White coating on the bark of an apple tree. Apple tree diseases - types of fruit, foliage and trunk infections

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Every experienced gardener knows that dacha work is not easy. Illnesses are becoming a serious problem for summer residents fruit trees, especially apple trees. Instead of juicy fruits, we get sick trees with healthy pests.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are many diseases that affect apple trees. The main thing is to detect the disease as quickly as possible and begin timely treatment, so as not to regret later that the tree died. Let's talk about the most common diseases of apple trees.

– one of the most common and harmful diseases for your fruit pets

While the death of a tree due to apple scab is a rare occurrence, the tree suffers in another way. The yield of the apple tree decreases, the fruits turn into small, dry, twisted fruits. Reduced shelf life, loss of desired vitamins and minerals in fruits are a consequence of the presence of a harmful guest at your dacha.

Pest control methods

Scab can and should be treated. There are several options for fighting:

  1. Basic wrestling technique- This is the destruction of affected apple tree leaves.

Every autumn, summer residents rake up fallen leaves, send them to compost, and cover the ground with them to a depth of 7-8 cm. It is also necessary to remove all rotten fruits from the site. It is useful to spray trees with growth stimulants, thereby maintaining tree health.

  1. Chemical treatment scab.

Scientifically proven drugs of chemical origin: fungicide "Rayok"; systemic fungicide "Strobi"; contact preparation "Abiga-Peak"; Fitolavin solution.

Preventing the appearance of dark spots

  1. Removal of all existing weeds;
  2. The choice is extremely resistant varieties apple trees;
  3. Regular removal of deeply affected, fallen, rotten fruits;
  4. Collection of high-quality fruits intended only for seasonal storage;
  5. Separate storage of absolutely all collected fruits.

Flycatcher - dots on apples

The name is exactly that because Black dots on apples that appear during illness resemble biological waste from flies.

Elimination of the disease

If this type of disease occurs, apple trees need to be sprayed, and also, if possible, capture land cover. Preparations such as copper sulfate and oleocuprite can be safely used. All this needs to be done before spring. This will be the first stage of treatment. Later (second stage) spraying is carried out using copper oxychloride, phthalan. In a couple of weeks it will be time for the third final spraying. It accepts previously used drugs of your choice. It is worth knowing that apple trees need to be sprayed several times a season. The solutions can also be alternated with each other.

The best results in treatment can be achieved if only the treatment is carried out before the main causative agent of the disease penetrates the plants, so you should not let your guard down.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that is distinguished by its rapid spread throughout the entire dacha area. Fungal spores spread quickly through rain, wind and human factors(through country equipment).

The disease is detected by summer residents in the spring during active bud bloom. The virus spreads to the entire surface of the apple tree, settling with a white coating. The fruits spoil, lose their taste, and often die. When a tree becomes completely ill, the ovaries begin to fall off, the branches dry out and die. At the same time, the dew becomes an expressive brown color.

Prevention of occurrence

  1. For better disease prevention and protection against dew, spraying still healthy trees three times with fungicides.
  2. Healthy sulfur pollination at least four times, but only in summer period.
  3. The room with seedlings must be ventilated a sufficient number of times, maintaining a clear humidity regime and avoiding strong drafts.

If you decide to grow powdery mildew-resistant varieties of apple trees, then prerequisite is cutting off diseased shoots. They need to be removed both in winter and spring, especially at the end of flowering, when the organs of the tree become clearly visible.

How to get rid of white plaque

  1. Compliance with key agricultural practices, i.e. prevention of soil drying out.
  2. Fulfillment of all points disease prevention.

Fruit rot - why did it appear and what to do?

Apple tree disease is one of the most common diseases fruit trees at all. Scientific name: apple moniliosis.

Rot is several times more harmful than scab, because it tends to infect trees en masse.


Foci of the disease appear in several places at once, spreading over the surface of the entire fetus. The fruit pulp becomes soft and unsuitable for eating. After a week, the brown spots transform into blurry yellowish circles. These are the oppressive spores of the fungus, through which the infection entered the garden.

Branches and rotten fruits left on the apple tree are also sources of infection.. If sanitization the tree is not carried out properly, then the damage to the fruit increases. Later, the formations harden, and bacteria subsequently multiply in them. Fruit rot can visit your garden several times a season.


  • Damage and cracks in the tree bark;
  • The relationship of infected fruits with healthy individuals;
  • Damaged apple peel;
  • The presence of other diseases in the apple tree;
  • Susceptible varieties of apple trees.

How to deal with this problem

  1. Perform pruning dried branches, bad fruits and dry leaves;
  2. Recycling from an apple tree;
  3. Appropriate seasonal fruit harvesting ;
  4. Spraying crowns;
  5. Treat other diseases apple trees;
  6. Try treat all existing infections;
  7. Protect apple trees from mechanical and chemical damage.


Cytosporosis is a common fungal disease, which mostly affects only weak and old apple trees. It causes isolated focal drying of the tree bark.

The bark affected by the disease usually dies, and in its place impressive cracks appear.

Already dead pieces of bark are covered with a viral fungus, which appears in the form of small tubercles. Old branches, which cease to be part of the tree if they do not overcome the disease, are also not immune. The tree, weak from frost and scorching sun, dies after about 5 years of fighting the disease..


The cytospora fungus is the main causative agent of this disease. Its size is very small, no larger than an ordinary bacterium. The virus overwinters in cracks in the bark or in clots called spores. Rain and wind carry it to other trees, where he also settles down in the blink of an eye. A person can infect his tree with cytosporosis simply by using garden shears.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to follow a number of rules when treating apple tree cytosporosis:

  1. Man needs to maintain the health of his trees, increasing their resistance to disease.
  2. Fertilize with potash and phosphorus fertilizers trees known to be susceptible to disease
  3. Preventive spraying trees with fungicides.
  4. Usage resistant varieties of apple trees.

Agricultural and technical measures play a huge role in the fight against cytosporosis, because effective pruning of branches, application necessary fertilizers, regular watering can save a tree's life.

For the prevention of cytosporosis whitewashing of trunks and skeletal branches is required (for 10.5 liters of water: 3 kg of lime, 300 g of vitriol and 1 kg of clay).


Bacteriosis is a very serious disease caused by specific types of bacteria. It can attack a tree abruptly and unexpectedly, killing it within one season.

In sick trees, the bark becomes covered dark spots , which will later cause the bark to die. The depressions formed by the disease guarantee cracking and peeling of the bark. The buds begin to turn black, completely taking on the color, and the leaves are framed at the edges. All the foliage eventually curls, withers and hangs on the tree in black icicles. The disease can occur quickly and chronically.

In a quick scenario, the tree dies in one summer. In the chronic version, the tree becomes sick and dies gradually over the next few years.

It is easiest to detect the disease or its prerequisites in May.

Measures to combat bacteriosis of apple trees

  • At the very beginning of the development of this disease, it is recommended treat the wood with 50% zinc chloride three times with an interval of 3-4 days.
  • Autumn and spring cut out the affected branches with capture of 7-8 cm of healthy tissue.
  • Disinfect the cut 1% solution copper sulfate, or a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate, or 5% carbolic acid with mandatory coating with garden putty.
  • Most the best optionprevent bacteriosis in early spring , then when the hated disputes are actively multiplying.

milky shine

Milky sheen is a little-studied disease, and methods of combating it are little known to scientists and breeders. There is a version that the shine appears due to freezing of the tree trunk or acute starvation of the plant (water or mineral).

It is believed that infection occurs through a poisonous mushroom, whose spores penetrate into the tree through cracks or other damage in the bark. The shine itself is a gray metallic color, but this is only on the upper side of the sheet. On the bottom, the color changes from purple to brown during the period of illness.

Fungal spores infect wood mainly in damp, wet weather. At such times, it is better to refrain from pruning, so as not to replenish the mechanical wounds of the apple tree trunk. The disease spreads from one branch to entire hollow parts of the tree over several years.

Signs of milky shine

At the same time, science does not know exactly what kind of fungus infects trees and what control methods to use against it. It is known that the virus penetrates wood, destroying it. Externally, the disease is invisible until the leaves are covered with a metal curtain. As a result of this disease, the fruits become tasteless and unsuitable for storage and consumption.

How to fight?

You should grow zoned trees, purchase disease-resistant species, and monitor the winter hardiness of the individual, that is:

  • do not grow trees in wet, swampy areas;
  • do not deprive the apple tree of a range of fertilizers to increase immunity;
  • water trees abundantly only in the first half of the growing season;
  • in autumn and spring, the trunks should be coated with lime milk (2 kg of lime per 10 liters of water) with the addition of copper sulfate;
  • trim and burn severely affected parts of the tree;
  • clean the bark from mechanical damage and cracks, disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate (10-20 g per 1 liter of water).

If all efforts to combat the disease are in vain, then it is advisable to destroy the infected trees.

Recently, the phenomenon of black cancer has become increasingly widespread in gardens. Apple trees are the most susceptible to this disease. can rake entire massifs, so it is considered an extremely dangerous and serious incident.

“Antonov fire” - the second name of black cancer is based on a fungal disease, which affects weakened and old trees, slowing down its development so much that it cannot heal itself.

First, brown spots appear on the painful area, pressed into the cortex. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the tubercles are very small. It is precisely them that gardeners do not notice, missing the opportunity to cure the tree ahead of schedule. Subsequently, the bark begins to crack, char, and eventually falls off.


  • Spots on leaves. In early spring, when the leaves bloom, strange spots appear on them. The lesion appears mild, but later increases in size. Purple spots are covered with a black crust, the bodies of a black virus.
  • Leaves fall prematurely. Shortly before the fruit ripens, the apple tree begins to shed cancer-affected leaves. The yield decreases, the quality deteriorates - the changes are noticeable immediately.
  • Fruit rot. Instead of the long-awaited harvest, you get rotten fruits covered with brown spots.

Why does the trunk of an apple tree turn black with black cancer?

Symptoms of black cancer:

  • The formation of brown spots on the bark, which are initially invisible,
  • Sooty black coating on the bark,
  • Charring of the affected area on the tree trunk,
  • Healthy bark rises, peels off,
  • Cracks and other damage are located throughout the surface of the bark,
  • Over time, the condition of the tree only worsens.

How to treat?

  1. High agricultural technology- This effective protection from black cancer of apple trees

The main thing is not to forget about:

Therapeutic measures are based on point No. 1 (agricultural technology). Preventing a disease is easier than curing a tree.

Active treatment is carried out in the spring. It consists of cleaning the wounds of the diseased and healthy cortex. Diseased bark should be disinfected with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. Copper-based eco-paints for bark are also effective.

Root cancer

Root cancer – bacterial disease. Swells and growths of different sizes form on the roots of the tree, which begin to rot. Bacteria penetrate through soil pests.

Appearance of root cancer

They look like whitish tumors, soft in structure. The growths can reach 12 cm in diameter, compacting to a hard wooden state.

It is noted that the diseased tree sharply increases in growth, after which it begins to sag.


Root growths create a nutritional deficiency for the tree, reduce its resistance to the environment and durability, and also delay sap flow, reducing productivity.

Measures to combat root cancer

  • Before planting seedlings, they need carefully inspect for defects or external signs diseases.
  • If growths are found, they should be removed, and disinfect the root area.

It is better to plant seedlings of new trees in place of grain or legumes. It is this soil that will provide a good basis for growth. Also, planting mustard next to the apple orchard is a good prevention against root cancer.

Rust on an apple tree

Rust on an apple tree is common and very dangerous disease plants in the garden. It is not difficult to unravel rust - formations (pustules) appear on the apple tree. They have a variety of sizes and shapes, but when cracked, they are showered with a rusty-colored powder. This is a viral fungus.

Signs of rust on an apple tree

  1. Raised spots and stripes rusty color with a characteristic powder.
  2. Drying and falling off leaves.
  3. Star-shaped growths yellowish tint on the leaves.

Rust fungi spend the winter on juniper bushes, so it is better to avoid such a pleasant neighborhood.

Why is rust dangerous?

  1. Causes complete death of leaves, and then other parts of the tree.
  2. Reduced winter hardiness, fruit quality, yield in general, loss of the tree as a whole.
  3. Loss of moisture, which means slowing down photosynthesis in plants.


  • Protect the apple tree from juniper in general or with greenery.
  • Remove all diseased parts of the tree if it is already infected.
  • Spray the damaged areas with chemicals.
  • In the spring, resume cleaning the affected areas followed by disinfection.

Brown spot (phyllosticosis)

It affects the leaves of not only apple trees, but also pears, plums, and quinces. Angular, rounded spots with a brown rim appear on the leaves.

The spots can blend in with the color of the leaves, covering the entire surface. In the center of the pigments there are clear black dots, the mushrooms themselves. The affected tissue (leaves) peels off in the form of a transparent film and then dies.

Brown spot damage occurs when trees are treated with concentrates, so summer residents think that the spots are a specific reaction of trees to pesticides. Young leaves are infected to a greater extent, which then lose their elasticity and rich color.

The disease develops in conditions of humidity and poor ventilation, where the air is stale.

Protective measures against leaf disease

  • Preference is given to disease-resistant apple tree species;
  • Compliance with agrotechnical, chemical rules care;
  • Application of fertilizers, fertilizing, spraying and natural solutions.

Measures to combat the disease

  1. Growing resistant varieties.
  2. On personal plots- collecting and burning fallen leaves.
  3. In industrial gardens - plowing to destroy affected leaves.

Prevention of apple tree diseases

It is necessary to carry out prevention of any diseases, both in young and adult plantings. Special attention should be given to apple trees that do not have biological protection against pathogens. And, of course, it is important to purchase new garden crops full of health and beauty. To make your apple orchard happy with its harvest, you need to know general rules care for it, as well as dangers that can be avoided.

  1. Viruses.

To prevent viral diseases prematurely, a system is implemented to protect apple trees from pests. It includes sprays against aphids and cicadas. To do this, use insecticides available in your stores.

  1. When to spray an apple tree?

In early spring before the buds open, and also in mid-autumn until the first cold weather. This prevention destroys insects and fungal plants that encroach on the health of apple trees or, conversely, develops the tree’s immune system against them.

  1. Natural immunity.

The main prerequisite for the normal growth and development of a tree is the presence of stable immunity. This can be achieved by following the rules of caring for the apple tree: fertilizers, fertilizing, watering, pruning the crown, killing weeds, cultivating the soil, spraying against bugs. All these procedures will guarantee the good health of your garden pet.

  1. Small leaves.

To prevent your garden from becoming small-leaved among the trees, you can plant alfalfa near the apple tree, which provides nearby plants with phosphates, zinc and copper.

  1. Whitewashing an apple tree.

The schedule for whitewashing apple trees is 2 times a year. At the same time, remember that you need to whiten not only the tree trunk, but also the branches of the lower tier.

  1. Fertilizing the apple tree.

Feeding is carried out 3-4 times per season. Root feeding is intended for soil penetration, and external fertilizing is a spraying method. The rule is that in dry weather we use liquid fertilizer, and dry when wet.

  1. Pruning branches and processing the trunk.

Sanitary pruning is the removal of broken and diseased branches. Cleaning the bark is mandatory, after which all cracks in the bark are treated with varnish.

  1. Digging the soil.

After removing weeds and excess plants, begin digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Try not to injure the roots of the tree. While digging, spread mineral fertilizers around the perimeter, which will be perfectly absorbed by the roots during this period.

A disease is a disruption of the life of a plant due to the action of pathogenic factors that may be associated with infection, weather anomalies or agrotechnical mistakes.

Weather anomalies and poor agricultural practices most often lead to non-infectious diseases, and these can become the first phase of the appearance of fungal, bacterial or viral invasion.


For your information: Non-communicable diseases are easily eliminated by effectively influencing the leading pathogenic factor (introducing essential microelements, sanitary pruning, protecting the tree from frost).


Diseases caused by pathogenic organisms that have penetrated the plant structure. Penetration is possible through damage to the integument, with water, and with sucking insects.


Mycoses are damage by spore pathogens, phytopathogenic microorganisms that create mycelial germination and spore conidia in the body of the host plant. The most common:

  1. Scab. A disease in the first weeks of plant growth. It is caused by the marsupial fungus Venturia inaequalis, which can give life to several generations in a season.

    It affects both leaves and fruits, appearing on them in the form of gray or black spots with a light rim.

    With early infection, the ovaries crumble, or the apple tree produces cracked, one-sided fruits. The spread of the disease is facilitated by dense, poorly ventilated plantings in the garden.

  2. Common (European, or ulcerative) cancer. The causative agent is the marsupial fungus Nectria galligena Bres. In apple trees, cancer has an open and closed form:
    • in the open form, deep, non-healing wounds on the bark acquire a reddish border of conidia with spores and form thickenings that turn into ugly growths. The consequence is the drying out and death of branches, bark, and the sap-conducting layer of wood.
    • in the closed form, the growths tighten the wounds with swellings and tumors, leaving a rotting gap, but the outcome of the disease does not change.
  3. Cancer is dangerous for trees of all ages, but more so for old trees with weakened immune systems.

  4. Black cancer- a consequence of infection by the fungus Sphaeropsis malorum. Development of the disease:
    • brown spots;
    • wounds on the bark,
    • overgrown with lumpy spore-bearing growths;
    • acquisition of a black (charred) color by the bark, cracking and chipping of the bark;
    • spots appear on the leaves, they fall off, like fruits; if they do not fall off, they become mummified.

    Damage in the flowering phase - flowers dry out. The plant becomes susceptible to black rot. Only vigorous, frost-resistant trees can resist the disease.

  5. Root cancer. A fungal infection affects the root system of a tree, forming cancerous growths that, when disintegrated, spread spores.
  6. Cytoporosis(trunk rot). The reason for the appearance of the disease is a violation of the integrity of the bark due to sun-frost burns, the effects of drought, and weakening of systemic care of the plant. Pycnidia of the fungus quickly grow through the loose, blackened bark of the trunk and branches, which immediately dry out.
    The lesion expands its area, covering the entire surface of the trunk. The process is irreversible if microorganisms damage the cambium. Only timely sanitary pruning of branches and autumn whitewashing of the trunk can protect against cytoporosis.
  7. Apple tree rust. The home of the pathogenic fungus is juniper, where it overwinters and remains viable for a long time. At favorable conditions(humid, warm and windy) the spores are transferred to the apple tree, where they manifest themselves as raised rust-colored spots with black spots.
    The spots indicate aecidia (places where spores accumulate): on back side sheet plate they look like cone-shaped outgrowths. Extensive damage leads to drying out and dropping of leaves. Sometimes rust invades young shoots, branches, trunks, and fruits. The bark cracks and the fruits fall off. Violation of photosynthesis leads to inhibition of growth and fruiting.
  8. Powdery mildew- fungal infection of young shoots, inflorescences and fruits. Old trees and neglected gardens can provoke the disease.

    The plant becomes covered with a brown coating, the leaves curl and fall off, and the same happens with the flowers.

    Infection at the beginning of the growing season leads to the death of the plant.

  9. Milky shine. Fungal infection with basidiomycete. It can develop on individual branches or cover the entire plant. The first sign is the light gray color of the fragile leaves with a pearlescent tint. The root cause of the disease may be: freezing of the bark, improper watering, lack of minerals in the leaves and young shoots.
  10. Moniliosis(fruit rot). The pathogen settles on fruits during cool, humid periods. Brown spots covered with a gray coating quickly grow, turning the apple into a soft, inedible fruit. Such fruits fall off or become mummified. There are special manifestations of rot on apple trees and in fruit storage:
    • black rot (the fruit turns black without sporulation);
    • bitter rot (brown spots are places of sporulation, the fruit acquires a bitter taste);
    • gray and pink rot - the color of the mycelium (quickly spreads to neighboring fruits).
  11. Phyllosticosis (brown spot). The causative agent is Phyllosticta. It affects apple tree leaves with brown, dark yellow or grayish spots of various configurations.

    It looks like a pesticide burn, but ends with the death of leaf tissue and the transformation of the epidermis into a transparent film.

    Premature leaf fall leads to drying out of the plant. The Autumn Striped variety is especially sensitive to this disease.

  12. For your information: Methods of combating fungal diseases come down to:

  • sanitary pruning (spring and autumn);
  • spraying with a disinfectant solution;
  • whitewashing trunks;
  • deep loosening of tree trunk soil.


The causative agent is a unicellular microorganism widely represented in living nature, which gained fame in the second half of the 20th century. All bacterial infections are called bacteriosis.

For your information: Bacterial infections are subject to quarantine: the infected plant is destroyed; the place where it grew is disinfected with copper chloride; The land remains fallow for 2 years.

For your information: Disease Prevention fruit plants is always more effective and cheaper than treatment at the peak of the disease. Prevention requires knowledge in predicting the result and conscientious systematic care of the plant.

Almost every garden has an apple tree. Any summer resident knows that behind a tree you need special care, otherwise good harvests not to be seen. Unfortunately, apple trees are susceptible to diseases more often than other crops.

Preventative treatments do not always help and the tree still gets sick. You need to start treatment immediately, but to do this you need to figure out what kind of ailment you will have to face.

What causes apple tree diseases: general characteristics and methods of control

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand what causes the disease. All types of diseases on apple trees can be divided into three groups:




Treatment for these diseases differs significantly. But no matter what disease strikes the tree, it is necessary to promptly remove all diseased parts of the plant: leaves, bark, branches and burn all debris. This will stop the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the tree.

Treatment of fungal diseases begins with spraying the crown and trunk circle of the tree with organic and chemicals. Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate and colloidal sulfur are considered the most effective. You can prepare a solution for treatment according to the following recipes:

Bordeaux liquid 3%. For 10 liters of water you will need 300 grams of copper sulfate and 300 grams of lime.

Copper sulfate solution. For 12 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. copper sulfate and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap without fragrance. Can be rubbed laundry soap.

Sulfur solution. Dilute 80 grams of colloidal sulfur (concentration 70%) in 10 liters of water.

Spraying is carried out at the first signs of the disease. However, Bordeaux mixture 3% is used only in spring and autumn. In summer, trees are sprayed with a 1% solution. To prepare it, the amount of drugs is reduced.

Bacterial and cancerous diseases are very difficult to cure. Even if the disease subsides, shoots from it are no longer used for cuttings. In some cases, treatment does not produce results and the seedling has to be uprooted. To protect your garden from insidious diseases, use only healthy planting material from trusted nurseries. Always disinfect tools before and after work, otherwise the risk of infection of a healthy tree will increase.

Fungal diseases of apple trees: description, photos and methods of control

Most often, trees in the garden are affected by fungal diseases, which can be prevented by preventive treatments.

Powdery mildew;

Scab on an apple tree: symptoms and control

It is important to understand that scab affects trees in conditions of high humidity, especially in spring period. If there is too much precipitation, then you should not wait for the disease to appear; immediately begin preventive treatments.

Another reason for infection is a thickened tree crown. Thin out the crown in a timely manner, cut out branches growing inward.

Recognizing the disease is easy. Scab begins on the leaves, after which it spreads to the fruits. The pathogen is carried by the wind.

Symptoms of the disease:

1. The leaves become covered with brown spots, which over time acquire an olive color.

2. The spots spread to the fruits; at first they are small. As the fruit grows, the spots increase in size and merge. Apples crack and rot.

Disease prevention is carried out in autumn and early spring. The tree is well sprayed with a urea solution. After the harvest has begun, they are treated with copper oxychloride. The solution is prepared from 40 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water.

If the disease has already begun, then the crown is treated with Bordeaux mixture. In advanced cases, a solution of phytosporin or the drug “Chorus” is used.

Advice! Well proven as a preventive measure foliar feeding mineral fertilizers.

Powdery mildew: description and photo

Powdery mildew affects young leaves and inflorescences, after which it spreads throughout the tree. The cause of the disease is high humidity air and low temperatures, especially at night.


1. Young leaves and inflorescences are covered with a white felt coating, which changes color over time and becomes brown or brown.

2. The leaves on the apple tree gradually turn yellow and dry out, falling off.

3. The trunk becomes covered with black dots.

Treatment must begin immediately, since in the final stages it is difficult to notice the disease. Without treatment, most of the crop suffers, and the winter hardiness of the plant decreases.

Preventative treatment begin in early spring, as soon as the buds swell, which is very important. Use Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate solution. After that, spraying is carried out another 2-3 times, the interval between treatments is 3 weeks.

At the first signs of the disease, spray with fungicides: “Skor” or “Topaz”. Treatments are carried out 4 times a season.

Powdery mildew is very insidious, so after the disease the tree must be regularly inspected and, if necessary, the course of preventive procedures must be repeated.

Cytosporosis: symptoms and treatment

The disease affects the bark of the tree and progresses rapidly. Occurs mainly on poor and too heavy soils as a result poor care and improper watering.


1. Dark-colored ulcers appear in certain areas of the bark, after which they increase in size and become red-brown.

2. The affected area of ​​the bark dies along with a nearby branch.

To stop the disease, all affected areas must be cut off and the bark must be thoroughly cleaned. If you neglect this measure, cytosporosis will destroy the tree from the inside.

As a preventive measure, the trunks are whitewashed in spring and autumn, and the crown is sprayed with copper sulfate.

Advice! Don’t forget to feed the apple tree with mineral fertilizers, improve the composition of the soil, and the disease will not appear in your area.

Moniliosis: description and methods of treatment

The disease appears during the ripening of the crop and affects the fruits.


1. Apples become covered with brown spots.

2. The fruits are completely affected by rot, the disease affects healthy apples.

At the first signs of the disease, all affected fruits are removed, trunk circle trees are dug up. Be sure to remove carrion - this is a source of infection.

To prevent the disease in the spring, spray with 3% beard liquid as soon as the buds open. During the growing season, treatment is done with a 1% solution at intervals of 15 days.

Bacterial diseases apple trees: photos, symptoms and prevention

Bacterial diseases are very dangerous; without treatment, the tree can die in a short time.

Bacterial burn

The infection affects all organs of the plant, especially young shoots and leaves. Without treatment, the seedling dies after 30 days. The disease begins in early spring. Warm and humid weather contributes to the spread of infection. The first signs of the disease are clearly visible after flowering.


1. Diseased flowers are watery, wither and fall off.

2. The fruits are covered with oily black-brown spots and stop developing.

3. The wood looks burnt.

Treatment of bacterial burn does not produce results; the seedling will have to be disposed of. Carefully monitor the condition of the tree during the growing season, carry out everything necessary measures care

Rust: symptoms and treatments

The infection affects apple leaves and rarely fruits. It develops mainly in July, the tree stops developing, dries out, and early leaf fall occurs. Productivity is falling sharply.


1. Black dots are visible on the upper side of the leaves.

2. The underside is covered with nipple-like growths.

All affected leaves and fruits must be removed. If a tree branch is affected, it is removed along with a piece of healthy tissue. A sick tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture every 10 days.

As a preventative measure in the spring, before the buds begin to bloom, clean all old wounds, treat them with copper sulfate and cover them with garden varnish.

Advice! Do not grow juniper in the garden. This plant promotes the spread of infection. If it has grown, dig it up and dig the area deep.

Cancerous diseases of apple trees: description, photos and treatment methods

Cancer diseases are very dangerous, they affect all organs of the tree, progress rapidly, and are difficult to treat.

Black cancer

The disease affects trees older than 20 years; young seedlings are not susceptible to the disease. Wet weather in spring promotes the spread of the disease. Even after the tree has recovered, there is no certainty that the disease will not return again. Black cancer returns even after several years.


1. Leaves become covered with black spots.

2. The fruits turn black and disappear.

3. The bark cracks and swells.

As a preventative measure, tables are whitewashed twice a year. If the disease strikes by surprise, then all affected fruits, shoots and sections of bark are removed. The wounds are cleaned, treated with copper sulfate and covered.

Apple root canker

The disease forms on the roots of the plant. Enters through wounds and cracks.


1. Hard growths form on the roots.

2. Root system ceases to develop normally, the central root is affected by cancer.

The treatment is very difficult. All growths on the roots must be cut off, and then the seedling must be disinfected in a solution of copper sulfate.

The disease is very insidious, since once cancer cells get into the soil, they live there for many years and wait in the wings. Choose seedlings carefully and prepare the soil well for planting.

These are not all the apple tree diseases that gardeners encounter. Carefully monitor the trees in the garden, do not neglect prevention and properly care for the seedlings.

The most common problem for gardeners is diseases and numerous pests that attack fruit trees. This article will discuss how to save an apple tree from the most common diseases and protect it from pests.

Apple scab is a fungus

Area affected by apple scab:

  • seedlings;
  • mature trees.

At the first stage, the fungus infects the leaves, then spreads to the branches and stalks.

Signs of apple tree disease:

  • brown, unpleasant-looking coating on the leaves. If the disease is not cured in time, they completely dry out and fall off;
  • Cracks and spots appear on the peel of both ripe and unripe fruits.

Treatment of apple trees for fungus:

  • trees need to be treated in early spring, before buds form and fruit sets, with Topaz - dilute 2.6 ml of the drug in a 12-liter bucket of water;
  • After the flowering period has passed, it is recommended to spray the apple trees with a solution prepared from 11 liters of water and 85 g of fungicide (colloidal sulfur).

Rust on an apple tree

Signs of apple tree rust disease:

  • the appearance on the leaves of reddish-brown spots with a yellow or orange halo.


The disease spreads very quickly, so immediately after the first spots appear, you need to start treating the apple tree with Bordeaux mixture. There are two treatment options:

  • prepare a 1% solution - it must be processed twice, in early spring and after the leaves appear;
  • or one-time early spring treatment 3% solution.

Powdery mildew - fungal infection

The disease damages the entire tree: bark, young shoots, leaves and even buds.

Signs of apple tree disease with powdery mildew:

  • a white or grayish coating, which over time, if the tree is not treated, will acquire a brownish tint and become covered with small dotted inclusions;
  • the foliage turns yellow and dries out;
  • tree growth stops;
  • fruits do not appear, but if the disease occurs after the apples are formed, then dry longitudinal stripes and cracks form on their peel.


It is best to start processing in early spring:

Cytosporosis - tree bark disease

Signs of cytosporosis:

  • red-brown and reddish deep cracks and ulcers on the trunk. The lesion affects all layers of the cortex.

Tree bark treatment:

The procedure is performed at the very end of winter, immediately after the snow melts, while there is no active movement of juice in the apple tree. The affected bark is removed (not only the damaged area must be removed, but also the area around it at a distance of about 3 cm), collected and burned. Immediately after cleaning, the cut areas must be sprayed or coated with a solution of vitriol and the exposed surfaces must be tightly covered with some material or, simply, bandaged.

Prevention of cytosporosis:

  • in the spring, immediately after the buds swell, it is necessary to carefully spray the tree bark with Hom;
  • before flowering - copper sulfate diluted in cool water;
  • after flowering is completed, another treatment with the drug “Hom”.

Consumption of solutions based on application per tree:

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, like in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

a) seedlings and young trees – 2.5 liters;

b) adult apple trees - at least five liters.

European cancer - a disease of the trunk and branches of a tree

The causative agent is a marsupial fungus from the Hypocreales category. It enters plants through wounds formed after sunburn, pruning, and cracking of the bark from frost.


  • deep wounds, cracks and ulcers with an influx in the middle, affecting mainly trunks and skeletal branches.

Treatment of trees with European cancer:

  • Remove the affected bark of the apple tree with a knife, treat the bare trunk after cleaning with a solution of vitriol, cover with a clean cloth and bandage it.

Black cancer - a disease of the bark of a fruit tree

A very serious disease in which the entire tree suffers: bark, branches, leaves, fruits.

Signs of tree disease with black cancer:

  • at the initial stage, the leaves are covered with small purple spots. As the disease progresses, the spots change, they become larger and acquire a purple-brown color;
  • the fruits of the apple tree rot, some of them mummify and remain on the branches even after the leaves fall;
  • The bark of the apple tree turns black, tears and cracks form on it.

Prevention of black cancer:

  • timely regular pruning of the apple tree;
  • mandatory disinfection of garden tools used when thinning the crown;
  • whitewashing the trunk of an apple tree - at least 2 times a year (spring, autumn);
  • spraying with fungicides.

Treatment of black cancer:

  • the affected bark must be cut off and burned;
  • treat the trunk with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture or vitriol;
  • Lubricate bare areas with garden varnish and bandage them. It is also possible to use other solutions containing copper for treatment. After flowering is completed, it is necessary to treat with a composition consisting of water, copper sulfate and ordinary lime, proportion 10 l/100 g/100 g.

Lichens - bark disease


  • timely pruning of branches that thicken the crown;
  • choosing the right site before planting a seedling.

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Signs of apple tree fungal disease:

  • dark, yellow, greenish or whitish spots (growths) on the bark. They can have a scaly, lamellar or bushy structure.

Treatment of apple tree bark:

  • remove lichen with a stiff brush or wooden spatula; it is best to carry out this procedure in damp, rainy weather;
  • spray the affected areas with oxalic acid.

Fruit rot

Signs of fruit rot disease:

  • brown putrefactive spots on the skin of the fruit, which very quickly grow inside the fruit and destroy the pulp without a trace.

Treatment of fruit rot:

  • spraying with “Chrome” according to the scheme indicated on the package.

Diseases of seedlings - bacterial burn

Signs of a bacterial burn:

  • leaves change shape, darken and dry out;
  • The fruits of the apple tree deteriorate and rot.


  • careful selection and inspection of seedlings upon purchase;
  • cleaning the garden from fallen and rotten fruits;
  • treating garden soil with Chromium or copper sulfate 60 g/1 l of water.

Treatment of fruit rot:

  • the affected branch is completely cut off;
  • The cut site is coated with copper sulfate diluted in water (solution saturation 1%).

Insect pests of apple trees - methods of control

codling moths. In order to get rid of this insect, it is enough to spray the trees twice with organic preparations that contain phosphorus. The first treatment is carried out 14 days after the appearance of the first buds (the beginning of flowering), the second after another 2 decades.

Apple sawfly. The main problem is that this pest multiplies very quickly. Control methods include digging up the soil in a circle around the trunk, spraying with pesticides.

Aphid. To destroy aphids, it is necessary to treat trees with a 0.3% solution of karbofos.

Flower beetle Treatment: timely treatment of trees with pesticides (karbofos). There are also folk way To combat the flower beetle, in order to scare it away, you can plant tansy in the garden; the insect cannot stand the smell of this plant and leaves.

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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Rust on the leaves of an apple tree, curled and drying foliage, gnarled fruits, and other visible defects on the tree trunk indicate the presence of a disease. When found similar symptoms urgent treatment measures should be taken orchard, otherwise you can lose the entire harvest.

Signs and photographs of diseases of apple and pear trees, as well as ways to combat them, are presented below. Among them are diseases of leaves, fruits, trunk, bark, and roots.

Apple tree diseases with photos and descriptions

Treatment of fruit trees from various types diseases includes:

  • Spraying crowns with special organic and inorganic solutions.
  • Tilling the soil around the trunk.
  • Proper tree care consists of: timely removal of old, damaged and unnecessary branches; avoiding damage to the bark and branches; timely harvesting; carrying out pruning and shaping activities; protection from insects and unfavorable climatic factors; providing adequate amounts of water and nutrients.

Today it is known a large number of diseases of the apple tree, but the most common are the following: scab, powdery mildew, cytosporosis, moniliosis, black cancer.

Apple scab: description and treatment

This is a fungal disease. The reasons for its occurrence may be:

  • excessive humidity levels;
  • high density of branches and greenery of the plant, reducing the level of ventilation of the tree crown;
  • long rains, especially in spring.

Scab initially affects the leaves, from where it spreads to the fruits. The disease spreads through spores with the wind or drops of water.

Description of characteristic features and photos

  • The appearance of greenish-brown or olive-brown spots on the “back” side of the leaves.
  • On fruits, scab appears as brown spots varying degrees of color intensity. They have small size, but numerous in number. The affected areas of the apple have a texture similar to the peel of a kiwi. The apples crack and begin to rot.

Control measures and treatment of scab

  • Autumn and spring treatment with urea (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water). For one mature tree you need to use about 5 liters of solution.
  • The use of copper oxychloride is 40 grams per 10 liters. Treatment is carried out in two stages: in early spring before the beginning of the flowering period, after fruit set.
  • Spraying the crown with Bordeaux mixture.
  • Treatment with special fungicides. These include Fitosporin M, Horus and others. Application is carried out in accordance with the instructions for use of each specific drug.
  • Foliar treatment with mineral fertilizers. In case of illness, solutions of 15% potassium salt, 10% ammonium nitrate, 15% potassium nitrate, 10% ammonium sulfate. Their use is effective as preventative measure, but in this case the concentration decreases. At the same time, such measures will serve as feeding, as they strengthen the plant and increase resistance to fungus.
  • Carrying out preventive measures to remove old and damaged branches.

Powdery mildew on an apple tree

This fungal disease affects young shoots, leaves and inflorescences. The cause of this lesion is excessive soil and air moisture.

powdery mildew

Signs of powdery mildew and photos

  • Appearance of plaque white, which over time acquires an off-white, brown or brown color.
  • The leaves and ovaries curl, turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Affected young shoots stop growing and developing.
  • In advanced stages, small black spots appear everywhere.

In the initial stages of the disease white coating It is easily removed, but as it develops it becomes more dense and “corrosive”. This common disease requires surgical intervention for treatment, as it leads to a significant reduction in harvest volumes. In advanced stages of the disease, yields drop by up to 50 percent.

The fungus that causes powdery mildew is resistant to low temperatures, so it survives winter safely unfavourable conditions in the buds of affected shoots. The disease leads to a decrease in the winter hardiness of the apple tree itself.

Countermeasures and treatment

  • Solutions of colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate or 1% Bordeaux mixture are used as spraying agents. The events are held in early spring, when the first leaves bloom. At this time, 2-3 sprayings are done. Afterwards, as necessary, treatment is carried out another 2-3 times every 10-14 days.
  • The use of special fungicidal preparations, such as "Skor" and "Topaz". They are used in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. Typically, treatment is carried out with the spring activation of the plant’s life processes. In total, up to 4 treatments are carried out per season, although it is worth considering the degree of damage and the results of treatment. Fungus powdery mildew has a fairly high resistance, so it is worth monitoring the cured plant very carefully, since there are frequent cases of relapses if affected organic residues remain on the tree or near it.

Black apple tree cancer: description and means of control

The disease involves severe damage to the trunk, large branches and bark. Adult fruit-bearing trees are sick. Black cancer can progress rapidly. Most often it leads to drying out and death of the plant.

black cancer

Causes of the disease

  • Weakening of the tree as a result of abundant fruiting.
  • Disembarkation at loamy soils, with excessive moisture content in the soil.
  • Severe damage to bark, trunk or branches.

Characteristic signs of black cancer and photos

  • The appearance of black or brown spots on the trunk and branches, possibly a black coating resembling sand.
  • Formation on the trunk, 30-40 cm from the surface, of rotting areas. Previously, the bark in these places turns black, cracks, peels off and falls off. Some gardeners indicate the appearance of a whitish coating, but it is not a characteristic sign of the disease. A combination of signs of several diseases in one place is possible.
  • Numerous black dots appear around the ulcers and affected areas of the trunk. These are spores of the cause of cancer - the pycnida fungus.

Measures to combat black cancer of apple trees

  • Removing disease-ridden branches.
  • Stripping the affected areas to healthy wood, removing the bark and “capturing” healthy areas by 1-2 cm.
  • Treatment of all cut sites and treated wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (10-20 grams per liter of water).
  • After treatment with the solution, painting the affected areas oil paint based on drying oil.

Apple tree cytosporosis: description and means of control

Cytosporosis is a dangerous fungal disease that affects the bark of trees.



  • Violation of regular watering regimes and non-compliance with the volume of moisture supplied to apple trees.
  • Low soil quality.
  • Lack of nutrients and minerals.
  • Serious damage to the bark.

Signs of apple tree cytosporosis with photos

  • The appearance of ulcers on the trunk, branches and shoots. They are black or dark gray in color.
  • The disease progresses by expanding the ulcers along the surface of the bark and deep into the plant tissue. In addition, new ulcers appear close to existing lesions.
  • The bark peels off and dies, the shoots wither and die.
  • Without treatment measures, the tree dies.

Preventive and therapeutic measures to combat cytosporosis

The success of treatment for cytosporosis depends on the time of detection. The more severe the damage, the more difficult it is to save the plant.

  • Avoid mechanical damage to the bark. If present, treat with drying oil or garden varnish.
  • Application of fungicides. It is recommended to spray with the preparation “Hom”. Treatment is carried out in early spring, when the buds swell. 40 grams of the drug are diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Using copper sulfate. Treatment is carried out before flowering begins.
  • Autumn fertilizing with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

Apple tree moniliosis: description and means of control

Another type of fungal infection. The cause of the disease is damage to the bark, through wounds in which moniliosis infection occurs. Spores are spread by wind or insects. The development of the disease begins during the flowering period.

apple tree moniliosis

Signs of moniliosis, photo

  • Affected leaves and inflorescences become brown in color. Subsequently, they wither and die.
  • Brown spots appear on the fruits, which gradually cover the entire surface of the apples.
  • 1-2 weeks after the lesion, yellowish pads appear on the fruits.
  • The pulp of ripening fruits softens and acquires a brown color.
  • Apples affected by moniliosis have a sweet taste with notes of alcohol.
  • Apples may fall off or remain mummified on the tree throughout the winter. The fungus in the form of mycelium overwinters on them.

Moniliosis is widespread in Russia. Trees in the north-west, central, Ural, Altai, Siberian and Caucasian regions are especially susceptible to massive damage. Damage in some areas can reach 100% of the indicator.

The main consequence of the disease is premature rotting of fruits, which leads to serious crop losses.

Measures to combat moniliosis

  • Collection and destruction of affected fruits. Their removal from the tree before the onset of winter.
  • Trimming diseased shoots and branches. Fungicide treatment. The drug "Hom" is often indicated.
  • It is processed 2 times: during the period of leaf formation and after flowering.
  • Spraying the areas of focal lesions with a 5% urea solution.
  • Proper formation of crowns, preventing their excessive thickening.
  • Choosing ventilated areas for planting apple trees.
  • Selection of disease-resistant varieties. Carrying out activities to graft a stable scion onto a vulnerable rootstock.
  • Systematic digging of soil in tree trunk circles.
  • Maintaining optimal distances between plants.
  • Destruction of insect pests and possible carriers of infection.

Bacterial burn or bacteriosis of apple tree: description and means of control

The causative agent of the disease is gram-negative bacteria. Bacteriosis is the main cause of flower falling in apple trees. The bacterium affects apple trees of any age. The source of spread in gardens is the planting of new cuttings or seedlings already affected by bacteriosis.

The causes of damage may be warm summer rains combined with high temperatures.

Fruit rot on an apple tree

It is not an independent disease. Such lesions are caused by other apple tree diseases or poor care. As the name suggests, it affects only fruits. The countermeasure is the prompt removal, burning or disposal of rotten apples at a considerable distance from the apple trees.

Apple root canker

Very difficult to determine. It manifests itself in the formation of growths on the roots of the apple tree. Most often, cancerous damage to the root system occurs when the plant is in soil of poor quality.

It is determined only during transplantation, that is, when the tree is dug up. To counteract root cancer, digging and careful removal of growths are performed. It is very important to replace the soil, since the cancer pathogen can long time painless to be in the ground.

Root cancer leads to decreased intake nutrients and moisture into the tree, which affects its growth and harvest volumes. This disease leads to a general decrease in immunity and resistance to “superficial” lesions.

If you have questions or additions to descriptions of apple tree diseases and means of treating them, please write in the comments. Moreover, more and more drugs are currently appearing to help cope with orchard diseases.

I will add that pear diseases can be treated in the same way as apple trees.