Growing cabbage as a business. Growing cabbage - as a profitable business in the agricultural niche

In addition, cabbage is very good for health: the vegetable improves digestion, promotes the healing of stomach ulcers and fat burning. Thanks to this, the cultivation business white cabbage is very profitable and perfect for both novice businessmen and experienced entrepreneurs.

The optimal area for cabbage should be flat, or with a slight south-east or south slope. The site must be sunny, since cabbage is light-loving - for its normal growth it requires daylight lasting up to 13 hours.

Loamy and sandy soils are best suited for cabbage., but some early varieties show best results in clay soil. Acidic soil It is strictly not recommended, since in this case there is a high probability of clubroot disease in the cabbage. The best predecessors for planting cabbage: onions, cucumbers, potatoes and other root vegetables, grains and legumes.

Preparing a site for planting cabbage

To plant cabbage, the site must be prepared in the fall.– it is dug up and freed from weeds, acidity is adjusted if necessary.

So, if the soil is too acidic, you should add wood ash. Then, in the spring, the area is dug up to a depth of at least 15-20 cm, and fertilizers are added to the soil.

Manure-peat compost is best suited, which is added to the ground at the rate of one bucket per square meter.

The best varieties of cabbage

Cabbage varieties are divided into early-ripening (from 90 to 125 days), mid-ripening (from 130 to 155 days), mid-late (from 155 to 170 days) and late (from 160 to 180 days) varieties.

The best of them are:

Early ripening

  • Start;
  • Parel;
  • Glory;
  • June;
  • Cossack;
  • Transfer.


  • Hope;
  • Pegasus;
  • Rinda;
  • Bronco;
  • Rodolfo.


  • Krautman;
  • Friendly;
  • Mother-in-law;
  • Midor;
  • Dobrovodskaya.


  • Galaxy;
  • Crewmont;
  • Kolobok;
  • Cade.

Growing cabbage seedlings

IN middle lane In Russia, cabbage is grown exclusively by seedlings, since its ripening period is very long. Soil for cabbage seedlings should be selected with neutral acidity, nutritious, fairly loose.

Broccoli - annual plant. Its product organ is the head, which is very similar in shape to cauliflower, but has different colors, it can be bluish, green, purple or white. Broccoli contains much more vitamin than cauliflower. By appearance It resembles cauliflower and tastes like asparagus. Broccoli is consumed in the same way as cauliflower; it can be boiled and fried, made into soups, canned, pickled, or frozen.

Plan. Recently, broccoli has become very popular not only in European countries, but also in Russia.

Cabbage is supplied frozen or fresh to markets and stores. It grows quite quickly and becomes ripe early, and its harvest period is much longer than that of cauliflower.

During the season, growing and selling this cabbage provides a good income.

Agricultural technology growing broccoli close to the technology of growing cauliflower. It is best to plant broccoli in moisture-absorbing soil rich in nutrients and humus. IN autumn period the soil needs to be limed and manured, you can add compost per 1 sq.m. about 5 kg, then dig well. IN spring period it is fertilized with mineral substances approximately in the following way - 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium fertilizers, the same amount of double superphosphate is used, half a teaspoon boric acid, it’s good to add ash to 1 cup 100g. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in freshly dug soil; it needs to be lightly compacted.

You can grow cabbage in seedlings and in seedless ways. To obtain an earlier harvest, it is used seedling method. Seeds are sown in mid-March in small pots (4-6 cm in diameter). After 35-40 days (late April - early May) in the phase of 5-6 leaves, the seedlings are planted in the ground with distances between plants of 25-35 cm, between rows - 55-65 cm. Before planting, it is recommended to put 1-2 teaspoons of spoons of complete fertilizer, half a glass of ash and mix everything with the soil. The soil around the plant must be compacted and watered. At the beginning of May, cabbage can be sown with seeds directly into the ground in two rows (the distance between plants is 25-35 cm, between rows is 40-45 cm).

The technological cycle includes such an important factor as regular watering of plants, but it is done as needed, at 10 square meters approximately 5-10 waterings with a volume of 300-400 liters. for one time. After fertilizing is done, the soil is loosened a little and the seedlings are lightly hilled. IN growing season If necessary, cabbage is weeded, fed once or twice and loosened. A week or a week and a half after the seedlings are planted, you need to feed them with one liter of mullein per 10 liters. water. The second time is fed when the head bud appears. Each seedling requires 1 liter of fertilizer. Broccoli is also fed after prolonged, long rainfall.

After the heads have formed (10-20 cm in diameter), they are cut off along with a stem of 10 to 20 cm, which is also used for food. The buds should not be open. The heads are cut off selectively, preferably early in the morning. After they are cut, new shoots grow on their sides, which after two or three weeks have heads up to 8 cm.

Broccoli is grown from early spring to late autumn, and can be planted as a repeat plant after other vegetable crops have been harvested early.
During cultivation, cabbage heads are tried not to be shaded, because after cutting them, other smaller heads are formed on the sides, making up an additional amount of the harvest.

The size of the heads of cabbage is determined by the distance between plants and rows when planting.
To obtain good main heads (15-20 cm in diameter and weighing 300-500 g), the highest yield is grown when planted at a density of 50,000 plants/g. The best varieties are considered to be Captain Fl RS (early), General Fl RS, Milady Fl RS, Corvette Fl RS (mid-early), Skiff Fl RS (late).

Small heads of cabbage are needed for industrial processing. (4-8 cm). Therefore, planting 111,000 plants/ha according to a 30x30 cm pattern is suitable and hybrids Cruiser Fl RS, Caravel Fl RS, Corvette Fl RS are recommended.

It is necessary to harvest cabbage when it is already quite cool during the day. To increase the shelf life of cabbage, it is recommended to wrap it in film and store it in the refrigerator.
You can purchase broccoli seeds in stores in your city, but you can also order them from the official distributor of the Seminis Vegetable Seeds concern in Russia, Agrofirm “Marinda”. The agricultural company has more than 200 types of seeds various plants, vegetables, minimum order quantity - 20 bags, minimum order amount - 2000 rubles.
Your income will depend on your capabilities and prices for this type of cabbage in your region.

Recommendations. Before you start growing broccoli, analyze the market, determine how much of it is required in your region, and at what price you can sell it to wholesalers, since small heads of cabbage do not last long.
You can sell it, if you have such an opportunity, in frozen form. Offer broccoli to restaurants, cafes, and vegetable processing enterprises. In addition to selling the cabbage itself, you can sell seedlings to amateurs; lately, summer residents have shown great interest in it.

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in the diet of many families. Cabbage can be stewed, fermented, canned, baked and eaten raw in salads. There is no need to talk about the benefits of this vegetable; everyone already knows very well about its positive effect on the human body. Cabbage is rich in vitamins, and winter time year, sauerkraut is generally considered one of the most healthy products human diet. In this article we will look at a business plan for a cabbage farm, study the technology of planting and caring for this vegetable, and also determine the markets for the products.

One of the main advantages of this business is the simplicity of the technology for growing this vegetable, as well as the long shelf life of the products in the warehouse. Cabbage hybrids bred by specialists can be stored for a long time, subject to technology, which provides people with cabbage for a long time. all year round, and even in winter.

The yield indicator is the most popular varieties cabbage is 50 - 100 tons per 1 hectare of cultivated area. Every year new ones appear technical solutions, which, through the use of agricultural machinery, make it possible to partially automate the process of planting, caring for and harvesting crops, which cannot but please entrepreneurs.

Areas of application:

  • Many dishes are prepared from it, from cabbage rolls to vegetable stews and salads.
  • it is bought for the purpose of conservation.
  • it is used for preparing semi-finished products (dumplings and others).
  • Cafes and restaurants buy it, and even fast foods add it to their dishes.

As you can see, there is demand. But the competition is quite serious. To begin with, we can advise you to try yourself in this business and if everything goes well, then you can expand your cabbage business to a larger scale. Take a small plot of land, 20 - 30 acres, and plant cabbage, harvest the crop and try to sell it on the market on our own, let it be a hobby. This way you can test the demand in your region in practice, and the whole procedure can be carried out at home using manual labor. Thus, minimal starting capital will be needed.

Variety selection

As a novice entrepreneur, you need to know that there are three main types of cabbage: early, mid-season and late. We recommend using all three types on your plantings; this will not only reduce risks, but also make a profit all year round. Let's take a closer look at them.

Early cabbage. It is characterized by small heads of cabbage, and the leaves of the vegetable do not adhere very tightly to each other. Its main area of ​​application is salads; for cabbage rolls, for example, it is not very suitable. Among the varieties of early cabbage are:

  • June (ripening period - from 90 to 110 days, head weight - 1-2.4 kg).
  • Point (ripening period - from 100-123 days, head weight - 0.7 to 1.7 kg).
  • Dumas F1 (ripening period - from 110 days, head weight - 1 to 1.5 kg).

Mid-season cabbage. Areas of use include fermentation, stewing and fresh in salads. Shelf life is slightly longer than early varieties. The most popular varieties of this type include:

  • Nadezhda (ripening period - 120-135 days, head weight - 2.5-4.5 kg).
  • SB-3 F1 (ripening period - from 130-135 days, head weight - 3-4.5 kg).
  • Slava-1305 (ripening period - 105-130 days, head weight - 4 to 5 kg).

Late cabbage. Characterized by for the longest period storage, this type vegetables can remain until mid-spring. Used for stewing and preparing borscht and soups. Has fairly dense heads of cabbage and large mass. Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Kolobok F1 (ripening period - 144-150 days, head weight - up to 5 kg).
  • Moscow late (ripening period - 145-160 days, head weight - 7-15 kg).

There are other varieties that farmers use in their fields. Everyone chooses individually, based on practical experience in working with one or another variety of cabbage.

Growing technology

Cabbage is sufficiently acclimatized for our climatic conditions, and this is another argument in favor of opening this business. When growing, this vegetable can withstand light frosts down to -2 degrees Celsius. But still, the most comfortable temperature range is +15 - +18 degrees Celsius. Also important, and often the main role, is played by controlling the moisture content of the soil in which you plan to grow cabbage. The humidity level should be 65% - 70%. Special attention Watering should be given during the head setting period, then the watering schedule in the presence of rain can be significantly reduced. But here it is important not to overdo it, because otherwise the cabbage roots may rot and you will not get a harvest.

The main characteristics of the soil are its fertility and moisture level; sandy types of soil are often not very suitable for this vegetable. Cabbage grows well in areas where peas, tomatoes, and onions were previously planted. Once every 2-3 years you need to change the soil by planting another plot of land, and the main one should be allocated to the crops listed above.

Experienced farmers advise preparing the land for planting in the fall. At this time, the area needs to be dug up and cleared of weeds. The site also needs to be fertilized in the fall.

When spring arrives, you will need to prepare to plant seedlings. There are early and late varieties of cabbage. Depending on this type, they are planted either in May or June.

Cabbage is mostly grown through seedlings, which are planted in a warm room, with an index of about +20 degrees Celsius, and kept in these conditions until planting. Shoots appear already on the 3rd – 4th day. After the leaves appear, weaker shoots are pulled out, thus thinning the seedlings. Experienced businessmen grow cabbage seedlings in cassettes with soil. 2 cabbage seeds are planted in each cassette. When the plant grows, the weaker seedling is pulled out. To begin with, cassettes with seedlings are placed in temperature regime about +20 degrees Celsius, as they grow, the temperature is reduced to +10 - +15 degrees Celsius.

Before planting them in the ground, they are “hardened off”. To begin with, open the windows in the room or greenhouse where they are located, after several days they are left directly on the street. Then they are planted in the ground.

On average, cabbage seedlings are kept in cassettes for about 30 – 45 days.

The planting density of seedlings is about 30 thousand pieces. per 1 hectare of area. The planting pattern is used in the case of early cabbage 30 by 60 cm, and in the case of mid-season and late cabbage 50 by 70 cm. This planting layout is due to the different sizes of cabbage heads. After planting, water on a schedule of 2 times a week for several weeks. And then, if the season is not dry, reduce watering to once a week. Again, watering must be monitored individually.

In this case, you need to regularly loosen the soil between the rows and remove weeds.

It is also necessary to fertilize the cabbage by adding urea, superphosphate and potassium salt. Fertilizing is carried out in two stages, the first is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, and the second when the heads of cabbage begin to set.

To protect against various diseases and pests, chemical solutions are used, which can be purchased at agricultural stores in your city.

There is another method of growing cabbage that you can use in your business - this is seedless technology. Its essence is that you will not need to first grow seedlings, and the seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 2.5 - 3 cm. You will also need to water regularly, and then after germination, the planting will need to be thinned out, and only stronger plants will be left.

But this method still requires preliminary seed preparation. To do this, planting seeds are placed for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate containing 5 grams per half liter of water. Then they are washed and only then planted in the ground.

Care in the format of hilling between rows and removing weeds is the same as in the technology discussed above.

Sales markets

It is most profitable to sell cabbage on the market at a retail price. This is what new entrepreneurs who have just entered the cabbage business do. But experienced market players are looking for wholesale buyers, since their production volumes do not allow them to sell the entire crop on the market.

Among wholesale buyers we can note:

  • grocery stores.
  • vegetable departments.
  • catering establishments.
  • government institutions (schools, kindergartens).

You can also find intermediaries who conduct on-site sales from a vehicle and offer them your products for sale. You need to comprehensively use all channels to attract customers in order to get maximum profit from your business. By the way, good income can also come from cauliflower, about 20 - 30 hundredths can be allocated for it.

What is needed for this business?

Ideally you should have:

  • the site itself where you will work;
  • hand tools, shovel, hoe, rake, etc.;
  • it would be nice to have a motor cultivator, it would significantly reduce mechanical labor;
  • fertilizers, they can be purchased in rural areas;
  • Also, you will need to purchase cabbage seeds, they are not expensive.

As you can see, no serious financial investments are required. But he will work hard, he will have to do his best.

The main marketing focus when selling cabbage will be on the environmental friendliness of the product. People are now very careful about their diet and especially about the naturalness of their products.

Harvest storage methods

After harvesting, it is important to properly organize the storage conditions, and the more efficient they are, the more time you will have to sell cabbage to various clients. The shelf life of cabbage reaches 180 days, while the air humidity in the room should be at 85%. Particularly suitable for long-term storage hybrid varieties this vegetable.

There are several basic tricks for long-term storage of cabbage heads:

  • processing heads of cabbage with chalk.
  • wrapping the vegetable in paper and placing it in plastic bag, without completely wrapping it in it.
  • drying leaves. To implement this method, cabbage is hung by the root and waited until the upper leaves dry, after which the crop is moved to the cellar.

With these small tricks you can significantly increase the shelf life of your products and reduce the risks of your business as a whole.

Basic expenses

Now let's look at the numbers so you can make the calculations for your business plan.

Expense part of the business:

  • purchase of land – $2500 – $3500
  • purchase of seeds – $500 – $700
  • fertilizers and chemical plant protection products – $800 – $950
  • transport and watering – $450 – $780

We took into account the approach that you will hire part of the equipment to process the field, and part of the work you will do manually yourself. When purchasing any tool or equipment, costs will increase. You should also have a storage room for your crops.

How much can you earn?

Average wholesale price for early cabbage is about $1 per 1 kg, and mid-season and late - $0.3 - $0.4 per 1 kg.

From 1 hectare of cultivated area you can harvest about 30 tons of early varieties, and from the same area about 50 - 60 tons of late types of cabbage. The calculation is that from 1 hectare a farmer can receive revenue of about $8,500 - $9,000 per year. To determine net profit, you need to subtract all expenses.

Conclusions. A business growing cabbage is a good agricultural niche that does not require large financial investments, but with the right approach, it can generate high income. In the future, every entrepreneur tries to scale their business and find an increasing number of product distribution channels.

Do you have experience in this direction? We look forward to your feedback and recommendations below.

Growing Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica)

general information

Broccoli is a cold-resistant crop that is closely related to cabbage and cauliflower. It is very nutritious and is considered an anti-cancer product. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin A, calcium and riboflavin (B2). The edible part of broccoli consists of the tender stem and unopened buds.

The soil

Almost all soils in good condition are suitable for growing broccoli. The most suitable are fertile dry soils, ranging from sandy to clayey. The soil pH should be 6.0-6.5. The lime content is adjusted according to the results of the soil analysis. Organic soils do not require this high level pH.

Fertilizer application

The rate of fertilizer application should depend on the results of the soil analysis. This recommendation is general:

N: 225-250 kg N/ha, without mineral N + 50 kg 6 weeks after transplanting.

P: 50-70 kg P205/ha (positive effect on the quality of heads).

K: 150-250 kg K20/ha, with higher doses the magnesium consumption will decrease.

Mg: 100 kg MgO/ha to reduce the risk of soft rot.

Boron: 2 kg boron/ha, (active ingredient). Use Borax or Solubor. This prevents small heads and rotten stems.


If the weather is dry after sowing and/or planting, irrigation is necessary (irrigate before spraying weed control chemicals). Irrigation is also necessary during nursery cultivation. After transplantation, for good ripening and development of the crop, the watering level should be 10-15 mm (if possible).

Broccoli requires a lot of moisture. With its deficiency, the growth of the crop slows down and its quality deteriorates. The level and frequency of watering depend on the type of soil, environmental conditions, growing technology, etc.

Sowing and transplanting

To obtain early varieties, seedlings must be grown in greenhouses. This can be done either in cassettes or in peat pots. At the germination stage, the temperature should be 18oC, and after the cabbage has sprouted, the minimum temperature should be 12oC.

To receive summer and autumn varieties bare-rooted seedlings can also be grown in open nurseries. In this case, usually 60-70% of the seeds germinate. Germination is greatly influenced by factors such as water, seed quality, etc. Basic fertilization: ± 5-7 kg 12-10-15 (NPK) per 100 m2; applied in the early stages of cultivation. The optimal plant density is about 150-200 per m2. This means sown 300 - 350 seeds per m2. It is preferable to keep the row spacing 9 -10 cm, and in a row - from 1.5 to 3 cm. The sowing depth should be 1-1.5 cm. A week before planting, the plants must be hardened off.

Growing Guide

To obtain autumn varieties, the distance can be changed to 60 x 45 or 60 x 50 to avoid fungal or bacterial contamination.

Distance (cm)





50 x 40
/50 x50

mid-June/early July


early April/mid May

beginning of May/

50 x 40
/50 x50

beginning of July/end of August



early July

50 x 40
/50 x50

end Aug/end Sept.


mid-June/early July

early July/early August

50 x 40
/50 x50

end of September/mid November


Harvest time is always very difficult to determine. The heads should be cut off before the flower buds open. If the buds have already blossomed and become visible yellow flower, then the head is overripe and not suitable for sale. Cut heads 14 – 16 cm long (from the base of the stem to the top of the head). The weight of the head should be approximately 250-300 grams. Broccoli is harvested early in the morning, because... in the sun it quickly fades. The harvest period is about 1-2 weeks.

A few days after the central head is cut off, small side shoots appear on the stem. They are very good for freezing. To harvest on time, the crop must be cut every 2-3 days. On average, one field is harvested 4-6 times.

Light frost does not harm broccoli, so the harvest time in the fall is delayed until the first frost. Frosts severely damage the heads, which as a result become unsuitable for sale.

With the advent of pre-chilling capabilities, it has become very popular to pack broccoli immediately after harvesting. It is cut and packed directly into the field. The boxes of broccoli are then placed on pallets and taken to the pre-cooling chamber.

Shelf life

Broccoli is a crop with a limited shelf life (approximately 1-2 weeks), so it is very important to transport the heads in cool conditions. They should look healthy, fresh, undamaged and strong. If the buds begin to open and yellow flower petals appear, it means the head is overripe and unsuitable for sale. Here are some guidelines for maintaining quality broccoli:

Heads must be cut off before opening flower buds. If they open and yellow petals appear, the heads are unsuitable for sale.

Do not cut off damaged heads. They are unsuitable for sale and will not last long.

Cut broccoli in cool conditions (eg early in the morning).

If possible, store heads in cool conditions. Optimal conditions: temperature 0°C - 1°C and humidity 90-95%. In this case, the shelf life will be 1-2 weeks. The heads should be cooled before packaging.

To prevent the heads from darkening, they must be sealed. This can be done using shrink packaging film. It is important that it completely covers the head. In this case, the entire head will be protected from darkening.

Weed control

Mechanical method

After replanting, weeds can be controlled mechanically.

Chemical method

Many weeds are controlled with chemicals. Before using them, make sure that you have complete information about them: how they affect weeds and the crop itself, what is their shelf life and method of application. If in any doubt, consult an expert or specialist.

Pests and diseases

general information

Broccoli can infect several types of caterpillars. On leaves and stems you can find cabbage cutworm, turnip moth, cabbage moth, cabbage moth and bollworm. Cabbage aphids too dangerous pest for broccoli.

It is recommended to begin pest control in the early stages of crop development and continue to do so continuously. There are many different pesticides and other crop protection products on the market. All of them can be safe and effective when correct use and, conversely, useless and even dangerous if used incorrectly. If in doubt, consult an expert. It is very important to monitor the very first signs of infection and immediately take adequate countermeasures. It is known that prevention is always better than cure. Take preventive measures whenever possible.


Holes appear on the leaves, and as a result, large veins may remain from the leaves. The caterpillars themselves are yellow, with black dots, which later turn into large black spots.

If disturbed, the caterpillars begin to shake their heads threateningly from side to side. They stick together, and only at the end of their life cycle migrate to neighboring plants. After approximately 4 weeks, the caterpillars pupate. This process lasts about 2-3 weeks. Offspring appear, which leads to even greater damage.

Cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L

In spring and summer, aphids develop parthenogenetically (self-generation of larvae), producing up to 15 generations per season, first wingless and then winged individuals. In autumn, females lay eggs.

The first symptoms of damage are the appearance of small yellow spots on the upper side of the leaves, because a lot of aphids settle on the bottom. Her saliva contains ingredients that cause disturbances in the growth of crops; Swelling appears on the leaves, which can increase. Also very dangerous are the waxy excretion of aphids, which makes the heads unsuitable for sale.

Cabbage moth Plutella xylostella L

Butterfly, wingspan 14-17 mm. The forewings are narrow, brownish-brown, with a white wavy stripe along the posterior edge. The hind wings are gray with fringe. Caterpillar 7-12 mm long, fusiform, light green. Females lay eggs singly or in groups on the leaves of cruciferous plants. After 3-7 days, caterpillars appear and feed on the pulp of the leaves, first in mines and then openly. Cabbage moth caterpillars damage cruciferous plants. They bite into the pulp of the leaf, making short passages in it, and after 2-3 days they come out onto the leaf and here they feed on its pulp, leaving the skin on the upper side untouched, as a result of which the damage looks like windows. Adult caterpillars gnaw through holes in leaves, early leaves and apical buds, which leads to a significant reduction in yield.

You need to start fighting them when the larvae are still small. Constant monitoring is required, because they often accumulate on the undersides of leaves.

Cabbage fly Delia raticum

White larvae, 7–9 mm long, which hatch from eggs laid adjacent to plants, feed on the underground parts of plants, gnaw them from the outside, then penetrate inside and destroy the root system and trunk. Infected roots may be completely riddled with holes and rot. Young plants die, and mature ones practically do not develop.

White turnip Pieris rapae

The turnip white is produced by diurnal butterflies. The caterpillars are 20-24 mm long, single-colored, velvety green, with a yellow stripe along the back. Females lay round, yellow eggs one at a time on the leaves. The larvae usually feed on the surface of the leaf near the leaf vein, thereby creating large, uneven holes in the leaves. More mature larvae move to the center of the plant. They feed at the edges of leaves, leaving large veins intact.

Black rot of Xanthomonas campestris

These bacteria can remain on crop residues in the soil. From there, they can easily attack the roots, especially if the roots are already damaged by insects. The edges of the leaves show yellowish-brown, V-shaped lesions and the veins turn black. The likelihood of an epidemic is especially high in warm, humid conditions.

Alternaria blight Alternaria brassicae

These are dark brown or black round lesions with yellow edges. Concentric circles may appear on them. If the damage is severe, the leaves may die. Spores multiply especially easily in humid conditions at a temperature of 33-35 C.

Ring spot Mycosphaerella brassicola

Fungal damage usually appears on plants Brown, dotted with small black dots, often spherical in shape, which is the reason for the name “ring spot”.

False powdery mildew Peronospora parasitica

Some areas of the lower surface of the affected leaves become covered with white and gray fungal spores. Dark areas appear on the top of the leaves in the same places. Affected young crops may die. Broccoli heads may become unsalable if damaged.

Broccoli: features of cultivation in Russia

Broccoli is a transitional form to cauliflower. The homeland of broccoli is Southern Italy. In recent years, large areas under this crop have been cultivated in the USA, England, Germany, Canada, Japan and other countries of the world.

Broccoli is rich in biologically important vitamins: carotene (8 mg), thiamine (0.25 mg), riboflavin (0.27 mg), nicotinic acid (0.3 mg), tocopherol (2.0–3.0 mg), and also choline (81.1 mg) and phylloquinone (2.27 mg). Broccoli florets contain a significant amount of minerals. They contain mainly phosphorus, necessary for baby food (120 mg) and potassium (375 mg), which is much more than sodium (4 mg), which is beneficial for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Broccoli protein (4–4.8%) is not inferior to animal protein. In terms of the content and composition of amino acids, it is not inferior to chicken protein, and in a number of biological indicators it is equivalent to meat and milk protein.

In Russia, this variety of cabbage is little known, but interest in it is growing. 6 varieties and 7 F1 hybrids are registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.


Broccoli is an annual cross-pollinating plant. The leaves are long-petiolate, lyre-shaped, with wavy edges. The plant forms a tall, thick, fleshy stem 40–70 cm high. The central shoot ends in a producing organ - the head, which is a bunch of flower buds on tender stems. The mass of the head is 100–600 g. The shape of the head is close to cauliflower, but its color is varied: green, bluish, purple, white. 8–10 days after flowering, the head begins to separate into flower clusters and loses marketability.

The fruit is a pod in which many small, round, dark brown or almost black seeds are formed.

Broccoli varieties are distinguished by the shape of the head. U early ripening varieties the central head is usually small and loose. At the same time, lateral heads are formed in the axils of the leaves. U late varieties First, a large and dense central head is formed. From the emergence of seedlings to the formation of a head, 75–100 days usually pass. Broccoli has a high ability to regrow: after cutting off the central head, side shoots produce new tender products. Broccoli interbreeds easily with other plants in the cabbage family.


Broccoli can withstand frosts down to –7 degrees, especially in autumn. Too high and too low air and soil temperatures dramatically reduce yields and product quality. Optimal temperature air for broccoli cultivation is 16–25 degrees, air humidity 85%. Optimal humidity soil 70–80% of the total field moisture capacity.

When soil moisture decreases to 50–55%, the stem becomes coarser, the formation of heads stops, and they begin to crumble. As a result, the yield decreases and the quality of the product deteriorates.

Most suitable soils for growing broccoli – fertile with a pH of 6.0–6.5. Broccoli is quite demanding regarding the content of organic and mineral substances in the soil, since root system relatively small. Therefore, to obtain a high yield of heads, nutrients must be in the soil in an easily digestible form. Fertilizers are applied depending on the removal nutrients plants and their content in the soil. Greatest need broccoli experiences in nitrogen fertilizers, they are especially necessary in the first half of the growing season. With sufficient security potash fertilizers Broccoli develops dense heads.


The most common varieties and hybrids are:

The tone is early ripening. The period from mass germination to technical ripeness is 60–90 days. The leaf is small, whole, with a petiole, dark green with a bluish-bluish tint, medium waxy coating. The tissue of the leaf blade is slightly wrinkled, the edge is slightly wavy. The head is dark green, medium dense, 5–8 cm high. The heads are dense, large, weighing 160–250 g. Taste qualities good ones. Marketable yield is 1.6–2.2 kg/m2.

Young F1 – early ripening. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is medium-sized, green, with a wavy edge. The head is small, rounded-flat, green, medium-lumpy, loose. Head weight 200 g. Commercial yield 1.3 kg/m2. Recommended for use in home cooking.

Arcadia F1 – mid-season. The rosette of leaves is semi-vertical. The leaf is medium in size, dark green with a blue tint, the waxy coating is medium, the edge of the leaf is slightly wavy, the surface is slightly wrinkled. The head is dark green, dome-shaped, fine-grained, dense. Head weight 410–450 g. Taste is excellent. The commercial yield of the heads is 1.6 kg/m2. Resistant to elevated temperatures. Recommended for use in home cooking. The value of the hybrid: high yield, excellent taste, heat resistance.

Varnishes F1 – medium late. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is medium-sized, lobed, gray-green with a waxy coating, slightly vesicular, slightly wavy along the edge, jagged. The head is medium-sized, rounded-flat, gray-green, finely lumpy, with a delicate texture, dense. Head weight 0.3–0.6 kg. Marketable yield – 1.5 kg/m2. Recommended for use in home cooking. The value of the hybrid: compact heads, excellent taste, long period of product receipt.

Monton F1 – mid-season. The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is medium-sized, gray-green with a strong waxy coating, slightly bubbly, jagged, wavy along the edge. The head is large, rounded-flat, gray-green, medium-lumpy, medium density, there are no secondary heads. Head weight 0.9 kg. The taste is excellent. Productivity 3.1 kg/m2. Recommended for use in home cooking.

Fiesta F1 – mid-early. The rosette of leaves is vertical, with a medium outer stalk, there are no side shoots. The leaf is long, blue-green, slightly bubbly, strongly dissected. The head is medium-sized, rounded-flat, dark green, dense, medium-lumpy, partially covered with leaves. The taste is excellent. Marketable yield – 24 – 35.0 t/ha.

Corvette F1 – late ripening. The plant is medium in size, there is no branching. Sheet straight or semi-straight, middle length. The leaf shape is broadly elliptical. The undulation of the edge is weak. The surface of the leaf tissue is smooth. The head is flat, medium size, medium density, dark gray-green. The surface of the head is fine-grained. Head weight 200–300 g. Marketable yield – 7.0–10.0 t/ha.


The best predecessors of broccoli are carrots, radishes, beets, legumes and potatoes. To avoid diseases and pest damage, broccoli should not be planted in areas after cabbage and other cruciferous crops.

Soil cultivation for broccoli begins with peeling. 12–15 days after peeling, plowing is carried out. Starting in the fall they bring in organic fertilizers– 30–50 tons per hectare. In early spring To prevent moisture loss, the area is harrowed.

To obtain early products as well as products High Quality Broccoli is grown through seedlings in cassettes or peat pots. The seeds are sown in mid-March. To ensure that the seedlings are of high quality, they are grown in heated, well-ventilated greenhouses. During the day, the air temperature in greenhouses is maintained at 15–18 degrees, at night – 10–12 degrees. Shoots appear on the 5th day after sowing. Sow the seeds to a depth of 0.5–1 cm. While growing the seedlings, they are fed twice or thrice. The first feeding is carried out 10–12 days after picking, the second and third – 10 days later, one after the other.

On permanent place the plant is planted at the age of 35–45 days with five to six leaves. Overgrowing seedlings is unacceptable, since it is difficult to obtain high-quality heads from them. Seedlings are planted in late April or early May. On heavy soils, broccoli is planted on ridges, on light soils - on a flat surface according to a pattern of 70 cm between plants, in a row - 30 cm, that is, 48 ​​thousand plants per 1 hectare. On soils of high fertility, the number of plants per 1 hectare can be increased to 58 thousand. Broccoli seedlings are planted using transplanters.

Broccoli is successfully grown by sowing seeds in the ground according to a 70 cm pattern. The required plant density is achieved by thinning, leaving a distance of 20–30 cm between them for central heads, and 40–45 cm for side shoots. In large areas, broccoli is sown with calibrated seeds using precision seeders.

Caring for broccoli plants involves loosening the soil, hilling the plants, weeding, fertilizing, watering and protecting them from pests and diseases. The first loosening is carried out between the rows 4–5 days after planting the seedlings. The second and subsequent ones are carried out 12–14 days after the previous one to a depth of no more than 10–12 cm. It is advisable to loosen and hill up cabbage after watering. At the same time, an additional root system develops. Loosening is carried out until the plant leaves are completely closed.

Before the formation of heads, the plants are fed. The composition of fertilizers is determined based on agronomic standards, soil characteristics and conditions for plant growth and development. Broccoli has a fairly developed leaf apparatus, so it spends a lot of water on evaporation. High yields can be obtained with regular watering. The crop is especially demanding of moisture in the first period after planting seedlings in the field and during the formation of a rosette of leaves and heads.

The best time to harvest broccoli is in the early morning or late evening. Cut off the formed heads with a diameter of 8–25 cm (but the buds must be unopened). They are cut off with a part of the stem 10–20 cm long, which is also eaten. The heads should not be overcooked - they become loose and their taste deteriorates.

After cutting the central heads, lateral stem formations grow from the resulting buds, at the top of which, after two to three weeks, heads with a diameter of 4–6 cm are formed. To obtain massive regrowth of new shoots after cutting the central heads, it is necessary good care for plants, which consists of loosening row spacing, fertilizing mineral fertilizers, watering. The yield of broccoli reaches 5–6 kg per square meter.