needs more humidity air, even if the room temperature is low. In case of serious violation temperature conditions, the needles may dry out and fall off, and new ones will no longer grow on these branches.

Low temperature is one of the main health conditions coniferous tree.


Conifers love abundant watering- such that the soil always remains slightly moist. In summer, water daily, in winter - weekly. Use water room temperature, it should be soft, non-calcareous. It is better to water frequently, but little by little, to avoid stagnation of water in the pan.

If you place the tree in a tray with wet expanded clay for the winter, then water the cypress not necessary. It’s enough just to make sure that there is always moisture in the pan. Evaporation of moisture from the soil surface is reduced by mulching. Experienced gardeners advise putting pieces of ice in the pot, which, slowly melting, moisten the soil and air around the plant at the same time.

Dry land - signal for soil moisture in the cold season. If chamecyparis lives in a warm room in winter, it needs a wet shower twice a day - in the evening and morning.

Try to use only settled water - this prevents the needles from turning yellow and falling off, especially if the plant is kept at air temperatures above the optimum. Spray the plant vital at least once a day, especially at air temperatures above 15 degrees. It is enough not to spray the conifer for one day for it to die.

Soil composition and fertilizing

Slightly acidic soil (PH level – 5.5 – 6.5) is what conifers need For good growth . It is best to purchase a substrate for conifers at a specialized store. Before filling the pot with soil, ensure good drainage and fluff up the soil thoroughly.

Feeding cypress throughout the spring and summer seasons every 14 days, and then feeding is stopped. For Hamaecypressus, ordinary liquid fertilizers for conifers need to be diluted with water, reducing the concentration by half.

Before applying fertilizers, the soil must be loosened. Complex fertilizers are used as fertilizers mineral fertilizers For coniferous plants or highly diluted solutions of liquid organic fertilizers. Should not be used various fertilizers indiscriminately, especially growth stimulants - they can turn your indoor tree into a huge tree with a thick trunk.

Transplantation and propagation

Indoor cypress trees grow quite quickly, so even adults plants are replanted at least once every two years. Because root system it is quite developed, take a spacious container, fill the bottom with drainage pebbles (pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks).

Hamaekiparisoviki don't like it very much transplants and tolerate them quite difficult.

You can buy ready-made soil - universal or for coniferous plants. If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, take the following composition:

  • turf – 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part.

Carefully, trying not to damage the root system, transfer the plant to another container with drainage installed, sprinkle with new soil, without deepening the trunk too much. After replanting, it is necessary to place the cypress tree in the shade so that it recovered from serious stress.

As for propagating cypress trees at home, this is not an easy task. Experienced gardeners, trying to achieve the desired result, use powerful growth stimulants (such as Epin).

You can try to propagate the plant from apical cuttings , process, and then plant in a greenhouse with high humidity air. After the young plants appear, they are planted in separate containers.

You can try to plant woody cuttings or seeds(this is done in the spring). This process is quite labor-intensive, lengthy and not always justified. The seeds are pre-stratified - for this they are placed in a moistened substrate for 90 days at a temperature of 5-7 degrees. After this period, the seeds are placed in a warm place for germination. Subsequently, they are planted in individual pots.


In order for the tree to remain lush and beautiful shape, in the spring you need to rid it of dry branches and overly long shoots. In no case should you cut off excess shoots partially or in half ( only completely!). In the fall, if necessary, pruning the cypress tree is done for the same purpose - so that it does not grow too tall.

Features of cultivation

When caring for indoor cypress trees, you should consider the following features:

  • In early spring they carry out root pruning to reduce crown growth.
  • Cypress required constantly turn by 10-15 degrees, with an interval of two weeks.
  • Can't bet conifer in a draft - both at home and on the street.
  • Plant does not love lighting changes.
  • Dry branches are removed.
  • To form a crown, excess shoots are regularly trimmed. Not recommended cut off part of the branch, especially after the leaves have formed. The entire branch is cut off.
  • If cultivation is carried out bonsai style– transplantation is carried out every 3-4 years.

Frequent problems with indoor cypress trees

If the basic rules for caring for indoor cypress at home are not followed, the following problems may arise:

  • If the tree stretches out, you need to add lighting to it;
  • at yellowing, drying And shedding of needles you need to move the plant to the shade;
  • another reason yellowing of needles there may be a lack of watering or fertilizer;
  • If the branches are drying up in one place - find out if there is a heating device nearby (spray and water the plant more often);
  • with excessively dry air in the apartment, insufficient watering and low temperature the tips of the needles are colored V Brown color (increase spray intensity);
  • If the plant withers then this may be the influence of root rot (urgently transplant into another container and reduce watering).

Diseases and pests

The cypress tree is disease-resistant. Its health can only be undermined by improper care, which causes the plant to develop rot. The root system of a coniferous tree can rot if the soil is waterlogged, lack of drainage, and improperly selected soil. If the plant still gets sick root rot, you need to remove it from the pot, cut off the rotten roots and replant it in a new container, changing the conditions of detention.

Cypress trees can also be attacked.

Shield. The plant is covered with round bumps of green, yellow or brown color; such bumps can appear on both sides of the leaves - these are scale insects. They suck the juice from the plant, gradually leading to weakening of the conifer and inhibition of its development.

Used for destruction insecticides Actellik, Mospilan, Aktara, Intavir, Fitoverm, Arrivo, Permethrin. From folk remedies Onion and garlic infusions and a solution of potassium soap can help.

Spider mite. The plant is covered with a thin cobweb and white spots on the inside of the leaves. After some time, the color of the needles changes, they dry out and fall off. To get rid of the pest, insecticides Aldicarb, Temik, Karbofos, Intavir, Fitoverm, sulfur and phosphorus agents, dandelion decoction, infusions of garlic and onions are used.

Useful properties of cypress

Cypress trees were grown in ancient Greece. They say these trees bring positivity and strength into the house. "masculine" energy. After all, the ancient myth says that Cypress is a beautiful young man whom the god Apollo turned into a tree for disobedience. Cypress trees, thanks to their amazing decorative qualities, have long become habitual inhabitants of our parks, gardens, and squares.

Cypress is a plant with unique beneficial properties. :

  • Cypress needles have a pleasant aroma and fills the house with phytoncides, extremely beneficial for the respiratory system.
  • Cypress phytoncides suppress development microbes, E. coli and staphylococcus.
  • The presence of a coniferous tree in the house improves microclimate premises.
  • Inhaling the aroma of chamecyparis needles is a great prevention of bronchitis And colds.

How to care for indoor cypress or cypress tree (hamaecypress), see the video below:

What to do if indoor cypress (cypress) dries out? Watch the advice of professionals in the video:

Needless to say, growing a homemade tree is not as easy as it seems. But a patient gardener can do anything. A little more work and patience - and you will have an elegant cypress tree for a long time, pleasing the eye with a thick crown of fluffy branches and exuding healthy pine aroma. And under New Year the evergreen cypress tree will gladly take on the role holiday tree! And believe me, he will cope with it “perfectly”!

Caring for a cypress tree at home involves feeding, protection from diseases and pests, as well as extremely careful replanting and strict temperature conditions, despite the fact that it is an outdoor coniferous evergreen plant.

Cypress is most often planted on personal plots near the house, but recently, growing and maintaining flowers at home, on a balcony or windowsill has become a fashionable hobby among flower growers.

It is worth noting that cypress does not grow as high at home as in the garden. Its shape is elongated, similar to a pyramid.


As mentioned above, the crown of the plant can most often be seen in the shape of a pyramid, less often - spreading. The shape of the leaf initially has the shape of a needle; as it grows, it changes and becomes like scales.

It is very interesting that the arrangement of such scales is most often four rows. Cypress trees develop cones and they are male and female. Such cone formations are called:

  1. Microsporophylls.
  2. Microstrobiles.

The scales become woody as they develop and grow. Under them, usually after a year of plant life, seeds can be found. The place where the crop grows does not affect the well-being of the plant in any way; it grows equally well both in the garden and at home.

Useful properties and use in folk medicine

Cypress oil has a wonderful effect on a woman’s body. Especially during the menstrual cycle, as well as during menopause.

This oil is actively used in the treatment of varicose veins and relieving swelling in the legs.

Cypress essential oil also has a calming effect: relieves fatigue and increases stress resistance.

Problems such as bleeding gums and spontaneous bleeding from the nasal canals will go away forever.

The crown of this plant also has undeniable medicinal properties. Its release into the air in the apartment helps purify oxygen. A positive effect is also observed in the respiratory system of the human body.


Lawson's cypress

There are many varieties of this wonderful plant. Here are some of the most common types:

  • Lawson's cypress, this plant has a cone-shaped crown, the color varies from yellow to greenish shades. The lumps usually have a rich green color.
  • Cypress Elwoodi, this variety has a maximum growing height in the garden of about 60 meters. The crown of this cypress is gray-blue.
  • Thuja cypress, this species is distinguished by a soft crown. Able to change color depending on the time of year.
  • Nutkan cypress, this type of plant has green needles and a beautiful unusual color of cones. In this variety they are purple.
  • Pea-like cypress, this variety has a rich green or yellowish crown color.

Care and methods of reproduction

Watering the plant is carried out according to the following scheme: in the warm season, once every 3-4 days, in the cold season - once a week.

Temperature for summer season is +20 +30 degrees, optimal performance for winter from +5 to +15. Proper lighting is also important.

The best thing - soft light, muted during the daytime hours.

Note: V winter time years, keeping home cypress on the windowsill next to heating appliances is contraindicated. This may destroy the plant. Place the flower on a warm loggia or insulate the pot with polystyrene foam.

To plant cypress in a flowerpot experienced flower growers It is advised to purchase commercially available soil for coniferous plants. It contains:

  • Sand.
  • Peat.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Turf.

Pruning and crown formation of the plant is carried out in early spring. It is highly not recommended to replant cypress. This procedure should only occur in the most necessary cases.

Cypress pruning

The transplant should be done by transferring it to another pot with a larger volume. But under no circumstances should the pot be too large. Otherwise, the moisture in the container will stagnate, causing the plant to begin to rot.

It is important to know: You should never replant in the cold season, always only closer to spring.

Cypress can be propagated in the following ways:

  1. Growing from seeds. Quite a labor-intensive process. Its essence is as follows: after collecting the seeds and their preliminary stratification (cold treatment), planting is carried out seed material into the ground ( best time for planting beginning of March). It is recommended to keep the seeds for several days at a temperature no higher than 7 degrees, then move the pot to a warm, dry place. Transplanting sprouts into open ground could be produced as early as mid-summer
  2. By cuttings. Prepare light, fertile soil for planting. Cut off the tops of young shoots (by 10-11 cm). Clear part of the stem from needles and bury it in the substrate. For better rooting, you can create a greenhouse. You can plant the cuttings in separate containers after their roots have grown.
  3. By layering. Choose a healthy branch (preferably the one closest to the ground). They bend it to the ground and dig it in. After the branch has taken root, you can separate it from the mother bush.

Diseases and pests

There are plant diseases such as:

  • Fusarium. The causative agents are fungi of the genus Fusarium. The plant is observed to wilt: the plant stem becomes thinner, the leaves turn yellow, and the roots rot. The development of the disease is facilitated by excessive soil and air moisture, therefore preventative measure It is recommended to ventilate the room more often and loosen the soil.
  • Brown Schutte. The disease is dangerous for coniferous plants. It is caused by the fungus Nerpotrichianigra and appears as a gray coating similar to a cobweb.

Pests can also add trouble to diseases, such as:

  • Spider mite.
  • Shield.

All these diseases and pests can greatly harm the cypress tree, so it is important to carefully monitor the health of the plant and provide it with proper care.

For more information about indoor cypress, watch the following video:

In flower shops, cypress trees grow in transfer pots, inside of which there is peat. Most often, the plant is very cramped in such a container, and its root system just begs to come out. Therefore, an evergreen tree needs to be replanted as soon as possible. After purchasing, you need to wait 6-7 days and transplant the cypress into a new, convenient pot. The above time is necessary for acclimatization.

When purchasing cypress, be careful. Plants like Kochia and Taxodium are very similar to what you need. Kochia is not evergreen, and Taxodium, although a cypress family, is deciduous.


Some gardeners are inclined to believe that it is undesirable to prune indoor cypress, since its crown does not grow in large volumes. But most still recommend pruning. Cypress, depending on the variety, can be given the following forms:

  • Cone.
  • Spiral.

ATTENTION! In the last version you need to try really hard to make it really beautiful. If you have no experience in this matter, then it is better not to take risks, otherwise the plant will look, to put it mildly, not impressive.

Pruning is carried out in the spring, when the plant is completely dry. It cannot be sprayed before the procedure. Excess shoots are removed entirely (cutting them in half is prohibited).

If necessary, pruning can be done in the fall.


Cypress loves light very much, but does not accept direct rays of the sun. Perfect option– year-round diffused lighting.

If your plant is on a windowsill on the west or east side, it will need to be shaded at certain times. Accordingly, in summer the cypress is not placed on the south window; it will only be good in this part of the house in winter.

Too little or too much light is harmful to cypress, as they will negatively affect the development and growth of the plant. In the first case, the branches will stretch strongly upward and crumble, in the second case they will turn yellow.


When growing cypress at home, it is very important to observe seasonality. Consider the fact that the natural conditions of the plant are subtropical.

The optimal temperature for cypress in summer is 20-30 degrees Celsius. But in winter you need to create conditions of about 5-10 degrees Celsius. During frosts, the root system of the plant freezes completely.

How to plant?

Planting and care at home is a simple procedure. If you have already bought an adult tree, you only need to replant it after acclimatization. The pot should be 3-4 times larger than the root system of the plant. It is best to choose a clay container. In plastic pots, the soil dries out quickly and cools down in winter, which will negatively affect your pet.

You can also purchase seeds at a flower shop, or remove brown seedlings from a pine cone. The landing scheme in this case is as follows:

  1. Seeds are planted in wide bowls.
  2. After 14-20 days the first shoot appears.
  3. After 30 days, tiny cypress trees can be planted on permanent place in pots.

How to transplant?

Young specimens need frequent replanting. The procedure is carried out annually in late spring, but as it grows, the frequency decreases. Mature cypress trees are replanted only if necessary.

IMPORTANT! You need to replant very carefully and carefully, transferring the plant from one pot to another. The slightest damage to the root system will lead to the death of the cypress.

Subtleties of transplantation:

Growing at home

Growing cypress requires compliance with several mandatory rules:

  1. The plant is turned 10-15 degrees every 2 weeks.
  2. The green beauty does not tolerate drafts or changes in lighting.
  3. Dry twigs must be removed. They are cut off completely, since the stumps will not grow green and will spoil the appearance.
  4. When growing in bonsai style, replanting is needed every 3-4 years.

Soil for the plant

Soil for cypress can be bought at the store; substrate for coniferous plants is suitable. The optimal mixture for full growth:

  • Leaf soil - two parts.
  • Sod land - three parts.
  • River sand (coarse) – one part.

The soil must be loosened, otherwise the plant will die. A drainage layer is necessary to prevent water stagnation at the roots.

If you decide to feed your “pet,” buy fertilizer at a flower shop that is intended specifically for this plant. Garden fertilizers cannot be used.

How does it reproduce?

Cypress can be propagated in two ways: by seed and cuttings.


  1. After purchasing seeds, they need to be stratified (treated with cold). To do this, the seed material is placed in the refrigerator for 3 months.
  2. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours.
  3. Planting is carried out in boxes where the drainage is crushed bark, and the main soil is sawdust mixed with sand. The containers are placed in a dark place, the soil is constantly moistened.
  4. The seeds germinate partially. Those that have successfully made it, when they reach 5-6 centimeters, are sent to separate pots.

Read more about the nuances of growing cypress from seeds.


  1. When pruning a tree, cuttings with a “heel” are cut.
  2. The leaves are removed from the petioles. Place them together in the “root” solution for 24 hours.
  3. The media is sprinkled with crushed coal.
  4. Petioles are planted in the same soil as when seed propagation. The third part should go deeper.
  5. The soil is moistened.
  6. Cover the material glass jars. Ventilation is carried out every week for about an hour.
  7. In a couple of months, rooting will occur.

How does it grow in a pot?

In indoor conditions, cypress can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The life expectancy of cypress is quite high.

Watering and air humidity

In summer, cypress consumes a lot of liquid and needs frequent watering. Watering the cypress summer time recommended daily.

At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. In hot weather, the plant needs to be sprayed (only with settled water at room temperature).

In winter, watering is reduced. Settled water is also used.

Cold season: how to cover it for the winter?

An excellent place for wintering cypress at home is a loggia or balcony, since it is not worth covering it for the winter. In such a room it is observed optimal temperature– 8-10 degrees Celsius.

Watering in winter is carried out once a week. Do not allow the soil to dry out or have an excessive amount of moisture.

If the plant is in a warm room, it will need daily moisture. In the morning and evening, cypress needs to be sprayed.

Diseases and pests

Cypress is practically not affected. But you can still observe on the plant spider mite or scale insect. In this case, immediate treatment will be required. chemicals At improper care there may be rotting of the root system.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of cypress in the home are very significant.

Useful qualities

First of all, cypress will fit perfectly into the interior before the New Year. Put some tinsel on it and you have a Christmas tree.

The wood of the plant releases phytoncides, which kill moths, suppress the development of microbes, staphylococcus and E. coli.

The climate in the room where cypress grows is very pleasant, filled with a pine aroma.

REFERENCE! According to Church tradition, cypress is a tree from the Garden of Eden, which is a symbol of eternal life.

Medicinal properties

Pros of growing cypress indoors:

As a result, we can say that Cypress does not cause any harm. Caring for cypress at home is not very easy, but it is worth it. As a result, you will not only get beautiful plant, but also undoubted benefits for your health.

It is difficult to imagine the Black Sea or Crimean landscapes without the slender, handsome cypress. If you were enchanted by this beautiful tree, steeped in myths and legends, on vacation, try growing cypress in a pot. Caring for it will require some knowledge and skills, but for this the miniature southern Christmas tree will all year round delight with its soft fragrant needles.

Description of the plant

Cypress belongs to the genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the same family. Forms a pyramidal or spreading crown. Young plants have small, needle-shaped leaves. In adult specimens they are scale-like, pressed against the branches. Cypress is a monoecious plant: under one crown there are male and female cones that ripen in the second year. Seeds are hidden on the underside of the cone scales.

Cypress trees are inhabitants of subtropical and tropical climates. Frost-resistant species are grown in gardens and parks, and large-fruited cypress is popular for growing at home in a pot.

In Christian culture, cypress appears as a symbol of eternal life and is mentioned in the Bible as a tree growing in the Gardens of Eden.

In order to arrange a piece Garden of Eden On your windowsill, the cypress needs to create conditions close to its natural habitat.

Caring for indoor cypress

This southern heat-loving crop needs to good lighting. But only mature trees can withstand the bright sun, and it is advisable to shade young shoots at midday. The best location for it is eastern or northern window sills.

Caring for cypress in a pot at home involves regular watering, pruning, spraying and ensuring a period of winter dormancy.

In summer, the southern beauty is kept at a temperature of at least 20 ° C and plenty of fresh air. For this purpose, the cypress in a pot is taken out onto the balcony, into the yard, country veranda. In hot weather, the plant needs regular spraying; it loves a shower or at least being located next to wet moss or wet pebbles.

In early spring, cypress is pruned to form the desired crown. Until autumn, it is watered abundantly, following the rule - the warmer the room, the more often it is watered.

From May to August, cypress is fed every month with liquid, intended for indoor plants.

The so-called cypress tree is very similar to cypress. They belong to the same genus, and you should care for a cypress in a pot in the same way as the cypress itself.

How to care for a potted cypress in winter

For intensive growth during the growing season, cypress needs winter holidays. At this time, it is kept in a cool room at a temperature of 8–10 ° C. Watered very moderately, once every 7–10 days. The best place for a wintering cypress will be an insulated balcony or loggia. To prevent the roots from freezing, the pot is wrapped with any insulation - polystyrene foam, mineral wool, rags.

With the onset of spring, the cypress is pruned and two weeks later brought into warm room. Watering is gradually increased and fertilization begins.

Cypress transplant

Young, fast-growing cypress trees are replanted annually, between April and May. Adult specimens do not need annual replanting; this procedure is carried out with them as needed, when the cypress becomes cramped in an old pot.

Replant cypress in a pot at home with extreme caution, as it does not tolerate even a violation of the integrity of the earthen coma. Essentially, the plant is transferred to a larger container, carefully shaking off the soil along the edges of the earthen lump.

At the bottom of the pot pour drainage a few centimeters deep, a little sand and a soil mixture consisting of:

  • 1 part sand
  • 1 part,
  • 1 part of turf land,
  • 2 parts leaf or regular garden soil.

New soil is poured under the earthen ball in such a way that the root collar of the transplanted plant remains above the soil surface.

The cypress is placed in a new pot, trying not to spill soil from it, and the space between the roots and the walls of the pot is carefully filled with soil. The soil is lightly compacted and watered.

Diseases and pests

Cypress diseases are usually associated with improper care. So, its roots rot due to waterlogging. If root rot occurs, the diseased specimen is transplanted into new soil, removing rotten roots and reducing the frequency of watering.

Due to the dry air in the room, the cypress tree may suffer from an infestation or spider mite. The disease is easily treated with Fitoverm or Actellik. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity indoor air.

If you follow these simple rules of care, a cypress in a pot can grow into a slender and graceful tree that will become a real highlight of the interior.

Video about transplanting and propagating cypress in a pot