Decorating a living room in an apartment is a budget option. Natural corner. Living room kitchen with beige sofa in modern style. Let's decorate the living room in a Khrushchev apartment

There are times when, after renovating the living room, you still feel like something is missing. Sometimes the lack of some detail makes the living room look like a hotel room, a little uncomfortable.

To make the feeling of discomfort disappear, you should dilute the interior with various accessories that will give the room comfort and warmth.

Accessories include:

  • a variety of soft, shaggy rugs;
  • blankets;
  • various pillows and so on.

Decorations in the form of flowers will help to enliven the interior of the living room. It is best to use live plants. But the use of artificial flowers is allowed. Dry bouquet placed in a large floor vase It will also make the room more comfortable.

You can decorate the living room with candlesticks, various figurines and other pleasant little things. The presence of the listed accessories will significantly improve the atmosphere of the living room, but for complete completion you will need to decorate the walls.

Those people who do their own renovations always face problems related to wall decoration.

But they have the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination and create a unique room design, giving it the feeling of the desired atmosphere.

To make the living room interior look complete, it is recommended to take care of filling the space on the wall where the TV is located, as well as above the sofa. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that wall accessories must fit into the overall interior of the room.

How to decorate the walls to match the classic interior?

Many people have an idea of ​​what a classic style means, which means they know what should be placed on the walls in such a room. As a rule, classic means placement on the walls:

  • mirrors;
  • paintings painted in watercolor or oil;
  • carpets;
  • tapestries;
  • candlesticks.

Today there are practically no lovers of pure classics left. Yes, and to those who own small apartment, pure classics are unlikely to be of interest.

Urban style in living room wall decorations

An urban style living room is perfect for a small apartment. This style is characterized by the presence modern furniture. Furniture in urban style is not pretentious, without stucco or rounded corners.

The room has light colors. The use of straight curtains without any drapery is encouraged. Instead of curtains, original floor-length blinds would look good.

As for lighting devices in the presence of an urban style, it is possible to use various elements decor.

Urban style can provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of romance or an oriental direction. Also, with such an interior it is possible to emphasize the love of travel or living nature.

In urban style, it is allowed to use narrow shelves intended for photographs, as well as various small items. Allowed to use large mirrors. Mirrors create impressions large space living room.

As a rule, the selection of items that will decorate the walls of the living room is based on the overall interior of the room, as well as on the color scheme of the living room design.

Walls in the living room, for Country and Provence styles

Provence is French style, as well as one of the varieties of “country” style. Currently, this style is gaining more and more fans. And it’s not for nothing that people prefer to use the Provence style in creating the interior of their apartment.

It is filled with romance, sophistication, sophistication. In the Provence style there is exclusively light-colored furniture, and there are also wickerwork.

The presence of lavender is one of the important criteria for this style. Wallpaper in an interior designed in this style is in pastel colors.

Decorative plates are used to fill empty space on the walls. To complement the style, installation of dried flowers, as well as botanical images, is provided.

To give the room, the interior of which is designed in the Provence style, freshness, empty wall place textile drapery.

Retro style as an option for decorating a living room

The living room, made in a retro style, looks unusual and at the same time fascinating. Unfortunately, it is impossible to thoroughly recreate this style in an ordinary city apartment.

But you can use some pieces of furniture, as well as decor, to make the living room look like an “echo from the past.” For this purpose, whenever possible, furniture from the seventies is used.

It is allowed to use only one piece of furniture - a floor lamp or chair. It is also advisable to use such interior accessories as a typewriter, gramophone, and purchase vinyl records. And the walls in such a living room should be decorated with black and white photographs.

If you have imagination and desire, renovate the living room on our own can turn into a nice little adventure.

And the result will delight not only the owners, but also the welcome guests for many years.

Photo of beautiful wall decoration in the living room

When planning to change the design of the living room, the owners want to get not only beautiful interior, corresponding to your tastes and financial capabilities. New finish should be modern and stylish, correctly combining character traits direction you like.

Living room design styles. Ideas

The photo of the living room shows popular finishing options in different design directions. With their help, you can choose a professional project taking into account personal needs, tastes, room size and layout features.

Living room in art deco style (art deco)

The original living room in the Art Deco style has an easy-to-understand interior made using expensive natural materials.

The color concept is based on combinations of white wall backgrounds with gray, black and chocolate elements. Lilac, turquoise, yellow-orange spots of room details are used as bright accents.

Original chandeliers, artificial flowers, futuristic accessories, geometric patterns, mirrors and lighting create a strikingly chic modern living room design, which some considered pretentious and tasteless at the time of its inception.

Classic living room with a modern twist

Bright living room in classic style has the main features of a trend beloved by many - neat and clear zoning of space, harmonious combinations of furniture, finishing details, and accessories.

The modern approach is manifested in the unusual use of light shades of turquoise, cream and gray. The cool atmosphere of the room is neutralized by elements with warm wood tones.

Strengthen unusual design living-dining room avant-garde chandelier, blurred lines of geometric patterns on the backs of furniture, Roman blinds, decorative pillows.

Country style living room

Lovers healthy image life and an environmentally friendly environment will appreciate the design of a living room with a fireplace based on the use of rustic style in a variety of English country music.

Living room design in country style. Photo

The room has a lot of bright textiles, there is always a fireplace, a relaxation area with a large soft sofa, chairs with high backs and comfortable armrests. The main principle of the living room design idea is to create a comfortable room filled with home comfort, warmth, positive energy natural materials.

Modern living room. Ideas

Popular trends in recent years include styles that create a spacious interior, not cluttered with a large number of accessories and unnecessary items. The presented photos of the living room allow you to understand the main trends in the design of rooms where everyone can show their abilities and realize creative ideas.

Modern living room design with yellow accents

Modern living room design. Photo

The minimalist interior is surprisingly pleasant and cheerful, thanks to the cream coloring of the walls, complemented by elements of warm shades of beige, light wood combined with white furniture, bright accents yellow color. Unusual watches, ceiling lamps, the paintings highlight an unconventional approach to design.

For lovers of contrasts. Design of a large modern living room

Modern living room design. Photo

A spectacular design of a living room with a kitchen can be achieved by combining several rooms into a common space. In a neat room with clear lines black and white interior it's nice to spend a long time at big TV, and a wide table with reverse side The sofa allows you to work on projects. Bright yellow accents and beige elements soften the excessive dryness of the finish, add a warm tint, and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Joyful mood. Living room with light wallpaper

Photo of a living room with a yellow sofa

A spacious closet covering the entire wall holds a lot of things, allowing owners to dispose of a large amount of free space at their discretion. Bright interior in yellow and blue tones it is surprisingly light and cheerful, here you can fully relax and refine production materials, receive guests and conduct photo sessions.

Living room design in loft style

The progressive design of the loft living room is contraindicated for those who love luxury, glamor and pathos, flaunting their high status. This direction is for adherents of minimalism, laconic design with elements of an industrial interior. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has absolutely everything for a fulfilling life with high level comfort.

Brick wall in the living room interior. Unusual, comfortable, progressive

Living room design with brick wall. Photo

Futuristic forms and non-standard designs express the special life philosophy of the owner of an interior decorated in the techno style. The living room is comfortable, contains elements made of metal, glass, where the primacy belongs to extreme technical solutions. Everything in it is creative - a fireplace, a lamp, a coffee table, a stand for household items.

Living room in Scandinavian style. White furniture in the living room

Photo of the living room in Scandinavian style

Cool Scandinavian interior r makes the living room seem like a continuation of the endless snowy plains filled with sun. In such a room there is no need for ostentatious luxury or expensive trinkets. The fire of the fireplace and the warmth of family and friendly relations are valued here. Natural greenery shapes the mood, bright accents in the form of sunspots, and preference is given to practical items with original shapes.

Kitchen combined with living room or living room: pros and cons

The main goal of combining several rooms into a single space is to increase the usable area, which is not enough in small apartments for a comfortable stay, creating a stylish and functional design.

Living spaces in houses are usually modest in size. old building. Therefore, in order to have a modern living room design in Khrushchev, the partitions between the kitchen and living room are moved or eliminated - completely or partially.

Before carrying out work to change the layout, you should obtain permission from the relevant authorities so as not to damage the load-bearing structural elements. It is prohibited to change places or move the living space into the kitchen area and vice versa.

Advantages of a kitchen combined with a living room

After renovation, a new room with improved qualities appears.

  • With the help of redevelopment, you can combine several rooms into a single space. Such ideas are often used in modern designer interiors for finishing in loft style, creating studio apartments.
  • The increased useful area has good enough indicators to design it interestingly, based on modern design projects. At the same time, it becomes possible to improve the conditions both in the living room and in the kitchen.
  • The problem of allocating a separate dining area, which is so lacking in Everyday life, and especially when visiting guests.
  • By reducing the area of ​​the living room as a result of moving the wall, you get a separate bedroom, nursery or office. The enlarged new room creates two functional areas in one space due to the kitchen-living room.

Disadvantages of the kitchen-living room

In the case of a combination, when the living room combined with the kitchen is designed as a studio, the owners may experience certain inconveniences.

  • This solution is perfect for one tenant or a family of two. If there are three or more people in the apartment at the same time, they are constantly in sight of each other, without being able to have privacy to work, relax or just be alone.
  • Cooking is accompanied by the formation of splashes of water and hot fat, the release of steam, the appearance of food aromas, and loud sounds. Due to the lack of walls, they end up in the living space, causing some inconvenience and increasing the need for cleaning.
  • Lack of order in the kitchen is noticeable to all family members and guests, causing a feeling of sloppiness throughout the apartment.

If, after weighing all the pros and cons of redevelopment, the owners still decide to combine the kitchen and living room, it is worth considering professionally developed projects to avoid mistakes.

Scandinavian living room-kitchen project with a gray sofa

The spacious living room, complemented by a kitchen area with a breakfast bar, provides ample space for entertaining, relaxing and entertaining. The cool gray-blue interior with Scandinavian touches visually expands the walls, which is further facilitated by the 3D pattern on the wall.

Living room combined with kitchen. Photo

Removing the wall between the room and the kitchen added functionality to the cozy space small apartment. As a result, the owners received a dining area spacious enough to receive guests. For daily lunches, a bar counter separating the area between the kitchen and the living room is quite sufficient.

Minimalist finishing, black and white design give the room clarity, neatness, and visually increase the space. The original chandelier and lamps in the shape of cylinders not only illuminate their area of ​​​​the area well, but are also elements for dividing the space into zones.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen. Modern classic

The luxurious design of the kitchen-living room is worthy of royalty. Furniture colors Ivory, golden finishing elements, festive chandeliers and sconces are made in a single solution from elite materials and create a festive atmosphere.

Living room-kitchen in a classic style. Photo

Contributes to this a large number of light from the huge, entire wall, window openings, lighting fixtures, supplemented LED backlight, enhanced by the reflection of glass surfaces and glossy facades. Appliances skillfully disguised and seems to be part of a classic interior.

Natural corner. Living room kitchen with beige sofa in modern style

The kitchen-living room with ecological notes is filled with the positive energy of elements from natural wood, warmth beige colour walls, pleasant green accents with herbal shades. Soft floor lighting enhances the cozy atmosphere.

Living room combined with kitchen in modern style. Photo

To create the required level of zonal and general lighting, a lighting system has been thought out, which includes two original chandeliers, double spots along the perimeter of the ceiling, and worktop lighting. A harmonious environment is conducive to maximum relaxation and recuperation after hard work.

Living room-kitchen in an ordinary three-room apartment. Photo

Despite the use of cold Scandinavian tones, the easy-to-understand kitchen-living room seems spacious and evokes joyful emotions. This is facilitated by a successful color concept, made in a gray-blue palette with accent yellow elements, complemented by a good system of natural and artificial lighting.

In a small area there are quite comfortable dining, kitchen and living areas with a large corner sofa and a bar counter. Furniture pieces, table tops, and floors with the shade and texture of natural wood are appropriately used and “warm” the interior.

Living room combined with kitchen in the studio

The design of a small studio apartment is designed to use every centimeter of space. The white interior, with the help of black elements, acquires clarity, moves the walls, ceilings, and floors apart, creating a sterile illusion of infinity.

Thanks to the minimalist finish, there are no unnecessary details in the living room and kitchen areas; only the necessary pieces of furniture and accessories that characterize the style are used. Interesting solution The lighting of the room is represented by two chandeliers on a rail. If necessary, they are moved to Right place along the guide.

Living-dining room in classic style

The rich interior in a classic style exudes good quality and tranquility. The high-quality finish is done in light colors, with gold and muted burgundy details. The room is decorated with beautifully draped floor-length satin curtains with a golden lining.

A group arrangement of furniture was used to separate the dining and living areas. All interior elements are harmoniously connected and complement each other. Every thing has practical use, there are no unnecessary or useless items.

Retro interior of living-dining room

Finding yourself in the calm atmosphere of a cozy living room with simple lines furniture, without pretentious details and unnecessary frills, it seems that the 60s of the last century have returned. The fact that the modern design of the living room was used in the design is evidenced by the unusual shapes of the table, the white gloss of the facades, and the open shelves of the cabinet, the length of the entire wall.

Noteworthy are the original plastic chandeliers on thin cords in a rich green color. The design uses a popular range of combinations of natural wood, light concrete and white, with elements of dark chocolate added for contrast.

Living room bedroom: design from professionals

Living room-bedroom in one room. Cozy Provence

Skillful zoning has transformed small room into two full zones with for different purposes, where there was even room for a fireplace. A practical partition, reminiscent of a bar counter, decorates the room and divides the space into a bedroom and a living room.

Today, most owners of ordinary apartments strive to decorate their living rooms in an original style. This can be done by choosing a specific design taking into account the specifics of the room. The renovation of a living room in an ordinary apartment can be done independently or with the help of a professional designer who will help you place the right accents and at the same time take into account the preferences of the living room owners.

Modern technologies make it possible today to transform an ordinary hall in a Khrushchev building into stylish and beautiful premises. Thanks to the designers' techniques, each interior can be made unique. Before starting renovations, it is important to decide on the style and methods of its implementation.

To make a small room visually spacious, you need to use special techniques. For example, the correct design of a window opening and the absence of massive curtains will make the living room visually larger. To prevent the window from remaining empty, it can be decorated with a curtain made of light fabric.

What you should pay attention to when decorating a Khrushchev building:

  • Wall decoration should be done in a single color. It is better to make their surface smooth.
  • It is better to use simple shapes for interior decoration.
  • Lighting is best done decentralized. This will make the room more comfortable.
  • You should choose the most necessary furniture. There shouldn’t be a lot of it, just like decorative items.

You can add your own flavor to the interior of each living room. This could be playing with color, using contrasting techniques. The emphasis can be placed on the decor. For example, use floral decor as the main one.

Modern interior of a living room in an ordinary apartment

In design modern interior designers focus on using simple shades. It can be basic white, gray, black or a harmonious combination of them. When decorating a room with simple colors, it is important to follow the current advice of designers, then simple colors can become original and even bright.

Perfect and fashion design today it is a harmoniously designed space with correctly placed accents.

Despite the fact that calm colors predominate in fashion, designers advise using one bright color, which will help highlight this or that zone. Zoning a room is a great way to divide a room into functional areas. Fashionable shades of this season allow you to choose the right option for decorating surfaces.

Fashionable color trends:

  • Marsala;
  • Emerald;
  • Amber;
  • Wine;
  • Citric;
  • Gold;
  • Beige.

Each of the colors is designed to create a favorable, calm and at the same time relaxing atmosphere in the living room. Amber will help create a rich space that promotes relaxation. Wine color will make the interior deep and mysterious.

Modern designers use techniques of contrasting color combinations of various surfaces. In 2017, designers can use furniture and color decoration of rooms as tools to realize their ideas. The right contrasts can transform an ordinary living room into a stylish and modern space.

Current solutions in interior design involve a game of contrasts: furniture should contrast with the overall color decoration of the room.

To decorate the walls, designers advise using simple colors, such as white. Moreover, in a contrasting color: marsala, emerald, burgundy. Decorative items can also contrast with furniture and decoration.

Techniques for creating a stylish interior:

  • Choose fashionable shades that will perfectly match with general style in the interior.
  • Decorate the window with curtains of a suitable color.
  • Decorate the room with beautiful and stylish decor items.
  • Use textiles in interesting shades and colors.
  • Choose the right lighting.

When decorating a simple room, it is important to pay attention to its size and geometry. The room should be properly zoned, placed color accents. It is best to use a minimum number of interior items. They must be primarily practical and functional.

How to successfully decorate an ordinary living room: options for decoration

The design of surfaces should be given Special attention. Simple finishes are in fashion this season. Before decorating the interior, you should decide on trending trends that will help transform a simple living room into a stylish and fashionable interior.

It is important to remember that all types of finishes must be harmoniously combined with each other. Options for decorating the hall in various styles can be found in the material:

Ceilings will become democratic and economical white with a smooth surface. These can be suspended or suspended ceilings. With their help, you can stylishly and harmoniously zone a room.

Surface finishing options:

  • Suspended ceilings;
  • Smooth walls;
  • Parquet.

Even if the design of the ceiling, floor and walls is done in different styles, they must have one common connecting element. Current finishing does not involve the use of multi-level structures. It should not be textured or pretentious.

Modern design of a living room in an ordinary apartment (video)

When decorating a standard living room, it is important to take into account the size of the room, the lighting in it and the number of family members living in the apartment. It is important to follow fashion trends that will help you decorate even the most ordinary apartment and turn it into a real designer masterpiece.

Design and renovation of a living room in an ordinary apartment (interior photo)

The visiting card of any home is undoubtedly the living room, and the uniqueness of its design speaks volumes about the character and taste of the owner. All the most important events take place in the living room, so it should look impeccable. Decorating with taste and understanding the huge number of design and style variations is not so simple task, you can get confused and make mistakes. Let's figure it out.

The living room is multifunctional room, which hosts both noisy parties and quiet family evenings. It is necessary to combine coziness and presentability, uniqueness and comfort. There are two solutions to this problem: pay individual project, done professional designer, or show your imagination and furnish everything with your own hands.

To implement your own design, you need to determine the interior style in which the living room will be designed.

The main styles used in living rooms:

  1. Classic. Emphasizes high income and refined taste. Expensive furniture, light colors and luxurious textiles are used.
  2. Minimalism. Console furniture with strict geometry, asceticism, maximum free space.
  3. Modern. Floral patterns, natural colors, complex graphics and many decorative elements.
  4. Country. Small floral patterns, handicrafts, natural colors, wood or stone finishes to highlight the rustic atmosphere.
  5. Baroque. Vintage patterns, stucco, ostentatious luxury and gilding, furniture with inlay and carvings.
  6. Gothic. Tall sideboards, stained glass, elongated arches, imitation of the Middle Ages.
  7. High tech. Cold shades, modern technologies, unusual shapes and industrial materials: metal, glass, concrete.

There are others: loft, patchwork, boho, eco, Scandinavian, Chinese and even Egyptian. There are quite a lot of them and it’s impossible to keep up with fashion trends and designer innovations, so it’s better to choose the style that will be comfortable for all family members.

Having decided on the interior style, you should stick to it until the very end, in all the details and finishes. The design should be visible in everything - from the vase to the chest of drawers.

Fundamental ideas for decorating a living room

The list of living room furniture, which has become generally accepted among Russians, consists of a wall, a sofa and a coffee table. This one is the most practical option used in small rooms for rare meetings with friends and those who like to lounge in front of the TV. For especially hospitable hosts, it is better to focus on the dining space by placing a table with chairs, highlighting it with a beautiful chest of drawers or a buffet. Combining a living room with a kitchen or balcony is becoming more and more popular every day. The kitchen area is separated from the living room by flooring, and original light is added. And the balcony is insulated and replaces the office or recreation area.

When choosing color range, it is important not to overdo it. Two or three colors will be enough, the rest are just their different shades.

The same applies to texture and fabric filling: if you put a long-pile carpet on the floor, then you should no longer add fluffy elements, this will only load the room with unnecessary accents.

Examples of color combinations

  • Monotype combination - shades of only one color are mixed;
  • Balanced - a harmonious combination of similar colors: orange, brown, chestnut;
  • A contrasting combination of two colors that are different in color but similar in warmth (blue and orange, green and white).

How to properly decorate a living room in an apartment

Typically, this is the most multifunctional room in an apartment, in which it is necessary to combine a cinema, a reception room, a dining room, and sometimes even a guest bedroom. However, the negative point that limits the flight of fancy of any designer is the size of the rooms in domestic real estate. If this is not a problem for the bedroom, due to its concept of conciseness and simplicity (than less furniture, the better), then for the living room this issue can become a stumbling block in the issue of zoning space.

Zoning is the visual division of a room into functionally distinct areas.

Options visual expansion spaces:

  • Refuse blank cabinets, replacing them with open shelving or hanging shelves;
  • Light shades for both walls and ceilings;
  • For wallpaper, choose a small pattern or light stripe;
  • Optical wallpaper that visually corrects the shape of the space in the case of a narrow room;
  • A lightweight version of curtains or only tulle;
  • Plain floor.

It is better to approach the design of a living room in an apartment from a rational point of view. So, for example, it is better to prefer a modern folding sofa to a bulky baroque sofa, on which it will not only be convenient to relax in front of the TV, but also to sleep a late guest.

Particular attention should be paid to small-sized transformable furniture: a coffee table that turns into a small dining table, a sofa bed with a storage system in the armrests or in the base.

Practical design of the living room in the house

If a combination of more than two zones is undesirable in the kitchen and bedroom, then the living room in the house can include a fairly large number of them, depending on the size of the room and the preferences of the owner.

Areas of greatest importance:

  1. Resting-place. A small sofa, daybed or chair with a small side table and floor lamp for reading or privacy.
  2. Dining space for shared family meals and dinner parties. Includes a dining table and chairs, preferably with pendant lighting.
  3. TV zone. In addition to the sofa and TV, there is usually a coffee or side table.
  4. Cabinet. With absence separate room, a small desk or a transforming table with a chair or other hard seat.
  5. Gaming. A very rare case, but if there is still a need to decorate a gaming space in the living room, then there are no strict rules. Each child is unique, for some they have a shelf with books and toys, and for others a turnstile or a soft bean bag with a children's table.

A small chest of drawers or a floor carpet, a through shelving unit, or simply a play of light will help separate one zone from another. By changing the lighting angle from central to peripheral, we will remove the emphasis from the central part of the room to the side elements, this will also give the effect of increasing the space.

Decorating a niche in the living room: photo

The outdated walls of the past have long been replaced by beautiful niches, which are both a decorative element and a practical structure.
Beautiful combination lighting and elegant figurines will give the room a unique charm and become original decoration rooms. The niche is constructed from plasterboard, installing glass shelves or recesses inside, according to appearance resembling a rack. Drywall is a unique material that allows you to repeat any shape.

A niche will help hide planning imperfections and technical elements.

Niche design rules:

  • The niche should be in harmony with the geometry of the walls;
  • The color of the recess should not be darker than the main color of the walls;
  • Clarity of proportions and symmetry.

The niche can be used as an independent storage element or decorative element. You can make a niche in an original style, with lighting elements or unusual color scheme, this will emphasize the extraordinary taste of the owners.

Ideas for decorating a living room in an apartment (video)

Decorating a living room is a very interesting activity. A variety of design solutions and style combinations will bring any, even the most daring, fantasy to life. It is not necessary to have a special education to properly decorate your home, you just need to have the courage, set priorities and stick to the chosen style. Go for it and you will definitely succeed!

A modern living room is a place of attraction for all family members, the embodiment of a home. Here you spend your leisure time, celebrate holidays, and receive guests. The design of the space tells about tastes and hobbies, about the friendliness and cordiality of the owners. Therefore, creating the interior of a common room is a responsible and very interesting task.

Working on the design yourself or together with a professional, you will learn a lot about interior styles and be able to realize your creative ideas.

The article talks about how to make the main room in the house cozy and beautiful. To illustrate the proposed ideas, we have selected many examples - photos of a living room in an apartment.

Size and shape

According to design standards, the minimum area of ​​a common room is 16 square meters. In fact, its size depends on the size of the apartment. The larger the total area, the more spacious the living room.

We are accustomed to the rectangular plan configuration. Good aspect ratio 1:1, 1:1.25, 1:1.5. Such proportions are perceived harmoniously. Ratios of 1:1.75 and 1:2 are acceptable, but a more careful approach to zoning a room that is too elongated is required.

Additional opportunities for interesting organization of space arise if there is a bay window or a non-standard polygonal plan shape.

The most comfortable living room in a city apartment has an area of ​​24–30 square meters. meters, and its proportions tend to square.

Functional zoning

The interior of the living room in the apartment is shaped by the needs of the residents, therefore several functional areas are distinguished in the common room. Usually this is a relaxation area with upholstered furniture, opposite which a TV monitor is placed. For family celebrations and receiving guests, a dining area with a dining table is located. In a studio apartment, it is logical to create a niche next to the kitchen.

Let's complement the decor with a transformable sofa in case your guest decides to spend the night. In the absence of a separate office, a folding one will help out. workplace. We will demonstrate the hobbies and activities of family members in the interior. A showcase with a collection of souvenirs brought from travels, an aquarium with fish, a gallery of paintings will take their place of honor.

It is important that the functional zones do not overlap. For example, if you got up from the table and went to the kitchen, then it is desirable that the path of movement does not intersect the trajectory of your gaze when watching television.

Living room with kitchen area

Many people find it convenient when common room combined with the kitchen. In fact, family members spend more time with each other, contemplation of cooking enhances the impression of home, and cooking together strengthens relationships.

You can select a cooking area in different ways:

  • Arranging furniture. Place an island of work equipment or a bar counter along the common border of the kitchen and dining room.
  • Structural element. Divide the space using narrow partitions or a plasterboard portal.
  • The difference in heights of horizontal planes. Raise the floor level two steps and the home chef will feel like a star on stage. Or, on the contrary, lower the ceiling height, giving intimacy to the kitchen niche.
  • Various finishing materials. Lay parquet or laminate on the floor, kitchen equipmentceramic tiles. Do the same with the ceiling. For example, in the center you can make a tension fabric, and above kitchen space– drywall. Play with the color and texture of the coatings.
  • Lighting. Built-in lamps visually separate the kitchen niche with a directed flow of light. At the same time, the physical and stylistic unity of the room is preserved.

The kitchen-living room in the apartment involves increased requirements to aesthetic properties kitchen set. Give preference to ready-made design solutions high-end or order a custom design. Choose your hood with special care so that culinary aromas did not become a source of discomfort.

The living room in a one-room apartment at the same time serves as a living room. It is extremely important to rationally organize the space here.

Use transformable furniture: extendable sofas and chairs, reclining tables, folding workspace.

Divide the room into sleeping and entertaining areas using a translucent partition screen.

Do this by arranging your furniture. For example, place a small sofa and bed back to back. You will turn visitors' eyes away from sleeping place, and the company will be able to communicate freely. Use narrow open shelving to divide the space.

To isolate the sleeping area, arrange differences in floor levels.

If you want to increase the perceived volume, and the designs allow this, combine the kitchen and living room into a common living room with a cooking area.

Design selection

The style of the living room in the apartment is determined by the overall artistic concept of your home. The most representative room should be given a little more respectability than the rest.

Use classic space design techniques, placing the main interior elements on the axes of symmetry. Pay attention to the perspective view point from your hallway. When a guest arrives, he will immediately receive a pleasant impression, noticing out of the corner of his eye a beautiful corner of the living room in the doorway.

The interior will look good in classic and neoclassical, art deco. Shabby chic is suitable for sophisticated natures. Provence style will help you forget the bustle of the city.

For studio apartment and a minimalist solution in Scandinavian or Japanese style. The high-tech sterility, industrialism and roughness of the loft are good for them.

Follow your views about comfort and aesthetic preferences in shaping the design.

Selection of materials

Choice finishing materials depends on stylistic decision. Usage different colors and contrasting textures help to visually highlight functional areas and add expressiveness to the design of the living room in the apartment.

The materials used should maintain stylistic unity and at the same time emphasize the main elements of the interior. Pay attention to the hygienic and environmental properties of the finish, and its fire safety.

Most often for floor coverings use laminate, parquet or massive board. If there is a kitchen area - ceramic tiles. In a corner with upholstered furniture, it is appropriate to put a nice rug under your feet. To decorate the walls, choose wallpaper, artistic plaster, photo frescoes, and fantasy panels that suit the style.

Stretch fabrics and decorative ceiling tiles are good for decorating ceilings. To design differences in room height, drywall is used.

For a holistic perception of design, window design is important. Whether it will be light translucent curtains or heavy curtains with lambrequins determines the chosen style. Minimalism loves straight lines, classics love complexity. Suitable for Provence style floral motifs, loft style accepts blinds.


Living room design ideas can be diversified using different lighting scenarios.

  • The central chandelier sets a bright festive mood throughout the room.
  • Use local light sources for individual functional areas.
  • By lowering the lamps low over the dining table, you will focus attention on the beautiful serving and mouth-watering dishes.
  • To read books, place sconces or floor lamps next to the sofa.
  • The kitchen area can be separated by directed beams of spotlights. Above work surface It is advisable to arrange local lighting.
  • Linear and point LED bulbs located in special niches will help emphasize differences in levels suspended ceiling. When off general lighting they will give the interior a more intimate character.
  • Decorative niches with artifacts, a collection of paintings on the wall can be made active elements of the interior using local lighting.

The design of light sources is subject to the general concept of the chosen style.

As you can see, the beauty of your living room depends only on your imagination. The embodiment of ideas is possible under any financial circumstances thanks to a wide selection of materials and design items.

Photo of the living room in the apartment