What insulation materials are used for frame houses? Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool

One of the most wonderful options for your own home is frame house. This is an excellent and comfortable home and is also quite economical to build. However, the matter is not limited to construction. It is necessary to finish the house thoroughly and insulate it, because comfort will depend on this. Among the main features frame house It can be noted that the insulation of walls occurs directly during construction - this is caused, first of all, by its design.

How to insulate a frame house: choice of materials

Initially, you should decide what material needs to be used as insulation in the wall pie. There are a wide variety of materials for this. The best ones for this activity are:

You can do the insulation of a frame house yourself

Basic requirements for insulation for the walls of a frame house

  1. It is best to choose insulation from environmentally friendly material so that it does not harm human health.
  2. It must be resistant to moisture accumulation, as well as fire.
  3. Ease of installation of insulation on the building frame.
  4. The ratio of quality and price insulation.
  5. Fire safety.
  6. Low thermal conductivity.
  7. Strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Wall insulation technologies

They may be different, but among them the main technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Thermal insulation using slab materials (foam, mineral wool, etc.).
  2. Sprayed thermal insulation. This type insulation is still quite rarely used due to its novelty. However, it is quite effective. In this case, polyurethane foam is used as insulation. The application process is similar to working with polyurethane foam.
  3. Backfill technology. IN in this case insulation is carried out using cellulose fiber, as well as other backfill materials.
  4. Can also be used combined options. The following scheme can often be used: mineral wool is laid inside, polystyrene foam is placed on the outside, and then plaster.

The procedure for external insulation work

When carrying out work, precise insulation technology plays a primary role. Any factors that can provide a positive final result of insulation should be taken into account, including reasons that can lead to a negative result.

  1. Hanging method of insulation. In this case, the frame is attached to the wall, and waterproofing is attached directly to the surface. It can be pasted and painted. When painting waterproofing, the walls are coated with bitumen after priming. In the case of the adhesive version, using bitumen mastic, a waterproofing layer is attached roll material, insulation, waterproofing, glass felt. Then tapes or slabs of roll insulation are attached to the cells of the frame using special glue or mounting dowels.

    At the end of the work, the outer side of the frame is finished using decorative slabs or panels. As a result, it can be made of fiber cement, composite, plastic, metal, porcelain stoneware and so on.

    Foam plastic is the cheapest insulation for walls

    The main advantage of suspended insulation is the ventilation system, which eliminates the appearance and accumulation of condensation in the insulating layer.

  2. Wet insulation method. This method is a cheap, but at the same time quite labor-intensive method. Using polymer glue, insulation boards are attached to the wall, after which the reinforcing mesh is fastened with dowels, and then laid on it. decorative plaster. This coating also called "light" plaster.
  3. There is also “heavy” plaster. It will be more complex, but in its reliability and durability it will surpass the “light” one. It is done like this: insulation boards are attached to the wall using dowels, after which the reinforcing mesh is fixed using blocking plates.

    Insulating a house with fiberboard slabs

    Then comes the first layer of plaster. It dries within 24 hours and expansion joints are made. Next comes the second, as well as a leveling layer, in which temperature-shrinkage seams should be present. The last decorative one, where dyes are added, is applied after five days.

  4. Spraying liquid insulation. This method is the most progressive and modern. Spraying of polyurethane foam is carried out using a special installation. The peculiarity is that the performance qualities of such insulation are an order of magnitude higher, and the cost is equal to average insulation. After polyurethane foam, almost any coating can be used as decoration, including hanging panels.
  5. The insulation is applied by spraying

  6. Cladding method. This option is the most expensive, but also the most decorative. Cladding with materials can be done on the wall of the building, as well as on top of the insulation. With the second method, the quality of insulation will be much better, but it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation.
  • When performing work, it is important to strictly follow the insulation scheme.
  • in multi-layer systems, you need to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation so that the internal insulating layer does not become damp and therefore does not collapse.

Internal insulation of frame house walls

Sometimes situations arise where it is unacceptable. In this case, it is necessary to use internal thermal insulation. For this work, the same materials can be used as outside, however, mineral wool and glass wool are rarely used due to the complexity of installation. In most cases, extruded polystyrene foam is used, as well as sprayed materials: ecowool, polyurethane, penoizol.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

The cladding of the inner surface of the walls is carried out different ways. You can perform insulation using reinforced plaster, then putty and finally wallpaper or paint.

Insulation of a frame house from the inside

Can also be used finishing panels made of lining, MDF and plastic. The most common option is upholstery with sheets of plasterboard, after which a decorative coating is applied.

Materials such as penoizol and polyurethane foam are also used. Penoizol can be applied to surfaces of various configurations; it is able to fill all irregularities and defects. It is environmentally friendly and resistant to fire, but the main difficulty in its application is that a special foam filling machine is required.

Read about the features in the next article.

Understanding how to insulate a frame house for winter living will allow you to use it all year round. Sound insulation in the house, comfort and durability depend on how correctly the technologies are followed.

Insulation options

Before carrying out work, it is necessary to determine whether the thermal insulation will be inside or outside the building. To do this, you should know the features of each option.

External insulation:

  1. Does not disturb the interior of the house.
  2. Located inside the room wooden wall can save heating as it accumulates heat.
  3. Insulation protects the building façade from adverse influences environment(moisture, high or low temperatures, etc.).
Insulating the house from the outside

Internal insulation:

  1. Has good sound insulation.
  2. There are no strict requirements.
  3. No vapor barrier or waterproofing materials are required.

Insulating the house inside

However, this method has a number of disadvantages, for example:

  • dismantling the interior decoration of the room where thermal insulation will be installed;
  • accumulation of moisture in the room, which shortens the service life of the building;
  • indoor insulation does not protect the building façade from negative impact external factors.

Features of insulation

The preparatory stage of insulating a building for winter and summer does not differ depending on the chosen material. The difference concerns only the installation process. Each of the materials used has its own characteristics.

Use of foam and EPS

Foam plastic is considered the most warm material, but he doesn't the best option for insulation wooden buildings.

Using polystyrene foam as insulation

Features of using these materials:

  1. Before laying foam plastic using polyurethane foam, it is necessary to remove all cracks and irregularities, since this material does not fit tightly.
  2. Expanded polystyrene should not be located near combustion sources, as the material is flammable.
  3. Foam plastic does not allow air to pass through, so care must be taken to ventilate the room, otherwise the walls in the room may become moldy.
  4. Expanded polystyrene must be used together with waterproofing and vapor barrier, as it does not allow moisture to pass through.

Use of ecowool

This material has not been used for very long, however, it can be used in the process of insulating frame and other types of buildings. The main features of this material are as follows:

  1. Laying this material can be done either with or without a special tool. Using the tool significantly improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the room.
  2. Ecowool absorbs moisture well, so the installation of waterproofing and vapor barriers should be treated with greater responsibility.
  3. Ecowool shrinks, so it should be applied in excess.
  4. When applying it, you should use products personal protection.

House insulation with ecowool

Important! Insulation of walls with ecowool should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Use of expanded clay

Expanded clay is used much less frequently, as it has worse characteristics compared to similar materials. Its main features:

  1. Most often used for insulation of ceilings and floors, as well as interfloor ceilings.
  2. It is mainly combined with sawdust, ash and similar materials.
  3. It is better to use expanded clay in small fractions, so there will be fewer empty spaces.

Using expanded clay for insulation frame houses

How to choose insulation

Before you start construction works, you need to decide how best to insulate a frame house. Insulation for residential premises must have the following characteristics:

  1. Environmentally friendly - should not emit substances harmful to human life and health.
  2. Fire safety - the material used should not allow fire to spread, nor should it emit a lot of smoke.
  3. Low thermal conductivity.
  4. Strength - the insulation should fit tightly and easily and not change shape over time.
  5. Inexpensive.

Important! These characteristics are more suitable for polystyrene foam and.

To choose the right material for insulation, you should know what pros and cons each has.

Expanded polystyrene

It is light in weight, which is very important in insulating a frame house. This material tolerates temperature changes well, and is also not afraid of moisture and does not freeze. That is why buildings using it are durable and low cost.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Among the disadvantages are:

  • flammable - highly flammable;
  • susceptible to mechanical and chemical damage;
  • does not allow air to pass through, which is why the humidity in the room is constantly increased.

Often, polystyrene foam is installed on the outside of the house.

Insulation with polystyrene foam outside the building

This material can be replaced with a similar one, namely penoplex, which is more resistant to various damages, but has a high cost.

Mineral wool

The most popular material in construction, which can be in the form of rolls, mats and slabs. Mineral wool has high performance in environmental friendliness, lightness, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Buildings using it are characterized by a long service life.

Important! Cotton wool in the form of slabs (basalt) does not burn.

When insulating, it is important to pay attention Special attention waterproofing, since over time the wool sags and cakes; moreover, when wet, it loses its properties and becomes an excellent environment for the formation of mold.

How is insulation done?

In order to ultimately get a warm frame house, its walls must be insulated from the inside and outside. The work process is almost the same, with a few exceptions.

Insulation from outside

To insulate walls from the outside, it is best to choose the cross method.

The insulation is always laid with the seams staggered to avoid the appearance of blown cracks.

  • The frame of the building is covered with OSB boards, which should have gaps of 2-3 mm. Subsequently, they need to be foamed.

This is what OSB boards look like
  • Next, waterproofing is stretched, which protects both the walls of the house and the insulation from moisture and other adverse environmental influences. Usually the waterproofing has self-adhesive strips, if there are none, the knocks between them should be sealed with tape.

Connecting insulation joints
  • Each layer of insulation should be laid in such a way as to overlap the previous one by 15-20 cm.
  • The thickness of the insulation is approximately 15 cm.
  • After laying the insulation, all voids are filled with polyurethane foam.

Insulation of walls inside the house

After the frame house is completely insulated for winter living, you can begin interior decoration. For this:

  1. The first layer of thermal insulation is laid, the thickness of which is 5 cm.
  2. Then the insulation is laid in the frame house, the thickness of which is 10 cm. The entire frame between the posts is filled with it.
  3. Then a vapor barrier is attached, which prevents steam from entering the insulation. They are laid with the rough side outward and the smooth side facing the thermal insulation.
  4. The bars are installed on top of it.

Important! The insulation cannot be pushed in by force or compacted, since the heat in the room depends on the voids inside it.

Insulation is also installed in the partitions between rooms. For the most part, it is required for sound insulation. To do this, slabs are installed with a layer of 10 mm. There is no need for vapor barrier here, since the temperature in the separated rooms will be the same.

Instead of vapor barrier, glassine is used here. It prevents dust from the insulation from entering the room.

Don’t forget about insulating corners in a frame house. This can be done in various ways. So, warm corner can be done by constructing a structure of two boards, with special stands made of blocks, and insulating the space between such structures mineral wool.

Ceiling insulation

It is better to carry out the work before the roof is completely assembled, so it will not interfere with the density of the installation.

The entire insulation process consists of the following stages:

  • Inside the house, on the ceiling beams, a vapor barrier is stretched, and a 25 mm thick board is placed on it.

Ceiling beams and vapor barrier
  • Insulation is laid on top, between which there should be no voids, tightly covering each layer.

Important! When laying insulation on the ceiling, you should make a small protrusion on the walls.

  • If insulation is not required in the attic, then the membrane film should not be stretched. A board or plywood is nailed to the attic floor.
  • If it is not possible to insulate the ceiling from the outside, then this is done inside, and it should be tied up so that it does not fall off. After this, sew on waterproofing, and then on board or plywood.

Indoor ceiling waterproofing

Roof insulation

Often, both the roof and the ceiling in a frame house are insulated. This happens in cases where attic space used as a second floor for living and heated.

The work process is practically no different from insulating the ceiling. The only exception is that when insulating the roof, waterproofing must be stretched over the material, which will protect it from environmental influences.

Features of roof insulation:

  1. It is better to insulate from the outside, since doing it inside is inconvenient and unsafe. Many materials tend to crumble on the face.
  2. Once installed rafter system, a vapor barrier is sewn underneath, onto which it is stuffed cladding material, board or plywood.
  3. Sheets of insulation are placed outside. This is done in the same way as when insulating walls, ceilings, etc.
  4. Waterproofing is placed on top, on which the counter-lattice, sheathing and roofing are installed.

Insulation of the roof inside is carried out only if it is completely assembled.

Roof insulation

Floor insulation

Floor insulation should begin with preparatory work. This should be done before installing the frame of the house.

If the land where the building is located is clay with high level water, then a water drainage system should be installed.

After this, 40-50 cm of soil is removed inside the foundation and a drainage system is installed. Afterwards it is covered with a sand and gravel cushion. After this, you can install the frame.

Floor insulation

If this step is skipped, you can use expanded clay. To do this, the surface is first leveled, and then the above material is poured. It is desirable that it contains fractions from 10-40 mm. After this, you can arrange the floor.

How to choose a filler

The best insulation for floors is considered to be mineral wool, polyester, steel shavings, etc. They are easy to install, use, environmentally friendly and fireproof. However, they have increased requirements to vapor barrier and waterproofing.

You can also use materials such as:

  1. Polystyrene is lightweight, resistant to adverse influences and has a long service life. It can be regular (less durable, fireproof) and extruded - it has low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption.

Installing this type of insulation is simple: the sheets are placed end to end and an edge strip is installed along the entire perimeter of the floor.

  1. Expanded clay and slag - has low thermal conductivity and is light in weight.
  2. is an insulating foil that is rarely used as an independent insulation material.
  3. Edge tape - This is used to edge the entire perimeter of the house before the insulation is installed.

Floor insulation in stages

Floor insulation in a frame house is carried out between the profiles. That is why it is better to choose a dry screed; it is easier to work with.

The process of insulation on the ground:

  1. Sand and crushed stone must be compacted well, then install brick columns. This will be the basis for the profiles.
  2. Laying waterproofing. This can be bitumen paper or plastic film. Its height depends on the floor level; it is worth considering that the waterproofing should protrude slightly onto the walls.
  3. It is necessary to leave a small gap at the junction of the floor and walls; edge insulation will be placed in it.

Stages of floor insulation on the ground

The simplest floor insulation technology is made from bulk materials. This insulation is applied perpendicular to the joists along the entire perimeter of the room, while pressing tightly.

Floor insulation using slabs

The base of the floor does not play any role in the technology of laying insulation, however, this should be taken into account when choosing a material for these purposes. So, if there are logs on the base of the floor, then a mineral wool slab is best suited as insulation, and hard materials for a concrete floor. In any case, the process of laying thermal insulation is as follows:

  1. After laying the logs, bars are filled from both sides to the bottom and the flooring is assembled from antiseptic tongue-and-groove boards.
  2. Glassine is spread on top of this - this is roofing cardboard impregnated with bitumen.
  3. Insulation is placed on top.
  4. After this, a vapor barrier film is placed, which protects the insulation from condensation.

What work is carried out after insulating the house?

After the thermal insulation is installed, it is the turn to equip the supporting system for the ventilated cladding, as well as the surface for finishing. As for finishing, wind and water protection of the insulation can be provided by a layer of plaster.

As for the exterior finishing, you should take care of the installation of the panels in advance. To ensure that the sheathing is strong enough, the frame posts must be installed frequently. After fixing the waterproof membrane with staples to the frame, it is lined with slats, the thickness of which is about 25-30 mm. This ensures that any water that gets inside can drain out, as well as ventilation.

The wall of a frame house looks like this: internal lining – vapor barrier – insulation – wooden frame– membrane – counter-lattice – façade finishing.

Exterior finishing at home after insulation

When arranging walls for plastering work, sheet materials are used that perfectly remove steam and prevent condensation. The sheets prevent the insulation from blowing through.

The internal wall looks like this: internal cladding – vapor barrier – wooden frame – insulation – membrane – counter batten – outer skin– base plaster – plaster mesh – plaster.

Recently, frame houses are increasingly gaining popularity. Therefore, you should know how to insulate a frame house so that it is suitable for living in both winter and summer. However, it should be taken into account that the insulation must also be reliably protected from the negative effects of the environment, because moisture that gets into it leads to the formation of condensation, and it has a detrimental effect on this material. Therefore, it is imperative to use high-quality waterproofing.

One of the most important works when constructing a frame building is the installation of insulation. Only with the help of correct and high-quality thermal insulation can you prevent heat from escaping through the building envelope, as well as reduce heating costs. In our article we will try to answer in detail the question of which insulation is better for a frame house: walls, floor and roof.

Choice of insulation

It should be noted that the final choice of thermal insulation material will depend on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner country house or apartments.

Expanded polystyrene

Foam plastic is considered one of the most popular heat insulators on the domestic market. Such products have many advantages, for example:

  • Low cost;
  • Easy to lay slabs on leveled surfaces;
  • Light weight.

The disadvantages of polystyrene foam include:

  • Low strength;
  • Possibility of fire under the influence of open flame;
  • Insufficient sound insulation performance.

Mineral wool is considered the most common thermal insulation for insulating frame country houses. Such products are supplied to hardware stores in the form of durable pressed slabs. rectangular shape. The material cuts well with a sharp knife or handsaw, which allows you to quickly create pieces of the desired size.

The main advantages of this material are:

  • High rates of heat and noise insulation;
  • Strength;
  • Durability.
Mineral wool is the best option for insulating a frame structure

Also, a big advantage of the material is the ability to “breathe the house.” The disadvantage of the material is the loss of properties after moisture enters, so the slabs are protected from water by waterproofing.

Note! For the production of mineral wool it is used a natural stone, for example, basalt. After melting the rock, fibers are obtained, which are knocked together into slabs or mats. Such products are not afraid of exposure to high temperatures and fire.

Glass wool

The oldest type of thermal insulation is glass wool. The material in question is made from waste from the glass industry and broken glass, dolomite, limestone or sand.

Products are supplied to hardware stores in the form of rolls or slabs. The advantages of glass wool include:

  • Fire resistance;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Resistance to chemicals;
  • Relatively cheap.

The disadvantage of a heat insulator is the loss of properties under the influence of moisture, so the slabs must be protected from water with plastic film. It is also necessary to use special means(rubber gloves, respirator, safety glasses) when working with such products.


The first place among insulation materials in terms of environmental safety should be given to ecowool. According to experts, the main type of raw material for producing such a product is considered to be cellulose. Such thermal insulation is not afraid of moisture, but requires special equipment for embedding into the wall cavity.

With the dry installation method, the substance is compacted between the joints of the frame house. Other disadvantages of the material include high cost and the need for insulation work to be carried out by highly qualified specialists.

Polyurethane foam or penoizol

One of the best ways Insulation of the walls of a frame house is considered to be the use of penoizol or polyurethane foam. To obtain a working solution, two components are used, which, when mixed in a special device, fill all the cells on the surface of the frame house.

Penoizol has good thermal insulation characteristics, but a similar composition is applied with the participation of specialists. The price of polyurethane foam is quite high, so not everyone will be able to afford this method of insulating their home.

One of the simplest and available ways insulation is considered to be the use of sawdust. To prepare the working solution, wood particles are mixed with cement or other binder, as well as antiseptics that prevent rotting processes.

A mixture of sawdust and cement is used to insulate the floor or ceiling. This method has certain disadvantages. These are labor-intensive work, low efficiency, and the possibility of material subsidence when installed inside walls.

Park or Rockwool

Many developers are trying to determine which thermal insulation - Parok or Rockwool - has the best specifications. If many user reviews on the Internet point to Parok, then in our article we will provide a comparison of these two products.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity0.036 W/μ0.036 W/μ
Vapor permeability indicator0.55 mg/mchpa0.3 mg/mchpa
Maximum Density35 kg/m³:35 kg/m³:
Fire resistanceIncombustibleIncombustible
Overall dimensions of products1.2*0.6 m1*0.6m
Total area of ​​slabs in one package10.08m26m2
Packaging cost for a product thickness of 5 centimeters800 rubles550 rubles
Price m3 of thermal insulation1600 rub.1800 rub.

Note! Despite similar technical characteristics, Parok mineral wool does not tend to shrink, which cannot be said about Rockwool thermal insulation. In addition, such material has a lower cost.

Insulation technology

The structure of a frame house requires high-quality insulation. Next, we will describe how work is carried out to insulate the walls, floor and roof of a building.


Note! According to experts, insulation of the walls of a frame house should be carried out using mineral wool. A 5 centimeter layer of this material is equal in thermal conductivity to 60 centimeters of brickwork.

As we have already said, such products are afraid of moisture, so the slabs must be protected from condensation and water-saturated air using vapor barrier films and special membranes. The insulation in question is attached between the vertical guides of the sheathing, which are installed every 59 centimeters, with a slab width of 60 cm.

Thermal insulation materials are laid in several layers depending on the thickness of the frame guides, and the joints of each row of slabs should be at different heights. Here we also take into account another layer of mineral wool located on the outside of the building.

To lay thermal insulation, wooden blocks 5 centimeters thick are nailed to the frame in a horizontal position. The distance between the guides for high-quality joining of the plates should be 59 centimeters.

Laying insulation on walls

At the next stage of work, mats are laid on the outside, after which the insulation is protected from external negative influences with a windproof film. The membrane is attached to wooden blocks using staplers; the joints of the film are sealed with tape. In the future, wooden blocks with a cross section of 5*5 centimeters will be stuffed onto the surface of the walls with a windproof film to form a ventilation gap. At the final stage of work, finishing material will be attached to these guides.

Now let's move on to internal insulation frame house. Here the guide bars are located vertically. For insulation, you can use mats of various thicknesses, for example, 5 and 10 centimeters with a frame support thickness of 15 centimeters. As we have already said, the joints of mineral wool slabs must be at different levels, so the material is trimmed and the seams formed are covered with the next row of thermal insulation. Total: the thickness of all layers of insulation is at least 20 cm.

Scheme of a cross-insulation pie for a frame house

After filling the space between the frame posts, a high-quality vapor barrier is nailed to the wooden blocks. In this case, the rough side of the film should be oriented towards the inside of the room. Next, the same wooden blocks with a cross-section of 5*5 centimeters are nailed to the racks to form an internal ventilation gap. Next, the finishing material will be attached to these guides.

Note! The rough surface of the vapor barrier film helps protect the insulation from moisture. Droplets of water will accumulate on the tubercles of the material.

Insulation is carried out in a similar way interior partitions. In this case, mineral wool is used as sound insulation. Here, glassine is used instead of vapor barrier.

Nuances of wall insulation:

  • Mineral wool slabs must be carefully pushed into the constructed frame, avoiding bending and deformation;
  • The insulation cannot be compacted; use a layer greater than the thickness of the frame posts;
  • After laying the thermal insulation, areas of poor-quality installation of the material are determined and the cracks are sealed.


When insulating the floor in a frame building using joists, the structure is conventionally divided into two types: finishing and rough. At the initial stage of work on wooden beams unhewn boards are installed, which are pre-treated with antiseptics. Such materials need to be fitted as closely as possible to each other, which will prevent the penetration of cold air.

To prevent the penetration of rodents, they are fixed on top of the boards. metal mesh with a fine mesh, then a windproof film, which is attached to the joists using a stapler or small nails. Now you can lay the mineral wool slabs. The joints between these materials are fastened using polyurethane foam.

Note! When laying mineral wool, a gap of 3-5 centimeters is left between the clean floor and the insulation boards, which will help remove moisture from the thermal insulation.


The main material for insulating the roof of a frame house is mineral wool. Similar work is carried out in cases where there is a residential attic floor. At the initial stage of work it is necessary to inspect truss structure, treat the wood with an antiseptic.

Now they begin to install the sheathing on the inside of the rafters, nailing the boards every 20-30 centimeters. Mineral wool slabs are laid on the outside in several layers.

Note! When laying thermal insulation, ensure that the products are sealed at the joints. It is not recommended to leave gaps in the thermal insulation.

At the next stage of work on outside rafters are secured waterproofing film in such a way that the material can transmit water vapor in only one direction - upward. The panels are joined with an overlap of 15 centimeters, after which the products are additionally secured with tape.

For effective insulation, an air gap of 2-5 centimeters is left between the membrane and mineral wool. To form it, wooden blocks of the required thickness are used.

The film is nailed down with staples or using thin wooden slats with small nails. Several ventilation holes are made at the location of the ridge. Now the vapor barrier is secured and laid roofing material. The internal lining is made from a block house, wooden lining or sheets of plywood.

In the previous article, I described step-by-step instructions for assembling a frame house with your own hands. Now, we will look at instructions on how to properly insulate it and isolate it from wind and moisture, so that during operation it remains for a long time reliable protection from frost in the cold season, and also saved from the sweltering heat in summer.

What insulation to use for a frame house

I will not describe here which insulation is better for a frame house; this is a separate topic, and it is discussed in detail in another article.

But it is worth noting that about 80% of the total number of frame houses are insulated with mineral wool or insulation based on it. Taking this into account, this step-by-step instruction, basically, will be based precisely on such insulation.

  • In addition to mineral wool, there are several other types of insulation that are, to one degree or another, suitable for use as thermal insulation for frame houses, such as ecowool, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay and others. We will talk about the differences in the technology of their use at the end of the article.
  • Insulation of a frame house with glass wool occurs in exactly the same way as with insulation based on mineral wool, so we will not consider this type of insulation separately.
  • Mineral wool, compared to other types of insulation, is the most versatile material. It is used to insulate not only frame houses, but also any others. It is used as insulation almost everywhere in the construction of private houses.

It is important to know that when working with mineral wool, especially indoors, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles and a respirator. Skin contact may result severe itching, redness, the occurrence of allergic reactions.

In principle, the insulation of all parts of a frame house is not much different from each other, but there are still some nuances, so it is necessary to consider each part separately.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the floor of a frame house

The technology of floor insulation largely depends on the type of foundation, but since most frame houses are currently built on a pile-screw foundation, this is what we will start from when insulating the floor.

  1. Insulation of the floor of a frame house, regardless of the type of insulation, begins with waterproofing. In addition to the waterproofing membrane, we still need to build a structure under the floor joists that will hold both waterproofing material, and the insulation itself, as shown in the diagram.
  2. If the house is located high relative to the ground, and you can crawl under it, then first, under the floor joists, tension waterproofing membrane and fastened with a furniture stapler. The overlap of the waterproofing strips should be as tight as possible so that there is no leakage from under the floor. Find out from the manufacturer which side the material is stuffed in and which side is out.
  3. Also, from below, on top of the waterproofing, a board is made. The size of the board and the installation pitch are not particularly important, but no more than 40-50 cm, as long as this is enough to prevent sheets or strips of mineral wool from falling through. Sometimes the board is packed tightly, without gaps, this strengthens the floor structure. This is what you should end up with:
  4. If it is impossible to crawl under the house, then a board is first placed under the joists, and then a waterproofing membrane is attached to the joists from inside the frame house, as shown in the photo.
  5. When the base for the insulation is ready, mineral wool is laid between the floor joists of the frame house. It is necessary to lay it tightly, the presence of voids is not allowed. Mineral wool is cut with a sharp knife, you can use a construction knife, but always a little longer than the required length, about 1 cm.
  6. For ease of installation, the distance between the logs is selected in advance, depending on the insulation, in our case, the width of the mineral wool slab is 60cm. This means that the distance between the joists should ideally be 58-59cm.
  7. The thickness of the insulation layer completely depends on the region where the frame house is being built, but on average it is 15 cm. It is also necessary to take into account the height of the floor joists of the frame house. As a rule, the thickness of all layers of mineral wool does not exceed, and sometimes even slightly less than the width of the board or timber from which they are made.
  8. An important point in laying mineral wool is that each layer must overlap the joints of the previous one, as shown in the photo. The overlap should be at least 15-20cm.
  9. On top of the mineral wool, inside the frame house on the logs, it is necessary to fix a vapor barrier membrane. It will protect the insulation from moisture from the inside, and also serve as additional wind protection. In order for it to be airtight, the joints must be taped with double-sided tape, for example.
  10. Plywood, OSB board is laid over the vapor barrier membrane, or a board is sewn together, which will be the basis for further finishing.

It is worth noting that mineral wool itself is not a wind barrier, so the waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane must be stretched so that there is an overlap on the walls, excluding moisture and wind from getting between the wall and the floor of the frame house.

Insulating the walls of a frame house with mineral wool

In a frame house, as in any other, there are two types of walls - external, one side of which is located on the street, and internal, which are located entirely inside the house. So, it is necessary to insulate both of them.

The walls of a frame house can be insulated both from the inside and outside; this does not change the materials used and their quantity. We will look at insulation from the inside; everything is done from the outside in exactly the same way, only in a slightly different sequence.

Insulation of the external walls of the house

It is worth immediately noting that when covering a frame house outside and inside with your own hands, various materials, they may be different from those that I describe in this manual. The order of actions may also differ, but in general, it turns out almost the same, as in the diagram. This is an approximate diagram, for example, instead of OSB boards, on one side you can pierce the sheathing with slats or a 25mm thick board. The board, as a rule, breaks through a certain distance - about 40cm between the axes, but it is worth remembering that in this case, the rigidity of the walls will suffer a little.

The process of insulating walls with mineral wool with your own hands is almost identical to the thermal insulation of the floor, and is carried out as follows:

  1. The outside of the frame is sheathed with OSB boards, with gaps between them specified by the manufacturer, usually 2-3mm. After installation, the gaps can be foamed. This is what it looks like from inside the house:
  2. Then, also from the outside, a waterproofing membrane is stretched, which will protect the mineral wool, the frame of the house, as well as OSB sheets from external moisture, on top of which external Finishing work, such as installing siding, for example. Some manufacturers make waterproofing materials with self-adhesive strips to make the joint tighter. If there are no such stripes, it is advisable to glue the joints with double-sided tape.
  3. From the inside of the frame house, between the frame posts, which, if you did everything correctly, are located at a distance of 58-59 cm from each other, sheets of mineral wool are tightly inserted.
  4. It is better to use mineral wool with a density of at least 35-50 kg/m3. Less dense insulation will settle or roll to the bottom, which will lead to the appearance of voids and cold bridges. As a rule, manufacturers write on the packaging what material can be used for.
  5. Just like with the floor, layers of mineral wool should be laid so as to overlap the previous joint of the sheets by at least 15-20cm. The total thickness of insulation depends on the climate zone, but the average value is also 15 cm.
  6. After all the insulation has been laid in the walls, it is necessary to fill with foam all the small voids formed at the joints of the boards and beams.
  7. A prerequisite for insulation with mineral wool is that from inside the house, over the insulation, it is necessary to stretch a vapor barrier membrane, which will protect the insulation from moisture coming from inside the house. On top of which, most often, the same OSB sheets are stuffed as on the outside, but you can also use boards, slats and similar materials, depending on the further finishing. An important point in installing a vapor barrier membrane is that it is not overtightened at the internal corners, and the vapor barrier completely follows the corner of the frame. Otherwise, in the future, it will be difficult to nail the trim at the corners.

It is worth noting that this entire procedure can be done in reverse, first stretch the vapor barrier membrane from the inside, then the internal cladding material, and the process of insulating the walls with mineral wool can be done from the outside.

Insulation of internal walls of a frame house

Distinctive features of insulation interior walls frame house are:

If it is not possible, or there are no strict requirements for the soundproofing of internal partitions, it will be sufficient to use the same insulation as for external walls. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer can be much less.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the ceiling of a frame house

Insulation of the ceiling of a frame house is practically no different from other types of houses with wooden floors, and is one of the most critical aspects of thermal insulation of the entire house as a whole.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly insulate the ceiling of a frame house with mineral wool:

Because warm air has the ability to rise upward; if the ceiling or roof is not insulated correctly, the maximum amount of heat will escape from the house.

Insulating the roof of a frame house with your own hands

Very often, instead of the ceiling, and sometimes together with the ceiling, the roof of a frame house is also insulated with mineral wool. This is usually done in cases where the attic space is residential and heated.

The insulation technology is practically no different from the thermal insulation of the ceiling, with the exception that a waterproofing material must be stretched over the insulation to protect the insulation from the external aggressive environment.

This is how the thermal insulation layer of mineral wool on the roof of a frame house looks like in the diagram:

Here are a few features that will help make the DIY insulation process easier:

It is worth noting that the roof can also be insulated from the inside if it is fully assembled. But this is much more inconvenient, because you will have to come up with some kind of temporary fastenings, before stretching the vapor barrier material, so that the insulation does not fall out.

Features of using other types of insulation

All preparatory work in terms of thermal insulation of a frame house, regardless of the type of insulation, they are no different. The differences, and even then minor ones, are in the installation of the insulation itself, which will be discussed further.

Now let's look at the main differences between insulation with other materials, which can also be used as thermal insulation for frame houses.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene (foam) and EPS

If you dig around on the Internet, you will find a lot of controversy about foam insulation not only for wooden houses, but also for others. Indeed, polystyrene foam for frame houses is not the best option, although it will be the warmest, with the same insulation thickness, and why is a separate topic for discussion.

The process of insulation with polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam is practically no different, so they can be combined. Here are some features of expanded polystyrene and insulation based on it:

  1. Polystyrene foam does not always fit between the joists as tightly as mineral wool, so all cracks and voids must be removed using polyurethane foam or similar materials.
  2. Expanded polystyrene is a flammable material; this must be remembered and even potential sources of combustion should not come into contact with it.
  3. When using polystyrene foam, it is necessary to take care of improved ventilation, because this material practically does not allow air to pass through.
  4. Despite the fact that polystyrene foam practically does not allow or absorb moisture, it cannot be left as the only waterproofing for the house. Waterproofing and vapor barrier layers must still be present, because they protect not only the insulation, but also the wood itself from which the frame of the house is assembled.
  5. Expanded polystyrene is very fond of rodents who make their moves in it, so you need to take care that they do not get to it.

These are the basic rules and differences in the use of polystyrene foam boards and insulation based on them. Otherwise, everything is done exactly the same as in the case of insulation with mineral wool.

Features of insulating a frame house with ecowool

Ecowool is a relatively new material for insulating not only frame houses. It can be used as insulation in almost all areas of private construction, including frame construction.

  1. Despite the fact that ecowool insulation can be done without special equipment, I still would not recommend doing so. Firstly, because with the help of special equipment ecowool is applied more evenly and blows out all the voids. Secondly, manually prepared ecowool has less good characteristics, both in terms of shrinkage and thermal insulation.
  2. Ecowool absorbs moisture very well, so waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, as well as their installation, must be approached with special responsibility.
  3. It is necessary to apply ecowool with a reserve, because it will shrink over time, up to 10-15%.
  4. When applying it, you must use personal protective equipment.

It is worth noting that when insulating a frame house with ecowool, it is necessary to hire responsible and highly qualified specialists who will take into account all its features during installation.

Insulation of a frame house with expanded clay

This insulation technology is currently used extremely rarely, because now there is a huge selection of materials with much best characteristics, but still I’ll tell you a little about it.

  1. Expanded clay in dry form, as insulation, can be used either to insulate the floor or ceiling, and it can also be used to insulate interfloor ceilings. Using it in walls is problematic, and, in my opinion, not justified.
  2. Very often, expanded clay insulation is combined, for example, with sawdust, ash, etc.
  3. The difference between expanded clay insulation is that the floor and ceiling, underneath the joists, must be pierced either with a board at the joint or with some kind of plywood materials.
  4. It is better to use expanded clay of a small fraction, thereby there will be fewer voids.

In addition to those described by me, there are many more materials and methods for insulating frame houses with your own hands. But they are all so similar that describing each of them does not make much sense.

The correct “pie” of the walls, floor and roof of a frame house must include a reliable one. You should choose it based on material density and thickness, taking into account climatic features region. It is desirable that the insulation lasts the entire service life of the building itself, providing good thermal insulation, otherwise heating bills in winter threaten to greatly spoil the owner’s mood.

General requirements for insulation for frame frames

If you are planning to live in a frame house permanently, you should not skimp on insulation. In winter, the cost of heating rooms with “economical” finishing can cost a pretty penny. Frame houses differ in that their heat loss rate is quite high.

The general criteria for choosing thermal insulation materials for a frame house are as follows:

  • Low thermal conductivity (heat should remain indoors and not go outside).
  • Moisture resistance (the insulation should not absorb moisture like a sponge).
  • Fire safety (the material must be resistant to high temperatures).
  • Environmentally friendly (no harm to human health).

Besides, good insulation does not lose functional properties throughout the entire period of operation.

Types of insulation for frame houses

The modern market offers a number of solutions for thermal insulation of frame houses. Below we will consider the types of insulation that are in consistently high demand.

  • . Pros: inexpensive, lightweight, environmentally friendly safe material, which is easy to install and holds heat well. Cons: brittle, easily catches fire, poor sound insulation, susceptible to destruction due to rodent activity. An acceptable option for seasonal country houses.
  • Mineral wool exists in two “states”: soft and hard. Soft mineral wool, or, is fire resistant, does not allow heat to pass through, and is virtually not subject to chemical decomposition. However, during installation, the material must be secured with transverse wooden inserts from boards, otherwise the insulation will not be tightly fixed, which over time will lead to the appearance of so-called “cold zones” - sections of the walls not covered with a heat-insulating layer.
  • It looks more rational to use . The material is most often made from basalt (sometimes from slag). Pros: excellent thermal insulation, light weight, good sound insulation, fire resistance, strength, durability. However, the insulation allows moisture to pass through, so when installing it, the openings of the frame blocks must be additionally protected with waterproofing materials.
  • (EPP) is a durable and dense material, easy to install. Pros: heat and moisture resistance, good sound insulation, relatively inexpensive. Minus: when high temperatures(from +70º) the structure of the EPP sheet is subject to deformation, and the material itself releases toxic substances.
  • PIR insulation is more versatile, but also expensive (about 450 rubles per square meter) option. PIRs can be used on any construction site: they insulate walls, roofs, ceilings, floors, and foundations. The material is durable, environmentally friendly, retains heat well, and is resistant to temperature changes (from - 65 to + 110º).
  • When insulating frame-panel houses, environmentally friendly, but susceptible to rotting and fire-resistant, polyurethane foam spraying technology is used. The solution keeps the thickness, volume of the walls and the weight of the supporting structures unchanged, and the processing of the house itself requires much less time than installing traditional insulation. Disadvantage: you will have to call in professionals for such work.
  • Ecowool. Environmentally friendly insulation, safe for humans, fire-resistant, does not rot or become damp, and retains heat well. Disadvantages: only European production guarantees the environmental friendliness of the material, and insulation of walls with ecowool must be carried out using the so-called “wet” method (eliminates the possibility of shrinkage of the material), which will require the services of specialists.
  • Clay with a certain fat content. The most environmentally friendly option. It is important to remember that incorrectly selected clay (low-fat) will not insulate your home for long: after some time, the thermal insulation layer will begin to crack and crumble.
  • Sawdust is cheap, but this is perhaps its only advantage. Disadvantages: high thermal conductivity (twice as much as mineral wool), fire hazard, settling of the material over time.

How to properly insulate a country house

When installing insulation on a frame house, you must take into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which you live, and based on this, select the material according to density, thickness and other characteristics.

Since a house, as a rule, is a zoned object (walls, floor, roof, living quarters, storage rooms, etc.), you should approach the selection of insulation materials creatively. The floor can be insulated with sawdust, while for the walls it is better to use dense material (foam plastic, EPP, rock wool), and for the roof it is worth purchasing soft mineral wool or using PIR.

Helps you get a more accurate idea of ​​what and how much you will need regulations, containing parameters and characteristics various types insulation materials. For this there is our domestic “Code of Rules” - SP31-105-2002 (here is its updated version), copied from the Canadian Code.

For example, for a region with a stable -35º in winter, a “pie” is sufficient, including plasterboard, 150 mm thick foam, thick veneer, wind protection and wall finishing material on the outside.

For those who want to experiment and make a combination of different materials, it’s easy to find free calculators on the Internet for calculating the insulation of multi-layer walls.

Another important question: should the walls be insulated from the inside or outside? Thermal insulation from the inside involves the use only soft materials. This method is not very effective and also has significant drawback: due to the insulation layer, the useful, often living, area of ​​the room is reduced.

When the outside is insulated, heat is retained much better. In addition, insulation made from almost any material is suitable for it; it does not “eat up” the living space, which means you can choose a material of any desired thickness, even with a margin (the main thing is to keep within the width of the foundation).