Zebrina hanging. Useful properties of hanging zebrina. Tradescantia zebrina - a green doctor on your windowsill

There are currently so many new indoor plants amazing beauty, that those familiar to us no longer arouse such intense interest as before.

Even 10-15 years ago, flowers like Tradescantia could be seen in any apartment or institution. However, over time, Tradescantia zebrina began to be forgotten. Today we invite you to enjoy the view of this elegant flower with us and talk about its amazing abilities. Perhaps then there will be a place for it on your windowsill. Let's look at how to care for a zebra at home.

Description of Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia zebrina is an indoor perennial plant, a member of the Commelinaceae family. Its homeland is considered tropical and temperate climatic zones America. Distinctive feature This plant has an unusual leaf color. From below they violet shade, and on top - two-color.

A greenish-purple stripe runs along the central section of the leaves; it diverges laterally into wide shiny lines with a silvery tint. The central part and tips are colored purple-green. Variety with purple petals and silvery stains are called “violet hill”.

This is interesting! Knowledgeable people Zebrafish are bred to feed turtles, parrots, hamsters and other pets. Aquarists put plant stems into the water. A colorful mat forms at the bottom, which the fish love to eat.

There is a variety of Tradescantia with white striped leaves. Along with indoor views, you can also grow garden specimens. The shoots grow up to 80 cm. In young Tradescantia they stand upright, in adult plants they are lowered. The cross section of the stems resembles a cylinder. They are the same color as the foliage, i.e. violet-purple. The leaves are oval-shaped, rounded at the base, their width is 3 cm and their length is 7 cm. Zebrina is mainly valued for the amazing shade of its foliage, since it rarely blooms.

Caring for Tradescantia zebrina at home

Zebrina is not only beautiful and easy to care for, but is also valued for its antibacterial properties.

Location and lighting

Zebrina needs a brightly lit windowsill. Feels good on windows facing east or west. Bright light promotes contrasting foliage colors. In the evening and morning, direct sunlight can be allowed. In the winter months, pots of flowers are placed in the brightest windows. In spring and summer, zebrina actively grows foliage. The shoots begin to sag under their own weight. Therefore, the plant can be placed in a hanging pot. It will resemble a loach.


IN summer time the temperature should not exceed 25°C. But if she crosses this mark, it’s not critical. When it drops to -16°C, the plant enters a state of stagnation. To winter time the shoots did not stretch and the flower did not lose its decorative effect, you need to put it in a cool place.

Watering rules and air humidity

The flower loves moist, but not soggy soil. To balance watering, you need to monitor the condition of the upper part of the soil. When it dries 1.5-2 cm, the plant can be watered. In summer, watering should be plentiful, in winter - rare and moderate. Do not overdry zebrina, this will harm the root system. And excessive watering contributes to rapid rotting of roots and shoots. Air humidity does not matter, but the leaves need a warm shower to remove dust and dirt.

Fact! Tradescantia is able to tolerate long-term drought due to the juiciness of the stems. At the same time, the plant turns bright purple and falls into a “lethargic sleep.” But as soon as the roots feel moisture, the zebrina comes to life and begins to bloom beautifully.

Selection and timing of fertilizing

Caring for a zebra at home involves fertilizing, but in the autumn and winter the flower does not need it. It needs to be fertilized in spring and during active growth. Enrich the soil nutrients 2 times a month. If the plant is sick or weakened, it is not worth feeding.

Trimmingand pinching

Tradescantia zebrina retains its decorative appearance for no more than a year. The older it gets, the longer and balder its stems become, the leaves and shoots more often break and die. To restore the flower to its former attractiveness and put it in order, the pruning method is used. In this case, all old shoots are cut off at a distance of 3 or 5 cm from the ground level.

The procedure is carried out in the spring, when the plant has already bloomed. You need to pinch Tradescantia during its active growth. This will stop the stems from stretching. The plant will begin to branch better, the bush will be smaller, but denser. With the help of timely pruning and pinching, you can maintain the shape of the flower.

Flowering period

During its rare flowering season, Tradescantia zebrina produces small pink and purple flowers. They have only three radially symmetrical petals. In this case, the calyx and corolla are represented as one whole. Flowering may begin in spring or summer. The buds are located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves.

Fact! Zebrina blossoms do not cause allergic reactions.

Reasons and methods of transplantation

Zebrina needs to be replanted so that the developing plant has more free space to develop a good root system. An additional advantage is the renewal of the soil and the application of fertilizers.

The best soil for Tradescantia zebrina is a mixture of coarse sand, humus, leaf and turf soil. The ratio should be 1:1:1:2. You can use ready-made soil for variegated plants and add ¼ of sand to it. The soil must be used sterile.

Plant the flower in a low but wide container with small holes at the bottom to drain excess liquid. You can put small pebbles, polystyrene foam, expanded clay on the bottom. Young flowers are replanted every spring. Adult zebrina - once every two years. Best time for the procedure - spring. In order not to disturb root system, when transplanting, the transshipment method is used. The top layer of soil also needs to be updated.

On a note! An adult zebrina with elongated bare shoots is no longer so attractive, so they take stems from it and, having rooted them, grow a young plant.

Reproduction methods

Tradescantia zebrina can be propagated in several simple ways.


The method is labor-intensive and is rarely used. In spring, seeds are sown in a container with prepared soil. open method. Next, the soil is watered and the pot is covered with glass. The container is placed in a warm and well-lit place, where the temperature is not lower than +20°C. The mini-greenhouse is periodically ventilated. After the sprouts sprout, the film is removed. Young shoots are moistened, and when they grow up, they dive into separate containers.


The cutting is obtained by cutting the top from the mother shoot. It should have 3 or 4 pairs of leaves. You can get a rich-looking bush by rooting several stems at once in one pot. To germinate cuttings, use soil or water. This process takes from 7 to 10 days.

Dividing an adult plant

When transplanting an adult plant, you can get several small ones. To do this, the rhizome is carefully divided into parts. Each piece is planted in separate pot. At further care The plant needs moderate lighting and the same watering.

Difficulties in growing

The main problems when growing are usually associated with insufficient or improper care:

  • bare stems and sparse foliage indicate a lack of water, nutrition and light;
  • the leaves have lost their brightness of color - this means the flower needs more light;
  • if the leaves droop, become stained or turn yellow, this indicates a lack of moisture;
  • the leaves have brown and dry tips - the air in the room is very dry;
  • Drooping and thinning leaves indicate problems with the roots. They may have been flooded or overdried;
  • A monotonous green color may be a consequence of excessive fertilizing.

If the plant’s problems cannot be eliminated, then you need to cut cuttings from it and try to grow them.

Diseases and pests

Zebrina is rarely affected by diseases or attacked by pests. Very rarely you can find aphids, spider mites or scale insects on it. A diseased plant can be seen by pale leaves, insects settle on them.

Aphids prefer young stems. The spider mite stretches the web in the internodes. The plant may be purchased already infected. You can get an infection by using unsterilized soil mixture.

The source of infection can be neighboring plants, etc. Among home control methods, according to plant growers, washing the flower with a soap solution can help. In case of severe damage, fast-acting insecticides should be used.

Zebrina species

There are several varieties of zebrins.

Hanging (hanging). Very popular among amateur gardeners. It has medicinal properties. For colds, you can use it like Kalanchoe and aloe. The leaves of this variety are elongated, bare, with small cilia along the edges. The lower part has a characteristic purplish-red color, and the upper part has two silver stripes that stand out against the reddish-green background.

Zebrina purpusa. It does not have bright and noticeable stripes on the leaves. They are purple below, red-green above, slightly pubescent.

Zebrina flocculosis. This species has whitish soft leaves with a fleecy surface. Currently, all these species are attributed to hanging Tradescantia.

Medicinal properties of zebrina

The therapeutic effect of zebrina has not yet been fully studied. Scientists believe that it is similar to the action of fragrant callisia, which is in the same family.

At home, you can make and use preparations from zebrina leaves. They are effective in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, various bleeding, tuberculosis and colds, colitis and flatulence, calluses.

Stems and foliage are used as medicinal raw materials. They are used to prepare decoctions and lotions that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing effects. Zebrina infusion can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes.

Attention! Do not consume zebrina without first consulting your doctor.

If you decide to have a zebra in your home, then you won’t have to choose between beautiful and useful plants. Tradescantia zebrina is not only decorative and unpretentious plant, but also home first aid kit for all occasions.

Zebrina has long been loved by Russians. When growing Zebrina flowers, care at home does not cause any trouble. As experienced gardeners say, it is not so easy to destroy this plant. The popularity of the flower is growing not only because of the beautiful colors of the leaves, but also because of its unique psychic abilities.

If a plant that has been properly cared for suddenly begins to turn pale and wither, it means the place where it grows is unfavorable. Another cause of plant “disease” can be quarrels between households. It’s probably worth looking at Zebrina more often to find out how harmonious the relationship between relatives is. This is not all the charms of the flower. He is a doctor. It is advisable to have such a magical plant, since caring for it is not so difficult.

Zebrina is perennial plant from the Commelinaceae family. The birthplace of the flower is Mexico and Central America. A houseplant that is naturally smaller in size than in its natural environment.

Russians call the Zebrin flower tradescation. The short one indoor flower amazing decorative leaves. They are oblong and have sharp tips. There are stripes all over the surface, reminiscent of the coloring of a zebra. Hence the name.

Leaf color can be:

  • pale green;
  • silver;
  • red;
  • green;
  • white.

Zebrina pendula

Shoots, depending on the species, can hang or creep. Looks beautiful in hanging pots.

The flower has a short lifespan. It is easy to identify an aged Zebrina by its bare shoots and elongated stems.

The flowers are inconspicuous, small ones appear rarely on the plant. The colors are pink, white, purple. It is clear that it is not the flowers that attract indoor plant lovers, but the multicolored striped leaves.

Zebrina needs large space, in this case it is spread out with a beautiful carpet. Shoots that descend to the soil are able to take root themselves. Zebrina is grown not only in homes, but also in offices and factories. Flower growers create from this plant flower arrangements. You can often see tall plants in tubs, the surface of which is covered with a multi-colored striped carpet.


When they first started studying Zebrina, she was classified as a separate genus. Over time, scientists decided to attribute the flower to the Tradescantia genus. Although it must be taken into account that there are differences between real Tradescantia and Zebrina.

There are four species of Zebrina, but indoor floriculture Only three are common:

  • Hanging zebrina/Zebrina pendula is the most popular, it is a healer plant. The leaves are large, with “cilia” of a reddish-green color with two silvery stripes. The lower part of the leaf is purple-red.
  • Zebrina purpusii is in second place in popularity. The leaves are large, reddish-olive-green with slight pubescence on top. The lower part of the leaf blade is without fluff, purple in color. There are stripes, but they are weakly expressed.
  • Zebrina floccoloza is rare. The leaves are whitish with clearly visible hair and stripes.

Rules of care

This type of indoor plant attracts lovers of its decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Even novice flower growers practically do not make mistakes. Zebrina is grown, like other hanging plants, in hanging flower pots or placed on cabinets and shelves. – the location of the flower should be well lit.

Lighting requirements

With sufficient lighting, the decorativeness of the representative of the Tradescantius genus shows its decorativeness in all its glory. The main thing is that the light is diffused; the hot rays of the sun during the day can burn the tender leaves.

Western or eastern windows are best suited for Zebrina. You can also grow Tradescantia on a north window, but in this case the color of the leaves will be duller.


Zebrina Purpuza/Zebrina purpusii

The plant, including Zebrina purpusa, is not picky about air temperature. The usual temperature of 18 to 25 degrees is quite acceptable for successful development. In summer, in hot weather, when the temperature rises above 25 degrees, no special changes occur with the plant: it feels good.

In winter, when daylight hours become shorter, the plant should be placed in a cool place. This will reduce the growth of new shoots. If such conditions are not created, the shoots will begin to stretch and the intensity of leaf coloring will decrease.

Features of watering

IN natural conditions liana grows in the subtropics. Therefore, Zebrina has her own preferences regarding watering. Frequent watering is not recommended; the soil should not be flooded, it should be kept moist.

Excessive moisture will cause the soil to turn green and the root system to rot. In addition, succulent stems and leaves adjacent to the ground suffer due to waterlogging. If they rot, the plant will not only lose its unique floweriness, it will simply die.

Zebrina floccoloza/Zebrina floccoloza

If for some reason the owners were absent for some time, the soil was dry, nothing bad would happen to Zebrina. Only the color will fade and the shoots will droop. One is enough good watering as the flower comes to life again. When watering, use warm, settled water. The fact is that tap water contains chlorine that is harmful to plants.

Dust that appears on the leaves can be removed by giving the plant a warm shower.

Soil requirements

All types of indoor Zebrin flower, although undemanding when caring at home, still prefer to grow in loose, fertile soils. Soil acidity can be neutral or slightly acidic.

The best option would be ready-made soil for indoor plants, since it is balanced and contains the necessary elements. They just add sand to it. If the soil is prepared at home, it should consist of:

  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • turf and humus - 1 part each;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

The bottom of the pot is filled with a drainage compound that prevents waterlogging.

Do you need fertilizing?

Any indoor plants, including zebrina pendula, need feeding. They are carried out in the spring-summer period, when vegetative development occurs. The best option for fertilizers is complex fertilizers, which can be purchased in specialized stores. In autumn and winter, plant growth slows down, so feeding is not advisable.

Rules for transplantation and reproduction

There is no need to replant the zebrina often if it is renewed every year. From time to time, bald lashes are cut out and yellowed leaves are removed. This way the beautiful appearance is maintained.

When replanting, the plant with a lump of earth is transferred to a slightly larger pot so as not to disturb the root system. To prevent soil from getting on the shoots and damaging them, you need to wrap them in a piece of cloth.

Zebrina reproduces by shoots. They can be rooted in water or directly in the ground.

Pests and diseases

All types of Zebrina attract gardeners because they are not inhabited by any other pests of indoor plants.

Having noticed a cobweb on the leaves, the flower is treated using chemicals, designed to destroy this pest, for example:

  • actellik;
  • fitoverm.

Diseases can appear if the rules of care are violated. Let's look at the most common ones:

Among the diseases, the most common manifestations of improper care are:

  • Drooping, thinning leaves. The reason lies in improper watering. If the soil is dry, simply water. If a “swamp” has formed in the pot, cut off the shoots and replant the plant in fresh soil.
  • Stretching of shoots, shredding of leaves, loss of decorative effect are associated with lack of lighting.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out if the room is too dry. Spray Zebrina or place a tray of water nearby.

Zebrina is a real healer

Zebrina is a medicinal plant, this was established in ancient times by Buddhist monks. The juice contained in the leaves and shoots has:

  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • stops bleeding;
  • promotes rapid healing of small wounds.

The amazingness of the Zebrin plant is not only decorative, but also unique properties, helping to get rid of ailments. Another useful property is the ability to purify the air. That is why the flower is often grown in the kitchen and placed next to the computer. Zebrina is widely used in hospitals and schools.

It’s not difficult to grow a flower of Health, if only you have the desire.

Zebrina is a perennial herbaceous plants from the Commelinaceae family. Central America and Mexico gave us indoor zebrafish. Yours interesting name she got it thanks to the zebra-striped leaves. White, red, pale green, rich green, silver - stripes of these colors and different widths can be placed along the ovate-pointed leaves, which gives them a special charm.

Young plants are distinguished by erect, elastic shoots, which over time become long and creeping. Zebrina flowers are small and their flowering time is quite short. They come in purple and pink-lilac. The zebrina flower itself is clearly visible in the photo, although it blooms quite rarely. But the decorativeness of the plant lies in the striped leaves, and not in the flowers. After all, they are placed very tightly on the stem, which creates the impression of a continuous carpet of striped green covering.

Indoor zebrina is classified as a hanging plant, and therefore hanging flowerpots are perfect option decorative placement of a flower. If you look at various photos flower, you will notice that it looks like a striped waterfall consisting of living leaves. The stems are branched, rooting at the nodes, which helps create a lush striped carpet on the surface of the earth. Therefore, if you show a little imagination, this plant can be successfully placed in winter gardens, for example, next to fountains, mini-ponds or on alpine slides, as Galina Yudina, a resident of Zemetchino, in the Penza region, did.

By the way, this name of the flower is also characteristic of many other plants that are used for landscaping the garden area. This list includes Miscanthus chinensis Zebrinus - ornamental grass up to two meters high, Zebrina mallow, which reproduces by self-sowing, and many others. And such a trellis hedge as the thuja folded Zebrina Extra Gold will give any green corner a complete look.

The most common types include:

  • hanging zebrina;
  • Calathea Zebrina;
  • zebra Purpusa;
  • Zebrina Flocculose.

Hanging zebrina belongs to the arrowroot family, and it acquired its name due to the striped color of the leaves.

Many plants in nature, such as Guernia, can emit bad smell, which makes it difficult for everyone around to breathe. But zebrina, on the contrary, purifies the air around itself and makes breathing easier.

Caring for the zebrina plant at home is the same as for others hanging plants. It requires well-ventilated places, an average level of illumination, and excessive exposure to direct rays is excluded. Although you should not allow too little sunlight, as this can lead to the death of the zebrina.

Optimal temperature for normal development zebrina is a temperature in the range of 16-18 ° C, although even at higher temperatures development proceeds normally. In summer the plant is successfully grown in open ground.

The plant is a flower that is very resistant to dry air. But for good development, it is advisable to spray it and wash the leaves. Although it should not be used for this purpose special means, as this may cause the leaves to change color.

The flower is very rarely replanted. This is due to the fact that its appearance deteriorates over time, and therefore it is better to plant a new plant every 3 years. Planting is carried out in wide and not very deep pots, using the following soil mixture: turf soil, humus, leaf soil, sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 0.5.

For full development, the flower is fed with water and liquid during the period from March to August. mineral fertilizers(once every 2 weeks).

Propagation is usually carried out using cuttings, which, after planting immediately in pots, take root very easily. For this purpose, you can successfully use cut old, not very attractive shoots.

Difficulties encountered during cultivation

When there is insufficient light, the leaves begin to turn pale and change color. To avoid this, you need to move the zebrina to a more illuminated place. Bright lighting - bright leaves.

When watering, you should not allow an excess of water, which will cause the roots to rot and the leaves to turn yellow. In winter, it is recommended to limit watering.

Zebrina can be affected by aphids, spider mites, scale insects, and thrips. Typically, these pests are observed to be located on both sides of the leaf, causing it to become discolored and die. In order to destroy pests, the plant is washed with a soap solution. Also quite effective in this case is treating the plant with garlic tincture. For more severe forms of flower damage, insecticides are used by pests.

Zebrina is an attractive plant that resembles the well-known Tradescantia, to which it belongs. However, zebrina leaves are larger and stronger. It grows luxuriantly good lighting, while the leaves are colored bright purple or cream. In a shady area or in winter when the days are short, the leaves may turn almost green.

But with good lighting, the bright color is quickly restored. The most attractive zebrina growing in a hanging basket. It is advisable to place three or four pots in one basket so that many purple shoots hang from it. Check the soil in hanging baskets regularly as it dries out quickly. A layer of wet pebbles in the tray will help support required humidity. From time to time, grow a new plant from cuttings. Light: The plant needs intense lighting, including bright sunlight, with the exception of hot midday rays.
Temperature: in winter - not lower than 13 °C. In summer - normal room temperature, preferably no higher than 21 °C.

Zebrina watering: the soil should always be moist. In summer, water the plant 2 times a week, in winter - once a week.

Humidity: Zebrina requires a humid atmosphere. The pot should always be in a tray with wet pebbles.

Zebrina feeding: in spring and summer, once every 2 weeks, add liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, diluted according to the manufacturer's recommendations, to the water for watering.

Zebrina soil: fertile clay soil. Replanting: Since the appearance of the plant deteriorates with age, it is recommended not to replant it, but to grow new plants every 2-3 years. Root 4-5 cuttings in a small pot, after six months, transplant them into a permanent pot (13 cm) and do not transplant again.

Caring for the appearance of zebrina: Spray the plant with water to wash away dust. Do not use any other leaf care products.

Zebrina. Features of care

Zebrina breeding. When the plant's stems are bare at the base, cut cuttings 5-7 cm long with two pairs of leaves and a growing point (cut the stems directly under the leaves). Remove the lower pairs of leaves and plant the cuttings in small pots. Water your plantings regularly. After 2-3 weeks, signs of new growth will appear.

The bright colors and unusual shape make Tradescantia stand out from other indoor plants. Its foliage is silver and covered with longitudinal stripes. different color. Tradescantia zebrina is grown as a ampelous flower. It looks good in flowerpots and on balconies, on cabinets and window sills.

Unpretentious, rarely sick, resilient, she rightfully occupies an honorable place in the cohort of indoor flowers. Even a novice gardener can handle caring for it, but you still need to know some nuances.

Origin and description

The plant belongs to the Tradescantia genus and the Commelinaceae family, its closest relative is the golden mustache. Zebrina is an inhabitant of the humid tropics with many medicinal properties and amazingly beautiful hanging shoots with thick and bright foliage. The ampel got its name precisely from the coloring of the leaf plates.

Tradescantia zebrina - external signs:

  • the stem is long, smooth and dense to the touch, has a cylindrical cross-section;
  • shoots are creeping, branched and cascading, stretching up to 1 meter in length;
  • leaves are oval-shaped, with a pointed end and alternate;
  • leaf color: the underside is bright purple, the outer side is divided by stripes different shades- from dark green to rich crimson;
  • The root system is superficial and penetrates shallowly into the soil.

In the wild, zebrina produces small flower stalks of lilac or Pink colour. But it rarely blooms indoors. After 5-7 years, the flower loses its external attractiveness and beauty; it is grown again with the help of stem cuttings.

Indoor tradescantia purifies the air and saturates it with phytoncides. Its foliage has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect. This flower creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. Pets always feast on this plant.

Varieties and features

The Tradescantia genus is numerous; about 100 species are known, differing in height, shape and foliage. Zebrina was originally a separate genus, which was divided into species, but later botanists added the striped ampel to Tradescantia. Therefore, now it is more correct to talk about the type of zebrin and its varieties. Among them, there are three most suitable for home floriculture:

  • Hanging zebrina, or trailing zebrina (Tradescantia zebrina pendula). Its peculiarity is large bare leaves, hanging stems and medicinal qualities. The bottom of the leaf blade is bright red, along the front side there are two wide silver-white stripes on a lush green background.

  • Zebrina purpusii. This variety has blurred color boundaries on the leaf, from red to green, the lower part is purple. By leaf plate There is a slight, barely noticeable pubescence.

  • Zebrina flocculosa. It has soft and fleecy leaves of a whitish hue. The plant is characterized by a rapid growth rate.

Where to plant

Tradescantia zebrina grows happily at home. Caring for her will not take much time and effort. The plant loves light and moisture, but does not tolerate direct sunlight and overwatering. Zebrina needs space and air, so pots with it are hung or placed higher. On summer season It would be a good idea to plant the flower in open ground - it will wonderfully decorate a flower bed and become a bright addition to any landscape design.

“Miss Clean” magazine draws attention: when planting in a pot, you need to take into account that the roots of Tradescantia do not penetrate deeply and are located close to the surface. Therefore, the capacity required is quite wide.

Location. The ideal place for Tradescantia zebrina is eastern and western windows, where there is a lot of scattered daylight and there is no extreme heat. A lack of light negatively affects the appearance of the flower - it weakens and withers.

Ambient conditions. The comfortable temperature range for zebrina is from +20 to +25° C. In the autumn-winter period, it can withstand coolness, but not lower than 13 degrees. Tradescantia is a moisture-loving plant; it requires abundant watering and regular spraying. Drying out the soil is not acceptable for it.

Spring and summer are the period of Tradescantia activity; at this time it increases its green mass and grows. The winter season is characterized by dormancy; during this period the plant needs moderate temperatures and less watering. Zebrina willingly lives in open ground if the air temperature is acceptable for its growth and development.

How to care

Tradescantia zebrina is a valuable indoor plant. Its leaves are used in medical purposes— they treat wounds and burns, relieve pain, and make tinctures against gastrointestinal diseases. This plant is air filter- cleans and disinfects the air in the house. Experts say that this flower has a powerful energetic effect on people - it calms, improves mood and gives strength.

Basic care measures:

Watering. The soil in a pot of Tradescantia zebrina should always remain slightly moist, but not wet. Dry soil can cause leaves to wither, and stagnant moisture can cause roots to rot.

Feeding. Zebrina is fertilized only in the active growth stage - in spring and summer. Good feeding- This complex fertilizers twice a week. Autumn and winter are a time of rest for the flower, so it is not fertilized and watered less.

Circumcision. To enhance branching, it is recommended to pinch the tops of side shoots. After pinching, the bushes look well-groomed - lush and compact. Old and dry branches are cut off regularly.

Transplantation and planting of Tradescantia.
At a young age, zebrina is replanted annually; adult plants are replanted every 2-3 years. The plant requires loose soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The soil must contain humus and sand. The pot for Tradescantia should be shallow and of sufficient width with a good drainage layer at the bottom. Reproduction occurs by cuttings, which quickly take root in the ground.

The plant loves air, so it needs regular loosening and ventilation of the room. The flower does not grow well near smokers; nicotine has a detrimental effect on it.

Problems of growing Tradescantia

Tradescantia is distinguished by its high viability and resistance to diseases. It is rarely affected by pests and spoils. If the plant is attacked spider mite, you should wash the leaves and stem with soapy water and dry them in the open air. Plaque is removed in the same way.

Negative changes appearance most often associated with errors in caring for the zebra.

Flower shops usually sell small Tradescantia bushes that bloom intensely. At home, it is not recommended to feed the plant for the first time so that it adapts to new conditions. After 1-2 weeks, the flower can be transplanted into another pot.

Difficulties and solutions when growing Tradescantia:

  • leaves fall off when there is a lack of moisture and excessive fertilization of the plant;
  • color brightness is lost as a result of poor lighting;
  • spots on the leaves occur due to lack of moisture;
  • dryness at the tips of the leaves occurs due to insufficient air humidity in the room;
  • the stems have become thinner and elongated - the reason lies in the incorrect location or weakness of the root system;
  • An aged Tradescantia can be rejuvenated by cutting off the shoots to the very base near the soil surface.

Tradescantia zebrina can be revived and improved only by dividing the mother plant. The prepared part is immediately rooted in a new pot, providing moderate illumination and systematic watering. Tradescantia cuttings are kept in water for only a couple of days, after which they are rooted in suitable soil.

Tradescantia zebrina will fit well into any interior of an apartment, home or office. She is also good outdoors - on a flowerbed, lawn, alpine slide or by a pond. Anyone, even a beginner in this business, can raise an unpretentious and life-loving zebrafish. Experienced flower growers Tradescantia stands out among other indoor plants due to its variegated foliage, 100% survival rate and excellent adaptation, medicinal qualities and easy care.